Amazing Kids Magazine - Spring 2013
Amazing Kids Magazine - Spring 2013
NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PITTSBURGH, PA PERMIT NO. 748 1405 Shady Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217-1350 AMAZING NEEDS AMAZING RESULTS thank you The Children’s Institute has been part of our community for more than 100 years. And the next 100 years will be even more amazing. We are so very grateful to everyone who has donated money, time or services that allow us to help children with special needs reach their greatest potential. To us, you are truly amazing. Visit our website at Follow us on Facebook at Please recycle this publication when finished. If you would like to be added or removed from our mailing list, please call 412.420.2203 or visit our website at When you ask to be removed from our mailing list, The Children’s Institute will make a reasonable effort to ensure you are not contacted again. The Children’s Institute does not sell, trade or forward mailing lists. C O M M U N I T Y B E N E F I T S R E P O R T & A N N UA L R E P O R T 2012 Our Mission The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh is dedicated to promoting the quality of life for children, young people and their families by providing a specialized continuum of services that enable them to reach their potential. Contents 5 Community Benefit 7 Patient Satisfaction 8 The Hospital 14 The Day School 18 Project STAR 22 Research Program 24 Vision 2016: Shaping the Future 26 Financials 29 Board of Directors 31 Donors Dear Friends of The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh, In 1902, a badly injured child needed help and care. The Children’s FY 2012 Community Benefit Statement Institute — then the Memorial Home for Crippled Children — came into being in response to that child’s need, and he not only survived; he thrived and grew into productive adulthood. More than a century later, that same pattern — need, response and results TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES : $43,739,712 — still guides our work. We identify a significant community need; then, through The Hospital, The Day School, and Project STAR, we respond with services that use today’s best practices — and we produce results that greatly benefit kids and their families. Working in an uncertain healthcare environment and a still-fragile TOTAL COMMUNITY BENEFIT EXPENDITURES: $5,261,233 Charity care and certain other community benefits at cost economy poses major challenges, but we are able to achieve our mission through careful planning and stewardship — and extraordinary support from individuals and organizations in the communities we serve. We are enormously grateful to be able to respond to so many important community needs and to be able to produce such amazing results. Sincerely, Michael J. Hannon David K. Miles, MEd, MPM Chairman, Board of Directors President and CEO COMMUNITY BENEFIT AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 12.03% Just ask the Desmore family of New Orleans. Our family-centered approach leads to exceptional satisfaction. 6 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT The family had struggled for years with 7-year-old Allison’s Prader-Willi Syndrome and was in crisis when they brought her to Pittsburgh. Dad Alan returned to work while mom Holly and baby Claire, 15 months, stayed at Heasley House, The Children’s Institute’s courtesy facility for families. Claire’s developmental delays required therapies the family had postponed to come to Pittsburgh — but The Children’s Institute staff knew the postponement wasn’t beneficial, so they arranged treatment. Claire was diagnosed, treatment was initiated — and soon the tot who hadn’t been close to walking was zipping around with her tiny new walker. Meanwhile, Allie’s treatment team diagnosed her with several serious conditions in addition to her Prader-Willi Syndrome. “No doctor back home had done that, but here they did — and they knew how to help,” says Holly. Before Allie’s discharge five months later, it was clear that, although she had greatly improved, the family would need help caring for her — so staff partnered with Holly and Alan to advocate vigorously for the care. That level of family-centered care isn’t accidental — it’s a century-old tradition recently formalized to ensure that every child and family receives services that are expert, collaborative and respectful. “A lot of places talk about family-centered care — but The Children’s Institute makes it happen,” says Holly Desmore. “There’s no place else like it in the world.” – Holly Desmore On average of families would recommend The Hospital at The Children’s Institute. This score is considered excellent among children’s hospitals. of parents are satisfied with , The Day School s services. of Project STAR families and client agencies would recommend Project STAR to others. AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 7 THE HOSPITAL AT TH E CH IL D REN ’S I N STI TUTE With treatment at The Children’s Institute, Vanden is now happily eating and drinking a good portion of his meals. Little Vanden Bickar, 14 months, was nourished only through a feeding tube. He had refractory epilepsy and developed further problems that left him unable to take a single sip or bite. Vanden was referred to the region’s most comprehensive Functional Feeding Program Health issues left little Vanden Bickar unable to take a single sip to drink or a tiny bite to eat. 8 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT — at The Children’s Institute. The program offers inpatient and outpatient options, and Vanden needed the intensity of inpatient treatment. A multidisciplinary team — physicians, nurses, speech/language pathologists, physical and occupational therapists and nutritionists — evaluated the toddler and developed a treatment plan. (Behavioral psychologists are part of the team when appropriate). Treatment began with techniques to work on Vanden’s lip closure and on the skills involved in moving food around in the mouth and chewing it. The team — including Vanden’s family — also worked on Vanden’s motor skills, some of them related to feeding issues and some because prior hospitalizations had led to developmental delays. In Uncompensated Care FY 2012 Gradually, as the team worked with Vanden several times daily, he began to be able to take liquids, and eventually solids, by mouth. And by his discharge eight weeks later, he was happily eating and drinking a good portion of his daily calories. Today Vanden is an outpatient at The Children’s Institute’s Bridgeville satellite. His mom, Alissa Bickar, says, “The program has been extraordinary, with great communication and family involvement. Vanden is exceeding expectations, and we can’t thank The Children’s Institute enough.” AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 9 Improving Swallow Studies Often a first step in diagnosing feeding problems is a “modified barium swallow study,” a radiology procedure that shows a child’s swallow as it happens. At The Children’s Institute, the studies are child-friendly: the child is acclimated to the room beforehand, family members are present to give the child the food containing the barium, and the studies are done via a “C arm” that can be positioned around a high chair in which the child sits comfortably. It adds up to relaxed kids that remain relaxed during the process — and successful studies. Hospital Earns Rare Accreditations Healing Injured Young Brains The Hospital at The Children’s Institute has received three coveted accreditations — and a compliment — from CARF, the independent international Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Accreditations include: Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Pediatric Specialty Program (there are only 32 in the country; no other in Pennsylvania); Inpatient Brain Injury Rehabilitation Pediatric Specialty Program (seven in the country; no other in Pennsylvania); and Outpatient Rehabilitation — Single Service Pediatric Specialty Program (38 in the country; one other in Pennsylvania). CARF has also praised the Center for Prader-Willi Syndrome, a Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh Center of Excellence. Ivory Heard, 20, suffered a traumatic brain injury in a terrible auto accident. Months of treatment in acute-care hospitals saved her life, but Ivory was still nearly comatose, unable to respond, breathing on a ventilator and being fed through a tube. Her next-step alternatives: a nursing home — or The Children’s Institute. Her family chose the Center for Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation, a Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh Center of Excellence, whose intensive treatment and rehabilitation program was created to help people like Ivory get their lives back. Over Ivory’s five-month stay, physicians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, speech/language pathologists, psychologists and nutritionists worked intensively with her, aided by her loving family. By the time she was discharged, Ivory was walking with assistance and her personality was shining through. Today she continues to make progress through outpatient therapies and looks forward to returning to school. Her mom, Kelly, says, “We made the right choice: The Children’s Institute was the only place for her to be.” Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities RND and “Tough Love” Fifteen-year-old Kenna was in excruciating pain. Her doctors in Texas were unsure how to treat her reflex neurovascular dystrophy (RND) — so they referred her to the Pain Rehabilitation Program at The Children’s Institute. RND is marked by disproportionately severe — even excruciating — pain following an injury. Paradoxically, successful treatment involves intensive physical and occupational therapies that exercise the affected areas. Psychological counseling and biofeedback help patients manage stress. Over her eight-week stay, Kenna improved remarkably. “We had a wonderful experience there,” says Kenna’s mom, Vicki Faust. She smiles and adds, “The therapists do ‘tough love’ in a nurturing and effective way.” While many patients benefit from an inpatient stay, some families in the region said they want their kids to continue in school while receiving treatment. In response, The Children’s Institute launched a new late-afternoon scheduling program. Begun at the main Squirrel Hill campus, the late-afternoon scheduling model is so successful that it will expand to the Norwin Hills satellite later this year. The Hospital at The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh is of only 20 freestanding pediatric rehabilitation specialty hospitals in the country. And the only one in Pennsylvania. 10 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Using the Mind to Control the Body Biofeedback, in which the mind is trained to control body functions that are normally involuntary, can be a powerful treatment tool. It typically involves linking the patient to a computer — through sensors on the fingers or head — and having the patient practice focusing his or her mind to control objects on the screen. Biofeedback sounds like magic, but it works as patients learn to control their heart rate, breathing, skin conductance and even brainwaves and brain blood flow. Biofeedback is often used with patients who have RND and with others who’d benefit from learning relaxation techniques to manage stress and pain. In the Autism Service, biofeedback is used to help young patients increase their attention and focus. Most patients succeed at biofeedback — and most enjoy the process. AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 11 Experience That Works for Kids Helping Kids Breathe and Grow For therapists at The Hospital at The Children’s Institute, education + experience = expertise. Most good healthcare institutions can manage the medical care of kids who depend on ventilators to help them breathe — but The Children’s Institute offers more: it helps the kids catch up developmentally. Three-year-old Svana McCool of Brookville is a chubby-cheeked child born with significant health problems. One of her surgeries left her on a vent and deconditioned enough that she couldn’t even hold her head up or grasp objects. Svana came to The Children’s Institute, and over a two-month stay, excellent medical and nursing care plus intensive physical, occupational and speech/language therapies helped her become a playful little girl again, even able to toddle around with a portable vent. Along the way, her family members learned the at-home care for her complicated equipment. “The staff was patient and wonderful with us,” says mom Rachael McCool. “We’re so glad we went there.” Average length of inpatient stay, in days 12 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Physical Therapists Occupational Therapists Speech/Language Pathologists 28 Therapists 29 Therapists 44 Pathologists 18 Doctorate Degrees 1 Doctorate Degree 3 Doctorate Degrees 8 Master’s Degrees 23 Master’s Degrees 36 Master’s Degrees 8 Specialty Certificates 6 Specialty Certificates 3 Specialty Certificates Example: Pediatric Certified Specialist (there are only 40 in the state). Example: Certified Brain Injury Specialist Example: Neuro-developmental Treatment 220 Years Combined Experience 310 Years Combined Experience 360 Years Combined Experience Helping Kids Recover from Concussions The Children’s Institute’s Outpatient Concussion Management Program treats children and young people from preschool through college age. Drawing on the expertise of the Hospital’s Center for Brain Injury Rehabilitation, a Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh Center of Excellence, the multidisciplinary team helps patients cope with symptoms that can be both physical (for example, headaches and balance problems) and cognitive (for instance, inattention). The team works with patients and parents to structure a safe return-to-activities schedule, and, when appropriate, advises patients’ schools about necessary curriculum modifications. The ultimate goal: to help the patient regain his or her optimal level of function as quickly as possible. Outpatient medical and therapy services are also offered at three satellite sites in Wexford, Bridgeville and Norwin Hills. AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 13 THE DAY SCHOOL AT TH E CH IL D REN ’S I N STI TUTE The Day School at The Children’s Institute is individualizing technology, enabling our students to be more independent. A student at The Day School, Brent has severe cerebral palsy that necessitates the use of a wheelchair. His most effective and controlled motions are with his head. “Learning to manage leisure is important for everyone, but it’s not easy for young people with significant disabilities,” says Cheryl Fogarty, EdD, Chief School When most teenagers boot up their MP3 players, it’s no big deal. But it’s a very big deal when Brent Smalstig,19, rocks the house. 