February is Owner Appreciation - BriarPatch Co-op


February is Owner Appreciation - BriarPatch Co-op
the Vine
B r i a r Pa t c h C o - o p’s C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r
F e b r u aJruy n/eM/ a
J ur cl yh 220012
is Owner reciation
ur voucher
Look for yo
inserted in
Top 10 Stories of 2011 ........ 2
Coming soon: new ticketing system ....... 3
Faces of local farmers............................................................................................................................. 4
Food Love Project – a farm just for children................................... 5
Health focus: allergy, intolerance, sensitivity...................... 6-7
Commentary: Occupy the Food System............................................ 8-9
GMO updates: ballot signatures & Agent Orange ......10
Local artist sets out to save Mexico’s corn ..................................... 11
Food Film Fridays series ............................................................................................... 12-13
Bakery rises through cooperation .....................................................................17
Cooking Classes: March international cooking ..................18
Photograph by Akim Aginsky
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Co-op Grapevine
Editor’s Note
The Top 10 BriarPatch Stories of 2011
by Stephanie Mandel
his is it, 2012: a new beginning and the International
Year of Cooperatives! In recognition, throughout the
year The Vine will be featuring articles on cooperatively
owned food businesses that are familiar to BriarPatch
shoppers. The first article, which is on page 17, is about
Alvarado Street Bakery, written by trusty staff writer
Mellisa Hannum.
Food Film Fridays
Once again this year, BriarPatch has cooked up
our own take on dinner and a movie for our “Food
Film Fridays” series. To be screened each Friday in
February and March, we’ve lined up a variety of films
on food-related topics, ranging from young farmers to
organic wine. See pages 12 and 13 for a list of films and
descriptions. Admission is free. (Talk about a cheap date!)
The Top 10
Now I’d like to jump on the “Top 10” list bandwagon
and offer a list of “Top 10 BriarPatch Stories of 2011”:
1. Sales Surge – In spite of the economy and the lack of
population growth, BriarPatch sales rose 12% over
the year, with the deli department leading the way.
2. 35th Anniversary: 1976-2011 – We commemorated
this milestone with a series of articles on the Coop’s history.
3. Local Produce Boom – Though the growing season
started late and the local peach crop was devastated
by a long, cold winter, the Patch carried and sold
more local produce than ever in 2011.
The Vine
Published bimonthly by BriarPatch Co-op
290 Sierra College Drive, Suite A
Grass Valley, CA 95945
530-272-5333 fax 530-272-1204
4. Rise in Food Co-ops – Over 200 new food co-ops
sprouted up around the country, and BriarPatch
managers devoted considerable time to mentoring
a number of these start-ups.
5. Mighty Meeting – The annual Co-op owner
meeting, themed “A Wine Crush” and held at the
Miners Foundry, was our biggest ever, drawing 350
BriarPatch owners.
6. Owner Specials – A
new sales program was
launched, for owners
7. GMO/Non-GMO –
BriarPatch stepped up
GMO education and
adopted a strict GMO promotional policy.
The government approved genetically modified
alfalfa, and postponed the approval of GE salmon.
8. Policy Governance and Ends Policies – The Board
of Directors operated for its first full year using this
new governing system.
9. Co-op Cooking Classes – In November and
December we started our own, lower cost classes,
held at In the Kitchen in Nevada City on Thursday
10. Ownership – Over the course of the year 788 new
owners joined the Co-op — almost twice as many
as in 2010!
Year of the Cooperative
Design Contest
hat better time to gather some great co-op designs
than the International Year of Cooperatives?
To promote this principled way of doing business,
BriarPatch is holding a t-shirt design contest with the
theme “Cooperative” — celebrating cooperatives and/or
cooperation. The deadline for contest entries is March
1, 2012. The winner will receive the prize of a $100
BriarPatch gift card.
Will your
go here?
The winner’s design may be used, with artist attribution,
on media including but not limited to BriarPatch t-shirts,
bags, posters, and other promotional materials. The
contest is open to all ages, and BriarPatch employees may
enter. The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges that
includes BriarPatch Board Directors.
Rules: Images must be designed for a single surface/
side, at a maximum size of 8.5”x11” vertical, and must
look good as a full color image, black and white, or as one
or more individual colors. BriarPatch reserves the right
to change and/or modify the image as it sees fit. Digital
images must be 300 dpi or vector. Submit entries to joshb@
briarpatch.coop or at the Customer Service window.
For information about advertising in The Vine,
go to www.briarpatch.coop/pages/newsletter
Editor: Stephanie Mandel
530-272-5333 ext. 127, Stephanie@briarpatch.coop
Moving? Please let us know where. Send an email message with
your new mailing address to info@briarpatch.coop, call
530-272-5333 ext. 103, or fill out an owner change form at the store.
Words, Pictures, Production:
Akim Aginsky, Josh Bumgarner, Margaret Campbell,
Tony Finnerty, Mellisa Hannum, Robert Stephson
Read The Vine online at www.briarpatch.coop/pages/newsletter.
Don’t want a paper copy of The Vine? Send an email message with
NO NEWSLETTER in the subject line to info@briarpatch.coop.
Our email newsletter will send you notices and links to The Vine
as new issues are published.
Contributors: Rachel Berry, Julie DeHollander, Bill
Drake, David Edwards, Tony Finnerty, Alicia Funk,
Chula Gemignani, Jeff Gold, Chris Maher, Willie
Nelson, Cornucopia Institute
Deadline for April/May 2012 issue: Feb. 29, 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Around the Patch
New event ticketing system
coming soon to the Patch
ost BriarPatch shoppers are aware that tickets for
many community events are sold at our Customer
Service window. The nearby bulletin board, covered with
posters for events whose tickets we’re selling, may be
the best place in town to scan our area’s entertainment
But few know what a great deal of effort is involved
in providing this service. In a year’s time BriarPatch staff
sold about 13,400 tickets, for over 450 events, with a
total value between $300,000 and $400,000! The Co-op
has provided this service entirely free of charge, for the
convenience of our shoppers, the community at large,
and event producers.
Enter Vendini
Recently, several of the major local event producers
and venues (The Center for Arts, Miner’s Foundry, Nevada
Theater, InConcert Sierra, and Music in the Mountains)
adopted an electronic ticketing system called Vendini.
After thoroughly researching this system and other
approaches that we might take, BriarPatch staff decided
that participating in Vendini is the best way for the Co-op
to serve our ticket buyers as well as the arts community.
We plan to adopt this system in early March.
More payment options
What will change with this new system? A major
advantage of using Vendini is that it will enable
BriarPatch to accept debit cards and credit cards to pay
for tickets; in the past, we could only take cash or checks.
Ticketing fee
This convenience comes at a price. The equipment to
use Vendini will cost the Patch about $3,200. Ongoing
The International
Cooperative Principles:
Voluntary and Open Membership
Democratic Member Control
Member Economic Participation
Autonomy and Independence
Education, Training, and Information
Cooperation Among Cooperatives
Concern for the Community
staffing expenses will be higher, for customer service and
for additional administrative and accounting time.
To offset these expenses, BriarPatch will institute a
$2 fee for each ticket sold through Vendini. This $2 fee is
rather less than the actual cost born by the Co-op, and is
lower than the fee for buying tickets online through the
venues themselves.
Ticketing hours
Soon BriarPatch will post new, fixed hours for ticket
sales. We will provide this service as many hours as possible,
while balancing other store needs as well.
Keeping pace with progress
The changes in our local event ticketing have given
BriarPatch the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment
to offering this valuable service to our owners, shoppers,
and the community. Enjoy the shows!
Double Trouble
No, that isn’t Jim Gates’ long-lost twin. “Jim Jr.” is a
photo cut-out used at the Patch to give out samples of
Nevada County Free Range Beef when Jim is too busy
with calving, irrigation, and things like that. (Too bad
Jr. can’t help out at the ranch, too!)
Share the love, with
sustainably grown flowers
his Valentine’s Day, say “I
love you” with flowers you
can feel good about. BriarPatch
will have lots of lovely roses
and bouquets, which are either
grown in California or certified
as sustainably grown by the
Rainforest Alliance or Veriflora.
To learn more, see rainforestalliance.org and veriflora.com.
Welcome Weekend Demos
Good news for weekend shoppers! Sue Brusseau,
left, has joined the BriarPatch staff to provide demos
(that’s grocery-store-speak for “ free samples”) on
Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Welcome, Sue! At
right is Hilary Dart, Volunteer and Demo Coordinator
BriarPatch Co-op Vision Statement
BriarPatch Co-op is the leading natural food store in Nevada County.
We are a vibrant, important community hub for gathering and for dialogue and learning about healthful food.
We seek to be a leader in social, environmental, as well as fiscal business responsibility,
among both local businesses and food co-ops nationally.
We model community-mindedness and cooperative principles, and hope to inspire others to do the same,
and in so doing contribute to peace and prosperity for all within our reach.
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Local Food and Farms
Local farmers gather to plan for next season
Above: The Community Room was packed. Below:
Pablo Wilkin of Four Frog Farm, left, and Alan
Haight of Riverhill Farm had front row seats.
Farmers from 30 local farms and BriarPatch staff. Front row, from left: Andrew of K&E Ranch, Jordan Harris, Eric Dickerson of
K&E, Daniel Collett, Produce Manager David Benson, Lead Buyer Cia Harden, Judith Lancaster, and Buyer Mark Ward.
n an amazing gathering of heroes, local farmers met at BriarPatch
in November to start talking about marketing next summer’s crops
at the Co-op. In the weeks following the meeting, Produce Manager
David Benson and Produce Buyer Cia Harden met individually with
each farmer to coordinate who will grow what for the store this year.
Making agreements about crops ahead of time is good for both the
farmers and BriarPatch shoppers. Farmers can be sure that BriarPatch
will purchase their harvest, while BriarPatch shoppers have more local
produce available at the store.
