Journal 2312 - Patents Office
PATENTS OFFICE JOURNAL IRISLEABHAR OIFIG NA bPAITINNÍ Iml. 91 Cill Chainnigh 27 July 2016 Uimh. 2312 CLÁR INNSTE Cuid I Cuid II Paitinní Official Notice Applications for Patents Applications Published Patents Granted European Patents Granted Applications Withdrawn, Deemed Withdrawn or Refused Patents Lapsed Request for Grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate Supplementary Protection Certificate Granted Application for Extension of the Duration of a Supplementary Protection Certificate Patents Expired Application for Restoration of Lapsed Patents Proceedings under Section 37 Trádmharcanna Leath 3264 3266 3267 3268 3270 3372 3372 3619 3619 3621 3622 3631 Official Notice Applications for Trade Marks Revocation of Trade Mark Application(s) Withdrawn Trade Marks Registered Trade Marks Renewed Unpaid Renewal Fees Trade Marks Removed Leave to Alter Registered Trade Mark(s) Granted Application(s) for Leave to Alter Registered Trade Mark(s) Surrender of Registered Trade Mark(s) International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol International Trade Marks Protected Dearachtaí Designs Information under the 2001 Act Designs Registered Design Rights Expired 3632 3633 The Patents Office Journal is published fortnightly by the Irish Patents Office. Each issue is freely available to view or download from our website at Leath 1191 1192 1241 1241 1241 1242 1246 1250 1252 1252 1252 1253 1265 © Government of Ireland, 2016 © Rialtas na hÉireann, 2016 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3264 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid I Paitinní agus Dearachtaí No. 2312 Wednesday, 27 July, 2016 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, a reference to a section is to a section of the Patents Act, 1992 unless otherwise stated. Official Notice – Patents Patent Rules 1992 – Rule 77 – Office Closure This Office will be closed to the public on Monday 1st August 2016. 3265 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Register of Patent Agent Rules, 1992 October 2016 Examination Arrangements Subject to there being a demand therefor by a sufficient number of eligible candidates, the Patent Agents Board proposes to arrange with the UK Patent Examination Board (PEB) for the holding of some or all of the following written examinations in October, 2016 for the purpose of Rules 7 and 8 of the above mentioned rules. The PEB has been authorised by the UK Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg) to conduct the examinations in Advanced Patent Papers from 2014. Therefore, the 2016 examinations will be organised by the PEB and will be in the same format and for the same subjects as previously set by the JEB. The examinations will consist of the following Advanced Patent Papers of the PEB. Tuesday 18th October, 2016 Paper P6 10.00a.m. – 3.00 p.m. Validity and Infringement of Patent Specifications Paper P4 Wednesday 19th October, 2016 Thursday 10.00a.m. – 1.00p.m. Amendment of Specifications 20th October, 2016 Paper P3 10.00a.m. – 2.00p.m. Preparation of Patent Specifications Candidates wishing to be examined in these papers should register online with the PEB using the following URL: Examination Information Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys and pay the appropriate fee (currently £300.00 per subject) directly to the PEB. Candidates should not pay any fee to the Irish Patents Office. Irish candidates are advised that in order to proceed with the PEB registration form they should answer “yes” to Questions 2 and 4. This will then allow the candidate to access entry to the finals examinations listed in question 6. The PEB have indicated that they will be able to identify an Irish candidate by virtue of that candidate selecting the ‘Ireland’ venue and that Irish candidates are therefore not subject to the same progression rules as UK candidates. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3266 Applications for Patents From 12/05/2016 to 05/07/2016 The names of applicants are in alphabetical order. In the case of joint applicants, each name is given independently. The title of the invention should not be regarded as an exhaustive indication of the subjectmatter. The date immediately following the title is that on which the application was filed; in the case of a divisional application, the filing date of the earlier application is added within parentheses. In the case of a Convention application the Convention country and priority date(s) claimed are given in square brackets and where an application claimed the priority of an earlier application filed at the office, this information is given within the square brackets. The number is that of the application and should be used for correspondence purposes up to the date of grant of a patent. The letter S preceding the number indicates that the application is for a short-term patent. A new number will be given when a patent is granted and this new number should be quoted in all correspondence subsequent to grant. CALLIS SHARON Reflected folding quilling form / double sided folding quilling S20160178 form (die, electronic cutting file, template, stencil) 01 July 2016 EARLS MICHAEL A mat for an animal 24 June 2016 [European Patent Office S20160171 (EPO)-24 June 2015] HALLIBURTON ENERGY SERVICES, Inc. Inspection of wellbore conduits using a 20160181 distributed sensor system 05 July 2016 [United States of America-20 August 2015] INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SLIGO A composition and a method for 20160180 controlling bacterial infection 29 June 2016 [United Kingdom-29 June 2015] KALE KILIT VE KALIP SANAYI A.S. Lock for an interior door 01 July 2016 S20160179 [Turkey-07 July 2015] KENNEDY JOHN; NOLAN MICHAEL; NOLAN JOHN; NOLAN HENRY A 20160176 multipurpose frame for slurry mixing implements 12 May 2016 MORAN OLLWYN AGNES A spoon 29 June 2016 S20160177 MULVIHILL CONOR A process and apparatus for straightening a deviated septum 20160174 17 June 2016 NOLAN HENRY; NOLAN JOHN; KENNEDY JOHN; NOLAN MICHAEL; A 20160176 multipurpose frame for slurry mixing implements 12 May 2016 NOLAN JOHN; KENNEDY JOHN; NOLAN MICHAEL; NOLAN HENRY A 20160176 multipurpose frame for slurry mixing implements 12 May 2016 NOLAN MICHAEL; KENNEDY JOHN; NOLAN JOHN; NOLAN HENRY A multipurpose frame for slurry mixing implements 12 May 2016 20160176 3267 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) NORKOV MONIKA A Modular holder of textile fabrics 16 June 2016 S20160170 ORIEL SEASALT COMPANY LIMITED A super-concentrated seawater mineral 20160172 extract and uses thereof 24 June 2016 [Ireland-24 June 2015] ORIEL SEASALT COMPANY LIMITED A super-concentrated seawater mineral S20160173 extract and uses thereof 24 June 2016 [Ireland-24 June 2015] SEVERN INNOVATION LTD Foil for an electric razor and an electric razor 20160175 comprising such a foil 24 June 2016 Applications Published Under Section 28 The following applications become open to public inspection as from the date of this issue of the journal. The date given is the date of filing of the application or the earliest priority claimed. 2014 20140274 PATRICK T. PRENDERGAST, Camelid blood serum or plasma and generated enzyme inhibitory homodimer antibodies their peptide isolates and/or synthetic peptide sequences for laminitis prevention and treatment and the treatment of other equine diseases created due to elevated metalloprotease and elastase (serine protease) enzyme activity.. 15 October 2014. Int. Cl. (2016.01) A61K 39/00. 2015 S20150008 JOHN KENNEDY; MICHAEL NOLAN; HENRY NOLAN; JOHN NOLAN, Ejector and compactor system. 16 January 2015. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B60P 7/00. S20150009 JOHN KENNEDY; MICHAEL NOLAN; HENRY NOLAN; JOHN NOLAN, Locking tailgate for a trailer. 16 January 2015. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B60P 1/00. S20150027 FINTAN FRANCIS KELLY, A system and method for deterring mobile phone usage when driving a vehicle. 15 January 2015. Int. Cl. (2016.01) H04M 1/66; H04W 4/00; H04W 48/00. 20150420 MOY PARK LIMITED, Apparatus and method for improving the hygiene of poultry processing. 03 December 2014. Int. Cl. (2016.01) A22C 17/00; A22C 18/00; A22C 21/00. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3268 Patents Granted Under Section 34 The number of a patent is given in heavy type; the letter S preceding the number indicates a short-term patent. The code numbers following the title of each invention are those of the International Patent Classification. The date of filing the application follows the proprietor’s name. The patent application number, which follows the date of application in parenthesis, has been superseded by the patent number. In the case of an application claiming the priority of an earlier application, the name of the country where the earlier application was made and the date of the earlier application are shown in square brackets. By virtue of Section 65(3), the application relating to any short-term patent appearing in the following list whose date of filing is later than the date which is 18 months prior to the date of this issue of the Journal becomes open to public inspection as and from the date of this issue of the Journal. 86668 Structural panel and a building structure formed therefrom. Int. Cl. (2016.01) E04B 1/00; E04C 2/00. BRENDAN MCCREA 14 April 2011 (20110183) [United Kingdom-14 April 2010] S86669 A pipe alignment system. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B23K 37/00; F16L 3/00. CYRIL CONDELL 29 April 2016 (S20160118) [Ireland-30 April 2015] S86670 A chimney sweep brush for difficult bends and various diameters of flue pipes. Int. Cl. (2016.01) F23J 3/00. ALEX FULLERTON 12 May 2015 (S20150148) S86671 A control method, device and system for a vehicle. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B60R 25/00. TRACKNSTOP LIMITED 12 March 2015 (S20150072) [European Patent Office (EPO)-13 March 2014 European Patent Office (EPO)-06 May 2014 Ireland-06 May 2014 United States of America-06 May 2014] S86672 Automatically pairing unit for magnet group. Int. Cl. (2016.01) H01F 41/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150249) [China-14 August 2014] S86673 Screwdriver. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B25B 23/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150250) [China-24 August 2014] S86674 Sampling unit for concentrates preparation device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B01D 1/00; B01D 3/00; G01N 1/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150254) [China-28 November 2014] S86675 Bar confluence rod for concentrates preparation device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B01D 1/00; B01D 3/00; F28B 9/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150256) [China-28 November 2014] S86676 Sampling unit for concentrates preparation device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B01D 1/00; B01D 3/00; G01N 1/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150260) [China-30 November 2014] S86677 Boiler for concentrates preparation device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B01D 1/00; B01D 3/00; F28B 1/00; F28B 9/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150261) [China28 November 2014] 3269 27/07/2016 S86678 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Concentrates preparation device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B01D 1/00; B01D 3/00; F28B 1/00; F28B 9/00. GONG ZHU 11 August 2015 (S20150263) [China-28 November 2014] S86679 Method for transferring fluid. Int. Cl. (2016.01) F04B 1/00; F04B 17/00. GONG ZHU 10 September 2015 (S20150303) [China-15 November 2014] S86680 Cartridge for fluid transfer device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) F02B 33/00; F01B 1/00; F04B 1/00. GONG ZHU 10 September 2015 (S20150307) [China-15 November 2014] S86681 Triggering wheel for fluid transfer device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) F01B 1/00; F04B 1/00; F02B 33/00. GONG ZHU 10 September 2015 (S20150310) [China-15 November 2014] S86682 Fluid transfer device. Int. Cl. (2016.01) F04B 1/00; F04B 17/00; F04B 19/00. GONG ZHU 10 September 2015 (S20150325) [China-15 November 2014] 86683 A powder transfer system. Int. Cl. (2016.01) B65G 53/00; F16L 37/00. PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIMITED 01 May 2015 (20150132) [Ireland-07 May 2014] S86684 Helmet for motorcyclists and for people who engage in extreme activities. Int. Cl. (2016.01) A42B 3/00. ALEXANDR ALEXANDROVICH KOLOTOV 20 October 2015 (S20150379) 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3270 Patents Granted Under European Patent Convention Designating Ireland The Irish serial number appears first followed, respectively, by the proprietor’s name, the date of filing of the application, the filing number and the European Patent Office publication number. If the specification of the European patent was published in French or German the word ‘French’ or ‘German’, as appropriate, will appear as the last item of information. Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 26/16, dated 29th June 2016 0881221 JNC Corporation 30/06/1997 0881221 97928518.6 1062507 Wardlaw Partners LP 22/02/1999 1062507 99909542.5 Wardlaw, Stephen Clark Levine, Robert A. Becton Dickinson and Company 1094677 ALCATEL LUCENT 09/10/2000 1094677 00308864.8 1103123 ITXC, Inc. 22/07/1999 1103123 99937464.8 1132562 HAUTAU GmbH 06/03/2001 1132562 01105614.0 1151378 Oracle America, Inc. 20/01/2000 1151378 00904411.6 1250559 Serck Heat Transfer Limited 11/01/2001 1250559 01942706.1 1255220 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 30/04/2002 1255220 02009765.5 1322555 LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 27/08/2001 1322555 01962973.2 German 1322588 Mittelbach, Martin 05/10/2001 1322588 01971467.4 German 03/01/2003 1327742 03100002.9 German German BDI - BioEnergy International AG Koncar, Michael 1327742 Hunter Douglas Industries Switzerland GmbH 1357765 LG Electronics, Inc. 16/01/2003 1357765 03000660.5 1375545 Vencorex France 04/11/1998 1375545 03020852.4 1407795 Optinose AS 12/06/2002 1407795 04000919.3 1421385 DiscoveRx Corporation 27/08/2002 1421385 02797782.6 1441591 NorthWest Biotherapeutics, Inc. 06/09/2002 1441591 02761594.7 1442920 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 07/01/2004 1442920 04090003.7 1447665 Bayer HealthCare LLC 31/01/2004 1447665 04002141.2 1452192 Smiths Group plc 22/01/2004 1452192 04250319.3 1456863 ABB S.p.A. 16/12/2002 1456863 02798342.8 1461031 Emisphere Technologies, Inc. 29/11/2002 1461031 02789934.3 1469781 Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc. 20/12/2002 1469781 02794411.5 1471322 Linde AG 22/01/2004 1471322 04001346.8 French German German 3271 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1491989 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 28/05/2004 1491989 04012760.7 1495400 Citrix Systems, Inc. 18/04/2002 1495400 02746314.0 1504574 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 13/05/2003 1504574 03728910.5 1507133 Endress + Hauser GmbH + Co. KG 27/05/2004 1507133 04012545.2 German 1507885 KHS Corpoplast GmbH 09/05/2003 1507885 03724886.1 German 1508203 MediaTek Inc. 29/04/2003 1508203 03756163.6 1515213 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 13/12/2000 1515213 04026830.2 1518293 Firefly Energy Inc. 22/05/2003 1518293 03761909.5 1521069 MAZeT GmbH 28/09/2004 1521069 04023051.8 1528751 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 27/09/2004 1528751 04022989.0 1532108 Cardax Pharma, Inc. 29/07/2003 1532108 03772051.3 1541967 SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE 06/12/2004 1541967 04292889.5 1555967 Otto Bock HealthCare LP 03/11/2003 1555967 03781730.1 1557478 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 27/10/2003 1557478 03758954.6 15/12/2004 1559676 04029633.7 German French Corporation 1559676 Boehringer Ingelheim microParts German GmbH 1563644 Cisco Technology, Inc. 16/10/2003 1563644 03776448.7 1569358 Qualcomm Incorporated 28/02/2005 1569358 05251166.4 1570205 Stanley Works (Europe) GmbH 09/12/2003 1570205 03815101.5 French 1570241 Endress + Hauser Flowtec AG 02/12/2003 1570241 03767719.2 German 1570252 KLA-Tencor Technologies Corporation 25/11/2003 1570252 03796492.1 1573754 NXP B.V. 05/12/2003 1573754 03775734.1 1575475 The Trustees Of The University Of 07/10/2003 1575475 03770683.5 Pennsylvania 1589485 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 04/04/2005 1589485 05075776.4 1589722 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 13/04/2005 1589722 05102901.5 1592950 Endress + Hauser Flowtec AG 12/02/2004 1592950 04710381.7 1593251 Cisco Technology, Inc. 30/01/2004 1593251 04707069.3 1597842 Sony Corporation 11/02/2004 1597842 04710079.7 1598878 LG Display Co., Ltd. 17/05/2005 1598878 05010624.4 1603161 LG Display Co., Ltd. 28/05/2005 1603161 05011550.0 1606356 LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 04/03/2004 1606356 04717054.3 1607184 Black & Decker Inc. 16/05/2005 1607184 05010566.7 1615884 LEK Pharmaceuticals d.d. 09/04/2004 1615884 04726842.0 1616052 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 14/10/2003 1616052 03814605.6 1625133 Evonik Degussa GmbH 03/05/2004 1625133 04730867.1 German German 27/07/2016 1637092 Patents Office Journal Angiomed GmbH & Co. (No. 2312) 29/04/2002 1637092 05020913.9 16/07/2004 1648971 04778349.3 3272 Medizintechnik KG 1648971 HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 1657935 SISVEL International S.A. 16/02/2000 1657935 05077436.3 1662849 VALEO VISION 18/11/2005 1662849 05292453.7 French 1668304 MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG 26/08/2004 1668304 04764516.3 German 1674487 Akzo Nobel Coatings International B.V. 16/12/2005 1674487 05077909.9 1679104 Jetta Company Limited 09/08/2000 1679104 06006276.7 FEKETE, Ferenc 1680403 Genzyme Corporation 29/10/2004 1680403 04793685.1 1682981 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 28/10/2004 1682981 04796870.6 1683396 OL Security Limited Liability Company 08/11/2004 1683396 04810590.2 1687392 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering 05/11/2004 1687392 04810490.5 Company 1687664 Baer, Eric 16/09/2004 1687664 04784271.1 1690472 Grass GmbH 13/02/2006 1690472 06002807.3 1691036 Nuovo Pignone S.p.A. 20/12/2005 1691036 05257845.7 1692784 Awarepoint Corporation 09/12/2004 1692784 04813606.3 German Smith, Derek Adams, James Nierenberg, Nicolas Baker, Joseph 1695591 Widex A/S 24/11/2003 1695591 03773590.9 1702238 Seiko Epson Corporation 05/01/2005 1702238 05705150.0 1702253 Intel Corporation 23/12/2004 1702253 04815690.5 1707065 adidas International Marketing B.V. 29/03/2006 1707065 06006532.3 1713405 SPINEGUARD 11/02/2005 1713405 05717627.3 1713904 Shire Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited 30/01/2005 1713904 05700618.1 1726449 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 28/06/2005 1726449 05755733.2 1727653 L&P PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 09/03/2005 1727653 05729243.5 French COMPANY 1727874 CSP Technologies, Inc. 04/03/2005 1727874 05724696.9 1730505 Université Montpellier II 04/03/2005 1730505 05736918.3 French German Compagnie Gervais Danone 1732332 Vodafone Holding GmbH 22/05/2006 1732332 06010483.3 1734902 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 21/01/2005 1734902 05705961.0 3273 27/07/2016 1738349 Patents Office Journal Hauttecoeur, Philippe (No. 2312) 08/04/2005 1738349 05753728.4 French Rostan, Hervé 1743010 Honeywell International Inc. 29/04/2005 1743010 05762118.7 1743623 L'Oréal 10/07/2006 1743623 06116879.5 1744331 TDK Corporation 31/03/2005 1744331 05728033.1 1744708 Acclarent, Inc. 21/04/2005 1744708 05778834.1 1746942 Boston Scientific Limited 25/01/2005 1746942 05712001.6 1747621 Qualcomm, Incorporated 29/04/2005 1747621 05744360.8 1749316 Northwestern University 26/01/2005 1749316 05726476.4 1749843 KE KELIT Kunststoffwerk Gesellschaft 26/07/2006 1749843 06450107.5 French German m.b.H. 1752183 Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 31/07/2006 1752183 06254008.3 1754999 FUJIFILM Corporation 25/07/2006 1754999 06015449.9 1758560 Richter Gedeon Nyrt. 27/05/2005 1758560 05743447.4 1759521 Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. 12/05/2005 1759521 05748340.6 1761146 GE Lighting Solutions, LLC 24/05/2005 1761146 05754448.8 1773979 Acea Biosciences, Inc. 04/08/2005 1773979 05786773.1 1775385 Küpper-Weisser GmbH 13/10/2005 1775385 05022390.8 1776389 Lipoxen Technologies Limited 12/08/2005 1776389 05794259.1 1778162 Ashland Specialties France 05/08/2005 1778162 05796270.6 1779492 Criswell, David R. 18/07/2005 1779492 05857892.3 1782828 Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 19/07/2005 1782828 05762058.5 1783285 Viega GmbH & Co. KG 02/11/2006 1783285 06123365.6 1789296 Knorr-Bremse Systems for Commercial 02/09/2005 1789296 05776263.5 German German French German Vehicles Limited 1790144 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 09/08/2005 1790144 05782902.0 German 1793157 Xylem IP Holdings LLC 24/11/2006 1793157 06124783.9 1796557 Aesculap AG 28/09/2005 1796557 05786845.7 German 1798735 Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH 05/12/2006 1798735 06025061.0 German 1809480 Xaar Technology Limited 11/07/2005 1809480 05761560.1 1825558 United Monolithic Semiconductor 07/12/2005 1825558 05815909.6 French S.A.S. 1833660 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 29/12/2004 1833660 04806227.7 1839022 Valmet Technologies, Inc. 17/01/2006 1839022 06701230.2 1843155 Merck Patent GmbH 12/03/2007 1843155 07005043.0 1843910 Henniges Automotive Sealing Systems 21/12/2005 1843910 05850741.9 13/12/2005 1844420 05853926.3 North America, Inc. 1844420 Deere & Company German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1847869 HOYA CORPORATION 25/10/2005 1847869 05799226.5 1849149 DLP Limited 16/02/2006 1849149 06709779.0 1851048 Solvay USA Inc. 09/02/2006 1851048 06720500.5 1851654 Entrust Datacard Corporation 13/01/2006 1851654 06718275.8 1855679 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 13/01/2006 1855679 06718443.2 1856534 IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. 24/02/2006 1856534 06736040.4 1857081 Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH 22/03/2007 1857081 07005857.3 1860488 LG Electronics Inc. 21/05/2007 1860488 07010056.5 1862239 Erich F. Baurmann Pneumatik 02/06/2006 1862239 06011537.5 3274 German German Hydraulik Industrieausrüstungen Dipl.-Ing. Swen Schröder Engineering GmbH 1867001 Duracell U.S. Operations, Inc. 30/03/2006 1867001 06740315.4 1867239 Taiyokagaku Co., Ltd. 08/03/2006 1867239 06728755.7 1870459 CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI 31/03/2006 1870459 06730751.2 KAISHA 1874738 Covalys Biosciences AG 25/04/2006 1874738 06754825.5 1875466 DTS LLC 21/04/2006 1875466 06751033.9 1876175 Teika Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 27/04/2006 1876175 06745731.7 1877644 Noetic Technologies Inc. 03/05/2006 1877644 06721876.8 1879049 Panasonic Intellectual Property 01/05/2006 1879049 06745922.2 Management Co., Ltd. 1881270 Riello S.p.A. 19/07/2007 1881270 07112781.5 1882164 Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG 04/05/2006 1882164 06755026.9 German 1882456 Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 20/07/2007 1882456 07014257.5 German 1883942 ABB S.p.A. 03/05/2006 1883942 06754985.7 1886530 Alcatel Lucent 19/05/2006 1886530 06770594.7 1893951 Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG 11/05/2006 1893951 06763121.8 1896214 Fontijne Grotnes B.V. 20/04/2006 1896214 06733012.6 1898587 ALCATEL LUCENT 08/09/2006 1898587 06291436.1 1898991 Impulse Dynamics NV 04/05/2006 1898991 06759102.4 1900294 Helms, Dr., Manfred 13/09/2007 1900294 07017999.9 1906186 Axis-Shield ASA 09/05/2002 1906186 07022651.9 1911207 Orange 28/07/2006 1911207 06778062.7 1914477 Valmet Technologies Oy 12/10/2007 1914477 07397033.7 1915839 Alcatel Lucent 04/08/2006 1915839 06800798.8 1918656 NuAire Limited 20/09/2007 1918656 07253725.1 1919103 Motorola Mobility LLC 02/11/2006 1919103 06301112.6 German German French 3275 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1920791 KCI Licensing Inc. 08/11/2000 1920791 07118523.5 1923456 Reckitt Benckiser Finish B.V. 11/10/2004 1923456 07076104.4 1924312 ResMed Limited 15/08/2006 1924312 06774816.0 1926378 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 29/08/2006 1926378 06777111.3 1929956 Biosense Webster, Inc. 07/12/2007 1929956 07254746.6 1930584 Hitachi, Ltd. 19/11/2007 1930584 07121058.7 1935279 L'Oréal 05/12/2007 1935279 07122332.5 1937312 Ercole Biotech, Inc. 29/08/2006 1937312 06802842.2 German French Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1944071 Smith & Loveless, Inc. 09/01/2008 1944071 08000287.6 1944282 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 25/10/2006 1944282 06822192.8 1945512 DuPont Teijin Films U.S. Limited 08/11/2006 1945512 06808477.1 Partnership 1948832 QIAGEN Gaithersburg, Inc. 07/11/2006 1948832 06846244.9 1949404 Mevion Medical Systems, Inc. 17/11/2006 1949404 06838033.6 1949894 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 23/01/2008 1949894 08001165.3 1951342 Becton Dickinson and Company 19/10/2006 1951342 06826219.5 1952097 Nanotec Solution 22/11/2006 1952097 06831154.7 1955472 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 01/12/2005 1955472 05817043.2 1958678 SALOMON S.A.S. 22/01/2008 1958678 08001077.0 French 1959127 Moog Unna GmbH 12/02/2008 1959127 08002516.6 German 1959287 Nikon Corporation 15/02/2008 1959287 08250543.9 1964232 ABB Technology Ltd 21/12/2005 1964232 05823899.9 1967683 Britdoors Group Limited 29/02/2008 1967683 08250705.4 1968997 GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB 19/12/2006 1968997 06835869.6 1972269 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 13/12/2007 1972269 07024174.0 German 1973863 RUAG Ammotec GmbH 18/12/2006 1973863 06841430.9 German 1979294 Koch Agronomic Services, LLC 12/01/2007 1979294 07709784.8 1980339 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 12/01/2007 1980339 07706692.6 16/04/2008 1983510 08007435.4 French Corporation ArcelorMittal 1983510 Kabushiki Kaisha Kawai Gakki Seisakusho 1984804 One2touch AS 02/02/2007 1984804 07709218.7 1986697 GE Healthcare Dharmacon, Inc. 16/02/2007 1986697 07751016.2 1990043 L'Oréal 30/04/2008 1990043 08155494.1 1991129 NanoVibronix Inc. 26/02/2007 1991129 07861247.0 1991995 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 16/02/2007 1991995 07704611.8 French German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1993342 Deere & Company 01/03/2007 1993342 07752055.9 1993350 Amycel, Inc. 03/08/2006 1993350 06789401.4 1995408 O.M.P. Officine Mazzocco Pagnoni 22/05/2007 1995408 07425310.5 3276 S.r.l. 1996539 CEM Corporation 07/03/2007 1996539 07752617.6 2001990 Handylab, Inc. 26/03/2007 2001990 07754084.7 2004196 Vistakon Pharmaceuticals, LLC 26/03/2007 2004196 07759365.5 2005064 Pyropure Limited 12/03/2007 2005064 07732000.0 2006002 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 23/02/2007 2006002 07713504.4 2007287 Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc. 30/03/2007 2007287 07722546.4 2007493 H.C. Starck GmbH 20/03/2007 2007493 07727130.2 German 2009600 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics 31/05/2008 2009600 08009998.9 German French Products GmbH 2010148 Galderma S.A. 18/04/2007 2010148 07731904.4 2011132 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 04/04/2007 2011132 07755013.5 2011790 Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. 28/03/2007 2011790 07740034.9 2013648 Xtera Communications, Inc. 02/02/2007 2013648 07749775.8 2016130 Borealis Technology OY 08/05/2007 2016130 07732701.3 2022211 AirMagnet, Inc. 30/04/2007 2022211 07776539.4 2024038 Nynas AB 10/05/2007 2024038 07748485.5 2029539 The Regents of the University of 13/03/2007 2029539 07753064.0 California 2030340 Alcatel Lucent 25/05/2007 2030340 07795375.0 2032244 L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme 25/05/2007 2032244 07766505.7 pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2037105 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 12/09/2008 2037105 08253019.7 2039993 KWB - Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse 16/09/2008 2039993 08450139.4 German Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2042026 CNH Industrial Belgium nv 28/09/2008 2042026 08165327.1 2048810 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 30/09/2008 2048810 08017194.5 2053118 Oilseeds Biorefinery Corporation 26/09/2008 2053118 08016943.6 2057614 Zen Technologies Limited 17/08/2007 2057614 07827535.1 2061323 BASF SE 02/10/2007 2061323 07820831.1 2061592 Evonik Degussa GmbH 25/05/2007 2061592 07729507.9 2062927 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 20/11/2007 2062927 07022467.0 2064153 Cerion LLC 04/09/2007 2064153 07814663.6 2068602 Ferrotec Corporation 27/09/2007 2068602 07828523.6 German 3277 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2070122 Lightwave Photonics Inc. 03/08/2007 2070122 07811040.0 2070242 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 01/10/2007 2070242 07835276.2 2071329 ENI S.p.A. 09/12/2008 2071329 08171049.3 2076908 BC Tech Holding AG 04/07/2007 2076908 07734996.7 German 2077935 Johnson Controls Interiors GmbH & 18/07/2007 2077935 07802382.7 German 21/01/2009 2080434 09250159.2 Co. KG 2080434 RHEON AUTOMATIC MACHINERY CO., LTD. 2082205 Rosemount Aerospace Inc. 19/09/2007 2082205 07814915.0 2083884 Becton Dickinson and Company 21/11/2007 2083884 07864731.0 2083929 Lekisport AG 13/11/2007 2083929 07816252.6 2085642 Deere & Company 21/11/2008 2085642 08169605.6 2086118 BlackBerry Limited 08/10/2003 2086118 09158669.3 2089380 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 17/10/2007 2089380 07819045.1 2089770 Brewer Science, Inc. 21/09/2007 2089770 07843009.7 2091472 Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation 20/11/2007 2091472 07845533.4 05/12/2007 2091624 07849687.4 22/02/2007 2094161 07709071.0 German German Hospital 2091624 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research 2094161 Vatech Co., Ltd. VATECH EWOO Holdings Co., Ltd. 2094957 BorgWarner, Inc. 30/10/2007 2094957 07854510.0 2095412 Kemet Japan CO., LTD. 13/12/2007 2095412 07850547.6 2096223 Albanese, Pino 26/02/2009 2096223 09405036.6 German 2097595 Dingler, Gerhard 01/12/2007 2097595 07846387.4 German 2101100 AGCO GmbH 03/03/2009 2101100 09154195.3 2102826 Intel Corporation 28/12/2007 2102826 07866114.7 2107421 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 01/04/2009 2107421 09004832.3 2107828 Sonion Nederland B.V. 02/04/2009 2107828 09157171.1 2108668 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 03/04/2009 2108668 09004986.7 2108948 Panasonic Healthcare Holdings Co., 08/12/2008 2108948 08859378.5 Ltd. 2109325 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27/02/2008 2109325 08715101.5 2109540 Hewlett-Packard Development 23/01/2008 2109540 08713936.6 Company, L.P. 2109996 I.P.Access Limited 11/02/2008 2109996 08708861.3 2111147 SUNNYBROOK HEALTH SCIENCE 21/01/2008 2111147 08706240.2 CENTRE 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3278 2112935 KCI Licensing, Inc. 20/02/2008 2112935 08725876.0 2113747 CLARION Co., Ltd. 28/04/2009 2113747 09158989.5 2114229 McAllan Innovations Limited 12/02/2008 2114229 08709383.7 2114969 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC 31/01/2008 2114969 08728658.9 2116358 SAAB AB 09/05/2008 2116358 08156005.4 2116924 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 28/02/2008 2116924 08720967.2 2118675 Omnisense Limited 31/12/2007 2118675 07848752.7 2119033 InterDigital Technology Corporation 07/03/2008 2119033 08726594.8 2119996 Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho 14/02/2008 2119996 08711251.2 2120091 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 08/05/2009 2120091 09006282.9 2120674 Boston Scientific Limited 11/02/2008 2120674 08729532.5 2120775 DENTSPLY Implants Manufacturing 08/01/2008 2120775 08706966.2 German 06/12/2007 2122783 07857279.9 German GmbH 2122783 Endress + Hauser Conducta GmbH + Co. KG 2122951 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 14/12/2007 2122951 07848102.5 2124984 União Brasileira De Educacão E 30/01/2008 2124984 08700478.4 Assistência - Sponsor Of Da Pucrs 2125835 3M Innovative Properties Company 21/11/2007 2125835 07845130.9 2126949 Robert Bosch GmbH 01/02/2008 2126949 08708551.0 2127466 Sonova AG 27/03/2007 2127466 07727410.8 2127475 Saint-Gobain Glass France 19/02/2008 2127475 08762118.1 2127679 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 25/05/2009 2127679 09006933.7 2127779 IHI Corporation 22/02/2008 2127779 08710454.3 2128931 Fujitsu Limited 16/03/2007 2128931 07738829.6 2129007 Fujitsu Limited 20/03/2007 2129007 07739175.3 2130793 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 26/03/2007 2130793 07739616.6 2137043 Renault SAS 02/04/2008 2137043 08788107.4 2137849 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 12/03/2008 2137849 08719286.0 2137864 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 03/04/2008 2137864 08724333.3 2138317 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 09/06/2009 2138317 09162237.3 2139289 Qualcomm Incorporated 05/05/2008 2139289 09172472.4 2141184 Air Water Inc. 12/10/2007 2141184 09011644.3 2142087 Nuvasive Inc. 03/04/2008 2142087 08742578.1 2144381 China Academy of Telecommunications 24/04/2008 2144381 08734154.1 German French French Technology 2144885 SANOFI 20/03/2008 2144885 08734683.9 2146371 Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 14/07/2009 2146371 09165373.3 German 3279 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2146620 Delaney, Conor P. 18/04/2008 2146620 08743119.3 2149953 General Electric Company 23/07/2009 2149953 09166197.5 2150578 Evonik Degussa GmbH 06/05/2008 2150578 08750090.6 2151152 Material Innovations, Inc. 22/05/2008 2151152 08769627.4 2152395 W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. 22/04/2008 2152395 08743183.9 2152409 Saudi Basic Industries Corporation 23/04/2008 2152409 08735374.4 2152465 TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH 18/04/2008 2152465 08734485.9 German 01/08/2009 2154027 09009964.9 German + Co. KG 2154027 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2154740 Tesla Motors, Inc. 12/05/2006 2154740 09174975.4 2155062 MEDTRONIC, INC. 25/04/2008 2155062 08746851.8 2158639 Intel Corporation 16/05/2008 2158639 08767748.0 2159951 Sony Corporation 23/07/2008 2159951 08778322.1 2160958 LINAK A/S 08/09/2009 2160958 09011491.9 2162381 KHS GmbH 15/05/2008 2162381 08758526.1 2162999 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 04/07/2007 2162999 07769038.6 2164233 Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. 20/04/2009 2164233 09251130.2 2164347 DSM IP Assets B.V. 10/07/2008 2164347 08774976.8 2164687 Pynt, David 03/07/2008 2164687 08772609.7 2166298 Voith Patent GmbH 16/09/2009 2166298 09170441.1 2167929 Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB 10/07/2008 2167929 08767110.3 2169313 Alstom Technology Ltd 23/09/2009 2169313 09171054.1 2169579 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 14/09/2009 2169579 09011718.5 2170616 Brady Worldwide, Inc. 22/07/2008 2170616 08782176.5 2171348 Cambridge International, Inc. 16/07/2008 2171348 08794509.3 German German German LSI Industries, Inc. 2173458 Donaldson Company, Inc. 17/07/2008 2173458 08781975.1 2175583 FUJITSU LIMITED 15/09/2009 2175583 09170318.1 2177078 Tridonic GmbH & Co KG 31/07/2008 2177078 08785259.6 German German Tridonic Jennersdorf GmbH 2178469 Otto Bock Healthcare GmbH 25/07/2008 2178469 08801081.4 2178695 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc. 21/08/2008 2178695 08795510.0 2182222 CNH Industrial Italia S.p.A. 02/11/2009 2182222 09174725.3 2183708 Nokia Technologies Oy 15/08/2008 2183708 08787279.2 2184023 ZIMMER SPINE 07/11/2008 2184023 08305790.1 2184421 Rubner, Günter 09/11/2009 2184421 09014020.3 German 2184435 Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 07/11/2008 2184435 08019499.6 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2184548 Robert Bosch GmbH 05/11/2009 2184548 09175076.0 2186514 Kinki University 14/11/2008 2186514 08169136.2 2188306 Janssen Biotech, Inc. 04/08/2008 2188306 08782610.3 2191084 Haritou, Christos Sotirious 04/08/2008 2191084 08788629.7 26/10/2009 2192821 09013471.9 3280 German Rhodes, John Harry Fada, Alan Fada, Ian Gimiel 2192821 Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2193762 Barone, Hector Daniel 17/09/2009 2193762 09011846.4 2194143 University of Southampton 02/05/2007 2194143 10150772.1 28/08/2008 2195360 08798832.5 Auckland Uniservices Limited 2195360 PRC-DESOTO INTERNATIONAL, INC. 2196577 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 20/11/2009 2196577 09176618.8 2198481 Tyco Fire & Security GmbH 08/10/2008 2198481 08837194.3 2201874 Wolf PVG GmbH & Co. KG 19/11/2009 2201874 09176470.4 2202817 LG Display Co., Ltd. 04/11/2009 2202817 09175020.8 2203696 Raytheon Company 15/09/2008 2203696 08799538.7 2204562 General Electric Company 16/12/2009 2204562 09179380.2 2204779 NCR Corporation 25/09/2009 2204779 09171341.2 2204810 inMusic Brands, Inc. 29/09/2008 2204810 08843883.3 2205733 INSERM (Institut National de la Santé 30/09/2008 2205733 08804927.5 German German et de la Recherche Médicale) 2206089 Metaio GmbH 23/09/2008 2206089 08802539.0 2206775 Chugai Seiyaku Kabushiki Kaisha 26/09/2008 2206775 08833735.7 2209830 University of Florida Research 29/10/2008 2209830 08843812.2 13/11/2008 2209969 08851470.8 German Foundation, Inc. 2209969 Bosch Mahle Turbo Systems GmbH & German Co. KG 2210211 COGNEX CORPORATION 12/11/2008 2210211 08851025.0 2212928 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 13/11/2008 2212928 08851397.3 2214360 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 30/10/2008 2214360 08845241.2 2214443 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20/04/2009 2214443 09735628.1 2215769 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 30/11/2007 2215769 07852199.4 2215794 Nokia Technologies Oy 17/10/2008 2215794 08807238.4 2218249 Evolving Systems, Inc. 05/11/2008 2218249 08857127.8 2218326 Cosnet 16/02/2010 2218326 10305156.1 French 3281 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2218431 Covidien AG 09/04/2008 2218431 10165217.0 2219862 Saint-Gobain Glass France 05/12/2008 2219862 08860007.7 2221985 Sony Corporation 20/07/2006 2221985 10163972.2 2222138 Panasonic Intellectual Property 26/10/2009 2222138 09013463.6 Management Co., Ltd. 2223082 Paris, Laurence 18/12/2008 2223082 08863935.6 2224291 National University Corporation Kyoto 21/11/2008 2224291 08851644.8 French Institute of Technology 2225339 Dow Global Technologies LLC 18/12/2008 2225339 08861056.3 2226145 F. J. Pfeffer Formenbau GmbH 23/02/2010 2226145 10001822.5 2227002 FotoNation Limited 30/01/2009 2227002 10164430.0 2228299 Airbus Defence and Space GmbH 09/03/2010 2228299 10155932.6 German 2229493 Kiekert Aktiengesellschaft 03/11/2008 2229493 08844980.6 German 2229698 Tridonic Jennersdorf GmbH 22/12/2008 2229698 08870065.3 2230636 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 25/02/2010 2230636 10154651.3 2231324 Dow Technology Investments LLC 08/12/2008 2231324 08873382.9 2234256 Linear Technology Corporation 26/03/2010 2234256 10158030.6 2234839 Gentherm Incorporated 30/01/2009 2234839 09706444.8 2235229 ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG 21/01/2009 2235229 09704868.0 German 2237734 Université Joseph Fourier 09/02/2009 2237734 09711266.8 French 2237947 L'OREAL, S.A. 30/01/2009 2237947 09707106.2 2238013 H Grossman Limited 31/10/2008 2238013 08871938.0 2239966 ZTE Corporation 23/01/2009 2239966 09705510.7 2242146 EFEN GmbH 15/04/2010 2242146 10160092.2 2242518 Manna, Emanuela 05/12/2008 2242518 08856170.9 German German Santarelli, Maria Teresa 2243575 Showa Denko K.K. 17/12/2008 2243575 08861357.5 2244013 Lam, Kwong Yung 29/04/2008 2244013 08734204.4 2244310 Nichia Corporation 27/01/2009 2244310 09708602.9 2246562 Senvion GmbH 07/04/2010 2246562 10159264.0 2247772 Seco Tools AB 19/02/2009 2247772 09711935.8 2247981 University Of Southampton 09/02/2009 2247981 09711493.8 2248574 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 26/02/2009 2248574 09716136.8 2248869 Merck Patent GmbH 16/08/2006 2248869 10008854.1 2249784 Colgate-Palmolive Company 28/03/2008 2249784 08732990.0 2249983 ROTELEC 17/12/2007 2249983 07872391.3 2250833 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 30/01/2008 2250833 08705382.3 2251407 Eppendorf AG 12/05/2009 2251407 09006409.8 German German French 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3282 2251499 Combimix AB 06/05/2010 2251499 10162106.8 2253819 Honeywell International Inc. 07/05/2010 2253819 10162365.0 2254731 Atlas Copco BLM S.r.l. 12/03/2009 2254731 09723346.4 2255159 THALES 16/03/2009 2255159 09721635.2 French 2255595 Roctool 17/03/2009 2255595 09729604.0 French 2256340 Wobben Properties GmbH 12/04/2002 2256340 10174991.9 German 2259913 Airbus 05/03/2009 2259913 09722662.5 French 2260003 Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG 03/04/2009 2260003 09727160.5 German 2260651 Qualcomm Incorporated 27/03/2009 2260651 09727896.4 2261172 Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National 25/03/2009 2261172 09728372.5 Corporation INPEX Corporation JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd. Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. Nippon Steel Engineering Co., Ltd. CHIYODA CORPORATION 2262114 Dolby International AB 08/08/2002 2262114 10179636.5 2262233 LG ELECTRONICS INC. 26/05/2010 2262233 10005469.1 2263834 Govoni S.r.l. 23/02/2010 2263834 10154416.1 2265146 Montaigu Developpement 17/04/2009 2265146 09745966.3 French 2265420 Robert Bosch GmbH 18/11/2008 2265420 08873254.0 German 2265701 The Procter & Gamble Company 07/04/2009 2265701 09730924.9 2265768 Mabeomat Produktionstechnik Gmbh 06/03/2009 2265768 09719484.9 2266921 Nitto Denko Corporation 31/03/2009 2266921 09733142.5 2267239 Pergo (Europe) AB 27/09/1999 2267239 10009379.8 2269799 Lonstroff AG 01/07/2009 2269799 09008607.5 2270022 Celgene International Sarl 16/03/2004 2270022 10178245.6 2271105 Panasonic Intellectual Property 16/04/2003 2271105 10181711.2 Corporation of America 2271403 Medtronic, Inc 14/01/2009 2271403 09731027.0 2271767 CB Biotechnologies, Inc. 03/04/2009 2271767 09727817.0 2274442 The Trustees Of The University Of 06/04/2009 2274442 09727698.4 Pennsylvania 2276412 Synthes GmbH 07/05/2009 2276412 09743686.9 2276812 Wright Advanced Asphalt Systems 28/04/2009 2276812 09739157.7 2278389 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 30/03/2009 2278389 09734162.2 2278723 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. 31/05/2010 2278723 10164419.3 German German 3283 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2279476 QUALCOMM Incorporated 07/04/2009 2279476 09731371.2 2279480 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 24/03/2009 2279480 09761528.0 2280150 Rolls-Royce Corporation 27/07/2010 2280150 10170964.0 2281058 Opko Ireland Global Holdings, Ltd. 02/04/2009 2281058 09729007.6 German Opko Renal, LLC 2281779 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 21/07/2010 2281779 10170302.3 2282060 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 17/07/2002 2282060 10011092.3 2282071 JTEKT CORPORATION 04/08/2010 2282071 10171834.4 25/03/2010 2282318 10003182.2 Koyo Machine Industries Co., Ltd. 2282318 Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2286000 Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 14/05/2009 2286000 09746254.3 2286975 Moriyama Company Ltd. 31/10/2008 2286975 08874540.1 2287124 Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited 28/05/2009 2287124 09766512.9 2289503 University of Tennessee Research 05/12/2002 2289503 10075696.4 Foundation 2290198 Honeywell International Inc. 05/08/2010 2290198 10172023.3 2290911 Ericsson Inc. 10/03/2003 2290911 10180920.0 2291058 Young Lighting Technology Inc. 20/07/2010 2291058 10007533.2 2291714 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 19/06/2009 2291714 09766760.4 2292976 LOI Thermprocess GmbH 06/08/2010 2292976 10172233.8 German 2293255 Audi AG 04/08/2010 2293255 10008119.9 German 2293752 ConvaTec Technologies Inc. 08/05/2009 2293752 09742356.0 2295348 Krones AG 24/08/2010 2295348 10173834.2 2296393 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31/07/2009 2296393 09804480.3 2297391 Cimpress Schweiz GmbH 14/01/2009 2297391 09703028.2 2298468 Otto Bihler Handels-Beteiligungs- 04/05/2010 2298468 10161861.9 German German GmbH 2298719 Arkema France 22/12/2008 2298719 11150388.4 2299509 Hodogaya Chemical Co., Ltd. 15/05/2009 2299509 09746681.7 2299853 KHS GmbH 19/05/2009 2299853 09761374.9 German 2301115 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 14/07/2009 2301115 09777174.5 German 2302293 VALEO VISION 24/09/2010 2302293 10179136.6 French 2302350 Thermo Shandon Ltd 23/09/2010 2302350 10178822.2 2304447 ABB Research Ltd. 22/07/2008 2304447 08786336.1 2304704 TomTom International B.V. 29/06/2009 2304704 09772406.6 2305072 Steelcase Inc. 04/06/2004 2305072 10075632.9 2305563 Krones AG 14/08/2010 2305563 10008495.3 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3284 2305942 Metaco Inc. 01/05/2009 2305942 09762341.7 2306023 Soderstrom, Harry 21/09/2010 2306023 10178055.9 2306161 Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. 17/06/2010 2306161 10166382.1 2307184 Krones AG 08/07/2009 2307184 09780296.1 2308383 Covidien LP 08/10/2010 2308383 10251776.0 2309318 Merck Patent GmbH 03/02/2009 2309318 10013870.0 2310565 Trevil S.r.l. 17/07/2009 2310565 09797600.5 2311707 Audi AG 18/09/2010 2311707 10009872.2 German 2312101 Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 11/10/2010 2312101 10187170.5 German 2312242 Hoshizaki Denki Kabushiki Kaisha 21/07/2009 2312242 09806632.7 2313301 Hydro-Gear Limited Partnership 21/07/2009 2313301 09800862.6 2313683 OSRAM GmbH 21/07/2009 2313683 09780866.1 2314532 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 21/10/2010 2314532 10188420.3 2314957 Hanon Systems 14/05/2010 2314957 10775120.8 2314998 Fuchino Co., Ltd. 30/07/2009 2314998 09803015.8 2316190 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 20/08/2009 2316190 09808406.4 2316204 Intel Corporation 05/08/2009 2316204 09808593.9 2316331 Dexcom, Inc. 08/12/2004 2316331 10193214.3 2316732 Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 25/10/2010 2316732 10188777.6 2317521 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 21/07/2009 2317521 09798010.6 German German Tokyo Metropolitan University 2319266 NEC Corporation 01/09/2009 2319266 09778246.0 2319297 GEA Mechanical Equipment GmbH 02/11/2010 2319297 10189611.6 German 2320001 Albanese, Pino 13/09/2010 2320001 10405169.3 German 2320139 Korea Atomic Energy Research 26/03/2009 2320139 09156341.1 13/10/2010 2322688 10251791.9 Institute Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. 2322688 Kojima Press Industry Co., Ltd. ULVAC, INC. 2322996 Nivarox-FAR S.A. 19/10/2010 2322996 10187974.0 2323017 QUALCOMM Incorporated 23/03/2006 2323017 11156827.5 2323891 Sika Technology AG 12/08/2009 2323891 09806431.4 2326083 Panasonic Intellectual Property 14/10/2009 2326083 09820434.0 French Management Co., Ltd. 2326869 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 04/09/2009 2326869 09787096.8 2327096 Cobolt AB 26/08/2009 2327096 09782208.4 2327608 Robert Bosch GmbH 23/11/2010 2327608 10192236.7 German 3285 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2329675 Nokia Technologies Oy 23/09/2009 2329675 09815741.5 2329802 The University of Electro- 16/09/2009 2329802 09816226.6 07/04/2003 2330113 10182139.5 17/11/2010 2330793 10191479.4 Communications Ehime University 2330113 THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 2330793 Chalk Media Service Corp. BlackBerry Limited 2330892 Horizon Therapeutics, Inc. 07/01/2009 2330892 09739263.3 2331551 Evotec International GmbH 24/08/2009 2331551 09782115.1 2331831 Robert Bosch GmbH 28/08/2009 2331831 09782342.1 German Autoliv Development AB Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH TRW Automotive GmbH Audi AG Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2332092 Visa International Service Association 22/09/2009 2332092 09815367.9 2333519 Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung 27/10/2010 2333519 10075722.8 German GmbH 2333827 International Rectifier Corporation 03/12/2010 2333827 10015288.3 2333949 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 11/12/2009 2333949 09178903.2 2333950 Technische Universiteit Delft 30/11/2010 2333950 10193086.5 2334310 Pluristem Ltd. 01/09/2009 2334310 09737161.1 2335260 ABB S.p.A. 28/09/2009 2335260 09736164.6 2337381 Fujitsu Limited 09/10/2008 2337381 08877271.0 2337693 Compagnie Générale des 31/07/2009 2337693 09818159.7 Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2337903 Basys Ag 19/10/2009 2337903 09743929.3 German 2338207 SMARTRAC TECHNOLOGY GmbH 25/09/2009 2338207 09783437.8 German 2339068 Movares Nederland B.V. 15/12/2010 2339068 10195229.9 2339845 NCR Corporation 01/12/2010 2339845 10193383.6 2339943 Imarc S.p.A. 19/10/2009 2339943 09748733.4 2340319 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 07/09/2009 2340319 09782706.7 2342904 Bose Corporation 06/10/2009 2342904 09793318.8 2343234 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 08/09/2009 2343234 09817623.3 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2343434 Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 28/03/2008 2343434 11159483.4 2343708 Nexsan Technologies Limited 16/12/2009 2343708 11001165.7 2345098 Duracell U.S. Operations, Inc. 09/11/2009 2345098 09752073.8 2345595 Papiersackfabrik Tenax GmbH & Co. 13/01/2011 2345595 11150861.0 3286 German KG 2346933 Eurocell Profiles, Ltd. 30/10/2009 2346933 09756278.9 2347745 Matunaga Manufactory Co. Ltd. 28/10/2009 2347745 09824725.7 2347870 FRIMO Group GmbH 25/01/2010 2347870 10000697.2 2347975 Ryukakusan Co. Ltd. 19/11/2008 2347975 08878253.7 2348113 DSM IP Assets B.V. 16/08/2004 2348113 10184019.7 2348219 Grundfos Management A/S 25/01/2010 2348219 10000704.6 2348257 Panasonic Corporation 14/12/2009 2348257 09834343.7 2348624 Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. 01/09/2010 2348624 10174947.1 2349485 Etienne, Marie-Christine 21/10/2009 2349485 09743913.7 2350213 Hewlett-Packard Development 05/11/2008 2350213 08878038.2 German German French Company, L.P. 2350353 Norsk Hydro ASA 26/10/2009 2350353 09823878.5 2350703 VAISALA OYJ 27/11/2008 2350703 08878372.5 2351028 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC 23/10/2009 2351028 09747953.9 2351715 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 09/09/2009 2351715 09812883.8 2351991 Garmin Switzerland GmbH 27/01/2011 2351991 11152319.7 2353981 SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION 18/01/2011 2353981 11151236.4 2354481 MAHLE International GmbH 02/02/2011 2354481 11153000.2 2354735 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 19/01/2011 2354735 11151334.7 2355950 Rosen Swiss AG 23/11/2009 2355950 09771702.9 2356269 Janssen Biotech, Inc. 27/10/2009 2356269 09824067.4 2356533 Linear Technology Corporation 25/11/2008 2356533 08876475.8 2356777 Citrix Systems, Inc. 12/11/2009 2356777 09752981.2 2357195 Tissue Therapies Limited 05/02/2004 2357195 10191855.5 2357472 National University Corporation 20/11/2009 2357472 09827386.5 German German German Hokkaido University 2360429 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 08/02/2011 2360429 11153644.7 2360459 Seiko Epson Corporation 18/01/2011 2360459 11151230.7 2361081 McNeil AB 13/10/2009 2361081 09820843.2 2362031 Van Lit, Adrianus 30/09/2010 2362031 10012100.3 2362138 United Technologies Corporation 18/02/2011 2362138 11250192.9 2363864 GIGA SOLAR MATERIALS 11/02/2011 2363864 11154145.4 CORPORATION German 3287 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2364758 Japan Atomic Energy Agency 28/09/2009 2364758 11166870.3 2365057 Rohm and Haas Company 14/02/2011 2365057 11154272.6 2365388 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 07/11/2005 2365388 11163764.1 2365910 OCE-Technologies B.V. 04/11/2009 2365910 09747830.9 2366357 Covidien LP 17/03/2011 2366357 11250331.3 2366555 Sigloch Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. 15/03/2011 2366555 11002130.0 German KG 2367513 Acclarent, Inc. 23/12/2009 2367513 09801632.2 2367963 Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 06/11/2009 2367963 09827818.7 2368531 Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc. 20/08/2007 2368531 11171379.8 2372195 Fuji Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 23/03/2011 2372195 11159406.5 2375280 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 07/11/2005 2375280 11163767.4 2375536 Makita Corporation 30/03/2011 2375536 11160463.3 2375950 Humán Higiéniai Kft. 05/01/2010 2375950 10701260.1 2376811 Allison Transmission, Inc. 07/01/2010 2376811 10731960.0 2376913 Technion Research & Development 10/01/2010 2376913 10705440.5 Foundation Ltd. 2382029 Alstom Technology Ltd 20/01/2010 2382029 10700749.4 2382518 Tescom Corporation 11/01/2010 2382518 10701058.9 2382989 Chung-Ang University Industry- 27/04/2011 2382989 11163914.2 German Academy Cooperation Foundation 2385795 Devicor Medical Products, Inc. 08/12/2009 2385795 09775453.5 2387559 AbbVie Inc. 15/01/2010 2387559 10701283.3 2388856 LG ELECTRONICS INC. 19/05/2011 2388856 11004159.7 2395391 NLT Technologies, Ltd. 09/06/2011 2395391 11169296.8 2396590 OSRAM GmbH 11/02/2010 2396590 10707236.5 2396618 Saab AB 16/02/2009 2396618 09840119.3 2396863 Roxtec AB 02/02/2010 2396863 10702127.1 2397177 Aptar Radolfzell GmbH 16/05/2011 2397177 11166167.4 German 2397731 Krones AG 18/04/2011 2397731 11162820.2 German 2398192 NEC Corporation 18/04/2011 2398192 11162870.7 2398554 Medtronic, Inc 13/01/2010 2398554 10700907.8 2402334 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 31/01/2007 2402334 11166220.1 2402722 Woelke Industrieelektronik GmbH 06/05/2011 2402722 11165127.9 2403306 Vodafone Holding GmbH 02/07/2010 2403306 10168318.3 2403592 Medtronic, Inc 26/02/2010 2403592 10708035.0 2403842 Studiengesellschaft Kohle MbH 02/03/2010 2403842 10714559.1 German 2404112 SERMETA 29/01/2010 2404112 10701549.7 French German German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2404631 Unisis Corp. 18/12/2009 2404631 09852303.8 2405905 SPI Pharma, INC. 09/03/2010 2405905 10742920.1 2406060 ShawCor Ltd. 12/03/2010 2406060 10750278.3 2406176 Sulvaris Inc. 09/03/2010 2406176 10750275.9 2406584 Renishaw PLC 01/03/2010 2406584 10709025.0 2407045 Ma, Oliver Joen-An 12/07/2011 2407045 11250655.5 2408298 BASF SE 12/03/2010 2408298 10707920.4 2410854 Council of Scientific & Industrial 23/03/2010 2410854 10717743.8 3288 Research 2412224 KAAZ Corporation 24/03/2010 2412224 10756141.7 2412703 Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 17/03/2010 2412703 10755940.3 2412727 University Of Tasmania Through The 12/02/2007 2412727 10194132.6 Menzies Research Institute 2412773 DIC Corporation 17/03/2010 2412773 10755933.8 2413530 ADVA Optical Networking SE 27/07/2010 2413530 10170944.2 2414057 Sam Sport And Marketing AG 24/03/2010 2414057 10716499.8 German 2414442 EREMA Engineering Recycling 30/03/2010 2414442 10714430.5 German Maschinen und Anlagen Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2414538 Leukocare AG 31/03/2010 2414538 10712939.7 2416342 Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC 15/11/2006 2416342 11182539.4 2416500 Honeywell International Inc. 21/07/2011 2416500 11174897.6 2417894 LG Electronics Inc. 06/07/2009 2417894 09847111.3 2418965 DSM IP Assets B.V. 15/10/2009 2418965 09740877.7 2419267 3M Innovative Properties Company 15/04/2010 2419267 10765201.8 2420526 The General Hospital Corporation 18/08/2006 2420526 11005081.2 2420876 Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable 26/02/2010 2420876 10737460.5 Company, Ltd. 2421223 IP Reservoir, LLC 24/04/2007 2421223 11176040.1 2421555 The University Of York 23/04/2010 2421555 10719953.1 15/04/2010 2421585 10717534.1 22/04/2010 2421592 10767795.7 06/05/2010 2422319 10720950.4 University Of Edinburgh 2421585 Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 2421592 Kurth, Paul Armour, Andrew Pressure Products Medical Supplies Inc. 2422319 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited German 3289 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2423447 General Electric Company 05/02/2010 2423447 10152810.7 2423501 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 08/08/2011 2423501 11176778.6 2424030 Sony Corporation 09/04/2010 2424030 10766967.3 2425684 Tridonic GmbH & Co KG 27/04/2010 2425684 10716534.2 2425886 Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH 06/09/2010 2425886 10290476.0 2425956 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 01/09/2011 2425956 11179761.9 2426165 Dai-Ichi Kogyo Seiyaku Co., Ltd. 02/04/2010 2426165 10769593.4 2428828 Tyco Electronics Svenska Holdings AB 13/09/2010 2428828 10009507.4 2429833 Compagnie Générale des 13/05/2009 2429833 09844733.7 German Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2430017 Madaus GmbH 14/05/2010 2430017 10721707.7 2430433 The Neothermal Energy Company 05/05/2010 2430433 10775282.6 2430877 FEW Fahrzeugelektrikwerk GmbH & 15/03/2011 2430877 11708275.0 German Co. KG 2431098 ABB K.K. 12/04/2010 2431098 10774799.0 2431523 Lithonplus GmbH & Co. KG 01/09/2011 2431523 11179731.2 2433033 Zephyros Inc. 17/05/2010 2433033 10720698.9 2433862 Airbus Operations, S.L. 21/05/2010 2433862 10724105.1 2433937 Purdue Pharma LP 29/08/2008 2433937 11188205.6 German Shionogi & Co., Ltd. 2433987 Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. 10/05/2010 2433987 10777519.9 2434987 Biomet Manufacturing, LLC 28/05/2010 2434987 10727548.9 2435093 Araclón Biotech, S. L. 26/05/2010 2435093 10724360.2 2435335 SARTORIUS STEDIM FMT SAS 25/05/2010 2435335 10728811.0 2438793 Qualcomm Incorporated 01/06/2010 2438793 10723882.6 2442089 General Electric Company 15/09/2011 2442089 11181469.5 2443275 Lenzing AG 03/05/2010 2443275 10723907.1 2443698 Endress+Hauser GmbH+Co. KG 19/05/2010 2443698 10722052.7 2443881 QUALCOMM Incorporated 17/03/2010 2443881 10711299.7 2444500 ARKRAY, Inc. 21/10/2011 2444500 11186208.2 2445558 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica 14/06/2010 2445558 10727359.1 GmbH 2445825 SIDEL S.p.A. con Socio Unico 26/10/2009 2445825 09748296.2 2447530 Gamesa Innovation & Technology, S.L. 18/10/2011 2447530 11008364.9 2448757 Dow Global Technologies LLC 01/07/2010 2448757 10730331.5 French German 27/07/2016 2450033 Patents Office Journal Baxter International Inc. (No. 2312) 24/12/2010 2450033 10252237.2 3290 Baxter Healthcare SA 2450658 MAHLE Behr France Hambach S.A.S 03/11/2010 2450658 10290592.4 German 2451489 Medizone International Inc. 05/07/2010 2451489 10796611.1 2452886 Adi Corporation S.A. 14/11/2011 2452886 11450142.2 German 2452896 CIMC Silvergreen GmbH 07/11/2011 2452896 11008823.4 German 12/11/2010 2453068 10191091.7 CIMC Vehicles Group Co., Ltd. 2453068 Cuhadaroglu Metal Sanayi Ve Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi 2453820 Orthohelix Surgical Designs, Inc. 15/07/2010 2453820 10800165.2 2454620 PSA Peugeot Citroën Automobiles S.A. 19/07/2010 2454620 10737841.6 2455430 Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd. 09/07/2010 2455430 10799788.4 2457637 Alstom Technology Ltd 24/11/2010 2457637 10192416.5 2457724 The Japan Wool Textile Co., Ltd. 24/02/2010 2457724 10802104.9 26/07/2010 2459226 10739386.0 German SABIC Global Technologies B.V. 2459226 Lipoxen Technologies Limited Baxalta Incorporated Baxalta GmbH 2459588 BioDics GmbH 27/07/2009 2459588 09776017.7 German 2459627 Covestro Deutschland AG 28/07/2010 2459627 10739302.7 German 2460554 Optinose AS 28/11/2007 2460554 12001127.5 2460621 Suzuki Co., Ltd 31/07/2009 2460621 09847830.8 Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. 2461105 Coprecitec, S.L. 01/12/2010 2461105 10382324.1 2461868 Schlosser, Michael 22/07/2010 2461868 10806138.3 2462275 DSM IP Assets B.V. 26/07/2010 2462275 10742120.8 2462385 Munster Simms Engineering Limited 07/09/2010 2462385 10752342.5 2463083 The Boeing Company 11/11/2011 2463083 11382345.4 2463312 Kyoto University 10/05/2010 2463312 10806168.0 2463504 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 06/08/2009 2463504 09848056.9 KAISHA 2464092 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 02/11/2011 2464092 11008736.8 2464207 Zoffoli, Andrea 04/08/2010 2464207 10763039.4 2464333 Debregeas Et Associes Pharma 11/08/2010 2464333 10761038.8 French 2464495 ABB AG 11/08/2010 2464495 10750036.5 German 2464532 Saint-Gobain Glass France 02/08/2010 2464532 10739917.2 German 2465334 Kjellberg Finsterwalde Plasma und 04/08/2010 2465334 10754676.4 German Maschinen GmbH 3291 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2465537 ONO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 09/10/2003 2465537 11010286.0 2465819 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 07/07/2010 2465819 10808063.1 2466835 ZTE Corporation 30/06/2010 2466835 10807936.9 2467434 Hewlett-Packard Development 18/08/2009 2467434 09848554.3 Company, L.P. 2469658 Hitachi Metals, Ltd. 29/08/2011 2469658 11179187.7 2470075 Olson, Lloyd 16/02/2011 2470075 11787049.3 Olson, Elizabeth 2470464 Kone Corporation 24/08/2010 2470464 10811321.8 2471398 Rossignol Lange S.R.L. 28/12/2010 2471398 10425397.6 2471731 GRG Banking Equipment Co., Ltd. 21/09/2010 2471731 10824431.0 2472109 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 04/01/2011 2472109 11150106.0 2472293 Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. 21/06/2010 2472293 10811596.5 2472400 Kaspersky Lab, ZAO 28/10/2011 2472400 11187022.6 2473455 DSM IP Assets B.V. 08/10/2010 2473455 10771550.0 2473600 Novozymes Inc. 27/08/2010 2473600 10748214.3 2473606 ETH Zurich 01/04/2010 2473606 10713570.9 2473669 Hampidjan HF 01/09/2010 2473669 10752438.1 2473869 LI-COR, INC. 03/09/2009 2473869 09849065.9 2474405 Linde Aktiengesellschaft 12/04/2011 2474405 11003092.1 2474509 Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 17/07/2008 2474509 11189114.9 2476870 MAN Truck & Bus AG 22/11/2011 2476870 11009229.3 German 2477161 Czellary, Harald 11/01/2012 2477161 12450001.8 German 2477460 Lutron Electronics Company, Inc. 02/03/2010 2477460 12163764.9 2477528 Dürr Dental AG 26/08/2010 2477528 10750056.3 2477721 ALSTOM Technology Ltd 01/09/2010 2477721 10750223.9 2479163 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, 16/09/2010 2479163 10817257.8 French German German Inc. 2479948 LG Electronics Inc. 16/09/2010 2479948 10817426.9 2480156 Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc. 11/11/2010 2480156 10798863.6 2480784 Politecnico di Torino 21/09/2010 2480784 10782365.0 2482196 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 27/12/2011 2482196 11010227.4 2482400 General Electric Company 26/01/2012 2482400 12152774.1 2482469 ASTRA Gesellschaft für Asset 19/01/2012 2482469 12000301.7 Management mbH & Co. KG German 27/07/2016 2482846 Patents Office Journal Hvidovre Hospital (No. 2312) 16/09/2010 2482846 10754407.4 3292 The United States Of America, As Represented By The Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services 2482918 Medtronic Xomed, Inc. 01/10/2010 2482918 10779358.0 2483268 Merck Patent GmbH 06/09/2010 2483268 10768174.4 2483974 T&W Engineering A/S 01/10/2009 2483974 09783650.6 2485335 Kabushiki Kaisha Nihon Micronics 21/07/2010 2485335 10818612.3 2486133 UVic Industry Partnerships Inc. 07/10/2010 2486133 10821511.2 2487562 BlackBerry Limited 11/02/2011 2487562 11154134.8 2490505 Groupe Brandt 17/02/2012 2490505 12156020.5 2491019 Indiana University Research and 21/10/2010 2491019 10825697.5 German French Technology Corporation 2491775 Clamco Invest AB 21/10/2010 2491775 10825296.6 2492336 Sato Special Oil Ltd. 30/09/2010 2492336 10824609.1 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2492512 Yamabiko Corporation 22/02/2012 2492512 12156423.1 2493015 Acer Incorporated 23/05/2011 2493015 11167067.5 2493149 Broadcom Corporation 03/02/2012 2493149 12000722.4 2493193 Olympus Corporation 21/10/2010 2493193 10825012.7 2493709 Audi AG 13/10/2010 2493709 10767946.6 2494320 CSIR 25/10/2010 2494320 10787897.7 2496570 Nerviano Medical Sciences S.r.l. 27/10/2010 2496570 10774186.0 2496676 Unilever PLC 05/11/2009 2496676 09748116.2 2497098 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 05/11/2010 2497098 10790719.8 2497820 JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation 07/10/2009 2497820 12002744.6 2498716 Dentaurum GmbH & Co. Kg 09/11/2010 2498716 10778628.7 2498872 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation 17/09/2010 2498872 10757375.0 German German German Corporation 2499152 TUBE Pharmaceuticals GmbH 12/11/2010 2499152 10776594.3 2499415 Kenex (Electro-Medical) Limited 09/11/2010 2499415 10777091.9 2500574 Grundfos Management a/s 12/03/2011 2500574 11002070.8 German 2500576 Grundfos Management a/s 12/03/2011 2500576 11002072.4 German 2500661 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 24/02/2012 2500661 12156874.5 German 2501643 KHS GmbH 08/10/2010 2501643 10773568.0 German 2502542 i-clean Technologies GmbH 13/03/2012 2502542 12001703.3 German 2502557 General Electric Company 22/03/2012 2502557 12160732.9 3293 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2502860 Voith Patent GmbH 15/03/2012 2502860 12159567.2 2502930 Wisconsin Alumni Research 20/12/2004 2502930 12166003.9 German Foundation 2503602 KANEKA CORPORATION 15/11/2010 2503602 10831524.3 2504496 CYES MARITIME WORKS, S.L. 23/11/2010 2504496 10784294.0 2504556 VALEO SYSTEMES THERMIQUES 08/11/2010 2504556 10774220.7 French 2504619 PEUGEOT CITROËN 24/11/2010 2504619 10805270.5 French AUTOMOBILES SA 2504819 Honeywell International Inc. 22/11/2010 2504819 10832310.6 2506283 General Electric Company 28/03/2012 2506283 12161902.7 2506626 ZTE Corporation 11/05/2010 2506626 10791303.0 2506783 Covidien LP 02/12/2010 2506783 10788197.1 2508400 Robert Bosch GmbH 29/02/2012 2508400 12157472.7 2508585 Cheil Industries Inc. 29/04/2011 2508585 11852216.8 2508677 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 02/12/2010 2508677 10834602.4 French Corporation 2508748 Ebara International Corporation 18/01/2012 2508748 12151620.7 2509752 Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd. 02/02/2011 2509752 11705285.2 2511052 Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 22/03/2012 2511052 12002022.7 2511478 Rolls-Royce plc 22/03/2012 2511478 12160708.9 2511993 Rockwell Automation Technologies, 16/04/2012 2511993 12164208.6 13/12/2010 2512694 10842479.7 German Inc. 2512694 Metallized Surface Technologies, LLC Ideon LLC 2512944 GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB 10/12/2010 2512944 10837977.7 2513327 DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals 14/12/2010 2513327 10794956.2 Netherlands B.V. 2513340 North Carolina State University 14/12/2010 2513340 10861217.7 2513541 GE Oil & Gas UK Limited 20/12/2010 2513541 10801253.5 2514350 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 12/04/2012 2514350 12163965.2 2514836 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 19/04/2011 2514836 11162979.6 der Wissenschaften e.V. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Öffentlichen Rechts 2515800 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 23/11/2010 2515800 10843422.6 2515825 Avent, Inc. 22/11/2010 2515825 10798192.0 2515850 Bilgic, Mahmut 03/12/2010 2515850 10795487.7 2516598 ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 17/12/2010 2516598 10795597.3 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2518501 ARKRAY, Inc. 26/04/2012 2518501 12165787.8 2519543 Emergent Product Development Seattle, 29/12/2010 2519543 10803713.6 3294 LLC 2520133 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 23/12/2010 2520133 10800743.6 2520772 MAGNA Powertrain GmbH & Co KG 27/04/2012 2520772 12165842.1 2521154 ABB Technology AG 02/05/2011 2521154 11164404.3 2521884 Qarnot Computing 17/12/2010 2521884 10807615.9 2522181 Qualcomm Incorporated 07/01/2011 2522181 11700707.0 2522973 Schleifring und Apparatebau GmbH 10/05/2011 2522973 11165439.8 2523642 Ferno-Washington, Inc. 13/01/2011 2523642 11733348.4 2523770 Irwin Industrial Tool Company 13/01/2011 2523770 11733409.4 2524655 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 21/05/2012 2524655 12168704.0 2524754 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 20/12/2010 2524754 10843171.9 2524976 ATOTECH Deutschland GmbH 17/05/2011 2524976 11166399.3 2525090 ZF Wind Power Antwerpen NV 18/05/2011 2525090 11166598.0 2526764 OS ID AS 23/05/2012 2526764 12169015.0 2526779 Aasted ApS 01/04/2010 2526779 12075091.4 2527668 Fox International Group Limited 19/04/2012 2527668 12250098.6 2528087 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 18/09/2009 2528087 12177269.3 German French Company, Ltd. 2528596 Bilgic, Mahmut 28/01/2011 2528596 11708943.3 2528600 Bilgic, Mahmut 28/01/2011 2528600 11706368.5 2529058 Svenssons Innovations AB 21/01/2011 2529058 11737354.8 2530556 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 30/05/2012 2530556 12170032.2 2531054 Dolcetti, Joseph Cleary 28/01/2011 2531054 11740084.6 2531433 Trimble Navigation Limited 01/02/2011 2531433 11737877.8 2532588 Airbus Defence and Space GmbH 31/05/2012 2532588 12004166.0 2532851 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 26/01/2011 2532851 11739662.2 2533125 L'AIR LIQUIDE, SOCIETE 04/05/2012 2533125 12166724.0 German French ANONYME POUR L'ETUDE ET L'EXPLOITATION DES PROCEDES GEORGES CLAUDE Air Liquide Santé (International) Air Liquide Santé France 2534937 Makita Corporation 13/06/2012 2534937 12004465.6 2536578 Snap-on Equipment Srl a unico socio 01/12/2010 2536578 10787699.7 2539014 Becton Dickinson and Company 23/02/2011 2539014 11707019.3 2539581 Guinard, Paul 22/02/2011 2539581 11707130.8 French 3295 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2539597 WABCO GmbH 26/11/2010 2539597 10787295.4 2539621 LMK Technologies, LLC 18/02/2011 2539621 11706423.8 2539961 DEKA Products Limited Partnership 25/02/2011 2539961 11719083.5 2540013 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 26/02/2010 2540013 10707874.3 2541729 Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 19/06/2012 2541729 12172527.9 2542272 Minnetronix Inc. 04/03/2011 2542272 11709550.5 2542717 Vossloh-Werke GmbH 03/03/2010 2542717 10707004.7 2542785 Pierburg Pump Technology GmbH 05/03/2010 2542785 10707520.2 2543221 Qualcomm Incorporated 02/03/2011 2543221 11708368.3 2544949 Airbus Operations GmbH 16/02/2011 2544949 11705500.4 2545083 LG Chem, Ltd. 08/03/2011 2545083 11753584.9 2546332 Universität Leipzig 13/07/2011 2546332 11173854.8 2547160 Google Technology Holdings LLC 13/09/2006 2547160 12187986.0 2547605 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company 15/03/2010 2547605 10709651.3 2547691 Immatics Biotechnologies GmbH 16/03/2011 2547691 11708860.9 2548286 Schneider Electric IT Corporation 18/03/2011 2548286 11757086.1 2548687 Rolls-Royce plc 11/07/2012 2548687 12175957.5 2549790 Fujitsu Limited 17/03/2010 2549790 10847794.4 2549918 Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. 24/03/2011 2549918 11760268.0 2551479 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 26/03/2010 2551479 10848428.8 German German German KAISHA 2551842 Sony Corporation 16/02/2012 2551842 12760053.4 2553017 Fina Technology, Inc. 31/03/2011 2553017 11763411.3 2554367 Kuraray Co., Ltd. 30/03/2011 2554367 11762278.7 2554701 Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel 22/03/2011 2554701 11762738.0 Corporation 2555294 Atral-Secal GmbH 25/07/2012 2555294 12177804.7 German 2555336 Legrand France 05/07/2012 2555336 12290221.6 French Legrand SNC 2555384 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 01/08/2011 2555384 11176152.4 2557112 Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. 05/04/2011 2557112 11765931.8 2557684 Apple Inc. 08/10/2009 2557684 12185679.3 2558338 PRZEMYSLOWY INSTYTUT 12/04/2011 2558338 11723753.7 MASZYN ROLNICZYCH 2558342 Audi AG 29/03/2011 2558342 11712178.0 2558978 Apple Inc. 14/04/2011 2558978 11719101.5 2559626 Plastipak Packaging Inc. 03/12/2004 2559626 12191134.1 2560644 Cadila Healthcare Limited 18/04/2011 2560644 11736457.0 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2560955 Dong-A Pharm.Co., Ltd. 18/04/2011 2560955 11772189.4 2560985 Pharmaq AS 18/04/2011 2560985 11718312.9 2561052 BASF Corporation 21/04/2011 2561052 11720196.2 2561590 ABB Technology AG 15/04/2011 2561590 11714772.8 2562736 Nippon Telegraph And Telephone 22/07/2011 2562736 11809735.1 3296 German Corporation 2563060 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 24/08/2011 2563060 11178731.3 2563164 VIRUN, INC. 22/03/2011 2563164 11713391.8 2563630 Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 19/04/2011 2563630 11715529.1 German 2563701 Koenig & Bauer AG 06/04/2011 2563701 11712272.1 German 2565146 Bosch Automotive Service Solutions 08/08/2012 2565146 12179744.3 Inc. 2566335 Prolynx LLC 05/05/2011 2566335 11778384.5 2567433 Johnson Controls Technology Company 04/05/2010 2567433 10718792.4 2568219 General Electric Company 05/07/2012 2568219 12175098.8 2568478 The Boeing Company 05/09/2012 2568478 12183063.2 2569274 Evonik Degussa GmbH 07/04/2011 2569274 11713266.2 2569462 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 01/08/2011 2569462 11754314.0 2569865 LG Electronics Inc. 06/05/2011 2569865 11780776.8 2570268 Schmidkonz, Peter 17/09/2012 2570268 12184720.6 2570337 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 16/08/2012 2570337 12180745.7 2570645 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 11/05/2010 2570645 10851382.1 German German KAISHA 2570657 General Electric Company 07/09/2012 2570657 12183567.2 2571519 IDT Biologika GmbH 18/05/2011 2571519 11724548.0 2571558 KCI Licensing, Inc. 17/05/2011 2571558 11722255.4 2571603 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 17/05/2011 2571603 11723368.4 2574311 DePuy (Ireland) 28/09/2012 2574311 12186668.5 2574374 Brainlab AG 21/08/2012 2574374 12181234.1 2574851 Miele & Cie. KG 27/09/2011 2574851 11401598.5 2576321 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 20/05/2011 2576321 11730419.6 German German KAISHA 2576913 Birchmeier Sprühtechnik AG 04/05/2011 2576913 11725814.5 2577055 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 31/05/2011 2577055 11723238.9 2577109 Schottel GmbH 08/04/2011 2577109 11715407.0 2578103 Nifco Inc. 06/06/2011 2578103 11792406.8 2579229 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 30/05/2011 2579229 11792112.2 German German 3297 27/07/2016 2580038 Patents Office Journal Bayerische Motoren Werke (No. 2312) 12/05/2011 2580038 11719202.1 03/06/2011 2580411 11725191.8 German Aktiengesellschaft 2580411 Heywood Williams Components Limited 2581533 OTLAV S.p.A 11/10/2012 2581533 12188173.4 2581852 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 28/09/2012 2581852 12006784.8 2585875 Toray, Plastics (America), Inc. 31/12/2010 2585875 10854244.0 2586395 Olympus Corporation 08/11/2011 2586395 11849037.4 2586757 GCP Applied Technologies Inc. 28/10/2011 2586757 11187160.4 2587623 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 02/05/2011 2587623 11797913.8 2587725 Yokogawa Electric Corporation 29/12/2011 2587725 11196048.0 2587822 Regenersis (Glenrothes) Ltd. 07/12/2010 2587822 13152905.9 2588604 Novozymes, Inc. 30/06/2011 2588604 11736227.7 2589480 BlackBerry Limited 02/11/2011 2589480 11187455.8 2589858 Olympus Corporation 07/12/2011 2589858 11856800.5 2589931 Elektrobit Automotive GmbH 07/11/2011 2589931 11008834.1 2590743 Sophion Bioscience A/S 06/07/2011 2590743 11731321.3 2590906 Element Six Limited 06/07/2011 2590906 11739007.0 2591632 Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 08/07/2010 2591632 10736648.6 2593116 Lifeline Scientific, Inc. 15/07/2011 2593116 11739229.0 2593249 HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 14/07/2011 2593249 11733675.0 2593671 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 12/07/2011 2593671 11733561.2 2594117 Tridonic AG 13/07/2011 2594117 11741419.3 German 2594462 Weidplas GmbH 15/11/2011 2594462 11189137.0 German 2595823 Audi AG 15/07/2011 2595823 11738963.5 German 2596950 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 20/11/2012 2596950 12007822.5 German 2597059 RSL Logistik GmbH & Co. KG 22/11/2012 2597059 12193829.4 German 2597084 Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 05/07/2011 2597084 11803563.3 2597533 Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 16/11/2012 2597533 12007777.1 2597998 Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG 25/07/2011 2597998 11736356.4 2598484 LEK Pharmaceuticals d.d. 25/07/2011 2598484 11746168.1 2598937 Novartis AG 29/07/2011 2598937 11813221.6 2599258 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 16/08/2011 2599258 11751850.6 German 2599637 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 21/11/2012 2599637 12007860.5 German 2599784 Suzhou Ribo Life Science Co., Ltd 20/07/2011 2599784 11811828.0 2599996 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 02/12/2011 2599996 11382376.9 2600162 QHI Group Limited 29/11/2012 2600162 12194778.2 2600786 Cardia Innovation AB 06/08/2010 2600786 10740649.8 German German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2601689 Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 06/08/2010 2601689 10755239.0 2602302 Universal Display Corporation 07/12/2012 2602302 12196136.1 2602470 Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 05/12/2012 2602470 12008126.0 2602564 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 18/02/2010 2602564 13153064.4 2602841 Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 27/08/2012 2602841 12181845.4 09/08/2011 2603507 11745671.5 3298 German Robert Bosch GmbH 2603507 Metabolic Solutions Development Company LLC 2604223 Cook Medical Technologies LLC 17/12/2012 2604223 12197550.2 2604463 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 25/10/2012 2604463 12189863.9 2604500 Shimano Inc. 08/08/2012 2604500 12179600.7 2604620 Gilead Pharmasset LLC 21/04/2004 2604620 13152340.9 2604982 Sonotec Ultraschallsensorik Halle 14/12/2011 2604982 11193614.2 German German GmbH 2605687 Crofts, Gerard 19/08/2011 2605687 11755262.0 2605912 Ricoh Company, Ltd. 25/07/2011 2605912 11818058.7 2606585 Intel Corporation 25/07/2011 2606585 11818527.1 2607205 Autoliv Development AB 25/01/2012 2607205 12152470.6 2607457 IFP Énergies nouvelles 14/11/2012 2607457 12290393.3 2608104 FUJITSU LIMITED 29/11/2012 2608104 12194791.5 2608310 LG Chem, Ltd. 11/08/2011 2608310 11818353.2 2608782 Algiax Pharmaceuticals GmbH 23/08/2011 2608782 11754832.1 2610332 The Lubrizol Corporation 30/12/2011 2610332 11196191.8 2611255 Vodafone Group plc 24/12/2012 2611255 12275220.7 2611351 LG Electronics Inc. 19/08/2011 2611351 11822070.6 2611695 KHS GmbH 19/05/2011 2611695 11722737.1 2611996 Corning Incorporated 25/08/2011 2611996 11754792.7 2612311 Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH 22/08/2011 2612311 11801561.9 2613151 Tohoku University 26/08/2011 2613151 11821292.7 2613653 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 06/09/2011 2613653 11758037.3 2614271 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 15/07/2011 2614271 11733685.9 German 2617269 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 20/05/2011 2617269 11725003.5 German 2618950 Rattunde & Co GmbH 15/09/2011 2618950 11757612.4 German 2619503 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 20/09/2011 2619503 11761335.6 German 2621552 Becton Dickinson France 28/09/2010 2621552 10776156.1 2622183 Continental Automotive GmbH 28/09/2011 2622183 11769818.3 2622847 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 29/08/2011 2622847 11831132.3 2623082 Arthrex, Inc. 06/02/2013 2623082 13154265.6 French German German German 3299 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2623939 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 03/02/2012 2623939 12153822.7 2624027 Hella Lighting Finland Oy 31/01/2012 2624027 12153327.7 2624802 Kiro Robotics, S.L. 15/06/2012 2624802 12731158.7 2625197 Genentech, Inc. 05/10/2011 2625197 11770024.5 German Curis, Inc. 2625240 REC Solar Pte. Ltd. 05/10/2011 2625240 11782691.7 2625463 Alpine Metal Tech Gega GmbH 29/03/2011 2625463 11718956.3 2625904 LG Electronics Inc. 02/08/2011 2625904 11822858.4 2626232 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 07/02/2013 2626232 13154367.0 2626448 Mori, Kunio 30/09/2011 2626448 11830583.8 German Sulfur Chemical Laboratory Incorporated Meiko Electronics Co., Ltd. 2627095 ViXS Systems Inc. 07/02/2013 2627095 13154474.4 2627564 Cryovac, Inc. 13/10/2011 2627564 11770421.3 2627637 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 12/10/2011 2627637 11771080.6 2627845 Hettich-Heinze GmbH & Co. KG 13/10/2011 2627845 11771096.2 2627901 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 09/12/2011 2627901 11801865.4 German Euros Entwicklungsgesellschaft für Windkraftanlagen mbH 2627937 Linde Aktiengesellschaft 08/10/2011 2627937 11770052.6 2628198 Dankook University 14/10/2011 2628198 11779018.8 German The Regents of the University of Michigan 2628687 Riso Kagaku Corporation 15/02/2013 2628687 13155396.8 2629056 BlackBerry Limited 17/02/2012 2629056 12155922.3 2629292 Electronics and Telecommunications 05/02/2007 2629292 13167525.8 Research Institute 2629374 Hosiden Corporation 04/02/2013 2629374 13153876.1 2629613 Dow Global Technologies LLC 02/12/2011 2629613 11793995.9 2630031 FACC AG 13/10/2011 2630031 11773654.6 German 2630175 BASF SE 17/10/2011 2630175 11770436.1 German 2630224 Unilever PLC 07/10/2011 2630224 11767995.1 2630703 Robert Bosch GmbH 11/10/2011 2630703 11769857.1 2632331 Gilbert, Paul J. 07/12/2010 2632331 10796514.7 2632528 Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc. 26/10/2011 2632528 11782493.8 2633101 PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. 03/08/2011 2633101 11838388.4 German 27/07/2016 2633147 Patents Office Journal Schwarz, Marcus (No. 2312) 3300 21/10/2011 2633147 11813758.7 German Kirsten, Ulf Reich, Matthias Röntzsch, Silke Mertens, Florian 2635479 Audi AG 27/10/2011 2635479 11776365.6 German 2636289 OTICO 06/03/2013 2636289 13158016.9 French 2636715 Evonik Degussa GmbH 08/03/2012 2636715 12158550.9 German 2636792 Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet 09/03/2012 2636792 12461505.5 Technologiczny w Szczecinie 2637588 DePuy (Ireland) 11/11/2011 2637588 11782669.3 2638206 Andritz Küsters GmbH 09/11/2011 2638206 11779460.2 German 2638296 E.G.O. ELEKTRO-GERÄTEBAU 10/11/2011 2638296 11779687.0 German GmbH 2638318 GE Lighting Solutions, LLC 07/10/2011 2638318 11779260.6 2638338 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 04/11/2011 2638338 11779402.4 2638796 Wasserbauer GmbH 14/03/2013 2638796 13159191.9 German 2639022 Rotox Besitz- und 14/03/2013 2639022 13159113.3 German 15/03/2013 2639586 13159623.1 Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH 2639586 Kikkoman Biochemifa Company ARKRAY, Inc. 2640803 Nalco Company 17/11/2011 2640803 11841020.8 2640990 Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 10/11/2011 2640990 11779688.8 2641361 Cisco Technology, Inc. 18/08/2011 2641361 11754779.4 2641689 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 01/03/2011 2641689 11841329.3 2641841 Affaba & Ferrari S.r.l. 11/03/2013 2641841 13158522.6 2642630 Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. 13/09/2011 2642630 11837309.1 2643089 Matteazzi, Paolo 15/12/2011 2643089 11807783.3 2643313 Merck Patent GmbH 11/11/2011 2643313 11785338.2 2643444 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 24/11/2011 2643444 11819047.9 2643823 Advanced Track & Trace 25/11/2010 2643823 10805273.9 2644208 Kuraray Co., Ltd. 10/11/2011 2644208 11843553.6 University of Tsukuba 2644308 FEI COMPANY 28/03/2013 2644308 13161507.2 2644781 JAN DE NUL N.V. 30/03/2012 2644781 12002349.4 2645714 NEC Corporation 22/11/2011 2645714 13169315.2 2645728 LG Electronics Inc. 20/03/2013 2645728 13001437.6 2645949 ZIMMER SPINE 16/11/2011 2645949 11787660.7 German French 3301 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2646463 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 01/12/2011 2646463 11791737.7 2647236 Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 30/11/2010 2647236 10785065.3 2647271 Fujitsu Technology Solutions 21/11/2011 2647271 11794060.1 German Intellectual Property GmbH 2649139 PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. 06/12/2011 2649139 11797099.6 2649457 Omrix Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. 30/11/2011 2649457 11804825.5 2650897 Elektronik Werkstätte Ing. Wurmb 10/04/2013 2650897 13163124.4 German German Ges.m.b.H. 2651745 ThyssenKrupp Presta AG 08/12/2011 2651745 11805408.9 2651962 Baxalta GmbH 09/12/2011 2651962 11811594.8 Baxalta Incorporated 2652131 BASF SE 13/12/2011 2652131 11793817.5 German 2652201 BBR VT International Ltd. 15/12/2010 2652201 10794966.1 German 2652321 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 15/12/2011 2652321 11799352.7 2652519 Paul Scherrer Institut 11/11/2011 2652519 11785378.8 2653040 Dicofarm Spa 19/04/2013 2653040 13164605.1 2653136 DePuy Synthes Products, LLC 27/03/2013 2653136 13161257.4 2653159 Shenyang Xingqi Pharmaceutical Co., 13/12/2011 2653159 11848793.3 Ltd. 2653512 Dow Global Technologies LLC 22/03/2013 2653512 13160725.1 2653516 NITTO DENKO CORPORATION 12/04/2013 2653516 13163443.8 2653542 The Regents of the University of 29/12/2006 2653542 13157687.8 California 2653560 ARKRAY, Inc. 19/04/2013 2653560 13164586.3 2653794 Viega GmbH & Co. KG 11/04/2013 2653794 13163342.2 German 2654450 GEA Mechanical Equipment GmbH 16/12/2011 2654450 11799686.8 German 2654585 ZIMMER SPINE 14/12/2011 2654585 11799671.0 2655007 Thibaut 20/12/2011 2655007 11815464.0 2655230 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 15/12/2011 2655230 11819110.5 2655529 Akzo Nobel Coatings International B.V. 23/12/2011 2655529 11850547.8 2655603 CJ CheilJedang Corporation 21/12/2011 2655603 11852167.3 2655608 Technische Universität Wien 22/12/2011 2655608 11808130.6 2655757 USG Interiors, LLC 09/12/2011 2655757 11811213.5 2655918 EBM-PAPST Landshut GmbH 15/02/2012 2655918 12704081.4 2656835 Terumo Kabushiki Kaisha 22/03/2012 2656835 12763544.9 2657755 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 21/02/2013 2657755 13156203.5 2658240 BlackBerry Limited 27/04/2012 2658240 12165976.7 French German German 27/07/2016 2658734 Patents Office Journal MICHELIN Recherche et Technique (No. 2312) 30/12/2010 2658734 10861530.3 3302 S.A. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN 2659682 Google Technology Holdings LLC 28/12/2011 2659682 11811480.0 2659710 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 30/12/2010 2659710 10807502.9 2659979 Schott AG 03/05/2013 2659979 13166537.4 2660521 General Electric Company 25/04/2013 2660521 13165434.5 2660677 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 02/01/2013 2660677 13150076.1 2662431 Dexerials Corporation 28/12/2011 2662431 11855159.7 2662523 Soilmec S.p.A. 03/05/2013 2662523 13166540.8 2662900 Kaneka Corporation 09/08/2012 2662900 12851395.9 2663597 SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 13/01/2012 2663597 12702879.3 2664309 Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG 14/05/2012 2664309 12003793.2 German 2664466 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen 21/02/2013 2664466 13156066.6 German German GmbH 2664797 Primetech Corporation 26/07/2012 2664797 12816915.8 2664949 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE 15/05/2013 2664949 13167878.1 French ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES Alcatel Lucent, S.A. 2665089 Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. 11/01/2012 2665089 12734324.2 2665153 LG Electronics Inc. 13/05/2013 2665153 13167499.6 2665512 Obalon Therapeutics, Inc. 21/01/2011 2665512 11856347.7 2665734 Straitmark Holding AG 23/01/2012 2665734 12701856.2 2666421 Collin 21/05/2013 2666421 13168581.0 2666502 Arven Ilac Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. 24/05/2013 2666502 13169259.2 2666503 Arven Ilac Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. 24/05/2013 2666503 13169269.1 2666669 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 22/05/2012 2666669 12168909.5 2667908 Medtronic, Inc 23/01/2012 2667908 12702698.7 2667963 ASTRA SRL 09/12/2011 2667963 11807759.3 2668093 Airbus Operations GmbH 11/01/2012 2668093 12700278.0 2668443 Lighting Science Group Corporation 12/01/2012 2668443 12739997.0 2668530 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 20/01/2012 2668530 12701954.5 2668579 Qualcomm Incorporated 30/01/2012 2668579 12704186.1 2668937 Stapf, Michael 29/05/2012 2668937 12169759.3 2669293 Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., 26/01/2011 2669293 11856787.4 Ltd French 3303 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2669691 Coriant Oy 24/05/2013 2669691 13169068.7 2670066 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 06/02/2007 2670066 13181673.8 2670629 Continental Automotive GmbH 30/01/2012 2670629 12702221.8 2671832 Murata Machinery, Ltd. 14/05/2013 2671832 13167607.4 2672499 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, Inc. 28/12/2011 2672499 11857769.1 2672698 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 22/05/2013 2672698 13168654.5 2672701 Semiconductor Components Industries, 13/12/2011 2672701 13182922.8 German LLC 2673351 Fina Technology, Inc. 10/02/2012 2673351 12744555.9 2674112 Covidien LP 13/12/2012 2674112 13183876.5 2675567 Discma AG 14/02/2012 2675567 12747068.0 2675604 Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. 25/01/2012 2675604 12746807.2 2675677 Audi AG 02/08/2011 2675677 11740577.9 2675960 Shuhaibar, Constantine 14/02/2012 2675960 12746785.0 2676250 Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 16/02/2012 2676250 12708792.2 German 2676307 Sew-Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG 17/01/2012 2676307 12701441.3 German 2677310 Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., 14/02/2012 2677310 12746665.4 German Ltd. 2677853 CNH Industrial France 22/02/2012 2677853 12706238.8 2677866 Rhodia Operations 22/02/2012 2677866 12705663.8 2678464 DSM IP Assets B.V. 17/02/2012 2678464 12704420.4 2678505 Julius Blum GmbH 16/12/2011 2678505 11805369.3 2678996 Fedex Corporate Services, Inc. 21/02/2012 2678996 12710817.3 2679820 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 28/09/2012 2679820 12186647.9 2680507 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29/03/2012 2680507 12763865.8 2680664 Huizhou TCL Mobile Communication 04/05/2012 2680664 12728938.7 German Co., Ltd. 2680768 Soft Lines International, Ltd. 01/03/2012 2680768 12754594.5 2681431 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 17/02/2012 2681431 12709677.4 2681711 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 24/02/2012 2681711 12707651.1 2682821 Shin-Etsu Polymer Co. Ltd. 19/01/2012 2682821 12752554.1 French Dainichiseika Color & Chemicals Mfg. Co., Ltd. 2683612 DEKRA e.V. 28/02/2012 2683612 12706568.8 German 2683667 Schott AG 05/03/2012 2683667 12711757.0 German 2683791 Intematix Corporation 08/03/2012 2683791 12755590.2 2684619 Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 28/04/2009 2684619 13004862.2 2684631 Norwood Industries, Inc. 01/07/2013 2684631 13174505.1 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2684807 W & H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH 10/07/2012 2684807 12175691.0 2685093 Alstom Wind, S.L.U. 10/07/2012 2685093 12382274.4 2685378 Rohm Co., Ltd. 11/07/2012 2685378 12175929.4 2686246 Compagnie Gervais Danone 15/03/2011 2686246 11722871.8 2686580 Sew-Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG 11/01/2012 2686580 12700598.1 2687159 Deutschmann, Heinrich 20/07/2012 2687159 12177295.8 2687359 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 18/07/2012 2687359 12176812.1 2688528 Ostomycure AS 26/03/2012 2688528 12716527.2 2688701 Avent, Inc. 12/03/2012 2688701 12711456.9 2688820 Laitram, L.L.C. 19/03/2012 2688820 12713467.4 2688835 Cornell University 21/03/2012 2688835 12759971.0 3304 German German German Giannelis, Emmanuel P. 2689060 Trützschler Nonwovens GmbH 22/03/2012 2689060 12710934.6 German 2689228 Bridgestone Corporation 26/03/2012 2689228 12726177.4 2689671 RIKEN VITAMIN CO., LTD. 21/02/2012 2689671 12760129.2 2690263 Ibiden Co., Ltd. 07/03/2012 2690263 12870795.7 2691682 The Safer Plug Company Limited 31/03/2011 2691682 11716497.0 2692542 Melly's GmbH 02/05/2013 2692542 13002348.4 German 2693098 GEWA Music GmbH 22/07/2013 2693098 13177402.8 German 2693250 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 31/07/2013 2693250 13178782.2 2694315 Robert Bosch GmbH 04/04/2012 2694315 12715036.5 2694977 Alphabeta AB 30/03/2012 2694977 12721004.5 2695274 GE Energy Power Conversion 05/04/2012 2695274 12711913.9 German French Technology Limited 2695514 Piglets Treatment System BV 27/02/2010 2695514 13180804.0 2695807 Etec Inc. 23/03/2012 2695807 12767464.6 2696179 Yamato Scale Co., Ltd. 05/04/2011 2696179 11863088.8 2696197 Korea Institute of Science and 28/01/2013 2696197 13152847.3 Technology 2696428 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd 06/04/2012 2696428 12768648.3 2696456 Furukawa Automotive Systems Inc. 17/12/2012 2696456 12871517.4 Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. 2696694 Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. 06/04/2012 2696694 12719089.0 2697131 Aptar Radolfzell GmbH 13/04/2012 2697131 12715927.5 2697519 Newfrey LLC 03/04/2012 2697519 12771588.6 2697976 Maier, Florian 08/04/2012 2697976 12724071.1 2698092 MS Dream Co., Ltd. 09/04/2012 2698092 12771596.9 Nipro Corporation German German 3305 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2698866 Honeywell International Inc. 05/08/2013 2698866 13179326.7 2699097 Chr. Hansen A/S 09/04/2012 2699097 12713972.3 2700337 Melitta Europa GmbH & Co. KG 30/07/2013 2700337 13178516.4 2700370 Stryker European Holdings I, LLC 16/08/2013 2700370 13180720.8 2700381 Covidien LP 21/08/2013 2700381 13181252.1 2700805 Continental Automotive GmbH 23/08/2012 2700805 12181435.4 2700926 Giant Electric Vehicle Kunshan Co., 19/10/2012 2700926 12189168.3 German Ltd. 2701334 Fujitsu Limited 21/04/2011 2701334 11863972.3 2701394 LG Electronics, Inc. 07/05/2013 2701394 13002427.6 2701504 Southern Research Institute 30/03/2012 2701504 12765957.1 2701983 Robert Bosch GmbH 02/03/2012 2701983 12707557.0 2702251 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 11/04/2012 2702251 12714677.7 2703024 Taisei Kako Co., Ltd. 16/04/2012 2703024 12777716.7 2703228 YAZAKI CORPORATION 28/08/2013 2703228 13181981.5 2703449 Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd. 08/12/2011 2703449 11873964.8 16/03/2012 2704208 12777266.3 German Shanghai Kingfa Technology Development Co., Ltd. 2704208 Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2704238 Showa Denko K.K. 25/04/2012 2704238 12777558.3 2704563 BASF SE 25/04/2012 2704563 12717131.2 2704580 Rapido-Tech GmbH 27/04/2012 2704580 12720135.8 2705247 Tidalstream Limited 04/05/2012 2705247 12720269.5 2705548 BAE Systems PLC 01/05/2012 2705548 12716586.8 2705989 Daesung Electric Co., Ltd 26/05/2009 2705989 13195113.9 2706220 Continental Automotive GmbH 07/09/2012 2706220 12183407.1 2707019 Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG 11/05/2012 2707019 12723779.0 2707262 Lucas Automotive GmbH 13/03/2012 2707262 12710140.0 2707355 Saipem S.p.A. 03/05/2012 2707355 12718659.1 2708046 Qualcomm Incorporated 09/05/2012 2708046 12726269.9 2708709 PEUGEOT CITROËN 28/08/2013 2708709 13182064.9 AUTOMOBILES SA 2709687 Fenwal, Inc. 25/09/2012 2709687 12780936.6 2709997 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 14/05/2012 2709997 12721812.1 2710013 GlaxoSmithKline Intellectual Property 18/05/2012 2710013 12789931.8 18/05/2012 2711015 12786721.6 (No. 2) Limited 2711015 Toray Industries, Inc. German German French 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3306 2711361 Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. 17/05/2012 2711361 12790304.5 2712074 Miele & Cie. KG 24/09/2012 2712074 12401195.8 German 2712684 Krones AG 07/08/2013 2712684 13179558.5 German 2712690 Sintokogio, Ltd. 18/05/2012 2712690 12793868.6 2712890 Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 03/04/2012 2712890 12793999.9 2713386 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. 27/09/2013 2713386 13186557.8 2714436 Robert Bosch GmbH 29/03/2012 2714436 12713667.9 2714556 Laitram, L.L.C. 21/05/2012 2714556 12724811.0 2714580 Nørgaard & Andersen ApS 25/05/2012 2714580 12725303.7 2714633 Givaudan SA 25/05/2012 2714633 12726769.8 2714866 Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. 09/05/2012 2714866 12720427.9 German German KG 2715758 ABB Technology AG 22/05/2012 2715758 12725215.3 2715829 OLEDWorks GmbH 09/05/2012 2715829 12725503.2 2715904 Cameron, D. Kevin 24/05/2012 2715904 12788979.8 2716351 CENTRAL GLASS COMPANY, 30/05/2012 2716351 12792044.5 LIMITED 2716449 Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd 29/05/2012 2716449 12792350.6 2716459 EBS Ink Jet Systeme GmbH 12/08/2013 2716459 13180120.1 German 2718739 Robert Bosch GmbH 10/04/2012 2718739 12716314.5 German 2719760 Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd. 07/06/2012 2719760 12796356.9 2719884 Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 02/10/2013 2719884 13187010.7 2720306 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd 19/04/2012 2720306 12796673.7 2720322 Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, 07/02/2012 2720322 12797053.1 Limited 2720327 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 03/10/2013 2720327 13187255.8 2720393 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und 08/10/2013 2720393 13187714.4 German German Raumfahrt e.V. 2720898 Daimler AG 15/12/2011 2720898 11799075.4 2723045 Airbus Defence and Space SA 22/10/2012 2723045 12382410.4 2723482 Medmix Systems AG 22/05/2012 2723482 12724854.0 German 2723704 Evonik Degussa GmbH 15/05/2012 2723704 12722124.0 German 2724429 Gapontsev, Valentin 18/01/2013 2724429 13738024.2 Samartsev, Igor IPG Photonics Corporation 2725017 Tokuyama Corporation 19/06/2012 2725017 12803316.4 2726547 Blue Cube IP LLC 30/06/2011 2726547 11868666.6 2726548 Blue Cube IP LLC 30/06/2011 2726548 11868715.1 3307 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2727116 Rump, Björn S. 02/07/2012 2727116 12772126.4 2727342 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 26/04/2012 2727342 12724780.7 2727752 WESTFALIA - Automotive GmbH 08/10/2013 2727752 13004838.2 2728142 Honeywell International Inc. 07/05/2010 2728142 14153500.5 2728305 VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein 31/10/2012 2728305 12190830.5 German German German Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH 2730045 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 08/07/2011 2730045 11730669.6 2730068 Cisco Technology, Inc. 05/07/2012 2730068 12736021.2 2730535 Kabushiki Kaisha Cosmo Life 03/04/2012 2730535 12811815.5 2731113 Fujikura Ltd. 10/06/2013 2731113 13804249.4 2731435 Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. 08/07/2013 2731435 13740383.8 2731484 SEB S.A. 05/07/2012 2731484 12744055.0 French 2732062 ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG 05/07/2012 2732062 12735114.6 German 2732570 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 02/11/2011 2732570 11808314.6 2733025 Metalsa Automotive GmbH 22/11/2013 2733025 13194097.5 2733199 Japan Science And Technology Agency 13/07/2012 2733199 12814515.8 2733715 Panasonic Corporation 16/08/2012 2733715 12824977.8 2734282 Enwave Corporation 12/07/2012 2734282 12815492.9 2734315 Sulzer Chemtech AG 21/07/2011 2734315 11869598.0 2734391 Mecaprom Technologies Corporation 20/07/2012 2734391 12759182.4 German Italia S.r.l. Micro-Vett S.p.a. 2735171 Sonos, Inc. 09/07/2012 2735171 12814263.5 2735491 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 21/11/2012 2735491 12193585.2 2735993 OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES 22/11/2013 2735993 13194054.6 2735995 Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 21/11/2013 2735995 13005466.1 2735998 Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 21/11/2013 2735998 13005465.3 2736094 Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 21/11/2013 2736094 13193829.2 2736614 Dow Global Technologies LLC 17/07/2012 2736614 12738364.4 2737477 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 25/07/2012 2737477 12820823.8 2737992 Wenz Kunststoff GmbH & Co. KG 28/10/2013 2737992 13190485.6 2738273 Nippon Light Metal Company, Ltd. 10/07/2012 2738273 12817572.6 French German Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 2738802 Denka Company Limited 17/07/2012 2738802 12816956.2 2739582 OCV Intellectual Capital, LLC 31/07/2012 2739582 12745751.3 2739923 FMP Technology GmbH Fluid 20/07/2012 2739923 12741294.8 06/12/2012 2740700 12195928.2 Measurements & Projects 2740700 Kone Corporation German 27/07/2016 2741133 Patents Office Journal Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics (No. 2312) 01/08/2012 2741133 12778191.2 3308 Technology Co. Ltd BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 2741541 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 04/07/2012 2741541 12825591.6 2741642 Strix Limited 10/08/2012 2741642 12761771.0 2742882 Suda, Kota 19/01/2012 2742882 12822074.6 2743794 Elmos Semiconductor 14/12/2012 2743794 12197288.9 German Aktiengesellschaft 2745111 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 11/09/2012 2745111 12787088.9 2745476 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 20/10/2011 2745476 11771160.6 2746174 Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance S.A. 20/12/2012 2746174 12198586.5 2746559 Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG 21/12/2012 2746559 12198985.9 2747599 Grass GmbH 12/10/2012 2747599 12778958.4 German 2748395 Aircelle 09/08/2012 2748395 12758558.6 French 2750412 GN Resound A/S 28/12/2012 2750412 12199761.3 2750744 Medic Activ Vertriebs GmbH 24/08/2012 2750744 12750769.7 2750863 Dow Global Technologies LLC 26/08/2011 2750863 11871555.6 2751196 Dow Global Technologies LLC 14/09/2012 2751196 12766797.0 2751280 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 28/08/2012 2751280 12750601.2 VIB VZW Life Sciences Research Partners VZW 2751516 Halo Maritime Defense Systems 30/08/2012 2751516 12827576.5 2752305 Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato 23/12/2013 2752305 13199402.2 S.p.A. 2752584 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 30/07/2012 2752584 12846240.5 2752698 Fujifilm Corporation 18/07/2012 2752698 12827517.9 2752711 Vitec Videocom GmbH 23/12/2013 2752711 13199331.3 2752779 Facebook, Inc. 19/12/2013 2752779 13198563.2 2752899 Kyocera Corporation 27/08/2012 2752899 12827450.3 2754842 SCHÜCO International KG 04/12/2013 2754842 13195646.8 2754956 OSRAM GmbH 19/12/2013 2754956 13198673.9 2755226 FEI COMPANY 15/01/2013 2755226 13151244.4 2757155 Japan BCG Laboratory 11/09/2012 2757155 12832210.4 National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition 2757169 JFE Steel Corporation 10/09/2012 2757169 12831286.5 2757317 Panasonic Intellectual Property 15/01/2014 2757317 14151273.1 Management Co., Ltd. German 3309 27/07/2016 2757553 Patents Office Journal Rogers, Thomas P. (No. 2312) 19/01/2007 2757553 14163947.6 Gastgeb, Raymond F. 2757835 Acer Incorporated 08/01/2014 2757835 14150440.7 2758103 Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 18/09/2012 2758103 12761608.4 2758280 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 17/09/2012 2758280 12766620.4 French 18/09/2012 2758590 12770418.7 German Rehau SA 2758590 Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e.V. 2758744 BAE Systems Bofors AB 13/09/2012 2758744 12832803.6 2760729 CGG Services SA 27/09/2012 2760729 12766960.4 2761291 Acousort AB 27/09/2012 2761291 12837014.5 2761594 Northrop Grumman Systems 20/09/2012 2761594 12791586.6 Corporation 2761617 Skype 25/11/2012 2761617 12813154.7 2761734 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 27/12/2011 2761734 11805875.9 2762955 Shanghai Tianma Micro-Electronics 11/12/2012 2762955 12883850.5 Co., Ltd. 2763167 Fujitsu Limited 26/09/2011 2763167 11873281.7 2763375 ZTE Corporation 23/04/2012 2763375 12836160.7 2764179 SK Tuote Oy 04/10/2012 2764179 12838067.2 2764556 Bird, Ross 05/10/2012 2764556 12837758.7 Bradley, William M. Knowles, Gareth, J. 2764784 Mast Industries (Far East) Limited 03/03/2005 2764784 14167233.7 2764879 Terumo BCT, Inc. 31/10/2007 2764879 14162845.3 2765739 Streamwide 29/01/2014 2765739 14152985.9 2765822 LG Electronics Inc. 02/10/2012 2765822 12837742.1 2766270 GIMA TT S.p.A. 10/10/2012 2766270 12794464.3 2767148 Samson Agro A/S 13/02/2014 2767148 14154947.7 2767533 Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical 26/09/2012 2767533 12840015.7 French Co., Ltd. 2767746 Sumitomo Riko Company Limited 29/01/2013 2767746 13767920.5 2769178 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 24/01/2013 2769178 13702400.6 2769725 Lipogen Ltd. 18/02/2014 2769725 14155548.2 2769843 Nipponkayaku Kabushikikaisha 19/10/2012 2769843 12842131.0 2770155 Ningbo Xingfu Tools Co., Ltd. 22/04/2013 2770155 13810359.3 2770697 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29/07/2013 2770697 13801453.5 2770717 Orange Polska S.A. 25/02/2014 2770717 14460011.1 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2770785 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20/12/2012 2770785 12843745.6 2771217 Robert Bosch GmbH 04/10/2012 2771217 12768819.0 2771332 Merck Canada Inc. 26/10/2012 2771332 12843729.0 2772082 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 21/10/2012 2772082 12798397.1 2772199 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 28/02/2014 2772199 14157358.4 2772393 Toyota Boshoku Kabushiki Kaisha 04/09/2012 2772393 12840072.8 2772430 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS 27/02/2013 2772430 13400002.5 3310 German DEUTSCHLAND GmbH 2772796 LG Display Co., Ltd. 10/12/2013 2772796 13196395.1 2773087 BlackBerry Limited 28/02/2013 2773087 13157150.7 2773123 Renesas Electronics Corporation 04/03/2009 2773123 14170348.8 2774652 Covidien LP 20/12/2011 2774652 14171496.4 2774717 System 3R International AB 08/03/2013 2774717 13158307.2 2774773 Müller Martini Holding AG 03/03/2014 2774773 14157425.1 German 2775059 Raico Bautechnik GmbH 24/02/2014 2775059 14156286.8 German 2775677 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 14/01/2014 2775677 14151090.9 German 2775981 The Procter & Gamble Company 09/11/2012 2775981 12787339.6 2776708 Tidal Generation Limited 07/11/2012 2776708 12786942.8 2776983 AMB i.t. Holding B.V. 10/11/2011 2776983 11782607.3 2777426 Ma, Oliver Joen-An 11/03/2014 2777426 14158912.7 2777532 Covidien LP 12/03/2014 2777532 14159080.2 2777611 Cook Medical Technologies LLC 14/03/2014 2777611 14275063.7 2777793 Dow Global Technologies LLC 21/12/2010 2777793 14171112.7 2778118 Invensense Inc. 09/04/2014 2778118 14250072.7 2779955 Pianykh, Oleg 19/11/2012 2779955 12805827.8 Polta, Charles, C. Bussiek-Cillien, Kai Schneider, Scott, John Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH 2780212 Robert Bosch GmbH 04/10/2012 2780212 12772283.3 2780392 Greene, Tweed & Co. 18/11/2011 2780392 11788752.1 2780593 Whirlpool S.A. 14/11/2012 2780593 12809079.2 2780772 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 13/11/2012 2780772 12849934.0 14/11/2012 2781001 12791134.5 German Nujira Limited 2781001 Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2781279 Chin-Yi, Liao 23/05/2013 2781279 13168873.1 2781465 King's Flair Development Ltd. 21/03/2014 2781465 14275079.3 French 3311 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2781814 J. van Walraven Holding B.V. 18/03/2014 2781814 14160460.3 2781934 Honeywell International Inc. 16/03/2014 2781934 14160166.6 2782050 Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. 19/11/2012 2782050 12849250.1 2782188 Honeywell International Inc. 02/01/2014 2782188 14150084.3 2782463 Philip Morris Products S.A. 20/11/2012 2782463 12805612.4 2783180 Valeo Systemes Thermiques 20/11/2012 2783180 12787752.0 2783995 K. Hartwall Oy AB 28/03/2013 2783995 13161587.4 2784124 LG Chem, Ltd. 26/11/2012 2784124 12851189.6 2784235 Rockwool International 26/03/2014 2784235 14161677.1 2785518 Compagnie Générale des 28/11/2012 2785518 12794317.3 French 05/11/2012 2786048 12786907.1 German French Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2786048 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2787119 Monti-Mac S.R.L. 27/03/2014 2787119 14161889.2 2787172 MTU Aero Engines AG 02/08/2012 2787172 14175828.4 2787261 ALSTOM Renewable Technologies 02/04/2014 2787261 14163221.6 2788018 Fondazione Istituto Insubrico di Ricerca 05/11/2012 2788018 12781098.4 07/12/2012 2788206 12813606.6 German per la Vita 2788206 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, LLC 2789058 WaveLight GmbH 14/11/2012 2789058 12808692.3 2789593 ITALCEMENTI S.p.A. 31/03/2014 2789593 14162836.2 2790647 Colgate-Palmolive Company 16/12/2011 2790647 11808063.9 2790683 Gürsoy, Reyhan Neslihan 27/11/2012 2790683 12834597.2 Çevik, Özge 2791004 Oto Melara S.p.A. 22/11/2012 2791004 12813489.7 2791225 Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH 11/12/2012 2791225 12798320.3 2791537 Robert Bosch GmbH 14/12/2012 2791537 12808348.2 French 2791566 Novopress GmbH Pressen und 12/12/2012 2791566 12808311.0 German 26/08/2004 2792363 14167982.9 Presswerkzeuge & Co. KG 2792363 Shire Biopharmaceuticals Holdings Ireland Limited 2792616 VARTA Microbattery GmbH 12/02/2014 2792616 14154844.6 2792717 National Institute for Materials Science 13/12/2012 2792717 12856666.8 2793322 Valeo Japan Co., Ltd. 02/11/2012 2793322 12857550.3 2793425 Sequrenet 26/03/2014 2793425 14161822.3 German French 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3312 2794138 HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 07/11/2012 2794138 12781327.7 German 2794316 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 05/11/2012 2794316 12784557.6 German 2794353 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 20/12/2012 2794353 12816114.8 KAISHA 2794371 Robert Bosch GmbH 22/10/2012 2794371 12778315.7 2794404 Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche S.p.A. 20/12/2012 2794404 12824707.9 2794616 Savira pharmaceuticals GmbH 19/10/2012 2794616 12787384.2 German European Molecular Biology Laboratory F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2796016 Robert Bosch GmbH 30/10/2012 2796016 12784229.2 German 2796509 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 24/04/2014 2796509 14165826.0 2796560 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 23/04/2014 2796560 14165592.8 2797043 Bundesdruckerei GmbH 12/03/2014 2797043 14159205.5 2797159 Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 23/04/2014 2797159 14165638.9 2797176 VEGA Grieshaber KG 26/04/2013 2797176 13165541.7 2797191 Yazaki Corporation 19/12/2012 2797191 12860934.4 2797736 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 18/12/2012 2797736 12820927.7 2798181 CNH Italia S.p.A. 14/11/2012 2798181 12784026.2 2799090 GUERBET 18/02/2009 2799090 14165008.5 2799136 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 27/12/2011 2799136 11879086.4 28/05/2013 2799165 13800173.0 25/02/2014 2799195 14156655.4 German German German German KAISHA 2799165 Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Chuo Kenkyusho 2799195 Weber Maschinenbau GmbH Breidenbach 2799385 BDT Media Automation GmbH 05/11/2012 2799385 14172827.9 2799426 Laboratori Baldacci S.p.A. 17/04/2014 2799426 14165187.7 2800271 Thales 30/04/2014 2800271 14166625.5 2800382 Fujifilm Corporation 27/12/2012 2800382 12862743.7 2800467 Koppert B.V. 23/10/2012 2800467 12783358.0 2800487 Philip Morris Products S.A. 28/12/2012 2800487 12819069.1 2801392 Amrona AG 06/05/2013 2801392 13166652.1 German 2801455 Jac S.A. 07/05/2014 2801455 14167454.9 French 2801456 VD Werkstätten GmbH & Co. KG 28/03/2014 2801456 14001148.7 German French 3313 27/07/2016 2801721 Patents Office Journal I.R.C.A. S.p.a. Industria Resistenze (No. 2312) 28/06/2013 2801721 13174308.0 Corazzate e Affini MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2802208 Lifeline Scientific, Inc. 04/01/2013 2802208 13700795.1 2802697 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 11/01/2012 2802697 12701794.5 2802761 Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 09/01/2013 2802761 13704485.5 Denso Corporation 2803231 Apple Inc. 09/01/2013 2803231 13707934.9 2803389 Jones, Dylan 13/05/2014 2803389 14168045.4 2803478 Mondi Consumer Packaging 02/09/2014 2803478 14183261.8 German Technologies GmbH 2803560 Nissan Motor Company, Limited 28/12/2012 2803560 12864963.9 2803611 Ricoh Company, Ltd. 29/04/2014 2803611 14166332.8 2804360 ALCATEL LUCENT 17/05/2013 2804360 13305641.6 2804712 Air Turbine Technology, Inc. 18/01/2013 2804712 13738057.2 2804750 Compagnie Générale des 17/01/2013 2804750 13700322.4 French German Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2805058 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 12/12/2012 2805058 12806422.7 2805322 Apple Inc. 27/03/2013 2805322 13715565.1 2805386 Yazaki Corporation 20/12/2012 2805386 12821321.2 2805835 Bridgestone Corporation 10/01/2013 2805835 13738284.2 2806057 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 21/05/2014 2806057 14169228.5 2806326 Neato Robotics, Inc. 01/09/2006 2806326 14176264.1 2806595 Nokia Technologies Oy 13/05/2014 2806595 14167995.1 2806813 Synthes GmbH 22/01/2013 2806813 13703940.0 2807040 Bridgestone Corporation 25/01/2013 2807040 13713503.4 2807041 Compagnie Plastic Omnium 28/01/2013 2807041 13706578.5 French 2807417 Brugg Rohr Ag Holding 21/01/2013 2807417 13702320.6 German 2807419 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 22/01/2013 2807419 13701427.0 German 2808461 VKR Holding A/S 28/05/2014 2808461 14170145.8 2808545 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 28/05/2013 2808545 13169501.7 2808739 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 27/05/2014 2808739 14169947.0 2808852 fm marketing gmbh 15/05/2014 2808852 14168516.4 2808859 NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd. 18/09/2012 2808859 12866670.8 2809589 Obrist Closures Switzerland GmbH 07/12/2012 2809589 12808731.9 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3314 2809651 Eli Lilly and Company 24/01/2013 2809651 13703234.8 2810592 Steiner AG Weggis 28/05/2014 2810592 14170265.4 German 2810746 Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH 19/05/2014 2810746 14001753.4 German 2811773 ZTE Corporation 29/05/2012 2811773 12867324.1 2812093 Andritz Oy 05/02/2013 2812093 13709949.5 2812411 HJ Forever Patents B.V. 08/02/2013 2812411 13705122.3 2812458 ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG 13/12/2012 2812458 12810177.1 German Outokumpu Nirosta GmbH 2812607 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 10/01/2013 2812607 13700648.2 German 2812636 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 15/03/2013 2812636 13710388.3 German 2812886 Spadoni, Roberto 16/01/2013 2812886 13705593.5 2812985 Grundfos Holding A/S 11/01/2013 2812985 13701390.0 2813450 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Printing & 05/02/2013 2813450 13746225.5 German Packaging Machinery, Ltd. 2814042 Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. 27/07/2012 2814042 12868300.0 2815626 Webasto SE 08/02/2013 2815626 13705129.8 2815724 St. Jude Medical, Inc. 15/07/2009 2815724 14180623.2 2816290 Panasonic Corporation 13/02/2013 2816290 13748466.3 2816417 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 17/10/2012 2816417 12868465.1 2817058 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 21/02/2013 2817058 13718626.8 2817149 Covestro Deutschland AG 19/12/2012 2817149 12813338.6 German 2817874 Robert Bosch GmbH 20/02/2013 2817874 13712489.7 German 2818027 Nietfeld, Dieter 28/01/2013 2818027 13702013.7 German 19/04/2012 2818700 12871698.2 German Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 2818700 Kyowa Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. 2818710 LG Electronics Inc. 23/05/2014 2818710 14169566.8 2818916 Shanghai Tianma Micro-Electronics 08/11/2012 2818916 12874930.6 Co., Ltd. 2819633 Becton, Dickinson and Company Ltd. 01/03/2013 2819633 13708640.1 2820328 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 10/01/2013 2820328 13700652.4 2820477 MacDermid Printing Solutions, LLC 07/02/2013 2820477 13754699.0 2821083 EPITECH GROUP S.p.A. 19/06/2014 2821083 14173129.9 2821119 Ahlstrom Corporation 02/07/2013 2821119 13174672.9 2821484 Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC 29/09/2009 2821484 14180626.5 2822043 Mitsui Chemicals Tohcello, Inc. 22/02/2013 2822043 13754785.7 2822193 SIAE Microelettronica S.p.A. 01/07/2014 2822193 14175239.4 2822909 Saint-Gobain Glass France 01/03/2013 2822909 13712875.7 German French 3315 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2823601 Citrix Systems, Inc. 01/03/2013 2823601 13709684.8 2824035 Feurer Febra GmbH 15/05/2014 2824035 14168399.5 German 2824373 Samson AG 11/07/2014 2824373 14176793.9 German 2824421 Vectronix AG 08/07/2013 2824421 13175563.9 2824653 Dexerials Corporation 17/07/2007 2824653 14002672.5 2825033 DeLaval Holding AB 08/03/2013 2825033 13715019.9 2825425 Marquardt GmbH 14/03/2013 2825425 13712133.1 2826210 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 13/03/2013 2826210 13712170.3 2826363 FELCO Motion SA 30/01/2014 2826363 14153257.2 2826718 Krones AG 27/05/2014 2826718 14170019.5 German 2826722 Mettler-Toledo GmbH 19/07/2013 2826722 13177278.2 German 2827428 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 12/03/2013 2827428 13762010.0 2827999 FMP Technology GmbH Fluid 19/03/2013 2827999 13710423.8 German 22/03/2013 2828078 13719906.3 French German Measurements & Projects Baumer hhs GmbH 2828078 Arkema France Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2828333 DSM IP Assets B.V. 19/03/2013 2828333 13710415.4 2828538 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 29/04/2013 2828538 13796389.8 2829177 HORSCH LEEB Application Systems 23/07/2014 2829177 14178217.7 German GmbH 2829325 Xergi A/S 07/05/2014 2829325 14167308.7 2829657 Poburski Futura GmbH 17/07/2014 2829657 14177431.5 2829756 SKF Magnetic Mechatronics S.A.S. 26/07/2013 2829756 13306087.1 2829828 Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag 25/07/2013 2829828 13177996.9 2830254 Qualcomm Incorporated 12/02/2010 2830254 14189627.4 2831476 Fisher Controls International LLC 20/03/2013 2831476 13716538.7 2831937 Robert Bosch GmbH 30/01/2013 2831937 13701785.1 German French German Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2832032 Comsis 21/03/2013 2832032 13714229.5 2832432 Hot Album Tansansen Tablet, Inc. 30/07/2014 2832432 14179033.7 2833124 Shiseido Company, Ltd. 06/03/2013 2833124 13767680.5 2834340 The Procter & Gamble Company 02/04/2013 2834340 13715874.7 2834464 Rag Aktiengesellschaft 02/04/2012 2834464 12714630.6 2835067 Fier, Alyx 07/08/2014 2835067 14180188.6 2835068 Emmegierre S.r.l. 29/07/2014 2835068 14178923.0 2835535 Metran Co., Ltd. 01/04/2013 2835535 13771805.2 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2835664 Hitachi, Ltd. 04/08/2014 2835664 14179645.8 2835795 Honeywell International Inc. 24/07/2014 2835795 14178440.5 2836417 Robert Bosch Automotive Steering 05/04/2013 2836417 13717457.9 3316 German GmbH 2836489 Bayer Cropscience AG 11/04/2013 2836489 13715230.2 2836508 Novo Nordisk A/S 05/04/2013 2836508 13714303.8 2837253 Qualcomm Incorporated 08/04/2013 2837253 13718682.1 2837769 Alstom Technology Ltd 23/07/2014 2837769 14178096.5 2838237 LG ELECTRONICS INC. 12/04/2007 2838237 14189288.5 2838712 Jedo Technologies 12/04/2013 2838712 13720778.3 2838763 Yazaki Corporation 16/04/2013 2838763 13722591.8 2840397 University of Plymouth Enterprise 25/11/2011 2840397 14182505.9 French Limited 2840931 Linak A/S 23/04/2013 2840931 13724513.0 2841828 MIB ITALIANA S.p.A. 24/04/2013 2841828 13727994.9 2841856 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 11/04/2013 2841856 13720277.6 German 2841877 IXBLUE 25/04/2013 2841877 13723874.7 French 2843016 Sika Technology AG 18/12/2009 2843016 14190321.1 German 2843142 Dometic GmbH 29/08/2013 2843142 13182235.5 German 2844139 Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle 03/05/2013 2844139 13722352.5 French Épinière-ICM Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Assistance Publique Hôpitaux De Paris 2844164 Agile Endosurgery, Inc. 03/05/2013 2844164 13724954.6 2844341 Medtronic Inc. 07/03/2013 2844341 13710264.6 2844372 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 21/05/2013 2844372 13726448.7 German 2844520 Westdeutscher Drahtseil-Verkauf 03/05/2013 2844520 13724533.8 German Dolezych GmbH & Co. KG 2845314 Merus Audio ApS 24/04/2013 2845314 13720310.5 2845706 Renolit SE 10/09/2013 2845706 13004400.1 2845777 Dynamic Research, Inc. 20/08/2014 2845777 14181518.3 2845921 MKS Instruments, Inc. 28/09/2012 2845921 14194712.7 2846814 Pandalis, Georgios 08/05/2013 2846814 13721599.2 3317 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2846956 Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 12/02/2013 2846956 13704094.5 German 2846973 Gallucci, Giuseppe 06/05/2013 2846973 13730337.6 2847013 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 26/03/2013 2847013 13715377.1 French 2847045 Bayerische Motoren Werke 02/05/2013 2847045 13720381.6 German German Aktiengesellschaft 2847505 Henn GmbH & Co.KG 06/05/2013 2847505 13731019.9 2847859 Single Buoy Moorings, Inc. 07/05/2013 2847859 13722376.4 2848005 Kamstrup A/S 06/05/2013 2848005 13720770.0 2848562 Krones Aktiengesellschaft 08/08/2014 2848562 14180404.7 2849835 Spindial S.p.A. 16/05/2013 2849835 13737382.5 German Bandera, Andrea 2849869 Camfil AB 15/05/2012 2849869 12722134.9 2849898 Primetals Technologies Germany 22/05/2013 2849898 13726451.1 German GmbH 2849964 Renault S.A.S. 16/05/2013 2849964 13727298.5 French 2850440 Renault S.A.S. 13/05/2013 2850440 13727279.5 French 2850623 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 14/05/2012 2850623 12721278.5 2850815 Airbus Defence and Space Oy 30/04/2013 2850815 13724852.2 2851171 Calas Production 24/09/2014 2851171 14186116.1 French 2851245 Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. 