14 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Administrator. “So, particularly as our students get older, we focus on helping them move toward independence in leisure.” Brent had become adept with his augmentative communication device, making selections by inclining his head leftward onto a padded switch. The reliable but slow process involved scanning through multiple options; that took time, but it let Brent converse by choosing what the computer would say for him. Then a new-generation device offered more capability. So Brent’s teacher, the school’s lead physical therapist, the staff rehabilitation engineer, and Pitt’s Rehabilitation Engineering Department — a longtime research partner — collaborated to figure out how to help Brent use the device for his leisure. They outfitted Brent with a high-tech marvel: a tiny sensor that can adhere to his forehead, and on his device a little camera that sees where the sensor is pointing. It took a lot of painstaking practice, but now Brent looks at his device’s screen and moves his head, making a selection simply by pointing the sensor at whatever he wants — for instance, Springsteen’s “Glory Days.” Brent’s device can also read e-books, and soon the staff will load his favorite videos. Kathy Smalstig, Brent’s mom, says, “Being able to entertain ourselves is a lifelong skill. The Day School wants Brent to have the quality of life his father and I want for him, and they’re caring and Students in expert enough to help The Day School him achieve that.” AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 15 Using Technology to Go Back in Time Have you ever wished you could easily identify the triggers for a child’s sudden behavior? Teachers at The Day School are working on doing exactly that. In some classrooms for students with autism, The Day School is piloting “behavior imaging” technology. When a puzzling behavior occurs, the technology records it — and, when the teacher hits a button on a remote, the system’s buffering capability shows not only the behavior but also what occurred in the minutes before it. “Seeing what preceded the behavior helps us understand the cause,” says Cheryl Fogarty, Chief School Administrator, “and that understanding informs ongoing intervention and treatment.” The use of behavior imaging technology is also being explored in the professional development of teachers and others working with children who have autism. The videos can also be shared with the students’ families and physicians, demonstrating behaviors better than words could. School Districts Provide Feedback New Curriculum Moves Ahead The Day School’s new District Advisory Panel brings representatives from ten southwestern Pennsylvania school districts together twice a year to provide feedback about The Day School’s programming and services and to make recommendations about future activities. The purpose of the Panel is to help ensure that The Day School provides students with education and skills relevant to the communities in which the students live. Each school district provides the funding for its students who attend The Day School — so it’s essential to include representative districts’ input about both current and future programming and services. This year, The Day School continued creating its own curriculum focusing on assessment. The components of standardized assessment instruments are often not detailed enough to reflect the incremental developmental progress of students with significant disabilities. Without that detail, it’s difficult to determine whether progress is being made and what the “next steps” should be. The Day School has adapted standardized assessment instruments and developed its own literacy screening tool. By color-coding the steps in each student’s progress, teachers, parents and school district representatives can readily see the gains students make each school year. The Day School plans to make the entire new curriculum available to other schools when it’s complete. Number of school districts from which the students come Special Olympics For the first time last year, The Day School hosted its own Special Olympics track and field meet. More than 50 students competed in both regulation and adapted events. The large parking lot at The Children’s Institute was transformed with lane markings, cooling tents, daises for medalists, refreshment tables, judges’ perches, areas for spectators, and (of course) an Olympic torch. The event earned rave reviews from kids, families and staff. Patients seen this year in the Autism Service 16 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 17 PROJECT STAR AT TH E CH IL D REN ’S I N STI TUTE 700 kids, ages 10 through 21, are still in foster care or group homes across Pennsylvania. 18 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT How Zach found a “Forever Family.” The tidy Hermitage home of the Long family looks typical: three kids and their friends zooming in and out, laughing, grabbing snacks and talking about school. But the Longs are unusual because the oldest child, 14-year-old Zach, is the newest addition to the family. Zach — an outgoing kid with a great smile — was adopted through the Older Child Matching Initiative (OCMI) — a statewide program with which Project STAR works to find “forever families” for older kids who are traditionally less likely to be adopted. Terri and Jonah Long had two younger kids — both adopted — but wanted a larger family. Terri met Zach, who had been in foster care in Johnstown, at a special matching event — and they clicked. Terri smiles as she recalls, “Jonah was working out of town. I called him and said, ‘I think I’ve met our son!” After discussion with each other, Project STAR and the agency responsible for Zach — plus a lot of thought and prayer — the Longs arranged for Zach to visit for a weekend … and he’s never left. Today the Longs are a close, happy, multicultural family. Zach is delighted with his role as big brother to Allie, 7, and Trenton, 4 — and the younger kids are crazy about him. But across Pennsylvania, 700 kids, ages 10 through 21, are still in foster care or group homes waiting for their own forever families. If you have room in your home and your heart to consider adopting an older child, contact Russ McCurdy at Project STAR at 412.244.3083 or AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 19 Family Visitation Center Gets Rave Reviews Project STAR’s new Family Visitation Center, part of the Center for Family Visitation, a Children’s Institute Center of Excellence, is receiving high usage — and great reviews. The Center’s purpose: to provide a homelike space that families can use for their court-ordered supervised visitations. Two adjacent houses on The Children’s Institute’s Squirrel Hill campus were remodeled and joined to create the new facility. In Allegheny Resource families trained County, many and ready to foster or visitations now adopt a child take place in office settings. But Walter H. Smith Jr., PhD, Integrated Program Initiatives Manager for the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, says, “Families working to recreate or support bonds do best when the setting encourages ordinary activities like preparing something to eat or sitting on the couch reading a story. “We believe the Project STAR Family Visitation Center is an excellent model. It raises the standard, and one of our goals in the future is to find ways to support what The Children’s Institute does around visitation.” Program Helps Parents and Teens “We’ve learned a lot about ourselves as well as our children.” That’s a father talking about Teaming Together with Teens (TTT), a program in which Project STAR partners with Beaver County Children and Youth Services. The purpose: to help parents and their teenage kids experiencing conflict learn mutual understanding and to help parents learn to respond productively to teens. Two groups — with teens facilitated by CYS and parents facilitated by Project STAR — meet every other week over a meal. Typical meeting topics include anger management, bullying and social media safety. Between meetings, Project STAR caseworkers spend time with parents in the family home, working on family-specific issues. Kristin Lee, Project STAR Permanency Specialist and TTT Program Director, says, “Many families simply need to brainstorm and problem-solve while for others we recommend additional supports.” Some families self-refer to the program, and some are referred by CYS. In TTT’s first year, just ended, 93% of parents reported that their participation helped them feel better prepared to handle their teens’ behaviors; 68% reported improved use of non-aggressive consequences when teens didn’t follow rules; and 67% increased rewards for teens who complied with rules. Medical Foster Care Saves Kylie Kylie was a very sick baby. Hospitalized since her birth in New Jersey, and with parents unable to care for her, she was brought to Pittsburgh for treatment at Children’s Hospital of UPMC — but she couldn’t be placed on the list for a multi-organ transplant unless a foster family could be found to provide the Children placed complicated medical with loving care she needed. foster families Project STAR stepped in — and asked the Schnupp family of Brighton Township to step up. “We were blessed with five healthy children and wanted to help a child who wasn’t so healthy,” says Mike Schnupp. So while Kylie underwent treatment and multiple extensive therapies at The Hospital at The Children’s Institute, Mike and his wife Amie learned how to care for Kylie, who went home as their foster child. The excellent healthcare in the hospitals and at home, plus lots of love from her foster parents and siblings, produced remarkable results: The Schnupps adopted Kylie, whose health improved enough that she no longer needs a transplant. Backpacks, Haircuts, Boots and Bieber Basic services are vital to help families survive — but sometimes it’s the “extras” that help them thrive. That’s why Project STAR offers two special programs with support from generous donors. This was the second year for Starting Fresh Leads to Success which helps kids from Project STAR families start school with the confidence that comes from new clothes, backpacks and haircuts. A very generous anonymous donor underwrote this year’s expenses. In partnership with STAR 100.7 radio and its big-hearted listeners, the annual Holiday Gift Drive once again brought joy to dozens of Project STAR families who might otherwise not have had a Christmas. Kids were delighted by gifts ranging from Elmo and underwear, Families strengthened by to Bieber and boots. all Project STAR services in all locations 20 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 21 Creating Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Children’s Institute Researchers Develop New “Best Practices” Staff Members Lead in Professional Development Some people are surprised to learn that The Children’s Institute, a relatively small organization, has a research program that is robust, comprehensive — and successful. Long a collaborator with researchers at universities and colleges, The Children’s Institute launched its own program two years ago. A highly respected research manager, Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, joined the staff, and The Children’s Institute’s own Institutional Research Board (IRB) was formed. An IRB is a formally structured committee, regulated by the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration, that carefully evaluates proposed research projects with close attention to legal and ethical issues. The Children’s Institute’s research focus is translational — aimed at developing evidence-based “best practices.” Today there are nearly two dozen studies in the pipeline from design, to data collection, analysis and completion. Principal investigators are staff professionals collaborating 22 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT across a wide range of disciplines. The studies, which