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Local Farm Scene
The Food Love Project
Educational farm inspires love and passion for fresh food
by Rachel Berry, Executive Director of Living Lands Agrarian Network
magine a place where you enter
through a tall tunnel of vines hanging
heavy with sun-ripened tomatoes, and arrive at a teepee lined with climbing green
beans and voluptuous hanging gourds.
As you emerge from the tunnel, you
nibble on some fresh strawberries, and
look up to see rows of giant sunflowers
towering overhead. Colorful flowers line
the walking trails, and food is growing
everywhere. While this may sound like
something out of an imaginative children’s book, it was actually the experience
for many of our local youth who visited
the Food Love Project last season.
The goal of the Food Love Project is
to inspire a love of healthy food through
hands-on experience and nutrition education. This educational farm, located on
a three-quarter acre plot at the Burton
Homestead, is a development of the Living Lands Agrarian Network and farmer
Amanda Thibodeau.
Several years ago, Leo Chapman, one
of the founding farmers of the Living
Lands Agrarian Network, began offering farm-to-school education for his
grandchildren’s school. When Amanda
Thibodeau, a Living Lands farm intern,
b e g a n wor k i n g
with Leo on this
project, she discovered her passion for
teaching children
about growing and
eating fresh, nutritious vegetables.
A year and half
later, after securing
an agreement with
the Bear River Land Trust, Amanda is
now running her own educational farm
at the Food Love Project. BriarPatch was
among the first contributors to this project, with a $750 grant from the Community Fund to help purchase educational
supplies for the farm.
The Food Love Project is a centralized
resource for local youth to connect with
the process of growing food, experience
the value of fresh produce, and learn the
nutritional benefits of tasty fruits, vegetables and grains. Typical activities at the
Food Love Project include sowing seeds,
fertilizing soil with worm castings, and of
course, harvesting and tasting fresh fruits
and vegetables. For some students, it’s
their first experience of seeing how veg-
etables grow from
the soil, and how
d e l ic iou s t he y
taste when handpicked from the
garden. It is well
established that
this kind of experiential learning
promotes healthier food choices
among today’s youth.
In its first year of development, the
Food Love Project has served over 700
students. Amanda witnesses firsthand
how this experiential
education impacts the
children. She sees their
interest and enthusiasm
for the farm, and often
hears things like:
“Wow, these are the
best tomatoes I ever
“Hey, I planted this one.... can I eat it?”
“I never want to leave!”
The greater community has responded to the Food Love Project with much
interest and support. The farm has ben-
efited from thousands of dollars in donated time and materials to help develop
the site and its educational programming.
Living Lands Agrarian Network has also
received grant funding from the Nevada
County Community Initiative Fund, the
Rose Foundation, the Flow Fund, and
Live Healthy Nevada County to help
develop the site.
The Food Love Project serves mostly
local students, but has also served groups
from as far away as Truckee and Oakland.
It is a valuable resource for those schools
that aren’t able to fund and staff their
own school gardens, and it will continue
to develop programs to
serve a broader range of
community members.
Want to learn more?
Join Farmer Amanda
and Living Lands on
March 14th for our annual Food Love Project
Soup Night. Amanda
will share more about new developments
and how you can get involved. Families are
welcome and encouraged to come. Find
out more at www.LivingLandsAgrarianNetwork.org.
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Food & Health Focus
Are the foods you’re eating making you sick?
by Julie DeHollander, RD, CD
ith all the
talk lately
about food allergies and sensitivities, you may
be beginning to
wonder i f you
Julie DeHollander
h ave a ny. A re
the healthy foods
you’re eating having a negative impact
on your health? What’s the difference
between a food allergy, sensitivity, or
intolerance? Let’s look at these terms
more closely.
Allergy refers to a response of the
immune system. A food allergy is caused
when our immune system reacts to what
it perceives as a foreign material, food
or additive, each of which is incapable
of causing disease on its own. This involves an immunological response. In
this process of rejecting this material,
the immune system releases chemicals
that cause the symptoms of an allergic
response. Childhood allergies to milk,
eggs, wheat, and soy are typically resolved
by age 5, while allergies to peanuts, tree
nuts, fish, and shellfish tend to be lifelong.
Food allergies can be life-threatening.
Food intolerance refers to a reaction that takes place in the gut and
that doesn’t involve
the immune system.
Such intolerance often reflects a problem in the way our
body processes that
food, not actual rejection of the food
itself. Lactose intolerance, for example,
occurs when there is a deficiency of
the enzyme lactase, which is required
to break down dairy products. Food
intolerances are more common than
food allergies, and often produce milder
Food sensitivity is a nonspecific
term that refers to the fact that a person reacts negatively to a food or its
components. This term is often used
instead of the terms food allergy and
food intolerance, or when it is unclear
whether the sensitivity involves an immunological process.
So — how do you know if you have
one of these conditions, and which one?
The best way to be sure is to work with
a qualified clinician who specializes in
food sensitivities and undergo some
form of testing. Many laboratory tests are
available for food allergies and intolerances. There are also a number of blood
and saliva tests that
can be useful tools in
detecting food allergies and intolerances,
though none of them
are considered 100%
reliable. Skin prick
tests may be reliable
in detecting some food allergies, but
may be unreliable in testing for food
The gold standard for determining
a person’s reactivity to a food or food
additive is a strict elimination diet. This
involves removing all allergens from the
diet for 3 weeks and then reintroducing
them, one by one, over the following
weeks, while carefully watching for
adverse symptoms. This form of testing
is very accurate, but isn’t for everyone.
It requires a highly restricted diet that
must be strictly adhered to for at least 6
to 8 weeks.
For those unable to accommodate a
full elimination diet, a laboratory test
may be a good place to start, followed
by a modified elimination diet that only
removes the foods that were shown to be
reactive on a blood or saliva test, and then
reintroducing these foods one by one to
confirm the results of the laboratory test.
Symptoms of food sensitivity can
appear in many different organ systems,
including the digestive, skin, respiratory,
and nervous systems. Symptoms can also
include inflammatory conditions, joint
pain, headaches, chronic pain, fatigue,
depression, anxiety, lack of concentration, weight loss or gain, and weight loss
resistance. Because the onset of symptoms is often delayed from hours to days
following ingestion, it can be hard to
pinpoint the correlation between foods
and symptoms. If you are experiencing
any of these symptoms and have not yet
looked into food sensitivities, now might
be the time for you to do so.
You may have noticed that the incidence of adverse food reactions is on the
rise. This may be related to a number of
factors. While we are now better at detecting reactions through new methods
of testing, there have also been many
changes in our food system, such as
GMOs, additives, and the ways foods
are processed. There is also the “hygiene
theory,” which says that we have weakened our immune defenses through the
overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial
cleansers, and do not expose our immune
Continued on next page
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Food & Health Focus
Eat well, growl less, and make a difference
Continued from previous page
system to pathogens they way we used to.
Another factor is the increased
prevalence of “Leaky Gut,” a common
condition of increased permeability of
the lining of the digestive tract. This
condition causes enlarged openings in
the gut wall that allow large food molecules to escape into the bloodstream.
The body sees these food molecules as
invaders, so an inflammatory immune
response is triggered. Many things
contribute to Leaky Gut, including poor
diet, stress, nutrient deficiencies, parasitic and bacterial infections, antibiotics, medications, and alcohol. Because
our immune cells are located in our
digestive tract, having a healthy gut is
vital to a healthy immune system. Fortunately, Leaky Gut can be healed, and
integrity can be restored to the gut and
immune system. Healing the digestive
tract often results in the disappearance
of food sensitivities and an increased
quality of life.
Julie DeHollander, RD, CD is a registered dietitian and holistic nutritionist
practicing at Sierra Wellness Nutrition
in Grass Valley, at 530-263-3131 or www.
What’s More Satisfying,
a Chocolate Bar or a
Saucy Dish of Spaghetti?
recent study conducted for the National Pasta Association has found
that 59% of consumers picked pasta over
chocolate as the one food that they cannot
“live without.” Americans eat around 20
pounds of pasta each year.
Eating Well in Winter
ating Well has published the names
of nine winter foods that are conducive to healthy, beautiful skin. The nine
“wonder foods” are pink grapefruit, coffee, edamame (unripe, green soy beans),
tea, carrots, tuna, broccoli, spinach…
and cocoa!
The Friendly Skies
are More Heart-Friendly
ccording to “USA Today,” a recent
survey has found that airport restaurants are now carrying healthier options
than they used to. Now 83% offer at least
one vegetarian item, up from 57% ten
years ago. Restaurants are responding to
the demand and are adding more choices
each year.
When I Start to Shiver,
My Stomach
Won’t Stop Growling
he National Public Radio blog
recently addressed why we feel
hungrier during the winter. According
to research, our primitive impulses
are telling us to stockpile calories…
even though we spend our days in
climate-controlled env ironments.
These impulses seem to be sensitive
to light – the less light, the more we’re
prompted to eat and the faster we want
to do so. Some researchers, however,
say that we pile on the calories simply
because of the opportunity to eat more
rich, decadent foods during the winter.
Public Comments
Can Make a Difference
he Earth Day Network announced
that due to a public outcry to the
Environmental Protection Agency over
the proposed Power Plant Mercury and
Air Toxics Standards rule, the rules
have been finalized with reduced emissions. The new Air Toxics rule may save
as many as 17,000 American lives per
year by 2015 and prevent up to 120,000
cases of asthma in children.
– Compiled by Mellisa Hannum
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Commentary – Food Politics
Occupy the Food System
by Willie Nelson
hanks to
the Occupy
movement, we
have a deeper
of the power that
wield over the great majority of us. This is not just in the
financial sector, but in all facets of our lives. The disparity
between the top 1 percent and everyone else has been laid
bare – we can no longer deny that those at the top get
their share at the expense of the 99 percent. Lobbyists,
loopholes, tax breaks... how can ordinary folks expect to
get a fair shake?
