2009May9 Minutes - Indiana State University


2009May9 Minutes - Indiana State University
Saturday, May 9, 2009, 9:00 a.m.
Meeting of the Indiana State University Board of Trustees
State Room, Tirey Hall, Terre Haute, Indiana
Call to Order
a. President of the ISU Board of Trustees (Mr. Alley) (Pages 1-2)
b. Faculty Senate Chairperson (Dr. Sheets) (Pages 2-3)
c. Support Staff Council Chairperson (Ms. Torrence) (Pages 3-4)
d. Student Government Association President (Mr. Scott) (Pages 4-5)
e. President of the University (Dr. Bradley)(Page 5)
Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting and Executive Session Certification
(Mr. Alley)(Page 6)
New Business
a. Action Items
i. Recognition of Service – Amy L. Huntsinger (Mr. Alley)(Page 6)
ii. Candidates for Degrees (Dr. Maynard)(Pages 7-23)
iii. Faculty and Academic Policies (Dr. Maynard)(Pages 24-25)
iv. University-level Grade Appeals (Dr. Maynard)(Pages 25-28)
v. Conflict of Interest Policy and Code of Conduct (Dr. Beacon)(Pages 28-32)
vi. Staff Spouse/Partner Fee Waiver Proposal (Ms. McKee)(Page 32)
vii. On-Campus Workshop Fee Amendment Policy Proposal (Ms. McKee)(Page 32)
viii. Year-End Closings (Ms. McKee)(Page 33)
ix. Graduate School Name Change (Dr. Maynard)(Page 33)
b. Items for the Information of the Trustees
i. Financial and Purchasing Reports
1. University Investments (Pages 34-42)
2. Purchasing Report (Page 42)
3. Vendor Report (Page 43)
ii. Personnel Items
1. Faculty (Pages 44-48)
2. Support and Administrative Staff (Pages 48-52)
iii. Grants and Contracts (Pages 52-54)
iv. Internship Relationships (Pages 54-55)
c. Memorial Resolutions (Mr. Alley) (Pages 56-58)
Old Business
Call To Order
The Indiana State University Board of Trustees met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 9,
2009 in the State Room, Tirey Hall.
Trustees Present: Mr. Alley, Ms. Bell, Mr. Carpenter, Ms. Huntsinger, Mr. LaPlante, Mr. Lowery, Mr.
Minas, Mr. Pease, and Mr. Pillow. Trustees Absent: None
President Bradley, Vice Presidents Beacon, Maynard, McKee and Ramey were present. Also attending
were Dr. Virgil Sheets, Chairperson, University Faculty Senate, Ms. Roxanne Torrence, Chairperson,
Support Staff Council and Mr. Michael Scott, President, Student Government Association.
There being a quorum present, Mr. Alley called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Report of the Board President (Mr. Alley)
Mr. Alley expressed concern and condolences on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the Smith and Hill
family on the death of Gerald Smith.
Yesterday afternoon we had a seminar on the strategic planning process. We are very pleased with the
progress of this and the direction we are headed. I appreciate the input the Trustees provided at the
planning sessions.
The H. Kent Weldon Conference on Higher Education was held in Indianapolis on April 17. Several
Trustees were able to attend that Conference.
Many events were held on campus recently including ISU Ethics Conference week with great speakers,
several recognition banquets and Reunion Day. Thanks to all the Trustees who were able to attend some of
these special events.
Yesterday the Trustees had an opportunity to attend the dedication of the Bob Warn Field. It is good to see
the renovation of that field and that it is being named in his honor.
Trustee LaPlante and I attended the Exit Interview of the State Board of Accounts. Congratulations to all of
those involved in the process. We were very pleased with the audit.
Congratulations to President Bradley for the award of tenure. That is certainly important. I would also like
to thank Dr. and Mrs. Bradley for all they have done to improve the overall mood and morale on campus.
Because the legislature has not approved a budget, our plans to discuss tuition have been cancelled. As soon
as the legislature lets us know what we can expect in a budget we will evaluate it and will prepare for a
tuition hearing. We may have a special meeting later in June. Our next scheduled meeting will be in July.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 1 of 58 Mr. Alley congratulated Amy Huntsinger for her service on the Board. Amy has been an engaged Trustee
and it has been a great pleasure to work with her. You have been a great contributor and I look forward to
your continued friendship. Ms. Huntsinger thanked everyone she has worked with over the last two years
and said it has been an honor to serve as a Trustee.
To prepare for the annual meeting, Mr. Alley appointed Trustees Lowery, Pillow and Pease as members of
the Nominating Committee to bring a slate of officers to the July meeting for the next year.
Report of the University Faculty Senate Chairperson (Dr. Sheets)
The loss of a student about to touch his dream is truly a tragedy felt by the entire community, and I would
begin today, by expressing my sincere condolence to the family and friends of Gerald Smith. While there
are no words that will alleviate the pain they must feel, they may find some comfort in knowing that their
grief is shared by all of us.
The faculty, like the students, look forward to the close of the academic year. It is a time for celebration of
the things we accomplished, and reflection on the things still ahead. For many faculty, a brief period of
recovery is followed by an intensive period of discovery, when we devote ourselves to our scholarship,
including reading and writing and attending academic conferences to assure that we are at the top of our
game come the fall semester.
I would like to congratulate our Student Trustee Amy Huntsinger on her outstanding academic
achievement. She was recognized as one of the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Seniors at a
ceremony held this past Thursday.
This has been a very busy semester for faculty governance, and I have much to report to you.
First, the faculty have approved several changes to our constitution. Whereas faculty numbers have
dropped significantly over the past decade, our current governance structure has become burdensome; and
the faculty have voted to reduce the size of the Senate and most of our standing committees. We also
granted speaking seats in the Senate to the Chair of the Support Staff Council and the President of the
Graduate Student Organization. I anticipate that these changes will be brought to you at the next meeting.
We have also recommended reductions and/or eliminations of many other committees to the President.
Second, perhaps our most significant action of the year, was the approval of a new “Foundational Studies;
general education program. This program represents a considered shift in philosophy from our current
program that we believe will better meet the needs of the next generation of students. As you might
imagine, such an event does not happen overnight. It was two years in development, and following two
hours of debate at a specially-called Faculty Senate meeting, the program was approved. We anticipate its
implementation in Fall 2010.
The faculty have also given recommendations to the President and Vice President McKee relating to a sick
leave transfer policy and a University Health Benefits Committee, and we are currently reviewing a phasedretirement proposal.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 2 of 58 On the agenda today are several items arising from faculty governance. These include a revised definition
for “graduate faculty” status, a university-wide grade appeal policy to assure consistency and fairness in
treatment of students’ vis-à-vis grades, a change in the name of the School of Graduate Studies, and an
enhanced spousal tuition benefit for faculty and staff. All were initiated and approved by faculty
governance, and I encourage your support.
The faculty have also completed the election for next year’s officers. Steve Lamb will resume his leadership
role as Chair of the Faculty Senate; he agreed to do this with a stipulation that I run as his Vice Chair. My
colleagues endorsed this plan and Steve will take over at the opening of the 2009-2010 academic year.
SAMY Anderson will continue as Secretary of the Senate. Our Executive Committee will consist of
Blanche Evans from Physical Education, Carole Lunce, from the Library, Robert Guell from Economics,
Charles Hoffman from English, Julie Fine from Nursing, and Christine MacDonald from Communication
Disorders, Counseling, Education and School Psychology.
I would like to thank Trustees LaPlante and Carpenter for their attendance at the recent Faculty Awards
Banquet and Senate Recognition Dinner. This celebration of faculty achievements at which the University’s
highest faculty honors are bestowed serves as an annual reminder of the quality and strength of our
institution, and your presence and support was appreciated.
Report of the Support Staff Council Chairperson (Ms. Torrence)
Ms. Torrence expressed condolences to the family and friends of Gerald Smith.
She thanked Dr. Sheets for his service as Faculty Senate Chair. It has been great working with you and you
are to be commended for the support you have always shown towards staff and it is very much appreciated.
The Public Relations Committee raised just over $1,100 for the American Cancer Society with $600
coming from the sale of tickets for a new job for President Bradley, I would like to personally thank Dr.
Bradley for his participation in our fundraiser.
The Support Staff Annual meeting is scheduled for May 14 and the Council will be presenting the annual
Sycamore Staff Award. This award will recognize a support staff employee who contributes to and supports
the Council by their attitude, service, and engagement. There were 18 nominations from the campus
community with the Support Staff Council members selecting the winner.
We have recently completed nominations and elections for the 2009-2010 Council representatives. The
Council will have 19 returning representatives and 5 representatives new to Council.
On Thursday the 2009-2010 Council Officers were elected. I am pleased to be returning as Chair for
another year. Joining me on the Executive Committee will be Vice Chair, Kelly Hall; Secretary, Theresa
Ortega, and Treasurer, Leslie Krockenberger. The new officer’s terms officially begin on June 1 and I look
forward to working with each one of them.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 3 of 58 I would like to thank this year’s fellow officers, Tracy McDaniel, Jennifer Brewer, and Ellen Knoblett, for
their dedicated service and leadership. They are all the type of representatives who were always there when
needed. Tracy and Jennifer will continue to serve the Council in their respective districts and I will miss
having them on the Executive Committee as we have all become good friends.
On the agenda today is a revision to the staff spouse/partner fee waiver. Increasing this fee waiver is a great
addition to the benefits for employees and will be much appreciated by staff.
I would like to congratulate Michael Scott on his reelection as SGA President. I look forward to working
with you in the upcoming year.
I would also like to thank Amy Huntsinger for her service to the University. I wish you all the best in your
future endeavors.
Report of the Student Government Association President (Mr. Scott)
In February Ryan Sullivan, Vice President of SGA and I attended a student leader session with the
Commission for Higher Education. There were student representatives from schools throughout the State
present and the information from the Commission was very enlightening.
Since the last Board meeting SGA has transitioned into its 47th administration and we are looking forward to
the year ahead. The new staff has worked hard in preparation for our return in the fall. We hope for
continued success and support.
At the February Board meeting Steven Flowers discussed the evaluation of the campus parking situation. I
am pleased with the discussion we had, and the work of the Parking Committee. I would like to thank
President Bradley for his understanding and appreciation of our work, as well as his offer to bring all
constituents to the table in the fall for further discussion.
On the agenda today are two items that I would like to speak to. The first is the resolution honoring
Trustee Huntsinger’s service to the University and Board. Amy, it has been a pleasure working with you
and I congratulate you on your many accomplishments, including graduating this afternoon and wish you
much success.
I want to thank Dr. Sheets and the Faculty Senate for the creation and adoption of the Grade Appeals policy
before the Board today. Last summer I met with Dr. Sheets and Vice President Maynard to express an
interest in adopting a policy. Both agreed that this was a necessity for the sake of due process and
accountability, and stated interest in prioritizing its development and adoption. What you have before you
is a result of Faculty Senate deliberations, and goes far in guaranteeing fair assessment of student work. I
urge its approval.
On behalf of the students of Indiana State, I want to express our deepest sympathies to the family and
friends of ISU senior Gerald Smith, an insurance and risk management major from Avon, Indiana. I want to
thank those who came together over the past week in search for his whereabouts – a true sign of the spirit
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 4 of 58 of family among students and the entire ISU community. We keep his family in our thoughts and prayers
through their period of grief and sadness and ask that you do the same.
Lastly, I want to congratulate Dr. Bradley on surviving his first academic year on the job and look forward
to his continued leadership. I also want to congratulate all the students receiving their degree at
commencement. SGA wishes them the best of luck in all their future endeavors.
Report of the University President (Dr. Bradley)
President Bradley expressed condolences to the family of ISU senior Gerald Smith. It was an extremely
unfortunate outcome and our thoughts go to out to his family. Gerald’s mother and family have decided to
attend commencement today.
As you are aware, the General Assembly adjourned without approving a biennial budget for 2009-2011.
On Friday, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education delayed its action on non-binding tuition targets
until the budget is approved in a special session. As a result, we have delayed our tuition hearing and the
development of a final budget for the next biennium as well. We remain hopeful that we will be able to
approve a budget at the July 10 Board of Trustees meeting and will schedule a tuition hearing as soon as
feasible once the budget has been approved by the legislature and the Governor. We will keep you updated
on developments as they occur. It is our understanding it will be mid-June before we will have a budget.
Recently, the Faculty Senate took action on revisions to our General Education Program following a twoyear collaborative and transparent process. Copies of the New Foundational Studies program approved by
the Faculty Senate were at the Trustees places and Dr. Maynard briefly reviewed the program. Dr.
Maynard said he is pleased with the outcome of this. The goal is to move toward implementation in the fall
of 2010. Dr. Maynard thanked all who were involved in the process.
I am pleased to report that Indiana State’s Athletics program was granted recertification for a full 10 years
by the NCAA Division I Committee on Athletics Certification. This is a significant accomplishment that can
be shared by our entire athletics program, Athletic Director Ron Prettyman and his staff, Vice President
Tom Ramey, and the many faculty, staff and students who assisted with this process which began nearly two
years ago. Congratulations to all involved.
Recently, more than 70 ISU faculty and staff participated in the 2009 Dial-A-Student campaign. More than
4,300 calls were made to admitted students to continue to build a personal connection with them and
encourage a higher percentage of them to attend Indiana State this fall.
Dr. Bradley thanked Amy Huntsinger for her service on the Board. He also thanked Roxanne Torrence and
the Executive Committee, Virgil Sheets and Michael Scott for working together with him this year and
looks forward to working together next year.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 5 of 58 Item (III):
Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting and Executive Session
The Indiana State University Board of Trustees met in Executive Session at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday,
February 26, 2009 in the State Room, Tirey Hall. Trustees present: Mr. Alley, Ms. Bell, Mr. Carpenter,
Ms. Huntsinger, Mr. LaPlante, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Pease and Mr. Pillow. Trustee absent: Mr. Minas.
5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (2) (D)
5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (2) (B)
5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (6)
The Indiana State University Board of Trustees hereby certifies that no subject matter was discussed in the
Executive Session other than the subject matter specified in the public notice.
On a motion by Mr. Pillow, seconded by Mr. Pease, the minutes of the last meeting and executive session
certification were approved as presented.
Item (IV)(a)(i):
Recognition of Service – Amy L. Huntsinger
WHEREAS, Amy L. Huntsinger has exhibited exemplary leadership, enthusiasm and interest in University activities
during her tenure of service, and has contributed to the advancement of the University; and
WHEREAS, her contributions to the quality and character of the University have earned her the respect and
admiration of fellow students and of the academic community; and
WHEREAS, as a Trustee she has been a loyal, faithful, and devoted steward of the University;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University President and Board of Trustees
expresses grateful recognition, high commendation, and sincere best wishes to Amy L. Huntsinger, for her service to
the Board and to the University.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her.
Recommendation: Approval of the above resolution in recognition of service by Amy L. Huntsinger.
