2015 Fall Newsletter - Camellia Connection
2015 Fall Newsletter - Camellia Connection
Camellia Connection Camellia District Newsletter Fall 2015 Issue CAMELLIA DISTRICT IV OFFICERS Director Marie Andrews 412 Dillon Road Thomasville, Ga 31757 (229)226-2039 mariega@rose.net Co-Director Helen Huddleston 225 Spring Ridge Rd Thomasville 31792 229-227-9896 hh1051@rose.net Recording Secretary Genie McCook 793 Zion Hope Rd Tifton, GA 31793 229-386-9990 geniemccook@bellsouth.net Corresponding Secretary Mary Tomlinson 100 Glen Eagle Circle Thomasville, Ga. 31792 (229)226-6649 tomlinson.mary@gmail.com A Message From Our Director: My Dear Classy Camellias, The fun has begun, we are back in Garden Club after a busy summer. Thank you ladies who attended the Camellia District Officers Workshop and Camellia District Awards Workshop. It was a great time of learning and fellowship. It was my privilege to attend the Community Wildlife Project Workshop and I encourage each and every member in Camellia District to register their yards if you supply food, water and shelter to wildlife. We all enjoy the natural world around us, the wild plants and animals that live in our yards add to the beauty of our surroundings. Listening to the birds in the mornings can start your day off with joy. In August the District Directors from each District in the state were invited to the Cherokee Library in Atlanta. The Library was founded by the Cherokee Garden Club in 1975. Our garden clubs make a donation each year to help fund the Cherokee Library. The library contains a great collection of rare and valuable resources. Admission is free and open to the public. Treasurer Susan Bennett 5866 Riverside Drive Macon, Ga. 31210 (478)476-8228 waynebennett@bellsouth.net Camellia District Fall Annual Meeting will be held in Thomasville, my beautiful, friendly hometown. Mark your calendars for Tuesday October 6, 2015 and join us for a fun filled day. Our own Marge Willis will educate and entertain us with her program on tablescapes. The registration form is included in this newsletter. Parliamentarian Naomi Gerson 718 Allison Park Macon 31210 478-471-0622 (478)737-4388 (C) gers4177@bellsouth.net Also, I encourage you to register now for the workshop “Action in the Environment”, which will be held in November at Veterans Memorial State Park in Cordele, Ga. Look for more information on this event in this newsletter. Chaplain Connie Ewing 302 W. 26th Street Tifton, Ga. 31794-2841 John.ewing@mchsi.com Serving Our Community, `tÜ|x TÇwÜxãá, TÇwÜxãá Camellia District Director Camellia District Annual Fall Meeng Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Thomasville Garden Center 1102 S. Broad St. Thomasville, GA 31792 Thomasville Garden Club, Inc. invites you to A Fabulous Fall Celebraon Coffee/Registraon/Shopping: 9:15 a.m. Meeng: 10 a.m. Honored Guest: Martha Price, President The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Program: “Celebrang Fall” Speaker: Marge Willis “Serving Our Communities” Each club is requested to bring items valued at $25 for Camellia District Country Store or make a contribution of $25.00 – Check payable to Camellia District. Country Store Chairman: Jane Delarber, 340 E. Jefferson St, Thomasville. GA 31792, 229-226-4708. Faye Roe, Merchandizing Chairman Reserve Exhibit Space: Limited Space, confirm early: State or District Chairmen wishing to reserve a display space, 3’ Wide x 2 1/2’ Deep, please provide: Chairman’s name______________________________________________ Committee Name: ____________________________________________ e-mail address: _______________________________________________ Confirmation will be made by e-mail. (Please plan to have your display completed by 9 a.m. the day of meeting.) PLEASE RETURN THIS CAMELLIA DISTRICT FALL ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION FORM WITH CHECK REGISTRATION: $30.00 DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: September 29, 2015 Make checks payable to Camellia District. Mail check and this form to: Mary Julia Coons, 203 Summercreek Cove, Thomasville, Ga. 31792 229-228-4157; almar62rose.net For Camellia District Members Only Garden Club _________________________________ City_________________________ First District Fall Annual Meeting? ____ Are you a New Garden Club Member? _______ NOTE> District Annual Meeting Attendance Award of $50.00 will be presented to the District Club with most members in attendance with registrations paid and postmarked by Sept. 29, 2015. The hostess clubs are not eligible for the award. Name _____________________________________________________________________ (As you would like on name tag) Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ Zip_______________________ Telephone (________)___________________Email_________________________________ PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ____National Board Member ___Past State President Camellia District ___Board Member ____National Life Member ___State Board Member ___Council President ____Deep South Board Member ___State Life Member ___Club President ____Deep South Life Member ___ Visiting District Director ___Club Member ____State President ___Past District Director ___Guest Naonal Garden Clubs and The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Present A State President’s Workshop and Tri-Refresher ACTION IN THE ENVIRONMENT. Our GCG President Martha Price welcomes the challenge to ‘Leap into Acon’ and embrace the NGC Theme of “Service in Acon”. Martha has focused her GCG Special Projects on Water Conservaon and Nave Plants and also supports the NGC philosophy that garden club leadership is important in saving our pollinators, amphibians and monarchs. To that end, Martha called for a “State President’s Workshop” to promote leadership and educaon in those areas – a workshop in which both young and ‘not-so-young’ members could parcipate. 3rd VP Virginia Pennington and NGC & DSR Projects) Chair. and Marilyn McDonnell Parks and Public Lands Chair. have organized this fantasc event. Mark your calendars now and make plans to a>end. Reserve your lodging early and send in your registraon fee and form. Club Presidents - please share this informaon with your garden club members. One big advantage of being a member of GCG is the opportunity to parcipate in these excing educaonal events. Everyone is welcome. A State President’s Workshop and Tri-Refresher ACTION In The Environment November 12-13, 2015 Meeting and Lodging Lake Blackshear Resort and Golf Club at Georgia Veterans State Park 2459-H US Highway 280 West, Cordele, GA 31015 Lodging Reservations deadline October 22 1-800-459-1230 or 229-276-1004 Use code: Garden Club #240046 Room rate: $105 + taxes/fees, single/double (Request room in Lodge if need to be close to meeting room; request 1st floor in Villa to avoid stairs) Cabins $159 + taxes/fees, living room, 2 bedrooms, 4 beds, 1 bath. "- - - - - - "- - - - - - "- - - - - - "- - - - - - "- - - - - - "- - - - - - "- - - - - - "- - - - - -"- - - - - - "- - - - - “————Workshop and/or Tri-Refresher Registration due by November 1, 2015 Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________ Email _______________________________________ Name of Garden Club ___________________________________ State (if not GA) ____________ Please check all appropriate: Master Gardener ( ) National Gardener Subscriber ( ) Refreshing Consultant for: Environmental Studies ( ) Gardening Studies ( ) Landscape Design ( ) Special Dietary Needs ____________________________________________ Cost: Workshop only, $90 Refresher Credit +$5 for EACH School: TOTAL ENCLOSED: ____Check # ___ Mail registration and check payable to Garden Club of Georgia to: Mrs. Merle Smallwood, 4102 Abbey Ln., Tifton, GA 31793 (Acon In the Environment cont.) State President Martha Price philmarprice@cox.net State Environmental Studies Chairman Helen Grogan hgrogan0@gmail.com State Gardening Studies Chairman Rebecca McNeill rrdmcneill@live.com State Landscape Design Chairman Jane Whiteman jamawhit@bellsouth.net Naonal Tri-Refresher Chairman Lana Finegold lanafinegold@msn.com Event Chairman Virginia Pennington vpennington@mchsi.com 229-387-0537 (h); 229-392-0370 (c) Event Registrar Merle Smallwood smallwoo@mchsi.com 4102 Abbey Lane, TiIon, GA 31793 229-386-2926 Instructors Gail Berthe –Educator, gardening and horculture author and lecturer Larry Blankenship –Operaons Manager, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Amy Carter –Agricultural Research