Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group


Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Annual Review 2008
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
From our President
An academic institute becomes a modern innovation company
LignoBoost – from fundamental research to industrial reality in 10 years
Coordinating European research
New Cluster Research Programme starting up
Fibre, Pulp, Energy and Chemicals
Process and Product Innovation
Packaging, Media and Materials
Board of Directors
Executive Board
Corporate responsibility
Financial Statements
Highlights of 2008
On the cover:
Farvash Razavi holds her mechano-active flower design. Innventia has
succeeded in creating a variety of mechano-active papers capable of
moving in exciting ways.
Read more:
Photographs by Fotograf Johan Olsson
Printed by SIB-Tryck, Norsborg, in June 2009
From our President
Innventia continued its efforts to reshape its business
strategy during 2008. One important aim was to be able
to take the results from research work even further and be
a partner with its customers in R&D work for innovations
and new business opportunities. A symbolic step that
shows the successive transformation of Innventia was
taken in May, 2008, when we launched a new graphic
profile, including a new logotype. We are now introducing
a new company name that will give even more emphasis
to our keenness to become an innovation partner with
customers that work with sustainable products and
processes that add value.
One very successful example of adding business value
took place in May, 2008, when Metso acquired one of the
Innventia AB subsidiaries, LignoBoost AB. The original
research concept behind the LignoBoost technology was
generated at Innventia and Chalmers less than ten years
ago. A global engineering and technology corporation will
now further commercialize the technology for industrial
applications. An industrial-size demonstration plant will,
however, remain under the ownership of Innventia for the
continued development of lignin-based technologies and
Innventia is increasing its activities in the field of
biorefinery technology. This is regarded as one of the
most promising future technologies for converting wood
materials into valuable and sustainable products. We are
a world leading organisation in R&D and innovation in
this field and our aim is to strengthen our position even
more. The Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference 2008,
an Innventia co-arrangement that was held in March,
attracted more than 200 representatives from industry
and research parties from all over the world. This
conference covered biorefinery separation and conversion
processes as well as energy, chemicals and materials from
a wood-based biorefinery.
A number of projects concerning the important field of
nanocellulose and its applications continued during 2008,
while some new projects were started. International
research collaboration being carried out in promising
areas will be further developed. The SustainComp
research project, coordinated by Innventia in the EU
7th Framework Programme (FP7), began in 2008. Two
large research projects in FP6, ECOTARGET and
SUSTAINPACK, also coordinated by Innventia, have now
successfully concluded.
It is important for Innventia to have internationally
recognised, experienced research scientists as well as
unique and technically advanced experimental equipment
with a high degree of flexibility. The EuroFEX Pilot Paper
Machine is one of these. A substantial financial grant from
the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has made
it possible for Innventia to rebuild this machine. As a
result, this will make it possible to carry out research and
development work on new fibre treatment processes, on
improved sheet forming processes at increased machine
speeds as well as on new and improved advanced paper
products. The investments in equipment and extension to
the building will be completed in 2009.
Based on the new possibilities created by the
investments, a Centre for Advanced Process and Product
Innovation, CAPPI, has been formed, with Innventia
and The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, as its
initial partners. The vision of CAPPI is to bridge the gap
between fundamental fluid mechanics and industrial
applications, through the use of cutting-edge tools. The
scientific foundation of the paper making process will
be developed and the results will be taken all the way to
industrial implementation.
This Annual Review illustrates how Innventia AB is
continually developing. We are looking forward to meet
you to discuss how you can add value to your business by
using us as an expert and creative partner in R&D and
Gunnar Svedberg
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
An academic institute becomes
a modern innovation company
Boosting business with science. We raise the level of business using science.
This is what Innventia pledges today. Innventia, formerly STFI-Packforsk, has
worked with science and vision for decades in order to be a reliable partner in
Innventia has developed a thin
opto-active paper coating that reacts
to the moisture in exhaled breath by
displaying a variety of interference
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
At this moment, an exciting time lies ahead of us. Climate change that
demands thinking along the lines of sustainability, a geographic shifting of
production capacities, globally, and changes to consumer behaviour by means
of information technology, all in all, mean that a great deal of fresh ideas and
new ways of thinking are necessary. Traditional bulk goods are not all a matter
of course any more. The Innventia strategy states that it will contribute to these
necessary adjustments. Innventia is very well equipped for this task, since, for
many years, it has maintained an efficient utilisation of resources and a staying
power in its vision for its operations, linked with a keen attentiveness to its
customers and the scientific front line.
The forms and focus have changed in pace with changes in the actual
situation in the industry. It has always been one of the tasks at Innventia to see
how the demands on research are changing and to anticipate what the needs of
the future are.
The strength of Innventia is that it can work with the same scientific
foundation and expertise all the way from fundamental research to customerspecific assignments surrounding a product. At times, Innventia takes part from
the raw material stage to the marketing stage, while, at other times, a customer
wants support with just one step or stage along the way. As a partner, Innventia
has a great deal of flexibility in innovation work. The demand for fundamental
scientific expertise will never change however. The Innventia way of working
and the networks it works in will continue to change in order to meet the
demands of its customers and partners, both now and in the future.