On a motion by Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Mr. Lowery, the recommendation was approved.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 6 of 58 Item (IV)(a)(ii):
Candidates for Degrees
Recommendation: Approval of the candidates for degrees subject to completion of the requirements.
On a motion by Mr. Lowery, seconded by Mr. LaPlante, the recommendation was approved.
Candidates for Degree Doctor of Philosophy
Al-Juwaiber, Mohammed Abdulkarim
Bess, Todd David
Boyles, Justin Gregrey
Egan, Maureen Valery
Floyd, Rosiline Deneice
Hammack, Laura Warfield Allport
Hsieh, Hui-Kuei
Kaiser, Paul Andrew
Lopez, Luis Antonio
McMurray, Andrew Jason
Meduna, Mary J.
Ohm, Larry Gregory
Peng, Hsin-Hui
Pitcock, Ryan Mitchell
Prusiecki, Matthew Joseph
Thaker, Maria
Thakur, Rajiv Ranjan
Candidates for Degree Educational Specialist
Alanezi, Ahmad Salamah
Boschen, Sara A
Caskey, Angela Lynn
Gilpin, Eric Lee
Jensen, Lisa Ellen
Keeley, Thomas Allen
Monahan, Bobbie Jo Drake
Smith, Paula Keno
Stephens, Dallis Timothy
Vance, Matthew
Ware, Geraldine
Candidates for Degree Master of Arts
Calawerts, Michael W
Calhoun, Lauren Frances
Carlisle, Robert David
Carmichael, Rebekah Leah
Chang, Kai-Yun
Choi, Hye Won
Darin, Kelly Michael
DeMaria, Diane Lillian Beemsterboer
Dolle, Christopher Vernon
Feltner, Tracy Lynn
Gaal, Katrina Marie
Ghent, Gregory Scott
Gitau, Edna
Goetz, Heather Nicole
Han, Jing
Hardin, Steven Ray
Hibbard, Danielle Elizabeth
Housley, Kasandra Lynette
Huang, Ya-Chen
Ippolito, Catherine Stuart
Jones, Andrew David
Jouaibi, Zakaria
Juan, Pei-Wen
Kuo, Wan-Chen
Lechner, Sandra A.
Lenz, James Eric
Lorenzini, Pietro
Lu, Hui-Hsien
Lubbehusen, Tracy Jo
McCammon-Asche, Teresa Renee'
Mosley, Monique Marie
O'Neill, Patrick Paul
Ortiz, Jose A, Jr
Patnam, Ravi
Puckett, Andrea Marie
Randall, Nancy Belle Osborne
Scheible, Joshua Anthony
Slone, Alicia Nicole
Smith, Christopher Micheal
Wang, Jun
Whitfield, Whitney Anthony
Wilburn, Laura Jane
Yoder, Tria Nicole
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 7 of 58 Candidates for Degree Master of Business
Challa, Sowmya
Chen, Jao-Wen
Dontula, Karthik Ram
Esparza, Barbara
Hammoudeh, Nidal Mohammad
Kao, Yi-Hui
Khatadia, Maulik Kirit
Kirkling, Eric Walter
Motiwale, Aishwarya
Murali, Nikhil
Myers, Michael Nathan
Narendrula, Sivashankar
Reisz, Michael James
Ting, Chien-Wen
West, Eric T
Candidates for Degree Master of Education
Brillhart, Thomas Ryan
Cain, Andrea Marie
Circle, Ann-Marie
Coleman, Earl Gene
Cummings, DeAnna Rachel
Dabagia, Lee Warren, Jr
Dumas, Anne Wheelan
Elamrani-Jamal, Layla
Harrington, Amy Elizabeth
Heavin, Amy Blair
Holland, Michael Dean
Mason, Jeffery Wayne
Minneman, Mary Lynn
Mooney, Julie Ann
O'Rourke, Michelle Lyn
Ralston, Stephanie Lynn
Shideler, Eric Shanahan
Stanton, Kevin Maurice
Tanoos, Lindsey Ann
Tobias, Robin Gabrial
Candidates for Degree Master of Fine Arts
Mullenax, Megan Beth
Vicars-Pugh, Crystal Star
Candidates for Degree Master of Music
Chang, Sheng-Yi
Drew, Eric Christopher
Williams, John Jennings
Candidates for Degree Master of Public
Shelton, Amy Elizabeth
Terpelets, Pave
Candidates for Degree Master of Science
Adams, Megan Elizabeth
Adla, Siddhartha
Akkineni, Phani Kumar
Al-Hawiti, Mohammad Mfarij
Alsaydlani, Mona
Alsman, Katie Jean
Aponte Peraza, Sasha E
Arnold, Stefanie Danele
Atkinson, Linda Marie
Baber, Callie
Baker, Michael James
Banfield, Danielle Cali
Basham, John P
Beccue, Brian Scott
Bellamy, Jennifer Marie
Beller, Erik Brion
Bosnjak, Sanjin
Brown, Crystal Marie
Burra, Siva Krishna
Carson, Johnwana Ann Douglas
Chew, Yi Yang
Chopra, Nipun
Church, Michael Howard
Clement, Lisa Maria
Cooley, Charles Abraham
Crawford, Sara Christine
Dalton, Robert Dwayne
DeBaun, Curtis A, IV
Dharmaraj, Abhishek Deshmukh
DisPennett, Kenneth Joseph, Jr
Drennan, Melissa J.
Dubois, Lauraly J
Dulin, Darlene R
Dulworth, Jessica Renee
Eddy-Franklin, Dawniah Mechel
Edwards, Julia
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 8 of 58 Elsner, Tina Louise
Elson, Kathryn Jane
Evans, Ashley Elizabeth
Evans, Karen Sue
Ewing, Christy JoAnn
Fields, Lisa Dawn
Fischer, Jeff
Foulkes, Elizabeth Christine
Gajewski, Jill
George, Kathleen
Gimbert, Tonya Lynn
Gingrich, Holly Jean
Glotfelter, Michael A
Goode, Tressman Lee
Gouty, Kristina Marie
Griffy, Mary Esther Burns
Hamdan, Sara Nichole
Hamlet, Sadie Ruth
Hammond, Bryan Lee
Hendrickson, Jason Paul
Hernandez, Adam Eleazar
Herriott, Brandy Lynn
Hinson, Essence Jelores
Hooker, Jeanette M
Horlander, Bonnie Sue
Houser, Russell
Hu, Xinyuan
Hunt, Joshua Adam
Johnson, James Michael
Joyce, Rachel
Karnam, Srikanth
Kinney, Sean P
Kirby, Renae Michelle
Knies, Janelle Louise
Knobeloch, Michael R
Korak, Jennifer Leigh
Lahrman, Nicholas Daniel
Lamkin, Nathan Aaron
Larmena, Professor Bestman
Leistner, Kristin Leigh
Levine, Marco Lee
Lewis, Ericka Shandale
Lillie, Raina Monet
Lin, Hung-Chuan
Lin, Shu-Hung
Lindauer-Hurley, Darby Gill
Lopez-de-Victoria, Pedro J
Luger, Shelly
Mathur, Ruchi
Matsunobu, Toru
Mauk, Amy Louise
McGrady, Collin M
McLaughlin-Yunkari, Brenna Ann
Michie, Cheryl Lorraine
Miller, Stacey Ann
Mittauer, David Paul
Mohan, Swapna
Monahan, Kerry Alissa
Paidipalli, Vyshnavi
Parkinson, Andrea L
Pettay, Jordan Nicole
Pinnama Reddy, Uday Kumar
Ponnala, Santhosh Rahul
Purohit, Srikanth
Rachapudi, Tulasi Dinakar
Racich, Tony Joesph
Rawlinson, Adam S.
Reddyaari, Sreekar
Reding, Janeen Kay
Rewa, Amy Frances
Rogers, Jeana C.
Russell, Donna Gean
Sales, Michael Christopher
Sangali, Raghuma Reddy
Schoettmer, Stacy Lyn
Scott, Gary Lynn
Semchuck, Alex J
Sharp, Ryan
Shaughnessy, Mary Frances
Sheets, Jeremy J
Shrestha, Niru
Singirikonda, Vani
Skaggs, Heidi Michelle
Snyder, Mark Charles
Spight, Santia January
Sponn, Dawn Marie McGrath
Spurgeon, Annette P
Steele, Katy Ann
Stewart, Jennifer Denise
Stone, David Anthony
Struffert, Jessica Mary
Sun, Pei Hsuan
Tottempudi, Anil
Valapala, Sandeep Kumar
Van Lier, Jennifer Rene'
Virpura, Ravindrasinh J
Viswanathan, Ramasubramanian
Vukusich, Anthony Eugene, Jr
Walenga, Ryan Christopher
Walker, Lynn Denise
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 9 of 58 Fan Chiang, Hsin-Chen
Galparoli, Sarah
Han, Jing
Harder, Elaine Newton
Hsu, Ya-Shin
Millar, Peter Adam
Runyon, Barret Lloyd
Zimmer, Katherine
Walters, Linda Kaye Goodrich
Watson, Dan A
White, Theresa
Whitmore, Sarah Ellen
Williams, Crystal Charon
Williams, Mark Eddie
Williams, Tori Lashaun
Wolter, Melissa Anne
Wonsey, Jacquelyn
Wu, Ting-Ta
Zaring, Brent D
Zhang, Lei
Candidates for Degree Doctor of Philosophy
Abu-Niaaj, Lubna Fawzi
Beachkofsky, Angela L
Buhr, Keith Karl
Dickenson, Kevin Scott
Rajasekar, Umamaheshwaran
Rohr, Samuel Leon
Schnur, Kristoffer Stephen
Shand, Celia Alice
Simmers, Lynn Marie
Smith, Tracy Leann
Weck, Valerie Michele
Yazvac, Joe, III
Candidates for Degree Doctor of Psychology
Montgomery, Crista Marie
Vredeveld, Angela Lynn
Candidates for Degree Educational Specialists
Barrett, Katherine Davis
DeRossett, Woodrow Garry
Galford, Susan Lin
Hord, Janet Renee
Miller, Jill Ann
Candidates for Degree
Master of Arts
Anderson, Marisol
Cheng, Minjuan
Downing, Brittny Terra
Candidates for Degree
Master of Business Admin.
Budama, Sandeep Kumar
Chuo, Yun-Fang
Dontula, Karthik Ram
Ou, Yi-Chung
Tummala, Srinivas Kiran
Candidates for Degree
Master of Education
Abram, Twilla Jo
Anderson, Jennifer A.
Butler, Michael Foulke
Cain, Andrea Marie
Dishon, Julie Kay
Goodwin, Whitney
Grady, Rhonda L
Grzesiek, Tina Marie
Guinn, Amanda L.
Hackman, Clifton James
Hicks, Jennifer Bowman
Jones, Jamika Renee
Kesler, Ashley Brooke
Mickens, Arnold Lee
Miller, Melissa Renee
Olsen, Suzanne Emily
Owen, Miranda Nicole
Phillips, Amy Lee
Pruitt, Tracy Tyler
Royer, Jaleen Nicole Swalls
Scherb, Caroline Marie
Shorter, April L
Sisson, Karen Ruth Cunningham
Sommers, Amanda Marie Mann
Sparks, Dawn Nicole
Tracy, Michelle Leigh
Whaley, Kimberly Clare
Willis, LaTia KaLynn
Zapfe, Mary
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 10 of 58 Candidates for Degree
Master of Music
Camejo, Sophia Lorraine
Eck, Stephanie Marie
Foster, Susan Ruth
Pennington, Curis L
Candidates for Degree
Master of Science
Adamic, Jessica Frances
Alzaki, NaiLah
Armstrong, Wesley Rhea
Baumgartner, Margaret Ann
Blakey-Banks, Annegelique Nichole
Bodduluri, Venkata Srujana
Bole, Venkatraman
Boley, Shelby J
Brown, Alicia Cristine
Browning, Jennifer
Chao, Pei Wen
Colayori, Samantha Elizabeth
Colvin, Amy Renee
Crowder, Carrie Anne
Dilg, Peter John
Eilers, Maggie
El Mansour, Bilal
Ellison, Sabrina Michelle
Elmore, Christopher
Faulkner, Jeanine Renae
Glod-Wetzel, Lauren Ashley
Grolla, Christopher David
Harris, Bianca Lynne
Hendrickson, Terri Lynn
Hernandez, Adam Eleazar
Heuerman, Dustin Douglas
Karanovich, Bethany Ann Whitaker
Ketineni, NagaSreeLakshmi
Knaga, Maureen Arielle
Leistner, Kristin Leigh
Lewis, Angela Kaye
Maringanti, Haritha
Moore, Adam Wayne
Ms. Khan, Salma
Ms. Koneru, Swarna
Nickle, Lacy Lee
Potluri, Deepthi
Robbins, Jessy Lin
Saladin, Ashley Elizabeth
Schaller, Amanda Claire
Semchuck, Alex J
Sewell, Meredith Leigh
Singirikonda, Vani
Sizemore, Endea Marie
Smith, Henry
Song, Jun Yi
Turner, Hillary Nicole
Tzeng, Ying-Jie
Waggoner, Jason D
Walters, Christy Lyn
Weber, Brian W.