involve not only The Hospital, but The Day School and Project STAR, include, for example: the development of ways to reduce the occurrence of pressure sores in patients with spinal cord injuries; examination of the swallowing function in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome; using collaborative robot play to improve the communication skills of students who have augmentative communication devices; and determining whether, and to what degree, family visitation is more productive in a homelike setting. Most projects are accomplished in partnership with other research institutions — for instance, University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, Duquesne, Chatham, Drexel and Slippery Rock — while some are fully independent. When studies are completed, Children’s Institute researchers share the newly developed knowledge through conference presentations, professional meetings and publications. Members of the staff of The Children’s Institute continually share their professional expertise with colleagues in the region and across the country. Presentations at conferences and meetings, leadership in organizations that advocate and inform, and teaching tomorrow’s professionals are all activities that ultimately benefit kids and families everywhere. AWARDS HAP Achievement Award Presented by the Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania honoring excellence and innovation in healthcare for The Children’s Institute’s manager training program National Marketing Impact Award Presented by Children's Hospital Association to The Children’s Institute for its entry Philanthropy and Awareness Bloom Where Planted PNC's Community Achiever of the Month Award BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBER POSITIONS David Miles, MEd, MPM Hospital Council of Western PA, Board Member Children’s Hospital Association Education Council ABOARD’s Autism Connection of PA, Professional Advisory Council, Board Member Stacey Vaccaro, MPM, FACHE American College of Healthcare Executives, Western PA Chapter, Board Member Sharon Dorogy, MEd PA eHealth Initiative Organization, Board Chair PA eHealth Collaborative Office, Stakeholder & Communications Committee Member Jane Keim, BS, OT Brain Injury Association of PA, Past President The International Pediatric Rehabilitation Collaborative, Vice Chair Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition, Past Steering Committee Member Helene Conway-Long, MBA, CFRE Association of Fundraising Professionals, Board Officer LEAD Pittsburgh, Board Member Karen Liljequist, MLIS, AHIP Medical Library Association, Professional Recruitment and Retention Committee Special Libraries AssociationPittsburgh Chapter, Employment Committee Chair POSTER SESSION Scott Faber, MD International Medical Conference for Autism Research (Toronto, Canada), A Comparison Study of Inorganic and Organic Compounds in Children PRESENTATION (CONFERENCE, EVENT) Judy Conroy, MEd, C.A.P.E. Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Motivation For The Hesitant Swimmer With Special Needs Mary Denison, PhD, NCSP National Association of School Psychologists, National Convention, Self-Injurious Behavior in the Low-Incidence Population Sharon Dorogy, MEd Western PA Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society, Key Trends in the Healthcare Value Chain Expert Western PA Healthcare Financial Management Association, HIE: What's All the Buzz About? Sharon Dorogy, MEd Cheryl Fogarty, EdD Cynthia Morelock, MS, CCC-SLP International Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference, Round Table Presentation, iPads: Birds of a Feather Scott Faber, MD Environmental Toxicity and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Chemical, Metals and Autism, a Tale of Two Studies Nicole Garcia, MSN, RN Phelicia Goshea, RN, COTA/L Hospital Association of Pennsylvania, Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program/ Central Line-Associated Blood Streams Infection Co-Hort Conference Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC/SLP 0 HealthSouth Harmarville and Northern Speech Services, Interventions for Respiratory Disorders: Effects of Lung Volume Our Lady of the Lake Hospital (Baton Rouge, LA) and University Health System of Eastern Carolina and Northern Speech Services (Greenville, NC), Tracheotomy Tubes and Ventilators: What the Speech/Language Pathologist Needs to Know about Communication and Swallowing National Association of Long Term Hospitals, Physician Training Conference (New Orleans, LA), Breathing, Swallowing, and the Tracheostomized Patient: Turning Evidence into Practice Maryanne Henderson, DO Sue Hersh, MS Sven Lynch, DPT, CBIS Jessica Sattler, OTR/L, CBIS Heather Ufberg, EdM, PsyD Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit, ABI – Pediatric Rehabilitation and School Re-entry Jane Keim, BS, OT Children’s Hospital Association Leadership Conference (Seattle, WA), Cultivating Clinical Leadership GUEST LECTURE Sharon Dorogy, MEd University of Pittsburgh School of Health Related Science Scott Faber, MD Autism Research Institute (Newark, NJ) Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC/SLP Neuroimmunology Division, Dept of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh Katie Hartman, MA, CCC-SLP Prader-Willi Syndrome Association - Pennsylvania chapter meeting Karen Liljequist, MLIS, AHIP University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh Theresa Miller-Ferri, MPT, PCS Chatham University Marybeth Trapani-Hanasewych, MS CCC/SLP Rich Butler Duquesne University Stacey Vaccaro, MPM, FACHE Slippery Rock University AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 23 VISION2016 24 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Shaping the Future The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh will be a nationally and internationally recognized leader in the provision of family-centered care and coordination of services for children and youth with special needs and for any child needing rehabilitation services. The hallmark of The Children’s Institute’s legacy will continue to be an unwavering commitment to these children and their families. The New Strategic Plan Today The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh is a recognized leader in pediatric rehabilitation, the education of students with significant special needs and social services that build and strengthen families. The challenge, of course, is to ensure that the organization will still be able to serve kids and families tomorrow. How to do that? Through an energetic and meticulous strategic planning process that helps position The Children’s Institute to respond productively to challenges in healthcare, education and social services. The Children’s Institute recently completed “Vision 2016,” a strategic plan resulting from 18 months of intensive work. Led by the Board of Directors, and with participation throughout the organization — including families of young patients and students — the plan provides a detailed road map to a sound organizational future. “Vision 2016” lays out four overarching strategic objectives: 1. Establish The Children’s Institute as the leader in innovative and integrated care and education delivery models for children and youth with special healthcare needs. Each of the overarching objectives has associated sub-objectives, and the plan outlines the tactics and resources needed to meet the objectives. The Children’s Institute’s Board, management, and staff are now “working the plan.” We have created five Centers of Excellence and each is working to heighten its impact through the framework specified in the plan. • Center for Acquired Brain Injury 2. Establish and enhance “Centers of Excellence,” which adhere to a framework that includes expertise/best practices; continuity of care; family-centered focus; results/outcomes; knowledge sharing; research; advocacy; and external affirmation. 3. Provide comprehensive permanency and family support services. Rehabilitation • Center for Autism • Center for Family Visitation • Center for Prader-Willi Syndrome • Center for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation The end result of making the plan a reality will be that The Children's Institute will be able to do even more to benefit children and families. 4. Continue to develop organizational capability to ensure sustainability of the mission. AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 25 Financial Review STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Net Service Revenue OF THE CHILDREN’S INSTITUTE During Fiscal 2012 service-related operating revenues increased approximately $2 million or 5 percent. All client-related reimbursements reflected no increase in payment for service. This was a direct result of the increase in client services, the majority of which was related to hospital outpatient activity. Because of this increase in client services along with expenses related to electronic health record implementation, operating expenses increased by approximately $2 million. Also, total assets decreased by $5 million as a direct result of investment activity correlating to the financial market involvement. Facts and Figures (Thousands) Revenue EXPENSE & REVENUE FY 2012 (Thousands) FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 $ 33,176 36,155 37,759 Other Operating Revenue $ 905 629 1,018 Net Assets Released from Restriction for Operations $ 275 297 242 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 34,356 37,082 39,020 Salaries and Wages $ 20,319 20,099 21,759 Employee Benefits $ 7,495 7,956 6,931 Other Expenses $ 14,033 11,807 13,271 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 41,847 39,862 41,962 Excess of Operating Expenses Over Revenue $ (7,491) (2,780) (2,941) $ 11,278 4,652 3,264 $ 3,787 1,872 323 Operating Expenses 20,000 $18,048 $18,197 Total Net Expense: $41,962 Total Net Revenue: $39,020 15,000 $12,874 Non Operating Gains (Losses) $12,052 Net Non-Operating Gains Excess Of Revenues Over Expenses 10,000 (Expenses Over Revenue) Assets $7,057 $5,249 Total Current Assets $ 13,442 9,618 9,575 Other Assets $ 100,546 117,680 112,274 Property, Plant and Equipment (Net) $ 25,880 28,303 28,773 TOTAL ASSETS $ 139,868 155,601 150,622 5,000 $3,293 $2,787 0 EXPENSE REVENUE Inpatient EXPENSE REVENUE Outpatient & Satellite EXPENSE REVENUE The Day School EXPENSE REVENUE Project STAR *Includes Net Periodic Pension Expense — Defined Benefit Pension Plan, change in fair value of interest rate SWAPS and miscellaneous. $690 $735 EXPENSE REVENUE Other* Liabilities and Net Assets Total Current Liabilities $ 5,368 4,953 6,425 Long-Term Liabilities $ 43,940 38,595 53,207 Net Assets $ 90,560 112,053 90,990 TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET ASSETS $ 139,868 155,601 150,622 NOTE: Some expense classes have been changed compared to prior years. Some numbers reported may vary from previous annual reports due to reporting adjustments. 26 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 27 Financial Review continued The Children’s Institute Board of Directors, 2012–2013 STATISTICS FUNDING SOURCE NET REVENUE Actual FY 2012 Medicare (5%) FY 2012 Children, Patients and Families Served School District (5%) Commercial and Managed Care (27%) Medical Assistance (15%) Outpatients Served (Therapies) 2,314 Outpatients Served (Physician Clinics) 1,255 Inpatients Served 400 Day School Students 189 Project STAR Children and Families 1,671 Total 5,829 The Children’s Institute is supported, inspired and guided in many different ways by volunteer leaders who donate their time, expertise and personal resources. CHAIR DIRECTORS ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Michael J. Hannon Gregory B. Benckart Christina Cardoso Patricia Suzanne Chesko John R. Denny Carolyn D. Duronio Shawn Fox Holly Hatcher-Frazier, EdD Joseph E. Imbriglia, MD Jonathan M. Kamin J. A. Katarincic Jr. Ellen P. Kessler Allan MacDougall III James W. Marczak F. Brooks Robinson Jr. Susan Baker Shipley Merrill P. Stabile Nita Wadhwani Nancy M. Armstrong Thomas J. Bachman Burnett G. Bartley Jr. Mary Florence Brown Mrs. Davis C. Burroughs Jr. Paulette P. Cantwell Henry C. Cohen N. John Cooper, DPhil Sandy W. Côté Ann H. Cutter George M. Egan Sheila C. Fine VICE CHAIRS J. Keefe Ellis Jr. Pamela W. Golden John K. Thornburgh SECRETARY Lisa C. Fagan Uncompensated Care* $3,136,886 All Other (6%) Government (42%) Employees (excludes Temporary Employees) Staff and Contracted Physicians Volunteers COMPONENT NET REVENUE Actual FY 2012 Other (2%) TREASURER Michele M. McKenney *Charity care and government shortfall. 