Sams 63-11-9 - Early Television Foundation
Sams 63-11-9 - Early Television Foundation
GENERAL ELECTRIC MODEL 811 PHOTOFACT* Folder VERT. HOLD BRIGHTNESS CONT. VOL. CONT. ON-OFF SW. FOCUS CONT. CONTRAST CONT. CHANNEL SELECTOR HORIZ. HOLD o FINE TUNING 00 m TRADE NAME MANUFACTURER TYPE SET TUBES - General Electric Model 811 General Electric Co., Electronics Dept., Electronic Park, Syracuse, New York Television Receiver Twenty-Two RATING: POWER SUPPLY 117 Volts, 60 Cycles AC TUNING RANGE-Channels 2 through 15 2.1 Amps €> 117 Volts INDEX Page Alignment Instructions 6,7 Page Photographs (continued; Block Diagram 13 Capacitor Identification Centering Adjustments 19 Chassis-Top View Dial Cord Stringing 19 RF Tuner Horizontal Frequency Adjustment Horizontal Linearity Adjustments Parts List and Description 7 19 11,18 3 10 Resistor Identification Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification 12,17 4,9 14,15,16 Schematic 2 Tube Placement Chart 5 Voltage and Resistance Measurements 8 Photographs Cabinet-Rear View 20 HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. "The listing of any available replacement part herein does not constitute in any case a recommendation, warranty or guaranty by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., as to the quality and suitability of such replacement part. The numbers of these parts have been compiled from information furnished to Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., by the manufacturers of the particular type of replacement part listed." "Reproduction or use, without express permission, of editorial or pictorial con- • Indianapolis 7, Indiana tent, in any manner, is prohibited. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Copyright 1949 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis 7, Indiana, U. S. of America. Copyright under International Copyright Union. All rights reserved under Inter-American Copyright Union (1910) by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc." Printed in U. S. of America DATE 6/49 4911-9 SET #63 FOLDER 9 THE COOPERATION OF THE MANUFACTURER OF THIS RECEIVER MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO BRING YOU THIS SERVICE A PHOTOFACT STANDARD NOTATION SCHEMATIC ©Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. 1949 PAGE 2 I ST AUDIO IF AMR , BAUB 2 ND AUDIO IF AMR 6AU6 "'" AUDIO OUTPUT 6K6GT ?Q7 " XI J "T" ^ 30K S 30K AOA dOl SISSVHO GENERAL ELECTRIC MODEL 811 CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-TRANS., INDUC PAGE 4 •UCTOR AND ALIGNMENT IDENTIFICATION PAGE 9 n en o vi7 vie ^ ^ ' N »OUTPUT ' \ ' 6BG6G * ' 5V4G \. HOR. ' ' DAMPER ' 31)113313 1VH3N39 us laaow TUBE PLACEMENT CHART 3RD SOUND IF CLIPPER' / VI3 SYNC. (6SN7GT 2ND.VIDEO IF 3RD VIDEO IF CLAMPER SYNC PHASE INVERTER VERT. MULT BOTTOM VIEW IH.V.RECT. I ^-..'•' h vl9 N%- \T ' I ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS PRE-ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS—READ CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING ALIGNMENT SOUND IF ALIGNMENT High voltage may be disabled during alignment by removing V14. Keep signal generator output low enough to give a 3/4 volt maximum peaK reading. Contrast control should be set to give -4 volt bias reading. The signal generator lead should be terminated with a resistor equal to the impedance of the generator then connected with as short a lead as possible through a 500 MMF capacitor. Connect ground lead to chassis at the closest possible point. When aligning the Video IF, the tube preceding the one to which signal Is applied should be removed. If this is not done, the previous coil will act as a trap and cause considerable change in the response pattern. If the response curve Is peaked at the low frequency end and can not be connected by the slug, try changing the 6AU6 Into which the signal Is fed. Abnormally high plate capacity can cause this difficulty. Use Insulated alignment tool for adjustments. SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING SIGNAL MARKER CONNECT GENERATOR GENERATOR CHANNEL ADJUST REMARKS SCOPE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 500 MMF. Pin fl (grid) 21. SMC 21. SMC 4 High side to Al Adjust for maximum of 6AU6 (V9 ) . IMC sweep Point <g> through amplitude with marker DUMMY ANTENNA 500 MMF. at center of peak. See Fig. 1. 100KS2 resistor Low side to chassis. Pin fl (grid) of 6AU6 (V8). A2A, A2B High side to A3 Pointffl>through 10KS2 resistor. Low side to chassis. 21.8MC (400 % 500 MMF. Mod.) 500 MMF A4 VIDEO IF ALIGNMENT SIGNAL SIGNAL MARKER CONNECT GENERATOR GENERATOR GENERATOR CHANNEL ADJUST SCOPE COUPLING FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 22.9MC 4 High side to A5,A6 500 MMF' Pin tl ( g r i d ) of 25MC 6AU6 (V5). 10MC sweep 26. BMC Point ^J> througt DUMMY ANTENNA lOKffi resistor. Low side to chassis . 22.9MC 25.55MC 500 MMF. Pin ifl ( i . Id) of 6AU6 ( V 4 ) . A7 26. SMC 500 MMF. Pin #1 (grid)of Not used 6AU6 (V3). 500 25MC 10MC sweep MMF. AS 31. SMC 400 % (Mod.) 22.9MC A9 23 . 