i pop/indie - Tuba Records
i pop/indie - Tuba Records
NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 POP/INDIE DON JUAN DRACULA NEW SENSATION Switch Off SORCD 012 7090001911682 Med 3 EP-er, debutalbumet Young Debutantes II og hiten Take Me Home ble DON JUAN DRACULA kjent landet rundt. Lange bilturer til landets scener og festivaler som Quart, Øya og Storås satte standarden for bandet som ble kjent for sine ultimate live shows. CD To år skal det ta før bandet er ferdig med den andre plata New Sensation. Men i mellomtiden har de spilt for 20 000 mennesker på Beijing Pop Festival og spilt fletta av 20 mennesker på Pianos i New York under CMJ. En konsert hvor bandet blir rost opp i skyene av nettstedet Pitchfork. Reise verden rundt å spille er gøy, men gutta måtte til slutt takke nei til festivaler og oppvarmingsjobber for å konsentrere seg om den nye plata. Denne gangen ville de produsere plata selv, men de trengte en co-produsent og mikser. Manageren Shane ba bandet sette opp en ønskeliste og førstevalget falt naturligvis på topprodusentene Stephen Hague (New Order, Pet Shop Boys) og Ed Buler (Suede, Pulp). At bandet skulle få begge til å mikse den nye plata var en drøm som gikk i oppfyllelse. Nå blir det slippfest under Hovefestivalen, og den første konserten på norsk jord etter bruddet. Don Juan Dracula er tilbake! PONYTAIL ICE CREAM SPIRITUAL We Are Free WRF 005 0656605510521 CD Spastisk, dansbar indie fra vår alles favorittby, Baltimore, litt mer spesifikt fra byens mye omtalte Wham City Crew, helt spesifikt fra Ponytail. Bandets andre album, Ice Cream Spiritual, fanger, så godt det lar seg gjøre, deres eksplosive liveshow på et lite stykke rund plast. Ekstatisk, energisk og enigmatisk. Tenk deg en syrete YOKO ONO til sengs med den onde stebroren til IAN DURY, spenn så fast sikkerhetsbeltene og la deg rive med. Evt. spenn de av igjen og pog ukontrollert rundt i stuen, mens potteplanter og annen nips fyker veggimellom. Les bandets egen gjennomgang av platen her: http://www.paperthinwalls.com/listeningparty/index?id=79 “Ponytail’s secret weapon, vocalist Molly Sigel. Her cries, coos, shrieks, growls, and a full array of preverbal (or is it post-verbal?) noises take Kleenex’s scatty nonsense and the Raincoats wordless longing and suck all the meaning out.” Pitchfork Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 ROCK/METAL MELVINS NUDE WITH BOOTS Ipecac IPC 105 0689230010524 MELVINS har influert utallige band, som for eksempel NIRVANA. I 2006 ga de ut suverene A Senile Animal (IPC 82), og tok en vellykket tur innom Øyafestivalen i fjor. Det nye albumet beholder suksessoppskriften med to trommeslagere, så det sinnsyke groovet er bevart. Om mulig er dette enda bedre enn forrige gang. MELVINS er rett og slett konger av fet rock. CD - Norway Rock Magazine - Scream Magazine - Exact DARKTHRONE FROSTLAND TAPES Peaceville CDVILEB 243 0801056024329 3CD En fascinerende reise tilbake til DARKTHRONEs tidligste dager og den første offisielle utgivelsen som inneholder alle de fire demoene i samme pakke. Dessuten en sjelden konsert fra Danmark i 1990, og ikke minst Goatloard Session fra 1991. Disse låtene skulle egentlig vært album nummer to, men bandet skiftet stil og de ble lagt på hylla. Vokal ble lagt til midt på 90-tallet, men de presenteres her i sin råe og opprinnelige form ; geniale instrumentaler fra et band med en stor framtid foran seg. OPETH THE CANDLELIGHT YEARS Candlelight Japan XQAN 106678 4560257880689 3CD Lekkert limitert box-set med OPETHs tre Candlelight-album, Orchid, Morningrise og My Arms, Your Hearse. Kun 2000 ex ment for det japanske markedet. Snadder for fansen. Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 METAL/HARDROCK NACHTMYSTIUM ASSASSINS Candlelight CANDLE 217CD 0803341231412 CD Etter en rekke re-utgivelser er det endelig klart for nytt album med de amerikanske svartmetallerne. NACHTMYSTIUM har utviklet sitt primitive sound og leverer nå et rått, svart og progressivt mesterverk. Like gjerne med hint til PINK FLOYD, EARTH og SUNN O))) som til sjangervennene i XASTHUR, LEVIATHAN og 1349. MUNICIPAL WASTE THE ART OF PARTYING REDUX Earache MOSH 331X 5055006533156 CD Ny og limitert versjon av Hole In The Sky-aktuelle MUNICIPAL WASTEs brilliante The Art Of Partying. Nå med den tidligere uutgitte bonuslåten Boner City samt to usensurerte bonusvideoer og en poster. Old school crossover thrash for fans av ANTHRAX, METALLICA, D.R.I., NUCLEAR ASSAULT, SICK OF IT ALL etc etc.. CANDLEMASS FROM THE 13TH SUN Peaceville CDVILED 218 0801056721822 CD Ny versjon av de svenske doomkongenes 1999-utgivelse. Nå med tre bonuslåter. Mer moderne doom enn på tidligere utgivelser. En fusjon mellom BLACK SABBATH på sitt beste og HAWKWINDs spacerock gir deg en pekepinn på hvor landet ligger. ASVA WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW IS FRONTIER Southern 28148-2 0718752814829 