October 2013 - The University of New Mexico
October 2013 - The University of New Mexico
OCTOBER 2013 Volume I Number 1 The University of New Mexico-Gallup LED>XcclgJkl[\ekjJ_`e\ Fight for Your Dreams By Jennifer Jones Campus Voice Editor “Be proud of who you are and where you’re from. “Never give up on the goals you want to achieve.” This is the message Ms. Native UNM Gallup Amanda Martza hopes to send to young Native American women. Martza has been working hard to spread her message since she won the Ms. Native UNM Gallup Pageant in October 2012. Martza said she wants young Native women to know that nothing is out of reach for them. Martza has been to many events to represent UNM Gallup as Ms. Native since she won last year. The events she has been to include the 39th annual Denver March Pow-Wow, the Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque, as well as local fairs, gourd dances and Pow-Wows. Martza is full Zuni and she said she was the only Zuni competitor in the pageant and the other four competitors were Navajo. Elroy Natachu Jr. who was the UNM Gallup Student Senate President at the time of the pagent said, “What made Amanda stand out was her personality, knowledge of her culture and her lovable charm. Martza’s reign will end this coming November after the second annual Ms. Native UNM Gallup pagent is held. The pagent is open to female Native American students. In order to participate in the pagent students must be enrolled at UNM Gallup at least part time, must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher, must be at least one quarter Native American and must be between the ages of sixteen and forty. The winner of the pagent will receive a $1000 scholarship. To pick up an application for the pagent or for more information, visit Nick Brokeshoulder in the Lobo Learning Center located in Gurley Hall, Room 2205A. Brokeshoulder can be reached at (505) 863-7689 or nbrokesh@ unm.edu. 3KRWRE\6WHOOD0DUWLQ UNM Gallup CCTE Culinary Arts Students catered a reception held in honor of scholarship donors who provided scholarships for UNM Gallup nursing students. From left to right, Stacey Paul, Chondra Gray, Surphina Allen, Matthew Michalski, Michaela Joe and Tabriann Manygoats. UNM Gallup Professor Wins Outstanding Teacher of The Year 6SHFLDOWR&DPSXV9RLFH GALLUP – The University of New Mexico-Gallup Campus is pleased to announce that Kenneth Roberts, Professor of Art, has been selected to receive one of three 2012-2013 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Awards from the University of New Mexico. With this award, Professor Roberts is honored and recognized for his valuable contributions as a classroom instructor and a leader within the university. In his award letter to Professor Roberts, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chaouki Abdallah states “Students and colleagues provided strong evidence that you KDYHPDGHDVLJQLÀFDQWSRVLWLYH impact on student learning. Your commitment to the enhancement of teaching and learning has led to direct student EHQHÀW7KHSRRORIDSSOLFDQWV was very strong this year; you were clearly an outstanding &RXUWHV\3KRWR applicant within that pool.” Professor Roberts has a Ms. Native UNM Amanda Martza 3KRWRE\6WHOOD0DUWLQ Outstanding teacher of the year Ken Roberts with his art work. Bachelor of Arts from He has been an instructor at Manchester Polytechnic UK, a UNM-Gallup since 1993 and Master’s of Art from has had other teaching positions Birmingham Polytechnic UK and including Lecturer at Southport a Master’s of Fine Arts from the College of Art and Design UK, University of New Mexico. Continued on pg. 2, Inside This Issue 2 1XUVLQJ&HUWLÀFDWLRQ 4 6WXGHQWV&DQ6XFFHHG 6 5HYLHZRIWKH$UWV 8 +XQJU\IRU(OHFWURQLFV Campus Voice October 2013 2 Winter Tips and Awareness For Your Furry Friends From The Gallup McKinley County Humane Society 3KRWRE\6WHOOD0DUWLQ UNM Gallup Nursing students who were awarded scholarships. From left to right, Kimberly Deswood, Letecia Williams, Amelia Brown AWARENESS: and Tonia Martin. t%PHTBOEDBUTTIPVMEOUMJWFPVUTJEFCFDBVTFJUJTUPPDPMEGPSUIFNJOUIFXJOUFS &HUWLÀFDWLRQIRU1XUVLQJ7HDFKHUV 6SHFLDOWR&DPSXV9RLFH GALLUP – The UNM-Gallup Nursing Program is pleased to announce that Marjorie Campbell, Nursing Program Director, and June Eastridge, Associate Professor, have earned WKHGHVLJQDWLRQRI&HUWLÀHG Nurse Educators (CNE) after meeting strict eligibility criteria and successfully completing a ULJRURXVFHUWLÀFDWLRQH[DPLQDtion developed and administered by the National League for Nursing. “The NLN’s Academic Nurse (GXFDWRU&HUWLÀFDWLRQSURJUDP has conferred new visibility and stature upon the academic nursing community that is long overdue,” said Dr. Beverly Malone, CEO of the NLN. ´7KURXJKWKHFHUWLÀFDWLRQZH have made clear to the ranks of higher education that the role of nurse educator is an advanced professional practice discipline ZLWKDGHÀQHGSUDFWLFHVHWWLQJ and demonstrable standards of excellence.” Rubber Stamps Computer Supplies Office Furniture Arts and Craft PrinTING s Stationery Office/Educational 3UPPLIES s Furniture Awards Trophies & Plaques In years to come, she added, it is KRSHGWKDWFHUWLÀHGQXUVH educators will command higher VDODULHVDQGEHÀUVWLQOLQHIRU promotions and tenure. 