The past ten years have meant a solid development for Innventia, involving
leading international roles. Innventia laid the basis for a more sustainable
utilisation of nature’s resources during the latter part of the 1990s and at the
beginning of the 2000s. Its aim was to lay a foundation for a significantly better
utilisation of resources and, consequently, for it to lead to a sustainable society,
by means of extensive collaborative research work with Swedish universities
and companies in the various lines of business involved. Energy, fibres and other
raw materials should be used in a more efficient and, in part, a completely new
way. The concept of a biorefinery was given a dusting off and developed. Some
of the processes for this mill of the future have already been taken, all the way
to an industrial scale. LignoBoost, one example of this, is a technology that
makes it possible to utilise lignin for the production of bio-based fuels.
At the same time as LignoBoost is on its way to being industrialised,
there is a promising development further upstream in progress towards new
bio-based materials. In this instance, Innventia is collaborating with the
Kofesen - a material sample
developed in collaboration
with the University College
of Arts, Crafts and Design
(Konstfack) in Stockholm.
Jolanta Borg at work in the Printability
Laboratory at Innventia
University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (Konstfack) in Stockholm to
build up parallel research in materials technology and industry design using
new materials. The aim here is to meet demands for bio-based products
swiftly, by means of fundamental research on materials, in nanotechnology for
example, with the aid of a quicker transfer of knowledge and know-how among
producers, designers and materials researchers.
70 Years of Scientific Expertise
Demands for scientific foundations and expertise were established as early as
1942 in the investigations that then formed the basis for STFI. This research
was focused on process technology in the 1940s and 50s. At that time, the
Swedish forest industry consisted of small companies and craftmanship. A
basis for expansion and modernisation was created, due to close cooperation
with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). During the 1960s, pulp and
paper companies underwent organizational changes that dramatically altered
the demands for research.
Towards the end of the 1980s, the biggest companies had their own R & D
organizations, with considerable resources. The support for innovations that
this modern industry required was spread across the entire field, from wood
chemistry to paper surfaces, with the emphasis being placed on relatively
fundamental research. Companies wanted to carry out their more specific
product research out of view of their competitors. The solution to this new
need was a radical change in the STFI organization.
At approximately the same time, the focus shifted from demands by the
industry for efficient processes to demands by society for a safe environment.
One clear instance of this was the dioxin scare in the 1980s, when the
emission of dioxins had to be stopped immediately. The expertise and skills
that had been built up at STFI over more than a quarter of a century then
became an instrument for saving the industry in a situation, where many
critics were very vocal in wanting to close it down. The dioxin affair was able
to be solved in a few months.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Jan Nordström and Håkan Mårtensson test
products and packaging at the Innventia
labortories in Kista.
Packforsk – a testing laboratory that became a research centre
Packforsk made its journey from the opposite direction; it started as a
laboratory and, with time, developed more and more with its visionary, longterm research. Packforsk started in 1954, when paper mills and packaging
companies needed resources to test paper packages and demonstrate how
much they could withstand. Tests carried out by the laboratory contributed
to paper-based packaging becoming more and more popular with producers,
transporters and commerce, which, in turn, led to new demands for research.
From 1970, Packforsk had become the centre-of-choice, when it came to
research and training courses on packaging in Sweden. Through research,
training courses, conferences and working with standards and testing methods,
Packforsk was a leader in the development of solutions for packaging and
transportation. It also became a centre and coordinator for a number of
industry groups whose work contributed to the fact that researchers at
Packforsk were able to devote more energy to all-embracing challenges, such as
packaging systems for special products in the electronics and pharmaceutical
industries. As well as this, more attention was increasingly being paid to
demands on packaging being made by users.
Carl XV Gustav, King of Sweden, inaugurates new impulse technology at the EuroFEX
pilot paper machine in 1997.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
The LignoBoost demonstration plant in Bäckhammar,
Sweden operates since spring 2006.
An academic institute becomes a modern innovation company
During the 1990s and after time, several reorganizations have taken place,
e.g. the merger of STFI and Packforsk, among others, to develop the academic
institutes into one modern research company. The industry now needed a
new innovation partner that could combine more open research work in
academic networks with customer specific projects that required a high
degree of confidentiality. Innventia proved to the industry that these branches
of research could be combined, which was a development that laid the
foundation for the kind of Clusters that exist in today’s research programmes.
Research in Clusters is an efficient and effective way of organizing multiclient fundamental and application research in one context. Today, a lot of the
research work occurs in Clusters and other major enterprises, such as in EU
Projects with dozens of partners or in broader national projects. Innventia has
developed from mainly being a national research institute for a lot of years into
a research company with a global overview and companies from all over the
world in its clientele.
The Innventia Cluster Research Programme has become a successful model
for partnership with the industry and proof that it can combine fundamental
academic research with technical projects, when it comes to processes and
the properties of products. The needs of trade and industry for support with
innovation throughout its entire value chains can be met efficiently and
Boosting business with science. This is a pledge that Innventia is keeping in
the future.
Research into new wood-derived materials is an important part of the activities at Innventia. Above Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) and Kraft Lignin.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
LignoBoost - from fundamental research
to industrial reality in 10 years
Innventia sold its development company, LignoBoost AB, to an international technical
company, Metso Power AB, in 2008. The research results from the KAM and FRAM
Programmes have been converted to a competitive technology and to commercial
use in record time. The latter of these research programmes, FRAM2, coordinated by
Innventia, was finalised in December, 2008, with many interesting results appearing in its
final report.
Jan Emilsson holds a piece of
high quality Kraft Lignin from
the Bäckhammar plant.
