PDC-12350 - Power
PDC-12350 - Power
12 Volt 35.0 AH @ 20-hr. rate 33.0 AH @ 10-hr. rate PDC-12350 Features •Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology for superior performance •Valve regulated, spill proof construction allows safe operation in any position •Oversize negative plates and a specialized paste formulation provide true deep cycle performance. •Special additives in the paste ensure superior performance in deep discharge situations. • Power/volume ratio yielding unrivaled energy density • Rugged impact resistant ABS case and cover (UL94-HB) •Approved for transport by air. D.O.T., I.A.T.A., F.A.A. and C.A.B. certified • U.L. recognized under file number MH 20845 Terminals (mm) Performance Specifications 6 16.5 7 •N B3: Heavy duty terminal posts with nut and bolt fasteners 16 6 Torque: 3.9~5.4 Nxm Physical Dimensions: in (mm) Nominal Voltage......................................................................... 12 volts (6 cells) Nominal Capacity 20-hr. (1.75A to 10.50 volts) . ......................................................... 35.0 AH 10-hr. (3.30A to 10.50 volts) . ......................................................... 33.0 AH 8-hr. (4.04A to 10.50 volts) . ......................................................... 32.3 AH 5-hr. (5.79A to 10.20 volts) . ......................................................... 28.9 AH 1-hr. (21.3A to 9.00 volts) .............................................................. 21.3 AH 15-min.(65.1A to 9.00 volts)............................................................... 16.3 AH Approximate Weight ............................................................ 25.0 lbs. (11.3 kg) Energy Density (20-hr. rate) ................................... 1.56 W-h/in3 (95.13 W-h/l) Specific Energy (20-hr. rate) . ............................ 16.03 W-h/lb (35.35 W-h/kg) W Internal Resistance (approx.) . ..................................................... 11 milliohms Max Discharge Current (7 Min.) .............................................. 106.2 amperes Max Short-Duration Discharge Current (10 Sec.).................... 350 amperes Shelf Life (% of nominal capacity at 68°F (20°C)) Sealed Rechargeable AGM Deep Cycle Battery HT 12 Volt BA MH20845 H ST B E R MU Pb YC LE D EC ® PDC-12350 T TE RY PDC SERIES NONSPILLABLE Power-Sonic Corporation www.power-sonic.com 35.0 A.H. L L: 7.68 (195) W: 5.12 (130) H: 6.46 (164) HT: 7.09 (180) Tolerances are +/- 0.04 in. (+/- 1mm) and +/- 0.08 in. (+/- 2mm) for height dimensions. All data subject to change without notice. 1 Month ...................................................................................................... 97% 3 Months...................................................................................................... 91% 6 Months . ................................................................................................... 83% Operating Temperature Range Charge... ........................................................... -4°F (-20°C) to 122°F (50°C) Discharge........................................................ -40°F (-40°C) to 140°F (60°C) Case....................................................................................................... ABS Plastic Power-Sonic Chargers.............................................................. PSC-124000A-C To ensure safe and efficient operation always refer to the latest edition of our Technical Manual, as published on our website. All data subject to change without notice. www.power-sonic.com PDC-12350 12 Volt 35.0 AH @ 20-hr. rate, 33.0 AH @ 10-hr. rate ® 6V Battery 12V Battery 6V Battery 12V Battery (V) (V) (V) (V) 13.0 6.5 13.0 6.5 Temperature: 25°C Temperature: 25°C Charging Charged 6 .0 12.0 12.0 Current Voltage Charge at 0.1C Amp Initial Charging Current and (A) (V/cell) 2.45V/Cell Constant Voltage at 25°C 5.5 11.0 11.0 100 5.0 0.1C 5.0 10.0 10.02.5 80 4.5 60 4.0 40 0.08C 4.5 9.0 0.06C 4.0 