4MC 25.55MC 26.3MC 500 MMF. Pin t7 ( g r i d ) of A10 12AT7 . All 10 500 MMF Adjust for symmetrical S curve. At proper frequency t he modulation at the edges of the pattern will disappear. See Fip;. 2. Adjust for maximum amplitude and symmetry of S curve . Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for best, results. REMARKS Adjust for maximum amplitude with pattern as shown In Fig. 3. Remove V4 during this adjustment. Adjust for maximum amplitude with pattern as shown In Fig. 4. Remove V3 during this adjustment. Adjust for minimum arnpl 1 tude . Remove V2 during this step. Adjust for max! mum amplitude with pattern as shown in Fig. 5. Turn All to minimum. Adjust for maximum amplitude with pattern as shown in Fig. 5. Adjust for 26. SMC at half amplitude as shown in Fig. 6. RF ALIGNMENT Terminate signal generator lead with a carbon resistor equal to generator Impedance, then connect to antenna terminals through two equal resistances to make total equal approximately 300 ohms. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ALIGN THE RF SECTION UNLESS IT IS DEFINITELY KNOWN TO BE NECESSARY. Usually alignment will not be necessary unless a coil has been damaged or replaced. Since separate coils are used for each switch position It should be necessary to re-align only the deflective channel. Adjustment of A12 and A13 may be necessary when tubes are replaced in the RF Tuner. Adjustments are made by changing the Inductance of the Individual colls. Coupling Is fixed except for channels #2 and 13. Coupling on channel tZ may be varied by sliding the copper rings on the coil f o r m . Coupling on channel #3 may be adjusted if necessary by moving turns at the insides of the coils. Frequency adjustment is made in each case by expanding or compressing the coils. The upper three switch positions each cover two channels and must be sufficiently broad. The fine tuning control should be at center p o s i t i o n during oscillator alignment. MARKER SIGNAL SIGNAL CONNECT DUMMY REMARKS ADJUST GENERATOR GENERATOR GENERATOR CHANNEL SCOPE ANTENNA COUPLING FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 11 Resis- Antenna termi- 85MC nals . tive 15MC sweet (See above ) 12 13 14 " " 15 " ii 16 ii 17 " " 18 " " " 19 PAGE 6 " 83.25MC 87.75MC 77.25MC 79MC 81.75MC 15MC sweet 67.25MC 69MC 15MC sweet 71.75MC 61.25MC 63MC 15MC sweer 65.75MC 57MC 55 . 25MC 59.75MC 15MC sweet 175.25MC 177MC 15MC sweep 179.75MC 181.25MC 186. SMC 25MC sweea 191.75MC 193.25MC 198. 5MC 25MC sweei 203.75MC 210. SMC 205.25MC 25MC sweet 215.75MC 6 High side to A12.A13 Adjust for maximum amplitude and flat Point ^ .Low response. See Fig. 7. side to chassis Disconnect C18 5 A14 4 A15 3 " A16 2 " A17 See Fig. 7. Keep slugs approximately even. A20.A21 Adjust for maximum. See FlK. 9. 8-9 10-11 12-13 Adjust for maximum. See Fig. 8. A18,A19 Adjust for maximum. 7 " A22,A23 A24,A35 SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING DUMMY ANTENNA 20 Resis- Antenna terminals tive (see above) 21 22 23 24 " 25 " 26 " 27 " " " " 28 OSCILLATOR SIGNAL GENERATOR CHANNEL FREQUENCY ALIGNMENT ADJUST 59.75MC (Modulated) 2 A26 65.75MC (Modulated) 71.75MC (Modulated) 81.75MC (Modulated 87.75MC (Modulated 179.75MC (Modulated 188.75MC (Modulatec 200 . 75I1C (Modulatec 212.75 (Modulated 3 A27 4 A28 5 A29 6 A30 FIG.I 7 A31 8-9 A32 10-11 ASS 12-13 A34 REMARKS Set volume control and tuning control at midposition. Use sound output as indicator. Squeeze or spread turns to adjust . FIG.2 " FIG.3 G n 2? FIG.4 FIG. 5 FIG.6 FIG. 7 FIG. 8 FIG. 9 HORIZONTAL FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT The horizontal frequency control is a coarse adjustment used to set the front panel horizontal hold control to obtain synchronization at approximately the center of its range. The core (B1-) of the blocking oscillator transformer sets the natural frequency of the system. Connect a VTWI to the Junction of the contrast control and resistor R18. Tune in a television signal and adjust the front panel horizontal hold control to the center of its range. Alternately adjust the horizontal frequency control and slug Bl until synchronization is obtained with 12 volts indicated by the VTvn. The voltage must be within one volt of 12 volts at the correct adjustment. The front panel horizontal hold control should cause the picture to fall out of synchronization at each end of its rotation. PAGE 7 m oo 10DP4 5Y3GT 5U4G 1B3GT 5V4G 6BG6G 6SN7GT 6V6GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6K60T 6AQ7GT 450VDC OV 195VDC 6.3VAC 26VDC OV 145VDC 260VDC .7VDC OV OV 9.5VDC OV 280VDC OV 5.5VDC 330VDC 3.4VDC OV 180VDC 320VDC 390VDC OV PIN 10 440VDC OV f DO NOT MEASURE 0235VDC OV OV OV OV -65VDC OV -.4VDC -.8VDC OV OV OV OV OV OV 6AU6 6SH7 OV OV 6.3VAC OV OV OV OV OV Pin 3 PIN 11 245VDC 310VAC 350VAC 360VDC -3.4VDC -40VDC -3.8VDC 145VDC 260VDC OV 245VDC -.5VDC §TAKEN WITH VACUUM TUBE VOLTMETER. -35VDC' -1.2VEC OV 6VDC 18.5VDC OV 50VDC 350VAC 360VDC OV OV OV 6.3VAC OV OV OV OV 6.3VAC 6.3VAC 6.3VAC .6VDC 1VDC OV -.3VDC OV OV .1VDC -6VDC 1.8VDC Pin 7 320VDC 390VDC 450VDC 290VDC 6.3VAC 6.3VAC 9 . 