tubanytt uke 47
tubanytt uke 47
NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 NICKELBACK DARK HORSE Roadrunner RR 80282 0016861802820 CD NICKELBACK er tilbake med sitt sjette album! Dark Horse er oppfølgeren til All The Right Reasons fra 2005, som inneholdt hele 5 radiohits, hvorav spesielt Photograph og Rockstar fikk mye spilling på norsk radio. Albumet solgte over 7 millioner plater bare i USA, og NICKELBACK ble Grammy-nominert for låta If Everyone Cared! 3 år senere er de altså tilbake, og det med et album som vil glede alle gamle fans, og skaffe dem mange nye. Første single, Gotta Be Somebody, fyker i disse dager oppover på radio, og spilles av bl.a. P4, Jærradiogruppen, Power Hit Radio, Radio Atlantic, Radio Oslo og Radio 102, samt en rekke lokalradioer land og strand! I tillegg till denne låta, finnes det flere låter som er som skreddersydd for radio, samt rockere som vil overraske den mest innbitte skeptiker! Gotta Be Somebody er forøvrig #1 på iTunes Rock Chart, og Something In Your Mouth, som nylig ble sluppet, debuterte som #5 på samme liste. Albumet TV3-annonseres fra desember. http://www.nickelback.com/ SHE SAID DESTROY THIS CITY SPEAKS IN TONGUES Tabu Recordings TABU 030 7090001915505 CD SHE SAID DESTROY gjorde seg bemerket på den aller første Hovefestivalen hvor de delte scene med HATEBREED og NEUROSIS, og oppfølgeren til debuten Time Like Vines bobler over av obskure referanser, teknikaliteter og detaljer. This City Speaks in Tongues er en hyllest til det urbane mørket, til det svarte, bankende hjertet som ligger begravd i enhver by. Hissig, energisk, kompromissløs og presis. For fans av EXTOL, CONVERGE, ENVY, MASTODON, OPETH, BURNT BY THE SUN, DØDHEIMSGARD, NEUROSIS, DEATH, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, CYNIC. Husk releasekonsert på Elm Street i Oslo 14. November! (Sen konsertstart) ”Det er ingen dårlige låter her, bare noen som er bedre enn andre.” BBBBBB planB 8.5/10 Heavymetal.no Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 THE (INTERNATIONAL) NOISE CONSPIRACY THE CROSS OF MY CALLING Burning Heart BHR 220 7391946122028 Nytt, glimrende album fra THE (INTERNATIONAL) NOISE CONSPIRACY, innspilt i Sunset Sound Studio i Hollywood (der THE DOORS spilte inn det meste av sin katalog) og produsert av RICK RUBIN! The Cross Of My Calling byr på en videreutvikling av bandits svingende 70tallsinspirerte rock, med fetere groove, bedre melodier og mer av alt! DENNIS LYXZÉN og co overgår seg selv tungt på låter som The Assassination Of Myself, Hiroshima Mon Amour og I Am The Dynamite, som setter seg rett i mellomgulvet og sprer seg til både hjerte og rockefot. CD ”… the band’s latest effort is packed with warning, and amplified by passion.” – www.smartpunk.com http://www.myspace.com/internationalnoiseconspiracy THE BRONX THE BRONX Wichita WEBB 197CD 5055036261975 CD THE BRONX returnerer, slemmere enn noensinne! Los Angeles-galningene kaster ikke bort tiden med å finne albumtitler. De flyr rett i fjeset på deg med låter som Knifeman og Past Lives, som strengt tatt er mer kontrollerte eksplosjoner enn melodier. Dette albumet er produsert av DAVID SCHIFFMAN (ANTI-FLAG, MARS VOLTA, SYSTEM OF A DOWN), og mixet av MACHINE (LAMB OF GOD, WHITE ZOMBIE). Dette albumet bør unngås av alle som bare later som de liker rock, og anskaffes av alle andre! ”If THE BRONX’s self-titled third album were to have a label on it which listed the album’s key ingredients, it would read thus: passion, energy, excitement, sex, trouble, rhythm, swagger, violence…THE BRONX is on the nose like a fist.” KKKK – Kerrang! “The Bronx tar meg som en orkan, den farer frem som et uvær og etterpå går man rundt og prøver å finne restene av anlegget…” 5/6 – Scream