Wilson, Joseph Abram
Wilson, Joycelyn Yvette
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 11 of 58 Candidates for Degree
Associate of Arts
Army, Casey Joe Cartwright
Atkins, Daniel Edward
Barany, David Dean
Barrus, Clint Wayne
Black, Stephen Edward
Blackwell, William Quentin
Bolyard, Bart James
Bradley, William Thomas, Jr
Brown, Michael J
Byrer, Zachary Eric
Cantrell, Robert Troy
Clinard, Carolyn Suzanne
Cobb, Eric Alan
Cole, Brandon Maurice
Conder, Matthew Terrance
Cooper, Troy Edward
Cotton, John Winston, Jr
Cowans, Christopher Kareem
Coy, Brandi Lynn
Davis, Willie
Douglas, Monwell Darnell
Dubes, Nathan William Curtis
Ellis, Anthony Damar
Evans, Bradley Joe
Ewell, Terrell Juan
Felix, James Lee, III
Gardner, Damon Dion
Gillard, Thomas Gene
Glady, Lewis Duane
Gosha, Johnnie Rayshawn
Gover, Darius Artez
Green, Vernard Louis, Jr
Hale, Michael Otto
Hatfield, Larry Anthony
Hellman, David John
Hinkle, Philip Ross
Hollingsworth, Douglas Clay
Horsman, Jason William
Houchin, Brian Edward
Houlden, Caprice Ledones
Hudson, Joshua David
Hurley, Christopher Lee
Hyde, Ahmaud Jalil
Irwin, Kent Douglas
Ivy, John Louie
Johnson, Shelley Lamont
Jones, Kevin
Kyner, Eric Montgomery
Lesko, Scott David
Loy, Jonathan Bruce
Middleton, John Eugene
Miles, Kevin Dwyane
Munns, Michele Lynn
Ogara, Thomas Scott
Palmer, Timothy Alan
Price, Jerry Lee
Randolph, Diana Lynn
Reust, Larry Eugene, Jr
Riley, Christopher Dale
Robinson, Mike Ray
Ruffin, Todd Deveal
Sausa, Louis Joseph
Schmitt, Jeremy Michael
Schultz, Erick William
Searcy, Jeremy Cole
Smith, Sammie
Streeter, Brian Andrew
Thomas, Nicholas Dale
Thompson, Anthony Tyrone
Thompson, Jerry Dean
Voirol, Aaron S
Whistle, William Daniel, Jr
Williams, Billy DeWayne
Wilson, Gregory Thomas
Woolum, Timothy William, Sr
York, Christopher C
Zetterberg, Buzz
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 12 of 58 Candidates for Degree
Associate of Science
Albrecht, Erik Paul
Becht, Travis Anthony
Comstock, Ian Jacob
Dubar, Robert Blane
Gooding, Jared Allen
Goodman, Brian Joseph
Graham, Michael Nieman
Heim, Patrick Joseph
Horgash, Brian Paul
Irwin, Cory Alexander
Koch, Christopher David
Meijome, Timothy Pablo
Romary, Michael Edward
Shidler, Matthew Richard
Waggoner, Larry Christopher
Wuestefeld, Michael John
Candidates for Degree
Bachelor of Arts
Barnes, Darlene Joon
Baumunk, Christopher MacKenzie
Bays, Tammy Janet
Beaton, Jessica Lynn
Beckley, Ryan Thomas
Benamar, Elsa Garnett Stanczak
Benz, Kim Ann
Blevins, Anna Marie
Bockting, George Ryan
Chojnacki, Agatha Teresa
Colburn, Dawn Rene'
Croft, Sara Elyse
Davis, Sadie May
Garza, Ruth Helene Michelle
Gilliatt, Jessica Whitney
Horrall, Elizabeth Rolline
Malone, Ebony Laneice
McConnell, Rachel Marie
McConnell, Sharon Lynn
Monnet, Jacques Enoh
Neville, Jessica Lee
Philpott, April Suzette
Reed, Lauren Bailey
Steiner, Megan Suzanne
Stroud, Ryan P
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 13 of 58 Taha, Issam M
Tompkins, Nathan Charles
Candidates for Degree
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Babb, Adam John
Crum, Corey Neal
Purpura, Rachel Marie
Smelcer, Jacklyn Chardaie
Snapp, Whitney Michelle
Candidates for Degree
Bachelor of Music Education
Bulin, Michelle Suzanne
Fox, David Edward
Kendall, Erich Benjamin
Miller, Albert Edward
Perkins, David Lee
Ruble, Ann Marie
Spear, Ashley Ann
Thorne, Melissa Sue
Wallyn, Lisa Marie
Candidates for Degree
Bachelor of Science
Akers, Lisa JoAnn
Al-Shammari, Heitham Abdulla
Albrecht, Erik Paul
Albrecht, Jessica Arlene
Alexander, JaNai Marie
Alic, Maja
Allbaugh, Holly Marie
Allen, Amanda Sue
Allen, Stephanie Jo
Allison, Molly Marie
Allison, Travis Carl
Alsip, Eric Russell
Amons, Crystal Rochelle
Andersen, Erik Glenn
Anderson, Kelsey Nicole
Anderson, Valara Taray
Andrews, Erika Michelle
Belles, Bradley John
Belleu, Jesse
Bellew, Troy Lee
Bender, Betsy Charlene
Bender, Heather Nicole
Bennett, Adam David
Bennett, William Scott
Benzouine, Kaab
Berry, Terran Lanette
Betz, Lacy Rachelle
Bird, Matthew Eric
Bird-Batson, Corrie Diane
Blair, Nicole Elizabeth
Blankenbeker, Georgia Swartz
Blankenship, Chad Michael
Blevins, Clayton James
Blount, Aaron Kent
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 14 of 58 Andrews, Marcus Evan
Apollos, Jacob Michael
Arini, Samuel Anthony
Athey, Lauren Marie
Aviah-Gyebi, Ashley Azara
Axtell, Carli Ann
Bachman, Amanda Nicole
Baer, Allison Marie
Bailey, Britnee Olivia
Baker, Stefanie Gayle
Barta, Megan Ann
Bartels-Polanin, Tamela Stacy
Barth, Amy Lynn
Battaglia, Jennifer Lynn
Baumgartner, Katanna Dawn
Bawel, Luke Douglas
Baxter, Brandy Lynn
Baynard, Barry Dean, Jr
Becht, Travis Anthony
Beck, Pamela Mary
Beck, Philip Ryan
Becker, Louis George
Bell, Nicole Rachelle
Brown, Kimberly Danielle
Brown, Rachel Marie
Brown, Rosalind Andrea
Brown, Samantha Anne
Browne, Tammie
Brumbaugh, Brandon Mark
Bryant, Dustin Myles
Buedel, Bradley Neale
Buente, James Richard
Buis, Jason E
Bunner, Jenna Ruth
Burch, Erin Louise
Burkhart, Kristi Lynn
Burkley, Teresa Kay Aldrich
Burnside, Courtney Lynn
Burroughs, Kodie Tyler
Butler, Brian Lee
Butler, Jacqueline Elaine
Butler, Jenna B
Byram, Todd Dennis
Byrd, Stephanie Ann
Byrne, John Anthony
Cadman, Whitney Leigh
Caldwell, Cheria Ashley
Caldwell, Robert Andrew
Callander, Crystal Lynn
Canaan, Ann Nichole
Canada, Angel Ellyse
Bluhm, Christy Ann
Boatman, Daniel Nathan
Bockting, Mary Rebecca Schopmeyer
Bogart, Brittney Elizabeth
Bologna, Daniele Alessandro
Bondy, Robin Michelle
Bostrom, Nathan Morris
Botsford, Alan Mark
Bouchie, Carey Dawn
Bounyavong, Nongkhan
Brackney-Weaver, Susan Diane
Bradley, Richard Duane
Brasher, Andrew Lynn
Braun, Stephanie Marie
Bredy, Rudolph
Brewster, Caitlin Rachel
Brinker, William Dale
Britton, Laura Elizabeth
Broader, Krystal Marie
Broadhuhn, Vanceletta Jean
Brock, Marcie E
Bronson, Destiny Yvonne
Brown, Elizabeth Marie
Chelule, Cheryl Chepngetich
Chestnut, Ashley Nicole
Chismar, Dana Lynn
Christy, Gabriel Josiah
Claghorn, Jordan
Clark, Damon Djuan
Clark, Eric Joseph
Clodfelter, Dewayne Edward
Clopton, Jerry Anthony
Coburn, Jerad William
Cochran, Charles McCann, III
Cockrell, Shelmeca Shondraha
Coffman, Aaron Dale
Cole, Brian Craig
Collins, Elizabeth La Liberte
Collins, Haylee Ann
Comer, Ashley Fay
Comstock, Ian Jacob
Conant, Jonathan David
Conant, Jonathan David
Conley, Jason Lee
Conn, Sara Nichole
Contri, Cole Ryan
Conway, MaryKate
Conwell, Anastasia Diane
Coolman, Douglas Lee
Coombes, Amanda Eileen
Cooper, Heather Nacole
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 15 of 58 Canady, Shaneka Nicole
Carey, Megan Susanne
Carpenter, Matthew Edward
Carpenter, William Jay
Case, Christopher Ryan
Catron, Sabrina Jo
Caviness, Torie Spring
Certain, Anthony L
Chambers, Joshua Bren
Chaney, Lauren Nicole
Chapman, Amanda Lee
Cheesman, Alice Faye
Crain, Kristin Nicole
Crow, Justin K
Crowley, Jessica Annette
Crowley, John Kuss
Cullison, Scott Allen
Cunningham, Kyle Wesley
Curney, Marie Justine
Curran, Amber Renae Hackney
Cuthbertson, Tracey Marie
Daugherty, Jessica Nicole
Davis, Anthony Jermaine
Davis, Ashley Marie
Davis, David Paul
Davis, Sarah Lynn
Davitto, Tyler Martin
Dayhuff, Karmen Annette
DeCamp, Bruce Alan
DeGroote, Casey Tate
DeGroote, Culley Douglas
DeHoney, Casey
Deal, Sean Eric
Dean, Michael James
Defore, Jared Austin
Dennie, Christina Marie
Denny, Casey R
Denu, Alexandra Phelan
Denu, Cameron Rex
Desjardins, Daniel Charles
Dewey, Scott Kenneth
Diaz, Gloria Elena
Dickerson, Michelle R Hos
Dickerson, William Edward
Dickson, Melissa Lee
Dickson, Whitney Jane
Dilley, Kamie Rae
Dixon, Daisy A Williams
Dixon, Kyla Lea
Donald, Jackie Lynn Edington
Donigan, Shontay Renee
Cooprider, Brenda Lee
Cornwell, Adam Scott
Corya, Lisa Susanne
Cosgray, Seth Tieman
Costello, Julia Marie
Cotterell, Keith Lynn
Cottom, Jennifer Nicole
Coughlin, Heather Nicole
Cowan, Adam Jeffrey
Cox, Amy Lynne
Coyle, Sean Patrick
Craig, Shawn William
Dougherty, Christopher Dale
Douglas, Bobbie Janel
Dowdle, Ashley Diana
Dragoo, Sandra Lee
Drake, Bridgette Nicole
Drake, Hope Lane
Dubar, Robert Blane
Duncan, Andrew
Duque, Sherry J
Durlauf, Erica Lynn
Eads, Derek Wayne
Eakins, Brad Alan
Earnest, Nicholas James
Eaton, Geoffrey Michael
Edens, Erika Marie
Edwards, Logan Allen
Eisenhut, Erica Michelle
El Sahar, Hoda I
Elkins, Matthew Scott
Elkins, Shawn L
Ellis, Archie
Embry, Kenneth C
Enright, Lori Elizabeth
Enright, Timothy Wayne
Erny, Michael J
Eslick, Chelsea Brooke
Etchison, Dwayne Michael
Evans, Dayton Duane
Everett, Jayden Phillip
Evinger, Dusty Duane, Jr
Ewing, Kyle Marell
Farnsworth, Beverly Dawn
Farnsworth, Patricia
Farrand, Lynsie Nicole
Fasbinder, Nicholas Francis, IV
Favorina, Irina Yurye
Felty, Paul Anthony
Ferguson, Trent LeVar
Ferrell, Nicholas Scott
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 16 of 58 Dormann, Abigail Lynn
Fields, Bethany Marie
Fields, Julia Heather
Fields, Matthew R
Finn, Lindsey Kaye
Fish, Kelly Louise
Flanders, Melissa Sue
Fletcher, Rita Marie Ackary
Flowers, Shannon Nicholas
Flurkey, Allison Dene
Fortner, Kelly Kay
Foster, Paul Harold
Foster, Tory Joseph
Fountain, Tauana Ann
Fox, Jeffrey Wayne
Fox, William Daniel
Frink, Corey Alan
Frink, Jared Austin
Fritz, Brittany Nicole
Fritz, Natalie R
Fryer, Stephanie Anne
Furnas, Robert Allen, II
Fye, Jenafer Lynn Bowling
Gallagher, Sean Paul
Gallion, Kelsie Leigh
Gant, Judy L
Gardner, Amy Michele
Gardner, Gary Lee
Gardner, Whitney Lyann
Garvin, Ashlee Michelle
Garza, Ruth Helene Michelle
Gay, Tanya Teshaun
Gay, Tyrone Garneal
Gearlds, Anthony Ray
Geller, Andrew R
George, Jaclyn Marie
George, Nicholas Luke
Geyer, Johnny Mark
Gibbons, Patrick Michael
Gilfoy, Taylor Justin
Gill, James Andrew
Hancock, Mary Evangeline
Harazin, James Allen
Harden, Mark Lewis
Harden, Matthew Paul
Hardin, Kelly Michael
Harless, Lenea Elise
Harpenau, Kyle Matthew
Harris, Aaron Mitchell
Harris, Alicia Kathryne
Harris, Paul E, Jr
Field, Craig Nathaniel
Glaze, Dennis Dean
Goldman, David Michael
Goldman, Joe Landis
Gonnerman, Jace Willis
Gonzalez, Seth Joseph
Gooding, Jared Allen
Goodman, Brian Joseph
Goodman, Zachary Alan
Goodrich, Jonathon Padrick
Gorham, Jeffery Todd
Goss, Rhea A
Graham, Cory Daniel
Graham, Michael Nieman
Grangier, Robert Amiel
Gray, Candice Nicole
Greathouse, Nicholas Eric
Green, Carrie Beth
Green, Jonathan Carson
Greger, Megan Arielle
Gregg, Kathy Ann
Grelle, Michael Joe
Griffith, Ashley Lynne
Grissom, Samantha J
Groh, Marleana LeAnn
Gross, Trevor Lee
Grossman, Adam Christopher
Guilinger, Penny May
Guinn, Jordan Lynn
Gusse, Aaron Michael
Hackel, Neil Andrew
Hadler, Kelsey Sue
Hagan, Jessica Ann
Hale, Kimberly Beth Delph
Hall, Dustin Matthew
Haltom, Shelby Nicole
Hamke, Keith Wayne
Hamm, Ashley Autumn
Hamm, Nicholas Sherfey
Hancock, Aubrey Rachelle
Hancock, B Wayne
Hobbs, Kelly Melissa
Hobbs, Morgan D'Lee
Hobbs, Samantha Nicole
Hodson, Chelsea Lorraine
Hoeppner, Danielle Lee
Holehan, Mary Veronica
Holliman, Joshua Wayne
Hollinger, Mathew Phillip
Holloman, Thomas Edward, Jr
Hollomon, David Michael, Jr
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 17 of 58 Harris, Sean Anderson
Harrold, Kyle Logan
Hart, Kelly Lynn
Hart, Pamela Jean
Hasler, Adrienne Leigh
Hassler, David Adam
Hatfield, Jeffrey Michael
Hawkins, Leah Joan
Hawkins, Michael Joseph
Hawkins, Stephanie Michelle
Hayne, Madison Leanne
Heckel, Elizabeth Marie
Hefner, Danielle Nicole
Heim, Patrick Joseph
Heiney, Jason Lenard
Held, Stephanie Nicole
Heller, Robert Alexander
Helton, Lisa Kay Sloniker
Henico, Renee Michelle
Hensler, Christopher Thomas
Hergic, Amira
Hermesch, Melissa Jerelle
Higgins, Cadence E
Higgins, Rhonda Christine
Higgins, Richard Wayne
Hill, Catherine Rose
Hiner, Damon Todd
Hinton, Tanaviah Renee
Hoalt, Jordan Lynn
Hobaugh, Angela Michelle
Irwin, Rachel Marie Wyly
Jackson, Jennifer Erin
Jackson, Lisa Marie
Jackson, William Joseph
Jaggi, Aanika Michele
James, Brian Milton
Jarvis, Kara Beth
Jenkins, Rachel Colleen
Jent, Cassandra
Johnson, Brandon Ross
Johnson, James Merle
Johnson, Kelly A
Johnson, Kristin Raynell
Jones, Brandy Lynn
Jones, Brittany A
Jones, Christopher Michael
Jones, Debra Lucile
Jones, Eugenia
Jones, Joshua Frederick