Her er det doom det deier seg om. Frontet av STUART DALQUIST, med bakgrunn fra BURNING WITCH, GOATSNAKE og SUNN O))), og spilt inn med medlemmer fra BURNING WITCH, MR. BUNGLE og EARTH. Sløye saker. CD 9/10 - Terrorizer Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 ROCK/POP/PUNK RECKLESS KELLY BULLETPROOF Yep Roc YEP 2164 0634457216426 CD Storartet rock fra Reckless Kelly. Klassisk amerikansk groove som dufter av Texas, Tom Petty og John Fogerty på en og samme gang. Platen er innspilt i Willie Nelsons Pedernales Studios, og en låt som Love in her eyes burde bli en radiohit for det voksne publikummet. Det blir ikke mye mer amerikansk enn dette, topp saker. BOBBY AND BLUMM EVERYBODY LOVES Morr Music 911772 0880918008127 CD Nydelig, neddempet og drømmende pop med selvuttalt inspirasjon fra STINA NORDENSTAM og JUANA MOLINA. ”Bobby” er svenske Ellinor Blixt, mens ”Blumm” er den kjente musikeren F.S. BLUMM som har gitt ut skiver på labels som Staubgold og Tomlab tidligere. ELVIS PRESLEY THE COMPLETE ’56 SESSIONS Chrome Dreams CDCD 5022 0823564608022 2CD Samtlige av Kongens innspillinger fra 1956 på dobbel CD. På slutten av 1955 var det bare enkelte lokale sjeler som visste hvem han var. Men da Heartbreak Hotel ble sluppet som første RCA Victor singel 27. januar 1956, etterfulgt av et TV-show dagen etter, var det ikke lenge før hele verden tok av. Alle klassikerne, mer obskure album- og EP-låter, live- og TV-innspillinger samt intervjuer. RUDIMENTARY PENI NO MORE PAIN Outer Himalayan BOOBOO 9CD / BOOBOO 9V 0718750701923 / 0718750701916 CD/LP Et av de beste og mest mystiske bandene fra den engelske anarcho-punk scenen på tidlig 80-tall med sin første utgivelse siden 2004. Lyrisk en blanding av det makabre og det politiske, og musikalsk er det punk det er snakk om selvfølgelig. ”Probably the most influental band to emerge from the anarcho-punk scene”. – Kerrang! Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 POP/J-ROCK/PSYKEDELIA SHANIA TWAIN SEND IT…WITH LOVE – THE EARLY YEARS Store For Music SFMCD 074 8231950107422 CD ”Early Years”-samling med country-pop superstjernen SHANIA TWAIN. Låtene er hentet fra innspillinger gjort i 1989-1990. AN CAFÉ GOKU TAMA ROCK CAFÉ Gan Shin GSCD 038 4027792000458 CD Da introduserer vi J-Rock for det norske markedet. Først ute er An Cafe. De er, nær sagt selvfølgelig, enormt populære i hjemlandet Japan, hvor J-rock generelt selger enorme mengder. Men også i Europa, og blant annet hos våre naboer i Sverige, har dette tatt av. Se ikke bort fra at det samme skjer her på berget. Flere titler kommer etterhvert. THE WINCHESTER CLUB BRITANNIA TRIUMPHANT Exile On Mainstream EOM 34 0811521010344 Psykedelisk post-rock i lekker håndnummerert treboks, limitert til 1200 eksemplarer. CD ”If Isis ever injected themselves with DNA from Mogwai and Godspeed You! Black Emperor, this might be the result”. – 8/10 Metal Hammer BEN NASH THE SEVENTH GOODBYE Aurora Borealis ABX 024 0828887022423 CD Psykedelisk drone-folk som smyger seg nydelig av gårde. Folk, raga, drone, prog og støy i en reise vel verdt å sjekke ut. Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 BEAR FAMILY DIVERSE ARTISTER ROCKIN’ AND BOPPIN’ IN THE DESERT – ARIZONA ROCKABILLY VOL. 2 Bear Family BCD 16683 CD 4000127166838 Volum 2 I en serie som samler diverse rockabilly-singler fra Arizonas ørkener. Inneholder spor med tøffinger som Peso Dollar & The Counterfeit Bills, Easy Deal Wilson og Waylon Jennings. DIVERSE ARTISTER SWEET SOUL MUSIC 1961 Bear Family BCD 16867 CD 4000127168672 31 absolutte klassikere fra soul-året 1961. Inneholder superhits fra The Miracles, The Shirelles, The Drifters, The Marcels, Ben E. King, The Marvelettes osv. DIVERSE ARTISTER SWEET SOUL MUSIC 1962 Bear Family BCD 16868 CD 4000127168689 28 absolutte klassikere fra soul-året 1962. Inneholder superhits fra the isley brothers, john lee hooker, little eva, booker t. & the mg’s, the contours, marvin gaye osv. DIVERSE ARTISTER SWEET SOUL MUSIC 1963 Bear Family BCD 16869 CD 4000127168696 30 absolutte klassikere fra soul-året 1963. Inneholder superhits fra bobby bland, otis redding, the chiffons, mongo santamaria, martha & the vandellas, rufus thomas osv. DIVERSE ARTISTER SWEET SOUL MUSIC 1964 Bear Family BCD 16870 CD 4000127168702 31 absolutte klassikere fra soul-året 1964. Inneholder superhits fra b.b. king, the dixie cups, mary wells, the supremes, james brown, o.v. wright, the four tops osv. DIVERSE ARTISTER SWEET SOUL MUSIC 1965 Bear Family BCD 16871 CD 4000127168719 30 absolutte klassikere fra soul-året 1965. Inneholder superhits fra the ad lib’s, joe tex, jr. walker & the all-stars, the impressions, wilson pickett, fontella bass osv. Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 VINYL SATYRICON NOW, DIABOLICAL Moonfog FOGLP 038 ( LP n/a Lekker vinylutgave av SATYRICONs siste langspiller. 