16/09/2014 2851245 14184936.4 German KG 2851312 Idemitsu Unitech Co., Ltd. 07/12/2005 2851312 14198256.1 2851529 PEUGEOT CITROËN 05/09/2014 2851529 14183658.5 French AUTOMOBILES SA 2852438 Ruhlmann, Jürgen 22/05/2013 2852438 13724273.1 German 2852472 Satisloh AG 25/04/2013 2852472 13723403.5 German 2852760 Swissinnov Product SARL 02/05/2013 2852760 13726269.7 French 2852982 Mate4Sun B.v. 16/05/2013 2852982 13723153.6 2852988 Robert Bosch GmbH 03/04/2013 2852988 13714281.6 2853345 Ingersoll-Rand Company 01/07/2014 2853345 14175273.3 2854166 APPLIED MATERIALS ITALIA 27/09/2013 2854166 13186396.1 German S.R.L. 2854710 Universität Duisburg-Essen 22/05/2013 2854710 13729592.9 German 2855051 Gebr. Krallmann GmbH 31/05/2013 2855051 13731678.2 German 2855238 Renault S.A.S. 02/05/2013 2855238 13727246.4 French 2856427 Advanced Computer Systems A.c.s. 17/05/2013 2856427 13731954.7 31/05/2013 2856487 13725993.3 S.p.a. 2856487 ABB Technology AG 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3318 2856693 ENIGMEDIA S.L. 23/05/2013 2856693 13725350.6 2857337 L.G.L. Electronics S.p.A. 02/08/2014 2857337 14002705.3 2857512 KEYGENE N.V. 25/11/2011 2857512 14195788.6 2858191 ABB Oy 01/10/2013 2858191 13186845.7 2858885 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 01/03/2013 2858885 13712878.1 2858947 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 22/03/2013 2858947 13715536.2 2860126 ALWA GmbH & Co. KG Konstruktion 11/10/2013 2860126 13188284.7 German 11/10/2013 2860127 13188292.0 German German French & Formenbau 2860127 ALWA GmbH & Co. KG Konstruktion & Formenbau 2860554 SICK AG 21/08/2014 2860554 14181730.4 2861039 KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOYOTA 08/10/2014 2861039 14188070.8 17/05/2013 2861583 13725533.7 JIDOSHOKKI 2861583 Array Biopharma, Inc. Genentech, Inc. 2861784 Industrie De Nora S.P.A. 16/05/2013 2861784 13723769.9 2862277 Robert Bosch GmbH 15/04/2013 2862277 13717028.8 German 2862455 HAUNI Maschinenbau AG 02/10/2014 2862455 14187436.2 German 2863044 Continental Automotive GmbH 15/10/2013 2863044 13188793.7 2863093 L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme 28/11/2011 2863093 14199362.6 French pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2863582 Koninklijke KPN N.V. 17/10/2014 2863582 14189379.2 2863721 Tripod Technology Corporation 15/10/2014 2863721 14189035.0 2863860 Orthoglobal Sàrl 20/06/2013 2863860 13730566.0 2864810 Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc. 18/06/2013 2864810 13732060.2 2865168 General Electric Company 07/01/2014 2865168 14703944.0 2865360 ALCON RESEARCH, LTD. 23/10/2013 2865360 13189921.3 2865569 MEKRA LANG GmbH & Co. KG 01/02/2012 2865569 14198300.7 2865877 Rohr, Inc. 22/10/2014 2865877 14189824.7 2866473 ISMA AG 27/10/2014 2866473 14190519.0 German 2866863 Association pour les Transferts de 27/06/2013 2866863 13765451.3 French 27/06/2013 2866956 13742153.3 German German Technologies du Mans 2866956 Pläsier, Arnold Wenk, Christoph 2867710 Quarkstar LLC 18/07/2014 2867710 14752463.1 2868013 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 02/07/2012 2868013 12730222.2 2868210 Alfa Laval Corporate AB 29/10/2013 2868210 13190701.6 3319 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2868218 SI Tech AB 01/11/2013 2868218 13191232.1 2868530 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 04/11/2014 2868530 14191586.8 2868579 Airbus Operations GmbH 04/11/2013 2868579 13191378.2 2868680 SOPREMA 31/10/2014 2868680 14191233.7 2868729 Seiko Epson Corporation 31/10/2014 2868729 14191323.6 2869655 HTC Corporation 31/10/2014 2869655 14191258.4 2869996 Hewlett-Packard Development 09/07/2012 2869996 12881075.1 French Company, L.P. 2870198 Roquette Frères 05/07/2013 2870198 13744696.9 French 2870823 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 05/07/2012 2870823 12733109.8 2870993 R.T.S. ROCHEM Technical Services 11/11/2013 2870993 13005296.2 German German GmbH 2871088 VERITAS AG 06/11/2014 2871088 14192133.8 2871282 Teijin Aramid B.V. 12/11/2013 2871282 13192418.5 2871568 Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 29/10/2014 2871568 14190964.8 2871773 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE 03/11/2014 2871773 14191406.9 French ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2871978 Unilever PLC 11/06/2013 2871978 13729013.6 2872006 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 05/07/2013 2872006 13744706.6 French 2872314 Sidel Participations 09/07/2013 2872314 13756558.6 French 2872328 Saint-Gobain Glass France 11/07/2013 2872328 13744728.0 French 2872471 BASF SE 09/07/2013 2872471 13734781.1 German 2872591 Council of Scientific & Industrial 16/07/2013 2872591 13753909.4 Research 2872843 SCHOTT AG 03/05/2013 2872843 13722722.9 2873546 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 24/10/2014 2873546 14190235.3 2874577 Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc. 01/05/2013 2874577 13722931.6 2874913 G.D S.p.A. 16/07/2013 2874913 13767090.7 2874921 Laitram, L.L.C. 15/07/2013 2874921 13742559.1 2875067 Dow Global Technologies LLC 13/09/2013 2875067 13766207.8 2875303 Linde AG 11/07/2013 2875303 13736494.9 2875653 NEC Corporation 09/04/2013 2875653 13727525.1 2876169 Latvijas Universitate 25/11/2013 2876169 13194332.6 2876814 Thales 19/11/2014 2876814 14193913.2 2876829 FUJITSU LIMITED 17/11/2014 2876829 14193427.3 2876923 General Dynamics C4 Systems, Inc. 07/11/2014 2876923 14192376.3 2877003 Bayer CropScience AG 22/07/2013 2877003 13742602.9 German German French 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2877266 Cormetech, Inc. 25/07/2013 2877266 13745313.0 2877420 ThyssenKrupp Fahrtreppen GmbH 24/07/2013 2877420 13782651.7 2877523 The Sherwin-Williams Company 26/07/2013 2877523 13747564.6 2877564 Unilever PLC 11/07/2013 2877564 13735295.1 2878162 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 16/01/2013 2878162 13700394.3 2878327 Korea Research Institute of Chemical 24/07/2013 2878327 13822661.8 3320 German Technology 2878464 AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 21/11/2014 2878464 14194355.5 2878557 WEKAL Maschinenbau GmbH 30/11/2013 2878557 13005582.5 2878756 I.R.S. S.P.A. 19/11/2014 2878756 14193809.2 2879315 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 27/11/2013 2879315 13194717.8 2879476 ABB Technology Oy 29/11/2013 2879476 13195008.1 2880074 Unilever PLC 24/07/2013 2880074 13742609.4 2880114 Kores CE GmbH 16/07/2013 2880114 13747777.4 2880839 Telefónica, S.A. 29/07/2013 2880839 13741781.2 2881028 Comenda Ali S.p.A. 13/07/2012 2881028 14198104.3 2882328 Dyson Technology Limited 09/08/2013 2882328 13750121.9 2882396 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 12/07/2013 2882396 13766701.0 2882598 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 05/08/2013 2882598 13750265.4 German 2882616 Audi AG 10/07/2013 2882616 13737801.4 German 2883229 SanDisk Technologies, Inc. 09/08/2013 2883229 13751012.9 2884490 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 29/08/2007 2884490 14199155.4 German German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2884595 General Electric Company 12/12/2014 2884595 14197616.7 2885112 Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd. 09/08/2013 2885112 13750957.6 2885296 BASF SE 09/08/2013 2885296 13747408.6 2886224 LMT Fette Werkzeugtechnik GmbH & 17/12/2013 2886224 13197742.3 German 23/12/2014 2886239 14199931.8 German 21/11/2014 2886402 14194275.5 German 22/12/2014 2886545 14199533.2 15/12/2014 2886738 14197858.5 19/12/2014 2886921 14004319.1 Co. KG 2886239 Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2886402 Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG 2886545 Les Laboratoires Servier Vernalis (R&D) Limited 2886738 GUTEX Holzfaserplattenwerk H. Henselmann GmbH + Co KG 2886921 Vetco Gray Scandinavia AS German 3321 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2887373 LSIS Co., Ltd. 14/10/2014 2887373 14188760.4 2887531 Airbus Defence and Space GmbH 20/12/2013 2887531 13199094.7 2888314 Chanel Parfums Beauté 23/07/2013 2888314 13748116.4 2889025 Ookuma Electronic Co., Ltd. 12/12/2014 2889025 14197678.7 2889097 Nexeon Limited 02/09/2011 2889097 14194178.1 2889990 Marsilli S.p.A. 20/11/2014 2889990 14193998.3 2890682 Bayer CropScience AG 28/08/2013 2890682 13758796.0 09/08/2013 2890842 13747418.5 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2890842 Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2891207 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 07/10/2013 2891207 13783692.0 2891788 Robert Bosch GmbH 14/11/2014 2891788 14193141.0 2892896 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 03/09/2013 2892896 13763376.4 2893150 General Electric Company 17/07/2013 2893150 13826797.6 2894280 Van Parys, Remi Emiel 24/12/2014 2894280 14075082.9 2896126 Dolby Laboratories Licensing 09/09/2013 2896126 13766786.1 German Corporation 2896160 Cisco Technology, Inc. 09/09/2013 2896160 13766779.6 2896215 Audi AG 09/08/2013 2896215 13747977.0 German 2896301 PM-International AG 14/01/2015 2896301 15151189.6 German 2896546 JTEKT CORPORATION 07/01/2015 2896546 15150335.6 2896743 Valmet S.p.A. 20/01/2014 2896743 14151720.1 2897153 Legrand France 16/01/2015 2897153 15305042.2 French Legrand SNC 2897773 System S.p.A. 18/09/2013 2897773 13801749.6 2898170 Levi, Avraham Y. 10/09/2013 2898170 13838738.6 2898374 System S.p.A. 18/09/2013 2898374 13801748.8 2898632 Robert Bosch GmbH 17/09/2013 2898632 13762517.4 2898805 FRIMA International AG 26/01/2015 2898805 15152477.4 2898848 St. Jude Medical, Atrial Fibrillation 10/10/2007 2898848 15159972.7 German DivisionInc. 2899051 Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A. 10/06/2014 2899051 14171700.9 2899393 Robert Bosch GmbH 20/01/2015 2899393 15151813.1 German 2901369 Morpho 05/06/2014 2901369 14730817.5 French 2901966 Edwards Lifesciences CardiAQ LLC 29/09/2009 2901966 15153122.5 2902528 WALTER AG 30/01/2014 2902528 14153355.4 2903121 General Electric Company 22/03/2011 2903121 15156999.3 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3322 2904075 Alfa Laval Corporate AB 04/10/2012 2904075 12772748.5 2904927 Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et 29/12/2014 2904927 14200431.6 French aux Énergies Alternatives 2905007 NEW BATH 06/02/2015 2905007 15154229.7 French 2905785 GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service 07/02/2014 2905785 14154339.7 German mbH 2906070 VELCRO BVBA 14/10/2013 2906070 13782669.9 2906766 Audi AG 12/10/2013 2906766 13777241.4 2907287 Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 15/10/2012 2907287 12778689.5 2908939 Avantium Technologies B.V. 11/10/2013 2908939 13784008.8 2909944 Be Spoon 10/10/2013 2909944 13776464.3 German French Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2910214 Bovie Medical Corporation 08/11/2011 2910214 15000707.8 2910266 Becton Dickinson and Company 15/04/2009 2910266 15159447.0 2910904 iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG 21/01/2015 2910904 15000167.5 German 2911876 Friatec Aktiengesellschaft 28/10/2013 2911876 13789705.4 German 2911970 Kone Corporation 31/01/2013 2911970 13704733.8 2912453 Kuantag Nanoteknolojiler Gelistirme 23/10/2012 2912453 12797728.8 Ve Uretim Anonim Sirketi KOC Universitesi 2912651 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 23/10/2013 2912651 13788705.5 German 2912815 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 29/10/2012 2912815 12797730.4 2913233 Batz, S.Coop. 28/02/2014 2913233 14382073.6 2919397 ALCATEL LUCENT 13/03/2014 2919397 14305366.8 2919574 Kverneland AS 19/12/2013 2919574 13814125.4 2920152 The Procter & Gamble Company 24/10/2013 2920152 13785804.9 2921264 Black & Decker Inc. 23/02/2015 2921264 15156050.5 2926329 Audi AG 29/10/2013 2926329 13783853.8 2926502 Qualcomm Incorporated 22/11/2013 2926502 13803369.1 2926976 SICK AG 02/04/2014 2926976 14163146.5 2927223 F.I.S.- Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici S.p.A. 11/02/2015 2927223 15154588.6 2927549 Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co 05/11/2012 2927549 15164646.0 German German German German German KG 2927764 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 02/04/2014 2927764 14163149.9 2928363 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 19/12/2014 2928363 14818976.4 2929736 Qualcomm Incorporated 09/12/2013 2929736 13817778.7 2931492 Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH 29/11/2013 2931492 13810906.1 German 3323 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2931785 Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy S.p.A. 04/12/2013 2931785 13799552.8 2932325 Ledil Oy 09/12/2013 2932325 13817947.8 2933034 JFE Steel Corporation 28/10/2013 2933034 13865147.6 2933043 Seco Tools AB 16/04/2014 2933043 14164869.1 2934054 Acer Incorporated 07/04/2015 2934054 15162578.7 2942730 The Boeing Company 05/05/2015 2942730 15166410.9 2947378 SMR Patents S.à.r.l. 22/05/2014 2947378 14169528.8 2949054 ABB Research Ltd. 25/01/2013 2949054 13702606.8 2949562 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 20/11/2014 2949562 14194111.2 2950514 SAP SE 06/05/2015 2950514 15166535.3 2950768 Protac A/S 04/10/2013 2950768 13779758.5 2951448 Tchouangueu, Jacques 28/01/2014 2951448 14709411.4 German 2954946 KNAUF AQUAPANEL GmbH 30/01/2015 2954946 15153191.0 German 2955090 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 09/12/2014 2955090 14196989.9 2956822 CARBON3D, Inc. 10/02/2014 2956822 14706223.6 2956823 CARBON3D, Inc. 10/02/2014 2956823 14706224.4 2959255 Saati S.p.A. 20/02/2014 2959255 14714323.4 2963178 BillerudKorsnäs AB 04/07/2014 2963178 14175729.4 2963186 Mare Solutions GmbH 10/03/2015 2963186 15158447.1 2965545 Qualcomm Incorporated 03/03/2014 2965545 14711104.1 2966330 Fujikoki Corporation 22/05/2015 2966330 15168869.4 2969497 CooperVision International Holding 14/03/2014 2969497 14712712.0 German German Company, LP 2975801 Deutsche Telekom AG 18/07/2014 2975801 14177647.6 2977244 C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 24/07/2014 2977244 14178279.7 2978042 HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. 21/07/2014 2978042 14177887.8 German German KG. 2980506 Rinnai Corporation 01/08/2014 2980506 14002702.0 2988612 Saupiquet 11/02/2015 2988612 15709245.3 2988619 Unilever PLC 07/03/2014 2988619 14708874.4 2997008 F.I.S.- Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici S.p.A. 19/01/2015 2997008 15701149.5 2997678 CRFS Limited 30/04/2014 2997678 14719850.1 French 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3324 Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 27/16, dated 6th July 2016 1092829 1183520 GEZE GmbH GasBeetle GmbH 12/10/2000 26/05/2000 1092829 1183520 00122101.9 00929563.5 1224627 Stamps.Com 16/10/2000 1224627 00976575.1 1224782 BlackBerry Limited 16/10/2000 1224782 00968113.1 1227787 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE 10/11/2000 1227787 00977109.8 German German COMPANY 1232482 Stamps.Com 17/10/2000 1232482 00982667.8 1256550 Showa Denko K.K. 02/02/2001 1256550 01902739.0 1287702 Google Technology Holdings LLC 24/05/2001 1287702 01939479.0 1290662 Schneider Electric IT Corporation 19/04/2001 1290662 01930597.8 1328681 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 19/10/2001 1328681 01988801.5 1349905 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering 30/10/2001 1349905 01992754.0 Company 1364542 Apple Inc. 10/01/2002 1364542 02715343.6 1366018 Dompé farmaceutici s.p.a. 25/02/2002 1366018 02744900.8 1371025 MR Electronic SA 13/03/2002 1371025 02701150.1 1395123 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company 20/05/2002 1395123 02734469.6 1420852 Saab, Mark A. 23/07/2002 1420852 02756601.7 1448353 R.P. Scherer Technologies, LLC 28/10/2002 1448353 02780534.0 1455038 Carl Fuhr GmbH & Co. KG 13/12/2003 1455038 03028799.9 1464301 TriVascular, Inc. 09/02/1999 1464301 04075832.8 1479181 Telecom Italia S.p.A. 14/03/2002 1479181 02722651.3 1487724 Kodak Alaris Inc. 27/01/2003 1487724 03704038.3 1488622 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS 27/03/2003 1488622 03722710.5 14/02/2003 1492940 03712996.2 French German public limited company 1492940 KOREA INSTITUTE OF MACHINERY & MATERIALS 1493246 Cisco Technology, Inc. 02/04/2003 1493246 03746584.6 1500523 MITSUBISHI PENCIL KABUSHIKI 01/05/2003 1500523 03723236.0 KAISHA 1504403 VisionGate, Inc. 02/05/2003 1504403 03728655.6 1506413 Becton Dickinson and Company 19/05/2003 1506413 03728991.5 1507948 Ozroll IP PTY Ltd. 13/05/2003 1507948 03718555.0 1523441 Airbus 15/07/2003 1523441 03755602.4 French 1543589 Delphi International Operations 26/08/2003 1543589 03775494.2 French Luxembourg S.à r.l. 3325 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1548891 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 11/03/2004 1548891 04005848.9 German 1555118 Zoeppritex-Verbundstoffe Gmbh & Co. 15/12/2004 1555118 04029626.1 German KG 1558910 Susko, Kenneth 05/11/2003 1558910 03781721.0 1561072 Swiss E-Technic AG 23/10/2003 1561072 03753196.9 1565104 Synovis Life Technologies, Inc. 23/10/2003 1565104 03777796.8 1572131 Immunomedics, Inc. 08/10/2003 1572131 03774636.9 1579406 Riener, Robert 31/12/2003 1579406 03808253.3 German German Burgkart, Rainer 1597716 Yang, Peichun 24/02/2004 1597716 04714138.7 1604543 Alcons Audio B.V. 03/03/2004 1604543 04716814.1 1605866 Syntach AG 02/03/2004 1605866 04716458.7 1609293 Cisco Technology, Inc. 25/03/2004 1609293 04758406.5 1610784 Celgene International Sarl 16/03/2004 1610784 04721074.5 1615130 SAP SE 09/09/2004 1615130 04104365.4 1620558 ARTES Biotechnology GmbH 16/04/2004 1620558 04727789.2 1628880 Burns & McDonnell Engineering 28/05/2003 1628880 03817107.0 Company, Inc. 1629374 DIGI INTERNATIONAL INC. 20/05/2004 1629374 04752739.5 1632511 Covestro Deutschland AG 23/08/2005 1632511 05018225.2 1640554 SEIKI HANBAI CO., LTD. 10/05/2004 1640554 04732038.7 1654793 Delphi Technologies Inc. 06/08/2004 1654793 04780335.8 1657647 Rolus Borgward, Glenn 21/09/1998 1657647 05022702.4 German 1664223 Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. (GmbH & Co. 16/09/2004 1664223 04765315.9 German German KG) 1665893 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 01/09/2004 1665893 04769910.3 1666533 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 17/09/2004 1666533 04787903.6 1676092 RUAG Ammotec GmbH 06/10/2004 1676092 04790138.4 1681512 Andritz Oy 16/01/2006 1681512 06396003.3 1682341 Intelligent Engineering (Bahamas) 01/11/2004 1682341 04798353.1 German Limited 1691037 NUOVO PIGNONE S.p.A. 20/12/2005 1691037 05257849.9 1712606 JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation 24/11/2004 1712606 04799886.9 1713329 FMC CORPORATION 09/02/2005 1713329 05722951.0 1713985 Rockwool International A/S 11/02/2005 1713985 05707326.4 1730769 TOKYO ELECTRON LIMITED 08/02/2005 1730769 05713181.5 1730921 Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH 18/01/2005 1730921 05707794.3 & Co. KG German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1732283 QUALCOMM Incorporated 10/06/2005 1732283 05253601.8 1735697 NVIDIA Technology UK Limited 22/03/2005 1735697 05729258.3 1743581 Esaote S.p.A. 11/07/2005 1743581 05425498.2 1748351 BlackBerry Limited 25/07/2005 1748351 05254630.6 1748733 Cardiva Medical, Inc 18/05/2005 1748733 05759503.5 1749071 Akzo Nobel Coatings International BV 24/05/2005 1749071 05743053.0 1751072 SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE 10/05/2005 1751072 05762655.8 1768340 Innovative Sonic Limited 21/09/2006 1768340 06019799.3 1769336 Reflexion Network Solutions, Inc. 25/05/2005 1769336 05754779.6 1771146 DOLBY LABORATORIES 19/05/2005 1771146 05757244.8 3326 German French LICENSING CORPORATION 1772093 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 20/12/2001 1772093 07000138.3 German 1772094 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 20/12/2001 1772094 07000139.1 German 1774247 SPX Cooling Technologies Inc. 24/06/2005 1774247 05812388.6 1781698 Genentech, Inc. 19/07/2005 1781698 05790823.8 1784147 Gmedelaware 2 LLC 17/08/2005 1784147 05790406.2 1784302 ENCAPSYS, LLC 31/08/2005 1784302 05792741.0 1787493 Widex A/S 03/09/2005 1787493 05777681.7 1788987 Otto Bock HealthCare LP 19/09/2005 1788987 05803030.5 1800056 OGLESBY & BUTLER, RESEARCH 22/09/2005 1800056 05784839.2 & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 1807012 Lanx, LLC 25/10/2005 1807012 05820768.9 1814620 VERATHON MEDICAL (CANADA) 21/11/2005 1814620 05810634.5 ULC 1826981 ALCATEL LUCENT 22/02/2006 1826981 06290318.2 1830703 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 14/12/2005 1830703 05850874.8 1841482 ResMed Limited 12/01/2006 1841482 06704769.6 1852027 Blücher GmbH 28/07/2004 1852027 07016529.5 German 1854945 Kiekert Aktiengesellschaft 19/04/2007 1854945 07007965.2 German 1856357 Arturo Salice S.p.A. 02/01/2007 1856357 07703580.6 1857092 The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd. 26/01/2006 1857092 06712397.6 1857944 BlackBerry Limited 15/05/2006 1857944 06113950.7 1858803 Weedon, Geoffrey Gerald 14/03/2006 1858803 06710075.0 14/03/2006 1858965 06737993.3 Torgersen, Bjarne 1858965 Sumitomo Bakelite Company, Limited Somalogic, Inc. 1862264 Black & Decker, Inc. 31/05/2007 1862264 07109361.1 1865984 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. 14/03/2006 1865984 06738652.4 3327 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1868401 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 29/03/2006 1868401 06730481.6 1868544 Arthrex, Inc. 03/04/2006 1868544 06740328.7 1869524 Centre National De La Recherche 14/04/2006 1869524 06743701.2 French Scientifique Université de Limoges 1869888 Nokia Technologies Oy 23/03/2006 1869888 06710582.5 1871916 Telezygology Inc. 04/04/2006 1871916 06721322.3 1872614 Nokia Technologies Oy 06/04/2006 1872614 06744479.4 1883406 Natural Alternatives International, Inc. 23/05/2006 1883406 06848675.2 1883809 LECO CORPORATION 04/05/2006 1883809 06752165.8 1887028 Kaneka Corporation 01/09/2004 1887028 07120062.0 1887309 Biosense Webster, Inc. 06/08/2007 1887309 07253087.6 1891647 EPCOS AG 31/05/2006 1891647 06753215.0 German 1897580 Medical Service GmbH 26/07/2007 1897580 07014723.6 German 1906225 GRINTECH GmbH 26/09/2007 1906225 07018905.5 German 1913317 Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen 11/08/2006 1913317 06776796.2 German GmbH 1916922 Mourad, Joseph 25/08/2006 1916922 06774873.1 1917742 Oclaro, Inc. 24/08/2006 1917742 06802255.7 1922331 RHODIA CHIMIE 07/08/2006 1922331 06794300.1 1922569 Teledyne Instruments, Inc. 24/08/2006 1922569 06813799.1 1938697 Unilever PLC 15/11/2007 1938697 07120756.7 1941769 Qualcomm Incorporated 25/10/2006 1941769 06839548.2 1947948 Monsanto Technology, LLC 22/05/2006 1947948 06760219.3 1948930 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 10/11/2006 1948930 06818455.5 Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH 1957783 Volvo Lastvagnar AB 29/11/2005 1957783 05813493.3 1960607 PF WaterWorks, LLP 14/08/2006 1960607 06813418.8 1962805 Insmed Incorporated 05/12/2006 1962805 06847502.9 1963985 Oracle International Corporation 04/04/2006 1963985 06749204.1 1964293 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 23/05/2006 1964293 06733523.2 1964340 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 07/12/2006 1964340 06824626.3 1965073 Husqvarna Zenoah Co., Ltd. 20/12/2005 1965073 05820037.9 1974460 United Technologies Corporation 19/12/2005 1974460 05854697.9 1976372 Quizcamp-Fabrico e Comércio Produtos 23/01/2006 1976372 06700793.0 Alimentares, S.A. 1976880 Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH 21/12/2006 1976880 06841112.3 1977684 FUJIFILM Corporation 01/02/2008 1977684 08001917.7 French German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3328 1978840 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 12/01/2007 1978840 07702713.4 German 1980530 ARKEMA FRANCE 31/03/2008 1980530 08103248.4 French 1983120 StekoX GmbH 18/04/2008 1983120 08007618.5 German 1983970 Advanced Bio Prosthetic Surfaces, Ltd. 31/01/2007 1983970 07762867.5 1984388 iBio, Inc. 13/02/2007 1984388 07750787.9 1992296 Covidien LP 16/05/2008 1992296 08251723.6 1992390 colltex ag 29/04/2008 1992390 08405119.2 1993369 Unilever PLC 05/02/2007 1993369 07704352.9 1996486 Leonard, Lyle 02/02/2007 1996486 07717180.9 German Coty S.A.S. 1996533 Intelligent Energy, Inc. 28/09/2006 1996533 06815768.4 2002753 Cinqpats 02/06/2008 2002753 08290504.3 2002938 Makita Corporation 13/06/2008 2002938 08010832.7 2007523 Nalco Company 16/02/2007 2007523 07751070.9 2007596 COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES 30/03/2007 2007596 07727579.0 French French ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2007925 Couplertec Pty Ltd 27/03/2007 2007925 07718629.4 2009403 Yokogawa Electric Corporation 19/06/2008 2009403 08011192.5 2013940 CommScope Technologies LLC 06/04/2007 2013940 07760274.6 2014865 Griesser Holding AG 13/05/2008 2014865 08405130.9 2016187 Laclede, Inc. 10/05/2007 2016187 07783598.1 2021753 Underground Systems, Inc. 08/05/2007 2021753 07761985.6 2024192 Shim, Youngtack 25/05/2007 2024192 07746698.5 2024536 KOREA RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF 11/05/2007 2024536 07746494.9 German CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY 2024595 Rite-Hite Holding Corporation 07/05/2007 2024595 07761962.5 2024939 Uber Technologies, Inc. 13/02/2007 2024939 07750526.1 2026700 Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc. 11/06/2007 2026700 07812101.9 2027242 Shell Internationale Research 29/05/2007 2027242 07797837.7 Maatschappij B.V. 2029717 Reckitt Benckiser LLC 09/05/2007 2029717 07732722.9 2030490 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 22/05/2007 2030490 07725418.3 der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2031134 Takeuchi Mfg, Co., Ltd 24/05/2007 2031134 07744442.0 2031135 Takeuchi Mfg, Co., Ltd 24/05/2007 2031135 07744444.6 2037761 The Coca-Cola Company 23/05/2007 2037761 07797688.4 German 3329 27/07/2016 2037833 Patents Office Journal DENTSPLY Implants Manufacturing (No. 2312) 11/07/2007 2037833 07765181.8 German GmbH 2042698 Katcon Global S.A. 12/09/2008 2042698 08164302.5 2043633 University of Rochester 18/07/2007 2043633 07810619.2 2044594 AREVA Inc. 22/05/2007 2044594 07874054.5 2045093 Müller Martini Holding AG 16/09/2008 2045093 08105353.0 2050739 ASKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 24/07/2007 2050739 07791524.7 2055759 S.A. Imperbel N.V. 31/10/2008 2055759 08168132.2 2059357 Nucor Corporation 20/08/2007 2059357 07784830.7 2063122 Sanden Holdings Corporation 08/08/2007 2063122 07792202.9 2064396 MARTINSON GROUP AB 14/09/2007 2064396 07808887.9 2065920 Nikon Corporation 31/08/2007 2065920 07806547.1 2069018 Sonacare Medical, LLC 20/09/2007 2069018 07814952.3 2069251 SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE 17/08/2007 2069251 07823724.5 2070368 LG Electronics Inc. 02/10/2007 2070368 07833143.6 2072155 Airbus Operations S.L. 07/03/2008 2072155 08380071.4 2076184 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 08/08/2007 2076184 07875208.6 2077581 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 09/10/2007 2077581 07829415.4 2077964 Nederlandse Organisatie voor 11/10/2007 2077964 07834632.7 27/09/2007 2080057 07808478.7 23/10/2007 2084237 07854344.4 German French toegepast- natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek TNO 2080057 LG Electronics Inc. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 2084237 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2084410 Sky Line Cranes&Technologies Ltd 18/10/2007 2084410 07827221.8 2087163 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 23/10/2007 2087163 07821675.1 German 2089316 Johnson Matthey Public Limited 30/10/2007 2089316 07870235.4 French Company Université de Montréal 2091414 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 14/12/2007 2091414 07849507.4 2091828 TFH Publications, Inc. 28/11/2007 2091828 07868934.6 2092132 Grosse, Werner 22/11/2007 2092132 07822814.5 German 2092243 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 12/11/2007 2092243 07822498.7 German 2093042 The Boeing Company 13/05/2004 2093042 09006222.5 2093285 The University of the West Indies 20/02/2009 2093285 09153322.4 2093860 Sony Corporation 11/12/2007 2093860 07850429.7 2094095 Pastair AB 09/11/2007 2094095 07835415.6 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2094887 BASF SE 17/12/2007 2094887 07857657.6 2097603 Somfy SAS 30/11/2007 2097603 07870363.4 2098709 GM Global Technology Operations 04/03/2008 2098709 08003963.9 3330 French LLC 2099660 Robert Bosch GmbH 09/10/2007 2099660 07821050.7 2100251 VeriFone, Inc. 26/11/2007 2100251 07827429.7 2103905 Kabushiki Kaisha TOPCON 19/03/2009 2103905 09003988.4 2104810 Carrier Corporation 04/01/2007 2104810 07702586.4 2109770 Universitätsmedizin der Johannes 30/01/2008 2109770 08708459.6 21/12/2007 2109909 07869765.3 21/12/2007 2110384 07855737.8 German Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2109909 Arizona Board of Regents, acting for and on behalf of, Arizona State University 2110384 Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences Pla 2113043 Bekaert Advanced Cords Aalter NV 12/02/2008 2113043 08708883.7 2114062 Skype 05/04/2007 2114062 09075326.0 2115146 Intrexon Actobiotics NV 14/01/2008 2115146 08701465.0 2116521 Japan Science and Technology Agency 06/11/2007 2116521 07831598.3 2117921 Veem Ltd 08/02/2008 2117921 08700449.5 2118643 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 11/02/2008 2118643 08729563.0 2119834 Mantovanibenne S.r.l. 06/05/2009 2119834 09159504.1 2122534 Hewlett-Packard Development 12/02/2008 2122534 08729590.3 Company, L.P. 2123847 MAX CO., LTD. 24/04/2009 2123847 09005766.2 2124306 Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH 08/05/2009 2124306 09006257.1 2124831 Ortho-Space Ltd. 13/03/2008 2124831 08719972.5 2126054 Yeda Research And Development 31/01/2008 2126054 08728776.9 German Company Limited 2127557 Favero Health Projects Spa 16/03/2009 2127557 09003726.8 2128071 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 26/03/2007 2128071 07739641.4 2128329 Herbert Kannegiesser GmbH 06/05/2009 2128329 09006160.7 2131719 Medtronic Xomed, Inc. 11/02/2008 2131719 08729483.1 2132070 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 07/03/2008 2132070 08716369.7 German German Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2133268 Rolls-Royce plc 12/05/2009 2133268 09251291.2 2133977 Somfy SAS 08/06/2009 2133977 09162188.8 French 3331 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2134392 Tecpharma Licensing AG 25/03/2008 2134392 08716685.6 2135119 Parrot 11/03/2008 2135119 08717636.8 2136958 Sauer GmbH Lasertec 17/03/2008 2136958 08716575.9 2138369 Parker Hannifin Corp. 19/05/2009 2138369 09160701.0 2138783 BONDUELLE 19/06/2009 2138783 09370011.0 2138790 Takahashi, Kenzo 13/02/2009 2138790 09152844.8 2139924 Genmab A/S 28/03/2008 2139924 08715601.4 2140366 VMWare, Inc. 26/03/2008 2140366 08742284.6 2142044 Grass GmbH 30/04/2008 2142044 08749259.1 2142285 SABAN VENTURES PTY LIMITED 31/01/2008 2142285 08700404.0 2142867 LG Electronics Inc. 26/01/2008 2142867 08704970.6 2142915 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - 23/04/2008 2142915 08748770.8 01/04/2008 2143232 08737686.9 12/03/2008 2145373 08717704.4 18/02/2009 2146344 09002270.8 German German French German German Rossendorf e.V. 2143232 International Business Machines Corporation 2145373 Industrie Automation Energiesysteme German AG 2146344 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2146541 BlackBerry Limited 18/07/2008 2146541 08160765.7 2147199 FHIP, Inc. 24/04/2008 2147199 08743247.2 2147286 Wipotec Wiege- und Positioniersysteme 05/05/2008 2147286 08758007.2 German GmbH 2147942 Nitto Denko Corporation 16/04/2008 2147942 08751859.3 2148263 BlackBerry Limited 31/08/2004 2148263 09175841.7 2148310 IDT Electronic Products Limited 21/07/2008 2148310 08104811.8 2151022 Ortronics, Inc. 06/05/2008 2151022 08755084.4 2151280 MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG 16/07/2009 2151280 09165628.0 2152216 SCA Hygiene Products AB 31/05/2007 2152216 07748552.2 2153180 Micro Motion, Inc. 03/05/2007 2153180 07761855.1 2154343 MAN Truck & Bus AG 28/07/2009 2154343 09009708.0 2154419 Toshiba Lighting & Technology 29/07/2009 2154419 09251905.7 German German Corporation 2155401 Tyco Fire & Security GmbH 28/05/2008 2155401 08779627.2 2155755 Merial, Inc. 03/05/2007 2155755 07794480.9 2156090 Cree, Inc. 08/05/2008 2156090 08780602.2 2161308 Imerys Pigments, Inc. 29/01/2003 2161308 09178895.0 2161529 MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG 17/07/2009 2161529 09165748.6 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2162079 Flex Technology Inc. 14/02/2008 2162079 08725615.2 2162271 Coeur, Inc. 16/05/2008 2162271 08755709.6 2162780 Liquavista B.V. 20/05/2008 2162780 08759818.1 2163351 Max Co., Ltd. 24/06/2008 2163351 08777556.5 2163807 Opto Design, Inc. 20/06/2008 2163807 08764180.9 2168699 Beijing Zhong Ke San Huan High-Tech 28/05/2008 2168699 08757525.4 3332 CO., LTD. 2171173 Bangratz, René 22/02/2008 2171173 08715513.1 German 2172062 Sivantos Pte. Ltd. 09/07/2008 2172062 08774916.4 German 2172712 Robert Bosch GmbH 24/09/2009 2172712 09171218.2 German 2174946 Biogen Hemophilia Inc. 06/05/2004 2174946 09013214.3 2175506 Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 07/10/2009 2175506 09172464.1 2176941 Somfy SAS 25/06/2008 2176941 08776490.8 2177485 Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 17/07/2008 2177485 08791295.2 2177587 Neste Oyj 16/10/2008 2177587 08166739.6 2179901 Robert Bosch GmbH 21/08/2009 2179901 09168374.8 2180639 ZTE Corporation 29/12/2007 2180639 07855921.8 2185110 ConvaTec Technologies Inc. 26/08/2008 2185110 08798686.5 2185176 Agency for Science, Technology And 08/08/2008 2185176 08794199.3 French German Research 2186485 Covidien LP 13/11/2009 2186485 09252608.6 2188648 BAE Systems PLC 29/08/2008 2188648 08788724.6 2188808 Linius (AUST) Pty Ltd 15/08/2008 2188808 08782938.8 2191057 LG Electronics Inc. 04/08/2008 2191057 08793029.3 2191086 Rosati, Wasyl 21/08/2008 2191086 08782973.5 2192202 Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products 21/11/2008 2192202 08105850.5 German German GmbH 2193555 OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH 27/08/2008 2193555 08834030.2 2194014 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 28/09/2007 2194014 07828746.3 2194692 Intel Corporation 27/11/2009 2194692 09252689.6 2195650 Yeda Research And Development 11/09/2008 2195650 08789875.5 Company Ltd. The Medical Research, Infrastructure, And Health Services Fund Of The Tel Aviv Medical Center 2195682 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 23/09/2008 2195682 08807774.8 2197352 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. 24/09/2008 2197352 08834905.5 2199484 Weinor GmbH & Co. KG 10/12/2009 2199484 09015334.7 German 3333 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2199582 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 26/11/2009 2199582 09177158.4 2200923 Inventio AG 26/09/2008 2200923 08804833.5 2202523 SYSMEX CORPORATION 29/07/2008 2202523 08013606.2 2204440 Medical Electronic Systems, LLC 19/02/1999 2204440 10158176.7 2206423 SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 22/08/2008 2206423 08801675.3 German 2206896 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 11/12/2009 2206896 09178806.7 French 22/10/2008 2207953 08842827.1 17/10/2008 2209465 08839344.2 German GM Global Technology Operations LLC 2207953 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2209465 Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited 2212877 Robert Bosch GmbH 19/09/2008 2212877 08804451.6 2213621 Cabot Corporation 04/05/2005 2213621 10003874.4 2214566 Easylap Ltd. 19/11/2008 2214566 08854701.3 2215162 Borealis Technology OY 24/09/2008 2215162 08804648.7 2216375 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 28/01/2010 2216375 10000899.4 2218999 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 10/12/2008 2218999 08860801.3 2219427 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 20/07/2009 2219427 09009376.6 2220140 Sika Technology AG 21/11/2008 2220140 08851312.2 2223753 United Technologies Corporation 12/02/2010 2223753 10250243.2 2225300 BASF Coatings GmbH 18/12/2008 2225300 08862788.0 2225896 Motorola Mobility LLC 06/11/2008 2225896 08868360.2 2229646 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 18/12/2008 2229646 08870474.7 2230403 Hitachi Engineering & Services Co., 19/03/2009 2230403 09003966.0 German German German German Ltd. 2231221 Smith & Nephew PLC 05/12/2008 2231221 08856265.7 2235458 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 06/12/2008 2235458 08867882.6 2235970 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 25/01/2008 2235970 08705363.3 2236447 Xerox Corporation 29/03/2010 2236447 10158095.9 2236448 Xerox Corporation 29/03/2010 2236448 10158178.3 2236604 Chugai Seiyaku Kabushiki Kaisha 05/12/2008 2236604 08857126.0 2238291 Voith Patent GmbH 12/12/2008 2238291 08870961.3 2239294 Lee, Sung-Joo 16/01/2009 2239294 09703080.3 2239955 VEGA Grieshaber KG 08/05/2009 2239955 09159806.0 2240656 BDZ Holdings Ltd 16/01/2009 2240656 09702812.0 2242795 Director General, Defence Research & 09/02/2009 2242795 09711147.0 Development Organisation German German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3334 2245131 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 15/01/2009 2245131 09714574.2 German 2245232 MHWirth GmbH 16/02/2009 2245232 09713796.2 German 2245233 MHWirth GmbH 16/02/2009 2245233 09715168.2 German 2245507 Raytheon Company 06/02/2009 2245507 09707608.7 2245739 Reime, Gerd 22/01/2009 2245739 09704654.4 2245934 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 02/09/2008 2245934 10164241.1 2246250 SCUBAPRO EUROPE S.r.l. 13/05/2004 2246250 10173333.5 2247681 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 20/02/2009 2247681 09716130.1 2247821 Statoil Petroleum AS 25/02/2009 2247821 09713994.3 2247905 Eisenmann SE 03/03/2009 2247905 09717894.1 2248555 Draeger Safety UK Limited 16/04/2010 2248555 10160178.9 2248753 EPSILON Kran GmbH. 06/05/2010 2248753 10004785.1 2248895 ISARNA Therapeutics GmbH 20/12/2004 2248895 10009016.6 2249861 Neurodyn Life Sciences Inc. 16/01/2009 2249861 09701647.1 2250437 Alstom Technology Ltd 29/01/2009 2250437 09713479.5 2253109 Afilias Limited 10/03/2009 2253109 09719909.5 2254616 DEKA Products Limited Partnership 23/01/2009 2254616 09703798.0 2255507 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 23/02/2009 2255507 09722939.7 2256497 Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. 17/03/2009 2256497 09723269.8 2256913 Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. 27/05/2010 2256913 10250990.8 2258280 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 27/07/2005 2258280 10177662.3 2258435 Coloplast A/S 18/09/1997 2258435 10180787.3 2259649 Intel Corporation 17/01/2002 2259649 10180797.2 2260541 Tyco Fire & Security GmbH 05/03/2009 2260541 09717583.0 2261582 Hoshizaki Denki Kabushiki Kaisha 30/03/2009 2261582 09727295.9 2265261 Adare Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 11/03/2009 2265261 09718989.8 2266981 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 28/07/2006 2266981 10184708.5 2267213 V-Zug AG 16/04/2010 2267213 10004093.0 2268369 Hill-Rom Services Pte. Ltd. 21/04/2009 2268369 09736061.4 2269412 Qualcomm Incorporated 26/03/2009 2269412 09724986.6 2271897 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 12/03/2009 2271897 09734526.8 2272118 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 31/03/2009 2272118 09742413.9 German German German German German KAISHA 2272394 Chanel Parfums Beauté 09/05/2006 2272394 10161902.1 2272894 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation 01/04/2009 2272894 09728039.0 2273084 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 16/02/2009 2273084 09725019.5 2275062 3M Innovative Properties Company 05/04/2006 2275062 10174586.7 2275305 Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 15/07/2010 2275305 10169702.7 French 3335 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2275533 XY, LLC 01/08/2003 2275533 10178436.1 2275924 Fujitsu Limited 22/06/2010 2275924 10166921.6 2276510 Human Biomolecular Research Institute 14/04/2009 2276510 09801832.8 2278217 Valeo Vision 13/07/2010 2278217 10169418.0 2278949 KCI Licensing, Inc. 29/05/2009 2278949 09770667.5 2279578 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 09/03/2009 2279578 09719822.0 2280469 NXP B.V. 30/07/2009 2280469 09166852.5 2280657 Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. 18/05/2009 2280657 09758966.7 2280882 CSP Technologies, Inc. 15/05/2009 2280882 09747708.7 2280905 Fluidigm Corporation 09/04/2009 2280905 09730165.9 2281880 Korea Advanced Institute of Science 05/03/2009 2281880 09729276.7 21/04/2009 2283065 09733799.2 22/05/2009 2283462 09749925.5 French and Technology 2283065 Colorado State University Research Foundation 2283462 Longoni, Salvatore Sartori, Matteo 2285299 Synthes GmbH 26/03/2009 2285299 09724639.1 2285968 The New Zealand Institute for Plant and 12/05/2009 2285968 09746825.0 Food Research Limited 2286223 University of Rochester 01/05/2009 2286223 09739954.7 2286507 AUTOMATIC SWITCH COMPANY 24/03/2009 2286507 09747046.2 2289610 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 17/08/2010 2289610 10173012.5 German German Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2290269 Carl Freudenberg KG 26/08/2009 2290269 09010908.3 2290697 STMicroelectronics Srl 01/09/2010 2290697 10174803.6 2290928 LG Electronics Inc. 05/03/2010 2290928 10002313.4 2291044 Qualcomm Incorporated 06/08/2007 2291044 10015138.0 2291494 The Lubrizol Corporation 11/05/2009 2291494 09747274.0 2291560 Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH 21/04/2009 2291560 09733885.9 2292332 Research Instruments Limited 23/05/2006 2292332 10010999.0 2292660 MEDIMMUNE LIMITED 15/07/2004 2292660 10183949.6 2293417 Grundfos Management A/S 05/09/2009 2293417 09011395.2 2294530 Strand Diagnostics, LLC 21/05/2009 2294530 09751567.0 2295955 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 13/09/2010 2295955 10009516.5 German German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2297763 El-Mul Technologies Ltd 31/05/2009 2297763 09754346.6 2298196 Richard Wolf GmbH 16/09/2010 2298196 10009683.3 2298452 Battelle Memorial Institute 19/12/2008 2298452 08874828.0 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2299837 Unilever PLC 16/06/2009 2299837 09765829.8 2301740 BARBERAN LATORRE, Jesus 07/07/2010 2301740 10168765.5 26/05/2009 2303098 09766000.5 09/09/2010 2308319 10175974.4 3336 Francisco 2303098 Centre National de la Recherche French Scientifique (CNRS) Etablissement Public à Caractère Scientifique et Technologique Université de Strasbourg (Etablissement Public National à Caractère Scientifique, Culturel et Professionnel) 2308319 Unilever PLC, A Company Registered in England and Wales under Company no. 41424 2308750 Shimano, Inc. 23/08/2010 2308750 10173682.5 2309105 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 02/05/2008 2309105 08752569.7 KAISHA 2309920 Université du Sud Toulon-Var 28/04/2009 2309920 09745906.9 2310196 Tabu S.P.A. 16/07/2009 2310196 09797597.3 2311156 Tyco Electronics AMP Italia S.p.A. 19/05/2009 2311156 09804620.4 2311392 AESCULAP AG 14/10/2010 2311392 10187643.1 2311884 Vommchemipharma S.R.L. 15/10/2010 2311884 10187664.7 2312047 Panasonic Corporation 14/10/2010 2312047 10187484.0 2312065 Neoperl GmbH 16/11/2007 2312065 10014520.0 2312708 ABB Technology AG 13/10/2009 2312708 09012900.8 2313189 Green Sugar Gmbh, 02/05/2009 2313189 09741753.9 French German German German Produktinnovationen Aus Biomasse 2315408 INTEL Corporation 22/09/2010 2315408 10251628.3 2315537 Tic Sverige Aktiebolag 26/08/2009 2315537 09810307.0 2318508 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. 31/08/2009 2318508 09810713.9 2319115 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 28/08/2009 2319115 09778181.9 der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2319178 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 26/08/2008 2319178 08875848.7 2319966 MARZOLI MACHINES TEXTILE 17/07/2008 2319966 11152607.5 S.r.l. 2320900 Universität Ulm 29/01/2009 2320900 09776348.6 2322086 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 11/11/2010 2322086 10190877.0 2322969 OLYMPUS CORPORATION 10/11/2010 2322969 10014466.6 2323051 Y.UPPIES' SERVICES S.p.a. 22/10/2010 2323051 10188504.4 German 3337 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2323876 Robert Bosch GmbH 15/07/2009 2323876 09780620.2 2325376 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 03/11/2010 2325376 10189742.9 2325949 Hager Electro GmbH & Co. KG 17/11/2010 2325949 10014694.3 2326687 Umicore 14/09/2009 2326687 09778506.7 2326723 Novozymes A/S 18/08/2009 2326723 09791612.6 2328646 Intersurgical AG 01/06/2009 2328646 09757796.9 2329148 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 29/05/2009 2329148 09767416.2 2330251 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 23/11/2010 2330251 10014880.8 2330268 Terno Scorrevoli S.r.l. 30/11/2010 2330268 10015126.5 2331598 BASF SE 16/09/2009 2331598 09783093.9 2332377 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 02/10/2008 2332377 08813609.8 2332837 The Boeing Company 12/11/2010 2332837 10191048.7 2333255 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 25/11/2010 2333255 10192643.4 2334676 ALLERGAN, INC. 04/09/2009 2334676 09792255.3 2334778 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 09/09/2009 2334778 09782794.3 2335598 Bayer HealthCare LLC 14/12/2007 2335598 11154288.2 2338268 Coffing, Dan 09/10/2009 2338268 09830684.8 German German German German German Bonfiglio, Lou 2338584 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 25/10/2010 2338584 10013922.9 German 2339725 Mitsuba Corporation 07/10/2009 2339725 09818988.9 2340087 Theraclion SA 18/08/2009 2340087 09740467.7 2340790 Biosensors International Group Ltd. 29/08/2006 2340790 11158572.5 2341030 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 02/08/2010 2341030 10171574.6 2346632 Selectarc Industries 16/11/2009 2346632 09768197.7 French 2347294 Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 22/09/2009 2347294 09778641.2 German 2347464 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 13/11/2009 2347464 09827241.2 2348442 Intel Corporation 23/12/2010 2348442 10196929.3 2349014 Université Grenoble Alpes 14/08/2009 2349014 09807925.4 French 2349493 Beiersdorf AG 23/09/2009 2349493 09736125.7 German 2349819 Compagnie Plastic Omnium 26/10/2009 2349819 09760215.5 French 2350502 Federal-Mogul Burscheid GmbH 12/10/2009 2350502 09765007.1 German 2350998 Novalia Ltd 16/10/2009 2350998 09740940.3 2352505 University Of Kentucky Research 04/11/2009 2352505 09825367.7 French Foundation 2353521 V.V.T. Med Ltd. 07/02/2011 2353521 11153553.0 2353709 Sandvik Materials Technology 28/01/2011 2353709 11152543.2 23/04/2003 2354240 10010240.9 Deutschland GmbH 2354240 CARGILL, INCORPORATED German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2357539 Université Libre de Bruxelles 12/01/2010 2357539 10150524.6 2357726 NXP B.V. 10/02/2010 2357726 10153210.9 2358326 Nour, Sayed 16/12/2009 2358326 09795412.7 3338 French Chastanier, Pierre 2358748 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc. 09/12/2009 2358748 09832482.5 2358859 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 09/10/2009 2358859 09783877.5 2360606 Airbus Operations S.L. 28/10/2009 2360606 09774682.0 14/02/2003 2364718 11153783.3 German Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2364718 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University 2364732 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 20/03/2007 2364732 11164996.8 2365889 Precitec KG 20/11/2009 2365889 09760109.0 German Precitec ITM GmbH 2367454 SRL, LLC 23/11/2009 2367454 09764397.7 2368019 SNECMA 10/12/2009 2368019 09799073.3 2368405 Teo, Inc. 24/11/2009 2368405 09827898.9 2368653 Senvion GmbH 09/02/2011 2368653 11153778.3 German 2368760 KAMEI automotive GmbH 21/02/2011 2368760 11001399.2 German 2368907 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 20/02/2003 2368907 11161716.3 French MorphoSys AG 2369073 Max Frank GmbH & Co. KG 21/03/2011 2369073 11159023.8 2371182 UDC Ireland Limited 15/10/2009 2371182 09820662.6 2372989 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 31/03/2011 2372989 11160638.0 2375061 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 10/02/2010 2375061 10703608.9 2375435 LightLab Sweden AB 06/04/2010 2375435 10159139.4 2375906 PRP Holding 12/01/2010 2375906 10706295.2 2376594 CHEIL INDUSTRIES INC. 03/12/2009 2376594 09835188.5 2378825 Google Technology Holdings LLC 13/09/2006 2378825 11173829.0 2379196 FRAM Group IP LLC 15/12/2009 2379196 09837875.5 2381855 Ethicon, Inc 04/12/2009 2381855 09795604.9 2382804 Google Technology Holdings LLC 01/12/2009 2382804 09836637.0 2383092 Senvion GmbH 02/03/2011 2383092 11156523.0 2383262 Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, 10/12/2009 2383262 09831388.5 05/05/2011 2384982 11003720.7 German French German Chinese Academy of Sciences Topharman Shandong Co., Ltd. Topharman Shanghai Co., Ltd. 2384982 MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG German 3339 27/07/2016 2385149 Patents Office Journal Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (No. 2312) 18/05/2010 2385149 10777561.1 Corporation 2386298 Sylentis S.A.U. 14/03/2006 2386298 11161189.3 2386395 Friedrich, Thomas 05/05/2011 2386395 11003704.1 German 2387435 SARTORIUS STEDIM FMT SAS 24/11/2009 2387435 09797077.6 French 2388191 Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 18/05/2011 2388191 11166634.3 2388285 Biobase Corporation 15/01/2010 2388285 10731308.2 2388541 Kabushiki Kaisha Saginomiya 11/02/2011 2388541 11154126.4 20/01/2010 2389206 10705777.0 Seisakusho 2389206 Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland German GmbH 2389581 M-I L.L.C. 25/01/2010 2389581 10733969.9 2390700 Draka Comteq B.V. 03/05/2011 2390700 11164565.1 2390854 Securitas Direct AB 27/05/2010 2390854 10164171.0 2391582 Ungar, Gert 29/01/2009 2391582 09775833.8 German Ungar, Jürg Dieter 2391864 Orica Explosives Technology Pty Ltd 11/01/2010 2391864 10735419.3 2392272 Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 13/05/2011 2392272 11165953.8 2392866 Adey Holdings (2008) Limited 02/06/2011 2392866 11168590.5 2394363 ETH Zurich 03/02/2010 2394363 10702586.8 German 2394763 BOEHLERIT GmbH & Co.KG. 23/05/2011 2394763 11167018.8 German German German Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei Ges.m.b.H. 2395966 Lengheim, Hubert 05/02/2010 2395966 10703420.9 2396627 Johnsen, Asle 12/02/2010 2396627 10741455.9 2397725 Rolls-Royce plc 17/05/2011 2397725 11166324.1 2398343 Ecochroma AG 03/02/2010 2398343 10703417.5 2403275 Morpho Cards GmbH 10/10/2007 2403275 11179978.9 2404885 Quick-Mix Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG 13/04/2011 2404885 11003110.1 German 2407122 Ivoclar Vivadent AG 16/07/2010 2407122 10169856.1 German 2407545 Fundação Oswaldo Cruz 10/03/2010 2407545 10750256.9 2408827 W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. 17/03/2010 2408827 10723366.0 2409023 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 17/03/2010 2409023 10710606.4 2409379 Robert Bosch GmbH 21/01/2010 2409379 10701231.2 German 2410189 S-Fasteners GmbH 13/05/2011 2410189 11003965.8 German 2410387 Nivarox-FAR S.A. 19/07/2010 2410387 10170007.8 French 2411857 Raytheon Company 22/01/2010 2411857 10702941.5 27/07/2016 2412510 Patents Office Journal Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (No. 2312) 26/01/2010 2412510 10755739.9 29/07/2011 2412991 11006297.3 3340 Keio University 2412991 PROFIL Verbindungstechnik GmbH & German Co. KG 2413020 OR21, LLC 28/07/2011 2413020 11175781.1 2414061 Donaldson Company, Inc. 30/03/2010 2414061 10722850.4 2415254 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. 30/03/2010 2415254 10713806.7 2415470 Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 30/03/2010 2415470 10758755.2 2415489 Biotronik AG 13/07/2011 2415489 11173731.8 2415995 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 28/09/2009 2415995 09849824.9 01/04/2009 2415998 09842651.3 German KAISHA 2415998 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2416601 ZTE Corporation 07/05/2010 2416601 10788741.6 2417456 Lalvani, Ajit 09/04/2010 2417456 10716313.1 2417698 Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe SAS 25/03/2010 2417698 10710057.0 2417956 Nimura, Yosiharu 11/08/2011 2417956 11250717.3 2418557 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 05/05/2011 2418557 11164971.1 2418741 ZTE Corporation 25/08/2010 2418741 10850923.3 2419178 Unilever PLC 20/10/2009 2419178 09740310.9 2419212 BASF Corporation 19/04/2010 2419212 10765323.0 2419552 LPE S.p.A. 16/04/2010 2419552 10727855.8 2420036 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 31/03/2010 2420036 10712936.3 2420244 Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd. 08/04/2010 2420244 10764387.6 2421216 ZTE Corporation 18/12/2009 2421216 09843249.5 2421971 BioMarin Technologies B.V. 26/04/2010 2421971 10718717.1 2423180 CLARIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD 04/12/2002 2423180 11008855.6 2424975 Genomatica, Inc. 30/04/2010 2424975 10770464.5 2425418 ADB BVBA 30/04/2010 2425418 10719321.1 German 2427071 W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH 06/05/2010 2427071 10721113.8 German 2427484 OPKO Ireland Global Holdings, 03/05/2010 2427484 10740698.5 French Limited 2427618 EKU AG 06/05/2010 2427618 10719580.2 2427773 InfanDx AG 04/05/2010 2427773 10716347.9 2427996 Certicom Corp. 05/05/2010 2427996 10724935.1 2427998 STMicroelectronics (Grenoble 2) SAS 05/05/2010 2427998 10727853.3 2428177 Covidien LP 06/09/2011 2428177 11180183.3 2428241 ResMed Limited 27/07/2007 2428241 11191110.3 German 3341 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2429291 Cydex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 13/05/2010 2429291 10775566.2 2429665 NIKE Innovate C.V. 19/04/2010 2429665 10718764.3 2429732 Quaker Chemical Corporation 10/05/2010 2429732 10772931.1 11/05/2010 2429791 10723790.1 04/05/2010 2430409 10727864.0 04/05/2010 2430410 10727865.7 Tao, Zhu Schellingerhout, Pieter Zhang, Yuming Ma, Jiangbo 2429791 Sacmi Cooperativa Meccanici Imola Societa' Cooperativa 2430409 I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A. 2430410 I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A. 2430628 Université de Savoie 11/05/2010 2430628 10721440.5 2430698 Arizona Board of Regents, acting for 10/05/2010 2430698 10719193.4 French and on behalf of Arizona State University 2430872 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 13/05/2010 2430872 10726583.7 2432585 TOTAL MARKETING SERVICES 20/05/2010 2432585 10727895.4 2432792 Gilead Pharmasset LLC 20/05/2010 2432792 10721225.0 2432855 ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 03/05/2010 2432855 10778098.3 2432904 Heimerle + Meule Gmbh 17/05/2010 2432904 10719009.2 2432930 Ovivo Luxembourg S.à.r.l. 19/05/2010 2432930 10777413.5 2433131 SICPA HOLDING SA 18/05/2010 2433131 10778274.0 2433442 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 20/05/2009 2433442 09845006.7 2433766 Makita Corporation 06/04/2010 2433766 10777628.8 2434468 Scania CV AB 21/09/2011 2434468 11182120.3 2435023 Pearl Therapeutics, Inc. 28/05/2010 2435023 10721258.1 2435024 Pearl Therapeutics, Inc. 28/05/2010 2435024 10727551.3 2435025 Pearl Therapeutics, Inc. 28/05/2010 2435025 10727553.9 2435205 MTU Aero Engines AG 08/05/2010 2435205 10722565.8 2435486 SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES 27/05/2010 2435486 10725601.8 26/05/2010 2435653 10721802.6 German German French German German CORPORATION (SABIC) 2435653 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2435788 Maxim Integrated GmbH 20/05/2010 2435788 10721784.6 2435806 Teledyne Instruments, Inc. 26/05/2010 2435806 10728946.4 2435851 Teledyne Instruments, Inc. 26/05/2010 2435851 10726737.9 27/07/2016 2435993 Patents Office Journal Bundesdruckerei GmbH (No. 2312) 25/05/2010 2435993 10726923.5 3342 German CIS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH 2436148 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 29/05/2009 2436148 09779591.8 2436164 Rózsahegyi, László 21/05/2010 2436164 10730200.2 2437836 Weinmann Geräte für Medizin GmbH + 18/05/2010 2437836 10727645.3 27/05/2010 2438090 10781244.8 25/05/2010 2439302 10783293.3 German Co. KG 2438090 The United States Government as Represented by the Department of Veterans Affairs 2439302 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2440263 Smith & Nephew, Inc 12/06/2009 2440263 09845932.4 2442251 Kobil Systems GmbH 13/10/2011 2442251 11185026.9 2444132 K-2 Corporation 20/10/2011 2444132 11185936.9 2444659 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 19/10/2010 2444659 10188030.0 2446148 Praxair Technology, Inc. 11/06/2010 2446148 10730917.1 2449447 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 22/06/2010 2449447 10800241.1 2450521 HÖRMANN KG AMSHAUSEN 26/10/2011 2450521 11186628.1 2451261 GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. 31/10/2011 2451261 11187316.2 2454838 Nokia Technologies Oy 15/07/2009 2454838 09780634.3 2456989 Pem Management, Inc. 23/07/2010 2456989 10802937.2 2457235 AREVA Inc. 22/07/2010 2457235 10802914.1 2457788 Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd. 24/11/2011 2457788 11190487.6 2458202 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 24/11/2011 2458202 11190482.7 2458330 Denso Corporation 22/11/2011 2458330 11190037.9 2458335 Denso Corporation 22/11/2011 2458335 11190047.8 2458743 ZTE Corporation 15/12/2009 2458743 09848205.2 2459969 Mahle International GmbH 21/07/2010 2459969 10737537.0 2460563 DAIFUKU CO., LTD. 24/11/2011 2460563 11190541.0 2461980 Ball Europe GmbH 04/08/2010 2461980 10751824.3 German 2462580 Gorgy Timing 21/07/2010 2462580 10752065.2 French 2462587 Dolby International AB 06/08/2010 2462587 10750032.4 2463428 Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 22/07/2010 2463428 10806342.1 2464026 ALCATEL LUCENT 10/12/2010 2464026 10306390.5 2464301 Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. 11/08/2010 2464301 10745090.0 2464460 Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc. 11/08/2010 2464460 10747351.4 2466557 Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH 05/12/2011 2466557 11191845.4 German German German German 3343 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2466692 RAYDIALL 14/12/2011 2466692 11193625.8 French 2467912 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 20/08/2009 2467912 09782031.0 German 2468501 Teijin Limited 19/08/2010 2468501 10810057.9 2469082 General Electric Company 15/12/2011 2469082 11193710.8 2469084 General Electric Company 16/12/2011 2469084 11193932.8 2469989 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 11/08/2010 2469989 10809898.9 27/08/2010 2470804 10745656.8 Mechatronics Systems, Ltd. 2470804 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Pampus GmbH 2471203 Xieon Networks S.à r.l. 25/08/2009 2471203 09782148.2 2472085 Rolls-Royce North American 28/12/2011 2472085 11250943.5 Technologies, Inc. 2472282 ATLAS Elektronik GmbH 22/12/2011 2472282 11195236.2 2473240 Duraflex International Corp. 03/09/2010 2473240 10814540.0 2473344 Henry Company LLC 29/07/2010 2473344 10812468.6 2474116 QUALCOMM Incorporated 02/09/2010 2474116 10752256.7 2474510 Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 17/07/2008 2474510 12159486.5 2474741 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 20/12/2011 2474741 11194412.0 2474742 Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry 29/04/2011 2474742 11003528.4 German Co., Ltd. 2476266 Sivantos Pte. Ltd. 08/09/2009 2476266 09849310.9 2476825 MESAN Kilit A.S. 18/05/2011 2476825 11166630.1 2477844 Ford Global Technologies, LLC 17/09/2010 2477844 10752850.7 German 2477851 Robert Bosch GmbH 22/07/2010 2477851 10737540.4 German 2478121 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 15/09/2010 2478121 10757037.6 German 2478251 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 14/09/2010 2478251 10754729.1 German Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2480212 Novartis Consumer Health S.A. 20/09/2010 2480212 10757068.1 2481488 Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated 07/12/2011 2481488 11192331.4 2481991 Zortea, Rembert 23/01/2012 2481991 12000399.1 2482072 University of Tartu 26/01/2011 2482072 11152289.2 2483359 The Chemours Company FC, LLC 30/09/2010 2483359 10763282.0 2483469 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 29/09/2010 2483469 10757788.4 2483737 CooperVision International Holding 30/09/2010 2483737 10821240.8 Company, LP German 27/07/2016 2485583 Patents Office Journal Institute for Research in Biomedicine (No. 2312) 04/10/2010 2485583 10822486.6 3344 (IRB) REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Yale University 2486649 SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE 07/10/2010 2486649 10768868.1 French 2488504 Merck Patent GmbH 14/09/2010 2488504 10754433.0 German 2488657 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 11/10/2010 2488657 10823888.2 2488892 NovAtel Inc. 23/09/2010 2488892 10822936.0 2489516 Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd. 13/10/2010 2489516 10823419.6 2490838 Pem Management, Inc. 07/05/2010 2490838 10825343.6 2491759 Pilkington Group Limited 18/10/2010 2491759 10768802.0 2491805 MAT Communication Solutions, S.A. 19/10/2010 2491805 10824504.4 2492393 Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP 12/04/2005 2492393 12001672.0 2492599 Riener, Karl Stefan 15/02/2012 2492599 12000981.6 German HET - Heiz- und Energietechnik Entwicklungs GmbH 2493493 Xellia Pharmaceuticals ApS 30/09/2010 2493493 10765613.4 2494858 Schneider Electric IT Corporation 30/09/2010 2494858 10774031.8 2495220 Asahi Glass Company, Limited 26/10/2010 2495220 10826742.8 2498521 ZTE Corporation 24/03/2010 2498521 10788645.9 2498919 Dürr Systems GmbH 11/11/2010 2498919 10779713.6 2499309 Tecnometal S.r.l. 11/11/2010 2499309 10775836.9 2499759 Corning Optical Communications LLC 27/10/2010 2499759 10779113.9 2501428 Quintero, Ruben A. 18/11/2010 2501428 10832161.3 2503580 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 18/11/2009 2503580 09851445.8 23/11/2010 2504098 10779561.9 German KAISHA 2504098 BASF SE The Dow Chemical Company 2504450 Swift Biosciences, Inc. 23/11/2010 2504450 10798651.5 2505473 Shimano Inc. 15/12/2011 2505473 11193631.6 2506768 Intuity Medical, Inc. 30/11/2010 2506768 10833694.2 2508182 THE TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY 04/05/2006 2508182 12173008.9 07/12/2010 2510391 10799076.4 French SYSTEM 2510391 Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2510747 Tridonic AG 08/12/2010 2510747 10790548.1 German 2511243 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 12/03/2012 2511243 12401040.6 German 3345 27/07/2016 2511614 Patents Office Journal Electrolux Home Products Corporation (No. 2312) 14/04/2011 2511614 11003145.7 N.V. 2511616 Itron France 14/04/2011 2511616 11305446.4 2511873 Rakuten, Inc. 27/12/2010 2511873 10839605.2 2511915 EPCOS AG 13/05/2011 2511915 11166070.0 2512124 Panasonic Intellectual Property 27/10/2010 2512124 10835639.5 17/12/2010 2512448 10795361.4 17/12/2010 2512990 10803076.8 French Management Co., Ltd. 2512448 Endotis Pharma Catalent France Beinheim SA 2512990 Jozef Stefan Institute Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.A. 2514150 Amazon Technologies, Inc. 15/12/2010 2514150 10795898.5 2514151 Amazon Technologies, Inc. 15/12/2010 2514151 10801307.9 2514152 Amazon Technologies, Inc. 15/12/2010 2514152 10801308.7 2514539 Matsukawa, Yasutsugu 16/12/2010 2514539 10837653.4 2515001 NSK Ltd. 29/10/2010 2515001 10805569.0 2515361 Lithium Energy Japan 19/03/2012 2515361 12160206.4 22/12/2010 2515672 10809339.4 Mitsubishi Jidosha Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2515672 Wroclawski Park Technologiczny S.A. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny We Wroclawiu Przedsiebiorstwo Wielobranzowe "Futurum" SP. Z O.O. Nazarkiewicz-Zajac, Dorota Grabowski, Piotr Rawicki, Ryszard 2516107 Snecma 22/12/2010 2516107 10798095.5 French 2516193 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 02/11/2010 2516193 10779464.6 German 2516270 Airbus Opérations SAS 20/12/2010 2516270 10809295.8 French 2516965 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 07/12/2010 2516965 10800694.1 German 2517931 Thomas, Melvin 10/04/2012 2517931 12275043.3 2518843 Ormazabal Y Cia., S.L.U. 21/12/2009 2518843 09809067.3 2520152 Deere & Company 24/04/2012 2520152 12165309.1 2520238 Covidien LP 01/05/2012 2520238 12166292.8 2521534 Ingell Technologies Holding B.V. 07/01/2011 2521534 11700504.1 2521732 Novozymes A/S 04/01/2011 2521732 11700029.9 2522311 Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH 24/11/2010 2522311 12005797.1 27/07/2016 2522458 Patents Office Journal ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL (No. 2312) 13/05/2011 2522458 11305581.8 3346 (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2524617 Rovcal, Inc. 17/05/2012 2524617 12168408.8 2524641 T.P.A. IMPEX S.p.A. 15/05/2012 2524641 12003845.0 2525010 Kettler Consulting & Engineering 14/05/2012 2525010 12003778.3 2525356 Sony Corporation 08/03/2011 2525356 11756122.5 2525828 BASF Corporation 19/01/2011 2525828 11735144.5 2526287 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 19/01/2011 2526287 11701739.2 2526442 Airbus DS GmbH 21/01/2011 2526442 11711246.6 2526547 Dolby Laboratories Licensing 07/01/2011 2526547 11700706.2 German German Corporation 2526586 Airbus Operations GmbH 20/01/2011 2526586 11701390.4 German 2527010 Cooper CSA S.r.l. 04/05/2012 2527010 12166758.8 2527843 Tendera AB 16/12/2004 2527843 12173024.6 2527894 Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 08/05/2012 2527894 12003589.4 German 2527970 Oberthur Technologies 25/05/2012 2527970 12169583.7 French 2528146 Techelios, LLC 22/12/2000 2528146 12180685.5 2528666 Dynamit Nobel Defence GmbH 26/01/2011 2528666 11701399.5 German 24/05/2012 2529890 12169243.8 German Fiwarec Rapid Brandschutzsysteme GmbH 2529890 Hazet-Werk Hermann Zerver GmbH & Co. KG 2530141 Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. 26/01/2011 2530141 11737055.1 2530195 Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co. KG 31/05/2011 2530195 11168211.8 2530267 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 04/10/2010 2530267 10848626.7 02/02/2011 2531171 11703593.1 German KAISHA 2531171 Schwan-STABILO Cosmetics GmbH & German Co. KG 2531529 Archer Daniels Midland Company 21/01/2011 2531529 11740182.8 2531532 TOTAL RESEARCH & 07/02/2011 2531532 11701852.3 TECHNOLOGY FELUY 2532120 Exfo Inc. 04/02/2011 2532120 11739300.9 2532273 Accuride International GmbH 06/06/2012 2532273 12171104.8 2533260 Sumitomo Electric Sintered Alloy, Ltd. 16/02/2012 2533260 12726705.2 German Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 2533777 Bilgic, Mahmut 28/01/2011 2533777 11706964.1 2534221 Tailorlux GmbH 09/02/2011 2534221 11718263.4 German 3347 27/07/2016 2534266 Patents Office Journal Saint Louis University (No. 2312) 11/02/2011 2534266 11742872.2 Mediomics, LLC 2534449 Marquardt Mechatronik GmbH 10/02/2011 2534449 11705441.1 2535443 The Doshisha 22/11/2010 2535443 10835830.0 2536037 China Academy of Telecommunications 31/01/2011 2536037 11739343.9 German Technology 2537219 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 27/01/2011 2537219 11701817.6 2537524 Ampio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 14/05/2004 2537524 12005456.4 2538302 Fujitsu Limited 16/02/2010 2538302 10846090.8 2538304 Immersion Corporation 15/05/2012 2538304 12167970.8 2540169 Centro Nacional de Tecnologia y 24/02/2011 2540169 11719583.4 German Seguridad Alimentaria Laboratorio del Ebro Universidad de Navarra 2542261 Glaxo Group Limited 01/03/2011 2542261 11705617.6 2542559 Evonik Degussa GmbH 28/02/2011 2542559 11705578.0 2542903 Ambient Corporation 04/03/2011 2542903 11751398.6 2549036 Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 03/03/2011 2549036 11756087.0 2549509 Omron Corporation 14/03/2011 2549509 11756239.7 2550053 DeVilbiss Healthcare LLC 14/11/2011 2550053 11860711.8 2551181 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 23/03/2010 2551181 10848360.3 2551421 Cappello Alluminio S.r.l. 26/07/2011 2551421 11425202.6 2551640 Rakuten, Inc. 07/11/2011 2551640 11856882.3 2551777 Fujitsu Limited 24/03/2010 2551777 10848379.3 2551854 The Boeing Company 20/07/2012 2551854 12177203.2 2551983 ABB S.p.A. 28/07/2011 2551983 11175713.4 2552155 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23/03/2011 2552155 11758804.6 2552232 Novozymes A/S 25/03/2011 2552232 11711843.0 2553211 Petrowell Limited 10/03/2011 2553211 11710549.4 2554479 Airbus Opérations SAS 30/07/2012 2554479 12305929.7 2555378 Panasonic Intellectual Property 16/03/2011 2555378 11762586.3 French Management Co., Ltd. 2555893 Gühring oHG 04/04/2011 2555893 11714728.0 2557677 Daikin Industries, Ltd. 17/03/2011 2557677 11765350.1 2558190 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 15/10/2010 2558190 10765635.7 2559232 Liberty Global Europe Holding B.V. 18/04/2011 2559232 11720598.9 2559458 Naber Holding GmbH & Co. KG 27/07/2012 2559458 12005493.7 2559783 JFE Steel Corporation 30/05/2011 2559783 11789942.7 German German German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2559879 AVL Software And Functions GmbH 14/08/2012 2559879 12180366.2 2559900 Techno Takatsuki Co., Ltd. 29/03/2012 2559900 12768507.1 2561791 Sanhua AWECO Appliance Systems 15/08/2012 2561791 12005886.2 3348 German German GmbH 2562059 Volvo Car Corporation 25/08/2011 2562059 11178817.0 2562259 Monsanto Technology LLC 19/12/2005 2562259 12186097.7 2562589 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 03/05/2012 2562589 12166562.4 2563892 Evonik Treibacher GmbH 27/04/2011 2563892 11716542.3 2564223 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 31/03/2011 2564223 11777760.7 2564349 Nokia Technologies Oy 14/04/2011 2564349 11774467.2 2564703 Bayer CropScience AG 16/03/2010 2564703 12192104.3 2565709 Ricoh Company, Ltd. 23/08/2012 2565709 12181568.2 2565940 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 19/01/2012 2565940 12151755.1 2566506 VIRBAC 07/05/2010 2566506 10723638.2 2566670 Formax, Inc. 02/05/2011 2566670 11778126.0 2566967 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, 04/05/2011 2566967 11778233.4 04/05/2011 2567600 11718718.7 German German French Inc. Board of Regents, The University of Texas System 2567600 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG 2568059 Nikon Corporation 06/05/2011 2568059 11777486.9 2568081 Wiedenmann GmbH 23/08/2012 2568081 12181583.1 2569425 The Regents of the University of 09/05/2011 2569425 11781086.1 German California 2569576 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 27/04/2011 2569576 11721826.3 2569939 Blue Jeans Network, Inc. 12/05/2011 2569939 11722955.9 2569987 BlackBerry Limited 03/05/2011 2569987 11721601.0 2569994 BlackBerry Limited 12/05/2011 2569994 11721619.2 2570043 Aplix 10/11/2010 2570043 12006620.4 2570411 Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd. 09/05/2011 2570411 11780573.9 2571357 Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 20/05/2011 2571357 11784354.0 2571505 Shire Viropharma Incorporated 18/05/2011 2571505 11722320.6 2571509 ALLERGAN, INC. 19/05/2011 2571509 11724483.0 2572495 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 20/05/2010 2572495 10721153.4 2572995 Yuyama Mfg. Co., Ltd. 10/05/2011 2572995 11783408.5 2573228 MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG 21/09/2012 2573228 12185320.4 German 2573237 Rieter Ingolstadt GmbH 18/09/2012 2573237 12184768.5 German French 3349 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2573238 Rieter Ingolstadt GmbH 18/09/2012 2573238 12184769.3 2573407 Volvo Construction Equipment AB 17/05/2010 2573407 10851802.8 2573495 Alfa Laval Corporate AB 22/09/2011 2573495 11182336.5 2574969 The Commonwealth of Australia as 28/09/2012 2574969 12186644.6 26/05/2011 2575467 11787462.8 German represented by The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research 2575467 The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate 2575545 Julius Blum GmbH 24/03/2011 2575545 11715383.3 2575822 Almirall S.A. 13/05/2011 2575822 11719487.8 2576890 Indesit Company, S.p.A. 27/05/2011 2576890 11728676.5 2577675 Rosemount, Inc. 31/05/2011 2577675 11730128.3 2577794 Sibeam, Inc. 24/05/2011 2577794 11728096.6 2577931 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 05/05/2011 2577931 11718367.3 2578212 Farmalider, S.A. 24/05/2010 2578212 10852058.6 2578496 Airbus Opérations SAS 28/09/2012 2578496 12306186.3 2578661 Ocean's King Lighting 25/05/2010 2578661 10851955.4 German French Science&Technology Co., Ltd. 2578730 Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 02/10/2012 2578730 12186910.1 German 2580392 Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. 03/05/2011 2580392 11792021.5 2583285 Karlsruher Institut Für Technologie 16/05/2011 2583285 11721737.2 German French (KIT) 2583574 Spontex 16/10/2012 2583574 12188630.3 2583896 Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 20/08/2012 2583896 12181051.9 2584077 Saurer Germany GmbH & Co. KG 22/09/2012 2584077 12006658.4 2584735 ALCATEL LUCENT 30/08/2011 2584735 11290385.1 2587754 ALCATEL LUCENT 25/10/2011 2587754 11306381.2 2592164 Mitsubishi Shindoh Co., Ltd. 07/07/2010 2592164 10854423.0 2592390 Schneider Electric Industries SAS 09/11/2012 2592390 12191900.5 2593533 Nalco Company 13/07/2011 2593533 11807420.2 2593901 Symbol Technologies, LLC 30/12/2010 2593901 10814786.9 2595402 Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 13/11/2012 2595402 12192363.5 2595876 Airbus Operations GmbH 20/07/2011 2595876 11741106.6 German 2596145 Bühler Alzenau GmbH 22/07/2011 2596145 11746453.7 German 2597115 Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 22/07/2011 2597115 11809737.7 2598872 joint analytical systems GmbH 19/05/2011 2598872 11723399.9 2599731 Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 29/07/2011 2599731 11814560.6 German French German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2599774 Astellas Pharma Inc. 28/07/2011 2599774 11812552.5 2599924 Volvo Construction Equipment AB 28/07/2010 2599924 10855350.4 2600341 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 27/11/2012 2600341 12194482.1 2602214 D. Lechner GmbH 07/11/2012 2602214 12191556.5 2602387 Valmet Aktiebolag 07/12/2011 2602387 11192428.8 2604567 Thyssenkrupp Elevator Innovation 10/12/2012 2604567 12382488.0 3350 German Center, S.A. 2605581 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 12/08/2011 2605581 11816113.2 2608745 Schefer, Arnold 23/08/2011 2608745 11748879.1 German 2609256 Plasser & Theurer Export von 13/07/2011 2609256 11735382.1 German 16/08/2011 2609353 11745540.2 German Bahnbaumaschinen Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2609353 Deere & Company Bucher Hydraulics GmbH 2612447 Proton World International N.V. 25/08/2011 2612447 11748662.1 French 2612549 Green Protection GmbH 04/01/2013 2612549 13000025.0 German 2612851 Les Laboratoires Servier 04/01/2013 2612851 13150305.4 French 2613987 Robert Bosch GmbH 12/07/2011 2613987 11731346.0 German 2614251 Robert Bosch GmbH 08/09/2011 2614251 11754657.2 German 2615702 CCS Technology, Inc. 13/01/2012 2615702 12151082.0 2616715 Renault S.A.S. 02/08/2011 2616715 11757378.2 2617105 Pellini, S.p.A. 27/09/2010 2617105 10776190.0 2617607 Volvo Car Corporation 19/01/2012 2617607 12151660.3 2618955 Komet Group GmbH 17/08/2011 2618955 11746527.8 2620130 Optimedica Corporation 13/03/2008 2620130 13164195.3 2621137 Tektronix, Inc. 28/01/2013 2621137 13152919.0 2621963 Dow Global Technologies LLC 21/09/2011 2621963 11763825.4 2622123 LG Electronics Inc. 27/09/2011 2622123 11829546.8 2622687 Yazaki Corporation 15/09/2011 2622687 11828978.4 2623613 Population Genetics Technologies Ltd. 20/09/2011 2623613 13164430.4 2625182 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company 06/10/2011 2625182 11771362.8 French German LP 2626130 Japan Science And Technology Agency 23/05/2011 2626130 13166732.1 2627817 Illinois Tool Works Inc. 16/09/2011 2627817 11761764.7 2629765 Hügin, Ambros 20/10/2011 2629765 11785110.5 2630904 Miele & Cie. KG 24/01/2013 2630904 13401007.3 2631432 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 26/02/2013 2631432 13156847.9 2631847 Bundesdruckerei GmbH 12/02/2013 2631847 13154910.7 2631931 Phoenix Electric Co., Ltd. 16/08/2012 2631931 12773194.1 German German 3351 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2632551 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 24/10/2011 2632551 11836910.7 2633152 Resman AS 31/10/2011 2633152 11785802.7 2634442 NSK Ltd. 14/09/2011 2634442 11835775.5 2637460 BlackBerry Limited 09/03/2012 2637460 12158943.6 2638743 Qualcomm Incorporated 11/11/2011 2638743 11793564.3 2640814 Unilever PLC 11/11/2011 2640814 11784632.9 2641048 Clyde Bergemann GmbH Maschinen- 21/10/2011 2641048 11771178.8 07/08/2007 2641601 13168383.1 German und Apparatebau 2641601 AbbVie Biotherapeutics Inc. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc. 2641743 Xerox Corporation 15/03/2013 2641743 13159357.6 2641832 Airbus Helicopters 27/02/2013 2641832 13000983.0 2642957 Davidson, Angela 25/11/2011 2642957 11807972.2 2643581 Robert Bosch GmbH 21/11/2011 2643581 11788109.4 2643836 NDS Limited 19/02/2012 2643836 12717472.0 2644079 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 30/03/2012 2644079 12162613.9 French German N.V. 2644853 Alstom Technology Ltd 29/03/2012 2644853 12162043.9 2646727 Metso Minerals (Sweden) AB 30/11/2010 2646727 10787093.3 2647143 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 29/11/2011 2647143 11844113.8 2647722 TSUMURA & CO. 28/11/2011 2647722 11844371.2 2650177 Autoliv Development AB 10/04/2012 2650177 12163598.1 2650977 Traxxas LP 02/11/2007 2650977 13176310.4 2651316 Cook Medical Technologies LLC 15/12/2011 2651316 11808058.9 2651558 General Electric Company 27/10/2011 2651558 11787960.1 2652028 DSM IP Assets B.V. 12/12/2011 2652028 11797308.1 2652862 Robert Bosch GmbH 15/11/2011 2652862 11784644.4 German 2653996 Océ Printing Systems GmbH & Co. KG 18/04/2013 2653996 13164252.2 German 2654110 Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. 28/11/2011 2654110 11848684.4 2654320 GP Acoustics International Limited 16/04/2013 2654320 13163845.4 2654998 Rockwool International A/S 06/12/2011 2654998 11790997.8 2655226 Additif 23/12/2011 2655226 11815537.3 2655367 Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 16/12/2011 2655367 11794797.8 2655408 Sanofi 22/12/2011 2655408 11802949.5 2655473 SABIC Global Technologies B.V. 19/12/2011 2655473 11811152.5 2656987 Manufacturas y Transformados AB, 15/04/2013 2656987 13382135.5 24/04/2013 2657334 13165182.0 S.L. 2657334 GeneFrontier Corporation French 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3352 2658126 NXP B.V. 25/03/2013 2658126 13160895.2 2658289 Sivantos Pte. Ltd. 17/04/2013 2658289 13164027.8 2659054 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 28/12/2011 2659054 11805538.3 2659939 Salewa Sport AG 13/09/2011 2659939 13178488.6 2660150 Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 03/05/2013 2660150 13166444.3 2660392 Oil Clear Europe Ltd. 04/05/2012 2660392 12003447.5 2660809 2236008 Ontario Inc. 01/05/2012 2660809 12166308.2 2661910 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 02/01/2012 2661910 12700523.9 2662938 ATG R&D Limited 12/02/2013 2662938 13154871.1 2663541 Reliance Industries Limited 28/02/2011 2663541 11855425.2 2663542 Reliance Industries Limited 28/02/2011 2663542 11855620.8 2664437 Gealan Formteile GmbH 21/05/2013 2664437 13168618.0 2665190 LSI Corporation 16/04/2013 2665190 13163872.8 2665589 3M Innovative Properties Company 11/01/2012 2665589 12700908.2 2666490 MIRACOR Medical Systems GmbH 19/02/2010 2666490 13003996.9 German 2666557 via donau - Österreichische 17/04/2013 2666557 13164064.1 German 26/10/2011 2667085 11856280.0 22/05/2013 2667635 13168723.8 German German German Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2667085 Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2667635 Yonsei University Wonju IndustryAcademic Cooperation Foundation Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2667796 Clariance 10/01/2012 2667796 12702594.8 French 2668100 Airbus Defence and Space SAS 20/01/2012 2668100 12705347.8 French 2668840 Makita Corporation 29/05/2013 2668840 13002794.9 2668970 Novartis AG 25/10/2007 2668970 13178800.2 2669372 Bayer CropScience AG 10/11/2010 2669372 13164699.4 2669542 Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 10/04/2012 2669542 12776307.6 2670687 Sarong Societa' Per Azioni 27/01/2012 2670687 12708932.4 2670804 SABIC Global Technologies B.V. 01/02/2012 2670804 12705193.6 2671186 Metasecure Corporation 02/02/2012 2671186 12742209.5 2671225 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 31/01/2012 2671225 12742007.3 2673434 DORMA Deutschland GmbH 23/01/2012 2673434 12708654.4 2673855 Iradion Laser, Inc. 21/02/2012 2673855 12749587.7 2674117 Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 14/05/2013 2674117 13167574.6 German 2674313 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen 20/03/2013 2674313 13160074.4 German 09/12/2008 2675095 13181838.7 GmbH 2675095 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) German 3353 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2675259 Schneider Electric IT Corporation 18/05/2010 2675259 13183500.1 2678244 Unilever PLC 26/01/2012 2678244 12703007.0 2678597 Hunting Energy Services Inc. 13/02/2012 2678597 12749018.3 2678702 Allegro Microsystems, LLC 08/03/2012 2678702 12712456.8 2680255 YAMAHA CORPORATION 25/06/2013 2680255 13173502.9 2680611 Sivantos Pte. Ltd. 17/05/2013 2680611 13168267.6 2680944 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering 27/02/2012 2680944 12710594.8 German Company 2681111 Short Brothers Plc 01/03/2011 2681111 11706239.8 2681425 NIDEC GPM GmbH 29/11/2011 2681425 11793659.1 2681550 Sophion Bioscience A/S 29/02/2012 2681550 12706064.8 2682161 Fitzner, Sabine 08/05/2013 2682161 13166977.2 2683773 Floreon-Transforming Packaging 09/03/2012 2683773 12710776.1 German German Limited 2684917 Adeka Corporation 12/01/2012 2684917 12755681.9 2687720 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 30/11/2011 2687720 11869763.0 2688713 Larson, Chad M. 20/03/2012 2688713 12713481.5 2688755 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 23/02/2012 2688755 12710338.0 2688853 Saint-Gobain Glass France 23/03/2012 2688853 12717370.6 2691124 ETHICON, INC. 30/03/2012 2691124 12714464.0 2691258 L & P Swiss Holding AG 28/03/2011 2691258 11710715.1 2691299 Institut Supérieur De L'Aéronautique Et 27/03/2012 2691299 12712624.1 French French De L'Espace 2692372 Toray Industries, Inc. 29/03/2012 2692372 12763469.9 2692622 SPEEDPLAY, INC. 09/11/2010 2692622 13190753.7 2692660 Lumson S.p.A. 19/07/2013 2692660 13177197.4 2693596 Panasonic Intellectual Property 27/03/2012 2693596 12764906.9 Management Co., Ltd. 2693599 Equos Research Co., Ltd. 27/03/2012 2693599 12763594.4 2694199 Proven Technologies, LLC 04/04/2012 2694199 12768602.0 2694249 Von der Ohe, Jürgen 12/03/2012 2694249 12709533.9 2694602 Allnex Belgium, S.A. 30/03/2012 2694602 12711188.8 2695074 Robert Bosch GmbH 29/03/2012 2695074 12713081.3 2695430 Intel Corporation 16/12/2011 2695430 11862167.1 2696355 INTERMETALLICS CO., LTD. 27/12/2012 2696355 12861799.0 2697142 Sidel Participations 06/04/2012 2697142 12718703.7 French 2697193 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 28/03/2012 2697193 12710747.2 German 2697602 Faul, Ivan 13/04/2012 2697602 12771176.0 German German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2698043 Edwards Limited 12/04/2012 2698043 12719031.2 2699021 Starkey Laboratories, Inc. 09/08/2013 2699021 13179859.7 2699277 NASCENT SURGICAL, LLC 19/04/2012 2699277 12719161.7 2699742 Putzmeister Engineering GmbH 05/04/2012 2699742 12714648.8 2701442 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 09/05/2011 2701442 11762043.5 2703648 Panasonic Intellectual Property 27/12/2011 2703648 11864486.3 3354 German Management Co., Ltd. 2703827 Guangdong East Power Co., Ltd. 27/09/2012 2703827 12868417.2 2705130 Luminex Corporation 04/05/2012 2705130 12779471.7 2705178 GTAT IP Holding LLC 04/05/2012 2705178 12781614.8 2705429 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. 01/05/2012 2705429 12779857.7 2705516 Nokia Technologies Oy 04/05/2011 2705516 11864783.3 2705749 Hedipack Technology Centre B.V. 09/09/2013 2705749 13183472.3 2705908 GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas 11/09/2013 2705908 13183917.7 LLC 2705961 Bridgestone Corporation 26/04/2013 2705961 13793208.3 2706137 Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 03/09/2013 2706137 13182802.2 French 2706351 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 28/08/2013 2706351 13182047.4 German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2706785 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 01/05/2012 2706785 12782242.7 2707086 Medtronic, Inc. 08/05/2012 2707086 12722022.6 2707306 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 11/05/2012 2707306 12782846.5 2707312 Channell Commercial Corporation 10/05/2012 2707312 12726937.1 2707320 Otis Elevator Company 10/05/2011 2707320 11865039.9 2707568 International Research Institute of 08/05/2012 2707568 12782736.8 Stavanger AS 2707841 Omni-ID Limited 10/05/2012 2707841 12724231.1 2708549 The Trustees Of The University Of 30/07/2007 2708549 13187666.6 Pennsylvania 2708707 AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 17/09/2013 2708707 13184826.9 2708894 Berg LLC 26/01/2009 2708894 13192129.8 2710297 BOSIG GmbH 11/05/2012 2710297 12728383.6 2710362 Wojskowy Instytut Chemii i 16/05/2012 2710362 12741397.9 German Radiometrii 2710775 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 19/05/2011 2710775 11722041.8 2711255 OKI 09/09/2013 2711255 13183577.9 French 3355 27/07/2016 2711957 Patents Office Journal Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. (No. 2312) 09/05/2012 2711957 12786512.9 Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd. 2712924 KAO CORPORATION 28/05/2009 2712924 13198538.4 2712992 Ship-Car S.r.L. 19/09/2008 2712992 13199714.0 2713721 Syngenta Participations AG 31/05/2012 2713721 12724638.7 2713796 Illinois Tool Works Inc. 25/05/2012 2713796 12726682.3 2713882 NFANT Labs LLC 25/05/2012 2713882 12728874.4 2714253 Eppendorf, Inc. 23/05/2012 2714253 12790239.3 2714494 Volvo Lastvagnar AB 31/05/2011 2714494 11866962.1 2714538 Carmel Pharma AB 31/05/2011 2714538 11725380.7 2714577 Pepsico, Inc. 02/05/2012 2714577 12720373.5 2714584 Université Paris-Sud 11 29/05/2012 2714584 12731083.7 31/05/2012 2714723 12727500.6 French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2714723 The Regents of the University of California 2715083 Volvo Lastvagnar AB 30/05/2011 2715083 11726066.1 2715126 Sky Windpower Corporation 23/05/2012 2715126 12789099.4 2715218 JENOPTIK Polymer Systems GmbH 23/05/2012 2715218 12727110.4 German 2715804 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung 31/05/2011 2715804 11749329.6 German der angewandten Forschung E.V. 2715933 Acconeer AB 30/05/2011 2715933 11722437.8 2715992 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 30/05/2011 2715992 11722076.4 2715993 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 30/05/2011 2715993 11722432.9 2715994 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 30/05/2011 2715994 11724159.6 2716119 BlackBerry Limited 31/05/2011 2716119 11867089.2 2716586 Comexi Group Industries, S.A.U 24/05/2012 2716586 12793648.2 2717257 YAMAHA CORPORATION 02/10/2013 2717257 13186993.5 2718179 SoftWing SA 16/05/2012 2718179 12721848.5 2719389 Phrixus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 17/12/2008 2719389 13183738.7 German The Regents of The University of Michigan 2719603 OM Carrelli Elevatori S.p.A. 04/10/2013 2719603 13187296.2 2721765 NDS Limited 23/04/2012 2721765 12720645.6 2722045 Helsinn Healthcare SA 18/11/2010 2722045 14151683.1 2723290 Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. 18/05/2012 2723290 12801884.3 2724162 UCL Business PLC 27/06/2012 2724162 12733199.9 German 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 3356 2724675 Aston Medical 21/10/2013 2724675 13189562.5 French 2724914 Ponticelli, Pius 23/10/2013 2724914 13189934.6 German 2724939 Airbus Helicopters 08/10/2013 2724939 13004824.2 French 2726708 International Research Institute of 27/06/2012 2726708 12805104.2 Stavanger AS 2726808 Valeo Systèmes Thermiques 28/06/2012 2726808 12731421.9 French 2727744 COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES 01/08/2005 2727744 14152873.7 French German ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2728100 Novoferm GmbH 24/10/2013 2728100 13190113.4 2728288 Chomanov, Urishbay 05/10/2012 2728288 12874843.1 2728402 Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 22/03/2013 2728402 13160558.6 2728569 CCL Label Meerane GmbH 11/02/2005 2728569 14151911.6 2728681 Pressmaster AB 15/10/2013 2728681 13188681.4 2729337 WABCO GmbH 15/03/2012 2729337 12712934.4 2729895 The UAB Research Foundation 09/07/2012 2729895 12811688.6 2730268 Fenwal, Inc. 15/05/2013 2730268 13187222.8 2730336 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 31/10/2013 2730336 13191072.1 German 2730409 Bundesdruckerei GmbH 22/05/2013 2730409 13168770.9 German 2730534 Krones AG 08/11/2013 2730534 13192051.4 German 2730766 Rolls-Royce plc 06/11/2013 2730766 13005243.4 2730783 Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance 20/03/2012 2730783 12842806.7 German German Co., Ltd. 2730972 Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 22/03/2013 2730972 13160554.5 2732662 BlackBerry Limited 26/09/2012 2732662 12835674.8 2733171 Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 18/05/2012 2733171 12817234.3 2734077 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 10/07/2012 2734077 12733163.5 German 2734203 Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen 17/07/2012 2734203 12735554.3 German Universitätsklinikum 2735128 ZTE USA, INC. 20/07/2012 2735128 12814699.0 2735508 Airbus Helicopters 04/11/2013 2735508 13005184.0 2735638 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 29/10/2013 2735638 13190716.4 2736117 CommScope Technologies LLC 14/11/2013 2736117 13192967.1 2736136 Yazaki Corporation 20/07/2012 2736136 12815446.5 2736914 Straitmark Holding AG 30/07/2012 2736914 12741330.0 2737273 Clyde Bergemann GmbH Maschinen- 19/07/2012 2737273 12740335.0 German 22/10/2013 2738715 13005045.3 German French und Apparatebau 2738715 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 3357 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2738902 Kyocera Corporation 26/07/2012 2738902 12817328.3 2739201 Draeger Medical Systems, Inc. 03/08/2011 2739201 11744171.7 2739347 CircuLite, Inc. 05/08/2011 2739347 11870615.9 2739822 Schlumberger Technology B.V. 31/05/2012 2739822 12727446.2 2739911 Indesit Company, S.p.A. 03/08/2012 2739911 12762399.9 2739925 Barbotto, Gian Maria 01/08/2012 2739925 12759262.4 2739976 Grifols, S.A. 22/11/2012 2739976 12816122.1 2740699 Saurer Germany GmbH & Co. KG 15/11/2013 2740699 13005378.8 German 2741298 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE 03/12/2013 2741298 13195416.6 French ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2741473 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 08/04/2013 2741473 13789149.5 2741621 Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC 09/03/2012 2741621 12710835.5 2742277 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 09/08/2012 2742277 12822483.9 2742618 LG Electronics Inc. 09/08/2012 2742618 12822565.3 2742906 Ivoclar Vivadent AG 17/12/2012 2742906 12197441.4 2743139 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 28/11/2013 2743139 13194883.8 2743485 Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 17/12/2013 2743485 13197847.0 2744863 BASF Corporation 09/08/2012 2744863 12824047.0 2746417 Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho 15/08/2012 2746417 12824032.2 German (Kobe Steel, Ltd.) 2746489 DANI ALU 04/12/2013 2746489 13195696.3 2748362 Federal-Mogul Powertrain, Inc. 22/08/2012 2748362 12756860.8 2748547 Outotec (Finland) Oy 09/08/2012 2748547 12746327.1 2749258 Cook Medical Technologies LLC 24/12/2013 2749258 13275338.5 2749497 Airbus Opérations SAS 13/12/2013 2749497 13306724.9 2749668 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 27/09/2012 2749668 12835396.8 French French Corporation 2749886 Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation 22/08/2012 2749886 12825271.5 2750241 LG Chem, Ltd. 31/05/2013 2750241 13796761.8 2750862 Covidien LP 30/08/2012 2750862 12759571.8 2750961 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 23/07/2012 2750961 12743756.4 French 2751051 Paul Wurth S.A. 05/09/2012 2751051 12759077.6 French 2751437 Robert Bosch Automotive Steering 18/07/2012 2751437 12750417.3 French Vendôme 2751556 Carnegie Mellon University 22/08/2012 2751556 12836965.9 2751775 Monash University 29/08/2012 2751775 12827966.8 2752430 Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co. Ltd. 23/08/2012 2752430 12828832.1 27/07/2016 2753479 Patents Office Journal Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH (No. 2312) 06/07/2012 2753479 12743663.2 3358 German Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2753552 International Refills Company Ltd. 31/08/2012 2753552 12829299.2 2753873 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 07/09/2012 2753873 12829749.6 2754345 Bernini, Fabrizio 11/01/2013 2754345 13425005.9 2754689 SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES 03/01/2014 2754689 14150111.4 LIMITED 2754865 Hitachi Zosen Corporation 09/09/2011 2754865 11871889.9 2754936 Press-Seal Gasket Corporation 08/01/2014 2754936 14150438.1 2755351 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19/01/2006 2755351 14163377.6 2756271 AGELLIS Group AB 11/09/2012 2756271 12832597.4 2756372 Apple Inc. 14/09/2012 2756372 12769247.3 2756865 BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG 20/01/2014 2756865 14151738.3 2757100 Daicel Corporation 04/09/2012 2757100 12831384.8 2757312 Trilux GmbH & Co. KG 15/01/2014 2757312 14151204.6 2757743 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 04/05/2012 2757743 12792507.1 2758466 Compagnie Générale des 11/09/2012 2758466 12756737.8 11/07/2013 2759286 13176099.3 German French Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2759286 LCK Co., Ltd. Jilin Province Longchuang Medical Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. 2759291 BTG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 26/05/2000 2759291 14163455.0 2759496 Brunone, René 16/01/2014 2759496 14151409.1 2759609 Nittan Valve Co., Ltd. 17/01/2012 2759609 12865821.8 2760356 Zoll Circulation, Inc. 25/09/2012 2760356 12837381.8 2760516 Hamilton Bonaduz AG 27/09/2012 2760516 12770082.1 2760663 VMI Holland B.V. 27/09/2012 2760663 12769766.2 2760943 Lengheim, Hubert 26/09/2012 2760943 12774912.5 2761166 Enel Green Power S.p.A. 28/09/2012 2761166 12762644.8 2761678 Glo AB 25/09/2012 2761678 12834833.1 2762797 BlueKit Factory GmbH 15/01/2014 2762797 14151227.7 2763623 Materialise N.V. 05/10/2012 2763623 12778063.3 2763645 Bio Capsule Pharmaceutical and 05/10/2012 2763645 12787105.1 Nutritional Products Proprietary Limited French German German German 3359 27/07/2016 2763646 Patents Office Journal Bio Capsule Pharmaceutical and (No. 2312) 05/10/2012 2763646 12791552.8 Nutritional Products Proprietary Limited 2763806 ASK Chemicals GmbH 05/10/2012 2763806 12780403.7 2766650 Colder Products Company 12/10/2012 2766650 12784130.2 2766718 Azure Vault Ltd 11/10/2012 2766718 12839887.2 2766808 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 13/10/2011 2766808 11768026.4 German N.V. 2766976 Robert Bosch GmbH 09/10/2012 2766976 12778679.6 German 2767877 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 11/02/2014 2767877 14154711.7 German 2768508 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 19/10/2012 2768508 12784753.1 2768677 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 24/09/2012 2768677 12773208.9 2769051 Petroleum Technology Company AS 16/05/2012 2769051 12723150.4 2769834 Airbus Operations, S.L. 26/02/2013 2769834 13382058.9 2769944 CERMEX NEWTEC 21/02/2014 2769944 14156191.0 2770916 Essential Medical, Inc. 25/10/2012 2770916 12843990.8 2771196 Saint Jean Industries 10/07/2012 2771196 12743753.1 French 2771427 BASF SE 19/10/2012 2771427 12772992.9 German 2771577 WATSON-MARLOW LIMITED 29/05/2012 2771577 12727160.9 2771739 Hewlett-Packard Development 27/10/2011 2771739 11874758.3 German French Company, L.P. 2772364 APS Trading OOD 01/03/2013 2772364 13157369.3 2773044 FUJITSU LIMITED 23/01/2014 2773044 14152227.6 2773296 Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH 30/10/2012 2773296 12790400.1 2773502 Cortex Composites, LLC 31/10/2012 2773502 12783816.7 2774146 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 15/05/2012 2774146 12846533.3 2774585 Nipro Corporation 22/08/2012 2774585 12846004.5 2774774 Giuseppe Di Natale S.p.A - Arti 15/01/2014 2774774 14425003.2 German Grafiche e Cartotecnica 2775559 Adeka Corporation 31/10/2012 2775559 12845797.5 2776404 University of Connecticut 06/11/2012 2776404 12846926.9 2776704 Wobben Properties GmbH 31/08/2012 2776704 12756689.1 German 2777136 Dewertokin GmbH 05/10/2012 2777136 12768860.4 German 2777852 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 23/05/2013 2777852 13169016.6 2777928 Ecore International Inc. 17/03/2014 2777928 14160274.8 2778261 Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials 14/03/2014 2778261 14159761.7 LLC 27/07/2016 2779197 Patents Office Journal Rockwell Automation Technologies, (No. 2312) 13/03/2014 2779197 14159625.4 3360 Inc. 2779933 King Saud University 21/11/2011 2779933 11875738.4 2780198 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 12/11/2012 2780198 12795518.5 2780917 ABB Technology AG 26/10/2012 2780917 12791889.4 2781153 Lely Patent N.V. 12/02/2014 2781153 14154883.4 2781410 Elting, Guido 17/03/2014 2781410 14160179.9 2782319 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 20/03/2013 2782319 13160174.2 2782882 SCHOTT AG 21/11/2012 2782882 12788215.7 2783121 Aktiebolaget SKF 07/11/2012 2783121 12851585.5 2783961 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 25/03/2014 2783961 14161447.9 2784069 Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 14/05/2010 2784069 14172600.0 2784808 Panasonic Intellectual Property 18/10/2012 2784808 12851940.2 French German German Management Co., Ltd. 2785192 Frito-Lay North America, Inc. 30/11/2012 2785192 12854177.8 2785754 Sun Chemical Corporation 29/11/2012 2785754 12799020.8 2785993 Deere & Company 28/11/2012 2785993 12797834.4 2786381 General Cable Industries, Inc. 28/11/2012 2786381 12808570.1 2787377 Dexerials Corporation 24/08/2012 2787377 12853412.0 2787850 Michcar Partners, LLC 21/12/2012 2787850 12864317.8 2788262 Unilin BVBA 04/12/2012 2788262 12813126.5 2788278 HRL LABORATORIES, LLC 23/03/2012 2788278 12856497.8 2789220 Schneider Electric Industries SAS 26/11/2012 2789220 12795396.6 French 2789550 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE 28/03/2014 2789550 14162508.7 French German ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2789775 LASER-Met Sp. z o.o. 02/08/2013 2789775 13460052.7 2789857 KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOYOTA 24/03/2014 2789857 14161263.0 JIDOSHOKKI 2791000 NOV - BLM 13/12/2012 2791000 12813924.3 2791190 Dow Global Technologies LLC 30/11/2012 2791190 12799449.9 2791503 Wobben Properties GmbH 10/12/2012 2791503 12808299.7 2791579 SABAF S.p.A. 26/10/2012 2791579 12818559.2 French German 3361 27/07/2016 2791674 Patents Office Journal Les Hospices Civils de Lyon (No. 2312) 17/12/2012 2791674 12808362.3 Centre Léon Bérard Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2792036 ABB Technology AG 12/12/2012 2792036 12799200.6 2792243 Novozymes Biologicals, Inc. 07/04/2008 2792243 14168205.4 2792656 Calderys France 19/04/2013 2792656 13290088.7 2793070 THALES 02/04/2014 2793070 14163145.7 2795047 Welltec A/S 20/12/2012 2795047 12813833.6 2795374 Schlumberger Technology B.V. 19/12/2012 2795374 12860212.5 2796044 SDS Biotech K. K. 22/12/2011 2796044 11877669.9 2796238 Hundegger, Hans 20/03/2014 2796238 14160925.5 2796377 TEKNOMET Sp. z o.o. 27/02/2014 2796377 14156988.9 2796591 SiO2 Medical Products, Inc. 12/05/2010 2796591 14177456.2 2796863 Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 07/02/2014 2796863 14154275.3 German 2797703 Trumpf Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + 19/12/2012 2797703 12812606.7 German French German Co. KG 2798216 Whirlpool S.A. 08/11/2012 2798216 12799047.1 2798806 Raytheon BBN Technologies Corp. 09/11/2012 2798806 12798929.1 2799365 rotaris Marketing GmbH 29/04/2014 2799365 14166352.6 2800443 HTC Corporation 02/05/2014 2800443 14020057.7 2801285 Charles L. Strand Enskild Firma 06/05/2014 2801285 14167136.2 2801898 SAP SE 05/05/2014 2801898 14001572.8 2802246 Popcornloop GmbH 10/01/2013 2802246 13706712.0 2803404 Pall Corporation 07/05/2014 2803404 14167331.9 2803444 VÚTS, a.s. 28/03/2014 2803444 14162213.4 2803760 Herbert Kannegiesser GmbH 12/05/2014 2803760 14001656.9 2803933 Gamo Outdoor, SL 20/12/2012 2803933 12832733.5 2803966 Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 14/05/2014 2803966 14168371.4 2804229 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 15/04/2014 2804229 14164766.9 German 2804266 Wieland Electric GmbH 25/04/2014 2804266 14166064.7 German 2804880 S.P.C.M. SA 14/01/2013 2804880 13705213.0 French 2805033 Dearman Engine Company Ltd 20/12/2012 2805033 12820877.4 2806097 CDH Group 15/05/2014 2806097 14168496.9 German German German French 27/07/2016 2806414 Patents Office Journal Harman Becker Automotive Systems (No. 2312) 23/05/2013 2806414 13168933.3 3362 GmbH 2806506 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 22/05/2014 2806506 14169380.4 2808174 Hewlett-Packard Development 28/05/2008 2808174 14180837.8 German Company, L.P. 2808276 Swisslog Logistics, Inc. 21/05/2009 2808276 14178163.3 2808396 Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen 28/05/2013 2808396 13169548.8 30/05/2014 2808452 14170710.9 Neuendorf e. V. 2808452 ITALIA IMPIANTI S.a.s. di Paolo Giglioli & C. Servizi Ecologici Porto di Genova S.r.l. Simam S.p.A. 2808716 Jos. Schneider Optische Werke GmbH 15/05/2014 2808716 14168524.8 German 2809592 Novartis Tiergesundheit AG 30/01/2013 2809592 13704563.9 2809647 Eli Lilly and Company 29/01/2013 2809647 13702872.6 2810604 Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. 16/09/2010 2810604 14180023.5 2810697 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 03/02/2014 2810697 14153647.4 2811041 UACJ Corporation 01/02/2012 2811041 12867174.0 2812095 Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA 01/02/2013 2812095 13706409.3 German 2812219 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 06/02/2013 2812219 13704757.7 German German Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2812543 ALSTOM Technology Ltd 08/02/2013 2812543 13704080.4 2812993 Renault S.A.S. 01/02/2013 2812993 13702633.2 2813222 Neuron Biopharma S.A. 06/02/2013 2813222 13711061.5 2813881 Menicon Co., Ltd. 09/02/2012 2813881 12867865.3 2814544 Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 08/02/2013 2814544 13704404.6 2814600 BASF SE 14/02/2013 2814600 13703840.2 2814601 BASF SE 14/02/2013 2814601 13704769.2 2814660 Diehl Aircabin GmbH 14/02/2014 2814660 14705039.7 2814771 Cascade Corporation 24/01/2013 2814771 13749885.3 2814931 Colgate-Palmolive Company 17/02/2012 2814931 12710581.5 2815628 Webasto SE 07/02/2013 2815628 13703397.3 German 2815632 Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH 14/02/2013 2815632 13708336.6 German 2815723 St. Jude Medical, Inc. 15/07/2009 2815723 14180622.4 2815925 Thule Sweden AB 06/09/2013 2815925 13183372.5 2816285 Kyungdong Navien Co., Ltd. 18/01/2013 2816285 13748985.2 2817157 Avery Dennison Corporation 20/02/2013 2817157 13709619.4 2817276 Dow Global Technologies LLC 06/02/2013 2817276 13705332.8 French German 3363 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2818067 SHOEI CO., LTD. 30/05/2014 2818067 14170576.4 2818312 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Printing & 23/01/2013 2818312 13751622.5 Packaging Machinery, Ltd. 2818426 Krones AG 13/05/2014 2818426 14168008.2 2818931 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 04/06/2014 2818931 14171069.9 2820741 Ropa Development GmbH 01/03/2013 2820741 13707613.9 2820995 iRobot Corporation 06/01/2012 2820995 14186135.1 2821268 Toyota Shatai Kabushiki Kaisha 19/10/2012 2821268 12869832.1 German German Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2821610 Honeywell International Inc. 11/06/2014 2821610 14172032.6 2823492 TE Connectivity Germany GmbH 27/02/2013 2823492 13709161.7 2824149 Fujifilm Corporation 28/02/2013 2824149 13757982.7 2824479 Ingenieria de Sistemas Para La Defensa 12/07/2013 2824479 13176297.3 de Espana, S.A. 2825780 Hilti Aktiengesellschaft 05/03/2013 2825780 13709840.6 German 2826549 BHKW Johann Hochreiter Biogas 17/07/2013 2826549 13003588.4 German Planung Beratung GmbH 2826634 DAI NIPPON PRINTING CO., LTD. 04/08/2011 2826634 14003049.5 2827197 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 18/12/2012 2827197 12871447.4 2827213 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen 23/04/2014 2827213 14165634.8 German German GmbH 2828331 Sika Technology AG 19/03/2013 2828331 13709931.3 2828392 Novamont S.p.A. 20/03/2013 2828392 13710431.1 2828441 Unilever PLC 05/03/2013 2828441 13707186.6 2830259 ZTE Corporation 21/05/2012 2830259 12871767.5 2830872 Tarkett GDL 18/03/2013 2830872 13713115.7 2831968 Dehn + Söhne GmbH + Co. KG 01/03/2013 2831968 13707368.0 2833502 Qnovo Inc. 15/07/2014 2833502 14177038.8 2833769 Tompac. E. T. Marquardt 21/03/2013 2833769 13713072.0 German 2834085 Compagnie Générale des 02/04/2013 2834085 13713210.6 French 02/04/2013 2834086 13713208.0 French 02/04/2012 2834127 12714997.9 German German Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2834086 Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2834127 ABC Design GmbH 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2834324 Linde AG 02/04/2013 2834324 13716729.2 2835021 Optis Cellular Technology, LLC 05/04/2012 2835021 12711903.0 2835037 Tridonic GmbH & Co. KG 03/04/2013 2835037 13720747.8 2835809 OMRON CORPORATION 18/07/2014 2835809 14177666.6 2836368 Hewlett-Packard Development 13/04/2012 2836368 12874047.9 3364 German German Company, L.P. 2836563 3M Innovative Properties Company 12/04/2013 2836563 13718716.7 2836762 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 04/04/2013 2836762 13728515.1 2838750 Audi AG 18/04/2013 2838750 13718505.4 German 2839078 Franz Plasser Bahnbaumaschinen- 15/03/2013 2839078 13712683.5 German Industriegesellschaft m.b.H. 2839977 Erlau AG 31/03/2014 2839977 14162775.2 German 2840948 SEB S.A. 23/04/2013 2840948 13723860.6 French 2841123 Abiomed Europe GmbH 25/04/2013 2841123 13719515.2 German 2841462 CONTIPRO PHARMA, A.S. 25/04/2013 2841462 13724511.4 2841612 CRS Holdings, Inc. 29/04/2013 2841612 13792114.4 2842389 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 26/04/2013 2842389 13719094.8 2842488 Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. 23/04/2013 2842488 13780613.9 German Aerocrine AB 2842768 MAVIC S.A.S. 21/07/2014 2842768 14002521.4 2843268 NOK Corporation 15/04/2013 2843268 13782462.9 2843876 ZTE Corporation 27/03/2013 2843876 13782022.1 2844112 So To Company Ltd 01/05/2013 2844112 13725738.2 2844989 Robert Bosch GmbH 04/04/2013 2844989 13713915.0 2845708 HOYA Corporation 21/01/2014 2845708 14777483.0 2846370 Konica Minolta, Inc. 19/04/2013 2846370 13785218.2 2846646 Scelta Umami Holding B.V. 13/05/2013 2846646 13723458.9 2846654 Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. S.p.A. 08/05/2013 2846654 13735412.2 2846655 Norbert Schmid GmbH & Co. KG 09/05/2012 2846655 12722292.5 2846657 Braun GmbH 02/05/2013 2846657 13732616.1 2846753 Brignone, Renato 10/05/2013 2846753 13735417.1 French German German Villa, Paolo 2846937 Bakker, Hermanus 09/05/2012 2846937 12724418.4 2846969 Essilor International (Compagnie 03/05/2013 2846969 13725418.1 Générale d'Optique) 2846974 Premark FEG L.L.C. 03/05/2013 2846974 13723344.1 2847020 Volvo Lastvagnar AB 08/05/2012 2847020 12721761.0 2847054 Volvo Lastvagnar AB 08/05/2012 2847054 12720109.3 French 3365 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2847073 Lantech.Com LLC 07/05/2013 2847073 13723641.0 2847092 Illycaffe' S.p.A. con Unico Socio 10/05/2013 2847092 13735395.9 2847098 Hausbrandt Trieste 1892 SPA 21/09/2012 2847098 12805759.3 2847280 Neoker, S.L 06/05/2013 2847280 13721679.2 2847543 Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik 04/12/2012 2847543 12795436.0 07/05/2013 2847562 13724082.6 German GmbH 2847562 Bristol, Inc., D/B/A Remote Automated Solutions 2847612 Rosemount Tank Radar AB 07/05/2013 2847612 13720947.4 2847879 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 07/05/2013 2847879 13725838.0 2848092 Printabled S.R.L. 29/04/2013 2848092 13728002.0 2848270 Leventon S.A.U. 06/05/2013 2848270 13745141.5 2848547 Xolution GmbH 17/09/2013 2848547 13184833.5 German 2848637 SYNTHOPOL CHEMIE Dr. rer. pol. 12/08/2014 2848637 14180635.6 German Koch GmbH & CO. KG 2849319 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 17/07/2014 2849319 14177417.4 2849356 ALCATEL LUCENT 12/09/2013 2849356 13306253.9 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2849377 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17/05/2013 2849377 13809626.8 2849581 Hamlet Protein A/S 15/05/2013 2849581 13725302.7 2849878 De Broqueville, Axel 04/04/2013 2849878 13737521.8 French 2849895 "S.A.G.A.C.E." Services en 13/05/2013 2849895 13725099.9 French 14/05/2013 2849994 13723095.9 French German Administration, Gestion et Applications au Conseil à l'Environnement 2849994 Societe D'Ingenierie De Recherches Et D'etudes En 2850022 Bühler GmbH 15/05/2013 2850022 13723128.8 2850140 Université de Haute Alsace 16/05/2013 2850140 13736638.1 Socomore 2850228 REC Solar Pte Ltd. 15/05/2013 2850228 13725308.4 2850846 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 15/05/2012 2850846 12721181.1 2850853 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 17/05/2013 2850853 13737852.7 2851274 C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 23/09/2013 2851274 13185488.7 27/07/2016 2851949 Patents Office Journal COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE (No. 2312) 3366 16/09/2014 2851949 14184988.5 French ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES STMicroelectronics (Crolles 2) SAS STmicroelectronics SA 2852273 Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH 16/05/2013 2852273 13730468.9 German 2852274 Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH 16/05/2013 2852274 13730469.7 German 2852276 Ellegaard Holding A/S 22/05/2013 2852276 13725268.0 2852486 Sidel Participations 16/05/2013 2852486 13723144.5 2852540 Carrier Corporation 19/03/2013 2852540 13714452.3 2853042 The Boeing Company 20/05/2013 2853042 13727730.7 2853071 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 17/05/2013 2853071 13737362.7 2853200 Fujifilm Corporation 25/08/2014 2853200 14182154.6 2853244 Giudo S.r.L. 29/09/2014 2853244 14186739.0 2854569 Philip Morris Products S.A. 30/05/2013 2854569 13726208.5 2854913 Aptar France SAS 22/05/2013 2854913 13739747.7 2854931 Glomeria Therapeutics S.r.l. 17/05/2013 2854931 13735428.8 2855234 Herbault, Patrick 24/05/2013 2855234 13728486.5 French 2855235 Herbault, Patrick 24/05/2013 2855235 13728487.3 French 2855307 Inpeco Holding Ltd 22/05/2013 2855307 13726150.9 2855431 Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 14/09/2012 2855431 12762256.1 2855450 Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. 28/05/2013 2855450 13730498.6 2855725 ArcelorMittal 27/05/2013 2855725 13732225.1 French 2855762 Saint-Gobain Adfors 30/05/2013 2855762 13730012.5 French 2856020 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA 31/05/2013 2856020 13727118.5 German 2856163 Bio-Rad Innovations 30/05/2013 2856163 13725711.9 2856319 Symantec Corporation 24/05/2013 2856319 13730688.2 2856478 Epcos AG 22/05/2013 2856478 13725335.7 German 2856561 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 07/05/2013 2856561 13725272.2 German 2856682 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 09/05/2013 2856682 13734175.6 2856807 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 25/05/2012 2856807 12761691.0 2857700 Bayerische Motoren Werke 30/09/2014 2857700 14186963.6 French French German Aktiengesellschaft 2857704 Aktiebolaget SKF 03/10/2014 2857704 14187679.7 2857920 Giacomini S.p.A. 19/09/2014 2857920 14185492.7 2858956 Johns Manville 24/05/2013 2858956 13727492.4 2859265 Lisega SE 02/05/2013 2859265 13720920.1 German 2859923 Pigenet, Patrick 06/10/2014 2859923 14187820.7 French 3367 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2860053 Nissan Motor Company, Limited 03/06/2013 2860053 13804514.1 2861477 Dorel France 31/05/2013 2861477 13726223.4 2861869 Locke, Christopher, Brian 18/04/2013 2861869 13721455.7 17/06/2013 2862004 13729351.0 German French Luckemeyer, James KCI Licensing, Inc. 2862004 Elmos Semiconductor Aktiengesellschaft 2862186 Epcos AG 28/05/2013 2862186 13725664.0 German 2862279 AREVA GmbH 19/04/2013 2862279 13719767.9 German 2862306 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 29/05/2013 2862306 13731984.4 2864258 Owens-Brockway Glass Container INC. 14/05/2013 2864258 13729827.9 2865015 Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et 19/06/2013 2865015 13730242.8 French aux Énergies Alternatives 2865612 Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH 22/10/2013 2865612 13005033.9 2866277 Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 19/06/2014 2866277 14819366.7 2866446 Lateral Reality Kft. 28/10/2013 2866446 13462006.1 2866677 Lang, Reinhold 17/08/2013 2866677 13759438.8 German 2866727 Pregenzer, Lukas 26/04/2013 2866727 13721906.9 German 2868227 Holzbau Schmid GmbH & Co. KG 05/11/2014 2868227 14191876.3 German 2868806 MTS Maschinentechnik Schrode AG 21/08/2014 2868806 14181762.7 German 2868859 Tubesca-Comabi 04/11/2014 2868859 14191708.8 French 2869368 Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 25/06/2013 2869368 13809342.2 2869417 Zurecon AG 23/02/2014 2869417 14156273.6 2870945 NVT AG 08/11/2013 2870945 13192089.4 2871343 Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 12/11/2014 2871343 14192926.5 2871481 Hamilton Bonaduz AG 08/10/2014 2871481 14188093.0 2871801 FUJITSU LIMITED 24/10/2014 2871801 14190251.0 2872380 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 24/05/2013 2872380 13728484.0 French 2872878 SNECMA 28/06/2013 2872878 13744666.2 French 2873307 Pelletier, Jacques 10/07/2013 2873307 13735272.0 French German German Université Grenoble Alpes 2873665 Gilead Pharmasset LLC 12/05/2010 2873665 14175539.7 2873783 BUBENDORFF 10/11/2014 2873783 14192477.9 French 2873992 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE 17/11/2014 2873992 14193529.6 French ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2874176 JEOL Ltd. 05/11/2014 2874176 14191939.9 2874782 Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH 10/07/2013 2874782 13734804.1 German 27/07/2016 2874829 Patents Office Journal Compagnie Générale des (No. 2312) 19/07/2013 2874829 13740252.5 3368 French Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2876881 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 04/11/2008 2876881 15150924.7 2877358 Rototech S.r.l. 27/05/2013 2877358 13735449.4 2877453 Dow AgroSciences LLC 23/07/2013 2877453 13742581.5 2877466 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 23/07/2013 2877466 13739453.2 2877567 Mecanica Logroñesa 71, S.L. 24/07/2013 2877567 13740019.8 2877644 De Luca, Egidio 23/05/2013 2877644 13735434.6 Di Noia, Enza 2877762 Valeo Systèmes de Contrôle Moteur 25/07/2013 2877762 13756600.6 2878682 Latvijas Universitate 27/11/2013 2878682 13194538.8 2878683 Latvijas Universitate 27/11/2013 2878683 13194546.1 2878758 Ningbo Xianfeng New Material Co., 05/06/2014 2878758 14171270.3 French Ltd. 2878961 Thales 01/12/2014 2878961 14195730.8 French 2878964 ABB Technology AG 02/12/2013 2878964 13195304.4 2880792 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 15/03/2013 2880792 13717338.1 2881249 Hanil E-Hwa Co., Ltd. 28/11/2014 2881249 14195420.6 2881587 Daikin Industries, Ltd. 30/07/2013 2881587 13826002.1 2882298 Nestec S.A. 12/08/2013 2882298 13748307.9 2882305 LB LYOPHARM S.R.L. 13/08/2013 2882305 13779366.7 2882397 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 05/08/2013 2882397 13766711.9 2882547 Meliga, Mauro 06/08/2013 2882547 13765526.2 2882566 Torims, Toms 18/07/2013 2882566 13828683.6 2883405 Broadcom Corporation 09/08/2013 2883405 13774826.5 2883411 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 03/05/2013 2883411 13724027.1 2883603 Heraeus Medical GmbH 17/10/2014 2883603 14189353.7 German 2884155 Glashütte Limburg Leuchten GmbH + 12/11/2014 2884155 14003805.0 German Co. KG 2884607 Frank Föckersperger GmbH 21/11/2014 2884607 14194261.5 German 2885551 Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 09/08/2013 2885551 13771364.0 German 2885825 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 11/09/2013 2885825 13765322.6 German 2885996 Genmore Zipper Corporation 15/02/2012 2885996 15000001.6 2886424 Fliegl, Helmut 19/12/2013 2886424 13198544.2 2886846 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. 17/10/2014 2886846 14189320.6 2887478 Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co. KG 20/12/2013 2887478 13199034.3 German German 3369 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2887916 Huntleigh Technology Limited 21/08/2013 2887916 13756780.6 2888327 Wacker Chemie AG 05/08/2013 2888327 13745656.2 2889002 Siemens Healthcare GmbH 10/12/2014 2889002 14197158.0 German Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. 2889468 HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. 18/12/2014 2889468 14199036.6 2889976 Electrix International Limited 12/12/2014 2889976 14197583.9 2891436 Kuo, Anthony 03/01/2014 2891436 14150182.5 2891502 CircuLite, Inc. 01/08/2008 2891502 15156083.6 2892412 Olympus Winter&Ibe GmbH 18/07/2013 2892412 13740210.3 German 2893069 Hi Tech Textile Holding GmbH 06/09/2013 2893069 13770851.7 German 2893404 Blancpain SA 03/09/2013 2893404 13756164.3 French 2893618 Robert Bosch GmbH 06/08/2013 2893618 13745121.7 German 2894585 Morpho 17/12/2014 2894585 14198575.4 French 2894646 Schneider Electric Industries SAS 12/01/2015 2894646 15150739.9 French 2894872 SAGEMCOM ENERGY & TELECOM 06/01/2015 2894872 15150165.7 French SAS 2895006 Spécialités Pet Food 29/10/2013 2895006 13789509.0 2895007 Spécialités Pet Food 13/09/2013 2895007 13762478.9 2895214 Stryker Corporation 13/09/2013 2895214 13773919.9 2895334 SAF-HOLLAND GmbH 04/09/2013 2895334 13759705.0 German 2895448 IFP Énergies nouvelles 06/09/2013 2895448 13766124.5 French 2895636 Tata Steel Nederland Technology B.V. 13/09/2013 2895636 13763045.5 2895639 Federal-Mogul Burscheid GmbH 09/09/2013 2895639 13762430.0 2895684 Vetco Gray U.K Limited 20/08/2013 2895684 13753847.6 2895692 SNECMA 12/09/2013 2895692 13773290.5 2896327 Pessottoreti S.A.S. 19/01/2015 2896327 15151591.3 2896464 ABI Anlagentechnik-Baumaschinen- 21/01/2014 2896464 14151994.2 German French German French Industriebedarf Maschinenfabrik und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH 2896751 Lepine, David 20/01/2015 2896751 15151823.0 2898006 Dow Global Technologies LLC 11/11/2013 2898006 13798463.9 2898042 Merck Patent GmbH 20/08/2013 2898042 13755957.1 German 2898252 Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 28/08/2013 2898252 13762744.4 German 2898691 Qualcomm Incorporated 14/08/2013 2898691 13753382.4 2898990 KRAMPE Immobilien GmbH & Co. 18/12/2014 2898990 14198786.7 16/09/2013 2900219 13762494.6 KG 2900219 BASF SE German 27/07/2016 2900306 Patents Office Journal Stryker Corporation (No. 2312) 24/09/2013 2900306 13779435.0 3370 Stryker European Holdings I, LLC 2900505 Valeo Equipements Electriques Moteur 20/09/2013 2900505 13779277.6 French 2901370 Morpho 20/06/2014 2901370 14731644.2 French 2901680 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 26/09/2013 2901680 13770472.2 2902268 Scania CV AB 28/01/2015 2902268 15152856.9 2902272 Volvo Car Corporation 30/01/2014 2902272 14153276.2 2903222 Acer Incorporated 05/09/2014 2903222 14183641.1 2903591 Aptissen S.A. 24/09/2013 2903591 13766119.5 2904121 Erretre S.p.A. 27/09/2013 2904121 13811616.5 2904918 Towa Corporation Co., Ltd. 28/07/2014 2904918 14824757.0 2906609 BASF SE 10/10/2013 2906609 13776470.0 German 2906825 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung 10/10/2013 2906825 13776964.2 German 11/10/2013 2907237 13774460.3 French German French der angewandten Forschung e.V. Lutz, Otto 2907237 Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives 2907578 NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH 21/01/2015 2907578 15000154.3 2907633 Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 11/02/2015 2907633 15154757.7 2907642 AIRBUS OPERATIONS (S.A.S) 13/01/2015 2907642 15150869.4 French 2908712 WINTERHALTER GASTRONOM 22/08/2014 2908712 14755651.8 German GMBH 2909572 CAMLIN ITALY S.r.l. 17/10/2013 2909572 13818395.9 2910660 NIPPON YAKIN KOGYO CO., LTD. 08/05/2013 2910660 15000854.8 2910922 Netzsch Gerätebau GmbH 23/01/2015 2910922 15000191.5 2911123 Banco de Espana 20/02/2015 2911123 15155865.7 2911523 Unilever PLC 07/10/2013 2911523 13774136.9 2913027 Ivoclar Vivadent AG 29/05/2009 2913027 15161316.3 German 2913436 Hamm AG 27/01/2015 2913436 15152581.3 German 2913561 IMS Gear GmbH 26/02/2014 2913561 14156740.4 German 2913969 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 26/02/2014 2913969 14156875.8 2914455 Bombardier Primove GmbH 30/10/2013 2914455 13783932.0 2915467 JURA ELEKTROAPPARATE AG 02/03/2015 2915467 15405021.5 German 2917108 SNECMA 29/10/2013 2917108 13801618.3 French 2917999 Valeo Equipements Electriques Moteur 30/10/2013 2917999 13805439.0 French 2918373 Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG 12/03/2014 2918373 14159235.2 German 2918770 ROMA KG 13/02/2015 2918770 15020022.8 German 2920348 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 25/10/2013 2920348 13783536.9 German 3371 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2921990 RUDJER BOSKOVIC INSTITUTE 18/03/2015 2921990 15000801.9 2922013 SAP SE 17/03/2015 2922013 15159470.2 2922069 Liebhart, Oskar 11/03/2015 2922069 15158548.6 German 24/02/2015 2922269 15156426.7 French 23/03/2015 2924089 15160310.7 French German Lumpi-Berndorf Draht- und Seilwerk GmbH 2922269 Proton World International N.V. STMICROELECTRONICS (ROUSSET) SAS 2924089 Guard Industrie Sealock 2925544 WABCO GmbH 02/10/2013 2925544 13776956.8 2925926 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 26/11/2013 2925926 13795768.4 N.V. 2926911 Flottweg SE 03/03/2015 2926911 15157304.5 2927110 MacGregor Sweden AB 02/04/2014 2927110 14163229.9 2931086 Biebl, Boris 22/09/2014 2931086 14786453.2 2931548 Bombardier Primove GmbH 16/12/2013 2931548 13805399.6 2931655 L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour 31/10/2013 2931655 13805448.1 German German French l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2932613 Qualcomm Incorporated 22/11/2013 2932613 13803373.3 2932767 Qualcomm Incorporated 11/12/2013 2932767 13815891.0 2933186 Airbus Helicopters 23/03/2015 2933186 15000848.0 French 2933295 EMS-PATENT AG 15/04/2014 2933295 14164801.4 German 2933600 Prüftechnik Dieter Busch AG 07/04/2015 2933600 15162559.7 German 2938045 Proxistore S.A. 20/05/2014 2938045 14169111.3 French 2938240 Indesit Company S.p.A. 27/12/2013 2938240 13828880.8 2939603 Applied Medical Resources Corporation 09/05/2012 2939603 15173370.6 2939756 TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH 02/05/2014 2939756 14166860.8 + Co. KG 2944434 Maxplus Industries Company Limited 12/05/2014 2944434 14167839.1 2944704 Rolls-Royce plc 16/04/2015 2944704 15163869.9 2944780 Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 12/05/2015 2944780 15167442.1 2945588 FXI, Inc. 16/12/2013 2945588 13818886.7 2946686 Seminara, Angelo 29/08/2012 2946686 15001780.4 2948272 Univerzita J. E. Purkyne V Usti Nad 27/01/2014 2948272 14719198.5 15/01/2014 2949052 14705427.4 Labem 2949052 Qualcomm Incorporated German 27/07/2016 2949238 Patents Office Journal King Slide Works Co., Ltd. (No. 2312) 28/05/2014 2949238 14170151.6 3372 King Slide Technology Co., Ltd. 2949908 AVL List GmbH 30/05/2014 2949908 14170618.4 2956582 Ahlstrom Corporation 19/03/2014 2956582 14720637.9 2957624 Afton Chemical Corporation 18/06/2015 2957624 15172771.6 2958195 Omelcom 19/05/2015 2958195 15168087.3 French 2969637 Conductix-Wampfler GmbH 23/03/2015 2969637 15712860.4 German 2983811 Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH 25/02/2014 2983811 14707097.3 German 2997242 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 30/04/2014 2997242 14721337.5 German Refused - Section 31(1) 20140162 Int. Cl. (2016.01)F03B 17/00. Perpetual motion with the use of offset weights. SHANE O'DONOVAN Patents Lapsed Through Non-Payment of Renewal Fees 83231 Int. Cl. (2016.01)F24C 3/12; F24C 13/00. Improved cooker. WATERFORD FOUNDRY (INVENTIONS) LIMITED 83587 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A61K 47/44. Composition for enhancing transport across gastrointestinal tract cell layers. Merrion Research III Limited 84502 Int. Cl. (2016.01)H01L 27/00; H01L 27/15; H01L 23/34; H01L 23/52; F21V 7/00. An illuminator and manufacturing method. Epi-Light Limited S84693 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A01D 90/00; B60P 1/04; A01D 87/00. A bale-handling trailer. THOMAS DORGAN S85164 Int. Cl. (2016.01)G06Q 20/00; H04W 48/00; G06F 17/30. A method and system for charging control in telecommunications services. OPENET TELECOM LIMITED 85414 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A01D 87/00; B62B 1/00. Manual round bale handler. JOHN O DONNELL S85574 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A01K 31/00. A poultry rearing device. BIOMASS HEATING SOLUTIONS LIMITED S85736 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A01G 1/04; A01G 9/24. A mushroom production process. BIOMASS HEATING SOLUTIONS LIMITED S85835 Int. Cl. (2016.01)G06F 7/02; H04L 1/00. System and method for electronic device authentication. Smartzone Limited 3373 27/07/2016 85999 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Int. Cl. (2016.01)G01R 23/00; H04B 1/38. Remedial signal control. Trust Technology World - DMCC 86000 Int. Cl. (2016.01)G01R 29/00; H01Q 1/00; H04B 1/00. Staged detection and control of radio frequency emissions. Trust Technology World - DMCC 86139 Int. Cl. (2016.01)C07H 1/00; C07H 13/00. Low temperature, single solvent process for the production of sucrose-6-ester. TATE & LYLE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED S86156 Int. Cl. (2016.01)G06Q 10/00; G06Q 50/00. A computer implemented method and system for the recruitment and placement of medical personnel. MEDICAL BANKS LIMITED S86211 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A47C 31/00. Furniture covering. RITA MARY O'CONNOR S86222 Int. Cl. (2016.01)F23H 17/00. Solid fuel energy and grate saver/protector. KEVIN WALKER 86301 Int. Cl. (2016.01)C07H 13/00; C07H 5/00. Process for the production of sucrose-6-ester. TATE & LYLE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 86496 Int. Cl. (2016.01)A43D 8/00; B29C 45/00. Shoe mold unit. CHEN MING-TE 0768310 Process for the production of imidazo-benzodiazepine derivatives. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG. 0773022 Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of rhinitus, containing sympathomometic and pantothenol and/or pantothenic acid. M.C.M. KLOSTERFRAU VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT m.b.H. 0773226 Propiophenone derivative and processes for preparing the same. TANABE SEIYAKU CO., LTD. 0796248 CARBOSTYRIL DERIVATIVES AS ANTITHROMBOTIC AGENTS. D. Western Therapeutics Institute 0805944 LEACHING PROTECTOR. Moberg, Gerth 0836838 Anatomical prosthesis for inguinal hernia repair via open of laparoscopic surgery. SOFRADIM PRODUCTION 0857242 HORIZONTAL-FLOW OIL-SEALANT-PRESERVING DRAIN ODOR TRAP. Gorges, Ditmar L. 0857246 MEANS AND METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF SEALINGS IN OIL AND GAS WELLS. Wellcem AS 0858381 DETERMINISTIC MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FINISHING. QED Technologies International, Inc.; University of Rochester 0858504 DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENTS OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE. The University of Melbourne 0858534 CELL CONFINEMENT STRUCTURE. REYNOLDS CONSUMER PRODUCTS, INC. 27/07/2016 0861156 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SECURITY DOCUMENT WITH SECURITY MARKING. Orell Füssli Banknote Engineering Ltd. 0861209 Ca(OH)2 PARTICLES. S.A. LHOIST RECHERCHE ET DEVELOPPEMENT 0862392 EXPANDABLE SUPPORTIVE BIFURCATED ENDOLUMINAL GRAFTS. Boston Scientific Limited 0862416 NON-POLYMERIC SUSTAINED RELEASE DELIVERY SYSTEM. ATRIX LABORATORIES, INC. 0862468 ADHESIVE COMPOSITION WITH MACROMOLECULAR POLYALDEHYDE BASE AND METHOD FOR CROSS-LINKING COLLAGEN. Imedex Biomateriaux 0862658 A METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF BISMUTH-CONTAINING SULPHIDE ORES OR CONCENTRATES OF SUCH ORE. Boliden Mineral AB 0873518 A METHOD FOR DETECTING ANTIPOLYMER ANTIBODIES AND A DIAGNOSTIC TEST KIT FOR USE IN AIDING THE DIAGNOSIS OF SILICONE RELATED DISEASES. THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND 0883384 EXPANDABLE SUPPORTIVE BRANCHED ENDOLUMINAL GRAFTS. Boston Scientific Limited 0908592 Door lifting device. USM Holding AG 0909734 Dispenser for a roll of web material with an inclined support shaft. GeorgiaPacific B.V. 0911043 Device for measuring performance parameters of substance and energy exchange modules. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 0911670 Multifocal ophthalmic lens. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'OPTIQUE 0916356 Dose dispenser for substances in powder or granular form. Andi-Ventis Limited 0930974 INVERTED STAMPING PROCESS. RJR Polymers, Inc. 0932948 PINPOINTING INTERRUPTIONS IN COMMUNICATION LINKS. Koninklijke KPN N.V. 0934516 SENSOR EMPLOYING IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENTS. QUEEN MARY AND WESTFIELD COLLEGE 0934538 SEISMIC ACQUISITION SYSTEM USING WIRELESS TELEMETRY. Sercel England Limited 0938381 SAMPLE COLLECTION DEVICES AND METHODS USING MARKERS AND THE USE OF SUCH MARKERS AS CONTROLS IN SAMPLE VALIDATION, LABORATORY EVALUATION AND/OR ACCREDITATION. Veri-Q Inc. 3374 3375 27/07/2016 0941525 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AUTHENTICATING SYSTEM WITH MICROCIRCUIT CARD. Assa Abloy AB 0942983 STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE ANTIGENS AND VACCINES. Human Genome Sciences, Inc. 0973695 BIOGAS FACILITY. Von Nordenskjöld, Reinhart, Dr.