Coordinator, College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, UGA Mark Collier –Horculture teacher South Georgia Technical College; rered UGA Extension agent Dr. Gary Hawkins –Agricultural Polluon Prevenon Specialist, GA Depart. of Agriculture; Assist. Professor, UGA Terry Johnson -- Cerfied Wildlife Biologist and Execuve Director of T.E.R.N. Judy Kirkland –Master Gardner; Cerfied Gardening Consultant; rered teacher, EdS; former GA BeeGAP Chairman Karan Rawlins –Invasive Species Coordinator, Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystems, UGA Dr. Eddie Seagle –Agronomist and Horculturist, Professor Emeritus, ABAC Sandra Walker – GA BeeGAP Chairman; Bee Keeper for 58 years; member of 2 Statewide Beekeeping Organizaons Anne9e Wise –Founder, Rosalynn Carter Bu9erfly Trail; Program Spec., Curriculum & Instrucon, GA Dept. of Ed. Program Thursday, November 12 1:15 – 2:00 2:00 – 2:15 2:15 – 3:00 3:00 – 3:45 3:45 – 4:30 4:30 – 5:00 5:00 – 5:30 5:30 – 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 7:30 7:30 – 8:00 8:00 – 8:15 Registraon Welcome and Announcements Amphibians Among Us: An Endangered Species Speaker: Terry Johnson Rescuing the Bees Speaker: Sandra Walker Acon Acvity Making bee houses Fly Away Home: Where Have all the Bu>erflies Gone? Speaker: Anne>e Wise Container Gardening in Miniature Speaker: Gail Berthe Break Dinner –Deep South Fish Buffet at the Cypress Grill State Parks and Public Lands Environments Speaker: Larry Blankenship Acon Acvity State Parks Bingo Commitment Ceremony Friday, November 13 7:30 – 8:30 8:30 – 9:15 9:15 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:30 11:30—12:15 12:15 – 1:15 1:15– 2:00 2:00 – 2:45 2:45– 3:00 3:00 – 3:15 Connental Breakfast Invasive Plants Speaker: Karan Rawlins Nave Plants in the Home Garden Speaker: Amy Carter Acon Acvity Nave plant leaf prints Turfgrasses and Our Environment Speaker: Dr. Eddie Seagle Going Digital with Landscaping Speaker: Dr. Eddie Seagle Box Lunch Connecng Air, Water and Land: Using Landscapes to Protect our Environment Speaker: Dr. Gary Hawkins A Healthy Home Thanks to Plants Speaker: Mark Collier Pollinator Gardens Speaker: Judy Kirkland Acon Acvity Making Wildflower Seed Bombs Closing Remarks Camellia District Awards Marge Wills, Camellia District Awards Chairman Deadline for Applicaons: September 15, 2015 A Big "HOWDY" to the Classy Camellias! Hope everyone had a wonderful and great summer even on those very hot days. Now that September is here and fall is in the air, we all are going to be once again meeng with our garden clubs. As Camellia District's Award Chairman I am sending a request to our fabulous and classy garden clubs and members. Camellia District has our own district awards that are awarded during the October Annual Meeng. The only way we can award these are YOU will need to apply. Here are the Camellia District Awards: COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: "Civic Beauficaon of Public Places" A cerficate and cash award of $50.00 may be awarded to the club that has the best garden club related project benefing their community. Please give a brief but complete resume of the project including objecve, cost, other community groups that may have parcipated, ongoing maintenance if applicable. Also pictures showing the project. Name of Garden Club/City: President: Address: City: Telephone: CAMELLIA DISTRICT DISTINGUISHED MEMBER AWARD: A cerficate awarded to a long me member of a club who over at least 10 years has demonstrated outstanding service in a garden club related acvies. Give a brief resume of achievements of honoring member. a. Currently Acve Member b. Member is no longer able to take an acve part in projects. Name of Honoree: Garden Club/City: Name of President: Telephone: CAMELLIA DISTRICT MEMBER OF THE YEAR: Note: Current State Board Members are not eligible A brief resume of achievements of local garden club acvies that promote The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Mission Statement of your club, such as implementaon of district and state projects. Projects may be within their community and working with other community groups. Name of Honoree: Garden Club/City: Name of President: Telephone: Now, the deadline for applicaon is September 15, 2015. The winners will be