7KHQHZO\FHUWLÀHGQXUVH HGXFDWRUVUHÁHFWWKHVSHFWUXP of their academic colleagues in the United States: As of August, WKHUHZHUHFHUWLÀHG nursing educators in the continental United States. Many academic nursing programs in colleges and university settings have recognized the importance of the FHUWLÀFDWLRQDQGHQFRXUDJHDOO eligible nursing faculty to become FHUWLÀHG With nearly half (42.8%) of nursing faculty projected to retire within the next decade and nearly three-quarters (69.7%) within 15 years, replacing them is of grave concern to nursing and nursing education. For questions regarding this article, please contact Marilee Petranovich at (505) 863-7770 or mpetrano@unm.edu. Office Equipment & Supply, Inc. Office Supplies Educational Supplies Copy Service, Native American & Southwestern, Book Nook & Art Supplies Full Line of PrinTING s Office and Personal Decorations AdverTISING s Specialities Serving the Four Corners Area Since 1951 Custom Banners Science Fair Ribbons "Your Business Is Our Business!" Document & Self Storage 1900 E. Hwy. 66 Gallup, New Mexico 87301-4867 Phone: Fax : 505.722.666 1. 800.748.1603 505.863.4981 t%PHTBOEDBUTUIBUMJWFPVUTJEFJOUIFXJOUFSNPOUITTIJWFSBMMOJHIUMPOHFWFOJG UIFZIBWFMPOHIBJS t*EFBMMZQFUTTIPVMECFCSPVHIUJOTJEFBUOJHIU*GUIJTJTOUBOPQUJPOQVUUJOH UIFNJOUIFHBSBHFBUOJHIUJTCFUUFSBOETBGFSUIBOCFJOHPVUTJEFJOUIFIBSTI XJOUFSDPME t1FUTXJUITIPSUIBJSTIPVME/05MJWFPVUTJEFCFDBVTFUIFJSDPBUTEPOUQSPWJEF UIFNXJUINVDIXBSNUI t1FUTUIBUIBWFKPJOUQSPCMFNTMJLFBSUISJUJTTIPVMEOPUMJWFPVUTJEFCFDBVTFUIFDPME FYBTQFSBUFTUIFTFQSPCMFNT TIPS FOR PETS THAT MUST REMAIN OUTDOORS: t1SPWJEFBESZJOTVMBUFETIFMUFSPSBIFBUFEIPVTF tʔ*GBIFBUFEIPVTFJTVOBUUBJOBCMFQSPWJEFBIFBUFEQBE tʔ*GBIFBUFEQBEJTVOBUUBJOBCMFQSPWJEFXBSNCMBOLFUT tʔ1SPWJEFBOFMFDUSJDCPXMUIBULFFQTXBUFSGSPNGSFF[JOH tʔɥFQSPEVDUTNFOUJPOFEBCPWFDBOCFQVSDIBTFEMPDBMMZ BU5SBDUPS4VQQMZ$PNQBOZPSGSPNPOMJOFSFUBJMFST This information was provided by the Humane Society Director, Cosy Balok. 3KRWRE\6WHOOD0DUWLQ UNM Gallup Dean of Instruction Neal Mangham addresses Nursing students at a reception held in honor of scholarship donors. Continued from pg. 1 Visiting Lecturer at the University of South Dakota, Visiting Professor and guest lecturer at the Institute of American Indian Arts, and artistin-residence and director of Stone Lithography and Plate Lithography workshops for Albuquerque Public Schools. He has had numerous oneperson and group exhibitions both nationally and internationally. His work is included in many collections including the University of Liverpool, and the private collections of Emmi Whitehorse and Dirk De Bruycker. Professor Roberts will be honored as Outstanding Teacher of the Year in a ceremony on May 2, 2013 on the main UNM campus in Albuquerque. Campus Voice October 2013 3 DXii`X^\ C`Z\ej\j]fiJXd\ J\oZflgc\j`e DZB`ec\p:flekp6 By Jeremy Yazzie Campus Voice Staff Writer Halloween art drawn by UNM Gallup student Adrian Keyonne. Money for UNM Gallup 6SHFLDOWR&DPSXV9RLFH GALLUP – The University of New Mexico-Gallup Campus has been awarded a grant in the amount of $25,000.00 from the Johnson Scholarship Foundation for entrepreneurship scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year. This is the third consecutive year in which this grant has been awarded to UNM-Gallup. )XQGVDUHDYDLODEOHWRTXDOLÀHG Native American students with a grade point average of at least ZKRDUHSXUVXLQJFHUWLÀFDWHV or degrees in Entrepreneurship, Business Administration, or Save Your Spot! Advertise with the Campus Voice this fall 2013 semester &DOOIRUUDWHV PDQDJHPHQWUHODWHGÀHOGVRI study. Individual scholarships may be awarded up to a maximum of $2,500.00 per year for full-time students maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.0-3.4. Individual scholarships may be awarded up to a maximum of $4,000.00 per year for full-time students maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above who have completed 12 semester credits in the preceding academic term. Awards will be prorated for students with a part-time status. For information on the Johnson Scholarship Foundation scholarships, please