5VDC 17.5VDC 6.3VAC 18.5VDC OV 250VDC 2VDC OV Pin 8 TOP CAP t 6 .3VAC OV Pin 9 3. Measured values are from socket pin to common negative unless otherwise stated. 2. Pin numbers are counted in a clockwise direction on bottom of socket. 1. DC Voltage measurements are at 20,000 ohms per volt; AC Voltage measured at 1,000 ohms. OV 310VAC PIN 12 *235VDC OV OV -3.4VDC OV 45VDC 180VDC 5.2VDC 9.4VUC 5.2VDC 9.4VDC OV 95VUC OV 70VDC 170VDC 6.3VAC -.5VDC 110VDO 175VCC OV 150VDC 300VDC 300VDC 160VDC 150VDC Pin 6 120VDC OV OV 235VDC 300VDC 300VDC S.SVfiC 150VDC Pin 5 6.3VAC OV OV 6.3VAC 6.3VAC 6. 3V AC 6.8VDC 6.3VAC Pin 4 VOLTAGE READINGS OV -.6VDC -.8VDC OV OV OV 5-6.4VDC 150VDC Pin 2 OV 50VDC OV -1.2VDC -6.8VDC -9VDC 230VDC ov Pin 1 6AU6 12AU7 6AL5 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 12AT7 6AU6 Tube T Do not measure * 6.3VAC measured between pins of socket. V22 V21 V20 V 19 V 18 V17 V 16 V 15 V14 V13 V 12 V 11 V 10 V9 V8 V7 V 6 V 5 V 4 V3 V 2 V 1 Item 120KS OS! Offl Offl 1 Meg. 3.9 MeE. OS OS OS! 22K2 *12.5K2 Pin 2 Inf. Tnf . Inf. Inf. Inf. 160K2 Inf . 75KS2 of V21 of V20 of V18 *SKS2 32KS! 2SKS2 Inf. tOffl OS! *82K2 .2B t220Kffl Offl t25Kffl 3.9 MeE. T120KS! Inf. .25! OS .2ffl Offl T23KS2 Oft 56K2 ISOKffl lOOKffi *3.5Kffl Offl Pin 1 and maximum readings are given. setting of the service controls, both minimum 6. Where readings may vary according to the 5. Front panels controls set at minimum. 4. Line voltage maintained at 117 volts for voltOge rea di n g s V22 5Y3GT 5II4G 1B3GT SV4G 6BG6G 6SN7GT 6V6GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6K6GT 6A07GT 6SH7 6AU6 6AU6 12AU7 6AL5 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 12AT7 6AU6 Tube 10RP4 1.3 Hep. <.- Measured from pin Z t Measured from pin 3 * Measured frorr. pin 8 V21 V20 V 19 V18 V17 V16 V 15 V14 V 13 V 12 V 11 V 10 V9 V 8 V7 V 6 V 5 V 4 V 3 V 2 V 1 Item Tnf. PIN 10 H.OOKS2 Tnf. Inf. Inf. 82S Offl «1800S OS 6.5KS T2.8KS 240KS OS OS! Offl Offl .2ffl Offl 02 Offl 1.2ffi OS Pin 3 470KS *220Kffl OS *23Kfl «E3Kffl OB Offl *2Kffl *1200ffl *1200S .2ffl *12.5Kffl Pin 5 22S! PIN 11 *290KS2 232 Inf. T170ffl 1 MeE. 1 Ke K . 140Kffl T128K2 T25KS 24ffl Inf. t!70ffl Inf. 280KS! 50Kffl OS 1000S 750S! OS *220Kffl *150KS! *60Kffl »5Kffl Offl *26KS *24Kffl *24KS *28K2 *12.5Kffl Pin 6 Inf. 20ffl PIN 12 1 .3 Mee Tnf_ Inf. Inf. 1 MeE. T42Kffl tS.SMeE T2.2M6E 2.2 MeE. *15Kffl *640ffl 10 USE. 56KS2 .2S .25! OS OS .2S .23 .28 .2ffl .2S Pin 4 RESISTANCE READINGS VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS Inf. Inf. Inf. Inf. .2ffl - Offl Offl Offl OS .2ffl .2ffl .28 •' 120ffl 120S! 1 Meg. SKffl Offl 47S2 47B 750Kffl '200S Pin 7 32Kffl PfiVQ Tnf, t-no. «4KSZ .29, .2ffl 14002 4200. .2ffl 7SOO OB. *1500ffi 120S! Offl Pin 8 TOP CAP 4-470K2 «.ooa TOP CAP .2ffl Offl Pin 9 RF TUNER-RIGHT SIDE RF TUNER-LEFT SIDE PAGE 10 CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-CA PAGE 18 CAPACITOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-RE PAGE 12 -RESISTOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 17 m 63 o I/2V6 I/2VII 1/2 VI6 1/2 VIS VI4 118 11QOW 1V33N39 BLOCK DIAGRAM HOR. OSC. L.V. RECT VERT. MULT. SYNC. PULSES VIDEO DET. HOR A.F.C. SYNC PHASE INV. I/2VI3 SYNC CLAMPER 1/2 V6 SYNC CLIPPER I/2VI3 3RD VIDEO I.F 1ST VIDEO & SOUND I.FT 2ND VIDEO I.F. DISCRIMINATOR L.V. RECT CONVERTER R F AMP LIMITER 2ND SOUND IF 3RD SOUND IF OUTPUT H V RECT DAMPER HOR OUTPUT VERT OUTPUT AUDIO AFAMP VI2 1/2 V I I PARTS LIST AND TUBES (SYLVANIA or Equivalent) 1 ITEM USE No. V4 VS V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 Vll VI 2 V13 V14 VIS VI 6 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 STANDARD REPLACEMENT G. E. PART No. RF Amp. VI V2 V3 REPLACEMENT DATA Converter 1st Video & Sound IF 2nd Video IF 3rd Video IF Video Det.Sync Clamper Video Amp. 2nd Sound IF 3rd Sound IF Limiter Dlsc.-AF Amp. Audio Output Sync. Phase Inverter- Sync. Clipper Vert. Mult. Vert. Output Hor. AFC-Hor. Oscillator Hor. Output Damper HV Rect. LV Rect. LV Rect. Picture Tube RMA BASE TYPE 6AU6 12AT7 6AU6 12AT7 7BK 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 7BK 7BK 7BK 6317 6AQ7GT 6K6GT 6AL5 12AU7 6AU6 6AU6 6SH7 6AQ7GT 6K6GT 6BT 9A 7BK 7BK 8BK 8CK 7S 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6V6GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6V6GT 8BD 8BD 7AC 6STJ7GT 6BG6G 5V4G 1B3GT 5U4G 5Y3GT 10BP4 6SN7GT 6BG6G 5V4G 1B3GT 5U4G SY3GT 10BP4 8BD 5T 5L 3C 5T 5T 6AL5 12AU7 6AU6 6AU6 CAPACIl ITEM NOTES No. C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C59 070 C71 C72 073 C74 075 C76 077 078 C79 C80 C81 C82 033 C84 085 C86 C87 C88 089 090 RATING CAP. VOLT CIA B C D C2A B C D C3 30 30 15 100 15 30 30 30 04 05 06 C7 C8 C9 CIO Oil C12 013 014 CIS C16 C17 CIS C19 C20 021 C22 C23 024 C25 C26 027 C28 029 030 031 032 CSS C34 035 036 C37 038 039 C40 041 042 043 044 045 C46 C47 C48 049 050 051 C52 053 054 055 C56 057 058 059 C60 061 062 063 20 25 100 G.E. PART No. 450 RCE-070 450 450 50 450 RCE-084 450 450 450 RCE-083 2000 6 REPLACEMENT DATA CORNELLERIE AEROVOX