462 PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 9 David K. Miles, MEd, MPM 346 CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER Licensed Beds 72 Inpatient Average Daily Census 33 Maryanne J. Henderson, DO Henry J. Gailliot Gus P. Georgiadis Lillian H. Goldsmith George C. Greer Paul A. Heasley Joan M. Kaplan Marcia L. Keehn Pradeep K. Khosla, PhD Eileen L. Lane Ann M. McGuinn B. Gordon Nelson III Barbara K. Nelson Maureen S. O’Brien Judy G. Papernick James S. Pasman Jr. Ruth S. Perfido Patricia R. Rooney Jean McD. Scott Lea H. Simonds Ann E. Sullivan Harry A. Thompson II Ginny Thornburgh Jamee W. Todd James W. Ummer Farley W. Whetzel Susan C. Williams Margot B. Woodwell Front row, left to right: Michele M. McKenney, treasurer; Michael J. Hannon, chair; David K. Miles, president and chief executive officer; Maryanne J. Henderson, chief medical officer; Pamela W. Golden, vice chair; Back row, left to right: Susan Baker Shipley; Shawn Fox; Patricia Suzanne Chesko; Jonathan M. Kamin; Nita Wadhwani; J.A. Katarincic Jr.; Christina Cardoso; F. Brooks Robinson Jr.; Ellen P. Kessler; Allan MacDougall III; Holly Hatcher-Frazier; Absent from photo: J. Keefe Ellis Jr., vice chair; John K. Thornburgh, vice chair; Lisa C. Fagan, secretary; Gregory B. Benckart; John R. Denny; Carolyn D. Duronio; Joseph E. Imbriglia; James W. Marczak; Merrill P. Stabile. Project STAR (7%) Outpatient & Satellite (13%) Day School (31%) Inpatient (47%) 28 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 29 A NN UA L REPOR T OF amazingdonors FISCAL YEAR 2011 - 2012 Thanks to the kindness of our amazing donors, The Children’s Institute was able to provide services to over 5,800 children and families in fiscal year 2012. We gratefully acknowledge the individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations who together contributed funds in support of our amazing kids. The following is a list of donors who made contributions during the last fiscal year, July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Donors of $100 or more are listed here. 30 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 31 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE INDIVIDUAL DONORS Marcia and Si Keehn In fiscal year 2012, The Children’s Institute Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelly Jr. received support from 1,653 individuals and Eric and Alice Neishloss families, including donors who Sandy and Edgar Snyder provided support through their estates Anonymous Donor or trusts. Donors of $100 or more are listed Pradeep K. Khosla, PhD Melissa Drexler Mrs. Kelly K. Massimilla Jim and Carla Wilding Mr. and Mrs. Lauren A. Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morrison Ms. Carolyn D. Duronio Jim and Amy Mathieu James and Judy Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Feiling Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Muckle Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougall III Bill and Lorraine Egan William McAlister Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson Ms. Anna Fisher Ms. Mary E. Mulhearn Martha Lockhart Mason Trust Mr. and Mrs. J. Keefe Ellis Samuel A. McClung III Anonymous Donor (5) Curt and Kim Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Z. Nasr and Ms. Thespine Kavoulakis Jan and Dennis McGlone Peter Ellis In Memory of Mary Mellon McClung Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. McGuinn Kathy and Wally Enick and Cynthia McClung Stone Richard D. Flinn Kenny and Gordon Nelson $500 – $999 Dr. Cheryl Fogarty Michael, Liz and Tessa O'Rorke below. For a complete list of $5,000 – $9,999 Michele McKenney and Charles Cohen Ms. Victoria Nimick Enright James P. McDonald Barbara and Marcus Aaron II John and Char Fullerton Ms. Bonnie Otis donors, please visit Charles A. Brooks Charities Mr. Richard A. Mellon Estate of Rose Noon Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McLean Ms. Ann Averback Bill and Annick Gallagher Mr. Toby Page Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Brown Jody Mulvihill Lisa C. Fagan and James G. Wallace Mrs. Ruth E. McLean Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Baroffio Mrs. Olive Lee Gilliand Ruth and Leonard Perfido Mr. and Mrs. John T. Chesko Mr. Charles Polonsky Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Finegold Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Meyer Mr. George Basara Robert W. Glenn, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pudlo Alan and Susan Citron Edward E. Rieck Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Evan S. Frazier Rebecca and David Miles Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Baum Lillian and Ken Goldsmith Pullen Family Louise Colteryahn Charities Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schaefer Esther and Stuart Glasser Janet and Donald Moritz Annette and Robert Becker Estate of Albert R. Goldsmith Mr. Daniel Ratesic Judy and Ron Davenport Mr. Joseph A. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Murphy Jr. Mr. Jack R. Bertges George and Jane Greer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Reichard Ellen P. and Jack J. Kessler Gretchen and Michael Smarto Becky Gloninger Mr. Satish and Dr. Shashi R. Narang Pat and Donna Bianconi Bob and Patti Gregorka Mr. James H. Rich Mrs. Paula M. Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. John K. Thornburgh Susan and Earl Glotfelty Dylan and Zahra Nauhaus Timothy and Deborah Bittner Roxann Diez Gross Mrs. Dorothy H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCartan Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. James Gockley Alice P. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Blake Ms. Carol E. Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Ryals Pamela W. Golden Jane and Jim Pasman Don and Katherine Blenko Jeanne Hanchett, MD Mr. Sam Sarandis $20,000 – $100,000 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Quinn $1,000 – $2,499 Luis and Stephanie Gonzalez III Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Randazza Cynthia Bognar Hung-Wei Huang Ms. Michele L. Schmid Beatrice Eakins Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks Robinson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Pritam M. Advani Mr. and Mrs. George M. L. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan Ms. Romayne Botti Mrs. Maureen O. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schreiber Estate of William J. Karolyi Barbara and Herb Shear Daniel Aloe and Debbie White James Gregory, MD Rockwell Combined Memorial Trust Suzy and Jim Broadhurst Christina Jennings and Guido D'Elia Susan, Charlie, and Leigh Shanor Maureen S. O'Brien Ms. Naomi L. Siegel Nancy and Henry Armstrong Dr. Steven Hacker Bette and Howard Rom Chuck and Jill Brodbeck Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kearns III Mrs. Lea H. Simonds Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ms. Amy E. Haid Dozie Babcock Sheahan Deborah and Don Brodine Brian and Emily Kelly Gayle and Bill Simpson Jean M. and John F. Hensler Ribitha and Balu Shetty Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brownlee Mr. Marc T. Kennedy Bobbie and Keith Smith J. Randolph Hiller Mr. Ray Shirah Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bryson Ms. Margaret R. Kilner Michael and Kimberly Sossong Ovid D. Robinson Trust Ms. Ritchie Scaife and Mr. Eric C. Cooper Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. John A. Staley IV $10,000 – $19,999 Tilden Bennett and Pamela Handlovitch (Bill and Kathy) Bauer Mr. and Mrs. David Billings $2,500 – $4,999 Mr. Kevin J. Boroch Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillman Richard and Virginia Simmons The Carr Family Jill and Charley Knox Mr. and Mrs. William C. Springer The Charles M. Alexander Trust for the Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bozzone Joseph and Nannette Hrycko Sam and Linda Smalis James and June Chamberlain Mr. Jeremy Kulow Clifford N. and Diane Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Bridges Mary Beth and Dan Joscak Hon. and Mrs. William L. Standish Mrs. Sally H. Childs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tessmer Ms. Katherine Kameshka Steven and Wendy Sternberger Helene Conway-Long Margery J. Loevner Mr. and Mrs. John W. Testa Benefit of Leland and Daniel Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Benckart Mr. Robert H. Brown Carlos and Christina Cardoso Mr. Ross F. Bevevino Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cain Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Katarincic Jr. Ann Ebbert Sullivan Wendy MacKenzie and Alexander Cortesi Ms. Tammy L. Tice Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Calihan Mrs. Mary Ann Casey Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Keim Dick and Ginny Thornburgh Mary and Walter Curley Joseph and Diane McNally Ms. Sandra R. Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chait Sheila and Milton Fine Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Cleborne Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. King Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Tremont Mr. and Mrs. John R. Denny Dr. and Mrs. Ron Mignella Jack and Joan Diederich Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Flury Ms. Bridgid E. Cody Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kossman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Turcsanyi Jan and Kia deVries Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Elliott Mr. L. Martin Hurbi Judy and Michael Hannon and Ms. Tracy Quinn-Hurbi and Thomas B. Long Jr. Eileen J. D'Appolonia Mr. and Mrs. Craig Leiderman Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Wadhwani Tina deVries Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. George A. Davidson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Lobdell Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Werstil Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dollard Sean Montgomery, MD Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Imbriglia Mr. Clint Hurdle Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Donahue Catherine and Mark Loevner John R. Whitaker Beth Dubyak and Louis Towchik Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher Montgomery Mrs. Cindy Ingram Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jackson III Andrew and Nancy Drazdik Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Marsico Bruce and Barbara Wiegand Sylvia and Norman Elias Ms. Fay Moraif 32 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 33 amazingdonors Kathy and Joe Tosh Mrs. Lenora J. Vasey OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Mr. Thomas N. Canfield and Dr. Patricia H. Canfield Tondalaya Hampton James P. Mondzelewski, MD Ms. Tabitha H. Riggio Mrs. Jacquelin G. Wechsler Ruth Bechtle-Pierce Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brownell Jr. Mr. Robert J. Hanley Ms. Gwendolyn Y. Moore Philip and Lorrie Roberts Mr. Zachary Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Becker Ms. Diane C. Buchan Virginia H. Volponi Paulette Cantwell Mr. David Herring Ms. Cynthia Morelock Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks Robinson Jr. Mr. Richard P. Wilkes David and Barb Benedict Dr. and Mrs. Gibson P. Buchanan Ms. Amy Weber Patrick Carfagna Ms. Rebecca E. Hirsch Mrs. Beatrice E. Morrison Mr. Nicholas G. Rock Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Wyckoff Paul G. Benedum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Buehler Jr. Gisela and Konrad Weis Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Bruno A. Holnaider II Locky and Lisa Nimick Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Rockar Jr. Mr. Howard S. Yoder Ms. Carla Bergamasco Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Buerger Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Weizenbaum Bill Caroselli and Dusty E. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. David G. Holzworth Mrs. Nancy L. Olcott Mr. and Mrs. William Roemer Anonymous Donors (4) Ms. Denise Bergey Mr. Gregory J. Burgman Ms. Beverly W. Willner Dr. Chester Chorazy Rick and Beth Hosking Mr. J. Lee O'Nan Richard and Debra Rua Mr. Randy L. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ostrowski Luisa Rylott Mr. Jimil B. Wilson and Dr. Anna Chorazy Mr. Elias Betras Ms. Kathryn Burgwin $100 - $249 Ms. Laura Y. Bibel Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Burke Roberta A. Wolowski Gerard and Louise Cipriani Ms. Caitlin E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Perriello Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Sachnoff Ms. Arlene Abbondanza Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Biedrzycki Dr. and Mrs. John A. Burkholder Mr. Eric M. Wright John and Karen Cooper Michael and Janet Karpa Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Petro Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Schmerling Dr. Steven Abo and Dr. Holly Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Bigley Ms. Diana L. Burton Ms. Nancy Yoshikawa Mr. John C. Crogan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kells Betty and John Philips Stephanie and Michael Schneider Harry and Carol Adelsheimer Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bildstein John and Lisa Bush Mr. Joseph G. Zyra Ann and Louis Cutter Mr. and Mrs. R. Drew Kistler Mr. and Mrs. William C. Porr Jr. Mr. Herbert L. Seigle and Ms. Robin Lawrence N. Adler, MD Mr. and Mrs. G. William Bissell Kayla Bush and Monet Murphy Anonymous Donor (7) Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Daboo Mrs. Amy M. Kuntz David and Linda Profozich Mrs. Maria Allen Ms. Christine R. Bissert Dr. and Mrs. Sidney N. Busis Mr. Richard C. Daley Eileen and Nicholas Lane Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Prokopik Steven H. Sell Mr. and Mrs. David A. Allerton Mr. Matthew J. Bittner Ms. Dawn Butler $250 – $499 Carmen and Frances D'Ambrosio Susan Oberg Lane Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Queenan Jr. Ms. Barbara M. Shadle Ms. Amy E. Andersen Ms. Kristen Bjorklund Michael F. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Davis III Bruce R. Lang Ms. Joyce Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Mathias R. Shaner Ms. Patricia M. Andersen Pastor Bill and Linda Blacksmith Ms. Donna M. Carmen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Angerman The Staff of The Day School Dr. and Mrs. Steven Latulippe Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Redlinger Sr. Marlene and Art Silverman Bill and Susan Andrews Mr. Thomas H. Blackwood Carol and James Cassel Ms. Chelsea J. Angle Ms. Elizabeth B. DesCombes Reverend and Mrs. Thomas C. LeClere Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reiter Jr. Robert and Janet Skees Ken and Dottie Ardell Mr. and Mrs. George M. Blair Mr. Michael J. Castillo Gerry and Samantha Balbier Jeff and Joan Dierdorf Paul and Susan Lieber Gerda Reyersbach Robert and Elizabeth D. Smith Jane C. Arkus Mr. and Mrs. H. Vaughn Blaxter III Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caughey Mr. Thomas J. Balestrieri Mr. David Dorko Ms. Elsa Limbach Mrs. Susan A. Snow Mrs. Jean F. Armstrong Ms. Eva Blum Ms. Roxanne L. Chalich Marshall and Karen Balk Mrs. Rachell H. Dorsey Ms. Emily Jane Linn Mr. Dale A. Stein Ms. Lynn Armstrong Ms. Myrna Blume Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Chan Mrs. Edith Catherine Bashline John and Lucy Douglas Louise B. Lytle Ms. Carol Lynn Tabas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Armstrong Ms. Francesca M. Bonadonna Cheyenne Court Neighbors Mrs. Margaret Beattie Ms. Micaela Scott Dudley Ms. Paige M. Mahaley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Taylor Mr. Michael Aronson Kent and Nancy Bowers Ms. Susan Chikalla Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Becker Mr. David Duncan Louise and Michael Malakoff S. Lynn Taylor Mr. Louis P. Astorino Jr. Ms. Anne E. Bowes Child Family Mrs. Alice Beckwith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Evans Lauren and Hampton Mallory Gail Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Athey Mr. and Mrs. William E. Boyd Jr. Mr. George Childs and Dr. Miya Asato Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Beeman Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fagan III Mr. and Mrs. James Marczak Ms. Carmen M. Tener Mrs. Ann W. Austin Kathy and James Braham Dr. Paula Ann Chorazy Mr. Curtis Beeson Mr. Eli S. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John C. Marous III Barbara and Robert Thaw Harry and Mary Ellen Austin Mr. and Mrs. S. Richard Brand Chuck and Mary Beth Chrissis Stephanie and Tom Flannery Ms. Diane M. Marzula Mr. David Thornburgh Eugenia Avery Dr. Ewa Brandys Ms. Sharon L. Christiano Mr. Albert D. Christmann and Ms. Brenda Batenburg J. Bernstein Mrs. Daniel H. Benckart Mr. and Mrs. Hans G. Fleischner Dr. and Mrs. David M. McConnell Jr. Dennis and Michelle Tilko Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Avery Lori Ella Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bohr Lee and Isabel Foster Dr. and Mrs. Richard McHugh Spencer and Wendy Todd Mr. Timothy M. Babbert Mr. and Mrs. Terence Brophy Dorene T. Ciletti, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bozic Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Fox Mr. David P. McSorley Mr. Russell J. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. David E. Barensfeld Dr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Broudy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ciriello Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh L. Brown Ms. Chakira George Ms. Christina Medica Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Vaccaro Mr. and Mrs. Blain S. Bargo Mitchell and Ronda Brourman Margaret E. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Buck Jane N. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mellon Ms. Donna M. Verone Ms. Laurie Barksdale Carol R. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Cobetto Patricia and Charles Burke Mr. and Mrs. F. Charles Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mellon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wainwright Mr. Michael Barnard Amy and Eric Brown Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Colen Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Bush Joan Gulley and HR Leadership Team Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Minervini Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Walla Ms. Eleanore Barovitch Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alan Brown Margy Coll Mr. George F. Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Guttman Miss Elizabeth Ann Momich Tom Walters Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Barrett Tom and Lee Brown Jean Connell 34 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 35 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Mr. K. Glenn Cornman Mr. Laurence F. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Ken and Mary Hupe Mr. and Mrs. Cole Leppold Ms. Margaret M. McManus Suzanne Nolan Bill and Nancy Rackoff John and Susan Cosgrove Judith Englert Mr. Stephen T. Gorman Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Hurite Mr. Terry Lerman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McVeigh Philip E. and Antoinette Norton Ms. Jennifer Ann Raleigh Mrs. Susan Ann Couchenour Mr. and Mrs. William J. Falavolito Ms. Rita J. Gould Drew and Stacy Hurt Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Lesako Dr. Amish Mehta and Dr. Amy Mehta Mr. and Mrs. Emmett J. Nury Mr. G. Scott Rantovich Ms. Hanley B. Cox Dan and Nancy Fales Mr. Adam Graswick Mrs. Gladys L. Husted Mrs. Shirley K. Lewellen Mr. and Mrs. S. Prosser Mellon Ms. Christine O'Brien Grace Ratajeski Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Crane David and Rebecca Fallgren Ms. Y. Patricia Graves-Helvy Buzz and Mary Lou Hutchison Ms. Karen Liljequist and Mr. Rick Lawes William and Virginia Merchant Mr. Ron Ocheltree Mrs. Marilyn Rattner Ms. Jane A. Crompton Ms. Michele Ciara Farrell Dana and Richard Green Janet R. Inghram Robert and Carolyn Liljequist Robert G. Mialki Ms. Barbara Oldenburg John and Ann Rayne Ms. Diane L. Curry Larry B. Fingeret Janet and Gary Grysiak Annette and Sean Isgan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Limbach Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz Caroline O'Nan Ms. Jeanne Rheaume Kimberly and Andrea Damin Mr. James K. Finkel Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Guarino Jr. Mr. Stephen Ivol Mr. and Mrs. H. Kennedy Linge Mr. and Mrs. David H. Miller Jerry and Mickey O'Neill Nick and Mary Riazzi Eugene T. Danko, MD Mrs. Lois K. Finkel Ms. Marianne Haffey Mr. Douglas A. Jones Dr. Rodney C. Lipman Mrs. Doris Jane H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Neill Jr. Dylan Kowalski Dr. Holly W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Finkel Mr. Christian Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones Michael and Sally Litrun Mr. and Mrs. Errol Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terrence O'Neill Jim and Mary Risbon Joan Clark Davis Mr. Charles M. Fischer Edward Halferty Mr. John M. Jubas Diana Lozinger Mr. and Mrs. James C. Miller Dee Jay Oshry and Bart Rack Thomas and Lisa Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. John P. Davis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fischetti Mr. and Mrs. Herb Halsband Hannah and Marvin Kamin Mr. Carlo Luciano Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Sullivan Carol Robinson and Jeffrey Markel Lawrence C. Deihle George D. Fish and Kathleen A. Sullivan Mr. William Hamilton Sam and Joan Kamin Mrs. Annette Lutz Bernero Family Mr. and Mrs. James R. Padden Stephen Robinson Sister of Delta Delta Delta Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John Hanasewych Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Karpa Mr. Jeremy J. Madeja Ms. Donna Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Panczak Mr. Roger Roble Debra L. Demmler Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fisher Honorable Janet Harner Ms. Mary E. Kearns Ms. Athena Patrinos Mahramas Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mintz Susan and Jeffrey Parker Jane Roesch Deborah Desjardins Col. Eugene Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. John D. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kern Donald and Dana Manges Wendy and Bryant Mitchell Ms. Theresa A. Parker Mr. Ronald C. Rogos Mr. Robert R. Mitchell Ms. Audrey L. Parlagrego Beth Rom Mr. Charles Pasco Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Roman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Flach Mr. and Mrs. David Hart Ms. Kelly L. Kilgour Mr. and Mrs. William A. Marquette Mr. and Mrs. David James DeWitt Ms. Ann P. Flaherty Ms. Kristen L. Hartmann Juergen and Julie Kloo Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Mars Mr. and Mrs. James DiAndreth Eric and Kathryn Fogle Mr. and Mrs. David B. Heaton Joe and Marcie Knittel Mr. Nicholas Marshall Dr. Michael Mokotoff Mr. Michael Pata Robert and Gene Dickman Mrs. Christina C. Friday Mr. William D. Heinricher Mark and Ginny Koenig Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Mollish Robert and Donna Paul Irwin Dobrushin Dr. and Mrs. Abraham W. Friedman Mr. Robert J. Heiple Mr. and Mrs. John S. Koodrich Donald F. Mason Mr. and Mrs. George Monezis Jr. Dr. Bin Peng Mr. and Mrs. Gale V. Dobson Mrs. Carolyn L. Funk Mr. Ransom R. Heller Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Korb Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Mason Ms. Mary S. Monroe Mr. Rajeev Peshawaria Mr. Mark J. Dominici Mary Anne Gailliot Ms. Jane Cieslak Hellmann Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Kraft Mrs. Sharon Rahaw Mastorovich Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Moritz Ms. Chelsea R. Peterson Mr. Matthew Donner Edward and Laurie Gallager Mark and Connie Heppenstall Blaire Kramer Jeffrey and Linda Mates Mrs. Sylvia Muckle Mr. and Mrs. John A. Petrovich and Michael Gunzenhauser, PhD and Ms. Linda J. Fleming George and Sharon Dorogy Ms. Christina Gassette Ken and Pam Herdman Elaine and Carl Krasik Mrs. Helen F. Mathieson Mrs. Barbara Mullen Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pfahl Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gaydos Jim and Beth Hergenroeder Ms. Lucy A. Krut Sarah and Barry Mayer Ms. Judith A. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Pfiffner Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Dudley Mark and Annie Gensheimer Mrs. Betty K. Hess Mrs. Theresa M. Kutruff Patricia and Paul Mays Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Munhall Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pinsker Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dunn Mr. Keith C. German Beth and Douglas Heuer Mr. and Mrs. J. Landsbach Marc and Michelle McAndrew Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munion Mr. David W. Plank Ms. Pamela L. Dusch Mr. William F. Gladora Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hock Stan and Ina Lane Mrs. Nancy McDonald Mrs. Elsie M.B. Murray Mr. and Mrs. William R. Plank Mr. and Mrs. John J. Eckenrod Leon and Marilyn Gleser Carol Hoffman Mr. Christopher V. Lang III Ms. Linda M. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Muse Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pomposini Ms. Ruth Eckman Mr. William E. Goehring Janet C. Hoffman Mr. Christopher W. Lang Mr. and Mrs. James Cooke McGough Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mycka T.J. Dardet Preston Mr. and Mrs. John Edelman Ms. Macy Goh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hoge III Ms. Quynh T. McGuire Ms. Karen S. Navarra Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Prizant Herman and Bonnie Edwards Zola H. and Steffi B. Gold Mr. and Mrs. James G. Holland III Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Lazarus Mrs. Patricia A. McKaveney Mr. John C. Nelson Ms. Erin Prosser David J. Egan James and Sharon Goldberg John and Coleen Holzinger Ms. Natalie Lee Edward S. McKenna Robert and Linda Nelson Ms. Mary K. Quinlan Anne and George Egan Linda and Edward Goldston Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Horvitz Stanley and Nancy Lehman Mr. Ronald J. McKenna Mr. Michael L. Nienstedt Mr. Daniel P. Quirk Ms. MaryLou Einloth Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goode Ms. Elizabeth M. Humes Mr. Bijou N. Lendo Moddy and Dave McKeown Mrs. Theresa L. Nimick Ms. Brooke D. Racicot 36 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT and Ms. Christine M. Langston AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 37 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Ms. Jane Roney Bill and Kathleen Simpson Ms. Phyllis M. Timmins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Wentling Jr. CORPORATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS Clearview Federal Credit Union Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield EDMC Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Rowe Jr. Laurie and Paul Singer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Tohey Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Werner We gratefully acknowledge the 134 Fountainhead Foundation Sigma Phi Epsilon Everest Software, LP Mr. Robert H. Ruben The Sirinek Family Mr. and Mrs. Pete Torres Ms. Jennie Rebecca Wheeler corporations and organizations that Hefren-Tillotson, Inc. Nancy and Farrell Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Siuciak Janice A. Toth Farley and Josh Whetzel supported The Children’s Institute in Northwest Savings Bank $1,000 - $2,499 Franklin Regional High School Findings LLC Daniel and Simone Rubin Wallace and Patricia Smith Mr. Timothy Townsend and Christine Mr. and Mrs. Emerson White fiscal year 2012. Individual gifts received Oxford Development Company Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Rubinoff Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Snavely