180 gram kvalitetsvinyl, gatefold cover med trykk på innerposen og preget forside. Og til og med en bonuslåt. Snadder i begrenset opplag BORIS / MERZBOW ROCK DREAM Southern Lord SUNN 88LP 3LP 0808720008814 CD-utgaven forsvant fort. Her er en trippel(!) vinylutgave av det psykedeliske samarbeidet mellom de eklektiske japanerne i BORIS og landsmannen bak ekstremprosjektet MERZBOW. Varer nok ikke lenge denne versjonen heller. DIMMU BORGIR GODLESS SAVAGE GARDEN Back On Black BOBV 076LP 0803341230040 LP DIMMU BORGIR-samler nå tilgjengelig på 180 gram blå splattervinyl. NO AGE GET HURT EP Upset The Rhythm UTR 011LP 12´´ 0828887001015 Høyaktuelle NO AGE ga ut fem vinylutgivelser på fem forskjellige labler. Høydepunktene ble senere samlet på Cden Weirdo Rippers. Her er den ene på Upset The Rhythm med hele seks låter. JON MUELLER STRUNG Table of the Elements TOE 94 12´´ 0600401094112 Volum 3 i en serie av 12 super-eksklusive utgivelser i Table of the Elements’ Guitar Series. Samtlige kommer på enkeltsidet, klar vinyl med illustrasjoner av den engelske kunstneren Savage Pencil og er limitert til 500 kopier worldwide. Videre utgivelser i serien vil inkuldere THURSTON MOORE, LEE RANALDO, RHYS CHATHAM, CHRISTIAN FENNESZ og STEPHEN O’MALEY. CHROME HOOF PRONOID 12” Southern 28141-1 12´´ 0718752814119 12” fra Hove-aktuelle CHROME HOOF. Pronoid mikset av GRAHAM MASSEY (808 STATE) og i radio-edit versjon, samt en hardcore lo-fi miks av Tonyte gjort av HERVE aka THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTAL. Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 ØVRIGE NYHETER NYTT FRA CAPTAIN OI! ARGY BARGY THE LIKES OF US AHOYCD 303 5032556130325 Brand new studio album from the leading lights of the UK Oi! / Street Punk movement, fronted by the legendary Watford Jon and with Cock Sparrers Daryl Smith on guitar. NYTT FRA CHERRY RED THE TUBES GOIN’ DOWN CDMRED 363 5013929136328 Reissue of this classic compilation, taken from The Tubes’ golden period during their time with A&M Records in the late 1970’s. This double CD takes from all their best loved albums and includes the entire “Remote Control” album that was released in 1979, produced by Todd Rundgren. The CD features 5 of the band’s best known singles ‘White Punks On Dope’, ‘Don’t Touch Me There’, ‘Prime Time’, ‘TV Is King’ and ‘Love’s A Mystery (I Don’t Understand)’. The Tubes created a unique blend of tongue in cheek theatrical rock, that found a niche within the whole punk/ new wave movement of the mid-late 70’s.They built a huge reputation for their outrageously extravagant live shows. EASTERHOUSE CONTENDERS CDMRED 185 5013929118522 Formed in Manchester by the Perry Brothers in the mid-80’s they first came to prominence after being championed by Morrisey. They signed to Rough Trade Records and the singles ‘Whistling In The Dark’ and ‘Inspiration’ were both Top 5 independent chart hits. The singles were both convincing accommodations between music and politics, the band being deeply affected by the betrayal of the working class by the Labour Movement. This then is a welcome repress for their debut album “Contenders”, originally well-received by press and public alike and reached # 3 in the Indie charts in July ‘86. NYTT FRA DISPLEASED PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT DEEDS OF DERANGEMENT D 00173CD 8712666017323 CULT DEATH METAL BANDS SECOND ALBUM NOW REMASTERED!! Prostitute Disfigurement are a brutal death metal band. They started out as a 3-piece, near the end of 2000, under the name Disfigure. They were joined by Roel, on guitars, just before making their demo recordings. Following their second live show, the band was offered a record deal with Dutch-based Dismemberment Records, after which they released their debut album, Embalmed Madness, under the name Prostitute Disfigurement. Both the debut album and the demo were recorded using a drum computer. Embalmed Madness was released during October 2001, in a limited quantity of 500, which sold out in a few weeks. DEAD HEAD KILL DIVISION D 00188CD 8712666018825 Dead Head were formed April 8th 1989 in Kampen, Holland. On that day the four original members Tom van Dijk (bass, vocals), Robbie Woning (guitar), Ronnie van der Wey (guitar), and Hans Spijker (drums), decided to form a band and to become the most intensive and brutal thrash-metal band Europe ever had seen. In the fine tradition of bands like Dark Angel, Kreator and Sadus they distilled their own way to compose songs and to make a solid impact on stage by pounding out their songs as if every minute could be the last. Especially the outrageous drum-style of Spijker, the psychotic double guitar-riffs combined with Toms penetrating screaming gave the band a well-earned status in the metal-scene of those days. A countless number of performances throughout the whole of Europe sustained this, and made the band known in the metal scene all over the