8.0 0.04C 2.3 8.0 20 0.02C1 Terminal Voltage (V) Terminal Voltage (V) Charging Characteristics (Cycle Use) Charge 6 .0 Volume % 1205.5 3.3A Charged Volume 1.77A 3.3A 7.06A 7.06A 12.05A 12.05A 21.3A 125.4A 85.8A 36.3A Charge Voltage 9.02.4 125.4A 85.8A 36.3A 21.3A (Constant 2.45V/Cell) 40 60Charging 2 Current4 6 8 10 4 at 60.1C8 Amp) 10 h 20 2 (Initial h Discharge Time Discharge Time 8 16 20 4 12 24 Charging Time (Hours) (Initial 40 60Charging 2 2.1 4 6 8 10 20 4 at60.1C 8 Amp) 10 20 2 Current (Initial at 0.1C Amp) 4 min 40 60 2 6 8 10 20 4h 6 8 10 20 2 min h 0 8 16 20 28 4 12 24 Discharge Time 0 8 16 20 28 4 12 24 0C 20 Charging Current 0.02C 1 2.1 1 0C 20 0.02C 20 After 100% Discharge 4 6 8 10 20 1 2 20 40 60 2 2.1 4 6 8 10 min min 0 1.77A After 50% Discharge 2.2 0C 6V Battery 12V Battery (V)Battery 6V(V) Battery 12V Temperature: 25°C (V) 13.0(V) 6.5 Temperature: 25°C 13.0 6.5 Charge Charging Charged Charge Charging Charged 6 .0 12.0 Volume Current Voltage Charge at 0.1C Amp Initial Charging Current and Volume Current Voltage Charge at 0.1C Amp Initial Charging Current and % (A) (V/cell) 6 .0 12.0 Constant Voltage at 25°C % (A) (V/cell) 2.45V/Cell2.45V/Cell Constant Voltage at 25°C 120 5.5 11.0 120 5.5 11.0 Charged Volume 3.3A 1.77A Charged Volume 100 0.1C 2.5 7.06A 100 0.1C 10.0 2.5 5.0 3.3A 1.77A 12.05ACharge 7.06A 10.0 5.0 Voltage 0.08C 2.4125.4A 85.8A 36.3A 21.3A 80 Charge Voltage (Constant 2.45V/Cell) 12.05A 0.08C 80 4.5 9.0 2.4 (Constant 2.45V/Cell) 125.4A 85.8A 36.3A 21.3A 9.0 2.3 604.5 0.06C 0.06C 2.3 60 After 50% Discharge 4.0 8.0 After 50% Discharge After 100% Discharge 404.0 0.04C 2.2 8.0 After 100% Discharge 40 0.04C 2.2 Terminal Voltage Terminal Voltage (V)(V) Discharge Characteristics Discharge Time Charging Time (Hours) Charging Time (Hours) 28 Temperature Effects in Relation to Battery Capacity Cycle Life in Relation to Depth of Discharge 40 20 100% 50% DOD DOD 0 - 20 -10 200 -10 0 400 010 30% DOD 10 20 20 30 30 40 4050 50 Number of Cycles Number of Cycles Temperature(°C) Temperature(°C) 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 600 Remaining Capacity (%) Remaining Capacity (%) Number of Cycles 100 80 100 10°C 10°C A 80 A Charging 60 B 25°C 25°CB Cycle Applications: Limit initial current to 10.6A.30°C Charge until battery voltage 40°C 40°C 30°C 40 40 (under charge) reaches 14.4 to 14.7 volts at 68°F (20°C). Hold at 14.4 to 14.7 C these volts until current C under 20drops to under 358mA. Battery is fully charged 20and charger should be disconnected or switched to “float” voltage. conditions, 60 0 0 12 2 6 10 8 02 4Hold “Float” or “Stand-By” Service: battery across constant voltage source of 12 6 10 8 0 4 13.5 to 13.8 volts continuously. When held at this voltage, the battery will seek its Storage Time (Months) Storage Time own current level and maintain itself in a (Months) fully charged condition. No supplementary charge required ANo supplementary charge required (Carry out supplementary charge before use if type 100% of capacity is required.) Note:ADue to(Carry the self-discharge thiscapacity battery, it is out supplementary characteristics charge before use ifof 100% is required.) imperative that they be charged within 6 months of storage, otherwise permanent Supplementary charge required before use.Optional charging way as below: Supplementary charge required before use.Optional charging way as below: loss of capacity might occur asabove a result 1.Charged for 3 daysofatsulfation. limted current 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.25V/cell. B Capacity Ratio (%) Capacity Capacity Ratio (%) (%) 60 Remaining Capacity (%) Remaining Capacity (%) 0 100 80 Capacity (%) Capacity Ratio (%) Capacity Ratio (%) Capacity (%) 120 100 80 100 60 80 40 60 20 40 0 20-20 0 Testing condition Discharging:current 0.17C (FV 1.7V/cell); 0.05CA 0.05CA 0.10 CA Charging:current 2.45V/cell,max. 0.25CA; Charging volume:125% of discharged capacity. 