Magazine http://www.myspace.com/thebronx SAMMY HAGAR COSMIC UNIVERSAL FASHION Roadrunner RR 78912 0016861789121 The Red Rocker, SAMMY HAGAR, er tilbake! Mannen son ga verden klassikere som I Can’t Drive 55 og There’s Only One Way To Rock, samt en rekke slagere som frontmann for VAN HALEN, slipper nå nok et herlig soloalbum. SAMMY HAGAR har solgt over 2 millioner album, og vunnet 2 Grammys, men hviler slett ikke på laurbærene. Her er det fest, sol og strand fra start til slutt, og alle rockehjerter gleder seg! CD ” Sammy just does not care about conventions or expectations, he does his thing.” 7,5/10 – Metal Express http://www.redrocker.com/ Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 KELLARISSA FLAMINGO Mint Records MRD 124 0773871012426 CD Solodebut fra LARISSA LOYVA AKA KELLARISSA, tidligere medlem av de to Mint-bandene P:ANO og THE CHOIR PRACTICE. Loyva har, som navnet antyder, finske aner, men er numera basert i Vancouver. Musikalsk er vi inne på et lett flytende, elektronisk indiepop-spor med utstrakt bruk av diverse tangentinstrumenter, og med Loyvas vakre stemme som midtpunkt. For fans av JUANA MOLINA, BROADCAST, BETH ORTON. ”Loyva had already proved the beauty of her voice with her P:ano recordings, but Flamingo is more engaging, more unified, and even more fun to listen to than her previous work.” Allmusic http://www.myspace.com/kellarissa U-CEF HALALWOOD Crammed 918312 0876623005858 Halalwood er en real tour de force hvor den marokkanske artisten og DJen U-CEF blander tradisjonell gnawa, dub, klassisk arabisk musikk, elektroniske beats og rockegitarer i en gigantisk blender for å skape noe nytt og helt originalt. Gjester på platen inkluderer ikke ukjente DAMON ALBARN, NATACHA ATLAS og RACHID TAHA. CD “The Talvin Singh of North African music” DJ Magazine Sjekk ut låter med de nevnte gjestene her: http://www.myspace.com/ucef CD DIVERSE ARTISTER ROLL YOUR MONEYMAKER - BLACK ROCK N ROLL 1948-58 Trikont 803922 4015698039221 Fabelaktig samling fra alltid utmerkede Trikont. Roll Your Moneymaker - Black Rock’n Roll 1948-58 er satt sammen av den anerkjente journalisten Jonathan Fischer som tidligere har laget samlinger som In Prison, Dirty Laundry og Cheatin’ Soul m.fl. for samme label. Roll Your Moneymaker innholder en rekke kanonspor med artister som Ike Turner, Howlin’ Wolf, Etta James, Rufus Thomas, André Williams, Johnny ”Guitar” Watson, Otis Rush, Chuck Berry, Junior Parker, Bo Diddley m.fl som alle var viktige for utviklingen av det vi i dag kjenner som rock’n roll. “Long before Elvis rolled his pelvis, the Rolling Stones coopted the Mississippi-Blues and legions of white bands made their electrified guitars roar, black blues-, gospel- and jazz-artists had laid the cornerstone for the musical revolution, that would profoundly shatter the western world: Rock’n Roll.” Jonathan Fischer DIVERSE ARTISTER SPRIGS OF TIME – 78s FROM THE EMI ARCHIVE Honest Jons 917802 4047179178020 CD Sprigs Of Time er resultatet av Honest Jons’ to års gjennomgang av EMIs arkiver på ca. 150,000 78-plater. Musikken på disse ble samlet inn av en rekke EMI-medarbeidere som ble sendt ut til alle verdens hjørner fra 1903 til 1957 med tanke på utgivelse på Berliner Gramophone Company. Det beste av det de fant finnes altså på denne samleren. ”A remarkable piece of musical anthropology excavated from EMI’s Hayes archive.” Mojo Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 CD OBSCURE ON FORMALDEHYDE Dark Essence KAR 039 7090008310396 Tenk den en fet blanding av god, gammel og tung BLACK SABBATH-riffing og klassisk hard rock a la THIN LIZZY, så nærmer du deg soundet til OBSCURE. Kvartetten som kommer fra Bergen, spiller klassisk og storslagen tung heavy metal. Gitarist/vokalist