world NYTT FRA MORIBUND EMPIRE AURIGA AURIGA DYING DEAD 114CD 0768586011420 Following the path paved by Leviathan, Azrael and Brown Jenkins, comes EMPIRE AURIGA, Moribund’s latest signing of forward-thinking, mind-altering black metal. The veritable sound of technological decay, the duo’s Auriga Dying debut combines black metal, martial ambient, early industrial, psychedelia, and shoegazer into a bewildering, kaleidoscopic canvas that’s like no other. The sound of the end, and also the beginning. NYTT FRA SOME BIZZARE MARC ALMOND VIRGIN’S TALE VOL 1 + VOL 2 SBZ 071CD 0803341232006 Marc Almond initially shot to fame in the early 1980s as one half of synth duo Soft Cell, whose combination of drama and peep show sleaze set to an electronic beat gave them hits such as “Tainted Love” (UK #1), “Bedsitter” (UK #3), “Torch” (UK #2), “Say Hello Wave Goodbye” (UK #3), “Soul Inside” (UK # 16), “What?” (UK #3) and the club hit “Memorabilia”. Almond also went on to be a highly succesful solo artist and now his these classical albums are available again, re-issued on Some Bizarre. NYTT FRA VICTORY JAMIES ELSEWHERE GUIDEBOOK FOR SINNERS TURNED SAINTS VR 432 0746105043220 When VICTORY RECORDS met JAMIES ELSWHERE, it was clear that the label and band were meant to work together. The band has crafted a moving and ambitious rock album that is destined to be one of the most talked about debuts of the year. Combine the hooks of SILVERSTEIN and HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS along with the melancholy of CHIODOS and a lighter TAKING BACK SUNDAY and you have an incredible mix that will connect with fans of honest and emotional hard rock. “Jamies Elsewhere channels the aggressive, emo-tinged melancholy of bands like Sparta, Taking Back Sunday and Chiodos while maintaining an allegiance to melodic punk rock.”: Billboard.com 1997 ON THE RUN VR 438 0746105043824 1997 sprang onto the scene last year and stole everyone’s hearts with their bittersweet brand of pop rock that mixed the classic dual vocals of TAKING BACK SUNDAY, the pop-rock of JIMMY EAT WORLD and the bright harmonies of THE BEATLES and 10,000 Maniacs. The band, which started playing together as early as high school, have now grown accustomed to the restless anxiety that comes with being a band on the road and moving from place to place. They return with an exciting and mature second record, entitled On The Run, that is filled with their catchy choruses and memorable stories behind every lyric. While most people have the comfort of being home all the time, 1997 tells restless tales of being a working class band on the road with a dream to pursue. “Absolutely Delicious”: 4/5 Stars : Punktastic.com “Pretty, lush, immediate pop”: Rock Sound “Second album from summery Chicago six-piece 1997 see them heading into a territory uniquely their own.” : Kerrang Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 FORHÅND 30. JUNI THE WAR ON DRUGS WAGONWHEEL BLUES Secretly Canadian SC 167 / SC 167LP CD/LP 0656605016726 / 0656605016719 Tracklist Arms Like Boulders Taking The Farm Coast Reprise Buenos Aires Beach There Is No Urgency A Needle In Your Eye #16 Reverse The Charges Show Me The Coast Barrel Of Batteries The War On Drugs push the boundaries of a quintessentially American music. Guitars soar and colorful clouds roll past whatever sun or moon you are cruising under, through whatever old bar you are reveling within. The War On Drugs point toward a tireless horizon in the distance that you will never reach but are compelled to chase. It’s a tail you’ve chased your whole life and will continue chasing because your life is more poetic when you are moving toward it—your cinematography is more rich. Wagonwheel Blues is one of those albums that each of us holds onto tightly. They get moved from apartment to apartment through the years; they are songs on the radio that follow us from town to town. They evoke waves of nostalgia and grow more poignant with each new bump along the road. In The War On Drugs we have a fresh face that already sounds like an old friend. Bringing a dose of the West Coast to the hard streets of Philadelphia, their songs recall the ‘80s guitar army of Sonic Youth with the captivating lyrics and vocal stylings of Tom Petty or Bruce Springsteen. FORHÅND 30. JUNI CD JOHNNY TRUANT NO TEARS FOR THE CREATURES United By Fate FATE 002 8259969002200 Det forrige albumet til britiske JOHNNY TRUANT, The Library Of Horrific Events (UGCD 026), var rett og slett fantastisk. Så her er det bare å glede seg til 30. juni, når denne go’biten slippes. “Sweet baby Jesus. This is one heavy album!” – KKKK Kerrang! 