DUBILIER PART No. PART No. PART No. AF862J4A UP11DJ 991 PRS50/100 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Filter Filter Decoupling ert. Output Oath. Byp. AFH3666J Filter Filter Filter Filter t UP11DJ 1010 PRE6/2000 BRH-620 PRS450/20 PRS25/25 1468-0001 BR2045 BR252A 5W5T1 1467-005 1D5D5 .001 .002 .06 .001 .1 120 120 2200 .2 .002 .05 180 2200 390 .5 .1 .0022 .01 .5 .05 .1 4 5000 .05 500 400 400 400 600 600 400 600 500 500 500 200 200 600 500 500 500 200 600 1000 600 200 400 400 800 G.E. PART No. UCC-630 UCC-630 UCC-620 UCC-621 RCO-095 UCC-620 UCC-640 UCC-1530 UCC-1530 UCU-2560 UOC-014 UCC-621 U CO -635 UCU-2534 UCU-2560 UCU-1542 ROC-016 UCC-640 RCN-019 UCC-630 RCC-016 UCC-635 UCC-640 RCN-020 RCW-3014 200 UCC-635 2000C RCI-J-011 Rl R2 R3A B R4A B R5A B R6 RESISTANCE 1500 47 5000 47 1500 12 6 1.5 47 5 12 5000 5000 1500 5000 100 5000 5000 100 2.5 5000 5000 100 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 6 .05 .047 390 .05 .02 .05 .2 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 100 47 5000 5000 150 .01 .01 .02 390 .01 .005 100 390 .05 RCW-1047 RCW-026 RCW-1052 RCW-3014 RCW-2010 ROW- 026 RCW-2006 RCW-2030 RCW-1045 RCW-1052 RCW-2035 500 UCU-1056 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-026 RCW-3014 RCW-1047 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-1047 RCW-3017 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-1047 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 HCW-1002 200 UCC-635 600 RCN-014 500 UCU-1542 600 UCC-635 600 UCC-631 400 UCC-635 200 UCC-014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 500 UCU-1528 RCW-1047 RCW-3014 RCW-3014 500 UCU-1532 200 UCC-630 200 UCC-630 200 UCC-631 500 UCU-1542 600 UCC-630 600 UCC-625 500 UCU-1528 500 UCU-1548 400 UCC-635 PAGE 14 GP1K-100 GP2L-0015 GP1K-50 GP2M-005 N750L-47 GP2L-0015 GP1K-15 HW.5-25 1FM-25 Vert. Output Plate Dec. Output Cath . Bypass RF Coupling RF Cath. Bypass RF Coupling RF Bypass Fixed Trimmer Osc. Plate Bypass Osc. Grid Cap. Osc. Feedback Osc. Coupling RF Coupling GP1K-50 NPOK-5 1467-005 1467-005 1DSD5 1D5DS GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2L-0015 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1468-0001 1467-005 1467-005 1468-0001 5W5T1 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T1 GPlK-100 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GPlK-100 HO. 5-31 1FM-31 I1W.5-25 1FH-25 HW.5-25 1FM-25 MO. 5-31 1FH-31 1467-005 1467-005 1468-0001 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T1 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 GP2H-005 GP2M-005 GPlK-100 GP2K-005 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 MW.5-25 HW.5-25 MO. 5-31 I-W. 5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 KW.5-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-31 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 P288-05 P688-047 1468-0004 P688-05 P688-02 P488-05 P488-22 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1468-0001 1468-00005 1467-005 1467-005 1468-00015 P488-01 P488-01 P488-02 1468-0004 P688-01 P688-005 1468-0001 1468-0004 P488-05 GT2S5 GT6S5 5W5T4 GT6S5 GT6S2 GT4S5 GT4P2 1DSDS 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T1 5W5Q5 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T15 GT2S1 GT2S1 GT2S2 5W5T4 GT6S1 GT6D5 5W5T1 5W5T4 GT6S5 ST-4-05 ST-6-05 MO 5 -34 ST-6-05 ST-6-02 ST-4-05 ST-4-2 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MO. 5-31 MO. 5-45 MW.5-25 MW.5-25 MO. 5-315 ST-4-01 ST-4-01 ST-4-02 MO. 5-34 ST-6-01 ST-6-005 MO. 5-31 HO. 5-34 ST-4-05 TH-15 TM-15 1FM-34 TM-15 TM-12 TM-15 TC-2 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FH-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-31 1FH-45 1FM-25 1FM-25 1FM-31E TM-11 TM-11 TM-12 1FM-34 TM-11 TM-25 1FM-31 1FM-34 TM-15 Fixed Trimmer Fixed Padder Conv. Plate Decoupling Bias Filter RF Fll. Bypass Osc. Fil. Bypass GP2K-500 GP2I1-005 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2I1-005 GP2M-005 GPlK-100 GP1K-50 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2K-150 GP2-335-01 GP2-335-01 GP2K-300 GP2-33S-01 GPlK-100 GP2K-500 1467-002 P488-22 P688-002 P688-05 1W5D2 GT4P2 GT6D2 GT6S5 1468-0004 P288-5 P688-1 5W5T4 GT2P5 GT6P1 P688-01 P288-5 P488-05 P488-1 GT6S1 GT2P5 GT4S5 GT4P1 GP£ 1467-005 P288-05 1D5D5 GT2S5 GPJ IF Coupling 1st V. IF Screen Byp. 1st V. IF Plate Decoup. IF Coupling S. IF Coupling 2nd V. IF Screen Byp. 2nd V. IF Plate Dec. IF Coupling Bias Filter II n RF Bypass Bias Filter 3rd V. IF Screen Byp. 3rd V. IF Plate Dec. IF Coupling Video Coupling " V. Amp. Cath. Byp. Sync. Coupling Retrace Blanking Coup. Voltage Divider Brightness Cont. Byp. 2nd S. IF Cath. Byp. 2^d S. IF Screen Byp. 2nd S. IF Plate Dec. 3rd S. IF Cath. Bypass 3rd S. IF Screen Byp. RF Bypass IF Coupling Limiter Grid Filter Limiter Screen Bypass Limiter Plate Dec. De-emphasis Audio Coupling Tone Comp. Audio Coupling AF Plate Bypass Audio Coupling Output Plate Bypass Sync. Coupling Sync. Clipper Cath. Byi Integrator Wet. QPi GP; CONTI 2 Meg. lOOOffl 50KS 50KS2 7500ffi SOOKffl 100XS2 Shaft lOOOffl IRC RRC-091 RRC-088 RRC-090 4 \ I I RRC-087 Ivot Req. RRC-OB6 2 CLAROSTX PART No PART No. 58-1000 Dll-128 A W-1000 M-49-S Not Req. 10-1000 RESIS 11 DY-2000- TVL-43 TVA-22 TVA-6 KO . 