ROY KRONHEIM var tidligere aktivt medlem i ENSLAVED, og var med på å introdusere de mer progressive og rocka elementene i sitt gamle band. Med OBSCURE tar han og resten av bandet stilen helt ut, og det låter både stort og grandiost, samt hardtslående og tungt. Det er masse variasjon på On Formaldehyde og man kan spore inspirasjon fra band som BLACK SABBATH, THIN LIZZY, PENTAGRAM, BLUE ÖYSTER CULT, JUDAS PRIEST og IRON MAIDEN. Dette blir understreket av deres fete cover av THIN LIZZYs Massacre. “Obscure deserve the attention of anyone who likes classic metal or stoner rock.” - Metal Hammer BENEATH THE MASSACRE DYSTOPIA Prosthetic 10062 CD 0656191006224 Kanadiske BENEATH THE MASSACRE risikerer med Dystopia å overta landsmennene CRYPTOPSYa rykte både som landets største detah metal-eksportartikkel og som bransjens mest teknisk perfekte band. Dette er nemlig en sinnsyk oppvisning i brutalitet, dynamikk, tyngde, teknikk, produksjon og groove. En 10-spors virvelvind av et album, et brutalt dødmetall-mesterverk. CD http://www.myspace.com/btm ”Et av årets aller sterkeste death metal-slipp.” - Scream Magazine SEVERED SAVIOUR SERVILE INSURRECTION Candlelight CANDLE 248CD 0803341250499 Et band som klatrer raskt mot toppen av det tekniske dødmetallfjellet er SEVERED SAVIOUR fra San Francisco. Ekstremt velspilt, bra produksjon, og til og med orginalt. Hva mer kan du be om kjære dødsmetaller? CD http://www.myspace.com/severedsavior - Scream Magazine POLEY & RIVERA ONLY HUMAN Angelmilk AM 003 5060182950024 CD DANGER DANGER-vokalist TED POLEY har nok en gang slått sine talenter sammen med guitarist VIC RIVERA, slik de senest gjorde på POLEYs soloalbum Collateral Damage. Vi snakker klassisk melodisk hardrock a la DANGER DANGER; luftig, melodiøst og fengende. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 WALLPAPER ON THE CHEWING GUM GROUND K Records K 194 CD 0789856119424 Retro-rockere fra Seattle som har fått til dels strålende omtaler i amerikansk presse, for eksempel i Spin Magazine: “By piecing together five decades worth of rock’n’roll’s best, this band’s new album is an absolute must. Combining ‘50s twist and shout, ‘70s punk and sneer, and ‘90s garage-pop dorkiness, On The Chewing Gum Ground, the debut album from up-and-coming trio Wallpaper, is an impressive musical patchwork from the first Richard Hell-esque chords of “Rock Collage” to the freaky balladry of “Rock & Roll World.” Ikke la deg lure av det sjabre coveret, dette er strålende saker! http://www.myspace.com/publicstudents WILDERNESS (K)NO(W)HERE Jagjaguwar JAG 127 0656605212722 CD Småbråkete og kunstnerisk Baltimore-orkester her med sitt tredje album på Jagjaguwar. “Wilderness really gets under your skin and, with all of the hyperbolic enthusiasm of a convert, I keep feeling like this is some of the most challenging and inventive work I’ve heard from a four-piece rock group since, I don’t know, Scratch Acid maybe?” Slant Magazine http://www.myspace.com/wildernessbaltimore WINO A BOTTLE OF PILLS WITH A BULLET CHASER Temporary Residence TRR 140 0656605314020 2CD Wino var det første bandet som ble signet til Temporary Residence ved starten i 1996, men la etter en del om og men inn årene allerede i 1999. A Bottle of Pills With A Bullet Chaser er deres samlede verker over to disker, digitalt remastret av Alan Douches (Converge, High On Fire). Energisk og strålende noise-rock for fans av Amphetamine-Reptile-rosteren, SWANS, ISIS, MELVINS osv. Anbefales! THE BLACK KEYS ATTACK & RELEASE (ltd edition) V2/Cooperative VVR 1050454 5033197504544 CD+DVD THE BLACK KEYS slipper nå sitt DANGER MOUSE-produserte album Attack & Release med en snasen bonus-DVD. Nyt en drøy times konsert samt 3 musikkvideoer, ”The Making Of” og ”Sessions”-videoene. Denne utgivelsen kommer kun i et begrenset opplag, så her er det først til mølla! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 THE (INTERNATIONAL) NOISE CONSPIRACY THE CROSS OF MY CALLING Burning Heart BHR 2201 LP 7391946122011 Lekker toppkvalitets 180-grams vinylutgave av albumet, som til overmål inneholder muligheten til å laste ned herlighetene gratis til Mp3! BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB AT CARNEGIE HALL World Circuit 800801 2LP 0769233008015 Vi har fått kloa i en bunke ex av BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUBs herlige liveplate fra Carnegie Hall. Deluxe gatefold cover og 2 x 180 gram. EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN THE JEWELS Potomak 919781 2LP 4047179197816 Neubautens siste album endelig tilgjenglig på vinyl. 180 g deluxe gatefold med tykk og omfattende booklet. WALLPAPER ON THE CHEWING GUM GROUND K Records KLP 194 0789856119417 LP Retro-rock på det formatet sjangeren hører hjemme. MAHJONGG FREE GROOVE RIDER K Records DBN 114 0789856291472 7´´ Ny utgivelse i K Records’ Dub Narcotic Disco Plate-serie, denne gang med afro-beat-punk-bandet MAHJONGG. Limitert til 500 ex. WILDERNESS (K)NO(W)HERE Jagjaguwar JAG 127LP 0656605212715 LP Kunst/noise/droning fra Baltimore på vinyl. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 SUPERSUCKERS GET IT TOGETHER Abstract ABT 5019CD FORHÅND 24. NOVEMBER NB! NY DATO CD+DVD 0803341227538 Tracklist CD 1. What It Takes 2. Anything Else 3. Listen Up 4. Paid 5. She Is Leaving 6. When I Go, Im Gone 7.Im A Fucking Genius 8. Sunset On A Sunday 9. Breaking Honeys Heart 10. Something Good For You 11. I Like It All, Man 12. Come Along For The Ride Tracklist DVD Get It Together Live Bonus tracks: Thats RockN-Roll / Rock-N-Roll Records / Rock Your Ass / Paid / Luck / Anything Else / Bad Bad Bad / The Evil Powers of Rock-N-Roll / Caliente / Sleepy Vampire / What It Takes / Mudhead / Supersucker Drive By Blues / Dirt Roads, Dead Ends, and Dust / Fisticuffs / Roadworn and Weary / Creepy Jackalope Eye / When I Go, I’m Gone / Bloody Mary Morning / Pretty Fucked Up / How To Maximize Your Kill Count / Goodbye / Fake Encore / Cowboy Song / Born With a Tail 10TH STUDIO ALBUM FROM COWPUNK LEGENDS Supersuckers have confirmed the long awaited, long overdue release of their brand new full-length album, Get It Together for November 17, 2008. The November release date also coincides with the band’s 20th Anniversary. In addition to the audio CD, Get It Together will include a bonus DVD featuring 90 minutes of exclusive archival live footage featuring classic Supersuckers songs, as well as a few from the new album. The DVD was filmed during a Southern California performance in September 2007. Get It Together is the first full-length recording since Motherfuckers Be Trippin’ in 2003. Since then, Supersuckers have released various live shows known as Supersuckers Field Recordings including a DVD, singles with Zeke, The Hangmen, Throw Rag and the Burden Brothers, as well as a singles / b-side collection entitled Devils Food and their last studio release entitled Paid. Get It Together was recorded at Robert Lang Studio in Seattle with Billy Joe Bowers who recently engineered the upcoming AC/DC album. Singer Eddie Spaghetti explains, “The songs sound so good, so incredibly tight that even we are amazed by our accomplishment. Pride mixes with astonishment as we listen back to this masterpiece! Get It Together features 12 solid new slabs of the hard-hitting Supersuckers sound and is chock full of the kind of quality you’ve come to expect from the band as well as a few new looks into our collective psyche.” Eddie Spaghetti continues, “Songs