About the technology
The LignoBoost process makes it
possible to expand the capacity
of a pulp mill at a lower cost
than building extensions to a
‘bottlenecked’ recovery boiler
would incur. Profitability is further
increased if the lignin can be used as
a replacement for fuel oil or natural
gas in a lime kiln at a pulp mill, for
example, or as raw material in the
production of valuable products,
such as carbon fibre.
The LignoBoost process has
attracted major international
attention. Today, it is presumably the
only available commercial technology
that can provide a pulp mill with
interesting new by-products in large
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
LignoBoost is a unique technology for extracting high quality lignin from a
kraft pulp mill and has received a great deal of attention. In collaboration with
many partners but especially Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg,
this technology was developed by Innventia within the framework of three
research programmes that began at the end of the 1990s. During 2006, a
development company, LignoBoost AB, was started, with support from Södra,
Stora Enso, Fortum Värme, Nordic Paper and the Swedish Energy Agency.
Innventia established a demonstration plant for this technology at the Nordic
Paper Mill in Bäckhammar in 2007. The project was very successful and,
during the following year, licences were sold to an American forest industry
When Innventia sold LignoBoost AB to Metso Power AB in 2008, the
purpose was to enable a further commercialisation of the LignoBoost
technology and its implementation in industrial plants. The demonstration
plant at Bäckhammar will remain a part of Innventia for it to further develop
processes for lignin production and high value products.
Energy potential
From the beginning, the aim of the process was to increase the production
of a kraft pulp mill; however, the possibility of producing high value bio-fuel
has also been a significant driving force. One of the most important aims of
the FRAM2 Programme was to replace fossil fuels with lignin, mainly in the
lime kiln at a pulp mill, with successful industrial scale trials being carried out
during the progress of the programme.
In principal, a lime kiln is the only remaining consumer of fossil oil in a
modern pulp mill, where the other processes are self-supporting, when it
comes to energy consumption. A three day trial was carried out at the Södra
Cell Mönsterås Mill in April, 2008. This showed a potential that fossil fuel
could be replaced completely by lignin bio-fuel. On a global scale, lime kilns in
the pulp industry consume energy equivalent to 4 million m3 of oil per year.
The report from the FRAM2 Programme is being distributed to the Project
Partners. An opportunity now presents itself for carrying out projects, where
ideas from the Programme can be further developed.
Contact person: Per Tomani, Innventia.
For more information, see the article on Biorefinery on page 10.
Coordinating European research
In recent years, international collaboration has become more and more important, when
it comes to creating new opportunities for the industry and developing new sustainable
products and processes. Innventia plays a prominent role as a coordinator in many
of these activities. In 2008, two large projects, Sustainpack and ECOTARGET, were
finalised after four years, while another project, SustainComp, began.
ECOTARGET: More from less
No less than 26 partners participated in ECOTARGET, the largest research
project ever to take place in the European pulp and paper industry. The
overall aim was to support the industry with new and innovative processes for
enhancing the competitiveness of the sector, while improving its eco-efficiency.
Under the banner of “More from less”, ECOTARGET aimed at developing
breakthrough ideas for making more and better products with less use of raw
materials, energy and water and, at the same time, at reducing the amounts of
residues, waste and emissions. Each idea was to have the potential of a 20% to
30% reduction in one or more of the targeted areas.
All technologies developed in the project were evaluated. Along the way,
information on the environmental, economic, technical, social and regulatory
aspects that were related to the new technologies was gathered and assessed.
ECOTARGET resulted in a variety of newly developed processes. Some
of them are already on the market or very close to it, e.g. sensors for the
monitoring of recovered papers and new additives for process water. Some are
ready for demonstration, such as the stratified forming of paper, which will be
demonstrated at CAPPI, a new innovation centre at Innventia.
SustainPack: Fibre-based packaging for future demands
With a total budget of almost € 30 million and a partnership involving 35
organizations, Sustainpack was one of the world’s largest research projects in
the field of packaging. The overall aim of this R&D work was to develop and
implement a Sustainable Packaging Tool Platform, founded on fibre-based
packaging materials.
Through its material research-oriented sub-projects, Sustainpack sought
solutions that would provide strength and good printing surfaces, together
with improved barrier properties, sealability, communication properties and
convenience for consumers. The viability and potential of each new technology
was demonstrated in the packaging solution projects.
The use of nanotechnology was of great importance to a number of the
research projects. One main project was to produce nano elements from
minerals and cellulose fibres. This could make it possible to improve the
performance of barriers materials and coatings. Another promising area
concerns sensors. These sensors can, for example, provide visual effects, such as
changes of colour or shape, based on stimuli, e.g. moisture or electrical signals.
A demonstrator from ECOTARGET: A sheet of paper
made by means of stratified forming. Catharina
Ottestam was the project coordinator.
SustainComp: New project
develops composite materials
As of August, 2008, Innventia has
coordinated a new large-scale
collaborative project partly financed
by the European Commission.
The SustainComp Project will run
for a period of four years, with a
total budget of € 9.5 million, of which
the EU contribution is € 6.5 million.
This Project involves 17 European
organizations. Read more about
SustainComp on page 13.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
New Cluster Research Programme
starting up
For many years, a well established enterprise at Innventia has been Cluster research work.
Here partner customers collaborate to solve problems in common and generate new
possibilities, using the resources and expertise available at Innventia. The previous Cluster
Research Programme, running since 2006, has produced several significant results and
innovations. When the Programme was terminated at the end of 2008, it was time for the
next one to begin.