5-31 1FK-31 GT6D1 GT6P1 G. E. PART No. WATTS 15 450 RCE-093 25 UCE-065 684-06 P688-001 P688-1 REPLACEMENT DATA ITEM No. SOLAR SPRAGUE PART No. PART No. .01 .01 REPLACEMENT 1 CORNELLAEROVOX DUBILIER PART No. P PART No. P438-01 GT4S1 GP P488-01 GT4S1 GP P688-001 GT6D1 GP P688-002 GT6D2 GP Some models may use 50I1FD in t h i s application. CAPACITORS Capacity values given in the rating column are in mfd. for Electrolytic and Paper Capacitors, and in mmfd. for Mica and Ceramic Capacitors. ITEM No. RATING CAP. VOLT REPLACEMENT DATA RATING ITEM No. RESISTANCE WATTS R7 R8 R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 2ooffl 6200S2 5600ffl 220KS2 22K2 27KS2 SOOOffl 22KS2 1 Meg. 1 Mep,. lOOKffl 82Kffl 56KS2 2700S2 47ffl 24Kffl lOOOffl isooffl 47ffl 24Kffl lOOOffl 2700S 24KS lOOOffl 39Kffl SlOOffl 1 Meg. 4700B SlOOffl SlOOffl 22KS2 22KS2 5600ffl 1 Meg. 120!! 3300S2 lOOOffl 1 Meg. 24Kffi 270KB 20Kffl 4700ffl 120ffl 56Kffl 22KS 120S2 150K2 22KS2 56KS2 220Kffl lOOOffl 68KS2 68Kffl 82KS2 lOOOffl 10 Meg. 220Kffl 470KH 750S i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i i 2 I i 5 i 5 2 4j^ 2 ~3 ~Z 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 i i i i i 2 2 5 ~k S 1 -£ "5 1 •E -£ ~S 2 i 2 I 1 ^ G. E. PART No. URD-1032 URE-1068 URE-1067 URD-1105 UR11-1082 URE-083 URE-1060 URD-1081 URD-121 URD-121 URD-097 URD-1095 URD-091 URD-1059 URD-1017 URD-1082 URD-049 URD-1054 URD-1017 URD-1082 URD-049 URD-1059 URD-1082 URD-049 URD-088 URD-1066 URD-121 URE-1066 URE-1066 URE-1066 URE-1081 URE-1081 URD-1067 URD-1066 URD-1027 URE-1085 URD-1049 URD-121 URD-1082 URD-107 URF-1080 URD-1065 URD-1027 URD-091 URE-1081 URD-1027 URD-101 URE-1081 URD-091 URD-105 URD-049 URD-093 URD-093 URD-1095 URD-049 URD-145 URD-105 URD-113 URE-1046 IRC PART No. BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1 OOK BTS-82K BTE-56K BTS-2700-5% BTS-1000 BTS-1500 BTS-1000 BTS-2700-5% BTS-1000 BTS-39K-5% BTS-1 Keg. BTA-4700-5% BTA-22K-5% BTA-22K-5S BTS-5600-5% BTS-1 Meg. BTA-3300-5% BTS-1000-5% BTS-1 Meg. BTS-270K BTS-4700-5% BTS-56K BTA-22K-58 BTS-150K BTA-22K-556 BTS-56K BTS-220K BTS-1000 BTE-68K BTS-68K BTS-82K-55S BTS-1000 BTS-10 Meg. BTS-220K BTS-470K PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS CAPACITORS NOTES ITEM No. 064 C65 066 067 068 C69 C70 C71 C72 073 074 075 076 C77 C78 C79 C80 081 C82 083 084 035 C86 087 088 C89 C90 RATING CAP. VOLT .01 .01 .001 .002 .06 .001 .1 120 120 2200 .2 .002 .05 180 2200 330 .5 .1 .0022 .01 .5 .05 .1 4 5000 .05 500 O.E PART No. 400 4C 0 4C 0 6C 0 6C 0 40 0 60 0 500 50 0 50 0 20 0 20 0 600 50 0 50 0 500 20 0 60 0 10 00 60 0 2C 0 400 400 80 0 AEROVOX PART No. REPLACEMENT DATA CORNELLERIE DUBILIER PART No. PART No. GT4S1 GP2-335-01 Gl 4S1 G P2-335-01 GT 6D1 GP2L-001 GT 6D2 GP2M-002 SOLAR SPRAGUE PART No. PART No. IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Integrator Net. UCC-630 P4S8-01 ST-4-01 TM-11 ti ti UCC-630 P4 88-01 ST-4-01 TM-11 UCC-62 0 PC 88-00 1 ST-6-001 TM-21 Vert. Sync. Coupling UCC-62 1 pe 88-002 ST-6-002 TM-22 Vert. M.V. Feedback ST-6-06 TM-16 6E 4-06 RCO-09 5 G P2L-001 ST-6-001 TM-21 Vert. M . V . Grid Cap. P6 88-00 1 GT 6D1 UCC-62 3 Vert. Discharge TM-1 GT 6P1 ST-6-1 UCC-64 3 P6 88-1 Hor. Sync. Coupling UCC-1530 UCC-15 30 Voltage Divider 1W 5D2 HW.5-22 1FM-22 Sync. Coupling UCU-25 30 14 67-00 GT4P2 ST-4-2 TC-2 UOC-01 1 P4 88-22 AFC ti Filter it P6 88-00 3 GT 6D2 ST-6-002 TM-22 UCC-62 I G P 211-002 GT6S5 ST-6-05 TH-15 AFC Plate Bypass UCC-635 P688-05 Hor. Grid Cap. UCU-25,34 UCU-25 30 Hor. Discharge UCU-1542 1468-0004 5W5T4 MO. 5-34 1FM-34 Hor. Sweep Coupling P2 88-5 GT 2P5 TO-5 Hor. Output Cath. Byp. RCC-01 3 ST-2-5 P6 88-1 TM-1 Kor. Output Screen Byp UCC-64 3 GT 6P1 ST-6-1 Pulse Coupling RCN-01 3 UCC-63 3 P6 88-01 GT6S1 ACC Anode Bypass GP2-335-01 ST-6-01 TM-11 P2 88-5 GT 2P5 TC-5 RCC-01 d ST-2-5 Kor. Coupling P488-05 ST-4-05 TH-15 U 00 -635 GT4S5 Damper Filter P488-1 GT4P1 TM-1 UCC-640 ST-4-1 RCN-02 3 AFC Coupling 14 67-00 5 ID 5D5 HW.5-25 1FM-25 Vert. Output Fll. Byp. RCW-30 14 GP2M-005 P2 88-05 GT 2S5 ST-4-05 TM-1 5 2C 0 UCC-63 D Contrast Cont. Byp. 20000! RCK-011 H.V. Filter ff\*lTBf\l c t Some models may use 10MFD * Some models may use 50MFD CONTROLS in t h i s application. , . in t h i s application. r Electrolytic RE PLACE* ENT DA TA RATING ITEM Capacitors. INSTALLATION NOTES IRC CLAROSTAT G. F._ No. RESIST- WATTS PART No. PART No. PART No. ANCE IDENTIFICATION CODES IDENTIFICATION IAGUE AND Volume control and switch tapped (a) 500K2 Rl 2 Met-. RRC-091 RTNo. RTNo. INSTALLATION NOTES NOTES 58-1000 Focus control R2 10002 4 RRC-088 R3A 50K2 2 H o r l z . hold control Dual concentric Filter RRC-090 Vert, hold control B 50K2 2 Filter R4A 75002 Decoupling RRC-089 BCcnfrasteScon™ol01 Dual concentric B 500K2 ert. Output Cath. ert. Cath. Dyp. Byp. ' RRC-087 Dll-128 M-49-S R5A 100K2 Vert. Size control Filter A Attach to R5A Per Instructions Not