announced at our October Annual Meeng that is going to be held in Thomasville at the Thomasville Garden Center on Tuesday, October 6th. Applicaons may either be mailed or emailed to me. Marge Wills 19258 GA Hwy 3 Thomasville, GA 31792 Email: sunflowers@rose.net I am so looking forward to the applicaons and LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING ALL THE CLASSY CAMELLIAS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING ON OCTOBER 6TH IN THOMASVILLE! Be as the sunflower, always turn your face to the sun and leave the shadows behind you. Marge Willis, Camellia District Awards Chairman “Dollars Support Scholars” Fundraiser Launched Dot Williams, Scholarship Chairman Many thanks for all of you who support scholarships. This year, $62,500.00 was awarded to 30 students. Two students won an addional $2,000.00 each from Naonal. All of this was possible because you cared and made scholarships a priority. The cycle begins again. The Scholarship Commi>ee is again asking for your connued support. During the last administraon, “Bagging for Scholarships” tote bags were offered for sale to supplement the scholarship program. Since most of our bags have been sold, the Scholarship Commi>ee is launching a new fundraiser called “Dollars Support Scholars”. January has been designated as “Scholarship Month”. We are asking all club members to support scholarships with a dollar per member during the month of January. Please note that we are not replacing District Named Scholarships; they are vital to the Scholarship Program. This is in addion to the Named Scholarships. However, for every $1,000.00 raised, the district can add another Named Scholarship. At the January club meeng, each club treasurer will collect the dollars, deposit the cash in their club account and write a check for that amount and send the check to the GCG Assistant Treasurer, Susan Turner. She will electronically acknowledge the club’s contribuon, credit the district and send a thank you note to the club. Each club will receive an electronic reminder of the fundraiser that contains informaon as to where to send the check, number of members in the club, etc. Martha Price, GCG President, will add points to the President’s report for club parcipaon. 100% clubs get extra points for the “Club of Excellence” report. We are counng on your help to get the word out, as well as your connued support of scholarships. If you have addional quesons or more explanaon, please contact Dot Williams at d.williams@bellsouth.net or call at 478-477-1742. This is just another way we can raise more money to give more scholarships, making it possible for students to receive their college educaon. BRIARCLIFF GARDEN CLUB -THOMASVILLE On August 15, 2015 Members of Briarcliff Garden Club enjoyed the beauful day and helped beaufy our great City of Roses by picking up li>er. The route of theses five Briarcliff Members began at the Garden Center and ended at the Thomasville/Thomas County Chamber of Commerce. Following the event the group enjoyed fellowship by having breakfast at a local restaurant. The five members were Mary Jane Bacon, Janet Driggers, Gale Milton, Nina Nicholson and Karen Warmack. What a great way to work on a project and have fun and fellowship along the way! All four Thomasville Garden Club, Inc. clubs parcipate in this Li>er Control Project in conjuncon with the “Keep Thomas County Beauful” Project. Other clubs are Killarney Queen, Lady Banks and Rambler Rose. “State Parks Day” Dear GCG Members, Saturday, Sept. 26th is “State Parks Day”. There will be activities throughout Georgia at a number of State Parks. Share this information with your garden club members. Perhaps a group of you and family members could join together for a community service project and help at a park near you. Please copy website information below and paste to your browser for current information on Georgia State Parks. Marilyn McDonnell GCG State Parks and Public Lands Chairman mmcdonnell25@comcast.net h>ps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/? ui=2&ik=dbf698c016&view=a>&th=14f7f959e94e0083&a[d=0.2&disp=inline&safe=1&zw “Expressions” 2016 CALENDAR Kay King, State Expressions Chair We are excited about the Expressions 2016 Calendar featuring our state