like “Anything Else” and “She Is Leaving” offer up a new side of the Supersuckers while maintaining the consistency of rock-i-tude you’ve come to expect from the band. “I’m A Fucking Genius” and “Listen Up” sound more like the classic Supersuckers you’ve come to know and love throughout the years.” “Get It Together, is far and away the most awesome thing we’ve ever recorded,” declares Eddie Spaghetti. FORHÅND 24. NOVEMBER DIVERSE ARTISTER WORLDWIDE METAL Earache MOSH 369 6CD 5055006536911 Worldwide Metal offers over 5 full audio discs plus one fully playable PC game disc for the price of a single CD! Includes fully playable PC version of ‘Earache: Extreme Metal Racing’, the only label/genre specific computer game in existence, previously available separately at over £20 in stores. Hi value 6 disc box set at a low price incorporating all aspects of different Metal genres in one helpful reference collection. Over 80 tracks spread across 5 genre specific discs. The discs are split into territories according to artists and include: USA (2 discs), UK, Europe, Scandinavia. Includes tracks from Carcass, Pitch Shifter, Clutch, Dillinger Escape Plan, Deicide, Mortiis, Municipal Waste, Cult of Luna, Napalm Death, Dub War, The Haunted, Akercocke, Evile, Morbid Angel, Godflesh, Evile and many many more. Celebrating the diversity of Metal in all its forms, the box set gives over 5 hours of Metal mayhem for an insanely low price. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 FORHÅND 1. DESEMBER SMASHING PUMPKINS IF ALL GOES WRONG Coming Home Studios CHS 10036 4046661141092 2DVD 2 DVD SET Over 4 hours of content! DISC 1 _ “If All Goes Wrong” documentary _ “Voices Of The Ghost Children” featurette _ The Who guitarist, Pete Townshend interview DISC 2 _ Live From The Fillmore 1. The Rose March* 2. Peace, Love & S@#t* 3. 99 Floors* 4. Superchrist 5. Lucky 13 6. Starla 7. Death From Above 8. The Crying Tree Of Mercury 9. Winterlong 10. Heavy Metal Machine 11. Untitled* 12. No Surrender* 13. Gossamer* 14. Zeitgeist *previously unreleased Bonus Features _ 99 Floors _ No Surrender _ Mama _ Peace, Love & S@#t* In June of 2007, the re-united and re-vamped Smashing Pumpkins eschewed a traditional US tour and opted to play two residencies in Asheville, NC and San Francisco, CA. If All Goes Wrong captures the band at a moment of unprecedented creativity, crushing uncertainty and undeniable gravity. Culled from hundreds of hours of footage and featuring a two hour concert full of rarities from throughout the band’s entire career to date along with a number of new compositions not available anywhere else, If All Goes Wrong is the Smashing Pumpkins warts-and-all, a band at its creative nadir striving for what comes next, but not quite sure what it is that that future holds. _The Smashing Pumpkins have sold over 18 million albums in the United States alone. _Their latest release, Zeitgeist, has been certified Gold by the RIAA. _This is the first full concert ever released by The Smashing Pumpkins. Their two previous video releases, Greatest Video Hits and Vieuphoria, were compilations. Both have been certified Platinum by the RIAA. _The Smashing Pumpkins have recently seen a surge in popularity due to the inclusion of `The End Is The Beginning Is The End` in the `Watchmen` trailer. That song just recently broke into the Top 100 on iTunes and the Top 10 on the iTunes Alternative chart. _The band has a new single at radio this Fall in conjunction with their inclusion in the latest incarnation of the Guitar Hero video game franchise. FORHÅND 1. DESEMBER WELCOME WAGON WELCOME TO THE WELCOME WAGON Asthmatic Kitty AKR 045 0656605604527 CD This debut album by The Welcome Wagon unveils a