Req B Not Req. Shaft Filter W-1000 10-1000 Vert. Linearity control RRO-086 R6 10002 2 Filter Filter TT L-43 L-43 "" REPLACEMENT DATA REPLACEMENT Vert. Output Output Plate Dec. Dec. A-22 Vert. A-22 RATING ITEM IRC IDENTIFICATION CODES G. E. G. E. nntniit Cath. r.atYi Bypass RvnasR Output 'A-6 No. PART No. M-31 RF Coupling All resistors are t 10% unless otherwise stated. RESISTANCE WATTS PART No. RF Cath. Bypass RF1 Cathode 5% R7 2002 4 URD-1032 RF Coupling RF Plate 5% R8 62002 i URE-1068 11-25 RF Bypass " " 5% URE-1067 R9 56002 i Fixed Trimmer Conv Grid RIO 220KS2 * URD-1105 Osc. Plate Bypass URD-1082 Conv. Plate Coll Shunt 5% Rll 22KS 2 Osc. Grid Cap. URE-083 Conv. Plate Decoupling R12 27K2 1 Osc. Feedback R13 30002 1 URE-1060 Osc. Plate 5% Osc. Coupling R14 22K2 URD-1081 Osc. Grid i RF Coupling BTS-1 Meg. URD-121 Bias Network 20% R15 1 Meg. Fixed Trimmer 11 " 20% URD-121 BTS-1 Meg. R16 1 Meg. \ Fixed Padder " " URD-097 R17 lOOKffi BTS-100K It rt 11-25 Conv. Plate Decoupling RIB 82K2 URD-1095 BTS-82K is It It 11-25 Bias Filter R19 S6K2 URD-091 BTS-56K I RF Fll. Bypass R20 27002 URD-1059 BTS-2700-5% 1st IF Grid 5% Osc. Fll. Bypass R21 47S2 URD-1017 1st IF Cathode 5% 11-31 IF Coupling R22 24KS2 URD-1082 1st IF Screen 5% 2 ^ 11-25 1st V. IF Screen Byp. R23 10002 URD-049 BTS-1000 1st IF Plate Decoupling 20% 11-25 1st V. IF Plate Decoup. R24 15002 URD-1054 BTS-1500 2nd Video IF Grid I 11-31 IF Coupling R25 472 URD-1017 2nd Video IF Cathode 5% i S. IF Coupling R26 24K2 URD-1082 2nd Video IF Screen 5% i 11-25 2nd V. IF Screen Byp. R27 10002 URD-049 BTS-1000 2nd Video IK Plate Decoupling 20% •2 11-25 2nd V. IF Plate Dec. R28 27002 URD-1059 BTS-2700-5% 3rd Video IF Grid 5% 1 M-31 IF Coupling R29 24K2 URD-1082 3rd Video IF Screen 5% 2 11-25 Bias Filter R30 lOOOffl BTS-1000 3rd Video IF Decoupling 20% I URD-049 " " 11-25 R31 39K2 URD-088 3rd Video IK Trans. Shunt 5% BTS-39K-5% S 11-25 RF Bypass R32 51002 URD-1066 Video Det. Load 5% 11-25 Bias Filter R33 1 Meg. URD-121 BTS-1 Keg. Video Amp. Grid 20% 11-25 3rd V. IF Screen Byp. R34 47002 1 URE-1066 BTA-4700-5% Video Amp. Plate 5% 11-25 3rd V. IF Plate Dec. R35 51002 1 URE-1066 " " 5% IF Coupling R36 51002 1 URE-1066 5% -15 video Coupling R37 22KS2 1 URE-1081 " " " 5% BTA-22K-5* -15 R38 22K2 1 URE-1081 BTA-22K-5% 5% M-34 V. Amp. Cath. Byp. R39 56002 URD-1067 BTS-6600-5S6 Voltare Divider 5% Sync. Coupling :-15 R40 1 Heg. URD-1066 BTS-1 Meg. Video Amp. Grid 20% Retrace Blanking Coup. :-12 R41 1202 URD-1027 Video Amp. Cathode 5% .-15 Voltage Divider R42 33002 URE-1085 1 BTA-3300-5% Video Amp. Plate 5% -2 Brightness Cont. Byp. R43 10002 URD-1049 BTS-1000-5% 5% n-25 2nd S. IF Cath. Byp. ^ R44 1 Meg. URD-121 BTS-1 Meg. i Filament Isolation 20% 11-25 2nd S. IP Screen Byp. R45 24K2 URD-1082 Picture Tube Cattode 5% i 11-25 2nd S. IF Plate Dec. 8TS-270K R46 270K2 URD-107 Bia.s Network z 11-25 3rd S. IF Cath. Bypass R47 URF-1080 20K2 2 Voltage Divider 5% 11-25 3rd S. IF Screen Byp. 5% R48 47002 URD-1065 BTS-4700-5% 2 11-25 RF Bypass URD-1027 R49 1202 2nd Sound IF Cathode 5% 2 11-31 IF Coupling R50 56KS2 URD-091 BTS-56K 2nd Sotmd IF Screen 2 11-45 Limiter Grid Filter R51 22K2 1 URE-1081 BTA-22K-5% 2nd Sound IF Plate Decoupling 5% 11-25 Llmiter Screen Bypass R52 1202 URD-1027 3rd Sound IF Cathode 5% 2 11-25 Limiter Plate Dec. R53 150K2 URD-101 BTS-1 50K i 3rd Sound IF Screen M-31E De-emphasis R54 22KS! 1 URE-1081 BTA-22K-5% 3rd Sound IF Plate 5% -11 Audio Coupling | R55 56K2 URD-091 BTS-56K Limiter Grid -11 Tone Comp. R56 220K2 URD-105 BTS-220K Limiter Screen 1-12 Audio Coupling R57 10002 URD-049 BTS-1000 Limiter Plate Decoupling 20% ^ 11-34 AF Plate Bypass R58 68K2 URD-093 BTS-68K De-emphasi s 20% i ^ -11 Audio Coupling R59 68K2 URD-093 BTS-68K Tone Compensation 20% i -25 Output Plate Bypass R60 82K2 URD-1095 BTE-82K-5* J 5% 11-31 Sync. Coupling R61 10002 URD-049 BTS-1000 i 20% M-34 Sync. Clipper Cath. By[ R62 10 Heg. URD-145 BTS-10 Meg. i AF Grid 20% -15 Integrator Net. R63 220K2 URD-105 BTS-2SOK 2 AF Plate R64 470K2 URD-113 BTS-470K 2 Output Grid 20St R65 7502 1 URE-1046 Output Cathode 5% RESISTORS RE R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 R76 R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 R83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 R90 R91 R92 R93 R94 R95 R96 R97 R98 R99 R100 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 Rill R112 RESISTANCE WATTS 2.2 Meg. 2 10002 1 15K2 -i. 3.9 Meg. 68002 \ 15002 82002 82002 7SK2 ^ 220K2 82K2 ^ 2 I 24K2 2.2 Meg. \ 27K2 4702 J ^ 100K2 8202 2 16002 i 27002 i 1 Meg. i 18K2 1 180K2 82K2 X 33K2 ? 