Ms. Cynthia Traficante Mr. and Mrs. John D. Whiteford through United Way chapters and the Packaging Specialists Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruppel Leslie and Richard Snow Alexis Tragos Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wholey Combined Federal Campaign are Simpson & McCrady LLC Mr. and Mrs. George R. Rusnak Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Snyder Employees of Tri Rivers Surgical Ms. Barbara L. Widdoes represented in this grouping. Donors Tamco, Inc. Mrs. Martha Russell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Sonnenklar Mr. Marvin B. Wikes of more than $100 are listed below. Turbie Twist, LLC Abby and Reid Ruttenberg Mrs. Joy Spang Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Tristani Ms. Carol A. Williams Mr. Michael Salina Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Alice Troup Miss Eleanore E. Williams $25,000+ $2,500 – $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Salley Jr. Lucia and John Spicuzza Ms. Barbara Kern Truel Mr. John C. Williams Jr. CMU Greek Sing 3 Rivers/Pennsylvania West Combined Associates, Inc. Mrs. Sally G. Santman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. St. Clair John and Priscilla Turcik Susie and Tim Williams PNC Foundation Shawn Scannell Mr. Aaron St. Julien Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Usher Miss Frances Wilson United Way of Allegheny County Dr. Alice L. and Mr. Thomas Mr. Merrill P. Stabile Kep Vadnais Mr. George Michael Wilson III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Vamossy Mr. James E. Wilson A. Schaeffer and Dr. Miroya Monsour Federal Campaign Institute G. X. Clarke & Co. Integrity Design R.I. Lampus Company Delta Tau Delta, Delta Beta Chapter Sigma Alpha Epsilon PA Phi First Commonwealth Financial Spaghetti Warehouse Restaurants Corporation First National Bank of Pennsylvania STAT Staffing Medical Services United Way of Beaver County Allegheny County Bar Association First Niagara Bank United Way of Washington County Astorino Gamma Phi Beta Anonymous Donor $10,000 - $24,999 Chaps for Charity Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Mrs. Virginia Schatz Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stackiewicz Mary C. Van Buskirk Ms. Nancy Cunningham Wilson Citizens Bank Delta Gamma Fraternity, Beta Nu Chapter Mr. Mark J. Schervish Bernard and Rose Ann Stapinski Mary Anne Vangenewitt Janice Wirth Comcast DiSalvo's Station Restaurant The Eaton Charitable Fund and Ms. Nancy J. Shurlow Gamma Iota Chapter Staff of The Children's Student Council Fraternal Order of Eagles Delta Alpha Chapter Kohl's Department Stores $250 - $499 Bethel Park Printing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Stasik Valentina Vavasis and Benjamin Speiser Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Witt Equitable Gas Company LLC Melvin M. Schiff, MD Mr. Vincent Stawinski Sybil P. Veeder Mr. and Mrs. John N. Wittekamp Farmers and Merchants Bank Mr. Vaughn D. Schmid Norman and Blyth Steere Mr. and Mrs. John W. Viehman Ms. Brehan L. Wolff Mr. Daniel J. Schnorr Fran Steger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Waldo Dr. and Mrs. Sidney K. Wolfson Jr. Fraternal Order of Eagles Grand Aerie Paragon Asset Recovery Services Inc. Kiwanis Club of Squirrel Hill Russ and Carol Schoemer Miss Lisa M. Steinbugl Ms. Nadine M. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodings Greensburg Beverage, Inc. Pitt Undergraduate Finance Club Mt. Lebanon Junior Women's Club Carolyn and Frank Schwarz Ms. Marlena H. Stevens Tracy and Kevin Walsh Mrs. Bernice Worthington Kennametal Foundation PPG Industries Foundation Pabco Construction Professional Golf Management PFE Fire and Safety Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Lance T. Shaner Dority & Manning Facilities Survey, Inc. MML Capital Partners The George Washington University Ms. Patricia Walter Ms. Joanne Yakshe Neishloss & Fleming Inc. Dianne and Murray Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Scot R. Stevens John L. Wandrisco Tanya Yolton Pittsburgh Stock and Bond Association Student Society of California Kelley Sheehan Matthew and Sandrina Swider Mr. Charles A. Warden Mrs. Carol M. Young PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. University of Pennsylvania Thomas E. Sheehan Mr. James F. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Wargo Mr. and Mrs. Ledlie W. Young Jr. Spirit Halloween Sigma Chi Alpha United Way of Butler County, Inc. Mary Beth Shimko Mr. Lawrence Tarr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Warrick Kathleen and Joseph Zajicek Steel Dynamics Foundation, Inc. Timothy J. Tremont, DMD, Ltd. United Way of Camden County Susie and Neal Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Tassone Ms. Joyce Waslosky Mark and Connie Zaremsky Trib Total Media Trustmont Advisory Group, Inc. Winchester Thurston School Ms. Jennie Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. James A. Taylor Ms. Marjorie Zeller United eWay UPMC Health Plan Ms. Jill Siegfried Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thomas Lenora Watson Mr. and Mrs. Seymour A. Sikov Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Thompson II Jim and Beth Webster Mrs. Dorothy K. Zikos $5,000 - $9,999 $500 - $999 Bob and Julie Silverman Michael and Betsy Thompson Ms. Melissa Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Zolot The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Thornhill Mr. Aaron Weisberg James and Catherine Zora The Bank of New York Mellon Chief Oil and Gas LLC Ms. Erin M. Simpson Ms. Paula P. Thrasher Michael and Gerri Weiss Anonymous Donor (26) CentiMark Foundation Ductmate 38 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT and Mr. Scott D. Swansinger of Western PA Littles Shoes Merck Partnership for Giving and Mr. Charles J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. William E. Zener PNC Bank Rotary Club of Hampton Township $100 - $249 Allegheny Conference on Community Development American Society of Highway Engineers - Pittsburgh AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 39 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Ariba, Inc. United Way of the Greater Triangle Clara Bell Morgan Shea Trust JustGive The Rust Foundation MATCHING GIFTS C. Schick, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schwab, The Naomi Kathleen Caughey Bethel Artist Guild Unity United Church of Christ Youth Melvin "Bunny" and Edna M. Cooper Kelly Family Fund Bruce D. and Treasure Sachnoff Charitable The Children’s Institute gratefully Sirinek Family, Ms. Brigit S. Sterling, by Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caughey BLT Contracting, Inc. UPMC Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Valley of the Sun United Way Cooper-Siegel Family Foundation Love Family Foundation Scaife Family Foundation George and Ada Davidson Family Fund The Jeffrey B. Markel and Carol L. Robinson Chad Delier Scanlon Memorial Fund Calvary Episcopal Church Wabtec Corporation Central Elizabeth Lions Club Washington Elementary School PTA Chi Chi of Alpha Chi Omega Anonymous Donors (2) Cohort 80 The Design Alliance Architects Edward M. Goldston Investments FOUNDATIONS The Children’s Institute is grateful to Edward Marc Chocolatier the 87 foundations that made grants FHF Group, LLC in fiscal year 2012. Healthy Lungs Pennsylvania Herbert Halsband Properties Image First Medical Wear Ingomar Middle School Jan Lee Hypnosis Kaufman, Hall, & Associates, Inc. Keystone Paralyzed Veterans of America McKnight Women's Club Barbara and Marcus Aaron Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation The Alan L. and Barbara B. Ackerman Foundation C. Menges and Helen D. Alexander Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Allegheny County Medical Society Foundation Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation of The Pittsburgh Foundation The Robert C. and Gene B. Dickman The Curtis I. Kossman Foundation Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Family Foundation through the Community Foundation of James McCandless Charitable Trust Esther E. Severn Foundation Assurant Foundation J&M DiDonato Family Foundation Walter J. and Joan M. Dollard Charitable Fund through The PNC Charitable Trust Grant Review Committee John R. and Margaret S. McCartan Eden Hall Foundation Charitable Fund of The Pittsburgh The Fine Foundation Foundation David S. and Karen A. Shapira Foundation The Rhoda and Seymour Sikov Philanthropic by Mr. and Mrs. Chad Bender Catherine Ciriello Highmark Kirsten and Patrick Benedict by Carol and James Cassel by David and Barb Benedict Bernard Cobetto Kate Billings Mrs. Bernard H. Cobetto by Ken and Dottie Ardell Coleman Joshua and Luke Blacksmith by Mrs. Heidi Ann Conrad R. P. Simmons Family Foundation The McGuinn Family Foundation B.K. Simon Family Charitable Foundation McKesson Foundation McKamish Fund of The Pittsburgh Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving The Springer Family Fund Pfizer Foundation Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish McKesson Foundation Staley Family Foundation, Incorporated The PNC Foundation Federation of Greater Pittsburgh R. K. Mellon Family Foundation Tippins Foundation Travelers Nina Baldwin Fisher Foundation Evan and Holly Frazier Fund of Morby Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Sunil and Nita Wadhwani Family The Norbell Foundation The Norman and Marilyn Weizenbaum Pittsburgh Theater Corporation James H. Beal Fund No. 2 Pleasant Hills Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge, Inc. Beaver County Foundation Quality Jewelry and Watch Repair Bozzone Family Foundation Roberts McGivney Zagotta LLC Buncher Family Foundation Saint Rose Catholic Church The Burke Foundations Sal Squad 82 Calihan Fund of The Pittsburgh The Anne L. and George H. Clapp 40 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Charitable and Educational Trust Foundation R. Morris and Bessie Wolk Glick Memorial Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Nat Hwilc Foundation Foundation Thomas W. and Catherine G. Patterson Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Pirates Charities Louis S. and Sarah G. Wolfe Gift Fund Henry L. Hillman Foundation The Pittsburgh Foundation The ZPR Family Foundation The Gertrude and Philip Hoffman Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation Anonymous Donor Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish William K. Plunkett Memorial Fund Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Charles Polonsky Charitable Fund of Joseph Horne Charitable Trust The Milton G. Hulme Charitable Foundation Inflammation Research Foundation Joy of Zaccheaus Foundation The Pittsburgh Foundation The Quinn/Hurbi Family Fund GOVERNMENT The Children’s Institute is grateful for support from the federal government. The Donald and Sylvia Robinson Family Foundation The F B Robinson Family Fund by Pastor Bill and Linda Blacksmith Shelley Coleman-Casto and all OTs Matthew Bladel by Gerry and Samantha Balbier Trixie Puff Charitable Foundation Gamma Fund of The Pittsburgh United Way of the Capital Region The Pittsburgh Foundation Mildred B. and Malcolm Goldsmith Fund Pamela Chrissis by Chuck and Mary Beth Chrissis Citizens Charitable Foundation FISA Foundation Foundation Chorazy, EllenTeri Kaplan Goldstein by Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Becker Pittsburgh Audrey Hillman Fisher Foundation The Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Fisher by Dr. Chester Chorazy, Dr. Paula Ann Julia Becker Alea Bender Raymond R. and Edna Gies Artz Fund Teleplex, Inc. The Bank of New York Mellon Anna Chorazy Cardinal Health Foundation Pittsburgh 49ers Citizens Charitable Foundation Bank of America Zane Barnett by Mr. and Mrs. Gale V. Dobson Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Weiner Family Foundation The Charles M. Morris Charitable Trust by Child Family Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Nimick Forbesway Foundation Squirrel Hill Writers Group Mackenzie Child by Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Munhall Allstate Giving Campaign Peter and Mary Gabriel Family Fund Target Tom Bachman Westmoreland County Armstrong-McKay Foundation Foundation contributions of their employees, retirees and directors. Scott Fund No. 2 PGT Trucking Thomas and Patricia Canfield Gift Fund Eric Chandler by Ms. Barbara Gold Massey Charitable Trust Anchor Fund SPRE Ms. Lynne M. Welshons, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Zupan Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Paul M. Lesako Funeral Home, Inc. Seeders and Weeders Garden Club acknowledges the following 12 foundations and corporations that match the generous TRIBUTE GIFTS IN HONOR OF by Mr. and Mrs. William N. Andrews Human Services Elaine J. Cornman Alex Brown by Mr. K. Glenn Cornman by Anonymous Donor, Eric and Kathryn Fogle, Simone Costa Ms. Joyce Waslosky and Mr. Charles by Mr. Robert Macy Brittany Antosik by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Brady Sr., J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Terence Brophy, Mr. Gregory J. Burgman, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cannon, Alexander Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cheeseman, Ms. Eileen by Amy and Eric Brown Cochrane, Mrs. Wendy Covato, Mario and Amber Bufalini Terry DeIuliis, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Farkal, by Mr. and Mrs. William J. Falavolito Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Gibson, Mrs. Nina