Jones, Rodney Len
Jones, TeQuila Marie
Holmes, Kyle Robert
Holmes, William Tyler
Holt, Jed Ryan
Holt, Zacharia Paul
Holzback, Joshua D
Hooper, Sandra Lynn
Hooten, Erika Shaneek
Hopkins, Corey Jordan
Hopkins, Heather Elaine
Horgash, Brian Paul
Horrall, Elizabeth Rolline
Horst, Stephanie Lee Isom
Hotovec, Connie Allison
Hottell, Brooklyn Christina
Houston, Leila Kathryn
Howard, Deanna Brooke
Howard, Dominic Marcel
Howell, Darren Roy
Hueber, Aimee Annette
Hughes, Brittany Danelle
Hughes, Holli Lynn
Humphrey, Ryan Harvey
Humphrey, Thomas James
Hunter, Nathan Alan
Hunter, Whitney Lynn
Huntsinger, Amy Lynn
Hurst, Jennifer Lynn
Irvine, Kelly Jean
Irwin, Cory Alexander
Irwin, Elizabeth Louise
Koontz, Craig
Koressel, Scott Andrew
Kovac, Clay
Kral, Cory Allan
Kramer, Logan Ian
Krebbs, Ashley Nichole
Krepp, Ryan Allen
Krietenstein, Stephanie Ann
Kroll, Kevin Michael
Kroon, Andrew Steven
Kuhns, Taryn Leigh
Kull, Rebecca Jo Clark
Kurc, Cenk Kemal
LaRoche, Sarah Jane
Lafata, Brian Joseph
Lahlou, Imane
Lake, Brittany Michele
Lambert, Nicole Leota-Marie
Landes, Brandi Jo
Landes, Casey Shane
Laney, Bradley Matthew
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 18 of 58 Jordan, Angelique Yvette
Keifer, Cheryl
Keith, Diane Elizabeth
Keller, Deidre Ann
Kellett, Steven William
Kelly, Kristina Haley
Kessler, Mallory Jo
Kiehl, Daniel
Kiel, Justin Tyler
King, Diana Lynn
Kinnett, Kylee Suanna
Kinnett, Leland Lee, II
Klinge, Kyle Matthew
Knight, Elizabeth Jean
Knight, Joshua Alan
Knight, Kelli Ann
Knueven, Andrew Louis
Koch, Christopher David
Koch, Kayla Marie
Lilly, Seth Adam
Lindauer, Lacey Nicole
Lindley, Christopher Ross
Linstromberg, Lisa Ann
Lock, Casey Mae
Lockett, Christina Ann
Lockhart, Whitney Nicole
Logsdon, Valerie T
Loh, Cameron William
Long, Ashlee E
Long, Brittney Amber
Long, Joe Alan
Loomis, Brian Christian
Loomis, Brian Christian
Loudermilk, Evan Thomas
Lough, Jonathan Henry
Love, Josie Kaye
Love, Lauren Ann
Lowry, Philip David
Lucas, Thomas E
Luebbehusen, Beth Ann
Lueders, Derek Thomas
MacIsaac, Charles Owen
Magnuson, Colleen Vivian Harrington
Majewski, Amanda Jayne
Manalo, Crysta Lyn
Manley, Ryan Scott
Mann, Scott Aaron
Mannes, Amanda
Marendt, Audrea Jean
Marganski, Jessica Apolonia
Marner, Colin Anthony
Lang, Kristi Jo
Langdon, Matthew Alan
Langdon, Ryan David
Lanham, Kelly Jo
Lankford, Daniel Tyler
Lanum, Evan Todd
Lasher, Jeffrey
Latoz, Adam Jon
Lauridsen, Tiffany Ann
Lawson, Jessica Jean
Laymon, Sarah Rose
LeFlore, Bakari Gahiji
Leavens, Elizabeth Jo
Lee, Kyle Douglas
Lerner, Philip John
Lewellyn, John Andrews
Lewis, Kyle Wayne
Lewis, Megan Renee
Light, John Douglas
May, Joseph
May, Luke Benjamin
Mays, Jordan Samuel
Mazique, Erin Michael
McBride, Windy Jo Wise
McClure, Matthew
McCoy, Lela Rae
McCoy, Michelle Lynn Odle
McDonald, Brandon Lee
McDonald, Ryan Travis
McGaughey, Tomorrow Janese Allen
McInerney, Mark Christopher
McKanna, Joseph William
McKee, Joanna Elizabeth
McKenzie, Natasha Renee
McKinley, Ashle Lyn
McLain, Jacob Michael
McNally, Robert Lewis
Medlin, Katheryn Elise
Medsker, Brian Andrew
Medsker, Rudy Tyler
Medworth, Whitney Ann
Meeker III, Gayle Dean
Mehl, Michael Walter
Meijome, Timothy Pablo
Melville, Ashley Jane
Metka, Lauren Elizabeth
Metzel, Michael A
Meyer, Jeffory Melvin
Meyers, Matthew Joseph
Michael, Dinah Lee
Michael, Wesley Eugene
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 19 of 58 Martin, Calvin Ray
Martin, Stephani E
Mascari, Anne Marie
Masiyazi, Fadzai
Mason, David Michael
Masterman, Heather N
Matthews, Brett Allen
Mauntel, Michael Milton
Mitchell, Andrea Lynn
Mitchell, Jenna Leigh
Mobley, Jeffrey Lloyd
Modesitt, Luann Rose
Montgomery, Davy Ray
Montgomery, Hannah Kay
Montgomery, Rosalind Marie
Montgomery, Ross Robert
Monts, Kristin Annelise
Moody, Pleas Anthony
Moore, Michael Brent
Moore, Stephanie Kaye
Moran, Jordan Charles
Moraveji, Fatiah Maria
Morningstar, Ryan A
Morris, Psfinique Tuwonda
Mullen, Brody Robert
Munro, Thiel E
Murff, Brandon Donte
Murphy, Kelsie Renae
Murphy, Mitch Alex
Murphy, Robert Tracy
Myers, Tiffany Nichole
Myers, Whitney Marie
Neighbors, Jade Lynn
Nestler, Scott Edwin
Newlin, Kimberly Sue
Nguyen, Trang Thi Anh
Nichols, Cynthia Jo
Nicholson, Ryan Michael
Niemerg, Jenny Lynn
Norris, Kellen Clark
Norton, Chelsi Renyse
Norton, Sandy Jo
Oellig, Michael Eugene, II
Ogburn, Gary Wayne
Olah, Joshua John
Oliver, James Alan
Olson, David Andrew
Orr, Casie A
Probst, Samuel Brian
Puckett, Andrew Cory
Puckett, Megan Ann
Milam, Zachery Michael
Miller, Amanda Rose
Miller, Angela Susan
Miller, Branden Michael
Miller, Paige Elizabeth
Miller, Whitney C
Miller, William Dewayne
Missey, Rebecca Lynn
Osborne, Odessa Kathleen
Osborne, Sean James
Pabst, Cassandra Anne
Painter, Kenneth Eugene, Jr
Palelis, Ashley Erin
Paloncy, Michael Steven
Panzik, Brian Scott
Parkes, Erynn Holly
Parks, Monique Lanee
Parmer, Ashley Elizabeth
Parr, Shanda Mae
Patrick, Ryan Abney
Patton, Robert Anthony
Paul-Richiez, Darling
Payne, Lacy Nicole
Peacock, Barbara Ann
Pell, John Richard, III
Pennington, Katie Elizabeth
Perkins, Amanda Dawn
Pestow, Jayson Albert
Phelps, Marcus Anthony
Phillips, Brock Allen
Phillips, Darin Gene
Phillips, Leah Rochelle
Phillips, Patrick Andrew
Phillips, Terri Ann
Pickett, Brannon James
Pickett, Joshua Lee
Pierce, John Almont III
Piersall, Nathan Ray
Plank, Justin Christopher
Pollman, Kelcey Lynn
Popplewell, Kathryn Lee
Porter, Amber Lynn
Porter, Matthew R
Pottorf, Debra Jo
Powers, Chad William
Pratt, Karrie C
Price, Evan Tyler
Priest, Nicholas Allen
Roberson, Jon Collin
Robertson, Amanda Kathleen
Robertson, Bartholomew James
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 20 of 58 Puttmann, Greg Andrew
Pyle, Andrew Kent
Quarles, Robert Anthony
Quinn, Lora Rose
Ra, Bosco
Railsback, Grant R
Raimondo Bosler, Nigel Joseph
Rakes, Preston Royce
Ramos, Diana
Ramos, Rena Lovey
Ramsey, Alyssa Nicole
Randall, Kenya Latisha
Randolph, Emily Nichole
Raney, Rachel Lea
Ransom, Jacolyn Verniece
Rardin, Abrianne Kyle
Rayman, Michelle Nicole McClellan
Readinger, Wesley Fread
Reberger, Dava Danae
Reckelhoff, Katherine Emma
Redwine, Calah Rae
Reed, Blake Walter
Reed, Cortney Jean
Reed, Lisa Eileen Wudcoski
Reedy, Kelly Marie
Reeves, Sean Ros
Reida, Tiffany Marie
Rhoades, Christina Marie
Richey, Tyler Joseph
Riddell, Danielle Marie
Rients, Taunia Maire Vigeant
Riker, Todd Alan
Rivers, Vonessia Renee
Roan, Ryan William
Robbins, Anna Marie
Robbins, Carly Jessica
Roberson, David Eric
Shelton, Krystle Sue
Shepard, Bryan James
Sherwood, James William
Shidler, Matthew Richard
Shimanski, Benjamin Robert
Shipman, Kyle Alan
Shope, Samantha Suzanne
Shouse, Charity Lea
Sills, Amanda Nicole
Singleton, Sierra Marlene
Sinn, Leah Elizabeth
Sizemore, Adina Anne
Sizemore, Hilary Beth
Slade, Stephanie Ann
Rodie, Sarah Elizabeth
Rohdy, Chantel Anna
Roman, Joseph
Roman, Lora M
Roman, Nicholas Spencer
Ross, Jamal C
Rothrock, Cody Thomas
Roudenbush, Terry Lynn
Rowe, Lauren Marie
Rowe, Sarah Marie
Royer, Jeremy Richard
Ruble, Andrew Joseph
Rush, Deda Lee Payton
Rushing, John Ryan
Ryan, Zackery Allen
Sallaz, Kenneth Robert
Sanabria, Antonio John
Sander, Dana Marie
Sanders, Kara Lyn
Sanning, Heather Marie
Scardina, Ashley Nicole
Schlemmer, William Ross
Schmidt, Tiffani Kathleen
Schoeffel, Anthony John
Schutter, Jenna Leigh
Schwenk, Timothy Michael, Jr
Sciutto, Amy Christine
Scott, Erica Marie
Scott, Joran L
Searles, David E
Sears, Allison Nicole
Seifrig, Megan Ann
Seitz, Andrew Henry
Sermersheim, Ross Andrew
Shanks, Charity Lynn
Sharpe III, Dale D
Sharpless, Jason Eugene
Sterling, Drake Alan
Stewart, LaShelle Lynn
Stith, Yolanda P
Stock, Nathan G
Stoner, Christopher Lee
Stratton, Theresa Lynn
Sunderman, Stetsun L
Swegman, Joseph Bruce, III
Swinney, Dustin Michael
Taha, Issam M
Talamantes, Amanda L
Tanguay, Ashly Lynn
Tanksley, Susan Cathleen
Tatlock, Chris Travis
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 21 of 58 Sleeper, Morgan Erin Matthews
Smith, Gerald Lee
Smith, Jason Leon
Smith, Jody Lee
Smith, LaShaunda Yvette
Smith, Rebecca Monique
Smith, Robin Denise
Smith, Sarah Lynn
Snedeker, Emily Ann
Snow, Airica Leeann
Snyder, Shelli Laine
Solis, Joseph Anthony
Songer, David Alan
Southwick, Jaren Michael
Sowers, Nikkole Kristin
Spector, Jennifer Nicole
Speidel, James Bradley
Spicer, Ashley Danielle
Spicer, Jeffery Michael
Spohr, Patrick Ryan
Spoonmore, Kelli Anne
Stanley, Abigail Noelle
Stauffer, Dinah Sue
Steininger, Amy Beth
Stembridge, Heather Nichole
Stephens, Rebecca Carole
Tumey, Kylei LeAnn
Tunnell, James Gerald
Turman, Angela Marie
Ude, Blair Christopher
Vanatti, Eric Shawn
Vaught, Zachary Noel
Venable, James Edward
Vermillion, Robin Elaine
Vierling, Jennifer Nicole
Vonderheide, Stacy Lynn
Wagner, Ryan James
Wagoner, Aaron W
Waldon, Glen
Walker, Amanda Rene
Wallace, Kwan Jamil
Walsh, Kyle Robert
Walters, Armelia Dominique
Walters, Cherise Cynthia
Ward, Alyssa Ann
Warzala, Katherine Mae
Watson, Amber Cherelle
Watson, George David
Watts, Alyssa Rae
Waugh, Grace Marie
Weather, Starr C
Taylor, Everett Scott
Taylor, Kristin Nicole
Taylor, Lloyd Julian
Taylor, Matt Jacob
Telschow, Terry Wayne
Terrell, Andrew James
Thomas, Benjamin Robert
Thomas, Jackie E, Jr
Thomas, Michele Lynn
Thomas, Sandra K
Thompson, Hannah Ruth
Thurner, Jackie Elizabeth
Thurston, Bret Allen
Tillberry, Tara E Garner
Titus, Racheal Nicole
Todd, Shane Adam
Tompkins, Genira Lael
Torres, Lowell Ray
Toth, Neil Alexander
Trench, Victoria Elizabeth
Tressler, Esther Mae
Trout, Jodi Rene
Troxel, Catherine Marie
Truly, Stephanie Jenine
Trusler, Eric Joseph
Trusler, Zachary William
Whittington, Caitlin Marie
Wildman, Megan Lee
Wilkinson, Heather Sue
Williams, Amber Renee
Williams, Benjamin Harrison
Williams, Michael Paul
Williams, Peggy Elizabeth
Williams, Quentin Greggory
Williamson, Mindi
Willis, Brittany Charman
Willmann, Andrew David
Wilson, Derick Scott
Wilson, Kenneth Andrew
Winfrey, Crystal Ann
Winner, Linda Kay
Winters, Willie Lee
Wolfe, Jordan Christopher
Wolley, Jeremy Ryan
Wood, Richelyn Monique
Wooley, Kayla Renee
Wooley, Stacey Lea
Workman, Brittany Erin
Wright, Jessica Fayrene
Wright, Kelly Ann
Wrightsman, Emily Beth
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 22 of 58 Weaver, Gregory Allen
Webb, Christopher William Ellis
Weber, Katherine Chelsea
Wells, Priness Lamont
Weltzin, Troy Anthony
Wenham, Michael Steven
Wesolowski, Scott Michael
Wheeler, Cameron Brock
Wheelock, Daniel Quinn
Whitacre, Robert Joseph
Whitaker, Kevin Donald
White, Cameron Charles
White, Kayla Marie
Whiteley, Sarah Elizabeth
Whitezel, Danielle Nichole
Wu, Thomas Szu-Han
Wuestefeld, Michael John
Wurmnest, Victoria Lynn
Wycoff, Jason Leroy
Yanagimoto, Yuki
Yates, John Benjamin, Jr
Yoon, Jung Tae
Yoon, Sunghee
Young, Daniel
Young, Richard William
Zerrusen, Christopher Robert
Zimmerman, Leah Danielle
Candidates for Degree
Bachelor of Social Work
Dezern, Beth Anne
Dupee, Valarie Renee
Knoerzer, Heidi Marie
Lee, Natasha Marie
Lucas, Cassandra Lee
Parkins, Amanda Marie
Rowe, Adrienne Marie
Schroeder, Sarah Marie
Tinsman, Kayla Renee
Whitehead, Megan Patricia
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 23 of 58 Item (IV)(a)(iii):
Faculty and Academic Policies
The Faculty Senate through the Graduate Council has approved new guidelines for Graduate Faculty
Graduate Faculty
The graduate faculty have the responsibility of guiding the university’s mission at the graduate level, establishing the
policies and procedures of graduate studies, and fostering the development and maintenance of high quality graduate
Regular Graduate Faculty
At the time of appointment (effective for all faculty appointed Fall 2007 or after) all tenure-track faculty with
terminal degrees will be granted graduate faculty membership. Current (as of Summer 2007) associate and regular
members of the graduate faculty will automatically become members of the graduate faculty with the endorsement to
chair thesis and/or doctoral committees. Faculty appointed prior to Fall 2007 who are not members of the graduate
faculty must apply no later than January 2009 using the standards in place prior to Fall 2007.