3.3 Meg. t 47K2 1 24K2 1 100K2 82K2 2 100KS2 I 150K2 1 Meg. 3302 I 822 332 1 1 470K2 30K2 2 2 30KS3 120K2 I 470K2 560K2 2 47002 2 2 33002 1 Meg. 2 22002 2 5602 7 12 i 1. Some models ITEM No. Tl PART URD-12 URD-04 URE-07 URD-13 URD-06 URD-10 URD-07 URD-07 URD-10 URD-11 URD-10 URD-10 URD-11. URE-08: URD-10' URD-09 URF-041 URD-10. URD-10 URD-11. URD-11 URD-10 URD-08 URE-13 URD-08 URD-10 URE-09 URF-10 URD— OS URD-10 URD-12 URD-03 URF-10 URE-01 URD 11 URF-08 URF-08 URD-09 URD-11 URD-11 URD-06 URF-06 URD-12 URF-10 RRW-02 RRW-03 have tl RATING PRI. 117VAO ® 2.1A SEC. 1 750VCT a) .130 SEC. 2 5VAC ADO & 670VCT 6.3VAC ® .115 ® 2.6A ADO TR ITEM No. T2 T3 i i i RATING ITEM No. T4 T5A B T6 RATING DC RESISTANCE SEC. PRI. 1202 Tap. ® 352 382 SEC. 1 2302 SEC. 2 12 SLC. 3 02 7302 US! 152 282 10002 G. E. PART h RTM-003 RTO-067 RTO-053 RLD-OOe RLF-013 i-k Tl RATING ITEM No. T7 IMPEDANCE SEC. PRI. 74002 3.22 DC RES. PRI. SEC. 5802 .62 — RATING ITEM No. FIELD RES. PM SP1A B PM CONE DIA. SP2A B 9 7 3/4" 5/8" V. C. IMP. 3.22 F 3.22 1 V. C. DIA. 3/4" ESCRIPTIONS RESISTORS No. 5-01 5-01 01 02 01 02 SOLAR PART No. SPRAGUE PART No. ST-4-01 ST-4-01 ST-6-001 ST-6-002 ST-6-06 ST-6-001 ST-6-1 TM-11 TM-11 TM-21 TM-22 TH-16 TM-21 TM-1 KW.5-22 ST-4-2 ST-6-002 ST-6-05 1FM-22 TC-2 TM-22 TM-15 KO.5-34 ST-2-5 ST-6-1 5-01 ST-6-01 ST-2-5 ST-4-05 ST-4-1 05 MW.5-25 ST-4-05 •c Lj IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Integrator Net. n ii Vert. Sync. Coupling Vert. H.V. Feedback n n ii IT Vert. M . V . Grid Cap. Vert. Discharge Hor. Sync. Coupling Voltage Divider Sync. Coupling AFC n Filter n AFC Plate Bypass Hor. Grid Cap. Hor. Discharge 1FM-34 Hor. Sweep Coupling Hor. Output Cath. Byp. TC-5 TM-1 Hor. Output Screen Byp Pulse Coupling AGO Anode Bypass TM-11 Hor. Coupling TC-5 TM-15 Damper Filter TM-1 AFC Coupling 1FM-25 Vert. Output Fil. Byp. Contrast Cont. Byp. TM-15 H.V. Filter T Some models may use 10MFD in this application. INSTALLATION NOTES Volume control and switch tapped (a) 500K2 Focus control Horlz. hold control n , roncentrlc Vert, hold control Uual concemnc Brightness control Dual concen tric Contrast control Vert. Size control Attach to R5A Per Instructions Vert. Linearity control RESISTANCE WATTS RS6 2.2 Meg. URD-129 2 R67 1000S URD-049 R68 15K2 1 URE-077 R69 3.9 Meg. URD-135 i R70 68002 URD-069 R71 15002 URD-1054 R72 82002 URD-071 R73 82002 URD-071 R74 75K2 URD-1094 R75 220K2 URD-1105 R76 82K2 URD-1095 R77 24KS URD-1082 R78 2.2 Meg. URD-1129 i R79 27K2 URE-083 1 R80 4702 I URD-1041 R81 100K2 URD-097 R82 8202 2 URF-047 R83 1600U URD-1054 R84 27002 URD-1059 R85 1 Meg. ^ URD-1121 2 R86 18K2 i R87 180K2 URD-1103 1 R88 82Kffi UHD-1095 I R89 33K2 URD-085 R90 3.3 Meg. 1 URE-133 R91 47K2 5 URD-089 R92 24K2 URD-1088 R93 100K2 URE-097 i R94 82K2 URF-1095 2 100KS2 R96 150K2 URD-101 R97 1 Meg. URD-121 2 R98 3302 URD-037 5 R99 82S2 2 URF— 1023 R100 332 URE-013 R101 470KS2 URD-113 R102 30K2 URF-083 2 R103 30KS Z URF-083 R104 120K2 URD-099 R105 470K2 URD-113 i R106 560K2 URD-115 R107 47002 URD-065 £ R108 33002 URF '061 R109 1 Meg. URD-121 i R110 22002 2 URF-1057 Rill 5602 RRW-028 7 R112 12 RRW-034 i ^ £ -^ ± ^ Video IF Screen Video IF Decoupling Video IF Trans. Shunt 30 Det. Load 30 Amp. Grid 30 Amp. Plate Tl PRI. 117VAC £>2.1A SEC. 1 750VCT a> .iso ADC & 670VCT t) .115 ADC 5% 5% 5% 20% 556 5% 20% 5% 5% 20% 5% 5% 20% 5% 5% sage Divider 30 Amp. Grid 30 Amp. Cathode so Amp. Plate ;rld 'late mt Grid iut Cathode BI-2-27K-55S BT-2-27K-5% BTS-lSOK-5% ; 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% ; 5% Iloriz. Osc. Grid Voltage Divider Horlz. Osc. Plate Filter AFC Feedback Horlz. Output Grid Parasitic Suppressor Horiz. Output Cathode Parasitic Suppressor Current Limiting Horiz. Output Screen " " " 5% 5% 5% 5% 20% 20% 20% BTS-560K-5% BTS-4700-5% BT-2-3300 BTS-1 Meg. BT-2-2200 SEC. 2 5VAC S3A SEC. 4 6.3VAC ® 2.6A PART No. RTF -300 SEC. 3 5VAO |)2A SEC. 5 12.6VAC i)3.6A CHICAGO PART No. MERIT PART No. T2 T3 T4 T5A B To REPLACEMENT DATA RATING DC RESISTANCE PRI . SEC. 1202 Tap. © 35S2 382 SEC. 1 230S2 SEC, 2 12 SEC. 3 OS 7308 112 152 28ffi 10002 G. E. PART No. STANCOR PART No. MERIT PART No. CHICAGO PART No. NOTES RTM-003 Hor. Block. Osc. Trans RTO-067 Hor . Output Trans . RTO-053 RLD-006 A-8115 A-3055 TSO-1 RLF-013 Vert. Output Trans. Hor. Deflection Yoke Vert. Deflection Yoke Focus Coil TRANSFORMER (AUDIO OUTPUT) No. PRI. 74002 T7 REPLACEMENT DATA RATING IMPEDANCE SEC. DC RES. PRI. 5802 3.22 SEC. .62 G. E. PART No. RTO-052 STANCOR PART No. A-3878 CHICAGO PART No. MERIT PART No. INSTALLATION NOTES A-2902 RO-13 SPEAKER 5% REPLACEMENT DATA ITEM No. SP1A B SP2A B RATING FIELD RES. PM V. C. IMP. 3.22 PM CONE DIA. 9 3/4" 7 5/8" 3__22 V. C. DIA. 3/4" G. E. PART No. ROP-018/ UOP-8670 O m *i 8* i- m 00 m -3 70 O TRANSFORMER (SWEEP CIRCUITS) ITEM No. ITEM 20% 20% STANCOR PART No. 0. E. 5% unent Isolation ;ure Tube Cat! ode ^ Network ;age Divider Sound IF Cathode Sound IF Screen Sound IF Plate Decoupling Sound IF Cathode Sound IF Screen Sound IF Plate .ter Grid :ter Screen .ter Plate Decoupling miphasis ! Compensation BTA-100K BT-2-82K STS— 100K BTS-150K BTS-1 Meg. BTA-330 RATING s Network Video IF Cathode Video IF Screen Video IF Plate Decoupling Video IF Grid BTS-2700 BTS-1 Meg-5% BTS-1 8K BTA-180K BTS-82K-5S BTS-33K-5% BTA-3.3 Meg. BTS-47K 20% 20% REPLACEMENT DATA ITEM No. •{. Plate Coil Shunt /. Plate Decoupling . Plate . Grid IF Plate Decoupling Video IF Grid BTS-2 . 