Winter 2006 - Yeled V`Yalda Early Childhood Center
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Y eled V’Yalda’s Human Resources Department is the center of much hustle and bustle; whether it’s hiring new staff, reorganizing old staff, questions on vacation days, sick days, direct deposit, job openings, insurance inquiries, 401K plan, change of address, substitutes, reference checking, promotions and raises, ads, ads, ads, Chanukah gifts, celebrating birthdays and engagements, etc. etc. etc.. In fall 2005 we revised our application forms for new hires, our evaluation forms for all staff and our employee handbook. We arranged a Child Abuse Prevention Course, an administrative Chanukah party and under the direction of Vicki Edelstein, we had a Financial Literacy Workshop among other informative and exciting trainings for our staff. We have signed an agreement with Citibank for the installation of an ATM machine at 1450 37th St. - stay tuned! In this issue of YVY Ink we start a new exciting column “Zooming in on...”. We thank Ruchie Herbst, editor, for graciously agreeing to be our first employee featured. Our In The Spotlight feature sheds light on different departments or events at YVY. In this issue of YVY Ink, Mr. Igel reminisces with us about the early days of Yeled V’Yalda. START SMALL, DREAM BIG Humble beginnings: 12 Franklin Avenue The year: The place: The staff: Cont’d on page 3 in ow ce t FOR 2 n a ER a ch For DINN ge 5! E FRE see pa Inside This Issue: In The Spotlight .................................. 1 HRD Greetings .................................... 1 From The Desk Of ... ........................... 2 Zooming In On .................................... 3 Survey ................................................. 4 Therapist’s Spot .................................. 6 YVY Celebrations/New Faces ............. 7 Tech Talk ............................................. 8 The clients: The project: Bright future: 1310 - 38th Street 1980 12 Franklin Avenue, Williamsburg NY Mr. Solomon Igel, Chairman of the Board Naomi Auerbach, Education Director Judy Friedman, Family Worker Rivky Steinberg, Teacher Carol Katzberg, Bookkeeper Leanne Schwartz, Therapist Morty Kramer, Child Psychologist 78 girls, ages 3-5 Head Start Today, Head Start is a household word in Brooklyn and in the Jewish community. However, for many years, people had not heard about Head Start, and if they did – they didn’t know what it meant. Project Head Start (HS), launched as an eight-week summer program by the Office of Economic Opportunity in 1965, was designed to help break the cycle of poverty by providing preschool children of low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet all their needs for proper development. Mr. Igel introduced the concept of Head Start in 1980 to preschool parents at 12 Franklin Avenue. He began by phoning each parent and by meeting with them in person. Not surprisingly, he encountered a good deal of resistance. The Orthodox Jewish parents, clinging to what was familiar, were wary of any modern day “enlightened” preschool program. Mr. Igel tried to explain the various benefits children and families would derive from being part of the Head Start program. Licensed professionals would teach the children, and they Cont’d on page 2 Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 1 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Cont’d from page 1 would be offered social services, nutrition and health information and support. Children with disabilities, too, would stand to gain by receiving specialized services. It seemed, more often than not, to be an uphill battle. Parents kept any disabilities under wraps. They could not grasp the idea of a “Jewish licensed professional”. For this, they thought, a child had to go to public school. It took three to four years for it to enter the consciousness of Jewish parents that they would not have to compromise the traditional standards they held so dear by allowing their beloved children to join this Federally run Government program. Mr. Igel worked hard to ensure the success of the program. He was a jack-of-alltrades, hands-on supervisor. Mr. Igel opened the site and locked up every day. When the custodian didn’t clean the premises – he took care of it personally. The bus driver called in sick one day so Mr. Igel, with a TLC (tender loving care) license, drove the bus. The children needed medical forms. ODA was only a few blocks away, so the children dutifully formed a line, Naomi in front-Mr. Igel in the back, and off they went to take care of business. As Head Start started gaining popularity, parents and schools began putting in requests to have their children in HS classes. At about the same time-in the middle 