The initial appointment will qualify the faculty member to teach graduate classes, to serve on thesis/dissertation
committees and to serve on the Graduate Council and the subcommittees of the Council. Review of graduate faculty
membership may occur at the request of the department chair, college dean, or Dean of the School of Graduate
Studies and will be conducted by the Graduate Faculty Subcommittee of the Graduate Council.
An endorsement to chair theses/dissertations is granted separately from graduate faculty status by a vote of a
departmental committee, approval of the department chairperson, college dean, and the Dean of the School of
Graduate Studies. To qualify for the endorsement to chair thesis/dissertation committees graduate faculty members
must work with a graduate mentor appointed by their department, serve on thesis/dissertation committees, and
participate in a graduate faculty workshop sponsored by the Graduate Council to develop knowledge of the
thesis/dissertation process at ISU. Review of the endorsement to chair theses/dissertations may occur at the request
of the department chair, college dean, or Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and will be conducted by the
Graduate Faculty Subcommittee of the Graduate Council.
Emeritus Graduate Faculty
Faculty who are a regular member of the graduate faculty at the time of retirement will be granted Emeriti Graduate
Faculty membership and have the rights and privileges of regular graduate faculty thereafter.
Special Purpose Graduate Faculty
An individual may be appointed for a limited period as a special purpose member of the graduate faculty. A special
purpose graduate faculty member must be at least one of the following:
1. Tenure-line faculty with an earned doctorate or other terminal degree in the field of specialization, or a
tenure-line faculty who has an earned master’s degree and has distinguished themselves in teaching, research, and /or
service, but do not meet the requirements for Graduate Faculty membership; or
2. Tenure-line faculty or newly hired tenure-line faculty with all but dissertation completed who are actively
working toward a doctorate; or
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 24 of 58 3. Special purpose faculty at Indiana State University who have expertise for a specified graduate course or
graduate thesis or dissertation committee; or
4. Professionals, who are not tenure-line faculty at Indiana State University, but have expertise for specified
graduate courses, or graduate committees.
A special purpose graduate faculty member may teach graduate courses, supervise practicums/clinicals, and may
serve on thesis/dissertation committees. A special purpose graduate faculty member will not be granted the
endorsement to chair theses/dissertations.
The appointment is usually for the lesser of five years or the term requested, with the exception for Ph.D.
dissertation committees. Reappointment as special purpose faculty is unlimited, but the duties are limited to those
described in the application packet at the time of appointment.
Ex-Officio Graduate Faculty
Ex-officio graduate faculty membership may be granted to university administrators who do not hold faculty rank.
The membership qualifies the administrator to teach graduate courses and to serve on and direct graduate
committees. Ex-officio graduate faculty will maintain the title without need for reapplication as long as the person
maintains the administrative position. All university administrators appointed prior to Fall 2007, who have a tenuretrack faculty position and ex-officio graduate faculty membership will automatically become members of the graduate
faculty with the endorsement to chair thesis and/or doctoral committees.
Appeal Procedure
In cases where an appeal is to be made the Graduate Council of the University Faculty Senate is the body to which the
appeal should be directed.
Approved by the Graduate Council –October 4, 2007
Approved by Faculty Senate – December13, 2007
Recommendation: Approval of the new policy to replace the current policy that appears in Section III, page 12 of the
University Handbook.
On a motion by Mr. Minas, seconded by Mr. LaPlante, the recommendation was approved.
Item (IV)(a)(iv):
University-level Grade Appeals
The Faculty Senate has approved new framework for grade appeals.
Basis for Appeal
A student may appeal a grade granted by any instructor of any course. The student may appeal the grade based on one
of more of the following:
1) An error in the calculation of the grade.
2) The assignment of a grade to a particular student by application of more exacting or demanding standards
than were applied to other students in the same section of the same course, in the same semester, with the
same instructor.
3) The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than performance in the course.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 25 of 58 4) The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the instructor's previously announced standards
for that section of that course.1
5) The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the written departmentally approved standards for
a course.
Any other grounds for appeal shall be considered irrelevant.2
II. Informal Appeal
All students must follow the informal appeals process for questioning grades prior to engaging the formal appeal. In
so doing, they are to, where possible, seek out the instructor for a face-to-face conversation. The instructor is
encouraged to listen to the entirety of the student’s case and then to consider whether the current grade is
appropriate. Should no resolution occur, the student is required to contact the department chairperson. The
chairperson is required to meet with the student one-on-one, to seek a conversation with the instructor one-on-one,
and then highly encouraged to meet with the two of them together. Students must initiate their informal appeal
within 30 working days of the posting of the grade. Should no resolution occur, the student may choose to engage
the formal appeal process.
III. Filing a Formal Appeal
A formal appeal is made in writing to the dean of the college of the instructor, hereafter referred to as “the dean.”
When filing an appeal, a student must specify the basis (bases) of the appeal and do so within 30 working days of the
conclusion of the informal appeal. The student must indicate one of the following:
1) the instructor is unable or unwilling to communicate with the student on the appeal and the informal appeal
could not proceed
2) no resolution resulted from the informal appeal process
The contents of the appeal should include as much of the relevant physical or electronic record as is possible for the
student to collect. If the second basis (differential standards) is asserted, the student should provide a list of the names
of other students and specific assignments so that a review of the relevant materials and appropriate comparisons can
be made.
Verification of the Appropriateness of the Appeal
An instructor “cannot respond” if (s)he has died or has suffered a debilitating physical or mental condition. For appeals
to grades submitted by instructors who have been terminated, resigned, or retired, it is the dean’s responsibility to
manage the notification process. In doing so, the dean shall make three separate attempts at contact within 30 days
with the last one in writing by registered letter to the last known address. If after ten working days3 of the dean’s
An instructor may alter original grading standards for an assignment as long as that change has been
announced with reasonable notice in advance of the due date for the assignment. An instructor may
reasonably add or subtract assignments or assessments from those that have been previously
announced. Instructors are highly discouraged from altering the grading scale for the course if that
grading scale has been included in the syllabus or previously announced.
Unless the appeal is on the basis of 5) above, cross-instructor or cross-section comparison appeals are not to be
considered as relevant. Instructors are free to have different assignments, assessments, and standards for different
sections and different instructors of the same course are free to have different assignments, assessments, and
standards from one another.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 26 of 58 receiving of the registered letter receipt, the instructor still refuses to discuss the grade appeal, the dean shall convene
the Grade Appeal Committee.
If an instructor has denied the grade appeal after having met with the department chairperson, the dean must review
the materials and discuss the matter with the student. The dean may choose to discuss the matter with the instructor,
the chairperson, or both. If the dean cannot create a resolution satisfactory to the instructor and student, the dean shall
convene the Grade Appeal Committee.
V. Composition and Purpose of the Grade Appeal Committee
At the beginning of each academic year, each college shall create its Grade Appeal Committee(s) in a fashion that 1) it
has only tenured faculty and 2) it has no fewer than 5 members with one alternate. Members of the department may
serve on the Grade Appeal Committee of a departmental colleague. When the instructor in question is a member of
the Grade Appeal Committee, he/she is recused, and the alternate shall serve in his/her place.
Within the College of Arts & Sciences, the committee shall include faculty from the Arts & Humanities, Social
Sciences, and Math & Sciences. Within the College of Nursing, Health, & Human Services, the committee shall
include faculty from Nursing and Health & Human Service areas.
Without regard to the calendar, once a formal appeal has been submitted to the Grade Appeal Committee, that
committee shall remain with the appeal until its conclusion. If two or more appeals are received by the dean about the
same instructor and the same course, the Dean shall inform the Grade Appeal Committee. If the Grade Appeal
Committee determines that the appeals are of identical character and that the students’ rights to appeal would not be
compromised by combining the appeals into one process, the Grade Appeal Committee may make this determination.
The Grade Appeal Committee has the sole authority to make this determination.
Grade Appeal Committee Actions
The Grade Appeal Committee, by majority vote, shall, within 10 working days recommend one of the following:
1) that the original grade stand
2) that any higher grade be substituted for the original grade
3) that an incomplete grade be granted. (If this recommendation is made, the chairperson shall be appointed
the instructor of record for the course for this student. The conditions for completion, the default grade,
and the expiration of the incomplete shall be specified.)
When a recommendation is made by the Grade Appeal Committee, the dean shall prepare a written summary of the
recommendation and transmit the recommendation to the student and the instructor. A copy of the recommendation
shall be transmitted to the Provost, the department chairperson, and the members of the Grade Appeal Committee.
When the Grade Appeal Committee recommends a changed grade or an incomplete grade, the dean shall prepare a
letter to the Registrar stating the new grade. The letter shall carry the signatures of the dean and the members of the
Grade Appeal Committee. No such letter is required if the grade does not change.
IX. Registrar’s Action
In the event a grade is changed, the following notation shall appear on the transcript
Original grade of ___ was overruled as authorized by the Grade Appeal Committee.
A “working day” includes all weekdays that the University is open. In cases where a Grade Appeal
Committees or a department’s committee must meet during the summer, synchronous telephonic
meetings shall be permissible.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 27 of 58 Recommendation: Approval of the University-level Grade Appeals.
On a motion by Ms. Huntsinger, seconded by Mr. Pillow, the recommendation was approved.
Item (IV)(a)(v):
Conflict of Interest Policy and Code of Conduct
The purpose of this policy is to prohibit conflicts of interest in situations involving
student financial aid and to establish standards of conduct for employees with
responsibility for student financial aid.
This Policy applies to all employees who work in the Office of Student Financial Aid and all
other University employees who have responsibilities related to education loans or other
forms of student financial aid. 4
A. Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s financial interests or other
opportunities for personal benefit may compromise, or reasonably appear to compromise, the independence
of judgment with which the employee performs his/her responsibilities at Indiana State.
B. Gift: Any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item having a monetary value
of more than a de minimus amount. The term includes a gift of services, transportation, lodging, or meals,
whether provided in kind, by purchase of a ticket, payment in advance, or reimbursement after the expense
has been incurred. The term “gift” does not include any of the following:
Standard materials, activities, or programs on issues related to a loan default aversion, default
prevention, or financial literacy, such as a brochure, a workshop, or training.
Agents of the University with responsibility for education loans or other student financial aid are also expected to
abide by terms of this Policy.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 28 of 58 2. Training or informational material furnished to Indiana State as an integral part of a training session
designed to improve the service of a lender, guarantor, or servicer of educational loans to the
University, if such training contributes to the professional development of the University’s employees.
3. Favorable terms, conditions, and borrower benefits on an education loan provided to a student
employed by the University or an employee who is the parent of a student if such terms, conditions, or
benefits are comparable to those provided to all students of the University and are not provided because
of the student’s or parent’s employment with the University.
4. Entrance and exit counseling services provided to borrowers to meet the University’s responsibilities
for entrance and exit counseling under federal law, so long as the ISU employees are in control of the
counseling, and such counseling does not promote the products or services of any specific lender.
5. Philanthropic contributions to an institution from a lender, servicer, or guarantor of education loans
that are unrelated to education loans or any contribution from any lender, guarantor, or servicer that is
not made in exchange for any advantage related to education loans.
6. State education grants, scholarships, or financial aid funds administered by or on behalf of a State.
C. Opportunity pool loan: A private education loan made by a lender to a student attending the University
or the family member of such a student that involves a payment, directly, or indirectly, by the University of
points, premiums, additional interest, or financial support to such lender for the purpose of such lender
extending credit to the student or the family.
D. Revenue-sharing arrangement: An arrangement between the University and a lender under which (a) a
lender provides or issues a loan to students attending the University and a lender or to their families; and (b)
the University recommends the lender or the loan products of the lender and in exchange, the lender pays a
fee or provides other materials, benefits, including revenue or profit sharing, to the University or its
Institutional Policy Regarding Education Loans and Student Financial Aid
A. Revenue Sharing Arrangements
Indiana State University will not enter into any revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender.
B. Interaction with Borrowers
When participating in the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), the University will not
assign a first-time borrower’s federal loan, through award packaging or other methods, to a particular
lender. Indiana State will not refuse to certify, or delay certification of, any federal loan based on the
borrower’s selection of a particular lender or guaranty agency.
When participating in the Federal Direct Loan Program, Indiana State will assign a first-time borrower’s
federal loan to the Federal Government as the lender.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 29 of 58 Under no circumstances will the University assign a student’s private student loan to a particular lender,
or refuse to certify or delay certification of any private loan, based upon the borrower’s selection of
lender or guaranty agency.