2Meg-£5& BTA-27K BTS-470 BTS-100K BT-2-820 Sync. Phase Inv. Grid Sync. Phase Inv. Cathode Sync. Phase Inv. Plate Sync. Clipper Grid Sync. Clipper Cathode Sync. Clipper Plate Integrator Integrator Vert. Multl. Grid Vert. Multl. Plate Vert. Multl. Grid " " " See Note 1 Vert. Multl. Plate Voltage Dropping Vert. Output Cathode Vert. Output Trans. Shunt Filter Vert. Output Trans. Shunt Integrator Network Horlz. AFC Grid Horlz. AFC Filter Horiz. AFC Cathode Voltage Divider TRANSFORMER (POWER) 5% 5% f Grid IF Screen BTS-220K-5% BTS-82K-5% IDENTIFICATION CODES HV Filter Feedback network Linearity Coll Shunt Horlz. Size Coil Shunt Isolation Filter Focus Coll Shunt BW-i-1 Filament Dropping Note 1. Some models have this resistor shorted out. IDENTIFICATION CODES IF Grid IF Cathode BTS-2.2 Meg. BTS-1000 BTA-15K BTS-3.9 Keg. BTS-6800 BTS-1500 BTS-8200 BTS-8200 i RS Cathode 'late REPLACEMENT DATA G.E. IRC PART No. PART No. RATING ITEM No. JENSEN PART No. ST-1 20* MOD.P10-S QUAM PART No. 10A3T NOTES * Replace output trans, to match 6-88 voice coil. # Used In early production. 0 Used in late production. PAGE 15 PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) FILTER CHOKE RATINGS ITEM No. LI L2 TOTAL DIRECT CURRENT REPLACEMENT DATA INDUCTANCE (0 CURRENT D. C. RESISTANCE PART No. 1000 «") 16052 .130A .USA G. E. 7 Henry 7 Henry 1608 RLI -059 RLI-060 STANCOR PART No. C-2309 C-2309 MERIT PART No. CHICAGO PART No. INSTALLATION NOTES C-2993 C-2993 R-8120 R-8120 COILS (RF-IF) REPLACEMENT DATA ITEM No. L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Lll L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 LI 7 LIB L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 LSI L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 DC RES. USE Ant. Input RF Choke RF Choke RF Choke RF Plate, Conv. Qrid & Osc. Coil RF Plate' Conv. Grid & Osc. Coils RF Plate Conv. Grid & Osc. Coils RF Plate, Conv. Grid & Osc. Coils RF Plate, Conv. Grid & Osc. Coils RF Plate & Conv. Grid Coils RF Plate & Conv. Grid Coils RF Plate & Conv. Grid Coils RF Plate & Conv. Grid Coils Osc. Coil Osc. Coil Osc. Coil Osc. Coll RF Choke 1st Video IF RP Choke 2nd Video IF Sound TakeOff Coil 3rd Video IF 4th Video IF Peaking Peaking Peaking Peaking 1st Sound IF 2nd Sound IF Sound Disc. XFMR Horiz. Size Control Horiz. Linearity Control Fil. Choke NOTES MEISSNER PART No. OS G. E. PART No. RLA-031 RLI -006 RLI -003 RLI -006 OS RLC-069 Channel 2 OS RLC-070 Channel 3 oa RLC-071 Channel 4 OS RLC-072 Channel 5 OS RLC-073 Channel 6 OS RLA-032 Channel 7 OS RLA-032 Channel 8 -9 OS RLA-032 Channel OS OS RLA-032 RLC-074 RLC-075 RLC-076 RLC-077 RLI -032 Channel 12-13 Channel 7 Channel 8-9 Channel 10-11 Channel 12-13 oa PRI. OS SEC. oa .28 oa OS OS I.2S 10-11 .22 RTL-081 RLI -005 .5S CT RTL-082 .52 RLI -061 .52 CT RTL-083 .68 CT 6.32 RTL-084 RLI -038 RLI -038 RLI -038 RLI -038 Inductance-165 ii it Microhenries ii ii 11 ii 11 11 11 RTL-090 Not used in early productions .58 CT 72 72 72 .22 .22 Video Carrier-Set Trap RTL-085 .2S2 .22 .22 RTD-007 S.5S 112 RLD-004 302 .22 RLD-005 MISCELLANEOUS TEM No. M2 PAGE 16 PART NAME RF Coil & Switch Assy Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Cabinet Safety Glass Tuning Slug Core Core Core Core Core Antenna Terminal Strip Receptacle Socket Knob Knob Knob Knob G. E. NOTES PART No. RJX-023 RCY-045 RCT-045 RCY-047 RCY-047 RAV-059 RDW-010 REI-014 REI-O'lS REI-016 RBI -017 RBI -018 REI-019 RJB-020 RJJ-007 RJS-119 RDK-012 RDK-104 RDK-139 RDK-140 Horiz. Freq. 35-150MKF Horiz. Drive 25-150KMF Sound IF Take-OIf Trap, 1.5-15I1HF1 Video Carrier-Set Trap, 1.5-1M1F RF and Conv. Slugs for L12, 13, 14, and 15 Adjustments Core for T2 Tuning Core for L21, 23, 25, 26 and L32 Adjustment Core for L35 Adjustment Core for L34 Tuning Core for L33 AC Power Picture Tube Vert. Speed, and Contrast Controls Horiz. Speed, and Brightness Controls Focus, and Tuning Control On-Off Switch, and Volume, Channel Selector Controls. CENTERING ADJUSTMENTS Centering adjustments are made by means of two circular magnets mounted on tne rocus and deflection assembly. The assembly may be turned the necessary direction, and the amount of correction may be changed by rotating the large magnet with respect to the smaller one and by sliding the two magnets together or apart. Maximum effect is with the two magnets close together and aligned. Minimum effect Is achieved by turning the large magnet to oppose the small one. HORIZONTAL LINEARITY ADJUSTMENT The horizontal arive control should first be set to minimum capacity. With the horizontal size control at approximately its correct position adjust the horizontal linearity control for best linearity. If this does not give good linearity turn the horizontal drive control slightly clockwise and repeat the adjustments. If there is a foldover of the pattern, turn the horizontal drive control clockwise until the fold disappears. DIAL CORD STRINGING 0 m CONTROL EXTREME CLOCKWISE FINE TUNING CONTROL 00 m ^Q 70 ft -19 1/4- CONTROL EXTREME COUNTER - CLOC KWIS E FOCUS CONTROL PAGE 19 HCRIZ. LIN. HORIZ. SIZE HORIZ. DRIVE CABINET-REAR VIEW PAGE 20
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