1980’s, the City got funding and accepted proposals for classes that would be run under HS regulations. Project Giant Step, an initiative and pet project of Mayor Koch which was supposed to build on HS and other child care programs, ended in 1990 and the participants of this program were converted to HS. These significant events generated a large expansion of HS. YVY began opening additional sites in Boro Park; first at 1601 42nd Street-adding boys to the program, then at 1353 50th Street. Additional people were hired; Shaynee Rabinowitz-bookkeeper, Esther Szanzer-Ed Director, Czipi SchwartzSecretary. Though initially parents resisted what they regarded as “modern” innovations in their childrens’ care in the early 80’s, they eventually warmed to the idea of a professionally run program. In fact, many of these very same parents went back to school themselves, or sent their Head Start graduates to receive college degrees in order to be able to provide professional services, thereby give back to the community. YVY Administrative offices were not always located at 1450 37th Street. From 12 Franklin Avenue, the HS office relocated to Boro Park. The office was housed first on 16th Avenue near “Biegeleisen”, then across the street, atop the famous “Mom’s Knishes”. The staff would squabble over the odors drifting up –it smells delicious, it’s making me nauseous… (Much like the staff wrangling of today-it’s hot, it’s freezing…some things never change!) The next move was to 53rd and 13th Avenue on top of “Gelt Funding”. Mr. Igel, with input from Shaynee and with approval from the board, aptly named his Head Start program “Yeled V’Yalda” (Hebrew for “boy and girl”) at this time. 1529 60th Street was the next stop for a short while and then it was on to 571 McDonald Avenue. Most recently, all the offices were transferred to 1450 37th Street and 3820 14th Avenue with plans to stay put …until the final stop(?!) —1257 38th Street. Anticipation is building as major construction proceeds full force. True, YVY began with a Head Start program. But the name YVY evokes much more than just HS nowadays. From HS evolved Early HS, Special Ed, EI, WIC, ABA, CIRC…-a multi-faceted organization providing individualized high quality services in education and early childhood development, responsive and appropriate to every child’s and family’s developmental, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage and experience. In a future YvY Ink issue, we will explore how this phenomenal expansion came to be. From the Desk of . . . . The 2005-2006 program year has started out with a significant increase in the enrollment of children within our Early Intervention, SEIT, and Related Services component programs. Much of this success is attributable to the hard work and commitment of our staff and our therapeutic team. Our Early Intervention Program has recently received New York City Department of Mental Health & Hygiene approval to service children who are diagnosed with autism and/or pervasive developmental delays (PDD). Our program is one of few within the early intervention system who have such approval. Additionally, our Early Intervention Program has had its contract with the NYC Department of Health renewed for an additional 3 years. These two developments indicate the extent of respect and trust the NYC Department of Health has in our program. Our SEIT and Related Services components have been welcomed within new areas, yeshivas, and public and private schools. We are very proud of the positive impact our therapeutic team has had on the development of the children in their care. Feedback from parents and school officials regarding the dedication and professionalism of our therapeutic team has been most gratifying. Additionally, our newly opened speech clinic in Williamsburg has been a resounding success by gaining wide community acceptance. Our special services components are indeed a source of pride for our entire organization. Please accept my heartfelt thank you for your outstanding work. Chaim Szanzer Director Special Services 2 Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 HRD Cont’d from page 1 Our office is always open to all staff members for questions and advice, our phones are constantly ringing and we are busy responding to many different requests. The following is a small sampling: “I should fax a resume? What’s a resume?” “I’m looking for a p/t job – no Fridays, no summer, high salary and full benefits.” “My daughter who is wonderful, talented, and smart is coming home from Seminary, do you have…..” “My sister’s friend’s cousin told me that there’s an opening for…” “I received the forms you sent me – am I supposed to sign where it says signature?” “Is there any other entrance to 1450-37th besides through the Atlantic Ocean?” “Everyone knows that YVY is a great place to work – I could do anything!” Yes, we at the Human Resources Dept. are always available to answer your calls, listen to your requests and continue working together towards the success of Yeled V’Yalda. To view this and past issues of YVY Ink on-line visit Gitty Lichtenstein Director of Human Resources Tzivie Marder Asst. to Director of HR Kudos to YvY EHS Home Visitors. They were featured in the Sept. 2005 issue of ‘Zero to Three’, a journal published by the National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, in an article discussing the benefits of infant massage. Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 Name: Ruchie Herbst Job at YVY: I work for Naomi Auerbach, Executive Director of YVY. I assist her in making sure that things run smoothly at our 15 Head Start sites. In addition, I publish this newsletter, YVY INK, which I hope you all enjoy. I would love to get your feedback! Email me at How long at YVY: This is my 3rd year at YVY. Hometown / Birthplace: Antwerp, Belguim Family : My husband and I have 5 kids; ages 10 months – 13 years “keinahora!” Favorite food: Dairy ice cream – I can’t resist. Been published? When I was 17 I won $200- from a magazine called “Good Fortune” (no longer exists) for an essay contest on “personality”. I wrote about my grandfather. Volunteering: Eons ago, I volunteered as a counselor at Camp Simcha (Chai Lifeline). Currently I volunteer at my childrens’ schools. Most people don’t know: I teach lifeguarding. Relation to a celebrity: My great uncle’s wartime diary was found after WWII and published by Yad Vashem (Young Moshe). My grandmother always said that if not for the religious angle in his writing, his diary would have been what Anne Frank’s became. Interesting trip: I joined my husband on a 3 day business trip to 4 South American countries – do the math! In the blur that this trip was, I faintly remember visiting the famous Iguazu falls and a rainforest safari trip (I even saw a lizard!) Notable incident: Embarrassing: As a young girl, I once browsed in a card store on a rainy day. I must have been perusing the cards for about 15 minutes when the saleslady came to tell me, “You can close the umbrella now, it’s not raining in here!” Terrifying: I was once aboard a small 8-seater plane and the pilot told me not to lean against the door since the latch was a little broken. HELLO?!?! Favorite website: This website debunks most of the silly emails I get! Regret: As a kid I knew French. When we came to the USA I wouldn’t listen to my mother unless she spoke to me in English. Now she speaks a perfect English and I “no parlais Francais!” 3 LIGHT ER MOMENTS BP administrative staff enjoyed a lively bash on Chanukah. We share with you the amusing poem that Gitty recited describing ‘a typical day in the office’. Keeping to the time-honored tradition of eating dairy on Chanukah, a cheesy soup, cheesy ziti, cheesy lasagna and cheesy cake were served. Employees put their heads together as they raced to be the first ones to complete a draidel puzzle. The winners received fab faux pearl chokers. An informative, entertaining demo on grilling was presented by Ruthie Klagsbrun. Mouths watered and the audience oohed and aahed as she listed the ingredients for a Green Golden Dressing recipe. In response to your numerous requests, we reprint it here for your convenience. Bon Apetit! Green Golden Dressing: (works with fish or salad) 2 T Lemon Juice 1/3 C Maple Syrup 1 C Mayonnaise 2 T Dill Garlic Spread Honey-Teriyaki-Sesame sauce (on fish) 3 minutes before done. Although we’re all so busy, as our workload always grows, And audits, deadlines, review – keep us on our toes, And even when tensions are running quite high, we all could surely say, We look forward to go to work and see our co-workers every day. What a wonderful group of workers, so diligent, so kind, How fascinating and exciting to hear what’s on every person’s mind, In our Yeled V’Yalda family- Boro Park, Flatbush, Canarsie, Williamsburg, Staten Island, & Crown Heights too, There isn’t a topic or world-wide event that’s not analyzed through and through. Recipes for every Yom Tov – so delicious we prepare, Salads and biscotti for those who seem to care, Shidduchim and engagements – how many dates before the vort, Do you see, do you talk – we have every sort. And as we all sit together – whether you like it or not, Unless you change the thermostat – you may be freezing or too hot! Advice on marriage, children and in-laws – you receive without a fee, Close and dear friendships are formed in the YVY family. Yes, today’s Chanukah Chagiga is Mr. Igel’s way to say, Thank you for all