headquarters. This new format includes recipes, gardening ideas and beautiful arrangements for the home. We believe this will be a book to cherish and to give as gifts! Please encourage your clubs to order now to make certain you get books in the Fall. This will be a sell-out edition. Order forms are available on the GCG website: www.gardenclub.uga.edu Order your calendars now so they can be picked up at our Camellia District Fall Annual Meeting in Thomasville. Camellia District Calendar Marketing Chairman: Julia Singletary, 102 Chukkars Dr. Thomasville, Ga. 31792 (229) 225-9711 email: juliasingletary@gmail.com PICTURED- MARGE WILLIS, “EXPRESSIONS EDITOR, MARTHA PRICE, GARDEN CLUB OF GEORGIA PRESIDENT Camellia and Magnolia District present “Once Upon A Time” Genie McCook, Flower Show Chairman Want to have dinner with a prince? Meet Little Red Riding Hood or Ask Aladdin for that special wish? Then join us October 9- 11 at The Georgia National Fair, as Camellia District IV and Magnolia District V present “Once Upon a Time.” A Standard Flower Show. Staged at the Miller-Murphy-Howard Building at the Georgia National Fair in Perry. Ga. Mark your calendars, put on your design “thinking hats” and bring your horticulture entries to Camellia/Magnolia Districts fabulous flower show which be held in Perry, Ga. on Oct. 9-11th. To view complete Flower Show Schedule type in: Georgianationalfair.com 2015 standard flower show into your browser and find all the design and horticulture rules, and sections and classes for horticulture and designs. Plan to volunteer as clerks, help with horticulture entries and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Find complete list of show chairman in the schedule. Looking forward to seeing you at the show “Once Upon A Time... Flower Show Judges Symposium Naonal Garden Club Flower Show Judges enjoyed a very educaonal and informave Symposium held in Athens in June at the Georgia Center’s Hotel & Conference Center. Connie Ewing, TiIon, furnished roses from her rose garden to be used by David Robson for his presentaon. Everyone was amazed at the quality and quanty of beauful roses in June. Symposium Chairman was Be>ye Trankina with TiIon Judges A>end Flower Show Symposium (From L-R) Genie McCook, Virginia Pennington, Connie Ewing, Karen Hendrix Programs Supported by GCG: Marshall Forest Land Trust The Land Trust Program began as a Bicentennial partnership between NGC and the Nature Conservancy. The goal is to heighten public awareness of the crical need to save our ecologically unique lands. In 1966, the Marshall Forest was selected by the Department of the Interior to be Georgia's first "Natural Naonal Landmark." Since 1976 the Marshal Forest has been designated the "Land Trust" project for GCG. For many years this relic forest of 293 acres within the city limits of Rome has been a natural laboratory for sciensts and students. Once a part of Cherokee Naon lands, it is one of the few remaining old-growth forests in the Ridge and Valley Province, a geographical and ecological corridor that extends from Pennsylvania to Alabama. The forest area ranges in elevaon from 600 to 900 feet and supports more than 300 species of plants. Garden Clubs are encouraged to visit the forest, especially the Braille Trail. Deed of Gratude cerficates will be given annually to all garden clubs donang $25 or more before March 1st. GCG State Chairman is listed in The Garden Club of Georgia Guide and also found in the “What to Send Where” secon of The Garden Club of Georgia Guide. Submied by Ann Laay, Camellia District Chairman. State Botanical Garden in Athens THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN For children young and old everywhere, the State Botanical Garden in Athens is building a 21st century Children’s Garden. Operating under the realization that today’s children are better connected to a virtual world of technology than to the natural world, this garden reaches out to hundreds of children and teachers with the message of environmental stewardship. One enters the garden through the Georgia Discovery Plaza, an arc-like amphitheater which features a giant colorful map of Georgia introducing families and school groups to the geography, culture, ecology, and natural history of