Photographs from Eddie C.’s blog on The Daily Kos www.
dailykos.com/story/2011/12/05/1042647/-Photos-from-theFarmers-March-on-WallStreet documenting the December 4,
2011 Farmers’ March on Wall Street. (Site content may be used
without explicit permissions.)
No one knows this better than family farmers, whose
struggle to make a living on the land has gotten far more
difficult since corporations came to dominate our farm
and food system. We saw signs of this when Farm Aid
started in 1985, and since that time, corporate control of
our food system has truly exploded.
From seed to plate, our food system is now even more
concentrated than our banking system. Most economic
sectors have concentration ratios hovering around 40
percent, which means that the top four firms in the
industry control 40 percent of the market. Anything
beyond this level is considered “highly concentrated,”
where experts believe competition is severely threatened
and market abuses are likely.
Many key agricultural markets such as soybeans and
beef exceed the 40 percent threshold, which means that
the seeds and inputs that farmers need to grow our crops
just a handful
of companies.
percent of the
soybeans and
of the corn
grown in the
United States
Young farmers march for access to farm
are under the
credit, fair mortgages on their land, fair
control of just
prices for the food they produce, seeds that
one company.
aren’t patented by Monsanto or other big
corporations, and for the consumers’ right to Just
be able to purchase healthy and local food.
control up to 90 percent of the global trade in grain.
Today, three companies process more than 70 percent of
the beef in the U.S., and four companies dominate close to
60 percent of the pork and chicken markets.
Our banks were deemed too big to fail, yet our food
Continued on next page
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Commentary – Food Politics
Occupy the Food System
Continued from previous page
Despite all that
they’re up against,
family farmers persevere.
From seed to plate, our food system is now even more
concentrated than our banking system.
system’s corporations are even bigger. Their power
puts our entire food system at stake. Last year the U.S.
Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Justice (DOJ)
acknowledged this, hosting a series of workshops that
examined corporate concentration in our farm and food
system. Despite the hundreds of thousands of comments
they received from farmers and eaters nationwide, a year
has passed and the USDA and DOJ have taken no action
to address the issue. Recent decisions in Washington
make it clear that corporate lobbyists have tremendous
power to maintain the status quo.
In November, the Obama administration delivered a
crushing blow to a crucial rule proposed by the USDA
(known as the GIPSA rule) that was meant to level
the playing field for independent cattle ranchers. The
large meatpackers, who would have lost some of their
power, lobbied hard and won the battle to keep the beef
market as it is — ruled by corporate giants. In the same
month, new school lunch rules proposed by the USDA
that would have
fresh food to
school cafeterias
were weakened by
Congress. Food
processors — the
corporations that
The disparity between the top 1 percent
and chicken into
and everyone else has been laid bare –
we can no longer deny that those at the nuggets — spent
top get their share at the expense of the $5.6 million to
99 percent.
lobby against the
new rules. Not
win, but Congress
even went so far
as to agree to call
pizza a vegetable!
demonstrate that
wins, and the health
of our markets and
our children loses.
Despite all that
they’re up against, Recent decisions in Washington make
farmers it clear that corporate lobbyists have
Each tremendous power to maintain the
status quo.
and every day they
work to sustain a better alternative — an agricultural
system that guarantees farmers a fair living, strengthens
our communities, protects our natural resources, and
delivers good food for all. Nothing is more important
than the food we eat and the family farmers who grow
it. Corporate control of our food system has led to the
loss of millions of family farmers, the destruction of
our soil, pollution of our water, and health epidemics
of obesity and diabetes.
We simply can’t afford it. Our food system belongs in
the hands of many family farmers, not under the control
of a handful of corporations.
Willie Nelson is the President of Farm Aid. Reprinted
with permission.
February/March 2012
Food Safety – GMO News
Initiative signature
gathering to begin soon
coalition of consumer, public
health and environmental organizations, food companies, and individuals has submitted the California Right
to Know Genetically Engineered Food
Act to the State Attorney General.
The purpose of this measure is to create and enforce the fundamental right
of the people of California to be fully
informed as to whether foods available
for purchase are genetically engineered
— and to be assured that foods are not
misbranded as being “natural” — so that
they can choose for themselves whether
to purchase and eat such foods.
Due to late changes made in the initiative, there will be about 6 weeks to gather
850,000 signatures. To volunteer, contact
gvlabelgmo@gmail.com. For more information, visit the coalition’s websites:
carighttoknow.org and LabelGMOs.org.
BriarPatch on GMO panel – Chris
Maher, left, BriarPatch General
Manager, was a panelist at the Wild
and Scenic Film Festival’s GMO
workshop. The other panelists were,
from left: Pamm Larry, organizer of
the Label GMOs initiative; natural
food industry pioneer Micheal Funk,
and Rowen White of Sierra Seed
Cooperative. Photo by Tony Finnerty
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Administration approves more
Monsanto mutant corn
Agent Orange herbicide ingredient proposed for use
Comment deadline February 27
espite receiving nearly
45,000 public comments
in opposition and only 23 comments in favor, the Obama administration gave Monsanto the
green light to release its newest
genetically engineered (GE) corn
variety freely into the environment and American food supply, without any governmental
oversight or safety tracking.
Over the holidays, the USDA announced its approval of a novel strain of
GE corn Monsanto claims is “drought
The USDA also opened a 60-day
public comment period for two petitions.
One is for Monsanto’s GE soybean containing higher levels of an omega-3 fatty
acid that does not naturally occur in soybeans. The other is from Dow AgroSciences for corn that has been genetically
engineered to better resist the poisonous
herbicide 2,4-D, a key ingredient in the
“Agent Orange” used to defoliate forests
and croplands in the Vietnam War.
“The concern is that, just like Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn that is
resistant to RoundUp™ (glyphosate) herbicide, the approval of a cultivar resistant to
2,4-D will cause an exponential increase in
the use of this toxic agrichemical,” Mark
Kastel of The Cornucopia Institute stated.
Citizens can comment on the proposed approval of Dow’s 2,4-D tolerant
corn and Monsanto’s stearidonic acid
soybeans until February 27, 2012.
An online petition opposing Dow’s
2,4-D corn variety, which will be sent to
President Obama and USDA Secretary
Vilsack, can be signed at www.cornucopia.org. From Cornucopia Institute
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Food Safety – GMO News
February/March 2012
Saving Mexico’s corn through GMO awareness
Slide Presentation by Chula Gemignani, Monday, February 6th, 6pm, BriarPatch Community Room
hula will be sharing her recent
adventures in Mexico as an art
activist. She will present a slide show
on her work in the city of Oaxaca, and
will host a discussion of the current
corn crisis.
An art activist from Nevada City,
Chula has recently formed an organization called Viva La Milpa, (translation: long live the indigenous farm).
The organization’s mission is to raise
consumer awareness in Mexico regarding the dangers of GMOs (Genetically
Modified Organisms).
Why Mexico? Mexico is losing its
native corn to GMO agriculture and
the NAFTA free trade agreement. The
U.S. exports over 6 million tons of
corn a year to Mexico, 40% of which is
GMO. “The corn is exported as ‘animal
feed.’ I guess that’s how they justify it,
which is insanely unjust in itself,” says
Chula. “Everyone was clapping for joy
when Mexico announced in September
that they were not allowing Monsanto
to farm in the North. But I contend
that this celebration is just a weapon
of distraction, exactly what the large
farming-science corporation wants. It
is propaganda that turns us away from
the truth of what is really happening.
People don’t realize that the NAFTA
free trade agreement makes the celebration of a “No” to Monsanto completely
obsolete. Monsanto is like a serpent;
it knows how to slither into countries
behind different kinds of veils.”
Through research, Chula found that
after crossing the border, this imported
U.S. corn passes through many different
channels throughout Mexico. In addition to corporate routes, it enters the
river of the black market and navigates
down its many tributaries, along the way
finding usage as animal feed, farmer’s
seed, and food for human consumption.
It even reaches remote areas like Oaxaca,
in the very south
of the country
— the most
populated state
Chu la contents that this is
both social and
injustice, that
needs to stop.
K now ing t hat Chula Gemignani, right, works with children in Mexico making
t he on ly w ay posters that carry messages about the risks that GMO corn poses
to native species of corn.
t his ca n happen is through
education and raising awareness, she
of GMOs. She has discovered that art is
believes that the efforts of Viva La
an amazing way to raise awareness, and
Milpa will help to save Mexico’s nabelieves that the consumers of Mexico
tive corn through consumer awarecan dictate the much needed change
ness. “Without knowledge, we have
in their country’s importation policy.
very few choices as consumers,” she
In March, Chula will be producing
said. “Awareness and knowledge bring
a documentary of a GMO awareness
more choices, and having more choices
festival in Oaxaca. The festival will be
brings empowerment. Viva la Milpa’s
a 100% non-profit event with music,
efforts are empowering the people of
puppet shows, and art. The project
needs funding, and donations of any
Chula’s art is devoted to her activism.
amount, whether it be $1 or $10,0000,
After printing her original prints on an
will be much appreciated.
old printing press in the city of Oaxaca,
she then places them as posters on the
For more information, see www.
city’s walls, to raise people’s awareness
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Friday Film Series
Patch presents Friday food film series
ilms with a focus on food will be shown in the BriarPatch
Community Room each Friday night in February and
March. Some of the films were shown locally at SYRCL’s Wild
and Scenic Film Festival this January. Others are screening in
the area for the first time.
The films will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. each Friday. In
the spirit of providing community education, admission is free
(but we’ll gladly accept donations to the BriarPatch Cooperative Community Fund.) Seating is limited, so come early to be
sure to get a seat. Food is allowed in the Community Room,
From Food Stamped
but to minimize noise and distraction, please plan to enjoy
your supper, snacks, and drinks before the show, in the Good Food Gallery/dining area.