your devotion and hard work day after day, Tzivi and I – YVY’s HR Dept. have much appreciation, To all of you with whom we work in close collaboration. When we started this department, little did we know, About personnel, employee policy & procedures, employee performance, job descriptions, recruiting , benefits, payroll and so, We worked together as a team – joining hand in hand, And because of all of you – our HR Dept. is so grand! Thank you all for being the greatest employees –a HR Dept’s pride, And the success of YVY is our teamwork side by side, We’re always available to assist you, please just give us a call, May YVY continue to succeed – which means success & happiness for us all! THE ART OF GIVING Here are some of the comments we got in response to our survey question: What was the best/worst gift you ever received or gave? • Lottery cards are the best present for anyone. • Best: The gift of love –fun quality time spent with a child or loved one. • Worst: An electronic gadget than doesn’t come with batteries and breaks before Chanukah is over. • The best gift I ever received was a small box that contained my engagement ring! • Worst: A wedding gift I received was in a magnificent huge box. I was expecting who knows what. When I unwrapped the wrapping and saw Calvin Klein on the box, I got a little bit more excited. But then I opened the box and found my 100th salad bowl - there went my excitement. • The best gift I ever received was given to me just after the birth of my first child. At the time my husband was learning in kollel and I was teaching. We were living out-of-town and I had no family support for help with day to day needs. Needless to say we were on a tight budget. You can imagine how happy I was when someone sent me a cleaning lady two times! Not only did I feel like a queen, but it eliminated so much pressure and stress. That was over twenty five years ago and I still remember it today. • The best gift I received was an all expense paid trip to Florida. • Worst: Last year, my cousin’s in-laws gave me a word-find puzzle – I was 25 and she gives me a word-find! It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting - I actually wasn’t expecting anything as we are not even related. • Best: In honor of my husband’s birthday, HE bought ME a car! 4 Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – EMPLOYEE QUESTIONNAIRE With this issue of YVY INK, we introduce an exciting new column entitled “Zooming in on…”. Due to its phenomenal growth, YVY’s staff has increased by leaps and bounds in recent years. In all likelihood, the average YVY employee does not know most of his/her fellow workmates. This column will help you get to know the special YVY team much better! Starting with this issue (see page 3) we will profile one or two YVY employees. For future issues, we ask YVY employees (teachers, supervisors, technicians, custodians, social workers, clerks etc.) to complete and submit the following questionnaire. In order to be entered into the raffle to win a Free Lunch or Dinner For 2 at a local dining establishment, your completed questionnaire must be in by February 28, 2006. Fax: (718) 871-2100 / Email: / Mail: 1450 37th St., Brooklyn, NY 11218 Attn: yvyink Questions with a star * must be answered. Please answer as many as possible. A minimum of 10 questions (besides for the starred ones) must be answered in order to be eligible for the raffle. N/A, no, none, not yet… do not count as answers. 1. *Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. *What is your job at YVY? Elaborate briefly _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. *How long have you worked at YVY? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you own any prized possessions? Explain: _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Are you related to any celebrities, famous person? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe an interesting trip you once took _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Which musical instrument do you play well? _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Has anything you have written been published? Explain _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Have you ever done any public speaking? Describe _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Are you an expert at any game/sport? (chess, scrabble, tennis etc.) Have you ever won any trophies? ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Is there a food recipe you are famous for? Elaborate:________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Who is a person that has had the biggest impact on who you are? ______________________________________________________________ 13. What is your favorite food? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Is there a place would you like to visit someday? Describe: ___________________________________________________________________ 15. What is a funny/fascinating/embarrassing thing that happened to you? ___________________________________________________________ 16. If I won the lottery, I would….. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. Do you do any volunteering? Explain ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. What is your biggest achievement / major accomplishment? __________________________________________________________________ 19. What is something you regret not having learned or done? ____________________________________________________________________ 20. What does your family consist of? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 21. What is something you do in your free time/for fun/ a hobby? __________________________________________________________________ 22. What is something most people don’t know about you? _______________________________________________________________________ 23. Do you have a pet peeve? What irks you? ________________________________________________________________________________ 24. What is something you are very good at? (special talent) _____________________________________________________________________ 25. What is your favorite website (besides for YVY’s)? or favorite store? _____________________________________________________________ 26. Are you fluent in more than three languages? Which ones? ___________________________________________________________________ 27. What is a habit you wish you could get rid of? ______________________________________________________________________________ 28. If you’ve learned one thing in life, it’s: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 5 The On Cloud Nine Math Program: Its Relevance to the Speech Language Pathologist By: Rivky Gringras-Fried, MS-SLP/CCC Processing…….a word that has found its way into the literature, the vernacular of classroom teachers, and the jargon of speech-language pathologists worldwide. Although this term is used quite freely, it is questionable whether there is universality in its definition. Speechlanguage pathologists use the term “processing” to mean the ability to attach meaning to language. This skill is necessary for both reading and listening comprehension, which are crucial for success in the classroom. Lindamood-Bell, a learning company based in California has developed a potent program for increasing processing skills during reading and listening comprehension tasks. The program utilizes a strategy, which entails teaching children to visualize what they read and hear. Children are sequentially moved from being able to image words to being able to image successively longer units of language. The technique is based upon the Dual-Coding theory, which posits that there are two basic cognitive codes: words and pictures. Good language processing skills are caused by a good interchange between the verbal and imagery systems. After having implemented the visualization strategy for some time, I have seen noteworthy improvements in my students’ abilities to process language. This was noted by significant increases in achievement test scores. Surprisingly, upon discussing the great achievements of my students in the areas of listening and reading comprehension, they complained that they were still performing poorly in math. Consequently – they were still feeling “dumb” and incapable of general academic success. This complaint prompted me to learn about another Lindamood-Bell production, whose purpose is to generalize the visualization strategy to enable students to process the language of math. The On Cloud Nine Visualizing and Verbalizing for Math program uses manipulatives, imagery and language to develop the fundamental math concepts necessary for reasoning and problem-solving with numbers. In progressing through the On Cloud Nine program, students climb “the math ladder.” At the earliest stage, they learn to visualize the number line. They explore the gestalt of the number line by comparing, contrasting smaller numbers with larger numbers on the concrete and imaged number line. The addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts are initially taught with manipulatives. Students repeatedly verbalize specific math statements such as “If I begin with ____, and take ____ of them away, I have ____ left.” In a technique called jumping, a shortcut for addition and subtraction of numbers which yield a result greater than 10, students are taught to verbalize the following dialogue “ If I have __, it takes ____ to get to 10. I have ____ left over to add. That gives me_____.” To