-Ing. 0995690 Packaging for pourable products. Syngenta Participations AG; Edelmann Systemverpackungs GmbH 0996087 Device and method for manufacturing a track, namely a transponder strip. bielomatik Leuze GmbH + Co. KG 0996220 Method and device for arranging channels in floors. J.K. Beheer B.V. 0997108 Multi-function surgical instrument. Boston Scientific Limited 0999188 Method and apparatus for cutting a laminate from brittle material and a plastic material. SCHOTT AG 1002464 Packaged hollow confectionery product and method of production thereof. SOREMARTEC S.A.; Ferrero S.p.A.; Ferrero oHG mbH 1008643 Refrigerator oil composition, and method of using the composition for lubrication. IDEMITSU KOSAN COMPANY LIMITED 1021184 USE OF FLUNARIZINE FOR THE TOPICAL TREATMENT OF OCULAR HYPERTENSION. LABORATOIRE MEDIDOM S.A. 1021534 HEPATITIS C RECEPTOR PROTEIN CD81. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics S.r.l. 1021849 LIQUID ELECTROLYTE LITHIUM-SULFUR BATTERIES. Polyplus Battery Company 1023273 CYCLOHEXANE DERIVATIVES DIFUNCTIONALISED IN 1,4 AS LIGANDS OF 5HT1A RECEPTORS. PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT 1023287 3-OXO-2(H)-1,2,4-TRIAZINE DERIVATIVES AS LIGANDS OF 5HT1A RECEPTORS. PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT 1024742 A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEASURING PULMONARY BLOOD FLOW BY PULMONARY EXCHANGE OF OXYGEN AND AN INERT GAS WITH THE BLOOD. Robinson, Gavin, Joseph, Brian 1024800 THYROXINE ANALOGUES HAVING NO SIGNIFICANT HORMONAL ACTIVITY TO TREAT MALIGNANT TUMORS. OCTAMER, INC. 1027091 MULTIPURPOSE CATHETER. Soprane S.A.; Watrelot, Antoine 1029269 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SELECTING THREAD SWITCH EVENTS IN A MULTITHREADED PROCESSOR. International Business Machines Corporation 1031036 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ANALYTE DETECTION. Enterix Inc. 27/07/2016 1033134 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) COMPOSITIONS INHIBITING SMOOTH MUSCLE PROLIFERATION AND METHOD FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1034111 GABLE TOP CONTAINER WITH PULL TAB. Easycarton Limited 1065156 DOUBLE PRESSURIZED CONTAINER FOR CHARGING UNDERCUP AND DOUBLE PRESSURIZED PRODUCTS USING THE CONTAINER. Thai Daizo Aerosol Co., Ltd. 1093772 Expandable supportive bifurcated endoluminal grafts. Boston Scientific Limited 1093879 Tip cap hole brazing method. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1096365 Output device, method of controlling it, and medium storing a program. Seiko Epson Corporation 1097746 Adsorbents for hydrogen recovery by pressure swing adsorption. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 1117379 FOAMABLE FORMULATION AND FOAM. GILTECH LIMITED 1119334 TWO CHAMBER CARTRIDGE FOR ATOMIZERS. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & CO. KG 1120419 DERIVATIVES OF ISOSORBID MONONITRATE, UTILIZATION AS VASODILATOR AGENTS WITH REDUCED TOLERANCE. LACER, S.A. 1121820 DATA TRANSMISSION RESOURCES OPTIMIZATION. Core Wireless Licensing S.a.r.l. 1123035 DELIVERING A DEVICE TO A TARGET LOCATION. Given Imaging Ltd. 1124567 BUFFERED COMPOSITIONS FOR DIALYSIS. Advanced Renal Technologies 1124759 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRECIPITATING AND CLASSIFYING SOLIDS IN HIGH CONCENTRATIONS. ALCAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 1124779 VITAMIN D ANALOGUES. Galderma Research & Development, S.N.C. 1125344 NON-ORIENTATED ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. Baker Hughes Incorporated 1126907 FILTERING APPARATUS FOR AIR TREATMENT APPARATUS. Fläkt Woods AB 1127016 PACKAGING SYSTEM FOR MIXING AND DISPENSING MULTICOMPONENT PRODUCTS. GILTECH LIMITED 1128810 DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE, ESPECIALLY FOR THE DELIVERY OF ANDROGENS. Schering Oy 1133559 HUMAN ORPHAN G PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTOR RUP3. Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1151033 THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE COMPOSITE MATERIAL. Cool Options, Inc. 3376 3377 27/07/2016 1156789 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) THERAPY FOR HUMAN CANCERS USING CISPLATIN AND OTHER DRUGS OR GENES ENCAPSULATED INTO LIPOSOMES. Regulon, Inc. 1184823 System for facilitating the ordering and paying of services by means of a communication network. Koninklijke KPN N.V. 1193123 Mobile living quarters provided with an openable panel. Polyplastic Groep B.V. 1195594 Use of an improved mounting medium for microscope slides. Mallinckrodt Baker B.V. 1201256 Bioresorbable nerve guidance channels. DEUTSCHE INSTITUTE FÜR TEXTIL- UND FASERFORSCHUNG STUTTGART Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts 1203726 Bag with detachable serviette. Kimmlinger, Karl 1203956 Biosensor with flow channel. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1213866 Interleaved bands demultiplexing/multiplexing system. ALCATEL LUCENT 1217399 Optical fiber for chromatic dispersion compensation of a NZ-DSF-fiber with positive chromatic dispersion. Draka Comteq B.V. 1218022 COMPOSITION FOR THE PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT OF CIRCULATORY DISORDERS, COMPRISING DERIVATIVES OF LCARNITINE AND EXTRACTS OF GINKGO BILOBA. Sigma-Tau Healthscience S.p.A. 1218099 ZEOLITE ADSORBENTS, METHOD FOR OBTAINING THEM AND THEIR USE FOR REMOVING CARBONATES FROM A GAS STREAM. CECA S.A. 1218213 SYSTEM FOR A HYBRID VEHICLE; HYBRID VEHICLE OPERATED BY THE SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR POWER SUPPLY AND ACCUMULATION FOR THE HYBRID VEHICLE. Eletra Industrial Ltda. 1218565 CEMENTED CARBIDE WEAR PART AND LAPPING METHOD. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1221190 DEVICE FOR PROVIDING AN UNINTERRUPTED SUPPLY OF POWER COMPRISING AN ELECTRICAL MACHINE AND A FLYWHEEL. RWE Piller Gmbh 1222187 HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS INHIBITORS OF TYROSINE KINASES. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. 1223834 STRUCTURAL MEMBER FOR FURNITURE. Airwood Aktiebolag 1224168 ANTIFUNGAL ENEDIYNES. Evolva SA 1224188 NASAL DELIVERY COMPOSITION COMPRISING THE METHANE SULPHONATE SALT OF MORPHINE AND CHITOSAN. Archimedes Development Limited 1224443 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE EFFECT OF A DRUG ON CELLS. PhOx Diagnostics, Inc. 27/07/2016 1224716 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) COUPLING DEVICE FOR COAXIAL PLUG-IN CONNECTORS. Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. 1226371 GEAR ASSEMBLY. Ash, Adrian 1230070 NAIL MAGAZINE FOR A POWER NAILER. Arrow Fastener Co., Inc. 1230501 VALVE SEALING MEANS. Biggers Investments Pty Ltd, atf Biggers Investment Trust 1234246 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NETWORK ACCESS WITHOUT RECONFIGURATION. Nomadix, Inc. 1247029 LINEAR COMPRESSOR. Fisher & Paykel Appliances Limited 1264996 Fastening element with attachable captive washer. Acument GmbH & Co oHG 1302627 Gas turbine engine compressor blade restoration. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1302960 Contact arrangement for current limiting circuit breaker. Eaton Electrical IP GmbH & Co. KG 1306014 Process for preparing whey protein aggregates from acid whey. Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH & Co. 1306449 Method and sensor for detecting the binding of biomolecules by shear stress measurement. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1308138 Stent. TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA; Olympus Corporation 1308183 Active implantable medical device for treating heart rhythm disorders, having improved means for detecting atrial arrhythmias. ELA MEDICAL 1308365 Device for the elimination of axle counting errors for rail vehicles, corresponding vehicle bogie and passage control method of a vehicle in a section. Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français 1308597 Supporting means for lamellae. Renson Projects nv; Renson, Paul 1315246 Connector. Hirschmann Automotive GmbH 1322191 REDUCTION OF NITROSAMINES IN TOBACCO AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc.; LTR Industries 1323442 WING RETRACTION TYPE MIS-PIERCING PREVENTER AND WINGED NEEDLE HAVING THE MIS-PIERCING PREVENTER. JMS Co., Ltd. 1324700 ULTRASONIC CELLULAR TISSUE SCREENING TOOL. Sonocine, Inc. 1325268 AIR CONDITIONING DEVICE. Ruhlmann, Jean-Philippe 1326632 PROTEASOME INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HEPATITIS VIRUS INFECTIONS. ViroLogik GmbH 1326982 BASB205 POLYPEPTIDES AND POLYNUCLEOTIDES CODING THEREFOR. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals s.a. 1328158 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A DOUGH-BASED PRODUCT. Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. 3378 3379 27/07/2016 1328249 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AMPHIPHILIC COPOLYMERS FOR USE IN PARTICULAR AS EMULSIFYING AGENT. LABORATOIRES URGO 1328452 STEM FOR METERED DOSE AEROSOL VALVES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1328662 FLEA PERITROPHIN NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES, PROTEINS AND USES THEREOF. Heska Corporation 1328700 DRILLING TOOL. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1328718 COVER MEMBER AND AIR CLEANER CONSTRUCTION; USE; AND, METHOD OF ASSEMBLY. DONALDSON COMPANY, INC. 1330255 PREPARATION OF CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA FOR TREATING INCONTINENCE. Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co. KG 1330370 A PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF SURFACE ELEMENTS. Pergo (Europe) AB 1330388 BOAT PROPULSION SYSTEM. Noyes, Evan L., Jr. 1330662 GPS SATELLITE SIGNAL ACQUISITION ASSISTANCE SYSTEM AND METHOD IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1331956 SAFETY INTRODUCER APPARATUS AND METHOD THEREFOR. Greatbatch Ltd. 1332179 HIGH-SPEED PROCESSABLE CELLULAR INSULATION MATERIAL WITH ENHANCED FOAMABILITY. Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology LLC 1332635 GLOBAL SEQUENCE NUMBERS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND METHODS. Citrix Systems, Inc. 1333846 PREPARATION AND XENOTRANSPLANTATION OR PORCINE ISLETS. Diatranz Otsuka Limited 1333979 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FAULT TOLERANT DATA STORAGE ON PHOTOGRAPHS. Google Inc. 1334159 USE OF HYPERBRANCHED POLYURETHANES FOR PRODUCING PRINTING INKS. BASF SE 1334501 MICRO-RELAY CONTACT STRUCTURE FOR RF APPLICATIONS. RAYTHEON COMPANY 1334962 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ACYLPHENYLALANINES. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1334963 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING NATEGLINIDE CRYSTAL. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1335768 Suction catheter assembly. Avent, Inc. 27/07/2016 1335793 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CATALYST COMPRISING A SUPPORT AND A CATALYTICALLY ACTIVE OXIDE MATERIAL APPLIED TO THE SURFACE OF THE SUBSTRATE. BASF SE 1335882 WATER TREATMENT DEVICE. Nagaoka, Tadayoshi 1336279 INFORMATION FLOW CONTROL IN A PACKET NETWORK BASED ON VARIABLE CONCEPTUAL PACKET LENGTHS. GOS Holdings Limited 1337189 FULL THICKNESS RESECTION DEVICE CONTROL HANDLE. Boston Scientific Limited 1337872 IMPROVED POSITION MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD USING CONE MATH CALIBRATION. Nikon Metrology NV 1339398 TREATMENT OF MOTOR FLUCTUATIONS WITH 5HYDROXYTRYPTAMINE 1A RECEPTOR ACTIVITY ENHANCING COMPOUNDS. Motac Neuroscience Limited 1340152 COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF DISTRIBUTED NETWORK CACHES. Yahoo! Inc. 1345846 CRYSTALLISATION PROCESS FOR PRODUCING HIGHLY CONCENTRATED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Evonik Degussa GmbH 1346061 PREGNANCY-ASSOCIATED PLASMA PROTEIN-A2 (PAPP-A2). Como Biotech APS 1347949 Method for aeration of organic waste material. Anaeco Limited 1348106 DETECTION OF PASSING MAGNETIC ARTICLES WHILE ADAPTING THE DETECTION THRESHOLD. Allegro Microsystems, LLC 1348403 Expandable supportive branched endoluminal grafts. Boston Scientific Limited 1350485 Stent. Olympus Corporation; TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1352623 Apparatus for determining and ablating corneal tissue volume necessary for correcting a visual ametropia. IVIS TECHNOLOGIES S.r.l 1354056 ENHANCED SECRETION OF A POLYPEPTIDE BY A MICROORGANISM. Danisco US Inc. 1358352 SOLID SUPPORT ASSAY SYSTEMS AND METHODS UTILIZING NONSTANDARD BASES. Luminex Corporation 1360858 METHOD FOR DETERMINING WHETHER TO GRANT ACCESS OF A USER EQUIPMENT TO A RADIO ACCESS NETWORK. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1370641 USE OF STEM CELLS AND CD6-DEPLETED STEM CELLS FOR INDUCING TOLERANCE OF ALLOGENIC TRANSPLANTS AND/OR FOR TREATING LEUKAEMIA. GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH 1389595 Apparatus for controlling the flow of articles. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 3380 3381 27/07/2016 1405949 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Paper products including surface treated thermally bondable fibers and methods of making the same. Fort James Corporation 1408141 Process and electrolyte for the galvanic deposition of bronze. Enthone Inc. 1408282 System for preparing warm water with constant temperature. Dalkia France 1409652 IMMORTALIZED PREOSTEOBLASTS AND METHOD FOR THEIR PRODUCTION. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. 1410803 MIA-2 proteins. Scil proteins GmbH 1410852 Method and apparatus for the removal of a polymer-based layer of paint. Plasma Treat GmbH 1413322 Phosphate containing bone substitute product with crystalline and amorphous phases. BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung 1413595 Process for increasing the melting point and the melting enthalpy of polyamides by water treatment. Arkema France 1414076 Method of forming planar color filters in an image sensor. OmniVision International Holding Ltd 1416628 Amplification systems and methods using feedback loop. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1417883 Animal feeding assembly. Aquaflow Laboratory Products Limited 1418120 Bicycle. HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. 1419812 HIGH TEMPERATURE FIXED BED REACTOR AND ITS USE. Haldor Topsøe A/S 1420482 Contact element with spring tongue. TE Connectivity Germany GmbH 1421995 Recycling apparatus for gypsum plasterboards. Gips Recycling Danmark A/S 1422365 Key for switchgear cabinet. Schuebo GmbH 1422483 Air conditioner. LG Electronics Inc. 1432304 SYSTEM FOR TRAPPING FLYING INSECTS. WOODSTREAM CORPORATION 1432321 GRANULES AND POWDERS FOR INSTANT DRINKS WHICH ARE PREPARED USING AN EXTRUSION COOKING METHOD. Naturaceutic International LVM Associes; Centre de Valorisation des Glucides et Produits Naturels 1432342 ROBOTIC ENDOSCOPE. Boston Scientific Limited 1432789 MUTATED LACTOCOCCUS STRAIN. Innovationspatent Sverige AB 1434602 CpG plus oil in water emulsion as adjuvant system for truncated bovine herpesvirus-1 glycoprotein D. Merial Limited; UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN 27/07/2016 1434764 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR OBTAINMENT OF ENANTIOMERS-OF N-(2,6DIMETHYLPHENYL)-1-PROPYL-2-PIPERIDINOCARBOXAMIDE; PROCESS FOR OBTAINMENT OF NON-RACEMIC MIXTURES BETWEEN THE ENANTIOMERS OF N-(2,6-DIMETHYLPHENYL)-1-PROPYL-2PIPERIDINOCARBOXAMIDE; NON RACEMIC MIXTURES OF ENANTIOMERS OF N-(2,6-DIMETHYLPHENYL)-1-PROPYL-2PIPERIDINOCARBOXAMIDE;PHARMACEUTICALS COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SAID NON-RACEMIC MIXTURES OF ENANTIOMERS OF N-(2,6-DIMETHYLPHENYL)-1-PROPYL-2-PIPERIDINOCARBOXAMIDE. Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacêuticos Ltda. 1435791 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A CASING. Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG 1435857 BONE COMPRESSION DEVICES AND SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF CONTOURING AND USING SAME. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 1435918 HIGHLY COMPRESSIBLE ETHYLCELLULOSE FOR TABLETING. HERCULES INCORPORATED 1436047 BALANCED VALVE DEVICE AND BREATHING APPARATUS COMPRISING SUCH VALVE DEVICE. POSEIDON INDUSTRI AB 1436095 FORMATION OF THREE DIMENSIONAL BURLS IN A FILLED ACRYLIC SOLID SURFACE MATERIAL. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 1436096 CONTINUOUS METHOD FOR FORMATION OF THREE DIMENSIONAL BURLS IN A FILLED ACRYLIC SOLID SURFACE MATERIAL. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 1436389 THROMBIN-CLEAVABLE CHIMERIC PROTEINS. INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 1436427 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS TO EVALUATE ANTIBODY TREATMENT RESPONSE. Centre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire de Tours; Innate Pharma 1436597 FAR YIELD LIGHT MICROSCOPICAL METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ANALYSING AT LEAST ONE OBJECT HAVING A SUBWAVELENGTH SIZE. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 1438307 DERIVATIVES OF 4-(THIO- OR SELENOXANTHENE-9-YLIDENE)PIPERIDINE OR ACRIDINE AND ITS USE AS A SELECTIVE 5-HT2B RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST. Biofrontera Bioscience GmbH 1438369 MODIFIED SUZUKI-METHOD FOR POLYMERISATION OF AROMATIC MONOMERS. Cambridge Display Technology Limited 3382 3383 27/07/2016 1438829 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MAPPING NETWORK HEADERS ONTO MPLS HEADERS IN BEARER ARCHITECTURES. Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1439832 METHOD OF TREATING ACNE VULGARIS USING AVERMECTIN COMPOUND. Parks, L. Dean 1439863 MNK KINASE HOMOLOGOUS PROTEINS INVOLVED IN THE REGULATION OF ENERGY HOMEOSTASIS AND ORGANELLE METABOLISM. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH 1440148 KERATINOCYTES WHICH MAY BE USED AS BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES FOR THE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & CO. KG 1440465 CONTACT PLANARIZATION MATERIALS THAT GENERATE NO VOLATILE BYPRODUCTS OR RESIDUE DURING CURING. Brewer Science, Inc. 1441784 MEDICAL DEVICE FOR DELIVERING PATCHES. Boston Scientific Limited 1442023 CRYSTALLINE SODIUM SALT OF TELMISARTAN AND THE USE OF THE SAME AS AN ANGIOTENSIN ANTAGONIST. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG 1442467 LOW-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER. ABB S.p.A. 1442527 NODE PROCESSORS FOR USE IN PARITY CHECK DECODERS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1442537 RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1442603 SPATIAL SCALABLE COMPRESSION SCHEME USING SPATIAL SHARPNESS ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1443814 THROUGHPUT MEASURING DEVICE IN A HARVESTER. CNH Industrial Belgium nv 1443839 A PILE OF HYGIENE- OR WIPING MATERIAL. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1443880 INTRA-AORTIC BALLOON COUNTERPULSATION WITH CONCURRENT HYPOTHERMIA. Radiant Medical, Inc. 1443885 COMPOSITION CONTAINING A CATIONIC POLYMER AND WATER INSOLUBLE SOLID MATERIAL. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1443981 PASTY MULTIPLE CONSTITUENT COMPOSITIONS FOR INJECTABLE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE CEMENTS. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 1444653 DIGITAL WATERMARKING METHOD ROBUST AGAINST LOCAL AND GLOBAL GEOMETRICAL DISTORTIONS AND PROJECTIVE TRANSFORMS. UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE 27/07/2016 1445796 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) POLISHING COMPOUND, METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF AND POLISHING METHOD. ASAHI GLASS COMPANY LTD.; AGC Seimi Chemical Co., Ltd. 1448085 SCRUB PAD WITH PRINTED RIGID PLATES AND ASSOCIATED METHODS. Higher Dimension Medical, Inc. 1448293 A SOLID MULTICOMPONENT MIXED PROTON AND ELECTRON CONDUCTING MEMBRANE. Statoil ASA 1448592 STEROIDAL COMPOUNDS FOR INHIBITING STEROID SULPHATASE. Richter Gedeon Nyrt 1449853 PROCESS FOR POLYMERIZATION OF OLEFINS. Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 1450726 FLEXIBLE SPINAL STABLIZATION SYSTEM. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 1451521 HAND GRENADE. FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK 1452491 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING TITANIUM-GROUP METAL-CONTAINING HIGH-PERFORMANCE WATER. PHITEN CO., LTD. 1458450 METHOD FOR DENATURING BIOCHEMICAL AGENT AND DECONTAMINATION APPARATUS. TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. 1459062 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MEASURING OXYGEN CONTENT IN A CLOSED TARGET SPACE. Wagner Group GmbH 1459737 GRANULES CONTAINING ACID-UNSTABLE CHEMICAL IN LARGE AMOUNT. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 1463694 A METHOD FOR PROCESSING AN OLEFIN-CONTAINING PRODUCT STREAM. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 1463696 VAPOR PHASE PRODUCTION OF 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-HEPTAFLUOROPROPANE FROM HYDROGEN FLUORIDE AND HEXAFLUOROPROPYLENE. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 1477893 Method for inputting data in a computer system.. SAP SE 1478847 A POWER STATION. Hilleke.Com 1485561 MAGNETIC HINGE. Concept Workshop Worldwide, LLC 1490497 EGVI ENDOGLUCANASE AND NUCLEIC ACIDS ENCODING THE SAME. Danisco US Inc. 1495053 ANGIOPOIETIN-2 AND ANGIOPOIETIN-1 SPECIFIC BINDING AGENTS. Amgen Inc. 1509847 ON THE FLY CONFIGURATION OF ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH ATTACHABLE SUB-MODULES. NXP B.V. 1513583 FLUID CONNECTOR FOR MEDICAL USE AND USES THEREOF. VYGON 1522218 Safety device for a spray boom. KUHN S.A. 3384 3385 27/07/2016 1522528 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Disintegration of anaerobically digested sewage sludge. VA TECH WABAG GmbH 1522645 Mullion and transom connection and method. Unilux AG 1523020 Switching device with a single break rotary contact. Eaton Electrical IP GmbH & Co. KG 1523226 Heating assembly with PTC elements, particularly for motor vehicles. Behr France Rouffach SAS 1523907 Shelf system. Sortimo International GmbH 1523933 Endoscope. Olympus Corporation 1523991 Anti-cancer vaccine. Alind & Kraja SHA 1524008 Implantable cardiac stimulation device providing arbitrarily shaped defibrillation waveforms. PACESETTER, INC. 1524317 Methods for isolating nucleic acids. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1524357 Method of controlling a washing course in washing machine. LG Electronics, Inc. 1524741 Low voltage switchgear. ABB AG 1526086 tamper-evident closure for bottles. Guala Closures Patents B.V. 1527752 Prosthesis support ring assembly. Cordis Corporation 1527902 Method and apparatus for producing a web of material. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 1528312 Lighting module for vehicle headlamp. VALEO VISION 1528356 Apparatus for monitoring of large roller bearings. Liebherr-Components Biberach GmbH 1528431 Exposure apparatus and exposure method. NIKON CORPORATION 1528797 Image processing apparatus, image-taking system and image processing method. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1529818 Carbon black. Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH 1530152 Method of operating a portable data carrier. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 1532912 Support for container for shower gel, shampoo, body care products, soap or the like. Egner, Christian 1533697 Systems and methods for external service administration. SAP SE 1534412 MIXING VESSEL HAVING A RECEIVER FOR A FLUID-AGITATING ELEMENT. Pall Technology UK Limited 1548368 Set of drawer kitchen hoods. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 1550253 A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Nokia Corporation 1551275 INTEGRATED MULTI-RAIL IMAGING SYSTEM. Visualsonics Inc. 27/07/2016 1551777 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF BULK SHAPED FOAM ARTICLES. Grader, Gideon; Cellaris Ltd. 1551849 TRICYCLIC TETRAHYDROQUINOLINE ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS. Zoetis P&U LLC 1552061 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT IN THE MANUFACTURE OF COATING. Valmet Technologies, Inc. 1552143 ANTI-ICING SYSTEM FOR WIND TURBINES. Battisti, Lorenzo 1552168 ANCHORING MEANS FOR THE SHEATH OF A BOWDEN CABLE. Hi-Lex Cable System Company Limited 1552274 BOREHOLE CONDUCTIVITY PROFILER. KELLER, Carl E. 1552659 A SERVICE ACCESS GATEWAY. Aepona Limited 1553869 CARDIAC MONITORING APPARATUS AND METHOD. CamNtech Limited 1553959 METHOD FOR EXTRACTING A NATURAL MIXTURE OF CONJUGATED EQUINE ESTROGENS THAT IS DEPLETED OF NON-CONJUGATED LIPOPHILIC COMPOUNDS. Abbott Products GmbH 1554241 S-(ALPHA,ALPHA'-DISUBSTITUTED-ALPHA"-ACETIC ACID) SUBSTITUTED DITHIOCARBONATE DERIVATIVES FOR CONTROLLED RADICAL POLYMERISATIONS, PROCESS AND POLYMERS MADE THEREFROM. Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. 1554323 PHOSPHONIC ACID-MODIFIED MICROGEL DISPERSION. Bollig & Kemper GmbH & Co. KG 1554384 E.COLI HOST CELLS WITH MODIFIED PHOS/PSTS PERIPLASMIC PHOSPHATE-BINDING PROTEINS , AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING RECOMBINANT FABS. UCB Pharma, S.A. 1554387 PLASTID TRANSFORMATION. Syngenta Participations AG 1554565 INTEGRATED LUMINESCENCE READ DEVICE. Biom Rieux S.A.; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1554759 FORMATION OF CONTACTS ON SEMICONDUCTOR SUBSTRATES. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1554932 Use of lipo-chitooligosaccharides for increasing photosynthesis in plants and corresponding methods and compositions. McGill University 1555040 Breathing device. Weinmann Geräte für Medizin GmbH + Co. KG 1555248 An optical glass for precision molding. SUMITA OPTICAL GLASS, INC. 1556123 PREFILLED AND SEALED MEDICAMENT BAG, PORT AND METHOD FOR ESTABLISHING FLUID CONNECTION BETWEEN THE BAG AND AN ADMINISTRATION SET. Baxter International Inc.; Baxter Healthcare S.A. 1556134 TRANSDERMAL DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR DRIED PARTICULATE MEDICATIONS. Syneron Medical Ltd. 3386 3387 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1556320 PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF 1,3-PROPANEDIOL. Novozymes A/S 1556612 ELECTROKINETIC DEVICES. Eksigent Technologies, LLC 1556683 INSTALLATION FOR THE AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF DEFECTS OF AN ARTICLE. MSC & SGCC 1556835 METHOD OF BACKGROUND COLOUR REMOVAL FOR PORTER AND DUFF COMPOSITING. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1557042 STREAMING OF DIGITAL DATA TO A PORTABLE DEVICE. Disney Enterprises, Inc. 1557673 ANALYZING TOOL AND DEVICE. ARKRAY, Inc. 1557676 ROLLING BEARING WITH SENSOR. NSK Ltd. 1558114 SEAT BOLSTER SYSTEM APPARATUS AND METHOD. L & P Property Management Company 1558226 METHOD FOR CARDIOPROTECTION AND NEUROPROTECTION BY INTRAVENOUS ADMINISTRATION OF HALOGENATED VOLATILE ANESTHETICS. Baxter International Inc. 1558334 CONFIGURING AND TESTING TREATMENT THERAPY PARAMETERS FOR A MEDICAL DEVICE SYSTEM. Medtronic, Inc. 1558437 EXTRUSION OF PEROXIDIC CROSS-LINKABLE MOLDED PLASTIC PARTS. REHAU AG + Co 1558603 OXYGE-CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC FUSED NAPHTHOPYRANS. Insight Equity A.P.X., LP 1558671 BLENDS OF AMORPHOUS AND SEMICRYSTALLINE POLYMERS HAVING SHAPE MEMORY PROPERTIES. University of Connecticut 1559069 STARTUP AND CONTROL OF GRAPH-BASED COMPUTATION. Ab Initio Technology LLC 1559252 Blind Channel Estimation, Tracking, and Equalizing for OFDM based communications. Motorola Mobility LLC 1559286 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING ACCESS OF A COMMUNICATION NETWORK TO A MOBILE TERMINAL. Orange France 1559440 VASCULAR EMBOLIZATION METERIAL. TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1560772 MACHINE FOR TRANSFERRING OBJECTS ALIGNED IN ROWS. C.E.R.M.E.X. CONSTRUCTIONS ETUDES ET RECHERCHES DE MATERIELS POUR L'EMBALLAGE D'EXPEDITION 1560881 CROSSLINKED POLYCYCLOOCTENE. University of Connecticut; University of Massachusetts 1561311 DYNAMIC LOAD DISTRIBUTION USING LOCAL STATE INFORMATION. Nokia Corporation 27/07/2016 1561352 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Methods and apparatuses for classification of communication channels into groups. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1561807 METHOD OF DEGRADING HARDLY DEGRADABLE PROTEIN. Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. 1564309 PISTON RING AND THERMAL SPRAYED COATING FOR USE THEREIN, AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURE THEREOF. Kabushiki Kaisha Riken 1570152 METHOD FOR RELEASING CABLES FROM AN ATTACHED WELL TOOL AND APPARATUS FOR EXERCISING THE METHOD. Welltec A/S 1571519 Control device for providing a variable control signal to a fluid-supplying machine. ACIST Medical Systems, Inc. 1571970 DIAGNOSIS AND MONITORING OF DISEASES. Luoxis Diagnostics, Inc. 1572019 ABLATION CATHETERS. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1572429 PULVERIZATION PROCESS OF A VULCANIZED RUBBER MATERIAL. Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 1572782 TWO-STAGE MIXING METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ABSORBENT POLYMER. Evonik Degussa GmbH 1573519 ANNOTATED AUTOMATON ENCODING OF XML SCHEMA FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHEMA VALIDATION. International Business Machines Corporation 1573796 SULFIDE ENCAPSULATION PASSIVATION TECHNIQUE. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 1574202 Hair mousse with long-lasting effect. L'Oréal 1576363 ULTRASONIC TEST APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR THE EVALUATION OF ULTRASONIC SIGNALS. GE Inspection Technologies GmbH 1581469 METHOD FOR PRODUCING 2,6-SUBSTITUTED TRANS DECALIN DERIVATIVES. Merck Patent GmbH 1583949 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR DETECTING WEST NILE VIRUS. GEN-PROBE INCORPORATED 1584683 Human orphan g protein-coupled receptor RUP3. Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1590289 ELEVATOR. Kone Corporation 1596165 Magnetic absolute angular position sensor for valves with electric actuators. BIFFI ITALIA S.r.L. 1597428 ON-MACHINE-SEAMABLE INDUSTRIAL FABRIC COMPRISED OF INTERCONNECTED RINGS. ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 1618905 Systems using a levitating, rotating, pumping or mixing element and related methods. Pall Technology UK Limited 3388 3389 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 1618907 Dual port syringe. ACIST Medical Systems, Inc. 1619000 Tool holder for drilling and/or hammering tool. Black & Decker Inc. 1630641 APPROACH FOR TRACKING DATA. Yahoo! Inc. 1632280 Plasma treated porous materials. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1643419 System and method for detecting mobile objects. Swisscom AG 1645502 Control assembly for a marine reversing gear. Yanmar Co., Ltd. 1645595 Preparation of road binders based on bitumen and of a novel range of (No. 2312) functionalized fluxes derived from natural sources. COLAS 1645929 Communication card for mobile network devices and authentification method for users of mobile network devices. Swisscom AG 1646254 Identification and/or authentification method by means of fingerprints. Swisscom AG 1647285 Sterilization system and method. ETHICON, INC. 1647604 Process and device for improving the quality of steel or aluminium sheet during heat treatment in a continuous furnace. Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie S.A. 1647642 Drainage device. Dallmer GmbH & Co. KG 1648045 A battery contact system and wireless terminal having the same. LG Electronics Inc. 1650360 Faucet with additional discharge port. ORAS OY 1650385 Hinge. Hager Electro GmbH & Co. KG 1650937 Notifying a user. Nokia Corporation 1652592 Method for landfill encapsulation. Fehrmann, Arnim 1653142 Press-fitting. FRÄNKISCHE ROHRWERKE Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG 1653349 Method and system for generating a transport track through a software system landscape. SAP AG 1653628 Lossless adaptive golomb/rice encoding and decoding of integer data using backward-adaptive rules. MICROSOFT CORPORATION 1655434 Door assembly with automatically moveable wings and method of operating such door assemblies. DORMA Deutschland GmbH 1655446 Device and method for inserting a roller blind to the upper beam of a frame. Grosfillex SAS 1655470 Device and method for estimating in real time the start angle of combustion of an internal combustion engine. RENAULT S.A.S. 1655576 Navigation system. Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH 1655780 Image sensor and pixel having an anti-reflective coating over the photodiode. OmniVision Technologies, Inc. 1657478 Fixable flange seal. Harting Electric GmbH & Co. KG 27/07/2016 1657864 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Communication traffic control rule generation methods and systems. ALCATEL LUCENT 1659046 Onboard railway safety system. ALSTOM BELGIUM S.A. 1664193 WOOD-PLASTIC COMPOUND. Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. 1666365 Palletcontainer with two support surfaces. Groupe Maillard Industrie GMI (Société Anonyme) 1667205 Vehicle headlight lamp. OSRAM GmbH 1667907 SYSTEM FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING UNIT LOADS INTO AND FROM A CARGO HOLD, IN PARTICULAR OF AN AIRCRAFT. Telair International AB 1669848 Method and system of taskbar button interfaces. Microsoft Corporation 1670460 PYRAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS CANNABINOID RECEPTOR MODULATORS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1670857 COMPOSTIONS OF POLYPROPYLENE AND POLYAMIDE. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 1671098 PORTABLE SAMPLER. Endress+Hauser Conducta Gesellschaft für Mess- und Regeltechnik mbH & Co. KG 1671330 MAGNETIC TUNNEL JUNCTION DEVICE AND WRITING/READING METHOD FOR SAID DEVICE. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 1671437 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR PROVIDING SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL (SIP) TRUNK GROUPS. Genband US LLC 1671499 WIRELESS ACCESS NETWORK SHARING AMONG CORE NETWORKS AND METHODS. Motorola Mobility LLC 1675486 PAIR OF GLOVES AND METHOD FOR REMOVING A PAIR OF GLOVES. Schrödl, Berthold 1675506 SYSTEM FOR DETECTING FLUID CHANGES. Bayer Medical Care Inc. 1675718 DOCUMENT LAMINATE FORMED FROM DIFFERENT POLYESTER MATERIALS. L-1 Secure Credentialing, Inc. 1675818 METHOD FOR SYNTHESIS OF ACRYLAMIDO AGMATINE. GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB 1676296 CMOS structure with strained, dislocation-free channels and a method of manufacturing the same. International Business Machines Corporation 1676310 METHOD FOR PREPARING AND ASSEMBLING SUBSTRATES. Soitec 1676364 TIME BASE ADJUSTMENT IN A DATA PROCESSING DEVICE. Tessera Advanced Technologies, Inc. 1676582 ANTI-CORONAVIRUS AGENT. TOAGOSEI CO., LTD. 3390 3391 27/07/2016 1676835 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING TRIARYLSULFONIUM SALT. Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. 1677598 SYNERGISTIC FUNGICIDAL ACTIVE COMBINATIONS. Bayer CropScience Aktiengesellschaft 1677675 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR RADIATION APPLICATION. Varian Medical Systems, Inc. 1677829 FIBRINOGEN TARGETTING MICROPARTICLES FOR PROMOTING HAEMOSTASIS. Haemostatix Limited 1678085 FLUID TREATMENT DEVICE. CALGON CARBON CORPORATION 1678421 WIND TURBINE SYSTEM CONTROL. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1678601 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DELIVERY POINT PACKAGING. Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 1678754 METHOD FOR SELF- SUPPORTED TRANSFER OF A FINE LAYER BY PULSATION AFTER IMPLANTATION OR CO-IMPLANTATION. Soitec; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1678981 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FEEDBACK REPORTING IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1679235 SIDE CURTAIN AIR BAG. Autoliv Development AB 1679983 TOBACCO SMOKE FILTER. Essentra Filter Products Development Co. Pte. Ltd 1680020 DETECTION OF CONGESTION FROM MONITORING PATIENT RESPONSE TO A RECUMBENT POSITION. CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. 1680267 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ABRASIVE NON-WOVEN CLOTH AND CLOTH THUS PRODUCED. N.R. Spuntech Industries Ltd. 1680331 DECORATIVE BAND, FOOD PACKAGING COMPRISING ONE SUCH BAND AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREOF. Compagnie Gervais Danone 1680333 ADJUSTABLE PLASTIC CARRY STRAP HAVING LATERALLY PROJECTING FOLDABLE HANDLES. Tama Plastic Industry 1680372 FIRE-PROOF DOOR AND FIRE-PROOF INSERT THEREFOR. SAINTGOBAIN ISOVER 1680549 CONSTRUCTIONAL PANELS. Ardern, Fergus 1680606 FIXING ELEMENT. Würth International AG 1680841 JACK WITH MODULAR MOUNTING SLEEVE. ADC Telecommunications, Inc. 1680845 HINGE FOR CABLE THROUGH COVER. ADC Telecommunications, Inc. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1681995 MULTIELECTRODE. UPPSALA LÄKARKONSULT AB; HALLIN, Rolf G. 1682051 A GASTRIC CONSTRICTION APPARATUS. Proxy Biomedical Limited 1682059 EARPLUG. Dynamic Ear Company B.V. 1682337 BAG MANUFACTURING MACHINE AND METHOD. Windmöller & Hölscher KG 1682474 METHOD FOR LONG TERM OPERATION OF A HETEROGENEOUSLY CATALYSED GAS PHASE PARTIAL OXIDATION OF PROPENE IN ORDER TO FORM ACROLEIN. BASF SE 1682631 USE OF KNOTWOOD EXTRACTS. Oy Arbonova AB 1682669 METHODS FOR DETERMINING MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION OF ALLOGRAFT PRODUCTS. Allosource 1682713 MACHINE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A FINISHED NON-WOVEN. ANDRITZ Perfojet SAS 1682730 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PODS. Thin Floor Pods Limited 1682748 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR INSTALLING A SELF-DRILLING EXPANDABLE ROCK BOLT AND A SELF-DRILLING ROCK BOLT. Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB 1683182 STARTER HOUSING FOR GAS DISCHARGE LAMP, AND METHOD OF MOUNTING SAME. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1683307 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TUNNEL SERVICE CAPABLE OF DATA COMMUNICATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT TYPES OF NETWORKS. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1683320 METHOD FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNICATION LINK. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1683399 LIGHTING FIXTURE AND METHOD FOR OPERATING SAME. Fontenoy, Philippe; Penin, Ludovic 1683679 Fixing device for fixing a crossbar. Scambia Holdings Cyprus Limited 1684375 ANTENNA PATTERN AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE ENERGY PROCESSING DEVICE HAVING THE SAME. Shuhou Co., Ltd. 1684816 METHODS OF PREPARING CROSSLINKED MATERIALS AND BIOPROSTHETIC DEVICES. MEDTRONIC, INC. 1684833 SAFETY SHIELD SYSTEM FOR A SYRINGE. Becton Dickinson and Company 1684861 INTRACRANIAL NEURAL INTERFACE SYSTEM. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1684908 PUTRESCIBLE ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT. Pioneer Waste Management Holdings Trust Pty Limited 3392 3393 27/07/2016 1685213 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A PROCESS FOR MAKING LUBE OIL BASESTOCKS. ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company 1685214 A PROCESS FOR MAKING LUBE OIL BASESTOCKS. ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company 1685383 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE GAS PERMEABILITY OF CONTAINER WALLS. KHS Corpoplast GmbH 1685740 Protective cover assembly. Gore Enterprise Holdings, Inc. 1685846 ANTITUMOR AGENT. DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED 1686908 CATHETER, IN PARTICULAR FOR ABLATION AND LIKE TECHNIQUES. Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht 1687196 EASY RIDING BICYCLE. Electra Bicycle Company, LLC 1687401 SITE-SPECIFIC INCORPORATION OF REDOX ACTIVE AMINO ACIDS INTO PROTEINS. THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1687448 NUCLEIC ACID BASED NANO-ROBOTIC SYSTEM. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 1687488 APPARATUS FOR BUILDING SUPPORT PIERS FROM ONE OR SUCCESSIVE LIFTS FORMED IN A SOIL MATRIX. Geopier Global Limited 1687565 A BURNER FOR A HEATER. ESmart Group Pty Ltd. 1687586 SPECTRAL INTERFEROMETRY METHOD AND APPARATUS. University of Kent 1687787 MULTI-SENSOR FIRE DETECTORS WITH AUDIO SENSORS AND SYSTEMS THEREOF. Honeywell International Inc. 1688576 Sliding door with a magnetic drive system and an emergency escape functionality. DORMA Deutschland GmbH 1689283 TISSUE ENGINEERED CONSTRUCT ANALYTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM AND METHOD OF OBTAINING AND ANALYZING IMAGES OF TISSUE ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTS. Medtrain Technologies, LLC 1689471 FIXED DOSE MEDICATION DISPENSING DEVICE. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1689548 CUTTING INSERT FOR HIGH FEED FACE MILLING. Kennametal Inc. 1689923 A HYDROENTANGLED NONWOVEN MATERIAL AND A METHOD OF PROCUDING SUCH A MATERIAL. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1689941 A WASTE FITTING. CLASSIC MARBLE (SHOWERS) LIMITED 1692063 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING A MOVING WEB. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1692223 ELASTIC NONWOVEN FABRICS MADE FROM BLENDS OF POLYOLEFINS AND PROCESSES FOR MAKING THE SAME. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 27/07/2016 1692261 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CARTRIDGE FOR USE WITH ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSOR. Genefluidics, Inc. 1692299 RAPID PEPTIDOGLYCAN-BASED ASSAY FOR DETECTION OF BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION OF PLATELETS. Immunetics, Inc. 1693855 FUEL ELEMENT FOR A FAST NEUTRON REACTOR (VARIANTS) AND A CLADDING FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. The Federal State Unitarian Enterprise " A.A. Bochvar All-Russia Research Institute of Inorganic Materials" 1694800 MULTISTAGE REMOVAL OF HETEROATOMS AND WAX FROM DISTILLATE FUEL. ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company 1694859 MULTIPLEXED NUCLEIC ACID ANALYSIS BY FRAGMENTATION OF DOUBLE-STRANDED DNA. Bioarray Solutions Ltd 1700068 CONTROL SYSTEM FOR AN AIRCRAFT GALLEY COOLER. BE Intellectual Property, Inc. 1702543 Capsule with sealing means. NESTEC S.A. 1706817 MICROCONTROLLER WITH A VIRTUAL MEMORY BANK. MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC. 1713836 PREPARATION METHOD OF POLYMERISATION CATALYST FOR PRODUCTION OF POLYETHYLENE WITH BROAD MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION. HANWHA CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1714246 BANKNOTES WITH PRINTED SECURITY IMAGE THAT CAN BE DETECTED WITH ONE-DIMENSIONAL SIGNAL PROCESSING. European Central Bank 1714349 PROTECTED ACTIVE METAL ELECTRODE AND BATTERY CELL STRUCTURES WITH NON-AQUEOUS INTERLAYER ARCHITECTURE. Polyplus Battery Company 1721606 Buffered compositions for dialysis. Advanced Renal Technologies 1736012 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR PHASED DEPLOYMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1771685 METHOD FOR INCREASING THE EMISSIVITY OF A REFRACTORY METAL MATERIAL, RADIENT HEATER, SYSTEM AND SUSCEPTOR. VEECO INSTRUMENTS INC. 1772746 Method and arrangement for data fusion. SAAB AB 1772942 Battery charge/discharge control circuit. O2Micro, Inc. 1773055 Method for verification of content rights in a security module. Nagra France SAS 1774878 Method for preparing a beverage from a capsule. NESTEC S.A. 1774893 Handy Mop. Uni-Charm Corporation 1774905 Sensor wire assembly. RADI MEDICAL SYSTEMS AB 1774932 Ostomy coupling. ConvaTec Technologies Inc. 3394 3395 27/07/2016 1775116 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) HYDROENTANGLED THREE PLY WEBS AND PRODUCTS MADE THEREFROM. Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP 1775234 Capsule for the preparation of a beverage. Nestec S.A. 1775465 Device for driving a first part of a wind energy turbine with respect to a second part of the wind energy turbine. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1775655 Automatic language selection for improving text accuracy. BlackBerry Limited 1775917 Slide module and mobile terminal having slide module. LG Electronics Inc. 1775993 Hearing aid with battery door. Bernafon AG 1776870 Confectionery comprising cocoa butter improver. Kraft Foods R & D, Inc. 1777062 Process and device for welding plastic hollow bodies. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 1777750 Multi-state non-volatile integrated circuit memory systems that employ dielectric storage elements. SanDisk Technologies Inc. 1780252 PRESSURE-SENSITIVE ADHESIVE SHEET FOR TIRE. Lintec Corporation 1780350 Awning with positive return. Rödelbronn GmbH 1780415 A component for high-pressure fluid applications and method for its manufacture. Delphi International Operations Luxembourg S.à r.l. 1780857 Control unit for an electrical drive motor. Diehl AKO Stiftung & Co. KG 1780883 Regulating unit for controlling the frequency and voltage of an output signal. Govers, Henricus Johannes Antonius Alphonsus 1782943 Method and powder press with measurement system for determining a reference in the powder press. Fette GmbH 1784709 MULTI-PLANAR THREE-DIMENSIONAL USER INTERFACE. Microsoft Corporation 1786004 Method of manufacturing an electronic component comprising an integrated circuit and a winding assembly. SMARTRAC TECHNOLOGY GERMANY GmbH 1792722 Packaging pouch. Nordenia Deutschland Halle GmbH 1793472 Electric motor assembly. Black & Decker Inc. 1795986 Route planning system for agricultural work machines. CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH 1796719 REFRIGERATOR-TEMPERATURE STABLE INFLUENZA VACCINE COMPOSITIONS. MedImmune, LLC 1797579 MICRODISCHARGE DEVICES WITH ENCAPSULATED ELECTRODES AND ITS METHOD OF FABRICATION. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 27/07/2016 1797587 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR PROVIDING MIXED STACKED STRUCTURES, WITH VARIOUS INSULATING ZONES AND/OR ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTING ZONES VERTICALLY LOCALIZED. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1797887 DRUG FOR DIMINISHING INCREASE OF NEUTRAL FAT IN BLOOD AFTER MEAL. MATSUTANI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1798278 Use of a rust inhibitor in a lubricating oil composition. Infineum International Limited 1799111 ULTRASONIC DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM WITH FLEXIBLE EXAMINATION PROTOCOLS AND REPORT GENERATION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1799232 SELF-GELLING ALGINATE SYSTEMS AND USES THEREOF. FMC Biopolymer AS 1799243 TREATMENT OF PULMONARY HYPERTENSION USING AN AGENT THAT INHIBITS A TISSUE FACTOR PATHWAY. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 1799383 MULTI-BLADE ROUTER TOOL, EDGER WITH MULTI-BLADE ROUTER TOOL, AND METHOD OF EDGING EYEGLASS LENSES. National Optronics, Inc. 1799447 RECOVERED HIGH STRENGTH MULTI-LAYER ALUMINUM BRAZING SHEET PRODUCTS. Alcoa Inc. 1799486 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER WITH TRANSLUCENT OR TRANSPARENT SHEET. Johnson Controls Techonology Company 1799589 PACKAGING FOR LONG-STEMMED CUT FLOWERS. Pagter & Partners International B.V. 1799628 METHOD FOR OXIDATION OF SATURATED CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS WITH OXYGEN. Rhodia Chimie SA 1799684 LACTAM COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS. MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 1799717 ISOLATING HUMAN ANTIBODIES. Danisco US Inc. 1799767 FLAME RETARDANT THERMOPLASTIC POLYCARBONATE COMPOSITIONS, USE THEREOF AND METHOD OF ITS MANUFACTURE. SABIC Global Technologies B.V. 1800052 STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS IN LIQUID SOLVENTS. Seaone Maritime Corp. 1800089 GEODETIC POSITION DETERMINING SYSTEM. Leica Geosystems AG 1800133 METHODS FOR ANTIBODY LIBRARY SCREENING. Affitech Research AS 1800456 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR THE AUTOMATIC ADAPTATION OF A SERVICE PARAMETER. Swisscom AG 3396 3397 27/07/2016 1800606 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) TREATMENT INSTRUMENT FOR CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS OPERATION. Sumitomo Bakelite Company, Limited 1802143 System and method for global title address routing. ALCATEL LUCENT 1802213 A LEAK PROOF RE-CLOSABLE FLEXIBLE POUCH. Chaturvedi, Ashok 1802243 INTRAMEDULLARY PIN FOR INSERTION INTO THE MEDULLARY SPACE OF A FEMUR. Synthes GmbH 1802244 ABLATION DEVICES WITH ULTRASONIC IMAGING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1802262 BONDING PATTERNS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A KNITTED FABRIC LANDING ZONE. The Procter & Gamble Company 1802310 USE OF PURINE DERIVATIVES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF MEDICAMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF MUCOVISCIDOSIS AND DISEASES RELATED TO PROTEIN ADDRESSING ERRORS IN CELLS. Manros Therapeutics 1802325 CRIG POLYPEPTIDE FOR PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF COMPLEMENT-ASSOCIATED DISORDERS. Genentech, Inc. 1802329 A PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION COMPRISING CRYSTALLINE INSULIN AND DISSOLVED INSULIN. Novo Nordisk A/S 1802358 A REINFORCED ABSORBABLE MULTILAYERED FABRIC FOR USE IN MEDICAL DEVICES AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE. ETHICON, INC. 1802367 A respiration valve. Innovision A/S 1802453 INFUSION FABRIC FOR MOLDING LARGE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. OCV Intellectual Capital, LLC 1802548 FLAT BELT DRIVEN ELEVATOR. Inventio AG 1802589 CRYSTALLINE FORMS OF 3-[5-CHLORO-4-[(2,4-DIFLUOROBENZYL) OXY]-6-OXOPYRIMIDIN-1(6H)-YL]-N-(2-HYDROXYETHYL)-4METHYLBENZAMIDE. Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC 1802820 VACUUM TANK ASSEMBLY. Dometic Corporation 1802980 METHODS FOR ANTIBODY LIBRARY SCREENING. Affitech Research AS 1803317 METHOD AND ELEMENT OF COMMUNICATION OVER CHANNELS OF DIVERSE CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (Publ) 1803335 BALLAST WITH ZERO VOLTAGE SWITCHING CONVERTER. OSRAMSYLVANIA INC. 1803575 Print tape and print cassette. BROTHER KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1803793 Lubricating oil compositions. Infineum International Limited 1804384 Distributed memory in field-programmable gate array integrated circuit devices. Altera Corporation 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1804620 INFANT CARRIER. GRACO CHILDREN'S PRODUCTS INC. 1804666 MEDICAL IMAGING SYSTEM, DISPENSING SYSTEM, METHOD, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT FOR ASSESSING PATIENT RENAL FUNCTION PRIOR TO DISPENSING A CONTRAST MEDIA AS PART OF A MEDICAL IMAGING PROCEDURE. ACIST Medical Systems, Inc. 1804963 REACTOR AND METHOD FOR SYNTHESISING VINYL ACETATE IN THE GASEOUS PHASE. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG; Evonik Degussa GmbH 1805127 PROCESS FOR REMOVAL OF IMPURITIES FROM AN OXIDIZER PURGE STREAM. GRUPO PETROTEMEX, S.A. DE C.V. 1805130 METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF ALIPHATIC CHLOROFORMATES. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 1805234 ACTIVATING AGENTS FOR HAFNIUM BASED METALLOCENE COMPONENTS. TOTAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY FELUY 1805326 A METHOD OF NUCLEIC ACID TYPING FOR SELECTING REGISTERED DONORS FOR CROSS-MATCHING TO TRANSFUSION RECIPIENTS. Reid, Marion E.; Bioarray Solutions Ltd 1805419 ROTARY COMPRESSOR. LG Electronics Inc. 1805518 FIBER OPTIC FOR SENSING ANALYTES AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME. Becton, Dickinson & Company 1805572 DATA SECURITY. Intel Corporation 1805680 CHANNEL CURRENT CHEMINFORMATICS AND BIOENGINEERING METHODS FOR IMMUNOLOGICAL SCREENING, SINGLE-MOLECULE ANALYSIS, AND SINGLE-MOLECULAR-INTERACTION ANALYSIS. Board of Supervisors of Louisiana; Board of Supervisors of Louisiana 1805916 Operating environment analysis techniques for wireless communication systems. McMaster University 1807026 FACET JOINT PROSTHESES. Gmedelaware 2 LLC 1807445 METHOD FOR PRODUCING L-AMINO ACIDS USING BACTERIA OF THE ENTEROBACTERIACEAE FAMILY. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1807468 METHOD OF PRIMERLESS BONDING. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1807533 APPLICATIONS OF ISOLATED NUCLEIC ACID FRAGMENTS COMPRISING CpG ISLANDS. University Court of the University of Edinburgh 1807616 ACOUSTIC ABSORBER FOR AIRCRAFT ENGINES. Airbus SAS 1807727 OPHTHALMIC DISPLAY COMPRISING AN OPHTHALMIC LENS AND AN OPTICAL IMAGE. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'OPTIQUE 1807855 ELECTRONIC DEVICE. EPCOS AG 3398 3399 27/07/2016 1808004 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROVIDING A SERVICE FRAMEWORK AT AN ENDPOINT. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1808047 MULTICHANNEL AUDIO SIGNAL DECODING USING DE-CORRELATED SIGNALS. Dolby International AB; Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1809098 METHODS FOR INCREASING THE DIVERSITY OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES PRODUCED AGAINST AN ANTIGEN. Translational Medicines, Inc. 1809103 SHAPED PLANT GROWTH NUTRIENT PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Everris International B.V. 1809162 OPTICAL APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR COMPREHENSIVE EYE DIAGNOSIS. Optovue, Inc. 1809177 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INVASIVE DEVICE TRACKING USING ORGAN TIMING SIGNAL GENERATED FROM MPS SENSORS. Mediguide Ltd. 1809259 LESS ABUSABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1809342 ABSORBABLE HEMOSTAT. Ethicon, Inc.; Omrix Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 1809354 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF DRY WEIGHT BY CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE AND CALCULATION OF CIRCUMFERENCE IN A BODY SEGMENT USING SEGMENTAL BIOIMPEDANCE ANALYSIS. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. 1809427 METHOD, APPARATUS, AND SYSTEM FOR BI-SOLVENT BASED CLEANING OF PRECISION COMPONENTS. Forward Technology a Crest Group Company 1809602 INDOLE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS PROGESTERONE RECEPTOR MODULATORS. Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 1809733 ENZYME-BASED DEVICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING. Agentase, LLC 1809754 PRODUCING HYDROGEN BY HETEROLOGOUS EXPRESSION OF A TYPE II NAD (P) H DEHYDROGENASE IN CHLAMYDOMONAS. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1810049 NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR DISABLED PERSONS, IN PARTICULAR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS. The European Unionrepresented by the European Commission 1810098 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VIBRATION MONITORING. ABB Technology AG 27/07/2016 1810315 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SEPARATION OF ISOBARIC INTERFERENCES. Litherland, Albert Edward; Doupe, Jonathan P.; Kieser, William Edward; Zhao, Xiao-Lei; Javahery, Gholamreza; Cousins, Lisa; Tomski, Ilia; Jolliffe, Charles 1810451 METHOD AN DEVICES FOR SUPPORTING MESSAGE SERVICES TO A DUAL MODE MOBILE STATION VIA A SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1810534 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN A RADIO EQUIPMENT CONTROL NODE AND MULTIPLE REMOTE RADIO EQUIPMENT NODES. NORTEL NETWORKS SA; Telefonaktiebolaget L- M Ericsson (publ); Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; NEC Corporation; Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1810743 PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING A MICROSPHERE. Nakajima, Mitsutoshi; National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; KURARAY CO., LTD. 1811026 METHOD OF IMMUNIZING ANIMAL, COMPOSITION FOR IMMUNIZATION, METHOD OF PRODUCING ANTIBODY, METHOD OF PRODUCING HYBRIDOMA AND METHOD OF PRODUCING MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY. Chiba, Joe; Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. 1811871 FOOTWEAR INCLUDING REPLACEABLE OUTSOLE MEMBERS. NIKE Innovate C.V. 1812243 SECURITY ELEMENT COMPRISING MAGNETIC MATERIALS HAVING THE SAME REMANENCE AND A DIFFERENT COERCIVE FIELD INTENSITY. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 1812303 PACKAGING SACHET AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Focke & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG) 1812444 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS. Piramed Limited 1812618 CVD process. OKMETIC OYJ 1812883 DETECTION DEVICE. VERMOP Salmon GmbH 1812974 NANOCOMPOSITES WITH HIGH THERMOELECTRIC FIGURES OF MERIT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Trustees of Boston College 1814482 ABLATION CATHETER. Medtronic Ablation Frontiers LLC 1814527 BILAYER TABLET COMPRISING TELMISARTAN AND AMLODIPINE. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH 1814606 IMPLANTABLE COLLAGEN COMPOSITIONS. Fibrogen, Inc. 1814652 SURFACTANT SYSTEM METHOD. Surface Active Solutions (Holdings) Limited 3400 3401 27/07/2016 1814718 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AUTOMATED FABRIC LAYUP SYSTEM AND METHOD. The Boeing Company 1814836 CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PHENOL FROM BENZENE IN A FIXED BED REACTOR. versalis S.p.A. 1815154 APPARATUS FOR GLUING AN OBJECT TO A SURFACE BY MEANS OF TWO OR MORE COMPONENT GLUE. IR. A.R. Enserink Holding B.V. 1815199 PROCESS FOR PREPARING A LYOPHILISED MATERIAL. Aseptic Technologies S.A. 1815511 A METHOD OF MAKING A SEMICONDUCTOR STRUCTURE FOR HIGH POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES. Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 1815576 SELF-POWERED ELECTRIC CHARGER. Orange 1816935 SYSTEM WITH CAPSULE HAVING SEALING MEANS. NESTEC S.A. 1816936 CAPSULE WITH SEALING MEANS. NESTEC S.A. 1817292 NOVEL HETEROCYCLE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS SELECTIVE ANDROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATORS (SARMS). Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 1820224 NANOSTRUCTURED BULK THERMOELECTRIC MATERIAL. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha; The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund 1820467 Ceramic dental abutments with a metallic core. Biomet 3I, Inc. 1824538 INJECTION DEVICE. NOVO NORDISK A/S 1824757 POD FOR PREPARING A BEVERAGE. Kraft Foods R&D, Inc. 1827155 IMPACT-ATTENUATING ELEMENTS REMOVABLY MOUNTED IN FOOTWEAR OR OTHER PRODUCTS. NIKE Innovate C.V. 1827201 A SYSTEM OF DAMPENING PRESSURE PULSATIONS CAUSED BY A POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP IN ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY. Kumar, Atul; Kumar, Alka 1827267 ORTHOPEDIC FIXATION DEVICE AND ORTHOPEDIC FIXATION SYSTEM. Aesculap AG 1827657 QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE MASS SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. Cerno Bioscience LLC 1829093 CMP COMPOSITION COMPRISING SURFACTANT. CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION 1829144 DIRECT OXIDATION FUEL CELL AND SYSTEM OPERATING ON CONCENTRATED FUEL USING LOW OXIDANT STOICHIOMETRY. Panasonic Corporation; THE PENN STATE RESEARCH FOUNDATION 1829458 CIGARETTE PRODUCTION SYSTEM. Japan Tobacco, Inc. 27/07/2016 1830690 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DISHWASHER WITH A SORPTION DRIER AND METHOD FOR THE OPERATION THEREOF. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1830941 CROSS FLOW FILTER DEVICE WITH CONCENTRIC FILTER ELEMENTS. Purolator Advanced Filtration; Eurlings, Martin 1831321 POLISHING COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR HIGH SILICON NITRIDE TO SILICON OXIDE REMOVAL RATE RATIOS. Cabot Microelectronics Corporation 1831680 Method for the elementary analysis of an organic sample digested via combustion, and corresponding apparatus. Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH 1831928 ORGANIC ELECTRONIC DEVICES HAVING TWO DIMENSIONAL SERIES INTERCONNECTIONS. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1832279 A process for the preparation of suspensions of drug particles for inhalation delivery. CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.p.A. 1832432 PRINTER. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 1833353 DISHWASHING MACHINE EQUIPPED WITH A SORPTION DRYING DEVICE. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 1833852 PROCESS FOR PREPARING LUBRICATING COMPOSITIONS. The Lubrizol Corporation 1835962 LEADLESS CARDIAC STIMULATION SYSTEMS. Boston Scientific Limited 1844811 Prefilled and sealed medicament bag and port for establishing fluid connection between the bag and an administration set. Baxter International Inc.; Baxter Healthcare SA 1849866 Human orphan G protein-coupled receptor RUP3. Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1851255 HYDROGEL COMPOSITION. Bayer HealthCare LLC 1869289 GUIDE VANE SUPPORT. Alstom Technology Ltd 1881895 FLOORING HAVING TRANSFER-PRINTED HDF AND PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME. LG Chemical Limited 1886582 Method of preparing a heat-treated product. Novozymes A/S 1895017 Use of A33 antigens and JAM-IT. Genentech, Inc. 1897643 Milling cutter tool for high feed face milling and method for performing plunge or ramping milling. Kennametal Inc. 1900893 DOUBLE LATCH LOCK. Ojmar S.A. 1906500 Flush junction box with lid. ABB B.V. 1908563 Method and apparatus to detect and remove defects from a material flow, in the production of boards. Dieffenbacher GmbH Maschinen- und Anlagenbau 1908908 Window power device for powered positioning of a window leaf. Baier, Paul 1908956 Progressing cavity pump with wobble stator and magnetic drive. Moyno, Inc. 1909084 Electronic thermometer with selectable modes. Covidien AG 3402 3403 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 1909246 Surgical console operable to simulate surgical procedures. Novartis AG 1909441 Wireless communication method, device and data structure. Industrial (No. 2312) Technology Research Institute 1909457 Apparatus for receiving adaptive broadcast signal and method thereof. LG Electronics Inc. 1909459 Apparatus for receiving adaptive broadcast signal and method thereof. LG Electronics Inc. 1910427 ARYLPHENOXY CATALYST SYSTEM FOR PRODUCING ETHYLENE HOMOPOLYMER OR COPOLYMERS OF ETHYLENE AND ALPHAOLEFINS. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. 1911419 Acetabular cup assembly. Biomet Manufacturing, LLC 1911550 Device for centring a coupling disc of a motor vehicle clutch. Klann SpezialWerkzeugbau GmbH 1911574 A paper material with an improved embossed pattern and method for the production thereof. Delicarta SPA 1911885 Erosion protection mattress. Wilcke, Claudia Katrin 1911888 Closing system and method for closing a hole in the ground. T.B.S. Soest B.V. 1912019 Exterior mounting component. Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG 1912413 A method for forming a secure virtual private network facilitating peer-to-peer communication. Quipa Holdings Limited 1913906 Stent delivery system. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 1914016 Groundwater decontamination system through in situ injection of oxidant and/or riducent gases. SOCIETA' ITALIANA ACETILENE E DERIVATI S.I.A.D. S.p.A. in abbreviated form SIAD S.p.A. 1914061 Machine for moulding plastic containers using means for moving mould-support unit comprising two in-line connecting tools. Magic MP S.p.A. 1914120 Assembly for mounting and/or processing two vehicle parts. Dr.Ing. H.C. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft; Faurecia Exteriors GmbH 1914369 Padlocks for holding and securing zipper pulls. The Sun Lock Company Ltd. 1915977 Absorbent incontinence article with an improved fastening system. Paul Hartmann AG 1916192 Square-shaped folding box with an opening cut. BSN Medical GmbH 1916286 Flame retardant, hardening moulding materials. LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 1916508 Sensor interface circuitry having adjustable gain and Q, and method for adjusting sensor interface circuitry gain and Q. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1916628 Method for creating an intelligent document and device for carrying out the method. Deutsche Post AG 27/07/2016 1916669 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Separation Device for Radioisotope Tl-201. Atomic Energy Council - Institute of Nuclear Energy Research 1918277 Azulene compounds. Industrial Technology Research Institute 1918316 Photo-curable resin composition. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1918660 Wall bracket for a water heater. STIEBEL ELTRON GmbH & Co. KG 1918709 Analyzing method for platelets. SYSMEX CORPORATION 1919140 Method and apparatus for header setting in a wireless communications system. Innovative Sonic Limited 1919154 Wi-Fi quality of service signalling. BlackBerry Limited 1919230 A method for capacity allocation for packet transfer of streaming traffic in a radio access network. ALCATEL LUCENT 1920809 New method for dehydrating alcohol and installation for implementing same. MAGUIN S.A. 1923673 Position measuring device. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 1924125 Heatable film. Benecke-Kaliko AG 1925383 Method of making a sintered body, a powder mixture and a sintered body. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1925594 Use of Rhizomucor pusillus (Lindt) Schipper in methods for treating industrial wastewaters containing dyes. PAN-ECO S.r.l.; Universita' Degli Studi di Torino 1926297 Notifying a user. Nokia Technologies OY 1929006 ACTIVATING AGENT OF STEM CELLS AND/OR PROGENITOR CELLS. Tobishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 1929902 IMPROVED HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FOR AIR-CONDITIONING AND TO REDUCE THE COLD CORRIDOR EFFECT. Frost-Trol S.A. 1930688 Method for optical chassis measurement. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 1930696 Method and device for controlling the display of information in two areas on a display screen in a means of transport. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 1931589 LIFTING SLING SYSTEM. Frenolink Förvaltnings AB 1931603 DYNAMIC CONTROL OF MEMBRANE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM. Evoqua Water Technologies LLC 1931675 PYRAZOLO(1, 5A) PYRIMIDINES AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1932522 Therapeutic agent for liver disease containing 2-amino-1,3-propanediol derivative as active ingredient. Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 1932844 CROSS-LINKED CYCLIC AMINE COMPOUNDS AND AGENTS FOR PEST CONTROL. NIPPON SODA CO., LTD. 1933659 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR HAVING A FLUID-FILLED BLADDER WITH A REINFORCING STRUCTURE. NIKE Innovate C.V. 3404 3405 27/07/2016 1933688 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DISHWASHER, IN PARTICULAR DOMESTIC DISHWASHER WITH A CONTROLLABLE OPERATION DISPLAY PANEL. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1933691 TECHNICAL MEDICAL DEVICE COMPRISING A SELF-LUBRICATING ELEMENT. INVENDO MEDICAL GMBH 1933695 TEST ELEMENT AND TEST SYSTEM FOR EXAMINING A BODY FLUID. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1933809 COMPOSITIONS FOR NASAL DELIVERY. YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM 1933875 CONJUGATES OF PHOTOSENSITISERS AND ANTIBODy-FRAGMENTS. Photobiotics Limited 1934015 CMP OF COPPER/RUTHENIUM SUBSTRATES. CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION 1934046 MULTILAYER ELASTIC FILM STRUCTURES. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1934239 IMMUNE REGULATORY OLIGONUCLEOTIDE (IRO) COMPOUNDS TO MODULATE TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR BASED IMMUNE RESPONSE. Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1934282 AQUEOUS DISPERSION. SOLVAY SA 1934342 IMMOBILIZATION OF ENZYMES. Novozymes A/S 1934375 MEANS AND METHODS FOR THE PREDICTION OF JOINT DESTRUCTION. Schulze-Koops, Hendrik; Skapenko, Alla 1934388 METHOD OF DRUG DESIGN. Alchemia Ltd 1934469 FLOAT FOR SEA WAVE ENERGY CONVERSION PLANT. Trident Energy Limited 1934496 CAM TUBE BRACKET. Hendrickson International Corporation 1934820 DISTRIBUTED CLIPBOARD. Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 1935122 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING, COMMUNICATING AND USING INFORMATION INCLUDING LOADING FACTORS FOR INTERFERENCE CONTROL. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1935218 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A SERIES CIRCUIT CURRENT OF A LIGHTING INSTALLATION AT AN AIRFIELD OR THE LIKE, AND A CONSTANT-CURRENT REGULATOR. ADB BVBA 1935270 Shoe. adidas International Marketing B.V. 1935287 RECLINING ADJUSTER. Delta Tooling Co., Ltd. 1936105 Vertical shading. Weinor GmbH & Co. KG 1936750 Flat conductor sealing element. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 27/07/2016 1936769 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Auxiliary device and method of reporting information, auxiliary assembly and circuit breaker including said device. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 1937118 DEVICE FOR PREPARING INFUSED BEVERAGES. TConcept Company 1937122 FOOD HOLDING CABINET WITH REMOVABLE TRAY COVERS. Merco/Savory LLC 1937172 MEDICAL DEVICE FOR TREATING BROKEN BONES OR FIXING STABILISING ELEMENTS TO BONE PARTS. Gannet B.V. 1937175 HAIR REMOVAL METHOD. Eurofeedback 1937245 COMPOUND USEFUL FOR THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY IN DIALYSED PATIENTS. SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 1937546 SUBMERSIBLE VEHICLE. Go Science Group Limited 1937616 NEW BINAPHTHALENE DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF AND ORGANIC ELECTRONIC DEVICE USING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 1937648 DIACYL INDAZOL DERIVATIVES AS LIPASE AND PHOSPHOLIPASE INHIBITORS. SANOFI 1938126 SONAR SYSTEM AND METHOD PROVIDING LOW PROBABILITY OF IMPACT ON MARINE MAMMALS. Raytheon Company 1938488 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING DEVICE LOCATION IN AN IP-BASED WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. T-Mobile, USA, Inc 1938513 MODULAR NETWORK-ASSISTED POLICY RESOLUTION. Nokia Technologies OY 1940061 CROSS POLARIZATION INTERFERENCE COMPENSATING METHOD, AND CROSS POLARIZATION INTERFERENCE COMPENSATING DEVICE. NEC Corporation 1940249 NOVEL FORMULATIONS OF FAT-SOLUBLE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS WITH HIGH BIOAVAILABILITY. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1940291 X-RAY EXAMINATION APPARATUS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1940292 UTILIZING PHYSIOLOGICAL MODELS TO CONTROL FUNCTIONAL ACQUISITIONS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1940311 HOOF BATH SYSTEM. GEA Farm Technologies, Inc. 1940317 Variable cohesive gel form-stable breast implant. ALLERGAN, INC. 1940373 1-FLUORO-1-DEOXY-SCYLLO-INOSITOL FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. Waratah Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1940495 BLOWER MOTOR WITH FLEXIBLE SUPPORT SLEEVE. ResMed Motor Technologies Inc. 3406 3407 27/07/2016 1940626 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD OF INKJET PRINTING FOR USE IN POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEMS. SICPA HOLDING SA 1940638 CABRIOLET. GM Global Technology Operations LLC 1940744 APPARATUS FOR THE GENERATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL THERAPEUTIC AND CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC AQUEOUS RINSING SOLUTIONS. Becker, Franz Ferdinand; Herbst, Reinhold H. 1940807 CARBAMOYLBENZOTRIAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS INHIBITORS OF LIPASES AND PHOSPHOLIPASES. SANOFI 1940821 NOVEL VANILLOID RECEPTOR LIGANDS AND THEIR USE FOR PRODUCING MEDICAMENTS. Grünenthal GmbH 1940855 DIARYL ALKYLPHOSPHONATES AND METHODS FOR PREPARING SAME. FRX Polymers, Inc. 1940956 LIGHT-DIFFUSING FILMS AND THEIR USE IN FLAT SCREENS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 1940958 FLAME RETARDANT THERMOPLASTIC POLYCARBONATE COMPOSITIONS, METHOD OF MANUFACTURE, AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 1941000 FIRE-RESISTANT COMPOSITION FOR COATING, SEALING AND PROTECTION PURPOSES. Industrial Property of Scandinavia AB 1941171 COUPLING DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING A TORQUE. BorgWarner, Inc. 1941235 SURVEYING METHOD AND SURVEYING INSTRUMENT. Trimble Jena GmbH 1941244 FLOW SENSOR ELEMENT AND ITS SELF-CLEANING. HERAEUS SENSOR TECHNOLOGY GMBH 1941287 Class-based bandwidth partitioning. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1941313 AN OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR ILLUMINATION OF AN EVANESCENT FIELD. Yale University 1941690 MULTI-CHANNEL EQUALIZATION TO COMPENSATE FOR IMPAIRMENTS INTRODUCED BY INTERLEAVED DEVICES. Clariphy Communications Inc. 1941702 DYNAMIC RESOURCE MATCHING SYSTEM. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1941835 MULTI-MODALITY TOMOGRAPHY APPARATUS. Fundación Para La Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañon 1941908 THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR HEART DISEASE. CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1942078 METHOD FOR PURIFICATION OF SILICA PARTICLES, PURIFIER, AND PURIFIED SILICA PARTICLES. Japan Super Quartz Corporation 1942737 METHOD OF INDUCING RESISTANCE TO HARMFUL FUNGI. BASF SE 27/07/2016 1942900 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) USE OF PYRAZOLO [1,5-A] PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES FOR INHIBITING KINASES METHODS FOR INHIBITING PROTEIN KINASES. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1943069 UNIAXIAL PRESSING AND HEATING APPARATUS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1943218 ALKOXYALKYL SPIROCYCLIC TETRAMIC ACIDS AND TETRONIC ACIDS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 1943237 PROCESS FOR SELECTIVE OXIDATION OF OLEFINS TO EPOXIDES. University Of Kansas 1943283 POLYURETHANE-UREA ELASTOMERS. Bayer MaterialScience LLC 1943293 LIGHT PROTECTIVE ADDITIVE BASED ON ORGANIC/ INORGANIC HYBRID POLYMER, METHOD FOR ITS MANUFACTURE AND USE THEREOF. Sinvent AS 1943395 INSULATING FORM FOR CONCRETE WALLS. Rockwool International A/S 1943564 CLOCK PIECE WITH DIGITAL DISPLAY. Blancpain SA. 1943607 PROGRAM EXECUTABLE IMAGE ENCRYPTION. Nytell Software LLC 1943610 METHOD OF READING DATA FROM TRANSPONDERS THROUGH A READER, A TRANSPONDER, AND A READER. NXP B.V. 1943692 MULTI-VIEW DISPLAY HAVING DIRECTIONAL LIGHT OUTPUT DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1943706 SEMICONDUCTOR LASER DEVICE. LIMO Patentverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG 1943710 ELECTRIC MOTOR AND WINDING METHOD. SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 1943747 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING A BASE STATION'S TRANSMISSION POWER. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1943831 IMAGE SENSOR. ISIS INNOVATION LIMITED 1943840 Method for identifying reference pictures of quality layers in a video decoder. LG Electronics Inc. 1943850 MOBILE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE INCLUDING A WRAPAROUND ANTENNA ASSEMBLY AND RELATED METHODS. BlackBerry Limited 1944029 PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION HAVING EXCELLENT PHOTOSTABILITY. Kowa Company, Ltd.; Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. 1944905 AN ENCRYPTED TRANSMISSION METHOD AND EQUIPMENT SYSTEM FOR PREVENTING COPYING THE DATA RESOURCE. Beijing Sursen International Information Technology Co. Ltd. 3408 3409 27/07/2016 1945132 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) KERATIN BIOCERAMIC COMPOSITIONS. Wake Forest University Health Sciences 1945154 KNEE BRACE. Össur hf 1945206 INDOLE DERIVATIVES AS HISTAMINE 3 RECEPTOR INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF COGNITIVE AND SLEEP DISORDERS, OBESITY AND OTHER CNS DISORDERS. Athersys, Inc. 1945436 EXTRUDED WALL WITH RIB-LIKE INTERIOR. University of Southern California 1945573 WATER PURIFICATION METHOD, PROCESS AND APPARATUS. Blanchette, Daniel 1945780 RABIES VIRUS VECTOR SYSTEMS AND COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS THEREOF. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as represented by THE SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1945822 BIOMASS PROCESSOR. Biomass Technologies Pty Ltd 1945883 A TIE ROD FOR FORMWORK. Jurisdictio Berergensis AS; Jurisdictio Stavangeris AS 1946107 DIAGNOSIS AND MONITORING OF CHRONIC RENAL DISEASE USING NGAL. Children's Hospital Medical Center; The Trustees of Columbia University 1946372 METHOD OF FABRICATING A SEMICONDUCTOR DIE. KLA-Tencor Technologies Corporation 1946388 WAVELENGTH STABILIZED LIGHT SOURCE. EXALOS AG 1946593 A METHOD AND APPARATUS OF ASSIGNING SELECTED INTERLACE MODE IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1946624 SEQUENTIALLY PULSED TRAVELING WAVE ACCELERATOR. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC 1946693 ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM. Olympus Corporation 1947456 METHOD OF CONFIRMING PROBE-LOADING POSITION IN NUCLEIC ACID ARRAY. MITSUBISHI RAYON CO., LTD. 1947619 Product compartment, extraction device, vending machine and method. SIELAFF GMBH & CO. KG AUTOMATENBAU 1948202 TOPICAL SKIN BARRIERS AND METHODS OF EVALUATION THEREOF. Coloplast A/S 1948218 OSTEOGENIC DEVICE FOR INDUCING BONE FORMATION IN CLINICAL CONTEXTS. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Medical Research Council of South Africa 27/07/2016 1948234 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF FIBROTIC, INFLAMMATORY AND NEOVASCULARIZATION CONDITIONS. Lpath, Inc. 1948235 METHODS FOR DETERMINING EFFICACY OF ADALIMUMAB IN SUBJECTS HAVING ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS USING CTX-II AND MMP3 AS BIOMARKERS. AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd 1948468 SYSTEM FOR HOLDING CABLES. SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 1948609 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PYRIDYLCARBOXYLIC AMIDES AND ESTERS. BASF SE 1948779 APPARATUS FOR BIOPROCESSING. Pall Technology UK Limited 1948816 IMPROVED METHODS FOR BEAMING. The Johns Hopkins University 1948835 IN-LINE SALT REFINING OF MOLTEN ALUMINIUM ALLOYS. Rio Tinto Alcan International Limited 1949047 METER ELECTRONICS AND METHODS FOR DETERMINING A PHASE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FIRST SENSOR SIGNAL AND A SECOND SENSOR SIGNAL OF A FLOW METER. Micro Motion, Inc. 1949178 DISPLAY ASSEMBLIES AND METHODS OF DISPLAY. Barco NV 1949188 RFID RECEIVER. Mojix, Inc. 1949222 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PERFORMING EXTERNALLY ASSISTED CALLS IN A HETEROGENEOUS PROCESSING COMPLEX. International Business Machines Corporation 1949450 SOLAR CELL OF HIGH EFFICIENCY. LG Electronics Inc. 1949498 FLEXIBLE HIGH-POWER LED LIGHTING SYSTEM. GE Lighting Solutions, LLC 1949519 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING POWER TRANSFER BETWEEN TWO CORES OF A DIRECT CURRENT NETWORK. Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (I.N.P.T); AIRBUS OPERATIONS; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1949557 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR NEIGHBOUR ASSISTED COMBINING FOR MULTICAST SERVICES. Motorola Mobility LLC 1949558 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR MULTIPLE ANTENNA COMMUNICATIONS, RELATED APPARATUS AND CORRESPONDING COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT. Telecom Italia S.p.A.; Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 1949588 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING A PUSH-TO-TALK COMMUNICATION SESSION. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1949619 ROUTER AND ROUTING NETWORK. Université de Bretagne Sud; Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 1949879 ABSORPTIVE ARTICLE. Uni-Charm Corporation 3410 3411 27/07/2016 1950290 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CYTOPLASMIC HYBRID PLANT BELONGING TO THE GENUS LACTUCA AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Sakata Seed Corporation 1951088 DRAWER. Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG 1951593 CAPSULE FOR THE PREPARATION OF A BEVERAGE. Nestec S.A. 1951756 ANTI-MYOSTATIN ANTIBODIES. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1951864 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF VASCULAR INJURY REPAIR. Amorcyte, Inc. 1951966 GRID TEE FOR SUSPENSION CEILING. Knauf International GmbH 1951973 APPARATUS FOR BINDING OBJECTS TOGETHER. Tymatic Ltd. 1952375 APPARATUS FOR DRIVING AN LCD DISPLAY WITH REDUCED POWER CONSUMPTION. Entropic Communications, Inc. 1952521 DOUBLE UNIVERSAL DIMMER. Merten GmbH 1952674 Compensation of a decoding delay of a multi-channel audio signal. LG Electronics Inc. 1952833 BLOOD STORAGE TANK OF CLOSED TYPE AND EXTRACORPOREAL BLOOD CIRCULATION SYSTEM USING THE SAME. JMS Co., Ltd. 1954445 AGGLOMERATE ABRASIVE GRAINS AND METHOD OF MAKING THE SAME. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1954874 SCREEN CYLINDER. Valmet Technologies, Inc. 1955081 OUT-OF-LINE MEASUREMENT OF A CURRENT FLOWING THROUGH A LOAD. RENAULT S.A.S. 1955359 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MASS SELECTIVE AXIAL TRANSPORT USING PULSED AXIAL FIELD. DH Technologies Development Pte. Ltd. 1955506 METHODS, SYSTEMS, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL (SIP) FAST SWITCHOVER. Genband US LLC 1955995 Method of producing polyetherester monomer and cement dispersants. Takemoto Yushi Kabushiki Kaisha 1956060 AQUEOUS PIGMENT DISPERSION AND INK FOR INKJET RECORDING. DIC Corporation 1956955 VACUUM CLEANER COMPRISING A CYCLONE DUST COLLECTOR. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 1956982 DETECTION OF BODY SOUNDS. Heinen & Löwenstein GmbH & Co. KG 1957099 REAGENTS, METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR SELECTING A CYTOTOXIC ANTIBODY OR VARIANT THEREOF. THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 27/07/2016 1957270 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR MOUNTING A PLATE TO AN ADHESIVE MEMBER. Gartner, Gerald, J. 1957533 METHODS FOR GENERATING MONOVALENT IgG. Amgen, Inc 1957876 HEATING SYSTEM. Zenex Technologies Ltd. 1960260 HYBRID PROPULSION SYSTEM FOR A WATERCRAFT. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1961043 UNIVERSAL PAD ARRANGEMENT FOR SURFACE MOUNTED SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES. INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER CORPORATION 1961978 LOOSENING PREVENTIVE FASTENER FOR SCREW TOOL, AND METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME. Totsu, Katsuyuki 1963944 FOLDABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICE HAVING DOUBLE-AXIS HINGE AND LOCKING SPRING. Core Wireless Licensing S.à.r.l. 1964573 Method of inducing and/or enhancing an immune response to tumor antigens. Aventis Pasteur Limited 1969664 SEAMLESS SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL. Siemens Energy, Inc. 1971108 Identification of a user of a mobile terminal and generation of an action authorisation. Modulatec GmbH 1974782 Dividing wall column. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1976833 HETEROCYCLE SUBSTITUTED AMIDE AND SULFUR AMIDE DERIVATIVES AS HISTONE DEACETYLASE (HDAC) INHIBITORS. MSD Italia S.r.l. 1977257 CURRENT SENSOR. Sentec Limited 1980264 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION, FOOD OR DRINK, OR FEED FOR INTESTINAL DISEASE. MORINAGA MILK INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1983330 Far field light microscopical method. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 1989316 Method for the production of recombinant flavivirus, DNA constructs, recombinant flavivirus and vaccine compositions. Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz Fiocruz 1995315 Surfactant protein D for the prevention and diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema. Children's Hospital Medical Center 2000118 Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation with Concurrent Hypothermia. Radiant Medical, Inc. 2003124 Semi-synthesis of taxane intermediates from 9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin III. Chatham Biotec Ltd 2005959 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR EXTERNAL USE. NIHON NOHYAKU CO., LTD.; Pola Pharma Inc. 3412 3413 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2009075 Fluorinated alkene refrigerant compositions. Honeywell International Inc. 2014775 Method for the detection of bacterial species of the genera Anaplasma/Ehrlichia and Bartonella. Instituto de Salud Carlos III 2019507 Terminal registration method in a wireless communication system and computer program product thereof. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2019508 Terminal registration method in a wireless communication system and computer program product thereof. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2020757 A METHOD FOR PROTECTING PHOTOELECTRICITY INTEGRATED DEVICE AND PHOTOELECTRICITY INTEGRAGED DEVICE. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2044906 Apparatus for wrist arthroplasty. Biomet Manufacturing, LLC 2044919 Stretching bank for health purposes. Bujdák, Attila 2044963 Catheter receptacle provided with an antimicrobial compound. Astra Tech AB 2045076 Web-fed printing press. manroland web systems GmbH 2045270 Taxanes covalently bound to hyaluronic acid. FIDIA FARMACEUTICI S.p.A. 2045561 Firearm with an improved breech bolt assembly. FABBRICA D'ARMI PIETRO BERETTA S.p.A. 2045753 Application associating based on cryptographic identification. BlackBerry Limited 2045990 Access service network for use in a mobile IP based communication system. Nokia Siemens Networks Oy 2047766 Device to connect a strap to another part. Hirsch Armbänder GmbH 2047937 Method for bonding a tantalum structure to a cobalt-alloy substrate. Zimmer, Inc. 2048275 Laundry washing machine dispenser for detergent products or similar. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2048350 Engine unit and vehicle including the same. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2048351 Engine unit and vehcile including the same. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2048359 Improvements relating to fuel pumps. Delphi International Operations Luxembourg S.à r.l. 2048362 Hydraulic external gear pump equipped with sound insulation means. JTEKT HPI 2048670 Methods and devices relating to a nuclear light water reactor of the boiling water kind. Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB 2048684 Switching device and method for inserting or removing a tolerance insert in the magnetic chamber of a switching device. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2048718 Multiple conversion material light emitting diode package. Cree, Inc. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2050830 Nickel based alloy for forging. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 2050865 Ground cover with visco-elastic damping characteristics. Bayer Intellectual (No. 2312) Property GmbH 2050914 Door frame. JOSKO Fenster und Türen GmbH 2051059 Hammer for a Charpy pendulum. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2051125 Optical limiter device and an optical arrangement comprising said device. SAAB AB 2052746 Absorbable hemostat. Omrix Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.; Ethicon, Inc. 2052778 Whirlpool mill and grinding tool and grinding ring for same. Lehigh Technologies, Inc. 2053100 Radiation curable inkjet printing methods. Agfa Graphics N.V. 2053179 Fixing element for insulating material. KEW Kunststofferzeugnisse GmbH Wilthen 2053293 Adapter piece for connecting pipes. Wieland-Werke AG 2053364 Adaptive Mixing for High Slew Rates. Optoplan AS 2053493 Input device and portable terminal having the same. LG Electronics Inc. 2053574 Smoke detector with particle suppression. Securiton AG 2053627 NH safety circuit breaker with converter. EFEN GmbH 2053825 Distribution of shared content streams in communications networks. ALCATEL LUCENT 2055192 Dual-phase drink. Döhler GmbH 2055197 Method for evaporative crystallisation of maltitol. Roquette Frères 2055211 Showcase. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. 2055403 Device and method for correcting roundness or straighteness errors on elongated workpieces with at least one toothed zone such as gear shafts or gear racks. M A E Maschinen- und Apparatebau Götzen GmbH 2055851 Roof, ceiling or wall element. Hundegger, Hans 2055863 Scaffolding floor element with converging edges. G. Participations 2056027 Fixing device. Ulamo Holding BV 2056042 Cooling radiator with overpressure bypass and endothermic engine comprising said radiator. IVECO S.p.A. 2056098 A method for detection and analysis of impurity content in refined metallurgical silicon. CSI Cells Co. Ltd. 2056155 Apparatus and method for three-dimensional (3D) viewing. The Boeing Company 2056272 Transmission scheduling for ADS-B ground systems. Exelis Inc. 2056346 Semi-conductor chip with a protective layer. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 3414 3415 27/07/2016 2056414 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Impulse stabilisation of a Q-switched solid-state laser. Trumpf Laser Marking Systems AG 2056415 Stripping pliers. Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2056417 Elongated gutter with terminal holder. ABB B.V. 2056432 Magnetic clutch. Grundfos Management A/S 2056462 Data processing system and method. Roke Manor Research Limited 2056547 An interface circuit that can switch between single-ended transmission and differential transmission. Panasonic Corporation 2056629 Mobile station with two smart-cards. Vodafone Holding GmbH 2057122 DERIVATIVES OF 4-(2-AMINO-1-HYDROXYETHYL)PHENOL AS AGONISTS OF THE 2 ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR. Almirall, S.A. 2057786 CHANNEL ASSESSMENT AND CHANNEL ASSESSMENT CONTROL IN A WIRELESS NETWORK. LG Electronics Inc. 2058095 Chipping machine. KOMPTECH GmbH 2058097 Chipping machine. KOMPTECH GmbH 2058112 Kit for repairing and inflating inflatable articles, and featuring a control device. TEK GLOBAL S.r.l. 2058490 Control system for internal combustion engine. Keihin Corporation 2058719 Operator fine tracking assist using sensor derived inputs. The Boeing Company 2058854 A semiconductor device. Acreo Swedish ICT AB 2059020 Image sensor and image sensor driving method. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2059503 AMINOPYRAZOLE DERIVATIVES, PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF, AND COMPOSITION FOR PREVENTING OR TREATING ISCHEMIC DISEASES CONTAINING THE SAME. Korea Research Institute Of Chemical Technology 2060132 ENHANCED WIRELESS VOICE SERVICES USING A SIGNALING PROTOCOL. Cisco Technology, Inc. 2060729 Corner seal for a window sash or door leaf. ROTO FRANK AG 2060832 Clamp contour for a pressure admittable component and tensioner therefor. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2061881 ALLELES OF THE REL GENE OF CORYNEFORM BACTERIA. Evonik Degussa GmbH 2063215 Ammunition or projectile for illuminating a battlefield. Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH 2064755 PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSFORMER. Epcos AG 2065174 Filling device for a rotary tablet compactor. Fette GmbH 2066208 AUTOMATED TISSUE DISPENSER. Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP 27/07/2016 2066432 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) BONE CEMENT MIXING AND DELIVERY SYSTEM WITH AUTOMATED BONE CEMENT TRANSFER BETWEEN MIXER AND DELIVERY DEVICE. STRYKER CORPORATION 2067142 FASTER PROGRAMMING OF HIGHEST MULTI-LEVEL STATE FOR NON-VOLATILE MEMORY. SanDisk Technologies Inc. 2067603 Method for sealing a panel substrate. Jowat AG 2068572 CELL/CARRIER SWITCHING AND SWITCHING BACK UPON RRC CONNECTION. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2068738 Circuit for a catheter or sheath. St. Jude Medical, Atrial Fibrillation DivisionInc. 2069028 A BLOCK FOR CHEMICALLY DOSING A STREAM OF FLUID AND AN APPARATUS FOR HOUSING THE BLOCK. Quik Corp Fire Pty ltd 2069172 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING A VEHICLE EQUIPPED WITH A MANAGED BRAKING SYSTEM. Renault S.A.S. 2069189 ENDLESS ELASTOMERIC TRACK. Soucy International Inc. 2069326 BICYCLIC AND TRICYCLIC DERIVATIVES AS THROMBIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2069538 METHODS FOR DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER METASTASIS. BioNTech AG; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, vertreten durch den Präsidenten 2069705 AUTOMATIC OR SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLE WITH FOLDING STOCK. Colt Defense, LLC 2070225 METHOD, APPARATUS AND DATA CARRIER FOR COMPENSATING FOR CHANNEL DEPLETION OF A MULTI-CHANNEL SIGNAL IN AN OPTICAL LINK OR OPTICAL NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2070232 TRANSMISSION OF A TRIBUTARY IN SYNCHRONOUS MODE AT THE LEVEL OF A LINK OF A DATA NETWORK. Ekinops 2070246 METHOD FOR MULTIPLEXING CONTROL AND DATA CHANNEL. Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 2070371 EDGE CONTINUED EVOLUTION, IMPROVED CHANNEL REQUEST METHOD AND SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2070480 ULTRASOUND IMAGE PROCESSING APPARATUS AND ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUS. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2070536 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING PHENYLAMIDINE DERIVATIVE AND METHOD OF USING THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION IN COMBINATION WITH ANTIFUNGAL AGENT. Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd. 2071856 SEQUENCE ALLOCATION METHOD IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 3416 3417 27/07/2016 2072881 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method and device for non-contact determination of a state variable, particularly the position of at least one pig. Eisenmann AG 2073652 GARMENT. Holland, Guyon; Ashby, Sean 2073658 TOUCH FASTENER PRODUCTS. Velcro Industries B.V. (NL) 2073713 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ACOUSTOELASTIC EXTRACTION OF STRAIN AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation 2073738 ABLATION CATHETER APPARATUS WITH ONE OR MORE ELECTRODES. Medwaves, Inc. 2073829 STABILIZED THERAPEUTIC SMALL HELICAL ANTIVIRAL PEPTIDES. New York Blood Center, Inc. 2073861 WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. C.R.Bard, Inc. 2073966 CUTTING TAP AND METHOD OF MAKING A CUTTING TAP. Yamawa Manufacturing Ltd.; KENNAMETAL INC. 2074066 SIMULTANEOUS ACID AND BASE PRODUCTION FROM AN AQUEOUS STREAM. Paques I.P. B.V. 2074080 2, 3, 3 -TRIMETHYLCYCLOPENT-3 -ENECARBALDEHYDE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS ODORANTS. Givaudan SA 2074140 FIBRILLATION-RESISTANT INSULIN AND INSULIN ANALOGUES. Case Western Reserve University 2074225 PROSTATE CANCER-SPECIFIC ALTERATIONS IN ERG GENE EXPRESSION AND DETECTION AND TREATMENT METHODS BASED ON THOSE ALTERATIONS. The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. 2074391 FRAGRANCE DEVICE WITH FRAGRANCE AMOUNT INDICATOR. Scent2Market Inc. 2074421 FAST BIOSENSOR WITH REAGENT LAYER. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2074495 LASER CONTROLLER. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2074524 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTHORIZATION OF TRANSACTIONS. Amazon Technologies, Inc. 2074567 FOLLICULAR UNIT TRANSPLANTATION PLANNER AND METHODS OF ITS USE. Restoration Robotics, Inc. 2074780 METHOD FOR GENERATING CODEWORD IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. LG Electronics Inc. 2074851 MIMO MODE SELECTION AT HANDOVER. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 27/07/2016 2075091 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) LAMINATE, ABRASIVE AND GRINDING MATERIALS MADE BY USING THE SAME, AND PROCESS FOR FORMATION OF THE LAMINATE. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2075225 Reformer, fuel cell system and process for its operation. Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG 2075250 Thrombin receptor antagonists. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2075252 NK1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST COMPOSITION. Lion Corporation 2075268 COPOLYMER, LUBRICATING OIL VISCOSITY MODIFIER, AND LUBRICATING OIL COMPOSITION. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2075275 POLYCARBONATE COPOLYMER, METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME, MOLDED BODY, OPTICAL MATERIAL, AND ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHIC PHOTOSENSITIVE BODY. Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. 2075497 COUPLING DEVICE. SAKURA RUBBER CO., LTD. 2075859 LIGHT-EMITTING DEVICE. Toray Industries, Inc. 2076063 Ultra thin package for electric acoustic sensor chip of micro electro mechanical system. Industrial Technology Research Institute 2076170 APPARATUS FOR MEASURING PRESSURE INSIDE A FLUID SYSTEM. CardioMems, Inc. 2076186 INSTRUMENT WITH AN INFLATABLE BALLOON. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2076192 ROBOTIC SURGICAL SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATIC CREATION OF ABLATION LESIONS. St. Jude Medical, Atrial Fibrillation DivisionInc. 2076272 GENERATING AN IMMUNE RESPONSE BY INDUCING CD40 AND PATTERN RECOGNITION RECEPTORS. Baylor College Of Medicine 2076275 COMPOSITIONS USEFUL FOR DIABETIC WOUND HEALING. University of Virginia Patent Foundation 2076278 Macrocyclic HCV NS3 protease inhibitors. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.; MSD Italia S.r.l. 2076326 CE-ZR-R-A-M-O CATALYSTS, ARTICLES COMPRISING THE CE-ZR-R-AM-O CATALYSTS AND METHOD OF USING THE CE-ZR-R-A-M-O CATALYSTS. Umicore AG & Co. KG 2076407 INTERFACE PIECE FOR ASSSEMBLY OF AN ELEMENT IN AN OPENING IN A CIRCUIT BOARD. Renault S.A.S. 2076441 DEVICE FOR FILLING OF CONTAINERS OF COLLAPSABLE TYPE. Ecolean AB 2076498 PREPARATION OF AZOXYSTROBIN. Syngenta Limited 3418 3419 27/07/2016 2076527 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESSING ENZYMES FUSED TO BASIC PROTEIN TAGS. Novo Nordisk Health Care AG 2076550 METHOD FOR PREPARING SYNDIOTACTIC POLYPROPYLENE. Fina Technology, Inc. 2076775 LATERAL FLOW AND FLOW-THROUGH BIOASSAY BASED ON PATTERNED POROUS MEDIA, METHODS OF MAKING SAME, AND METHODS OF USING SAME. President and Fellows of Harvard College 2076791 APPARATUS, IMAGING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR DETECTING XRAY RADIATION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2076934 USE OF A PROTON-CONDUCTING CERAMIC ELECTROLYTE. Electricité de France; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2076944 DEVICE FOR CONNECTION BETWEEN TWO PLUGS HAVING A COMPACT AND SIMPLIFIED STRUCTURE. Legrand France; Legrand SNC 2076948 MOUNTING PLATE WITH FIXING MEANS FOR AN ELECTRICAL DEVICE. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2076974 CENTRALIZED WIRELESS NETWORK FOR MULTI-ROOM LARGE PROPERTIES. Assa Abloy Hospitality, Inc. 2077018 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING ACCESS TO A NETWORK IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Nokia Corporation 2077021 SETTING METHOD OF COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS, COMMUNICATING APPARATUS, CONTROL METHOD OF COMMUNICATING APPARATUS, AND PROGRAM. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2077213 VEHICLE BRAKE DEVICE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2077260 AMIDE COMPOUND OR SALT THEREOF, AND BIOFILM FORMATION INHIBITOR, BIOFILM REMOVER AND BACTERICIDE EACH USING THE AMIDE COMPOUND OR SALT THEREOF. The University of Tokyo; Otsuka Chemical Co., Ltd. 2077338 NICKEL MATERIAL FOR CHEMICAL PLANT. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2077400 EXTERNAL CONTROL TYPE FAN COUPLING DEVICE CONTROL METHOD. Usui Kokusai Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. 2077543 NAME PLATE. Fuertes Cameno, Pablo José; Francois, Alexandre Claude Jean 2077574 METHOD OF CONTROLLING ELECTRON BEAM FOCUSING OF PIERCE TYPE ELECTRON GUN AND CONTROL DEVICE THEREFOR. ULVAC, INC. 2077718 BIOLOGICAL TISSUE FOR SURGICAL IMPLANTATION. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 27/07/2016 2077787 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) BIPOLAR ABLATION PROBE HAVING POROUS ELECTRODES FOR DELIVERING ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE FLUID. Bovie Medical Corporation 2077810 OPHTHALMIC INJECTION DEVICE INCLUDING DOSAGE CONTROL DEVICE. Alcon Research, Ltd. 2077864 METHOD FOR STERILIZING UNHEATED RAW HONEY. A HONEYBASED WOUND CARE PREPARATION. A WOUND CARE TREATMENT PRODUCT, AND A BISCUIT BASED ON HONEY. C.N.C.I. BVBA 2077895 IMPLANTABLE NEUROSTIMULATOR FOR MODULATING CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION. Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. 2077901 OCULAR RADIOSURGERY. Oraya Therapeutics, INC. 2077954 ROTARY RECLINER MECHANISM. Johnson Controls Technology Company 2077983 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR ALKYLATION OF AROMATIC COMPOUND WITH ALIPHATIC MONO-OLEFIN COMPOUND OF 8 TO 18 CARBON ATOMS. UOP LLC 2078004 2-AMINOTHIAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLIC AMIDES AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2078009 NEW FLUORENE DERIVATIVES, COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME AND USE THEREOF AS INHIBITORS OF THE PROTEIN CHAPERONE HSP 90. SANOFI 2078075 RANDOM HOMOZYGOUS GENE PERTURBATION TO ENHANCE ANTIBODY PRODUCTION. Eli Lilly and Company 2078114 BARRELING WAVE GENERATING APPARATUS AND METHOD. American Wave Machines, Inc. 2078132 DOWNHOLE APPARATUS AND METHOD OF FORMING THE SAME. PolyOil Limited 2078164 A SUPPORT MATRIX ARRANGEMENT. Rolls-Royce plc 2078216 IMAGING SYSTEM FOR IMAGING AN OBJECT. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2078274 PRIVACY-AWARE CONTENT PROTECTION SYSTEM. NDS Limited 2078290 ELECTRONIC KEY. Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG 2078337 DETERMINING ON CHIP LOAD IMPEDANCE OF RF CIRCUIT. NXP B.V. 2078342 METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING RANDOM ACCESS CHANNEL MESSAGE AND RESPONSE MESSAGE, AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL. LG Electronics Inc. 2078348 MIMO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH VARIABLE SLOT STRUCTURE. Alcatel Lucent 2078430 CLIENT DEVICE METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ROUTING A CALL. BlackBerry Limited 3420 3421 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2078534 BREATHING MASK SYSTEM. Teijin Pharma Limited 2078669 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ASSISTING STEERING/MOORING OF (No. 2312) VESSEL. The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. 2078671 Submersible vehicle. Go Science Group Limited 2078735 THERMOPLASTIC RESIN COMPOSITION EXCELLENT IN BARRIER PROPERTY. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. 2078893 Heat dissipation. GE Oil & Gas UK Limited 2079316 USE OF GUM ARABIC FOR IMPROVING THE GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF BIFIDOBACTERIA. Compagnie Gervais Danone 2079348 TEA MAKER. Breville PTY Limited 2079377 BIDIRECTIONAL CONTROL METHOD FOR AN ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR SURGICAL OR DENTAL INSTRUMENT. Bien-Air Holding SA 2079435 CONDITIONING SHAMPOO COMPOSITIONS. Unilever PLC; Unilever N.V. 2079440 TWO-COMPARTMENT SKINCARE PRODUCTS COMPRISING IVERMECTIN, AND USES THEREOF. Galderma S.A. 2079479 HCV NS3 PROTEASE INHIBITORS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.; MSD Italia S.r.l. 2079485 PHENYLPROPIONAMIDE COMPOUNDS AND THE USE THEREOF. Purdue Pharma LP 2079678 SELECTIVE TR-BETA 1 AGONIST. Cadila Healthcare Limited 2079680 METHOD FOR PRODUCING FATTY ACID ALKANOL AMIDES. Clariant Finance (BVI) Limited 2079707 METHOD FOR REACTING 1,3-HETEROAROMATIC 2-CARBOXYLATES WITH WATER. proionic GmbH & Co KG 2079757 PROCESS FOR SELECTIVELY LOCALIZING ACTIVE INGREDIENTS ON AND IN MITOCHONDRIA AND CORRESPONDING ACTIVE INGREDIENTS. Ugichem Gesellschaft Für Organische Chemie MbH 2079792 LAYER CONFIGURATION WITH IMPROVED STABILITY TO SUNLIGHT EXPOSURE. Agfa-Gevaert N.V. 2079808 PAINT FILMS WHICH HAVE EXCELLENT HEAT-RADIATING PROPERTIES, AND A METHOD FOR THEIR FORMATION. BASF Coatings GmbH 2079844 SYNTHESIS OF INIMERS AND HYPERBRANCHED POLYMERS. The University of Akron 2079857 Method for measuring the active koh concentration in a koh etching process. Janesko Oy 27/07/2016 2079873 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A METHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE EVAPORATION OF BLACK LIQUOR THAT IS OBTAINED FROM A DIGESTION PROCESS DURING THE PRODUCTION OF CELLULOSE PULP. Valmet Power AB 2079895 EXTRUDED HOLLOW CHAMBER PROFILE FOR WINDOWS OR DOORS. REHAU AG + Co 2079910 RING SEALS FOR GAS SEALING AND VIBRATION DAMPING. BorgWarner, Inc. 2079953 COMPOSITE REINFORCED STRIP WINDABLE TO FORM A HELICAL PIPE AND METHOD THEREFOR. SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd 2079978 GAS GENERATOR. TRW Airbag Systems GmbH 2080048 PHOTONIC-INTERCONNECT SYSTEMS FOR READING DATA FROM MEMORY CELLS AND WRITING DATA TO MEMORY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2080116 DISPLAYING ORIGINAL TEXT IN A USER INTERFACE WITH TRANSLATED TEXT. Google Inc. 2080191 INSTRUMENT AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM. Marshall Amplification Plc 2080216 METHOD FOR FORMING A FILM WITH A GRADED BANDGAP BY DEPOSITION OF AN AMORPHOUS MATERIAL FROM A PLASMA. Dow Corning Corporation; Ecole Polytechnique 2080263 VIBRATION-TYPE ACTUATOR. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2080265 FILTER PACKAGE. GE Hybrid Technologies, LLC 2080307 METHOD FOR RETRANSMITTING IN THE MULTI-CARRIERS SYSTEM. LG Electronics, Inc. 2080312 VIRUS LOCALIZATION USING CRYPTOGRAPHIC HASHING. TTI Inventions C LLC 2080425 DEVICE FOR FORMING A FILM BY DEPOSITION FROM A PLASMA. Dow Corning Corporation; Ecole Polytechnique 2080501 DRUG SOLUTION CONTAINING PACK WITH REDUCED DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONTENT. OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY, INC. 2080728 PRESSURIZED-OIL SUPPLY AMOUNT CONTROL DEVICE FOR VEHICLE-MOUNTED CRANE. Furukawa Unic Corporation 2080775 POLYACRYLONITRILE POLYMER, PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE POLYMER, PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF PRECURSOR FIBER FOR CARBON FIBER, CARBON FIBER, AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE CARBON FIBER. Toray Industries, Inc. 2080799 GREASE. Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. 2081393 RADIO COMMUNICATION TERMINAL AND COMMUNICATION METHOD. Kyocera Corporation 3422 3423 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2081490 PATIENT BED FOR PET/MR IMAGING SYSTEMS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2081496 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPROVING TOMOGRAPHIC DETERMINATIONS, PARTICULARLY SUITABLE FOR INSPECTION OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT BARS IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES. Tomografia De Hormigon Armado S.A. 2081502 A MEDICAL DEVICE FOR ATTACHING TISSUE TO BONE. Orthnoble Inc. 2081693 DEVICE FOR PAINTING WORKPIECES. Venjakob Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG 2081839 AN END CLOSURE OF A CONTAINER PRIMARILY INTENDED FOR BEVERAGES. "COMMODUM" Arkadiusz Kaczmarski 2081958 PEPTIDE EXTENDED INSULINS. NOVO NORDISK A/S 2082045 METHOD OF REDUCING GENE EXPRESSION USING MODIFIED CODON USAGE. BASF SE 2082097 SECURITY FILM COMPRISING A FIBROUS SUBSTRATE. ARJOWIGGINS SECURITY 2082163 INDOOR LIGHT BALANCING. ChromoGenics AB 2082193 ANGULAR POSITION MEASUREMENT DEVICE. Raytheon Company 2082265 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR SUBSURFACE GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION USING JOINT INVERSION OF STEADY-STATE AND TRANSIENT DATA. Geco Technology B.V. 2082375 FAULT ISOLATION IN A VEHICLE. Scania CV AB (publ) 2082388 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IDENTIFYING CONCEALED OBJECTS IN ROAD TRAFFIC. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2082393 IMAGE PROCESSING APPARATUS FOR SUPERIMPOSING WINDOWS DISPLAYING VIDEO DATA HAVING DIFFERENT FRAME RATES. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2082402 High burn-up nuclear fuel pellets. The European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)represented by the European Commission 2082403 RADIOACTIVE WASTE STORAGE CONTAINER. Areva NC 2082438 ELECTRICAL CONTACTS FOR A SEMICONDUCTOR LIGHT EMITTING APPARATUS. Koninklijke Philips N.V.; Philips Lumileds Lighting Company, LLC 2082455 A QUICK RELEASE CONTACT DESIGNED TO FIT A TERMINAL BOARD, IN PARTICULAR FOR AN ELECTRONIC GAS IGNITER DEVICE FOR ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES. ITW Industrial Components S.r.l. con Unico Socio 27/07/2016 2082458 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CONNECTING HARDWARE WITH MULTI-STAGE INDUCTIVE AND CAPACITIVE CROSSTALK COMPENSATION. Tyco Electronics Services GmbH 2082557 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM CONTENT DISTRIBUTION POINTS. ALCATEL LUCENT 2082569 DIGITAL IMAGER WITH REDUCED OBJECT MOTION BLUR. Apple Inc. 2082575 REDUCING CHANNEL-CHANGE TIME. Cisco Technology, Inc. 2082631 A COATING METHOD AND THE COATING FORMED THEREBY. Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 2082859 COMPOSITE OF METAL WITH RESIN AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Taisei Plas Co., Ltd. 2083140 Lock assembly for a two-wing door with an active leaf and a semi-fixed leaf. Carl Fuhr GmbH & Co. KG 2083651 METHOD FOR FORMING A SLIDER RECLOSURE SEGMENT. Reynolds Presto Products Inc. 2083717 DYNAMIC SPINAL STABILIZATION. Lanx, LLC 2083759 SHOULDER PROSTHESIS. Innovative Design Orthopaedics Limited 2083764 N-SUBSTITUTED MONOMERS AND POLYMERS. Rutgers, The State University 2083776 QUICK RELEASE FILTER ASSEMBLY FOR PNEUMATIC SURGICAL MACHINE. Novartis AG 2083846 N-TERMINAL FGF VARIANTS HAVING INCREASED RECEPTOR SELECTIVITY AND USES THEREOF. Hepacore Ltd.; ProChon Biotech Ltd. 2083852 TUMOR IMMUNITY. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc. 2083988 A RING SHAPED VALVE PISTON AND ITS USE IN A BLOW MOULDING MACHINE. KHS Corpoplast GmbH & Co. KG; Norgren GmbH 2084120 METHOD OF SEPARATING THE ACRYLIC ACID FROM BENZOIC ACID CONTAINED IN A PRODUCT GAS MIXTURE FROM A HETEROGENEOUSLY CATALYZED GAS PHASE PARTIAL OXIDATION OF A C3-PRECURSOR COMPOUND OF ACRYLIC ACID. BASF SE 2084233 HEAT-STABLE ENCAPSULATED PIGMENTS. BASF SE 2084254 FRAGRANCE COMPOSITIONS. Givaudan Nederland Services B.V. 2084289 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING OF EPOXY-CONTAINING (METH)ACRYLIC ESTERS, USING LIPASES. BASF SE 2084327 GROUND COVERING MADE OF SHAPED BRICKS. SF-Kooperation GmbH Beton-Konzepte 3424 3425 27/07/2016 2084439 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ROTARY SLIDE VALVE, IN PARTICULAR FOR A COOLANT CIRCUIT, WHICH HAS A PLURALITY OF BRANCHES, OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE; ELECTROMECHANICAL ASSEMBLY. AUDI AG 2084538 METHOD OF DIAGNOSING EATING DISORDERS. Fetissov, Serguei; Dechelotte, Pierre 2084697 ADVERTISEMENT APPARATUS USING A SCREEN. Sang-Wha Communications 2084715 TWO-STAGE X-RAY CONCENTRATOR. Thermo Scientific Portable Analytical Instruments Inc. 2084717 SEMICONDUCTIVE POLYOLEFIN COMPOSITION. Borealis Technology OY 2084721 SHIELDED ROGOWSKI COIL ASSEMBLY AND METHODS. Cooper Technologies Company 2084859 METHOD, APPARATUS AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT FOR PERFORMING HANDOVERS IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Core Wireless Licensing S.à.r.l. 2084879 SECURED SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING DATA BETWEEN TWO EQUIPMENTS. THALES 2085371 FLUORANTHENE COMPOUND, ORGANIC ELECTROLUMINESCENT DEVICE USING THE FLUORANTHENE COMPOUND, AND ORGANIC ELECTROLUMINESCENT MATERIAL-CONTAINING SOLUTION. Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. 2086179 A METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER INFORMATION. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2086417 LARGE SAMPLE LOW ASPECT RATIO BIOPSY NEEDLE. C.R.Bard, Inc. 2086433 Tendon Anchor. Cayenne Medical, Inc. 2086435 Method for production of bone plates, in particular of plates for vertebral osteosynthesis. Implants International Limited 2086524 TRANSNASAL ANTICONVULSIVE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION. SK Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. 2086666 METHOD OF REPAIRING DEFECTS IN A CERAMIC FILTER. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 2086683 LOCKING PIPETTE TIP AND MOUNTING SHAFT. INTEGRA Biosciences AG 2086802 WIPER ARM ASSEMBLY HAVING A LOCKING SURFACE. FEDERALMOGUL CORPORATION 27/07/2016 2086873 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM FORMIC ACID. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 2086985 PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF ALKOXYSILANES. Prochimie International, LLC 2086994 INHIBITORS OF HEPATITIS C VIRUS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2087011 TRANSITION METAL CATALYTIC SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PREPARING ETHYLENE HOMOPOLYMERS OR COPOLYMERS OF ETHYLENE AND OLEFINS USING THE SAME. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. 2087060 ACRYLIC PRESSURE-SENSITIVE ADHESIVE COMPOSITION FOR POLARIZING PLATE, CONTAINING A PHOTO-INITIATOR GROUP. LG Chem, Ltd. 2087142 IMPROVED PROCESSING METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AMORPHOUS/NANOSCALE/NEAR NANOSCALE STEEL SHEET. The Nanosteel Company, Inc. 2087148 METHOD FOR TREATING METAL SURFACES. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2087152 ENDOMETRIAL BIOMARKERS. Walfish, Paul 2087156 THREE-DIMENSIONAL SURFACE WEAVE. AIRBUS OPERATIONS 2087395 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING A SERIES OF OPHTHALMIC LENSES AND SHEET OF FILM USED IN SUCH A PROCESS. Essilor International (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2087565 TWO-PIECE INNER BODY IN A DISTRIBUTION CUPBOARD. Berthold Sichert GmbH 2087580 ENERGY SUPPLY DEVICE FOR AN ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT. Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH 2087586 SWITCHED MODULATION OF A RADIO-FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER. Unwired Planet International Limited 2087610 UNIFIED DESIGN AND CENTRALIZED SCHEDULING FOR DYNAMIC SIMO, SU-MIMO AND MU-MIMO OPERATION FOR RL TRANSMISSIONS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2087631 UPLINK ACK TRANSMISSION FOR SDMA IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2087698 Method for establishing a secured connection, corresponding MFC equipment and computer software program. Orange 2087706 METHOD FOR PROCESSING SERVICES IN A DATA NETWORK. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2087713 MOBILE STATION AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Motorola Solutions, Inc. 3426 3427 27/07/2016 2087757 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RELAYING OF MBMS CONTENT. Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG 2087776 NETWORKABLE LED-BASED LIGHTING FIXTURES AND METHODS FOR POWERING AND CONTROLLING SAME. Philips Solid-State Lighting Solutions 2087886 THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. St. Marianna University School of Medicine; Mitsubishi Corporation 2088103 PAPER TRANSPORTING DEVICE. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2088522 Device and method for emulating hardware description models for producing prototypes for integrated switches. Synopsys, Inc. 2089061 INHIBITION OF SOX9 FUNCTION IN THE TREATMENT OF PROTEOGLYCAN-ASSOCIATED PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. The University Of Western Ontario 2089065 METHOD FOR PRION DECONTAMINATION. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 2089082 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF A CLAMP IN A POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP. Fresenius Vial SAS 2089088 INFUSION CATHETERS. Medtronic, Inc. 2089147 COLLECTING LINE FOR TUBULAR REFORMERS. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG 2089154 PROCESS FOR ADSORPTION OF SULFUR COMPOUNDS FROM HYDROCARBON STREAMS. B.G. Negev Technologies And Applications Ltd.; ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company 2089328 PHOTOCATALYTIC REACTOR. The Robert Gordon University 2089429 PROCESS FOR PREPARING UNAGGREGATED ANTIBODY FC DOMAINS. Janssen Biotech, Inc. 2089512 LITHIUM STIMULATION OF CORD BLOOD STEM CELL PROLIFERATION AND GROWTH FACTOR PRODUCTION. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 2089633 TRUNCATED CONE-TYPE ROLLING BODY AND TAPERED ROLLER BEARING COMPRISING ROLLING BODIES. AB SKF 2089643 PISTON RING FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. Federal-Mogul Burscheid GmbH 2089644 PISTON RING FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. Federal-Mogul Burscheid GmbH 2089650 COUPLING. Mirador AS 2089775 ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS FOR TONER CARTRIDGES IN AN IMAGE FORMING DEVICE. Lexmark International, Inc. 27/07/2016 2089909 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) FULLY AND UNIFORMLY SILICIDED GATE STRUCTURE AND METHOD FOR FORMING SAME. International Business Machines Corporation 2090013 SIGNAL TRANSMISSION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2090555 RADIO WAVE ABSORPTION MATERIAL AND RADIO WAVE ABSORBER. Hitachi Metals, Ltd. 2090650 GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING GENE (GIF1) AND USES THEREOF. Shanghai Institutes for Biological sciencesChinese Academy of Sciences 2090654 PARTIAL FRAGMENT OF REIC/Dkk-3 GENE AND THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR CANCER CONTAINING THE SAME. Kumon, Hiromi; Huh, Nam-ho; Sakaguchi, Masakiyo; Nasu, Yasutomo; Abarzua Cabezas, Fernando Guillermo 2090925 TRANSMISSIVE LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICE. Nippon Oil Corporation 2090998 Method and system for determining proximity between two entities. Intertrust Technologies Corporation 2091080 Power semiconductor module with a substrate and a pressure device. SEMIKRON Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG 2091756 SEE-THROUGH SECURITY ELEMENT WITH MICROSTRUCTURES. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2091897 PROCESSES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FLUOROPROPANES AND HALOPROPENES AND AZEOTROPIC COMPOSITIONS OF 2-CHLORO3,3,3-TRIFLUORO-1-PROPENE WITH HF AND OF 1,1,1,2,2PENTAFLUOROPROPANE WITH HF. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 2092174 TURBOCHARGER. BorgWarner, Inc. 2092414 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EXAMINING CLIENT GENERATED CONTENT STORED ON A DATA CONTAINER EXPORTED BY A STORAGE SYSTEM. NetApp, Inc. 2092455 ENGINEERED SCAFFOLDS FOR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC REPAIR AND REGENERATION. The Regents Of The University Of Michigan; Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation 2092764 ENABLING RESOURCE PARTITIONING FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Qualcomm Incorporated 2092881 Monitoring system for cardiac surgical operations with cardiopulmonary bypass. Ranucci, Marco 3428 3429 27/07/2016 2092909 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Device for storing and applying viscous substances. Kettenbach GmbH & CO. KG 2093553 Apparatus for optimizing shaker system performance and related control methods. IMV Corporation 2094090 SYNERGISTIC MICROBICIDAL COMPOSITIONS INCLUDING A CYANODITHIOCARBIMATE AND A SECOND MICROBICIDE, AND METHODS OF USING THE SAME. BUCKMAN LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. 2094186 IMPLANT ABUTMENT CLIP. Pure Dental Logic Inc. 2095480 ELECTRIC INSTALLATION ARRANGEMENT AND METHOD FOR THE OPERATION OF AN ELECTRIC INSTALLATION ARRANGEMENT. Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH 2095560 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR EMBEDDING CODES IN COMPRESSED AUDIO DATA STREAMS. The Nielsen Company (US), LLC 2095569 METHOD FOR DISCOVERING THE PHYSICAL TOPOLOGY OF A TELECOMMNICATIONS NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2095584 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ONE NUMBER MAPPING DIRECTORY PRESENCE SERVICE. Unify Inc. 2095591 OFDM communication system with fast frequency hops. Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG; Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2095611 METHOD FOR THE LOAD DISTRIBUTION IN A PEER-TO-PEEROVERLAY NETWORK. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2095936 SCORING DEVICE FOR GYPSUM BOARD PRODUCTION DEVICE. Yoshino Gypsum Co., Ltd. 2096012 POWER DEVICE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2096206 WET PAPER CONVEYANCE BELT. Ichikawa Co., Ltd. 2096969 SPICE GRINDERS. Delbridge, Patrick John; Delbridge, David Stephen 2097050 A METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR SHAPING A SKIN CONTACT ORTHOSIS, SUCH AS A FACIAL ORTHOSIS. Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht 2097339 DISPENSING APPARATUS. Durapod Systems Limited 2097446 RESISTIN ANTAGONISTS AND THEIR USE. Janssen Biotech, Inc. 2098144 Capsule with sealing means. Nestec S.A. 2099620 PNEUMATIC TYRE FOR VEHICLE. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2099877 ETCHING PASTE CONTAINING PARTICLES FOR SILICON SURFACES AND LAYERS. Merck Patent GmbH 27/07/2016 2100016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) REGULATING METHOD FOR A TURBOCHARGER OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, AND TURBOCHARGER. BorgWarner, Inc. 2100044 ANCHOR FOR ENGAGING BEHIND AND WITH COVER PANELS. Zimmer, Günther; Zimmer, Martin 2100097 NAVIGATION DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2100283 NAVIGATION METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR CARRYING OUT SUCH A METHOD AND A CORRESPONDING COMPUTER PROGRAM AND CORRESPONDING COMPUTER-READABLE STORAGE MEDIUM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2100987 SURFACE TREATED COPPER FOIL, SURFACE TREATED COPPER FOIL WITH VERY THIN PRIMER RESIN LAYER, METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SURFACE TREATED COPPER FOIL, AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SURFACE TREATED COPPER FOIL WITH VERY THIN PRIMER RESIN LAYER. Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd 2101969 INSTALLATION AND METHOD FOR APPLYING GLUE TO FIBERS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FIBERBOARD. Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH 2101970 INSTALLATION FOR APPLYING GLUE TO FIBERS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FIBERBOARD. Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH 2102969 POLE HOUSING ARRANGEMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2103248 Miniature endoscope with imaging fiber system. VisionScope Technologies LLC 2103594 Preparation of tertiary amine from an amide. Kao Corporation 2104767 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING TISSUE PRODUCTS. KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. 2104864 METHOD FOR CREATING S/TEM SAMPLE AND SAMPLE STRUCTURE. FEI Company 2104946 METHOD FOR CREATING S/TEM SAMPLE AND SAMPLE STRUCTURE. FEI Company 2106460 METHOD OF DENSIFYING POROUS ARTICLES. Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 2106555 METHOD FOR S/TEM SAMPLE ANALYSIS. FEI Company 2109667 EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX CANCER VACCINE ADJUVANT. University of Notre Dame 2111529 Directing a Beam of Electromagnetic Radiation into the end of an Optical Fibre Using Output from a Multiple Element Detector. J.A. WOOLLAM CO. INC. 2114536 Device for controlling a fire-extinguishing system of the high-pressure gas type. TOTAL WALTHER GmbHFeuerschutz und Sicherheit 3430 3431 27/07/2016 2115094 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ANTIOXIDANTS FOR SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE. Chemtura Corporation 2117817 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR COMPOSITE MATERIAL TRIM-ONTHE-FLY. The Boeing Company 2119260 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR MANAGING CALLS IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK. Motorola Mobility LLC 2120089 ACTIVE MATRIX SUBSTRATE AND LIQUID CRYSTAL PANEL, LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY UNIT, LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICE AND TELEVISION RECEIVER COMPRISING THE SAME. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2120425 Portable terminal. LG Electronics Inc. 2122047 PULPER FOR COMMINUTING AND SUSPENDING PAPERMAKING MATERIAL, AND ITS USE. Voith Patent GmbH 2123122 CURRENT SOURCE WITH INDIRECT LOAD CURRENT SIGNAL EXTRACTION. Linear Technology Corporation 2125273 BORING MACHINE FOR TURBINE CASINGS. Self Leveling Machines, Inc. 2125595 PASSENGER CONVEYOR HANDRAIL DRIVE CONTROL STRATEGY. Otis Elevator Company 2126267 Plug connection between a roller blind winding shaft and its head piece. Hunter Douglas Industries Switzerland GmbH 2126385 TRACK ELEMENT AND TAPERED ROLLER BEARING COMPRISING A TRACK ELEMENT. AB SKF 2130404 HEATING DEVICE. LG Electronics Inc. 2130760 Submersible vehicle. Go Science Group Limited 2130951 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A METAL PANEL AND RESULTING METAL PANEL. Recubrimientos Plasticos, S.A. 2133136 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF A SEPARATION MEMBRANE. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 2136505 System and method for automated validation and execution of cryptographic key and certificate deployment and distribution. International Business Machines Corporation 2139926 METHOD OF PREPARING A CATALYST FOR POLYMERIZATION OF PROPYLENE. Samsung Total Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. 2140585 METHOD FOR MANAGING WIRELESS NETWORK AND WIRELESS DEVICE EMPLOYING THE SAME. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2141240 Plants that can tolerate herbicides by bypassing the metabolic route. Bayer S.A.S. 2141688 DISPLAY DEVICE, DISPLAY CONTROL METHOD AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE. Japan Display West Inc. 27/07/2016 2143647 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Plastic box with a relief and method for manufacturing the box. Schoeller Allibert GmbH 2145879 Pyrazine derivatives, methods of use, and methods for preparing same. MediBeacon, LLC 2150723 MAGNETO-RHEOLOGICAL DAMPERS FOR SEMI-ACTIVE SUSPENSION SYSTEMS. LORD Corporation 2152437 RADIATION CURABLE INKS. Collins Ink Corporation 2155286 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SEPARATING A COMPOSITE LIQUID INTO AT LEAST TWO COMPONENTS. Terumo BCT, Inc. 2159668 Methods, devices and systems for detecting eye disease. Reichert, Inc. 2166792 Method for enabling a base station to connect to a wireless telecommunication network. Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe B.V.; MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2168222 POLARITY REVERSAL PROTECTION UNIT FOR VEHICLE ELECTRIC SYSTEMS OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Auto-Kabel Management GmbH 2172110 Method and means for making and conveying an extruded sausage strand. Stork Townsend Inc. 2172127 Instrument for applying a product to skin appendages and associated production method. L'Oréal 2172142 Method for controlling the movement of a mobile element of a control panel of an electric appliance and associated electric appliance. Groupe Brandt 2172434 Fibre-cement product compositions and shaped products obtained therefrom.. REDCO S.A. 2172527 A method for preparing a composite material having nanofibers exposed therefrom. Lockheed Martin Corporation 2172573 MARTENSITIC STAINLESS-STEEL SEAMLESS PIPE FOR OIL WELL PIPE AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. JFE Steel Corporation 2172693 Lighting device with optimized emission. Enel Sole S.r.L. 2172749 Microwave antenna for a fill level measuring device. VEGA Grieshaber KG 2172773 Radiation detector. Mantex AB 2172783 Movement sensor for digital tachograph and system comprising the same. ACTIA Automotive 2173127 Joining the desired mesh network in a multiple network environment. DIGI INTERNATIONAL INC. 2174586 Implantable sensor element. EyeSense AG 2174645 Materials containing aromas incorporating cetyl nonanoate and/or stearyl nonanoate. Symrise AG 3432 3433 27/07/2016 2174699 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method and assembly for separating CO2 from combustion waste gas. Alstom Technology Ltd 2174876 Carton configurable for displaying contents. Kraft Foods R & D, Inc. 2174937 Synthesis process of polyol carbonate from polyols, conducted in using a solvent selective for polyols carbonates. ARKEMA FRANCE 2174980 High flowable heterophasic polypropylene. Borealis AG 2175119 Combined metering valve and pressure regulating valve. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 2175126 Hatch stop for wind turbines. General Electric Company 2175183 Leaktight support device for a conduit, method for leaktight installation of a conduit through a bulkhead and use of such a device for leaktight lead-through in a bulkhead of an aircraft tank. Amphenol Air LB 2175188 Lamp. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2175207 Device for retaining rising hot air which can be vertically fitted to pipes, tubes or channels. Oekag Wassertechnik (Schweiz) AG 2175234 Method of measuring a three-dimensional shape. Koh Young Technology Inc. 2175243 High resolution position encoder. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2175244 Optical system for reading the position of a moving body. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2175263 Steam quality sensor and method for determining steam quality. Robert Bosch GmbH 2175284 Micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) force balance accelerometer. Honeywell International Inc. 2175291 Method and system for customized full ephemeris compatible with standard AGPS network devices. Broadcom Corporation 2175303 Laser scanning device. SELEX ES S.p.A. 2175307 Ophthalmic lens correcting foveal vision and peripheral vision. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2175377 Method and system for managing and modifying time dependent data structures. SAP SE 2175418 Method and system for surgical modeling. Fujifilm Medical Systems U.S.A. Inc.; FUJIFILM Corporation 2175501 Ultrasonic motor and conveying apparatus having the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2175600 New frame and data pattern structure for multi-carrier systems. Sony Corporation 2175610 A method for mapping a physical downlink control format indicator channel to a physical resource. ZTE Corporation 2175674 Method and system for paring devices. Vodafone Holding GmbH 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2176873 SAFETY SWITCH. Idem Safety Switches Limited 2176918 A METHOD FOR PREPARING LITHIUM-ION RECHARGEABLE (No. 2312) BATTERIES. Byd Company Limited 2177110 Immunostimulating composition containing lactic acid bacteria. House Wellness Foods Corporation 2177181 Wavily deformable stent and method for producing the same. Shin, Kyong-Min; Taewoong Medical Co., Ltd. 2177253 Honeycomb structure. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 2177291 Method for cutting and/or forming of workpieces. TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG 2177390 Flux controlled motor management. Tesla Motors, Inc. 2177422 Vehicle steering apparatus. JTEKT Corporation 2177449 Liquid distribution device equipped with a sealing element with an elastomer part. NEMERA LA VERPILLIERE 2177568 Impregnating resin. Elantas GMBH 2177605 Delta-5 Desaturases and method for producing polyunsaturated fatty acids in transgenic non-human organisms. BASF Plant Science GmbH 2177684 Construction element, method for manufacturing same and method for producing a heating and/or cooling ceiling. Sodimagaz S.A.S. 2177725 Filter device. Mahle International GmbH 2177800 Adjustment device for heating cycle valves. Claro Feinwerktechnik AG 2177815 Light strip system with shielding element at the joint between two adjacent rails. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2177816 A ligth collection system for an led luminaire. ROBE lighting s.r.o. 2177823 LED built-in module, illumination assembly and ceiling or wall construction with the LED built-in module. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2177853 Method and device for drying a number of wooden pieces. S-Tech GmbH 2177881 Indicator. Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd. 2177899 Modular apparatus and method for rotating glass containers and the like.. Emhart Glass S.A. 2177906 Column press for quality analysis. Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH 2177918 Sensor apparatus with failure diagnosis. Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2177995 Storage management in a portable data storage medium. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2177999 Terminal device. Buffalo Inc. 2178101 Low voltage circuit breaker. ABB S.p.A. 3434 3435 27/07/2016 2178123 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ESD induced artifact reduction design for a thin film transistor image sensor array. DPIX LLC 2178206 Feed-forward amplifier with device for creating a correction signal. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2178282 Mobile terminal and method for controlling functions related to external devices. LG Electronics Inc. 2178329 Method to interface over mobile and fixed communication networks and communication system. Vodafone Group PLC; Vodafone España, S.A. 2179647 Pipe including repellent. Rehau AG + Co 2179648 Assembly for the preparation of organs to be transplanted. MACO PHARMA 2179776 Re-pressurisation of a CO2-VSA treating a gaseous mix containing a fuel. L'AIR LIQUIDE, SOCIETE ANONYME POUR L'ETUDE ET L'EXPLOITATION DES PROCEDES GEORGES CLAUDE 2179828 Production method of columnar cork and molding apparatus for producing columnar cork. Uchiyama Manufacturing Corp. 2179841 Functionally graded high temperature bonding of fiberglass fibers to steel. Honeywell International, Inc.; University of Notre Dame du Lac 2179890 Identification module for an automobile. Valeo Sécurité Habitacle; Valeo S.p.A. 2179908 Infant carrier device suitable for multi-orientation use. Wonderland Nurserygoods Company Limited 2179930 Portioning line. Völkl, Thomas 2179937 Packing sack for packing items. Sachsa Verpackung GmbH 2179943 Capsule for infusion products. Macchiavelli S.r.l. 2180048 Alternative crystal form of monoacylglycerol lipase (MGLL). Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. 2180102 Flow regulator. Neoperl GmbH 2180116 Method for producing floor panels made of elastic plastic material. NicocylGmbH 2180161 A system for heating a fuel using an exhaust gas recirculation system. General Electric Company 2180248 Illumination apparatus. Panasonic Corporation 2180292 Apparatus and method for correcting the output signal of an angular velocity sensor. JVC KENWOOD Corporation 2180314 Capacitive Nanowire Sensor. Stichting IMEC Nederland 2180336 Microwave and millimeterwave radar sensors. Honeywell International Inc. 2180465 Noise suppression device and noice suppression method. YAMAHA CORPORATION 2180533 Light emitting diode. Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. 27/07/2016 2180559 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A quick lock connector assembly and a process for coupling and uncoupling such assembly. SOURIAU 2180576 Power supply device and construction machine. Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd 2180599 X-ray imaging readout and system. Advanced Silicon SA 2180657 Method of transmission of a digital content stream. Thomson Licensing 2180742 Method and a device for enabling a mobile terminal to access to a wireless cellular telecommunication network. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION 2181608 Machine for producing liquid and semi-liquid food products with a continuous cycle. Carpigiani Group - ALI S.p.A. 2181614 Electrically heatable item of clothing. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2181616 Stretchable fastener stringer and slide fastener. YKK Corporation 2181619 Hair treatment application device. The Procter & Gamble Company 2181623 Part for modular unit and modular unit. Poirel, Sébastien 2181654 Tomosynthesis device. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2181756 Method for controlling a SCR catalyst. Delphi International Operations Luxembourg S.à r.l. 2181811 Air introduction devices for electric power tools. Makita Corporation 2181821 Apparatus for injecting slurry and method therefor. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 2181845 Decoration sheet and method of manufacturing the same. LG Hausys, Ltd. 2182151 Adjusting hinge. Grouphomesafe Limited 2182200 Method and device for controlling the power of a submerged water power station. Voith Patent GmbH 2182208 Protection arrangement for a wind turbine. General Electric Company 2182230 Canned axial magnetic bearing. SKF MAGNETIC MECHATRONICS 2182274 Vehicle headlamp. ICHIKOH INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2182330 Positioning / distance measuring system with encoded measurement body. BALLUFF GmbH 2182359 METHOD FOR DETECTING ANALYTE. Sysmex Corporation 2182386 Enhanced alerting of characteristic weather hazards. Honeywell International Inc. 2182392 A tool for imaging a downhole environment. Schlumberger Technology B.V. 2182393 A tool for imaging a downhole environment. Services Pétroliers Schlumberger; Schlumberger Holdings Limited; Schlumberger Technology B.V.; Prad Research and Development Ltd 2182422 Microcircuit card, electronic device associated to such a card and method for controlling said electronic device. Oberthur Technologies 3436 3437 27/07/2016 2182593 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) System and method for sensing information that is being communicated through a connector. Deutsch Engineered Connecting Devices, Inc. 2182602 Device for a connection piece between two electric high voltage cables. Nexans 2182616 Brushless DC motor. KNF Neuberger GmbH 2182698 Procedure, server device and data delivery device to transfer data. Nitz Facility GmbH 2182720 Method and device for taking pictures. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH 2182772 Electrically heatable item of clothing. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2184083 Transcranial fixing device for deep brain stimulation probes. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2184130 METHOD FOR PROCESSING A WORKPIECE IN A TOOL MACHINE AND TOOL MACHINE WITH BEHAVIOR MEASUREMENT DEVICE. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2184409 Frame structure of construction machine. KOBELCO CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTD. 2184444 Blade attachment apparatus for a turbine. General Electric Company 2184514 Wave gear drive. Ovalo GmbH 2184578 Apparatus and method for measuring three-dimensional shape of a wood block. Meinan Machinery Works, Inc. 2184666 Multipoint sensing method applicable to capacitive touch panel. Acer Incorporated 2184676 Multi-display apparatus. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2184728 Display device. Belimed AG 2184943 Method of controlling allocation of a radio resource for transmitting a radio resource allocation request. FUJITSU LIMITED 2184991 COMBINATIONS OF POLYENE FUNGICIDE WITH CATIONIC SURFACTANTS. Laboratorios Miret, S.A. 2186506 Teeth cleaning compound containing menthol with reduced bitter sensation. Symrise AG 2186605 Extendable coupling for injection nozzles. Klann Spezial-Werkzeugbau GmbH 2186617 INJECTION MOLDING SYSTEM, COMPUTER PROGRAM, METHOD OF INJECTION MOLDING, AND INJECTION MOLDING MACHINE. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. 2186940 Method for continuous production of impregnated paper honeycomb. Rühl Puromer GmbH 2186975 Key for a lock cylinder. Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2187014 Outboard motor control apparatus. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2187162 Glass-to-fixing-material seal and use thereof as well as airbag and seat-belt (No. 2312) tensioner with an initiator. Schott AG 2187560 Field bus system with spread spectrum. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2187565 DETECTING AND PROCESSING METHOD AND DEVICE OF NODE FAULT WITHIN A PEER-TO-PEER NETWORK. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2189095 Filter assembly for vacuum cleaner. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2189260 Stapler clincher mechanism. MAX CO., LTD. 2189490 Process for purification and drying of polymer hydrogels. Genzyme Corporation 2189697 High temperature fire sleeve. Parker Hannifin Corp. 2190076 Electric plug connector. Amphenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH 2191601 EXTRACTION OF VALUES FROM PARTIALLY-CORRUPTED DATA PACKETS. Agere Systems Inc. 2192073 REFUGE SUPPORTING DEVICE OF ELEVATOR. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2192085 Method for removing fine silicon material from a silicon grist and use of a device for carrying out the method. Adensis GmbH 2192554 DATA STRUCTURE OF ROUTE GUIDANCE DATABASE. Geo Technical Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2192763 Signal processing apparatus, image sensing apparatus, image sensing system, and signal processing method for color mixture correction. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2193126 OXADIAZOLE DIARYL COMPOUNDS. Merck Serono S.A. 2193542 WAFER LEVEL PACKAGED MEMS DEVICE. Honeywell International Inc. 2194815 VEHICLE BED-COUCH. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2195043 Intraatrial ventricular assist device. Minvasc Devices, LLC 2195125 SPRAY LUBRICATION UNIT AND METHOD FOR ROLLING CYLINDERS. Centre De Recherches Metallurgiques ASBL - Centrum Voor Research In De Metallurgie vzw 2195155 METHOD FOR CONNECTING A FIRST MATERIAL TO A SECOND MATERIAL IN AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTION. Airbus Operations GmbH 2195167 INK JET PRINTER HEAD ASSEMBLY. Videojet Technologies, Inc. 2195300 CRYSTALLINE CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC. AbbVie Bahamas Ltd. 2195361 HIGH MODULUS POLYURETHANE AND POLYURETHANE/UREA COMPOSITIONS. Polynovo Biomaterials Limited 2195444 CELL LINE AND METHODS FOR IMPROVED GLYCOPROTEIN SIALYLATION. Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC 3438 3439 27/07/2016 2195460 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) GENETIC TEST FOR LIVER COPPER ACCUMULATION IN DOGS AND LOW COPPER PET DIET. Mars Incorporated 2195554 HIGH-EFFICIENCY VEHICULAR TRANSMISSION. Means Industries, Inc. 2195759 CONCEPT FOR A KEY MANAGEMENT IN A DRM SYSTEM. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2195903 IN-VEHICLE POWER SUPPLY APPARATUS. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2195911 OSZILLATING MAGNET MEMBER WITH FLEXURE WITH MECHANICAL STRESS RELIEF. TA Instruments-Waters LLC 2195941 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR COMMUNICATION IN NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION NETWORK. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2196148 RADIOLOGICAL IMAGE PROCESSING APPARATUS AND RADIOLOGICAL IMAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM. Shimadzu Corporation 2196220 Inhibiting anti-IL-6 receptor antibody for treating graft-versus-host disease. Chugai Seiyaku Kabushiki Kaisha 2196636 SEALED LASH ADJUSTER AND SEAL STRUCTURE BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND PARTS. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA; Nittan Valve Co., Ltd. 2196661 Drive unit with cooling circuit and separate heat recovery circuit. MAN Truck & Bus Österreich AG 2197307 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH A SOLE STRUCTURE HAVING FLUIDFILLED SUPPORT ELEMENTS. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2197373 BONE FIXING SYSTEM. ZIMMER SPINE 2197398 TEMPERATURE CONTROL DEVICE AND THERMAL SENSOR ASSEMBLY FOR MEDICAL DEVICE. Alcon Research, Ltd. 2197423 IMPROVED PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING A SELECTIVE ESTROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATOR AND METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Pharmathen S.A. 2197468 PEGYLATION BY THE DOCK AND LOCK (DNL) TECHNIQUE. IBC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2197522 DEVICE FOR THE AUTOMATIC INJECTION OF A PRODUCT IN AN INJECTION SITE. Becton Dickinson France 2197844 SPIROHETEROCYCLIC PYRROLIDINE DIONE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS PESTICIDES. Syngenta Participations AG 2197913 ANTI-RICIN ANTIBODY. Etat Français représenté par le Délégué Général pour l' Armement; Technische Universität Braunschweig / Institut Für Biochemie Und Biotechnologie 27/07/2016 2197920 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CONTINUITY ADDITIVES AND THEIR USE IN POLYMERIZATION PROCESSES. Univation Technologies, LLC 2197934 NON-SILICONE SURFACTANTS FOR POLYURETHANE OR POLYISOCYANURATE FOAM CONTAINING HALOGENATED OLEFINS AS BLOWING AGENTS. Honeywell International Inc. 2198046 MOLECULAR ADAPTORS. ISIS Innovation Limited 2198058 MARKER FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER. Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen 2198059 METHODS FOR THE IMPROVED DETECTION OF SMALL RNA MOLECULES. Kutyavin, Igor Vassily 2198111 CUTTING STRUCTURES FOR EARTH-BORING DRILL BITS. Baker Hughes Incorporated 2198193 CLAW SEGMENT FOR A CLAW COLLAR AND CORRESPONDING CLAMPING COLLAR. Saint-Gobain PAM 2198222 APPARATUS FOR PROGRAMABLY TREATING WATER IN A WATER COOLER. S.i.p. Technologies L.l.c. 2198247 A ROTARY ENCODER. Dall Production Aps 2198278 INFRARED MEASUREMENT OF PAPER MACHINE CLOTHING CONDITION. Honeywell Asca, Inc. 2198415 SECURITY SEAL. Elc Serviços Gráficos De Segurança Ltda. 2198505 METHODS FOR MINIMIZING DOUBLE-FREQUENCY RIPPLE POWER IN SINGLE-PHASE POWER CONDITIONERS. Solarbridge Technologies, Inc. 2198594 METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR PARK CALL MESSAGES. BlackBerry Limited 2198721 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF PROCESSED TEA. Kao Corporation 2198861 eNOS transcription enhancers for use in the cell therapy of limb ischemia. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2198985 Method and device for rounding off a sheet metal part. Beger, Ralf 2199564 EXHAUST GAS CONTROL VALVE. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2199566 TWO-STAGE EXHAUST TURBOCHARGER. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2199616 Centrifugal pump with fixed axis. Bühler Motor GmbH 2199720 DOUBLE-PRESSURE TYPE CONDENSER, AND CONDENSATE REHEATING METHOD. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2199738 OPTICAL DEVICE AND MEASURING METHOD. Kansai Kouji Sokuryou Co., Ltd.; Nakaniwa, Kazuhide 2200478 EDGE STRIP FOR PIECES OF FURNITURE. Rehau AG + Co 3440 3441 27/07/2016 2200514 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR VISUALIZING THE CERVICAL VERTEBRAE IN A SINGLE IMAGE. Citow Cervical Visualizer CO. 2200535 MEDICAL SHEET. Cordis Corporation 2200557 Device and method for measuring compliance. Abr Pharma 2200659 USE OF LANTHANIDE-BASED NANOPARTICLES AS RADIOSENSITIZING AGENTS. Nano-H; European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Installation Europeenne De Rayonnement Synchrotron); Université Claude Bernard Lyon I; Hospices Civils de Lyon; Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 2200666 MAGNETIC PATCH COUPLING. Syneron Medical Ltd. 2200687 HYPERTHERMIC HUMIDIFICATION SYSTEM. Vapotherm, Inc. 2200695 IMPLANT MAGNET INSERTION AND REMOVAL TOOLS. Med-El Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH 2200839 Security document, manufacturing and authenticating devices, and corresponding methods. RFIT Technologies 2200847 IN- WHEEL SUSPENSION SYSTEM WITH REMOTE SPRING AND DAMPER MEANS. MULTIMATIC INC. 2201065 POLYACETAL COMPOSITIONS WITH IMPROVED TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2201075 METHOD OF APPLYING A WATER-BASE ADHESIVE MIX FOR PRODUCING TYRES. Bridgestone Corporation 2201113 METHOD OF IDENTIFYING AGENTS WHICH MODULATE THE ACTIVITY OF CALCIUM-ACTIVATED CHLORIDE CHANNEL. SNU R&DB Foundation 2201127 Increased fiber hydrolysis by protease addition. Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 2201138 GRADING, STAGING, AND PROGNOSING CANCER USING OSTEOPONTIN-C. University of Cincinnati; Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. 2201166 EMBOSSING MACHINE TRANSFERRING PATTERN ON WET FLOCKED FABRIC. Flokser Tekstil Sanayi Ticaret A.S. 2201224 OIL MIST SEPARATOR OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Hengst SE & Co. KG 2201300 Burner for a Turbomachine and a Turbomachine. MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 2201333 REDUCTION OF WIRE NUMBERS IN A PAPER SCANNER POWER TRACK. Honeywell Asca, Inc. 2201368 A SENSOR, A SENSOR ARRAY, AND A METHOD OF OPERATING A SENSOR. NXP B.V. 27/07/2016 2201425 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO VIEWING SCREENS. Saint-Gobain Glass France 2201432 PROCESS CONTROL TRANSMITTER WITH VIBRATION SENSOR. Rosemount, Inc. 2201564 ENHANCED SOUND SOURCE LOCALIZATION SYSTEM AND METHOD BY USING A MOVABLE MICROPHONE ARRAY. The Industry & Academic Cooperation in Chungnam National University (IAC) 2201626 INVERTED OLED DEVICE WITH IMPROVED EFFICIENCY. Global OLED Technology LLC 2201686 VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR WITH CASCADED EMITTER FOLLOWER BUFFER STAGES. Autoliv ASP, Inc. 2201703 ROUTING-PROFILE-BASED ACARS ROUTING SYSTEM. AIRBUS OPERATIONS 2201788 COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company 2201812 METHOD FOR FAST TRANSMISSION TYPE SELECTION IN WCDMA UMTS. Nokia Corporation 2201857 FUSION-BONDABLE HOOK-OR-LOOP FASTENER. KURARAY FASTENING CO., LTD. 2202119 AIRBAG MODULE. Autoliv Development AB 2202129 BEARING MECHANISM WITH SLIDE BEARING. JTEKT Corporation; Oiles Corporation 2202228 AMIDE COMPOUNDS AND USE OF THE SAME. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 2202677 Chip card and mobile terminal comprising such a card. Oberthur Technologies 2203087 SYSTEM FOR CONNECTING TWO PARTS. Hanus, Martin 2203107 DEVICE FOR IMAGING THE INTERIOR OF AN OPTICALLY TURBID MEDIUM AND RECEPTACLE UNIT FOR SUCH A DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2203142 SYSTEM FOR ARM THERAPY. ETH Zurich 2203166 BILAYER COMPOSITION FOR THE SUSTAINED RELEASE OF ACETAMINOPHEN AND TRAMADOL. Paladin Labs Inc.; Paladin Labs Europe Limited; Paladin Labs (Barbados) Inc. 2203183 MEDICAMENTS AND METHODS FOR TREATING MESOTHELIOMA. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Institut Pasteur 2203234 FILTER CAP ADDITIVE DELIVERY SYSTEM. The Lubrizol Corporation 3442 3443 27/07/2016 2203250 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CATALYST FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF UNSATURATED HYDROCARBONS AND PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION. Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2203341 VEHICLE TOE SET ADJUSTMENT DEVICE AND METHOD. Burke E. Porter Machinery Company 2203509 UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN COMPOSITIONS. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2203565 MUTATED ACETOHYDROXYACID SYNTHASE GENES IN BRASSICA. Cibus Europe B.V. 2203702 REPAIR OF HEATING WALLS IN A REFRACTORY FURNACE. Fosbel Intellectual Limited 2203719 DETECTOR. Kreit, Darran; Howard, Mark Anthony 2203727 THERMOCOUPLE EXTENSION WIRE. Heraeus Electro-Nite International N.V. 2203762 PARTICLE-COUNTING APPARATUS WITH PULSE SHORTENING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2203788 IMPROVEMENTS IN AND RELATING TO TONERS MADE FROM LATEXES. FUJIFILM Imaging Colorants Limited 2203789 WASTE TONER SOLIDIFICATION APPARATUS FOR A PRINTING DEVICE. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2203875 RADIOFREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION DEVICE FOR PASSPORT AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME. ASK S.A. 2203876 REINFORCED SUBSTRATE FOR RADIOFREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME. ASK S.A. 2203903 SECURITY MARKING AUTHENTICATION DEVICE. SICPA HOLDING SA 2203930 Microwave lamp with solid dielectric waveguide. Ceravision Limited 2203953 TUNABLE FILTER AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF. Radio Design Limited 2204035 IP multimedia subsystem service configuration. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2204197 BIOCOMPATIBLE AND LOW-WEAR MATERIAL, ARTIFICIAL JOINT USING THE SAME AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME. Kyocera Medical Corporation; The University of Tokyo 2204590 BOOT MOUNTING STRUCTURE FOR CONSTANT-SPEED UNIVERSAL JOINT, AND SILICONE BOOT FOR THE CONSTANT-SPEED UNIVERSAL JOINT. NTN Corporation 2205026 TRANSMISSION PROCESS REGULATION METHOD, MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, AND MOBILE STATION. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 27/07/2016 2205071 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) LINGO-1 ANTAGONISTS AND TRKB AGONISTS FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF GLAUCOMA. Biogen MA Inc. 2205115 FOOTWEAR WITH A FOOT STABILIZER. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2205116 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH TUBULAR SOLE ASSEMBLY AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2205137 CYCLONIC SEPARATING APPARATUS FOR A CLEANING APPLIANCE. Dyson Technology Limited 2205162 EXPANDABLE ATTACHMENT DEVICE. Stout Medical Group LP 2205194 ALLOPLASTIC INJECTABLE DERMAL FILLER AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF. Boutros, Ayman 2205199 FLUID COSMETIC COMPOSITION COMPRISING A MONOALCOHOL. L'Oréal 2205211 STYLING AGENTS GIVING A HIGH DEGREE OF HOLD IN HUMID CONDITIONS. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2205259 MPM (MALLEABLE PROTEIN MATRIX) FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF ARTHRITIS, OBESITY, INSULIN RESISTANCE, TYPE 2 DIABETES, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, HYPERTENSION, AND HYPERLIPIDEMIA. Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique 2205284 NOVEL METHOD FOR PREPARING NANOPARTICLES COVERED WITH A GEM-BISPHOSPHONATE STABILISING LAYER COUPLED TO HYDROPHILIC BIODISTRIBUTION LIGANDS. GUERBET 2205318 COMBINATION THERAPY OF A TYPE II ANTI-CD20 ANTIBODY WITH A PROTEASOME INHIBITOR. Roche Glycart AG 2205491 WRAPPING MACHINE. OY M. HALOILA AB 2205535 PLASTERING MORTAR FOR AN INTERNAL PLASTER. Quick-Mix Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG 2205693 DICING DIE BONDING FILM HAVING EXCELLENT BURR PROPERTY AND RELIABILITY AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE USING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 2205727 KETOREDUCTASE POLYPEPTIDES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AZETIDINONE. Codexis, Inc. 2205730 STREPTOMYCES PROTEASE. Danisco US Inc. 2205774 BODIES COATED WITH A HARD MATERIAL AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2205793 TRACK COVERING. Gmundner Fertigteile Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG. 2205832 PISTON ENGINE. Hüttlin, Herbert 2205889 BUSHING. Jaguar Land Rover Limited 3444 3445 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2205927 Process for the preparation of polymeric tape. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2205969 CARTRIDGE FOR APPARATUS FOR CHEMICALLY ANALYZING (No. 2312) BLOOD AND APPARATUS USING THE SAME. i-Sens, Inc. 2206021 TRACKING AND CHARACTERIZING PARTICLES WITH HOLOGRAPHIC VIDEO MICROSCOPY. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 2206120 ULTRAFAST MAGNETIC RECORDING ELEMENT AND NONVOLATILE MAGNETIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY USING THE MAGNETIC RECORDING ELEMENT. SNU R&DB Foundation 2206208 DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE. ABB Technology AG 2206253 METHOD OF EFFECTIVELY TRANSMITTING IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION OF TERMINAL DURING THE GENERATION OF DATA BLOCK. LG Electronics Inc. 2206281 METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR SUPPORTING DISTRIBUTED IMS CHARGING. ALCATEL LUCENT 2206284 Method and apparatus for the prevention of unwanted calls in a callback system. Art Technology Group, Inc. 2206293 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SIGNAL FAILURE DETECTION IN A RING BUS SYSTEM. Microchip Technology Germany GmbH 2206349 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR INTER-LAYER RESIDUE PREDICTION FOR SCALABLE VIDEO. Thomson Licensing 2206350 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR INTER-LAYER RESIDUE PREDICTION FOR SCALABLE VIDEO. Thomson Licensing 2206532 Implantable medical heart device comprising means for detecting intense static magnetic fields and commuting to safety mode during MRI tests. ELA MEDICAL 2206593 SIMULTANEOUS MOLDING AND DECORATING METHOD. NISSHA PRINTING CO., LTD. 2206673 LIFTING DEVICE FOR ELEVATOR, ELEVATOR CAR FRAME, AND LIFTING METHOD FOR ELEVATOR. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2206768 Alpha-amylase mutants. Novozymes A/S 2206906 SPARK-IGNITED INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2206914 Method for operating a water power plant assembly. Jank, Siegfried 2207010 HOUSE CHANGE JUDGMENT METHOD AND HOUSE CHANGE JUDGMENT PROGRAM. PASCO Corporation 2207086 Multimedia communication device with touch screen responsive to gestures for controlling, manipulating and editing of media files. Apple Inc. 27/07/2016 2207160 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DISPLAY DEVICE, DISPLAY CONTROL METHOD, AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE. Japan Display Inc. 2207232 FUEL CELL SYSTEM AND HYDROGEN LEAK JUDGMENT METHOD IN THE SYSTEM. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2207276 METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR REALIZING INFORMATION TRANSMISSION. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2207278 TRANSMISSION METHOD AND DEVICE IN LONG TERM EVOLUTION TIME DIVISION DUPLEX SYSTEM. China Academy of Telecommunications Technology 2207473 MODIFIED SENSOR CALIBRATION ALGORITHM. Medtronic MiniMed, Inc. 2207521 DEODORANT COMPOSITIONS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2207577 BIODEGRADABLE POLYMER SCAFFOLD AND PROCESS FOR PREPARATION THEREOF. National Institute Of Immunology 2207611 INSTALLATION AND METHOD FOR CLEANING FLUE GASES. Babcock Noell GmbH 2207654 ATTACHING ARRANGEMENT FOR HAND-HELD MOTOR-DRIVEN TOOLS. Husqvarna AB 2207668 SOFT PLATE SOFT PANEL BONDED MULTI LAYER ARMOR MATERIALS. Warwick Mills, Inc. 2207749 METHODS FOR MANUFACTURING A MICROSTRUCTURE. Micronit Microfluidics B.V. 2207773 HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUND AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION THEREOF. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2207785 METHOD, SUBSTANCES AND KITS FOR LABELING POPULATIONS OF RNA AND OTHER SUBTANCES CONTAINING GEMINAL DIOLS. BioVentures, Inc. 2207837 METHOD OF FORMING A MICROELECTRONIC STRUCTURE. Brewer Science, Inc. 2207900 DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF CLEAVABLE FLUORESCENT NUCLEOTIDES AS REVERSIBLE TERMINATORS FOR DNA SEQUENCING BY SYNTHESIS. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York 2207932 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF PULP. Valmet Technologies, Inc. 2207963 PUMP AND PUMP ARRANGEMENT. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 3446 3447 27/07/2016 2207998 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) INTEGRATED LED-BASED LUMINAIRE FOR GENERAL LIGHTING. Philips Solid-State Lighting Solutions, Inc. 2208039 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR REGISTERING AND MEASURING LEAKS AND FLOWS. Tecwel AS 2208072 METHODS OF PROGNOSIS. ST VINCENT'S HOSPITAL SYDNEY LIMITED 2208089 DETECTOR FOR HARD X-RADIATION. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 2208249 JOINT-FREE INTEGRATED FUEL CELL ARCHITECTURE.. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2208264 LASER HAVING DISTRIBUTED INDUCTANCES. Trumpf, Inc.; Trumpf Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH 2208271 ELECTRONIC PROTECTION DEVICE AGAINST EARTH LEAKAGE CURRENTS AND RELATED DETECTION PROCEDURE. ABB S.p.A. 2208366 AUDIO HEADSET. ELNO; SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE 2208386 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING CALL ADMISSION CONTROL FOR VOIP OVER WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS USING A TRANSPARENT PROXY AGENT. Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. 2208390 METHODS AND SYSTEMS OF SHARING POWER IN A MULTIPLE RADIO FREQUENCY NETWORK NODE RFID TAG. Tego Inc. 2208755 BACK SHEET FOR SOLAR CELL AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME. China Lucky Film Group Corporation; Lucky Film Co., Ltd 2208990 MASS ANALYSIS DATA PROCESSING METHOD. Shimadzu Corporation 2209265 COMMUNICATION METHOD AND COMMUNICATION TERMINAL, DATA TRANSFER DEVICE, AND CONTROLLER. Fujitsu Limited 2209341 Mobile terminal device. Fujitsu Limited 2209374 TUBULYSINS AND PROCESSES FOR PREPARING. Endocyte, Inc. 2209442 FOOTPLATE MEMBER IN AND A METHOD FOR ASSEMBLY OF A VERTEBRAL BODY REPLACEMENT DEVICE. Aesculap AG 2209448 PROBE TIP AND INFUSION SLEEVE FOR USE WITH OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SURGERY. Herman, Wesley K. 2209479 MIXED METAL COMPOUNDS FOR TREATMENT OF HYPERPHOSPHATAEMIA. Cytochroma Development Inc. 2209480 COMBINATION THERAPY WITH ORGANIC ARSENICALS. Solasia Pharma K.K. 2209491 MOLECULES AND METHODS FOR MODULATING LOW-DENSITYLIPOPROTEIN RECEPTOR-RELATED PROTEIN 6 (LRP6). Novartis AG 2209500 NON-POROUS MATERIAL AS STERILIZATION BARRIER. Novo Nordisk A/S 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2209509 ARTERIAL BLOOD FILTER. MEDTRONIC, INC. 2209650 PROTECTIVE OVERCOAT TRANSFER COMPENSATION. Eastman Kodak Company 2209652 IMPROVEMENTS IN SECURITY DEVICES. De La Rue International Limited 2209673 VEHICLE SEAT AND SEAT BELT SYSTEM. Johnson Controls GmbH 2209676 END FITTING FOR A WIPER BLADE. Valeo Systèmes d'Essuyage 2209725 PRESSURIZED PACK FOR VISCOUS MATERIALS. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2209746 WATER RE-HARDENING PROCESS AND A SYSTEM THEREFOR. I.D.E. Technologies Ltd. 2209747 A PLANT FOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT. Biokube International A/S 2209794 ALPHA-AMYLASE INHIBITORS: THE MONTBRETINS AND USES THEREOF. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2209838 POLYSILOXANE MODIFIED POLYISOCYANATES. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2209854 MANUFACTURE OF COATED MATERIALS FOR USE AS ACTIVATORS IN SULPHUR VULCANIZATION. Rubber Nano Products (Proprietary) Limited 2210030 THREADED JOINT FOR STEEL PIPES. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation; VALLOUREC OIL AND GAS FRANCE 2210049 TOWEL DRIER RADIATOR WITH HEAT CARRIER FLUID INCLUDING AN ADDITIONAL HEATING DEVICE. Imhotep Création 2210080 IMPROVED METHODS AND DEVICES FOR CELLULAR ANALYSIS. Biomarker Strategies, Llc 2210124 DEVICE FOR OPTICAL DISTANCE MEASUREMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2210321 ATMOSPHERIC TREATER WITH ROLLER CONFINED DISCHARGE CHAMBER. Enercon Industries Corporation 2210387 TECHNIQUE FOR PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR A PLURALITY OF MOBILITY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2210396 SYSTEM OF INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN AT LEAST ONE COMMUNICATION APPARATUS AND AT LEAST ONE REMOTE INFORMATION SYSTEM AND INTERCONNECTION METHOD. Mobile Service 2210507 BONE-STRENGTHENING COMPOSITIONS. Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd. 2210622 THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR HEART DISEASE, WHICH IS INTENDED TO BE USED IN CELL TRANSPLANTATION THERAPY. Kyoto University 3448 3449 27/07/2016 2210687 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD OF PRODUCING A COPPER ALLOY WIRE. Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 2210758 HYBRID POWER DRIVING SYSTEM AND DRIVING METHOD THEREOF. BYD Company Limited 2210876 HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUND AS GLUCAGON ANTAGONIST. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 2210880 Benzoxazinone derivatives. MSD K.K. 2210886 PYRIMIDYL INDOLINE COMPOUND. Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited 2210918 RESIN COMPOSITION AND RESIN MOLDED ARTICLE. Adeka Corporation 2210940 METHOD FOR HIGH-LEVEL SECRETION AND PRODUCTION OF PROTEIN. DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED 2211070 A LUBRICANT GREASE CHARGING-UP DEVICE FOR AUTOMOBILE BRAKE HUB BEARING. Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. 2211128 Method for operating a refrigerator and a refrigerator. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2211611 PROCESS FOR THE MODIFICATION OF THE SOLID STATE OF A COMPOUND AND CO-AMORPHOUS COMPOSITIONS PRODUCED WITH SAME. Ovokaitys, Todd F. 2211692 METHOD AND INSTRUMENT FOR THE NON-INVASIVE MEASUREMENT OF THE OXYGENATION/SATURATION OF BIOLOGICAL TISSUE. Nirox S.r.l. 2211750 APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING ACETABULAR COMPONENT POSITIONING. Murphy, Stephen B. 2211783 JOINT PROSTHESIS. T J Smith & Nephew Limited 2211784 PROSTHESIS FOR SIMULATING NATURAL KINEMATICS. Biomet UK Limited 2211824 SHAVING COMPOSITION WITH SKINCARE PROPERTIES. Unilever PLC 2211860 COMBINATION THERAPY FOR REDUCING SIDE EFFECTS USING CANNABINOID RECEPTOR LIGANDS. AbbVie Inc. 2211885 COMBINATION THERAPY WITH ANTIBODY-DRUG CONJUGATES. Seattle Genetics, Inc. 2211924 CROSSED-LINKED HYALURONIC ACID AND COLLAGEN AND USES THEREOF. ALLERGAN, INC. 2211961 ADAPTER FOR CONNECTING PARTICULARLY A RESPIRATORY IMPLEMENT TO A TUBE. medi1one medical gmbh 2211980 NEUROSTIMULATOR AND METHOD FOR REGULATING THE SAME. Sorin CRM SAS 27/07/2016 2212004 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD TO RECOVER BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS. LangTech International Pty Ltd 2212165 ELECTROPNEUMATIC VALVE DEVICE HAVING PNEUMATIC SOLENOID VALVE PORTS WHICH ARE DIRECTED INTO THE VALVE BLOCK. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2212166 HYDRAULIC UNIT FOR SLIP-CONTROLLED BRAKING SYSTEMS. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2212180 DETERMINING THE REMAINING SERVICE LIFE OF A VEHICLE COMPONENT. Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2212184 ROTATING FIFTH WHEEL HITCH KINGPIN ASSEMBLY. SAF-Holland, Inc. 2212229 STRETCH FILM WINDER. Gloucester Engineering Co., Inc. 2212230 ELEVATOR. Kone Corporation 2212260 HEAT STORAGE COMPOSITIONS AND THEIR MANUFACTURE. BASF SE 2212290 ARYL AMIDES USEFUL AS INHIBITORS OF VOLTAGE-GATED SODIUM CHANNELS. Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 2212296 4- [3- (4-CYCLOPROPANECARBONYL-PIPERAZINE-I-CARBONYL) -4 FLUORO-BENZYL]-2H-PHTHALAZ IN-1-ONE. Kudos Pharmaceuticals Limited 2212306 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF TETRANORLABDANE DERIVATIVES. Firmenich S.A. 2212330 NOVEL COMPOUNDS OF REVERSE TURN MIMETICS AND THE USE THEREOF (3). Choongwae Pharma Corporation 2212348 MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR GENE MEDIATED THERAPY OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS. Cornell University 2212401 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF COATED LUMINESCENT SUBSTANCES. Merck Patent GmbH 2212426 IMPROVED CARBON CAPTURE IN FERMENTATION. Lanzatech New Zealand Limited 2212453 METHOD OF FORMING A BIOACTIVE COATING. Plasma Coatings Limited 2212456 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A HYDROENTANGLED PRODUCT COMPRISING CELLULOSE FIBERS. Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft 2212504 DRIVE SYSTEM FOR PIVOTAL AND/OR SLIDABLE DOORS OR FOR ENTRY AND EXIT FACILITIES WITH IMPROVED POSITION ACQUISITION. Gebr. Bode GmbH & Co. KG 2212569 CONDUIT END FITTING WITH INTEGRATED GUIDE TUBE FOR PUSHPULL CABLE ASSEMBLY. Dura Global Technologies, Inc. 3450 3451 27/07/2016 2212693 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) BIOMARKERS FOR PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL CYTOMEGALOVIRUS. The Regents of the University of California 2212717 COHERENT LIDAR SYSTEM BASED ON A SEMICONDUCTOR LASER AND AMPLIFIER. Windar Photonics A/S 2212738 A STEREO-IMAGE REGISTRATION AND CHANGE DETECTION SYSTEM AND METHOD. Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. 2212820 REAL-TIME MEASURE OF A POPULATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS, IN PARTICULAR BY PCR. Bio-Rad Innovations 2212869 DEVICE, METHOD, COMPUTER PROGRAMME AND SYSTEM FOR RECOGNISING WHEN AN OBJECT OR A PERSON CROSSES A THRESHOLD THAT IS MARKED BY A MAGNETIC FIELD. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2212891 METHOD OF PRODUCING MIXED IN-CORE MAPS AND APPLICATION TO THE CALIBRATION OF FIXED INSTRUMENTATION. Areva NP 2212938 BATTERY MODULE OF EXCELLENT HEAT DISSIPATION PROPERTY AND HEAT EXCHANGE MEMBER. LG CHEM, LTD. 2212941 BATTERY MODULE OF IMPROVED SAFETY AND MIDDLE OR LARGESIZED BATTERY PACK CONTAINING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 2212970 DUAL POLARIZED ANTENNA. Raytheon Company 2213055 CONTENTION SLOTS IN A SHARED ROBUST SCHEME. Sigma Designs Israel S.D.I Ltd. 2213067 SYSTEM FOR MANAGING SERVICE INTERACTIONS. Koninklijke KPN N.V.; Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast- natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek TNO 2213093 METHOD OF RECORDING THREE-DIMENSIONAL IMAGE DATA. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; University-Industry Cooperation Group of Kyung Hee University 2213147 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR FAST BEAM CURRENT MODULATION IN A PARTICLE ACCELERATOR. ION BEAM APPLICATIONS S.A. 2213238 IMAGING DEVICE. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 2213296 FGF1/FGF2 CHIMERIC PROTEIN AND USES THEREOF. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2213338 A METHOD OF DETOXIFYING A HARMFUL COMPOUND. Nippon Sheet Glass Company Limited 2213371 METHOD FOR THE CATALYTIC REMOVAL OF NITROGEN OXIDES. Umicore Shokubai Japan Co., Ltd.; Umicore Shokubai USA Inc. 2213382 DEVICE FOR APPLYING PASTE PRODUCTS. Punchenko, Olexandr 27/07/2016 2213490 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SOLAR-RADIATION-SHIELDING MATERIAL FOR VEHICLE WINDOW AND WINDOW FOR VEHICLE. Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. 2213535 ABS control method for a vehicle and vehicle with an ABS braking system. WABCO GmbH 2213650 SUBSTITUTED DIPHENYLAMINES AS INHIBITORS OF REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE, PROCESS OF PREPARING THEM AND USE THEREOF. Institute Of Pharmacology And Toxicology Academy Of Military Medical Sciences P.L.A. China 2213669 CRYSTALLINE IMIDAZOL-5-CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATE. Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. 2213756 METAL-GRAPHITE COMPOSITE MATERIAL HAVING HIGH THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Shimane Prefectural Government 2213846 METHOD FOR DEMOUNTING BLADE RING AND MEMBER FOR DEMOUNTING BLADE RING. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 2214248 LITHIUM BATTERY AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 2214544 A CLEANING APPLIANCE. Dyson Technology Limited 2214622 Dental compositions and initiator systems with color-stable amine electron donors. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2214669 CYTOKINE INHIBITORS. Hutchison Medipharma Enterprises Limited 2214691 COMPOUNDS EXHIBITING GLUCAGON ANTAGONIST AND GLP-1 AGONIST ACTIVITY. Indiana University Research and Technology Corporation 2214807 FLUID TREATMENT DEVICE. Nano-Porous Solutions Limited 2214832 LOCKING PIPETTE TIP AND MOUNTING SHAFT. INTEGRA Biosciences AG 2214840 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF ENHANCING IMMUNE RESPONSES TO FLAGELLATED BACTERIUM. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS; THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 2215048 P2X3 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR TREATMENT OF PAIN. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2215053 METHOD FOR PREPARING AN ISOCYANATE COMPOUND. Vencorex France 2215090 PURINE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS PI3 KINASE INHIBITORS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2215113 CYTOKINE MUTEINS. CSL Limited 3452 3453 27/07/2016 2215233 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) POLYNUCLEOTIDES AND METHODS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PLANTS. Insight Genomics Limited 2215246 PROTEIN SCAFFOLDS. MedImmune, LLC 2215272 NEAR FULL-GENOME ASSAY OF HCV DRUG RESISTANCE. DEBIOPHARM S.A.; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2215306 MOBILE DEVICE FOR THE OUTPUT OF BULK MATERIAL ONTO AN ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD. SMG Sportplatzmaschinenbau GmbH 2215339 POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. University of Sussex 2215364 DYE, SINTERED ROTOR AND SINTERING METHOD. Magna Powertrain Hückeswagen GmbH 2215402 LEVELLING DEVICE FOR THE HEIGHT-VARIABLE MOUNTING OF A LAMP. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2215408 COOKING HOB WITH A HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DISPLAY DEVICE. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2215413 COOLING DEVICE. Indesit Company S.p.A. 2215513 IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO HEAD MOUNTED DISPLAY SYSTEMS. BAE Systems PLC 2215625 FINE-TUNING PEG. Wittner GmbH & Co. KG 2215719 MATCHED INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. ST-Ericsson SA 2215745 DIVERSITY RECEPTION IN RADIO RECEIVER. Nokia Technologies Oy 2215761 METHOD OF AND TRANSMITTING DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING A DATA BLOCK. Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 2215974 Device for sealing a puncture hole in a bodily organ. RADI MEDICAL SYSTEMS AB 2216032 UTILIZATION OF CARBON DIOXIDE-SUPPLYING UNIT FOR MUSCLE STRENGTHENING AND METHOD OF INCREASING CATTLE MEAT THEREBY. Neochemir, Inc.; National University Corporation Kobe University 2216111 ELECTROMAGNETIC COIL DEVICE FOR USE OF IN-MOLD MOLTEN STEEL CAPABLE OF SERVING BOTH AS ELECTROMAGNETIC STIR AND ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAKE. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2216224 VEHICLE CONTROL DEVICE AND VEHICLE CONTROL METHOD. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2216654 Sample analyzer. Sysmex Corporation 2216711 File server, file management system and file management method. Hitachi Ltd. 2216836 LAMINATED PIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENT, INJECTION DEVICE HAVING THE ELEMENT, AND FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM. Kyocera Corporation 2217193 BODYSPRAY ASSEMBLY. Kohler Co. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2217302 PURGE-FREE MINIATURE ROTARY PUMP. Abiomed, Inc. 2217324 DETERMINATION OF STIMULATION DELAY BETWEEN (No. 2312) VENTRICULAR SITES. Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. 2217341 A TOY CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM. LEGO A/S 2217426 METHOD FOR EXTRUDING PLASTIC MATERIAL AND EXTRUDER. EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2217477 METHOD FOR DETECTING WHEEL SLIP. Robert Bosch GmbH 2217550 PROCESS FOR POLYMERISING OR OLIGOMERISING A HYDROCARBON. Sasol Technology (Proprietary) Limited 2217555 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ALDEHYDES. OXEA GmbH 2217587 METHOD FOR PRODUCING E-CAPROLACTONE. BASF SE 2217706 THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS OF P53 ISOFORMS IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, AGING AND CANCER. The Government of the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services; Vojtesek, Borivoj 2217709 GENETICALLY MODIFIED STEM CELLS AND METHODS FOR IDENTIFYING TISSUES DIFFERENTIATED THEREFROM. Orbán, Tamás; Izsvák, Zsuzsanna; Német, Katalin; Apáti, Ágota; Sarkadi, Balázs 2217761 METHOD AND MACHINE FOR COMPRESSING BALLAST OF A RAIL TRACK. Plasser & Theurer Export von Bahnbaumaschinen Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2217798 CONTROL APPARATUS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2217863 AIR CONDITIONER. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 2217864 Heating device. STEGO-Holding GmbH 2217876 SHELL DESIGNED FOR SECURING IN A MORTAR AND MORTAR DESIGNED FOR SUCH A SHELL. BAE Systems Bofors AB 2217918 LINEAR FAIMS POWER SUPPLY. DH Technologies Development Pte. Ltd. 2217946 DEVICE FOR THE ONLINE DETERMINATION OF THE CONTENTS OF A SUBSTANCE, AND METHOD FOR USING SUCH A DEVICE. Katz, Elisabeth 2217984 WELLHEAD FLOWLINE PROTECTION AND TESTING SYSTEM WITH ESP SPEED CONTROLLER AND EMERGENCY ISOLATION VALVE. Saudi Arabian Oil Company 2218028 METHOD FOR PROTECTION OF A CHIP CARD FROM UNAUTHORIZED USE, CHIP CARD AND CHIP CARD TERMINAL. Bundesdruckerei GmbH 2218073 MEMORY CELL PROGRAMMING. Micron Technology, Inc. 2218081 COATING FOR IMPROVED CARBON NANOTUBE CONDUCTIVITY. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 3454 3455 27/07/2016 2218121 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) OLED DEVICE WITH FLUORANTHENE ELECTRON TRANSPORT MATERIALS. Global OLED Technology LLC 2218198 POWER CONTROL FOR A RADIO TRANSCEIVER WHICH USES INTERFERENCE CANCELLATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2218283 LONG TERM EVOLUTION USER EQUIPMENT MULTI-PACKET DATA NETWORK PARAMETER BASED CONNECTIVITY CONTROL. BlackBerry Limited 2218309 ROBUST ID GESTURE LIGHT CONTROL ALGORITHM. Lite-On Technology Corporation 2218528 ELECTROMAGNETIC COIL DEVICE FOR USE OF IN-MOLD MOLTEN STEEL CAPABLE OF SERVING BOTH AS ELECTROMAGNETIC STIR AND ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAKE. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2219733 METHOD OF TREATMENT OF DERMIS AND USES OF SAID DERMIS. A.U.S.L. - Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Di Cesena; Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli 2219814 FRICTION STIR WELDING TOOL. BOEHLERIT GmbH & Co.KG.; Technische Universität Graz 2219831 RAZOR WITH REARWARDLY SECURED SHAVING BLADE MEMBER. The Gillette Company 2219911 CONNECTING ELEMENT AND RELATED FLUID ASSEMBLY. Robert Bosch GmbH 2220245 METHOD AND COMPOSITION FOR CRYSTALLIZING G PROTEINCOUPLED RECEPTORS. The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University 2220315 FURNITURE DRIVE. Julius Blum GmbH 2220330 DRILL BITS AND TOOLS FOR SUBTERRANEAN DRILLING. Baker Hughes Incorporated 2220467 BALANCE. Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG 2220481 AN OPTICAL DEVICE FOR OBSERVING MILLIMETRIC OR SUBMILLIMETRIC STRUCTURAL DETAILS OF AN OBJECT WITH SPECULAR BEHAVIOUR. Signoptic Technologies 2220488 METHOD FOR CONDUCTING AN ASSAY FOR NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES. Biomonitor Limited; Le Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2220647 A SYSTEM FOR ADJUSTING MISALIGNMENT BETWEEN A READ/WRITE HEAD AND A FLEXIBLE DATA STORAGE MEDIUM. International Business Machines Corporation 27/07/2016 2221278 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MANUFACTURING METAL OXIDE PARTICLES. National University Corporation Hokkaido University; Showa Denko K.K. 2221836 POWDER FOR MAGNETIC CORE, POWDER MAGNETIC CORE, AND THEIR PRODUCTION METHODS. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2222239 POLYAXIAL SCREW ASSEMBLY. K2M, Inc. 2222476 COATED PAPER FOR OFFSET PRINTING AND USE OF AN ORGANOSILANE AND/OR ORGANOSILOXANE SURFACE-TREATED AND/OR IMPREGNATED TALCUM PIGMENT. S.D. Warren Company; SAPPI Netherlands Services B.V. 2222477 BOOK WITH PAGES HAVING OPENINGS AND WITH SUPERPOSED FLAT ELEMENTS PROJECTING THROUGH THE OPENINGS. Stearn, Stephen Harvey 2222647 FUSED BICYCLIC DERIVATIVES OF 2,4-DIAMINOPYRIMIDINE AS ALK AND C-MET INHIBITORS. Cephalon, Inc. 2222872 METHOD OF POOLING SAMPLES FOR PERFORMING A BI0L0GICAL ASSAY. Hendrix Genetics Research, Technology & Services B.V. 2222916 SCREEN BASKET. Kadant Canada Corp. 2222937 AN INTELLIGENT DRILLING ADVISOR. BP Corporation North America Inc. 2223238 BIO-FUELS VEHICLE FUELING SYSTEM. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 2223427 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR OPERATING AN ELECTRIC DRIVE WITH THE AID OF A PHASE ANGLE CONTROL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2223466 TOPOLOGY DISCOVERY IN HETEROGENEOUS NETWORKS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2223516 METHOD FOR OPERATING A WIRELESS MOBILE RADIO DEVICE AND A WIRELESS STATIONARY RADIO DEVICE CONNECTED THERETO. Gigaset Communications GmbH 2223565 CERAMIC HOB. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2223566 ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC INDUCTION HEATING AND MELTING OF MATERIALS IN A SUSCEPTOR VESSEL. Inductotherm Corp. 2224171 COMBUSTION BURNER. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 2224200 BARREL-MOUNTED DEVICE FOR A FIRE ARM. DSG Technology AS; Polovnev, Andrey Albertovich; Khaziakhmetov, Volodymyr Shaymukhametovich 3456 3457 27/07/2016 2224881 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) OPHTHALMIC SURGICAL DEVICE FOR ENDOTHELIAL KERATOPLASTY FOR DESCEMET'S STRIPPING AUTOMATED ENDOTHELIAL KERATOPLASTY (DSAEK) SURGERY. Yong, Ming Por; Tan, Donald; Mehta, Jod; Weston, Philip Douglas 2224971 A NON-BIODEGRADABLE STENT COMPRISING A BIODEGRADABLE COATING AND METHOD OF COATING THE SAME. Nanyang Technological University 2225422 PANEL MOUNTING SYSTEM. Reform Systems Ltd. 2225425 LOW-OBSCURING TILE INSTALLATION SPACER. Tavy Enterprises, LLC 2225886 LAYERED ENCODED BITSTREAM STRUCTURE. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2226043 Implantable fluid delivery apparatus and implantable electrode. MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH 2226989 Mobile terminal having sub-device. LG Electronics Inc. 2227107 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR HAVING A SOLE STRUCTURE WITH A FLUID- FILLED CHAMBER. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2227268 OPTIMIZING CLEARANCE FOR PROTEIN BOUND MOLECULES USING CASCADE FILTRATION THERAPY. Nikkiso Co., Ltd. 2227300 PROTECTION DEVICE FOR A BOWLING MACHINE. Skaerbaek Smede &Maskinvaerksted Aps 2227571 MATERIAL FOR A GAS TURBINE COMPONENT, METHOD FOR PRODUCING A GAS TURBINE COMPONENT AND GAS TURBINE COMPONENT. MTU Aero Engines AG; GfE Metalle und Materialien GmbH; Montanuniversität Leoben; Böhler Schmiedetechnik GmbH & Co KG 2227589 METHOD FOR REMOVING UNWANTED MATTER FROM AN AQUEOUS PAPER FIBER SUSPENSION USING AT LEAST ONE FLOTATION INSTALLATION. Voith Patent GmbH 2227782 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROCESSING COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY IMAGES. Ramot at Tel-Aviv University Ltd. 2227846 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR TAKING A SAFETY PRECAUTION IN AN ELECTRICAL TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2228128 Mixing vessel having a receiver for holding a fluid-agitating element. Pall Technology UK Limited 2228208 A paper material with an improved embossed pattern and method for the production thereof. Delicarta S.p.A. 2228777 ALARM DEVICE AND ALARM SYSTEM. HOCHIKI CORPORATION 2228873 Signal transfer apparatus. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2229231 LATCH RESET FILTER UNIT. 3M Innovative Properties Company 27/07/2016 2229424 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SURFACE-MODIFIED CONVERSION LUMINOUS SUBSTANCES. Merck Patent GmbH 2230046 Sanding head adaptable to an angle grinder. Salinas e Hijos S.L. 2231509 HYDROGEN STORAGE MATERIAL, PRODUCTION METHOD OF THE HYDROGEN STORAGE MATERIAL, HYDROGEN SUPPLY SYSTEM, FUEL CELL, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE AND VEHICLE. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 2231940 RAILWAY ARCH LININGS AND MEZZANINE FLOORS. Finch, Steven Caffall 2233840 TOP PLATE FOR COOKING APPLIANCE. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 2235728 ELECTRIC SWITCH, PARTICULARLY PARK POSITION SWITCH, FOR AN ELECTRIC MOTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2237038 Medical articles coated with organopolysiloxane containing a protein solution and non-ionic surfactant. Becton Dickinson and Company; The Regents of the University of Colorado 2237722 APPARATUS FOR MONITORING T-WAVE ALTERNANS. MEDTRONIC, INC. 2238715 MOBILE WLAN GATEWAY. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2239723 PIXEL CIRCUIT AND DISPLAY DEVICE. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2240089 ALL-IN-ONE PACKING, PAD AND SHOE FOR HOOF PROTECTION. Vettec, Inc. 2240645 SELF- SHARPENING, AUTO- SIGNALLING WEARING PART. Vosta LMG B.V.; Combi Wear Parts AB 2241133 SELECTIVELY SKIPPING LISTEN WINDOWS IN POWER SAVING MODE IN MULTI-MODE RADIO HANDSETS. Wang, Huaiyuan; Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2241456 METHOD FOR SIMULATING TIRE NOISE PERFORMANCE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING TIRE. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2241780 Planetary reduction gear apparatus. Kawasaki Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2242377 APPARATUS FOR PREPARING, EXPOSING AND SELLING THERMALLY TREATED FOOD PRODUCTS. Ali S.p.A.-Carpigiani 2243990 SOLENOID TYPE ELECTROMAGNETIC VALVE DEVICE. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2244932 SEMI-MONOCOQUE FRAME STRUCTURE FOR A TWO WHEELER VEHICLE. LML Limited 2245242 TILTING AND TURNING WINDOW, ESPECIALLY ROOF WINDOW. Fakro PP Spolka Z O.O. 3458 3459 27/07/2016 2245275 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ADJUSTABLE GUIDE VANE OF A TURBINE OF A TURBOCHARGER. Continental Automotive GmbH 2248493 Ankle brace. DJO, LLC 2249464 Lid for an electric motor connection box. SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 2251420 Thermostable mutants of pyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2253396 Method for producing a screw metal closure with separate disc and ring from a single closure blank. Crown Packaging Technology Inc 2254202 Electrical outlet with lateral connection. Filiba, Yaakov 2255753 Heart valve delivery system with valve catheter. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 2255937 Manufacturing method for a surface-strengthened solid wood floor board. Zhejiang Shiyou Timber Co. Ltd.; Tu, Dengyun 2256978 Closed-loop rate control for a multi-channel communication system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2257547 NOVEL BENZIMIDAZOLE LINKED PYRROLOÝ2,1QÝ1,4¨BENZODIAZEPINE HYBRIDS AS POTENTIAL ANTITUMOUR AGENTS AND PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research 2258059 METHOD FOR GENERATING ELECTROMAGNETIC TERAHERTZ CARRIER WAVES. Deutsche Telekom AG 2258351 Granules containing lansoprazole in large amount. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 2258461 C02 recovering apparatus. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.; The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. 2259593 Program recording apparatus and recording schedule managing method. Rovi Guides, Inc. 2262222 Image processing apparatus and method. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2262293 Dynamic discovery of mobility anchor point with specific binding. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 2262319 Method and apparatus for reporting WLAN capabilities of a dual mode GPRS/WLAN or UMTS/WLAN WTRU. InterDigital Technology Corporation 2263536 Lancing device. Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. 2264397 Orientation measuring probe for the mutual alignment of bodies and method for the mutual alignment of bodies. PRÜFTECHNIK Dieter Busch AG 2265501 STRAP EXCHANGER FOR A STRAPPING SYSTEM. Enterprises International, Inc. 27/07/2016 2267163 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) In vitro evolution in microfluidic systems. MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL; President and Fellows of Harvard College 2267282 Cam shaft phase adjuster with multifunctional housing cover. Schwäbische Hüttenwerke Automotive GmbH 2269892 MOTOR-DRIVEN POWER STEERING CONTROL DEVICE. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2270236 In vitro evolution in microfluidic systems. Medical Research Council; The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2272325 Solar energy greenhouse. Lite-On Green Technologies, Inc. 2272498 Styling agents giving a high degree of hold in humid conditions. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2272500 Styling agents giving a high degree of hold in humid conditions. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2273467 Gas generator or heat generator, smoke generator and method for checking a gas detector or a heat detector. Tormaxx GmbH 2278733 Systems and method for communicating control data using multiple slot formats. Qualcomm Incorporated 2279749 BINDING MOLECULES FOR DETECTION OF AML. Crucell Holland B.V. 2284284 Antigen detection kit and method. Korea Institute of Science and Technology 2284614 Exposure apparatus, exposure method and device producing method. Nikon Corporation 2286033 VEHICLE RESTRAINT SYSTEM. Heintzmann Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG 2286706 FLOOR-WASHING BUCKET WITH TWO COMPARTMENTS. Rivadulla Oliva, Carlos 2286761 Variable cohesive gel form-stable breast implant. ALLERGAN, INC. 2292416 Process for forming a fiber-reinforced product. Johns Manville 2292748 Method for producing gamma-carboxylated proteins. Medlmmune Limited 2292770 Methods for producing proteins with predetermined post-translational modifications. Crucell Holland B.V. 2292795 Differential enzymatic fragmatation. Orion Genomics, LLC 2294745 REDUCING HARQ RETRANSMISSIONS USING PEAK POWER MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2294935 Multi-layer fabric for brassiere. Invista Technologies S.à.r.l. 2298811 Human anti-IFN-gamma neutralizing antibodies as selective IFN-gamma pathway inhibitors. Amgen Inc.; E.R. Squibb & Sons, L.L.C. 2298902 Luciferase biosensor. PROMEGA CORPORATION 3460 3461 27/07/2016 2301538 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Compounds for nonsense suppression, and methods for their use. PTC Therapeutics, Inc. 2305055 Series of ski boots with one ski boot at least containing a clog. Rossignol Lange S.R.L. 2305152 Surgical access assembly. Covidien LP 2305312 Remodelling and glycoconjugation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). ratiopharm GmbH 2305438 Work device. Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 2305622 High field strength varistor material. ABB Technology AG 2305728 Thickening agent. Cognis IP Management GmbH 2306039 Shift device adapted for transmission. Kyowa Metal Works Co., Ltd 2306167 Device for the detection of temperature variations in a chip. STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS 2306451 Speech recognition. Inago Corporation 2306518 Method of protecting an integrated circuit chip against spying by laser attacks. STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS 2306759 Remote access to a LAN. Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe B.V.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2306790 Dimmable and static ballast on a universal PCB. BAG engineering GmbH 2308369 Method of estimating ocular perfusion pressure. Falck Medical, Inc. 2308603 Pressure spray device. Kress, Markus 2308604 Dispensing system for a fluid product. Albea Lacrost 2308610 Method for producing a device for anchoring aligning tools of an alignment system. Storz, Siegfried 2308630 Narrow groove gas metal arc welding torch. J.Ray McDermott, S.A. 2308637 Tool magazine of the endless chain type. Deckel Maho Seebach GmbH 2308685 Recording media transportation control method and printer. Seiko Epson Corporation 2308687 Identification document secure against manipulation and manufacturing method for the same. Mühlbauer GmbH & Co. KG 2308721 Attachment device for a roof rack. Hapro International B.V. 2308751 External turret with above water connection point. Bumi Armada Berhad 2308784 Removal device for assembly in a warehouse, warehouse with a removal device and method of removing and filling bulk goods. Schellinger, Helmut 2308978 Luciferase biosensor. Promega Corporation 2309065 Method for flushing a toilet bowl with a siphon and water closet. Geberit International AG 2309133 Submersible pump power unit. Grundfos Management A/S 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2309141 Snapping attachment device. MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG 2309194 AIR CONDITIONER. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2309232 Locator with multi-turn positioning. Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG 2309243 Method and apparatus for determining void volume for a particulate material. (No. 2312) Hitec Luxembourg S. A. 2309652 Electronic receiver for amplitude modulated signals, and corresponding processing method. SELEX ES S.p.A. 2309661 Wireless communication device and method with diversity control. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2309760 Method and apparatus for efficiently calculating multiprimary color conversion matrices. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2309833 Module for IT cabinets and installation thereof. IP Energy 2311427 Ultrasound treatment device and method for its operation. Becker, Reinhard; Helgert, Erich 2311429 Three-dimensional layer for a garment of a HFCWO system. Hill-Rom Services, Inc. 2311455 Compounds for nonsense suppression, and methods for their use. PTC Therapeutics, Inc. 2311522 Transmucosal drug delivery device including electroporation. Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated 2311534 Swimming Goggles. Yamamoto Kogaku Co., Ltd. 2311548 Method for predicting the activity of a catalyst and corresponding purification method. LAB SA 2311638 Liquid ejection apparatus. Seiko Epson Corporation 2311669 An amphibious vehicle. Gibbs Technologies Ltd. 2311671 Valve for a pressurised air assembly of a commercial vehicle. Haldex Brake Products GmbH 2311672 Valve for a pressurised air assembly of a commercial vehicle. Haldex Brake Products GmbH 2311710 Electronic throttle on control handle. CNH Industrial Italia S.p.A. 2311759 Transport system for articles and method for unloading articles. KUKA Roboter GmbH 2311769 Method for controlling a lift and a lift group. K-Solutions GmbH 2312014 Assembly for gas separation and its application. FHR Anlagenbau GmbH 2312085 Screen protection device. Siegmund, Thomas 2312140 A gas fuel admission system for a gas fired engine. Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG 3462 3463 27/07/2016 2312255 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method and device for cleaning heating surfaces of a heat exchanger charged with flue gas in a combustion assembly during the operation of same. MVV O&M GmbH 2312264 Offset Amount Calibrating Method and Surface Texture Measuring Machine. Mitutoyo Corporation 2312266 Electronic self-calibration for turbine blade clearance sensor. General Electric Company 2312272 Rotary Encoder. Mitutoyo Corporation 2312310 Device and method for analyzing a rock mineral sample. CENTRE NATIONAL D'ETUDES SPATIALES 2312326 Mount for a scanning probe sensor package, scanning probe microscope and method of mounting or dismounting a scanning probe sensor package.. SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH 2312327 Method and device for measuring the electric current supplied by a high-voltage line to a railway vehicle. MS Relais 2312377 Eyeglass lens. HOYA LENS MANUFACTURING PHILIPPINES INC. 2312409 Device information setting apparatus and device information setting method. Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2312811 A handheld electronic device having a slide-and-twist mechanism. BlackBerry Limited 2312907 Glow plug. NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd. 2312909 Method for controlling power supply to the liquid contents of a cooking vessel. Whirlpool Corporation; TEKA Industrial S.A. 2312916 Circuit board and semiconductor module. IBIDEN CO., LTD. 2314143 Centrifugal spreader. Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG 2314148 Grain conveyor apparatus and system including separation capability. CNH Industrial Belgium nv 2314168 CUTTING DEVICE FOR NOODLE PRODUCTION. Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. 2314196 single-wall electric household appliance, in particular a professional dishwasher with integral inner guides. Premark FEG L.L.C. 2314204 Adaptive optics apparatus that corrects aberration of examination object and image taking apparatus including adaptive optics apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2314403 Clamping device. Schunk GmbH & Co. KG Spann- und Greiftechnik 2314408 Method of welding and adhesive bonding of dissimilar metal plates with preheating, cooling and welding steps; Dissimilar metal joined body. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (Kobe Steel, Ltd.); Mazda Motor Corporation 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2314499 Power Steering Device. KAYABA INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 2314518 METHOD FOR PROVIDING A CONTAINER FOR LIQUID PRODUCTS (No. 2312) AND THE LIKE, WITH SIMPLIFIED DISPOSAL AND SUCH A CONTAINER. Poli-Box Italiana S.R.L. 2314669 Carbon matrix substrates for obtaining biofertilising bacteria. Agronutrition 2314773 Finishing device and pulled apparatus for preparing a piste with such a finishing device. Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG 2314794 Compensating element. HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 2314795 Compensating element. HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 2314815 Doors, windows or the like for buildings having means for increasing their insulation. OUEST ALU 2314838 Device for cooling an exhaust gas flow emitting from a particulate filter. DEERE & COMPANY 2314859 Device for supplying fuel to an engine and method for fitting a fuel supply. Makita Corporation 2314914 Fitting device for a recessed luminaire. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2314915 LED lighting bar. Chang, Chia-Hao 2314964 Water tank for coolers. Vestel Beyaz Esya Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. 2314980 Damping device for built-in parts in penetrators. TDW Gesellschaft für verteidigungstechnische Wirksysteme mbH 2315012 Sensor cartridge and measuring device. Arkray, Inc. 2315044 Difference magnetometer probe. Ebinger, Klaus 2315065 Microscope. OLYMPUS CORPORATION 2315120 Calibration of resource allocation during parallel processing. SAP SE 2315146 Method and apparatus for monitoring and controlling a medical device using a wireless mobile communication device. BlackBerry Limited 2315166 Checkout till, checkout area and checkout method. HMY 2315181 Method and system for reconstructing the surface of 3D objects in a multicamera system. Deutsche Telekom AG 2315225 Switch. Hoppecke Advanced Battery Technology GmbH 2315388 Secured method for cryptographic calculation and corresponding electronic component.. STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS 2315492 Method for enhancing the use of radio resource, user equipment and network infrastructure for implementing the method. ALCATEL LUCENT 2316324 Handle for a vacuum cleaner. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2316399 Tampon formed from a selectively needled nonwoven fabric web. McNeil-PPC, Inc. 3464 3465 27/07/2016 2316484 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Antibody specifically binding to C-MET and use thereof. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2316620 Hand tool. C. & E. Fein GmbH 2316668 Tow bar. SCAMBIA Industrial Developments Aktiengesellschaft 2316674 Evaporator module. MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG 2316765 Method of correcting curl of sheet and recording apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2316768 Spine formation device, bookbinding system, and spine formation method. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2316803 Photocatalytic additive for binders. Buzzi Unicem S.p.A.; Università degli Studi di Torino - Dipartimento di Chimica IFM; Università del Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologie Avanzate 2316988 Wear-resistant and oxidation-resistant turbine blade. Alstom Technology Ltd 2316998 Washing machine. Whirlpool Corporation 2317027 Tread or stone body and method for manufacturing a tread or a stone body. Kattwinkel, Frieder 2317028 Roof outlet for a flue gas pipe. Poujoulat 2317061 Upright for the frame of a building bay. NORSK HYDRO ASA 2317080 Turbine assembly for a turbocharger, having twin volutes, and associated method. Honeywell International Inc. 2317136 Wind turbine lubrication system. General Electric Company 2317138 System to facilitate maintenance on a wind turbine. General Electric Company 2317212 Lighting device for a motor vehicle. Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH 2317285 Sensor device. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 2317328 Capacitive Sensor. Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. 2317363 Microscope connecting unit and microscope system. Olympus Corporation 2317376 Optical filter for display device and display device having the same. Corning Precision Materials Co., Ltd. 2317392 Electrophotographic photosensitive member, process cartridge and electrophotographic apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2317393 Electrophotographic photosensitive member, process cartridge, and electrophotographic apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2317507 Corpus compilation for language model generation. Inago Corporation 2317534 Vehicular discharge lamp. KOITO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 2317579 Liquid-ejecting head, liquid-ejecting apparatus, piezoelectric element, and piezoelectric material. Seiko Epson Corporation 2317580 Liquid-ejecting head, liquid-ejecting apparatus, piezoelectric element, and piezoelectric material. Seiko Epson Corporation 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2317583 Light emitting module. Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2317597 Battery pack. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2317613 Device and method for handling the ends of cables. Komax Holding AG 2317644 Amplifier activation. ST-Ericsson SA 2317702 Methods and apparatus related to a distributed switch fabric. Juniper Networks, Inc. 2317716 Reception apparatus and reception method. Sony Corporation 2317724 Method and system for enabling transmission of a protected document from an electronic device to a host device. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2317735 Mobile terminal. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 2317743 A mobile communications device accessory identification system, an improved accessory for use with a mobile communications device, and a method of identifying same. BlackBerry Limited 2317757 Image processing apparatus, image processing method, program and storage medium. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2317762 Video screen with lateral opening possibility and interior connections. Transvideo 2317824 Induction cooking top. Indesit Company S.p.A. 2319300 Accessory for a load push-off trailer with a device for pneumatically unloading bulk material. Fliegl, Josef 2319952 Method and system for depositing multiple materials on a substrate. First Solar Malaysia SDN.BHD 2319999 Element facade. HUECK GmbH & Co. KG 2320009 Fence post. Maxilor 2320099 Composite tube assembly. Tyee Aircraft 2320102 Rotating structure for rotary forming die. Yourbusiness Co., Ltd. 2320128 Lighting device. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 2320132 Vehicle headlamp. Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH 2320219 Method and system for diagnostics of a particulate matter sensor. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2320244 Cooling device for cryogenic cooling of an NMR detection system with the help of a container filled with cryogenic fluid. Bruker BioSpin AG 2320354 Personalisable electronic pocket device. Oberthur Technologies 2320515 Variable distributed constant line, variable filter, and communication module. FUJITSU LIMITED 2320558 Electrical circuit for generating electrical energy. GE Energy Power Conversion Technology Limited 3466 3467 27/07/2016 2320572 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Two bit successive approximation type analogue-to-digital converter. Société Française de Détecteurs Infrarouges - SOFRADIR 2320618 Method, terminal and computer device for securing messaging services. Société Française du Radiotéléphone 2322043 Hot-air popcorn machine especially with a seasoning coater. Korin, Mikhail 2322251 Method for operating a fire extinguishing assembly. TOTAL WALTHER GmbHFeuerschutz und Sicherheit 2322332 Truck mixer with a support frame. Liebherr-Mischtechnik GmbH 2322423 Assistance system, in particular for use during ice rescue situations. Dufner, Moritz; Dufner, Helmut 2322503 Process of making 3-aminopentanenitrile. Invista Technologies S.à.r.l. 2322543 Antigenic polypeptide usable as therapeutic agent for malignant neoplasm. National University Corporation Hokkaido University 2322716 Paver. Joseph Vögele AG 2322946 Ambiguity estimation of GNSS signals for three or more carriers. Trimble Navigation Limited 2323105 Monitoring of machines. ALCATEL LUCENT 2323334 Approval of a connection through a firewall of a network access device. Vodafone Holding GmbH 2323363 Mobile terminal having an image projector module and controlling method therein. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 2323431 Radio communication system, method and program for finding a slave unit without making a connection to the master. Sony Corporation 2324908 Method, its use as well as apparatus for adding additives to feeds. MANGRA, S.A. 2325120 Device for selecting mail articles with multiple pivoting catches. NEOPOST TECHNOLOGIES 2325549 Round reflector for electromagnetic radiation. Alux Luxar GmbH & Co.KG 2325777 Tracking system. Hand Held Products, Inc. 2325808 Device for selecting mail articles with improved levers. NEOPOST TECHNOLOGIES 2325893 Low voltage bidirectional protection diode. STMicroelectronics (Tours) SAS 2326077 Imaging apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2327293 Method and substrate for cultivating a plant. Idea Packaging B.V.; Schoone Orchideeën Research & Development B.V.; Van der Knaap - Braam B.V. 2327521 Method for adjusting tools. Masterwork Machinery Co., Ltd. 2328092 MEDIA PROCESSING APPARATUS AND CONTROLLING METHOD THEREOF. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2329061 PERMANENT CATHODE. Outotec Oyj 2329602 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ADAPTING A BIT INTERLEAVER TO LDPC CODES AND MODULATIONS UNDER AWGN CHANNEL CONDITIONS USING BINARY ERASURE SURROGATE CHANNELS. Thomson Licensing 2329784 Improved RF Appartus for treating slight blemishes and/or pathologies of a human body. Novavision Group S.p.A. 2330035 Impending icing probe with thermal isolation pedestal. Rosemount Aerospace Inc. 2330225 NICKEL BASED HEAT-RESISTANT ALLOY. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2330435 Method to generate airport obstruction charts based on a data fusion between interferometric data using synthetic aperture radars positioned on spaceborne platforms and other types of data acquired by remote sensors. Ana-Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A. 2330584 Simulation system for training endoscopic operations. Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 2330674 SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL BATTERY. NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd. 2330693 Electric connector. DAI-ICHI SEIKO CO., LTD. 2330811 Imaging apparatus with light transmissive filter. Ricoh Company, Ltd. 2330883 APPARATUS FOR SHREDDING A MATERIAL. Nobili S.p.A. 2330911 NATURAL PRESERVATIVE ALTERNATIVES COMPRISING LONICERA EXTRACT AND COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAME. Woodcliff Skincare Solutions, Inc. 2330941 ERGONOMIC MASCARA APPLICATOR. Avon Products, Inc. 2331288 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A ROTOR AND A ROTOR. MTU Aero Engines AG 2331457 NANOCOMPOSITE THERMOELECTRIC CONVERSION MATERIAL, THERMOELECTRIC CONVERSION ELEMENT INCLUDING THE SAME, AND METHOD OF PRODUCING NANOCOMPOSITE THERMOELECTRIC CONVERSION MATERIAL. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2331725 EPITAXIAL REACTOR FOR SILICON DEPOSITION. Sierra Solar Power, Inc. 2331864 DIVIDER DEVICE FOR FLOW OF LUBRICANT AND LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Aktiebolaget SKF 2331969 DETECTION OF HIV-RELATED PROTEINS IN URINE. Morehouse School of Medicine 2332346 A COMMON SCENE BASED CONFERENCE SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 3468 3469 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2332435 SLIDE FASTENER. YKK Corporation 2332523 Uniform films for rapid dissolve dosage form incorporating taste-masking (No. 2312) compositions. MonoSol RX LLC 2332592 Polyester compositions containing 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol having a particular combination of inherent viscosity and moderate glass transition temperature and articles therefrom. Eastman Chemical Company 2332736 Sticky note pad. Taiwan Hopax Chemicals Mfg. Co., Ltd. 2332757 AIR CONDITIONING DEVICE FOR VEHICLE, AND METHOD AND PROGRAM FOR CONTROLLING AIR CONDITIONING DEVICE FOR VEHICLE. Suzuki Motor Corporation; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2332779 Weapon box for fixing in a motor vehicle. KAMEI automotive GmbH 2332810 Body of a motor vehicle. Audi AG 2332839 SPACESHIP HEAT MODULE. Ibérica del Espacio, S.A. 2333082 Cry1F and Cry1AC transgenic cotton lines and event-specific identification thereof. Dow AgroSciences LLC 2333415 GAS CIRCUIT BREAKER. Panasonic Corporation 2333644 Energy-efficient display apparatus with object-sensing capability. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2333702 Two-dimensional code display system and a two-dimensional code display method. DENSO WAVE Incorporated; A.T Communications Co., Ltd. 2333953 Method and device for activating and deactivating a signal for suppressing a received signal. Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG 2333961 Variable-length cyclic shift device and method applicable for multi-standard LDPC coding and decoding. Sony Corporation 2334057 Solid-state imaging device and camera system. Sony Corporation 2334097 HEADPHONES. Pioneer Corporation; Tohoku Pioneer Corporation 2334382 HYDROPHILIC SILICONE MONOMERS, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THIN FILMS CONTAINING THE SAME. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 2334437 BULK GOODS CLEANING SYSTEM. Doppstadt, Ferdinand 2334602 HYBRID MOTOR SYSTEM. BAUDINO, Etienne 2334605 CLEANING AND MATERIAL SEPARATING DEVICE FOR WASTEWATER, PARTICULARLY FROM LIVESTOCK HUSBANDRY. Entwicklungsges. Frank Mohr U. Gerhard Krüger, jun. Gbr 2334811 BIONANOSENSOR DETECTION DEVICE. University Of New Haven 2334899 SHAPE MEMORY POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR DOWNHOLE SAND CONTROL FILTRATION DEVICES. Baker Hughes Incorporated 27/07/2016 2334984 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) EMERGENCY LIGHT DEVICE FOR MARINE ENVIRONMENTS. Alcares ApS 2335000 DEVICE FOR RECOVERING HEAT ON A SYSTEM FOR THE THERMAL TREATMENT OF TEXTILE MATERIAL WEBS. Strahm Textile Systems AG 2335054 OPTICAL SENSOR. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2335115 AN AMBIENCE LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR A DISPLAY DEVICE. TP Vision Holding B.V. 2335183 HANDHELD DATA CAPTURE TERMINAL OPERABLE IN DIFFERENT DATA CAPTURE MODES DEPENDING ON TERMINAL ORIENTATION. Symbol Technologies, Inc. 2335238 DEVICE FOR SUPPORTING A STRING MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. Amland, Egil 2335385 BUS DRIVER CIRCUIT. NXP B.V. 2335442 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ESTIMATING AN ORIENTATION OF A MOBILE TERMINAL. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2335560 ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM AND ENDOSCOPIC IMAGE PROCESSING APPARATUS. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2335594 Processing device for ultrasonic tomographic image. Kume, Shinji; Hitachi Aloka Medical, Ltd. 2335802 CO2 recovery system and CO2 recovery method. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.; The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. 2335811 EXHAUST GAS PURIFYING DEVICE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2336805 Textured pattern sensing and detection, and using a charge-scavenging photodiode array for the same. Raytheon Company 2337328 METHOD, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR PROCESSING 3D AUDIO SIGNAL. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2337358 METHOD, DEVICE AND COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR IMPROVING MOTION VECTOR PREDICTION. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2337514 SEMI-CONSTRAINED SCREW AND SPINAL PLATE ASSEMBLY. K2M, Inc. 2337543 SYSTEM FOR RECONSTITUTION OF A POWDERED DRUG. Novo Nordisk Health Care AG 2337576 TREATMENT OF MOOD AND ANXIETY DISORDERS. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6); Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2337644 PLACEMENT DEVICE HAVING A MAGAZINE AND A PROVISIONING MODULE FOR JOINING ELEMENTS. Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH 3470 3471 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2337691 COMPASS. Draw.TEC GmbH & Co. KG 2337805 POLYMERIZABLE LIQUID COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR THE (No. 2312) PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC GLASS STARTING FROM POLYMERIZABLE LIQUID COMPOSITIONS OF THE POLYURETHANE TYPE. ACOMON AG 2337864 BIOMARKERS FOR PREDICTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRONIC AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES. Vereniging voor christelijk hoger onderwijs, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en patiëntenzorg 2337865 ALLELE-SPECIFIC AMPLIFICATION USING A PRIMER WITH A MODIFIED NUCLEOTIDE. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2337874 METAL POWDER CONTAINING MOLYBDENUM FOR PRODUCING HARD METALS BASED ON TUNGSTENE CARBIDE. H.C. Starck GmbH 2337884 FUSIBLE BICOMPONENT SPANDEX. Invista Technologies S.à.r.l. 2337902 STORM DRAIN (GULLY), AND METHOD FOR OPERATING THE SAME. Schladitz, Bernd 2337941 AIR FILTER FOR AIR FED TO AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. Mann + Hummel GmbH 2337969 DEVICE FOR REDUCING ROTARY OSCILLATIONS. Voith Patent GmbH 2338112 BATCH PROCESSING SYSTEM. ORACLE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 2338159 BEARING WITHIN AN X-RAY TUBE. Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH; Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2338202 FUEL CELL ASSEMBLY. Intelligent Energy Limited 2338225 ENERGY RECOVERY DEVICE IN A VARIABLE-FREQUENCY DRIVE. Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe SAS 2338226 LOW-VOLTAGE SELF-CALIBRATED CMOS PEAK DETECTOR. NXP B.V. 2338249 DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR PROTECTION SWITCHING. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2338285 SYSTEM FOR PICKING-UP A USER'S VOICE. Phonak AG 2338318 LOW-POWER GASEOUS PLASMA SOURCE. Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 2338370 Footwear including replaceable outsole members. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2338681 MULTILAYER STRUCTURE HAVING FINE PERIODIC STRUCTURE. Japan Crown Cork Co., Ltd; Toyo Seikan Kaisha, Ltd. 2338758 TRAVELING AID DEVICE. Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. 2339024 Methods for quantitative determination of methylation density in a DNA locus. Orion Genomics, LLC 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2339101 Door hinge for motor vehicles. Metalsa Automotive GmbH 2339623 method for producing a non-planar element. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2339630 Fabrication process of a non-planar microelectronic device. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2339676 FUEL CELL ELECTRODE MANUFACTURING METHOD AND USES THEREOF. SHOWA DENKO K.K. 2340002 FOAM MEDICAL DEVICES AND METHODS. Providence Health System Oregon; Providence And Biomedical Research Services, Inc. 2340103 TRANSITION METAL-CONTAINING ALUMINOSILICATE ZEOLITE. JOHNSON MATTHEY PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY 2340143 INERT GAS COVER SYSTEM FOR LASER WELDING WITH A BASE AND WALL HAVING AN OPENING. The Boeing Company 2340265 PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF SUPERABSORBENT POLYMER GEL WITH RECYCLED SUPERABSORBENT POLYMER FINES. Evonik Corporation 2340267 NOVEL COPOLYMERS WITH POLAR AND NON-POLAR OLEFIN BLOCKS. Ecole Superieure De Chimie Physique Electronique De Lyon; ARKEMA FRANCE; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2340297 COMPOSITION, METHOD OF MAKING THE SAME, AND USE THEREOF. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2340366 A DEVICE AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTING TORQUE TRANSMITTING ABILITY OF A TURBOCOMPOUND TRANSMISSION. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2340463 IMAGING PARTICULATE COMPOSITION AND IMAGING PROCESS USING DUAL WAVELENGTH LIGHT. International Paper Company 2340512 TRANSPONDER UNIT. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2340578 ORGANIC RADIATION-EMITTING COMPONENT AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ORGANIC RADIATION-EMITTING COMPONENT. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH 2340672 METHOD FOR OPERATING A WIMAX FEMTOCELL BASE STATION AND FEMTOCELL BASE STATION. NEC Corporation 2340686 HEATING SYSTEM WITH AT LEAST AN ELECTROTHERMAL HEATING LAYER, A STRUCTURAL PIECE WITH SUCH HEATING LAYER, AN HEATING PROCESS AND ALSO A MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF INTERMEDIATE PIECE OR OF A PIECE INSIDE A HEATING APPARATUS. Airbus Operations GmbH; Airbus Opérations SAS 3472 3473 27/07/2016 2340692 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) UNDULATOR FOR PRODUCING SYNCHROTRON RADIATION. Karlsruher Institut Für Technologie 2340949 Vehicle tyre. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2341066 PEPTIDE HAVING ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITY AND USE THEREOF. MG PHARMA INC. 2341121 LUBRICATING GREASE COMPOSITION AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR. NOK KLÜBER CO., LTD. 2341161 HIGH STRENGTH STAINLESS STEEL PIPING HAVING OUTSTANDING RESISTANCE TO SULPHIDE STRESS CRACKING AND RESISTANCE TO HIGH TEMPERATURE CARBON DIOXIDE CORROSION. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2341173 METHOD FOR INCREASING THICKNESS OF NON-WOVEN FABRIC AND APPARATUS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE SAME. Uni-Charm Corporation 2341333 APPARATUS FOR DETECTING FUEL DECAY IN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2341564 Method of driving a piezoelectric pump of an electric domestic appliance and electric domestic appliance employing such method. SEB S.A. 2341571 FUEL CELL, FUEL CELL SYSTEM, AND OPERATING METHOD FOR A FUEL CELL. Panasonic Corporation 2341774 TREATMENT OF NEUROBLASTOMA WITH MULTI-ARM POLYMERIC CONJUGATES OF 7-ETHYL-10-HYDROXYCAMPTOTHECIN. Belrose Pharma Inc. 2341813 AN OPTICAL PROBE HAVING A POSITION MEASURING SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2341833 CONTROLLED GANTRY IMBALANCE. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2341868 INTRAOCULAR LENS AND CAPSULAR RING. Abbott Medical Optics Inc. 2341893 CLEANSING FORMULATIONS COMPRISING NON-CELLULOSIC POLYSACCHARIDES WITH MIXED CATIONIC SUBSTITUENTS. Hercules Incorporated 2341928 MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS VACCINE. University of Zürich 2341997 SPIN-ON EXCHANGEABLE FILTERS FOR LIQUIDS. Parker Hannifin GmbH&Co. Kg; Mann + Hummel GmbH 2342004 RADIAL FLOW STEAM INJECTION HEATER. Hydro-Thermal Corporation 2342019 ELECTRICALLY ENHANCED AIR FILTRATION SYSTEM USING REAR FIBER CHARGING. Carrier Corporation 2342023 SYSTEM FOR THE SURFACE TREATMENT OF OBJECTS. Eisenmann AG 2342034 CUTTING TOOL AND CUTTING INSERT THEREFOR. Iscar Ltd. 27/07/2016 2342068 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HEAVY-DUTY PLASTIC MOLDED PARTS WITH A HOLLOW PROFILE. WILO SE; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 2342090 MULTIPLE HARDNESS NON-PNEUMATIC TIRE. Chemtura Corporation 2342116 STEERING DEVICE. Cargotec Patenter AB 2342219 IMMUNOGENIC PEPTIDES. ISIS Innovation Limited 2342264 METHODS AND KITS FOR THE DETERMINING THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF CYANOBACTERIA TOXINS. Waters Technologies Corporation 2342324 ENZYMATIC PERACID PRODUCTION USING A COSOLVENT. E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 2342496 A GAS BURNER APPARATUS WITH PRE-MIXING. Calore, Stefano; Sit La Precisa S.p.A. con socio unico 2342506 HOT WATER TANK. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2342531 FUZE FOR A PROJECTILE. JUNGHANS Microtec GmbH 2342568 CADHERIN-17 AS DIAGNOSTIC MARKER AND THERAPEUTIC TARGET FOR LIVER CANCER. The University of Hong Kong 2342571 DEVICE FOR SELF-ADJUSTING AND METHOD FOR ARRANGING AN IMPULSE TRANSMITTER IN RELATION TO A ROTOR. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2342584 METHOD FOR OPTIMISING RADAR TIME MANAGEMENT FOR SECONDARY RADARS OPERATING IN S MODE. THALES 2342609 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR AIRCRAFT SENSOR AND ACTUATOR FAILURE PROTECTION USING RECONFIGURABLE FLIGHT CONTROL LAWS. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2342626 MULTI-PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE AND METHOD. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.; ATI Technologies ULC 2342745 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A HYBRID SUBSTRATE WITH AN EMBEDDED ELECTRICALLY INSULATING CONTINUOUS LAYER. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2342746 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT WITH INTERRUPTED SEAL RING. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2342750 SILICON-BASED NANOSCALE RESISTIVE DEVICE WITH ADJUSTABLE RESISTANCE. The Regents of the University of Michigan 2342775 ROLLED ELECTRODE FOR A STORAGE BATTERY. Johnson Controls Autobatterie GmbH & Co. KGaA 2342917 EFFICIENT RESELECTIONS IN THE PRESENCE OF CLOSED SUBSCRIBER GROUP CELLS. Motorola Mobility LLC 3474 3475 27/07/2016 2342961 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AIR-CONDITIONING DEVICE FOR CONTROL CABINETS. Seifert Mtm Systems Malta Ltd. 2343219 flat cable for battery. Auto-Kabel Management GmbH 2343307 Immune regulatory oligonucleotide (IRO) compounds to modulate toll-like receptor based immune response. Idera Pharmaceuticals 2343346 ACTIVE-RAY-CURABLE INKJET INK AND INKJET RECORDING METHOD. Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. 2343372 METHOD FOR PREDICTING PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFICACY OF ANTITNF ANTIBODY PREPARATION ON RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, AND PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFICACY PREDICTION APPARATUS. Kaytee Bio Co. & Ltd. 2343390 PEARLITE RAIL HAVING SUPERIOR ABRASION RESISTANCE AND EXCELLENT TOUGHNESS. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2343711 METHOD OF REPAIRING BOTTOM SECTION OF NUCLEAR REACTOR. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2343764 OPERATING METHOD FOR NEGATIVE ION EXCHANGE MEMBRANETYPE FUEL CELL. Tokuyama Corporation 2343917 METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTING DEVICE ADDITION IN THE WI-FI DEVICE TO DEVICE NETWORK. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2344034 MONITORING OF ACUTE STROKE PATIENTS. Orsan Medical Technologies Ltd. 2344175 METHODS FOR SUPPRESSING TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR ACTIVITY. Janssen Biotech, Inc. 2344183 DOSAGE FORMS THAT FACILITATE RAPID ACTIVATION OF ZYMOGEN. Alvine Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2344365 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING AN AUTOMOBILE INTERIOR TRIM PART WITH AN AIRBAG COVER, AND THE ASSOCIATED MACHINE. Faurecia Intérieur Industrie 2344434 AZEOTROPE-LIKE COMPOSITIONS OF 1,1,2,3-TETRACHLOROPROPENE AND HYDROGEN FLUORIDE. Honeywell International Inc. 2344439 DICARBOXYLIC ACID PRODUCTION WITH MINIMAL WASTEWATER GENERATION. GRUPO PETROTEMEX, S.A. DE C.V. 2344531 MODIFIED VARIANT BOWMAN BIRK PROTEASE INHIBITORS. Danisco US Inc. 2344532 PURIFICATION PROCESS FOR FRAGMENT ANTIBODIES. FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies UK Limited 2344550 COPOLYMERS AND FILMS THEREOF. Ineos Sales (UK) Limited 27/07/2016 2344609 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) MATERIALS FOR ORGANIC ELECTROLUMINESCENCE DEVICES. Merck Patent GmbH 2344702 BOARD FIXTURE. Knauf Danogips GmbH Tyskland - filial 2344831 WEAPON WITH RECOIL AND A BRAKING DEVICE, DAMPING THIS RECOIL. Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH 2344833 MORTAR. Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH 2344919 VARIABLY CONFIGURABLE AND MODULAR LOCAL CONVERGENCE POINT. Corning Cable Systems LLC 2345029 Method, computer program and device for decoding a digital audio signal. Orange 2345031 SYSTEMS, METHODS, APPARATUS, AND COMPUTER-READABLE MEDIA FOR COHERENCE DETECTION. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2345048 A TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY. ABB Technology AG 2345068 METHOD OF DETACHING SEMI-CONDUCTOR LAYERS AT LOW TEMPERATURE. Soitec 2345080 IMAGE SENSOR HAVING MULTIPLE SENSING LAYERS. OmniVision Technologies, Inc. 2345099 A WAVEGUIDE ANTENNA FRONT END. Panasonic Avionics Corporation 2345105 SUBSTRATE LENS ANTENNA DEVICE. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast -Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 2345134 AN EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FOR DIMMABLE ELECTRONIC BALLASTS AND RELATED METHOD. OSRAM GmbH 2345472 Connection clamp for toy building blocks and construction kit. Habermaaß GmbH 2345493 Cutting tool for machining an inner circumferential surface of a hole formed on a workpiece and method of machining. Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 2345547 PNEUMATIC TIRE. The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. 2345629 FLUORENE COMPOUND AND USE THEREOF FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Japan Tobacco, Inc. 2345691 POLYLACTIC ACID-BASED FILM OR SHEET. Nitto Denko Corporation 2345717 CINERARIUM-DERIVED CHROMOSOMAL DNA INVOLVED IN SYNTHESIS OF FLAVONOID, AND USE THEREOF. Suntory Holdings Limited 2345823 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A FIXED CONSTANT VELOCITY UNIVERSAL JOINT. NTN Corporation 2346132 FAST THREE-PHASE RECLOSING METHOD IN SHUNT REACTOR COMPENSATED TRANSMISSION LINES. Universidade Estadual De Campinas - Unicamp 3476 3477 27/07/2016 2346153 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) POWER MODULE, POWER CONVERSION DEVICE, AND ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. 2346241 TV and audio processing method thereof. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2346255 IMAGE DECODING APPARATUS AND IMAGE DECODING METHOD. Panasonic Corporation 2346323 AN AGRICULTURE ACTIVES DELIVERY COMPOSITION COMPRISING BORON AND PERSULFATE ION-CROSSLINKED POLYVINYL ALCOHOL MICROCAPSULES AND METOD OF USE THEREOF. APPVION, INC. 2346344 PREPARATION OF LIQUID CONCENTRATE MILK-SUBSTITUTE. WrightAgri Industries Limited 2346402 IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT AND METHOD. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2346471 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ALTERNATELY SIFTING AND BLENDING POWDERS IN THE SAME OPERATION. Kalidindi, Sanyasi R. 2346514 MEDIUM DERIVED FROM STEM CELLS OMNICYTES AS A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION. Omnicyte Ltd. 2346626 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR LATERAL GUIDANCE OF A ROLLED STRIP TRANSPORTED ON A ROLLER BED. SMS group GmbH 2346637 CUTTING TAP AND METHOD OF MAKING A CUTTING TAP. KENNAMETAL INC. 2346647 TOOL FOR EXAMINING A BOLT AND TESTING METHOD. Inventio AG 2346675 PRESS AND METHOD FOR OPERATING SUCH A PRESS. Kiermar Technology Holding APS 2346712 POWER SUPPLY DEVICE AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM FOR FUEL CELL VEHICLE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2346723 VEHICLE SECURITY SYSTEM. Polaris Industries Inc. 2346726 SOLENOID VALVE, IN PARTICULAR FOR SLIP-REGULATED MOTORVEHICLE BRAKE SYSTEMS. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2346742 RECLOSEABLE LID FOR A CONTAINER, IN PARTICULAR FOR A PAPER CUP. SEDA S.p.A. 2346810 METHODS FOR MAKING ETHANOLAMINE(S) AND ETHYLENEAMINE(S) FROM ETHYLENE OXIDE AND AMMONIA, AND RELATED METHODS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2346920 METAL COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND USE OF A PUR OR PIR FOAM OBTAINABLE FROM POLYESTERPOLYOLS WHICH ARE OBTAINABLE BY A METHOD FOR PRODUCING POLYESTER POLYOLS HAVING LOW VOLUME OF DIOXANE WASTE FOR MANUFACTURING METAL COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 27/07/2016 2346922 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR CONTROLLED DEGRADATION OF POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES AND PRODUCTS OBTAINABLE THEREFROM. Institute of Polymers and Carbon Materials; Alma Mater Studiorum -Universita' di Bologna 2346934 SEPARATING DEVULCANIZED RUBBER. Rubreco Inc. 2347005 ENDOGENOUS AUTO-FLUORESCENT BIOLOGICAL MARKERS FOR ASSESSING A BIOLOGICAL PARAMETER OF A CELL. Socpra Sciences Et Génie S.e.c. 2347016 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE RESISTANCE STATUS OF FUNGI AND YEASTS, IN PARTICULAR OF ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS. Stichting Ter Bevordering Van De Farmacodynamiek 2347048 LIGHTING ARRANGEMENT COMPRISING A CARPET WITH BACK LIGHTING FOR PROVIDING DYNAMIC LIGHT EFFECTS WITH THE CARPET. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2347072 BOLT MECHANISM. Rollock OY 2347224 MULTIVARIABLE FLUID FLOW MEASUREMENT DEVICE WITH FAST RESPONSE FLOW CALCULATION. Rosemount, Inc. 2347227 WEIGHING CELL AND METHOD FOR SEALING A WEIGHING CELL. Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG 2347241 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MEASURING THE VISCOSITY OF A FLUID. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2347242 TWO-COMPARTMENT DISSOLUTION APPARATUS AND PROCESS. LEK Pharmaceuticals d.d. 2347293 IMAGE CAPTURING APPARATUS. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2347330 ATM BANKING ELECTRONIC TERMINAL WITH IMPROVED DISPLAY. Compagnie Industrielle et Financière d'Ingénierie "Ingenico" 2347407 PULSE WAVE GENERATOR. Weth, Gosbert 2347425 ELECTROMAGNET. Robert Bosch GmbH 2347450 PRODUCTION OF SOLAR CELL MODULES. Evonik Röhm GmbH 2347458 POLARIZATION ALIGNED AND POLARIZATION GRADED THERMOELECTRIC MATERIALS AND METHOD OF FORMING THEREOF. Carrier Corporation 2347502 METHOD FOR OPERATING SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS UND RELATED APPARATUS. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2347544 LANE SYNCHRONISATION. Endace Technology Limited 2347716 ULTRASONIC IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD AND DEVICE, AND ULTRASONIC IMAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM. Hitachi Medical Corporation 3478 3479 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2347783 Discharge device for discharging breathing gas. ResMed R&D Germany GmbH 2347918 TIRE. Bridgestone Corporation 2347956 AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) OF AN AIRCRAFT. Airbus Operations S.L. 2347996 METHOD FOR PRODUCING CARBONITRIDE MIXTURE PARTICLE OR OXYCARBONITRIDE MIXTURE PARTICLE, AND USE THEREOF. Showa Denko K.K. 2348017 AROMATIC AMINE DERIVATIVE AND ORGANIC ELECTROLUMINESCENT DEVICE USING THE SAME. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2348067 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AIR-PERMEABLE COMPOSITE SHEET. W. L. Gore & Associates, Co., Ltd. 2348550 Package structure and LED package structure. Lite-On Technology Corporation; Lite-on Electronics(Guangzhou) Limited 2348564 GAS DIFFUSION LAYER FOR FUEL CELL, MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR, MEMBRANE ELECTRODE ASSEMBLY, AND FUEL CELL. Panasonic Corporation 2348659 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION BASE STATION DEVICE AND ASSOCIATED METHOD. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 2348663 BASE STATION APPARATUS, MOBILE TERMINAL APPARATUS, MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, AND INFORMATION RETRANSMITTING METHOD. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2348768 BASE STATION APPARATUS, MOBILE TERMINAL APPARATUS, MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, AND INFORMATION RETRANSMITTING METHOD. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2348773 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, SECONDARY BASE STATION, WIRELESS COMMUNICATION METHOD, COMMUNICATION PROGRAM, COMMUNICATION CIRCUIT, AND WIRELESS RELAY DEVICE. NEC Corporation 2348853 HIGH SOLID DISPERSIONS COMPRISING BIOCIDES. Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. 2348865 BETA-HYDROXY-GAMMA-AMINOPHOSPHONATES AND METHODS FOR THE PREPARATION AND USE THEREOF. Nucitec S.A. de C.V. 2348872 OIL-FREE SHELF STABLE LIQUID CREAMERS. Nestec S.A. 2348885 BISCUIT COMPRISING GUAR GUM. Generale Biscuit 2348914 THREE-DIMENSIONAL BURR FASTENER. 3D Studium Form Przemyslowych I Reklamowych Jaroslaw Wardas 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2348929 ELECTRIC INFUSION BEVERAGE MAKERS. STRIX LIMITED 2349007 METHOD FOR CHARACTERIZING OBJECT MOVEMENT FROM CT (No. 2312) IMAGING DATA. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2349025 A SYSTEM, AN APPARATUS, AND A METHOD FOR TREATING A SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONAL FEMALE PATIENT. Kirk Promotion LTD. 2349047 SATELLITE-PLATFORMED ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY TREATMENT DEVICE. Biolase, Inc. 2349099 INFUSION OF DRUGS. Kirk Promotion LTD. 2349142 LUBRICATED CONDOM. Hui, Lap Shun 2349146 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ADMINISTERING A LIQUID DROP BY DROP. Sparkle Innovations B.V. 2349151 SPLIT LASER EYE PROTECTION SYSTEM. Gentex Corporation 2349157 DISPOSABLE ABSORBENT ARTICLE COMPRISING A PRINTED TAG. SCA Hygiene Products AB 2349167 SYSTEMS FOR THE NON-INVASIVE TREATMENT OF TISSUE USING MICROWAVE ENERGY. Miramar Labs, Inc. 2349168 UNIVERSAL HAPTIC DRIVE SYSTEM. FUNDACION FATRONIK 2349177 HYGIENIC PACIFIER. IDEA'INOV SAS 2349188 AQUEOUS SALINE SOLUTIONS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF FATTY TISSUE. Lipolyane 2349210 PROCESSES AND COMPOSITIONS FOR LIPOSOMAL AND EFFICIENT DELIVERY OF GENE SILENCING THERAPEUTICS. Marina Biotech, Inc. 2349270 2,5-DISUBSTITUTED MORPHOLINE OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2349362 SYNTHETIC SYMBIOTIC SYSTEM AS SOIL ADDITIVES TO DELIVER ACTIVE INGREDIENTS THROUGH PLANT ROOTS FOR ENHANCED PLANT AND CROP YIELD. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2349390 SYSTEMS FOR PERFORMING HEMODIALYSIS. Baxter International Inc.; Baxter Healthcare SA 2349562 OLIGOMERIZATION CATALYST SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR OLIGOMERIZING OLEFINS. Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP 2349563 SYSTEM AND METHOD OF DEACTIVATING AND QUENCHING AN OLIGOMERIZATION CATALYST. Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP 2349631 SYSTEM FOR THERMALLY PROCESSING WORKPIECES. Kjellberg Finsterwalde Plasma und Maschinen GmbH 2349685 COMPOSITE TRUSS PANEL HAVING FLUTED CORE AND STIFFENER MADE OF FOAM AND METHOD FOR MAKING THE SAME. The Boeing Company 3480 3481 27/07/2016 2349749 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR IDENTIFYING THE POSITION OF A WHEEL OF A VEHICLE. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A.; TRW Automotive U.S. LLC 2349757 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR COOLING AND WARMING. Scania CV AB (publ) 2349788 VEHICLE BUMPER SYSTEM WITH ENERGY ABSORBER. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 2349818 Modular vehicle. Darco Trust 2349863 VALVE AND DISPENSER COMPRISING SAME. The Procter & Gamble Company 2349945 TREATMENT OF TAILINGS STREAMS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2349948 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF COMPONENTS MADE OF CERAMIC-MATRIX COMPOSITE MATERIAL. Universita'del Salento 2349952 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A ALVEOLAR CARBON MONOLITH COMPRISING A HYERARCHICAL POROUS NETWORK. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) 2349964 DIBENZOCYCLOHEPTANONE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL AGENTS CONTAINING SAID COMPOUNDS. c-a-i-r biosciences GmbH 2349997 ATROPISOMERS OF (HYDROXYALKYL) PYRROLE DERIVATIVES. Exelixis, Inc.; Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited 2350042 NOVEL THIOPHENE COMPOUNDS FOR USE IN THERAPHY. CPL BCX PHARMA AB 2350084 TETRA-AZA-HETEROCYCLES AS PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL-3KINASES (PI3-KINASES) INHIBITOR. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH 2350091 SPIRO-OXINDOLE COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc. 2350127 ISOLATION AND PURIFICATION OF ANTIBODIES USING PROTEIN A AFFINITY CHROMATOGRAPHY. AbbVie Inc. 2350196 ELECTRON BEAM CURED SILICONE RELEASE MATERIALS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2350238 METHOD OF CONTROLLING GAS HYDRATES IN FLUID SYSTEMS. Nalco Company 2350245 METHODS FOR MAKING A NIL-PHOSPHATE LIQUID AUTOMATIC DISHWASHING COMPOSITION. The Procter & Gamble Company 27/07/2016 2350314 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) INDIVIDUALLY SYNTHESIZED G-DEFICIENT PRIMERS TO BE USED IN WHOLE GENOME AMPLIFICATION. QIAGEN Gaithersburg, Inc. 2350315 METHOD FOR DETECTING ATHEROMATOUS DISEASE. COHIRO 2350385 FORMING SECTION. Valmet Technologies, Inc. 2350424 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SUBSEA INSTALLATIONS. Subsea Deployment Systems Ltd 2350469 JOINT BETWEEN AIRCRAFT COMPONENTS. Airbus Operations Limited 2350505 VALVE FOR CONTROLLING VOLUME FLOWS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2350514 PIPE JOINT. Acorn Capital Holdings Limited 2350526 DISTRIBUTED ILLUMINATION SYSTEM. QUALCOMM MEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC 2350573 SENSOR DEVICE FOR DETECTING THE ROTATIONAL POSITION OF A ROTATING SHAFT. Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH 2350588 A CALIBRATION APPARATUS. Ametek Denmark A/s 2350613 AN APPARATUS AND A METHOD FOR INVESTIGATION OF MICROTITER PLATES SUBJECTED TO ORBITAL SHAKING. Enzyscreen B.V. 2350656 Methods and kits to identify invasive glioblastoma. The Translational Genomics Research Institute; Kislin, Kerri; Berens, Michael 2350661 NEUROLOGICAL AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS. Isis Innovation Limited 2350667 METHOD FOR IDENTIFICATION OF MICROORGANISMS USING MASS SPECTROMETRY. Biomerieux, Inc 2350682 METHOD FOR CORRECTING PREDICTION ERRORS OF SIGNAL VALUES WITH TIME VARIATION SUBJECTED TO INTERFERENCE BY VARIOUS UNCONTROLLABLE SYSTEMATIC EFFECTS. THALES 2350701 LOCATING DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2350737 SEMISPECULAR HOLLOW BACKLIGHT WITH GRADIENT EXTRACTION. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2350842 REDUNDANT ARRAY OF INDEPENDENT DISKS (RAID) WRITE CACHE SUB-ASSEMBLY. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2351027 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR HIGH DENSITY DATA STORAGE. International Business Machines Corporation 2351035 SWITCHED INTERFACE STACKED-DIE MEMORY ARCHITECTURE. Micron Technology, Inc. 2351044 DATA TRANSFER AND PROGRAMMING IN A MEMORY DEVICE. Micron Technology, Inc. 2351198 SEALED HYSTERESIS CLUTCH OR HYSTERESIS BRAKE. Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG 3482 3483 27/07/2016 2351204 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING A DOUBLY FED INDUCTION MACHINE. Woodward Kempen GmbH 2351216 A CIRCUIT COMPRISING AT LEAST A FIRST TRANSISTOR GROUP AND A SECOND TRANSISTOR GROUP. Saab AB 2351223 METHODS, ALGORITHMS, CIRCUITS, AND SYSTEMS FOR DETERMINING A REFERENCE CLOCK FREQUENCY AND/OR LOCKING A LOOP OSCILLATOR. Marvell World Trade Ltd. 2351272 DEVICES, METHODS, AND MEDIA FOR DETERMINING AND ASSIGNING OPTIMAL MEDIA CHARACTERISTICS IN COMMUNICATIONS SESSIONS. Avaya Inc. 2351275 Method and apparatus for interference reporting in a N-MIMO communication system. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2351288 An encryption method. University Of Ulster 2351297 A METHOD TO IMPROVE CHANNEL UTILIZATION IN A TIME DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS BASED PROTOCOL. Thomson Licensing 2351301 METHOD FOR OPERATING A MULTIPORT MAC BRIDGE HAVING PORTS WHICH CAN BE SWITCHED OFF ACCORDING TO AN ISOCHRONOUS DATA STREAM AT ONE PORT OR PORT PAIR IN ETHERNET LANS. Thomson Licensing 2351351 A METHOD AND A SYSTEM FOR DETECTING THE PRESENCE OF AN IMPEDIMENT ON A LENS OF AN IMAGE CAPTURE DEVICE TO LIGHT PASSING THROUGH THE LENS OF AN IMAGE CAPTURE DEVICE. Connaught Electronics Limited; Application Solutions Limited; Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2351410 APPARATUSES, METHODS AND PROGRAM PROVIDING A CONFIDENCE ESTIMATION OF COVERAGE HOLE DETECTION. Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 2351445 CARRIER AGGREGATION. InterDigital Patent Holdings, Inc. 2351525 Battery-type x-ray imaging apparatus. Poskom Co., Ltd. 2351559 NOVEL USE OF PANDURATIN DERIVATIVE OR BOESENBERGIA PANDURATA EXTRACT. Hwang, Jae-Kwan; NEWTREE CO., LTD. 2351566 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION IMPROVED IN ABSORPTION THROUGH INTESTINAL TRACT. Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd 2351621 CARBON STEEL WIRE WITH HIGH STRENGTH AND EXCELLENT DUCTILITY AND FATIGUE RESISTANCE, PROCESS FOR PRODUCING SAME, AND METHOD OF EVALUATION. Bridgestone Corporation 2351636 METHOD FOR PRODUCING VINYL ALCOHOL RESIN. The Nippon Synthetic Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2351648 PRINTING SYSTEM. Inktec Co., Ltd. 2351649 BED FOR PRINTER AND INKJET PRINTER USING THE SAME. Inktec Co., Ltd. 2351652 CLIP MOUNTING STRUCTURE FOR WRITING IMPLEMENT. Kotobuki & Co., Ltd. 2351692 FREELY OPENED/CLOSED CONTAINER. Unicharm Corporation 2351696 OPENABLE AND CLOSABLE CONTAINER. Unicharm Corporation 2351712 PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETIC QUARTZ GLASS. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2351724 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING p-DICHLOROBENZENE. Tosoh Corporation 2351726 HIGH-PURITY 1,6-HEXANEDIOL AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF. Ube Industries, Ltd. 2351728 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING AN AROMATIC ALDEHYDE COMPOUND. Ube Industries, Ltd. 2351744 ACETIC ACID AMIDE DERIVATIVE HAVING INHIBITORY ACTIVITY ON VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL LIPASE. Shionogi & Co., Ltd. 2351753 PHENANTHROINDOLIZIDINE DERIVATIVE AND NF kB INHIBITOR CONTAINING SAME AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT. Kabushiki Kaisha Yakult Honsha 2351754 PHENANTHROINDOLIZIDINE COMPOUND AND NF kB INHIBITOR CONTAINING SAME AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT. Kabushiki Kaisha Yakult Honsha 2351777 ANTI-MUC1 ANTIBODY. Shionogi & Co., Ltd.; National University Corporation Hokkaido University 2351806 PUNCTURE-SEALING AGENT MANUFACTURING METHOD. Bridgestone Corporation 2351862 COPPER ALLOY SHEET, ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC PARTS, AND COPPER ALLOY SHEET MANUFACTURING METHOD. Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. 2351866 Improved wear resistant alloy. Global Tough Alloys Pty Ltd 2351939 CAGE-EQUIPPED ROLLERS. NTN Corporation 2351984 Synchronous radiation-hardened fiber optic gyroscope. Honeywell International Inc. 2352038 METHOD FOR DETECTING SINGLE PHASE GROUNDING FAULT BASED ON HARMONIC COMPONENT OF RESIDUAL CURRENT. Tsinghua University; ALSTOM Technology Ltd; SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC ENERGY UK Ltd 2352159 Sensing mechanism. Nidec Sankyo Corporation 3484 3485 27/07/2016 2352191 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING POSITIVE ELECTRODE ACTIVE MATERIAL PARTICLES FOR BATTERY. Kao Corporation 2352255 Method, recording terminal, servers and system for restoring media file recording error. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2352261 PATH COMPUTATION METHOD, NODE DEVICE AND PATH COMPUTATION ELEMENT. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2352375 HERBICIDAL COMPOSITIONS. Syngenta Participations AG 2352380 A PROCESS FOR LARGE-SCALE AUTOMATED PRODUCTION OF FROZEN THIN KEBAB SLICES. Kebco Kebab Company Ab 2352391 FLAVOURED EMULSION. Firmenich S.A. 2352410 DISHWASHER AND RELATED METHOD FOR HEATING THE LIQUID THEREOF. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2352520 VACCINATION WITH POXVIRUS VECTORS VIA MECHANICAL EPIDERMAL DISRUPTION. TremRx, Inc. 2352535 ALARM IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM FOR INFUSION SET WHEN INSTALLED IN PUMP ASSEMBLY. Curlin Medical Inc. 2352643 WEB-FED ROTARY PRESS THROUGH WHICH THE WEB RUNS VERTICALLY, IS DRIED AND SPREAD. Koenig & Bauer Aktiengesellschaft 2352824 METHOD AND COMPOSITIONS FOR PRODUCING FATTY ALDEHYDES. REG Life Sciences, LLC 2352839 REACTION MEDIUM FOR DETECTING AND/OR IDENTIFYING BACTERIA OF THE LEGIONELLA GENUS. Biomérieux 2352943 FLEXIBLE PIPE HAVING PRESSURE ARMOUR LAYER AND COMPONENTS THEREOF. GE Oil & Gas UK Limited 2352954 HOT WATER TANK. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2353271 Secure tunnel establishment upon attachment or handover to an access network. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 2353318 TECHNIQUES FOR RADIO LINK PROBLEM AND RECOVERY DETECTION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Apple Inc. 2354742 HEAT EXCHANGING APPARATUS FOR GRANULAR AND POWDERY MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR. Nara Machinery Co., Ltd. 2355376 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MONITORING SUBMARINE CABLE SYSTEMS. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2355730 CLAVICLE PLATE AND SCREWS. MBD Medical Llc 2355738 DEVICES FOR APPLYING ENERGY TO BODILY TISSUES. Microcube, LLC 27/07/2016 2356113 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) HETEROCYCLICALLY SUBSTITUTED ARYL COMPOUNDS AS HIF INHIBITORS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2356190 NEAR-INFRARED ABSORPTIVE INK AND NEAR-INFRARED ABSORPTIVE COATED MATERIAL. FUJIFILM Corporation 2356271 HEDDLE. NV Michel van de Wiele 2356279 TRIPLE PAPERMAKING FABRIC, USE OF THE FABRIC AND PAPERMAKING METHOD. FELTRI MARONE S.p.A. 2356347 ROLLING BEARING CAGE FOR A FURNITURE PULL-OUT GUIDE. Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG 2356411 WEIGHING CELL AND METHOD FOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL OF A WEIGHING CELL. Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG 2356520 TECHNIQUE FOR MARKING PRODUCT HOUSINGS. Apple Inc. 2356579 LONG TERM ACTIVE LEARNING FROM LARGE CONTINUALLY CHANGING DATA SETS. The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate 2356754 MMSE DEMODULATION IN A MULTI-USER MIMO SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2357075 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A COMPLEX-GEOMETRY PANEL WITH PRE-IMPREGNATED COMPOSITE MATERIAL. Airbus Operations S.L. 2357164 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING -SUBSTITUTED ESTER. Central Glass Company, Limited 2357326 HOLLOW POPPET VALVE AND ITS PRODUCTION PROCESS. Nittan Valve Co., Ltd. 2357330 Cooling circuit with acoustic baffler for a tubular body forming a cavity. TI Automotive Engineering Centre (Heidelberg) GmbH 2357485 TRANSMIT-RECEIVE SWITCHING CIRCUIT FOR USE IN AN NMR SPECTROMETER. Kyoto University; Jeol Resonance Inc. 2357615 Video processing. Thales Holdings UK Plc 2357866 Methods and arrangements in a wireless communication system. IDTP Holdings, Inc. 2358371 P2X3, RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR TREATMENT OF PAIN. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2358373 INJECTABLE POLYDEOXYRIBONUCLEOTIDE COMPOSITION FOR THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTICULAR DISEASES. Mastelli S.r.l. 2358410 IMPLANT FOR VISCERAL SURGERY. Sofradim Production 2358507 REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE FOR A SAFETY RAZOR. Eveready Battery Company, Inc. 3486 3487 27/07/2016 2358655 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR PRODUCING PHENOL AND ACETONE. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 2359142 Importin 9 as biomarker for schizophrenia. Cambridge Enterprise Limited 2359151 GRID MONITORING SYSTEM AND RELATED METHOD. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2359188 MULTIFUNCTIONAL IMAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE. Sopro 2359279 A MODEL FOR GLUTAMATE RACEMASE INHIBITORS AND GLUTAMATE RACEMASE ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS. Ohio Northern University 2359439 CONNECTING SYSTEM FOR IMPLEMENTING BRANCHES ON CONTINUOUS CONDUCTORS. Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2359513 WAVELENGTH DIVISION MULTIPLEXING TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2359514 TECHNIQUES FOR DATA TRANSMISSION USING HIGH-ORDER MODULATION. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2359563 USER AND TRAFFIC DATA RETENTION IN LAWFUL INTERCEPTION. Optis Cellular Technology, LLC 2359641 ADDRESSING SCHEME FOR A RELAY NETWORK SYSTEM. Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 2359717 CHAIR BACKREST. Okamura Corporation 2360075 BRAKING DEVICE FOR A VEHICLE HAVING TWO WHEELS. Bosch Corporation 2360092 FITTING FOR TRIMMING THE HORIZONTAL STABILISER OF AN AIRCRAFT. Airbus Operations S.L. 2360117 LITHIUM IRON PHOSPHATE HAVING AN OLIVINE STRUCTURE, AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF. LG Chem, Ltd. 2360118 Lithium iron phosphate having an olivine structure and method for preparing the same. LG Chem, Ltd. 2360169 PSMA antibodies. Psma Development Company, L.L.C. 2360478 Molecular targets and compounds and methods to identify the same, useful in the treatment of joint degenerative and inflammatory diseases. Galapagos N.V. 2361031 VACUUM CLEANER. Aktiebolaget Electrolux 2361047 LONG BONE SHORTENING DEVICE. I.T.S. GmbH 2361066 OCCLUSIVE PLUG. O.I. Medical Limited 2361068 APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING A LASER SHOT FILE. Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH 2361308 MEGANUCLEASE RECOMBINATION SYSTEM. Cellectis 27/07/2016 2361314 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ASSAY FOR CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS BY AMPLIFICATION AND DETECTION OF CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS PMPA GENE. Becton Dickinson and Company 2361398 COLOR FILTER ELEMENT WITH IMPROVED COLORANT DISPERSION. Global OLED Technology LLC 2362906 RAB6KIFL/KIF20A EPITOPE PEPTIDE AND VACCINES CONTAINING THE SAME. Oncotherapy Science, Inc. 2362981 DIRECT POWER AND STATOR FLUX VECTOR CONTROL OF A GENERATOR FOR WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2363148 METHOD FOR SELECTIVELY CONTROLLING FUNCTION OF HELPER T CELL. Japan Science and Technology Agency 2363412 Antagonists against interaction of PF4 and RANTES. RWTH Aachen 2363468 TUMOR ANTIGEN PEPTIDE AND USE THEREOF. Sapporo Medical University; Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd. 2363472 METHOD FOR ENHANCING EXPRESSION OF RECOMBINANT PROTEIN. Dnavec Corporation 2364078 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MANUFACTURING SUPPORTS FOR SOILLESS CULTIVATION. Guillemain, Jean-Sylvain; Bugeon (épouse) Guillemain, Françoise 2364121 STERILE SURGICAL TRAY. Doheny Eye Institute 2364208 SUPPORTED PALLADIUM-GOLD CATALYSTS AND PREPARATION OF VINYL ACETATE THEREWITH. Lyondell Chemical Technology, L.P. 2364457 MULTIFOCAL INTRAOCULAR LENS. AMO Groningen B.V. 2364459 ASSEMBLY AND METHOD FOR ADAPTING THE POLARITY OF A POWER SOURCE TO AN ELECTROCHROMIC DEVICE. Sage Electrochromics, Inc. 2364462 IMPRINT LITHOGRAPHY APPARATUS AND METHOD. ASML Netherlands B.V.; Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2364700 Compositions and methods to treat skin diseases characterized by cellular proliferation and angiogenesis. Paloma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2364963 METHOD FOR PRODUCING OLEFIN. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2365112 Converter. Schmidt & Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG 2365333 Granzyme A diagnostics. The University of British Columbia 2365509 Electrostatic relay. Omron Corporation 2365841 TIMING COORDINATION OF IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL SENSOR MODULES. Medtronic, Inc. 3488 3489 27/07/2016 2366144 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SEQUENTIAL PROCESSOR COMPRISING AN ALU ARRAY. Hyperion Core, Inc. 2366487 LASER PROCESSING METHOD AND LASER PROCESSING DEVICE. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 2366691 THE NITROPYRIDINYL ETHYLENEIMINE COMPOUND, THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING IT, THE PREPARATION METHOD AND USE THEREOF. Beijing Yiling Bioengineering Co., Ltd. 2366784 CONSTRUCTION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF EXPRESSION SYSTEM FOR RNA POLYMERASE PB1-PB2 PROTEIN DERIVED FROM INFLUENZA VIRUS. PUBLIC UNIVERSITY CORPORATION YOKOHAMA CITY UNIVERSITY; University of Tsukuba 2366808 COMMERCIALLY PURE NANOSTRUCTURAL TITANIUM FOR BIOMEDICINE AND A METHOD FOR MAKING A BAR THEREOF. Carpenter Technology Corporation 2367350 Apparatus for processing image. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2367485 APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING AN OPEN WEDGE, HIGH TIBIAL OSTEOTOMY. Arthrex, Inc. 2368085 APPARATUS FOR INDUCING FLOW IN A MOLTEN MATERIAL. FIVES SOLIOS LIMITED 2368562 Compositions and methods for inducing melanogenesis in a subject. Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Limited 2368892 NOVEL COMPOUND, PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE COMPOUND, ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL, AND ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. Hiroshima University 2370027 A SURGICAL INSTRUMENT FOR INSERTING AN IMPLANT BETWEEN TWO BONES. Aesculap AG 2370148 IMPEDANCE GUIDED TUNNELING TOOL. Medtronic, Inc 2370149 ELECTRODE DESIGN FOR LEADS OF IMPLANTABLE ELECTRIC STIMULATION SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF MAKING. Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corporation 2370156 IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE CROSSTALK EVALUATION AND MITIGATION. Medtronic, Inc. 2370247 PI-SHAPED PREFORM WITH NON-LINEAR LEGS AND METHOD TO MANUFACTURE IT. Albany Engineered Composites, Inc. 2370675 ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTUATING UNIT FOR A HYDRAULIC DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE AND METHOD FOR THE ASSEMBLY THEREOF. Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2371294 Surgical articles for treating pelvic conditions. AMS Research Corporation 2371926 Light emitting device including quantum dot-block copolymer hybrid and (No. 2312) fabrication method thereof. Samsung Display Co., Ltd.; SNU R&DB Foundation 2372001 Guide element for a gripper transport element of a loom. Picanol 2373106 RESOURCE MAPPING METHODS FOR CONTROL CHANNELS. ZTE Corporation 2373204 VACUUM CLEANER. Aktiebolaget Electrolux 2373446 METHOD FOR OPERATING A HAMMER. Schuler Pressen GmbH 2374143 REDUCTION OF MULTIPACTING BY MEANS OF SPATIALLY VARYING MAGNETIZATION. CERN - European Organization For Nuclear Research 2374875 Mutant hydrolase proteins with enhanced kinetics and funcitional expression. Promega Corporation 2375670 SETTING UP METOHD, PUSHING SYSTEM AND CORRESPONDING DEIVCE FOR PUSHING SESSIONS. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2375821 METHOD FOR SENDING SCAN RESPONSE IN MULTI-CARRIER BASED SYSTEM AND BASE STATION. ZTE Corporation 2375970 A BLOOD PRESSURE MEASUREMENT DEVICE AND A FRONT END. Bmeye B.V. 2376187 IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE CROSSTALK EVALUATION AND MITIGATION. Medtronic, Inc. 2376801 AIR SPRING. ContiTech Luftfedersysteme GmbH 2376937 FMCW RADAR SENSOR FOR MOTOR VEHICLES. Robert Bosch GmbH 2377228 SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR REDUCING STANDBY POWER AND MONITORING ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMED BY HOME APPLIANCES AND HOME NETWORK DEVICES. Korea Electronics Technology Institute 2377238 STATIC SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS. Ramot at Tel Aviv University, Ltd. 2377309 ELECTRONIC X-RAY CAMERA WITH SPECTRAL RESOLUTION. IFG Institute For Scientific Instruments GmbH; PNSensor GmbH 2377945 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF POLYLACTATE USING RECOMBINANT MICROORGANISM. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2378100 System and method of using a compressed air storage system with a gas turbine. General Electric Company 2378169 SEAL STRUCTURE FOR OIL DROP HOLE IN CYLINDER HEAD GASKET. Nippon Gasket Co., Ltd. 2379270 WELDING CONTROL. Esab AB 3490 3491 27/07/2016 2379314 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) TOOTHED BELT FOR DRIVING A CAMSHAFT IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE ENGINES. ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH 2379854 ICE-PRESSURE CHANNEL-ELEMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2379855 METERING MODULE FOR A LIQUID REDUCING AGENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2379945 ANNULAR COMBUSTION CHAMBER FOR A GAS TURBINE ENGINE WITH A SINGLE ANNULAR ROW OF INTAKE OPENINGS FOR PRIMARY AND DILUTION AIR. Snecma 2379983 OPTICAL RECEIVER LENS AND OPTICAL DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2380009 ASSEMBLY FOR DETERMINING THE TEMPERATURE OF A TEST SENSOR. Bayer HealthCare LLC 2380582 LOW-CONCENTRATION NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION. Nutri Co., Ltd. 2380651 PLEATED AIR FILTER PACK AND AIR FILTER USING SAME. Nippon Muki Co., Ltd. 2381076 ENGINE EXHAUST PURIFICATION DEVICE. UD Trucks Corporation 2384043 Sequence allocation method in mobile communication system. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 2384606 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING A PLURALITY OF ELECTRICAL CONSUMERS. Exscitron GmbH 2384756 High-purity large-scale preparation of stannsoporfin. InfaCare Pharmaceutical Corporation 2384775 Method for producing an artificial bone and artifical bone produced by the method. Matsuura Machinery Corporation; The University of Tokyo 2385634 System for emergency rate adjustment. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2386469 Easy riding bicycle. Electra Bicycle Company, LLC 2387487 ROBOT SYSTEM FOR LAYING A RAIL TRACK. IPR-Intelligente Peripherien für Roboter GmbH 2387837 MAXIMIZING BANDWIDTH UTILIZATION IN NETWORKS WITH HIGH LATENCIES AND PACKET DROPS USING TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL. Mainline Net Holdings Limited 2388085 AGITATION DEVICE AND MELTING METHOD. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2388248 METHODS FOR THE PREPARATION OF IVABRADINE SULFATE AND FORM I CRYSTAL THEREOF. Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. 2388869 Lamp for a theatrical luminaire. Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. 2389956 Contact lens cases for delivery of ophthalmic agents. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated 27/07/2016 2390321 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Use and production of storage-stable neutral metalloprotease. The Procter & Gamble Company; Danisco US Inc. 2390933 Semiconductor light emitting device. KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA 2391587 PROCESS OF OPERATING AN ALTERNATING REGENERATIVE FURNACE. L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2392567 BENZOTHIAZINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS LXR MODULATORS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2394025 DIFFUSER/RECTIFIER ASSEMBLY FOR A TURBINE ENGINE. Snecma 2395111 Methods for prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. Trustees of Boston University 2397095 Elbow fracture fixation system. DePuy Products, Inc. 2397469 Diarylhydantoin compounds. The Regents of the University of California 2397890 MULTI-DOMAIN VERTICAL ALIGNMENT LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICE AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2398332 SINGLE-LAYER OR MULTILAYER TUBULAR FOOD PACKAGING FILM THAT CAN BE SMOKED AND AIR-DRIED, AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. KUHNE ANLAGENBAU GmbH 2398333 SINGLE-LAYER OR MULTILAYER TUBULAR FOOD PACKAGING FILM THAT CAN BE SMOKED, AIR-DRIED, AND PEELED, ESPECIALLY PEELED IN A FULLY AUTOMATIC MANNER, AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Kuhne Anlagenbau GmbH 2399870 Ultraviolet sterilization filter. Woongjin Coway Co., Ltd. 2400053 Drying machine and washing and drying machine. Panasonic Corporation 2400341 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICE. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2400508 Conductive polymer solution, conductive coating film and input device. ShinEtsu Polymer Co., Ltd. 2403431 STIMULATION OF PENIS ERECTION. Kirk Promotion LTD. 2406680 PERISCOPE. GuS Präzision in Kunstoff Glas und Optik GmbH & Co. KG 2407245 KIT FOR CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATION, AND CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATION METHOD USING SAME. Glotech Co., Ltd; Ihm, Khi-Pyo 2407656 POWER SUPPLY CONTROL DEVICE FOR VEHICLE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2407757 MAINTENANCE EXPERT SYSTEM FOR A CORIOLIS FLOWMETER. Oval Corporation 2407913 Method and system for controlling production of items. SICPA HOLDING SA 2410817 LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE DRIVING CIRCUIT. Advanced Connectek Inc. 3492 3493 27/07/2016 2412251 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method for producing an alcohol-free refreshing drink. Stiegl Immobilien Vermietung GmbH 2415112 MOBILE ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH AIR INLET. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2417906 Method of configuring a pressure sensing catheter, and catheter sheath. Given Imaging (Los Angeles) LLC 2418647 Sense amplifier with adjustale back bias. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2420334 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING COOKING VESSEL ON WHICH PICTURE IN MORE THAN ONE COLOUR CAN BE PRINTED, AND JIG FOR A PRINTING DEVICE USED IN THE SAME. Son, Jae Bong; Lim, Ha Bai 2420343 High-quality hole cutting using variable shield gas compositions. Hypertherm, Inc. 2421183 Audience metering in a portable media player using frame tags inserted at intervals for counting the number of presentings of content.Index with offset to closest I-pictures entry for random access in a bitstream.. Nielsen Media Research, Inc. 2423373 Laundry washing machine dispenser for detergent products or similar. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2423694 Process for auto-testing a fully discharged battery, such as double-layer capacitor battery, and circuit for doing the same. ST-Ericsson SA 2425790 MEDICAL SYSTEM AND SURGICAL TREATMENT TOOL. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2425797 Implant assistance assembly for implanting a jaw implant. Abboud, Marcus 2425829 SOLUBLE PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS OF N,N'-DIAMINODIPHENYL SULPHONE FOR OPTIMUM USE IN THE TREATMENT OF VARIOUS DISEASES. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana 2429128 Flow statistics aggregation. Ixia 2430759 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SIGNAL INVERSION IN SUPERCONDUCTING LOGIC GATES. Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 2431048 Phenolic binding peptides. Danisco US Inc. 2431073 Disposable tip for laser handpiece. Lumenis Ltd. 2431425 Modified colorants and inkjet ink compositions comprising modified colorants. Cabot Corporation 2431426 Modified pigments and inkjet ink compositions comprising modified pigments. Cabot Corporation 27/07/2016 2431427 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Modified colorants and inkjet ink compositions comprising modified colorants. Cabot Corporation 2431483 Genetic polymorphisms associated with venous thrombosis, methods of detection and uses thereof. Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC); Celera Corporation 2432179 Automatic user authentication and identification for mobile instant messaging application. BlackBerry Limited 2433518 SLIDER FOR FASTENER. Mupack Ozaki Corporation 2433848 Three-piece torque sensor assembly. Bourns Incorporated 2434014 HLA-binding peptide, precursor thereof, DNA fragment and recombinant vector encoding the same. Kochi University; NEC Corporation 2434259 Target magnet assembly for a rotation sensor used with a steering gear. Bourns Incorporated 2434394 METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR ACTIVATING ON-LINE PATCH. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2434692 Traffic generator with dynamic MPLS label assignment. Ixia 2436603 Processing system and product manufacturing method. Kabushiki Kaisha Yaskawa Denki 2436850 Holder for facade cladding panels and facade cladding composed of sheet metal cladding panels. Hoesch Bausysteme GmbH 2437020 Microwave oven. Ivoclar Vivadent AG 2437398 Receiver, interleaving and deinterleaving circuit and method. Cisco Technology, Inc. 2437426 Method for serial data transfer from a slave to a master of a measurement value transfer assembly and device for executing the method. BALLUFF GmbH 2437543 Local circuit switched fallback cancellation mechanism. Vodafone GmbH 2438869 Coupling element for an external fixator. Stryker Trauma SA 2439011 Sheet-metal puller with an electrical conduction mechanism. Star Co. Ltd. 2439062 Technical adhesive strip and use of same to stick films or non-woven fabrics in construction. Coroplast Fritz Müller GmbH & Co. KG 2439112 Hinge with a textile. F.A. Kümpers GmbH & Co. KG 2439123 Method, apparatus and arrangement for determining information coded in the railway track. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. 2439157 Device and method for generating a controlled back and forth motion of a mobile mechanical element. Ferag AG 2439175 Method for waste lye oxidation under increased pressure. Linde Aktiengesellschaft 3494 3495 27/07/2016 2439203 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Arylsulfonylmethyl or arylsulfonamide substituted aromatic compounds suitable for treating disorders that respond to modulation of the dopamine D3 receptor. AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co KG 2439264 Novel fucosyltransferases and their applications. Jennewein Biotechnologie GmbH 2439342 Reinforcement mesh. Naue GmbH & Co. KG 2439352 Permanent formwork wall with connecting cablet. FEHR Groupe 2439360 Device for securing at least one fence panel to a fence post. KMS Systeme GmbH & Co. KG 2439390 Control method for cooling a turbine stage in a gas turbine. Ansaldo Energia S.p.A. 2439392 Zone control method of a wastegate valve in a turbocharged internal combustion engine. Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 2439419 Bearing housing and bearing assembly. Aktiebolaget SKF 2439434 Valve with magnetic insert. Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG 2439459 Parallelepipedal water heater with pierced longitudinal partitions. Waterslim 2439483 Grenade with non-lethal shrapnel. Societe d'Armement et d'Etudes Alsetex 2439546 A method of detecting an overcurrent in a triac. STMicroelectronics (Tours) SAS; STMicroelectronics Design and Application S.R.O. 2439557 Method for determining the ß-activity of carbon isotope C14. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchs-Reaktor (AVR) 2439583 Transmissive liquid crystal display using CMOS technology with auxiliary storage capacity. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2439711 Two-wire transmitter. Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2439799 Thermoelectric converter and heat exchanger tubes. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2439814 Connection terminal. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2439848 Delay locked loop including a mechanism for reducing lock time. Apple Inc. 2439868 Message rearrangement for improved code performance. BlackBerry Limited 2439960 Wireless binaural hearing system. Oticon A/S 2439984 Interference mitigation on a physical downlink control channel. ALCATEL LUCENT 2440001 Method and device for transmitting information in contention on time slots between emitter-receiver nodes of an ad hoc network. Thales 2440004 Electric heating device. Eberspächer catem GmbH & Co. KG 2440006 Electric heating device. Eberspächer catem GmbH & Co. KG 2441336 Leg cover. Yanagisawa, Tokumitsu; Yanagisawa, Reiko 27/07/2016 2441337 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Chemical resistant, mechanical resistant, anti-static glove. Honeywell International Inc. 2441347 Fluid rotation drive. Jäger, Anton 2441348 Surface cleaning apparatus. Jäger, Anton 2441398 Bone plate aiming block. Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG 2441461 Compositions and methods of vascular injury repair. Amorcyte, Inc. 2441474 Methods and compositions for modulating adipocyte function. Joslin Diabetes Center, Inc.; Children's Hospital Boston 2441573 Press and method for manufacturing a moulded part out of powder material. Komage-Gellner Maschinenfabrik KG 2441587 Ink jet recording medium. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2441635 Vehicle User Interface System. Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH 2441674 Aircraft nacelle including a rear frame tilted towards the rear. Airbus Opérations SAS 2441728 Mixing tower and process for the production of conglomerates, particularly for the production of concrete or bituminous conglomerates. Mauro Service Impianti Srl; PMB Engineering Srl; Donvito, Antonio 2441733 A NU-85 molecular sieve having a large pore volume and processes for preparing the same. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation; Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Sinopec 2441828 Algal bio-flocculation by inactivation of photoreceptors. Stazione Zoologica "Anton Dohrn" 2441887 Heat-resistant road paving and relative manufacturing process. Impresa Bacchi S.r.l. 2441892 Device and method for inserting piles into the sea bed. Weyres, Bernhard 2441910 Facade element. seele group GmbH & Co. KG 2441911 Device for detecting the speed of the curtain of a fast roll-up door. Assa Abloy Entrance Systems AB 2441920 Turbine rotor assembly. Honeywell International Inc. 2442014 Illumination device. Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2442020 Light with pivotable flat light unit. Halemeier GmbH & Co. KG 2442165 Coupling methods and systems using a taper. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2442191 Timepiece with modular analogue display. ETA SA Manufacture Horlogère Suisse 2442230 Two pass automated application instrumentation. CA, Inc. 2442284 Graphical bookmarking of video data with user inputs in video surveillance. Honeywell International Inc. 2442294 Sign assembly. SignComp, LLC 3496 3497 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2442300 Information processing terminal and system. Yamaha Corporation 2442447 Method and device for determining a capacity and/or a change in capacity of a capacitive sensor element. E.G.O. ELEKTRO-GERÄTEBAU GmbH 2442527 Method and device for creating a VPN connection between two networks. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2442549 Image capturing device, system and method. Sony Corporation; Sony France S.A. 2442550 Image capturing device, system and method. Sony France S.A.; Sony Corporation 2442552 Mobile terminal and method of photographing image using the same. LG Electronics Inc. 2442614 Portable device for adaptive data communication control and method of operating the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2443934 Use of a sugar fatty acid ester as a fungicide in the surface treatment of cheese. CSK Food Enrichment B.V. 2444020 A microwave system comprising a spacer. Covidien LP 2444081 A composition for the treatment of inflammatory diseases comprising boswellic acids and cannabidiol. Parenteral, A.S. 2444131 Binding for a gliding board with longitudinally adjustable holding units. MARKER Deutschland GmbH 2444243 Fluid resistant high temperature hose. Veyance Technologies, Inc. 2444256 Variable-diameter wheel. Oto Melara S.p.A. 2444289 A drive arrangement. Autoliv Development AB 2444304 System and method for preventing overturning of land vehicles. CNH Industrial Italia S.p.A. 2444319 System for distributing an actuation gas intended for supplying a pneumatic actuator, ejection unit and related distribution method. DASSAULT AVIATION 2444355 Method for operating a winch of a tracked vehicle and snow groomer. Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG 2444356 Method for operating a winch of a tracked vehicle and snow groomer. Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG 2444507 Recovery of rare earth metals from waste material by leaching in non-oxidizing acid and by precipitating using sulphates. Montanuniversität Leoben 2444547 In-line printing process on wet non-woven fabric and products thereof. N.R. Spuntech Industries Ltd. 2444613 Arrangement and method for treatment of exhaust gases. Volvo Car Corporation 2444680 Roller with elastic rubber cover. Paul Sauer GmbH & Co. Walzenfabrik KG 2444698 Disc brake. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2444718 Sound-absorbent lamp. Hierzer, Andreas 2444748 Facility for producing domestic hot water for an apartment block including a (No. 2312) common air-extractor fan. Atlantic Climatisation et Ventilation 2444800 A direct solid sample analytical technology for determining a content and a uniformity thereof in a lyophilized kit of a sulfur-containing chelator with a stable complex capacity for radiotechnetium (Tc-99m) and radiorhenium (Re186, Re-188). Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Atomic Energy Council 2444836 Liquid crystal display device. Optrex Corporation 2444867 Marking of packaged consumer products. Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance S.A. 2444885 Image display device, image display method and corresponding computer program product. Aisin AW Co., Ltd. 2444917 Autofocusing optical imaging device. Hand Held Products, Inc. 2444975 Nuclear reactor with fuel guide pin and fuel guide pin attachment method. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2444977 Device for measuring temperature coefficient of moderator and method for measuring temperature coefficient of moderator. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2445006 Light-emitting device. Napra Co., Ltd. 2445138 Data processing unit and signal receiver including the data processing unit. The Swatch Group Research and Development Ltd. 2445149 System and method for enabling applications to communicate using a peer-topeer (P2P) system. BlackBerry Limited 2445158 RESOURCE AND ADMISSION CONTROL METHOD. ZTE Corporation 2445180 Method and system for placing an emergency phone call from a mobile communication device to an enterprise. BlackBerry Limited 2445181 Displaying characters and images based on support. BlackBerry Limited 2445194 Imaging device and imaging method. Ricoh Company, Ltd. 2445305 Method for detecting containers arranged on a cooktop and cooktop. Groupe Brandt 2445313 Microwave oven cavity and microwave oven. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2445890 METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF CARBAMIC ACID (R)-1-ARYL-2TETRAZOLYL-ETHYL ESTER. SK Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. 2446756 Method and apparatus for introducing additives to smokeless tobacco products. British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited; Fiedler & Lundgren AB 2446792 Replaceable end-piece for a vapour nozzle of a coffee machine. Gruppo Cimbali S.p.A. 3498 3499 27/07/2016 2446826 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Sterile protection with light guides for a medical probe and related execution method. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2446979 Method and device for straightening perforated metal sheets. Maschinenfabrik Fr. W. Schnutz GmbH & Co. KG 2447023 Composition for treating wood. Société Berkem 2447041 Ultrasound heat sealing method with seal pressure regulation. Rovema GmbH 2447056 Easily opened packaging. Wipak Walsrode GmbH & Co. KG 2447066 Ink rheology control subsystem for a variable data lithography system. Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated 2447067 Ink transfer subsystem for a variable data lithography system. Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated 2447086 Cleaning subsystem for a variable data lithography system. Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated 2447087 Cleaning method for a variable data lithography system. Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated 2447108 Bicycle motor control system. Shimano, Inc. 2447137 Mounting structure of antitheft device for saddle-type vehicle. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2447159 Aircraft cowl including a means for limiting pneumatic scoop phenomena. Airbus Opérations SAS 2447166 Method and device for filling a sack. Haver & Boecker OHG 2447213 Production of high purity precipitated calcium carbonate. Omya International AG 2447218 Method for processing mine waters. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2447240 Copper-catalysed Process for the Production of Substituted or Unsubstituted Trifluormethylated Aryl and Heteroaryl Compounds. Saltigo GmbH 2447278 Novel immunogenic proteins of Leptospira. Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. 2447347 Solid lubricating material based on polymer resin and ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene and the method of manufacturing the same. Takano Co., Limited 2447349 Thickened liquid hard surface cleaning composition. The Procter & Gamble Company 2447352 Micro-device and methods for disrupting cells. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2447353 Cell lysis device and methods of lysing cells or viruses. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2447358 Mutant glucose dehydrogenase. ARKRAY, Inc.; BioEngineering Laboratories, LLC 2447401 Partially fixed textile semi finished product. Premium AEROTEC GmbH 2447416 Elastic coating for a rotating press element of a fibre web machine. Valmet Technologies, Inc. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2447430 Pre-fabricated component for a canteleverd balcony slab. KKI Enterprises GmbH 2447459 Isolating bar. Ensinger GmbH 2447495 Method for controlling a selective catalytic reduction system for a vehicle and corresponding vehicle. PSA Peugeot Citroën Automobiles S.A. 2447496 Muffler mounting structure for an internal combustion engine. Makita Corporation 2447528 Method for automatically starting a wind energy assembly and wind energy assembly for performing the method. Nordex Energy GmbH 2447544 Container for holding, storing and dispensing gaseous, liquid and solid media, and use of same. MT Aerospace AG 2447563 Disc brake with a self-reinforcement device. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2447626 Heat exchanger, in particular for use with refrigerated cabinets. Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH 2447766 Displays with polarizer windows and opaque masking layers for electronic devices. Apple Inc. 2447772 Projection-type display device and control method for the same. Seiko Epson Corporation 2447793 Method for ascertaining process values for a process controll. Alstom Technology Ltd 2447805 Apparatus and method for synchronizing and providing a glitch-free clock. Nokia Technologies Oy 2447808 Apparatus for operating a computer using thoughts or facial impressions. Deutsche Telekom AG 2447853 Multiprocessor with private and shared memories.. Strollo, Elio 2447884 Method for detecting and recognising an object in an image, and an apparatus and a computer program therefor. CycloMedia Technology B.V. 2447918 Device for transporting mail articles with angular delay. NEOPOST TECHNOLOGIES 2447929 Ground station, network and method for a unified ground-to-air and air-to-ground communication system operating in VHF data link mode 2 technology. SELEX ES S.p.A. 2447936 Liquid crystal display device and driving method of the same. LG Display Co., Ltd. 2447939 Technique for estimating particular audio component. Yamaha Corporation 2447944 Technique for suppressing particular audio component. Yamaha Corporation 2447948 Thermally assisted magnetic random access memory element with improved endurance. Crocus Technology S.A. 3500 3501 27/07/2016 2448038 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Battery pack apparatus and method of storing a battery pack apparatus. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2448055 Recharchable lithium battery including protective layer for positive electrode and method of manufacturing same. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2448115 Audio amplifier. NXP B.V. 2448229 Data and call routing and forwarding. Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 2448243 Camera lens structures and display structures for electronic devices. Apple Inc. 2448294 Method and performing service group owner transfer procedure in communication system. HTC Corporation 2448345 Method of handling communications of low priority device and mtc device in a wireless communication system and related communication device. HTC Corporation 2448386 Power-supply cord arrangement structure. Makita Corporation 2449625 MAGNETIC RFID COUPLER WITH BALANCED SIGNAL CONFIGURATION. Sato Holdings Kabushiki Kaisha 2449935 Suction nozzle and vacuum cleaner. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2449972 Vascular hole closure delivery device. REX MEDICAL, L.P. 2450095 Liquid container with filter. Stampro Metal Industry Co., Ltd. 2450119 A shape adjusting tool. Rolls-Royce plc 2450172 Method of manufacturing a composite material hollow axisymmetrical body. Rolls-Royce plc 2450215 Hybrid drive. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2450237 Switch assembly for operating a light emitting diode. Vishay Electronic GmbH 2450266 Control unit with a steering angle sensor for a power steering system of a motor vehicle and method. Robert Bosch GmbH 2450283 Method for identifying a bunch of printed products and device for executing the method. Müller Martini Holding AG 2450298 Manual method and device for loading a load carrier with items. Dematic GmbH 2450314 Method for treating production water produced at the end of a method for enhanced oil recovery using polymers. S.P.C.M. SA 2450472 Air management system for an aircraft with hardface coating on wear surface of a valve. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 2450523 Drive for a darkening device. ARCA Beteiligungen GmbH 2450613 Lighting device. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 2450659 Surface texture measuring machine and a surface texture measuring method. Mitutoyo Corporation 2450660 Surface texture measuring machine and a surface texture measuring method. Mitutoyo Corporation 27/07/2016 2450807 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Information processing apparatus having history control function and control method therefor. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2450903 Method and system for providing hybrid magnetic tunneling junction elements with improved switching. Grandis, Inc. 2450905 Nuclear reactor with reactor pressure vessel flooded from outside. AREVA GmbH 2450977 Rechargeable Battery. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2450986 Negative active material for rechargeable lithium battery and rechargeable lithium battery including same. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2451007 Device for emitting radio waves, antenna and spacecraft. THALES 2452564 Device and process for treating a string of sausages. HOWE Wurstwaren KG 2452739 Internal air filter and filter assembly. Mann + Hummel GmbH 2452784 Manual tool machine. HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 2452791 Discharge device for a wood chipping machine. Linder-Recylingtech GmbH 2452803 Device for producing corrugated thermoplastic tubes. Hegler, Ralph Peter 2452819 INSPECTION APPARATUS, INSPECTION METHOD, AND STORAGE MEMORY. Ricoh Company, Ltd. 2452902 Improved pick unit. NCR Corporation 2453155 Valve with an Actuating Device. Pierburg GmbH 2453188 An ice making unit for cooling devices. Vestel Beyaz Esya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 2453263 Hybrid organic photodiodes. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2453384 Method and apparatus for performing gesture recognition using object in multimedia device. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 2453405 Ultrasonic image processing apparatus. Hitachi Aloka Medical, Ltd. 2453622 Communication system for recognizing type of noise source. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2453665 Web browser as second display control device. Sony Network Entertainment International LLC; Sony Corporation 2455036 Tuned RF energy and electrical tissue characterization for selective treatment of target tissues. Vessix Vascular, Inc. 2455198 Control of robot hand to contact an object. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2455269 Rail vehicle bogie including an eddy-current braking device. ALSTOM Transport Technologies 2455312 Image forming apparatus. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2455619 Silencer device for air exchanger fans. LU-VE S.P.A. 2455639 Method for operating a hydrodynamic coupling device of the open 3-conduit type. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 3502 3503 27/07/2016 2456002 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) BATTERY PACK AND TOROIDAL BATTERY CELL TO BE USED THEREFOR. Tsinghua University 2456971 PLIANT MECHANISMS FOR EXTRACTING POWER FROM MOVING FLUID. Pliant Energy Systems Llc 2457551 Transfer line. Capsugel Belgium NV 2457649 Fluidised bed apparatus and method for operating same. BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG 2457672 Die cushion device. Germas AG 2457891 Method for manufacturing diaryl carbonates from dialkyl carbonates. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2458168 EXHAUST GAS PURIFICATION SYSTEM FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2458700 Electrical appliance with tilting appliance mounting. Legrand France; Legrand SNC 2458791 Methods for preventing the dispatch of dual multicast streams. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2459410 ELECTRIC VEHICLE AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM HAVING BATTERY PACK. Panasonic Corporation 2459675 LUMINOPHORE COMPOSITION FOR LOW PRESSURE DISCHARGE LAMPS. OSRAM GmbH 2460520 Methods for dosing an orally active 1,2,4-oxadiazole for nonsense mutation suppression therapy. PTC Therapeutics, Inc. 2461300 Smoke detecting apparatus. Nohmi Bosai Ltd.; The University of Tokushima 2461462 Permanent magnetic motor with reduced detent torque. C. & E. Fein GmbH 2461916 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR SEPARATING PLANAR AND THREEDIMENSIONAL SOLIDS. Barnstedt, Dirk 2462975 Inflatables structure with braided layer. C. R. BARD, INC. 2463168 Compressed air supply device, method for controlling same and stability valve. WABCO GmbH 2463488 Attachment structure of vacuum pump. Suzuki Motor Corporation 2465396 Hand-held mixer with a detachable working head. Electrodomesticos Taurus S.L. 2465589 Sports item with shoe guide. SALOMON S.A.S. 2465871 Methods for generating monovalent IgG. Amgen, Inc 2466327 Method and apparatus for locating the source of an unknown signal. Kratos Integral Holdings, LLC. 2466393 Spring of a barrel including such a spring. Manufacture et fabrique de montres et chronomètres Ulysse Nardin Le Locle S.A. 2466601 Cutting device with an arc-cutting screen. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2466917 Audio-signal processing apparatus and method, and program. Sony Corporation 2467240 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SAFETY-RELATED MONITORING OF A ROBOT. KUKA Laboratories GmbH 2468049 POWER MANAGER AND METHOD. Roke Manor Research Limited 2468922 DEPOSITION BOX FOR SILICON-BASED THIN FILM SOLAR CELL. Shenzhen Trony Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. 2468957 Acoustic baffling element with alternating layers of higher and lower density and porosity. BIG Bau und Immobilienges.m.b.H. 2469065 Integrated control system and method. Caterpillar Inc. 2469611 MOVABLE JIG FOR SILICON-BASED THIN FILM SOLAR CELL. Shenzhen Trony Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. 2469878 Display apparatus, remote controller and method for controlling applied thereto. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2471179 CAPACITOR ARRAY AND METHOD FOR SWITCHING AN ALTERNATING CURRENT. ams AG 2471245 NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION (NAT) TRAVERSAL FOR LOCAL IP ACCESS. LG Electronics Inc. 2471276 OMNIDIRECTIONAL SPEAKER. Dream Audiolab Pte. Ltd. 2471784 Novel thiophene-based dye and preparation thereof. Dongjin Semichem Co., Ltd. 2472241 AUDIO ENCODING/DECODING METHOD AND SYSTEM OF LATTICETYPE VECTOR QUANTIZING. ZTE Corporation 2472425 System and method for detecting unknown malware. Kaspersky Lab, ZAO 2472645 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING LITHIUM ION POLYMER BATTERY, BATTERY CELL, AND LITHIUM ION POLYMER BATTERY INCLUDING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 2472671 RADOME FOR AN ANTENNA. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2472794 INTERACTION METHOD AND DEVICE BETWEEN RESOURCE AND ADMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS. ZTE Corporation 2473004 Brightness control of a status indicator light. Apple Inc. 2473995 AUDIO SIGNAL ENCODER, AUDIO SIGNAL DECODER, METHOD FOR PROVIDING AN ENCODED REPRESENTATION OF AN AUDIO CONTENT, METHOD FOR PROVIDING A DECODED REPRESENTATION OF AN AUDIO CONTENT AND COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR USE IN LOW DELAY APPLICATIONS. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2474219 Combine harvester with a distribution device for distributing cut harvested goods. CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH 3504 3505 27/07/2016 2474280 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SURGICAL TREATMENT DEVICE. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2474941 RFID tag holder. China Steel Corporation 2476304 Combine harvester. CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH 2476527 PRESSED LAMINAR SHEET COMPRISING A RETICULAR ROOT MAT AND ADHESIVE, PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING SAID LAMINAR SHEET AND ITS USE IN A PRESSED PLYWOOD. Garcia Castelblanco, Roberto 2476697 Peptide vaccines for cancers expressing MPHOSPH1 polypeptides. Oncotherapy Science, Inc. 2476698 Peptide vaccines for cancers expressing DEPDC1 polypeptides. Oncotherapy Science, Inc. 2476699 Peptide vaccines for cancers expressing DEPDC1 polypeptides. Oncotherapy Science, Inc. 2478806 Microwavable cooking implements and methods for crisping food items using the same. Mastrad 2478825 CONNECTOR FOR MEDICAL APPARATUS. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2479539 Angle measuring equipment. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 2480614 INK JET INK, INK CARTRIDGE, AND INK JET RECORDING METHOD. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2481285 Synergistic combination of flumetsulam or diclosulam with zinc pyrithione. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2481301 Tobacco cooling device, particularly for a tobacco drying system. GARBUIO S.p.A. 2482315 SEMICONDUCTOR ELEMENT. Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2482426 WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION DEVICE, AND POWER GENERATION DEVICE PROVIDED WITH WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION DEVICE. Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2482460 LOCKING SYSTEM AND METHOD THEREOF. ZTE Corporation 2482586 SWITCHING SYSTEM AND METHOD OF RINGING SESSION WITH CRBT. ZTE Corporation 2482752 ORTHODONTIC ARCHWIRE WITH INTEGRAL ELEMENTS EXERTING FORCE ON THE TEETH. Chiaramonte, Paola; Recchia, Michele 2482783 A moulded pulp urinal. HPC Healthline Limited 2482793 USE OF PIPERIDINE ESTER DERIVATIVE AS SOLVENT IN COSMETIC COMPOSITIONS; COSMETIC COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING IT. L'Oréal 27/07/2016 2483090 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SUCTION UNIT OF A VEHICLE'S AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM. Valeo Klimasysteme GmbH 2483094 FRAME OF AN OPENABLE VEHICLE ROOF AND METHOD FOR MOUNTING A FRAME OF AN OPENABLE VEHICLE ROOF. Webasto AG 2483283 Method for the manufacture of aminohydroxy diphosphonic acids. Straitmark Holding AG 2483534 EXHAUST LINE ASSEMBLY AND INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE COMPRISING AN EXHAUST LINE ASSEMBLY. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2483546 SYSTEM AND METHOD TO MEASURE INJECTION EVENTS IN AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. AVL List GmbH 2483569 MOLDABLE WIRE THREAD INSERT, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, COMPONENT COMPRISING MOLDABLE WIRE THREAD INSERT AND A METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH 2483834 Method and apparatus for the recognition of a false object detection in an image. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2483976 OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION ELEMENT. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2484933 VIBRATION DAMPING MECHANISM FOR ROTATING SHAFT. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2485391 POWER AMPLIFIER AND METHOD FOR AMPLIFYING SIGNALS BASED ON THE SAME. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2485434 Method and device for monitoring power consumption value of a DSL subscriber board. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2485490 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENCODING/DECODING IMAGE USING SPLIT LAYER. SK Telecom Co., Ltd. 2485541 METHOD FOR MANAGING BASE STATION ENERGY-SAVING AND SYSTEM THEREOF, METHOD FOR SAVING BASE STATION ENERGY AND DEVICE THEREOF. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2485574 COMPRESSION ROLL HOUSING. AGCO GmbH 2485590 PENTAFLUOROSULFUR IMINO HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AS BACE-1 INHIBITORS, COMPOSITIONS, AND THEIR USE. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2485594 COMBINATION. GlaxoSmithKline LLC 2485621 PIECE OF FURNITURE CAPABLE OF BEING DISASSEMBLED. Funke, Dieter 2485628 CARTRIDGE EXTRACTION DEVICE. Nestec S.A. 2485662 SINGLE PORT INSTRUMENTS. Applied Medical Resources Corporation 3506 3507 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2485669 DEVICE FOR SYNTHESIS OF BONE FRACTURES. Lima SM s.p.a. 2485670 SURGICAL GENERATOR FOR ULTRASONIC DEVICES AND FOR (No. 2312) ELECTROSURGICAL DEVICES. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 2485680 SAFETY CARTRIDGE FOR A REMOVABLE VENA CAVA FILTER. B. Braun Medical Sas 2485694 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETECTING MOISTURE AT AN ABSORBENT ARTICLE. Pampett AB 2485703 Method and a drum coater for coating small items, such as tablets, and a coating system comprising such drum coaters. Gea Pharma Systems Limited 2485714 NOVEL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A MACROLIDE IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT DRUG. Skinomics GmbH 2485735 INHIBITORS OF FATTY ACID BINDING PROTEIN (FABP). Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2485739 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR MAINTENANCE OF A FUNCTIONAL WOUND. Singapore Health Services PTE. Ltd. 2485756 GLP-2 for use in the treatment of muscle atrophy. I.N.R.A.; Nestec S.A. 2485774 METHOD FOR CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF WATER-ABSORBENT POLYMER PARTICLES. BASF SE 2485778 METHOD OF BONDING POROUS METAL TO METAL SUBSTRATES. Biomet Manufacturing, LLC 2485872 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR INSERTING A FASTENER. Lacy, Christopher John; Lacy, Darren William 2485903 TIRE COMPRISING CASING REINFORCEMENT CABLES HAVING A LOW PERVIOUSNESS, AND VARIABLE RUBBER MIXTURE THICKNESSES. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2485941 PRESSURE FUSELAGE OF AN AIRCRAFT COMPRISING A TAIL-FACE PRESSURE CALOTTE. Airbus Operations GmbH 2485946 STRAPPING MACHINE FOR TYING OF PACKAGES. SMS Logistiksysteme GmbH 2485982 PROCESS FOR THE PURIFICATION OF AN AQUEOUS STREAM COMING FROM THE FISCHER TROPSCH REACTION. ENI S.p.A. 2485997 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHLORINATED AND/OR FLUORINATED PROPENES AND HIGHER ALKENES. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2486008 INORGANIC SALT COMPLEXES OF VILDAGLIPTIN. Egis Gyógyszergyár Zrt. 27/07/2016 2486013 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PRODRUGS OF A PIPERIDINYL DERIVATIVE AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR ACTIVITY. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2486019 METHOD FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF 2-THIOHISTIDINE AND THE LIKE. Tetrahedron 2486021 WATER RECYCLING IN A MELAMINE PRODUCTION PROCESS. Casale SA 2486022 1, 2, 4 - TRIAZINE SUITABLE AS A VULCANIZATION ACCELERATOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2486065 FUNCTIONALISED DIENE ELASTOMER AND COMPOSITION THEREOF. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2486113 LUBRICATING COMPOSITION. Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2486148 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EMULSION BREAKING AND RECOVERY OF BIOLOGICAL ELEMENTS. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2486170 SEALING GLASS FOR SOLID OXIDE ELECTROLYSIS CELL (SOEC) STACKS. Haldor Topsøe A/S 2486175 A PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING LOW FIBRILLATING CELLULOSE FIBERS. Grasim Industries Limited 2486177 ISOELASTIC POROUS MESH. Sofradim Production 2486189 A PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A SUBSTRATE COMPRISING SILICA PIGMENTS WHICH IS FORMED ON THE SURFACE OF THE SUBSTRATE. Stora Enso Oyj 2486199 COLLAPSIBLE LATTICE BEAM, TRUSS AND CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING SUCH A BEAM. CRESCENTIAL 2486201 ILLUMINATED INDOOR FLOOR ASSEMBLY. Systembau Horst Babinsky GmbH; Saint-Gobain Glass France 2486206 MULTI-POINT LOCK WITH TRANSLATING BOLT. Iseo Serrature S.p.A. 2486213 PRESS FIT STORM WINDOW SYSTEM HAVING CONTROLLED BLOWOUT. R Value LLC 2486271 ROTOR FOR A WIND POWER PLANT. SSB Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG 2486286 ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM INCLUDING AN EXPANDABLE ACCUMULATOR AND RESERVOIR ASSEMBLY. Robert Bosch GmbH 2486287 FLUIDIC ACTUATOR AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE. Simon Fraser University 3508 3509 27/07/2016 2486297 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SEALING DEVICE ON A PRODUCT CHAMBER FOR CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. interseal Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Schmitz GmbH 2486360 HEAT EXCHANGER WITH TUBE PLATE. Valeo Systèmes Thermiques 2486369 COORDINATE MEASURING DEVICE HAVING POSITIONAL CHANGE SENSORS. Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH 2486413 ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASURING DEVICE FOR MEASURING ELECTRIC CURRENT. ACEGAS-APS SPA; Elcon Elettronica Srl 2486456 HOLOGRAPHIC BUBBLE GENERATING SYSTEM. Imperial Toy LLC 2486487 NOTIFICATION PROTOCOL BASED ENDPOINT CACHING OF HOST MEMORY. Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. 2486541 IMAGE DATA PROCESSING. Cambridge Enterprise Limited 2486556 METHOD OF DYNAMIC INTERSECTION MAPPING. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2486570 BODY FOR NUCLEAR FUEL ASSEMBLY AND NUCLEAR FUEL ASSEMBLY COMPRISING SUCH A BODY. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2486589 SOLID-STATE IMAGE PICKUP DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2486631 MODULAR INSERT AND JACK INCLUDING MOVEABLE REACTANCE SECTION. Ortronics, Inc. 2486637 CABLE LEAD-THROUGH IN PLUG-IN CONNECTOR HOUSINGS. Harting Electric GmbH & Co. KG 2486639 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING SURGE PROTECION. Schneider Electric IT Corporation 2486711 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR EQUALIZATION OF RECEIVED SIGNALS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2486716 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERRING A MESSAGE. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2486724 METHOD FOR REDUCING NOISE IN THE IMAGE SIGNAL OF AN IMAGE SENSOR. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; Trixell S.A.S. 2486735 Method for control of adaptation of feedback suppression in a hearing aid, and a hearing aid. Widex A/S 2486750 System for updating a neighbour cell list (NCL) of a wireless access node of a telecommunications architecture and method therefore. Koninklijke KPN N.V.; Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast- natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek TNO 27/07/2016 2486753 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR SUPPORTING HANDOVER OF A MOBILE TERMINAL IN CERTAIN SCENARIOS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2486755 MBSFN SUBFRAME GENERATION AND PROCESSING FOR UNICAST. Qualcomm Incorporated 2486946 BIORESORBABLE SUTURE THREAD. Totai Co., Ltd. 2487048 RUN-FLAT TIRE. Bridgestone Corporation 2487076 PASSENGER RESTRAINT DEVICE FOR VEHICLES. Autoliv Development AB 2487151 Process for separating alkylethyleneamine(s) from ethyleneamine(s) compositions. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2487180 NOVEL ARTIFICIAL FLUORESCENT BASES. TagCyx Biotechnologies; Riken 2487341 VALVE GEAR FOR ENGINE. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2487343 EXHAUST GAS PURIFIER FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2487346 COOLING DEVICE FOR VEHICLE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2487351 CIRCUIT MODULE HAVING CONNECTOR(S). Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. 2487672 INDICATOR DEVICE. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2487790 PAPR (PEAK-TO-AVERAGE POWER RATIO) DETERMINING APPARATUS AND COMMUNICATION APPARATUS. Fujitsu Limited 2487964 POWER-SAVING METHOD AND SYSTEM. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2488007 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING INFORMATION RELATING TO A VEHICLE. DQUID S.R.L. 2488030 1-(PYRID-3-YL)-PYRAZOLES AND 1-(PYRIMID-5-YL)-PYRAZOLES AS PEST CONTROLLERS. Bayer CropScience AG 2488037 INSECT ATTRACTANT COMPOSITIONS. University of Greenwich 2488040 ANTI-OXIDANT COMPOSITION. DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS 2488059 MOTORCYCLING BOOT WITH IMPROVED COMFORT. Alpinestars Research SRL 2488068 REFRIGERATION DISPLAY CASE. Carrier Corporation 2488069 DRINKING VESSEL. Prüß, Barbara; Schröder, Ingo 2488121 Implant for scapho-lunate stabilisation. BIOTECH ORTHO 2488179 NRF2 INHIBITORS AND USE THEREOF. Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences 3510 3511 27/07/2016 2488235 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CARTRIDGE HOLDER ASSEMBLY FOR A DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2488236 Arrangement for use in a drug delivery device. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2488268 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING A RADIONUCLIDE. JohannesGutenberg-Universität Mainz 2488276 FILTER CARTRIDGE WITH SEAL MEMBER AND METHODS. Donaldson Company, Inc. 2488291 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A POWDER CONTAINING ONE OR MORE COMPLEXING AGENT SALTS. BASF SE 2488311 CONNECTOR SYSTEM FOR EXHAUST EXTRACTION SYSTEM. Plymovent Corporation 2488330 LUBRICATION BOX FOR A WET SHAVING IMPLEMENT. Eveready Battery Company, Inc. 2488331 LUBRICATION BOX FOR A WET SHAVING IMPLEMENT. Edgewell Personal Care Brands, LLC 2488362 FIRE RESISTANT GLAZING. Pilkington Group Limited 2488364 METHOD FOR THE MANUFACTURING OF A LOW SHRINKAGE FLEXIBLE SHEET. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2488432 CONTACT NIP ROLL. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2488449 PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF CHLORINE DIOXIDE. Akzo Nobel Chemicals International B.V. 2488454 CEMENTITIOUS PRODUCTS AND ARTICLES OF MANUFACTURE CONTAINING CARBON-DOPED TITANIUM DIOXIDE. ITALCEMENTI S.p.A. 2488456 ORGANIC OIL BOOM. Høgøy, Ingmar 2488468 RESISTOR COMPONENT COMPRISING A CERAMIC MATERIAL. Epcos AG 2488493 SPIRO-CONDENSED CYCLOHEXANE DERIVATIVES AS HSL INHIBITORS USEFUL FOR THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2488507 NOVEL MEK INHIBITORS, USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. Allostem Therapeutics LLC 2488509 DIPYRANNYLIDENE DERIVATIVES AS AN ANODE INTERFACIAL LAYER IN ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) 2488514 INDOLE AND AZAINDOLE MODULATORS OF THE ALPHA 7 NACHR. Proximagen Limited 27/07/2016 2488516 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF LAMIVUDINE AND NOVEL SALTS IN THE MANUFACTURE THEREOF. MYLAN LABORATORIES LIMITED 2488519 PYRAZOLOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES AS ANTICANCER AGENT. Pierre Fabre Médicament 2488520 CONDENSED AZINE-DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES RELATED TO THE ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR. Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 2488544 AFFINITY LIGANDS AND METHODS FOR PROTEIN PURIFICATION. Monash University 2488545 MASS SPECTROMETRY QUANTITATION OF P450 PROTEIN ISOFORMS IN HEPATOCYTES. DH Technologies Development Pte. Ltd. 2488546 SELF-ASSEMBLED STRUCTURES COMPOSED OF SINGLE POLYPEPTIDE COMPRISING AT LEAST THREE COILED-COIL FORMING ELEMENTS. Kemijski Institut 2488549 MYCOBACTERIAL VACCINES. Imaxio SA; Isis Innovation Ltd 2488553 CANCER TREATMENT. Pfizer Inc. 2488558 PROCESS FOR OBTAINING A BINDER FOR FIBERS AND CURABLE BINDER FOR FIBERS. Dynea Chemicals OY 2488566 HOMOGENOUS DISPENSING PROCESS FOR AN EPOXY-COMPOSITION WITH HIGH FILLER CONTENT. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2488576 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A NANOPOROUS POLYURETHANE-BASED COATING. BASF SE 2488580 ANAEROBICALLY CURABLE COMPOSITIONS. Henkel IP & Holding GmbH 2488609 HYDROCRACKING METHOD USING A MODIFIED ZEOLITE. IFP Énergies nouvelles 2488622 DYE POLYMERS. Unilever PLC; Unilever N.V. 2488642 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR THE TREATMENT OF DRUGINDUCED HAND-FOOT SYNDROME. Duke University 2488656 MULTIPLE DISPLACEMENT AMPLIFICATION. Ibis Biosciences, Inc. 2488661 Acute kidney injury risk testing. Wilflingseder, Julia; Oberbauer, Rainer 2488674 SANDWICH MATERIAL WITH HIGH STRENGTH AT HIGH TEMPERATURE FOR THIN STRIPS IN HEAT EXCHANGERS. Gränges Sweden AB 2488679 CVD-REACTOR WITH A SUBSTRATE HOLDER HAVING A MULTIPLE ZONE GAS CUSHION. Aixtron SE 3512 3513 27/07/2016 2488685 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) TEXTURED THERMOPLASTIC NON-WOVEN ELEMENTS. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2488688 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE, PARTICULARLY FOR TREATING TEXTILE ITEMS. Indesit Company, S.p.A. 2488698 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPER AND METHOD FOR TRANSPORTING AND INSTALLING A SWITCH HAVING PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPERS. DB Netz AG; RAIL.ONE GmbH 2488771 LINEAR SHOCK ABSORBER. Cultraro Automazione Engineering S.r.l. 2488774 FREE FLOATING HYDRAULIC BULKHEAD WITH IMPROVED SEALING AND ANTI-ROTATION. Eaton Corporation 2488792 MULTI-POINT INJECTOR FOR A TURBINE ENGINE COMBUSTION CHAMBER. Snecma 2488794 METHOD TO ADD HEAT FROM A WASTE STREAM TO A LIQUID STREAM AND INSTALLATION THEREFOR. Chanse 2488799 MODULAR HIGH TEMPERATURE SOLAR SURFACE ABSORBER. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2488808 DEVICE FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING A FREEZE DRYING SYSTEM. Martin Christ Gefriertrocknungsanlagen GmbH 2488830 MAGNETIC SENSOR FOR DETERMINING THE POSITION AND ORIENTATION OF A TARGET. Electricfil Automotive 2488850 INTELLIGENT PIGMENTS AND PLASTICS. University of Strathclyde 2488866 ELISA SIGNAL AMPLIFCATION SYSTEM USING MAGNETIC BEAD MOVEMENT DETECTION.. University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation; École Normale Supérieure; Nanotecnologias; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2488899 FLUID FILLED LENS RESERVOIR SYSTEM AND MANUFACTURING METHOD OF THE RESERVOIR SYSTEM. Adlens Beacon, Inc. 2488900 HINGE MECHANISM FOR A FLUID FILLED LENS ASSEMBLY. Adlens Beacon, Inc. 2488915 VARIABLE FLOWER DISPLAY BACKLIGHT SYSTEM. Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation 2488916 HEAT RADIATING PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD AND CHASSIS ASSEMBLY HAVING THE SAME. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 2489007 IMAGE DEBLURRING USING A SPATIAL IMAGE PRIOR. Intellectual Ventures Fund 83 LLC 2489017 VALIDATOR DRIVE ROLLER RELEASE MECHANISM. Crane Canada Co. 2489036 METHOD, APPARATUS AND COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PROCESSING MULTI-CHANNEL AUDIO SIGNALS. Nokia Technologies OY 27/07/2016 2489039 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) OPTIMIZED LOW-THROUGHPUT PARAMETRIC CODING/DECODING. Orange 2489048 INTEGRATED TRANSFORMER WITH MULTIPLE TRANSFORMATION RATIOS. ST-Ericsson (France) SAS; ST-Ericsson SA 2489060 A RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING DEVICE AND A DETECTOR FOR A RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING DEVICE. EOS Imaging 2489081 ACTUATOR. Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2489168 REGISTRATION AND CREDENTIAL ROLL-OUT FOR ACCESSING A SUBSCRIPTION-BASED SERVICE. InterDigital Patent Holdings, Inc. 2489175 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRIGGERING NETWORK DEVICE DISCOVERY. Apple Inc. 2489201 OPTICAL NETWORK AND METHOD FOR PROCESSING DATA IN AN OPTICAL NETWORK. Xieon Networks S.à.r.l. 2489230 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING CHANNEL UTILIZATION. Qualcomm Incorporated 2489241 PHASE CUT DIMMING OF LEDS. Tridonic UK Limited 2489348 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING MEDICAMENTCONTAINING FINE PARTICLES AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. Nitto Denko Corporation 2489444 SYSTEM FOR TREATING WET ORGANIC WASTE. Urayasu Densetsu K.K. 2489497 LAYERED PRODUCT FOR LASER BONDING, SHOE, AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING SHOE. ASICS Corporation 2489511 LAMINATE PRODUCTION METHOD, LAMINATE, AND PACKAGING CONTAINER USING SAME. Fujimori Kogyo Co., Ltd 2489540 VEHICLE INSTRUMENT PANEL STRUCTURE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2489564 BRAKE CONTROL DEVICE. Bosch Corporation; Kawasaki Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2489714 SLURRY COMPOSITION FOR CMP, AND POLISHING METHOD. LG Chem, Ltd. 2489777 CLOTHING DRYER AND WASHER DRYER. Panasonic Corporation 2489932 Illumination device. Insta Elektro GmbH 2490051 Backlight assembly, display device having the same and method of assembling the display device. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2490285 NEGATIVE ELECTRODE FOR NON-AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE SECONDARY BATTERY, AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOYOTA JIDOSHOKKI 2490287 NONAQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE LITHIUM ION SECONDARY BATTERY. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 3514 3515 27/07/2016 2490291 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) LITHIUM SECONDARY BATTERY, AND NON-AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTIC SOLUTION FOR USE IN THE LITHIUM SECONDARY BATTERY. Ube Industries, Ltd. 2490312 SOLAR GENERATION METHOD AND SYSTEM. Acciona Energía, S.A. 2490543 EXTRACTS, FRACTIONS AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING ACETOGENINS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Laila Nutraceuticals 2490551 APPARATUS FOR DISPENSING A FOOD PRODUCT. S.P.M. DRINK SYSTEMS S.p.A. 2490560 MAGNETIC CLASP DEVICE FOR CLOTHING ACCESSORIES. Evoshion 2490575 REPOSE SIMULATOR. Malzl, Hans 2490586 SYSTEM FOR NONINVASIVE TISSUE EXAMINATION. MEDESPEL LTD 2490626 TOTAL KNEE PROSTHESIS HAVING A MOBILE PLATE. Buisson, Laurent; Canovas, François; Farizon, Frédéric; Mandrino, Alain; Reynaud, Patrick; Aston Medical Developments Ltd 2490633 TEMPERATURE AND FLOW CONTROL IN A THERMAL THERAPY DEVICE. Coolsystems, Inc. 2490650 DEVICE FOR A CLOSING AND CAPSULE FILLING PACKAGING MACHINE OR A CAPSULE CONTROL DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2490683 DICLOFENAC FOR TREATING HERPES VIRUS INFECTIONS. Yung Shin Pharm. Ind. Co., Ltd.; Carlsbad Technology Inc 2490725 GREEN ARTICLE FOR USE IN WOUND TREATMENT. Mölnlycke Health Care AB 2490730 Medical fluid delivery system. Gambro Lundia AB 2490732 A REMOTELY ACTIVATED PIEZOELECTRIC PUMP FOR DELIVERY OF BIOLOGICAL AGENTS TO THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC AND SPINE. Shachar, Yehoshua; Chen, Thomas; Farkas, Leslie; Jordan, Brett; Zimmerman, Kyle; Chan, Herwin; Pharmaco-Kinesis Corporation; Wu, Winston 2490761 ASSIGNMENT AND MANIPULATION OF IMPLANTABLE LEADS IN DIFFERENT ANATOMICAL REGIONS WITH IMAGE BACKGROUND. Medtronic, Inc. 2490797 DEVICE FOR TREATING PARTICULATE MATTER HAVING A TWOPASS FLOW FLOOR. Hüttlin, Herbert 2490823 DISPENSING HEAD FOR A FLUID DISPENSER. Aptar France SAS 2490824 APPARATUS FOR FILLING PAINT CARTRIDGES. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA; Trinity Industrial Corporation 2490825 METHOD OF SUPPLYING PAINT TO A PAINT CARTRIDGE. Trinity Industrial Corporation; TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 27/07/2016 2490852 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DEVICE FOR EXCHANGING ELECTRODES WITH IMPROVED SAFETY. Areva NC 2490904 TIRE WITH ASYMMETRIC GROOVE BOTTOM FOR SHOULDER GROOVE. MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A.; Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin 2490936 TACTILE CUEING APPARATUS. BAE Systems PLC 2490946 VAPOR RECOVERY PUMP REGULATION OF PRESSURE TO MAINTAIN AIR TO LIQUID RATIO. Swashpump Technologies Limited 2490979 ADJUSTMENT HEAD FOR A HOISTING DEVICE. HH Intellitech APS 2490982 METHOD FOR ASEPTICALLY DISPENSING MULTIPLE PORTIONS OF A FLUID. Nestec S.A. 2490994 TRANSFORMER. ABB Technology AG 2491022 DIAZEPAN DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTORS. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2491023 COUMARIN COMPOUNDS AS RECEPTOR MODULATORS WITH THERAPEUTIC UTILITY. ALLERGAN, INC. 2491030 FUSED RING ANALOGUES OF ANTI-FIBROTIC AGENTS. Fibrotech Therapeutics PTY LTD 2491046 METHOD FOR PREPARING ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID FUNCTIONALIZED SOLIDS HAVING A TRIAZOLE RING. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1; IFP Énergies nouvelles; CNRS 2491059 ANTI-HEPSIN ANTIBODIES AND METHODS USING SAME. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2491065 HYDROPHILICALLY-MODIFIED SILICONE COMPOSITIONS. Dow Corning Corporation 2491067 RADIO-FREQUENCY SEALABLE POLYMER AND ARTICLES THEREOF. Eastman Chemical Company 2491074 USE OF A POROUS POLYPROPYLENE FILM AS INNER WRAPPING OF A CIGARETTE PACKAGE. Treofan Germany GmbH & Co.KG 2491103 LAUNDRY COMPOSITIONS. Unilever PLC, A Company Registered in England and Wales under Company no. 41424; Unilever N.V. 2491105 DYE POLYMERS. Unilever PLC, A Company Registered in England and Wales under Company no. 41424; Unilever N.V. 2491108 DEVICE FOR MONITORING CELL CULTURE DEVELOPMENT. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2491136 TEST FOR DETECTING XANTHOMONAS AXONOPODIS PV. ALLII. Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement 3516 3517 27/07/2016 2491169 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR OBTAINING A MULTICRYSTALLINE SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL, IN PARTICULAR SILICON. Saet S.p.A. 2491187 TETHER TRACKING SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MOBILE MACHINE. Caterpillar, Inc. 2491190 BELLOWS-LIKE FOLDABLE TOILET BOWL. NON SOLO YACHTING s.a.s. di Salzano Alessandro e Grimaldi Orfeo Paolo 2491199 METHOD FOR CONTINUOUSLY MANUFACTURING A SELF-ADHESIVE FLOOR COVERING FROM A NON-ADHESIVE FLOOR COVERING AND DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTING SAID METHOD. Gergonne Industrie 2491251 PRESSURE INTENSIFIER SYSTEM FOR SUBSEA RUNNING TOOLS. Framo Engineering AS 2491255 AIR DISPERSER FOR A SPRAY DRYER AND A METHOD FOR ADJUSTING AN AIR DISPERSER. GEA Process Engineering A/S 2491270 DEVICE FOR VIBRATION DAMPING IN A GEAR UNIT. Kendrion Linnig GmbH 2491291 MULTILAYER TUBE HAVING A TUBULAR INNER FILM, METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME, AND USE THEREOF. Fasel, Albert; Quitter, René; Hartenstein, Jürgen 2491307 RADIATING BURNER HAVING ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF A RADIATING BURNER. GDF SUEZ 2491310 A METHOD OF OPERATING A MULTI-FUEL COMBUSTION SYSTEM. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2491314 THIN-SHEET PANEL ASSEMBLY FOR SOLAR CONCENTRATORS. Gossamer Space Frames 2491324 VACUUM INSULATION PANEL. LG Hausys, Ltd. 2491395 METHOD OF USING NON-RARE CELLS TO DETECT RARE CELLS. EPIC Sciences, Inc.; The Scripps Research Institute 2491399 PROGNOSTIC, SCREENING AND TREATMENT METHODS AND AGENTS FOR TREATMENT OF METASTASIS AND INFLAMMATION USING 5T4 ONCOFOETAL GLYCOPROTEIN. Cancer Research Technology Limited 2491400 BIOMARKER FOR DIAGNOSIS, PREDICTION AND/OR PROGNOSIS OF ACUTE HEART FAILURE AND USES THEREOF. MyCartis N.V. 2491411 METHOD AND APPLIANCE FOR THE DETECTION OF CURRENT DISCONTINUITY IN SWITCHED ELECTRICAL POINT OF AN ALTERNATING NETWORK. Katsoulis, Alexander 27/07/2016 2491420 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE COMBINING PASSIVE RADARS AND ACTIVE RADARS. Thales 2491433 TOW ASSEMBLY FOR FIXED WING AIRCRAFT FOR GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYING. Geotech Airborne Limited 2491465 PROCESS CONTROL ASSEMBLY FOR A PROCESS AND/OR AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY APPARATUS. Endress + Hauser Process Solutions AG 2491519 RFID LABEL COMPRISING AN INTERFACE TO EXTERNAL SENSORS. ams R&D analogni polprevodniki d.o.o. 2491531 ALIGNMENT OF AN ORDERED STACK OF IMAGES FROM A SPECIMEN.. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2491551 APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING AN UPMIX SIGNAL REPRESENTATION ON THE BASIS OF A DOWNMIX SIGNAL REPRESENTATION, APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING A BITSTREAM REPRESENTING A MULTICHANNEL AUDIO SIGNAL, METHODS, COMPUTER PROGRAM AND BITSTREAM USING A DISTORTION CONTROL SIGNALING. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.; Dolby International AB 2491552 AUDIO ENCODER, AUDIO DECODER, METHOD FOR ENCODING AN AUDIO INFORMATION, METHOD FOR DECODING AN AUDIO INFORMATION AND COMPUTER PROGRAM USING A DETECTION OF A GROUP OF PREVIOUSLY-DECODED SPECTRAL VALUES. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2491559 METHOD AND BACKGROUND ESTIMATOR FOR VOICE ACTIVITY DETECTION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2491565 MONOSTABLE ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTUATOR DEVICE. Eto Magnetic GmbH 2491578 STEPPED MASKING FOR PATTERNED IMPLANTATION. Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc. 2491617 An ultra-wideband radar imaging system using a two-dimensional multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) transducer array. Delft University of Technology; Satimo; The European Unionrepresented by the European Commission 2491662 Number of streams indication for WLAN. Marvell World Trade Ltd. 2491663 Training sequence indication for WLAN. Marvell World Trade Ltd. 2491684 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSPARENT CLOUD COMPUTING WITH A VIRTUALIZED NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE. ALCATEL LUCENT 3518 3519 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2491692 Orthogonal linear frequency modulated communications. Thales Canada Inc. 2491711 METHOD FOR CORRECTING IMAGES OUTPUT BY A DETECTOR (No. 2312) WITHOUT TEMPERATURE REGULATION AND DETECTOR IMPLEMENTING SUCH A METHOD. ULIS 2491722 DEPTH MAP GENERATION TECHNIQUES FOR CONVERSION OF 2D VIDEO DATA TO 3D VIDEO DATA. Qualcomm Incorporated 2491753 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR PAGING RECEPTION IN MULTIMODE WIRELESS NETWORKS. Apple Inc. 2491760 PROCESS FOR INDUCTION HEATING USED USED IN A DEVICE INCORPORATING MAGNETICALLY COUPLED INDUCTORS. Electricité de France; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse 2491799 COATING MATERIAL FOR FRIED FOODS. Nippon Starch Chemical Co., Ltd. 2491813 ELECTRIC MASCARA BRUSH THAT CAN VIBRATE AND COUNTER ROTATE. Hitomi, Hombo 2491898 DEFECATION DETECTION DEVICE. Uni-Charm Corporation 2491900 DEFECATION DETECTION DEVICE. Uni-Charm Corporation 2491902 INTRAOCULAR LENS INSERTION DEVICE. Kowa Company Ltd. 2492018 SPRAY GUN. Freund Corporation 2492084 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THREE-DIMENSIONALLY SHAPED OBJECT AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING SAME. Panasonic Corporation 2492110 ACTIVATING AGENT FOR HYDRAULIC TRANSFER FILM AND HYDRAUYLIC TRANSFER METHOD. Taica Corporation 2492305 COMPOSITION CONTAINING MICROFIBRILLATED PLANT FIBERS. Seiko PMC Corporation; Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd.; DIC Corporation; MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL CORPORATION; Kyoto University 2492326 RADIATION-CURE REMOVAL TYPE PRESSURE-SENSITIVE ADHESIVE SHEET. Nitto Denko Corporation 2492342 Mutant hydrolase proteins with enhanced kinetics and functional expression. Promega Corporation 2492463 EXHAUST PURIFICATION DEVICE OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2492464 EXHAUST EMISSION PURIFICATION SYSTEM OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2492533 Ballscrew assembly. Goodrich Corporation 2492716 Titanium black dispersion, photosensitive resin composition, wafer level lens, and solid-state image pickup element. FUJIFILM Corporation 27/07/2016 2493062 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DC-DC converter cell, regenerative DC-DC converter circuit comprising same and method for operating same. SEMIKRON Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG 2493104 HEADER COMPRESSION DATA PACKET TRANSMISSION METHOD AND DEVICE BASED ON RETRANSMISSION MECHANISM. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2493127 METHOD FOR VIRTUAL LINK DISCOVERY CONTROL AND SYSTEM FOR FIBRE CHANNEL OVER ETHERNET PROTOCOL. Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. 2493254 METHOD, BASE STATION AND SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING TIMINGADJUSTMENT ON COMPONENT CARRIERS. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2493288 HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION IN THE OOCYTE. Helmholtz Zentrum München Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH) 2493289 ANTIMICROBIAL COMPOSITION, ANTIMICROBIAL BRUSH FILAMENTS AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF. Dupont Xingda Filaments Company Limited; E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2493316 TREATMENT OF PLANTS AND SEED FOR COMBATING AN ATTACK/DURING AN ATTACK OF PERONOSPOROMYCETES. SourconPadena GmbH & Co. KG 2493350 A DEVICE FOR APPLYING TO THE SKIN. L'Oréal 2493357 COFFEE MAKER WITH MULTI AND SINGLE CUP MODES. Rivera, Adrian 2493361 MOP BUCKET. Rubbermaid Commercial Products LLC 2493371 SKIN AND WOUND ASSESSMENT TOOL. Estocado, Nancy Ann 2493381 THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF LESIONS REPRESENTED BY IMAGE DATA. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2493394 END-TO-END JOINT FOR CONNECTING END ZONES OF BODY DUCTS. NEWMAN MEDICAL KFT. 2493400 BONE HOLDING DEVICE. ZIMMER SPINE 2493403 DIRECT CONTROL SPINAL IMPLANT. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 2493404 BONE ENGAGING IMPLANT WITH ADJUSTMENT SADDLE. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 2493420 KNOT SLIP RESISTANT WOVEN CORD. Xiros Limited 2493504 STABLE ANTI-TNFR1 POLYPEPTIDES, ANTIBODY VARIABLE DOMAINS AND ANTAGONISTS. Glaxo Group Limited 2493531 Drug delivery devices and method of assembly. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2493541 ILLUMINATION DEVICE WITH WAKE-UP FUNCTION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 3520 3521 27/07/2016 2493569 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION THROUGH PERCUTANEOUS ULTRASOUND RENAL DENERVATION. ReCor Medical, Inc. 2493583 TABLE TENNIS ROBOT AND METHOD OF OPERATION. Newgy Industries, Inc. 2493624 A CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR. Alfa Laval Corporate AB 2493630 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A DARK-COLOR MULTI-LAYER COATING. Coatings Foreign IP Co. LLC 2493634 WIRE ROLL STAND WITH INDIVIDUAL DRIVE AS PART OF A GROUP OF ROLLING MILL STANDS IN A HIGH SPEED WIRE ROLLING MILL LINE. SMS Meer GmbH 2493663 ASSEMBLING PLIERS WITH RELEASABLE LOCKING PAWL. Vulkan Lokring- Rohrverbindungen GmbH & Co. KG 2493677 FIBER PREFORM, FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITE, AND METHOD OF MAKING THEREOF. Albany Engineered Composites, Inc. 2493694 PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR HAVING EMBEDDED ELECTRODES. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2493696 COATED MEDIUM FOR INKJET PRINTING. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2493702 SECURITY DOCUMENT. THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND 2493705 DEVICE FOR THE SENSOR-BASED DETECTION OF A PRESSURE DIFFERENCE IN A WORKING LINE for COMPRESSED AIR FLOW. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2493712 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE OPERATION OF AN AIRCONDITIONING LOOP IN A VEHICLE. VALEO SYSTEMES THERMIQUES 2493714 DEVICE FOR AUTOMATICALLY UNWINDING AND WINDING UP A TARPAULIN. Cramaro France Sàrl 2493721 TRAY MECHANISM WITH AUTOMATIC BEVERAGE HOLDING DEVICE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2493727 SEATBELT RETRACTOR WITH A TENSIONING DEVICE. Autoliv Development AB 2493730 WINDSHIELD WIPER DEVICE IN A VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2493737 OPPOSED HIGH PRESSURE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. RG3 INPROP, LLC 2493739 EMERGENCY BRAKE UNIT OF A RAIL VEHICLE. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH 27/07/2016 2493745 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR SUPPORT WHEN DRIVING OUT OF A PARKING SPACE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2493746 METHOD FOR ASSISTING A DRIVER WHILE PARKING. Robert Bosch GmbH 2493800 HOSE REEL MOUNTING TUBE CONSTRAINT. Graco Minnesota Inc. 2493810 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHLORINE DIOXIDE. Kemira OYJ 2493832 LOW-THICKNESS THERMOSTRUCTURAL COMPOSITE MATERIAL PART, AND MANUFACTURE METHOD. HERAKLES 2493836 HYDROGEN FLUORIDE-HFC-254EB AZEOTROPE AND ITS USES. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2493839 PROPYLENE OXIDE ISOMERIZATION PROCESS. Lyondell Chemical Technology, L.P. 2493840 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING ALLYL ACETATE. Lyondell Chemical Technology, L.P. 2493863 PHENOXY-SUBSTITUTED PYRIMIDINES AS OPIOID RECEPTOR MODULATORS. Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 2493886 HETEROARYL PIPERIDINE AND PIPERAZINE DERIVATES. Bayer CropScience AG 2493892 QUINUCLIDINE COMPOUNDS AS ALPHA-7 NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR LIGANDS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2493906 HETEROLEPTIC CARBEN COMPLEXES AND THEIR USE IN ORGANIG ELECTRONICS. BASF SE; OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH; Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2493931 ANTIBODIES IMMUNOREACTIVE WITH MUTANT HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE. M.S. Technologies LLC 2493939 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ANHYDRIDE-CONTAINING VINYL AROMATIC-VINYL CYANIDE COPOLYMERS HAVING REDUCED DIRT PARTICLE CONTENT. Styrolution Europe GmbH 2493944 PREMIX AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A THERMALLY EXPANDABLE AND CURABLE EPOXY-BASED COMPOUND. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2493945 AQUEOUS TWO-COMPONENT DISPERSION ADHESIVE. Sika Technology AG 2493946 AQUEOUS FORMULATIONS BASED ON CRYSTALLINE OR SEMICRYSTALLINE POLYURETHANE POLYMERS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2493972 ELASTOMER NANOCOMPOSITES WITH INCORPORATED PROCESS OILS. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 3522 3523 27/07/2016 2493976 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) RUBBER TREAD WITH INSIDE WALL CONSISTING OF THERMOEXPANDABLE LAYER. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2493995 METHOD FOR GLUING HEAT-ACTIVATED GLUEABLE SURFACE ELEMENTS. Tesa SE 2494010 USE OF A FUEL COMPOSITION. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 2494011 USE OF A FUEL COMPOSITION. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 2494017 LOW-RESIDUE DETERGENT FOR HARD SURFACES. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2494037 CLONAL EXPANSION OF B CELLS. Biontech AG; Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2494085 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ABRADABLE COATING ON A TURBOMACHINE. MTU Aero Engines AG 2494105 SELF-ADHESIVE COMPOSITE REINFORCEMENT. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2494128 TENT SYSTEM. Zencube - Fulland, Schneider, Overschmidt Gbr. 2494159 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR PURIFICATION OF AN EXHAUST GAS FROM AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Haldor Topsøe A/S 2494170 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REDUCING MOISTURE IN A COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.; General Electric Company; RWE Power AG 2494190 LIFT-TYPE VERTICAL AXIS TURBINE. Lux, Glenn Raymond 2494198 A WIND TURBINE AND A MOUNTING METHOD THEREOF. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2494219 CONNECTING ARRANGEMENT OF A CAMSHAFT PHASER. Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG 2494226 WET CLUTCH. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2494250 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PIPE COUPLINGS. Tyco Fire Products LP 2494253 SADDLE CLAMP HAVING ELECTRICAL BONDING CHARACTER. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2494255 QUICK- FIT CONNECTION. Giordano, Vincenza 2494258 SUPPORTS FOR TANKS. Aker Engineering & Technology AS 2494272 METHOD FOR RECLAIMING ENERGY IN SMELTING SYSTEMS AND SMELTING SYSTEM BASED ON THERMOCOUPLES. SMS Siemag AG 2494281 REFRIGERATION DEVICE AND CORRESPONDING ICE MAKER. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2494289 ICE MAKER. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 27/07/2016 2494301 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROJECTILE RAMMER AND WEAPON. Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG 2494313 FIELD DEVICE FOR PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2494325 METHOD FOR MONITORING A SUPPLY LINE. Draka Industrial Cable GmbH 2494328 METHOD FOR LEAK-TESTING HAND-HELD PISTON STROKE PIPETTES AND ASSOCIATED LEAK-TESTING APPARATUS. BRAND GMBH + CO KG 2494404 SINGLE-LAYER REFLECTIVE DISPLAY UTILIZING LUMINESCENCE. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2494408 PHOTOCHROMIC MATERIALS. Transitions Optical, Inc. 2494411 TONER, IMAGE FORMING APPARATUS, IMAGE FORMING METHOD AND PROCESS CARTRIDGE. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2494412 ELECTROSTATOGRAPHIC APPARATUS HAVING IMPROVED TRANSPORT MEMBER. Eastman Kodak Company 2494424 METHOD FOR HAPTIC DISPLAY OF DATA FEATURES. Immersion Corporation 2494505 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR AUTHENTICATING AN ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION. Google Inc. 2494529 DOCUMENT HANDLER HAVING VALIDATOR DETACHABLY ATTACHED THERETO. Japan Cash Machine Co., Ltd. 2494534 SAFETY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR SIGNALING SYSTEM STATES. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2494538 METHOD OF ADHERING AN EXTERIOR FILM TO A HOME APPLIANCE. LG Electronics Inc. 2494544 Complexity scalable perceptual tempo estimation. Dolby International AB 2494563 CERAMIC COMPONENTS FOR BRAZED FEEDTHROUGHS USED IN IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICES. Medtronic, Inc 2494565 FOOT-OPERATED SWITCH. Bernstein AG 2494567 DEVICE FOR COOLING A MEDIUM-VOLTAGE APPARATUS USING INSULATED HEAT PIPES. Alstom Technology Ltd. 2494568 DEVICE FOR COOLING A MEDIUM-VOLTAGE APPARATUS USING HEAT PIPES UNDER VOLTAGE. Alstom Technology Ltd. 2494569 METHOD OF COOLING A MEDIUM-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL APPARATUS BY INTEGRATED HEAT PIPES AND SYSTEM USING THIS METHOD. Alstom Technology Ltd. 3524 3525 27/07/2016 2494570 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR COOLING A JACKETED MEDIUMVOLTAGE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Alstom Technology Ltd. 2494607 POLARIZATION RESISTANT SOLAR CELL. Silicor Materials Inc. 2494643 METHOD FOR DETECTING THE SEALED STATE OF A FUEL CELL. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2494644 METHOD FOR DETECTING THE PERMEABILITY STATE OF THE ION EXCHANGER POLYMER MEMBRANE OF A FUEL CELL. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2494677 TRANSFERRING ELECTRIC ENERGY TO A VEHICLE, USING A SYSTEM WHICH COMPRISES CONSECUTIVE SEGMENTS FOR ENERGY TRANSFER. Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2494740 DEVICE SELECTION FOR MEDIA RENDERING. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2494751 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CHANNEL QUALITY DERIVATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2494757 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MERGING BIT PROBABILITY INFORMATION IN SERIAL LOCALIZATION WITH INDECISION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2494763 METHOD FOR SUPPORTING A REPUTATION MECHANISM IN A NETWORK AND NETWORK. NEC Europe Ltd. 2494784 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR GENERATING A CALIBRATED PROJECTION. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2494798 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR WAN/WLAN UNICAST AND MULTICAST COMMUNICATION. Symbol Technologies, Inc. 2494806 Method for energy management in a wireless radio network and corresponding wireless radio network. NEC Europe Ltd. 2494826 METHOD FOR RANGE EXTENSION IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. ALCATEL LUCENT 2494838 ACCESS POINT SCHEDULED PEER-TO-PEER COMMUNICATION. Qualcomm Incorporated 2494846 COOK TOP COMPRISING AT LEAST TWO HEATING ELEMENTS AND A POWER ELECTRONICS ARRANGEMENT. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH 2494872 LOW CALORIE COFFEE MIX COMPOSITION PREPARED BY USING DTAGATOSE. CJ Cheiljedang Corporation 27/07/2016 2494918 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR DETECTING ENDOGENOUS BIOMOLECULES. Kyushu UniversityNational University Corporation 2494923 PHOTO-ACOUSTIC DEVICE. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2494937 THERAPEUTIC TOOL GRIPPING DEVICE FOR A HANDPIECE. Soma, Kuniji 2494998 METHOD FOR MONITORING DIALYSATE CONCENTRATION AND DEVICE THEREFOR. Shibuya Kogyo Co., Ltd.; Nipro Corporation 2495023 DEFOAMING METHOD AND DEVICE. Toyo Seikan Kaisha, Ltd. 2495063 Wire-cut electric discharge machine having function of detecting upper surface of workpiece. FANUC CORPORATION 2495143 Brake control system. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2495156 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING VEHICLE TRAVEL. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2495215 Apparatus for continuous production of monopersulfuric acid. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. 2495224 INDIUM OXIDE SINTERED BODY AND INDIUM OXIDE TRANSPARENT CONDUCTIVE FILM. JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation 2495259 PRODUCTION METHOD FOR CATIONIC HYDROXYPROPYL CELLULOSE. Kao Corporation 2495312 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ANTIGEN-SPECIFIC B CELL POPULATION. Tokyo University Of Science Educational Foundation Administrative Organization 2495329 PROCESS FOR ECONOMICALLY MANUFACTURING XYLOSE FROM HYDROLYSATE USING ELECTRODIALYSIS AND DIRECT RECOVERY METHOD. CJ Cheiljedang Corporation 2495335 PROBE FOR DETECTING POLYMORPHISM IN EGFR GENES, AND USAGE THEREFOR. Arkray, Inc. 2495352 HOT-PRESSED MEMBER AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING SAME. JFE Steel Corporation 2495416 CONTROL DEVICE FOR AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH A SUPERCHARGER. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2495419 CONTROL SYSTEM FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2495776 MULTILAYERED PIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENT AND INJECTION DEVICE AND FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM USING THE SAME. Kyocera Corporation 3526 3527 27/07/2016 2495909 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A MOBILE DEVICE ACCESSIBLE TO AN ACCESS POINT (AP) CARD OF A DIGITAL TELEVISION (DTV) POSITIONED WITHIN ONE INDEPENDENT SPACE AMONG PHYSICALLY SEPARATED MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT SPACES, AND MOBILE DEVICE THEREFORE. LG Electronics Inc. 2495970 DISPLAY IMAGE SWITCHING DEVICE AND DISPLAY METHOD. Panasonic Corporation 2496029 POWER SAVING METHOD IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2496060 WIRING BOARD UNIT. Daikin Industries, Ltd. 2496136 APPARATUS FOR MEASURING A LEVEL OF A SPECIFIC GAS IN EXHALED BREATH. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2496222 THE PARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D. Bilgic, Mahmut 2496275 ABSORBENT ARTICLE HAVING ACTIVATED COLOR REGIONS IN OVERLAPPING LAYERS. The Procter & Gamble Company 2496278 SECURE PERFUSION SYSTEM. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besançon; Université de Franche-Comté; Etablissement Français du Sang 2496347 FERROUS HETEROGENEOUS CATALYST AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING OLEFINS BY CONVERTING CARBON MONOXIDE WITH HYDROGEN. BASF SE 2496386 FASTENING DEVICE. Weber, Josef 2496413 CNT-INFUSED METAL FIBER MATERIALS AND PROCESS THEREFOR. Applied NanoStructured Solutions, LLC 2496426 AIR SPRING HAVING A CONTROL VALVE FOR RESIDUAL PRESSURE MAINTENANCE. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2496442 DEVICE FOR HOLDING A CONTAINER. Envision Vehicle Engineering Novasio Technology Event 2496461 METHOD FOR OPERATING A POWER STEERING. ZF-Lenksysteme GmbH 2496465 ATTACHMENT OF A FRONT FENDER TO THE FIXED PLATE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE HOOD HINGE. PEUGEOT CITROËN AUTOMOBILES SA 2496508 Method and device for testing the tensile strength in pulling elements of a pulling element line. Inventio AG 2496560 PROCESS FOR PREPARING 1,3-DISUBSTITUTED PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS. BASF SE 2496573 HERBICIDAL TETRAHYDROPHTHALIMIDES. BASF SE 27/07/2016 2496632 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) STORAGE STABLE EPOXY RESIN COMPOSITIONS FOR ELECTRICAL LAMINATES. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2496770 KERBSTONE DEFLECTOR FOR A SNOWPLOUGH. Küper GmbH & Co. KG 2496793 WELDED ROTOR OF A GAS TURBINE ENGINE COMPRESSOR. ALSTOM Technology Ltd 2496951 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE SPEED OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2496979 OPTICAL FIBER SWITCH INCLUDING AN INDEX MATCHING ELASTOMERIC SOLID LAYER AND RELATED METHODS. Harris Corporation 2496980 OPTICAL FIBER SWITCH INCLUDING AN INDEX MATCHING ELASTOMERIC SOLID LAYER PROVIDING CORE AND CLADDING INDEX OF REFRACTION MATCHING AND RELATED METHODS. Harris Corporation 2497028 INTERFACE CLOCK MANAGEMENT. Rambus Inc. 2497079 LUMINOUS ELEMENT, PROCESS AND SYSTEM FOR MAKING IT AND CORRESPONDING DEVICES OBTAINED WITH SAID ELEMENT. NOVA PUBBLICITA' SRL 2497097 ILLUMINATED BUTTON FOR A CONTROL ASSEMBLY, CONTROL ASSEMBLY AND DOMESTIC APPLIANCE. PAS Deutschland GmbH 2497100 SWITCH, IN PARTICULAR LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2497163 COMMUNICATION CONNECTOR WITH IMPROVED CROSSTALK COMPENSATION. Panduit Corp. 2497188 DIGITAL AFFINE TRANSFORMATION MODULATED POWER AMPLIFIER FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2497232 MANAGING ROUTER ADVERTISEMENT MESSAGES TO SUPPORT ROAMING OF WIRELESS MOBILE CLIENT DEVICES. Cisco Technology, Inc. 2497277 METHOD FOR INLET AND OUTLET MODELLING OF VENT FOR HEARING AID DEVICES. Siemens Corporation 2497812 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING BETA-SIALON FLUORESCENT MATERIAL. Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2497925 INTAKE APPARATUS OF ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2498056 MANEUVERING CONTROL METHOD AND MANEUVERING CONTROL SYSTEM. Kawasaki Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 3528 3529 27/07/2016 2498560 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR SENDING UPLINK FEEDBACK INFORMATION. China Academy of Telecommunications Technology 2498709 STRUCTURED ILLUMINATION PROBE. Alcon Research, Ltd. 2498739 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE MOISTURE CONTENT IN AN ABSORBENT SANITARY PRODUCT AND DEVICE FOR CARRYING OUT THE METHOD. Paul Hartmann Aktiengesellschaft 2498747 MILD, FOAMING LIQUID CLEANSERS COMPRISING LOW LEVELS OF FATTY ISETHIONATE PRODUCT AND LOW TOTAL FATTY ACID AND/OR FATTY ACID SOAP CONTENT. Unilever PLC; Unilever N.V. 2498760 DELIVERY CARRIER. Capsugel Belgium NV 2498935 PROCESS FOR LAYER MANUFACTURING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL WORK PIECE USING SCANNING ELECTRON MONITORED WITH CLOSED LOOP CONTROL. Sciaky Inc. 2498950 LENS DEBLOCKING METHOD. Essilor International (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2499253 MICROORGANISMS HAVING ENHANCED SUCROSE MUTASE ACTIVITY. Südzucker Aktiengesellschaft Mannheim/Ochsenfurt 2499537 BACKLIGHT UNIT AND LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY INCLUDING THE SAME. LG Electronics Inc. 2499593 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR RESOLVING A NAMING CONFLICT. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2499602 FORMING CHANNELS FOR AN ANTENNA WIRE OF A TRANSPONDER. Féinics AmaTech Teoranta 2499657 MERCURY-FREE HIGH-PRESSURE DISCHARGE LAMP WITH A REDUCED AMOUNT OF ZINC HALIDE. OSRAM GmbH 2499870 AN IMPROVED METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CO-SCHEDULING TRANSMISSIONS IN A WIRELESS NETWORK. Apple Inc. 2500636 Light emitting device. InterLight Optotech Corporation 2500968 POLYCRYSTALLINE COBALT-NICKEL-MANGANESE TERNARY POSITIVE MATERIAL, PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF AND LITHIUM ION SECONDARY BATTERY. Gui Zhou Zhenhua Newmaterial Co., Ltd; Shenzhen Zhenhua New Material Co., Ltd. 2501196 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ACQUIRING USER EQUIPMENT DUPLEX MODE INFORMATION. China Academy of Telecommunications Technology 2501290 SCAN PLAN FIELD OF VIEW ADJUSTOR, DETERMINER, AND/OR QUALITY ASSESSOR. Koninklijke Philips N.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 27/07/2016 2501329 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) LOW FRICTION ROTATIONAL INTERFACE FOR A MECHANICAL SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2501481 DEVICE FOR COMMINUTING OR GRINDING. IKA - Werke GmbH & Co. KG 2501539 METHOD OF MAKING A PNEUMATIC INNERLINER. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 2501601 STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. Daimler AG 2501708 NOVEL ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID SOLID IHM-2-N3 PROVIDED WITH AN AZIDE FUNCTION, AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SAME. Bazer-Bachi, Delphine; Bats, Nicolas; IFP Énergies nouvelles; CNRS; Université Claude Bernard de Lyon 1 2501725 MASS POLYMERIZATION OF (METH)ACRYLATE CO-POLYMERS WHICH ARE SOLUBLE IN AQUEOUS ALKALINE. Evonik Röhm GmbH 2501932 Control cabinet for a wind turbine. SSB Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG 2501954 TUBULAR ELEMENT HAVING A REFLECTIVE PROTECTIVE COATING AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. ContiTech Luftfedersysteme GmbH 2501956 DAMPER VALVE. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2501959 PUSH BELT FOR A CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION, COMPRISING DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRANSVERSE ELEMENTS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2502137 METHODS, DEVICES, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR PROVIDING MULTI-REGION TOUCH SCROLLING. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2502272 NONVOLATILE LATCH CIRCUIT AND LOGIC CIRCUIT, AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE USING THE SAME. Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co. Ltd. 2502396 Method and apparatus for minimizing bandwidth usage between a communication server and a media device. Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2502471 PRODUCTION OF CONDUCTOR STRUCTURES ON PLASTIC FILMS BY MEANS OF NANO-INKS. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2502725 Device and method for manufacturing tubular bodies. PackSys Global (Switzerland) Ltd. 2502757 TIRE. Bridgestone Corporation 2502990 Mutant hydrolase proteins with enhanced kinetics and functional expression. Promega Corporation 3530 3531 27/07/2016 2503020 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR STORING LANTHANUM OXIDE TARGET, AND VACUUM-PACKED LANTHANUM OXIDE TARGET. JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation 2503853 Lighting system and method for controlling the same. LG Electronics Inc. 2504026 COMPOSITION COMPRISING A COMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE PROTEOLYTIC ENZYME AND AT LEAST ONE LIPOLYTIC ENZYME, FOR USE IN PREVENTING TRIGLYCERIDE SYNTHESIS. Imarko Research S.A. 2504314 QUINAZOLINE DERIVATIVES. Merck Patent GmbH 2504481 DOOR-LOCKING DEVICE FOR LOCKING THE DOOR OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE. BITRON S.p.A. 2504537 RESERVOIR TANK FOR A REDUCING AGENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2504550 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING UNCONTROLLED IGNITION IN AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2504575 Wind power plant and method for temperature regulation of at least one component of a wind power plant. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2504599 METHOD FOR OPERATING A PARKING BRAKE OF A VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2504717 ULTRASONIC SENSOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2504739 CONTROL SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING SAFETY-CRITICAL AND NONSAFETY-CRITICAL PROCESSES. ABB AG 2504942 ADAPTIVE DATA TRANSMISSION FOR A DIGITAL IN-BAND MODEM OPERATING OVER A VOICE CHANNEL. Airbiquity Inc. 2505411 IN-WHEEL MOTOR DRIVE DEVICE. NTN Corporation 2506218 METHOD, TERMINAL, AND COMPUTER-READABLE RECORDING MEDIUM FOR TRIMMING A PIECE OF IMAGE CONTENT. Intel Corporation 2506614 Method, apparatus and computer program product for security configuration coordination during a cell update procedure. Broadcom Corporation 2507109 METHOD FOR TRANSFERRING FREIGHT FROM A CAR OF A FIRST TRAIN TO A CAR OF A SECOND TRAIN DURING TRAVEL. Friedrichs, Arno 2507503 FUEL INJECTION DEVICE WITH QUANTITY DIFFERENCE CONTROL FOR AN ELECTRIC PRE-SUPPLY PUMP. Robert Bosch GmbH 2507504 CONTROL VALVE PARTICULARLY FOR METERING A FLUID TO A DELIVERY PUMP ARRANGED DOWNSTREAM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2508655 METHOD OF PRODUCING SILICON CARBIDE MONOCRYSTALS. Showa Denko K.K. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2508830 Vertical heat exchanger configuration for lng facility. ConocoPhillips Company 2509293 System and method for activating a component on an electronic device. BlackBerry Limited 2509358 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSMITTING MULTICARRIERSUPPORTED CAPABILITY OF USER EQUIPMENT. ZTE Corporation 2509448 NOVEL NACL SUBSTITUTE AGENT. Lesaffre et Compagnie 2509517 DRILL GUIDE SYSTEM. Synthes GmbH 2509682 IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE WITH AUTOMATIC TACHYCARDIA DETECTION AND CONTROL IN MRI ENVIRONMENTS. Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. 2509741 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR A LASER LIFT-OFF METHOD HAVING A BEAM SPLITTER. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH 2509832 DRIVER ASSITANT SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE, ESPECIALLY UTILITY VEHICLE, AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A BRAKE SYSTEM. WABCO GmbH 2509889 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING PACKS, IN PARTICULAR FOR CIGARETTES. Focke & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG) 2510220 FUEL INJECTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2510613 INVERTER ASSEMBLY FOR OPERATING AN ELECTRIC MOTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2511303 MANUFACTURING METHOD OF SOLID CATALYST FOR PROPYLENE POLYMERIZATION. Samsung Total Petrochemicals Co. Ltd. 2511968 STACKED PIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENT, INJECTION DEVICE USING SAME, AND FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM. Kyocera Corporation 2512388 CONTAINER FOR THE COLLECTION OF URINE OVER A PERIOD OF 24 HOURS. Vacutest Kima S.r.l. 2512409 PHTHALIMIDES AS BLEACH ACTIVATORS. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2512714 MACHINE TOOL SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY FOR HAND-HELD MACHINE TOOLS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2512751 HAND-POWER TOOL COMPRISING AN OSCILLATION-DAMPING DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2513362 RING SPINNING MACHINE HAVING A FALSE TWIST DEVICE. Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 2513802 EXPANDABLE ASYMMETRIC-CHANNEL MEMORY SYSTEM. Rambus Inc. 2513977 Photovoltaic module comprising an electrical connection having an optical function. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 3532 3533 27/07/2016 2514022 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DECREASING MOISTURE IN A GAS IN A BATTERY HOUSING INTERIOR. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2515212 Touch screen system and method of driving the same. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2515486 AVAILABLE BANDWIDTH ESTIMATION DEVICE. NEC Corporation 2516218 WIPER CONTROLLER. Robert Bosch GmbH 2516229 MAGNETIC VALVE AND DRIVER ASSISTANCE DEVICE COMPRISING SAID TYPE OF MAGNETIC VALVE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2516288 WELLBORE PIPE PROTECTION DEVICE. Pipe-proteq Holding B.V. 2516334 WASTE HEAT DRIVEN DESALINATION PROCESS. General Electric Company 2516737 ASSEMBLY FOR CONTROLLING THE POSITION OF A ROLL OR THE NIP PRESSURE OF A ROLL NIP OF A FIBROUS MATERIAL WEB MACHINE. Valmet Technologies, Inc. 2517947 Motor control device. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2518135 SYSTEM LUBRICANT OIL COMPOSITION FOR CROSSHEAD-TYPE DIESEL ENGINE. JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation 2518170 SPARK PLUG. NGK Sparkplug Co., Ltd. 2518925 Techniques for data transmission using high-order modulation. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2519393 MOLD-RUNNER SYSTEM HAVING INDEPENDENTLY CONTROLLABLE SHOOTING-POT ASSEMBLIES. Husky Injection Molding Systems S.A. 2519624 SHADING COMPOSITION. Unilever PLC, A Company Registered in England and Wales under Company no. 41424; Unilever N.V. 2520134 LED LIGHTING SYSTEM. Delos Living, LLC 2520672 Method and system for hydrolytic saccharification of a cellulosic biomass. KAWASAKI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2521657 VEHICLE TYRE. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2521822 INTIMATE SHOWER FOR A WC. Presano AG 2522957 NAVIGATION SERVER AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2523431 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SAVING POWER OF MOBILE TERMINAL. ZTE Corporation 2523533 Operating circuit for light diodes. Tridonic GmbH & Co KG 2525244 MIRROR FOR CHECKING BLIND SPOT. Komy Co., Ltd. 2526039 REEL CHANGER HAVING A SECURING MEANS FOR A SAFETY AREA. Koenig & Bauer AG 27/07/2016 2526644 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) MULTI-FREQUENCY-BAND RECEIVER. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2526857 System and method for detecting fluid changes. Bayer Medical Care Inc. 2527418 WHITE-LIGHT LED RED LUMINESCENT MATERIALS AND PREPARATION METHODS THEREOF. Jiangsu Bree Optronics Co. Ltd. 2528284 Communication apparatus, communication method, circuit module and integrated circuit. Panasonic Corporation 2530279 SPLIT RING COOLING STRUCTURE AND GAS TURBINE. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 2530781 COUPLER FOR A COAXIAL CABLE. Obshchestvo S Ogranichennoy Otvetstvennostyu "Veritel" 2531063 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VISUALIZING DECORS IN A VIRTUAL SPACE. Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG 2532912 Double gear assembly for a double gear transmission. GETRAG Getriebe- und Zahnradfabrik Hermann Hagenmeyer GmbH & Cie KG 2533561 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE OF BASE STATION. ZTE Corporation 2533773 TOPICAL DERMAL DELIVERY DEVICE FOR NITRIC OXIDE DELIVERY. KIPAX AB 2534957 Delivering aerosolizable products. AeroDesigns, Inc 2535397 LUBRICANT ADDITIVE COMPOSITION. JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation 2536576 PNEUMATIC VEHICLE TIRE. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2537064 BACKLIGHT UNIT AND LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY INCLUDING THE SAME. LG Electronics Inc. 2537477 Visualization trocar. SurgiQuest, Incorporated 2539706 ARYLPIPERAZINE OPIOID RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Research Triangle Institute 2540347 Ultrasonic systems for ablating tissue. VytronUS, Inc. 2540501 Method of producing weldable roof felt sections having an adhesive layer on one side in the form of at least one longitudinal strip and a transversal strip of an adhesive material and a device for implementation of this method. Werner Janikowo Sp. z o.o. 2540586 TRANSMISSION WITH BUILT-IN BRAKE FOR VEHICLES. Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift Co., Ltd.; Okamura Corporation 2541115 Antistatic tube construction. Merlett Tecnoplastic S.p.A. 2541138 LED LIGHTING APPARATUS. ICEPIPE CORPORATION 3534 3535 27/07/2016 2541322 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Composition, process of preparation and method of application and exposure for light imaging paper. INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY 2541860 Method and system for adaptive peak to average power ratio reduction in OFDM communication networks. Apple Inc. 2542201 A BODY SUPPORT PLATFORM. Balluga Ltd 2542644 PHOSPHORESCENT MATERIALS. Universal Display Corporation 2545231 A CORNER CONNECTION, IN PARTICULAR FOR A WIND TURBINE TOWER. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft; Andresen Towers A/S 2545670 Methods and apparatuses for multiple access in a wireless communication network using DCT-OFDM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2546134 Combination structure of bicycle frame and motor hub. Fairly Bike Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Mystromer AG 2546649 Biomarkers for fatty liver disease and methods using the same. Metabolon Inc.; THE CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION 2546753 COMPUTER SYSTEM, ACTIVE SYSTEM COMPUTER AND STANDBY SYSTEM COMPUTER. NEC Corporation 2548851 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING BELT-SHAPED GLASS FILM. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 2549563 System comprising a battery tray and a tray receiver for mounting the battey tray in a battery cabinet of a wind turbine. Moog Unna GmbH 2549647 METHOD AND CIRCUITRY FOR MATCHING IMPEDANCE. ZTE Corporation 2551281 Splice variants of GDNF and uses thereof. Nevalaita, Liina; Saarma, Mart 2552053 MAINTENANCE END POINT AND METHOD FOR MEASURING THROUGHPUT. ZTE Corporation 2553528 PLASTICS COLOURATION. Datalase Limited 2554240 A method and a device for removing mercury from a process gas. Alstom Technology Ltd 2554487 Tab seal for sealing a vessel to be closed by plug or cap and related manufacturing method. Manufacture Generale de Joints 2556362 CEMENT TESTING. Halliburton Energy Service, Inc. 2556379 A 38 KDA FORM OF PRELP AS NEW DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPEUTIC TARGET. Avicenna Research Institute 2556716 Scheduling retransmissions for contention-based access. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2557304 JET FLOW NOZZLE. IHI Corporation 2557564 Information processing terminal and system. YAMAHA CORPORATION 2559351 Article of footwear with sole structure. NIKE Innovate C.V. 27/07/2016 2559537 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method and device for producing objects from waste plastics and/or new polymer goods of different or identical chemical composition and products produced accordingly. Neu, Werner 2561953 MACHINE TOOL COMPRISING A SUPPORT STRUCTURE OF TOOL OPERATION PANEL. Yamazaki Mazak Corporation 2564389 MEMORY MODULE FOR SIMULTANEOUSLY PROVIDING AT LEAST ONE SECURE AND AT LEAST ONE INSECURE MEMORY AREA. Robert Bosch GmbH 2564818 MEDICAL STENT. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2567633 PUFF MANUFACTURING METHOD. Daehyun Industrial Arts Co., Ltd 2567970 Novel nucleotide and amino acid sequences, and assays and methods of use thereof for diagnosis. Compugen Ltd. 2568105 End support for slats of sectional doors. Verolux S.r.l. 2570441 Bioabsorbable surgical composition. Covidien LP 2570445 POLYCARBONATE COPOLYMER, METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME, MOLDED BODY, OPTICAL MATERIAL, AND ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHIC PHOTOSENSITIVE BODY. IDEMITSU KOSAN CO., LTD. 2572670 Sterile surgical tray. Doheny Eye Institute 2572768 FOUR-LEGGED AMBULATORY LARGE-SIZE-ANIMAL SUIT. On-Art Corp. 2572983 Distributed active vibration control systems. Lord Corporation 2573434 Rotary valve. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 2573450 Airport and heliport lighting system. Induperm A/S; Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 2574833 MULTILAYER REINFORCED POLYMERIC PIPE AND SYSTEM OF PIPES. Obschestvo S Ogranichennoy Otvetstvennostyu "Gruppa Polymerteplo" 2575328 System and method for distributed multi-processing security gateway. A10 Networks Inc. 2575376 Headset and earphone. Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG 2576850 METHOD FOR RECOVERING NOBLE METALS AND OTHER BYPRODUCTS FROM ORE. Belakovs, Voldemars; Costache, Nicolae; Crestin, Dumitru; Banu, Geanina Silviana 2577570 MOUNTING AND CONNECTING AN ANTENNA WIRE IN A TRANSPONDER. Féinics AmaTech Teoranta 2577827 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ONLINE FERRORESONANCE DETECTION. Alstom Technology Ltd.; Tsinghua University 3536 3537 27/07/2016 2578029 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND NODE FOR POLICY DECISIONS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION IN CONSTRAINED RESOURCE NETWORKS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2578076 Installation device for the soil in the vicinity of plants and method for handling such a device. Hewitech GmbH & Co. KG 2578117 Mattress. Pluda, Margherita 2578119 Beverage production machine and method. Nestec S.A. 2578123 Coffee machine and method for inserting a quantity of beans. Eugster/Frismag AG 2578125 Robot cleaner. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2578198 Treatment table. Gharieni GmbH 2578307 Mixer with indirect steam heating. B.W. Soeteman B.V. 2578357 Clamp nut. Black & Decker Inc. 2578426 Vehicle with openable closure. Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. 2578427 Roof assembly for a vehicle. Inalfa Roof Systems Group B.V. 2578435 Method and device for braking track-bound vehicles driven by induction motors.. Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2578449 Storage device for a vehicle seat. Volvo Car Corporation 2578454 Safety arrangement for vehicle pedal. Volvo Car Corporation 2578458 Windshield wiper connector and windshield wiper connection assembly. UNIPOINT ELECTRIC MFG. CO., LTD. 2578460 Vehicle attitude control system. JTEKT CORPORATION 2578462 Method for controlling a motor-vehicle provided with a propulsion system of the "mild-hybrid" type. C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 2578463 Method for controlling a motor-vehicle provided with a propulsion system of the "mild-hybrid" type. C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 2578723 Method for selectively depositing noble metals on metal/metal nitride substrates. IMEC 2578724 Apparatus and process for deposition of polycrystalline silicon. Wacker Chemie AG 2578755 Construction machine. Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. 2578772 Foldable scaffold floor extension. ASB Produktions GmbH 2578788 Paneled partition having a retractable extension. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2578818 Control valve with integrated filter and cam shaft phase adjuster with the control valve. Schwäbische Hüttenwerke Automotive GmbH 2578846 Motor cylinder. Mahle König Kommanditgesellschaft GmbH & Co 2578911 Adjustment device for heating cycle valves. Claro Feinwerktechnik AG 27/07/2016 2578914 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A clip for wiring tubes having a grooved surface. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2579032 Sulphite sensor and method for measuring sulphite concentration in a substance. Alstom Technology Ltd 2579063 Method and system for locating interference by frequency sub-band. Thales 2579078 Splice cassette for optical fibers comprising a strain relief device for optical fibre bundles. CCS Technology, Inc. 2579124 A portable electronic device chargeable via at least one speaker port. BlackBerry Limited 2579186 Method for authenticating an electronic watch and electronic watch for implementing the same. ETA SA Manufacture Horlogère Suisse 2579208 Backlight simulation at reduced resolutions to determine spatial modulation of light for high dynamic range images. DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION 2579251 Interactive text editing. Google Inc. 2579278 Anti-theft cable. Nexans 2579285 Switching device and related switchgear. ABB Technology AG 2579303 Process for fabricating a silicon-on-insulator structure. Soitec 2579347 Piezoelectric device and method of manufacturing piezoelectric device. Fujifilm Corporation 2579348 Piezoelectric device, method of manufacturing piezoelectric device, and liquid ejection head. Fujifilm Corporation 2579349 Liquid ejecting head, liquid ejecting apparatus, and piezoelectric element. Seiko Epson Corporation 2579383 Battery pack for electric power tool. Makita Corporation 2579391 Connection of two electrical conductors on an element forming an electrical terminal. Leoni Wiring Systems France 2579399 Electric collector with tubular insulation sheaths mechanically independent of the conductor. Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES); Eurofarad-EFD 2579402 Fastening device for fastening an installation device on a support rail. Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH 2579551 Method and apparatus pertaining to automatically performing an application function of an electronic device based upon detecting a change in physical configuration of the device. BlackBerry Limited 2579629 Location aware pre-caching and service delivery. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2579631 Service differentiation in a network sharing architecture. ALCATEL LUCENT 2579682 Method for controlling an aircraft light. Goodrich Lighting Systems GmbH 3538 3539 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2580973 Reflex strips. Schneider, Otmar 2580982 Hanging sunshade. May Gerätebau GmbH 2580987 A drawer including a drawer panel and a drawer box. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2580988 Storing cupboard. Miele & Cie. KG 2580991 Perfected positioning and supporting group for the wall assembly of a piece of furniture and method of use thereof. LEONARDO S.r.l. 2580999 Garlic mincer. Progressive International Corporation 2581002 Brewing assembly. Severin Elektrogeräte GmbH 2581003 Apparatus for cooking food products. Reichlin, Andreas 2581009 A motor, fan and dirt separation means arrangement. Black & Decker Inc. 2581011 A hand-holdable vacuum cleaner. Black & Decker Inc. 2581012 A motor, fan and cyclonic separation apparatus arrangement for a vacuum cleaner. Black & Decker Inc. 2581015 A vacuum cleaner. Black & Decker Inc. 2581073 Method for controlling an operating table with a portable device. Merivaara Oy 2581172 Support. Werkzeug Pichler GmbH & Co. KG 2581174 Exchangeable shaft for garden appliances or domestic appliances. Gardtec Ltd. 2581175 Cord protector for power tools. Black & Decker Inc. 2581186 Refill. Max Co., Ltd. 2581187 Refill. Max Co., Ltd. 2581188 Refill. Max Co., Ltd. 2581189 Refill. Max Co., Ltd. 2581202 Moulding tool and method of producing a composite part. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. 2581205 Component for connecting structures and method of producing it. Airbus Operations GmbH 2581221 Use of a multilayered film comprising polyamide and polypropylene layers for the production of photovoltaic modules. Evonik Industries AG 2581253 Wheel driving speed reducer. SUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2581255 Vehicle drive with a combustion engine, distributor gear, rail vehicle or non-rail vehicle and method for operating a vehicle comprising a combustion engine. Merkt, Oliver 2581265 Device for controlling a range corrector with cables. AML Systems 2581269 System and method to minimize contamination of a rear view camera lens. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 2581290 Device for controlling the opening and closing a sliding and pivoting door or similar. Faiveley Transport 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2581307 Aerofoil with internal reinforcement for paragliders. Riederer, Alfred 2581320 Divisible pallet. DS Smith Packaging France 2581331 Device and method for aligning products. Weber Maschinenbau GmbH (No. 2312) Breidenbach 2581397 METHOD FOR PRODUCING LOW VISCOSITY, WATER SOLUBLE URETHANE(METH)ACRYLATES. Allnex IP S.à.r.l. 2581408 Tribologically modified glass-fiber reinforced polyoxymethylene. Ticona GmbH 2581466 Method for producing a moulded part. voestalpine Metal Forming GmbH 2581469 Aqueous activator solution and process for electroless copper deposition on laserdirect structured substrates. Enthone, Inc. 2581482 Cloth edge position detecting device and sewing machine. JUKI Corporation 2581484 Performance-enhanced electric appliance and related manufacturing method. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2581487 Method for operating a multi-clothes styler system. LG Electronics Inc. 2581488 A laundry dryer with a heat pump system and filter. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2581498 Method of making large diameter piles in a ground and tool for carrying out said operation. Trevi S.p.A. 2581516 Device for attaching ceiling frameworks or other accessories to the edges of a concrete beam. Chabanne SAS 2581530 Retaining device for a semi-stationary shutter. Grosfillex SAS 2581531 Drive for an espagnolette of a window, door or similar item. Roto Frank AG 2581596 Low actuating force canister purge valve. Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 2581632 Leaf seal manufacturing method. Rolls-Royce plc 2581649 Portable light and portable lighting system. Lumenox Limited 2581650 Garden lighting. Hemsson B.V. 2581651 Reflector for light sources and respective device. OSRAM GmbH 2581657 Cooling unit assembly for an LED lamp and LED lamp. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2581702 Method for identifying faulty measurement axes of a triaxial sensor. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2581712 Encoder and apparatus with the same. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2581729 Systems and methods for detecting volcanic ash embedded in water vapor clouds. The Boeing Company 2581733 Portable and versatile gamma or x-ray imaging device for non-destructive testing of suspicious packages incorporating the transmission and backscatter imaging techniques. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 3540 3541 27/07/2016 2581737 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) System for measuring oxidation-reduction potential, using porous platinum electrodes. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 2581738 Calibration technique for calibrating a zirconium oxide oxygen sensor and calibrated sensor. Mocon, Inc. 2581783 Display. Funai Electric Co., Ltd. 2581914 Method and facility for producing a radioisotope. Ion Beam Applications S.A. 2581948 DISCHARGE ELECTRODE PLATE ARRAY FOR FILM SOLAR CELL DISPOSITION. SHEN ZHEN TRONY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 2581968 Rechargeable battery. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2582038 Methods and apparatus for power control. BlackBerry Limited 2582044 Measurement of the output current of an amplifier circuit. Airbus DS GmbH 2582112 Robust and Low-Complexity Combined Signal Power Estimation for OFDM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2582211 Dali distribution device. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2582212 Method and apparatus for monitoring of current peaks in an EVG. BAG engineering GmbH 2582214 Method for Forming Conductive Circuit. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2583566 Whey protein micelles to enhance muscle mass and performance. Nestec S.A. 2583570 Smoking article having a mouth end cavity with indicia. Philip Morris Products S.A. 2583587 Peripheral support for computer devices. Sturmberg Mut, Christian 2583601 Closing device for closing a vessel. WMF WÜRTTEMBERGISCHE METALLWARENFABRIK AG 2583604 Toilet module. Airbus Operations GmbH 2583653 Hospital bed with removable trolley. Medicatlantic 2583659 Expandable container for preparation of a nutritional composition. Nestec S.A. 2583702 Method for ending haemodialysis. D_MED Consulting AG 2583716 Infusion hose clamp for a infusionpump and method for use of the same. B. Braun Melsungen AG 2583722 Vehicle compartment comprising a support platform for receiving equipment of a rescue vehicle. IVECO MAGIRUS AG 2583725 Dumbbell weight stack, dumbbell handle and dumbbell stack system with the dumbbell weight stack and dumbbell handle. Mayr, Fichtner, Fichtner, Behr GbR 2583738 Compressed air valve for pure gas supply. Buschjost GmbH 2583739 Moisture-absorbing device. Zyxtudio diseño e innovación SL 2583743 Ozone converter with internal bypass. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 27/07/2016 2583751 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Catalyst composition for selective hydrogenation with improved characteristics. Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH 2583753 Process and apparatus for dedusting a vapour gas mixture. Enefit Outotec Technology Oü 2583754 Process and apparatus for winning oil from a vapor gas mixture. Enefit Outotec Technology Oü 2583755 Apparatus, device and method for filtering fine particulate matter from exhaust gas. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 2583769 Device and method for thermoforming/press hardening and cutting a sheet material in a tool, with automated removal of the sheet waste. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2583802 An improved buffer for mold for ceramic industry and mold comprising said buffer.. Manenti S.p.A. 2583812 Method for operating a blow moulding machine. Hesta Blasformtechnik GmbH&Co. KG 2583815 Stabilizer in fibre reinforced plastic composite and method for its production. Luhn & Pulvermacher - Dittmann & Neuhaus GmbH 2583828 Combination printing press. Komori Corporation 2583847 Device and method for reducing glare. Signum Bildtechnik GmbH 2583850 Grille shutter apparatus. AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2583865 Plug-in system for interior work of a vehicle. Lakowa Gesellschaft für Kunststoffbe- und -verarbeitung mbH 2583878 Steering apparatus for vehicle. AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2583883 Track Chain Joint for a Crawler Type Work Vehicle. DEERE & COMPANY 2583913 Thermally insulated cup and insulating cover. Unicup Sp. z o.o. 2583915 Refuse collection vehicle. Farid Industrie S.p.A. Con Unico Socio 2583923 Piecing-up point with folding outlet assembly. Packmat Maschinenbau GmbH 2583933 Deflector for a gas return pipe for a container filling device. Krones AG 2584078 Heald with yarn-friendly yarn eyelet. Groz-Beckert KG 2584087 Machine for spreading out and loading flat clothing articles. Girbau Robotics 2584090 Iron comprising a vaporisation chamber connected to a scale recovery cavity comprising a descaling orifice. SEB S.A. 2584108 Waste water lifting plant. Grundfos Holding A/S 2584111 Reinforced concrete wall provided with insulating panels on the underside and a method of making such wall. Rockwool International A/S 2584119 Method and device for aligning a vehicle. Lödige Systems GmbH 2584128 Portable electronic device housing including hinge. BlackBerry Limited 3542 3543 27/07/2016 2584161 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Exhaust gas purifier for internal combustion engine. Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki; TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2584210 Canned stator of an electromagnetic machine for a corrosive atmosphere without heat treatment. SKF MAGNETIC MECHATRONICS 2584223 Drive screw system comprising slide bearing and slide bearing. NTN-SNR Roulements 2584237 Device for fixing a tube unit. Bächle, Dieter 2584252 Lighting system. OSRAM GmbH; OSRAM S.P.A. - SOCIETA' RIUNITE OSRAM EDISON CLERICI 2584256 Oxygen preheating in oxyfuel combustion system. Alstom Technology Ltd 2584321 A method and apparatus for estimating the dry mass flow rate of a biological material. Mantex AB 2584355 Acquisition device for taking measurements and/or collecting samples from a liquid. Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris (Établissement Public À Caractère Scientifique Et Technologique); Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux; Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées 2584394 Optical scanning device and image forming apparatus provided with the same. Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 2584478 Systems and methods for web site customization based on time-of-day. AOL Inc. 2584541 Method for access control. EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH 2584560 ENCODING METHOD AND DEVICE. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2584564 Method and device for dismantling a potentially contaminated pipe. SIGEDI 2584585 Method for adjusting a STEM equipped with an aberration corrector. FEI COMPANY 2584639 Fuel cell system. AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2584651 Method for beamforming and device using the same. IMEC 2584719 Control circuit for reducing electromagnetic interference. Macroblock, Inc. 2584793 Electret condenser microphone. Hosiden Corporation 2584862 METHOD AND TERMINAL FOR PROCESSING SHORT MESSAGE. ZTE Corporation 2584866 A dimmable energy-efficient electronic lamp. Rohm Co., Ltd. 2584874 LED light source with supervision. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2585354 DEVICE FOR SAFE PASSING OF MOTOR VEHICLE OVER LEVEL CROSSINGS USING SATELLITE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS. Rigas Tehniska Universitate; Latvijas Dzelzcels VAS 2586284 Pivoting mount for a knife drive. DEERE & COMPANY 27/07/2016 2586286 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Assembly and method for the preliminary investigation of plants to be picked up with a harvester. DEERE & COMPANY 2586288 Draper platform with center conveyor and method of replacing the center conveyor belt. DEERE & COMPANY 2586333 Pull-out guide. Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG 2586337 Set of bed boards. LS Bedding 2586340 Ring holder, system comprising ring holder and ring display and method for connecting a ring with a ring holder. beeline GmbH 2586356 Water supply device. BITRON S.p.A. 2586504 Dry surface carving ski apparatus. Kowalski, Jacek 2586517 Flue gas desulfurization. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. 2586564 Wood machining method and apparatus. SCM Group S.p.A. 2586591 Method for operating a thermoforming machine. Gabler Thermoform GmbH & Co. KG 2586595 Process for connecting a plastic workpiece with another workpiece. HelmholtzZentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH 2586603 Geodesic pneumatic tire with braided carcass and method for its manufacture.. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2586606 Packaging material. Gubler, Christian 2586615 Ink-jet recording apparatus. Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 2586634 Remote display for trailer coupling. Rockinger Agriculture GmbH 2586636 Attachment structure for windshield of vehicle. KAWASAKI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2586648 System comprising an automobile seat rail and a mounting intended for being attached thereto, and method for manufacturing such a system. Faurecia Sièges d'automobile 2586661 Load-bearing bar for a roof of a motor vehicle. F.LLI MENABO' S.R.L. 2586689 Motor driven vehicle. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2586690 Rear central cover locking structure for motorcycle. Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd. 2586711 Method and system for controlling a set of at least two satellites adapted for providing a service. Thales 2586717 Shrink tunnel. Krones Aktiengesellschaft 2586719 Folding unit and method for producing pourable food product packages. Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance S.A. 2586722 Safety closure. PIBIPLAST S.P.A. 2586745 A vacuum recycling apparatus and method for refining solar grade polysilicon. Sun, Wen-Pin; Huang, Hsiu-Min 3544 3545 27/07/2016 2586801 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROPYLENE RANDOM COPOLYMER, METHOD FOR ITS PREPARATION, AND COMPOSITIONS AND ARTICLES CONTAINING THE SAME. China Petroleum&Chemical Corporation; Beijing Research Institute of Chemical IndustryChina Petroleum & Chemical Corporation 2586838 Active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition. Toyo Ink Co., Ltd.; Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd. 2586908 Steam iron comprising a crease-removal brush. SEB S.A. 2586914 Self-propelled soil compactor. Hamm AG 2586915 Method of working a blacktop road surface to a target microroughness and a target macroroughness. Bridgestone Corporation 2586931 Tool for attachment to an elongate element for a scaffolding device. TubescaComabi 2586932 Device for locking a rail bar to a rung bar of a scaffolding device. TubescaComabi 2586935 Method for reinforcing a wall structure and corresponding reinforcement system. UAB "Leonardo, Gef Baltic, Gef" 2586940 Locking device of a wing. LA CROISEE D.S. 2586955 Device for laying a glazing bead on the rabbet of a sill constituting a window or door frame receiving a glass panel. S.N. Techniques et Automatismes de Manutention - Tecauma 2586989 Co-injected composite shroud of an axial turbomachine compressor. Techspace Aero S.A. 2587047 Injector arrangement. Continental Automotive GmbH 2587048 Power generation apparatus. ART Design Office Co. 2587094 Torque converter using magnetic viscous fluid as working fluid. JATCO Ltd; Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 2587117 Heat sink for recessed light. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2587134 Lamp. Grau, Tobias 2587148 Secondary combustion chamber with secondary air inlet. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 2587151 System for Turbine Combustor Fuel Mixing. General Electric Company 2587165 Cooking appliance with optical temperature indication. E.G.O. ELEKTROGERÄTEBAU GmbH 2587173 Climate control machine structure. Emerson Network Power S.R.L. 2587175 Fan supporting structure for climate control machines with underfloor air flow. Emerson Network Power S.R.L. 2587203 Belt dryer. Stela Laxhuber GmbH 27/07/2016 2587219 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method to improve leveling performance in navigation systems. Honeywell International Inc. 2587235 Lighting device, lighting control device and lighting system. Panasonic Corporation 2587242 Leak detector for a double-wall tank. AFRISO-Euro-Index GmbH 2587262 Detection method of activated neutrophils and apparatus therefor. SYSMEX CORPORATION 2587299 Image forming apparatus equipped with light scanning device. Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 2587326 Method of assessment of a risk involved in operating a measurement device on a measurement site in an industrial process. Endress + Hauser Messtechnik GmbH+Co. KG 2587386 Electronic systems and management methods. Acer Incorporated 2587414 Packaged rfid passive tag for small sized devices. Tata Consultancy Services Limited 2587484 Integrated circuit with configurable output cell. GN ReSound A/S 2587495 Electromagnetic adjustment device. Eto Magnetic GmbH 2587517 ELECTRON LENS AND THE ELECTRON BEAM DEVICE. Param Corporation 2587530 Wafer processing laminate, wafer processing member, temporary bonding arrangement, and thin wafer manufacturing method. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2587593 Electrical connector assembly with integrated wire holding means. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2587668 Power combiner using acoustic waves. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2587679 Rf receiver with voltage sampling. NXP B.V. 2587713 Efficient modular inversion with prime number test. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2587724 Quick advertisement of a failure of a network cellular router. Itron, Inc. 2587748 Launching of a session on a communication server. Orange 2587750 Addressing the large flow problem for equal cost multi-path in the datacenter. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2587774 A method for sip proxy failover. ALCATEL LUCENT 2587883 Method of handling service rejection for circuit switch service. HTC Corporation 2587899 Sinterable bonding material using copper nanoparticles, process for producing same, and method of bonding electronic component. Hitachi Ltd. 2589322 Coffee machine, in particular fully automatic espresso machine. Eugster/Frismag AG 3546 3547 27/07/2016 2589339 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Panoramic tomography X-ray apparatus and image processing device. J. Morita Manufacturing Corporation 2589364 Orthopaedic apparatus for holding and positioning a lower limb. Amplitude 2589425 Stripping and purifying tower for an electrolytic generator and method thereof. Idroenergy SPA 2589455 Method of joining material layers with penetration and welding devices. Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG 2589463 System comprising robotic end effector including multiple abrasion tools and method using the robotic end effector. The Boeing Company 2589642 Wavelength conversion sheet filled with large amount of phosphor, method of producing light emitting semiconductor device using the sheet, and light emitting semiconductor device. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2589694 Bobbin holder assembly for insertion into a loop taker housing of a vertical loop taker. Dürkopp Adler AG 2589783 Air Filter Unit for Motor Vehicle. Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. 2589784 Motor vehicle engine with integrated air filter unit. Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. 2589789 Fuel injector. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 2589790 Plug assembly for high-pressure valve. Delphi International Operations Luxembourg S.à r.l. 2589829 Bearing assembly having a floating seal. Rexnord Industries, LLC 2589843 Housing blank for a heater valve. U.S.H.-Innovationen GmbH 2589861 MULTIPLE MODE LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE. Honeywell International Inc. 2589871 Method and device for controlling or monitoring an atomisation device for the atomisation of liquid fuels in a modulating burner. Wolf GmbH 2589875 injection Apparatus. General Electric Company 2590088 Database queries enriched in rules. SAP SE 2590089 Rule type columns in database. SAP SE 2590090 Dynamic interface to read database through remote procedure call. Business Objects Software Ltd. 2590110 Depth image compression. Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC 2590146 Wireless communication system. KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOKAI RIKA DENKI SEISAKUSHO 2590160 Method of fabricating bow stick of stringed instrument and bow stick of stringed instrument. YAMAHA CORPORATION 2590196 Multi-directional switch device. Alps Electric Co., Ltd. 2590248 Negative electrode active material for non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery and method for manufacturing the same. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 27/07/2016 2590282 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Device for the installation of devices into electrical installations with integrated cover lock. Tehalit GmbH 2590293 Contactless power transmitting system having overheat protection function and method thereof. Hanrim Postech Co., Ltd 2590341 Device on board of a satellite for receiving aircraft surveillance messages.. Thales 2590437 Periodic adaptation of a feedback suppression device. Siemens Medical Instruments Pte. Ltd. 2591650 Cultivator tine with blade tip fixed by means of a quick-release coupling. Kerner, Gabriele; Kerner, Jürgen; Kerner, Stefan; Kerner, Tobias Josef; Kerner, Anja Maria 2591654 Assembly and method for automatic documentation of situations in agricultural work. DEERE & COMPANY 2591690 Safety Helmet. Centurion Safety Products Limited 2591750 Dental Syringe. MOCOM S.r.L. 2591779 TOPICAL FORMULATIONS WITH A TERTIARY AMINE OXIDE. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated 2591923 Pneumatic tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2591967 Method for operating a vehicle, control device and vehicle. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2591968 Method for operating a vehicle, controlling device and vehicle. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2591982 Assistance module for a power steering system of a vehicle. Jtekt Europe 2592020 Packing for netwrap rolls for roundbalers and corresponding packed roll. Novatex Italia S.p.A 2592139 Cell culture system, method for its preparation and its use in pre-clinical examination. HOT Screen GmbH 2592171 Method and apparatus for hot-dip coating a metal strip with a metallic coating. ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG 2592538 Portable device with display function. Pentax Ricoh Imaging Company, Ltd. 2592607 Battery-operated object detecting device. Optex Co., Ltd. 2592649 Method for forming self-aligning local interconnects in integrated circuits. Tela Innovations, Inc. 2592907 A circuit for driving light sources, relative lighting system and method of driving light sources. OSRAM GmbH 2594129 Device and method for removing waste from a surface. Lely Patent N.V. 2594156 Telescopic lifting column of a piece of furniture. Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG 2594417 Run-flat tire. SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES LIMITED 3548 3549 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2594672 Flatbed knitting machine including variable stitch device. Shima Seiki Mfg., Ltd. 2594795 Device for compressing a gas or a fluid comprising gaseous and liquid components, and a submarine boat containing such a device. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH 2594958 Device and method for acoustic measurement of the bed of a body of water. ATLAS Elektronik GmbH 2595314 Multi-mode amplifier. Honeywell International Inc. 2595329 Method of transmitting feedback message in wireless communication system. LG Electronics, Inc. 2595499 ELASTIC LEATHER CLOTHING. Becker-Weber, Christine 2595865 FOLDABLE BICYCLE. Montero Basqueseaux, Joaquín 2596556 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR INCREASING THE CONCENTRATION OF NEGATIVE IONS IN A CLOSED SPACE. Weyergans, Rudolf 2596720 Supporting apparatus for a furniture. LEONARDO S.r.l. 2596791 Stable solid preparations. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 2596848 Dry carbon dioxide capturing device with multistage supply structure. Korea Institute of Energy Research 2597126 Method of inhibiting salt precipitation from aqueous streams. M-I SWACO Norge AS; Oilfield Mineral Solutions Limited 2597308 Switchable pressure relief a lubricating device with piston pump. Eugen Woerner GmbH & Co. KG 2597534 Developing device and image forming apparatus including the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2597577 Ethernet base and network system. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2597700 Battery pack. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2597788 Frame structure for a multi-hop wireless system. APPLE INC. 2597831 Mechanism for packet forwarding using switch pools in flow- based, splitarchitecture networks. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (Publ) 2597899 Round robin assignment based communication. Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. 2598310 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR WELDING PIPE SECTIONS MADE OF PLASTICS INTO PIPES. Rothenberger AG 2599611 Fluid system having an expandable pump chamber. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2599612 Fluid system having an expandable pump chamber. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2599685 Steering column apparatus. FUJI KIKO Co., Ltd.; Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha; JTEKT Corporation 2599977 Arrangement for venting a radiator in a cooling system. Scania CV AB 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2600015 Turbo-compressor, fuel cell system. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 2600709 GREENHOUSE STRUCTURE FOR OPTIMIZED SOLAR EXPLOITATION. Filclair 2601499 LEAKAGE DETECTION AND LEAKAGE LOCATION IN SUPPLY NETWORKS. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2601875 Cyclonic separating apparatus. Dyson Technology Limited 2602029 Cutlery sorting machine. Dörr, Thomas 2602159 Construction machine, in particular paving machine or feeder. Dynapac GmbH 2602197 Device for labelling containers with stretch sleeves. Krones AG 2602199 Method and device for labelling containers with stretch sleeves. Krones AG 2602200 Method and device for labelling containers with stretch sleeves. Krones AG 2602201 Method for labelling containers with stretch sleeves. Krones AG 2602202 Method and device for labelling containers with stretch sleeves. Krones AG 2602301 Organic el element lighting device and lighting fixture using the same. Panasonic Corporation 2602446 VALVE TIMING CONTROL APPARATUS. Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 2602551 Small-scale burner, in particular stove, fireplace insert, or oven insert. Erwin Koppe Keramische Heizgeräte GmbH 2602889 Wire fixing member and wire fixing method. Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. 2602931 Amplifier. FUJITSU LIMITED 2604477 Control device. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2604630 Conjugated Diene Rubber Modified With Polar Alkoxysilane, Method and Composition Thereof. TSRC Corporation 2604631 Modified conjugated diene rubber, method and composition thereof. TSRC Corporation 2604988 Power tool with force sensing electronic clutch. Black & Decker Inc. 2605257 Motor drive for an electrical switching apparatus. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2605445 Method and apparatus for securing block ciphers against template attacks. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2606306 HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEM. Airbus Defence and Space SAS 2606502 CIRCUIT FOR AN ELECTROMAGNETIC SWITCHING DEVICE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2606568 DRIVE DEVICE. Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 2606771 air conditioned bed. Gentherm Incorporated 2606782 Coffee/espresso machine with a milk foaming device for cappuccino. Eugster/Frismag AG 2607133 Filler tube assembly for a fluid storage container for motor vehicles. Reutter GmbH 3550 3551 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2607906 Double-ended tuning fork with outrigger excitation. Honeywell International Inc. 2608044 Information processing apparatus and memory access method. FUJITSU LIMITED 2608175 Proximity detection system. Strata Proximity Systems, LLC 2608303 Silencer for reducing acoustic noise of fuel cell system. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2608468 Methods and apparatus for a distributed fibre channel control plane. Juniper Networks, Inc. 2608585 METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR TRIGGERING TERMINAL OPERATION. ZTE Corporation 2608985 ROTATION BRAKING APPARATUS AND USE OF A ROTATION BRAKING APPARATUS IN THE MOTOR VEHICLE INDUSTRY. Ace Stoßdämpfer Gmbh 2609221 SELECTIVE DETECTION OF NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS. The Government of the United States of America as Represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 2609836 Air conditioned bed. Gentherm Incorporated 2610113 Saddle-ride type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2610148 Motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2610149 Motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2610150 Saddle-ride type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2610153 Saddle-ride type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2610155 Straddle-type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2610182 Knot tying device and cartridge system for providing tying filament thereto. Ideal Industries Inc. 2610185 Method and device for labelling containers with sleeve-labels. Krones AG 2610186 Apparatus and method for attaching shrinkable sleeves to containers. Krones AG 2610379 Weft-braking device for yarn feeders provided with a stationary drum. L.G.L. Electronics S.p.A. 2610750 Disk array, storage system and data storage path switching method. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2610862 Electronic apparatus and method of controlling electronic apparatus. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2610867 Audio reproducing device and audio reproducing method. Panasonic Corporation 2610914 SEMICONDUCTOR ELEMENT. Panasonic Corporation 2610922 Photovoltaic module and frame thereof. AU Optronics Corporation 2611226 Processing method and system for over-the-air bootstrap. ZTE Corporation 27/07/2016 2612551 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Mite composition comprising a predatory mite and immobilized prey contacted with a fungus reducing agent and methods and uses related to the use of said composition. Koppert B.V. 2612854 Aminothiazolidine and aminotetrahydrothiazepine derivatives as BACE 1 inhibitors. Shionogi&Co., Ltd. 2612909 METHOD FOR PRODUCING VIRUS VECTOR. Takara Bio, Inc. 2612972 Prefabricated sound insulating and sound absorbing panel for building construction, roads, tunnels and the like, and manufacturing process thereof. Risso, Marco 2613102 HOT-WATER STORAGE TYPE HEATING UNIT. Rinnai Corporation 2613297 Bill recognizing and counting apparatus. Glory Ltd. 2613380 ENHANCED-STABILITY RECHARGEABLE BATTERY. LG Chem, Ltd. 2613688 OPHTHALMOSCOPIC SURGICAL CONTACT LENS. Alcon Research, Ltd 2614303 METHOD FOR OPERATING A COMBINED GAS AND STEAM TURBINE SYSTEM, GAS AND STEAM TURBINE SYSTEM FOR CARRYING OUT SAID METHOD, AND CORRESPONDING CONTROL DEVICE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2616084 BISMUTH ION FOR USE IN THE PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT OF THE HAEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME. Fernandez, Adrian Hector Antonio; Soubeiran, Chobet; Fernandez, Hector Manuel 2616850 MODEL BASED INVERSION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE FOR DETERMING FORMATION PROPERTIES. Schlumberger Technology B.V. 2617377 TREATMENT TOOL FOR SURGICAL USE. Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation; Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2618166 Electrical sensor for a two-wire power cable. Industrial Technology Research Institute 2619044 SUPPORT FOOT AND SUPPORT DEVICE FOR A SEMI-TRAILER, HAVING A DAMPING ELEMENT FOR THE PREVENTION OF RATTLING NOISES. SAF-HOLLAND GmbH 2619125 DRUM ASSEMBLY AND METHOD OF ASSEMBLING THE DRUM ASSEMBLY. Schlumberger Technology B.V. 2619446 TOWER SECTION TRANSPORT DEVICE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2619758 Audio signal transformer and inverse transformer, methods for audio signal analysis and synthesis. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2619997 Communication system comprising a telephone and a listening device, and transmission method. Siemens Medical Instruments Pte. Ltd. 2620092 FLUORESCENCE OBSERVATION DEVICE. Olympus Corporation 3552 3553 27/07/2016 2620232 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Rolling facility with linear bearing plate for rolling mill. Corts Engineering GmbH & Co. KG 2620352 VEHICLE BODY STRUCTURE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2620365 Device for supplying electric power to equipment built into the floor of an aircraft cabin. Airbus Helicopters 2620464 Silicone modified fatty acids, method of preparation and usage thereof. Natura Inovacão e Tecnologia de Produtos Ltda 2620814 METHOD FOR FORMING CONDUCTIVE PATTERN. Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. 2620971 Switching unit for an electric switching device and electric switching device. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2620983 SEMICONDUCTOR ELEMENT AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR. Panasonic Corporation 2621255 Locking mechanism for configurable enclosure. Hoffman Enclosures, Inc. 2621389 Electrosurgical instrument with jaws and with an electrode. Applied Medical Resources Corporation 2621643 PISTON VIBRATOR. Fedeli, Giancarlo 2621770 STEERING LOCK FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. U-Shin France SAS 2621838 ROLLER-WAY WITH TORQUE BRACKET. Interroll Holding AG 2621859 "ONE-POT" SYNTHESIS OF 2D, 1D, E 0D NANO CRYSTALS OF TUNGSTEN AND MOLYBDENUM CHALCOGENIDES (WS2,MOS2) FUNCTIONALIZED WITH LONG CHAIN AMINE AND/OR CARBOXYLIC ACID AND/OR THIOL. Universita' Degli Studi di Salerno 2621979 BIOCOMPOSITE PANEL. RESOPAL GMBH 2622125 LIGHTWEIGHT CARPET PRODUCTS AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE THEREOF. Beaulieu Group, LLC 2622814 SERVICE BASED RELEASE OF A SUBSCRIBER REGISTRAR SERVER FROM A SIGNALLING PATH IN AN INTERNET PROTOCOL COMMUNICATION NETWORK.. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2622836 TWO-DIMENSIONAL CALIBRATION OF IMAGE SENSOR ALIGNMENT IN OPTICAL SCANNERS. Contex A/s 2622838 SIGNAL INTENSITY MATCHING OF IMAGE SENSORS. Contex A/s 2623552 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING RUBBER COMPOSITION. Bridgestone Corporation 2624629 Data transfer management during a handover in a radio communications network. LG Electronics Inc. 2624714 HAIR EXTENSION. Di Biase, Luciano 2624725 PULL-OUT GUIDE. Schock Metallwerk GmbH 27/07/2016 2624727 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SERVIETTE PROVIDED WITH TWO SEPARABLE FASTENABLE NECK BANDS AND OPENINGS FOR BUTTONS OR A TIE. Florjancic, Peter 2624732 BREWING UNIT. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2624733 BEVERAGE DISPENSER WITH SELECTABLE BEVERAGE SENSORY PARAMETERS. Nestec S.A. 2624734 APPARATUS FOR AND METHOD OF HEATING AN OPERATING FLUID. Frito-Lay Trading Company GmbH 2624735 FRYING METHOD AND APPARATUS. Frito-Lay Trading Company GmbH 2624750 SENSOR DEVICE FOR ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY IMAGING, ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY IMAGING INSTRUMENT AND ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY METHOD. Swisstom AG 2624766 ILLUMINATABLE MEDICAL RETAINING HOOK. Heitland, Martina; Gerg, Blasius 2624781 ABUTMENT AND DENTAL-PROSTHETIC ARRANGEMENT HAVING SUCH AN ABUTMENT. BREDENT GMBH & CO. KG 2624789 PROSTHESIS FOR CERVICAL AND LUMBAR SPINE. Buettner, Eiko; Büttner-Janz, Karin 2624836 BEPOTASTINE COMPOSITIONS. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 2624887 REUSABLE ENGINE FOR AN AUTO-INJECTOR. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2624895 FINGER GUARD FOR AN INJECTION DEVICE. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2624908 ELECTRODE FOR FINDING POINTS OF LOW IMPEDANCE AND APPLYING ELECTRICAL STIMULATION THERETO. Nervomatrix Ltd. 2624973 VIBRATION DAMPING SYSTEM FOR A ROLLING MILL WITH FIRST AND SECOND PASSIVE HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS. Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche, S.p.A. 2624978 APPARATUS AND METHODS TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF ROLL-FORMING AND LEVELING SYSTEMS. The Bradbury Company, Inc. 2624981 FASTENER DELIVERY APPARATUS. Henrob Limited 2624984 STRIP-CASTING MACHINE. SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft 2624990 METHOD FOR CUTTING BLOCK MATERIALS AND CUTTING MACHINE FOR CUTTING BLOCK MATERIALS. Fecken-Kirfel GmbH & Co. KG 2625025 PIVOT ELEMENT. Graham Packaging Company, L.P. 2625042 TRANSPARENT INK-JET RECORDING FILMS, COMPOSITIONS, AND METHODS. Carestream Health, Inc. 3554 3555 27/07/2016 2625052 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING THE TEMPERATURE OF THE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Renault S.A.S. 2625056 MOTOR VEHICLE HAVING A DEVICE FOR INFLUENCING THE VIEWING DIRECTION OF THE DRIVER. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2625070 TRIM ELEMENT FOR MOTOR VEHICLE ADAPTED TO OPTIMUM DEPLOYMENT OF INFLATABLE BAG DEVICE. Faurecia Intérieur Industrie 2625071 AIRBAG DEVICE FOR PASSENGER'S SEAT. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2625087 A STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY. TRW Steering Systems Poland Sp. z.o.o.; TRW Limited 2625093 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING THE VALVES OF A CONNECTOR/DISCONNECTOR. KSB S.A.S 2625113 RECLOSABLE CONTAINER AND PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING SAID CONTAINER STARTING FROM A SHEET MATERIAL. Trani, Giorgio; Novacart S.P.A. 2625124 MODULAR CONTAINER TRANSFER APPARATUS. Edag Production Solutions Gmbh & Co. Kg 2625128 WINDING MACHINE AND TOOTHED BELT. Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG 2625132 LIFTING BRACKET ASSEMBLY INCLUDING JACK SCREW CONNECTOR. Whiting Corporation 2625169 QUINAZOLINE COMPOUNDS AS SODIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS. Purdue Pharma L.P. 2625194 POLYPEPTIDES AND THEIR USE IN TREATING AND LIMITING RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS INFECTION. University Of Washington Through Its Center For Commercialization 2625210 PROCESS FOR POLYMERISATION OF ETHYLENE. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation 2625221 PLASTICIZING OF ALIPHATIC POLYESTERS WITH ALKYL ESTERS OF DIANHYDRO HEXITOLS. Roquette Frères 2625231 INK-PRINTABLE COMPOSITIONS. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2625252 USE OF RAPE METHYL ESTER AS PRECIPITATION-INHIBITING FUEL ADDITIVES. Scania CV AB 2625255 MIXTURE OF FRAGRANCE COMPOUNDS. Symrise AG 2625260 METHOD AND DEVICE, IN PARTICULAR FOR MASHING IN THE PRODUCTION OF BEER. Krones AG 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2625262 PROCESS FOR PROTEIN PRODUCTION. Novo Nordisk Health Care AG 2625272 METHODS OF INDUCING INSULIN PRODUCTION. Mina Therapeutics (No. 2312) Limited 2625273 SHORT RNA MOLECULES. Mina Therapeutics Limited 2625279 Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material in the presence of sulfur oxyanions and/or sulfhydryl compounds. Sekab E-Technology AB 2625311 METHOD FOR PASSIVATING A METALLIC SURFACE. BASF SE 2625312 METHOD FOR PASSIVATING METALLIC SURFACES WITH AQUEOUS COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SURFACTANTS. BASF SE 2625315 PHOTOELECTROCHEMICAL CELL AND METHOD FOR THE SOLARDRIVEN DECOMPOSITION OF A STARTING MATERIAL. NOVAPECC GMBH 2625319 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING AN IRON-TIN LAYER ON A PACKAGING STEEL SUBSTRATE. Tata Steel IJmuiden BV 2625321 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING HIGH-PERFORMANCE POLYMER FIBERS. Polymer Research&Development 2625323 SEWING THREAD AND ITS MANUFACTURE. J & P Coats Limited 2625370 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FLUID TREATMENT. National Oilwell Varco, L.P. 2625373 Subsea wellhead. Plexus Holdings, PLC. 2625386 PUMP, COMPRESSOR OR MOTOR, MULTI-STAGE OR MULTICHANNEL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2625387 PUMP, COMPRESSOR OR MOTOR, MULTI-STAGE OR MULTICHANNEL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2625450 ELECTROMOTIVELY ACTUATED VALVE. Schneider, Ewald 2625462 DEVICE FOR RECOVERING ENERGY IN SMELTING SYSTEMS. SMS Siemag AG 2625488 NON-LINEARLY ACTING MEASURING APPARATUS FOR ANALYSING AND IMPROVING THE ADJUSTMENT OF SPHERICALLY ACTING ORIENTATION DEVICES. Macaso GmbH 2625492 CORIOLIS MASS FLOW METER. Krohne AG 2625500 A METHOD FOR MONITORING FUGITIVE GAS EMISSIONS FROM THE SOIL, VIA VERTICAL CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENTS. Tea Sistemi S.p.A. 2625514 ISFET DEVICE. DNA Electronics Ltd 2625541 LOCATING A DEVICE USING A REFERENCE POINT TO ALIGN LOCATION INFORMATION. Qualcomm Incorporated 3556 3557 27/07/2016 2625547 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DETECTION METHOD USING AN ELECTROCHEMICALLY-ASSISTED ALPHA DETECTOR FOR NUCLEAR MEASUREMENT IN A LIQUID MEDIUM. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2625548 IN SITU SYSTEM FOR THE DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF AN ALPHA RADIATION, AND RELATED METHOD FOR QUANTIFYING THE ACTIVITY OF ALPHA-EMITTING RADIONNUCLIDES IN A SOLUTION. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2625618 MEMORY CONTROLLERS, SYSTEMS, AND METHODS FOR APPLYING PAGE MANAGEMENT POLICIES BASED ON STREAM TRANSACTION INFORMATION. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 2625619 ARBITRATING STREAM TRANSACTIONS BASED ON INFORMATION RELATED TO THE STREAM TRANSACTION(S). Qualcomm Incorporated 2625641 OPEN PLATFORM SURVEILLANCE/MONITORING SYSTEM AND METHOD. Milestone Systems A/S 2625671 A VIBRATION DOSING SYSTEM FOR A TOOL. Société de Prospection et d'Inventions Techniques -SPIT 2625688 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PROCESSING AN AUDIO SIGNAL AND FOR PROVIDING A HIGHER TEMPORAL GRANULARITY FOR A COMBINED UNIFIED SPEECH AND AUDIO CODEC (USAC). Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.; VoiceAge Corporation 2625691 METALLIC NUCLEAR FUEL ROD COMPRISING A CLADDING WITH YARNS OR FIBRES MADE OF SILICIUM CARBIDE (SIC). Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2625711 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A CIRCUIT. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2625736 CATALYST PARTICLES, CARBON-SUPPORTED CATALYST PARTICLES AND FUEL CELL CATALYSTS, AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SUCH CATALYST PARTICLES AND CARBON-SUPPORTED CATALYST PARTICLES. University of Miyazaki; TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2625737 STACK OF IMPROVED FUEL CELLS AND ELECTRIC POWER GENERATOR COMPRISING SAID STACK. Electro Power Systems S.p.A. 2625740 BATTERY COMPARTMENT FOR A VEHICLE. Renault S.A.S. 2625770 ROTOR COMPRISING ADDED POLE SHOES COVERING THE MAGNETS AND A ROTARY ELECTRIC MACHINE. Moteurs Leroy-Somer 2625784 SWITCH MODE CIRCULATOR ISOLATED RF MIXER. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 27/07/2016 2625789 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) RADIO TRANSMISSION MODULES HAVING INTRINSIC SAFETY. MSA Auer GmbH 2625794 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REMOTE METERING THE CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY OVER POWER LINE NETWORK. Enel Distribuzione S.p.A. 2625803 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR WDM TRANSMISSION WITH CHROMATOTEMPORAL CODING. Institut Telecom - Telecom Paristech 2625806 MAPPING OF MODULATED SYMBOLS TO TONES AND SPATIAL STREAMS. Qualcomm Incorporated 2625817 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR THE DETECTION OF ATTACKS TAKING CONTROL OF THE SINGLE PHOTON DETECTORS OF A QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY APPARATUS BY RANDOMLY CHANGING THEIR EFFICIENCY. ID Quantique S.A. 2625922 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION. Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 2625931 ILLUMINATION SYSTEM, ILLUMINATION METHOD AND LIGHTING CONTROLLER. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2626088 Bioresorbable embolization microspheres. Regents of the University of Minnesota 2626262 SLAVE CYLINDER. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2626278 ELECTRONIC POWER STEERING APPARATUS. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2626876 POWER SOURCE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Yazaki Corporation 2626979 ROTARY ELECTRICAL DEVICE, BEARING ATTACHMENT AND DETACHMENT TOOL, AND BEARING REPLACEMENT METHOD. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2627119 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DELAYED RELEASE OF TEMPORARY BLOCK FLOW. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2627122 MOBILE COMMUNICATION METHOD, MOBILE MANAGEMENT NODE AND PACKET SWITCH. NTT DOCOMO, INC. 2627164 BLADE ARRANGEMENT FOR A GARDEN CUTTING DEVICE AND GARDEN CUTTING DEVICE HAVING SUCH A BLADE ARRANGEMENT. HUSQVARNA AB 2627166 GREENHOUSE WITH OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE. Filclair 2627198 IMMUNOADJUVANT. Chr. Hansen A/S 2627208 BUCKLE. ABA Hörtnagl GmbH 2627211 A COMB. Denman International Limited 3558 3559 27/07/2016 2627215 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) HIDDEN DEVICE FOR THE WALL ASSEMBLY OF A STRUCTURAL COMPONENT OF A PIECE OF FURNITURE, WITH SIDE REGULATION. Leonardo S.r.L. 2627217 HIDDEN DEVICE FOR THE WALL ASSEMBLY OF A STRUCTURAL COMPONENT OF A PIECE OF FURNITURE, WITH REGULATION FROM ABOVE. Leonardo S.r.L. 2627222 RETROFIT FOOTBOARD APPARATUS. Tv Bed Limited 2627228 COMMUNICATING DRINKS MACHINE. Withings 2627253 POWER MANAGEMENT FOR A HANDHELD MEDICAL DEVICE. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2627262 APPARATUS FOR GUIDING A SUTURE THREAD. Synthes GmbH 2627271 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR CUTTING ELONGATED ELEMENTS. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 2627278 MECHANICAL MANIPULATOR FOR SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 2627283 APPARATUS FOR TOOTH REGULATION WITH HEAVY FORCES. Biolux Research Limited 2627289 SUSPENSION LINER SYSTEM WITH DISTENSIBLE SEAL. Ossur HF 2627297 FOLDABLE BED BATHTUB HAVING SELF-SUPPORTING WALLS FOR MEDICAL AND NURSING PURPOSES. Schwarzkopf, Attila 2627300 DESICCANT CONTAINER. Lupin Limited 2627329 TRPA1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST. AstraZeneca AB 2627339 A MODIFIED HUMAN U1SNRNA MOLECULE, A GENE ENCODING FOR THE MODIFIED HUMAN U1SNRNA MOLECULE, AN EXPRESSION VECTOR INCLUDING THE GENE, AND THE USE THEREOF IN GENE THERAPY. Universita' degli Studi di Ferrara 2627354 SUPPRESSION OF A TYPE 1 HYPERSENSITIVITY IMMUNE RESPONSE WITH AN UNRELATED ANTIGEN. ALK-Abelló A/S 2627355 SUPPRESSION OF A HYPERSENSITIVITY IMMUNE RESPONSE WITH UNRELATED ANTIGEN DERIVED FROM ALLERGEN SOURCE MATERIAL. ALK-Abelló A/S 2627362 CONTAINER FOR A CONTACT LENS STORAGE SOLUTION AND CLEANING AND/OR STERILIZING DEVICE FOR CONTACT LENSES IN A CONTACT LENS STORAGE SOLUTION. Sturm, Albert; Nold, Yves 2627375 DOSE SETTING MECHANISM AND METHOD OF SETTING A DOSE. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 2627383 CAP ASSEMBLY FOR A DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 27/07/2016 2627407 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) MODIFICATION OF PARAMETER VALUES OF OPTICAL TREATMENT APPARATUS. Valkee Oy 2627410 METHOD FOR SETTING UP A RADIATION PLANNING. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH 2627412 THERAPEUTIC APPARATUS FOR HEATING A SUBJECT. National Institutes Of Health (NIH); Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2627429 FILTER AND METHOD FOR ITS PRODUCTION. Labio Test S.r.l. 2627441 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR CONTINUOUS HIGH TEMPERATURE SHORT-TIME ALKOXYLATION (ETHOXYLATION, PROPOXYLATION) OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS WITH ACTIVE HYDROGEN ATOMS. BUSS ChemTech AG 2627450 MICRONIZING DEVICE FOR FLUID JET MILLS. Fydec Holding SA 2627451 PHASE-SEPARATION METHOD FOR A PRODUCT, USING A CENTRIFUGE. GEA Mechanical Equipment GmbH 2627471 METHOD FOR JOINING TWO PARTNERS TO BE JOINED, I.E. CERAMIC AND METAL/CERAMIC MATERIALS, USING A LASER BEAM. CeramTec GmbH 2627472 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A SPOT WELDING SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE DETERMINATION OF THE POSITION OF AN INSERTED ELEMENT IN A HOLLOW MEMBER; ASSOCIATED SPOT WELDING SYSTEM. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2627477 HAND-HELD MACHINE TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2627481 TORQUE TRANSMISSION DEVICE, IN PARTICULAR IN THE FORM OF A CHUCK FOR A BIT. Wera - Werk Hermann Werner GmbH & Co. KG 2627491 METHOD FOR PRODUCING FLAME-PROOFED THERMOPLASTIC MOLDING COMPOUNDS. Styrolution Europe GmbH 2627495 HEATING DEVICE FOR A PREFORM MADE OF THERMOPLASTIC MATERIAL. S.I.P.A. Società Industrializzazione Progettazione e Automazione S.p.A. 2627496 METHOD FOR PLACING AN OVEN FOR HEAT-TREATING PREFORMS ON STANDBY. Sidel Participations 2627501 IMPROVED-SETTING AQUEOUS ADHESIVE FOR CARDBOARD SUBSTRATES. BOSTIK SA 2627510 MULTILAYER ASSEMBLY. Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy S.p.A. 2627516 SHEET CONVEYING APPARATUS AND IMAGE FORMING APPARATUS. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 3560 3561 27/07/2016 2627521 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) TYRE, THE SIDEWALLS OF WHICH ARE REINFORCED WITH A FILM OF MULTIAXIALLY STRETCHED THERMOPLASTIC POLYMER. Compagnie Générale des Etablissement Michelin-Michelin & Cie; Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2627524 IMPROVEMENT TO NOISE ATTENTUATOR DEVICES FOR TYRES. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2627525 CONTINUOUS CORRECTION FOR STEERING WHEEL ANGLE OFFSET. Robert Bosch GmbH 2627538 DUAL-SIDED DISPLAY FOR VEHICLE REAR-VIEWING SYSTEM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2627546 METHOD FOR MONITORING A BRAKE SYSTEM AND BRAKE SYSTEM. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2627553 DRIVE UNIT FOR A TRANSPORT SYSTEM AND TRANSPORT SYSTEM COMPRISING SAID DRIVE UNIT. Wft Fertigungstechnik Gmbh & Co. KG 2627560 AIRCRAFT INTERIOR CONFIGURATION. Bombardier Inc. 2627568 PACKAGE FOR ARTICLES. G.D Societa' per Azioni 2627589 CAPSULE OPENING KIT. Nestec S.A. 2627593 METHOD FOR OPERATING A PROCESSING SYSTEM, IN WHICH PRODUCT UNITS HAVING DIFFERENT FORMATS ARE PROCESSED, AND CORRESPONDING PROCESSING SYSTEM. Ferag AG 2627594 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR TRANSVERSELY FOLDING A WEB SECTION AND HYGIENIC TISSUE. Winkler + Dünnebier GmbH 2627600 CAPSTAN COMPRISING MEANS OF ASSESSING THE TENSION OF A LINE WRAPPED AROUND IT AND MEANS OF AUTOMATICALLY SELECTING AT LEAST ONE SPEED ACCORDING TO SAID TENSION. Pontos 2627617 SPECIAL UV ABSORBERS FOR CURABLE UV PROTECTIVE COATINGS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2627622 METHOD FOR LONG-TERM OPERATION OF A HETEROGENEOUSLY CATALYZED PARTIAL GAS PHASE OXIDATION OF PROPENE TO OBTAIN ACROLEIN. BASF SE 2627628 NOVEL ESTERS OF (ACYLOXYMETHYL)ACRYLAMIDE, A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING THEM, AND THEIR USE AS INHIBITORS OF THE THIOREDOXIN - THIOREDOXIN REDUCTASE SYSTEM. Instytut Chemii Organicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny 27/07/2016 2627630 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS. Theravance Biopharma R&D IP, LLC 2627633 N-CYCLOALKYLALKYL TRISCARBAZOLES. SOLVAY (Société Anonyme) 2627634 A NEW DIMEDON DERIVATIVE AND A METHOD FOR THE PURIFICATION OF PNA AND PEPTIDE OLIGOMERS. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum 2627636 PROCESS FOR MAKING BORTEZOMIB AND THE INTERMEDIATES FOR THE PROCESS. Synthon BV 2627642 PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF CYCLIC CARBAMATES. Lonza Ltd 2627644 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A CYCLIC TERTIARY AMINE. BASF SE 2627645 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 2-HYDROXYBUTYROLACTONE. Adisseo France S.A.S. 2627653 3-AMINO-PYRAZOLE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. Glaxo Group Limited 2627655 FUSED 3-OXO-PYRAZOLO[4,3-c]PYRIDINE COMPOUNDS AS GABAA MODULATORS. Dart Neuroscience (Cayman) Ltd 2627661 GLYCOSYLATED AMINOCOUMARINS AND METHODS OF PREPARING AND USES OF SAME. University College London 2627662 METHODS FOR PREPARING MACROCYCLES AND MACROCYCLE STABILIZED PEPTIDES. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2627666 NITRILASES WITH IMPROVED ACTIVITY. c-LEcta GmbH 2627682 HALOGENATED COPOLYMERS COMPRISING AT LEAST ONE VINYL ETHER REPEAT UNIT BEARING A CARBONATE PENDENT GROUP. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2627690 COPOLYMERS CONTAINING POLYSILOXANE GROUPS AND HAVING AN EPOXY/AMINE SKELETAL STRUCTURE, AND USE THEREOF. BYKChemie GmbH 2627700 POLYMER COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING POLY(ARYLETHER KETONE)S AND GRAPHENE MATERIALS. SOLVAY SA 2627703 AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR ELEMENT. Basell Poliolefine Italia S.r.l. 2627719 HYBRID POLYESTER FLUOROCARBON POWDER COATING COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURE THEREOF. Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings (Ningbo) Co. Ltd 3562 3563 27/07/2016 2627735 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A PROCESS FOR CATALYTIC CRACKING A FISCHER-TROPSCH DERIVED FEEDSTOCK WITH HEAT BALANCED OPERATION OF THE CATALYTIC CRACKING SYSTEM. Shell Oil Company; Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2627741 LUBRICATING COMPOSITION CONTAINING MULTIFUNCTIONAL BORATED HYDROXYLATED AMINE SALT OF A HINDERED PHENOLIC ACID. Chevron Oronite Company LLC 2627749 LAUNDRY DETERGENT PARTICLES. Unilever PLC; Unilever N.V. 2627806 STAIN-RESISTANT FIBERS, TEXTILES AND CARPETS. Solvay Specialty Polymers USA, LLC. 2627824 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE ALUMINOTHERMIC WELDING OF RAILS. Railtech International 2627849 Support apparatus and foldable ladder, stepladder or scaffolding with such a support apparatus. Smart Level Company B.V. 2627870 CONNECTING MODULE BETWEEN A DRIVE SHAFT OF AN ENGINE FAN AND A ROLLING ELEMENT BEARING. Snecma 2627876 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR THE UTILIZATION OF AN ENERGY SOURCE OF RELATIVELY LOW TEMPERATURE. Energreen Heat Recovery AS 2627884 COMBUSTION ENGINE AND A METHOD FOR PRODUCING SUCH A COMBUSTION ENGINE. Daimler AG 2627920 BEARING RING WITH HYDRAULIC PRELOAD ARRANGEMENT AND BEARING ARRANGEMENT WITH SUCH A BEARING RING. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2627928 GEARBOX FOR MECHANISM FARMING IMPLEMENT AND MECHANIZED FARMING IMPLEMENT COMPRISING SUCH A GEARBOX. Pubert Henri SAS 2627942 LED SPOTLIGHT HAVING A REFLECTOR. Tridonic Jennersdorf GmbH 2627948 DEVICE, PLANT AND METHOD WITH HIGH LEVEL OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR STORING AND USE OF THERMAL ENERGY OF SOLAR ORIGIN. Magaldi Industrie S.r.l. 2627953 A DEVICE FOR REDUCING PARTICULATE AIR POLLUTION. The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars, & the other members of Board, of the College of the Holy & Undiv. Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin 2627963 SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL WITH SLIDING BARREL. Plaxats Oller, Salvador 2627967 CONTAINER THICKNESS MEASURING SYSTEM AND METHOD. Agr International, Inc. 27/07/2016 2627981 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETECTING CRACK FORMATION IN A HOISTING MEMBER. Stinis Beheer B.V. 2627983 ANTIFALL DEVICE FOR TWO-WHEELED VEHICLE. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2628036 INTEGRATED MICROTOROIDS MONOLITHICALLY COUPLED WITH INTEGRATED WAVEGUIDES. RWTH Aachen 2628051 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRINTING PERIODIC PATTERNS. Eulitha AG 2628054 SHEET CONVEYING APPARATUS AND IMAGE FORMING APPARATUS. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2628084 LOW-POWER AUDIO DECODING AND PLAYBACK USING CACHED IMAGES. Qualcomm Incorporated 2628087 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR TESTING ELECTRICAL BEHAVIOR OF AN INTERCONNECT HAVING ASYMMETRICAL LINKS. ST-Ericsson SA 2628156 AUDIO SIGNAL BANDWIDTH EXTENSION IN CELP-BASED SPEECH CODER. Motorola Mobility LLC 2628160 Device for momentary support of the upper internal parts on a vessel of a pressurised water reactor. Areva NP 2628180 SHIELD-MODULATED TUNABLE INDUCTOR DEVICE. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2628185 SEMICONDUCTOR HETEROSTRUCTURE AND TRANSISTOR OF HEMT TYPE, IN PARTICULAR FOR LOW-FREQUENCY LOW-NOISE CRYOGENIC APPLICATIONS.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2628195 PEC BIASING TECHNIQUE FOR LEDS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2628199 ORDERED ORGANIC-ORGANIC MULTILAYER GROWTH. The Regents of the University of Michigan 2628217 FEMALE TERMINAL AND METHOD FOR FABRICATING A FEMALE TERMINAL. YAZAKI CORPORATION; DOWA METALTECH CO., LTD. 2628220 SHORT-CIRCUIT PREVENTION IN AN RF SPARK PLUG. Renault S.A.S. 2628221 EARTHING SWITCH DISCONNECTOR AND HIGH-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL SIGNAL BOX COMPRISING SUCH A DEVICE. Alstom Technology Ltd. 2628230 METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION IN A HVDC POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, CONTROLLER UNIT AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT. ABB Technology AG 3564 3565 27/07/2016 2628240 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DRIVE DEVICE FOR DRIVING A COMPONENT OF A HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE AND METHOD FOR OPERATING A HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2628264 CANCELING INTERFERENCE BETWEEN A PLURALITY OF SIGNALS IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2628286 CONNECTION CONTROL WITH B2BUA LOCATED BEHIND NAT GATEWAY. Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy 2628313 HEARING AID ADAPTED FOR SUPPRESSION OF WIND NOISE. Widex A/S 2628316 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR DERIVING A DIRECTIONAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2628367 OPERATING DEVICE FOR OUTPUTTING TEMPERATURE INFORMATION. Tridonic GmbH & Co KG 2628440 Endoscope reprocessor connectivity method. Minntech Corporation 2628539 CATALYST, PREPARATION METHOD THEREFOR, AND A METHOD FOR EPOXIDATING OLEFIN. Hunan Changling Petrochemical Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.; China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation; Research Institute Of Petroleum ProcessingSinopec 2628735 METHOD FOR PRODUCING OXIDIZED OLEFIN THROUGH OLEFIN EPOXIDATION. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation; Hunan Changling Petrochemical Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.; Research Institute Of Petroleum ProcessingSinopec 2628736 Refining method for crude propylene oxide product and preparation method for propylene oxide. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation; Hunan Changling Petrochemical Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.; Research Institute Of Petroleum ProcessingSinopec 2628741 NOVEL COMPOUND OF A REVERSE-TURN MIMETIC AND A PRODUCTION METHOD AND USE THEREFOR. JW Pharmaceutical Corporation 2628770 CURABLE POLYORGANOSILOXANE COMPOSITION. Momentive Performance Materials Japan LLC 2628911 SCR REDUCTION AGENT MARITIME SUPPLY SYSTEM. Oshima Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.; Japan Ship Machinery & Equipment Association; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2628929 EXHAUST GAS PURIFICATION DEVICE FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 27/07/2016 2628976 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) TORQUE FLUCTUATION ABSORBING DEVICE. Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 2629029 HEAT PUMP DEVICE, HEAT PUMP SYSTEM, AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THREE-PHASE INVERTER. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2629135 DISPLAY DEVICE. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2629390 POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. 2629612 METHOD OF TREATING HERPES VIRUS INFECTION USING MACROCYCLIC LACTONE COMPOUND. Galderma S.A. 2629624 METHOD OF SINTERING A COMPOSITION. Nestec S.A. 2629629 FOAMING AGENTS COMPRISING HYDROPHOBIN. Unilever PLC 2629636 A MOTORCYCLE GARMENT AND RELEVANT FLAP. Pelletteria Ariston S.R.L. 2629646 SUPPORT FITTING. Perin SpA 2629650 APPLIANCE FOR DISTRIBUTING A PRECUT WIPING MATERIAL THAT IS ROLLED UP OR FOLDED IN A Z SHAPE. Granger, Maurice 2629719 A BASE PLATE FOR AN OSTOMY APPLIANCE. Coloplast A/S 2629720 OSTOMY BAG WITH OUTER ROTATABLE ADHESIVE FITTING WAFER. Coloplast A/S 2629743 HAIR FIXATIVES. Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology LLC; Rohm and Haas Company 2629756 PHARMACEUTICAL TOPICAL COMPOSITION OF MUPIROCIN. Laboratorios Ojer Pharma S.L. 2629805 CLEANING DEVICE. Mantra Medical Limited 2629806 PROCESS FOR TREATMENT OF RESIDUAL NUCLEIC ACIDS PRESENT ON THE SURFACE OF LABORATORY CONSUMABLES. EMD Millipore Corporation 2629864 A TOY BUILDING SET. LEGO A/S 2629865 A TOY BUILDING SET. LEGO A/S 2629867 A TOY BUILDING SET. LEGO A/S 2629881 NOx STORAGE COMPONENT. Johnson Matthey Public Limited Company 2629890 SAMPLE HOLDER WITH SAMPLE DATA ENCRYPTION AND PROCESS OF USING IT. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2629922 PROCESS FOR LASER CUTTING AN ELECTRIC STRIP MATERIAL BY ADAPTED LASER BEAM OUTPUT, FOCUS DIAMETER AND ADVANCEMENT OF THE LASER BEAM ; CORRESPONDING ELECTRIC STRIP MATERIAL. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 3566 3567 27/07/2016 2629929 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) EQUIPMENT COMPRISING A ROTATABLE CRADLE AND INTENDED FOR ENCASING THE AIRFOIL OF A TURBINE BLADE IN ORDER TO MACHINE THE ROOT. Snecma 2629931 MACHINING METHOD HAVING CRYOGENIC COOLING. L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2629941 A SELF-RECONFIGURABLE MOBILE MANIPULATOR. Tecnalia France; Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 2629955 LOCKING DEVICE FOR COLUMNS OF MOULDING PRESSES. Italtech SPA 2629958 FORMING APPARATUS. Sarong Societa' Per Azioni 2629961 ADDITIVE FABRICATION APPARATUS AND METHOD OF LAYERWISE PRODUCTION OF A TANGIBLE OBJECT. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2629964 TYRE COMPRISING A SELF-SEALING LAYER HAVING A RADIAL FLOW GRADIENT. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2629981 TRANSPARENT INK- JET RECORDING FILMS. Carestream Health, Inc. 2629986 RUBBER COMPOSITION FOR A TIRE TREAD. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2629987 TYRE FOR VEHICLE WHEELS. Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 2629988 TIRE. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2629989 TYRE WITH THIN SIDEWALLS AND IMPROVED HOOPING REINFORCEMENT. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2629991 TYRE COMPRISING A SELF-SEALING LAYER HAVING AN AXIAL FLOW GRADIENT. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2629992 A TYRE DEMOUNTING MACHINE. Ferrari, Gino; Maioli, Franco 2629997 FLEXIBLE SUMP. Zodiac Aerosafety Systems 2630013 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AN ANTISLIP-REGULATED FRICTION BRAKE SYSTEM OF A RAIL VEHICLE. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH 2630018 HYDRAULIC UNIT. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2630024 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING. JTEKT Corporation 2630026 INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF A SUITCASE FOR MOTORCYCLES AND FOR HOOKING AND RELEASING SUCH A SUITCASE WITH RESPECT TO THE MOTORCYCLE. Givi S.R.L. 27/07/2016 2630033 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AIRCRAFT CONTROL SURFACE OPERATING DEVICE. Honda Patents & Technologies North America, LLC 2630039 SOUND ABSORBER. Lufthansa Technik AG 2630041 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PORTIONING POWDERED OR CUT TOBACCO MATERIAL. Hauni Maschinenbau AG 2630044 METHOD FOR REMOVING A FOIL. D.D.G. BEHEER B.V. 2630045 DEVICE FOR FORMING AND TRANSFERRING A SLEEVE-LIKE LABEL TO A CONTAINER TO BE LABELED. Sacmi Verona S.P.A. 2630055 CHILD RESISTANT CONTAINER. Swedish Match North Europe AB 2630065 APPARATUS FOR SEPARATING A FIRST PACK AND A SECOND PACK WHICH ARE ARRANGED IN A STACK. Philip Morris Products S.A. 2630068 CUTTING DEVICE OF A TEXTILE YARN DURING ITS FEEDING TO AN OPERATING DEVICE. BTSR International S.P.A. 2630076 FORMATION OF CAPPED NANO-PILLARS. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2630078 NANO-SCALE STRUCTURES. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2630110 METHOD FOR PURIFYING METHYL-TERTIARY BUTYL ETHER (MTBE)-CONTAINING MIXTURES AND FOR PRODUCING ISOBUTENE BY CLEAVAGE OF MTBE-CONTAINING MIXTURES. Evonik Degussa GmbH 2630124 TETRAHYDROQUINOLINE DERIVATIVES USED AS AMPK ACTIVATORS. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2630126 PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS ACTING AGAINST ALLERGIC, IMMUNE AND INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS. Glaxo Group Limited 2630137 STERICALLY HINDERED AMINE LIGHT STABILIZERS WITH MIXED FUNCTIONALIZATION. BASF SE 2630138 1-(HETEROCYCLIC CARBONYL)-2-SUBSTITUTED PYRROLIDINES AND THEIR USE AS FUNGICIDES. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2630147 A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PURE MEROPENEM TRIHYDRATE. Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited 2630152 NUCLEOTIDE ANALOGUE, METHOD OF SYNTHESIS OF NUCLEOTIDE ANALOGUE, USE OF NUCLEOTIDE ANALOGUE, ANTIVIRAL PRONUCLEOTIDE, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION. Narodowy Instytut Leków; Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN 2630170 CATALYST SYSTEM FOR THE POLYMERIZATION OF OLEFINS. Basell Poliolefine Italia S.r.l. 3568 3569 27/07/2016 2630173 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) COLLOIDAL AMINOTRIAZINE-ALDEHYDE CONDENSATES AND THEIR USE AS ALDEHYDE SCAVENGER. Borealis Agrolinz Melamine GmbH 2630176 POLYURETHANE THICKENER. BASF SE 2630177 SCRATCH-RESISTANT REFINISH CLEARCOAT. BASF Coatings GmbH 2630182 HALOGEN-FREE, FIREPROOF, TRANSPARENT THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITIONS HAVING HIGH THERMOMECHANICAL STRENGTH, IN PARTICULAR FOR ENCAPSULATION IN PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Arkema France 2630188 HEAT STABILIZED POLYAMIDE COMPOSITION. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2630193 HYBRID SILICONE COMPOSITION FOR LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE. Ablestik (Shanghai) Limited; Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2630201 WATERBORNE COATING COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING LOW-VOC COALESCENTS. Eastman Chemical Company 2630218 PROCESS FOR HYDROCRACKING A HYDROCARBON FEEDSTOCK. Haldor Topsøe A/S 2630222 IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO LAUNDRY PRODUCTS. Unilever PLC, a company registered in England and Wales under company no. 41424; Unilever N.V. 2630230 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING THE GENERATION OF HOT WATER WHEN BREWING BEER IN A BREWERY. Krones AG 2630251 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING ACTIVATION OF TRANSFERASES.. hVIVO Services Limited 2630253 METHOD OF CALIBRATING AND CORRECTING COLOR-BLEED FACTORS FOR COLOR SEPARATION IN DNA ANALYSIS. Analogic Corporation 2630256 USE OF SPECIFIC GENES FOR THE PROGNOSIS OF LUNG CANCER AND THE CORRESPONDING PROGNOSIS METHOD. Université Joseph Fourier 2630259 SIGNATURES OF CLINICAL OUTCOME IN GASTRO INTESTINAL STROMAL TUMORS AND METHOD OF TREATMENT OF GASTROINSTESTINAL STROMAL TUMORS. Inserm; Institut Bergonié; Institut Curie; Université de Bordeaux 2630269 HOT OR COLD ROLLED STEEL SHEET, ITS MANUFACTURING METHOD AND ITS USE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. Arcelormittal Investigación y Desarrollo SL 2630272 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COATING A SUBSTRATE. Bühler Alzenau GmbH 27/07/2016 2630278 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR GROWING SILICON CARBIDE SINGLE CRYSTAL AND DEVICE FOR THE SAME. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. 2630282 TUBULAR WOVEN PREFORM, FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES AND METHODS OF MAKING THEREOF. Albany Engineered Composites, Inc. 2630285 A NONWOVEN FABRIC, A LAMINATED FABRIC, A NONWOVEN FABRIC PRODUCT, A MULTICOMPONENT FIBRE, A WEB, AND A METHOD OF PRODUCING THE NONWOVEN FABRIC. Fiberweb, Inc.; Fitesa Germany GmbH 2630286 METHOD OF PRODUCING A MULTI-LAYERED PRINTED ABSORBENT ARTICLE. The Procter & Gamble Company 2630292 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR SEPARATING CONTAMINANTS FROM LIQUIDS OR VAPORS. Andritz Oy 2630303 ICE WORTHY JACK-UP DRILLING UNIT WITH CONICAL PILED MONOPOD AND SOCKETS. ConocoPhillips Company 2630305 ICE WORTHY JACK-UP DRILLING UNIT WITH GAS AGITATION AND LEG ICE SHIELDS. ConocoPhillips Company 2630320 DRAWER FITTING FOR CONNECTING A DRAWER TO A CENTRAL LOCKING DEVICE. Anton Schneider GmbH & Co KG 2630322 ROLLER SHUTTER FOR AN OPENING IN A BUILDING. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2630326 Fluid injection device. Camcon Oil Limited 2630328 Fluid injection device. Camcon Oil Limited 2630340 LUBRICATING DEVICE HAVING A BYPASS VALVE. Turbomeca 2630348 METHOD FOR DETECTING UREA DEPOSITS IN AN EXHAUST LINE OF AN AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE, METHOD FOR ELIMINATING UREA DEPOSITS AND AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE ADAPTED TO SUCH METHODS. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2630352 CONNECTING ROD FOR AN EXHAUST GAS VALVE. SCHERDEL INNOTEC Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-GmbH; Audi AG 2630357 ACTUATION SYSTEM FOR A PROPULSIVE UNIT OF AN AIRPLANE. Sagem Défense Sécurité 2630367 WIND TURBINE POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM AND METHOD OF INSTALLING A WIND FARM INCLUDING SAME. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2630369 WIND TURBINE POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2630379 COMPACT FLEXIBLE CARDAN JOINT AND SPACECRAFT COMPRISING SUCH A JOINT. Thales 3570 3571 27/07/2016 2630388 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) LINEAR SHOCK ABSORBER HAVING A COMPENSATION DIAPHRAGM WITH INTEGRAL SEALS. Cultraro Automazione Engineering S.r.l. 2630396 ELECTRICAL POSITION-DETERMINING DEVICE FOR MOUNTING ON A VALVE AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE POSITION OF AN ACTUATOR. SED Flow Control GmbH 2630398 WIDE-BAND DAMPER FOR CHARGE AIR LINES OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH TURBOCHARGER. Umfotec Umformtechnik Gmbh; Denker, Dietrich 2630420 THERMOCHEMICAL SYSTEM HAVING A MODULAR CONNECTION. Coldway 2630422 A METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A SUPPLY OF REFRIGERANT TO AN EVAPORATOR. Danfoss A/S 2630436 MULTI-MARKER MARKING SYSTEM. Cyalume Technologies, Inc 2630438 ALIGNMENT HEAD SYSTEM. Aktiebolaget SKF 2630464 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING AND DEFINING BASIC PATTERNS FORMING THE TREAD DESIGN OF A TYRE. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2630465 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING AND DEFINING BASIC PATTERNS FORMING THE TREAD DESIGN OF A TYRE. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2630466 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TAKING SAMPLES. FLSmidth A/S 2630485 DEVICE FOR ANALYZING AT LEAST ONE HYDROCARBON CONTAINED IN A DRILLING FLUID AND ASSOCIATED METHOD. Geoservices Equipements 2630500 METHODS FOR SELECTING COMPETENT OOCYTES AND COMPETENT EMBRYOS WITH HIGH POTENTIAL FOR PREGNANCY OUTCOME. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier; Université de Montpellier; INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) 2630521 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING TO DETECT BODIES OF FLUIDS IN UNDERGROUND FORMATIONS. Emon (UK) Limited 2630546 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ADVANCED ALARMING IN FIELD DEVICE PROTOCOLS. Honeywell International Inc. 2630573 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR REDUCING COMPRESSED PAGE LOADING TIME ON PAGE FAULT. ST-Ericsson SA 2630636 DEVICE FOR TAKING BACK EMPTY CONTAINERS, IN PARTICULAR PLASTIC BOTTLES AND METAL CANS. Envipco Holding N.V. 2630653 APPARATUS FOR COATING A WAFER. EV Group GmbH 27/07/2016 2630670 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) THERMOELECTRIC APPARATUS AND APPLICATIONS THEREOF. Wake Forest University 2630671 SEMI-CONDUCTOR ELEMENTS MADE OF THERMOELECTRIC MATERIAL FOR USE IN A THERMOELECTRIC MODULE. Emitec Gesellschaft für Emissionstechnologie mbH; Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2630676 CONJUGATED POLYMERS AND THEIR USE IN OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES. Raynergy Tek Inc. 2630679 ORGANIC ELECTROLUMINESCENT DEVICE.. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2630688 BATTERY FOR AN ELECTRIC MOTOR OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2630689 BATTERY RESETTING PROCESS FOR SCAFFOLD FUEL ELECTRODE. Fluidic, Inc. 2630707 SPARK GAP HAVING A PLURALITY OF SERIES-CONNECTED INDIVIDUAL SPARK GAPS, WHICH ARE LOCATED IN A STACK ARRANGEMENT. Dehn + Söhne GmbH + Co. KG 2630758 REDUCING THE MAXIMUM LATENCY OF RESERVED STREAMS. Intel Corporation 2630765 METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING THE TRANSFER OF A STREAM OF SECURE DATA VIA AN AUTONOMIC NETWORK. Ipanema Technologies 2630775 Differentiated handling of data traffic with adaptation of network address lookup. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2630779 CHIP CARD FOR A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICE. Morpho Cards GmbH 2630839 MICROWAVE OVEN. Indesit Company, S.p.A. 2630841 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF THE ELECTRODE SEPARATION IN A VACUUM ARC FURNACE. ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH 2630842 LED RETROFIT LAMP. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2630843 LED CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENT. Koninklijke Philips N.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 2630895 SECURING ELEMENT, PARTICULARLY SUITABLE FOR USE WITH TABLET-ARM CHAIRS. Sellex, S.A. 2630961 Agent for promoting healing of a wound of a living body. Aureo Co., Ltd. 2630986 LIQUID CRYSTAL POLYMER-BASED ELECTRO-OPTRODE NEURAL INTERFACE, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. M.I. Tech Co., Ltd. 2631032 METHOD FOR MEASURING TOOL DIMENSIONS AND MEASUREMENT DEVICE. Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd. 3572 3573 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2631087 Pneumatic tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2631126 REAR SEAT SIDE AIRBAG DEVICE. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2631132 VEHICLE, CONTROL METHOD, AND PROGRAM. Hino Motors Ltd. 2631144 RUNNING MODE SWITCH CONTROL DEVICE, HYBRID AUTOMOBILE, RUNNING MODE SWITCH CONTROL METHOD, AND PROGRAM. Hino Motors Ltd. 2631155 Steering apparatus for a vehicle. AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2631156 Steering apparatus for a vehicle. AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2631183 PRESSURE CONTROLLED THERMAL CONTROL DEVICE. Ibérica del Espacio, S.A. 2631218 HOT-WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Rinnai Corporation 2631227 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING OPTICALLY ACTIVE 4-CHLORO-3HYDROXYBUTANAL COMPOUND. Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 2631439 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING VALVE OPENING/CLOSING TIMING. Yamani Spring Co., Ltd.; Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 2631441 FILTER FAILURE DETECTION APPARATUS OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2631993 Dielectric antenna and fill level measuring device operating according to the radar principle. Krohne Messtechnik GmbH 2631998 ROTATING CONNECTOR DEVICE. The Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.; Furukawa Automotive Systems Inc. 2631999 LASER APPARATUS AND LASER MATERIALS PROCESSING APPARATUS PROVIDED WITH SAME. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2632044 Hierarchical generation of control parameters for audio dynamics processing. DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION 2632064 METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR FREQUENCY OFFSET DETECTION OF TERMINAL. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2632092 WAVELENGTH PATH RE-ALLOCATION METHOD AND UPPER LAYER PATH RE-ALLOCATION METHOD. Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corporation 2632243 ARRANGEMENT FOR THE LUBRICATION OF SAW CHAINS. Osakeyhtiö Skf Aktiebolag 2632292 APPLICATOR DEVICE FOR APPLYING A COSMETIC, APPLICATOR ELEMENT THEREFOR, AND COSMETIC UNIT COMPRISING THE APPLICATOR DEVICE. GEKA GmbH 2632296 APPARATUS FOR MOVING A FURNITURE PART WHICH IS HELD IN A MOVABLE MANNER, AND FURNITURE. Grass GmbH 27/07/2016 2632297 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) A FURNITURE UNIT TO SIT-ON. Tadeusz Mazur Centrum Rehabilitacji "ZDROWIE" 2632310 BEVERAGE MACHINE WITH A HANDY OUTLET. Nestec S.A. 2632311 BEVERAGE MACHINE FOR DIFFERENT SPATIAL ENVIRONMENTS. Nestec S.A. 2632335 MONITORING OF TISSUE HEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATION. Medtronic, Inc. 2632355 LOW PROFILE EXTENSION ATTACHMENTS FOR BONE ANCHORS. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 2632392 PROSTHETIC FOOT. Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH 2632403 CONFIGURATION OF A STIMULATION APPARATUS. Mohn, Louise 2632410 SENSITIVE AND STIMULATING THERAPEUTIC DEVICE. Cerioli, Mario 2632418 A STABLE SUNSCREEN COMPOSITION. Unilever N.V.; Unilever PLC 2632458 DOSING REGIMES FOR THE TREATMENT OF OCULAR VASCULAR DISEASE. Novartis AG 2632464 INHIBITORS OF THE RENAL OUTER MEDULLARY POTASSIUM CHANNEL. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2632480 NON-NATURAL GELATIN-LIKE PROTEINS WITH ENHANCED FUNCTIONALITY. FUJIFILM Corporation 2632502 ARTIFICIAL SCAB FOR USE IN AN AIRWAY. Medtronic, Inc. 2632508 DEVICE FOR SELECTIVELY COOLING PHYSIOLOGICAL TISSUE. Barbknecht, Ingrid 2632511 PISTON ROD FOR A CONTAINER. Becton Dickinson France 2632534 REINFORCED SILICONE INSULATION FOR IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL ELECTRICAL LEADS. Medtronic, Inc. 2632538 SYSTEMS FOR MULTI-MONOPOLAR CURRENT STEERING IN AN AUDITORY PROSTHESIS SYSTEM. Advanced Bionics AG 2632548 SKIN TREATMENT SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2632579 SYSTEM FOR ACOUSTICALLY TREATING MATERIAL. Covaris, Inc. 2632592 MICROFLUIDIC DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PROCESSING OF MACROMOLECULES. The Chancellor, Masters And Scholars Of The University of Oxford; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU 2632614 SUPERHYDROPHOBIC FILM CONSTRUCTIONS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2632620 APPARATUS FOR FORMING A BEVEL. Rieth, Stephan 2632628 NI-FE-CR-MO ALLOY. VDM Metals GmbH 2632643 PNEUMATIC TORQUE IMPULSE WRENCH WITH STEPPED SHUT-OFF FUNCTION. Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB 3574 3575 27/07/2016 2632654 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CONVERTIBLE ADAPTIVE GRIPPER SYSTEM. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2632664 APPLICATOR FOR LIQUID DISPENSING HAIR REMOVAL DEVICE. The Gillette Company 2632679 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ARRANGING A LABEL IN A MOULD. Polymac B.V. 2632689 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING INJECTION STRETCH BLOW MOLDED POLYOLEFIN CONTAINERS. Basell Poliolefine Italia S.r.l. 2632695 SEALING JAW FOR SEALING A PACKAGING MATERIAL USING ULTRASOUND. Robert Bosch GmbH 2632697 CORE FOR A COMPOSITE STRUCTURE AND METHOD OF FABRICATION THEREOF. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2632706 MACHINE FOR AUTOMATICALLY FILLING-INFLATING GAS CUSHIONS, NOTABLY AIR CUSHIONS, FOR PACKAGING AND USE THEREOF FOR FILLING AND INFLATING CUSHIONS. Borgeat, Guy 2632726 LIQUID DISPENSER INCLUDING SLOPED OUTLET OPENING WALL. Eastman Kodak Company 2632727 DISPENSER INCLUDING ARRAY OF LIQUID DISPENSING ELEMENTS. Eastman Kodak Company 2632731 PHOTO PAPER. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2632738 DEVICE FOR BINDING STACKS OF FLAT PARTS. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2632757 FUEL TANK FOR MOTOR VEHICLES. Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG 2632771 APPARATUS, SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR PROTECTIVE GARMENTS. Dainese S.p.A. 2632772 APPARATUSES, SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR DETECTING ACCIDENTS. Dainese S.p.A. 2632783 ASSEMBLY WITH LIGHT SOURCE FOR A MOTORCYCLE. Freni Brembo S.p.A. 2632789 SYSTEM FOR LAUNCH AND RECOVERY OF A VESSEL. H. Henriksen AS 2632790 CONNECTION MEANS WITH DISENGAGEABLE LOCKING MODULES. KSB S.A.S 2632810 RELEASABLY CLOSABLE PRODUCT ACCOMMODATING PACKAGE. Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 2632817 CONTAINER WITH FRANGIBLE DEVICE INTERFACE. Reckitt Benckiser LLC 2632824 STORAGE AND ORDER-PICKING SYSTEM, AND METHOD FOR THE AUTOMATIC ADDRESSING OF STORAGE SPACES. SSI Schäfer Peem GmbH 27/07/2016 2632825 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) FRAME OF THE DISCHARGE END OF A CONVEYOR AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE FRAME. Andritz Oy 2632829 INSTALLATION FOR PREPARING BATCHES OF PRODUCTS, OF THE VIAL OR BOTTLE KIND OR THE LIKE. C.E.R.M.E.X. CONSTRUCTIONS ETUDES ET RECHERCHES DE MATERIELS POUR L'EMBALLAGE D'EXPEDITION 2632833 APPARATUS FOR SEPARATING CARDS SUPPLIED IN A STACK. Mühlbauer GmbH & Co. KG 2632843 RECOIL PRESS. Montanhydraulik GmbH 2632858 METHOD FOR PURIFYING WASTE WATER FROM A STAINLESS STEEL SLAG TREATMENT PROCESS. Recoval Belgium 2632867 TRANSPARENT LAYER COMPOSITE ASSEMBLIES. SCHOTT AG 2632872 REINFORCED SULPHUR CONCRETE. Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2632882 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING 2,3,3,3-TETRAFLUOROPROPENE. Daikin Industries, Ltd. 2632884 METHOD FOR PRODUCING SORBIC ANHYDRIDE. LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 2632905 PROCESS FOR PREPARING 2-HYDROXYPHENYL BENZOTRIAZOLE SILOXANE COMPOUNDS. L'Oréal 2632909 PROCESS FOR PREPARING 1,4-BISHYDROXYETHYLPIPERAZINE. BASF SE 2632915 BENZIMIDAZOLE INHIBITORS OF LEUKOTRIENE PRODUCTION. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH 2632958 MODIFIED POLYURONIC ACIDS AND SALTS THEREOF. Kao Corporation 2632961 ETHYLENE-BASED POLYMERS AND PROCESSES FOR THE SAME. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2632963 HYDROGENATED STYRENE-BUTADIENE COPOLYMERS AND PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION. versalis S.p.A. 2632964 ELASTOMERIC BLOCK COPOLYMERS WITH A STAR-SHAPED MOLECULAR ARCHITECTURE, SAID STAR-SHAPED MOLECULAR ARCHITECTURE HAVING AT LEAST TWO DIFFERENT STAR ARMS. Styrolution Europe GmbH 2632974 LAMINATE WITH A COLOR LAYER, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. Evonik Röhm GmbH 2632981 A THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITION, METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME, AND ARTICLES MADE THEREFROM. Rohm and Haas Company 3576 3577 27/07/2016 2632982 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) FLAME-RETARDED THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITIONS OF HIGH THERMOMECHANICAL STRENGTH, IN PARTICULAR FOR ELECTRIC CABLES. Arkema France 2632985 USE OF POLYMER BLENDS FOR PRODUCING SLIT FILM TAPES. BASF SE 2633004 CEMENT CLINKER MANUFACTURING PLANT. Vicat 2633069 SEQUENCING METHODS. Illumina, Inc. 2633079 METHOD AND KIT FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF IGA NEPHROPATHY. Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro" 2633103 AMMONOTHERMAL GROWTH OF GROUP-III NITRIDE CRYSTALS ON SEEDS WITH AT LEAST TWO SURFACES MAKING AN ACUTE, RIGHT OR OBTUSE ANGLE WITH EACH OTHER. The Regents of the University of California 2633105 SPUN-DYED ARAMID FIBERS. Teijin Aramid B.V. 2633113 WASHING MACHINE HAVING A WASHING BAG. Roderinno AB 2633118 SUCTION ROLL FOR DEWATERING A FIBROUS WEB. Andritz AG 2633131 CONSTRUCTION ELEMENT MADE OF ADOBE. ARGIO S.A. 2633133 INTERLOCKING BUILDING BLOCK FORMED FROM AN ASSEMBLY OF SECTIONS MADE OF SOLID MATERIAL THAT ARE JOINED TOGETHER AND ENCAPSULATED IN AN OVERMOULDED PLASTIC. Rehau SA 2633162 EXHAUST GAS MUFFLER ARRANGEMENT. AVL List GmbH 2633188 LARGE FLOATING VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE. Ryznic, John E; Brostmeyer, Joseph D; Wilson, Jack W., Jr.; Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc. 2633189 A METHOD OF CONTROLLING A WIND TURBINE. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2633220 DISC DAMPER FOR CHARGE AIR LINES OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE HAVING A TURBOCHARGER. Denker, Dietrich; Umfotec Umformtechnik Gmbh 2633224 METHOD FOR FIXING AN ITEM OF EQUIPMENT TO A WALL AND CORRESPONDING TANK. L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2633235 DEVICE FOR CONVEYING PNEUMATICALLY CONVEYED FUELS. Unitherm Cemcon Feuerungsanlagen Gesellschaft M.b.H. 2633253 SCRAP-PUSHING APPARATUS. INTECO special melting technologies GmbH 2633266 TOUCH PROBE AND RELATED CHECKING METHOD WITH MINIMIZATION OF THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL NOISE. Marposs Societa' Per Azioni 27/07/2016 2633270 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR DETECTING GRADE SEPARATED CROSSINGS AND UNDERPASSES. Tomtom Belgium N.V. 2633281 A METHOD OF ESTIMATING THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORCE ACTING ON A SUPPORTED JACK-UP VESSEL. GE Energy Power Conversion Technology Ltd 2633297 ION MOBILITY SPECTROMETER CLEAR-DOWN. Smiths Detection Montreal Inc. 2633303 ULTRASONIC INSPECTION TOOL. Airbus Operations Limited 2633308 COUNTERFLOW BURNER FOR A FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH; KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH 2633313 RAPID METHOD FOR TARGETED CELL (LINE) SELECTION. Lonza Biologics Plc. 2633363 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MODULATING LIGHT. Raytheon Company 2633498 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR HYBRID RECONSTRUCTION OF AN OBJECT FROM PROJECTION DATA.. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2633506 METHOD OF OPERATING A MOBILE CONTROL UNIT OF A HOMEAUTOMATION INSTALLATION. Somfy SAS 2633522 ECHO SUPPRESSION COMPRISING MODELING OF LATE REVERBERATION COMPONENTS. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2633526 DEVICE FOR AXIALLY SECURING AN ELONGATED ELEMENT AND ROTATING THE SAME ABOUT THE AXIS THEREOF. Areva NC 2633532 A METHOD OF CONDITIONING A SUPERCAPACITOR TO ITS WORKING VOLTAGE. OÜ Skeleton Technologies Group 2633538 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS IN A METAL CASE SAID APPARATUS COMPRISING AT LEAST ONE CORONA-SHIELD CAP ENSURING CONVECTIVE EXCHANGE. ALSTOM Technology Ltd 2633547 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE POSITION OF A ROTATION AXIS. Ev Group E. Thallner GmbH 2633562 THERMOELECTRIC MODULE AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. BASF SE 2633566 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION BY MEANS OF SUPRAMOLECULAR ASSEMBLIES OF TRIARYLAMINES. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Université de Strasbourg 2633597 VOLTAGE BALANCING OF SYMMETRIC HVDC MONOPOLE TRANSMISSION LINES AFTER EARTH FAULTS. ABB Technology AG 3578 3579 27/07/2016 2633628 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) MOBILE TERMINAL WITH MUTLIPLE SIM CARDS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2633672 Evaluation of DNS pre-registration data to predict future DNS traffic. Verisign, Inc. 2633677 METHOD OF RECEIVING A MULTIMEDIA CONTENT SCRAMBLED WITH THE AID OF CONTROL WORDS AND CAPTCHA. Viaccess 2633716 Data processing for securing local resources in a mobile device. Orange 2633738 COMBINATION OF AN ON-BOARD POWER SUPPLY CONTROL DEVICE AND AT LEAST ONE LIGHT CONTROL DEVICE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH 2633741 SYNCHROCYCLOTRON. Ion Beam Applications S.A. 2633745 ELECTRONIC APPLIANCE UNIT. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2633812 VITAL STATUS ESTIMATION DEVICE AND COMPUTER PROGRAM. Delta Tooling Co., Ltd. 2633813 PHASE CONTRAST RADIATION IMAGING DEVICE. FUJIFILM Corporation 2633950 METHOD FOR MEASURING TOOL DIMENSION, AND MEASUREMENT DEVICE. Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd. 2633972 PLASTICIZING SCREW FOR INJECTION MOLDING AND INJECTION MOLDING METHOD USING SAME. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. 2633987 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A TIRE CASING AND A TIRE. Bridgestone Corporation 2633996 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING INKJET PRINTING POSITION. Peking University Founder Group Co., Ltd; Peking University; Beijing Founder Electronics Co., Ltd. 2634030 TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE. Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. 2634072 RESIN ROOF MOUNTING STRUCTURE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2634184 C-ARYLGLUCOSIDE DERIVATIVE, PREPARATION METHOD THEREFOR, AND USE THEREOF. Shanghai Allist Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2634280 HIGH CARBON STEEL WIRE ROD HAVING EXCELLENT WIRE DRAWABILITY. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho 2634387 ELECTRIC HEATING CATALYST. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2634445 Centrifugal clutch. BRP-Powertrain GmbH & Co. KG 2634548 CONTAINER. Welcon Inc.; YAMATO SCALE CO., LTD. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2634580 Virus detection device and virus detection method. Tokyo Electron Limited 2634696 Information processing apparatus, control method, and control program. (No. 2312) FUJITSU LIMITED 2634851 FUEL CELL SYSTEM. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd 2634940 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR FREQUENCY ALLOCATION. Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corporation 2635143 CONFORMABLE DEVICE FOR PROTECTING A JOINT AREA OF THE HUMAN BODY. Paul Boye Technologies 2635146 FLUID-FILLED CHAMBER WITH A STACKED TENSILE MEMBER. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2635161 DRINKING GLASS AND USE. Edi the Nose GmbH 2635164 CIRCUIT APPARATUS FOR A DOMESTIC APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2635169 BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANER HAVING CYCLONIC SEPARATION. SEB S.A. 2635173 METHOD FOR OPERATING A WATER-CONDUCTING DOMESTIC APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2635188 LANCET DRIVE SYSTEM DEPTH CONTROL USING ECCENTRICITY. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2635189 PORTABLE DEVICE FOR EX VIVO STIMULATION OF WHOLE BLOOD. Hitachi Chemical Company America, Ltd.; Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. 2635251 SKIN CARE COMPOSITIONS. Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology LLC; Rohm and Haas Company 2635263 A COMPOSITION COMPRISING S-[2-([[1-(2-ETHYLBUTYL)CYCLOHEXYL]-CARBONYL]AMINO)PHENYL]2METHYLPROPANETHIOATE AND CROSCARMELLOSE SODIUM. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2635451 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR THERMAL REGULATION. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2635461 ENERGY ABSORBING DEVICE AND METHODS OF MAKING AND USING THE SAME. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 2635462 ANTI-TWIST DEVICE FOR CURTAIN AIRBAG OF VEHICLE. Autoliv Development AB 2635465 ANTITHEFT DEVICE FOR VEHICLE STEERING COLUMN WITH PUSHIN SAFETY FUNCTION. U-Shin France SAS 2635486 BODY FOR INSTRUMENTED PEDAL AND PRODUCTION PROCESS THEREOF. Universita' Degli Studi Roma Tre; ELITE S.R.L. 3580 3581 27/07/2016 2635502 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PACKING- AND/OR TRANSPORT UNIT AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN INSULATION LAYER. Rockwool International A/S 2635544 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A PHENYLCYCLOHEXANE. BASF SE 2635560 DIHYDROOXAZOL-2-AMINE DERIVATIVES. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2635580 HYDRATE OF 1-{(2S)-2-AMINO-4-[2,4-BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)-5,8-DIHYDROPYRIDO[3,4-D]PYRIMIDIN-7(6H)-YL]-4-OXOBUTYL}-5,5DIFLUORO-PIPERIDIN-2-ONE TARTRATE. LG Life Sciences Ltd 2635581 7-([1,2,3]TRIAZOL-4-YL)-PYRROLO[2,3-B]PYRAZINE DERIVATIVES. Merck Patent GmbH 2635612 PROCESS FOR THE ACTIVATION OF A SUPPORTED CHROMIUM OXIDE BASED CATALYST. Ineos Sales (UK) Limited 2635614 FLUORINATED COMPOSITION COMPRISING PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING ACID GROUP AND ALKOXY SILANE GROUP. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2635642 COATING COMPOSITION COMPRISING A SHEET SILICATE PIGMENT AND PROCESS FOR THE GENERATION OF A CLEAR OR TRANSLUCENT EMISSIVE COATING. Chemetall GmbH 2635722 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUSLY COATING SUBSTRATES. Antec Solar GmbH 2635724 PROCESS FOR ELECTROPLATING HARD CHROMIUM FROM A CR(VI) FREE ELECTROLYTE. CEST Kompetenzzentrum für Elektrochemische Oberflächentechnologie GmbH; Technische Universität Wien 2635756 A VEHICLE DOOR LOCK DEVICE. Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 2635757 METHOD FOR DISPLACING A DISPLACEMENT ELEMENT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE IN A MOTORISED MANNER. Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG, Hallstadt 2635774 TURBO-ALTERNATOR GROUP HAVING A BARRING GEAR ASSEMBLY FOR ROTATING A SHAFT THEREOF. ALSTOM Technology Ltd 2635787 AN ARRANGEMENT FOR HANDLING ROTATIONAL INFORMATION OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Wärtsilä Finland Oy 2635790 MOTOR-VEHICLE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH EXHAUSTGAS RECIRCULATION. Daimler AG 2635797 PUMP, IN PARTICULAR HIGH-PRESSURE FUEL PUMP. Robert Bosch GmbH 27/07/2016 2635806 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING THE LIKELIHOOD OF A TOWER STRIKE WHERE A ROTOR BLADE STRIKES THE TOWER OF A WIND TURBINE. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2635813 GAS COMPRESSION SYSTEM. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2635829 BIASING DEVICE FOR USE WITH ACTUATORS OF FLUID VALVES. Fisher Controls International LLC 2635836 DEVICE FOR SELF CONNECTION TO AT LEAST ONE PIPE SECTION. Electricité de France 2635860 Method for controlling the temperature of objects. Dürr Ecoclean GmbH 2635918 OPTOELECTRONIC SENSOR AND METHOD FOR DETECTING AND DETERMINING THE DISTANCE OF OBJECTS. Sick AG 2636082 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ACTUATOR UNIT WITH SLEEVE FOR RECEIVING A PIEZOACTUATOR. Epcos AG 2636086 LITHIUM BATTERY COMPRISING AN IONIC LIQUID ELECTROLYTE. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2636096 ARTIFICIAL MAGNETIC CONDUCTOR, AND ANTENNA. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2636119 CONTROLLING DYNAMIC SYSTEMS BY MEASURING THE NO-LOAD VOLTAGE OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATOR. BUBENDORFF; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2636120 CONTROLLING DYNAMIC SYSTEMS BY MEASURING THE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATOR. BUBENDORFF; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2636144 PITCH MOTOR DRIVE CIRCUIT WHICH CAN OPERATE IN EMERGENCY MODE. LTi REEnergy GmbH 2636195 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR DETECTING RFID SIGNALS. Square, Inc. 2636269 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING A BROADCAST IN A TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK. Orange 2636399 Skin care apparatus. Bomtech Electronics Co., Ltd. 2636490 Motor-driven machine tool. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 2636928 PARKING LOCK DEVICE. Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 2637219 Junction box for a photovoltaic solar panel. Applied Materials, Inc.; MultiHolding AG 2637244 CABLE TYPE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF. LG Chem, Ltd. 3582 3583 27/07/2016 2637505 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) COMPOSITIONS FOR TREATING ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. K.L.R.M. LLC 2637535 HOT-BEVERAGE PREPARATION APPARATUS HAVING A DATA TRANSMISSION DEVICE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2637537 Cooking vessel cover. Leifheit AG 2637539 LIQUID DISPENSER. Soaptronic International LLC 2637542 SUCTION CLEANER. Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 2637543 HOLDER FOR A HOSE AND SUCTION DEVICE HAVING A HOLDER OF THIS KIND. Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 2637770 FORWARD OSMOSIS SYSTEM HAVING SOLVENT SEPARATION BY MEANS OF DESORPTION/ABSORPTION. AAA Water Technologies AG 2637800 DOSING CAP FOR CONTAINER. Unilever PLC 2637809 CORNER CONNECTION DEVICE. Haas, Josef 2637826 HANDHELD MACHINE TOOL HAVING A SPINDLE LOCKING APPARATUS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2637838 METHODS FOR FORMING INTEGRAL COMPOSITE PARTS WITH A SMP APPARATUS. Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. 2637855 A PROCESS FOR REALISING CUSTOMIZED BLANKS FOR BOXES. System S.p.A. 2637871 TAPE REEL DEVICE AND TAPE CARTRIDGE INCLUDING THE SAME. Seiko Epson Corporation 2637902 LOCKING UNIT WITH END-POSITION LOCKING CATCH FOR A SEATBELT RETRACTOR. Fasching Salzburg GmbH 2637904 STEERING FOR A VEHICLE AND METHOD FOR LOCKING IT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2637910 HEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE SAFETY STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY. Daimler AG 2637913 CROSS MEMBER ASSEMBLY, IN PARTICULAR A FLOOR CROSS MEMBER AND/OR A FOOTWELL CROSS MEMBER ASSEMBLY, ON A VEHICLE BODY, IN PARTICULAR ON A MOTOR VEHICLE BODY. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2637967 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR PREPARING ACETYLENE AND SYNTHESIS GAS. BASF SE 2638179 NON METAL TANNING. Stahl International B.V. 2638180 NON METAL TANNING. Stahl International B.V. 2638190 BICOMPONENT FIBERS AND METHODS FOR MAKING THEM. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 2638205 ROPE WINCH CONTROL. Voith Patent GmbH 27/07/2016 2638258 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) EXHAUST POST-TREATMENT DEVICE AND METHOD FOR A VEHICLE, WITH A REDUCTANT VAPORISING SURFACE BEING WARMED BY A PELTIER ELEMENT.. Scania CV AB 2638337 EVAPORATOR. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2638353 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR DEFINED ACCELERATION OF A PROJECTILE. Saint-Gobain Glass France 2638366 VIBRATION TYPE TRANSDUCER FOR A FLUID FLOWING IN A FLEXIBLE TUBE. Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG 2638437 MAGNETIC AND/OR ELECTROSTATIC SHOCK ABSORBER. Montres Breguet S.A. 2638474 METHOD FOR MATCHING THE SIGNAL TRANSMISSION BETWEEN TWO ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES, AND ARRANGEMENT HAVING A COMPUTER SYSTEM AND A PERIPHERAL DEVICE. Fujitsu Technology Solutions Intellectual Property GmbH 2638503 POINT-OF-TRANSACTION WORKSTATION FOR IMAGING INDICIA OVER FULL COVERAGE SCAN ZONE OCCUPIED BY ASYMMETRICAL LIGHT COLLECTION REGIONS. Symbol Technologies, Inc. 2638553 TAP CHANGER. Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2638557 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING AN ELECTRODE FOR A GAS DISCHARGE LAMP. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2638598 PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR FIRE FIGHTING OR PREVENTION INSIDE, ON THE SURFACE OF OR IN THE AREA SURROUNDING AN ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY STORAGE DEVICE. Li-Tec Battery GmbH 2638635 DATA RECEPTION DEVICE, AND CORRESPONDING RECEPTION METHOD, COMPUTER PROGRAM, AND RECORDING MEDIUM. Orange 2638704 RESOURCE METERING SYSTEM AND METHOD USING SUCH A SYSTEM FOR SMART ENERGY CONSUMPTION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2638781 SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF CONTROLLING THE OUTPUT OF A LIGHT FIXTURE. Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. 2638875 Surgical instruments for cutting elongated elements. Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 2638923 REINFORCED COMPOSITE THAT IS COMPLEMENTARILY REINFORCED AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREFOR. Shikinami, Yasuo 2639066 Device and method for producing a printed product and printed product. Koenig & Bauer Aktiengesellschaft 2639403 Shaft Assembly for a Gas Turbine Engine. United Technologies Corporation 2640209 VAPOR-PERMEABLE SHOE WITH WATERPROOF AND VAPORPERMEABLE SOLE. Geox S.p.A. 3584 3585 27/07/2016 2640226 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ARRANGEMENT COMPRISING A SUPPORT RAIL AND A DRAWER BOTTOM. Julius Blum GmbH 2640610 IMPACT STRUCTURE. Clean Motion AB 2640611 WIPER DEVICE AND METHOD TO ATTACH A WIPERBLADE TO A WIPERARM. Daimler AG 2640627 STRUCTURAL ELEMENT OF A VEHICLE STRENGTHENED BY A REINFORCING INSERT. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2640779 POLYURETHANE COATING COMPOSITION, MULTILAYER SURFACE COATINGS HAVING A MATT SURFACE PRODUCED THEREFROM AND PROCESSES FOR PRODUCING THE MULTILAYER SURFACE COATINGS. BASF Coatings GmbH 2640890 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A MATERIAL WEB. Voith Patent GmbH 2641020 HEATING APPARATUS. Gruppo Piazzetta S.p.A. 2641071 DETERMINING THE HEAT FLOW EMANATING FROM A HEAT TRANSPORTING FLUID. Belimo Holding AG 2641285 ENERGY STORAGE FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE WITH A LOCKING DEVICE FOR CONDENSATE DRAINAGE. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2641305 POLARIZATION-STABLE SURFACE-EMITTING LASER DIODE. Vertilas GmbH 2641443 Method and base station to prioritise mobile devices. Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG 2642476 Pixel circuit, method of driving a pixel circuit, and organic light emitting display device. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2642703 High speed media access control and direct link protocol. Qualcomm Incorporated 2642895 DRAWER PULL-OUT GUIDE RAIL WITH A DEVICE FOR ATTACHING A FUNCTIONAL PART TO THE RAIL OF THE DRAWER PULL-OUT GUIDE. Julius Blum GmbH 2642908 DOSING SYSTEM FOR A DISHWASHER MACHINE. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2643182 INTEGRATED FLOATING OVERMOLDED SNAP-RING AND SEAL FOR A PLASTIC FUEL HOUSING ASSEMBLY. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2643211 UNDER-KEEL INSPECTION SYSTEM. The European Unionrepresented by the European Commission 2643519 GUIDE PLATE FOR LATERALLY GUIDING A RAIL AND SYSTEM FOR ATTACHING A RAIL. Vossloh-Werke GmbH 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2643911 SINGLE-LINE SEAL. Rehau AG & Co 2644599 Method for preparing a 2-halo-4-nitroimidazole compound. OTSUKA (No. 2312) PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 2645118 Magnetic detecting element and magnetic sensor utilizing same. Alps Electric Co., Ltd. 2645452 MICROPOROUS MEMBRANE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR. Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd. 2646296 DEVICE FOR RECEIVING AND DISPENSING HYDRAULIC FLUID, IN PARTICULAR FOR A HYBRID OR ELECTRIC VEHICLE, AND BRAKE SYSTEM FOR A HYBRID OR ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2646299 PUMP HOUSING, IN BLOCK FORM, OF A VEHICLE BRAKE SYSTEM, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Robert Bosch GmbH 2646310 DIAGONAL STRUT DEVICE, METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SAME AND MOTOR VEHICLE UNDERFLOOR REINFORCED BY MEANS OF DIAGONAL STRUCTURE DEVICE. Daimler AG 2646670 METHOD FOR REVERSIBLY CODING AN ENGINE CONTROLLER FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE IN MANIPULATION-PROOF FASHION, AND ENGINE CONTROLLER. Audi AG 2646673 THRUST REVERSER AND VARIABLE AREA FAN NOZZLE ACTUATION SYSTEM AND METHOD. The Boeing Company 2646703 TRIPOD ROLLING ELEMENT WITH SPRING RING. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2646710 DEFLECTING STRIP FOR A BALL-SCREW DRIVE AND BALL-SCREW DRIVE WITH A DEFLECTING STRIP. August Steinmeyer GmbH & Co. KG 2647041 Method and device for measuring a microelectromechanical semiconductor component. ELMOS Semiconductor AG 2647076 FUEL CELL STACK. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2647163 A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR IMPROVED MULTI-CELL SUPPORT ON A SINGLE MODEM BOARD. ALCATEL LUCENT 2647476 Carrier device and robot system. Kabushiki Kaisha Yaskawa Denki 2647517 Solid state venting valve for a fuel tank. Inergy Automotive Systems Research (Société Anonyme) 2648244 MICROPOROUS FILM AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR. Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd. 2648246 Secondary battery. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2648271 BATTERY PACK. Calsonic Kansei Corporation 2648864 STRAND CASTING SYSTEM. SMS Siemag AG 3586 3587 27/07/2016 2648865 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) STRAND CASTING SYSTEM FOR CASTING A METAL STRAND. SMS Siemag AG 2648884 BLOWN FILM DIE. Windmöller & Hölscher KG 2648948 METHOD FOR RELEASING A PARKING BRAKE DURING A STARTING PROCESS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2648968 CONNECTING ARRANGEMENT. Daimler AG 2649295 PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR MODULE AND FUEL INJECTION VALVE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2649320 FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, COMPRISING A ROTARY PUMP. Robert Bosch GmbH 2649357 Use of a heatable fluid line. Voss Automotive GmbH 2649665 METHOD TO GUIDE GAS STREAMS IN A FUEL CELL SYSTEM AND ARRANGEMENT TO IMPLEMENT SAID METHOD. Convion Oy 2650234 SINGLE MEASURE CAPSULE FOR ESPRESSO COFFEE MACHINES. Inventos para Sistemas Vending, S.L. 2651752 SELF-ADAPTIVE METHOD FOR MOUNTING SIDE DOORS ON MOTORVEHICLE BODIES. C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni; Comau S.p.A. 2652326 HIGH-PRESSURE PUMP. Robert Bosch GmbH 2652369 LOW-FRICTION SLIDING RING HAVING AN ECONOMICAL DIAMOND COATING. EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co. KG 2652824 FUEL CELL STACK. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2652828 FUEL CELL. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2653135 Prosthesis for simulating natural kinematics. Biomet UK Limited 2653745 Lancet pricking device. Izumi-Cosmo Company, Limited; Asahi Polyslider Company, Limited 2654876 METHOD AND ASSEMBLY FOR MAKING A MEDICAL LEAD INCLUDING REMOVING RAISED CONNECTORS BY GRINDING. Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corporation 2655102 METHOD AND DEVICE OF MEASUREMENT SAMPLING OF VEHICLE WHEEL ACCELERATIONS. Continental Automotive France; Continental Automotive GmbH 2655781 LADDER WITH ENHANCED STABILITY. Pensieri, Roberto Giuseppe 2655802 GEAR MACHINE WITH A SMALL DIAMETER-TO-LENGTH RATIO. Robert Bosch GmbH 2655908 GUIDE CARRIAGE COMPRISING A LUBRICATION VALVE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2655909 GUIDE CARRIAGE COMPRISING LUBRICATING AND BYPASS CHANNELS. Robert Bosch GmbH 27/07/2016 2656012 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ANGLE SENSOR, GEAR WHEEL FOR AN ANGLE SENSOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SUCH A GEAR WHEEL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2656349 ALTERNATE BIT LINE BIAS DURING PROGRAMMING TO REDUCE CHANNEL-TO-FLOATING GATE COUPLING IN MEMORY. SanDisk Technologies Inc. 2656757 Conduction plate of induction heating cooking vessel. Seowon Pallas Inc. 2658354 GOLDEN FINGER AND PLATE EDGE INTERCONNECTION DEVICE. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2658623 PIN-SETTING APPARATUS FOR BOWLING OR SKITTLE LANES. Bowling Nederland B.V. 2658707 CONVEYING DEVICE AND/OR PRESS HAVING A FEED DEVICE CONNECTED UPSTREAM. SIB Strautmann Ingenieurbüro GmbH 2659076 CONTROL DEVICE FOR A VEHICLE DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM. U-Shin France SAS 2659101 DEVICE FOR SUPPLYING FLUIDS IN EXHAUST SYSTEMS. Friedrich Boysen GmbH & Co. KG 2659124 PRESSURE STORE DEVICE FOR A FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2659232 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING A RECOGNITION THRESHOLD. Robert Bosch GmbH 2661395 INTEGRATED SCALE. Lantech.Com LLC 2662006 Frying method and apparatus. Frito-Lay Trading Company GmbH 2662115 CONTROL DEVICE FOR RADIATION THERAPY DEVICE AND PROGRAMME FOR SAME. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2662219 Liquid storage bag and liquid ejection apparatus. Seiko Epson Corporation 2663065 Mobile Terminal and Method of Displaying an Alarm. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 2663902 TIMEPIECE. GFPI SA 2664174 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN RELAY TYPES. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2664269 ENDOSCOPE. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2664690 A magnetron sputtering coating device and the preparation method of a nanomultilayer film. ZhongAo HuiCheng Technology Co. Ltd. 2665293 SOUND REPRODUCTION DEVICE, REPRODUCTION SOUND ADJUSTMENT METHOD, ACOUSTIC PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT DEVICE, ACOUSTIC PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT METHOD, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM. JVC Kenwood Corporation 3588 3589 27/07/2016 2667657 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Base station apparatus, terminal apparatus, and communication method. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 2667732 STEVIA BLENDS CONTAINING REBAUDIOSIDE B. Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC 2668222 EPOXY-ADDUCT HARDENING AGENTS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2668757 PREFERENTIAL ALLOCATION OF DIFFERENT LENGTH SCRAMBLING CODES. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (PUBL) 2668838 COMBINE HARVESTER WITH A CHIIPPER FOR CORNCOBS AND PNEUMATIC CONVEYING OF THE CHIPS. Gruppo Racca S.r.l. 2669035 Power tool with chain wheel cover. Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 2669160 Straddle type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2669167 Fuel tank and saddle riding type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2669453 Device for opening locks of doors and wings on vehicles. Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG 2670927 FASTENING ARRANGEMENT FOR GLASS BALUSTRADES. Guhl, Beat 2670949 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR TRACKING THE LOCATION OF FRACTURING FLUID IN A SUBTERRANEAN FORMATION. Baker Hughes Incorporated 2673062 SUPPORT DEVICE FOR BABY'S COMFORT. Piombino, Marco 2673581 MULTIPURPOSE PROFESSIONAL KITCHEN MACHINE, IN PARTICULAR FOR GASTRONOMY/CATERING PROCESSES, BUT ALSO FOR CONFECTIONARY, ICE-CREAM MAKING AND CHOCOLATE MAKING PROCESSES. Telme S.P.A. 2676562 Method of making an article from plurality of panels. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2676958 N1-Pyrazolospiroketone acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitors. Pfizer Inc. 2677008 INK COMPOSITION, INK SET AND IMAGE FORMING METHOD. FUJIFILM Corporation 2677603 Rope and strand connector for electric pasture fences. Beichert, Alexander 2679451 Actuator comprising a gas generator. Metalsa Automotive GmbH 2679491 Aircraft gearbox lubrication system and method of lubricating an aircraft gearbox. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2679768 Electromagnetic Engine. The Invention Science Fund I, LLC 2681998 Synergistic antimicrobial composition. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2684416 RADIO TRANSMITTING / RADIO RECEIVING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION WITHING A VEHICULAR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INTERACTING ACCORDING TO AD-HOC TYPE, ESPECIALLY WIRELESS. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 27/07/2016 2688818 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) WAREHOUSE SYSTEM HAVING SEVERAL AISLES AND AUTOMATED METHOD FOR OPERATING SAME. SSI Schäfer Noell GmbH Lager-und Systemtechnik 2689213 MANAGEMENT OF ICONS FOR DIGITAL MAPS. Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH 2689567 NETWORK NODE AND METHOD TO ROUTE THROUGH OR AROUND TRAFFIC DETECTION FUNCTION NODES. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2690951 CYCLODEXTRIN COMPOSITIONS, ARTICLES, AND METHODS. Cellresin Technologies, LLC 2693414 Alarm device and alarm system. Hochiki Corporation 2694243 FLUX-CORED WIRE FOR WELDING STEEL HAVING A HIGH NICKEL CONTENT. AIR LIQUIDE WELDING FRANCE 2694428 SCISSOR-TYPE LIFTING TABLE. Mohr, Christoph 2695518 Synergistic antimicrobial composition. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2696392 NONAQUEOUS SECONDARY BATTERY SEPARATOR AND NONAQUEOUS SECONDARY BATTERY. Teijin Limited 2697181 METHOD FOR THE CLOSED-CELL EXPANSION OF MINERAL MATERIAL. Binder+Co AG 2697954 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ARRANGING PEERS IN A LIVE STREAMING P2P NETWORK. Peerialism AB 2698086 Brewing assembly. Severin Elektrogeräte GmbH 2700631 A model for glutamate racemase inhibitors and glutamate racemase antibacterial agents. Ohio Northern University 2703287 Actuation system for an active element in a rotor blade. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2704142 Apparatus and method for reproducing an audio signal, apparatus and method for generating a coded audio signal, computer program and coded audio signal. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2704143 Apparatus, method and computer program for audio signal processing. Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America 2705767 Article of footwear with straps. NIKE Innovate C.V. 2707354 QUINONE BASED NITRIC OXIDE DONATING COMPOUNDS. Nicox Science Ireland 2708250 Closed-type blood reservoir and extracorporeal blood circulation apparatus having a bubble removal means.. JMS Co., Ltd. 2708432 Assembly and method for controlling railway platform doors. Pintsch Bamag Antriebs- und Verkehrstechnik GmbH 3590 3591 27/07/2016 2708464 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Vertical suport system such as a retractable aircraft landing gear. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2712562 Intramedullary nail and implant system comprising the nail. Stryker Trauma GmbH 2712702 Belt finishing device, belt finishing system and method for producing a belt finishing device. Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG 2713097 Light guide with curved profile having an area with correction dioptres. VALEO VISION 2713238 Power management in a monitoring camera.. Axis AB 2713337 Method of analyzing an image. Agfa Healthcare 2713507 FET RF power detector. NXP B.V. 2713608 A device and a method for image acquisition. Axis AB 2716160 Casing brake assembly. Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG 2716184 Clean room suit with strap. ELIS SERVICES 2716190 Device for keeping food warm. Team-Kalorik-Group N.V./S.A. 2716192 Fireplace plate with compensed thermal dilatation. Nyffeler, Michael 2716196 Anti-leakage liquid soap valve structure. Hokwang Industries Co., Ltd. 2716262 Intervertebral disc prosthesis. Medicrea International 2716265 Urine bag for collecting body fluids. Goloo ApS 2716326 System for adjusting seasonal rhythm. Valkee Oy 2716393 Workpiece processing device. Schelling Anlagenbau GmbH 2716432 Method of cleaving an adhesive joint. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2716485 Work equipment with a propulsion drive. Viking GmbH 2716532 Straddle-type vehicle. YAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD. 2716533 Straddle-type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2716559 A method for making pouches and a packaging apparatus for making pouches. TEEPACK SPEZIALMASCHINEN GMBH & CO. KG; Molins PLC 2716560 Method and system to print and apply labels to products. Bell and Howell, LLC 2716591 System for the automatic loading and unloading of trucks and containers. Montajes de Maquinaria de Precision, S.A. 2716774 Method for mechanical processing of aluminium scrap. Kurth, Gregor; Kurth, Boris 2716836 Mounting device for a sunshade element. Alcoa Aluminium Deutschland, Inc. 2716870 Rotor blade and corresponding turbine. General Electric Company 2716907 Wind turbine blade and methods of operating it. ALSTOM Renewable Technologies 2716915 Housing for an axial ventilator. ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG 2717104 Date illumination. The Swatch Group Research and Development Ltd. 27/07/2016 2717108 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Flight control system using simplex computers and aircraft comprising it. AIRBUS OPERATIONS (S.A.S) 2717109 Loading device for a self-propelled work device. Viking GmbH 2717110 Self-propelled work device with a charging station. Viking GmbH 2717156 Speculative privilege elevation. Broadcom Corporation 2717235 Access control device for persons in the form of a turnstile. SKIDATA AG 2717278 Inductive fault current limiter with split secondary coil assembly. Bruker HTS GmbH 2717286 Antireturn system for activating a function or an element of an automotive vehicle. U-Shin France SAS 2717401 Subsea electrical power system. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2717405 System for reducing harmonic voltage components on a battery for uninterruptible power supplies (ups) and derived apparatuses. Borri S.p.A. 2717472 Current measurement via gate of external transistor. Dialog Semiconductor GmbH 2717508 MIMO wireless communication system. FUJITSU LIMITED 2717510 Method for active content fingerprinting. Université de Genève 2717644 Robust wireless building automation. VKR Holding A/S 2717652 Power control apparatus for high-frequency dielectric heating. Panasonic Corporation 2718211 DEVICE FOR SEPARATING PIECE GOODS TO BE STORED IN AN AUTOMATED STORAGE FACILITY. CareFusion Germany 326 GmbH 2718393 NEW PHOTOCHROMIC COMPOUNDS, METHOD OF PRODUCTION THEREOF AND INTERMEDIATE COMPOUNDS. Kaunas University of Technology 2719302 Device for opening and closing a movable furniture part. Grass GmbH 2719303 Seat ring cushion for dynamic sitting. Gebrüder Obermaier oHG 2719309 Regeneration household machine for regenerating packaged cooked and subsequently chilled or frozen portions of food and method carried out by said machine. Nutresia SA 2719312 Improved filter group for deep fat fryer. ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL S.p.A. 2719345 Skin graft preparation device. Zimmer Surgical, Inc. 2719443 Method for catalytic denitrification of combustion fumes. LAB SA 2719444 Method for catalytic denitrification of combustion fumes. LAB SA 2719466 Refillable bottle of a fluid dispenser. Albéa le Tréport 2719467 Refillable bottle of a fluid dispenser. Albéa le Tréport 2719485 Foam material and method for the preparation thereof. King Saud University 3592 3593 27/07/2016 2719499 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Machining centre with unbalance measuring device. Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG 2719501 Machine for working the peripheral edge of glass plates and for drilling these plates, and working method implemented by this machine. Biesse S.p.A. 2719504 Tension device for straining a threaded bolt. Hohmann, Jörg; Hohmann, Frank 2719506 Gripper with cable synchronized jaw movement. PHD, Inc. 2719532 Use of an adhesive dispersion for film lamination. BASF SE 2719540 Color laser marking. AGFA-GEVAERT 2719541 Colour laser marking. AGFA-GEVAERT 2719549 Functionalized polymer, rubber composition and pneumatic tire. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2719551 Method and system for monitoring a parameter of a tire of a vehicle. Continental Automotive GmbH 2719562 Residential vehicle and cover panel. Polyplastic Groep B.V. 2719569 Transportable fuel tank. Proaction GmbH 2719584 Electronic key registration system. KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOKAI RIKA DENKI SEISAKUSHO 2719585 Electronic key registration system. KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOKAI RIKA DENKI SEISAKUSHO 2719595 Compressed air supply device and method for operating a compressed air supply device. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2719601 Industrial truck, in particular jack lift. OM Carrelli Elevatori S.p.A. 2719602 Industrial truck with load rollers arranged in load roller mounts on a wheel arm. OM Carrelli Elevatori S.p.A. 2719606 Method and device for testing an electric motor for an actuator of an internal combustion engine. Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 2719608 Clamping apparatus for a saddle of a bicycle. MERIDA INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 2719612 Saddle-straddling type motor vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2719628 Improved hooding machine, with distribution-device height adjustment. OFFICINA MECCANICA SESTESE S.p.A. 2719633 A cardboard container for receiving bottles in a vertical configuration and a blank for obtaining the container. Marchesini Group S.p.A. 2719641 Storage and automatic picking machine for small piece-goods. CareFusion Germany 326 GmbH 2719652 Device for the transportation of persons by means of a crane, and crane with a device for the transportation of persons. Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH 2719720 Method for modifying the surface of an elastomer product. Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2719737 Adhesive Composition. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2719753 Reactor with electroluminescence particles in the reaction medium. Friedrich- (No. 2312) Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 2719791 Method for applying an image of an electrically conductive material onto a recording medium and device for ejecting droplets of an electrically conductive fluid. Océ-Technologies B.V. 2719811 Distance sensor and washing machine including the same. LG Electronics Inc. 2719832 Cutting head. BAUER Maschinen GmbH 2719841 Aeration valve for use in a drinking water system. Rossi, Antonio Attilio 2719851 Hinging apparatus for hinging a mobile member with respect to a fixed structure by means of at least one retractable hinge. OTLAV S.p.A 2719855 Control assembly for controlling the rotation of a turnstile. Locinox 2719867 Housing structure with improved sealing and cooling. MTU Aero Engines GmbH 2719883 Engine System. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2719886 Valve assembly for an injection valve. Continental Automotive GmbH 2719892 A blade for a wind turbine, and a servicing unit for a blade. ALSTOM Renewable Technologies 2719937 Stand and display device having the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 2719978 Method for controlling a domestic refrigeration appliance. Whirlpool Corporation 2719985 A flow distribution module with a patterned cover plate. Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH 2720014 A method for determining calibration parameters for a spectrometer. Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy 2720051 Safety system. SICK AG 2720058 Differential transformer type magnetic sensor and image forming apparatus. Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 2720059 Devices and methods for determining a magnetic field distribution of a magnet along a main surface of said magnet.. MagCam NV 2720090 Universal timepiece. The Swatch Group Research and Development Ltd. 2720092 System for connecting a bracelet to a watch case. The Swatch Group Management Services AG 2720093 System for connecting a bracelet to a watch case. The Swatch Group Management Services AG 2720094 Safety system. SICK AG 2720104 Self-regulating valve assembly with compact geometry. Siemens Schweiz AG 2720116 Foldable keyboard. BlackBerry Limited 2720145 Methods and systems for capturing high resolution content from applications. BlackBerry Limited 3594 3595 27/07/2016 2720192 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Method, system and computer readable medium for liver diagnosis. General Electric Company 2720199 Secured method for controlling the opening of locking devices by means of messages using symmetric encryption. Openways Sas 2720204 Device for handling vouchers. Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 2720246 RF thermal fuse. CommScope Technologies LLC 2720340 Electric power supply system for an aircraft, aircraft and airport power supply system. Airbus Operations GmbH 2720372 Analogue output unit. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2720379 Ordered electromagnetic interference cancellation. Exelis, Inc. 2720391 Optical transport network power-save technique based on client signal information. ALCATEL LUCENT 2720394 Multidirectional add and drop devices for a WDM optical network. ALCATEL LUCENT 2720414 Bus system. SICK AG 2720438 Method and system for negotiation based on IKE messages. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2720507 Improved Establishment of an RRC Connection in a Mobile Communications Terminal. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (Publ) 2720512 Remote radio device and baseband processing node. ALCATEL LUCENT 2720513 Inductive heating device for points and/or rails. IFF GmbH 2720907 FIXING ELEMENT WITH TOLERANCE ADJUSTMENT. Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH 2721917 Slat for a material moving system for an agricultural harvesting machine. CNH Industrial Belgium nv 2721934 Heat-treatment device, in particular for sausages. ARMOR INOX SA 2721943 Resilient joint for clockwork assembly. ROLEX SA 2721955 Bracket pin assembly. King Slide Works Co., Ltd.; King Slide Technology Co., Ltd. 2721958 Device for connecting aligned chairs to one another. Eredu, S. Coop. 2721963 Connection assembly of a seat, seat, assembly method. Sedus Stoll AG 2721965 Seating furniture with anti-twist device. aeris GmbH 2721967 Upholstery assembly of a seat, seat and assembly method for producing an upholstery assembly. Sedus Stoll AG 2721974 Beverage preparation machine. Miele & Cie. KG 2721975 Beverage preparation machine. Miele & Cie. KG 2721996 Sealing cap for an connector with an electrical connection. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2722012 Device for shock wave treatment of the human brain. Storz Medical AG 2722089 Device for the thermal treatment of products with cleaning of the process fluid. Krones AG 2722148 Method of preparing a composite part comprising a moulding strand and adhesive tape, and such composite part. CQLT SaarGummi Technologies S.à.r.l. 2722149 VALVE PIN BUSHING FOR THE HOT RUNNER OF AN INJECTION MOLD. Inglass S.p.A. 2722177 Screen printing device with dual-mode printing. MACHINES DUBUIT 2722178 Screen-printing device with one main actuator. MACHINES DUBUIT 2722180 Method and device for measuring and/or correcting registration marks. Baumer hhs GmbH 2722191 Identity card with physical unclonable function. Bundesdruckerei GmbH 2722192 Identity card with a physical unclonable function. Bundesdruckerei GmbH 2722214 Manual control device for a motor-vehicle accelerator. Carrozzeria 71 S.r.L. 2722235 Plastic component. SMP Deutschland GmbH 2722239 Drive unit for a safety system of a vehicle. Metalsa Automotive GmbH 2722256 Commercial vehicle. Rehberger, Ingrid 2722260 Manoeuvring drive with intelligent central unit. Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG 2722261 Manoeuvring drive with additional brake module. Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG 2722276 Separable blade attachment for a bearingless rotor of a helicopter. AIRBUS HELICOPTERS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH 2722282 Method and device for the continuous manufacture and filling of flexible containers. Volpak, S.A.U. 2722289 Paint cup for spray gun. Lin, Chin-Hsin 2722296 Rotary apparatus for transferring bottles or containers in general. Lanfranchi S.r.l. 2722297 Machine for cutting a laminated glass plate with a waiting section provided with transport means. Biesse S.p.A. 2722304 Device for filling at least one container with a filling product. Krones AG 2722310 Process for endothermic gas phase reaction in a reactor. Wacker Chemie AG 2722442 Safety device with impact absorption for road shoulders. Grison, Hubert 2722443 Method and device for shoring deep trenches. Hess, Wilhelm 2722453 Height-adjustable partition element. Sedus Stoll AG 2722460 Extensible roller-type pergola comprising electronic locking means in the end position. BAT S.P.A. 2722475 Roller shutter with tilting slats. Teknalsystem S.r.l. 3596 3597 27/07/2016 2722495 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Gas entry housing and corresponding exhaust gas turbine. ABB Turbo Systems AG 2722516 Intake manifold with integrated heat exchanger and its method of manufacturing. Systèmes Moteurs (Société par Actions Simplifiée) 2722517 Intake module in form of an intake manifold with integrated heat exchanger. Systèmes Moteurs (Société par Actions Simplifiée) 2722523 Assembly for the protection of electrical lines against mechanical damage. Nexans 2722550 Method and cleaning panel for cleaning a brake of a wind turbine. Nordex Energy GmbH 2722566 Coated O-ring. FEI COMPANY 2722595 Cogeneration apparatus. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2722598 Water heater. Panasonic Corporation 2722599 Water heater. Panasonic Corporation 2722682 Circuit and method for biasing a plate-shaped sensor element of semiconductor material. Melexis Technologies NV 2722687 Safety device for a vehicle. SICK AG 2722793 Linear LED array for digital printing apparatus. Xeikon IP BV 2722915 Battery of fuel cells. AKADEMIA GORNICZO-HUTNICZA im. Stanislawa Staszica 2722935 Electrical connector comprising a sealing element and assembly process. Tyco Electronics AMP Italia S.r.l. 2722992 Coding method for channel with quasi-periodic fading. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; Eutelsat SA 2722993 Coding with punctured polar codes for nonvolatile memories. POSTECH ACADEMY-INDUSTRY FOUNDATION; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 2722996 Method and apparatus for radio frequency tuning utilizing a determined use case. BlackBerry Limited 2723001 High capacity satellite telecommunication system with multibeam coverage and frequency reusing.. Thales 2723134 Wireless communication in Multi-RAT System. FUJITSU LIMITED 2724476 RADIO COMMUNICATION METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MULTIPLE USER ANTENNAS. Orange 2724618 Method of and system for automatically removing meat from an animal extremity. Foodmate B.V. 2724631 Safety helmet with improved lining and chin strap. Zedel 2724639 Dust-free artificial nail. Chang, Sung Yong 2724641 Chair, in particular a rotating office chair. Sedus Stoll AG 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2724642 Spring articulation module for an industrial chair, industrial chair. Mey, Dieter 2724645 Device for the presentation of an object, in particular a fashion or jewellery item. Lucibel SA 2724660 Endoscopic instrument. Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 2724670 Detecting altered pH levels of rumens. Kankfelt, Pekka 2724687 Instruments for forming a posterior knee portal and for inserting a cannula. Arthrex, Inc. 2724691 Glenoid implant including a cup intended for engaging with a prosthetic humeral head. Aston Medical 2724692 Holder for a medical implant. WALDEMAR LINK GmbH & Co. KG 2724701 Head support for operating tables. Maquet GmbH 2724746 System and method for scheduling light therapy. Valkee Oy 2724759 Sliding device and assembly. SALOMON S.A.S. 2724768 Electro-catalytic honeycomb for exhaust emissions control. Huang, Ta-Jen 2724780 Method for producing a thermal insulation mixture. Evonik Degussa GmbH 2724786 Adhesive dispensing system and method using smart melt heater control. Nordson Corporation 2724811 Arc gouging carbon electrode with aluminum core. Taimatsu Tech. Co., Ltd. 2724817 Clamping jaw or clamping element. OML srl 2724895 Bumper cross member assembly. Kirchhoff Automotive Deutschland GmbH 2724907 Electromechanical brake system for an aircraft. Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 2724935 Rotorcraft provided with a structure for jointly mounting a control panel and an avionics rack provided with a single cable assembly. Airbus Helicopters 2724948 A method for removing a sealing film from a container and a device for actuating the method. Marchesini Group S.p.A. 2724950 Gluing unit. Krones AG 2724960 Facility for storing and delivering medication boxes. Pharmacie Automatisme 2724961 Structure for holding and transporting parts. Alambres Pamplona S.L. 2725019 Method for the preparation of cyclic diesters, in particular dilactide. Uhde Inventa-Fischer GmbH 2725051 Continuous process for the preparation of polyamide 6 and devices for this. Uhde Inventa-Fischer GmbH 2725079 Environmentally friendly deicing composition. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2725096 Devices for lysing, method and system. Robert Bosch GmbH 2725102 Nucleic acid extraction device, and nucleic acid extraction method, nucleic acid extraction kit, and nucleic acid extraction apparatus, each using the same. Seiko Epson Corporation 3598 3599 27/07/2016 2725134 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Piping System from Reactor to Separator and Method to Control Process Flow. Andritz, Inc. 2725156 Method for producing a modular construction and modular construction. Maurette, Claude 2725158 Device for earthing the foundations of a building. H-Bau Technik GmbH 2725161 Sound absorbing module and a suspended ceiling comprising the same. SaintGobain Ecophon AB 2725163 Structural timber for constructing a supporting structure. Gruß, Christoph 2725180 Mounting accessory. Wilms, Erik 2725181 Lateral guides. Wilms, Erik 2725193 Method for detuning the blades in a gas turbine engine and corresponding gas turbine engine.. MTU Aero Engines AG 2725227 Pump assembly. Delphi International Operations Luxembourg S.à r.l. 2725248 Bearing. SKF Aerospace France 2725277 Internal coating material for pipes and method of retrofitting defective waste water channels. Mondi Consumer Packaging Technologies GmbH 2725290 Vehicular lamp and method for producing the same. Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2725316 Oven with safety program. Ivoclar Vivadent AG 2725321 Two-dimensional metrology standard. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2725335 Method and device for verification and/or calibration of a pressure sensor. Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH 2725359 Cell separation method using a release system for cell-antibody-substrate conjugates containing a polyethylene glycol spacer unit. Miltenyi Biotec GmbH 2725362 Motion sensor assembly for determining the angular velocity of a moving contrast in its field of view with high accuracy. Aix-Marseille Université; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2725363 Contact spring for a test socket for the high power testing of an electronic component. Multitest elektronische Systeme GmbH 2725370 A method for the diagnostics of electromechanical system based on impedance analysis. ABB Technology AG 2725379 Systems and methods for improving bearing availability and accuracy for a tracking filter. Honeywell International Inc. 2725397 Fiber optic management unit and fiber optic distribution device. CCS Technology, Inc. 2725433 Flying pendulum with flying balance wheel for clockwork. Richemont International S.A. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2725435 Control of a security feature of an electric machine. Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 2725476 Managing data storage and access on a client device. BlackBerry Limited 2725590 Coil wire support element, manufacturing method thereof, and inductive power transfer coupler incorporating same. Tyco Electronics Belgium EC BVBA 2725597 Method for diagnosing a self-blowing switch and diagnostic device. Omicron electronics GmbH 2725656 Mobile wireless communications device with multiple-band antenna and related methods. BlackBerry Limited 2725709 Electronic circuit for automatic gain control with dual slope of an amplifier. EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 2725722 Method and system for detecting broadcast signals transmitted by terrestrial sources and received by a satellite.. Airbus Defence and Space SAS 2725751 Routing table updating. NXP B.V. 2725763 Apparatus, method and computer program for relaying payload data between two network nodes. ALCATEL LUCENT 2725768 Method, system and communication device for generating notification signals. BlackBerry Limited 2725867 Method of handling frequency de-prioritization. HTC Corporation 2725881 Chip on film and display device including the same. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2727460 Dairy animal treatment device. Lely Patent N.V. 2727469 3D printing of chocolate. Xerox Corporation 2727495 Multiuse table having a variable configuration. La Tavola S.r.l. 2727499 Cot. Lah, Jeh-Kun 2727502 Kitchen appliance comprising an axially guided pressing screw. SEB S.A. 2727551 Treatment unit for medical workstations. Happersberger Otopront GmbH 2727573 A stimulation device, particularly for therapy of the human body. Sergio, Paolo 2727683 Coolant system. JTEKT CORPORATION; CNK CO., LTD. 2727699 Method for manufacturing a floor mat for protecting an original mat of a motor vehicle and floor mat obtained. Gery Trentesaux Investissements 2727734 Ink jet printer, object-to-be-printed holding member and printing method. Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd. 2727736 Printer including presenter part and cutter part that move together. Fujitsu Component Limited 2727755 Open roof construction for a vehicle. Inalfa Roof Systems Group B.V. 2727784 An electromechanical braking method for reducing vibration. Messier-BugattiDowty 2727825 Device for modifying the airfoil geometry. C.I.R.A. (Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali) - S.C.P.A. 3600 3601 27/07/2016 2727907 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Polysulphide mixture, process for its preparation and use of the polysulphide mixture in rubber mixtures. LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 2727957 Rubber composition with encapsulated resin and pneumatic tire. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2728014 Non-invasive method for detecting a fetal chromosomal aneuploidy. Genesupport SA 2728226 Vacuum valve. VAT Holding AG 2728231 Pipe end fitting for a double walled pipe and obtained assembly. Airbus Opérations SAS 2728232 Feed-through for installation in a wall or floor element. Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co. KG 2728294 Traversing artillery. NEXTER Systems 2728301 Measurement tool. National Oilwell Varco, L.P. 2728321 Method for monitoring vibration sensors. Airbus Helicopters 2728408 Deep-ultraviolet chemically-amplified positive photoresist. BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 2728440 Device and method for electric power management of a plurality of peripheral interfaces. Thomson Licensing 2728470 Method and apparatus for configuring network policy of virtual networks. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2728575 Percussion instrument. Roland Corporation 2728648 Battery, electrode, battery pack, electronic device, electric vehicle, power storage device, and power system. Sony Corporation 2728654 Nickel hydride secondary battery. FDK Corporation 2728682 A method for manufacturing an optical fibre laser. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2728751 Zero-crossing detection circuit and method for zero-crossing detection. Sigma Designs Israel S.D.I Ltd. 2728818 Systems and methods of bandwidth allocation. General Electric Company 2728825 Terminal apparatus with DRM decoding function and DRM decoding method in terminal apparatus. Inka Entworks, Inc. 2728833 Time-locked network and nodes for exchanging secure data packets. The Boeing Company 2728972 Controlling operation of light sources. Helvar Oy Ab 2730193 Hairdressing cape. Wako Clothing Co., Ltd. 2730249 Trolley, in particular ward trolley and care trolley. Optiplan Gesellschaft für optische Planungsgeräte mit beschränkter Haftung 27/07/2016 2730427 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Device for receiving an overload in a spine processing station of a book binding machine. Müller Martini Holding AG 2730521 Packaging for a bouquet of flowers. Clayrton's 2730628 Area-measured material. RAFI GmbH & Co. KG 2730669 Nickel-based superalloys. Honeywell International Inc. 2730675 Device for generating a gas mixture. Dockweiler AG 2730702 Method and device for the production of parallel ground bodies using jet nozzle tools. Keller Holding GmbH 2730703 Method and device for producing a foundation element. BAUER Maschinen GmbH 2730738 Winding device for covering openings in wall sections. Lock Antriebstechnik GmbH 2730967 Curved liquid crystal display device. LG Display Co., Ltd. 2732155 POWER GENERATING APPARATUS OF A RENEWABLE ENERGY TYPE HAVING HYDRAULIC PUMP ALSO OPERABLE IN MOTORING MODE. MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2732516 OFFSHORE ELECTRICAL PLANT INSTALLATION METHOD AND SYSTEM. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2732543 POWER CELL FOR DEEPWATER APPLICATION. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2732904 Apparatus for friction welding with a tool made or ceramic having a metallic coating ; Method of friction welding using such apparatus. Rolls-Royce plc 2732970 Module structure. Industrial Technology Research Institute 2732973 Non-wetting coating on a fluid ejector. Fujifilm Corporation 2732975 Sub-surface marking of product housings. Apple Inc. 2733002 Wheel drive unit. SUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2733019 Attachment system for attachment of a storage container in a motor vehicle. KAMEI automotive GmbH 2733066 Method for automatically triggering an emergency buoyancy system for a hybrid helicopter. Airbus Helicopters 2733072 Blade-pitch control system with indexing swashplate. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2733110 Mobile machine with loading device, machine operable in two emergency control modi. Kramer-Werke GmbH 2733240 Non-woven fabric of extruded-linked thermoplastic filaments having improved weldability properties and method for manufacturing such a non-woven fabric. Dounor 2733246 Sewing machine. Dürkopp Adler AG 3602 3603 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2733284 Radio station. Ebner, Wolfgang 2733285 Radio station. Ebner, Wolfgang 2733403 Coupling device for media conduits. Voss Automotive GmbH 2733719 Auxiliary tripping device for tripping a circuit breaker. Schneider Electric (No. 2312) Industries SAS 2733720 Thermal-magnetic tripping device for tripping a polyphase circuit breaker. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2734369 METHOD FOR DRAWING AT LEAST ONE MATERIAL WEB INTO A PROCESSING DEVICE. Koenig & Bauer Aktiengesellschaft 2734375 WEB-FED PRINTING PRESS. Koenig & Bauer Aktiengesellschaft 2734760 DUAL PLATE CHECK VALVE. Hawa Valves (India) Private Limited 2735015 NON-EVAPORABLE GETTER COMPOSITIONS WHICH CAN BE REACTIVATED AT LOW TEMPERATURE AFTER EXPOSURE TO REACTIVE GASES AT A HIGHER TEMPERATURE. Saes Getters S.p.A. 2735411 Method for forming stacks of shaped labels. BLUMER MASCHINENBAU AG 2735450 Image forming apparatus. Ricoh Company, Ltd. 2735462 Wheel drive unit. SUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2735463 Planetary gear device. SUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2735520 Closing members for handling hole of a container. Feurer Porsiplast GmbH 2735650 Method for treating layers, a construction machine and an auxiliary construction machine. Wirtgen GmbH 2736339 BIOCIDAL COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2737236 ELECTRICAL ACTUATED VALVE. Festo AG & Co. KG 2738555 Gas detection management system with replacement modules. Honeywell International Inc. 2738574 Systems and methods for monitoring broadband radio frequency interference. Honeywell International Inc. 2738779 Welding process for actuator for hydraulic valves. Nixa SRL Windings & Coils 2738897 Blank plug. OBO Bettermann GmbH & Co. KG 2739781 CIGARETTE PAPER WITH FILLER HAVING SPECIFIC PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION. delfortgroup AG 2739938 LANE GUIDANCE DISPLAY SYSTEM, LANE GUIDANCE DISPLAY METHOD, AND LANE GUIDANCE DISPLAY PROGRAM. AISIN AW CO., LTD. 2740455 Small vehicle, in particular wheelchair. AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH 2740694 Feeding station. Francotyp-Postalia GmbH 2740919 WHEEL LOADER. Komatsu Ltd. 27/07/2016 2742015 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) USE OF POLYURETHANE POWDER AS INNER ADDITIVE OF REDISPERSIBLE POLYMER POWDER. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2742157 METHOD FOR OPERATING AN ARC OVEN. Primetals Technologies Germany GmbH 2742163 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ENGINE COMPONENT AND ENGINE COMPONENT. Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH 2742164 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ENGINE COMPONENT AND ENGINE COMPONENT. Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH 2742491 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SORTING OUT COINS FROM BULK METAL. Schons, Georg 2743415 Expansion joint construction element. SPAETER Zug AG 2743957 Electric current breaking apparatus, in particular a coupling breaker. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2743958 Electric current breaking apparatus, in particular a coupling breaker. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2743959 Thermal trip device and current breaking apparatus comprising one such device. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2744439 SMART TOOL HOLDER FOR AN OPTICAL SHAPE-SENSING FIBER. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2744663 PRINTER. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745044 DEVICE COMPRISING LIGHT SOURCE AND LIGHT BLOCKER. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745178 MEDICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745269 DEPTH MAP PROCESSING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745293 SIGNAL NOISE ATTENUATION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745351 WIRELESS DOCKING LINK EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745636 DIMMABLE LUMINARY FEATURING COLOUR CHANGE DURING DIMMING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2745642 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL FOR LIGHTING SYSTEM WITH EMBEDDED PROCESSORS AND SYSTEM OPERATING WITH THE PROTOCOL. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2746091 Floating contact device. Hoffmann & Co Elektrokohle AG 2746713 Weapon firing simulator. Bagira Systems Ltd. 2747549 LAMINAR BODY FOR MAKING GREENHOUSE ROOFS AND METHOD OF GREENHOUSE CULTIVATION. Ultrabatch S.r.l. 3604 3605 27/07/2016 2747606 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR CLEANING A PAN AND COOKING APPLIANCE WITH A PAN AND A CLEANING DEVICE. MKN Maschinenfabrik Kurt Neubauer GmbH & Co. KG 2747617 A DEVICE FOR SEPARATING TWO SPACES FROM ONE ANOTHER. Koninklijke Philips N.V.; Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V. 2747621 DEVICE FOR GRINDING ROASTED GRAINS. Rancilio Group S.p.A. 2747648 A DEVICE FOR MONITORING A USER AND A METHOD FOR CALIBRATING THE DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2748069 FILLING MACHINE FOR FILLING PACKAGING CONTAINERS WITH PRODUCTS, AND METHOD THEREFOR. Elopak Systems AG 2748088 METHOD AND MACHINE FOR PRODUCING A SINGLE-USE CAPSULE FOR BEVERAGES AND CAPSULE OBTAINED USING METHOD. I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A. 2748346 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ENGINE COMPONENT, AND ENGINE COMPONENT. Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH 2748347 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ENGINE COMPONENT AND ENGINE COMPONENT. Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH 2748404 LOCKING MECHANISM. Aker MH AS 2748521 LIGHTING UNIT COMPRISING A LAMP SHADE. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2748526 LIGHT-EMITTING ARRANGEMENT. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2748630 IMPROVING LARGE VOLUME THREE-DIMENSIONAL ULTRASOUND IMAGING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2748658 LED REAR LAMP, IN PARTICULAR FOR A BICYCLE. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2748932 RADIATION POWER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICE HAVING TUNABLE ELEMENTS. BlackBerry Limited 2749128 DRIVER FOR CONNECTING LED TO ELECTRONIC BALLAST. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2749137 ENHANCED LIGHTING NETWORK TO SERVE MOBILE CELLULAR USERS AND METHOD OF OPERATION THEREOF. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2749976 REMOTE MONITORING TERMINAL DEVICE FOR A MOBILE WORK VEHICLE OR VESSEL. Yanmar Co., Ltd. 2750371 Flexible printed circuit board and small camera apparatus including the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 2750418 Location-based service provider method and system having a user controlled location privacy mechanism. Pitney Bowes Inc. 27/07/2016 2751165 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) PROCESS FOR ENRICHING THE DIFUNCTIONAL CONTENT OF (PER)FLUOPOLYETHER MIXTURES. Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy S.p.A. 2751463 PIPE STRUCTURE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM. Wärtsilä Finland Oy 2751581 VARIABLE CAPACITANCE ACCELEROMETER WITH MEANDERING FLEXURES. Atlantic Inertial Systems Limited 2751592 FLEXIBLE X-RAY, DETECTOR WITH OPTICAL SHAPE SENSING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2751803 AUDIO OBJECT ENCODING AND DECODING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2752169 Fixating means between a mesh and mesh deployment means especially useful for hernia repair surgeries. Davol, Inc. 2752261 Process for producing watch parts. Cartier Création Studio S.A. 2752731 Haptically-enabled system with braking. Immersion Corporation 2754675 METHOD FOR PREPARING AN AQUEOUS DISPERSION OF POLYMER IN A VACUUM, AND USES THEREOF. S.P.C.M. SA 2755287 Contact piece containing precious metal on a spring support with a rotationally symmetrical bending moment. Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG 2755818 ELASTIC FLOOR COVERING. WPT GmbH 2755887 BICYLE HAVING A HUB INCORPORATING A VARIABLE RATIO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. Nexxtdrive Limited 2756202 SLIP COUPLING WITH AUTOMATIC RELEASE IN THE EVENT OF A PERSISTENT OVERLOAD. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2757804 MANAGING SERVER FOR REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEM. Yanmar Co., Ltd. 2759752 Device for fixing a tube unit. Bächle, Dieter 2760293 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PRINTING ON CHEWING GUM. Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 2760297 IMPROVED CIGARETTE PAPER FOR SELF-EXTINGUISHING CIGARETTES. delfortgroup AG 2760352 SONOTRODE. Söring GmbH 2761381 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DYNAMIC AIR TRAFFIC TRAJECTORY SYNCHRONIZATION. Lockheed Martin Corporation 2761762 PREDICTION-BASED FM STEREO RADIO NOISE REDUCTION. Dolby International AB 2763547 APPARATUS FOR DISPENSING REFRIGERATED PRODUCTS. S.P.M. Drink Systems S.P.A. 2763561 COMPOSITE WITH IMPROVED MOISTURE DRAINAGE. Sympatex Technologies GmbH 3606 3607 27/07/2016 2763574 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) COFFEE MACHINE AND A METHOD FOR INTRODUCING A QUANTITY OF BEANS. Miele & Cie. KG 2763628 PROSTHESIS ASSEMBLY. Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH 2763744 LEAD BODY WITH TUBES OF DIFFERENT DIAMETERS FOR A COCHLEAR IMPLANT AND A METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SUCH A LEAD BODY. Advanced Bionics AG 2763791 OXIDATION CATALYST FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE EXHAUST GAS TREATMENT. Johnson Matthey Japan Godo Kaisha; Johnson Matthey Public Limited Company 2763820 GRIPPING OR CLAMPING DEVICE. Schunk GmbH & Co. KG Spann- und Greiftechnik 2763841 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PART FROM A COMPOSITE MATERIAL. SNECMA 2763849 IMPROVED FIBER-METAL LAMINATE. GTM-Advanced Structures B.V. 2763864 AIR SPRING COVER WITH SWITCH-BASED AIR VOLUME. Continental Teves AG&Co. Ohg 2763906 PACKAGING CONTAINER THAT CAN BE VENTILATED. Nordfolien GmbH 2764001 CATALYTIC PROCESS FOR PHOSPHO-HALOGENATION OF FLUORINATED ALCOHOLS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2764005 PREPARATION OF POLYURETHANES AND POLYESTERS FROM GLYCOLIPID TYPE COMPOUNDS. Université de Bordeaux; Institut des Corps Gras Etudes et Recherches Techniques-Iterg; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon 2764020 PROCESS FOR ANTIBODY G1 GLYCOFORM PRODUCTION. F. HoffmannLa Roche AG 2764033 EPOXY RESIN COMPOSITIONS, CONTAINING A 2-OXO[1,3]DIOXOLANE DERIVATIVE. BASF SE 2764048 PROPYLENE POLYMER COMPOSITIONS. Basell Poliolefine Italia S.r.l. 2764097 MUTATED T7 RNA POLYMERASES. Biomérieux; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2764127 A PROCESS TO IMPROVE FATIGUE STRENGTH OF MICRO ALLOY STEELS, FORGED PARTS MADE FROM THE PROCESS AND AN APPARATUS TO EXECUTE THE PROCESS. Kalyani, Babasaheb Neelkanth 2764138 ETCHING DEVICE FOR THE ELECTROLYTIC ETCHING OF COPPER. Herkle, Christoph 2764142 QUASI MELT BLOW DOWN SYSTEM. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2764150 DRAPABLE LAID SCRIM DEVICE. Gustav Gerster GmbH & Co. KG 2764266 THERMO-ELECTRIC POWER HARVESTING BEARING (No. 2312) CONFIGURATION. Aktiebolaget SKF 2764268 THERMO-ELECTRIC POWER HARVESTING BEARING CONFIGURATION. Aktiebolaget SKF (publ) 2764277 V-RIBBED BELT AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. Arntz Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG 2764334 CONTACTLESS METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE RAY OF A BEAM, CORRESPONDING SYSTEM. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2764371 MAINTENANCE ARRANGEMENT FOR AN ANALYSIS DEVICE. Hach Lange GmbH 2764574 FORCE APPLICATION RING FOR FOAMED RADOMES. Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG 2764584 CONNECTOR HOUSING. Tyco Electronics AMP Italia S.r.l. 2764591 CABLE FEEDTHROUGH AND METHOD FOR ASSEMBLING A CABLE FEEDTHROUGH. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2765767 Electronic device and method of controlling the same. LG Electronics, Inc. 2765884 STEAM HAIRDRESSING APPLIANCE HAVING A CONTROLLED PUMP. SEB S.A. 2765934 BONE ANCHOR ASSEMBLIES. Medos International Sarl 2765946 MEDICAL TRACKING SYSTEM COMPRISING MULTI-FUNCTIONAL SENSOR DEVICE. Brainlab AG 2765961 A DEVICE FOR CORRECTING INGROWING FOOT NAILS. Arkada Licence SP.ZO.O 2766062 IMPROVED FORMULATIONS FOR DRUG-COATED MEDICAL DEVICES. Innora GmbH 2766123 METHOD FOR FRAGMENTING AND/OR PRE-WEAKENING MATERIAL USING HIGH-VOLTAGE DISCHARGES. Selfrag AG 2766170 METHOD FOR COATING A MOLDED PART. KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH 2766230 AIR BAG ASSEMBLY AND TETHER. Gaiser, John; Key Safety Systems, Inc. 2766231 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPTIMAL DECELERATION OF A VEHICLE USING REGENERATIVE BRAKING. Robert Bosch GmbH 2766262 THERMOFORMING PACKAGING MACHINE. MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co KG 2766266 PACKAGING MACHINE FOR PACKING ROLLS OF PAPER AND THE LIKE. Fabio Perini S.p.A. 3608 3609 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 2766353 2-OXO-PIPERIDINYL DERIVATIVES. UCB Pharma, S.A. 2766415 THERMOPLASTIC MOULDING COMPOSITION AND MOULDED PARTS PRODUCED THEREFROM WITH IMPROVED WEAR RESISTANCE. BASF SE 2766547 HINGE FOR FURNITURE WITH A DEACTIVATABLE DECELERATING DEVICE. Arturo Salice S.p.A. 2766550 CLIMB ASSIST SYSTEM. D B Industries, LLC 2766581 CAMSHAFT AND FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTS FOR A CAMSHAFT. Thyssenkrupp Presta Teccenter Ag 2766591 JET PROPULSION DEVICE AND FUEL SUPPLY METHOD. SNECMA 2766603 PISTON PUMP FOR A HIGH-PRESSURE CLEANING DEVICE. Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 2766637 TOOTHED WHEELS AND TRANSMISSION. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2766698 SENSOR UNIT AND METHOD FOR THE END OF LINE PROGRAMMING OF A SENSOR UNIT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2766704 MOMENT-AND-FORCE SENSOR. Technische Universität Berlin 2766732 METHODS AND KITS FOR DETECTING CARDIAC REMODELING IN SUBJECTS WITHOUT CLINICAL SIGNS OF HEART FAILURE. Centre Hospitalier Et Universitaire De Nancy (CHU); INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Université de Lorraine; Université Paris Descartes 2766858 MARKING DEVICE. Lacôte, Emilia 2766872 METHOD OF CALIBRATING A COMPUTER-BASED VISION SYSTEM ONBOARD A CRAFT. Université Blaise Pascal Clermont II; Universite d'Auvergne Clermont I; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2766968 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING AN ARC IN A DC CIRCUIT. SMA Solar Technology AG 2766972 A MULTILEVEL CONVERTER AND A METHOD FOR CONTROLLING MULTILEVEL CONVERTER INCLUDING BALANCING CELL VOLTAGES. ABB Technology AG 2766990 DEVICE FOR CONVERTING CURRENT PULSES INTO VOLTAGE PULSES. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2767061 DEVICE FOR ADAPTATION BETWEEN A CONTACTLESS READER AND A RADIOFREQUENCY DEVICE. Gemalto SA 2767072 A METHOD AND A SYSTEM TO PERFORM A DISTRIBUTED CONTENT ACQUISITION PROCESS FOR A CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORK. Telefónica, S.A. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 2767826 Dual electrode system for a continuous analyte sensor. Dexcom, Inc. 2768313 COMPOSITION FOR USE IN THE PROMOTION OF MAGNESIUM (No. 2312) ABSORPTION AND/OR MAGNESIUM RETENTION. Nestec S.A. 2768318 METHOD AND RELATIVE PLANT FOR THE PREPARATION OF SOLID FOOD PRODUCTS; IN PARTICULAR SNACKS OR PASTA. Life Snack S.r.l. 2768360 COFFEE MACHINE, IN PARTICULAR FULLY AUTOMATIC COFFEE MACHINE, AND METHOD FOR OPERATING A COFFEE MACHINE. Eugster/Frismag AG 2768393 SYRINGE WITH REMOVABLE PLUNGER FOR ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS SAMPLE COLLECTION. Becton Dickinson and Company 2768403 SONOTRODE. Söring GmbH 2768461 WORK SURFACE EXTENSIONS FOR EMBALMING TABLES AND EMBALMING TABLES INCLUDING THE SAME. Ferno-Washington, Inc. 2768549 METHOD AND DEVICES FOR RETROGRADE FILLING OF AT LEAST ONE CALCIUM LINE IN AN EXTRACORPOREAL BLOOD CIRCUIT. Beden, Josef; Kessel-deynet, Olaf; Klewinghaus, Juergen; Pusinelli, Thomas; Werner, Pascal; Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 2768655 LINING TUBE, RENOVATED PRESSURE PIPE AND METHOD FOR RENOVATING A PRESSURE PIPE. Odenwald, Ralf; Schwert, Siegfried 2768733 AUTOMATIC STRAP LOADING ASSEMBLY FOR STRAPPING MACHINE. Signode International IP Holdings LLC 2768734 CIGARETTE PACKAGE CODING SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED METHOD. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 2768871 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ISOBUTENE HOMO- OR COPOLYMERS. BASF SE 2768882 ACRYLIC POLYOL RESINS COMPOSITIONS. Hexion Research Belgium SA 2768919 ADHESIVE SUBSTANCE, IN PARTICULAR FOR ENCAPSULATING AN ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY. Tesa SE 2768925 LIGHT SOURCE WITH QUANTUM DOTS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2768933 A CONTINUOUS PROCESS OF MAKING A FABRIC SOFTENER COMPOSITION. The Procter & Gamble Company 2768977 METHOD OF CHARACTERIZING A TARGET POLYNUCLEOTIDE USING A PORE AND A HEL308 HELICASE. Oxford Nanopore Technologies Limited 2769002 TUBULAR TARGET. Plansee SE 2769010 PROCESS FOR IMPROVING WEAVABILITY OF A YARN. Canepa S.p.A. 2769020 SPREAD UNIT FOR SPREADING GRANULAR MATERIAL. Giletta S.p.A. 2769102 HYDRAULIC ACCUMULATOR IN THE FORM OF A BELLOWS ACCUMULATOR. Hydac Technology GmbH 3610 3611 27/07/2016 2769105 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DEVICE FOR FIXING INSULATING LAYERS AND INSULATION ASSEMBLY SYSTEM. Rockwool International A/S 2769109 CONNECTING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING IT. ThyssenKrupp Presta AG 2769169 BOOSTER ASSEMBLY. AEL Mining Services Limited 2769200 CONTAMINATION INSPECTION FOR THE WINDOW OF A MEASURING DEVICE. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2769230 REFLECTOMETRY METHOD FOR DETECTING SOFT FAULTS IN AN ELECTRICAL CABLE, AND SYSTEM FOR IMPLEMENTING THE METHOD. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2769241 ESTIMATION AND DISPLAY FOR VECTOR DOPPLER IMAGING USING PLANE WAVE TRANSMISSIONS. Verasonics, Inc. 2769397 PRESSURIZED-GAS CIRCUIT BREAKER CAPABLE OF BEING ASSEMBLED AND DISASSEMBLED WITHOUT GAS LOSS. Alstom Technology Ltd 2769399 RANGE OF MULTI-POLE CIRCUIT BREAKERS. Eaton Electrical IP GmbH & Co. KG 2769473 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOGUE CONVERTER. E2V Semiconductors 2769500 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR CONVEYING ADDITIONAL BITS WITH AN ENCODED DATA BLOCK IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2769534 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PERFORMING PRECOGNITIVE LAWFUL INTERCEPT IN GROUP CALLS. Qualcomm Incorporated 2769565 TECHNIQUE FOR PREPARING A ROAMING OPERATION OF A USER EQUIPMENT. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (PUBL) 2770850 EDIBLE PRODUCT AND USE THEREOF FOR INCREASING BIOAVAILABILITY OF MICRONUTRIENTS COMPRISED IN VEGETABLES OR FRUIT. Unilever PLC 2770874 A PIECE OF FURNITURE. IKEA Supply AG 2770892 CLEANING NOZZLE FOR A VACUUM CLEANER. Aktiebolaget Electrolux 2770894 CLEANING NOZZLE FOR A VACUUM CLEANER. Aktiebolaget Electrolux 2770943 DENTAL PROSTHESIS COMPRISING A METALLIC FRAME. Dentsply Implants Manufacturing GmbH 2771089 PRODUCTION PROCESS FOR FILTER APPLIANCE. Mahle International GmbH 2771135 DEVICE FOR BENDING METAL SHEETS. Trumpf Maschinen Austria GmbH & CO. KG. 27/07/2016 2771136 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) MANUFACTURE METHOD OF TUBULAR MEMBER AND TUBULAR MEMBER MANUFACTURED BY THE SAME. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2771148 PLANER ACCESSORY TOOL FOR AN OSCILLATING POWER TOOL. Rubens, Jeremy; Abante, Edward; Robert Bosch GmbH 2771165 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING COATED MOLDED PIECES. KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH 2771179 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR BUILDING SELF-SEALING TYRES FOR VEHICLE WHEELS. Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 2771194 SECURITY ELEMENT. OVD Kinegram AG; Bundesdruckerei GmbH 2771238 AERODYNAMIC PROFILE WITH VARIABLE TWIST AND PITCH. Politecnico di Torino 2771240 CONSTANT VELOCITY UNIVERSAL JOINT FOR HELICOPTER ROTOR. K4A SRL 2771244 IMPROVED BLISTER-MAKING MACHINE, CONNECTED METHOD FOR PACKING IN BLISTERS, AND BLISTER PACK THUS OBTAINED. I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A. 2771249 MULTIFUNCTIONAL BOTTLE-HOLDER BOX. Accettola, Enrico 2771254 DEVICE FOR THE STABILISATION OF DRAIN AND/OR FILL VALVES FOR A FLEXIBLE CONTAINER INTENDED FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF LIQUIDS OR PULVERULENT MATERIALS. Codefine S. A. 2771255 MULTIFUNCTIONAL PACKAGING FILM AND PRODUCTION METHOD. Hagmann, Peter 2771259 CAPSULE WITH REINFORCEMENT MEMBERS USED FOR THE PREPARATION OF A BEVERAGE. Nestec S.A. 2771267 SPEED LIMITER FOR A LIFT. Inventio AG 2771334 DISUBSTITUTED 3,4-DIAMINO-3-CYCLOBUTENE-1,2-DIONE COMPOUNDS FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF CHEMOKINEMEDIATED PATHOLOGIES. Galderma Research & Development 2771428 METHOD FOR PRODUCING MINERAL OIL USING SURFACTANTS BASED ON A MIXTURE OF C24-GUERBET-, C26-GUERBET-, C28GUERBET-CONTAINING HYDROCARBON ALKOXYLATES. BASF SE 2771499 METHOD FOR COATING METALLIC SURFACES WITH A MULTICOMPONENT AQUEOUS COMPOSITION. Chemetall GmbH 2771525 APPARATUS FOR CLEANING A SUBMERGED SURFACE WITH SEMI AUTOMATIC RETURN COMMAND. Zodiac Pool Care Europe 3612 3613 27/07/2016 2771573 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) AIR-CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2771592 ELECTRIC ACTUATOR COMPRISING STRESS-LIMITING MEANS AND SPACE LAUNCHER COMPRISING A NOZZLE SUPPORTED BY SUCH AN ACTUATOR.. Airbus Defence and Space SAS 2771607 ADJUSTMENT ARRANGEMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2771662 LEAK TEST METHOD AND LEAK TEST APPARATUS. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2771676 RAPID TEST METHOD FOR EVALUATING THE DELAMINATION TENDENCY OF GLASS PACKAGING MEANS. SCHOTT AG 2771898 DIRECT CURRENT BREAKER AND ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM COMPRISING SUCH DIRECT CURRENT BREAKER. ABB Technology AG 2771910 METHOD FOR THE DIRECT BONDING OF A SILICON OXIDE LAYER. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2771911 METHOD FOR TREATING AND DIRECTLY BONDING A LAYER OF MATERIAL. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2771917 THERMOCOUPLE, METHOD OF PRODUCTION AND SUBSTRATE THAT IS SUITABLE FOR CARRYING OUT THE METHOD. O-Flexx Technologies Gmbh 2771925 BATTERY CASE AND VEHICLE. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2771943 ANTENNA ARRANGEMENT. Alaris Antennas (Pty) Ltd 2771953 CORNER REINFORCEMENT INSERT. C E S Control Enclosure Systems GmbH 2772035 METHOD FOR MANAGING A COMMUNICATION INTENDED FOR A USER, AND APPLICATION SERVER. Orange 2772136 Methods for treating a variety of diseases and conditions, and compounds useful therefor. The Salk Institute for Biological Studies 2772827 CURRENT-COORDINATING SYSTEM SUITABLE FOR THE REDUNDANCY OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. García Sosa, Francisco 2773273 ELECTROSURGICAL DEVICE. Söring GmbH 2773306 LAMP, IN PARTICULAR AN OPERATION LAMP. TRILUX Medical GmbH & Co. KG 2773315 A PERSONAL CLEANING COMPOSITION. Unilever PLC 2773367 S100 FAMILY PROTEINS AND THEIR USES. Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München 2773450 DISTRIBUTOR PLATE FOR A GAS/LIQUID MIXTURE EQUIPPED WITH DISTRIBUTOR ELEMENTS LARGELY INSENSITIVE TO THE LACK OF HORIZONTALITY. IFP Énergies nouvelles 27/07/2016 2773475 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING PARTS BY SELECTIVE MELTING OF POWDER. SNECMA 2773483 RESISTANCE WELDING DEVICE COMPRISING A CURRENT SOURCE ARRANGED ON A WELDING GUN. Fronius International GmbH 2773486 POWER TOOL AND METHOD OF OPERATING AN AUTOMATED DRILLING OPERATION. Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB 2773487 DRIVE ARRANGEMENT FOR A PNEUMATIC POWER TOOL AND PNEUMATIC POWER TOOL. Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB 2773563 PROCESS FOR FILLING A CAN. Crown Packaging Technology, Inc. 2773592 FACILITY AND METHOD FOR MINERALISING AN AQUEOUS BEVERAGE. SEB SA 2773608 METHOD FOR PRODUCING 2-OCTYL ACRYLATE BY DIRECT ESTERIFICATION. Arkema France 2773626 HERBICIDALLY ACTIVE OXIME-ETHER-SUBSTITUTED BENZOYLAMIDES. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2773631 PESTICIDAL COMPOUNDS. Syngenta Participations AG 2773693 METHOD FOR COATING PLASTIC SUBSTRATES. BASF Coatings GmbH 2773707 A COATING COMPOSITION, A METHOD FOR COATING A SUBSTRATE, A COATED SUBSTRATE, A PACKAGING MATERIAL AND A LIQUID PACKAGE. BillerudKorsnäs Skog & Industri Aktiebolag 2773708 A COATING COMPOSITION, A METHOD FOR COATING A SUBSTRATE, A COATED SUBSTRATE, A PACKAGING MATERIAL AND A LIQUID PACKAGE. BillerudKorsnäs Skog & Industri Aktiebolag 2773786 LOW NICKEL AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Honeywell International Inc. 2773794 TREATMENT OF STEEL SURFACES. Wacker Chemie AG 2773795 PREPARATION FOR PASSIVATING METAL SURFACES, CONTAINING POLYMERS HAVING ACID GROUPS AND CONTAINING TI OR ZR COMPOUNDS. BASF SE 2773827 ROTARY-HANDLE LATCH. Do, Thai; Pan, Chi; Alcoa Inc. 2773869 A YAW DRIVE FOR A YAWING SYSTEM FOR A WIND TURBINE. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2773933 METHOD FOR DETERMINING A MACHINING RESULT DURING SURFACE MACHINING OF COMPONENTS. Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG 2774147 AUDIO SIGNAL NOISE ATTENUATION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2774148 BANDWIDTH EXTENSION OF AUDIO SIGNALS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (PUBL) 3614 3615 27/07/2016 2774159 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE COMPRISING MEANS FOR LIMITING THE FORMATION OF AN ELECTRIC ARC. ALSTOM Technology Ltd 2774166 IMPROVED COMPOSITE GETTERS. Saes Getters S.p.A. 2774202 FUEL CELL INCLUDING A CATHODE HAVING CHANNELS. Association Pour La Recherche Et Le Développement De Méthodes Et Processus Industriels "Armines" 2774260 INDUCTION HEATING COOKER. Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 2774378 SALIENCY BASED DISPARITY MAPPING. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2774453 AN INDUCTION HEATING COOKER. Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 2775943 GUIDES WITH PRESSURE POINTS. Materialise N.V. 2775966 KNEE BALANCING SYSTEMS. Synvasive Technology, Inc. 2776193 CHUCK FOR A MACHINE TOOL FOR MACHINING A TUBULAR, ROTATING WORKPIECE. SMS Meer GmbH 2776338 AEROSOL DISPENSER. Unilever PLC 2776340 ACTUATOR CAP FOR A FLUID DISPENSER. Unilever PLC, a company registered in England and Wales under company no. 41424 2776501 POLYMER COMPOSITION FOR BUMPERS AND INTERIORS AND POLYETHYLENE-BASED RESIN PRECURSOR. Basell Poliolefine Italia S.r.l. 2776611 ANODIC COMPARTMENT FOR METAL ELECTROWINNING CELLS. Industrie De Nora S.P.A. 2776640 FLOOR DRAIN DEVICE. Jung Pumpen GmbH 2776699 THRUST REVERSER DEVICE. Aircelle 2776718 SLIDE RING SEAL ARRANGEMENT WITH TESLA PUMP. EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co. KG 2776730 MACHINE ASSEMBLY. Voith Patent GmbH 2776965 SYSTEMS, METHODS, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR MANAGING SECURE ELEMENTS. Google Inc. 2777055 MOTOR DRIVE FOR ON-LOAD TAP CHANGER. Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2778095 Corner sleeve wih hammock-like cushioning structure. Air- Bag Packing Co., Ltd. 2779876 MACHINE FOR PREPARING A FILTERED BEVERAGE, AND CORRESPONDING PREPARATION METHOD. SEB S.A. 2780160 NON-WOVEN BODY FOR BINDING MERCURY. Spanner, Stephan 2780178 RESONANT-NOISE SUPPRESSOR DEVICE FOR TYRE. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2780186 OPERATOR CONTROL ELEMENT. Audi AG 27/07/2016 2780214 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) DEVICE FOR PROTECTING THE ENGINE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE IN THE EVENT OF FRONTAL IMPACT. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2780309 METHOD FOR RECOVERING DI-TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE AND TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE-ENRICHED PRODUCT STREAMS FROM THE SIDE STREAMS OF TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE PRODUCTION. OXEA GmbH 2780347 A METHOD FOR PREPARING A DIORGANODIHALOSILANE. Dow Corning Corporation 2780501 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF A NON-WOVEN MICROFIBROUS SUEDE-LIKE SYNTHETIC FABRIC. Alcantara S.p.A. 2780699 METHOD FOR RECONSTRUCTING THE GEOMETRY OF A SURFACE OF AN OBJECT VIA ECHOGRAPHIC SOUNDING, CORRESPONDING COMPUTER PROGRAM AND DEVICE FOR ULTRASONIC SOUNDING. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2782456 A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING TEA PRODUCT. Unilever PLC 2782478 FIXING DEVICE WITH SPACER. Julius Blum GmbH 2782710 METHOD AND UNIT FOR PERFORMING WORKING OPERATIONS USING JETS OF CRYOGENIC, INCLUDING AN IMPROVED SUCTION BELL. L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2783128 TORSIONAL VIBRATION DAMPER ASSEMBLY, IN PARTICULAR FOR THE DRIVE TRAIN OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2783182 Weapon. LACS S.r.l. 2783377 STEPPING SWITCH WITH VACUUM SWITCHING TUBES. Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2783444 RENEWABLE ENERGY POWER GENERATION SYSTEMS. Enecsys Limited 2785172 GUIDE AND FASTENING DEVICE FOR PLANT SUPPORT WIRES. Bortolussi, Franco; Bortolussi, Claudio 2785555 PEDAL VALUATOR ARRANGEMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2785860 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR MULTIPLEX PCR. Life Technologies Corporation 2786933 A radial fluid device for an independent blade control system with hydraulic cyclic control. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2788679 A COMPACT LIGHT OUTPUT DEVICE WITH WAVELENGTH CONVERSION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2789029 BATTERY AND CELL BLOCK FOR A BATTERY. Daimler AG 3616 3617 27/07/2016 2789729 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Iron with a steam chamber connected to a scale-recovery cavity having a descaling orifice.. SEB S.A. 2790602 RESECTOSCOPE COMPRISING A SHAFT. Olympus Winter & Ibe GmbH 2790843 MAIL SORTING MACHINE FOR FLAT OBJECTS, HAVING A SEPARATING FLAP. Solystic 2790945 METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING A HAPTIC ACCELERATION PEDAL THAT IS TO BE SET IN OSCILLATION IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2790946 METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING A HAPTIC ACCELERATOR PEDAL OF A MOTOR VEHICLE BY MEANS OF A POSITION CONTROL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2790947 METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING FORESEEABLE HAPTICALLY PERCEIVABLE SIGNALS IN AN ACCELERATION PEDAL OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2790948 HAPTIC ACCELERATION PEDAL FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE HAVING A RESETTING ELEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH AN ACTUATOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2790950 METHOD AND CONTROL UNIT FOR CONTROLLING A HAPTIC ACCELERATOR PEDAL IN A MOTOR VEHICLE BASED ON SEAT DATA. Robert Bosch GmbH 2790951 ACCELERATOR PEDAL SYSTEM FOR A VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2790952 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CHECKING THE PLAUSIBILITY OF A SIGNAL FROM A SEAT SENSOR IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2791036 CONVEYING DEVICE FOR FLAT OBJECTS ON EDGE, AND MAILSORTING MACHINE. Solystic 2791450 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CHANGING SPACERS. LISEC Austria GmbH 2793655 ARRANGEMENT FOR MOVING A MOVEABLE FURNITURE PART. Julius Blum GmbH 2803071 DEVICE FOR MEASURING THE POSITION OF A MOVABLE CONTROL ROD IN A NUCLEAR REACTOR. AREVA GmbH 2803826 Device for actuating two exhaust valves of a valve-controlled internal combustion engine via a valve bridge. MAN Truck & Bus AG 2807399 CHINESE FINGER ATTACHED TO STEEL CORD WITH SOLDER. NV Bekaert SA 2811223 Bicycle light. CATEYE CO., LTD. 27/07/2016 2815166 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD FOR PROTECTING IN-LINE INSPECTION TOOL FROM EXPLOSION AND CORRESPONDING EXPLOSION PROTECTION SYSTEM DEVICE. Publichnoye Aktsionernoe Obschestvo "Gazprom" 2818020 ROUTING OF CALLS TO SUBSCRIBERS OF OTHER MOBILE NETWORK OPERATORS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2818662 Engine. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2826954 Rotary piston mechanism assembly. Rengine Dynatech Co., Ltd. 2834732 COMPUTING DEVICE STORING LOOK-UP TABLES FOR COMPUTATION OF A FUNCTION. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2842978 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING RESIN FOR OPTICAL MATERIAL. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2857101 Shredding apparatus with maintenance flap. Lindner, Manuel 2857811 Spectrometer for gas analysis. SICK AG 2859997 Method for manufacturing a polishing pad and polishing pad. Valentini, Guido 2860314 Gravity foundation. Overdick GmbH & Co. KG 2860714 Optoelectronic device and method for monitoring of a surveillance area. SICK AG 2863184 Rotary encoder having a self-sufficient energy supply. SICK STEGMANN GmbH 2863253 Device for deviating and for enlarging the field of view. SICK AG 2865585 Transport set. WAMECH Producent Wozkow Przemyslowych Piotr i Albina Wasik Spolka Jawna 2865621 Method and assembly for automatic layer picking. INTRION NV 2865630 Method and device for producing a box girder. Abus Kransysteme GmbH 2866156 Method and apparatus for identity verification. GB Group PLC 2869485 Equalizing Method in a Receiver Node of a Wireless Communication System. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3618 3619 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Request for Grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate The name and address of the requestor follow the number allocated to the request. The date in brackets following the name and address is the date of receipt of the request. The Patent number is that under which the product in respect of which a certificate is sought is, allegedly, protected. Market Authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown. 2016030 Halozyme, Inc., 11388 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121, United States of America (30 June 2016) Patent No: 2405015; Soluble hyaluronidase glycoprotein (sHASEGP), process for preparing the same, uses and pharmaceutical compositions comprising thereof Product: Rituximab and recombinant human hyaluronidase Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/98/067, 21/03/2014 Supplementary Protection Certificates Granted The name and address of the grantee follows the number allocated to the application for grant of a certificate; this number applies also to the granted certificate. The date in brackets following the name and address is the date of grant of the certificate. The number of the basic Patent and the title of the invention are followed by the name of the product for which the certificate is granted. Market authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown, followed by the date of expiry of the certificate. 2008015 Novartis Pharma AG, Lichtstrasse 35, 4056 Basel, Switzerland (29/06/2016) Patent No: 1741446; Combinations comprising dipeptidylpeptidase-IV inhibitors and antidiabetic agents Product: Combination comprising vildagliptin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and metformin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/07/425/001-018, 14/11/2007 European Union EU/07/425/001/018, 14/11/2007 Certificate Expires on: 13/11/2022 2013003 Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Ireland, Hinterbergstrasse 16, 6312 Steinhausen, Switzerland (06/07/2016) Patent No: 1169038; CYCLIC PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASE INHIBITORS Product: Dasatinib and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/06/363/001-015, 20/11/2006 Certificate Expires on: 21/11/2021 27/07/2016 2013053 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) BAVARIAN NORDIC A/S, Böegeskovvej 9, 3490 Kvistgaard, Germany (06/07/2016) Patent No: 1335987; MODIFIED VACCINIA ANKARA VIRUS VARIANT Product: Live modified vaccina virus ankara Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/13/855, 31/07/2013 Certificate Expires on: 21/11/2026 2014040 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19898, United States of America (06/07/2016) Patent No: 1973888; ISOXAZOLINES FOR CONTROLLING INVERTEBRATE PESTS Product: Afoxolaner Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/2/13/159, 13/02/2014 European Union EU/2/13/159, 13/02/2014 Certificate Expires on: 12/02/2029 2014043 OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD., 9, Kanda Tsukasa-cho, 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8535, Japan (06/07/2016) Patent No: 1555267; 2,3-DIHYDRO-6-NITROIMIDAZO[2,1-b]OXAZOLES Product: Delamanid Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/13/875/001-003, 28/04/2014 Certificate Expires on: 09/10/2028 2014045 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V., Turnhoutseweg 30, 2340 Beerse, Belgium (06/07/2016) Patent No: 1527050; QUINOLINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS MYCOBACTERIAL INHIBITORS Product: Bedaquiline, or a pharmaceutically acceptable acid or base addition salt thereof, including bedaquiline fumarate Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/13/901, 05/03/2014 Certificate Expires on: 17/07/2028 3620 3621 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Application for Extension of the Duration of a Supplementary Protection Certificate The name and address of the requestor follow the number allocated to the Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC). The date in brackets following the name and address is the date of receipt of the application for an extension of the duration of the SPC. The Patent number is that under which the product in respect of which an extension of the duration of the SPC is sought is, allegedly, protected. Market Authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown, followed by the original date of expiry of the certificate. 2010001 NOVARTIS AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4058 Basel, Switzerland (29 June 2016) Patent No: 0663916; O-ALKYLATED RAPAMYCIN DERIVATIVE AND ITS USE, PARTICULARLY AS IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT Product: Everolimus Market Authorisation: Ireland: EU/1/09/538/001-006, 03/08/2009 EU: Sweden 18960, 018691, 18692, 18693, 18694 and 18695, 18/07/2003 Original SPC Expiry Date: 17/07/2018 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Patents Expired 76304 Int. Cl. (2016.01) E03F 5/04. Improvements relating to gully tops and manhole tops. EJ Ireland Access Solutions Ltd. 0748805 Naphthalene derivatives, process for the preparation thereof, and intermediates therefor, and pharmaceutical compositions comprising them. TANABE SEIYAKU CO., LTD. 80772 Int. Cl. (2016.01) A61M 5/14. Delivery needle. ALKERMES PHARMA IRELAND LIMITED 81395 Int. Cl. (2016.01) F24H 1/22; F24H 9/00; F23M 9/00. A boiler. ALLEY ENTERPRISES LIMITED 81571 Int. Cl. (2016.01) H04L 29/10. A diverter for a computer, and a computer comprising the diverter. KLAS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 82375 Int. Cl. (2016.01) A61J 1/10; A61M 1/02; A61M 39/00; C08J 5/04; C08J 5/18; C08K 5/00; C08L 27/00. Plasticized PVC material for flexible medical products. Haemonetics Corporation S84527 Int. Cl. (2016.01) C02F 11/12; C02F 11/00. A waste treatment system. FRANCIS OLIVER HANNON S84528 Int. Cl. (2016.01) C02F 11/12; C02F 11/00. A waste treatment system. FRANCIS OLIVER HANNON S84714 Int. Cl. (2016.01) F02M 7/00; F02M 19/00. A carburetor. BARCAROLE LIMITED S84727 Int. Cl. (2016.01) C07C 213/00; C07C 215/00; C07C 219/00; C07B 49/00. Accelerated synthesis of (3-Diisopropylamino-1-phenylpropyl)-4(hydroxymethyl)phenol and its phenolic monoesters. SCHWARZ PHARMA LIMITED S84729 Int. Cl. (2016.01) C07C 213/00; C07C 215/00; C07C 217/00; C07C 219/00; C07C 227/00; C07C 229/00. An improved synthesis of phenolic esters of hydroxymethyl phenols. SCHWARZ PHARMA LIMITED S84805 Int. Cl. (2016.01) C07C 213/00; C07C 217/00; C07C 219/00; C07C 227/00; C07B 49/00. Shortened synthesis using paraformaldehyde or trioxane. SCHWARZ PHARMA LIMITED S85294 Int. Cl. (2016.01) A01F 15/00. Baling and bale wrapping apparatus and methods. McHale Engineering 0747014 Multiple layered vaso-occlusive coils. TARGET THERAPEUTICS, INC. 0747116 Process for the preparation of microcapsule compositions. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 3622 3623 27/07/2016 0747340 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Anhydrous trisodiumcitrate, process for its preparation and its use as carriers. Jungbunzlauer Austria AG 0748599 Improvements in and relating to backpacks. Tate, Aarn 0748660 A method for steering resonance frequencies of interfering oscillation modes. Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 0749179 Screw clamp for electrical connector. Naimer, Hubert Laurenz 0749758 Improvements related to injections. Pharmacia Aktiebolag 0749901 An arrangement in a drive unit for an ultrasound sealing unit. Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 0750907 Stable macrolide and macrolide vaccine compositions. Zoetis Services LLC 0751129 Substituted dihydrodibenzo(b,f)azepines, method for their preparation, their use in the treatment of some central nervous system disorders, and pharmaceutical compositions containing them. BIAL - Portela & CA, S.A. 0752611 LCD with bus lines overlapped by pixel electrodes and photo-imageable insulating layer therebetween. L.G. Display Co., Ltd. 0753518 Processes for the preparation of a specific crystalline form of zilpaterol hydrochloride, and intermediates used. Hoechst Roussel Vet S.A. 0769947 INDOLINONE COMPOUNDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE. Sugen, Inc. 0775149 NOVEL PROTECTING GROUPS AND USE THEREOF IN AN IMPROVED PROCESS FOR OLIGONUCLEOTIDE SYNTHESIS. The Regents of the University of Colorado 0776409 INTEGRAL DRILLING TOOL BIT. TOTAL; Société dite DB STRATABIT SA 0777691 POLYMERISATION PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF CALIBRATED MONODISPERSE LATEX IN DISPERSION. MERCK EUROLAB S.A. 0782448 NON-IRRITATION, NON-SENSITIZING, NON-OTOTOXIC OTIC ANTIBACTERIAL COMPOSITIONS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 0797048 Gas burner for kitchen appliances. SABAF S.p.A. 0827607 METHOD FOR MANAGING GLOBALLY DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE COMPONENTS. EMC Corporation 27/07/2016 0828837 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CHIMERIC GENE COMPRISING A DNA SEQUENCE OF A GENE OF HYDROXY-PHENYL PYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE AND PRODUCTION OF PLANTS CONTAINING A GENE OF HYDROXYPHENYL PYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE AND WHICH ARE TOLERANT TO CERTAIN HERBICIDES. Bayer S.A.S. 0830337 PROCESS FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF IMINES. SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG. 0830562 MAGNETIC LOCATION SYSTEM WITH ADAPTIVE FEEDBACK CONTROL. Biosense Webster, Inc. 0831698 CROP PROTECTION COMPOSITIONS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 0831707 HERBICIDES WITH 4-IODO-2-[3-(4-METHOXY-6-METHYL-1,3,5TRIAZIN-2-YL)UREIDOSULFONYL]-BENZOIC ACID ESTERS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 0831797 PHARMACEUTICALLY ACTIVE CAROTENOIDS. The Howard Foundation 0831826 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A PROTEINASE INHIBITOR AND A MONOGLYCERIDE. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 0831827 NOVEL FORMULATIONS FOR TRANSDERMAL DELIVERY OF PERGOLIDE. ALZA CORPORATION 0831879 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING OR ISOLATING A MOLECULE AND MOLECULES IDENTIFIED THEREBY. LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH 0831891 OXIDANT SCAVENGERS. Duke University; UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA, BIRMINGHAM RESEARCH FOUNDATION; Aeolus Sciences, Inc. 0831899 RECOMBINANT POXVIRUS-CALICIVIRUS COMPOSITIONS AND USES. Connaught Technology Corporation 0831938 RADIOLABELED PEPTIDE COMPOSITIONS FOR SITE-SPECIFIC TARGETING. Mallinckrodt LLC 0832031 ANCHOR FLUKE. Stevlos B.V. 0832108 PROCESS FOR RECOVERING WATER-INSOLUBLE COMPOUNDS FROM A FERMENTATION BROTH. AbbVie Inc. 0832137 IMPREGNATED APPLICATOR TIP. Closure Medical Corporation 0832189 PROCESS FOR CONTROLLING SIALYLATION OF PROTEINS PRODUCED BY MAMMALIAN CELL CULTURE. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG; Genetech Inc 3624 3625 27/07/2016 0832225 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) CHIMERIC PROTEINS FOR USE IN TRANSPORT OF A SELECTED SUBSTANCE INTO CELLS. Shire Human Genetic Therapies, Inc. 0832227 METHOD FOR PROLONGING THE EXPRESSION OF A GENE OF INTEREST USING SOLUBLE CTLA4 MOLECULES. University of Washington; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 0832245 RECOMBINANT HEXOSE OXIDASE, A METHOD OF PRODUCING SAME AND USE OF SUCH ENZYME. DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS 0832270 CATIONIC LIPID:DNA COMPLEXES FOR GENE TARGETING. Valentis Inc. 0832421 OXIMETER COMPRISING A LIGHT SOURCE AND AN INFORMATION ELEMENT. Masimo Corporation 0833563 A METHOD OF IMPROVING THE PROPERTIES OF A FLOUR DOUGH. DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS 0833649 METHODS OF PREVENTING OR TREATING ALLERGIES. VALIO OY 0833662 A vaccine composition comprsing a Haemophilus influenzae B polysaccharide conjugate antigen adsorbed onto aluminium phosphate. SmithKline Beecham Biologicals s.a. 0833769 A ROTATING CONNECTOR WITH INTEGRATED LNG COURSE. Statoil Petroleum AS 0833770 A ROTATING CONNECTOR FOR OPERATIVE CONNECTION BETWEEN A BUOY AND A FLOATING VESSEL FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HYDROCARBONS. Statoil Petroleum AS 0833772 METHOD FOR FORMING STRINGS OF POCKETED SPRINGS. DREAMWELL, LTD. 0833894 RAPAMCYCIN-BASED REGULATION OF BIOLOGICAL EVENTS. ARIAD PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 0833899 CIS-9,10-OCTADECENOAMIDASE. THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 0833911 CDR-GRAFTED ANTI-TISSUE FACTOR ANTIBODIES AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF. ORTHO PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION 0833934 PACKAGING SYSTEMS FOR HUMAN RECOMBINANT ADENOVIRUS TO BE USED IN GENE THERAPY. Crucell Holland B.V. 0833944 NUCLEIC ACID LIGANDS THAT BIND TO AND INHIBIT DNA POLYMERASES. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 27/07/2016 0833956 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) METHOD OF FORMING A SOLAR SELECTIVE SURFACE COATING. THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 0834074 DETECTION OF TRANSMEMBRANE POTENTIALS BY OPTICAL METHODS. The Regents of the University of California 0834224 GROUND-STATION SYSTEM, GROUND STATION, DEVICE, METHOD. Koninklijke KPN N.V. 0834238 PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING CONFIDENTIAL CONNECTION AND SERVICE INFORMATION BETWEEN SUBSCRIBER TERMINALS AND ONE OR MORE DIGITAL EXCHANGES. Deutsche Telekom AG 0835098 NEW, STABLE MEDICINAL COMPOSITIONS FOR GENERATING PROPELLANT-FREE AEROSOLS. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & CO. KG 0835110 USE OF (2-IMIDAZOLIN-2-YLAMINO) QUINOXALINES IN TREATING OCULAR NEURAL INJURY. ALLERGAN, INC. 0835126 COMPOSITIONS AND FORMULATIONS FOR PRODUCING ANALGESIA AND FOR INHIBITING PROGRESSION OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN DISORDERS. Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 0835133 RECOMBINANT POXVIRUS-RABIES COMPOSITIONS AND COMBINATION COMPOSITIONS AND USES. Connaught Technology Corporation 0835262 METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF CORTICOSTEROID INDUCED OSTEOPENIA. ROCHE PALO ALTO LLC 0835263 SOMATOSTATIN PEPTIDES. Novartis AG 0835324 MICROSATELLITE MARKERS FOR PLANTS OF THE SPECIES TRITICUM AESTIVUM AND TRIBE TRITICEAE AND THE USE OF SAID MARKERS. INSTITUT FÜR PFLANZENGENETIK UND KULTURPFLANZENFORSCHUNG 0835335 AN ELECTROPLATING METHOD OF FORMING PLATINGS OF NICKEL, COBALT, NICKEL ALLOYS OR COBALT ALLOYS. Tang, Peter Torben; Dylmer, Henrik; Moller, Per 0835416 HEAT EXCHANGER WITH IMPROVED CONFIGURATION. LEVEL ENERGIETECHNIEK B.V. 0835568 CDMA MODEM. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 0836385 CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS. Syngenta Participations AG 0836390 CIGARETTE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING CIGARETTE FOR ELECTRICAL SMOKING SYSTEM. Philip Morris Products Inc. 3626 3627 27/07/2016 0836472 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) THERAPEUTIC EFFERVESCENT COMPOSITIONS. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM LABORATOIRES PHARMACEUTIQUES 0836506 TRANSDERMAL PATCH FOR ADMINISTERING 17-DEACETYL NORGESTIMATE IN COMBINATION WITH AN ESTROGEN. OrthoMcNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. 0836576 SPRING-EFFECT HINGE ARRANGEMENT, FOR EXAMPLE FOR ONE-PIECE INJECTED PLASTIC CLOSURES. Creanova AG 0836619 PURIFICATION OF DALBAHEPTIDE ANTIBIOTICS BY ISOELECTRIC FOCUSING. Sanofi Aventis SpA 0836731 VALUE TRANSFER SYSTEM. MONDEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 0836770 AUTOMATIC POWER CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (CDMA) COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 0836796 PROCESS FOR ASSEMBLING ELECTRONICS USING MICROWAVE IRRADIATION. Lambda Technologies, Inc. 0837655 CATHETER WITH A SPIRALLY WOUND FLAT RIBBON ELECTRODE. Cordis Webster, Inc. 0837710 PHARMACEUTICAL POWDER CARTRIDGE WITH INTEGRATED METERING DEVICE AND INHALER FOR POWDERED MEDICAMENTS. AstraZeneca AB 0837871 MAGNETIC PIGMENT. Roche Diagnostics GmbH 0838115 APPARATUSES AND METHODS FOR DECODING VIDEO SIGNALS ENCODED IN DIFFERENT FORMATS. THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, INC. 0839007 STABLE BEVERAGES CONTAINING EMULSION WITH UNWEIGHTED OIL. Sunny Delight Beverages Europe SARL 0839056 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING IOVERSOL. Liebel-Flarsheim Company LLC 0839208 A METHOD FOR PROMOTING ENZYME DIVERSITY. Wohlstadter, Jacob N. 0840550 FISH HARVESTER. NORDISCHER MASCHINENBAU RUD. BAADER GMBH + CO KG 0840570 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MAKING GAS-FILLED VESICLES OF OPTIMAL SIZE. IMARx PHARMACEUTICAL CORP. 0840781 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR THE REMOVAL OF PSORALENS FROM BLOOD PRODUCTS. Cerus Corporation 27/07/2016 0840791 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) GENERATION OF IMMUNE RESPONSES TO PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN (PSA). The Government of the United States of America, as represented by the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services. 0842047 WATERBORNE BASECOAT COMPOSITIONS FOR USE IN BASECOAT/CLEARCOAT APPLICATIONS. THE SHERWINWILLIAMS COMPANY 0842094 WOODEN CONTAINER. ADB Wood 0843818 LAWSONIA INTRACELLULARIS CULTIVATION, ANTILAWSONIA INTRACELLULARIS VACCINES AND DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA, INC. 0845943 NOVEL PEPTIDES DERIVED FROM HUMAN HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 60 FOR TREATMENT OF DIABETES, COMPOSITIONS, METHODS AND KITS. YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. 0846024 MICROFILTRATION MEMBRANES HAVING HIGH PORE DENSITY AND MIXED ISOTROPIC AND ANISOTROPIC STRUCTURE. PALL CORPORATION 0846266 DIFFERENTIAL ASSAY FOR ULCERATIVE COLITIS, PRIMARY SCLEROSING CHOLANGITIS AND TYPE 1 AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 0846311 IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO LOCATING DEVICES. QED Intellectual Property Limited 0848766 POLYESTER TOWS. INVISTA Technologies S.à.r.l. 0853627 SUBSTITUTED LIPOSACCHARIDES USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF ENDOTOXEMIA. Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 0854675 HERBICIDAL COMPOSITIONS. FMC CORPORATION 0854751 CATALYTIC FILTER MATERIAL AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME. W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 0854843 CONTROLLING WASTEWATER TREATMENT BY MONITORING OXYGEN UTILISATION RATES. Bisasco, Pty. Limited 0861261 NUCLEOTIDE AND PROTEIN SEQUENCES OF VERTEBRATE DELTA GENES AND METHODS BASED THEREON. IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED; Yale University 0866793 NITROIMIDAZOLE ANTIBACTERIAL COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF. Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Inc. 0871361 AGENT FOR COMBATING PARASITES IN FARMED FISH. NUTRECO AQUACULTURE RESEARCH CENTRE A/S 3628 3629 27/07/2016 0871465 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) USE OF RITONAVIR (ABT-538) FOR IMPROVING THE PHARMACOKINETICS OF DRUGS METABOLIZED BY CYTOCHROME P450 IN A METHOD OF TREATING AIDS. AbbVie Inc. 0871467 FORMULATION FOR PEPTIDE RELEASE. Virbac (Australia) Pty Ltd 0871570 Sterilisation of a filled container manufactured from a packaging laminate based on cardboard and paper. Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 0872096 APPARATUS FOR DEMODULATING AND DECODING VIDEO SIGNALS. THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, INC. 0876131 DRUG DELIVERY COMPOSITIONS FOR IMPROVED STABILITY OF ANDROGENS. THERATECH, INC. (a Delaware Corporation) 0879069 CATHETER WITH AN ELECTROMAGNETIC GUIDANCE SENSOR. CORDIS WEBSTER, INC. 0879535 METHOD OF MARKING BINARY-CODED DATA SETS. Mediasec Technologies GmbH 0882059 SOLID PHASE SYNTHESIS OF OLIGONUCLEOTIDE N3-`P5`PHOSPHORAMIDATES. Geron Corporation 0885242 PEPTIDES AND COMPOUNDS THAT BIND TO A THROMBOPOIETIN RECEPTOR. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 0900052 ACETABULAR REAMER CUP AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME. Symmetry Medical USA Inc.; Salyer, Paul E. 0914325 MODULATORS OF THE FUNCTION OF FAS RECEPTORS AND OTHER PROTEINS. YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 0986187 A pilot vector correlator apparatus for a CDMA modem. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 0986188 Code division multiple access (CDMA) modem. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1082965 A vaccine composition comprising a polysaccharide conjugate antigen adsorbed onto aluminium phosphate. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. 1156593 Code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1158702 Method for broadcasting to subscriber units information about the availability of channels in a CDMA system. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1162272 Generation of immune responses to prostate-specific antigen (PSA). THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAas represented by the SecretaryDepartment of Health and Human Services 27/07/2016 1174135 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Pharmaceutical composition comprising pioglitazone and glimepiride for use in treatment of diabetes. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 1213846 Code division multiple access communication system. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1213854 Capacity management in a CDMA system. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1237293 Method for increasing the capacity in a CDMA system. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1238627 Medical sensor and information system. Masimo Corporation 1281714 Magnetic pigment. Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1304211 Production of large composite structures. TPI Technology, Inc. 1336409 Compositions and formulations for producing analgesia and for inhibiting progression of neuropathic pain disorders. Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 1403643 Lawsonia intracellularis cultivation, anti-lawsonia intracelluaris vaccines and diagnostic agents. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA, INC. 1445322 Packaging systems for human recombinant adenovirus to be used in gene therapy. Crucell Holland B.V. 1489082 Intermediate compounds. Zoetis Services LLC 1491201 Methods of reducing toxicity of 5-fluorouracil with acylated pyrimidine nucleosides. Wellstat Therapeutics Corporation 1514936 Nucleic acid sequence xlnR of the regulator of the xylanolytic pathway XylR from Aspergillus niger. DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS 1577389 Magnetic pigment. Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1609853 Process for controlling sialylation of proteins produced by mammalian cell culture. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG; Genentech, Inc. 1645567 Lawsonia intracellularis cultivation, anti-Lawsonia intracellularis vaccines and diagnostic agents. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA, INC. 1652433 Herbicidal compositions. FMC CORPORATION 1872800 Radiolabeled peptide compositions for site-specific targeting. Mallinckrodt LLC 2042509 Modulators of the function of FAS receptors and other proteins. YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD. 2080813 Nucleic acid ligands that bind to and inhibit DNA polymerases. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 2163546 Quinazoline derivatives. OSI Pharmaceuticals, LLC; Pfizer Products Inc. 3630 3631 27/07/2016 2164184 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Automatic power control for a CDMA communications system. InterDigital Technology Corporation 2199795 Lawsonia intracellularis cultivation, anti-Lawsonia intracellularis vaccines and diagnostic agents. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA, INC. 2266467 Surgical manipulator for a telerobotic system. SRI International 2273689 CDMA transmitter. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2281512 Surgical manipulator for a telerobotic system. SRI International 2295052 Use of ritonavir for improving the pharmacokinetics of drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450. AbbVie Inc. Application for Restoration of Lapsed Patents – Section 37 The number of the patent appears first, followed by the name of the proprietor and the title of the invention for which the patent was granted. 2603217 Montisera Ltd NOVEL 6,7-DISUBSTITUTED-ISOQUINOLINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE Any person may, within two months from the date of this Journal, give notice in the manner prescribed by Rule 36(2) of opposition to the Controller of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act, 2001 22060 06:01,06-02, 06-03, 06-04, 06-05 ORLA REYNOLDS, 2 Brookwood Rise, Killester, D05 XV05, Ireland Address for service is c/o ORLA REYNOLDS 2 Brookwood Rise, Killester, D05 XV05, Ireland Date of Registration: 12 April 2016. Large + 2 x small cabinet with 1 table + 4 stools & furniture removed 22061 06:01,06-02, 06-03, 06-04, 06-05 ORLA REYNOLDS, 2 Brookwood Rise, Killester, D05 XV05, Ireland Address for service is c/o ORLA REYNOLDS 2 Brookwood Rise, Killester, D05 XV05, Ireland Date of Registration: 12 April 2016. Small cabinet with 1 x stool & furniture removed 3632 3633 27/07/2016 22062 Patents Office Journal 06:01,06-02, 06-03, 06-04, 06-05 (No. 2312) ORLA REYNOLDS, 2 Brookwood Rise, Killester, D05 XV05, Ireland Address for service is c/o ORLA REYNOLDS 2 Brookwood Rise, Killester, D05 XV05, Ireland Date of Registration: 12 April 2016. Large cabinet with 1 x table and 2 x stools & furniture removed Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act 2001, which have expired due to non-renewal Design number 21309 Class 06-01 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) 1191 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid II Trádmharcanna No. 2312 Wednesday, 27 July, 2016 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the 1963 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1963, a reference to the 1963 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1963, a reference to the 1996 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1996 and a reference to the 1996 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1996. Official Notice - Trade Marks Patent Rules 1992 – Rule 77 – Office Closure This Office will be closed to the public on Monday 1st August 2016. Written Statement of the Grounds of a Decision – Open to public inspection. Trade Mark No 250111 Decision following opposition 1192 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following acceptance Notice is hereby given that Applications for the Registration of the undermentioned trade marks have been accepted. Any person who desires to oppose the registration of these trade marks may within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the Applicant affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for registration. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. Irish Fairy Home 255056 03 May 2016 Class 20. Wood carvings; Wooden sculptures; Sculptures made from wood; Models [ornaments] made of wood; Ornamental models made of wood; Ornamental statues made of wood; Ornamental sculptures made of wood; Works of art made of wood; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Statues, figurines, works of art and ornaments and decorations, made of materials such as wood, wax, plaster or plastic, included in the class. Derek Flanagan, 17 Waterfield, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Derek Flanagan, 17 Waterfield, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours Brown and White 255057 30 March 2016 Class 25. Clothes for sport; Clothes for sports; Sports clothing; Clothing for sports; Articles of sports clothing; Baseball caps; Baseball caps and hats; Tennis shirts; T-shirts; Teeshirts; Short-sleeved T-shirts; Printed t-shirts; Short-sleeved or long-sleeved t-shirts; Hats; Small hats; Beach hats; Woolly hats; Sun hats; Bottoms [clothing]; Jogging bottoms; Tracksuit bottoms; Sweat bottoms; Yoga bottoms; Baselayer bottoms; Trainers. Mark McGuinness, Baldwinstown, Bridgetown, Wexford Y35FR66, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Mark McGuinness, Baldwinstown, Bridgetown, Wexford Y35FR66, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) BLACK, WHITE, GREEN, YELLOW, GREY, RED, BLUE, SILVER, ORANGE, PURPLE, PINK , BROWN 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1193 Patents Office Journal NURITAS 255060 255058 09 May 2016 Class 31. 05 May 2016 Class 1. Foodstuffs (Animal), Animal Foodstuffs. Inform Nutrition Ireland LTD, Balynoe, Whitescross, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Inform Nutrition Ireland Ltd, c/o Shirly McCarthy, Ballynoe, Whitescross, Cork, Ireland. Class 3. Class 5. 255059 09 May 2016 Class 9. Class 29. Software. Yohgo Ltd, Invent DCU, Collins Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Yohgo Ltd, c/o Mark Foley, DCU Invent, Collins Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours Green, Red, Yellow, Blue and Black Class 30. Class 31. Class 32. Protein hydrolysates; protein hydrolysate powders; vegetable protein hydrolysate powders; dairy protein hydrolysate powders; peptide preparations; protein hydrolysates for use in making food products, nutritional supplements, cosmetics, personal care products and pharmaceuticals. Personal care preparations; cosmetics; make-up; skin creams, gels and lotions; shampoo; conditioner; shower gel; body wash; soap; liquid soaps; hari gel and mouse; hairspray; suntan lotion; emolients; skin lubricants; perfume; aftershave; deodorant; mouthwash; toothpaste; dental floss. Food supplements; nutritional supplements; dietetic food and beverages; infant formula; food for special medicinal purposes; wound dressings; plasters; pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes. Milk and milk products; meat, fish and poultry; edible oils and fats; jellies, jams and compotes; eggs. Breakfast cereals; products made from cereal; rice; flour; bread; pastries; confectionary; sauces; tea; coffee; ice cream; condiments. Foodstuffs for animals. Beer; non-alcoholic beverages; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 1194 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal NURITAS LIMITED, 3 Westland Court, Cumberland Street South, Dublin D2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o BARRY PURDY, PURDYLUCEY Intellectual Property, 6-7 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland. four province 255061 (No. 2312) 1.1: 2.1: 09 May 2016 Class 33. Whiskey. Old Carrick Mill Ltd, Derrylavan, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Old Carrick Mill Ltd, c/o Steven Murphy, Derrylavan, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. 3.1: FLAHAVAN'S 255062 09 May 2016 Class 30. 4.1: Breakfast cereals; porridge oats; oatmeal and oatmeal products; oatmeal bars and biscuits; flapjacks. Edward Flahavan & Sons, Limited, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Application is for a Series of 4 Trade Marks. 255063 19 August 2015 Class 41. Video production; Audio production; Television production; Video production; Film production; Music production; Theatre production; Videotape production; Theater production; Circus 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal productions; Theatre productions; Theater productions; Audio production services; Production of documentaries; Theatrical production services; Film production services; Shows (Production of -); Show production services; Production of cabarets; Video tape production; Production of animation; Videotape film production; Production (Videotape film -); Production of videos; Radio production services; Motion picture production; Video film production; Television programme production; Television show production; Television program production; Animation production services; Music production services; Production of music; Record master production; Radio entertainment production; Production of films; Video production services; Production of plays; Theatre production services; Theater production services; Production of shows; Record masters (Production of -); Production of live performances; Production of training films; Production of training videos; Production of stage plays; Production of theatrical shows; Production of live shows; Production of sporting events; Production of talent shows; Production of animated cartoons; Production of musical recordings; Production of audiovisual recordings; Production of video-tapes; Audio tape production services; Production of video films; Production of TV shows; Live show production services; Radio programmes (Production of -); Production of radio broadcasts; Production of cine-films; (No. 2312) 1195 Production of cinematographic films; Cinefilms (Production of -); Production of music shows; Production of teaching reports; Production of television programmes; Production of television programs; Production of stage performances; Production of radio programmes; Production of radio programs; Shows and films production; Production of record masters; Production of television films; Production of film studies; Production of sound recordings; Motion picture song production; Motion picture film production; Production of cinema films; Audio recording and production; Production of motion pictures; Video tape film production; Production of video cassettes; Production of musical videos; Production of audio recordings; Production of video recordings; Production of comedy shows; Production of theatrical performances; Production of live entertainment; Live entertainment production services; Production of audio entertainment; Production of stage shows; Production of television features; Organising of theatre productions; Film production for entertainment purposes; Production of educational television programmes; Production of live television programmes; Production of animated motion pictures; Production of television entertainment features; Production of television entertainment programmes; Production of audio-visual recordings; Television, radio and film production; Production of audio/visual presentations; Cable television programmes (Production of -); Production of ice skating shows; Film 1196 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal production for educational purposes; Video and DVD film production; Production of audio master recordings; Production of live entertainment features; Production of films in studios; Production of live entertainment events; Production of cable television programs; Production of motion picture films; Production of movie special effects; Audio recording and production services; Staging of light entertainment productions; Lighting productions for entertainment purposes; Production of films for entertainment purposes; Special effects (Production of -) for radio; Services for production of cine-films; Production of special effects for radio; Special effects (Production of -) for television; Production of special effects for television; Production of entertainment shows featuring instrumentalists; Production of sporting events for television; Production of sound and music recordings; Production of video and audio recordings; Production of television or radio programmes; Production of television and radio programming; Television programmes (Production of radio and -); Radio and television programmes (Production of -); Production and presentation of radio programmes; Production of entertainment shows featuring dancers; Consultancy on film and music production; Production of television and cinema films; Production of animated cine-film clips; Production of pre-recorded cinema films; Production of entertainment shows featuring singers; Production of prerecorded video films; (No. 2312) Production of basketball games and exhibitions; Production of films for educational purposes; Video tape film production and rental; Production of graphical cine-film clips; Production of sporting events for film; Production of sporting events for radio; DVD and CD-ROM film production; Audio and video production, and photography; Production of sound and video recordings; Production of closed caption television programs; Film and video tape film production; Production of video discs for others; Production of radio or television programs; Special effects (Production of -) for films; Production of special effects for films; Production of radio and television programmes; Production of radio and television programs; Production of television and radio programs; Production of television and radio programmes; Film production, other than advertising films; Entertainment by means of theatre productions; Services for the production of cinefilms; Production of audio tapes for entertainment purposes; Production of live television programmes for entertainment; Production of educational sound and video recordings; Production of animated and live action programmes; Entertainment services by stage production and cabaret; Production of video and/or sound recordings; Production of radio and of television programmes; Organization, production and presentation of theatrical performances; Production of live television programmes for education; Production of revue shows before live audiences; Services for the production of radio programmes; Television 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal and radio programme preparation and production; Production of video tapes and video discs; Entertainment in the nature of theater productions; Production of course material distributed at professional seminars; Production of course material distributed at vocational seminars; Production of course material distributed at vocational courses; Production of course material distributed at professional courses; Production of course material distributed at management courses; Production of films on aspects of association football; Production of radio and television shows and programmes; Production of radio programmes or of television programmes; Production of radio programmes and of television programmes; Production of entertainment shows featuring dancers and singers; Production of course material distributed at vocational lectures; Production of course material distributed at professional lectures; Production of course material distributed at management seminars; Production of course material distributed at management lectures; Production of musical works in a recording studio; Facilities for the production of films (Provision of -); Production and rental of educational and instructional materials; Production of a continuous series of animated adventure shows; Rental of facilities for the production of television programmes; Services in the production of animated motion picture entertainment; Production of entertainment in the form of video tapes; Production of entertainment in the form of (No. 2312) 1197 sound recordings; Production of entertainment in the form of television programmes; Amusement park services with a theme of television productions; Amusement park services with a theme of radio productions; Production of animated programmes for use on television and cable; Production of entertainment in the form of a television series; Recording studio services for the production of sound bearing discs; Services for the production of entertainment in the form of film; Production of video tapes for corporate use in corporate educational training; Services for the production of entertainment in the form of television; Production of video tapes for corporate use in management educational training; Services for the production of entertainment in the form of video; Services in the production of animated motion pictures and television features; Production of sound and image recordings on sound and image carriers; Post-production editing services in the field of music, videos and film. Terry Madigan, 1 Greenhills Business Park, Greenhills Road, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Terry Madigan, 1 Greenhills Business Park, Greenhills Road, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland. The first and second marks in use is/will be in the colours Green, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Black and White. The third and fourth marks in use is/will be in the colours Black and White 1198 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) or nails; soaps; perfumes; essential oils; deodorants; make-up; cosmetics; nonmedicated toilet preparations. TWIN SNAKES 255064 09 May 2016 Class 30. Confectionery. Dunhills (Pontefract) Plc, PO Box No. 1, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 1NJ, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Jeremy Erwin, Hayes solicitors, Lavery House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland. Chanel Limited, Queensway, Croydon, Surrey CR9 4DL, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Patricia McGovern, DFMG Solicitors, Embassy House, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Wild Outdoors 1.1: 255066 09 May 2016 Class 25. 2.1: 3.1: John Fitzgerald, Little Orchard, Dooneen, Crecora, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o John Fitzgerald, Little Orchard, Dooneen, Crecora, Limerick, Ireland. 4.1: 5.1: 6.1: Application is for a Series of 6 Trade Marks. 255065 Clothing, bandanas, bathing trunks, bathing suits, beach clothes, beach shoes, boots, caps, clothing for gymnastics, coats, combinations [clothing], cyclists clothing, footwear, headgear, jackets, jerseys, leggings [trousers], outerclothing, parkas, overcoats, ponchos, shirts, shorts, sports tee-shirts, waterproof clothing. 09 May 2016 Class 3. Preparations for application to or care of the skin, scalp, hair 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1199 Patents Office Journal 1.1: 2.1: 3.1: 255067 21 April 2016 Class 4. Class 16. Class 21. Class 25. Class 28. Class 32. Class 41. Candles. Printed matter; Paper bags; Carrier bags. Household or kitchen utensils; Porcelain; Earthenware. Clothing; Ties [clothing]; Tops [clothing]; Ladies' clothing; Plush clothing; Aprons [clothing]; Combinations [clothing]; Teeshirts; Headgear; Footwear. Toys, games, playthings and novelties. Beers; Flavored beers; Alcohol-free beers; Mineral waters; Flavoured mineral water. Provision of club entertainment services; Provision of live entertainment; Provision of musical entertainment; Publication of printed matter and printed publications; Multimedia publishing of printed matter. Robert Wootton & Mary McDermott, 18 Priory Walk, Manor Grove, Dublin 12, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Robert Wootton & Mary McDermott, 18 Priory Walk, Manor Grove, Dublin 12, Ireland. 4.1: Application is for a Series of 4 Trade Marks. 255068 27 April 2016 Class 44. Horse stud services; Breeding of thoroughbred horses; Horse breeding and stud services; Farming services. Irish National Stud Company Ltd., Tully, Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Irish National Stud Company Ltd., Tully, Kildare, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour PaletteSwatch: INS Green Pantone: 553 C CMYK: C59 M0 K53 K80 RGB: R16 G68 B50 HEX: #104432, Swatch: INS lIGHT Green Pantone: 375 C CMYK: C41 M0 Y78 K0 RGB: R160 G207 B103 HEX: #A0CF67Swatch: INS Orange Pantone: 137 C CMYK: C0 M35 Y90 K0 RGB: R251 G176 B52 HEX: #FBB034 1200 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) clothing; Clothing for children. John Fitzgerald, Little Orchard, Dooneen, Crecora, Co. Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o John Fitzgerald, Little Orchard, Dooneen, Crecora, Co. Limerick, Ireland. Limerick's Life 255069 07 May 2016 Class 25. Clothing; Beach clothing; Shorts [clothing]; Childrens' clothing; Thermal clothing; Cyclists' clothing; Athletic clothing; Weatherproof clothing; Rainproof clothing; Waterproof clothing; Leisure clothing; Gloves [clothing]; Sports clothing; Windproof clothing; Triathlon clothing; Jerseys [clothing]; Hoods [clothing]; Jackets [clothing]; Quilted jackets [clothing]; Clothing for skiing; Thermally insulated clothing; Clothing for cyclists; Clothing for cycling; Jackets (Stuff -) [clothing]; Stuff jackets [clothing]; Water-resistant clothing; Headbands for clothing; Clothing for sports; Jackets being sports clothing; Sailing wet weather clothing; Garments for protecting clothing; Ready-to-wear clothing; Weather resistant outer clothing; Clothing for leisure wear; Articles of sports clothing; Sports clothing [other than golf gloves]; Clothing for horse-riding [other than riding hats]; Beach clothes; Clothes for sports; Clothes; Clothes for sport; Knitwear [clothing]; Combinations [clothing]; Headbands [clothing]; Oilskins [clothing]; Children's 255070 06 May 2016 Class 41. Providing historical information via a website. Sharon Slater, 14 Avondale Court, Corbally, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Sharon Slater, 14 Avondale Court, Corbally, Limerick, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour green BLUE PETER 255071 29 April 2016 Class 3. Non-medicated toilet preparations; soaps; shampoos; talcum powder; preparations for use in the bath or shower; bubble baths; bath foam; bath salts; bath bombs and bath fizzers; bath oil; shower gel; preparations for the hair; hair gel; preparations for cleaning the teeth; perfumes; eau de cologne; deodorants for personal use; essential oils; toiletries; skin care preparations; cosmetics; 27/07/2016 Class 8. Class 9. (No. 2312) 1201 Patents Office Journal perfuming sachets; scented wood. Gardening tool sets; hand tools and implements (handoperated); cutlery; can openers, bottle openers; picnic cutlery; cheese slicers; electric irons; parts and fittings for the aforesaid. Cinematographic and photographic films; sound and video recordings; recorded television and radio programmes; motion pictures; animated cartoons; data recordings, including audio, video, still and moving images and text, also in interactive format; programmes and web-based audio-visual content for broadcast or other transmission on television, radio, mobile telephones, personal digital assistants and personal computers, including in 3D format; apparatus for recording, broadcasting, transmission, receiving, processing, generating, reproducing, distributing, redistributing, tracking, tagging, encoding and decoding of audio and video content, still and moving images, data and metadata; magnetic data carriers, recording discs, memory carriers, compact discs, interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs and DVDs, mini-disks, CD-Is, tapes, cassettes; lanyards for eyeglasses; mobile phones; cameras; cartridges, cards and other carriers, all bearing or for use in bearing sound recordings, video recordings, data, metadata, images, graphics, text or programs; software; computer programs; computer software, including software for use in downloading, storing, processing, reproducing, organising, distributing and re-distributing audio, video, still and moving images and Class 14. Class 16. data; application software, including application software for mobile phones, wearable digital electronic devices and other portable digital devices; virtual reality software, hardware and apparatus; educational and learning software, electronic educational and learning apparatus and instruments; IPbased computer software platforms for the production, formatting, management and distribution of sound, images and data; mobile phone games; digital games; DVD games; computer games software and equipment; computer software for personalized and interactive television; downloadable electronic publications; ring tones and graphics (downloadable) for mobile phones; downloadable graphics for computers; digital music, audio and video recordings (downloadable) from the internet; science sets for children; electronic bulletin boards; mouse mats; radio signal transmitters and receivers; apparatus and instruments for the reception of radio and television broadcasts including the reception of cable, satellite and digital broadcasts; spectacles (glasses), sunglasses; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Jewellery; horological and chronometric instruments; badges, coasters, jewellery boxes, key fobs, key rings and key chains, all of precious metal or coated with precious metal; cuff links, trinkets, watch straps, ornamental pins; watches and clocks; cases of precious metal or coated therewith; lanyards for holding keys. Printed publications; paper; cardboard; printed matter; bookmarks; magazines; 1202 27/07/2016 Class 18. Class 20. Patents Office Journal books; catalogues; programmes; photographs; stationery; artists' materials; craft equipment; paint brushes; instructional and teaching material; printing blocks; posters; cards; postcards; greetings cards; trading cards; invitations; diaries; calendars; photograph albums; prints; gift bags, gift boxes, gift tags and gift wrap; notepads; writing instruments and crayons; stickers; transfers; stamps; personal organisers; address books; note books; pens, pencils, pen and pencil holders; desk mats; embroidery, sewing and knitting patterns; postage stamps; coasters made of cardboard and paper. Bags, shopping bags and backpacks; umbrellas, parasols; suitcases, travelling bags, garment bags, vanity cases, rucksacks, satchels, holdalls, handbags, shoulder bags, camera cases, shopping bags; purses, pouches, wallets, key holders, card holders; pochettes; luggage tags; cosmetic cases and bags. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; articles; garden furniture; pillows and cushions; storage boxes; coat hangers; air mattresses, not for medical purposes, air pillows, not for medical purposes, air cushions, not for medical purposes; beehives, willow boxes; bedding, except linen; sleeping bags, camping furniture, camping mattresses, portable water carriers [containers] made of plastics, camping mats; travel accessories (picnic equipment), namely, picnic tables, picnic benches, picnic furniture, picnic baskets [not filled; inflatable pillows; clothes-pegs; fans for personal use; picnic baskets [not fitted]; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. (No. 2312) Class 21. Class 22. Class 25. Class 28. Class 31. Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; bottle opener, brushes; glassware, porcelain and earthenware; ornaments, statuettes and figurines; tableware; plates and ornamental plates; wall plaques; drinking vessels; mugs; jugs; tankards; stems; bottles, insulated bottles and flasks; picnic baskets and boxes; jars; egg cups; egg timers; lunch boxes; coasters; serving trays; candlesticks; napkin rings and holders; soap boxes; tooth brushes; cleaning instruments, hand-operated; cleaning cloths; dusters; polishing cloths and leathers; chamois leathers; polishing gloves; buckets; ice scrapers for windscreens; windscreen wiping and demisting pads and cloths; car cleaning sponges; car wash mitts, car drying towels (made of chamois leather); seed tin, fruit feeder for birds; vacuum flask; garden gloves, watering can, planters, picnic sets; bottle feeder for birds, bird houses; nail brush. Tents, tarpaulins, vehicle covers, not fitted; bags for washing hosiery; bags [sacks] for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; sacks [bags] of textile, for packaging; bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging storage and transport; canvas for sails, sails, sails for ski sailing; nets for camouflage, fishing nets, nets, purse seines, snares [nets], twine for nets; washbags; twine. Clothing; footwear; headgear. Toys, games, playthings; sporting articles; paper airplanes, kites; crackers; bunting; decorations; outdoor games. Bulb planning gift sets; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals. 27/07/2016 Class 41. (No. 2312) 1203 Patents Office Journal Provision of entertainment, education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training; production, presentation and distribution of television and radio programmes, audio, video, still and moving images and data including on-line from a database, over the internet, by satellite or mobile networks or any other electronic or digital media; production, presentation and distribution of films for television and cinema, music, news, current affairs, sports and educational information; personalized and interactive entertainment services; interactive television and radio selection services for viewers; publishing services (including electronic publishing services); provision of nondownloadable electronic publications; organisation, production and presentation of shows, competitions, games, quizzes, studio entertainment and audience participation events, roadshows, concerts, exhibitions and events; language teaching; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services, including such services provided online from a computer network or via the Internet or extranets. The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Bristows LLP, 100 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DH, United Kingdom. 255072 20 January 2016 Class 29. Milk products; dairy products and dairy substitutes. Ioseba Larregui, The Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Michael Lucey, PURDYLUCEY Intellectual Property, 6-7 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland. 255073 20 January 2016 Class 29. Milk products; dairy products and dairy substitutes. Ioseba Larregui, The Merchants Yard, East Wall Road, Dublin 3, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Michael Lucey, PURDYLUCEY Intellectual Property, 6-7 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland. CELL KARE 255074 11 May 2016 Class 5. Nutritional supplements for 1204 27/07/2016 Class 31. Patents Office Journal animals Foodstuffs for animals Foran Healthcare Ltd, 2 & 2B Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate, Dublin 10, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Foran Healthcare Ltd, C/o Caroline Gohery, William Connolly & Sons, Red Mills, Goresbridge, Kilkenny R95 EKH4, Ireland. (No. 2312) Nicola McDonnell, 120 Churchview Road, Killiney, Co Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Nicola McDonnell, 120 Churchview Road, Killiney, Co Dublin, Ireland. Alameda ALAMEDA Certified Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist, CMSP Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 255077 11 May 2016 The Mark is a Collective Mark. Class 33. 255075 Wines. 16 February 2016 Class 44. Physiotherapy; Physiotherapy services; Physiotherapy [physical therapy]; Healthcare services. Viña Fray Leon S.A., Rosario Norte 615, Piso 22, Edificio Mistral, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Athletic and Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland, Albert College, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland, Albert College, Dublin City University, Dublin W23 R6K5, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Black The Regulations approved by the Controller for governing the use of this Mark are open to inspection at the Patents Office. 255078 19 April 2016 Class 41. Shruggi 255076 12 May 2016 Class 25. Childrens' clothing. Entertainment services; casino services; gaming services; gambling services; providing facilities for gambling; interactive gaming; providing an internet website portal in the field of computer games and gaming; television entertainment services; organization and provision of games and competitions for 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1205 Patents Office Journal entertainment purposes; providing virtual environments in which users can interact through social games for recreation, leisure or entertainment purposes; organization of entertainment for wedding celebrations; providing facilities for entertainment; casino management; night clubs; discotheques; cabarets; theatre and entertainment services featuring music, dance, comedy, drama and magic; health clubs; recreation and sporting clubs; beach and pool clubs; golf club services; provision of golf facilities; organizing golf tournaments; country club services; providing sports facilities; amusement park services; theme parks; amusement arcades; amusement centers; booking of performances of musical, comedy, dance, drama and magic; providing facilities for recreational activities; providing facilities for performances of musical, comedy, dance, drama and magic; arranging and conducting athletic events, athletic competitions and sports events; organization and promotion of sporting activities and competitions; production of radio and television programs; production of videos, movies, audio tapes and electronic games and equipment; providing online publications; publication of electronic books and journals online; conducting horse races; management of sports facilities and sporting events; provision of physical education and gymnastic facilities; production of shows; theatrical ticket agency services; organization of meetings and conferences; education services; providing instruction and training in the Class 43. fields of gambling, sports and entertainment; hotel management training; casino services featuring discounts and complimentary services for frequent patrons through the use of an identification card; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid. Hotel, motel, and resort services; temporary accommodations; provision of branded residences; serviced apartments; boarding houses, guest houses; holiday, hostels and tourist homes accommodation; holiday camping (lodging) services; retirement homes; reservation services for hotel, motel and resort accommodation; reservation services for rental of temporary accommodations; reservation services for boarding houses, guest houses, holiday, hostels and tourist homes accommodations; reservation of branded residences and serviced apartments; accommodation bureau for temporary accommodations; country club services (provision of accommodation, food and drink); provision of facilities and amenities for meetings, conferences, seminars, special events (weddings, celebrations) and banquets; provision of exhibition facilities and amenities; restaurant services; cocktail lounges (bars); bar services; temporary dining rooms; self-service restaurants; cafes; fast food restaurants; coffee shops; catering (banquet) services; self-service canteens; daynurseries; boarding for animals; rental of meeting rooms; providing campground facilities and rental of transportable buildings. 1206 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal Caesars License Company, LLC, One Caesars Palace Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109, United States of America. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. (No. 2312) Kepak Group, Clonee, County Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. AYDA 255081 09 October 2015 Class 10. 255079 11 May 2016 Class 33. Spirits and liqueurs. KAPP & PETERSON LIMITED, Peterson House, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 255080 11 May 2016 Class 29. Pork; cured bacon; rashers; sausages; cooked bacon; savoury spreads; slow cooked, pre-packed raw pork; slow cooked, pre-packed hams; foodstuffs and meals containing pork; ready meals mainly consisting of pork. Telemetry devices for medical applications; Measuring devices for medical use; Medical analysis instruments; Medical diagnostic instruments; Medical therapy instruments; Electro medical instruments; Electronic medical instruments; Fibre optic viewing devices for medical purposes; Medical instruments incorporating lasers; Medical devices, namely, intravascular implants comprised of artificial material; Analytical instruments for medical use; Diagnostic instruments for medical use; Photometric instruments for medical use; Laser instruments for medical use; Scanning machines for medical use; Scanning instruments for medical use; Separation instruments for medical use; Thermographic instruments for medical purposes; Tomographic instruments for medical use; Detecting instruments for medical use; Instruments for use in medical analysis; Intravenous administration instruments for medical purposes; Measuring instruments adapted for medical use; Medical instruments for recording physiological data; Medical instruments for reproducing physiological data; Medical 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal instruments for therapeutic drug monitoring; Temperature measuring instruments for medical use; Testing instruments for medical diagnostic purposes; Diagnostic ultrasound instruments for medical use; Ultrasonic diagnostic instruments for medical use; Electronic monitoring instruments for medical use; Fibre optic instruments for medical purposes; Impulse measuring instruments for medical use; Medical instruments for recording heart activity; Medical instruments for application in human bodies; Temperature sensitive testing instruments for medical use; Urine testing instruments for medical diagnostic purposes; Optical temperature measuring instruments for medical inspection purposes; Gynecological medical instruments for examining women' s reproductive organs; none of the aforesaid being for elevating and supporting the body or for mobility and independent living and none being hearing aids. Ayda Technologies Limited, 3 The Pines, Castlejane Wood, Glanmire, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. OBEY YOUR MOUTH 255082 10 May 2016 Class 30. Cocoa; cocoa and chocolate based beverages and preparations for making such beverages; chocolate, (No. 2312) 1207 confectionery, in particular chocolate confectionery and/or sugar confectionery; biscuits, wafers, cakes, pastries, baked and dough products; preparations made from cereals; edible ices, namely ice cream products, frozen confectionery and desserts; chilled confectionery and desserts; chocolate spreads. CADBURY UK LIMITED, Bournville, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland. 1208 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal 1.1: (No. 2312) The first mark in the series, in use is/will be in the colours grey and red. The second mark in the series, in use, is/will be in the colours grey and green. The third mark in the series, in use, is/will be in the colours grey and orange. The fourth mark in the series, in use, is/will be in the colours grey and blue. The fifth mark in the series, in use, is/will be in the colours grey and yellow. The sixth mark in the series, in use, is/will be in the colours grey and silver. 2.1: 3.1: 4.1: 255084 04 March 2016 Class 35. 5.1: Class 36. 6.1: Application is for a Series of 6 Trade Marks. 255083 12 May 2016 Class 43. Catering services; services for the organisation of catering at functions; services for providing food and drink. CH&Co Catering Limited, Second Floor, 550 Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1RA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. Class 42. Auctioneering services; auctioneering of property; auctioneering services provided on the internet; agency services for the buying or selling on commission of property. Property valuations; property leasing (real estate); leasing of property; property portfolio management; domestic property finding services; real estate services; consultancy and advisory services relating to real estate; estate agency services; financial management; financial measurement of construction work, namely preparation of financial estimates or valuations of construction work Surveying services; land survey services; professional services rendered by surveyors; surveying services namely, surveying the fabric of buildings and their building services and advising on the condition, maintenance, alteration, improvement and design 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1209 Patents Office Journal Eoin Conway, 68 Haddington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. roofing installation; resurfacing roofs. Classic Natural Slate, Foinavon, Boyne Road, Navan Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o BARRY MOORE, Hanna Moore + Curley, Garryard House, 25/26 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 PX51, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours black, white and red: RGB(237,37,36): RGB(242,103,74); RGB(248, 146, 124) GRUDWEAR 255087 255085 11 May 2016 Class 32. Lager. Jack Doyle's Brewery Limited, Inch, Blackwater, Enniscorthy, Wexford Y21 EV67, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Jack Doyle's Brewery Limited, Inch, Blackwater, Enniscorthy, Wexford Y21 EV67, Ireland. 15 May 2016 Class 25. Ready-to-wear clothing. JOHN MCFADDEN, ANNAVERNA, RAVENSDALE, DUNDALK, Ireland. Address for service is c/o JOHN MCFADDEN, ANNAVERNA, RAVENSDALE, DUNDALK, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) BLACK The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Blue, white silver and grey. 255088 255086 27 April 2016 Class 19. Class 37. Tiles, not of metal, for building; roofing materials (non-metal); tiles (non-metal); clay roofing tiles. Building construction; roof restoration; roofing repair; 16 May 2016 Class 37. Construction; Building construction. rory mcguigan, 60 lansdowne Lane Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o rory mcguigan, 60 lansdowne Lane Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 1210 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Fakeaway 255089 16 May 2016 Class 43. Restaurants. Adrian Martin, Kilsob, Bawnboy, Co. Cavan, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Adrian Martin, Kilsob, Bawnboy, Co. Cavan, Ireland. NMTGU 255090 16 May 2016 Class 25. Clothing. Class 33. Elizabeth Dumba, 18 Coill Diarmada, Castledermot, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Elizabeth Dumba, 18 Coill Diarmada, Castledermot, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Class 41. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) BLACK Class 43. matter; publications; books; magazines; journals; periodicals; brochures; pamphlets; directories; vouchers; menus; information leaflets; booklets; sheet music; promotional literature; maps, guides; forms; diaries; calendars; stationery; notepads; note books; address books; binders; folders; pens; pencils; drawing rulers and square rulers; bookmarkers; wallets predominantly of cardboard; pouches and bags of paper or plastics material; table mats; posters; stickers; labels; motifs; identity badges of paper, cardboard and/or plastics material; greeting cards; identity cards of paper, cardboard and/or plastics material; playing cards; architectural models; prints; engravings. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Entertainment services; provision of sporting and cultural activities; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses, seminars, symposiums and workshops; providing health club and gymnasium services; provision of sporting and leisure facilities. Hotel services; public house services, lounge services, restaurant services, catering services, banqueting services, provision of food and drink, accommodation services. KILRONAN CASTLE LTD, Kilronan Castle, Ballyfarnon, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CIARAN REIDY, Kilronan Castle, Ballyfarnon, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours blue/gold/white/black/cream 255091 04 November 2015 Class 16. Paper; cardboard; printed 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal BLAKE 255092 12 May 2016 Class 33. Whiskey; liqueurs; aperitifs; alcoholic beverages, except beer; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; brandy; cider; cocktails; distilled beverages; gin; pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, other than beer-based; rum; spirits [beverages]; vodka; wine. PETER BOLAND, 16 Westlink Commercial Park, Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o PAUL LAMBERT, Suite 1326, 77 Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2., Ireland. 255093 19 May 2016 Class 35. Promotion services; Sales promotion; Business promotion; Promotional services; Promotional marketing; Business promotion services; Computerised business promotion; Sales promotion services; Trade promotional services; Promotional advertising services; Advertising and promotion (No. 2312) 1211 services; Promotion [advertising] of business; Promotion [advertising] of concerts; Sales promotion for others; Distribution of promotional material; Distribution of promotional matter; Promotional and advertising services; Distribution of promotional leaflets; Advertising and promotional services; Consultations relating to business promotion; Sales promotion for third parties; Advertising, marketing and promotion services; Publicity and sales promotion services; Consultancy relating to sales promotions; Developing promotional campaigns for businesses; Advertising, promotional and marketing services; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Developing promotional campaigns for business; Promotion of fairs for trade purposes; Brand creation services (advertising and promotion); Advisory services relating to sales promotion; Sales promotion services for third parties; Search engine optimization for sales promotion; Search engine optimisation for sales promotion; Organisation of promotions using audiovisual media; Demonstration of goods for promotional purposes; Advisory services relating to promotional activities; Dissemination of advertising and promotional materials; Advertising and promotion services and related consulting; Promotional advertising carried out via the telephone; Distribution of printed promotional material by post; Prize draws (Organising of -) for promotional purposes; Distribution of advertising, marketing and promotional material; Arranging 1212 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal advertising and promotional contracts for others; Business promotion services provided by audio/visual means; Promotion, advertising and marketing of on-line websites; Advertising services for the promotion of e-commerce; Advertising particularly services for the promotion of goods; On-line promotion of computer networks and websites; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Arranging and conducting marketing promotional events for others; Producing promotional videotapes, video discs, and audio visual recordings; Advertising, marketing and promotional consultancy, advisory and assistance services; Consultancy relating to the organisation of promotional campaigns for business; Business consultancy services relating to the promotion of fund raising campaigns; Organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for business and promotional purposes; Organization of events, exhibitions, fairs and shows for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes; Publicity and sales promotion relating to goods and services, offered and ordered by telecommunication or the electronic way; Promoting the sale of goods and services of others through the distribution of printed material and promotional contests; Advertising, including promotion of products and services of third parties through sponsoring arrangements and licence agreements relating to international sports' events; Online advertisements; Advertisements (Preparing of -); Preparation of advertisements; Compilation (No. 2312) of advertisements; Advertisements (Placing of -); Dissemination of advertisements; Advertisement hoarding rental; Rental of advertisement hoardings; Rental of advertisement billboards; Advertisement hoardings (Rental of -); Advertisement billboards (Rental of -); Rental of advertisement space; Advertising and advertisement services; Production of radio advertisements; Placing advertisements for others; Preparing advertisements for others; Dissemination services of advertisement matter; Arranging and placing of advertisements; Preparing and placing of advertisements; Advertisement for others on the Internet; Composing advertisements for use as webpages; Distribution of advertisements and commercial announcements; Production of television and radio advertisements; Rental of advertisement space and advertising material; Composing advertisements for use as web pages; Advertisement and publicity services by television, radio, mail; Compilation of advertisements for use as web pages; Compilation of advertisements for use on the internet; Compilation of advertisements for use on internet web pages; Compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; Dissemination of advertisements and of advertising material [flyers, brochures, leaflets and samples]; Promoting the sale of the services [on behalf of others] by arranging advertisements. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal Stephen Anthony Markey, 20 Tara Court Road, Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Stephen Anthony Markey, 20 Tara Court Road, Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Green, Yellow, White, Black Add2Bill 255094 19 May 2016 Class 38. Telecommunications services. Cubic Telecom, Corrig Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Cubic Telecom, Corrig Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Black Steps to Success 255095 19 May 2016 Class 41. Training; Adult training; Training services; Training courses; Providing training; Training consultancy; Continuous training; Advanced training; Business training; Coaching [training]; Training and further training consultancy; Conducting workshops [training]; Commercial training services; Written training courses; Staff training services; Life coaching (training); (No. 2312) 1213 Management training services; Personal development training; Practical training services; Practical training [demonstration]; Vocational skills training; Vocational training services; Conducting training seminars; Provision of training; Business training services; Training and instruction; Organisation of training; Residential training courses; Providing of training; Training (Practical -) [demonstration]; Education, teaching and training; Production of training films; Training in communication techniques; Training facilities (Provision of -); Workshops for training purposes; Publication of training manuals; Organising of business training; Recreation and training services; Provision of training facilities; Production of training videos; Training in business skills; Career and vocational training; Organisation of training seminars; Training in business management; Management training consultancy services; Setting of training standards; Providing courses of training; Training courses (Provision of -); Training services for personnel; Training and education services; Health and wellness training; Provision of online training; Education and training consultancy; Instructional and training services; Organisation of training courses; Business training consultancy services; Provision of training courses; Education and training services; Conducting training seminars for clients; Training relating to employment opportunities; Vocational training courses (Provision of -); Provision of education and training; Provision of training 1214 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal and education; Training relating to computer programmes; Training relating to computer software; Courses (Training -) relating to management; Vocational skills training (Provision of -); Advisory services relating to training; Organisation of youth training schemes; Computerised training in career counselling; Training relating to employment skills; Training services related to business; Vocational education and training services; Consultancy services relating to training; Arranging of conferences relating to training; Organisation of conferences relating to training; Arranging of demonstrations for training purposes; Training for parents in parenting skills; Organisation of seminars relating to training; Arranging of seminars relating to training; Arranging and conducting of training workshops; Workshops (Arranging and conducting of -) [training]; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Providing training courses on business management; Arranging of presentations for training purposes; Organisation of symposia relating to training; Arranging of competitions for training purposes; Career counselling [training and education advice]; Vocational guidance [education or training advice]; Guidance (Vocational -) [education or training advice]; Provision of information relating to training; Education services relating to business training; Provision of training services for business; Organisation of computer related training courses; Education services relating to vocational training; Training services relating to (No. 2312) management consultancy; Training in the use of computers; Publication of educational and training guides; Providing of training, teaching and tuition; Arranging professional workshop and training courses; Providing courses of training for young people; Provision of training courses in personal development; Provision of facilities for employment skills training; Career advisory services (education or training advice); Provision of training facilities for young people; Career counselling relating to education and training; Organisation of conferences relating to vocational training; Arrangement of training courses in teaching institutes; Consultancy services relating to the training of employees; Career information and advisory services (educational and training advice); Consultancy services relating to the analysis of training requirements; Training services concerned with the use of computer software; Consultancy services relating to the designing of training courses; Training or education services in the field of life coaching; Provision of training courses for young people in preparation for careers; Provision of training courses for young people in preparation for vocations; Provision of training courses for young people in preparation for employment; Conducting of instructional, educational and training courses for young people and adults; Providing on-line information and news in the field of employment training; Consultancy services relating to the education and training of management and of personnel; Provision of 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1215 Patents Office Journal information and preparation of progress reports relating to education and training. Sarah Jane Grunfeld, 9 Allmans Terrace, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Sarah Jane Grunfeld, 9 Allmans Terrace, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland. chocolates (boxed); chocolate bars; chocolate with honey and almond nougat; chocolate truffles. Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited, Newbridge Road, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) brown, gold Garbhann Oysters 255096 19 May 2016 1.1: Class 31. Live oysters. Dungarvan Shellfish Ltd, Hillcrest Gortnadiha, Ring, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Dungarvan Shellfish Ltd, Hillcrest Gortnadiha, Ring, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland. 2.1: The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Black, Green, Gold Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 255098 20 January 2016 Class 9. Class 24. Class 25. 255097 19 May 2016 Class 30. Non-medicated chocolate confectionery; chocolates; Sunglasses. Children's blankets; hooded towels; towels; washcloths. Clothing; footwear; headgear; shirts, trousers, jackets, footwear, hats and caps, jeans, leggings, long underwear, mittens, plastic baby bibs, rain coats, scarves, sleepwear, socks, sweaters, swimwear, tshirts, tutus, underwear; athletic apparel, namely shirts, trousers, jackets, footwear, hats and caps, athletic uniforms; athletic tops and bottoms for running and yoga; blouses; gloves; hats; head bands; infant and toddler onepiece clothing; infant sleepwear; and pyjamas. 1216 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited, Newbridge Road, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) The second mark in the series is in the colour gold 255101 04 May 2016 Class 41. Sports and fitness. Gary Cullen, 12 Rinawade Green, Leixlip w23 xc97, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Gary Cullen, 12 Rinawade Green, Leixlip w23 xc97, Ireland. LUSSO 255099 The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) black & white 06 May 2016 Class 43. Catering services; services for the organisation of catering at functions; services for providing food and drink. CH&Co Catering Limited, Second Floor, 550 Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1RA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 255102 18 May 2016 Class 44. 255100 06 May 2016 Class 43. Catering for the provision of food and drink; restaurant, canteen, bar services, café services. Host Management Ltd, Second Floor, 550 Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1RA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. Medical services, hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals, agriculture, horticulture and forestry services, health centre services, health center services, health counselling, health counselling, provision of therapy through Thia chi/qi gong and traditional Chinese medicine JONATHAN DALY, 2 Liffey Woods, Liffey Valley Park, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o JONATHAN DALY, 2 Liffey Woods, Liffey Valley Park, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1217 Patents Office Journal The mark in use is/will be in the colours brown, green, white Class 31. products; farinaceous food pastes, including being readyto-serve and/or frozen; snacks made from cereals or muesli snacks; edible sandwiches; hamburger; hot dogs; turnovers; sandwiches; filled rolls; filled baguettes; sushi. Fresh fruits and vegetables, leaf salads (fresh). Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstr.1, 74172 Neckarsulm, Germany, Germany. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. 255103 19 May 2016 Class 29. Class 30. Meat, sausage, fish, poultry and game; meat products; sausage products; fish preserves; chicken products; game products; eggs; milk products; preserved, frozen, dried, cooked and processed fruits and vegetables; sandwich fillings consisting of one or more of the aforesaid goods; delicatessen salads, consisting essentially of one or more of the aforesaid goods; semi-prepared meals, ready meals and frozen food, in particular consisting solely or essentially of meat, fish, poultry, game, seafood, potatoes, prepared fruit, vegetables and/or cheese, included in this class; fresh fruits and vegetables, in chopped form or in the form of prepared salads. Farinaceous food pastes; rice; cereals; sauces (condiments); spices; delicatessen salads, consisting essentially of the aforesaid goods, including with added processed fruit and/or vegetables; semiprepared meals and ready meals, included in this class; frozen food, in particular consisting solely or essentially of pasta and/or rice and/or wholemeal products and/or baked goods and/or confectionery, included in this class; pasties; pizzas and pizza The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Red, white and grey St Ruadhan of Lothra 255104 19 May 2016 Class 33. Whiskey; Spirits. Noyes & Co Ltd, 105 Main Street, Portrush BT56 8DA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Noyes & Co Ltd, 105 Main Street, Portrush BT56 8DA, United Kingdom. LORRHA 255105 19 May 2016 Class 33. Spirits; Whiskey. Noyes & Co Ltd, 105 Main Street, Portrush BT56 8DA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Noyes & Co Ltd, 105 Main Street, Portrush BT56 8DA, United Kingdom. 1218 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal BROOKLODGE HOTEL 255106 20 May 2016 Class 43. Hotels; Hotel reservations; Hotel services; Hotel information; Resort hotels; Hotel reservation services; Hotel accommodation services; Pet hotel services; Hotel restaurant services; Arranging hotel accommodation; Providing hotel accommodation; Hotel catering services; Resort hotel services; Hotels and motels; Reservation of hotel accommodation; Provision of hotel accommodation; Arranging of hotel accommodation; Hotel accommodation reservation services; Hotel room booking services; Booking of hotel accommodation; Information relating to hotels; Booking services for hotels; Providing hotel and motel services; Restaurant services provided by hotels; Accommodation bureaux [hotels, boarding houses]; Arranging of meals in hotels; Reservation of accommodation in hotels; Booking agency services for hotel accommodation; Agency services for booking hotel accommodation; Accommodation bureau services [hotels, boarding houses]; Electronic information services relating to hotels; Providing accommodation in hotels and motels; Hotels, hostels and boarding houses, holiday and tourist accommodation. BERNARD DOYLE, 92 BALLSBRIDGE WOOD, BALLSBRIDGE, DUBLIN D4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o BERNARD DOYLE, 92 BALLSBRIDGE WOOD, BALLSBRIDGE, DUBLIN D4, Ireland. (No. 2312) MACREDDIN VILLAGE 255107 21 May 2016 Class 40. Class 43. Food processing; Cooked foods (Processing of -). Hotels; Restaurants; Providing food and drink in restaurants and bars; Food preparation. BERNARD DOYLE, 92 BALLSBRIDGE WOOD, BALLSBRIDGE, DUBLIN 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o BERNARD DOYLE, 92 BALLSBRIDGE WOOD, BALLSBRIDGE, DUBLIN 4, Ireland. 255108 27 April 2016 Class 16. Toilet tissue, Bathroom tissue, Toilet roll, Toilet paper, disposable toilet paper. ALDAR TISSUES LTD, Unit 8 Century Business Park, Finglas, Dublin 11, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ALDAR TISSUES LTD, Unit 8 Century Business Park, Finglas, Dublin 11, Ireland. 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1219 Patents Office Journal Class 45. Development of new technology for others. Licensing of technology. David Stone, 55 Dame Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o David Stone, 55 Dame Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. 255109 27 April 2016 Class 16. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) White/Black Toilet tissue, Bathroom tissue, Toilet roll, Toilet paper, disposable toilet paper. ALDAR TISSUES LTD, Unit 8 Century Business Park, Finglas, Dublin 11, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ALDAR TISSUES LTD, Unit 8 Century Business Park, Finglas, Dublin 11, Ireland. LISTENERS 255111 19 May 2016 Class 41. Goworky 255110 Class 44. 20 May 2016 Class 35. Class 42. Personnel recruitment; Recruitment (Personnel -); Employment recruitment; Staff recruitment; Recruitment advertising; Recruitment services; Professional recruitment services; Recruitment consultancy services; Personnel recruitment consultancy; Executive recruitment services; Recruitment of personnel; Staff recruitment services; Personnel recruitment services; Personnel recruitment advertising; Permanent staff recruitment; Staff recruitment consultancy services; Recruitment of executive staff; Recruitment of computer staff. Information technology support services; Training of prisoners to provide counselling, listening and support services to other prisoners Counselling, listening and support services provided by prisoners to other prisoners; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to the aforesaid SAMARITANS, The Upper Mill, Kingston Road, Ewell, Surrey KT17 2AF, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Hanna Moore + Curley, Garryard House, 25/26 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 PX51, Ireland. LAM'S 255112 22 May 2016 Class 43. Supplying of meals for immediate consumption. 1220 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Lam Wai Kuen, 17 Cherry Drive, Delganey Wood, Greystones, County Wicklow, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Keith Yeap, 32 Villa Blanchard, Main Street, Blanchardstown, Dublin D15V447, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) WHITE 255114 05 May 2016 Class 9. 255113 23 May 2016 Class 9. Class 11. Electric control devices for heating management. Temperature control apparatus [valves] for central heating radiators; Apparatus for controlling temperature in central heating radiators [valves]; Control devices [thermostatic valves] for heating installations. Joy Wang, EPH Controls Ltd, Sitecast Industrial Estate, Pouladuff, Cork T12W665, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Joy Wang, EPH Controls Ltd, Sitecast Industrial Estate, Pouladuff, Cork T12W665, Ireland. SWITZERLAND NOBEL INT'L (H.K.) LIMITED, 12/F, Block E, Des Voeux Bldg, 25 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong, China. Address for service is c/o Anne Ryan & Co, 60 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. BU - Be You 255115 21 May 2016 Class 35. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) R255 G119 B0/ R255 G186 B84/ R246 G233 B193 Smartwatches; smartglasses; wearable activity trackers; covers for smartphones; cases for smartphones; selfie sticks [hand-held monopods]; reflective safety vests; head guards for sports; chargers for electronic cigarettes; connected bracelets [measuring instruments]; electronic tags for goods; joysticks for use with computers, other than for video games; calorimeters; electronic collars to train animals; electronic book readers; batteries, electric; data processing apparatus; computer memory devices; downloadable music files; downloadable image files. Advertising and marketing services; Advertising and marketing; Advertising and promotion services; Advertising and promotional services; Advertising, marketing and promotional consultancy, advisory and assistance services; 27/07/2016 Advertising, marketing and promotion services; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Advertising of business web sites; Advertising on the Internet for others; Advertising particularly services for the promotion of goods; Advertising services; Advertising, promotional and marketing services; Advertising research; Advertising research services; Advertising services provided over the internet; Advertising through all public communication means; Arranging and placing of advertisements; Arranging commercial transactions, for others, via online shops; Online advertisements; Providing online commercial directory information services; Providing business directory information via a global computer network; Providing an on-line commercial information directory on the internet; Providing business information directory services, via a global computer network. Martin Weston, 71 Stapolin Lawns, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Martin Weston, 71 Stapolin Lawns, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Ireland. PRESTIGE PURECOOK 255116 24 May 2016 Class 7. (No. 2312) 1221 Patents Office Journal Electric appliances and apparatus for domestic or household purposes; machines for mixing, beating, blending, whisking, peeling, scraping, Class 8. Class 11. Class 21. grating, crushing, cutting, mincing, slicing, kneading and grinding foods and vegetables; electric kitchen machines; electric food processors; electric fruit presses; electric knives; blade sharpening machines; electric can openers; pepper mills, electric scissors; beverage preparation machines. Hand tools and hand instruments; kitchen hand tools and instruments; cutlery, knives, forks and spoons; scissors; electric irons. Appliances and apparatus for domestic or household purposes; cooking appliances and apparatus; refrigerators; freezers; boilers; cookers; ovens; stoves; heating elements; cooking rings; deep fryers; griddles; grills; hot plates; plate warmers; waffle irons; sandwich makers; pie makers; kitchen ranges; electric cooking utensils; roasting spits, roasting jacks; rotisseries; toasters; kettles; warming pans; barbecues; coffee percolators and filters; coffee roasters; coffee machines. Household and kitchen implements, utensils and containers; cookware, bakeware, roastware; pressure cookers; glassware, porcelain ware and earthenware. Meyer Intellectual Properties Limited, 382 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 1222 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) restaurant services; Restaurant reservation services; Mobile restaurant services; Carvery restaurant services; Restaurant information services; Restaurants (Self-service -); Self-service restaurants; Carry-out restaurants; Reservation of restaurants; Self-service restaurant services; Salad bars [restaurant services]; Take-out restaurant services; Booking of restaurant seats; Restaurant services provided by hotels; Restaurant services incorporating licensed bar facilities; Provision of food and drink in restaurants; Making reservations and bookings for restaurants and meals; Reservation and booking services for restaurants and meals; Providing food and drink in restaurants and bars; Serving food and drink in restaurants and bars; Serving food and drink for guests in restaurants; Providing food and drink for guests in restaurants. AMAZING GRACE 255117 20 May 2016 Class 32. Class 33. Beer; Lager; Stout; Ales; Non-alcoholic beverages. Spirits; Whiskey; Alcoholic beverages, except beer. Iona Campbell, Barbreck House, Ardfern PA31 8QW, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Iona Campbell, Barbreck House, Ardfern PA31 8QW, United Kingdom. UMIFALAFEL 255118 20 May 2016 Class 43. Services for providing food and drink; restaurant, bar and café services; catering services. Levant Foods Limited, 37 The Oak, Parkview, Belarmine, Stepaside, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Bernard Doyle, 92 Ballsbridge Wood, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Bernard Doyle, 92 Ballsbridge Wood, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Sarsfield Stout STRAWBERRY TREE RESTAURANT 255120 13 January 2016 Class 32. 