our state. There will be a wonderful underground den of roots and soils, a multilevel tree house village, forest adventure, bogs and a wetland water ferry, outdoor galleries, work spaces and theaters, and a two-part Garden of Wonder with programmed zones for the really young. The Busy Bees zone is for 1 and 2- year-olds to explore nature in a safe, ageappropriate way. Sweet Peas zone for 3 and 4-year-olds features a bee-dance pavement design, a green maze, and a flowery meadow which provides the opportunity for children to learn about our pollinators’ behavior as they trace the flight of a bumble bee. The Dig and Grow zone will introduce children to the lifelong love of planting and gardening. A canopy walk high up in the trees will give a bird’s eye view of the garden’s ecosystem. It is only in our helping children acquire a love of nature and a deep intuitive understanding of our natural world that we can assure that the future of our earth will follow a course of sustainable development. Marianne McConnel, The Children’s Garden Chairman, GCG Cherokee Garden Library at the Atlanta History Center The Cherokee Garden Library is for the garden historian, the horticulturist, the dirt gardener, the flower arranger and the lover of fine books. There are over 28,000 books, manuscripts, seed catalogs and landscape drawings that have been restored, preserved, and are housed in the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center. This is the library and it is free and open to the public Wednesday – Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The collection is accessible to anyone exploring the heritage of gardening, landscape design, garden history, horticulture, floral design, botanical art, cultural landscapes, natural landscapes, and plant ecology. In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the library is presenting a lecture by garden writer, Ken Druse, on Wed. Oct. 14, 2015 at 7p.m. at McElreath Hall at the Atlanta History Center. He will speak re: his 2012 publication, Natural Companions: The Garden Lover’s Guide to Plant Combinations and his newest book: The New Shade Garden: Creating a Lush Oasis in the Age of Climate Change. Called “the guru of natural gardening” by The New York Times, Ken Druse is a celebrated lecturer, photographer, and author. He has a dynamic weekly radio show and podcast called “Ken Druse—The Real Dirt” (http:// www.kendruse.typepad.com/), and he writes frequently for the The New York Times, Martha Stewart Living, House Beautiful, and many others publications. Ken Druse is America’s best-loved gardener. Making More Plants is a bestseller and winner of The American Horticultural Society’s 2001 “Best Book of the Year” and the Garden Writers Association of America’s 2001 “Award of the Year,” its highest honor. The American Horticultural Society listed The Natural Habitat Garden among the best books of all times. Mr. Druse is an organic gardener, writer, photographer, designer, and naturalist and his passion for gardening is to inspire us to take better care of the earth. Tickets are $25 Club donations are appreciated to support the Library’s continuing conservation and education efforts. Visit the web site www.AtlantaHistoryCenter.com/CherokeeGardenLibrary or call 404- 814-4150 . Camellia District Director Marie Andrews, all other District Directors and Cherokee Garden Library Chairmen attended a delightful and informative orientation and lunch hosted by the Cherokee Garden Library at the Atlanta History Center. In attendance from GCG were Martha Price, Jane Hersey, Edna McClellan, Susan Roof, Betty Davis, Sue Edenfield, Hilda Rushing, Winette Almon, Marie Andrews, Julie Groce, Willie Maxwell, Nancy Muggridge, Rosie Davidson, Janet McGinnis, and Julianne Goecke. Staci Catron and Claire Schwartz represented the Cherokee Garden Library, and Joy Vannerson as liaison represented both organizations. Each club is encouraged to send a donation to the Cherokee Library. Camellia District Cherokee Garden Library Chairmen: Julie Groce, 619 Orange St., Macon, Ga. 31201; Home: 478-743-5651; Cell: 478-731-5901; email: groce@infionline.net The Benefits of Belonging to a Garden Club TAKEN FROM NGC WEBSITE The rewards of joining a local club within the National Garden