Multi-client research has been a key activity at Innventia for many years. This
activity is mainly carried out under the Industrial Research banner, which
consists of two parts, the Cluster Research Programme and the Trade &
Industry Groups. Both are financed mainly by the industry, with leverage from
the Swedish Energy Agency, among others.
In Cluster Research, there are many advantages for participating companies.
For long-term research and development, where an individual company does
not have the financial resources or the know-how simply on its own, Cluster
Research is a way to share the risks and the investment with other companies
dealing with the same matters. The creation of a new Research Programme
is a systematic, ongoing process that takes place between Innventia and its
partners for evaluating ideas and concepts that focus on future needs. The
new Programme, which started on 1 January, 2009, is a collection of 16
Clusters that have enormous potential for making technical accomplishments
Meeting of minds: Mattias Drotz during a meeting at
Innventia, spring 2009.
Cluster Research Programme
in the fields that Innventia works, viz. new materials, new functions and new
processes in the biorefinery concept, to give just some examples.
The Cluster Research Programme has produced several significant results
and innovations in recent years. Some results are to be studied further in the
new programme; others have already been demonstrated and implemented in
bilateral research projects that developed the results produced in the Research
Programme. One example of this is the new composite material which was
developed in the New Fibres New Materials Cluster. To give an idea of its
potential, a demonstrator called Kofes was created in co-operation with two
designers and exhibited at the 2007 Milan Furniture Fair. Two years later, a
new demonstrator, a chair developed in co-operation with Södra and Claesson
Koivisto Rune, a design company, was shown at the Milan Fair.
“Bilateral projects are very important, since they make it possible for us to
develop innovations and ideas even further. It’s in this way that we contribute
to our customers’ profitability and competitiveness,” says Anders Pettersson,
who is Senior Vice President of R&D at Innventia.
Other examples of products resulting from the Cluster Research Programme
are a method for measuring twist and curl to improve paper quality, an energysaving stratified sheet forming process and new biorefinery applications for
lignin and hemicellulose.
Established routines for IPR
Innventia applies carefully developed routines when it comes to all contracts,
irrespective of the number of parties involved in an assignment or programme.
In what are called multi-client projects, such as the ones in the Innventia
Cluster Research Programme, intellectual property rights (IPR) are especially
of great importance. For many years now, through the body of regulations that
have been established and continuously improved, different companies can
carry out collaborative work in the research and development of new knowledge
platforms. These platforms can then serve as a basis for further developing and
creating competitive advantages for individual companies through their own
projects, by means of bilateral projects with Innventia.
The body of regulations has been developed by Innventia, together with
lawyers from the pulp and paper industry and its chemical suppliers. The
basic principle is that all participants in a Cluster own a non-exclusive right
to utilise research results in their own operations. In the next step, a company
may acquire so called Optional Rights, which means, among other things, the
possibility of marketing and selling products based on the results. The other
project financiers are then asked by Innventia whether they would also like
to have Optional Rights. Finally, if the other project financiers approve, it is
possible for an individual company to acquire so called Sublicensing Rights,
which gives a third party the right to utilise the results commercially, among
other things.
Cluster Research
Programme 2009–2011
• Chemical Pulp
• Chemical and Energy Recovery
in the Kraft Pulp Mill
• Biorefinery
• Energy and Biofuels
• Mechanical Pulping
• Optimised Fibres for Pulp and
Paper Products
• Stock Preparation for Energy
and Quality Improvement
• Applied and Exploratory Paper
• Improved Dewatering
• Paper Mechanics
• Web Structure
• Fibrous Packaging Material
• Future Papyrus
• Newsprint of Tomorrow
• Packaging Printability and
• Wood-Derived Renewables
Trade & Industry Groups
• ESG, European Paper Sack
Research Group
• IGP, International Group for
Paper Distribution Quality
• Miljöpack – Scandinavian group
for packaging and environment
• Normpack – Swedish Code for
Food Packaging Materials
• NSP, Nordic Standardization
• SKAF, Swedish Paperboard
Research Group
• MINT – Environmental
Indicators for the Swedish
Newspaper Companies
• SUW, International
Development Group for
Corrugated Board
• Technical Committee for
Product Protection
• Printing of high quality
newspaper supplements with
optimal utilisation of raw
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Fibre, Pulp, Energy and Chemicals
In most cases, our research aims at the implementation of new or
improved processes and new products from a pulp mill making a
range of producs, i.e. pulp mill biorefinery. The strategy is to keep the
production of pulp/cellulose intact and to focus on the valorisation of
the main wood polymers, by combining efficient separation processes
for value added applications of lignin and hemicelluloses as well as
new approaches to producing biofuels. The overall aim is to establish
strong value chains.
Advanced chemical analysis is another area of growth. Analytical
expertise is applied, for example, in our most advanced biorefinery
efforts and in the field of product safety, which includes the migration
of substances from paper and plastic packaging.
Peter Axegård
focus on
New product opportunities with biorefining
As of 2008, by far the biggest effort is being directed at biorefining, where
the focus is on value added applications of lignin and hemicelluloses that
come from process liquors and wood. Thanks to the close collaboration with
pulp and paper companies and chemical companies, such as Akzo and BASF,
developments have advanced rapidly. One important milestone has been, of
course, the commercialisation of the LignoBoost process. Installations are
now being offered by Metso Power as a way of boosting profitability at pulp
mills. For example, lignin from the LignoBoost process has proven to be a
replacement for fossil fuel oil in lime kilns. This was demonstrated by Innventia
and Södra in a successful trial at the Mönsterås Mill in April, 2008.