255119 20 May 2016 Class 43. Restaurants; Restaurant services; Delicatessens [restaurants]; Grill restaurants; Tourist restaurants; Hotel restaurant services; Providing Beer; Beers; Imitation beer; Wheat beer; Root beer; Malt beer; Beer wort; Ginger beer; Flavored beers; Black beer [toasted-malt beer]; Low alcohol beer; Low-alcohol beer; De-alcoholized beer; De-alcoholised beer; Coffee- 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1223 Patents Office Journal flavored beer; Beer-based beverages; Non-alcoholic beer; Beer-based cocktails; Alcohol-free beers; Beer and brewery products; Beers enriched with minerals; Nonalcoholic beer flavored beverages; Hop extracts for manufacturing beer; Hops (Extracts of -) for making beer; Extracts of hops for making beer; Processed hops for use in making beer. Treaty City Brewing, 20 RoseHill, O Callaghan Strand, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Treaty City Brewing, 20 RoseHill, O Callaghan Strand, Limerick, Ireland. 255122 12 May 2016 Class 32. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Black Class 33. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Schweppes International Limited, 7 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4HQ, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Thomas Farrand, 2nd Floor, Renown House, 33-34 Bury Street, London EC3A 5AR, United Kingdom. 255121 12 May 2016 Class 16. Class 25. Greeting cards. Clothing. Roisin Ryan, Waterford City Enterprise Centre, Waterford Business Park, Waterford, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Roisin Ryan, 70 Cnoic Caislean, Ballygunner, Waterford, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour black pantone 203 255123 12 May 2016 Class 9. Class 41. Pre-recorded videos; Audio recordings. Yoga instruction; Education services relating to yoga; Exercise instruction. 1224 27/07/2016 Class 44. Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Advice in the field of childbirth; Health care relating to relaxation therapy. Class 41. Helen Plass, 2 Biscayne, Malahide K36 E060, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Helen Plass, 2 Biscayne, Malahide K36 E060, Ireland. Class 43. The mark in use is/will be in the colours green and white (HEX code is "8DC63F") tourists; Sightseeing [tourism]; destination marketing. Publication of directories relating to tourism. Tourist agency services for booking accommodation; Arranging of accommodation for tourists; Reservation of tourist accommodation. Terence O'Toole, Goulane, Clifden H71 FD63, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Terence O'Toole, Goulane, Clifden H71 FD63, Ireland. footpool 255124 The mark in use is/will be in the colours pantone 369 C, 3945 C, 7455 C, 279 C, 1545 C and hexachrome black C 13 May 2016 Class 28. Pool tables. Matthew Ogden, 11 Rowan Avenue, Leeds LS16 8FE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Matthew Ogden, 11 Rowan avenue, Leeds LS16 8FE, United Kingdom. STEP UP SYSTEM 255126 The mark in use is/will be in the colours white and black 23 May 2016 Class 3. Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics. ENVIRON SKIN CARE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, 14 Jan Smuts Road, Beaconvale, Parow, 7500, South Africa. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 255125 13 May 2016 Class 39. Provision of tourist travel information; Services for the arranging of excursions for tourists; Tourist guide services; Tourist travel reservation services; Arranging excursions for 255127 23 May 2016 Class 11. Emergency lights; Emergency 27/07/2016 Class 12. Class 16. Class 17. Class 37. (No. 2312) 1225 Patents Office Journal lighting installations. Safety signals [audible] for vehicles; Protecting strips with reflective inlays for vehicle doors. Decals. Vinyl wrapping for vehicle exteriors; Reflective plastic films for use on vehicle windows. Emergency vehicle repair services. esmark finch ltd, Unit 1 Grattan Business Park, Clonshaugh Industrial Estate, Dublin 17 17, Ireland. Address for service is c/o esmark finch ltd, Unit 1 Grattan Business Park, Clonshaugh Industrial Estate, Dublin 17 17, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) CMYK VALUE: YELLOW: 16, 0, 93, 0BLACK: 0, 0, 0, 100HEX VALUE: YELLOW: #e6df08BLACK: #1d1d1bPANTONE VALUE:Yellow PANTONE P1-7 CBlack PANTONE P PROCESS BLACK CWhite PANTONE P1-1 C SPEEDPIN 255129 24 May 2016 Class 40. Print finishing services. Michael Higgins, 25 Palmerstown woods, Clondalkin D22 FD29, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Michael Higgins, 25 Palmerstown woods, Clondalkin D22 FD29, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) BLACK Glenmalure Irish Whiskey 255130 15 May 2016 Class 33. Spirits; Distilled spirits; Potable spirits; Spirits [beverages]; Spirits and liquors. Michael Quinn, 55 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Michael Quinn, 55 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. 255128 Mightyquinn Gin 23 May 2016 Class 35. Professional business consultancy services; Consultancy relating to data processing. Barbican Data Protection Services Ltd, 3 The Hermitage, Portlaoise, Laois R32 ERK4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Barbican Data Protection Services Ltd, 3 The Hermitage, Portlaoise, Laois R32 ERK4, Ireland. 255131 15 May 2016 Class 33. Spirits; Distilled spirits; Potable spirits; Spirits [beverages]; Spirits and liquors. 1226 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) Michael Quinn, 55 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Michael Quinn, 55 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. PRESTIGE SAFECOOK 255133 containers; cookware, bakeware, roastware; pressure cookers; glassware, porcelain ware and earthenware. Meyer Intellectual Properties Limited, 382 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 24 May 2016 Class 7. Class 8. Class 11. Class 21. Electric appliances and apparatus for domestic or household purposes; machines for mixing, beating, blending, whisking, peeling, scraping, grating, crushing, cutting, mincing, slicing, kneading and grinding foods and vegetables; electric kitchen machines; electric food processors; electric fruit presses; electric knives; blade sharpening machines; electric can openers; pepper mills, electric scissors; beverage preparation machines. Hand tools and hand instruments; kitchen hand tools and instruments; cutlery, knives, forks and spoons; scissors; electric irons. Appliances and apparatus for domestic or household purposes; cooking appliances and apparatus; refrigerators; freezers; boilers; cookers; ovens; stoves; heating elements; cooking rings; deep fryers; griddles; grills; hot plates; plate warmers; waffle irons; sandwich makers; pie makers; kitchen ranges; electric cooking utensils; roasting spits, roasting jacks; rotisseries; toasters; kettles; warming pans; barbecues; coffee percolators and filters; coffee roasters; coffee machines. Household and kitchen implements, utensils and 255134 17 May 2016 Class 28. Games and playthings; soft toys; dolls, toys; balls for games; rugby balls; balls for juggling; non-metallic soft balls; balls for play; balloons; three-dimensional puzzles; snow globes; waterballs; Christmas tree decorations (other than edible or for illumination); playing cards; beach balls. Christopher Gaisey, Coorheen, Loughrea, Co. Galway H62 WN51, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours green, brown, cream, pink, white, yellow 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1227 Patents Office Journal Weather resistant outer clothing; Water-resistant clothing; Maternity clothing; Roll necks [clothing]; Clothing for martial arts; Waterproof clothing; Rainproof clothing; Nappy pants [clothing]; Cowls [clothing]; Combinations [clothing]; Clothing made of imitation leather; Leisure clothing; Clothing for leisure wear; Headbands [clothing]; Clothing layettes; Foundation garments; Bodies [clothing]; Ladies' clothing; Foulards [clothing articles]; Sports clothing; Clothing for sports; Plush clothing; Linen clothing; Girls' clothing; Silk clothing; Clothing for babies; Babies' pants [clothing]; Sleeping garments; Tops [clothing]. DribbleDry 255135 17 May 2016 Class 25. Baby pants; Baby tops; Baby bodysuits; Baby bottoms; Baby clothes; Plastic baby bibs; Baby bunting [clothing]; Baby doll pyjamas; Bootees (woollen baby shoes); Baby layettes for clothing; Clothes; Swaddling clothes; Work clothes; Clothes for sports; Basic upper garment of Korean traditional clothes [Jeogori]; Clothes for sport; Chaps (clothing); Clothing for gymnastics; Collars [clothing]; Quilted jackets [clothing]; Layettes [clothing]; Jackets being sports clothing; Hats (Paper -) [clothing]; Three piece suits [clothing]; Clothing for horseriding [other than riding hats]; Clothing for skiing; Thermally insulated clothing; Childrens' clothing; Infants' clothing; Clothing for infants; Children's clothing; Clothing for children; Babies' clothing; Boys' clothing; Handwarmers [clothing]; Mufflers [clothing]; Sports clothing [other than golf gloves]; Garments for protecting clothing; Arm warmers [clothing]; Clothing of leather; Ready-made clothing; Ready-to-wear clothing; Thermal clothing; Muffs [clothing]; Clothing made of fur; Playsuits [clothing]; Knitted clothing; Ready-made linings [parts of clothing]; Linings (Ready-made -) [parts of clothing]; Knitwear [clothing]; Linen (Body -) [garments]; Clothing for cycling; Capes (clothing); Athletic clothing; Jackets (Stuff -) [clothing]; Stuff jackets [clothing]; Weatherproof clothing; Hannah Rayner, 11 The Milling Field, Holmes Chapel, Crewe CW4 7DA, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Hannah Rayner, 11 The Milling Field, Holmes Chapel, Crewe CW4 7DA, United Kingdom. EIGER ELECTRICAL 255136 18 May 2016 Class 9. Portable electric sockets (power boards); power leads cables, electric, including mains power extension leads; voltage surge protectors; batteries, electric; chargers for electric batteries; connections, electric; connectors (electricity) including mains power double outlet adapters; containers incorporating electric sockets; electrical wire; jumper leads for automotive use; converters, 1228 27/07/2016 Class 11. Patents Office Journal electric; covers for electric outlets; plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections); safety devices for use with electric plugs and sockets; terminals (electricity); solar batteries; solar cells and panels (electricity generating -). Apparatus for lighting; lamps, Electric lamps; light bulbs, electric; luminous tubes for lighting; flashlights (torches); pocket torches, electric; globes (bulbs) and tubes. (No. 2312) William Connolly & Sons, Red Mills, Goresbridge, Kilkenny R95 EKH4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o William Connolly & Sons, Red Mills, Goresbridge, Kilkenny R95 EKH4, Ireland. Fancosmic 255139 Bunnings Group Limited, 16-18 Cato Street, Hawthorn East, Victoria 3123, Australia. Address for service is c/o Fiona Gorman, C/O F. F. Gorman & Co, 15 Clanwilliam Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 26 May 2016 Class 35. Class 41. Exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes. Conducting of exhibitions for entertainment purposes; Museum exhibitions. Stephen Cronin Saleh, 13 Hazelwood Avenue, Glanmire, Co. Cork na, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Stephen Cronin Saleh, 13 Hazelwood Avenue, Glanmire, Co. Cork na, Ireland. Flamin Dublin 255137 18 May 2016 Class 33. Whiskey. John Harte, 41 Fortfield Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6W, Ireland. Address for service is c/o John Harte, 41 Fortfield Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6W, Ireland. MUTTI SIMPLY SUGO 255140 26 May 2016 Class 29. Go Native 255138 12 May 2016 Class 31. Pet foods; Pet food for dogs; Foodstuffs for pet animals; Pet foods in the form of chews. Class 30. Canned, cooked or otherwise processed tomatoes; tinned tomatoes; peeled tomatoes; tomato extracts; tomato paste; tomato puree; tomato juice for cooking; tomato pulp; cherry tomatoes; tomato concentrate, double tomato concentrate; triple tomato concentrate; tomato concentrate with vegetables. Tomato sauce; pizza sauce, sauces for pasta; concentrated sauce, tomato vinegar; tomato ketchup, cheese sauce. 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal MUTTI S.p.A., Via Traversetolo 28 - Frazione Basilcanova, 43022 Montechiarugolo (PR), Italy. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. Ki Business 255141 24 May 2016 Class 35. Business organisation; Business advice; Business investigation; Business consultancy; Business consulting; Business information; Information (Business -); Business analysis; Business consultation; Business assistance; Business supervision; Business studies; Business research; Research (Business -); Business planning; Business management; Business research for new businesses; Business analysis services; Business statistical studies; Business management organisation; Business management consultation; Business management consulting; Business management consultancy; Statistical studies (Business ); Business management advice; Business networking services; Business feasibility studies; Business research services; Business management services; Business planning consultancy; Business advisory services; Business introductions (Arranging -); Arranging business introductions; Business administration assistance; Business consultancy (Professional -); Professional (No. 2312) 1229 business consulting; Professional business consultancy; Consultancy (Professional business -); Business consultancy services; Business consultation services; Business consulting services; Business information services; Computerised business promotion; Business organisation consultancy; Business organization consultancy; Business organisation consulting; Business organization advice; Business organizational consultation; Business organization consulting; Collecting business statistics; Business promotion services; Business representative services; Commercial business management; Business expertise services; Computerised business research; Business management planning; Business management supervision; Business efficiency studies; Strategic business consultancy; Acquisition (Business -) searches; Business marketing services; Business strategy services; Business strategic planning; Strategic business planning; Assistance (Business management -); Business management assistance; Business project management; Business statistical analysis; Business efficiency advice; Business planning services; Preparing business reports; Business intelligence services; Business data analysis; Collecting business information; Business assistance relating to business image; Professional business consultations; Business organisation advice; Business management analysis; Business file management; Consultancy regarding business 1230 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal organisation and business economics; Business appraisals and evaluations in business matters; Relocation services for business; Business consulting for enterprises; Business consultancy to firms; Conducting of business appraisals; Acquisitions (Business -) consulting services; Business advice and information; Assistance with business planning; Business investigations; Investigations (Business -); Business promotion; Business succession planning; Business examinations services; Business records keeping; Business administration consultancy; Business administration services; Administration of businesses; Business management organisation consultancy; Business information (Provision of -); Business statistical information services; Compilation of business directories; Directories (Compilation of business -); Provision of business information; Promotion [advertising] of business; Business management consulting services; Business management consultancy services; Research of business information; Professional business consultancy services; Business efficiency expert services; Computerised business records keeping; Arranging of business introductions; Business information for enterprises; Preparation of business statistics; Preparation of statistics [business]; Conducting of business research; Administration of business affairs; Business information and inquiries; Provision of business data; Computerised business (No. 2312) information retrieval; Information in business matters; Business research and surveys; Counselling on business matters; Business and market research; Outsourcing services [business assistance]; Business analysis of markets; Analysis of business information; Appraisal of business opportunities; Evaluation of business opportunities; Computerised business information services; Business management advisory services; Surveys for business purposes; Business process management consultancy; Provision of business assistance; Statistics (Preparation of business -); Business risk assessment services; Assistance with business management; Business record keeping services; Compilation of business statistics; Analysis of business statistics; Providing business efficiency advice; Business strategy development services; Business strategic planning services; Business merchandising display services; Business accounting advisory services; Business consultancy to individuals; Writing of business reports; Preparation of business reports; Business data analysis services; Business information agency services; Business information (Compilation of ); Collecting information for business; Compilation of business data; Compilation of business information; Business administration for others; Efficiency (Business -) expert services; Business reports (Writing of -); Business reports (Preparation of -); Preparation of business balances; Preparation of business surveys; Business administration and 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal management; Business services relating to the establishment of businesses; Relocation services for businesses; Businesses (Relocation services for -); Data processing for businesses; Project studies for businesses; Advisory services relating to business management and business operations; Advisory services (Business -) relating to the management of businesses; Providing business management and operational assistance to commercial businesses; Business management services relating to the development of businesses; Professional business consultation relating to the operation of businesses; Provision of business statistical information; Statistical information (Provision of business -); Forecasting (Economic -) for business purposes; Economic forecasting for business purposes; Consultancy relating to business management; Marketing (Business advice relating to -); Assistance relating to business organisation; Management of business [for others]; Business information and advisory services; Business advisory and information services; Business organization and management consulting; Business management and organization consultancy; Advice relating to business organisation; Business advice relating to marketing; Business management advice and assistance; Business research and advisory services; Computerised business management [for others]; Business organization and operation consultancy; Developing promotional campaigns for business; Exhibitions (Conducting -) for (No. 2312) 1231 business purposes; Conducting of business feasibility studies; Administration of foreign business affairs; Management assistance for promoting business; Franchising (Business advice relating to -); Business advice relating to franchising; Consultations relating to business promotion; Consultancy relating to business planning; Business consultancy and advisory services; Business advisory and consultancy services; Computerised business information processing services; Administration relating to business appraisal; Provision of business management information; Business assistance relating to franchising; Economic analysis for business purposes; Provision of computerised business information; Consultancy relating to business organisation; Administration relating to business planning; Business research and survey services; Collection of statistics for business; Preparation of business statistical data; Provision of commercial information [business]; Processing of business survey results; Consultancy relating to business efficiency; Provision of computerised business statistics; Writing of business project reports; Writing of business project studies; Advice relating to business management; Advisory services for business management; Management (Advisory services for business -); Commercial assistance in business management; Consultancy services regarding business strategies; Economic studies for business purposes; 1232 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal Business process management and consulting; Operational business assistance to enterprises; Analysis of business management systems; Business information and research services; Business research and information services; Research services relating to business; Provision of business management assistance; Market research and business analyses; Personality testing for business purposes; Exhibitions (Arranging -) for business purposes; Management assistance in business affairs; Consultancy relating to business advertising; Consultations relating to business advertising; Business consultation relating to advertising; Business advice relating to advertising; Business management of sports personalities; Business management of sports people; Business strategy and planning services; Business planning services for enterprises; Obtaining business statistics [for others]; Business advice relating to accounting; Advice relating to business organization; Business advice, inquiries or information; Business organisation and management consulting; Business organisation and management consultancy; Business management and organisation consultancy; Advertising of business web sites; Professional business consultation relating to the setting up of businesses; Operation of businesses [for others]; Developing promotional campaigns for businesses; Information services relating to businesses; Assessment analysis relating to business (No. 2312) management; Business advisory services, consultancy and information; Business management consultancy and advisory services; Business advice relating to growth financing; Consultancy relating to business document management; Assistance and advice regarding business management; Business advice relating to strategic marketing; Assistance and advice regarding business organization; Business organisation and management consulting services; Economic forecasting analysis for business purposes; Administration (Business -) relating to statistical methods; Conducting of internal business communication surveys; Franchising (Business advisory services relating to -); Business advisory services relating to franchising; Benchmarking (evaluation of business organisation practices); Provision of information relating to business; Collection and systematization of business data; Business information for enterprises (Provision of -); Drawing up of business statistical information; Information services relating to business matters; Business assistance relating to corporate identity; Provision of computerised business information data; Advisory services relating to business organisation; Preparation of documents relating to business; Conducting business and market research surveys; Arranging of commercial and business contacts; Provision of computerised business management information; Provision of business and commercial information; Business advertising services relating to franchising; 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal Business administration of employee share schemes; Agency services for arranging business introductions; Advisory services relating to business management; Arranging of demonstrations for business purposes; Economic information services for business purposes; Dissemination of data relating to business; Business management and enterprise organization consultancy; Advisory services relating to business planning; Automatic reordering service for business; Management of business projects [for others]; Business supervision [on behalf of others]; Assistance in management of business activities; Business promotion services provided by telephone; Arranging of exhibitions for business purposes; Business consultancy services relating to manufacturing; Arranging of presentations for business purposes; Arranging of displays for business purposes; Professional consultancy relating to business management; Advisory services relating to business organization; Business analysis, research and information services; Business assistance, management and administrative services; Business management for freelance service providers; Providing business information via a website; Development of concepts for business economy; Business management and organization consultancy services; Business management and organisation consultancy services; Business management consultancy via the Internet; Operation of commercial businesses [for (No. 2312) 1233 others]; Provision of statistical information relating to business; Compilation of business statistics and commercial information; Business advice relating to marketing management consultations; Business advisory services relating to product development; Consulting services in business organization and management; Business management of sporting venues [for others]; Business management of sporting facilities [for others]; Business consulting services in the agriculture field; Provision of computerised data relating to business; Business consultancy services relating to data processing; Business advisory services relating to company performance; Information or enquiries on business and marketing; Business management consultancy, also via the Internet; Business consultation and management regarding marketing activities; Organisation of exhibitions for business or commerce; Compilation of statistical data relating to business; Consultancy and advisory services for business management; Providing business information via a web site; Provision of commercial and business contact information; Consultancy relating to business management and organisation; Businesses (supervision of -) [on behalf of others]; Supervision of businesses on behalf of others; Business promotion services provided by audio/visual means; Preparation of project studies relating to business matters; Project studies relating to business matters (Preparation of -); Provision of business information 1234 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal relating to joint ventures; Assistance and advice regarding business organization and management; Advertising services relating to the provision of business; Consultancy relating to the preparation of business statistics; Provision of business information via global computer networks; Providing business information by way of computer terminals; Expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; Provision of computerised information relating to business records; Business management assistance for industrial or commercial companies; Business management advisory services relating to commercial enterprises; Compilation of statistics for business or commercial purposes; Compilation of statistics [for business or commercial purposes]; Support for employees with regard to business matters; Arranging and conducting of exhibitions for business purposes; Provision of on-line business and commercial information; Evaluations relating to business management in professional enterprises; Business administration services in the field of healthcare; Outsourcing services in the field of business operations; Consultancy and advisory services relating to business management; Outsourcing services in the field of business analytics; Assistance and advice regarding business organisation and management; Business management consultancy services provided via the Internet; Purchasing of goods and services for other businesses; Provision of (No. 2312) business information relating to the agricultural industry; Business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; Advice relating to the organisation and management of business; Organisation and management of business incentive and loyalty schemes; Business advisory services relating to the use of computers; Information and expert opinions relating to companies and business; Updating of business information on a computer data base; Advising commercial enterprises in the conduct of their business; Advice relating to the business operation of health clubs; Advice relating to the business operation of fitness clubs; Advice relating to the business management of fitness clubs; Advice in the field of business management and marketing; Business consultation and management regarding launching of new products; Business consultancy relating to the administration of information technology; Business advisory services relating to the selection of computers; Provision of business statistical information relating to medical matters; Advising industrial enterprises in the conduct of their business; Advisory services (Business -) relating to the operation of franchises; Providing advice and information relating to commercial business management; Advisory services (Business -) relating to the exploitation of inventions; Advice relating to the business management of health clubs; Providing business information in the field of social media; Providing business directory information via a global 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal computer network; Consultancy relating to the establishment and running of businesses; Preparation of audio and/or visual displays for businesses; Advisory services relating to the corporate structure of businesses; Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business analysis; Consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; Business management consulting services in the field of information technology; Assistance to commercial enterprises in the management of their business; Providing advice in the field of business management and marketing; Data processing for the collection of data for business purposes; Consultancy relating to the organisation of promotional campaigns for business; Business administration services for processing sales made on the internet; Arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for business purposes; Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business organization; Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business management; Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business planning; Preparation of expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; Information and data compiling and analyzing relating to business management; Establishing a network of business contacts (Service to assist in -); Business consultancy services relating to management of fund raising campaigns; Providing business (No. 2312) 1235 information directory services, via a global computer network; Organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for business and promotional purposes; Provision of commercial business information by means of a computer database; Compilation and provision of trade and business price and statistical information; Arranging business introductions relating to the buying and selling of products; Business management for a trade company and for a service company; Business consultancy services relating to the promotion of fund raising campaigns; Business consultancy services relating to the marketing of fund raising campaigns; Arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for business and advertising purposes; Business advisory services to determine pay and grading structures by job evaluation; Commercial information agencies [provides business information, e.g., marketing or demographic data]; Advisory services relating to the purchase of goods on behalf of business; Assistance to industrial or commercial enterprises in the running of their business; Providing information about commercial business and commercial information via the global computer network; Business information services provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Business information services provided online from a global computer network or the internet; Business intermediary and advisory services in the field of selling products and rendering services; Providing business information, also via internet, 1236 27/07/2016 Class 41. Patents Office Journal the cable network or other forms of data transfer. Business training; Business educational services; Business training services; Business training consultancy services; Organising of business training; Training in business skills; Training in business management; Educational services relating to business; Training services related to business; Conducting of educational courses in business; Consultation services relating to business education; Provision of training services for business; Training services relating to business management; Business training provided through a game; Teaching services relating to business assistance; Arranging of conferences relating to business; Arranging of conventions for business purposes; Providing training courses on business management; Arranging of seminars relating to business; Education services relating to business training; Business training provided through a simulation structure; Conducting of educational courses relating to business; Conducting of courses relating to business management; Lending of books relating to business intelligence; Conducting of courses relating to business administration; Publication of work manuals for business management; Lending of books relating to business methodology; Conducting of educational courses in business management; Education services relating to business franchise management; Training in the field of business management; Conducting of educational courses relating to business management; Arranging and (No. 2312) conducting of commercial, trade and business conferences; Teaching and training in business, industry and information technology; Education and training in the field of business management; Education and training services in relation to business management; Education services relating to the use of computers in business; Computer based educational services in the field of business management; Training courses in strategic planning relating to advertising, promotion, marketing and business; Organising of sports competitions and equestrian contests; Arranging of sporting events; Education; Academies [education]; Education services; Information (Education -); Education information; Further education; Educational services; Educational instruction; Educational research; Educational consultancy; Educational demonstrations; Educational seminars; Educational testing; Educational examination; Educational information; Academy education services; Academy services (Education -); Education academy services; Sporting education services; Sports education services; Residential education courses; Computer education training; Technological education services; Adult education services; Career counseling [education]; Physical health education; Team building (education); Higher education services; Information about education; Information on education; Education information services; Dietary education services; Education and instruction; Management 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal education services; Providing of education; Physicaleducation services; Physical education services; Club education services; Physical education instruction; Developing educational manuals; Educational institute services; Educational advisory services; Educational assessment services; Educational consultancy services; Educational information services; Examination services (Educational -); Educational examination services; Educational services for providing courses of education; Organising of education conventions; Organising of education conferences; Rental of recorded education; Education, teaching and training; Teaching of diet education; Computer assisted education services; Provision of education courses; Organising of education exhibitions; Services of schools [education]; Education, entertainment and sports; Education in movement awareness; Management of education services; Competitions (Organising of education -); Organising of education competitions; Organization of education competitions; Play schemes [entertainment/education]; Providing information about education; Education (Information relating to -); Training and education services; Education and training services; Symposiums relating to education; Physical fitness education services; Organising of education seminars; Provision of physical education; Computer education training services; Education and training consultancy; Educational (No. 2312) 1237 services provided by institutes of higher education; Educational services provided by institutes of further education; Organising of educational lectures; Organization of educational symposia; Organising of educational conferences; Arranging of educational conferences; Organization of educational conferences; Conducting of educational conferences; Publishing of educational matter; Publishing of educational material; Publication of educational materials; Publication of educational texts; Publication of educational books; Computer based educational services; Educational courses (Provision of -); Organising of educational exhibitions; Organisation of educational shows; Organising of educational congresses; Organization of educational congresses; Setting of educational standards; Organising of educational games; Hire of educational apparatus; Provision of educational information; Development of educational materials; Conducting of educational courses; Workshops for educational purposes; Organising of educational seminars; Organisation of educational seminars; Hire of educational materials; Rental of educational materials; Leasing of educational material; Organisation of examinations [educational]; Provision of educational examinations; Educational and teaching services; Arranging of educational events; Organisation of educational events; Conducting of educational events; Education courses relating to automation; Education services relating to sports; 1238 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal Education services relating to computers; Education services relating to management; Education services relating to nutrition; Advisory services relating to education; Education services relating to meditation; Vocational education for young people; Education services relating to health; Education services for managerial staff; Provision of education and training; Provision of training and education; Education services relating to yoga; Organising of competitions for education; Club services [entertainment or education]; Education services relating to design; Information relating to sports education; Information services relating to education; Entertainment, education and instruction services; Professional consultancy relating to education; Providing information about online education; Educational services relating to sports; Educational services relating to management; Organisation of continuing educational seminars; Exhibitions (Conducting -) for educational purposes; Exhibitions (Arranging -) for educational purposes; Providing facilities for educational purposes; Film production for educational purposes; Publication of educational teaching materials; Educational services provided to industry; Provision of educational examination facilities; Exhibition services for educational purposes; Educational services relating to dancing; Arranging and conducting educational conferences; Educational services provided by academies; Competitions (organisation of -) [education or entertainment]; Organisation of symposia (No. 2312) relating to education; Organising of conferences relating to education; Education services relating to data processing; Arranging of conferences relating to education; Organisation of conferences relating to education; Competitions (Organization of -) [education or entertainment]; Organisation of competitions (education or entertainment); Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Education services relating to therapeutic treatments; Research in the field of education; Education in the field of computing; Organisation of seminars relating to education; Education services relating to physical fitness; Arranging of seminars relating to education; Education services relating to photographic developing; Telephone information services relating to education; Adult education services relating to management; Institutes of education (Services provided by -); Education services relating to vocational training; Provision of information relating to education; Education services relating to quality services; Education services relating to computer systems; Education services relating to customer satisfaction; Education services relating to computer software; Career counselling [training and education advice]; Organisation of competitions [education or entertainment]; Educational services for teaching keyboard writing; Fetes (Organisation of -) for educational purposes; Organising of conferences for educational purposes; Arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; Educational services for 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal teaching transcription techniques; Educational services relating to data processing; Educational services for teaching manual writing; Educational services relating to physical fitness; Organization of exhibitions for educational purposes; Organising of exhibitions for educational purposes; Organisation of exhibitions for educational purposes; Educational services relating to religious development; Educational services relating to sales training; Arranging of presentations for educational purposes; Educational services relating to information technology; Conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; Arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes; Organising of shows for educational purposes; Arranging of demonstrations for educational purposes; Arranging of displays for educational purposes; Arranging of an annual educational conference; Production of films for educational purposes; Educational materials or apparatus (Rental of -); Arrangement of seminars for educational purposes; Educational examination services (Information relating to -); Arranging of competitions for educational purposes; Planning of seminars for educational purposes; Conducting of educational courses in science; Educational services relating to spiritual development; Arranging of festivals for educational purposes; Festivals (Organisation of -) for educational purposes; Arranging of conventions for educational purposes; Planning of conferences for (No. 2312) 1239 educational purposes; Arrangement of conventions for educational purposes; Provision of educational examinations and tests; Arranging and conducting of educational seminars; Planning of lectures for educational purposes; Preparation of educational courses and examinations; Publication of educational and training guides; Career advisory services (education or training advice); Arranging of competitions for education or entertainment; Organisation of competitions for education or entertainment; Education in the field of computing science; Education in the field of data processing; Production of live television programmes for education; Provision of education courses relating to computers; Education services relating to the agricultural industry; Career counselling relating to education and training; Organization of competitions for education or entertainment; Organisation of competitions [education and/or entertainment]; Educational services for providing courses of instruction; Provision of educational services relating to fitness; Provision of educational health and fitness information; Production of educational sound and video recordings; Provision of educational services relating to health; Interviewing of contemporary figures for educational purposes; Provision of educational services relating to exercise; Provision of educational services relating to diet; Design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications; Providing computer-delivered educational testing and assessments; Educational and 1240 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal training services relating to sport; Educational and training services relating to games; Provision of educational courses relating to diet; Educational and instruction services relating to sport; Educational services in the nature of coaching; Education services for imparting data processing teaching methods; Organising of meetings in the field of education; Education services relating to shorthand system of notation; Arranging and conducting of competitions [education or entertainment]; Audio-visual display presentation services for educational purposes; Arranging for students to participate in educational courses; Analyzing educational tests scores and data for others; Educational services in the nature of correspondence courses; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Exhibitions (Organization of -) for cultural or educational purposes; Organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Organisation of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; Organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; Educational establishments providing courses of instruction (Services of -); Arranging for students to participate in educational activities; Production and rental of educational and instructional materials; Arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; Education services relating to the application of computer software; Education services relating to the application of computer systems; Providing information relating to (No. 2312) continuing education via the Internet; Educational services relating to the writing of computer programs; Career information and advisory services (educational and training advice); Education and training in the field of electronic data processing; Arranging and conducting of meetings in the field of education; Training or education services in the field of life coaching; Providing of information relating to continuing education via the Internet; Providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; Organisation of congresses and conferences for cultural and educational purposes; Arranging and conducting of educational discussion groups, not on-line; Organisation and holding of fairs for cultural or educational purposes; Provision of information relating to physical education via an online web site; Educational information provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Conducting of instructional, educational and training courses for young people and adults; Consultancy services relating to the education and training of management and of personnel; Provision of information and preparation of progress reports relating to education and training; Information relating to education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Provision of education on-line from a computer database or via the internet or extranets; Providing online electronic publications; Provision of online tutorials; Provision of online training; Distance learning services provided online; Publication of 27/07/2016 multimedia material online; Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; Online electronic publishing of books and periodicals; Electronic online publication of periodicals and books; Publishing of electronic books and journals online; Publication of electronic books and journals online; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Provision of information relating to physical exercises via an online web site; Provision of information relating to physical training via an online web site; Information about entertainment and entertainment events provided via online networks and the Internet; Provision of information relating to entertainment online from a computer database of the Internet; Information relating to computer gaming entertainment provided online from a computer database or a global communication network. Emer Carr, 36 Túr Uisce, Doughiska, Galway H91 XH4F, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Emer Carr, 36 Túr Uisce, Doughiska, Galway H91 XH4F, Ireland. The Bed Angel 255142 (No. 2312) 1241 Patents Office Journal Janet Clarke, Castan, Warrenstown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, IrelandFiona Kealy, The Mill Field, Killeen, Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Fiona Kealy, The Mill Field, Killeen, Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland. Revocation of Trade mark(s) under Section 51 of the Trade Marks Act, 1996 227516 237297 Application(s) Withdrawn after Advertisement under the 1996 Act 254265 Curious Quench Application(s) deemed to be Withdrawn under Section 45(2) of the 1996 Act 253528 253529 253537 253555 253578 253600 253611 253625 253629 Matthew Avery John Duggan Paul Cahalan Arderin Distillery Limited Padraig Conway Thomas Keane Robert Deegan Sean McFadden Cormac Lavelle Trade Marks Registered under the 1996 Act 25 May 2016 250698 Class 20. 253631 253650 253950 253957 Cushions; Stuffed pillows; Pillows; Beds, bedding, mattresses, pillows and cushions. PAPER AUSTRIALIA PTY LIMITED TOPMARK ENTERPRISES LTD. (2259) Cl. 39. MICHAEL MCDONNELL T/A VIKING TOURS (2294) Cl. 44. Dr Joseph Bonner (2295) Cl. 1. Brandon Products Ltd (2299) Cl. 30. Wellnice Foods Ltd (2299) Cl. 4. Colin Ahern, Keith Ahern, Shane Ahern 1242 27/07/2016 253989 254022 254070 254090 254091 254102 254104 254107 254118 254139 254165 254166 254174 254175 254184 254192 254199 254208 254218 254219 254222 254223 254224 254229 254233 254234 254235 254243 254246 254248 254250 254253 254254 254257 254259 254260 254262 254264 254270 Patents Office Journal (2299) Cl. 25. Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano (2300) Cl. 42. JOSEPH MAHON (2301) Cl. 3 21. JENNIFER SWAINE (2301) Cl. 30. Irish Pride Bakeries (2301) Cl. 30. Irish Pride Bakeries (2301) Cl. 9. Eco-Bat Technologies Limited (2301) Cl. 4 11 16 18 25 37. YANMAR CO., LTD. (2301) Cl. 4 7 11 12 16 28 36 37 44. YANMAR CO., LTD. (2302) Cl. 41. Cork Operatic Society (2302) Cl. 41. CAPERNAUM LIMITED (2302) Cl. 25. MARKHOR CLUB LTD. (2302) Cl. 25. MARKHOR CLUB LTD. (2302) Cl. 44. Dental Care Ireland Management Limited (2302) Cl. 44. Dental Care Ireland Management Limited (2302) Cl. 41. Vincent O Brien & John Mc Fadden (2302) Cl. 25. Peter Friedrich (2302) Cl. 41 42 45. COMMISSION FOR ENERGY REGULATION (2302) Cl. 44. Reiki Federation Ireland (2303) Cl. 29. Glanbia PLC (2303) Cl. 36. Sinead Duffy (2303) Cl. 5. Laboratoires Thea (2303) Cl. 30. TED INVESTMENTS (2303) Cl. 5. Cf Pharma Ltd (2303) Cl. 2 11 16 20 21 24 27 31. ARGOS LIMITED (2303) Cl. 5. SHS INTERNATIONAL LTD. (2303) Cl. 3. Unilever PLC (2303) Cl. 16 41. Joanne Hession (2303) Cl. 31. Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited (2303) Cl. 9 35 36. The Prudential Insurance Company of America (2303) Cl. 21 35. HOUSE OF FRASER (STORES) LIMITED (2303) Cl. 10. Bio-Medical Research Limited (2303) Cl. 11. Kohler Mira Limited (2303) Cl. 12 37 39. Advanced Tyre Company Ltd (2303) Cl. 29. Glanbia PLC (2303) Cl. 10. CHURCH & DWIGHT CO., INC. (2303) Cl. 36 45. THE REVENUE COMMISSIONERS (2303) Cl. 31. Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited (2303) Cl. 43. DIAGEO IRELAND (2303) Cl. 42. Adaptive Design Limited 254271 254273 254274 254276 254279 254280 254292 254293 254295 254297 254298 254299 254300 254301 254302 (No. 2312) (2303) Cl. 5 31. ANIMAX LIMITED (2303) Cl. 16. Soffass S.P.A. (2303) Cl. 33. Mary O Sullivan (2303) Cl. 9 16 20 29 30 32 41 44. Miles-Bramwell Executive Services Limited (2303) Cl. 29. Glanbia PLC (2303) Cl. 29. Glanbia PLC (2303) Cl. 9 16 29 30 41 44. MILESBRAMWELL EXECUTIVE SERVICES LIMITED (2303) Cl. 1. Nitrofert Limited (2303) Cl. 29. Glanbia PLC (2303) Cl. 35 36 38 42. Bonkers Money Limited (2303) Cl. 7. INDUSTRIAL HANDLING SOLUTIONS LTD (2303) Cl. 3 14 25. Chanel Limited (2303) Cl. 35. Daniel Sheahan (2303) Cl. 9. Pat McCullagh (2303) Cl. 25. Dundalk Town FC Renewal of Registrations Under Section 48 of the 1996 Act 30444 49539 49692 50310 50530 51001 51176 53634 54895 56956 57111 57516 78537 78667 78900 78967 79227 79265 79343 79345 79526 79564 87162 87697 Cl. 21. WISDOM TOOTHBRUSHES LIMITED Cl. 16. FABER-CASTELL AG Cl. 1. FMC BioPolymer AS Cl. 1. Imerys Minerals California, Inc. Cl. 3. BOURJOIS LIMITED Cl. 1. Imerys Minerals California, Inc. Cl. 1. Imerys Minerals California, Inc. Cl. 5. Maillefer Instruments Trading Sárl Cl. 1. Imerys Minerals California, Inc. Cl. 30. SWIFTRIVER LIMITED Cl. 5. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Cl. 1. Evonik Röhm GmbH Cl. 9. Sakura Finetek Japan Kabushiki Kaisha Cl. 25. Schiesser Marken GmbH Cl. 11. Baxi Heating UK Limited T/A Heatrae Sadia Heating Cl. 2. PPG Coatings Nederland B.V. Cl. 9. Sinar Photography AG Cl. 30. CADBURY UK LIMITED Cl. 12. Continental Barum s.r.o. Cl. 12. SEDDON ATKINSON VEHICLES LIMITED Cl. 9. Schneider Electric Industries SAS Cl. 30. CADBURY UK LIMITED Cl. 1. Cognis IP Management GmbH Cl. 29. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED 27/07/2016 87698 87857 87863 88077 88396 88400 89430 94282 116017 116352 116357 116358 116414 116581 116584 116708 116849 117067 117104 117225 117226 117227 117228 117229 117343 117607 118288 118308 118539 118701 118854 119253 120782 120992 120993 123097 130450 133176 133510 134713 134878 134930 135108 Patents Office Journal Cl. 30. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED Cl. 3. CCS Healthcare AB Cl. 33. Booker Limited Cl. 9. HYPERTAC LIMITED Cl. 32, Cl. 33. ODDBINS LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. EVANS VANODINE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 10. Hospira, Inc. Cl. 9, Cl. 11. Union Carbide Corporation Cl. 5. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Cl. 5. MUNDIPHARMA AG Cl. 29. PEPSICO, INC. Cl. 30. PEPSICO, INC. Cl. 30. PURATOS S.A. Cl. 32. FRITO-LAY TRADING COMPANY GMBH Cl. 29. YOPLAIT MARQUES Cl. 21. CLABER S.p.A. Cl. 5. BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL), Zweigniederlassung Zurich Cl. 32. Anheuser-Busch, LLC Cl. 9. Tenba IP Holdings LLC Cl. 30. PURATOS S.A. Cl. 29. COMPAGNIE DES FROMAGES & RICHESMONTS Cl. 29. COMPAGNIE DES FROMAGES & RICHESMONTS Cl. 28. SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES, LIMITED Cl. 28. SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES, LIMITED Cl. 30. Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC Cl. 30. Intercontinental Great Brands LLC Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 7, Cl. 11. SHOMAR LTD. Cl. 9. The Boeing Company Cl. 3. Diversey, Inc. Cl. 8. WILKINSON SWORD GmbH Cl. 12. Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 4. SUNOCO OVERSEAS, INC. Cl. 21. WWRD Ireland IPCo LLC Cl. 21. WWRD Ireland IPCo LLC Cl. 25. NEW BALANCE ATHLETIC SHOW, INC. Cl. 25. HACKETTE FILIPACCHI PRESSE Cl. 12. HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY Cl. 25. CELIO FRANCE Cl. 9. General Motors LLC Cl. 12. FORD MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 12. General Motors LLC Cl. 9. SIEBERT INDUSTRIEELEKTRONIK GmbH 135502 135508 136015 136405 137071 137072 137073 137074 137187 137330 137331 137332 137333 137383 137384 137385 137386 137387 137388 137389 137390 137391 137469 137642 138084 138187 138388 138389 139187 139244 139289 139632 139778 139779 139780 140761 141711 141819 145434 152621 152622 200006 200068 (No. 2312) 1243 Cl. 3. THE BODY SHOP INTERNATIONAL PLC Cl. 9. Fisher Controls International LLC Cl. 5. PFIZER INC. Cl. 5. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Cl. 9. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 16. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 25. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 28. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 11. JUDO WASSERAUFBEREITUNG GmbH Cl. 9. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 16. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 25. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 28. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 6. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 7. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 8. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 9. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 6. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 7. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 8. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 9. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 6. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Cl. 3. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & Cie Cl. 9, Cl. 11, Cl. 12, Cl. 17. HELLA KGAA HUECK & CO. Cl. 30. CADBURY UK LIMITED Cl. 5. Robinson Healthcare Limited Cl. 7. GATES S.A. Cl. 7. GATES S.A. Cl. 30. ABF GRAIN PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 9. ASCOM HOLDING AG Cl. 5. BAYER CONSUMER CARE AG Cl. 9. MITAC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Cl. 14. DC Comics Cl. 30. DC Comics Cl. 32. DC Comics Cl. 33. CHIVAS HOLDINGS (IP) LIMITED Cl. 12. PIAGGIO & C. S.p.A. Cl. 16. EUROPAY INTERNATIONAL S.A. Cl. 30. ABF GRAIN PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 3. SANMEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 5. SANMEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 42. PIZZA HUT INTERNATIONAL LLC Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. London Stock Exchange Group Holdings Limited 1244 27/07/2016 200167 200229 200330 200331 200332 200336 200395 200468 200657 200671 200693 200818 200820 200831 200944 201007 201035 201066 201290 201301 201302 201339 201352 201401 201404 201491 201546 201561 201578 201599 201600 201605 201711 201713 201731 Patents Office Journal Cl. 42. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED Cl. 42. PIZZA HUT INTERNATIONAL LLC Cl. 42. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED Cl. 42. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED Cl. 42. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED Cl. 40. FIAT AUTO S.p.A. Cl. 36. EUROCROSS INTERNATIONAL HOLDING B.V. Cl. 42. Micro Focus (US), Inc Cl. 36. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 42. Trademarks Holding, LLC Cl. 42. Trademarks Holding, LLC Cl. 42. MARSABULLOK LDA Cl. 36, Cl. 39, Cl. 42. VIRGIN ENTERPRISES LIMITED Cl. 42. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED Cl. 35. CHRISTIE MANSON & WOODS LIMITED Cl. 41. THE REHAB GROUP Cl. 36. QBE INSURANCE GROUP LIMITED Cl. 36. CAIXA D'ESTALVIS I PENSIONS DE BARCELONA Cl. 36. DIRECT LINE INSURANCE PLC. Cl. 37. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC Cl. 42. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC Cl. 38, Cl. 41. CHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION CORPORATION Cl. 36. DIRECT LINE INSURANCE PLC. Cl. 38. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 38. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 41. NRJ GROUP Cl. 37. DSG RETAIL IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 42. NATHAN'S FAMOUS SYSTEMS, INC. Cl. 36. SAMPO OYJ Cl. 36. Direct Line Insurance Plc. Cl. 36. Direct Line Insurance Plc. Cl. 35, Cl. 36. PLUS Markets Plc Cl. 36. The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (established in Ireland by Charter in 1783 and having limited liability) doing business as Bank of Ireland Group Cl. 42. WILLIAM FRY Cl. 37. BE AEROSPACE, INC. 201759 201760 201782 201795 201799 201808 201819 201820 201874 201935 201967 202033 202038 202078 202096 202098 202132 202158 202180 202208 202221 202228 202229 202284 202313 202319 202436 202455 202473 202487 202546 202552 202611 202612 202677 202724 202725 202758 202803 202863 (No. 2312) Cl. 38. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 38. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 42. REXAM PLC Cl. 36. DIRECT LINE INSURANCE PLC Cl. 42. Vinitrading Limited Cl. 37, Cl. 40. Suez International Cl. 41, Cl. 42. Ascertiva Group Limited Cl. 41, Cl. 42. Ascertiva Group Limited Cl. 41, Cl. 42. THE MEDICAL DEFENCE UNION LIMITED Cl. 39, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. SAGA LEISURE LIMITED Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 29. Lenard's Group Holdings Pty Ltd Cl. 42. CAFE ROUGE LIMITED Cl. 19, Cl. 37. IJM TIMBER ENGINEERING LIMITED Cl. 5. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 10. NOVARTIS AG Cl. 10. IMV TECHNOLOGIES Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 1. SKW STICKSTOFFWERKE PIESTERITZ GmbH Cl. 42. Bella Italia Restaurants Limited Cl. 5. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA GmbH Cl. 15. TAYLOR-LISTUG, INC. Cl. 15. TAYLOR-LISTUG, INC. Cl. 7. Bridgestone Corporation Cl. 5. ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED Cl. 9. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 3. The Wella Corporation Cl. 9. GIANFRANCO FERRÉ S.P.A., JLT Cl. 29, Cl. 30. TRI-SUM SNACKS LIMITED Cl. 6. Duggan Profiles Limited Cl. 7. TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE OPERATING COMPANY INC. Cl. 42. Comasec SAS Cl. 7. TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE OPERATING COMPANY INC. Cl. 7. TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE OPERATING COMPANY INC. Cl. 5. LEO PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS LTD. A/S (Lovens kemiske Fabrik Produktionsaktieselskab) Cl. 9. NOVAR ED&S LIMITED Cl. 9. NOVAR ED&S LIMITED Cl. 12. SAIC Motor Corporation Limited Cl. 35. TRANSEARCH INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS PLC Cl. 9, Cl. 11. NOVAR ED&S LIMITED 27/07/2016 202923 203045 203050 203078 203083 203183 203184 203335 203554 203590 203603 203611 203766 203837 204009 204093 204103 204405 204432 204433 204577 204684 204805 204934 205072 205126 205127 205129 205256 205743 205998 206057 Patents Office Journal Cl. 36. The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (established in Ireland by Charter in 1783 and having limited liability) doing business as Bank of Ireland Group Cl. 39, Cl. 42. IARNROD EIREANN IRISH RAIL Cl. 35, Cl. 36. SHERRY FITZGERALD LIMITED Cl. 12. FIAT AUTO S.p.a. Cl. 7. TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE OPERATING COMPANY INC. Cl. 4. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 37. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 41. THE REHAB GROUP Cl. 5. Sanofi Pasteur MSD S.N.C. Cl. 19, Cl. 37. IJM TIMBER ENGINEERING LIMITED Cl. 35. OYEZSTRAKER GROUP LIMITED Cl. 36, Cl. 41. THE IRISH CLEARING HOUSE LIMITED Cl. 39. Polar Air Cargo Worldwide, Inc Cl. 25. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 9, Cl. 15. KABUSHIKI KAISHA ZOOM Cl. 30. BEWLEY'S LIMITED Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 7, Cl. 17. COMPAGNIE PLASTIC OMNIUM Cl. 36. COÖPERATIEVE CENTRALE RAIFFEISEN-BOERENLEENBANK B.A. RABOBANK NEDERLAND Cl. 36. COÖPERATIEVE CENTRALE RAIFFEISEN-BOERENLEENBANK B.A. RABOBANK NEDERLAND Cl. 34. British American Tobacco (Brands) Limited Cl. 42. TACO BELL CORP. Cl. 5. ROTTAPHARM LTD. Cl. 37, Cl. 40, Cl. 42. CANNON HYGIENE (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 25. Aubade - Paris Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 39, Cl. 42. THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 39, Cl. 42. THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC Cl. 12. RALEIGH UK LIMITED Cl. 29, Cl. 30. SOREMARTEC S.A. Cl. 16. Georgia-Pacific Sàrl Cl. 38, Cl. 41. GEMSTAR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 39, Cl. 40, Cl. 42. SAVACENTRE LTD 206287 206288 206555 206556 206557 206558 206647 206714 207388 207854 208540 209508 209659 210501 212461 212658 214912 215762 215763 217979 224219 226730 227789 233404 233608 234146 234604 234627 234628 234629 234638 234639 234740 234748 234772 234781 234783 234790 (No. 2312) 1245 Cl. 42. TACO BELL CORP. Cl. 42. TACO BELL CORP. Cl. 35. Danone SA Cl. 36. Danone SA Cl. 41. Danone SA Cl. 42. Danone SA Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 38, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. Oracle International Corporation Cl. 39. IARNROD EIREANN IRISH RAIL Cl. 35. OFFICE DEPOT, INC Cl. 37, Cl. 42. UNISYS CORPORATION Cl. 36. ING GROEP N.V. Cl. 39. AIR CANADA Cl. 11. SIERRA S.p.A. Cl. 41. SEGA Games Co., Ltd. Cl. 9. LEGRAND SNC. Cl. 2, Cl. 7, Cl. 16. AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 18, Cl. 25. Fat Face Holdings Limited Cl. 39. 1-800-Flowers.Com, Inc. Cl. 39. 1-800-Flowers.Com, Inc. Cl. 39. STENA LINE LIMITED Cl. 35. FORBIDDEN PLANET LIMITED Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland Cl. 2, Cl. 6, Cl. 8, Cl. 16, Cl. 19, Cl. 27, Cl. 35. Associated Hardware Public Limited Company. Cl. 41. DAVID OHORA Cl. 25, Cl. 35. FLASH & PARTNERS S.P.A. Cl. 16. OYEZSTRAKER GROUP LIMITED Cl. 30. UNITED BISCUITS (UK) LIMITED Cl. 19. SIG Trading (Ireland) Limited Cl. 19. SIG Trading (Ireland) Limited Cl. 19. SIG Trading (Ireland) Limited Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. THE MEMBERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE IRISH BANKING FEDERATION Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. THE MEMBERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE IRISH BANKING FEDERATION Cl. 7, Cl. 8. LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG Cl. 5. ROWEX LTD. Cl. 41. WALKING WILD IRELAND Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. THE MEMBERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE IRISH BANKING FEDERATION Cl. 32. BAHA LIMITED Cl. 1, Cl. 5. BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL), Zweigniederlassung Zurich 1246 27/07/2016 234896 234928 234973 234975 235059 235085 235138 235350 235735 235743 236062 236131 236627 237529 237849 239605 240462 240469 243981 249018 249027 253951 Patents Office Journal Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 39, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. GLOSS PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Cl. 29, Cl. 30. AL BURAQ TRADERS LIMITED Cl. 12. SSANGYONG MOTOR COMPANY Cl. 6, Cl. 42. NORINCO (société par actions simplifiée) Cl. 39. ULSTERBUS LIMITED Cl. 8. Cable Management Products, Ltd. Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 41, Cl. 43. SUE HILL Cl. 3, Cl. 4, Cl. 8, Cl. 9, Cl. 11, Cl. 16, Cl. 20, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 27. MARKS AND SPENCER P.L.C. Cl. 5. BASF SE Cl. 11. Polypipe Limited Cl. 2. PPG Architectural Coatings Ireland Limited Cl. 25. WILLIAM LAMB GROUP LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35. MYOB TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD Cl. 36. EASY FOREX LTD. Cl. 39. WRI NOMINEES LIMITED Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 39, Cl. 40, Cl. 41, Cl. 42, Cl. 44, Cl. 45. THE REHAB GROUP Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 39, Cl. 40, Cl. 41, Cl. 42, Cl. 44, Cl. 45. THE REHAB GROUP Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 39, Cl. 40, Cl. 41, Cl. 42, Cl. 44, Cl. 45. THE REHAB GROUP Cl. 19. ETERNIT s.a./n.v. Cl. 39. 1-800-Flowers.Com, Inc. Cl. 31. 1-800-Flowers.Com, Inc. Cl. 3. ADVANCE MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS INC. 49858 49860 49899 50065 78096 78249 78292 78293 78294 78383 78384 78487 78994 79200 79854 114918 115018 115019 115159 115371 115372 Renewal Fees unpaid at date of expiry of Registration or renewal thereof - Rule 39(1) of the 1996 Rules 115393 115396 115397 115398 49158 49263 49310 49463 49508 Cl. 5. 18 May 2016. Wyeth LLC Cl. 9. 01 May 2016. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) Cl. 30. 13 May 2016. ADM Nineteen Limited Cl. 5. 14 May 2016. SmithKline Beecham Pharma GmbH & Co. K.G. Cl. 9. 18 May 2016. RANK LEISURE HOLDINGS PLC 115400 115404 115423 115424 115432 (No. 2312) Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. ALLIANCE PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Cl. 2. 31 May 2016. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 9. 30 May 2016. ROLLEI FOTOTECHNIC GmbH Cl. 20. 02 May 2016. DCI Holding GmbH Cl. 32. 23 May 2016. THE COCACOLA COMPANY Cl. 7. 18 May 2016. Indesit Company S.p.A. Cl. 9. 18 May 2016. Indesit Company S.p.A. Cl. 11. 18 May 2016. Indesit Company S.p.A. Cl. 5. 12 May 2016. MUELHENS GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 3. 13 May 2016. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 34. 12 May 2016. Austria Tabak GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 5. 27 May 2016. SANOFI Cl. 21. 02 May 2016. DCI Holding GmbH Cl. 33. 12 May 2016. Palmer & Harvey McLane Limited Cl. 5. 01 May 2016. BSN MEDICAL LIMITED Cl. 3. 05 May 2016. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 5. 06 May 2016. ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED Cl. 1. 05 May 2016. ALLERGOPHARMA JOACHIM GANZER KG Cl. 5. 02 May 2016. T.J. SMITH AND NEPHEW, LIMITED Cl. 10. 02 May 2016. T.J. SMITH AND NEPHEW, LIMITED Cl. 5. 14 May 2016. RECKITT & COLMAN PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 8. 14 May 2016. Apex Brands, Inc. Cl. 33. 14 May 2016. MAISON LOUIS JADOT S.A.R.L. Cl. 33. 14 May 2016. MAISON LOUIS JADOT S.A.R.L. Cl. 5. 16 May 2016. SCHWARZ PHARMA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 31. 19 May 2016. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Cl. 5. 27 May 2016. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 5. 27 May 2016. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 31. 30 May 2016. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED 27/07/2016 115877 115954 115961 116297 116298 116313 116317 116320 116530 116669 116670 116785 116786 116787 116908 117213 117346 117357 117397 117489 117490 117491 117492 117493 117494 117495 117496 117497 117791 118003 Patents Office Journal Cl. 29. 14 May 2016. ALMAS CHP S.A. Cl. 33. 13 May 2016. JIM BEAM BRANDS CO Cl. 17. 27 May 2016. AEROBORD LIMITED Cl. 9. 16 May 2016. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Cl. 16. 16 May 2016. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Cl. 5. 05 May 2016. Mayne Pharma International Pty Ltd. Cl. 7. 20 May 2016. ORONA S. COOP Cl. 33. 23 May 2016. Pernod Ricard España, S.A. Cl. 16. 19 May 2016. F.A. WYATT AND COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 33. 27 May 2016. Bersano Vini S.p.A. Cl. 33. 27 May 2016. Bersano Vini S.p.A. Cl. 1. 27 May 2016. BISON INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 11. 27 May 2016. BISON INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 16. 27 May 2016. BISON INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 5. 12 May 2016. E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, L.L.C. Cl. 3. 13 May 2016. PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR Cl. 12. 06 May 2016. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 10. 14 May 2016. XIROS PLC Cl. 30. 28 May 2016. McDONALD'S INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY COMPANY LTD. Cl. 14. 14 May 2016. BREEDERS' CUP LIMITED Cl. 16. 14 May 2016. BREEDERS' CUP LIMITED Cl. 18. 14 May 2016. BREEDERS' CUP LIMITED Cl. 25. 14 May 2016. BREEDERS' CUP LIMITED Cl. 28. 14 May 2016. BREEDERS' CUP LIMITED Cl. 18. 22 May 2016. DIAGEO BRANDS B.V. Cl. 18. 22 May 2016. DIAGEO BRANDS B.V. Cl. 25. 22 May 2016. DIAGEO BRANDS B.V. Cl. 25. 22 May 2016. DIAGEO BRANDS B.V. Cl. 30. 14 May 2016. Boyne Valley Cl. 29. 07 May 2016. Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 118032 118139 118392 118594 118595 118689 118690 119249 119250 119384 119883 121390 123094 127030 127621 149491 234168 234169 234170 234171 234173 234174 234187 234189 234190 234191 234192 234193 (No. 2312) 1247 Cl. 11. 01 May 2016. Indesit Company UK Limited Cl. 12. 05 May 2016. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 30. 26 May 2016. LOTUS BAKERIES Cl. 5. 19 May 2016. F.A. WYATT AND COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 25. 26 May 2016. SONY KABUSHIKI KAISHA SONY CORPORATION. Cl. 29. 20 May 2016. Boyne Valley Cl. 30. 26 May 2016. BEWLEY'S LIMITED Cl. 32. 13 May 2016. Britvic Ireland Limited Cl. 34. 26 May 2016. HARRODS LIMITED Cl. 33. 14 May 2016. MAISON LOUIS JADOT S.A.R.L. Cl. 29. 27 May 2016. Compagnie Laitiere Europeenne Cl. 7. 26 May 2016. COMARME Marchetti F.A. S.p.A. Cl. 11. 29 May 2016. INDUCTOTHERM CORP Cl. 4, Cl. 8, Cl. 16, Cl. 21, Cl. 24. 13 May 2016. Duni AB Cl. 5. 02 May 2016. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Cl. 30. 26 May 2016. Robert Roberts Limited Cl. 12. 03 May 2016. BANGKOK CYCLE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Cl. 12. 03 May 2016. BANGKOK CYCLE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Cl. 12. 03 May 2016. BANGKOK CYCLE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Cl. 42. 05 May 2016. JULIANNA MARTIN Cl. 36. 05 May 2016. FRIENDS FIRST HOLDINGS LIMITED Cl. 29. 05 May 2016. DR. OETKER (UK) LTD Cl. 3. 09 May 2016. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 5. 09 May 2016. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 5. 09 May 2016. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 35. 05 May 2016. JIM O'CALLAGHAN Cl. 35. 05 May 2016. JIM O'CALLAGHAN Cl. 35. 05 May 2016. JIM O'CALLAGHAN 1248 27/07/2016 234194 234209 234224 234225 234226 234231 234235 234236 234239 234240 234243 234255 234261 234264 234272 234274 234281 234283 234284 234289 234291 234292 234293 234295 234296 234297 234298 234299 234301 234304 Patents Office Journal Cl. 35. 05 May 2016. JIM O'CALLAGHAN Cl. 30. 04 May 2016. MICHAEL SANFT Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. 04 May 2016. PARIS RE Cl. 25. 04 May 2016. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 5. 04 May 2016. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 41. 03 May 2016. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 3. 03 May 2016. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 35, Cl. 39. 12 May 2016. JOHNSON BROTHERS LIMITED Cl. 3. 11 May 2016. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 35, Cl. 41. 09 May 2016. AN FORAS AISEANNA SAOTHAIR Cl. 28. 11 May 2016. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 5. 09 May 2016. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 11 May 2016. DONAL FOLEY Cl. 16, Cl. 28. 11 May 2016. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 3. 18 May 2016. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 36. 19 May 2016. LONGREACH HOLDINGS IRELAND Cl. 5. 17 May 2016. ASTELLAS Pharma Inc. Cl. 41, Cl. 43. 16 May 2016. SKEFFINGTON ARMS LIMITED Cl. 30. 16 May 2016. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 7. 11 May 2016. NIALL O'REILLY Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. AstraZeneca AB Cl. 35. 25 May 2016. Oaktree Management Ltd Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. AstraZeneca AB Cl. 33. 10 May 2016. ICON DISTILLERS Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. Astellas Pharma Inc. Cl. 33. 10 May 2016. ICON DISTILLERS Cl. 3. 26 May 2016. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. 30 May 2016. OBBRANDS B.V. 234307 234308 234310 234311 234312 234313 234318 234324 234325 234326 234329 234330 234333 234336 234339 234340 234341 234342 234343 234344 234349 234351 234352 234354 234355 234357 234364 234366 234370 (No. 2312) Cl. 41. 02 May 2016. RICHARD BURKE Cl. 35. 17 May 2016. VISUALISE LIMITED Cl. 35. 18 May 2016. BUNAC TRAVEL SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 35. 18 May 2016. BUNAC TRAVEL SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 35. 18 May 2016. BUNAC TRAVEL SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 30. 30 May 2016. ROBERT ROBERTS LIMITED Cl. 3. 10 May 2016. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 30. 23 May 2016. FERRERO UK LIMITED Cl. 3. 23 May 2016. PUNCH INDUSTRIES Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 32. 03 May 2016. Kerry Luxembourg S.à.r.l. Cl. 16, Cl. 41. 18 May 2016. THE MARKETING INSTITUTE OF IRELAND Cl. 16. 18 May 2016. Soffass S.p.A. Cl. 41. 17 May 2016. Jikijela Ltd. Cl. 16, Cl. 37. 05 May 2016. JAMES BREEN Cl. 3, Cl. 5. 31 May 2016. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 25. 31 May 2016. EMMETT CORBETT Cl. 25, Cl. 35. 31 May 2016. EMMETT CORBETT Cl. 25. 31 May 2016. EMMETT CORBETT Cl. 35. 31 May 2016. QUINTAS PARTNERS Cl. 39. 31 May 2016. SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT LONDON LUTON LTD Cl. 29. 01 June 2016. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 41. 12 May 2016. HANNA TUURI Cl. 9, Cl. 42. 24 May 2016. MEITICHEOL TEORANTA Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 44. 30 May 2016. SIMPLYHEALTH ACCESS Cl. 9, Cl. 42. 24 May 2016. MEITICHEOL TEORANTA Cl. 36. 16 May 2016. THE IRISH HOSPICE FOUNDATION Cl. 36. 16 May 2016. IRISH HOSPICE FOUNDATION Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 41. 26 May 2016. NEWS 106 LIMITED Cl. 8, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 35. 17 May 2016. VOLKER HANINGER 27/07/2016 234372 234390 234391 234400 234402 234409 234414 234419 234420 234429 234443 234457 234461 234480 234501 234507 234508 234522 234523 234537 234538 234539 234540 234561 234583 234601 234614 234652 234654 Patents Office Journal Cl. 6, Cl. 37. 16 May 2016. DONAL SKELLY LTD Cl. 35. 17 May 2016. O'KEEFFES OF KILKENNY LIMITED Cl. 35. 17 May 2016. O'KEEFFES OF KILKENNY LIMITED Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 35. 31 May 2016. LEWIS & FINCH LIMITED Cl. 3. 23 May 2016. RECKITT BENCKISER FINISH B.V. Cl. 38, Cl. 41. 05 May 2016. VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC. Cl. 3, Cl. 18, Cl. 21. 17 May 2016. PUNCH INDUSTRIES Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 38. 30 May 2016. DOME MOBILE SERVICES LTD Cl. 41. 03 May 2016. MARY STEFANAZZI Cl. 35. 09 May 2016. BORDERS PROPERTIES INC Cl. 9, Cl. 42. 31 May 2016. DEREK MC CLEAN Cl. 35. 23 May 2016. O'KEEFFES OF KILKENNY LIMITED Cl. 35. 23 May 2016. O'KEEFFES OF KILKENNY LIMITED Cl. 35. 23 May 2016. O'KEEFFES OF KILKENNY LIMITED Cl. 16. 18 May 2016. Soffass S.p.A. Cl. 9. 04 May 2016. PADRAIC MORGAN Cl. 11. 31 May 2016. INDESIT COMPANY UK LIMITED Cl. 29, Cl. 32, Cl. 43. 19 May 2016. PADRAIG FLAHERTY Cl. 32. 11 May 2016. OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES INC Cl. 9. 18 May 2016. FERGAL SHEVLIN Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 16 May 2016. LAWSCRIPT (NI) LIMITED Cl. 36. 09 May 2016. CHASTAL Cl. 35, Cl. 36. 09 May 2016. CHASTAL Cl. 42. 10 May 2016. COSTELLO ACCESS FLOORS LTD T/A HOME SNAG Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 41. 19 May 2016. Pep Publishing Limited Cl. 41, Cl. 43. 19 May 2016. CLONTARF CASTLE Cl. 5. 25 May 2016. Reckitt Benckiser LLC Cl. 25. 30 May 2016. DEREK MCGARRY Cl. 25. 30 May 2016. DEREK MCGARRY 234670 234672 234673 234688 234701 234729 234730 234775 234789 234816 234893 234909 234910 234940 234945 234960 234978 234980 235019 235052 235107 (No. 2312) 1249 Cl. 6, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 20, Cl. 21, Cl. 26, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 44, Cl. 45. 31 May 2016. CONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY Cl. 6, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 20, Cl. 21, Cl. 26, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 44, Cl. 45. 31 May 2016. CONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY Cl. 6, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 20, Cl. 21, Cl. 26, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 44, Cl. 45. 31 May 2016. CONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY Cl. 35, Cl. 44. 25 May 2016. ELAINE BARRETT Cl. 9. 01 June 2016. OLE KRISTIAN FAGERSAND Cl. 41. 17 May 2016. DEVELOPMENT CENTER FOR TEACHING CHINESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION P.R.C. Cl. 41. 17 May 2016. DEVELOPMENT CENTER FOR TEACHING CHINESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION P.R.C. Cl. 30. 09 May 2016. IRISH SUGAR LTD Cl. 36. 23 May 2016. PRIMAFINANCE LTD T/A PRIMAFINANCE.IE Cl. 35, Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 45. 11 May 2016. STEPHEN DORAN Cl. 38. 09 May 2016. KEN RUSSELL Cl. 35, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 24 May 2016. VOLUNTEER CENTRES IRELAND (VCI) Cl. 35, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 24 May 2016. VOLUNTEER CENTRES IRELAND (VCI) Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 25, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 32. 11 May 2016. MOLKEREI ALOIS MÜLLER GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 38, Cl. 41. 11 May 2016. VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 41. 19 May 2016. DESMOND CONNAUGHTON Cl. 3. 11 May 2016. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 11. 04 May 2016. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Cl. 41. 30 May 2016. SAMANTHA RAWSON Cl. 25. 18 May 2016. STAUNTON SPORTS Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 10 May 2016. FRANCES GALVIN 1250 27/07/2016 235145 235162 235178 235205 235207 235210 235238 235287 235299 235463 235562 235566 235798 235838 235869 235926 236056 236057 236058 236110 236111 236143 236144 236164 236212 236359 Patents Office Journal Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 41. 23 May 2016. Emer O' Kelly on behalf of The Dublin Institute of Technology Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 14. 24 May 2016. Derek Raleigh Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 43. 30 May 2016. PUB EVENTURES LIMITED T/A E.V.G. Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 42. 10 May 2016. NAOIMH TUOHY Cl. 9, Cl. 42. 03 May 2016. REDMERE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 35. 31 May 2016. BRAND STORES LIMITED T/A DESIGNER ROOM Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 35, Cl. 39, Cl. 44. 16 May 2016. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 41, Cl. 43. 01 June 2016. PELETON DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Cl. 10, Cl. 25, Cl. 35. 30 May 2016. Name Drop SARL Cl. 39. 31 May 2016. SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT LONDON LUTON LTD Cl. 9, Cl. 12, Cl. 16. 24 May 2016. MICHELIN RECHERCHE ET TECHNIQUE S.A. Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 3. 30 May 2016. Soap & Glory Limited Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 03 May 2016. NINTENDO CO., LTD. Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 03 May 2016. NINTENDO CO., LTD. Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 35, Cl. 39, Cl. 41, Cl. 43. 25 May 2016. LIFFEY CABLE CAR COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 30. 04 May 2016. IRISH SUGAR LTD Cl. 32, Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 44. 19 May 2016. CENTRE OPERATORS LIMITED 236360 239507 (No. 2312) Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 37, Cl. 38, Cl. 40, Cl. 41. 18 May 2016. FUJI PHOTOFILM (IRELAND) LTD Cl. 44. 08 May 2016. JIM VERLING Trade Marks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39(2) of the 1996 Act and Rules. 48244 48267 48635 49122 49338 49339 66404 66410 66625 66627 66669 66670 66956 68735 77420 77483 77660 77768 77871 78019 78189 78328 78388 78796 79025 113416 113419 113701 113997 114224 114245 114514 114518 114521 Cl. 34. ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 34. Philip Morris Brands Sárl Cl. 32. Britvic Ireland Limited Cl. 30. IREL COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 3. BREMA FRANCE L.T.P. Cl. 3. BREMA FRANCE L.T.P. Cl. 2. CROWN BERGER IRELAND LIMITED CROWN BERGER IRELAND, Cl. 29. Unilever Ireland Holdings Limited Cl. 1, 3. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 1, 3. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 1. Alcan Aluminium Valais SA Cl. 6. Alcan Aluminium Valais SA Cl. 1. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 3. COLUMBIA COSMETICS GmbH Cl. 33. ENGEL OVERSEAS LTD Cl. 5. H. LUNDBECK A/S Cl. 23. TORAY KABUSHIKI KAISHA TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. Cl. 29. Lakeland Dairy Sales Limited Cl. 1. TFL LEDERTECHNIK GMBH Cl. 5. OMS Investments, Inc. Cl. 2. DEB LIMITED Cl. 5. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 7. HEIDELBERGER DRUCKMASCHINEN A.G. Cl. 16. PORELON, INC. Cl. 1. TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 5. VETOQUINOL S.A. Cl. 5. Fidia Farmaceutici SpA Cl. 15. JERRY WREN Cl. 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. FUJITSU KABUSHIKI KAISHA (FUJITSU LIMITED) Cl. 5. RURAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PTY. LIMITED Cl. 1. Henkel Corporation Cl. 9. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA 27/07/2016 114522 114829 114830 115452 116090 117049 117431 117437 117989 123321 123322 134296 134297 151463 151464 233144 233152 233153 233155 233158 233159 233160 233162 233170 233171 233177 233178 233179 233181 233182 233184 233185 233187 233189 Patents Office Journal Cl. 5. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Cl. 24. Adidas International Marketing BV Cl. 25. Adidas International Marketing BV Cl. 9. Induplas S.p.A. Cl. 3. BOTTGER GMBH PHARMAZEUTISCHE UND KOSMETISCHE PRAPARATE Cl. 34. MANUFACTURE DE TABACS HEINTZ VAN LANDEWYCK S.A.R.L. Cl. 10. MAIRE CASEY Cl. 30. Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V. Cl. 16. AT&T CORP. Cl. 16. Robeco Groep N.V. Cl. 16. Stichting Rodamco Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 29. CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Cl. 30. CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 16, 35. RIVER NEWSPAPERS HOLDINGS LIMITED Cl. 16, 35. RIVER NEWSPAPERS HOLDINGS LIMITED Cl. 9. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 14, 18, 25. ASSOCIATED INDEPENDENT STORES LIMITED Cl. 3. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 29. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 3. Johnson & Johnson Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 3, 5. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 36, 38. COOPERATIVE CENTRALE RAIFFEISENBOERENLEEN BANK B.A. Cl. 32. PEPSICO, INC. 233191 233193 233195 233196 233210 233233 233234 233237 233238 233239 233248 233251 233256 233258 233280 233283 233289 233291 233292 233301 233319 233321 233324 233338 233397 233406 233407 233413 233429 233432 233447 233459 233475 233482 233489 233490 233503 233518 233519 233522 (No. 2312) 1251 Cl. 11, 35. BSH HOME APPLIANCES LIMITED Cl. 5. WYETH Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 25. JACK AND JADE LIMITED Cl. 36, 41. THE INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF IRELAND Cl. 41, 43. JOHN JAMES WOODS Cl. 5. SHIELD HEALTH LTD Cl. 15. Premier Percussion Limited Cl. 15. Premier Percussion Limited Cl. 15. Premier Percussion Limited Cl. 11, 16, 20, 37. ADRIAN O DONOGHUE Cl. 20. KAYFOAM WOOLFSON Cl. 9, 41. THE EUROPEAN COMPUTER DRIVING LICENCE FOUNDATION LIMITED Cl. 9, 11, 16, 20, 35, 40, 42. ROTHCO LIMITED Cl. 14. BRIAN PILLOW Cl. 16, 41. JOSEPH NULTY Cl. 3. Johnson & Johnson Cl. 3. Johnson & Johnson Cl. 3. Johnson & Johnson Cl. 29, 30. McCAIN FOODS (GB) LIMITED Cl. 3. SUNDRELLE Cl. 5. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB MEDICAL IMAGING, INC. Cl. 7. DAVID GETHINGS Cl. 5. HELSINN BIREX THERAPEUTICS LIMITED Cl. 5. Shield Health Limited Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 33. PEDRO REYNOLDS Cl. 16. AUDREY FORDE T/A FINAL TOUCH WEDDING STATIONERY Cl. 29. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 31. PALLAS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 41. JAMES GAVIN Cl. 9. RESEARCH IN MOTION LIMITED Cl. 39. ZEFCOM LIMITED Cl. 19, 35, 37. CMB Group Limited Cl. 12. HEFFERNAN MARKETING LTD Cl. 12. HEFFERNAN MARKETING LTD Cl. 41. CELGENE CORPORATION Cl. 16, 35, 41. METRO EIREANN Cl. 35, 36. CIARA SHERLOCK Cl. 29, 30. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. 1252 27/07/2016 233540 233562 233574 233587 233602 233640 233675 233692 233693 233696 233715 233754 233764 234071 234186 234204 234376 234401 234448 234464 234469 234724 234886 234959 235301 235526 235832 239725 239996 Patents Office Journal Cl. 29, 30, 32, 35, 39. JOHN HEALY Cl. 11, 12, 16. HALFORDS LIMITED Cl. 37. STUART MCGRATH Cl. 9. MITAC INTERNATIONAL CORP. Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3, 9, 16, 25, 41. NAISSA LIMITED Cl. 41. NAOMH ULTAN C.L.G. Cl. 29, 30. McCAIN FOODS (GB) LIMITED Cl. 6, 19, 20, 37. ALLIED STORAGE & RACKING LIMITED Cl. 9, 42. SOFTWARE INFORMATION DESIGNS LIMITED Cl. 16, 41. ZAHRA PUBLISHING LIMITED Cl. 43. ANTHONY KAUFFMANN Cl. 9. Alison Sheridan Cl. 16, 25, 28, 41. CUMANN LÚTHCHLEAS GAEL Cl. 37, 42. JAMES REYNOLDS Cl. 3, 5, 8. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 36. C.R.O.S.S. (CANCER RESEARCH OF THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH AT ST. JAMES' HOSPITAL) Cl. 41. TRIM CELTIC AFC Cl. 29, 30. PETER L.M. BAKER Cl. 10, 18, 24, 25, 26, 35. BOYNER HOLDING ANONIM SIRKETI Cl. 25. FRANK MURPHY Cl. 27, 35, 37. EOIN KENNEDY Cl. 16, 35, 41, 42, 43. URBAN BALLYFERMOT LIMITED Cl. 17. FLEX-SEAL COUPLINGS LIMITED Cl 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 35. EDUN APPAREL LTD Cl. 35, 36. Taxback Limited Cl. 21, 27. DARREN McCLURE Cl. 36. ST. PAUL TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED AND WRIGHT GROUP LIMITED Cl. 30. Kerry Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (No. 2312) Application to Alter Trade Mark(s) Registered under the 1996 Act Class 7. TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE OPERATING COMPANY INC. The mark in the proposed altered form, is as shown hereunder: 202547 Any person desiring to oppose the application must give Notice of opposition to the Controller in accordance with rule 35(2) of the 1996 Rules within three months of the date of this Journal issue. Class 36. J.F. DUNNE GROUP LIMITED. The mark in the proposed altered form, is as shown hereunder: 204033 Any person desiring to oppose the application must give Notice of opposition to the Controller in accordance with rule 35(2) of the 1996 Rules within three months of the date of this Journal issue. Leave to Alter Trade Mark(s) Registered under the 1996 Act, Granted Surrender of Registered Trade Mark(s) - Rule 36 of 1996 Trade Mark Rules 235601 Cl. 29 30. Kerry Luxembourg S.à.r.l. A representation of the mark in its altered form was advertised in Journal No: 2303 on 23/03/2016. 89104 Class 3. Essential oils, Eau de Cologne, perfumes, soaps, non-medicated toilet preparations, cosmetics. Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Cologne GmbH. Surrender in respect of all goods. 27/07/2016 211704 (No. 2312) 1253 Patents Office Journal Class 3. Hair care products namely shampoos, conditioners, sprays, gels and foams; and skin care products namely soaps, body wash, moisturizing lotions and creams, cleansers and astringents and toners. The Procter & Gamble Company. Surrender in respect of all goods. International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol seeking protection in the State. Any person desiring to oppose the conferring of protection in the State to the undermentioned marks may, within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the holder affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for protection of the International Registration in the State. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. RU-141407 Khimki, Moscow Region, Russian Federation 1195740 12/10/2015 Paper, cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Class 28. Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Yusupov Rafis Rinatovich, kv.320, d.7, ul. Babakina, Colour Claimed: Red and white. Representative: S.Lovtsov, Patent & Law Firm "YUS", LLC, d.6, Prospekt Mira, RU-129090 Moscow, Russian Federation Class 16. Ecube Labs 1268955 20/07/2015 Class 37. Installation of waste compaction bins; repair of waste compaction bins; installation of trash compacting machines; repair 1254 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal of trash compacting machines; installation of electric waste compressing apparatus for industrial purposes; repair of electric waste compressing apparatus for industrial purposes; installation of food waste compressors; repair of food waste compressors; installation of electric waste compaction bins; repair of electric waste compaction bins; installation of mechanical waste compaction bins; repair of mechanical waste compaction bins; installation of solar-powered waste compaction bins; repair of solar-powered waste compaction bins; installation of waste loadage detecting sensors; installation of sensors for detecting temperature, location and distance. medical and clinical use. Priority Date Claimed: 13 April 2015 United States of America Sony Biotechnology Inc., 1730 North First Street, San Jose CA 95112, United States of America Representative: 1285292 Priority Date Claimed: 04 February 2015 Republic of Korea Ecube Labs, Inc., Rm. 406, 4F, 20, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul 152-766, Republic of Korea Representative: HAN, Ji Hee, #301, 3F, 218, Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, Republic of Korea FLOWPOINT 1277540 12/10/2015 Class 10. Medical instruments and apparatus, namely, cell analyzers for medical or clinical use; medical instruments and apparatus, namely, cell sorters for medical and clinical use; flow cytometers for medical and clinical diagnostic use; sample preparation devices for (No. 2312) Robert B.G. Horowitz, Baker & Hostetler LLP, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, 14th Floor, New York NY 10111, United States of America 27/08/2015 Class 9. Instruments and apparatus for recording, storage, transmission, distribution, reproducing and processing sound, images and data; downloadable audio and video files; computer software (recorded or downloadable) for the loading of music, sounds, images and texts; programs for computer games, gaming consoles, and mobile devices; downloadable electronic games; entertainment computer programs (recorded and downloadable); education and entertainment interactive multimedia software (downloadable); sound and image recorded carriers; magnetic data media; digital storage and reproduction of sound or images recording media; optical data media; CD-ROMs; downloadable films, audio and video tapes, downloadable sound and audiovisual recordings; electronic publications (downloadable); music 27/07/2016 Class 28. Class 35. (No. 2312) 1255 Patents Office Journal cassettes; pre-recorded music and video cassettes; DVDs, CDs, CD Roms; peripherals adapted for use with computers; software for the transmission and reception of data, sound or images programs; telecommunications software (recorded and downloadable); search engine software (recorded and downloadable), devices and software for transmission and reception of television programs and audio-visual data in a telecommunications network and on telephones and mobile devices; interfaces (interface devices or interface programs for computers, monitors, telephones and mobile devices), circuit boards; USB flash drives. Interactive games for mobile electronic devices. Advertising; advertising on telecommunication and data networks; production of radio and television advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; business management of databases, transmission data networks, sound and images and telecommunication networks; dissemination of advertising material; data collection and systematization in central databases; affiliate advertising campaigns organization; online retail store services in relation to music, sounds, images, data and recorded media products ; conducting of auctions and public sales via telecommunications networks; advertising services for promoting the sale of audio, audio-visual files, images and texts by others via information networks; compilation and analysis in the field of business data distribution and retail sale via the Internet; events and entertainment advertising; Class 38. arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; rental of advertising space on the Internet. Telecommunications; telecommunications services via radio, television, broadcasting, fiber-optic networks, satellite and Internet platforms and portals; communications via computer terminals; distribution, transfer, and transmission of audio, video and digital radio and television programs on telecommunications devices and computers via global telecommunications portams and telecommunication portals; on-line dissemination and transmission of news, data, audio and video by telephone, cable, satellite, electronic data and hertz waves; advice and information services relating to telecommunications, including by electronic means; information transmission services; cellular telephone communication; call transfer services, call forwarding services; providing access to telephone directory services; providing access to telephone directory services; voice transmission; providing databases access in the field of information and communications by telephone, electronic, cable or satellite networks; providing access and connection to computer, telephone and telecommunication networks; providing access and connection to telecommunication and information networks, databases, the Internet, telecommunication portals, electronic news services; electronic exchange of images, audio signals, digital data and files via telecommunication networks; 1256 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal providing online chat rooms via telecommunications or electronic news services; provision of Internet chat rooms; electronic messaging; providing access to digital databases and computer programs on data networks; providing access to web sites in the field of entertainment for exchanging information; providing a telecommunication network and telecommunication portals for electronic commerce of goods and services, press and information services; provision of access to databases; providing access to networks and telecommunication portals; providing access to telecommunication network search engine; providing access to videos, films, music and software on telecommunication and data networks; transmission (telecommunication) of online offers and small advertisements for distribution, advertising, sale and resale of goods via global information networks; providing access and transmission (telecommunication) of information and statistics, quantitative and qualitative information, regarding the sale and resale of goods via global information networks; transmission of radio and television commercials; transmission of programs and entertainment events via telecommunications and information services; access time rental to databases or to a database server center; audio, video, electronic and video games on-line transmission services; video files, text and music on-line transmission; providing access to interactive and video games on data (No. 2312) Class 41. Class 42. networks. On-line entertainment via local and global networks and via telecommunication and information databases; information on entertainment and cultural activities; provision of non downloadable online electronic publications; rental of cine-films, videos and music on the Internet, databases and electronic networks; seats booking for entertainment events; production of motion pictures, events, sound recordings, radio and television programs; photographic reporting; music production services; video editing services; interactive games for computers, consoles, mobile devices and global information networks publishing; information relating to entertainment events news, film and other audiovisual productions; implementation of online games on information and telecommunications networks; conducting of events and entertainment offers arranging; entertainment programs and events production; games, competitions and demonstrations via telecommunication and information networks and telecommunication portals; on-line information in the field of entertainment, of education and sporting and cultural activities via databases or the Internet; music rental, non downloadable video. Telecommunications software maintenance and updating; web sites hosting for others; communication software installation; developing of telecommunication network systems, in particular for transmitting, telephone cabling, and fiber optic 27/07/2016 Class 45. transmission systems; developing of telecommunication sites for electronic commerce via global computer networks; development and design (updating and improvement) of compact disks, interactive CD-Roms, video discs, Cds, CD-Roms, audio and video files; development, improvement, maintenance and updating of websites for others; non-downloadable telecommunication networks search engine rental; development, maintenance and updating of search engine software for telecommunication networks; non-downloadable software rental; Internet electronic memory capacity providing or rental; data in computer databases electronic storage and backup; computer database design and development; database software maintenance; design and creation of web pages for broadcasting via telecommunications and computer networks; computer and networks databases technical management. Online social networking services; horoscopes creation on telecommunications and computer networks, and telecommunication portals. Priority Date Claimed: 17 March 2015 France WATCHEVER GROUP, 12 rue de Penthièvre, F75008 Paris, France Notings: (No. 2312) 1257 Patents Office Journal This application is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of registered community trade mark 008501082. 1285293 27/08/2015 Class 9. Apparatus and instruments recording, storage, transmission, distribution, reproducing and processing of sound, images and data; audio and video files for downloading; computer software for loading of music, sounds, images and texts (recorded or downloadable); computer games, gaming consoles, and mobile devices programs; downloadable electronic games; entertainment computer programs (recorded and downloadable); education and entertainment interactive multimedia software (downloadable); sound and image recorded carriers; magnetic data media; digital storage and reproduction of sound or images recording media; optical data media; CD-ROMs; films, audio and video tapes, downloadable sound and audiovisual recordings; electronic publications (downloadable); music cassettes; pre-recorded music and video cassettes; DVDs, CDs, CD Roms; peripherals adapted for use with computers; programs for transmission and reception of data, sound or images; telecommunications software (recorded and downloadable); search engine software (recorded and downloadable), devices and software for transmission and reception of television programs and audio-visual data in a telecommunications network or on telephones and mobile 1258 27/07/2016 Class 28. Class 35. Class 38. Patents Office Journal devices; interfaces (interface devices or interface programs for computers, monitors, telephones and mobile devices), circuit boards; USB flash drives. Mobile electronic interactive games devices. Advertising; advertising services on telecommunication and data networks; radio and television advertising production; advertising matter dissemination; databases, transmission of data networks, sound and images and telecommunication networks business management; dissemination of advertising material; collection and systematization of data in central database; affiliate advertising campaigns organization; music media, images, online retail store services in relation to music, images, sounds and recorded data products; conducting of auctions and public sales via telecommunications networks; advertising services for promoting the sale of audio, audio-visual files, images and texts by others via information networks; compilation and analysis of business data in the field of distribution and retail sale via the Internet; events and entertainment advertising; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; rental of advertising space on the Internet. Telecommunications; telecommunications services via radio, television, broadcasting, fiber-optic networks, satellite and Internet platforms and portals; communications via computer terminals; distribution, transfer and transmission of audio and video digital data and of radio and television (No. 2312) programs on telecommunication devices and computers via global telecommunication networks and telecommunication portals; news, data, audio and video by telephone, cable, satellite, electronic data lines and radio hertz on-line dissemination and transmission; advice and information services relating to telecommunications, including by electronic means; information transmission services; cellular telephone communication; call transfer and call forwarding services; providing access to telephone directory services; providing access to telephone directory services; messages voice transmission; providing access to databases in the field of information and communications by telephone, electronic, cable or satellite networks; providing access and connection to computer, telephone and telecommunication networks; providing access and connection to telecommunication and information networks, databases, the Internet, telecommunication portals and electronic news services; electronic exchange of image, audio signals, digital data and files via telecommunication networks; providing online chat rooms via telecommunication networks or electronic news services; provision of Internet chat rooms; electronic messaging; providing access to computer programs and digital files on data networks; providing access to web sites in the field of entertainment for exchanging information; providing a telecommunication network and telecommunication 27/07/2016 Class 41. (No. 2312) 1259 Patents Office Journal portals for electronic commerce and services, press and information services; provision of access to databases; providing access to portals and telecommunication networks; providing access to a telecommunication network search engine; providing access to videos, music, films and software via telecommunication and data networks; transmission (telecommunication) of online offers and small advertisements for the distribution, advertising, sale and resale of goods via global information networks; provision of access and transmission (telecommunication) of statistics, quantitative and qualitative informations regarding the sale and resale of goods via global information networks; radio and television commercials transmission; programs and entertainment events transmission via telecommunication networks and information services; databases or database server center access time rental; audio, video, electronic and video games on-line transmission; video files, text and music on-line transmission; providing access to interactive and video games in data networks. On-line entertainment via local and global networks and via telecommunication and information databases; information relating to entertainment and cultural activities; not downloadable online electronic publications provision; cine-films, videos and recorded music on the Internet, databases and electronic networks rental; entertainment events booking of seats; motion pictures, Class 42. events, sound recording services, radio and television programs production; photographic reporting; music production services; video editing services; publishing of interactive games for computers, consoles, mobile devices and global information networks; information relating to entertainment events, film news and other audiovisual productions; implementation of online games on information and telecommunication networks; events and entertainment offers arranging and conducting; entertainment programs and events production; organizing games, competitions and demonstrations via telecommunication and information networks and telecommunication portals; on-line information in the field of entertainment, education, sporting and cultural activities on databases or the Internet; not downloadable video and music rental. Telecommunications software maintenance and updating; Web sites hosting for others; communication software installation; telecommunication network systems development, in particular for transmission and for telephone cables, and fiber optic transmission systems; telecommunication sites development for electronic commerce via global computer networks; compact disks, interactive CD-Roms, video discs, CDs, CD-Roms, audio and video files design and development (updating and improvement); web sites for others development, further development, maintenance and updating; non-downloadable search 1260 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal (No. 2312) engine software for telecommunications networks rental; search engine software for telecommunications networks development, maintenance and updating; non-downloadable software rental; electronic memory capacity providing or rental on the Internet; electronic storage and data backup in computer databases; computer database design and development; database software maintenance; design and creation of web pages for broadcasting via telecommunication and computer networks; computer databases and networks technical management. Online social networking services; horoscopes creation on telecommunications networks and computer networks, and telecommunication via portals. Class 45. Priority Date Claimed: 17 March 2015 France WATCHEVER GROUP, 12 rue de Penthièvre, F75008 Paris, France Colour Claimed: Amber and black., Black background; amber word and logo. Notings: This application is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of registered community trade mark 008501082. WATCHMUSIC 1287702 Class 35. 27/08/2015 Class 9. Class 28. Apparatus and instruments recording, storage, transmission, distribution, reproducing and processing of sound, images and data; audio and video files for downloading; computer software for loading of music, sounds, images and texts (recorded or downloadable); computer games, gaming consoles, and mobile devices programs; downloadable electronic games; entertainment computer programs (recorded and downloadable); education and entertainment interactive multimedia software (downloadable); sound and image recorded carriers; magnetic data media; digital storage and reproduction of sound or images recording media; optical data media; CD-ROMs; films, audio and video tapes, downloadable sound and audiovisual recordings; downloadable electronic publications; music cassettes; pre-recorded music and video cassettes; DVDs, CDs, CD-ROMs and mini disks; peripherals adapted for use with computers; programs for transmission and reception of data, sound or images; telecommunications software (recorded and downloadable); search engine software (recorded and downloadable), devices and software for transmission and reception of television programs and audio-visual data in a telecommunications network or on telephones and mobile devices; interfaces (interface devices or interface programs for computers, monitors, telephones and mobile devices), printed circuit boards; USB flash drives. Mobile electronic interactive games devices. Advertising; advertising services on telecommunication and data networks; radio and television 27/07/2016 Class 38. Patents Office Journal advertising production; advertising matter dissemination; databases, transmission of data networks, sound and images and telecommunication networks business management; dissemination of advertising material; collection and systematization of data in central database; affiliate advertising campaigns organization; music media, images, Online retail store services in relation to music, images, sounds and recorded data products; conducting of auctions and public sales via telecommunications networks; advertising services for promoting the sale of audio, audio-visual files, images and texts by others via information networks; compilation and analysis of business data in the field of distribution and retail sale via the Internet; event and entertainment advertising; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; rental of advertising space on the Internet. Telecommunications; telecommunications services via radio, television, broadcasting, fiber-optic networks, satellite and Internet platforms and portals; communications via computer terminals; distribution, transfer and transmission of audio and video digital data and of radio and television programs on telecommunication devices and computers via global telecommunication networks and telecommunication portals; news, data, audio and video by telephone, cable, satellite, electronic data lines and radio hertz on-line dissemination and transmission; advice and information services relating (No. 2312) 1261 to telecommunications, including by electronic means; information transmission services; cellular telephone communication; call transfer and call forwarding services; providing access to telephone directory services; provision of access to telephone directory services; messages voice transmission; providing access to databases in the field of information and communications by telephone, electronic, cable or satellite networks; providing access and connection to computer, telephone and telecommunication networks; providing access and connection to telecommunication and information networks, databases, the Internet, telecommunication portals and electronic news services; electronic exchange of signals, images, audio content, digital data and files via telecommunication networks; providing online chat rooms via telecommunication networks or electronic news services; provision of Internet chat rooms; electronic messaging; providing access to computer programs and digital files on data networks; provision of access to websites in the field of entertainment for exchanging information; providing a telecommunication network and telecommunication portals for electronic commerce and services, press and information services; provision of access to databases; providing access to portals and telecommunication networks; providing access to a telecommunication network search engine; providing access to videos, music, films and software via 1262 27/07/2016 Class 41. Patents Office Journal telecommunication and data networks; transmission (telecommunication) of online offers and small advertisements for the distribution, advertising, sale and resale of goods via global information networks; provision of access and transmission (telecommunication) of statistical, quantitative and qualitative information and data regarding the sale and resale of goods via global information networks; radio and television commercials transmission; transmission of entertainment events and programs via telecommunication networks and information services; databases or database server center access time rental; online transmission of audio and video files, electronic and video games; video files, text and music on-line transmission; providing access to interactive and video games in data networks. On-line entertainment via local and global networks and via telecommunication and information databases; information relating to entertainment and cultural activities; not downloadable online electronic publications provision; cine-films, videos and recorded music on the Internet, databases and electronic networks rental; booking of seats for recreational events; motion pictures, events, sound recording services, radio and television programs production; photographic reporting; music production services; video editing services; publishing of interactive games for computers, consoles, mobile devices and global information networks; information relating to (No. 2312) Class 42. entertainment events, film news and other audiovisual productions; implementation of online games on information and telecommunication networks; events and entertainment offers arranging and conducting; entertainment programs and events production; organizing games, competitions and demonstrations via telecommunication and information networks and telecommunication portals; on-line information in the field of entertainment, education, sporting and cultural activities on databases or the Internet; rental of nondownloadable videos, music. Telecommunications software maintenance and updating; Web sites hosting for others; communication software installation; development of telecommunication network systems, particularly for telephone wiring and transmission and for fiberoptic transmission systems; telecommunication sites development for electronic commerce via global computer networks; compact disks, interactive CD-Roms, video discs, CDs, CD-Roms, audio and video files design and development (updating and improvement); web sites for others development, further development, maintenance and updating; non-downloadable search engine software for telecommunications networks rental; development, maintenance and updating of search engine software for telecommunication networks; non-downloadable software rental; electronic memory capacity providing or rental on the Internet; electronic storage and data backup in computer databases; computer 27/07/2016 (No. 2312) 1263 Patents Office Journal database design and development; database software maintenance; design and creation of web pages for broadcasting via telecommunication and computer networks; computer databases and networks technical management. Online social networking services; horoscopes creation on telecommunications networks and computer networks, and telecommunication via portals. Class 45. Priority Date Claimed: 02 March 2015 France WATCHEVER GROUP, 12 rue de Penthièvre, F75008 Paris, France BIOSE 1288088 03/07/2015 Class 5. Pharmaceutical products; chemical or biological pharmaceutical preparations for pharmaceutical, medical and sanitary use; sanitary and medical preparations, namely, bacteria for use in the composition of biological pharmaceuticals for treating gynecological disorders, intestinal disorders, gastroenterological disorders linked to imbalances in the intestinal flora, vaginal flora, dermatological diseases, immune, auto-immune and inflammatory, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, allergies; biological or chemical preparations for pharmaceutical, medical, hygienic use, namely, probiotics, tribiotics in capsules, capsules and Class 41. sachets, for treating or preventing the gastroenterological disease, gynecological, ear, nose and throat, dermatological, allergic, immune or inflammatory, diseases associated with an imbalance in the vaginal or intestinal flora, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, spasms, or for improving regulation of intestinal transit; vaginal capsules for treating gynecological diseases; preparations for medical use, namely, antifungals, antimycotics, antiflatulent agents, antidiarrheic agents, antispasmodics, antiinflammatories or antibiotics; disinfectants for hygiene care of patients suffering from gastroenterological diseases, imbalance of the intestinal flora, gynecological diseases, imbalance of the vaginal flora; nutritional supplements, namely, food beverages, bars and meal replacement substances adapted for medical and dietetic use, for treating or preventing gynecological disorders, gastroenterological, intestinal, disorders linked to imbalances in the intestinal flora, vaginal flora, dermatological diseases, immune, auto-immune and inflammatory, diseases of the ear, nose and throat; nutritional supplements, namely, meal replacement foods, beverages, bars made from a combination of probiotics, minerals and/or vitamins; medical preparations for slimming purposes; mineral food supplements, the therapeutic results of all these products does not come from carbohydrates of disaccharide kind. Arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, 1264 27/07/2016 Class 42. Patents Office Journal seminars and events for scientific purposes. Laboratory services for the provision of scientific analysis and research services, medical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, bacteriological, chemical and microbiological, design and production of pharmaceutical preparations, probiotics, tribiotics for others; consulting in production of pharmaceutical preparations; quality control; testing in laboratory; services for assessing the efficiency of pharmaceuticals; auditing and auditing pharmaceutical manufacturing processes; packaging design services; kitchen design of preventive quality assurance and quality control in the field of manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations; auditing and testing standards and practices in the field of the manufacture of probiotics, tribiotics, for ensure compliance with governmental regulations and industrial practices, practices quality control and quality assurance; pharmaceutical research projects and technical project studies conducting; engineering; provision of information and data relating to medical and scientific research in the field of pharmaceuticals, probiotics, and clinical trials relating to scientific research and development; provision and exchange of knowledge, industrial know-how and data relating to scientific research and development; provision and exchange of information and data exchange between scientists, manufacturers and health authorities relating to pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and the application thereof to probiotics; expertise services and technical advice (No. 2312) in the field of scientific research for medical and pharmaceutical purposes, in the field of probiotics; development (creation) and maintenance of data banks and databases; extraction and retrieval of information and data mining; managing of working groups bringing together scientists and manufacturers to resolve problems in connection with probiotics; research and drafting of information provided by scientific research in the field of medical research, pharmaceutical, pharmacological in regulatory affairs in the field of probiotics. Priority Date Claimed: 11 March 2015 France BIOSE, Rue des Frères Lumière, F-15130 ARPAJON SUR CERE, France Representative: MARK & LAW, 7 rue des Aulnes, Bâtiment B, F-69410 CHAMPAGNE AU MONT D'OR, France Address for service: MARK & LAW, 7 rue des Aulnes - Bâtiment B, F-69410 Champagne au Mont d'Or, France GV70 1293357 26/11/2015 Class 12. Automobiles; sports cars; coach vans; parts and fittings for automobiles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; braking devices for vehicles; trucks; passenger cars; passenger cars for more than seven passengers; power 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal transmissions and gearings for land vehicles; transmissions for land vehicles; automobile engines. Priority Date Claimed: 23 July 2015 Republic of Korea HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY, 12 Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL 137-938, Republic of Korea Representative: Address for service: Nahm, Ho-Hyun, 9th Fl., 520, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-846, Republic of Korea FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland International Trade Marks protected in the State (No. 2312) 1265 Cl. 4 1234823 (2303) Candleberry Company of United States of America Cl. 1, 16, 17 1250889 (2303) BETA KIMYA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 24, 27, 39 1251898 (2303) Van Den Bosch Beheer B.V. of The Netherlands Cl. 7, 8, 21 1252007 (2303) Limited liability company "SPb Company" of Russian Federation Cl. 8, 21 1252492 (2303) Limited liability company "SPb Company" of Russian Federation Cl. 27, 28 1260834 (2303) Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) of Switzerland Cl. 6, 12 1272963 (2303) Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. of China Cl. 25 0540498 (2303) LICENCIAS Y EXCLUSIVAS TEXTILES, S.A. of Spain Cl. 9 1280857 (2303) Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC of United States of America Cl. 18, 25 0744108 (2303) Bruno Marketing und Vertrieb GmbH of Germany Cl. 9 1281432 (2303) SOUNDMASK GLOBAL PTY LTD ATF THE SOUNDMASK TRUST of Australia Cl. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 INDUSTRIA DE DISEÑO TEXTIL, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.) of Spain 0834842 (2303) Cl. 29, 30, 31, 35 1151697 (2303) MEDITERRANEAN NATURAL FOODS SA of Greece Cl. 3, 9, 14, 18, 25, 35 1224245 (2303) Aeropostale Procurement Company, Inc. of United States of America Cl. 18, 25 1234054 (2303) Pougacheva Alla Borisovna of Russian Federation Cl. 18, 25 1234055 (2303) Pougacheva Alla Borisovna of Russian Federation Cl. 9, 36, 41, 42 1281457 (2303) AdCubum AG of Switzerland Cl. 3 1281730 (2303) SHAMOOD DAILY USE PRODUCTS CO.,LTD. of China Cl. 35, 43 1281745 (2303) Rozanov Dmitrii of Russian Federation Cl. 11 1281902 (2303) Fangwen YU of China Cl. 12 1282241 (2303) SICHUAN TYRE & RUBBER CO., LTD of China Cl. 12 1282306 (2303) CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY DUTY TRUCK GROUP CO., LTD. of China 1266 27/07/2016 Patents Office Journal Cl. 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 19, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45 SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT COMPANY of France 1282404 (2303) Cl. 9, 16, 25, 28, 41, 43 The British Broadcasting Corporation of United Kingdom 1282734 (2303) (No. 2312) Cl. 9 1285023 (2303) ContextLogic Inc. of United States of America Cl. 35, 39 1285322 (2303) Etihad Airways of United Arab Emirates Cl. 12 1285684 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 14, 35, 40, 42 1282829 (2303) GENS AUREA S.P.A. of Italy Cl. 12 1285685 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 1 1282972 (2303) TETRA Technologies, Inc. of United States of America Cl. 12 1285686 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 6 1283073 (2303) Wenzhou Akada Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. of China Cl. 12 1285687 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 5 1283796 (2303) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto of Slovenia Cl. 12 1285688 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 9, 16, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45 European League Against Rheumatism, EULAR of Switzerland 1283949 (2303) Cl. 9 1284311 (2303) ContextLogic Inc. of United States of America Cl. 9 1284871 (2303) Steve VARGHESE of Germany Cl. 1, 9, 11 1285014 (2303) BASF SE of Germany Cl. 12 1285689 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 12 1285690 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea Cl. 12 1285691 (2303) Hyundai Motor Company of Republic of Korea
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