contact Al Henderson at (505) 863-7634 or <alhender@unm.edu>. For information on other scholarship opportunities at UNM-Gallup please visit the VFKRODUVKLSRIÀFHRUUHIHUWRWKH website at www.gallup.unm.edu. For questions or further information regarding this article, please contact Marilee Petranovich at mpetrano@unm. edu or (505) 863-7770. GALLUP– Marriage equality for same sex couples has been moving across the United States. Over the summer, New Mexico gained momentum in the ÀJKWIRUPDUULDJHHTXDOLW\E\ issuing same sex couples marriage licenses. Within weeks, over 900 marriage licenses were issued in eight counties in New Mexico. So is there a chance that McKinley County will be granting same sex couples marriage licenses? I began by interviewing students and faculty at UNM Gallup. I discovered that many students were sensitive about the topic. For example, I asked two female students who were pursuing degrees in Nursing if same sex couples should have the right to obtain marriage licenses in McKinley County? Immediately, one of the students explained to me why same sex affection in public or otherwise was unacceptable. Another male student said, “They (gay people) need to stop being like straight people. “Why do they want to get married? “They cant event have children.” Another student studying Psychology said, “I don’t want my kids to see gay guys kissing and hugging. “I don’t think they should be getting married. “The Bible says only men and women should get married.” After numerous interviews, a theme began to emerge from one question. Students were unable to see past the physical relationships of same sex couples in order to form an opinion about granting marriage licenses to same sex couples. On the other hand, numerous students did support marriage equality for same sex couples. “Love is love. “It doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight,” said one male student who is majoring in Criminal Justice. Another student said, “I don’t know why the church and politicians have the right to deny love. “Who are they to dictate what GHÀQHVPDUULDJHµ Another female student even FRPSDUHGWKHÀJKWIRUPDUULDJH equality to the era of radical racism that segregated people by skin color. She said, “It’s kind of like racism and its still a segregation issue but this time its with gay people. “That’s why I feel gay people should be able to get married.” Finally, a faculty member who wishes to remain anonymous said, “Marriage equality is great for society. “Committed same sex couples should have the rights to legalize their love for one another. “I’ve met many committed Native same sex couples that feel they don’t require a license to be fully recognized. “It’ll be interesting how many Navajo same sex couples will be ÀOLQJIRUPDUULDJHOLFHQVHVRQFHLW passes.” Continued on pg. 5, 1(''61,1+0T16+/'.+/+6(14274%*#5'5T1+061&#;^ Buy 5 New Era fitted or snapback hats Get the 6th hat 1/2 off $5 OFF 10g#6UENgL70UEFgI LGF9;HME#..72XLKGNE j1%#6'&$'*+0&+<<.'4k Your next Snapback! 196*4718'/$'4GN6* Campus Voice October 2013 4 810*DOOXS·V6WXGHQW6HUYLFHDQG7HFKEXLOGLQJ$GYLVHPHQWÀQDQFLDODLGDGPLVVLRQVDQGWKHFDVKLHU·VRIÀFHDUHORFDWHGKHUHDVZHOODVFODVVrooms. NXekkfJlZZ\\[XkLED>Xcclg6 By Ken Van Brott Guest Writer GALLUP – I have worked in Student Services positions for most of my 24 year career here at UNM Gallup. I can’t think of a single instance when a student asked me “how can I be a successful student here at UNMG”, so when I was asked to write about what makes a successful student I jumped at the chance. 7KHÀUVWVWHSWREHFRPLQJD successful student is realizing and tapping into your desire to learn and then dedicating yourself to that mission. Your education needs to be close to the top of your life priority list. School needs to be right up there with the things most important to you like family, employment, community and basic needs. Once you have established the desire you can then engage yourself at different levels on campus and at home. The following is a list of tips to help you along your way: Get to know an Academic Advisor. Their job is to help you be successful and they can provide you with some of the tools you will need for success. Pay attention to your degree plan. Don’t stray from your plan. Extra classes can sometimes hurt \RXUFKDQFHVRINHHSLQJÀQDQFLDO aid. Keep a sense of focus and know where you are going. It’s your plan and no one else’s. Know your classes before they start. Look at the course syllabus before you commit. Skim through the required text at the bookstore. Make sure the class is academically suited for your skill level. Make sure it counts toward your graduation. Don’t know? Ask. Get to know