C. Private Loans
Indiana State will not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds to be used for private
education loans,5 including funds for an opportunity pool loan, to students in exchange for the
University providing concession or promises regarding providing the lender with (i) a specified number
of federal loans; (ii) a specified federal loan volume; or (iii) a preferred lender arrangement for federal
D. Co-Branding
Indiana State will not permit a private educational lender6 to use the University’s name, emblem,
mascot, logo, or any other words, pictures, or symbols associated with the University to imply
endorsement of private educational loans by that lender.
E. Staffing Assistance
The University will not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or
financial aid office staffing. Nothing in this section, however prevents the University from accepting
assistance from a lender related to (i) professional development training for its staff; (ii) providing
educational counseling materials, financial literacy materials, or debt management materials to
borrowers, provided that such materials disclose to borrowers the identification of any lender that
assisted in preparing or providing such materials; or (iii) staffing services on a short-term non-recurring
basis to assist the University with financial aid-related functions during emergencies, including Statedeclared or federally declared natural disasters, federally declared national disasters, and other localized
disasters and emergencies identified by the Secretary of Education.
Code Of Conduct
A. Conflict of Interest:
1. No employee shall have a conflict of interest with respect to any education loan or other student
financial aid for which the employee has responsibility
2. No employee may process any transaction related to his/her own person financial aid eligibility or
that of a relative. 7
As defined in the federal Truth In Lending Act, 15 USCA § 1631 et seq.
As defined in the federal Truth In Lending Act, 15 USCA § 1631 et seq.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 30 of 58 B. Gifts
No employee may accept any gift from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans. A gift to a
family member of an employee or to any other individual based on that individual’s relationship with the
employee or to any other individual based on that individual’s relationship to the employee shall be
considered a gift to the employee if the gift is given with the knowledge and acquiescence of the
employee and the employee has reason to believe the gift was given because of the employees position
at the University.
Token awards from professional associations (state, regional, or national) which recognize professional
milestones or extraordinary service to parents and students, or scholarships for conference attendance
or other professional development opportunities, may be accepted.
C. Prohibited Contracting Agreements
No employee shall accept from any lender or affiliate of any lender any fee, payment, or other financial
benefit (including the opportunity to purchase stock) as compensation for any type of consulting or
other contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of the lender relating to education loans.
D. Advisory Board Compensation
No employee who serves on an advisory board, commission, or group established by a lender,
guarantor, or group of lenders or guarantors may receive anything of value from the lender, guarantor,
or group of lenders or guarantors in return for that service.
Reimbursement of Expenses
Expenses incurred while attending professional association meetings, conferences, or in connection with
service on an advisory board, commission, or group described in Section V.D. of this policy must be
paid by the University. Entertainment expenses such as concert or sports tickets or greens fees may not
be accepted. Employees are expected to personally pay for such expenses or request reimbursement
from ISU in accordance with University policy.
Employees may occasionally need to share meals with employees of lenders, guaranty agencies, the
State of Indiana, or other colleges or universities in the course of business. Meals offered as part of
meetings, conferences, or other events may be accepted if all participants in the meeting or event are
offered meals or if the meals are included as a part of a registration fee.
Policy Violations
Violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to, and including dismissal.
For the purposes of this policy, a “relative” is defined as an individual with whom an employee has a relationship
by blood, marriage, adoption, domestic partnership, or other personal relationships in which objectivity might be
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 31 of 58 This policy was created in April, 2009, in order to comply with HEOA Act of 2008.
Recommendation: Approval of the Conflict of Interest Policy and Code of Conduct.
On a motion by Ms. Bell, seconded by Mr. LaPlante, the recommendation was approved.
Item (IV)(a)(vi):
Staff Spouse/Partner Academic Fee Waiver Proposal
The University’s current Staff Spouse/Partner fee waiver benefit waives one-half of the academic fees for one course
per semester (with a limit of a four-hour course). It also includes the waiver of all non-resident fees should the
spouse/partner be classified as a non-resident.
The Faculty, Staff and Dependent Child fee waivers have increased in value since inception. In order to be more
consistent, the following is being proposed:
Spouses/partners of full-time regular benefits-eligible employees will be eligible for a fee waiver of 80 percent of
qualified tuition (does not include mandatory fees) for a maximum of 15 credit hours per academic year (fall semester
through summer).
Recommendation: Approval of this increase in value for the Staff Spouse/Partner Academic fee waiver effective with
the beginning of the 2009-2010 academic year, with current eligibility guidelines remaining consistent.
On a motion by Ms. Huntsinger, seconded by Mr. Carpenter, the recommendation was approved.
Item (IV)(a)(vii):
On-Campus Workshop Fee Amendment Policy Proposal
Indiana State University periodically has opportunities to develop academic on-campus workshops of strategic
importance, which are not in lieu of program-related semester/term course offerings. Some of these workshop
opportunities provide for the delivery of instruction resulting in the awarding of ISU credit hours. Current fee
policies require fees to be assessed at the standard Board approved credit hour rate in effect at the time of the
workshop. Unlike traditional program-related courses delivered on-campus, many of these workshop opportunities
do not require the utilization of services and facilities provided for traditional programming.
Recommendation: That the Board authorizes the Provost and the Vice President for Business Affairs/Finance to
determine on-campus workshops of strategic importance to the University, that are not in lieu of program-related
semester/term course offerings. These programs would not require the assessment of mandatory fees such as the
recreation center fee. It is further recommended that with the approval of the Provost and the Vice President of
Business Affairs/Finance, an alternative credit hour fee for these workshops may be established, as may be deemed
warranted. This authorization applies to all future workshop offerings, however, it does not extend to distance
delivered workshop courses delivered via ISU.
On a motion by Mr. Pease, seconded by Mr. Minas, the recommendation was approved.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 32 of 58 Item (IV)(a)(viii):
Year End Closings
The State Board of Accounts has advised that the Treasurer of Indiana State University obtain approval from the ISU
Board of Trustees to make year-end closing entries. These entries normally consist of making transfers, adjustments,
and consolidations necessary to insure the elimination of minor budgetary overdrafts, and the write-off of bad debt.
The closing of the financial records is conducted in June and July and is guided by GASB accounting and reporting
standards and best business practices.
Recommendation: Authorization of the Treasurer or designee to make all necessary year-end closing entries and
On a motion by Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Mr. Lowery, the recommendation was approved.
Item (IV)(a)(ix):
Graduate School Name Change
The Graduate Council and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies request the name of the current School of
Graduate Studies be changed to College of Graduate and Professional Studies. The proposed change acknowledges
observed enrollment shifts over the past two decades; the historical strength of ISU graduate programs in the
professional and applied fields; and is consistent with the vision of graduate education embodied in the mission
statements of the university and present School of Graduate Studies. It is requested that the name change become
effective upon approval.
Recommendation: Approval to change the name of the School of Graduate Studies to the College of Graduate and
Professional Studies.
On a motion by Mr. LaPlante, seconded by Ms. Huntsinger, the recommendation was approved.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 33 of 58 Item (IV)(b)(i)(1):
University Investments
In accordance with the Board of Trustees-approved investment policy, the University Treasurer was given authority
to manage the short and long-term investments of the University.
The following comparative presentation has been prepared to reflect a year-to-date reporting from the period from
July 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Rolling Average
Short-Term Invested Funds
1. Cash (Sweep)
Rolling Average
Rate of Return
$ 9,777,837
2. Common Fund (Short-term)
3. Short-Term Investments
4. Cash Management Funds
Total Short-Term Invested Funds
Comparative Index
Avg Yield on 90-Day T-Bill
Long-Term Invested Funds
1. Medium Term
(exceeds two years)
2. Bond Proceeds
Total Long-Term Invested Funds
Comparative Index
Avg Yield on 2 year T-Notes
Charts for investment allocations and maturities are presented on the following pages.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 34 of 58 Investm
ment Allocation All Investmentss For the Quarterr Ending Maarch 31, 2009
9 Investment Du
All Investments
or the Quarter Ending
g March 31, 2009
10+ Years
5‐10 Years
3‐5 Years
1‐3 Years
ess than 1 Year
Indiana State University Board
d of Trustees Agenda Satturday, May 9
9, 2009 Page 35 of 58 Investm
ment Allocation First FFinancial Baank For the Quarterr Ending Maarch 31, 2009
9 Investmeent Duration First Finaancial Bank Quarter Ending March 31, 2009 Indiana State University Board
d of Trustees Agenda Satturday, May 9
9, 2009 Page 36 of 58 Inve
estment Allo
ocation F
Fifth Third B
ank For the Quar
rter Ending M
March 31, 2009 Investment Du
uration F
Fifth Third B
Bank Fo
or the Quartter Ending M
March 31, 20
009 Indiana State University Board
d of Trustees Agenda Satturday, May 9
9, 2009 Page 37 of 58 Investm
ment Allocatiion Old National Bank For tthe Quarter Ending Marrch 31, 2009 Investme
ent Duration
n Old National Bank
For the
e Quarter En
nding March
h 31, 2009 Indiana State University Board
d of Trustees Agenda Satturday, May 9
9, 2009 Page 38 of 58 INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY
Comparisons of Budget by Month and YTD
As of March 2009
For the Month of March
Year to Date
YTD Actual
through Mar 09
through Mar 09
through Mar 08
State of Indiana
Fee Replacement
(89,323) $
Enrollment Reserve
Other Fees and Charges
Sales and Services
Miscellaneous Income
Total Budgeted Revenue
$ 118,252,140
$ 119,526,105
Encumbrances and Carryforward
$ 10,539,964
$ 10,539,964
$ 17,955,968
$ 137,922,301
(80) $
Gross Student Fees
(29,170) $
(350,000) $
Rent, Interest, Dividends,
and Gifts
$ 114,128,458
Reimbursements and Income Reappropriated
From Other Sources
Total Revenues
$ 16,617,998
$ 17,875,442
$ 136,648,336
*The $350,000 Enrollment Reserve is used to cover tuition shortfalls
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 39 of 58 1,273,965
$ 132,331,019
Comparisons of Budget by Month and YTD
As of March 2009
For the Month of March
(incl commit)
(incl commit)
through Mar 09
Year to Date
YTD Actual
through Mar 09 Accumulated
(incl commit)
YTD Actual
through Mar 08
(incl commit)
Salaries and Wages
Fringe Benefits
Student Wages
Training, Representation,
and Travel
(95,164) $
Student Aid
(529,996) $
Bond and Interest
Supplies and Expense
(198,273) $
Repairs and Maintenance
(421,805) $
Capital Equipment
Total Expenditures
$ 119,747,662
$ 124,172,813
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 40 of 58 57,971
State of Indiana-Operational
State appropriation shows a negative $128,601 variance for March and an accumulative $385,803 negative balance, as
Indiana announced a 1% budget reduction beginning in January. The total amount of reduction for the year is $771,612.
Student Fees
The March monthly activity shows a $29,090 favorable variance and year-to-date fees are above budget by $1,138,666.
This is a result of Fall fees being above budget by $704,912, Summer II and Spring also showing favorable variances of
$153,326 and $288,642, while prior year adjustments are negative $38,214.
Other Fees and Charges
Other Fees and Charges have a favorable variance of $37,638 for March and an accumulated positive variance of
$187,523. The Corrections Educational Program, college challenge, deferment fees, collection fees, admission fees, and
change of course fees are above budget, while correspondence fees are below budget.
Sales and Services
Sales and Services show a favorable variance of $85,952 for March and a negative year-to-date variance of $51,970.
Transcript fees and library fines are above budget, while Facilities Management work orders, parking violations, and
miscellaneous income are below budget.
Rent, Interest, Dividends & Gifts
Rent and Interest have a $284 favorable variance for March and are below budget for the year by $2,422.
Miscellaneous Income
Miscellaneous Income is above budget by $56,163 for March and shows a positive year-to-date variance of $37,971.
Other miscellaneous income is above budget, while indirect cost recovery is below budget.
Salaries and Wages
Salaries and Wages have a favorable variance of $302,484 for March and an accumulated $2,324,070 positive variance,
largely due to savings in administrative salaries.
Fringe Benefits
Fringe Benefits show a favorable variance of $158,715 for March and a year-to-date positive variance of $1,721,393.
This is due to savings in TIAA, life insurance, PERF, and retired TIAA contributions, while medical and retired medical
are over budget.
Student Wages
Student Wages have an $854 favorable variance for March and a $75,148 year-to-date positive variance. Expenditures
are up $42,057 from last year’s level due to the minimum wage increase.
Utilities show a $53.558 favorable variance for March and an accumulative positive variance of $942,427. Electrical
savings of $322,773 and natural gas savings of $594,585 were the two largest components of the savings.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 41 of 58 Training, Representation, and Travel
Training, Representation, and Travel has a positive variance of $4,115 for March and an accumulated unfavorable
variance of $95,164, as departments are expending carry-forward budgets. Higher fuel costs contributed to travel
reimbursements for 2009 being above 2008 levels by $297,822.
Student Aid
Student Institutional Aid shows a negative variance of $185,261 for March, while the year-to-date total shows a
$529,996 unfavorable variance. Expenditures for institutional aid are above last year’s total by $943,063. The
University will receive approximately $325,000 from the ISU Foundation in June 09 for the President’s Academic
Excellence scholarship that has not been reflected in these numbers.
Supplies and Expenses
Supplies and Expenses have a $57,936 negative variance for March and an accumulated $198,273 year-to-date
unfavorable variance. Expenditures are above last year’s level by $1,276,178. This represents carry forward budget
from 2007-08 being spent in 2008-09.
Repairs and Maintenance
Repairs and Maintenance show a negative variance of $69,070 for March and an accumulated unfavorable variance of
$421,805. The accumulated unfavorable variance is attributable to carry forward budgets of $333,047 from 2008 being
spent in 2009.
Capital Equipment
Capital Equipment shows a $29,719 positive variance for March and a year-to-date favorable variance of $549,380.