Friday, February 10
The Dark Side of Chocolate
by Miki Mistrati
Is the chocolate we eat produced by
child labor? Hunting for answers, Miki
Mistrati finds himself in Mali, West Africa. There, on secretly taken footage, he
captures illegal child trafficking to cocoa
fields in the neighboring Ivory Coast. Children as young as seven are forced to do difficult, dangerous tasks in order to harvest the cocoa needed for a chocolate bar. Does
your favorite chocolate have a bitter taste? thedarksideofchocolate.org (47 minutes)
Friday, February 17
Food Stamped
by Shira and Yoav Potash
Friday, February 3
Two Angry Moms
by Amy Kalafa
Amy Kalafa was stewing for years while
packing her kids lunches from home and trying to get her community to pay attention to
what kids are eating in school. When news of
a national child health crisis began to make
headlines, Amy, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, decided to take the fight to
film. “Two Angry Moms” is about Amy’s quest
to learn what she and other parents need to
know and do to get better food in their kids’
schools. The other angry mom, Susan Rubin,
had been trying for a decade to work with her district to improve school food, earning herself a reputation as a rabble-rouser. Exasperated, she decided to reach beyond
her school district, and founded Better School Food, her own grassroots organization. angrymoms.org (62 minutes)
“Food Stamped” follows two Oakland filmmakers as
they attempt to eat a healthy diet while living on food
stamps with a budget of $1 a meal. By interviewing members of Congress, food justice organizations, nutritionists,
and Americans who live on food stamps, this award-winning film takes an in-depth, critical look at food security.
foodstamped.com (62 minutes)
Friday, February 24
The Greenhorns
by Severine von Tscharner Fleming
“The Greenhorns” is a documentary that explores the lives of America’s young farming community — its spirit, practices, and needs. As the nation
experiences a groundswell of interest in sustainable
lifestyles, we see the promising beginnings of an agricultural revival. Young farmers’ efforts feed us safe food, conserve valuable land, and
reconstitute communities split apart by strip malls. thegreenhorns.net (38 minutes)
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Friday Film Series
February/March 2012
free features on Fridays
Friday, March 16
Friday, March 2
Truck Farm
by Ian Cheney
It’s a 1986 Dodge pickup with a minifarm planted in the truck bed. It’s a
traveling, edible exhibit that brings a
rural experience to urban students. It’s a
“Truck Farm,” literally! truck-farm.com
(50 minutes)
Also Friday, March 2
Corner Plot
by Ian Cook and Andre Dahlman
“Corner Plot” tells the story of 89-year-old Charlie Koiner, who continues to farm
on his one acre amidst the urban expansion surrounding Washington, DC. Charlie
believes that farm life has led to his good health and well being. cornerplotmovie.com
(10 minutes)
Friday, March 9
by Christine Anthony and Owen Masterson
Documenting one growing season on 12
Georgia farms, “GROW!” explores the 20
young farmers who tend the land. Most of
them borrow, manage, or rent the land from
previous generations. The film allows the
farmers to speak for themselves, and what
they say reduces the sense of doom that often
pervades discussion of the American agricultural system. growmovie.net (52 mins.)
Wine From Here
by Martin Carel
“Wine From Here” is about the budding natural wine movement in California.
Through lively and in-depth interviews
with natural wine producers in their own
working environments of vineyard and
winery, the film reveals the passion and the
techniques that distinguish natural wine
producers from other wine producers. The film emphasizes the importance of organic
and sustainable farming, the use of native yeasts during grape fermentation, and the
restrained use of sulfur. Ultimately, “Wine From Here” captures the values of a new
generation of wine drinkers who care about authenticity and the environment. The film
is the story of this generation’s favorite winemakers, who are pioneering a new trend
in the California wine industry. winefromhere.com (60 minutes)
Friday, March 23
The Quest for Local Honey
by Jen-Rhi Winders and
Karin Meadows
“The Quest for Local Honey”
follows two Nevada County honey
enthusiasts exploring the life and
lore of honeybees and the challenges
of beekeeping. Filmmakers Karin Meadows and Jen-Rhi Winders travel from Nevada
City to the coast of Northern California to taste hidden honey and learn about the
stressors in the honeybee world, including Colony Collapse Disorder. questforlocalhoney.com (60 minutes)
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Store Report
BriarPatch starts year with deli expansion, community outreach
by Chris Maher, General Manager
t was a very busy and successful holiday season here at
BriarPatch, and the new year has
continued in high gear.
On consecutive weekends
in January we co-sponsored
and participated in two of our
community’s major educational
gatherings: SYRCL’s Wild and
Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City and the second
Sustainable Food and Farm Conference, held at the
Grass Valley Veterans Hall. Check out the photos from
these events at our website, www.briarpatch.coop, and
Facebook page, www.facebook.com/briarpatchcoop.
Speaking of which, we’ll soon be making improvements to our website, and hope to be your primary
resource for news and good information on the many
issues that face us as consumers in today’s world of food.
In February you may notice some goings-on in
our annex space adjacent to the store. We’ve rented
Henry Harmon
Mike McCary
this area for storage since 2008,
and are now equipping it for
food preparation and baking.
We are very excited about these
improvements. Our deli food is
in high demand — one of the
fastest-growing areas of our
store — generating about 18% of
the Co-op’s gross sales. It is also
a department where new customers tend to have their introduction to the store. We’ve posted
the plans for this renovation on
the dining area bulletin board,
near the door to the Community
Room. Check them out! We hope
to have this new prep area up and
running by the end of February,
and introduce new baked goods
later in the year.
Lastly, I would like to introduce some new and returning
faces in our Co-op family.
Henry Harmon joined us
just before the holidays as our
new Deli Manager. He has a long
history of food service, and most
recently worked at the Stonehouse Hospitality Academy in
Nevada City.
Johnny Miccio
You may also recognize Mike
McCary’s famous smile. Mike, who worked in multiple
departments in the store in 2009 and 2010, has come back
to run our Front End Customer Service and Cashier team.
Finally, Johnny Miccio has come aboard as our new
Meat and Seafood Department Manager.
Please join me in welcoming them all aboard.
As always, if I can be of assistance to you, please do
not hesitate to contact me at the store or by email at
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
The 7th Principle: Concern for Community
Be Happy
BriarPatch and Smart Chicken® donate
1,200 pounds of chicken to Food Bank
riarPatch, Smart Chicken®, and mindful BriarPatch
shoppers teamed up to give generously to community
residents in need. Smart Chicken® offered to donate to
That’s a lot of chicken! Loading the pallet of donated chicken into the Food Bank’s refrigerated truck were Food
Bank workers Sonny Lacosse and Sean Owen, Meat Department Manager Johnny Miccio, Deli Receiver Keith
McBride, and Utility Clerk Kenny Wardle, on truck bed, and Dave Thomas. Photos by Tony Finnerty
the local food bank 1 pound of chicken for every 10
pounds purchased at BriarPatch in November. When the
month was over, that totalled up to over 1,200 pounds
of chicken to The Food Bank of Nevada County, which
picked up the huge pallet of welcome food at BriarPatch
this January 13th.
The donation from Smart Chicken® was one of several
that the Nebraska-based company has made in recent
years. In 2011, the company donated hundreds of pounds
of chicken to the hospital’s meals for cancer patients,
In December, BriarPatch
held a fundraiser at the cash
re g iste rs w it h cont aine rs
collecting donations to families
in need through Foothills
Healthy Babies. This group
helps families who are coping
with crises or challenges and need help caring for their
newborns. Shoppers donated $220 at the registers.
Promoting sustainable
seafood with a smile
riarPatch is proud to support Be Happy, a social media movement connecting smart seafood choices at
home with responsible choices for the ocean. Be Happy
is a collaborative effort between eight North American non-profits (including our partner FishWise) who
work on sustainable seafood issues, from the Monterey
Bay Aquarium, to the Vancouver Aquarium, to the Blue
Ocean Institute in New York. They’ve all come together
in an effort to increase demand for sustainable seafood,
and one way they hope to achieve this is by highlighting
the positive impacts your seafood choices can have on
the oceans.
To get involved,
visit the Be Happy
Fish Facebook Page,
pledge your support
for ocean-friendly seafood, and have some
fun by uploading a
funny fish face. And of
course, tell all of your
friends and family to
do the same. Over the
coming months subscribers will be able to
access easy and delicious ideas for preparing seafood at
home, ask questions of seafood experts, dive into fishy
trivia or simply show off their support with a smile for a
cause that keeps families and the oceans happy!
Look for the Be Happy recipe cards at the BriarPatch
seafood counter.
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Co-op Governance
Ownership benchmarks usher in Year of the Co-op
by Jeff Gold, Board President
“Growing the cooperative economy and building the
would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our
local food system from the ground up is really the whole
new owners who joined BriarPatch in 2011. A total of
concept here,” and from Robyn O’Brien of the Putney
788 new owners joined this past year — a 10% increase
Vermont Food Co-op: “Our co-op is a community store.
in new memberships compared to last year! We issued
It’s about connections – connecting people with their
owner number “10,000” in January. We are very pleased
food and with each other.” For me, some of the greatest
that shoppers and community members are realizing the
pleasures of our Co-op is the access it gives me to locally
benefits of ownership by sharing in the owner programs,
grown food, and the talks I have
discounts, and the collective
with friends who I meet at the
ownership of our co-op.