ramshackle sing-along enterprise of a Presbyterian pastor (the Rev. Vito Aiuto) and his wife (Monique) wrestling out the influences of folk music, religion, popular culture, and church tradition in a collection of songs that is as soulful as it is good-humored. This gorgeous brew is reflected in the group’s repertoire, which unflinchingly consolidates a vast history of “sacred” song traditions: from old Testament psalms, to Presbyterian Psalters of the 17th Tracklist century, to iconoclastic pop innovators of the 1960s (The Velvet Under1. Up On A Mountain - 3:34 2. Sold! To The Nice Rich Man - 4:11 ground), to charismatic catholics of the 1970s (Lenny Smith), and even into 3. Unless the Lord the House Shall Build - 1:46 the melancholy lovelorn pop of the 1980s (The Smiths). 4. He Never Said A Mumblin’ Word - 4:39 5. Hail To The Lord’s Anointed - 3:16 6. But For You Who Fear My Name - 5:04 7. American Legion - 5:05 8. You Made My Day - 3:59 9. Half A Person - 2:51 10. Jesus - 4:29 11. I Am A Stranger - 6:06 12. Deep Were His Wounds, And Red - 2:17 • Recorded, produced, and arranged by Sufjan Stevens. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VIII SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 47 - 2008 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL Abigail Williams Airbourne All That Remains Anathema At The Gates Audrey Horne Aura Noir Avantasia Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Boris Burzum Carcass Carpathian Forest Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Destruction Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Evile Funeral For A Friend Grand Magus Ihsahn Isis Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Lamb Of God Leviathan Lumsk Machine Head Mayhem Melvins Ministry Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Opeth Paradise Lost Porcupine Tree Ross The Boss Sabaton Satyricon Slipknot Sorgsvart Staind Storm Susperia Taake Tesla Trivium U.D.O. Ulver Windir ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR In The Shadow Of A Thousand... CANDLE 215CD Runnin’ Wild (Tour Edition) RR 79638 Overcome 10067 CD The Silent Enigma CDVILEF 256 Slaughter Of The Soul MOSH143V No Hay Banda DOG003 Hades Rise CDVILEF173 The Metal Opera Gold Edition AFMCD 150-9 Alleviat TABU028 The Fathomelss Mastery CDVILEF 242 Come Death MOSH332 Smile SUNN92 Lord Of Darkness - Anthology BOB086CD Symphonies Of Sickness dual.. MOSH 018D Morbid Fascination Of Death CDVILED194 Full Fathom Five WM 001CD Godspeed On The Devil’s ... RR 79235 Eternal Kingdom MOSH359L Dark Thrones & Black Flags CDVILEF 237X Scars Of The Crucifix MOSH 273V D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. AFMCD 223-9 Supervillain Outcast FOGCD037 The Bees Made Honey In The... SUNN90 From Dirt BLNCD011 Witchcult Today RISECD100 Anthems To The Welkin...box CANDLE187CDSE Ruun TABU022 Serpent Saints CANDLE183CD Enter The Grave Redux Version MOSH 353X Memory And Humanity RR 79112 Iron Will RISECD113 Angl CANDLE218CD In The Absence Of Truth IPC81 The Great Cold Distance CDVILEF128 Armada TABU019 Hundre År Gammal TABU029 New American Gospel 10032CD Massive Conspiracy Against... DEAD107CD Det Vilde Kor TABU023 The Balckening (Tour Edition) RR 80165 Wolf’s Lair Abyss AMAZON012CD Nude With Boots IPC105 Cover Up THP008 The Art Of Partying Redux MOSH331X An Ode To Woe CDVILEF207X Assassins CANDLE217CD Given To The Rising NR050 Still Life - Special Edition CDVILED 183X Gothic CDVILED 244X Nil Recurring CDVILEF 235 New Metal Leader AFMCD213-9 The Art Of War BLOD055CD Nemesis Divina FOGCD012 All Hope Is Gone RR 79385 Vikingtid Og Anarki EP016 The Illusion Of Progress RR 79022 Nordavind FOGCD004 Cut From Stone TABU024 Taake KAR 043 Forever More FRCD 