Industrial interest in biorefining is significant and new product opportunities
have been identified, e.g. high quality fuels, gas barriers from hemicelluloses
and industrial dispersants and carbon fibres from lignin.
Compounds, such as betulin and suberin from birch bark, have several
possible high-value applications as well. Innventia has developed a water-based
extraction process aimed at scaling-up.
Until 2007, biorefinery efforts were focused on kraft pulp mills but, in
2008, several activities were initiated on sulphur-free pulping and annual plant
fibres, for example, the co-processing of plant fibres in a pulp mill has been
identified as a very interesting possibility.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Cluster Biorefinery II
Project Partners
Alabama River Pulp
Stora Enso
Korsnäs Frövi
2009.01.01 – 2011.12.31
Birgit Backlund
+46 8 676 7226
Carbon fibres: a product from
Industrial interest in biorefining is significant
and new product opportunities have been
identified. For example, it has been shown
that lignin is a possible source of carbon
With a raw material such as lignin, the
price of carbon fibres could be lowered
and the volume of production could
be increased considerably. Under such
conditions, carbon fibres could be used in
many new fields, e.g. light-weight applications
in wind power plants, gas storage and
automobiles. For instance, if metal were
replaced by carbon fibres in certain parts of
car construction, the weight of vehicles and,
consequently, energy consumption could
dramatically be reduced. The first lignin fibre
was spun at Innventia in 2008.
Kristin Olander and Birgit Backlund
at work in the lab.
The first lignin fibre intended for carbonisation was produced at Innventia in 2008.
Process and Product Innovation
Torgny Persson
PPI is the result of a merger between the EuroFEX Division and the
Paper Production Division at Innventia. The name emphasizes our main
field of paper technology, linked to its significance for the product,
throughout the entire value chain, and the fact that we will be focusing
particularly on innovation. There are unique expertise and equipment
at PPI for carrying out research with specific industrial relevance. In
order to further improve the creation of value for our customers and
bridge the gap between basic research and industrial application,
CAPPI, the Centre for Advanced Process and Product Innovation, was
initiated, together with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
In the innovation system created around the development and
application of nanocellulose, PPI has taken a prominent position, in
which we coordinate and participate in several large-scale international
Anna Wiberg and Thomas Eriksson at the
building site, spring 2009.
focus on
SustainComp to develop innovative materials using
The new major European project, SustainComp, coordinated by Innventia,
will develop advanced composite materials from renewable raw materials for a
succession of areas of use in a number of different sectors of society, such as the
transport and packaging sectors. The aim of SustainComp is to introduce new
advanced nanostructured, wood-based biocomposites, but also more advanced
materials, such as aerogels and nanostructured membranes. In common with all
these materials is the fact that they build on bioplastics, reinforced with woodbased cellulose (either nanocellulose extracted from pulp fibres or directly
from pulp fibres themselves). One objective is that the new materials that have
been developed are to be sustainable and cost-efficient and that both the new
and existing production processes can be implemented.
The vision is that these new materials will generate possibilities and
opportunities for the forest industry to expand into new business areas while,
at the same time, facilitate the integration of forest industry companies with
today’s SMEs* in the field of composite materials. This is also a step for the
forest industry to develop new concepts and materials in a broad and innovative
Project Partners
Alcan Technology & Management,
BASF, Borregaard, CNRS,
Elastopoli, Empa, EPFL, TKK,
ITENE, K-Tron, Novamont, PFI,
Polykemi, KTH, SCA, SINTEF and
Total budget
9.5 million Euro, of which 6.5
million Euro is funded by the
European Commission
2008.09.01 – 2012.08.30
Mikael Ankerfors
+46 8 676 7261
*Small & Medium Enterprises
Major investments a direction in
setting up of CAPPI, Centre for
Advanced Process and Product
Innventia develops a research structure
that is focused on taking new technologies
and techniques out to the industry. One of
the steps in this is the major investments
at EuroFEX, its demonstration plant. A
grant of SEK 35 million from the Knut and
Alice Wallenberg Foundation to Innventia
and KTH Mechanics allows substantial
improvements. New equipment is being
developed at KTH Mechanics for studying
fibre suspension. The Innventia share of the
grant (SEK 25 million) is financing a range
of technical equipment at the Pilot Plant,
primarily for evaluating new concepts for
fibre property optimisation through beating,
screening, fractionation and chemical
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Packaging, Media and Materials
Kennert Johansson
This Division focuses on developing and evaluating products with a
sustainable perspective in mind. The products involved are not only
the primary ones, such as packaging and the graphics media, but our
development of materials also covers other areas, e.g. furniture, cars,
etc. Of strategic importance is our development of materials and tools
for evaluation work that covers the perspective of sustainability, from
financial, economic, ecologic and social aspects, when it comes to a
product or activity. We support the needs of the industry to be able
to assess a package from the point of view of the materials involved,
from the aspect of the consumer or what it looks like from a life-cycle
focus on
Let’s go corrugated!
Project Partners
BHS Corrugated, Billerud
- Gruvöns Bruk, Crespel &
Deiters, Glomma Papp, Korsnäs,
M-real Kemiart Liners, Peterson
Emballasje, Peterson Packaging,
Savon Sellu, SCA Containerboard,
SCA Packaging, Smurfit Kappa
Kraftliner, Smurfit Kappa Sverige,
Stora Enso Packaging
SUW is open to all companies and
organisations interested in and
qualified to support SUW’s policies
and goals.