We have also set new
benchmarks in 2012 for
These banners are part of
the total number of people
our Co-op’s recognition that
shopping in a single day
2012 has been designated by
1,920 and the total gross
the United Nations General
sales revenue in a single day
Assembly as the “International
$94,029. The staff have met
Year of Cooperatives” (IYC).
these peak times with great
The theme of this UN declaspirit and extra efforts. The
ration is Cooperative EnterCo-op has increased its conprises Build a Better World”.
nections with local farmers,
The advancement and support
and we are planning new iniof cooperatives worldwide is
Service Manager Mike McCary
tiatives for the coming year,
being led by the International
including an expanded role with the In Your Kitchen faCooperative Alliance —- the largest non-government
cility for cooking classes. In addition, the Board plans to
organization in the world, which serves to link coopbe remain active in its long-range planning, as we coneratives. The ICA currently represents 1 billion people
tinually seek to determine how the co-op can more fully
worldwide who are members of cooperatives. Events
serve its members and support its market programs.
are being planned worldwide to bring attention to the
I hope you have had an opportunity to see the colorful
power of the cooperative – enterprises that are owned
banners that are now hanging in the market at the head
and controlled by the very members that they serve. In
of the aisles. Each banner expresses a different statement
raising public awareness about cooperatives, much of
from co-op members across the country, expressing
the year’s activities will highlight the key aspects of cothe purpose and value of membership in their co-op. I
operatives that create a sustainable model for balancing
feel connected to each of them, particularly those from
economic viability and social responsibility. This is the
Robin Seydel of the La Montanita Co-op in New Mexico:
heart of our cooperative mission at the BriarPatch.
Board of Directors
President: Jeff Gold
Vice President: Alan Weisberg
Treasurer: Peter Lockyer
Secretary: Malaika Bishop
Mark Fenton, Louise Jones, Kerry O’Regan,
Rick Sheller, Lew Sitzer
How to contact the Board
Send an email message to info@briarpatch.coop with
“Board” in the subject, and staff will forward it to
the Board Secretary or another Director as indicated.
Directors have BriarPatch email addresses consisting
of their full first names and the first letter of last names
followed by “@board.briarpatch.coop”. Or leave letters
for Directors at the customer service window.
Board Meetings
Tuesday, February 28, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 27, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Held in the BriarPatch Community Room.
BriarPatch owners are welcome to attend.
Board Service
Board Director candidate
applications due by February 15
erving on the Board is a way to contribute to the
Co-op and to participate in the decision-making
process for oversight and future planning.
BriarPatch Co-op’s Board of Directors election
will be held May 1 - 15, but election deadlines fall in
February. This year there will be four open positions
to be filled, each for a three-year term.
2012 Election Schedule:
February 15 Deadline for candidate applications
February 15 – March 1 Candidate interviews
April 1 – Candidate statements published in Vine
April 15 - 30 Campaigning and candidate forum
May 1 - 15 Voting
May 29 New Directors seated at Board meeting
Want to know more about
Board service? Here’s how:
• Attend Board meetings. They’re held on the last
Tuesdays of the month. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m.
in the BriarPatch Community Room.
• Pick up a packet of information compiled for
candidates, at the Customer Service window.
• Visit the BriarPatch website (www.briarpatch.
coop) to review news and activities, and to become
acquainted with the bylaws that are posted there.
• Contact election representatives:
Rick Sheller, Chair, Board Development Committee
273-4246, rick.sheller@ncga.coop
Stephanie Mandel, Owner Committee
272-5333, ext. 127, stephanie@briarpatch.coop
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Cooperative Stories
Bakery rises through cooperation
by Mellisa Hannum
o-ops come in many varieties. One of these is a
well-known bread bakery that began in California’s
Sonoma County.
Its location in the Bay Area was a perfect beginning
for Alvarado Street Bakery. “The Bay Area was a proving ground for natural food,” explained Joseph Tuck,
Alvarado’s General Coordinator and CEO. “In retrospect, there may not have been a better place to begin.”
As a worker coop, Alvarado Street
Bakery’s employees
are members of the
co-op. Indeed, the
only way to be a
member of the coop is to be a worker.
Alvarado began
as a collective in
Sara Romero, a member worker. 1977 and became a
co-op in 1980. “Baking bread is a very collaborative
experience,” said Joseph.
He said that a worker co-op structure is a great benefit to the business. It encourages and even requires employees to place a great deal of trust in their co-workers.
“That’s a competitive advantage,” Joseph said.
When the bakery was first deciding the path it
would take, the company saw a need for a sprouted
wheat bread that was toothsome. They asked themselves, “Does health food have to taste bad to be good
for you?” And they answered their own question, with
a resounding “No!”
That ideology has served A street sign sitting
them well, as the business on flour bags was the
has been successfully produc- inspiration for the bakery’s
name. Greta, the cat who sleep on
ing soft, organic, whole grain
those same bags, became the mascot.
breads for over 20 years now.
This dedication to quality
is also reflected in the satisfaction of Alvarado’s employees. Of their 115 workers, 57
have been with the company
for at least ten years, and
even though it’s voluntary for
workers to become members
of the co-op, 112 have joined.
“We’ve been very fortunate
to attract and retain good
workers,” said Joseph.
Alvarado is dedicated to
creating an environment that
empowers its workers, based
Paintings of employee members are featured on the back Alvarado Street’s trucks.
upon their motto that “ev- Some of the images were too realistic, however, and had to be replaced when motorists
erything you do comes back kept calling to report workers hanging off the back of the trucks.
to you if you do it well.” The
21. He believes long-term planning is the best thing for
company also pays a living wage. In fact, the business
the organization, creating strategies so the business outvalues its employees so much that it has put their photos
lasts the lifetimes of its members. Alvarado’s resolution
on the back of their delivery trucks! The workers are the
for 2012 is: “May all our mistakes be new.”
co-op, after all.
More information may be found at www.alvaraJoseph Tuck has been at Alvarado Street Bakery for
31 years and has been in his current position for the last
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Co-op Cooking Classes
Creating Complete Protein
in a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet
$35 / $30 Co-op Owners
Sign up for all the Co-op Classes with
mellisah@briarpatch.coop/272-5333 ext. 129.
Teacher: Kalita Todd
Thurs., Feb. 9, 5-8pm
If you “eat lightly on the food chain,” make sure that
you and your family are getting the protein you need.
Join longtime vegetarian chef Kalita Todd in creating
simple and elegant foods, including Polenta Party
and Chilaquiles Eggs or Tofu, recipes that combine
ingredients that are known to provide complete protein.
We will also discuss other concerns that vegan eaters
need to watch out for.
Kalita Todd was Head Chef at the world renowned
Ecological Farming Conference for 25 years and is the
author of “Nourishing the Vision,” a compilation of
favorite recipes created for the Eco Farm conference.
Around the World
March Class Series
Irish Cooking
Teacher: Robert Smith,
Chef at The Old 5 Mile House
Thurs., March 1, 5:30-8pm
Authentic Irish food enlivened by a creative global
gourmet chef: Pot O’ Gold, whiskey-seared shrimp with
Irish cheddar sauce; Spinach Salad with pears, maple
candied walnuts and bleu cheese; Braised Lamb Shanks
with a red currant glaze; and Smitty’s Irish Mash.
Baking with Gluten-free Flours
Teacher: Carol Weeks, BriarPatch Baker
Thurs., Feb. 16, 6-8pm
Learn how to use a combination of readily available
gluten free flours and other ingredients to create
successful and tasy alternatives to conventional baked
goods — chocolate chip cookies and banana nut muffins.
New Orleans Magic Made Easy
Teacher: Robert Smith, Chef at The Old 5 Mile House
Thurs., Feb. 2, 5:30-8pm
Learn the secrets of authentic Cajun cuisine:
Blackened Ahi, Chicken Gumbo, and Voodoo Float.
Robert Smith — aka the Global Gourmet — treks to
outlying regions, discovers the outstanding, and serves
it up for you.
Cooking Free Range, Grassfed Beef
Teacher: Doug Schma
Thurs., Feb. 23, 6-8pm
Grass fed, grass finished beef is leaner than corn-fed
beef, and should be cooked differently. BriarPatch chef
Doug Schma will share his cooking tips and tricks for
braising grass fed beef.
Japanese Home Cooking
Teachers: Takayo Harriman and Kiyoko Wilcox
Thurs., March 8, 6-8pm
Kiyoko and Takayo are always amazed and grateful
that they can make incredibly tasty and nutritious Japanese meals, just like in their birthplace, using BriarPatch
ingredients. Come and join them and share the best of
their tried-and-true recipes: Oshi-zushi, pressed salmon
sushi; miso soup; Tsukune, Teriyaki Chicken Balls; and
a root vegetable dish. Bring a good appetite!
Continued on next page
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
In the Kitchen Cooking Classes
Continued from previous page
Irish Beef Stew Class
& Ceilidh
Criostoir ui Meachair
Thurs., March 15, 6-8pm
This St. Patricks’ Day,
branch out from corned beef
and cabbage with an Irish
Beef Stew. Come get in the
spirit of St. Patrick’s Day
with Chris Maher, aka Criostoir ui Meachair (Gaelic),
BriarPatch General Manager and proud Irishman.
While he’s at it, Chris throws in tales, tunes, and a glass
of Guiness if you like.
BriarPatch owners receive a 10% discount on all class
fees. Sign up with Wendy at 478-0669 or info@wendyvanwagner.com. Class size is limited, so reserve
early. All classes are held at In the Kitchen at 648 Zion
Street in Nevada City. See www.wendyvanwagner.com.
Grains, Beans and Dip
vegetarian and gluten-free
Mon., Feb. 27, 6-8:30pm $45
The perfect transition class to take you through
the seasons. We will be making hearty and flavorful
grain and bean salads that are perfect for dinner,
great for lunch, and best of all, gluten-free. We will
also learn to make fun dips that can be used as appetizers, or even on sandwiches and wraps.
Kids in the Kitchen
Nowruz – Traditional Persian New Year
Teacher: Hassan Ebrahimi-Nuyken
Thurs., March 22, 6-8pm
Learn to make a Persian dish reserved for special
festivities: Chelo ba Khoreshe Fesenjan, chicken with
pomegranate-walnut sauce over traditional Iranian
Basmati rice. Learn appetizers as well: Mast o Khiar
e (a.k.a. Tzatziki), yogurt with cucumber and dill, and
Sabzi, greens with goat cheese and flat bread. As a boy,
Hassan learned to cook from the women in his father’s
large, extended family in Iran.