8/10 – Rock Sound TRACKLIST 1.The Grotesque 2. Death Rides 3. Last Arms Of The Apocalypse 4. Widower 5. Crush And Devour 6. In Alcoholica 7. Dead Ships Sinking 8. Sunshine Diver 9. Fog Lights 10. The Weeping, Wailing and Gnashing Of Teeth Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 FORHÅND 30. JUNI DAYLIGHT DIES LOST TO THE LIVING Candlelight CANDLE 222CD CD 0803341232518 TRACKLIST 1. Cathedral 2. A Portrait In White 3. A Subtle Violence 4. And A Slow Surrender 5. At A Loss 6. Woke Up Lost 7. Descending 8. Last Alone 9. The Morning Light Mixed at Fascination Street Studios/Sweden by Jens Bogren (Opeth, Katatonia), Lost to the Livin features nine new songs from this cherished, North Carolina-based doom metal band. Working with Travis Smith (Amon Amarth, Soilwork) for the albums packaging, it promises to be another fan and critic favorite. “We all feel confident this is the strongest album we’ve made,” says drummer Jesse Haff. “The material is a mix of beautiful, melancholic leads and harsh dissonant rhythms; all the despair-driven hooks and dark atmosphere you’ve come to expect from us.” Formed in 1996, Daylight Dies drummer Haff with guitarist Barre Gambling slowly crafted songs that would make their appearance on the bands 2002 debut No Reply (Relapse). Their second album, the impressive Dismantling Devotion, was released March 2006 via Candlelight Records. Revolver Magazine called it “as thoughtful and compellingly musical as it is bleak and vengeful... essential.” FORHÅND 30. JUNI 2CD DIVERSE ARTISTER DYLAN’S THEME TIME RADIO HOUR VOL. 2 Chrome Dreams CDCD 5021 0823564608624 TRACKLIST Following the huge success of Chrome Dreams’ first collection of tracks taken from Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Shows, his weekly on air stint during which he plays the songs that have remained closest to his heart over the years, here is volume two. Offering a further selection from the initial series, this latest 2 CD set features one further track from every show Dylan presented in the first series, as aired on the XFM radio station, between May 2006 and May 2007. DISC 1 1 Jamaica Hurricane – Lord Beginner – Show 1 WEATHER 2 Just Walking In The Rain – The Prisonaires – Show 1 WEATHER 3 Mother Fuyer – Dirty Red – Show 2 MOTHERS 4 One Mint Julep – The Clovers – Show 3 DRINKING 5 Did You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball – Buddy Johnson – Show 4 BASEBALL 6 Forty Cups Of Coffee – Ella Mae Morse – Show 5 COFFEE 7 Folsom Prison Blues – Johnny Cash – Show 6 JAIL 8 My Son Calls Another Man Daddy – Hank Williams – Show 7 FATHER 9 Fannie Brown Got Married – Roy Brown – Show 8 WEDDING 10 Divorce Me C.O.D. – Merle Travis – Show 9 DIVORCE 11 June-teenth Jamboree – Fatso Bentley – Show 10 SUMMER 12 Bonny Bunch Of Roses – Paul Clayton – Show 11 FLOWERS 13 Every Woman I Know – Billy “The Kid” Emerson – Show 12 CARS 14 Get Rich Quick – Little Richard – Show 13 RICH MAN POOR MAN 15 Must Have Been The Devil – Otis Spann – Show 14 THE DEVIL 16 20/20 Vision – Jimmy Martin – Show 15 EYES 17 Ain’t I’m a Dog? – Ronnie Self – Show 16 DOGS 18 My Friends – Howlin’ Wolf – Show 17 FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS 19 Radio Boogie – L.C. Smith and His Southern Playboys – 18 Show RADIO 20 The Old Ark’s A’Moving – AA Gray & Seven Foot Dilly – Show 19 BIBLE 21 Take Me Back To Tulsa – Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys – Show 20 MUSICAL MAP 22 Professor Bop – Babs Gonzalez – Show 21 SCHOOL 23 Atomic Telephone – The Spirit of Memphis Quartet – Show 22 TELEPHONE 24 Water, Water – Effie Smith and The Squires – Show 23 WATER 25 24 Hours – Eddie Boyd – Show 24 TIME 26 Shotgun Boogie – Tennessee Ernie Ford – Show 25 GUNS DISC 2 1 Hoo-Doo Say – The Sly Fox – Show 26 HALLOWEEN 2 Back To Back, Belly To Belly (Zombie Jamboree) – The Charmer – Show 26 HALLOWEEN 3 I Can’t Dance (I’ve Got Ants In My Pants) – Roy Newman – Show 27 DANCE 4 A Man’s Best Friend Is a Bed – Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five – Show 28 SLEEP 5 Hungry Man – Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five – Show 29 FOOD 6 Let’s Be Friends – Billy Wright – Show 30 LEFTOVERS 7 Tennessee Border – Hank Williams – Show 31 TENNESSEE 8 Havana Moon – Chuck Berry – Show 32 MOON 9 3 x 7 = 21 – Jewel King – Show 33 COUNTDOWN 10 Christmas Morning – Titus Turner – Show 34 CHRISTMAS / NEW YEAR 11 Peggy Sue – Buddy Holly –Show 35 WOMEN’S NAMES 12 Red Headed Woman – Sonny Burgess – Show 36 HAIR 13 Uncle Pen – Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys – Show 37 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 Bad Luck Blues – Guitar Slim – Show 38 LUCK 15 I’ll Drown In My Own Tears – Lula Reed – Show TEARS 39 16 I’ve Got The Last Laugh Now – Roy Brown – Show 40 LAUGHTER 17 Hearts Of Stone – The Jewels – Show 41 HEART 18 Paper In My Shoes – Boozoo Chavis – Show 42 SHOES 19 Pink Cadillac - Sammy Masters – Show 43 COLOUR 20 Drifting Texas Sand – Webb Pierce – Show 44 TEXAS 21 Still A Fool (Two Trains Running) – Muddy Waters – Show 45 TRAINS 22 All Aboard – Muddy Waters – Show 46 MORE TRAINS 23 (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I – Hank Snow – Show 47 FOOLS 24 Let Me Off Uptown – Anita O’Day & Roy Eldridge – Show 48 NEW YORK 25 Tax Payin’ Blues – JB Lenoir– Show 49 DEATH AND TAXES 26 Bad, Bad Whiskey – Amos Milburn – Show 50 SPRING CLEANING Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 FORHÅND 14. JULI KASAI ALLSTARS In the 7th moon…- CONGOTRONICS 3 Crammed Discs CRAW 44 0876623005810 CD Using a spectacular mixture of traditional acoustic instruments, electric guitars, distortionladen thumb pianos and soulful vocals, Kasai Allstars is a collective revolving around 25 musicians all based in Kinshasa, DR Congo, but originating from five different ethnic groups, each with their own language and musical tradition. Tracklist 01. quick as white 02. mukuba 03. kafuulu balu 04. beyond the 7th moon 05. mbua-a-matumba 06. mpombo yetu 07.tshitua fuila mbuloba 08. analengo 09. drowning goat (mbuji-mayi) Kasaï Allstars’ music is powerful and sophisticated, driving and raw. Compared to Konono N°1 (whose minimal and effective sound has been massively adopted by the international electronica, world music and alternative rock scenes), Kasai Allstars use a broader array of instruments & textures, and wilder, more complex, polyrhythmsŠ They often sound like some kind of retro-futurist primeval rock band. FORHÅND 21. JULI CSS DONKEY Sub Pop SPCD 770 / SP 770 CD/LP 4024572341404 Formed in 2003 in São Paulo, Brazil by a group of art-damaged, pop culture omnivores with an abiding thirst for good times, CSS is, among a great many other things, the first South American band signed to the overrated Sub Pop label of Seattle, Wash. CSS’s debut fulllength, Cansei de Ser Sexy was released in July of 2006. Tracklist 1. Jager Yoga 2. Rat Is Dead (Rage) 3. Let’s Reggae All Night 4. Give Up 5. Left Behind 6. Beautiful Song 7. How I Became Paranoid 8. Move 9. I Fly 10. Believe Achieve 11. Air Painter In the time since Cansei de Ser Sexy came out, CSS has been very busy. They’ve toured around the world a number of times, with the likes of Gwen Stefani, Ladytron, Klaxons, Diplo, played festivals from Coachella, Pitchfork and Virgin, to Reading, Benicassim, Roskilde, and beyond. Vocalist Lovefoxx showed up at #3 on NME’s 2007 “Cool List”, and, their song “Music is My Hot, Hot Sex” was used in a worldwide iPod Touch ad in late 2007, driving the song, nearly a year-and-a-half after its release, to become the highest charting single by a Brazilian band in the history of the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Produced in Brazil by the band’s own Adriano Cintra and mixed in Los Angeles by Mark “Spike” Stent (Madonna, Bjork, Massive Attack, U2, M.I.A., and Arcade Fire), Donkey is tough, street-ready, and recreates the frenetic energy of their live shows. Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XI NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 FORHÅND 21. JULI BODIES OF WATER A CERTAIN FEELING Secretly Canadian SC 177 / SC 177LP 0656605017723 / 0656605017716 CD/LP One year after the self-release of the acclaimed Ears Will Pop & Eyes Will Blink, Bodies of Water have created another full-length offering. A Certain Feeling, their first record for Secretly Canadian, was written, arranged and recorded in David & Meredith Metcalf’s house in the Northeast L.A. neighborhood of Highland Park. Tracklist Gold, Tan Peach, and Grey Under The Pines Only You Water Here Keep Me On Darling, Be Here Even In A Cave If I Were A Bell The Mud Gapes A Certain Feeling is the sound of a group carving out an ever-evolving, but distinct aesthetic niche for themselves. Steve Reich organ figures meet brutal Sabbath-meets-Wagner riffing. A shape-note choir is dropped into the midst of an Upsetters/ESG jam. Musique concrete meanderings beget Velvet Underground plodding that escalates into a fivetime tropicalia workout. FORHÅND 21. JULI CARCASS SWANSONG DUAL DISC Earache MOSH 160D 5055006516067 DualDisc Limited expanded edition of the final melodic death metal album from seminal UK act Carcass. ‘Swansong’ was Carcass’ last album, originally due to be released on Columbia Records, but eventually issued on Earache in 1995. This new limited edition features deluxe packaging and exclusive bonus footage. The dual disc comes housed in a deluxe 12 panel digi-pak with extra artwork. Features exclusive bonus track ‘Deathrider Da’ not featured on the original album. First pressing comes with a bonus sticker sheet features exclusive Carcass designs Tracklist CD Side: 01. Keep on Rotting in the Free World 02. Tomorrow Belongs to Nobody 03. Black Star 04. Cross My Heart 05. Childs Play 06. Room 101 07. Polarized 08. Generation Hexed 09. Firm Hand 10. Rock the Vote 11. Don’t Believe A Word 12. Go to Hell 13. Deathrider Da * DVD side features 30 min brand new documentary (‘The Pathologist’s Report’ Pt.5) with