Clubs umbrella go far beyond the pleasures of growing things. Becoming a member almost anywhere in the U.S. or affiliated international locations is simple and inexpensive. Yet membership opens the door for you to explore a wide range of common interests with people around the world and across the generations. * Grow your knowledge via top-notch educational programs and schools. * Garden for a purpose with community service projects, including disaster relief efforts and skill building activities in eco-scaping, community beautification, etc. * Participate in the State Garden Clubs network for learning, service and community-building. * Promote environmental causes on a local, regional and national basis. * Grow your own edibles or launch a community edible garden, for tastier, healthier, less expensive local fare. * Learn to make the most of resources, including your available garden space. * Enhance your garden's sustainability and reduce maintenance by planting "native" rain gardens and saving water. * Nurture your inner artist with floral design study and flower shows. * Learn from those with experience, and pass along your own passion and know-how to new generations of gardeners. * Share your love of gardening and have fun! THOUGHTS ON MEMBERSHIP… Do you know someone who is NOT a member of a Garden Club, but should be? If each member would bring a new member, membership would soar! The future is not tomorrow or next week, or next year… it is today. Is your Garden Club growing? Let’s Think MEMBERSHIP when we think Garden Club! Let’s Leap Into Action! GARDEN CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC. EVENTS CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 2015 15‑19 Tue‑Sat NGC Board Meeting St Louis MO 21 Mon GCG F&E Meeting Helen 22‑23 Tue‑Wed GCG State Board Meeting Helen 28‑30 Mon‑Wed The Suzanne Wheeler Flower Show School Course I Bellmere Garden House, Johns Creek 6 Tue Camellia District Fall Meeting Thomasville 7 Wed Magnolia District Fall Meeting Fort Valley 9‑11 Fri‑Sun Magnolia and Camellia Districts Standard Flower Show Perry 13 Tue Laurel District Fall Meeting Young Harris 14 Wed Dogwood District Fall Meeting Atlanta 14 Wed 40th Anniversary of Cherokee Garden Library Atlanta History Center 15 Thu Redbud District Fall Meeting Newnan 20 Tue Oleander District Meeting Rincon 21 Wed Azalea District Fall Meeting Augusta 4‑ 6 Wed‑Fri Gardening Study School Rome 12‑13 Thu‑Fri Workshop and Tri-Refresher Cordele Mon‑Tue Awards Meeting HQ - Athens 12 Tue GCG F&E Meeting Milledgeville 13‑14 Wed‑Thu GCG State Board Meeting Milledgeville 19 Tue Dogwood District Board Meeting Sandy Springs Library 20 Wed Native Plant Symposium Athens 26 Tue Camellia District Board Meeting Quitman 26 Tue Oleander District Board Meeting Brunswick 4 Thu Magnolia District Board Meeting TBA 11 Thu Azalea District Board Meeting Waynesboro 17 Wed GCG Scholarship Committee Meeting Athens 18 Thu Capitol Conservation Day Atlanta 19 Fri Laurel District Board Meeting Cartersville OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 DECEMBER 2015 7‑ 8 JANUARY 2016 FEBRUARY 2016 Connued GCG Calendar of Events MARCH 2016 1‑ 3 Tue‑Thu Gardening Study School Rome 7‑ 8 Mon‑Tue Deep South Convention Tunica, Mississippi 15‑17 Tue‑Thu The Suzanne Wheeler Flower Show School Course II Bellmere Garden House, Johns Creek 12 Tue GCG F&E Meeting Macon 13‑14 Wed-Thu GCG Annual Meeting Macon 17‑23 Sun-Sat Garden Week in Georgia 22‑23 Fri-Sat Landscape Design School Augusta Mon-Sat National Garden Club Convention Grand Rapids MI 5‑11 Sun-Sat National Garden Week 6‑ 9 Mon-Thu Gardening Study School TBA Sun-Tue Flower Show Judges Symposium Athens APRIL 2016 MAY 2016 2-7 JUNE 2016 JULY 2016 10‑12 FELLOWSHIP FUNDRAISER IN THE BARN Genie McCook, Chairman Anita Allen, Co-chairman Plans are in the works for a Fellowship Fundraiser for Camellia District. A Southern Luncheon on the beautiful setting of Twin Acres Farm in Hawkinsville will be hosted by our District. Profits from this event will fund a Blue Star Memorial Marker, to be placed in Camellia District, along with funding our Camellia District Named Scholarship. We are excited to have as our speaker for this special event Georgia's well known Master Gardener, Walter Reeves.