Ethiopian Dishes
Teacher: Menkir Tamrat
Thurs., March 29, 6-8pm
Learn to prepare both vegan, vegetarian, and meat
dishes: Shiro, a powdered legume blend stew; Gomen,
a braised Ethiopian Brassica; Tibs Wat, a mild-hot red
chili blend “berbere,” or seasoned beef stew; and Alicha, a
very mild lamb stew seasoned with ginger and turmeric.
Then, after learning the art of no-silverware dining, we’ll
eat what we’ve cooked and wash it all down with Tej —
Ethopian honey wine/mead.
For ages 5-9
Cooking is a great way for children to build
confidence and learn about the foods that nourish their bodies and souls. In each class we will
discuss proper food handling, preparation,
kitchen safety, table setting, and manners, as
well as cooking.
Valentine’s Day Treats
Sat., Feb. 18, 9-10:30am $25/child
Easy Chocolate Truffles, No Bake Buckeye
Cookies (made with peanut butter), Apple Compote with Cream.
Winter Soups
Sat., Feb. 25, 9-10:30am $25/child
Tomato Soup and Cheesy Toasts, Chicken
Noodle Soup, Lentil Soup with Caramelized
Puff Pastry Phun
Sat., March 10, 9-10:30am $25/child
Brie Cheese Wrapped in Puff Pastry, Cheesy
Twists, Mini Empanadas.
PYOL – Pack Your Own Lunch
Sat., Mar. 24, 9-10:30am $25/child
Peanut Butter and Jelly Stars, Ants on a Log
and then some, Quiche, Fruit Salad.
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Co-op Owner Benefits
Discount Vouchers
February 2012 is Owner Appreciation
(Owners: Look for your voucher
inserted in your newsletter!)
Community Mindedness
Join your friends and neighbors in showing your pride in co-owning
a local business that supports our community.
The Opportunity to be Involved
Co-op Owner Discounts
at Local Businesses
For discount details and links to the business’
websites, see www.briarpatch.coop/pages/
discounts. To receive the discount, present your
owner card prior to the transaction. Ask about this
cooperative promotional program at 272-5333,
ext. 129 or MellisaH@briarpatch.coop.
Home, Garden, AUTO
NEW! Mark Toelkes Custom Furnishings
575-0962, www.marktoelkes@yahoo.com
California Hardwood, recycled salvaged
wood, 888-8191 • californiahardwood.com
Colfax Farm & Country Store
Colfax, 530-346-2600
Country Wood Furniture
Downtown Grass Valley, 273-5375
Vote for the Board of Directors and in other decision-making
elections, run for the Board, attend our annual Owner Meeting/
party in October.
Geronimo Pole Co., hand-peeled poles
288-1000, www.geronimopole.com
Owner Specials
Parts for Imports
Grass Valley, 272-3477
Sales for owners only, new bi-weekly, on Wednesdays.
Special Order Discount
Pay only the catalog price plus a handling charge when you order
products in wholesale quantities (by the case or 6 each for Wellness
Dept. items) from the UNFI catalog and select vendors. Use for
large quantities, hard-to-find items, and products not carried on our
Patronage Dividends
For years with sufficient earnings, profits may be returned to
owners, in proportion to purchases.
Local Business Discounts
Discounts on goods and services at 40 local businesses, including
cooking classes at In the Kitchen cooking school. The current list is
on this page and online.
Mowen Solinsky Gallery, Nevada City
265-4682, www.mowensolinskygallery.com
Sweet Diane’s, Custom Cakes & Catering
530-692-1614, sweetdianes@hotmail.com
Tomes, Used books, CDs, & DVDs
273-4002, www.tomesgv.com
Weiss Brothers Nursery
Grass Valley, 273-5814
Bardsley Safe and Lock, 530-575-2100
Brian’s Electrical Service & Plumbing Repair
Brian Puckett, lic. #324214, 272-6241
Changing Spaces, Feng Shui services
272-9128, changingspaces4u@aol.com
Covert’s Pump Service
530-292-WELL (9355)
Newsletter Ad Discounts
Kimmel Electric, csl#914225
530-432-1872, www.kimmelelectric.com
Run a free online classified ad and/or take a one-time $20 discount
on a display ad in our bimonthly newsletter.
Liz Fugman Construction, Gen Contractor #908963
Plumbing, home repairs, 265-5151
Safety Alerts
Notices of important food safety issues affecting BriarPatch
shoppers are sent promptly via email. (To get on the list or update
your email address, let us know at info@briarpatch.coop.)
Will’s Plumbing & Solar
530-272-6421, 615-7313, 265-7313
Volunteer Program Discount
Earn a 10% discount by volunteering with product sampling and
outreach. Get started with a volunteer application, available at the
Customer Service window.
Mountain Solar, www.mountainsolar.net
274-7355 / Thomas, 763-7634 /Jack
Ambient Beauty, Facials by Franceska Alexander
530-265-8448, by appt. only
Dawn Lorraine Conscious Skincare
530-265-9004, www.dawnlorraine.com
NEW! JD Online Marketing Services
470-0112, www.jdonlinemarketingservices.com
NEW! Home Tutoring Plus
878-1014, www.HomeTutoringPlus.com
Carbright Auto Detailing, Steam Cleaning
Grass Valley, 273-5482
Dreamspinner Photography, 265-4753
In The Kitchen Cooking School
Loma Rica Ranch Self Storage
530-273-0889, lomaricastorage.com
Fast and Fit for Women, Gym
530-273-5862, www.fastandfit.net
Form is Function, Fitness classes
510-393-2568, www.kettlebellform.com
South Yuba Club, Fitness & Health
Nevada City, 530-470-9100
Grass Valley, 272-7676, southyubaclub.com
Antouri Chiropractic, Grass Valley
530-273-6192, www.antouri.com
Brian J. Breiling, Psy D, MFT, LPC
530-478-9592, bbreiling@aol.com
Debra Buddie, L.Ac., Acupuncture
California College of Ayurveda
530-478-9100, www.ayurvedacollege.com
Iris Holistic Counseling Services
530-477-7863, www.donnafisherjackson.com
Jacobson Chiropractic
Nevada City, 530-265-2220
Living Waters Colon Hydrotherapy
530-274-9738, livingwaterscolonics@gmail.com
Dr. Jennifer Nelson, Chiropractic, Ayurveda
530-478-9592, jen4nel@sbcglobal.net
Sierra Wellness Nutrition,
Julie DeHollander, RD, DC
530-263-3131, www.sierrawellnessnutrition.com
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Co-op Classifieds
The Co-op Classifieds are going online! To help make your
listings more timely, reach more people, and best of all, get
more words per listing, the classifieds will soon moving online.
As a Co-op owner, you will be able to input your ad yourself,
any day of the year. Online classifieds should be available in
early spring.
Classified ads are free to BriarPatch current owners.
BriarPatch staff reserve the right to edit ads or to reject any
ads deemed unsuitable. A classified ad does not represent
BriarPatch endorsement of the products or services offered.
A Women’s Touch Yard & Garden Design. Bulb planting window is closing,
great time for perennials and pruning. Looking ahead, seed starting, vegetable,
flower & landscape bed installation. Maintenance, composting, mentoring & consultations. Randi Pratini, 478-0800.
Garden with Nature. Tune into Nature’s wisdom while discovering your innate
ability for integrative awareness. It’s fun! Workshops, coaching, and consulting
available. Renee Wade, 292-0279.
English Country Gardener - Skilled Landscaper: Water features, gates, decks, steps,
flagstone patios, walls, grading, roads, tree-pruning, brush-clearing. 263-9143.
Holidays a little rough on your relationships? Want to start 2012 with more
connection and empathy? Learn simple and extremely effective techniques for getting the love you want. Veronica Monet’s Shame Free Zone in the Miner’s Village
by appointment: (888) 903-0050.
Iris Holistic Counseling Services. Donna Fisher-Jackson, MA, CHT. Free 30 minute
Discovery Session. (530) 477-7863, Grass Valley. www.DonnaFisherJackson.com.
Quantum Bio-Feedback for Spiritual Healing. God and Science in Harmony. Try “STU” Spiritual Tune Up! Deep Relaxation, Stress Relief, Chakra & Aura
Sweep, Brain Wave Repair, Flower Essences, Gemstones, Essential Oils, Angelic Attunement. Feel like a “New You” and still be the “Old You”. Let me pamper you! Dr.
Haripriya Dillon, ND, HolisticGift.Net, 432-2121.
Reiki Master. Certified in Usui Shiki Ryoho healing system. Encompassing the
whole mind-body-spirit in caring for your health. Releasing cumulative stress or
addressing more serious health concerns. Serving the human, animal, and plant
kingdoms. Doreen Domb, (530) 273-8394.
Dr. Don Williams, Chiropractor. $5.00 discount for existing patients, cash only,
$50 discount new patient services, (530) 271-5921, www.livingvibrantly.com.
Posture Alignment Therapy. A revolutionary method to stop chronic pain.
Change your present limitations into a fully active lifestyle. Egoscue Certified Postural Alignment Specialist. 478-7733, www.posture-alignment.com.
LightStones. Crystal/Gemstone “Pharmacy” offers a wonderful selection of
crystals, minerals & gemstones, hand-selected for your enjoyment. Showroom in
Nevada City, open by appointment. Call Maraiel Ruth at (530)265-3159 for info.
Are you 18 Yrs old & need a Marijuana prescription? Indicated for Intestinal disorders,
Chronic pain,& stress. Call MFM, 268-8778; $95 initial exam & Certificate/ $50 annual
renewal. Board Certified Internist. Additional 10% BPmember discount.
Solid Ground Bodywork. Effective, focused orthopedic massage sessions with a
holistic perspective. Deep, powerful and empowering yet gentle, supportive and
very relaxing. Short sessions available. Glenn Smith, 478-0770.