understand this technique, simply plug in any two numbers, which yield a sum or difference greater than 10. For e.g., in computing 8 + 7, students use this dialogue to make them realize that 8 is two less than 10. Since adding 10 and seven is relatively easy, they are taught, that they may do the addition that way, and simply subtract 2 at the end. Place value, decimals and fractions are all taught through the use of manipulatives at first. Ultimately however, the child is taught to visualize the manipulatives that go with any given equation. Word problems are also taught by teaching students to visualize the language that is used as is done in the Visualizing Verbalizing program. I encourage all language therapists and educators to learn the general visualization strategy for reading and listening comprehension as well as the specific program designed for math. Both programs are extremely effective in teaching students to attach meaning to language. Yeled V’Yalda will be offering a presentation on the On Cloud Nine Math Program. Pertinent information will be sent to providers. 6 Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 ☺ NEW FACES - YVY ☺ Dina Aron (W) Family Asst. Isabelle H. Barriere (BP) Nechama Hecht (BP) Record Clerk Michelle Klein (F) Disabilities Coord. Juda L. Lorencz (BP) Rachel Neumann (BP) Teacher Rochelle E. Piasek (C) Teacher Freida L. Raskin (BP) Secretary Eilene Reiss (BP) Admin. Asst. Adina Rosenblatt (BP) Record Clerk Devorah Rubin (BP) Secretary Rina M. Schiffman (BP) Secretary Malky Schonberger (BP) Record Clerk Carl Stevenson Jr. (BP) Custodian Heidi A. Tabrisky (BP) Nutritionist Sussie Tannenbaum (BP) Record Clerk STAFF DEVELOPMENT **Congratulations to Nancy Alfonso who is the Family & Comm. Partnership Coordinator at 10 Gregg Pl. and also directs the EHS Home-Based program in Staten Island. Nancy was one of the five 2005 honorees at the Latino Civic Association’s 13th annual Maria de Hostos Award Gala held at The Excelsior Grand on November 11, 2005. **Hindy Levy (BP) earned her Associate’s degree **Rachel Kenigsberg (BP), Leah Lieman (BP), Gitte Srulowitz (BP) earned their CDA licenses **Devorah Ackerman (BP) has become the Ed. Director of the ABA Program **Kreindi Myers (BP) has become the Adm. Director of the ABA Program The Dec. ‘05 NHSA Parent Conference in Washington DC was attended by: Berkis Garcia (SI), Rochel Kenigsberg (BP), Leah Lehman (BP), Yitti Ungar (W) The Nov. ‘05 Region II HS Conference in San Juan, PR was attended by: Nancy Alfonso (SI), Smyrna Casado (SI), Henni Kransnianski (BP), Janice Mitchell (SI), Esther Szanzer (BP), Bashie Teitelbaum (BP) YVY CELEBRATIONS Upon the birth of a baby boy: Tehilla Abraham (C), Bracha Kamarov (F) upon the birth of her son Avigdor, Leah Pollack (BP), Chaya Schimmel (BP) Upon the birth of a baby girl: Anita Fisher (F), Raizy Friedman (BP), Tzippy Iwaniski (C), Bashie Levilev (F), Leah Lichtman (BP), Shani Loriner (BP), Chaya Blimi Oshry (BP), Leah Vorst (BP) Proud new grandparents! Tzurty Green (BP) has a new grandson, Yospy (BP) has a new grandson, Mr. Igel (BP) has a new granddaughter, Wayne Goldberg (BP) has a new grandson Asher Michoel, Elkie Kuznicki (BP) has a new granddaughter, Rochel Rosen (BP) has a new granddaughter Devorah Barnett (BP) upon the engagement of her daughter Nina Barnett (C) to Mordechai Simons Esther Friedman (BP) upon the engagement of her son Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Igel (BP) upon the engagement of their daughter Esti to Yanky Reiss (London) Mrs. Agie Lemmer (BP) upon the engagement of her son, Yanky to Yudit Fasten Devora Meyer (BP) upon the engagement of her son to Raizy Perl Devora Rubin (BP) to Avi Feigenbaum Sussie Tannenbaum (BP) to Yitzchak Isaac Fisher Naomi Auerbach (BP) upon the marriage of her nephew Yosef Dovid Mr. Asher Ben Abu (BP) upon the marriage of his son Ruchie Binet (Spira) (BP) Yidisel Ellinson (Stern) (BP) Mrs. Fasten (BP) upon the marriage of her grandson Dovid Moishe Reinman to Ruchy Biegeleisen Judy Friedman (BP) upon the upcoming marriage of her grandson in Antwerp Ita Grinblat (W) upon the marriage of her son Hindy Halberstam (W) upon the marriage of her son Esther Hamoi (C) upon the marriages of her son Marcus to Helene Zarif and son Eddy to Allison Schimmel Chana Lieberman (BP) upon the marriage of her daughter Rivky Jalas (Lieberman) (BP) Zissy Linder (Ringel) (W) Rona Miles (BP) upon the marriage of her daughter Adina to Chaim Sashitzky Esti Knoll (BP) upon the upsherin of her son Meir Menachem Shlima Levenshtyn (BP) upon the Bar Mitzvah of her son Avraham Yeshaya Chaya Salel (F) upon the Bar Mitzvah of her son Eliyahu Rifky Sompolinsky (BP) upon the bar mitzvah of her son Shraga Dovid