Astrid Odeberg Glasenapp
+46 8 676 7073
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Being in a class by itself, corrugated board is the world’s main material for
transporting packages, with up to 70% of the market. To maintain this position
and to be able to meet competition from other materials it is necessary for
corrugated board to be continually developed and improved.
The key to the quality of this product often lies in the production processes,
where there is still a lot to learn. Warp is one example of a problem that
is affected by e.g. the transfer of moisture and heat into the layers of the
corrugated board. In the Trade and Industry Group, SUW, representatives from
the paper and packaging industries are consequently concentrating on learning
more about the production processes and the tools that are available, in order
to be able to control them better and improve the qualities.
As a part of this, an SUW Project that ended in 2008 developed models
for the distribution of heat and moisture into the liner layers of corrugated
board during the pre-heating stage in its production. Work is now continuing
with further developing these models so that they will become a tool for
operators, which will give corrugated board producers a better basis for, as
well as knowledge about, the conditions of the production process. With this
knowledge, it will be possible to improve the qualities in the end products.
When it comes to corrugated board, Innventia possesses a solid knowledge
platform that comes from years of experience. One example of this is the
International Development Group of Corrugated Board (SUW), founded as
far back as 1968. It is comprised of fourteen industrial members from the
European corrugated board and corrugated board supplier industry. Innventia
researchers contribute to it with their own special expertise, know-how and
Marianne Klaman and Erik Blohm take a close look at the
inkjet printheads at the LINDA pilotscale machine.
High speed inkjet printing has an excellent
potential for growth, especially when
in combination with unconventional
inks. Research in the INNOJET Project
is focusing on the interaction of inkjet
technology and substrates and ink. The
authenticity of brand products can be
guaranteed, when integrating traceable
inks. The universal research platform with
inkjet print heads and drying equipment
has been incorporated into LINDA, a
pilot-scale machine. The INNOJET Project
is being carried out in a consortium.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Renewable liquid biofuels from Scandinavian wood materials
In 2008, a research project focusing on the conversion of wood
lignin into fuel components and chemicals was completed at PFI.
The research focused on the overall process, including:
• Wood pre-treatment (modified steam explosion)
• Isolation and characterization of lignin after pre-treatment
• Pyrolytic conversion of lignin to bio-oil, suitable as a motor fuel.
A new, patent pending process has been developed (the Ligninto-Liquid, LtL, Method). The project group consisted of PFI
(coordinator), KTH, Univ. of Bergen, Trøndelag R&D Institute.
Karin Øyaas is managing the PFI activities
on renewable liquid biofuels.
Philip A. Reme
Director of PFI AS
focus on
In 2008, research work at PFI consisted of mechanical pulping, paper
physics, biofuels and new biobased materials. For printing paper
containing wood fibres, the focus was on cost and energy-efficient
process solutions, while reaching the targets for printability and
runnability. A three-year project on new processes for the production
of liquid biofuels from wood was concluded, with promising results.
When it comes to new biobased materials, a research project on
the development of second generation wood fibre composites was
completed. Furthermore, the use of nanocellulose was demonstrated in
several new applications.
New energy-efficient process for mechanical pulp
The reduction of energy consumption in mechanical pulping has long been
an important field of research at PFI. In 2002, a research project was started
jointly with Norske Skog. Plans existed for a rebuilding of the Norske Skog
Pisa Mill in Brazil. Earlier trials had shown that the strength target could not
be reached using native Loblolly pine as the single raw material. The mill had
previously had lower strength targets and had also been allowed to mix in other
raw materials. However, there had been a restriction on doing the latter, due to
new governmental regulations that were introduced.
A new process concept was tested on a pilot scale. This was a cooperation
effort among Andritz, Norske Skog and PFI. The tensile strength target could
be easily reached on a pilot scale, with a 10% to 30% reduction in energy
consumption. Other benefits included increased brightness, fewer shives and
the removal of extractives. These promising results were followed up by several
pilot-scale trials and plans for full scale trials were made. Although several
challenges had to be solved prior to the scaling-up, the full scale results were
positive. The process was included in the rebuilding of Norske Skog Pisa. Even
though the full process could not be introduced, the new refining line has
produced very good results. Energy consumption has been lowered by 10%
with a corresponding increase in production. Other benefits are fewer shives,
higher brightness and less demand for reinforcement pulp. The mechanical
pulp is now solely based on native grown Loblolly pine. The total savings
amount to some USD 7 millions per year.
Process development and implementation on a full scale in other mills is
continuing, with PFI as a research partner.
Lars Johansson
+ 47 73 55 09 17
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Board of Directors
Mats Nordlander
Executive Vice President,
Stora Enso Packaging
Peter Edwall
Manager, Technology
& Environment, Mondi
Dynäs AB
Karin Emilsson
Technical Director,
Staffan Erenmalm
Group Vice President,
ABB Ltd.