CranioSacral Therapy. EnerHealing, Corina Fürst, CMT. Improve quality of life,
mind-body-spirit balance; relieve stress, pain and dysfunction. Gentle, sensitive,
holistic approach. $30 off first session. (530) 362-8240.
Sleep Better. Think Better. Live Better. Relieve stress and pain, deepen sleep,
improve memory, ease depression and anxiety. Effective for children’s learning and
behavior problems. No Drugs! Reach your peak potential with neurofeedback. Free
brain health newsletter & consultation. (530) 263-1413. SierraEEG.com
Depressed? Anxious? Memory issues? Caring effective psychotherapy and neurofeedback. Over 30 yrs experience: Erik Olesen, MFT, BCIA; Mary Lee Olesen, MS,
BCIA. 885-2673, www.strongu.com.
Sierra Wellness Nutrition. Counseling and medical nutrition therapy. Julie
DeHollander,RD,CD is a registered dietitian/functional nutritionist specializing in digestive disorders, food allergies, weight management, and more. All ages welcome. $30 off
initial nutrition assessment. 263-3131, www.sierrawellnessnutrition.com.
Bring out your natural Beauty! Skin Studio owner Carola has 10 years Professional and caring Medical Skincare experience. Offering First class proven Anti aging & Acne Treatments, Mandala Naturals, All organic skincare products. 477-5360,
Alexander Technique with Nora Nausbaum. Have healthy back, soft neck by
learning new ways of sitting, standing, bending, reaching, using the computer,
playing an instrument. There are no exercises. See ATsierra.com. Contact Nora@
ATsierra.com or 798-9585.
Robin Phillips Nichols, C.M.T. Integrative Massage Therapy for your health and
well-being. Chronic pain relief, injury recovery and rehabilitation, prenatal, postpartum, deep tissue and more. Insurance accepted. 24+ years. 10% discount for
Briar Patch owners. 277-2589.
Romantic inspirations: Earth Erotics Consultant. Sarah Molaro. www.eartherotics.com. House parties or private, always looking for new consultants.
Free. “Acorns And Eat ‘em,” a How-To Vegetarian Cookbook and Field Guide for
Eating Acorns, by Suellen Ocean. Go to www.oceanhose.com for information on obtaining a free download of the book.
Local Double Oak Vineyards & Winery Mountain grown fine wine produced by
nature-friendly farming. Wine tasting, picnicking, tours: Saturdays, February through
December, & by appointment. www.DoubleOakWinery.com. (530) 292-3235. Our
wine is at BriarPatch. Piano lessons – experienced teacher loves to work with beginners (children and
adults) and continuing or returning students. Certificate of Merit, National Guild Auditions. Jean O. Poff, Nevada City. 273-6875, rogerpoff@comcast.net.
Free Health Talks with Dr. Don Williams, DC. Visit www.livingvibrantly.com or call
(530) 271-5921 for more information.
Home Study Farm Program for Grades 1, 2 & 3 (ages 6-9). Schedule a “Day in the Life
of the Farm Program” visit by calling Yuba River Charter School at 265-6060 ext. 110.
African Dance Class. Thursdays 5 pm to 6:30 pm at St. Joseph’s Cultural Center, 410
South Church St., Grass Valley. Dances, rhythms, & songs of the Congo. Taught by Cai
Sorlien. Live drumming by Kit Bailey. All levels of experience included. 288-3603.
Five Elements Community of T’ai Chi Players. Practice for good health, longevity
and well-being. New Beginning Class Starts January 17. Morgan and Susan Halperin
(530) 274-3513. Visit us at: www.taichi-nevadacity.com.
Dance your way to Fitness: Aerobic dance fusion, core conditioning, strength training class. MWF 8:45-10:15am Center of Arts, Grass Valley, upstairs in SDI. Call Jenn,
913-6877. 1st class free.
Fast and Fit Womens Gym & Personal Training Studio. Daily small group classes.
Super Circuit interval classes Tuesdays and Thursdays unique to us. One week FREE
trial. www.fastandfit.net, 273-5862.
Ahstanga Yoga, 200 hr Certified. Ballerinas Unbarred: Ballet for Adults. Sarah Molaro, (530) 205-7698, molaro.sarah@gmail.com.
Yoga Sculpture taught by Jackie Gerster at Wild Mountain Yoga Center. Lengthening
and strengthening for all student levels. Wed. 12:30-1:30 p.m. New and beginning
students always welcome. (916) 747-1415.
Iyengar Style Yoga with Ronnie Paul at Full Life Yoga Studio, Wednesdays 10:30 noon. This class encourages thoughtful movement, respect of individual differences,
and the meaning of yoga in daily life. 265-0478.
Stillness Satsang with Prajna: 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7:00 to 8:30 in Grass Valley.
Email: prajnasatsang@gmail; call (530) 575-2264 for directions. Enjoy Peace.
Bliss Yoga taught by Natana at “The Studio” at Vela Massage Retreat, 673A South
Auburn St., GV. Gentle, easy poses which release tension in both body and mind. Beginners welcome and anyone who would like to reduce stress in their lives. Tuesdays
5:30-6:45pm. (530) 432-8378.
Yoga for Beginners…because life can be a stretch! Breathe, strengthen and renew
with Jinnae Anderson. Tuesdays 9-10am Full Life Yoga 204 Providence Mine Rd Ste
112, NC. $40/4 classes or $13/drop in. 277-9642.
Herbal Medicine Classes on body systems running through March. Herbal Apprenticeship April-Aug. Herbalist & Author Kathi Keville at Oak Valley Herb Farm (530)2743140. www.ahaherb.com. SERVICES - GARDEN
Sunnydaygarden. Winter can be beautiful in the garden. Good ideas and a helping hand. Garden planning, consultation, design, planting, pruning, maintenance,
mentoring. Sensible, creative, livable gardens. Kathy Laible. (530) 263-3709.
Loma Rica Ranch Self Storage. Kent & Mollie Gallagher invite you to call our
friendly resident manager, Barbara, 273-0889. 5x10 $55, 10x10 $75, 6th month free.
Ken Hale Piano Tuning, Repair, Regulation & Evaluation for home, schools, concerts. Call Ken, Registered Piano Technician, 272-8133. Mention ad for 10% discount.
Handy Houseman. Small repairs, Household Projects, Tile Setting, Plumbing, Window Washing, Painting, Kitchen Remodels, Patios, Bathrooms, Showers, Kitchen
Flooring, Electrical. Free Gutter Inspections. Isaac , $23/hour. www.myhandyhouseman.com, 272-7488.
Heart to Heart Animal Wellness. Dog walking, Companion Care, Animal Acupressure. Elise Thompson, www.petheart.biz, (530) 559-5120, (530) 265-0954.
Mud and Pearls teaches you how to look good doing it. Classes in woodworking,
tool demystification (such as chainsaws), and natural building techniques year round.
Look for our calendar for more inspiration. www.mudandpearls.com.
Great British Movers of Grass Valley -Professional movers. Competitive rates. 263-9143.
Project Simplify - Getting organized doesn’t have to be painful. Let it be easy.
Call Shawn (530) 205-5775 or go to ProjectSimplify.com.
Rooms for rent in Squaw Valley cabin. 2 rooms in my home, bed and breakfast
style. For more info: www.crosscreekcabinsv.com or call Cindy at 386-1985. Cabin
is less than one mile from the ski slopes!
Need a ride to or from town, work, school, the train or bus station, or the Airport? Call Gold Country Cab and Courier. Ask about our $5, $10, and $15 rides.
Travel: Costa Rica/eco adventures, Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean, Europe; weddings/honeymoons, spiritual vacations. Personal travel experience-local resident
for 34 years. Melanie, 268-1756, dreamaker80@hotmail.com, www.dreammakertravel.net, travelwithmelanie.blogspot.com.
Is it a yurt or a tipi? It is better, it is a Plenisphere, year-round living in your own
canvas home. Energy efficient, portable, sustainable, off-grid, ergonomic, comfortable, gorgeous! Less than $5K. (530) 470-3174.
Goodnight Sweet Pea is a book about transformation — who we become when we
are asked to be the parent for our parents. See www.lauriewoodum.com for more info.
Allison’s Gourmet offers Local, Vegan, Organic sweets: award-winning brownies, cookies, fudge, caramels, toffee, and more! Pure ingredients, meticulously hand-crafted with
easy shipping to distant loved ones or free local pick-up. AllisonsGourmet.com
Gardeners’ Wish List
BriarPatch Native Plant Demonstration Garden
• Sign maker: We would love a carved wooden sign
for the new shade pavilion.
• Granite curbing or other hand-hewn granite
block: We’d like 25 to 40’, reclaimed (or new).
• Slate: Local slate (at least 1-1/2” thick) for paving
(that is not wanted where it is).
• Large rocks: Again, rocks that are not wanted where
they are. We will find a way to move them here.
• Jack hammer service: To break up approximately
100’ of nonfunctional concrete ditch.
• Experienced rock setter: To assist with rock
placement and possibly some dry stacking.
• Native plants: In sizes that are transplantable:
shrubs, perennials, annuals, and bulbs.
For more information, to volunteer, or to donate:
Cindy, crubin@nccn.net, 273-1816.
February/March 2012
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
Happening at the Patch
Tasting the Land: Local Health for Humans and our Habitat
by Alicia Funk
he start of a new year offers an opportunity to question our daily choices. Given the overwhelming
number of new processed food ingredients that have
proven cancerous and the infiltration of GMO’s into
our food supply – not to mention all the new foods and
antioxidants that claim to provide a solution – it’s hard
to know what food choices to make.
Sometimes, what is truly healthy can be found on a
simple walk outdoors. In spending time in nature with
my family, I discovered that many of the commercially
sold herbal supplements come from the native plants of
this region. Our plants have a rich history of food use,
and were enjoyed for thousands of years by native people.
In an effort to live more sustainably, I wondered how I
could take my desire to eat and live more responsibly to
the next level.