all key band members - Ken Owen, Bill Steer, Jeff Walker - filmed in London and Liverpool 2007. Tracklist DVD Side: ‘The Pathologist’s Report (Pt.5)’ 30 min brand new documentary with all key band members - Ken Owen, Bill Steer, Jeff Walker - filmed in London and Liverpool 2007. Chapters: 01. Issues With the Release 02. Extreme But Not As We Know It 03. Moving to Columbia 04. The Cover Artwork 05. Mike Hickey and Carlo’s Involvement 06. The End is Nigh 07. The Aftermath 08. Influencing the Next Generation 09. Ken Talks About His Illness 10. Outtakes *exclusive bonus track Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 FORHÅND 4. AUGUST ONEIDA PRETEEN WEAPONRY Jagjaguwar JAG 125 / JAG 125LP CD/LP 0656605212524 / 0656605212517 Preteen Weaponry Part 1 Preteen Weaponry Part 2 Preteen Weaponry Part 3 Oneida has been releasing genre-defying music since 1997. They have eight full-length albums and various EPs and singles to their name, a perversely hypnotic live show as a calling card, and their reputation amongst other musicians is renowned. The list of great musicians and artists that Oneida have performed or collaborated with is far too extensive to briefly summarize here. They are critical darlings, they have become ambassadors for Jagjaguwar, and they are paying it forward with a label of their own called Brah Records (distributed by Jagjaguwar). For the reductivist in you, consider Oneida the bastard offspring of a Can/ Suicide marriage, a band who is not afraid to pluck, tap, bend, synth or crash their way to the various extremes of rock, pop, folk and the avant-garde, and who brilliantly do so without alienating the respective fans of any of these so-called “genres.” FORHÅND 4. AUGUST DAVID VANDERVELDE WAITING FOR THE SUNRISE Secretly Canadian SC 170 / SC 170LP 0656605017020 / 0656605017013 CD/LP Just as there are albums that artists were born to make, there are albums that labels were born to release. Waiting For The Sunrise is one of those albums for both David Vandervelde and Secretly Canadian. Upon first laying the needle down, the listener is greeted by a warm wash of sounds that seems to breeze in from decades back. Vandervelde’s singular voice emerges from the drums and keys with “When the morning comes, I will be fine, I will be fine, I will be fine” and you’re pretty damn sure he will be. Tracklist I Will Be Fine California Breezes Hit The Road Old Turns Someone Like You Knowledge Of Evil Cryin’ Like The Rain Need For Now Lyin’ In Bed Waiting For The Sunrise The tones may be familiar, but his voice as an artist is his own, new and wholly contemporary, and you feel lucky to be here to watch the emergence. Critics marveled at Vandervelde’s songwriting on his debut The Moonstation House Band, the mini-album which had the aesthetic wherewithal to hold its own side-for-side with the classics as a late night jam record. Spin magazine remarked that “at a pipsqueakish 22 years old, David Vandervelde is already generating the kind of indie-net whispering that musicians twice his age pine for.” And on songs such as California Breezes, Someone Like You and Lyin’ In Bed, it’s clear that the material on this first long-player fromVandervelde is of a higher order—lyrically more personal and stripped down. Waiting For The Sunrise is the beautiful result of having extended himself both musically and emotionally. Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XIII SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 26 - 2008 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL All That Remains Ansur At The Gates Audrey Horne Avantasia Batallion Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Boris Burzum Candlemass Carcass Carpathian Forest Circle II Circle Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Grand Magus Helheim Ihsahn Isengard Isis Jon Oliva’s Pain Jorn Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Lamb Of God Leviathan Limbonic Art Lumsk Masterplan Mayhem Melvins Ministry Moss Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Neurosis Obituary Opeth Paradise Lost Porcupine Tree Sabaton Satyricon Solefald Sorgsvart Storm Susperia Taake U.D.O. Ulver Windir Witchcraft POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST The Fall Of Ideals Warring Factions Slaughter Of The Soul No Hay Banda The Metal Opera Gold Edition Stronghold Of Men Alleviat The Wacken Carnage Come Death Smile Lord Of Darkness - Anthology Dactylis Glomerata.... Heartwork dual disc Morbid Fascination Of Death Delusions Of Grandeur From Beale Street To Oblivion Eleven Burial Masses Eternal Kingdom F.O.A.D. Norwegian Edition Till Death Do Us Part Supervillain Outcast The Bees Made Honey In The... From Dirt Witchcult Today Anthems To The Welkin...box Ruun Serpent Saints Iron Will Kaoskult Angl Vinterskugge Definitive Ed In The Absence Of Truth Global Warning The Duke The Great Cold Distance