Congratulations to: Winter Emery (SI) who is expecting her 2nd baby! UPCOMING CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS **Practical Treatment Strategies for Children with Apraxia of Speech presented by Dr. Hillary Wohl, Ph.D., BC-NCD (C), CCC-SLP 1/22/06 Young Israel of Midwood 1694 Ocean Ave. 9 - 4 **Play Therapy presented by Allan M. Gonsher LCSW, RPT-S 2/5/06 Gan Tziporah 4001-16th Avenue 9 - 12 For further info about these seminars, please contact Vicki Edelstein, BA, Professional Staff Workshop Coordinator 718-686-3700 ext. 532 Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006 7 TECH TALK The Need for Speed! Why does a computer’s speed seems to get slower with time? There are various reasons why a computer may be slow and it doesn’t have so much to do with the hardware unless you have a very old machine. If your computer is a few years old and you are trying to run the latest memory hungry programs then you will notice a slow down. Upgrading memory is always a good idea as it makes the most difference and it’s cheaper than ever at the moment. Spyware and Adware infections have become one of the biggest causes of unwanted programs running in the background which use up system resources and make your computer painfully slow. 5 Ways to Speed up Your PC No matter how fast your processor and regardless of how much ram you have, there comes a time when you realize your computer just doesn’t run as fast as it did when you bought it. Windows loads slower, programs take longer to launch, and, in general, your computer drags. If this sounds like your situation, these 5 steps should help you get some extra speed from your PC. ~ Disk Cleanup Utility ~ You may not realize it, but just because you finish with a file doesn’t mean your computer does. In many cases, if your computer’s hard drive was a garage, you would have unused junk files piled 20 feet high and spilling out into the street. Everyone should use the Windows “Disk Cleanup Utility” to delete old, unused, and temporary files that clog your hard drive. Click Start, point at All Programs (or Programs), Accessories, System Tools, and click Disk Cleanup. Analyze your hard drive for files you can eliminate and it may shock you to see how much hard drive space (and speed) you can free up with a few clicks. ~ “Defrag” ~ Sometimes lack of speed simply results from your computer working too hard to find the files it needs. You can solve this problem by “defragging” your hard drive. Click Start, point to All Programs (or Programs), Accessories, System Tools, and click Disk Defragmenter. Choose the disk you want to defragment and expect to let the program run for several hours. ~ Uninstall Unused Software ~ We all maintain software on our systems we rarely, if ever, use. That software can steal system resources. Click Start, Control Panel, and “Add/Remove Programs” to pull up a screen that allows you to remove old programs you don’t use anymore. Simply select and uninstall all programs you know for sure you don’t need or want. ~ Buy More RAM ~ Increasing your RAM, a computer’s memory, can dramatically increase speed when running certain operations or programs. RAM costs so little now that you should install the maximum amount of memory your system can handle. ~ “Stop Them at Startup” ~ This operation requires a bit more technical savvy than the other four, so proceed with caution. Many programs load into the system tray in the lower right of your computer’s desktop run in the background and consume system resources even if you never use them. Click Start, Run, type in msconfig, and press Enter. Click the “Startup” tab to see a list of programs that automatically start with Windows. Clear the check box next to programs you know you don’t want to load at startup. But don’t clear any checkbox unless you are 100% certain of a program’s purpose. Once you finish, click OK and it will prompt you to restart Windows. Don’t forget to make sure your computer is free of spyware and adaware programs; there are a few good (and free!) spyware remover programs that you can try - Spybot - Search & Destroy and Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition... We’d love to hear from you! We would like to thank everyone for their input, encouragement and suggestions for the newsletter. Please be advised that due to editorial content, time or space constraints it is not always possible to include all submissions. At the same time, however, we would like to encourage you to continue writing us. Look for our next issue in the spring! Please e-mail your comments, suggestions, letters to the editor and news to: or to or fax to: (718) 871-2100 8 Yeled V’Yalda Ink • January 2006
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