Item (IV)(b)(i)(2):
Purchasing Report
P urcha se s Ove r $25,000.00
S ole S ource , D ire ct From S ource
Microsoft Corporation
P0064637 Microsoft Premier Support
S ole S ource , Comple tion Of P ha se T hre e
Bullock Logan and Associates Inc P0064520 Cooling Towers Central Chiller
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 42 of 58 $ 55,062.00
$ 143,095.00
Item (IV)(b)(i)(3):
Vendor Report
The following vendors have accumulated purchases from the University for the time period July 1, 2008,
through March 31, 2009, (Fiscal Year) in excess of $250,000:
Vendors with Purchases Exceeding $250,000
February 1, 2009 through March 31, 2009
Manpower Incorporated
David R Snapp and Associates Inc
Ikon Office Solutions - IMS - 12845
Neff Construction Inc
GE Capital Information Technology
Solutions Inc
AT&T Global Services Inc
Schmidt Associates Inc
Staples Business Advantage
Previously Reported Vendors with Purchases
Exceeding $250,000
Factory Mutual Insurance Company
City of Terre Haute
US Postmaster
Woodburn Graphics Inc
Transformations Furniture
Wabash Valley Asphalt Co LLC
ST Construction Inc
Educational Marketing Group Inc
Hewlett-Packard Company
Earl Rodgers and Associates
Vectren Energy Delivery
Incorp Incorporated
Otis Elevator
The Hartford Group Benefits Division
Forrest Sherer Inc
Dell Marketing LP
I T Travel Agencies
Delta Dental Plan of Indiana
Ebsco Subscription Services
Indiana-American Water Company
Lenovo Inc
C H Garmong and Son Inc
Public Employees Retirement Fund
Indiana Department of Corrections
First Financial Bank
Energy USA-TPC
Harrah Plumbing and Heating Co
Crown Electric Inc
B & S Plumbing & Heating Inc
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Duke Energy
Hannig Construction Inc
Weddle Brothers Construction Co Inc
Sodexho Inc and Affiliates
Principal Life Insurance Company
$ 2,933,711
$ 3,393,465
$ 4,914,944
$ 5,218,964
$ 6,541,554
$ 11,030,252
Temporary Employee Service Payments
Architectural Fees for Sandison Hall Renovation
Copier Copy Charges and Resource Center
Job Tickets
General Construction
Campus Copier Lease Payments
Telephone and Communications Equipment
and Supplies
University Hall, Federal Building, and Hulman
Center Architectural Fees
Office Supplies Contract Purchases
Property Insurance Renewal
ISU Bus Service and Emergency Medical Services
Postage Purchases
University Printing Expenses
Hulman Center and Lincoln Quad Furniture
Parking Lot 14 Paving, Patching Tennis Courts,
and Oakley Place Lighting
Parking Lot 20 Paving and Lighting
Media Buying Contract
Main Frame Computer Equipment
Rhoads Hall Lounge & Mezzanine Remodel,
Condit Kitchen Area Renovation, and Tirey
Stairs Repair
Gas Utility Payments
Abatement - Hulman Center - Phase I
Modernizing Normal Hall Elevator, University
Elevator Upgrade, Maintenance and Repairs
Long Term Disability Insurance
Insurance Premiums
Computer Equipment, Software and Supplies
Travel Expenditures
Dental Payment Reimbursements
Library Subscription Service
Water and Sewage Utility Payments
Laptop Computers
Hulman Memorial Student Union Commuter Lounge
and Hulman Center Renovations
Employee Retirement Payments
Delivery of Academic Courses
University Hall Renovation - Electrical
VEBA Contributions
Natural Gas Contract Purchases
Student Recreation Center - Mechanical
Student Recreation Center - Electrical
University Hall Mechanical and Student Services
Center Renovation
Prescription Drug Coverage
Electricity Utility Payments
Student Recreation Center Construction - General
University Hall Renovation - General
Dining and Catering Services
Medical Claim Payments
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 43 of 58 Item (IV)(b)(ii)(1):
Personnel Items Faculty
(Effective August 1, 2009, unless otherwise indicated)
Stephen P. Aldrich; Assistant Professor of Geography, Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology; M.A.,
Michigan State University; salary $54,800 per academic year.
Mark E. Jones; Assistant Professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology, Department of Curriculum,
Instruction, and Media Technology; M.Ed., Northern Arizona University; salary $50,000 per academic year.
Linda M. Luebke; Assistant Professor of Music Education, Department of Music; M.A., Holy Names College; salary
$50,800 per academic year.
Jimmy D. Melancon; Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Health
Sciences; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University; salary $50,000 per academic year.
Jin Park; Assistant Professor of Insurance and Risk Management, Analytical Department; Ph.D., Temple University;
salary $98,000 per academic year.
Linda S. Sickman; Assistant Professor of Communication Disorders, Department of Communication Disorders and
Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati; salary $55,000 per academic year.
Temporary Part-time Faculty Appointments—2009 Spring Semester
(Effective Janaury 1, 2009, unless otherwise indicated)
K. Lynn Berry-Austin; Lecturer III, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice; M.S., Indiana State University;
addition of three hours; salary $2,955 for the three hours, prorated from the effective date of February 4, 2009.
Angela Bonnell; Lecturer III, Analytical Department; M.B.A., Indiana State University; six hours; salary $6,000, prorated
from the effective date of February 10, 2009.
Robert E. Burton; Student Teacher Supervisor, Education Student Services; M.S., Indiana State University; additional
supervision of one student teacher; salary $600 for the additional student.
Penny Clevenger; Lecturer II, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; M.S., Indiana State University; three hours;
salary $2,565.
Barbra Frymier; Student Teacher Supervisor, Education Student Services; M.A., Indiana State University; supervision of
one student teacher; salary $544.
David A. Harris; Lecturer II, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology; M.S., Indiana State
University; addition of three hours; salary $3,000.
Xiaoxia Silvie Huang; Lecturer I, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology; M.A., National
University of Singapore; three hours; salary $3,000.
Leslie R. King; Lecturer II, Organizational Department; M.P.A., Indiana State University; three hours; salary $2,565.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 44 of 58 Elaine L. Korhonen; Student Teacher Supervisor, Education Student Services; M.Ed., Loyola University of Chicago;
supervision of two student teachers; salary $1,200.
Michael Madriaga; Student Teacher Supervisor, Education Student Services; M.S., Indiana University; supervision of one
student teacher; salary $544.
Daniel R. Miller; Lecturer III, Department of Music; D.M.A., Michigan State University; three hours; salary $2,955.
Charles F. Potts; Lecturer III, Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Foundations; Ph.D., Indiana
State University; three hours; salary $3,000.
Harold L. Schipp; Student Teacher Supervisor, Education Student Services; Ed.S., Indiana State University; supervision of
three student teachers; salary $1,182.
Sharon M. Sutherlin; Education Student Services; M.S., Indiana State University; supervision of one student teacher;
salary $319.
Carmen E. Tillery; Lecturer III, Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Foundations; Ph.D., Iowa
State University; three hours; salary $3,000.
Qun Zhang; Lecturer II, Department of Electronics, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering Technology; M.S., East
China Normal University-Shanghai; three hours; salary $2,565.
Change of Status and/or Pay Rate
Tim R. Gritten; Assistant Librarian and Head of Library Systems, Library Services; stipend of $5,000 for the added
responsibility as Interim Head of Acquisitions/Serials, Library Services; effective March 1, 2009, through August 31,
Steven R. Hardin; Associate Librarian; stipend of $10,000 per fiscal year, prorated for the effective dates of March 1,
2009, through June 30, 2009; for the added responsibility as Interim Head of Reference/Instruction.
Anthony Kaiser; from Head of Reference/Instruction and Assistant Librarian, Library Services, to Assistant Librarian,
Library Services; effective March 1, 2009; assisting with ongoing projects until June 30, 2009; to surrender
department head supplement effective June 30, 2009.
Elizabeth A. Lorenzen; from Head of Acquisitions/Serials and Librarian, Library Services, to Librarian, Library Services;
effective March 1, 2009; assisting with transition in Acquisitions until June 30, 2009; to surrender department head
supplement effective June 30, 2009.
Leah Nellis; Associate Professor of School Psychology, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School,
and Educational Psychology; stipend of $6,400 for the added responsibility as Project Director of the Collaborative
Problem Solving Project, Blumberg Center; for the spring semester of the 2008-2009 academic year.
Ira M. Shuff; Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling,
School, and Educational Psychology; change in leave of absence from the 2008-2009 academic year (at 60 per cent
pay) to the fall semester of the 2008-2009 academic year (at full pay).
Catherine L. Stemmans; Associate Professor of Athletic Training, Department of Athletic Training; stipend of $5,000 for
the added responsibility as Faculty Fellow, Center for Public Service and Community Engagement; for the 20092010 academic year.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 45 of 58 Xiaocan Lucy Wang; Assistant Librarian, Library Services; $1,200 to be added to 2008-2009 fiscal year base for
completion of the terminal degree; M.L.I.S., University of Oklahoma-Norman; salary $44,000 prorated from the
effective date of March 1, 2009.
Leave of Absence With Pay—2009 Fall Semester
Mohammad A. Badar, Department of Electronics, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering Technology
Christopher L. Berchild, Department of Theater
Eliezer Bermudez, Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Health Sciences
Michael R. Chambers, Department of Political Science
Robert Goldbort, Department of English
Eric M. Hampton, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology
Michael Hayden, Department of Technology Management
Steven L. Lima, provisional Department of Biology
Rolland H. McGiverin, Department of Library Services, effective July 1, 2009, through December 31, 2009.
Elizabeth O'Laughlin, Department of Psychology
N. Ann Rider, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Sudipto Roy, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Athanassios Strigkas, Department of Recreation and Sport Management
William Warfel, Analytical Department
Tarek Saad Zaher, Analytical Department
Guo Ping Zhang, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Leave of Absence With 60 Percent Pay-2010 Calendar Year
Richard W. Fitch, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Thomas L. Steiger, Department of Psychology
Leave of Absence With Pay—2010 Spring Semester
Sandra Brake, Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology
Peter Carino, Department of English
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 46 of 58 Eric Glendening, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Constance A. McLaren, Analytical Department
Michael J. Murphy, Department of Psychology, effective January 1, 2010, through June 30, 2010
Shawn M. Phillips, Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology
Ernest J. Sheldon, Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Health Sciences
Award of Tenure
Daniel J. Bradley, Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Physics; effective April 22, 2009
Faculty Promotions to Professor
(Effective August 1, 2009)
Bradley V. Balch, Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Foundations
Michael R. Chambers, Department of Political Science
Kurt Fowler, Department of Music
Brian Kilp, Department of Music
Qihao Weng, Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology
Margaret Whitaker, Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Faculty Promotions to Associate Professor and Award of Tenure
(Effective August 1, 2009)
Ronald T. Allen, Department of Aviation Technology
Kathryn L. Bauserman, Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Christopher L. Berchild, Department of Theater
Kimberley J. Bodey, Department of Recreation and Sport Management
Denise E. Collins, Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Foundations
Brendan W. Corcoran, Department of English
Bassou El Mansour, Department of Technology Management
Richard W. Fitch, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Rusty A. Gonser, provisional Department of Biology
Kandace G. Hinton, Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Foundations
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 47 of 58 William Mitchell, provisional Department of Biology
Katherine R. Lloyd; Lecturer III, Department of Political Science; effective March 20, 2009.
Peter J. Papadopoulos; Assistant Professor of Theater, Department of Theater; effective July 31, 2009.
Bethanne M. Schlee; Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences, Department of Family and Consumer
Sciences; effective May 31, 2009.
Dale W. Sparks; Post Doctoral Research Associate, provisional Department of Biology; effective June 30, 2009.
Ira M. Shuff; Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling,
School, and Educational Psychology; effective December 31, 2008.
Kathleen A. Gaul; Librarian Emerita, Library Services; effective July 31, 2008.
Ira M. Shuff; Associate Professor Emeritus of Counseling Psychology, Department of Communication Disorders and
Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology; effective December 31, 2008.
Item (IV)(b)(ii)(2):
Personnel Items Support and Administrative Staff
Melvin Altes; Stationary Engineer II; Power Plant; $15.75/hr; effective March 30, 2009.
Michael Colson; Public Safety Officer, Public Safety; $16.41/hr; effective March 09, 2009.
Lois Ellis; Student Services Assistant, Student Financial Aid; $9.60/hr; effective March 30, 2009.
Lisa Harwood; Administrative Assistant I, College of Nursing, Health & Human Services; $10.35/hr; effective April 27,
Jo Larimer; Administrative Assistant II, Center for Public Service & Community Engagement; $11.25/hr; effective March
09, 2009.
Sue Murphy; Administrative Assistant I, Upward Bound; $10.35/hr; effective March 17, 2009.
Daniel Parmer; Public Safety Officer, Public Safety; $16.41/hr; effective March 02, 2009.
Amanda Reel-White; Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr; effective March 02, 2009.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 48 of 58 Mollie Shepard; Custodial Worker I, Sandison Housing; $8.74/hr; effective March 09, 2009.
Pamela Smallwood; Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr; effective March 09, 2009.
Karen Titzer; Condit House Housekeeper, Condit House; $10.49/hr; effective March 23, 2009.
Mary Letner; Custodial Worker II, Hulman Memorial Student Union; effective March 17, 2009.
Joshua O’Brien; Public Safety Officer, Public Safety; effective April 09, 2009.
Jayme Payne; Service and Operations Supervisor, Registrars Office; effective April 06, 2009.
Joseph Bergeron; Electrician, Facilities Management; effective February 03, 2009.
Sally Haskell; Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; effective March 31, 2009.
Debra Light; Custodial Worker I, Sycamore Housing; effective March 25, 2009.
Michael Branum; Grounds Worker I, Facilities Management; effective May 29, 2009.
Wandell Gabey; Administrative Assistant I, Curriculum, Instruction and Media Technology; effective April 10, 2009.
Juliette Scott; Custodial Worker I, Burford Housing; effective April 17, 2009.
Change in Status and/or Pay Rate
Vickie Magill; from Library Associate II, Cunningham Memorial Library; $11.95/hr to Library Associate IV, Cunningham
Memorial Library; $13.35/hr; effective February 23, 2009.
Stella Switzer; from Custodial Worker I, Maehling Terrace University Apartments; $9.05/hr to Custodial Worker I,
Sycamore Housing; $9.05/hr; effective March 07, 2009.
Brandon Adamson; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr to Custodial Worker,
Facilities Management; $8.74/hr; effective February 17, 2009.
Mark Auman; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $13.80/hr to Custodial Worker I,
Facilities Management; $14.00/hr; effective January 19, 2009.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 49 of 58 Stanley Callahan; skill assessment from Grounds Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr to Grounds Worker, Facilities
Management; $8.74/hr; effective February 17, 2009.
Sally Haskell; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr to Custodial Worker, Facilities
Management; $8.74/hr; effective February 17, 2009.
Christopher Heleine; skill assessment from Public Safety Officer, Public Safety; $16.41/hr to Public Safety Officer; Public
Safety; $16.90/hr; effective April 18, 2009.
Jodi Kindred; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.74/hr to Custodial Worker I, Facilities
Management; $8.94/hr; effective June 18, 2008.
Leonard Kite; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr to Custodial Worker, Facilities
Management; $8.74/hr; effective December 02, 2008.
Amber Lytle; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr to Custodial Worker, Facilities
Management; $8.74/hr; effective February 17, 2009.
Peggy Murdock; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $8.54/hr to Custodial Worker,
Facilities Management; $8.74/hr; effective February 17, 2009.
Jonathan Ringo; skill assessment from Public Safety Officer, Public Safety; $15.85/hr to Public Safety Officer; Public
Safety; $16.34/hr; effective April 18, 2009.
Karen Wells; skill assessment from Custodial Worker, Facilities Management; $9.05/hr to Custodial Worker I, Facilities
Management; $9.25/hr; effective February 04, 2009.