Anders Flodström
University Chancellor,
Swedish National Agency
for Higher Education
Board of Directors 2008
Mats Nordlander, Chairman
Peter Edwall
Karin Emilsson
Staffan Erenmalm
Anders Flodström
Peter Holmstedt
Anders Wigsten
Magnus Wikström
Sven Wird
Personnel representatives
Pierre Ljungquist, Unionen
Staffan Rydefalk, SAK
Olof Tillander, Unionen, deputy
Anders Lovell, SAK, deputy
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Magnus Wikström
Anders Wigsten
Peter Holmstedt
Technical Director,
President, RISE Research Research Director,
Group R&D, Stora Enso Billerud AB
Institutes of Sweden
Holding AB
Sven Wird
Vice President, Group
Technology, Holmen AB
Olof Tillander
Staffan Rydefalk
Pierre Ljungquist
Anders Lovell
Executive Board
Gunnar Svedberg
Anders Engström
Anders Pettersson
Executive Vice President Senior Vice President
Research Director
Peter Axegård
Director of Fibre, Pulp,
Energy and Chemicals
Kennert Johansson
Director of Packaging,
Media and Materials
Torgny Persson
Philip A. Reme
Director of Process and Director of PFI AS
Product Innovation
Helena Vollmer
Marketing Director
Karl Gustaf Ekfeldt
Chief Financial Officer
Lisa Tiliander
Human Resources
Anita Ernlund
Executive Assistant
(Retired in March 2009)
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Corporate responsibility
In all our business activities, we strive to achieve sustainable development
along the value chain. Environmental matters, which are an important
foundation of sustainability, are given high priority and are integrated into
our activities. The results of our work are therefore creating a much higher
impact on the environment than the consumption in our laboratories and
CSR of the Innventia sites
During 2008, Innventia has participated in a newly started network with RISE
Holding AB and the other research institutes under the RISE domain, in order
to report our sustainability activities. This process resulted in a Sustainability
report of RISE according to GRI, an world established reporting method for for
sustainability. Our internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work has led
to a greater involvement of the staff in these issues. The report includes twelve
sustainability indicators which are selected based on the offices and laboratories
activities of all the RISE companies. The summary below gives an account of
the first results of Innventia for these indicators. The results have been verified
by an external party.
Indirect energy consumption (GRI-nr EN4)
Energy consumption at Innventia is primarily affected by the number of days
the EuroFEX Paper Machine is running. In 2008, EuroFEX was used a lot,
which led to a high level of energy consumption: 4,870 MWh/year
The district heating consumption used in properties at Drottning Kristinas väg
and in Kista: 3,330 MWh/year
Emissions of greenhouse gases (GRI-nr EN16)
The energy consumption, listed above, is the cause of the emission of
greenhouse gases:721 tonnes
Women 47%
Men 53%
Customer satisfaction (GRI-nr PR5)
Innventia carries out regular external investigations into its customers’
perception of the company. The results were very positive and indicate that the
customers are satisfied. Among other things, the customers place the greatest
importance on Technical Expertise: 4.85 (out of a possible 5.0), Expertise for
the assignment: 4.8, Understanding: 4.7 and Efficiency: 4.65.
Personnel related indicators (parent company)
No. of employees (31 December, 2008)
238 of which 32 are managers (13%)
Absences due to illness
3,731 days
Absence due to occupational injury or work-related illnesses
160 days (4% of absences due to illness)
Women’s salaries as a percentage of the men’s
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Financial statements
Financial Statements
The Group consists of the parent company, Innventia AB, with its subsidiaries,
LignoBoost Demo AB in Sweden, PFI AS in Norway and STFI-Packforsk UK Ltd. in
Great Britain.
The profit and loss statement and balance sheet include all the companies, in
which the parent company directly or indirectly has more than half of the number of
votes per share, and companies in which the Group, in another way, has a controlling
influence and a more significant share in the result of their operations, which includes
all the companies mentioned above.
Income and Operating profit
SEK 1,000
Profit and loss statement
Operating income
Net sales
Changes in work on contract
Other operating income
Financial income and expense
Result from participating in group companies
Other interest income and similar revenues
Interest expense and similar items
Profit after financial items
Income, SEK m
Operating profit, SEK m
Turnover per field of activity
Operating expenses
Raw materials, consumables and subcontractors
Other external expenses
Personnel expenses
Depreciation of fixed assets
Items affecting comparability
Other operating expenses
Operating profit
Industrial Research, SEK 111,7 m
Exploratory Research, SEK 116,7 m
Client Projects, SEK 87,3 m
Other, SEK 12,3 m
Tax on profit for the year
Minority interests in profit for the year
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Balance sheet
assets SEK 1,000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets
Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings
Fixed assets in progress
Financial fixed assets
Other long-term receivables
Total fixed assets
Current assets
Inventories and work in progress
Work on contract
Current receivables
Accounts receivable
Other receivables
Prepaid expenses and accrued income
45,045 41,404 10,230 32,100
96,679 57,929
Short-term investments
Cash and bank balances ( limit SEK 20m )
45,468 58,223 –
Total current assets
200,370 150,660
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
Financial statements
Shareholders’ Equity and Liabilities
SEK 1,000
Shareholders of Innventia
Shareholders’ equity
Restricted equity
Share capital
Restricted reserves
Unrestricted equity
Unrestricted reserves
Profit for the year
Total shareholders equity
Direct owners: Billerud, Holmen, Korsnäs,
M-real, Stora Enso and Södra
IRECO Holding
The STFI Association of Interested Parties
Long-term liabilities
Liabilities to creditor
The 1951 Donation
Bank overdraft facility
Current liabilities
Advance payment from customers
Work in progress
Accounts payable
Tax liabilities
Other short-term liabilities
Accrued expenses and deferred income
Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities
Provisions for taxes
Shareholders’ equity and
Equity/assets ration
Minority interest
The Private Owners’ Association Packforsk
Shareholders’ equity, SEK m
Equity/assets ratio, %
Pledged assets
Contingent liabilities
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
2008 in Brief
Highlights of 2008
29 January: Professor Tom Lindström is awarded the Ekman Medal, which
is one
of the most prestigious prizes in the Swedish forestry industry.