0.10 CA 0.20CA 0.20CA 0.5CA 0.5CA 1CA 1CA 2CA 2CA 3CA 3CA 120 120 Testing condition Testing condition Discharging:current 0.17C (FV 1.7V/cell); Discharging:current 0.17C (FV 1.7V/cell); 0.25CA; 120 0.05CA Charging:current 2.45V/cell,max. Charging:current 2.45V/cell,max. CA Charging volume:125%0.25CA; of discharged capacity. 0.10 120 0.05CA Charging volume:125% of discharged capacity. 0.20CA 120 100 0.10 CA 120 0.5CA 0.20CA 100 80 1CA 0.5CA 100 80 100 1CA 2CA 60 3CA 2CA 80 60 3CA 80 40 60 40 100% 50% 30% 60 30% 20 100% DOD 50% DOD DOD DOD DOD DOD 40 20 40 0 20-20 50 -10 10 20 30 40 0 0 20 50 - 20 -10 10 20 30 40 0 0 Temperature(°C) 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0 200 400 600 800 Temperature(°C) 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 for above 3 days at limted current 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.25V/cell. B1.Charged2.Charged for above 20hours at limted current 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.45V/cell. 2.Charged for above 20hours at limted current 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.45V/cell. 3.Charged for 8~10hours at limted current 0.05CA . 3.Charged for 8~10hours at limted current 0.05CA . Supplementary charge may often fail to recover the capacity. Chargers CSupplementary charge may often fail to recover the capacity. C The battery should never be left standing till this is reached The battery should never be left standing till this is reached Power-Sonic offers a wide range of chargers suitable for batteries up to 100AH. Please refer to the Charger Selection Guide in our specification sheets for “C-Series Switch Mode Chargers” and “Transformer Type A and F Series”. Please contact our Technical department for advice if you have difficulty in locating suitable models. A A B B C C 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 00 Self Discharge Characteristics 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 A A 25°C 25°C B B 10 10 Storage Time (Months) Storage Time (Months) C C 12 12 No supplementary charge required No supplementary chargecharge required (Carry out supplementary before use if 100% capacity is required.) (Carry out supplementary charge before use if 100% capacity is required.) Supplementary charge required before use.Optional charging way as below: Supplementary charge required before use.Optional charging wayvolatge as below: 1.Charged for above 3 days at limted current 0.25CA and constant 2.25V/cell. 1.Chargedforforabove above20hours 3 days at limted current 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.45V/cell. 2.25V/cell. 2.Charged 2.Chargedforfor8~10hours above 20hours at limted 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.45V/cell. 3.Charged at limted currentcurrent 0.05CA . 3.Charged for 8~10hours at limted current 0.05CA . Supplementary charge may often fail to recover the capacity. Supplementary often fail to recover capacity. The battery shouldcharge nevermay be left standing till this isthe reached The battery should never be left standing till this is reached Further Information Please refer to our website www.power-sonic.com for a complete range of useful downloads, such as product catalogs, material safety data sheets (MSDS), ISO certification, etc.. Contact Information DOMESTIC SALES Tel: +1-619-661-2020 Fax: +1-619-661-3650 national-sales@power-sonic.com 30°C 30°C 40°C 40°C 10°C 10°C www.power-sonic.com CUSTOMER SERVICE Tel: +1-619-661-2030 Fax: +1-619-661-3648 customer-service@power-sonic.com TECHNICAL SUPPORT Tel: +1-619-661-2020 Fax: +1-619-661-3648 support@power-sonic.com INTERNATIONAL SALES Tel: +1-650-364-5001 Fax: +1-650-366-3662 international-sales@power-sonic.com CORPORATE OFFICE • 7550 Panasonic Way • San Diego, CA 92154 • USA • Tel: +1-619-661-2020 • Fax: +1-619-661-3650 © 2012. Power-Sonic Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 1012 1M
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