M. Joshua and Shannon Bunting Helbling, Jo Ann and Janet Kolesar, Beth by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dunn, Steven H. Sell Muehlbauer and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Novelli, Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Pritchard, U.S. Department of Health and by Anonymous Donor Mara K. Andrews Jennifer Catanese and Blake Stanton by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Stanton Ms. Gina Ricciardi, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Salley Jr., Ms. Margaret Scalise, Ms. Roberta AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 41 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Teachers, therapists, and aides Benjamin Grysiak Michael Landay Ann and Martin McGuinn Zachary Ochs Roman Salamon Harry Thompson II Valerie Wolk at The Day School by Janet and Gary Grysiak by Ms. Janet Schindler by Mr. and Mrs. John D. Harper, by Mrs. Kelly K. Massimilla by Ms. MaryLou Einloth by Anonymous Donor, Michael by Ms. Arlene Wolk by Dr. Michael Mokotoff Mary S. Hackett Stephen Landay Pittsburgh Theater Corporation Our Grandchildren Frederick Sherman and Betsy Thompson Scott Woodmancy Jr. Carol and Kurt DeHaven by Ms. Carol E. Hackett by Ms. Janet Schindler Thelma C. Mitchell by Betty and John Philips by Mr. James H. Rich Dick Thornburgh by Saint Rose Catholic Church by Mr. Roger D. Loop Michael J. Hannon Maria Lyn Murray Lasiter by Ms. Phyllis M. Timmins Dana Panczenko Susan Shipley by Mr. William Hamilton Delta Gammas at CMU by Anonymous Donor by Mrs. Elsie M.B. Murray Michael Mokotoff by Rose, Mike, Michael, and Dana Panczenko by Catherine and Mark Erickson Peter L. Thornburgh TRIBUTE GIFTS IN MEMORY OF by Ms. Nancy Cunningham Wilson Skylyr Hart Rick Lawes and Karen Liljequist by Jay and Julie Mokotoff, Judy Papernick Lance Shirah by Mr. David Thornburgh Mary Arovits Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mokotoff by Harry and Carol Adelsheimer, Gail and by Mr. Ray Shirah Maya Torres by Ms. Gail A. Neft and Mr. Richard Callet Charles Weisberg Linda Shooer and Ted Osial by Anonymous Donor, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Torres Arthur by Ms. Christine R. Bissert Stacey and Kevin Vaccaro by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Raymond Nathan Snyder by Lawrence Vaccaro Sylvester J. and Gertrude W. Baker Nicholas Dominici by Mr. and Mrs. David Hart by Robert and Carolyn Liljequist by Mr. Mark J. Dominici Kurt Harvey Brenda Levin and Stephen Kuznetsov Monica and Jody by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Indovina Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Panczak Loretta Pasinski Gavin Lynch Michaele Lyn Murray by Jan Lee Hypnosis by Kimberly Currykosky by Mrs. Elsie M.B. Murray Aarush Patel by Tanya Yolton McCain Varley by Anonymous Donor Terrence and Elizabeth Mahoney Christopher Nitkiewicz by Mr. Swadhin Patel and Ms. Smaranika Naik Nicholas Snyder by Dr. and Mrs. William A. Varley Evelyn Baraky The Pirates Charities by Tanya Yolton Allie Veres by Dr. Cheryl Ann Fogarty Mary Bittner Patrick Donahue by Mr. Todd E. Lacock, Mr. and by Saint Rose Catholic Church Mrs. George Monezis Jr. Emily Droder Bailey Heaton by Kathryn Droder by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Owen Egan Thomas W. Hiddleston by Ms. Judith G. Arnowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis by Saint Rose Catholic Church by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glenn by Mrs. Janet E. Comby D. Cervi Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Crowe, Michael Oberschelp by Nemschoff Addie Soave by Tanya Yolton Keefe Ellis Maddie Hurdle Ms. Margaret Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. William D. by Anonymous Donor Eric Pirollo by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pomposini Carrie Vitko by Ms. Hilary Feldman, Ms. Gail A. Neft and by Mr. Martin V. Latta Larkin, Ms. Bessie Ann Leger, Dylan O'Brien by Robert M. Byers Jake, Rachel and Ryan Stackiewicz by Ted and Johnna Czekaj Mr. Richard Callet, Miss Eleanore E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Matha, Mr. and by Quality Jewelry and Watch Repair Jack Potts by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stackiewicz Jack Vogel Braelyn Boehme by Tanya Yolton Calvin Stayduhar by Jack and Joan Diederich by Staff of The Children's Institute, Tanner Potts by Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Volpe Sunil and Nita Wadhwani by Tanya Yolton Audrey Steigerwald by Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Redlinger Sr., Allison M. Bosner Dr. Cherpes, Dr. Smith, by Tanya Yolton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Swider by Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Bosner and the staff of the Prader Willi unit Jane Steigerwald Cynthia K. Watson Mabel and Richard Boyd by Ms. Marianne Boyd by Peter Ellis Scott Faber by Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Zolot Josh Hurley by Ms. Jane A. Crompton Fred Fall Emmett Hurt by Ms. Minda R. Fall by Drew and Stacy Hurt Mrs. Peter D. Usher, Ms. Cecelia R. Zunic Tressa Manno by Helen and Don Berman, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Muckle, Mrs. Sylvia Muckle Davanna Feyrer by James and Doris Feyrer Connor R. Jackson by Mrs. Maureen O. Jackson Joey Maxim by Ms. Erin Prosser Emmett Fitzgerald by Mrs. Katherine Rutherford Evelyn B. Kelly by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelly Jr. Sunie McCallen by Saint Rose Catholic Church Holden McMahon Gerlach by Susan and Earl Glotfelty Angelina Kodic by Mr. Petar Kodic John F. McCluskey by Ms. Lois E. McCluskey Ryan M. Goldstrohm Jonathan Krsul by Mr. and Mrs. William K. Wood by Anonymous Donor Carissa McComas by Ruth McComas Himanshu and Radhika Grover Dylan Lampus by Ms. Phyllis M. Timmins by R.I. Lampus Company Cristin McCormick by Anonymous Donor Ms. Roya Kousari by Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carr by Tanya Yolton by Lenora Watson Nancy and James Pudlo Chet Stofman Norman Weinstein Mark Brodie by Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pudlo by Ms. Carol Lynn Tabas by Mrs. Marilyn Rattner by Mrs. Helen A. Epstein Samantha Rayl Marilyn Stolar Jeri Ann Williams Harry L. Brown by Ms. Barbara Oldenburg by Ms. Janet Schindler by James and Judy Williams by Ms. Eleanore Barovitch, Staff of The F. Brooks Robinson Ann Ebbert Sullivan Christopher Wolfendale by Mrs. Marjorie C. Greenberger by Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Beeman by Mark and Annie Gensheimer Charlie Rom Rachel and Marcus Thaw Kim Wolfendale by Bette and Howard Rom by Barbara and Robert Thaw by Ms. Alice L. Ronk, Mr. and Children's Institute, Dr. Chester Chorazy and Dr. Anna Chorazy, Mary Beth and Dan Joscak, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rajkowski, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson Mrs. Scott P. Smith 42 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 43 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Dale Bullock Rebecca Lynne DeHaven G. McGuinn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks Nina Gorman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fisher, Mrs. Marjorie Dino Iasella Henrietta Spear Laughlin Thomas W. and Catherine G. Patterson by Andrew and Nancy Drazdik by Anonymous Donor Robinson Sr. by Debbie Gaertner, Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Greenberger, George and Jane Greer, by Anonymous Donor by Mr. and Mrs. George M. L. Gould by Thomas W. and Catherine G. Patterson Annalouise Burkhardt Sara DeRenzo Aurelia Ferraro P. Gaertner, Mr. Stephen T. Gorman Healthy Lungs Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jesionowski Mary Irwin Laughlin Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz by Mr. and Mrs. George M. L. Gould Joseph E. Petruska by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bollinger, Laura Graden Henry R. Hilliard Jr., Ms. Elizabeth M. Humes, Brother-in-law of Julie Burland Frank F. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Stayduhar by Margery J. Loevner Mrs. James Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald by Staff of The Day School by Mrs. Daniel H. Benckart Ben Fiorina Jacqueline Greengarten by Dr. Cheryl Ann Fogarty Cynthia Buzzard Paul E. Downs by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pfahl by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz Josephson, Reverend and Mrs. Thomas C. LeClere, Catherine and Mark Loevner, Love Family Foundation, Ms. Stephanie A. McBride Eleanor Joscak Marshall S. Levy by Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Halchak by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Boyle, Buchanan by Mrs. Lois G. Levy Henry Posner Ingersoll & Rooney PC, Ms. Michele Ann Sandy Lewandoski by Jean M. and John F. Hensler Fiorillo, Miss Eleanore E. Williams by Mr. A.R. Lewandoski Merle Potter Colleen Joyce Tony Lewandoski by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goode by Adrienne and Martin Slomberg by Mr. Richard T. Calhoun by Marie Downs-Deasy Gerald Fosbaugh John Guido Muriel O. Cahill Elizabeth C. Ebbert by Anonymous Donor by Patient Care Services Department by Mr. George F. Cahill by Mr. George Childs and Dr. Miya Asato, Linda Fox Lorraine Hall Mr. and Mrs. David H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. by Mr. A.R. Lewandoski William Rago Evelyn Caplan Ms. Carol E. Hackett by Mary Beth and Dan Joscak by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Okraszewski Albert C. Muse, Mrs. Theresa L. Nimick, Bernardo Kaliman Joseph T. Limbaugh by Dr. Cheryl Ann Fogarty by Ms. Arlene Wolk William Eckels Eric Frampton Rayseun Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Off, Mr. J. Lee O'Nan, by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz by Mrs. Daniel H. Benckart Patricia Reddinger Roy Cochrane by Colleen and Mark Eckels, by Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Witt by Anonymous Donor PNC Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks Mabel L. Kamens Abigail Mamrose by Anonymous Donor by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Brady Sr., Ms. Maryanne Vitale Doris Friedman Danny Hartland Robinson Sr., Ms. Mia Casey Sachs, Seeders by Ms. Betty Lawrie by Dorrine Mamrose Mary Reisler Mr. and Mrs. Terence Brophy, Mr. Gregory J. Amelia Ellenberger by Ellen Calig by Anonymous Donor Michael and Leocadia Karpa Mary Mellon McClung by Ms. Gail A. Neft and Burgman, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cannon, Mr. by Anonymous Donor Fred Friss Lloyd Hergenroeder by Michael and Janet Karpa by Mr. Samuel A. McClung III Mr. Richard Callet Donald A. Klein Marilyn McKenney by Ellen Calig by Mary Beth and Dan Joscak, Jody Mulvihill and Mr. Stan Nowack, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McVeigh, Mr. and Mrs. S. Prosser Mellon, and Weeders Garden Club, Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker, Mrs. Amy R. Spear, Mr. Merrill P. Stabile and Dr. Miroya Monsour, Hon. and and Mrs. Robert B. Cheeseman, Ms. Eileen Joseph Emanuele Cochrane, Mrs. Wendy Covato, Mario and by Mark Emanuele Roofing Contracting, LLC. Anna Frost Richard Hersh Donna Falgione by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz by Mr. Lawrence Tarr by Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Baurle, Mr. and Peggy Garland Alec Hillegass Mrs. Robert J. Beattie, George and Sharon by Gayle and Bill Simpson by Jan and Kia deVries, Roelof and Leslie P. Veeder, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Weber, John E. Knepp Roger Morgan Evelyn Gartman deVries, Tina deVries Gisela and Konrad Weis, Ms. Martina Wells, by Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Evans, Joan Gulley by Dr. and Mrs. Sidney K. Wolfson Jr. by Aileen and Richard Hersh Audrey Hilliard Farley and Josh Whetzel, Ms. Barbara L. and HR Leadership Team, Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Gladora by Ms. Amy E. Andersen, Anonymous Donor, Widdoes, Susie and Tim Williams, Mr. and J. Kearns III, Mr. Thomas S. Kunz, Mr. and by Mary Beth and Dan Joscak Mr. and Mrs. William R. (Bill and Kathy) Mrs. John A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. M. James Popp, Mr. and Mrs. William Bauer, Annette and Robert Becker, Mr. and Woodings E. Rosner, Ms. Joanne Yakshe Mrs. George M. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vaughn Zackary Hinish Lynn Anne Kuffner Blaxter III, Ms. Linda Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. by Ms. Leota M. Cashman, Mrs. Theresa by Mrs. Bernice Worthington Thomas E. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael M. Kutruff, Mrs. Shirley A. Mercer George M. Lang Conley, Mary and Walter Curley, Mrs. Jason Hostetler by Bruce R. Lang Terry DeIuliis, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Farkal, Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Gibson, Mrs. Nina M. Helbling, Jo Ann and Janet Kolesar, Beth Muehlbauer and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Novelli, Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Pritchard, Ms. Gina Ricciardi, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Salley Jr., Ms. Margaret Scalise, Ms. Roberta C. Schick, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schwab, Matthew D. Zupan F. Berryman Collins by Mrs. Daniel H. Benckart John Rinehart de Holl by Mrs. Marjorie C. Greenberger by Jim and Beth Hergenroeder Mrs. William L. Standish, Mr. and Mrs. Scot R. Dorogy, Joe Falgione, Ms. Elizabeth J. Hand, Ms. Janice Hefner, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Karsten, Carol and Milton Manes, Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert McAfoos, Ms. Gail A. Neft and Mr. Richard Callet The Sirinek Family, Ms. Brigit S. Sterling, Ms. Lynne M. Welshons, Mr. and Mrs. by Mr. Terry Lerman Jennie A. Farrell by Ms. Michele Ciara Farrell Anita Fellner by Mr. and Mrs. John D. Harper, Jean Anne Martin J. Gladora by Ms. Gail A. Neft and Mr. Richard Callet Stuart Goodman by Sandra and Lee Goodman Hattler, PhD, Mrs. Cindy Ingram, Mr. and Elizabeth B. Dickey, Jack and Joan Diederich, Mrs. W. Duff McCrady, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Douglas, Sylvia and Stevens, Rob and Katherine Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Thompson II, Dick and Ginny Evelyn Klemp George Moore Thornburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Toker, Sybil by Mr. Martin P. Klemp by Ms. Gwendolyn Y. Moore by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz Louis A. Nicolai by Andrew and Nancy Drazdik Florence and Tom Nimick by Charlie and Shane Appel Robert G. Lang J. Huesdash by Bruce R. Lang Norman Elias, Ms. Victoria Nimick Enright, Florence L. Nimick by Wendy MacKenzie and Alexander Cortesi by Becky Gloninger by Andrew and Nancy Drazdik 44 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Edith Netzer Claudia Pasco by Mr. Charles Pasco AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 45 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 699 Mary Ellen Meyer Ms. Tracey Weber MSL Associates Whole Foods Market Stacy Remensky Daniel Silverman Shanta Wadhwani Carol L. Walters IN-KIND DONORS by Mr. and Mrs. John D. Remensky by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz by Allegheny Conference on Community by J. Randolph Hiller Every year, The Children’s Institute receives Ida Silverstein Development, Alpern Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb hundreds of in-kind gifts ranging from toys Girl Scout Troop 51407 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Myers Ms. Nicole Williamson by Estate of Rose Noon David E. Barensfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond by Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Muckle to wheelchairs. We are honored to accept The Glimcher Group Nemacolin Woodlands Resort Mr. and Mrs. Ross Willoughby each of these donations that provide support Gluuteny Nemschoff Amy Yosko for our amazing kids in very tangible ways. Julianne Greece and Family The Newton Family Anonymous Donor (5) Thank you to all of our in-kind donors. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Greenberg Ms. Mary B. Palfy Ms. Sarah Grill Mr. Swadhin Patel and Richard A. Richards by Mrs. Dorothy H. Richards Mae Roberts by Ms. Eleanore Barovitch, Mary Beth and Dan Joscak, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munion Hope Elizabeth Stackiewicz by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stackiewicz W. Buehler Jr., Eileen J. D'Appolonia, Marilyn and Jim Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Joanne Ross Wilder by Jeffrey L. Pollock, Esq Donahue, Mr. and Mrs. John Edelman, The Ethel M. Stas Tony Roknich by Mr. and Mrs. Bruno A. Holnaider II by Ms. Kiara Porter Cynthia McClung Stone Barbara Rudkin Ladies Auxiliary George Washington University, Daniel and William H. Woodwell Patricia Grealish, Mary Beth and Dan Joscak, by Marcia and Si Keehn Ms. Wendy Adams Mr. and Mrs. John Hanasewych Mr. Karl F. Krieger, Ms. Janet R. Markel and Yvonne Allegro Hearth Bakery Ms. Lisa Hatfield Peace Love and Little Donuts Ms. Smaranika Naik COMMUNITY EVENTS We formally acknowledge all of those who organized events that benefited by Mr. Samuel A. McClung III Mr. Barry Lhormer, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond by Mr. Sam J. Sayegh The American Sewing Guild Beth and Douglas Heuer Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pierce our amazing kids. Below is a list of the by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz Audrey Sturm D. Melcher, Robert and Donna Paul, PGT Theresa Zadarko Ms. Georgann Amrhein Ms. Anne Hodapp Pietragallo Law Firm community events that were reported Corey Salinetro by Mr. and Mrs. George L. Bentley, Mr. and Trucking, Pittsburgh 49ers, PNC Foundation, by Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Herman Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Andrezjwski Hope Worldwide Pizza Hut-Canonsburg between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. by Anonymous Donor Mrs. Robert Bruder, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bill and Nancy Rackoff, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaler Area Basketball Boosters Diana, Dennis, and Jacqueline Arvay Mrs. Dianne Humensky Mr. Maxwell Pless Dorothy Sampson Buttenfield, Cheyenne Court Neighbors, E. Redlinger Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Mr. and Mrs. William R. James Flower and Gift Shoppe Ms. Kiara Porter All Wound Up Yo Yo Club Alyssa Kautzman Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of PA Annual Golf Charity Event by Aileen and Richard Hersh Cookie Schaer by Mark and Cheryl Klein Samuel Schindler by Anonymous Donor Ms. Sharon Giza, Mr. and Mrs. J. Landsbach, Rowe Jr., Barbara and Herb Shear, Mr. and Ms. Mildred M. Litsko, The Matesic/Plunkett Mrs. Mark A. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Family, Ms. Christina Medica, Ms. Jeanne Staley IV, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Taylor, Monahan, Philip E. and Antoinette Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Thieman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Padula, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hal K. Waldman, Michael Peduzzi, Ms. Kitty Rosenbayger Mr. Charles A. Warden Hermoine R. Zeilinger by Anonymous Donor Margaret Zener by American Legion Auxiliary Post #820, Ms. Lynn Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Grublis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hayhurst, Mr. Walter Hineman, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Joanne E. Schoyer and Ms. Linda Trinchero, Mr. and Mrs. by Mr. Robert A. Schoyer Stephen Sturm Kickish, Mr. Scott Kugler, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luffey, Mr. Robert Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scully Joan Price Tanzer Ronald Onderick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. by John and Barbara Goettlicher by Mrs. Jacquelin G. Wechsler Sestak, Mr. Timothy Townsend and Christine, Mary Anderson Sheehan Tom Theiler Mr. and Mrs. William E. Zener (Bill and Kathy) Bauer Bovard Elementary School Staff Mr. and Mrs. Troy Keith Project Sunshine Ballhawking 2011 Kayla Bush and Monet Murphy Laurel Medical Supply Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pudlo Becker Twins Dodgeball Blast Cafe Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavelle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quigley Books for Brothers & Sisters Casa D'Oro Roberta and Larry Leas Ms. Deborah Raymond Brickman Company Raffle CentiMark Foundation Ms. Karen Liljequist and Mr. Rick Lawes Red Mill Elementary School Chakira George Senior Project Gregory L. Cherpes, MD Dale Lloyd Mr. Kenneth Reichl Chaps for Charity Bike Ride Mr. Michael Chraska Catherine and Mark Loevner Joni and Frank Ricci Charity ASSIST Raffle Christ Temple Church Janet Lukac and Family Sarah Scott Cigna Century Bike Ride Ms. Geraldine Coffey Peggy Mackin Shady Lane School Cayla Bush-Johnson and CRH Catering Co. Inc. Kelly Mainhart and Stacy McBurney Ms. Erin M. Simpson Ms. Jennifer Czap Dorrine Mamrose Ms. Dolores R. Solomon CMU Greek Sing Monet Murphy School Project by Thomas E. Sheehan by Ellen Calig Ms. Linda Doernberg Jonathan March Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Stanton Coalfield Classic Ethan Shenk Drew Tilko George and Sharon Dorogy Mr. and Mrs. James Marczak Starlight Children's Foundation Baker Elementary School/Denim Day by Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of PA by Dennis and Michelle Tilko Andrew and Nancy Drazdik Ms. Dana Mathews Debbie Shipley Redfoot William Trozzi Drive Medical Design and Manufacturing John Mazur Gail Taylor For Gio's Sake by Anonymous Donor by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz Ms. Lisa Ducoeur Mazzei Family Ms. Maria Tozzi Franklin Regional High School Student Dee Silberstein Rade Vignovic DynaVox Technologies Ruth McComas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uber by Mrs. Millie Vignovic East Liberty Presbyterian Church McGinnis Sisters Special Food Stores Verizon Pioneers Emmanuel Baptist Church Youth Ministry Mrs. Ruth E. McLean Surriya Waheed - Life for Limb Loss Glitzburgh English Lane Nursery Meat & Potatoes Mrs. Barbara J. Warden Highpoint Homeowners Christmas in July by Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miggantz 46 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT MidAtlantic Findings Christmas Party Council's Annual Homecoming Dance From Kids to Kids AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 47 amazingdonors OF THE CHI LD REN’S INSTITUTE Kaplan Career Institute Events Ms. Joan M. Kaplan* Laps for Love Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Klein Littles Shoes/Merrell Trunk Show Ms. Nancy L. Koss* Mr. Penn Ken Pageant 2012 Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougall III* We apologize for any omissions or misspellings. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this donor list, please contact Lauren Vermilion, annual fund and community outreach manager, at 412.420.2204 or Named for our founder, The Mary Irwin Fraternal Order of Eagles Mr. John H. Murphy Laughlin Society recognizes friends who Paragon Asset Recovery Services Inc./ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panczenko have designated The Children's Institute Penny War Miss Helen C. Paytok as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Points for Pediatrics Mr. and Mrs. William Plank* These donors are acknowledged for their Pittsburgh Stock and Bond Association's David K. Miles, MEd, MPM President and CEO 412.420.2398 Mrs. Gerda Reyersbach deep-rooted commitment to the future of Monte Carlo Night Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons* The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh. Ingomar Middle School/Staff Dress Mr. Roland A. Watt* Down Day Mr. John R. Whitaker* Helene Conway-Long, MBA, CFRE Vice President, Institutional Advancement 412.420.2201 Joseph S. Azar, DDS Taste the Good Life Dr. and Mrs. Sidney K. Wolfson Jr.* Elaine H. Berkowitz, DMD* Tee it up FORE Tots Anonymous Donor (2) Mr. Charles T. Conrad Walk Miles for Kids' Smiles *Charter Member Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutter* If you do not see your community event in this list, or you are interested in organizing a community fundraiser of your own, please contact Lauren Vermilion at 412.420.2204 or Mr. Charles M. Fischer* CREDITS Miss Mildred M. Gerson* Writing Cosgrove Communications, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goldsmith* Mr. J. Randolph Hiller* Design Dymun + Company Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnston* The Nimick Family Therapeutic Garden, which blazes with color in warm weather, was transformed into a winter wonderland for the first annual “Bright Spot on Shady” celebration. The free, family-oriented event — with entertainment and refreshments — provided hundreds of visitors with an East End alternative to the traditional Downtown seasonal lighting celebration. 48 | AMAZING RESULTS | 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Photography Josh Franzos John Sanderson Courtney Ferraro Anna Lee-Fields Kathy Krause Nathan Hogue SERVICE MISSION The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, nation of origin, religious creed, disability, ancestry, sex, age, sexual orientation or genetic information in employment or in admission to, participation in or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh directly or through a contractor or any other entity whom The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh arranges to carry out its programs and activities. This policy statement is in accordance with the provision of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to the acts, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 80, 84, 91 and other applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws and Regulations. For more information about this policy, please contact Administration at 412.420.2400. For more information about The Children’s Institute, please call 412.420.2400 or log on to For TDD use, contact us through the Pennsylvania Relay Service. Voice: 1.800.654.5988 TDD: 1.800.654.5984. The Children’s Institute is an independent, licensed nonprofit organization located in the Squirrel Hill section of Pittsburgh that is dedicated to promoting the quality of life for children, young people and their families by providing a specialized continuum of services that enable them to reach their potential. The Children’s Institute was designed specifically as a rehabilitation facility, and its administration and staff are committed to increasing accessibility for all persons. If you have accessibility concerns, please call The Children’s Institute at 412.420.2485. The official registration and financial information of The Children’s Institute may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. The Children’s Institute is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.