394 Shogun RR 79858 Mastercutor AFMCD159-2 Shadows Of The Sun TRICK041CD Valfar, Ein Windir TABU006 DVD TITTEL Live In Chicago America Full Fathom Five Clutch Chaos In Motion Dream Theater Emperial Live Ceremony Emperor Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO Enslaved FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006 Farewell to The Kings Of Rock Gluecifer Christmas Isaak Chris Clearing The Eye Isis Essential Live Songbook Jewel Live Kaada/Patton Live From Chicago Miller,Steve Band Sinamorata My Dying Bride The Misanthrope Nocturno Culto The Roundhouse Tapes Opeth Live In The Heartland REO Speedwagon Roadkill Extravaganza Satyricon BEST.NR SOUND 005 WM 002DVD DVD 09245 CANDLE101DVD TABU014 IPC102DVD MIG 011 SOUND 006 IPC80DVD SOUND 004 IPC96DVD CHS10035 DVDVILE6 DVDVILE7 DVDVILE 11 SOUND 003 FOGVD002 ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE Antony & the Johnsons Backyard Babies Bad Religion Band Of Horses Balkan Beat Box Black Mountain Blitzen Trapper Bloc Party Brun Ane Brut Boogaloo Cassidy,Eva Calexico Chairlift Chatham County Line Cold War Kids Core The Crowell Rodney Danielson Datsuns Division Of Laura Lee Eagles Of Death Metal Einsturzende Neubauten Ellingsen Haakon Explorers Club Farmers Market Flight Of The Conchords Flogging Molly Ford,Jim Forster,Robert Gaslight Anthem Giant Sand Gogol Bordello Grand Archives Grand Café Gutter Twins Hellacopters Iron & Wine Jurado Damien King Crimson Lambchop Lukestar Los Campesinos! Magnolia Electric Co. Mudhoney My Little Pony No Age Of Montreal Okkervil River Postal Service Rumble In Rhodos Sadies Sawhney Nitin Shins Skambankt Staples Mavis Sun Kil Moon Taraf de Haidouks Tomahawk Travis Vandervelde David Wainwright III Loudon Wolf Parade Wovenhand Yeasayer TITTEL BEST.NR Antony & the Johnsons Backyard Babies Stranger Than Fiction Cease To Begin Nu Med In The Future Furr Intimacy Sketches Dirty Living Somewhere Carried To Dust Does You Inspire You IV Loyalty To Loyalty Golonka Love Sex & Gasoline Trying Heartz - The Best Of Headstunts Violence Is Timeless Heart On The Jewels The Plum Album Freedom Wind Surfin’ USSR Flight Of The Conchords Float Point Of No Return The Evangelist The ‘59 Sound Provisions Super Taranta The Grand Archives Put A Little Grease On My Axe Saturnalia Head Off The Shepherd’s Dog Caught In The Trees In The Court Of The Crimson Ki Oh (Ohio) Lake Toba We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed Fading Trails The Lucky Ones Think Too Much Nouns Skeletal Lamping The Stand Ins Give Up Intentions New Seasons London Undersound Wincing the Night Away Eliksir Live: Hope At The Hideout April Maskarada Anonymous Ode To J. Smith Waiting For The Sunrise Recovery At Mount Zoomer Ten Stones All Hour Cymbals SC104 BDBLI002 EPIT 69942 SPCD745 CRAW38 JAG90 SPCD 755 WEBB 185CDI DEMCDD 09 MMR 003 G210190 SLANG 1051258 KAN 342 YEP2157 VVR 1051742 MMPCD 063 YEP 2187 SC 180 COOKCD 477 IMT 012 VVR 886803 919782 TERMOCD 002 DOC007 IPC101 SPCD715 SD1348 BCD16993 TIN01702 SD 1361 YEP 2188 SD1334 SPCD 754 RMR 001 SPCD 761 KING050CD SPCD710 SC 175 DGM0501 SLANG 1051218 PM03 WEBB 187CD SC120 SPCD765 STACD 007 SPCD772 PRC 160 JAG 124 SPCD595 BLNCD 012 YEP2148 POSITIVIDCD 001 SPCD705 DOG007 EPIT 69932 CV006 CRAW40 IPC89 VVR 1051932 SC170 YEP2181 SPCD720 SF 020 WRF002 VINYL ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR Darkthrone Motörhead Of Montreal Sunn O))) Wovenhand Dark Thrones & Black Flags BBC Live In Sessions Vol. 1 Skeletal Lamping Domkirke Ten Stones VILELP 237 BOBV 107LP PRC 160LP SUNN 94LP SF 020LP ARTIST Doro Isis Motorpsycho Skambankt Zyklon-B SINGEL/EP TITTEL BEST.NR Celebrate (The Night Of ....) 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