I gathered what I learned into a guidebook on native plants, “Living Wild,” to offer our community as a
resource on how to use the foods and medicines that are
Collect bright green fir needle tips for fir tip tea.
native to our region. This year, I am challenging myself to
find even more ways to use native plants on a daily basis,
and I invite you to join me.
What I’m looking for is not just about munching on
wild plants. It is about creating an interdependent lifestyle
that supports health for humans and the habitat we reside
in. The original inhabitants of the Sierra Nevada, this region’s knowledge-keepers, sustained themselves without
Toyon Berry Cider
Collect berries in winter. Cover dried
berries with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes while crushing berries. Strain and sweeten as desired.
California Bay Seasoning
Collect leaves year round. Add
California Bay leaves to soups as a
spice, using half the amount recommended in conventional recipes.
Note: Commercial Bay leaves are
from the Bay Laurel tree, Laurus
nobilis, which is native to Asia Minor and is cultivated throughout the
Mediterranean region.
California Bay Cleaner
To make a disinfectant surface
spray, fill a large mason jar with bay
leaves. Cover the leaves with hot water
and let steep for 2 hours to overnight.
When cool, strain and transfer liquid to a spray bottle. (California Bay
Cleaner is available for purchase at
grocery stores or even locally grown food crops, because
they had a deep relationship with their native landscape.
They knew how and when to harvest nutritious plants so
that they would be available in abundance the next year.
Unfortunately, we’ve lost such a “user manual” that
could guide us to the native plants we would enjoy eating, and would help us learn the best ways to prepare
them. Just 200 years ago, at least 80 different languages
were spoken in California, and their words, now mostly
forgotten, held clues as to how to truly live well in our
local landscape.
It is up to us to revitalize this information. Living
wild only requires curiosity and a desire for independent
sources of food and health. Let’s help the earth while
enjoying the “foodie” pleasure of exotic cuisine that is
as close as our own backyard.
Below are some of my favorite recipes for winter. I
hope you will experiment with them and post your own
on www.livingwild.org.
Rose Hip Tea
Collect hips in winter. Remove the stems and ends. Cover 2
tablespoons of fresh rose hips or 2 teaspoons of dried hips per
cup of water, and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and enjoy hot or
cold. After making tea, add the used rose hips to soups for added
flavor and Vitamin C.
Fir Tip Tea
Collect fir needles year round. Bring 6 cups of water to a boil
and turn off the heat. Add two cups of fir needles and allow to
steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain and sweeten if desired. Note: In
spring, enjoy the bright green, young fir tips since they have the
highest quantity of Vitamin C.
Yerba Santa Tea
Collect leaves in fall and winter.
Place approximately 5 leaves (fresh or
dry) in a cup and cover with boiling
water. Let steep for 10-15 minutes.
Used by many native California
tribes, most commonly as a tea
for colds and congestion. Western
physicians listed it as a remedy for
coughs, pneumonia, and bronchitis
in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia in 1894.
To make a syrup, first prepare tea and
then add 2 parts honey to 1 part tea.
Tasting the Land:
Local Health for Humans
and our Habitat
February 7th, 2012, 6:30-8pm
BriarPatch Community Room
Free to BriarPatch owners; donations
accepted for Maidu language classes.
How can we connect deeply with
our local landscape in a way that encourages personal health, while caring
for our local resources? Maidu Indian
land stewardship techniques and Maidu plant names provide clues on how
to maintain a sustainable relationship
to the land we inhabit.
Learn simple ways to use native
plants seasonally for food and health,
and enjoy the tastes of desserts and
drinks made from local plants.
Taught by Farrell Cunningham,
Mountain Maidu language teacher,
and Alicia Funk, co-author of “Living
Wild—Gardening, Cooking and Healing with Native Plants of the Sierra
Nevada.” Contact alicia@livingwild.
org to register or for more information.
The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter
February/March 2012
Our Co-op Family
Remembering Margaret Chetlain Waddell Dimock
March 24, 1916 – December 28, 2011
argaret Dimock, one of
the founding members of
BriarPatch Co-op, died peacefully at her home in Carnation,
Washington on December 28,
At the incorporation of the Co-op, five families were
represented. Besides Margaret and Herb Dimock, there
were Harry and Lois Bailey (Margaret’s sister), Eve Hall,
George Burcham, and Dave Bowman. After signing
the incorporation documents, they put names in a hat
to choose member numbers. Margaret and Herb were
member #4.
Margaret attended the University of California,
Berkeley, where she earned a B.A. in Social Theory and
a Social Work certificate. While in Berkeley, Margaret
participated in a student co-op that provided housing
and meals, which is where she met her future husband,
Herb Dimock.
Margaret later applied her degree studies to a career
devoted to adoption and placement in foster homes. After marrying Herb, they both served in Congregational
churches in Kensington and Antioch, California, and in
Seattle, Washington. They supported the co-op movement
wherever possible, joining the newly formed Group Health
Cooperative upon moving to Washington state.
Margaret and Herb had four children, Jon, Larry,
Marti, and Zoe. After retiring, they bought five acres
near Penn Valley, where they enjoyed both “farm” life
and writing careers. They built buildings, a pond, and
an irrigation system, and planted poplar trees and a fruit
orchard. They also had a large garden that produced small,
sweet watermelons that were sold at BriarPatch. Margaret
authored two volumes of poetry, three biographical books
about family members, a co-authored autobiography with
Herb, and essays about their rural experiment.
Margaret was a mystic, as both a Christian and a
seeker of universal truth and inspiration. She was also
a passionate activist, winning a prize for an essay about
the establishment of the League of Nations when she
was just thirteen. She followed the development of the
United Nations avidly over the years, hoping that its
work would eventually support the world peace that she
so yearned to see.
Margaret is survived by her beloved husband of 72
years, Herb, and by her children: Jon Dimock of Williamsville, New York; Larry Dimock of Carnation, Washington; Martha (Marti) Dimock of Bellevue, Washington;
and Zoe Niklas of Aurora, Oregon; twelve grandchildren
and twelve great-grandchildren. – Marti Dimock
Remembering Lois Elaine Waddell Bailey
December 14, 1918 – November 14, 2011
ois Bailey was a founder of
BriarPatch Co-op, and her
long life was a testament to the
deep roots that nourish the Coop that we all enjoy today.
Lois Bailey was born in Oakland and spent her
youth there until, at age 16, she moved with her family
to Petaluma.
Lois attended Junior College in Santa Rosa and then
transferred to the University of California at Berkeley.
There, she took part in a student co-op that provided
housing and meals. The meals co-op was called “3
Squares,” and this is where she met her future husband,
Harry Harris Bailey. During this same period, she became acquainted with George Burcham, a young progressive Methodist minister, who became her mentor and
fostered her interests in pacifism and the cooperative
movement. She graduated with her teaching credential
in 1940 and married Harry in 1942.
That fall, the couple moved to Brooklyn, New York,
where they lived in the Warren Street Co-op House,
attracted by its ideals. On the wall of their room in the
Co-op House was a poster on cooperative principles that
read, “Consumer Ownership is of, by, and for the people.”
In New York, Lois worked as a teacher to cover their
daily living expenses while Harry attended the Rochdale
Institute, where he trained in cooperative development. As
these young adults set out in life, cooperative principles
and ideals were very much in their awareness.
Between 1949 and 1970, Lois and Harry raised their
three children in the San Fernando Valley in a small, intentional Quaker community. In 1961, the entire family embarked on an adventure: Lois
and Harry led a Quaker community development project in
Tanganyika, East Africa (now
called Tanzania) where young
adult volunteers worked in villages throughout the country.
The family lived there for two
years and had many adventures, including surviving a serious car crash, observing
African wildlife, living beneath Mount Kilimanjaro, and
becoming acquainted with fascinating and diverse people
and their cultures.
In 1974, Lois and Harry moved to Grass Valley. It was
here that they began participating in discussions about
starting a consumers co-op, along with others including
their old friend George Burcham. At that time, a “Buying Club” was already in operation in Western Nevada
County. It was called “The Grub Club.” The club bought
groceries and staples in bulk, with a focus on natural
foods, from Mountain Peoples
Warehouse. Their monthly
orders were delivered to an
individual’s home or garage,
where the food was repackaged and distributed to the club
members. In 1975 and 1976, Lois was much involved in
the operation of The Grub Club. Such buying clubs were
sometimes a first step toward the formation of a co-op,
and this was the origin of BriarPatch.
Later, during the first years of BriarPatch operation,
yard sales and bake sales were often held to raise money
for basic operations, and Lois was quite involved in these
survival-driven efforts. She later played a significant role
in tracking and coordinating loans from and repayment
to Co-op members, also for basic operations. Lois was a
lifelong believer in the cooperative principles of equality,
healthy food, the value of each individual, and the joy and
power of people working together.
Lois was an active participant in community life well
past her 80th birthday. As Alzheimer’s dementia gradually robbed her of her ability to express her thoughts and
to walk and perform other daily activities, her sweet
nature and love of life could still be seen shining through
her facial expressions, sparkling eyes, smiles, winks, and
gentle pats on the hand. Lois passed away with her family
by her side. – Jeannie Darling and Harry Bailey
290 Sierra College Drive, Suite A
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Cedar Ridge, CA
Shoppers’ Forum
What would you like to stock up on with your volume discount?
I guess almond milk,
chicken stock, and maybe
– Michelle
I would buy a case
of almond milk, and
supplements, like
protein powder that
would last a long time.
high-end oils.
– Brad
Cereal, and definitely
coconut water… and dark
– Sarah and Judah
The only thing I do stock
up on is cornbread, savory
cornbread. I special order
it. Beside being tasty, it’s
– Jonathan, aka “J”
I would stock up on
jarred salsa. I would put
meat in the freezer.
– Mary
I would probably buy
some cheeses — I love
your cheeses. And it
would be good time to
purchase honey, and I
buy lots of bulk nuts as
– Ken