Ekman Medal is awarded annually for “Meritorious technical or scientific
efforts in the Swedish forestry industry” by The Swedish Association of Pulp
and Paper Engineers (SPCI).
6-10 Februari: Seminar with Liblab during the Stockholm Furniture Fair
2008. Innventia proceeds further in its collaboration with the University
of Arts, Crafts and Design (Stockholm) and other organizations to create
new conditions for materials and product development.January
Tom Lindström to the left
11-14 March: The first Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference takes place in
Stockholm, organised by Innventia. The event is a great success and attracts
over 200 industrial delegates from more than 20 countries.
Happy faces at the NWBC2008
1-3 April: The Innventia Wood Room Conference 2008 is held in Kalmar,
One hundred and thirty or so participants prove that interest in
developing techniques and co-operation between forestry and the forest
industry exists.
8 April: Trade and Industry Group Miljöpack holds a seminar on Carbon
Foot Printing in the Packaging Industry, with visitors from the food, retail
and packaging lines of business.
25 April: Start of the KAW Project to expand the EuroFEX Pilot Plant
April: Södra and Innventia complete successful trials in the FRAM2
Programme to replace oil with new lignin biofuel in the lime kiln at the
Cell Mönsterås Pulp Mill.
Successful trials in Mönsterås
6 Maj: The third and final conference for SustainPack, an EU Project,
presents the final research findings in areas such as protective coatings, 3D
composites, fibre-based composite films, communicative packaging, and
27 Maj: Innventia launches its new graphic profile and introduces its new
logo at the SPCI Fair in Stockholm.
27 Maj: Innventia sells LignoBoost AB to Metso (read more on page 6).
5 June: The 10th anniversary of PFI in Trondheim (1998 - 2008). A seminar
is held at PFI in Norway.
Annual Review 2008 INNVENTIA Group
New logo launched at the SPCI Fair
July: Nandi Nobell, one of the designers of Kofe, wins an international
fashion award for his first fashion collection at Saint Martin’s College of
Art and Design in London. This was an Innventia sponsored final exam
in digital printing and creations of patterns. The first prize is a one year
contract with an Italian textile company.
25 August: Seminar at Innventia on Affective Product and Packaging
Design using the Kansei Engineering Method.
1 September: Start of SustainComp, an EU Project coordinated by
Innventia. The SustainComp Project will run for 4 years with a total
budget of € 9.5 million, involving 17 partners from Europe.
22-23 September: Research Seminar for Innventia Partner Customers.
Visitors were in record numbers at this year’s event.
24 September: Seminar and Workshop on Biofuels in Lime Kilns, held at
1 October: Two new pulp tanks are lifted into place at the EuroFEX Pilot
Plant, as part of the KAW expansion project. The tanks make the storage
of larger quantities of pulp possible, which means greater flexibility and
longer pilot runs.
12-13 November: Seminar at PFI on Recent advances in fibrillar
nanocellulose research – Characterisation and applications.
November: Final open conference for ECOTARGET, an EU Project, with
results from the whole project being presented. The Project comes to an
end in December, 2008.
20-21 November: Seminar at PFI on Biofuels from the forest.
28 November: Workshop at PFI: Research on the biorefinery –
possibilities from a Norwegian perspective.
December: The FRAM2 Research Project, coordinated by Innventia, is
finalised. The results widely surpass original expectations, according to an
evaluation made by the Swedish Energy Agency.
December: Best paper awarded in two categories to Thomas Mejtoft and
Åsa Nordin at the 2008 Annual Conference of ANZMAC (The Australia
and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference).
Joint session at the Research Seminar
Doctors and Licentiates 2008
Jasna Stevanic-Srndovic
Ultrastructure of primary cell wall of softwood fibres studied
using dynamic FT-IR spectroscopy
Licentiate thesis, The Royal Institute of Technology
Anders Sjöde
Chemical characterization in the biorefinery of lignocellulose.
Formation and management of oxalic acid and analysis of
feedstocks for bioethanol production
Doctoral thesis, Karlstad University
Magnus Viström
Aspects of the impact of technology integration on agility and
supply chain management - the potential of digital packaging
Doctoral thesis, Lund University
Peter Åslund
On suction box dewatering mechanisms
Doctoral thesis, The Royal Institute of Technology
Henrik Ullsten
Processing and development of wheat gluten plastics
Doctoral thesis, The Royal Institute of Technology
Thomas Mejtoft
Institutional arrangements and competitive posture. Effects
of company structures in commercial printing industry
Doctoral thesis, The Royal Institute of Technology
Parent Company
Box 5604,
SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel +46 (0)8 676 70 00
Fax +46 (0)8 411 55 18
Høgskoleringen 6b,
NO-7491 Trondheim
Tel +47 33 55 09 00
STFI-Packforsk (UK) Ltd
5th Floor
Imperial House
15-19 Kingsway
Tel +44 7771 558785
LignoBoost Demo AB
Box 5604
SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel +46 676 70 00