ADMINISTRATION Temporary Appointments
Paul Mausel; Project Administrator and Material Developer, Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology;
Ph.D., University of North Carolina; salary $7,500 for the effective dates of April 01, 2009, through September 30,
Dennis Skelton; Research Assistant/Material Developer, Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology; Ph.D.,
Indiana State University; salary $5,220 for the effective dates of April 01, 2009, through September 30, 2009.
Change in Status and/or Pay Rate
Marybeth Dye; from Staff Nurse, Student Health Center to Clinic Nurse Supervisor, Student Health Center; salary
$48,000 per fiscal year prorated from effective date of April 01, 2009.
Craig Enyeart; from Temporary Assistant Director, Student Judicial Programs to Assistant Director, Student Judicial
Programs; effective July 01, 2009.
R. Bridget Gaddis; from Interim Director, Student Health Center to Director, Student Health Center; salary $65,000 per
fiscal year, prorated from effective date April 01, 2009.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 50 of 58 Jeffery Jacso; from Assistant Vice President and Controller to Associate Vice President and Controller; salary $102,500
per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of February 19, 2009.
Domenic Nepote; from Assistant Treasurer and University Bursar, to Associate Vice President for Finance and Assistant
Treasurer; salary $102,500 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of February 19, 2009.
Amanda Owen; Assistant Registrar, Office of Registration and Records; stipend of $2,500 for the added responsibilities as
Interim Associate Registrar, Office of Registration and Records; effective February 01, 2009, through June 30, 2009.
Melvin “Chip” Rogers; from Director of Payroll, Payroll Office to Director of Budget and Payroll and Assistant to the
Vice President for Business Affairs and Finance; salary $69,000 per fiscal year, prorated from the effective date of
February 19, 2009.
Kenneth Maddox; Program Assistant, Student Academic Services Center; effective March 13, 2009.
Elliot Robins; Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, Office of Information Technology; effective March 20, 2009.
Michael Shriner; Director of Evaluation for Project PRE, College of Education; effective May 04, 2009.
Catherine Baker; Director Emerita, Student Academic Services Center; effective December 31, 2008.
Francis Drake; Director Emerita, Student Health Center; effective July 11, 2008.
Joanne Wright; Program Coordinator Emerita, Department of Psychology; effective December 18, 2008.
David Poinsett; Assistant Football Coach; M.A., University of South Carolina; employment period January 01, 2009
through December 31, 2009; salary $40,000 prorated from effective date of March 01, 2009.
Justin Ruetz; Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach; B.S., Saint Joseph’s College; employment period January 01, 2009
through December 31, 2009; salary $25,000 prorated from effective date of March 02, 2009.
Troy Walters; Assistant Football Coach; M.A., Stanford University; employment period January 01, 2009 through
December 31, 2009; salary $43,260 prorated from effective date of February 16, 2009.
Melanie Boeglin; Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach; employment period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010; salary
Cameron Campbell; Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach; employment period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010;
salary $30,000
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 51 of 58 Deryl Cunningham; Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach; employment period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010; salary
Louis Gudino; Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach; employment period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010; salary
Greg Lansing; Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach; employment period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010; salary
Clint Weddle; Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach; employment period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010; salary
Change in Status and/or Pay Rate
Shea Swoboda; Assistant Soccer Coach; contract extension for the period February 1, 2009 through March 11, 2009 at
same salary.
Item (IV)(b)(iii):
Grants and Contracts
1. Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Fund No. 548394, Proposal No. 08-200
An agreement in the amount of $89,342.56 has been received from the Indiana Economic Development
Corporation for the project entitled, “West Central Indiana Small Business Development Center,” under the
direction of Heather Penney, Indiana Small Business Development Center, for the period January 1, 2009
through December 31, 2009.
2. Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Fund No. 548395, Proposal No. 09-120
An agreement in the amount of $19,275.02 has been received from the Indiana Economic Development
Corporation for the project entitled, “West Central Indiana Small Business Development Center,” under the
direction of Heather Penney, Small Business Development Center, for the period January 1, 2009 through June
30, 2009.
3. Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Fund No. 548396, Proposal No. 09-119
An agreement in the amount of $11,593.77 has been received from the Indiana Economic Development
Corporation for the project entitled, “West Central Indiana Small Business Development Center,” under the
direction of Heather Penney, Small Business Development Center, for the period January 1, 2009 through June
30, 2009.
4. Purdue University, Fund No. 548401, Proposal No. 09-084
A sub agreement under the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration in the amount of $5,000 has been
received from Purdue University for the project entitled, “University Liaison for the Indiana Center for Assistive
Technology,” under the direction of Richard Pittelkow, Center for Business Support and Economic, for the
period December 1, 2008 through November 30, 2009.
The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Fund No. 548407, Proposal No. 08-137
A sub agreement under the United States Department of Agriculture in the amount of $31,550 has been received
from The Ohio State University Research Foundation for the project entitled, “Greenhouse Nurseries, OH
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 52 of 58 Project at The Ohio State University,” under the direction of Jay Gatrell, Geography, Geology, and
Anthropology, for the period September 1, 2008 through October 31, 2009.
Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc., Fund No. 548408, Proposal No. 09-061
An agreement in the amount of $4,942 has been received from Wabash Valley Community Foundation for the
project entitled, “ISU ECEC Toddler Playground Renovation,” under the direction of Gail Gottschling, Early
Childhood Education Center, for the period January 1, 2009 through May 30, 2009.
7. Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc., Fund No. 548409, Proposal No. 09-058
An agreement in the amount of $5,000 has been received from the Wabash Valley Community Foundation for
the project entitled, “ISU ECEC Pre-School Scholarships,” under the direction of Gail Gottschling, Early
Childhood Education Center, for the period January 1, 2009 through May 30, 2009.
8. Access Technology Across Indiana, Fund No. 548410, Proposal No. 09-118
An agreement in the amount of $3,000 has been received from Access Technology Across Indiana for the project
entitled, “Motorsports Networking Workshop,” under the direction of Tad Foster, College of Technology, for
the period February 9, 2009 through June 30, 2009.
Indiana Campus Compact, Fund No. 548411, Proposal No. 09-098
An agreement in the amount of $500 has been received from Indiana Campus Compact for the project entitled,
“Alternative Spring Break,” under the direction of Tradara Sprowel, Center for Public Service and Community
Engagement, for the period March 7, 2009 through March 14, 2009.
10. State Farm and Youth Service America, Fund No. 548414, Proposal No. 09-103
An agreement in the amount of $1,000 has been received from State Farm and Youth Service America, for the
project entitled, “Semester of Service,” under the direction of Peter Millar, Center for Public Service and
Community Engagement, for the period January 1, 2009 through May 30, 2009.
11. Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Fund No. 548415, Proposal No. 08-185
An agreement in the amount of $14,375 has been received from Indiana Department of Environmental
Management for the project entitled, “Western Indiana Community e-Scrap Collection,” under the direction of
Paul Reed, Facilities Management, for the period February 6, 2009 through February 5, 2010.
12. Indiana Department of Education, Fund No. 548418, Proposal No. 09-145
An agreement in the amount of $37,500 has been received from Indiana Department of Education for the project
entitled, “ISU and Indiana Department of Education Motorcycle Rider Educational Safety Training Program,”
under the direction of Stanley Henderson, Health, Safety, and Environmental Health, for the period March 9,
2009 through December 11, 2009.
13. Indiana University, Fund No. 548421, Proposal No. 09-092
A sub agreement under the Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services
Administration through Indiana University in the amount of $332,553 has been received for the project entitled,
“West Central Indiana Area Health Education Centers,” under the direction of Richard Williams, Nursing,
Health and Human Services, for the period September 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.
14. Vigo County Local Coordinating Council, Fund No. 548427, Proposal No. 09-028
An agreement in the amount of $7,777 has been received from Vigo County Local Coordinating Council for the
project entitled, “Campus Alcohol and Drug Awareness,” under the direction of William Mercier, Public Safety,
for the period January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 53 of 58 15. Ecosystem Management, Inc., Fund No. BAT, Proposal No. 09-137
An agreement in the amount of $23,907 has been received from Ecosystem Management, Inc., for the project
entitled, “Survey of Bats Near Hoopston, Vermilion County, Illinois,” under the direction of John Whitaker,
Biology, for the period March 9, 2009 through December 31, 2009.
16. Biomet, Fund No. IPRDC, Proposal No. 09-014
An agreement in the amount of $740 has been received from Biomet for the project entitled, “Package Testing
Research/Development,” under the direction of Marion Schafer, Industrial and Mechanical Technology, for the
period June 9, 2008 through June 8, 2009.
17. City of Jasonville, Indiana, Fund No. ANTHLB, Proposal No. 09-156
An agreement in the amount of $1,200 has been received from City of Jasonville, Indiana for the project
entitled, “Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance, Jasonville Sewage Facility Improvements, Greene
County, Indiana,” under the direction of C. Russell Stafford, Geography, Geology & Anthropology, for
the period February 11, 2009 through July 1, 2009.
18. Gohmann Asphalt & Construction, Inc., Fund No. ANTHLB, Proposal No. 09-177
An agreement in the amount of $1,500 has been received from Gohmann Asphalt & Construction, Inc.
for the project entitled, “Archaeological Records Review and Phase Ia Reconnaissance,
Gohmann Excess Materials Disposal Area On North First Street, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana,”
under the direction of Russell Stafford, Geography, Geology & Anthropology, for the period April 6,
2009 through July 1, 2009.
19. Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc., Fund no. 548412, Proposal No. 09-102
An agreement in the amount of $12,927 has been received from the Wabash Valley Community
Foundation, Inc. for the project entitled, “Indiana EASE,” under the direction of Nancy Rogers, Center
for Public Service and Community Engagement, for the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009.
Item (IV)(b)(iv):
Internship Relationship
1. Nursing Internships
Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide nursing internships for students.
Bayfront Medical Center, Inc., St. Petersburg, FL
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, IL
Clay Community Schools, Knightsville, IN
Family Health and Help Center, Rockville, IN
Hendricks Regional Health, Danville, IN
Immanuel St. Joseph’s-Mayo Health System, Mankato, MN
INTEGRIS Grove General Hospital, Grove, OK
Ivy Tech Community College Southeast, Madison, IN
Koweta Indian Health Facility, Coweta, OK
McMillan Adult Day Service, Terre Haute, IN
Ogden Clinic, Ogden, UT
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, Boise, ID
Samaritan Health Services, Inc., Corvallis, OR
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 54 of 58 St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Terre Haute Regional Hospital, Terre Haute, IN
Terry Reilly Health Services, Nampa, HI
The Bethany Circle of King’s Daughters’ of Madison, Madison, IN
Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN
2. Union Hospital Family Medicine East, Terre Haute, IN
The purpose of this agreement is to provide internships for students in the Department of Athletic Training.
3. Driver Training Internships
Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide driver education internships for students in the
Department of Health, Safety and Environmental Health Sciences.
A+ Driving Academy, Lebanon, Indiana
Indiana All Star Driving School, Noblesvillle, IN
Let’s Go Driving School, Inc., Vincennes, IN
4. Communication Disorders Program Internships
Agreements have been reached with the following facilities to provide internships in a hospital for students in the
Communication Disorders Program.
Carle Therapy Services, Urbana, IL
Clarian Health Partners, Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Paragon Rehabilitation, Inc., Goodlettsville, TN
Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, IN
5. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Black Hills Health Care System
The purpose of this agreement is to provide clinical internships for students in the Department of Psychology.
6. Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR
The purpose of this agreement is to provide internships for students in the Department of Recreation and Sport
7. University Speakers Series , 2009-2010
Agreements have been reached with the following agencies to provide the services of Bryan Burrough and Andrew
Young as part of the University Speakers Series, 2009-2010.
Greater Talent Network, New York, NY
The Harry Walker Agency, Inc., New York, NY
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 55 of 58 Item (IV)(c):
Memorial Resolutions
IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Barbara Kreutz
WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Kreutz, Assistant Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences, died on the third day of
January, two thousand and nine;
WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Kreutz had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for seventeen years and
had gained the respect and affection of students and colleagues who knew her as a scholar, teacher and friend;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to
her family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and profound respect for the superior service
which she gave to the University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her family
IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Melvin Frazier
WHEREAS, Dr. Melvin Frazier, Professor Emeritus of Elementary Education, died on the fifth day of January, two
thousand and nine; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Melvin Frazier had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty-two years and
had gained the respect of students and colleagues who knew him as a scholar, teacher and friend;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his
family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the dedicated service which he gave
to the University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.
IN MEMORIAM: Texie Everman
WHEREAS, Texie Everman, Support Staff Food Services Worker in the Burford Dining (retired), died on the fifteenth
day of February, two thousand and nine; and
WHEREAS, Texie Everman had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for eleven years and had
gained the respect and affection of those who knew her as a co-worker and friend; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to
her family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the service which she gave to
the University; and
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 56 of 58 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her family.
IN MEMORIAM: Dorothy Hunsicker
WHEREAS, Dorothy Hunsicker, Support Staff Custodial Worker in the Facilities Management (retired), died on the
twenty-ninth day of February, two thousand and nine; and
WHEREAS, Dorothy Hunsicker had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for eighteen years and
had gained the respect and affection of those who knew her as a co-worker and friend; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to
her family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the service which she gave to
the University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her family.
IN MEMORIAM: Emmett Munyon
WHEREAS, Emmett Munyon, Electrician in Facilities Management (retired), died on the eleventh day of March, two
thousand nine and;
WHEREAS, Emmett Munyon had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for thirteen years and had
gained the respect of those who knew him as a dedicated co-worker and friend;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his
family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the superior service which he gave
to the University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.
WHEREAS, Floyd Long, Custodial Worker I in the Physical Plant (retired), died on the thirteenth day of March, two
thousand nine and;
WHEREAS, Floyd Long had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for fourteen years and had gained
the respect of those who knew him as a dedicated co-worker and friend;
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 57 of 58 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to his
family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and respect for the superior service which he gave
to the University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to his family.
IN MEMORIAM: Louise Pound
WHEREAS, Louise Pound, Associate Professor Emerita in Women’s Physical Education, died on the thirteenth day of
March two thousand and nine;
WHEREAS, Louise Pound had given loyal and devoted service to Indiana State University for twenty four years and had
gained the respect and affection of students and colleagues who knew her as a scholar, teacher and friend;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by this Resolution expresses to
her family deep sympathy and condolence and further expresses gratitude and profound respect for the superior service
which she gave to the University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread on the records of the minutes of the Indiana State
University Board of Trustees, and that a copy thereof be duly executed and transmitted to her family.
Recommendation: Acceptance of the Resolutions and acknowledgement of years of service to the University.
On a motion by Mr. LaPlante, seconded by Ms. Bell, the recommendation was approved.
Old Business
Mr. Alley adjourned the meeting at 9:45 a.m.
Indiana State University Board of Trustees Agenda Saturday, May 9, 2009 Page 58 of 58