Armada Hundre År Gammal New American Gospel Massive Conspiracy Against... Legacy Of Evil Det Vilde Kor MK II Wolf’s Lair Abyss A Senile Animal Cover Up Sub Templum The Art Of Partying An Ode To Woe Given To The Rising Xecutioners Return Still Life - Special Edition Gothic Nil Recurring The Art Of War Nemesis Divina The Linear Scaffold Vikingtid Og Anarki Nordavind Cut From Stone Doedskvad Mastercutor Shadows Of The Sun Valfar, Ein Windir The Alchemist 10036CD CANDLE221CD MOSH143V DOG003 AFMCD 150-9 KAR036 TABU028 CDVILEF241X MOSH332 SUNN92 BOB086CD CDVILED217X MOSH097D CDVILED194 AFMCD208-9 DRT449 CDVILEF180X MOSH359L CDVILEF168X MOSH358L FOGCD037 SUNN90 BLNCD011 RISECD100 CANDLE187CDSE TABU022 CANDLE183CD RISECD113 KAR037 CANDLE218CD CDVILED61 IPC81 AFMCD185-9 AFMCD106-2 CDVILEF128 TABU019 TABU029 10032CD DEAD107CD CANDLE184CD TABU023 AFMCD148-2 AMAZON012CD IPC82 THP008 RISECD108 MOSH331L CDVILEF207X NR050 CANDLE170CD CDVILED 183X CDVILED26 CDVILEF 235 BLOD055CD FOGCD012 CDVILED221 EP016 FOGCD004 TABU024 KAR006 AFMCD159-2 TRICK041CD TABU006 RISECD103 Antony & the Johnsons Apples In Stereo Asobi Seksu Band Of Horses Balkan Beat Box Black Mountain Blitzen Trapper Cassidy,Eva Chatham County Line Cold Mailman CSS Dunderhonning Diverse Artister Diverse Artister Eagles Of Death Metal Einsturzende Neubauten Electric President Explorers Club Farmers Market Fivel,Frode Flight Of The Conchords Flogging Molly Ford,Jim Forster,Robert Gogol Bordello Goldfinger Grand Archives Gutter Twins Haines,Emily Hellacopters Indian Jewelry Iron & Wine Je Suis Animal Kaada King Crimson Lanois,Daniel Lauderdale, Jim Lukestar Magnolia Electric Co. Mudhoney My Brightest Diamond No Age Okkervil River Patton,Mike/Scoccera Peeping Tom Postal Service Richmond Fontaine Rumble In Rhodos Sadies Sigh & Explode Shins Silver Mount Zion Skambankt Songs:Ohia Stoltz,Kelley Sun Kil Moon Taraf de Haidouks Tomahawk Tvang Washington When Wolf Parade Wynn, Steve Yeasayer DVD ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR Bangles Candlemass Deicide Emperor Enslaved Gallhammer Iron Maiden & The... Isis Kaada/Patton Lanois,Daniel Low Metallica Miller,Steve Band My Dying Bride Nocturno Culto Satyricon Whitesnake Return To Bangleonia 20 Year Anniversary Party Doomsday L.A. Emperial Live Ceremony Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO Ruin Of A Church Iron Maiden & The NWOBHM Clearing The Eye Live Here Is What Is You May Need A Murderer Metallimania Live From Chicago Sinamorata The Misanthrope Roadkill Extravaganza Live - In The Still Of The Night SHOUT001 DVDVILE10 MOSH349DVD CANDLE101DVD TABU014 DVDVILE12 SIDVD537 IPC80DVD IPC96DVD DVD-DLR003 SM002DVD PHV051DVD CHS10035 DVDVILE6 DVDVILE7 FOGVD002 CHS10033 TITTEL BEST.NR Antony & the Johnsons New Magnetic Wonder Citrus Cease To Begin Nu Med In The Future Wild Mountain Nation Songbird IV How To Escape Cause And Effect Cansei De Ser Sexy Ka Du Vente På? The Beatles Jukebox Oslo! Peace Love Death Metal The Jewels Sleep Well Freedom Wind Surfin’ USSR A Kid Is Just A Kid Flight Of The Conchords Float Point Of No Return The Evangelist Super Taranta Hello Destiny The Grand Archives Saturnalia Knives Don’t Have Your Back Head Off Free Gold! The Shepherd’s Dog Self-Taught Magic From A Book Music For Moviebikers In The Court Of The Crimson Ki Here Is What Is Honey Songs Lake Toba Fading Trails The Lucky Ones A Thousand Shark’s Teeth Nouns The Stage Names A Perfect Place Peeping Tom Give Up Thirteen Cities Intentions New Seasons O Bailan Todos O No Baila Nadie! Wincing the Night Away 13 Blues For Thirteen Moons Eliksir Ghost Tropic Circular Sounds April Maskarada Anonymous Ny Morgen Astral Sky You Are Silent At Mount Zoomer Crossing Dragon Bridge All Hour Cymbals SC104 YEP2132 TPLP803CD SPCD745 CRAW38 JAG90 SPCD768 G210045 YEP2157 STACD004 SPCD717 GUANO005 CDCD5020 STACD003 AAA999 919782 913132 DOC007 IPC101 CAFE005 SPCD715 SD1348 BCD16993 TIN01702 SD1334 SD1351 SPCD 754 SPCD 761 CDGRON65 KING050CD WRF004 SPCD710 POP61 IPC79 DGM0501 CD-DLR003 YEP2159 PM03 SC120 SPCD765 AKR046 SPCD772 JAG110 IPC100 IPC77 SPCD595 DECOR010CD BLNCD012 YEP2148 MKR010 SPCD705 CST 51 DOG007 SC40 SPCD 748 CV006 CRAW40 IPC89 MKR011 BAUTA013 TRICK042CD SPCD720 BLUDP0447 WRF002 VINYL ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR Hellacopters Isengard Meshuggah Opeth No Age Head Off Høstmørke Obzen Orchid Nouns KING050LP FOGLP007 BOBV079LP BOBV097LP SP772 ARTIST Isis Go Ahead Drink Drink Herr Nilsson Motorpsycho Skambankt SINGEL/EP TITTEL BEST.NR Holy Tears Go Ahead Drink Drink EP Tuesday Is My Birthday The Nerve Tattoo Skammania IPC95 MKR012 KAR038 PSYCHO04 DOG004 Tuba Records AS - Wdm. Thranesgt. 86B - 0175 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2323 4700 Fax: +47 2323 4701 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XIV
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