your instructors. ,QWURGXFH\RXUVHOIRQWKHÀUVWGD\ right after class. Two-three weeks in let them know what you like about their class. Ask questions. Being shy in class can be unhelpful so speak up. Get to know your classmates. Talk to them about the class, homework, group projects, Are you interested in a career in journalism, photojournalism, photography or design? The UNM Gallup Campus Voice newspaper is a great place to learn and develop skills required in each of these fields. The Campus Voice is located in Gurley Hall, Room 1101F. Feel free to stop by our office or email us at: unmgcampusvoice@gmail.com. \RX·UHHOLJLEOHWDONWRÀQDQFLDO aid about a work-study job. Go get your hair cut at the Cosmetology Dept. Hit the gym or take a walk on the trail. Develop good study skills. This is tough for new students who didn’t in High School. Talk to your classmates that are already successful about how they study. Ask your instructors for help on what to study. A trip to the tutoring center ZRXOGKHOSLI\RXQHHGVSHFLÀF WLSVIRUDVSHFLÀFFODVV Remember…You have absolute control of your own success. Don’t be a victim of circumstance and don’t delay getting help…go to your LQVWUXFWRURUDGYLVRUDWWKHÀUVW sign of academic trouble. They can help. Communicate with your instructor about absences…they are keeping track. Stay in touch with your Academic Advisor and talk with them about anything preventing you from being successful. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” –H. Jackson Brown Jr. See more at: http://talentegg.ca/incubator/2012/07/04/students-motivationquotes/ The Campus Voice is published six times a year and written and edited by the students of the University of New Mexico, Gallup. It operates solely under the Publications Board. It is funded by student fees and advertising revenues. Submit letters, story ideas and news items to the Campus Voice, 200 College Road, Gurley Hall, Room 1101F, Gallup, NM 87301, or call 505-863-7727. Letter submission policy: Letters submitted to the Campus Voice must be signed by the author and include address and telephone number. Unsigned letters will not be published. Editor Jennifer Jones Ad Manager Graphic & Design Stella Martin Chei-Ann Manygoats Photographer Stella Martin Reporters Jeremy Yazzie Ty Hudson Adviser Norhayati Adelhardt Staff Come join the Campus Voice team today! compare notes, organize study groups and ask them anything else you want to know about UNMG. Practice time management. This is hard for new students. There is a rhythm that you need to establish. <RXQHHGWRÀQGDEDODQFH between your school life, home life, sleep, employment, recreation and anything else that takes up your time. FYI successful students spend at least as much time studying outside of class as they do sitting in class. Do the math and make your plan. Learn what your resources are DQGZKHUHWRÀQGWKHP Go to the library…read. 7DONWRÀQDQFLDODLGDERXW scholarships. Check in with your Academic Advisor periodically. Go online to the UNMG Website and cruse around there. Your senior classmates can be helpful resources. Tutoring is available in Gurley Hall. Get involved and get to know your UNMG campus. Join a club, see what’s going on in the Student Life Center. Volunteer at the library and if © 2013 Campus Voice Campus Voice October 2013 5 LED>XcclgJkl[\ek=`^_kj=fi>C9KI`^_kj 3KRWRE\6WHOOD0DUWLQ UNM Gallup student Hozhoni Sky. By Jeremy Yazzie representative of Albuquerque Campus Voice Staff Writer Pride. Sky advocates equality for the GALLUP– Hozhoni Sky’s life transgender youth community of journey from a radiant child to a New Mexico. Transgender people thriving college student is a path are sometimes referred to as “the she has trudged with courage and invisible community.” determination. The fear of discrimination, At the age of eighteen, she is bullying and violence are some breaking down barriers, creating realities transgender people face, visibility, and advocating for the however, Sky is working hard to transgender youth community. create a brighter future for Sky is an emerging young transgender people. leader on her way to joining the Transgender is an “umbrella” ranks of trail blazing women. term that encompasses gender Sky is a full time student identity and gender expression pursuing a degree in Physiology such as cross-dressing, drag in hopes of attending prestigious queen, androgynous, gender medical institute to become a non-conforming and/or cardiovascular surgeon for a transsexual. prestigious medical institute. The population most at risk As of now she is completing of being bullied are transgender her prerequisites at UNM Gallup. youth. On November 17th 2012, Sky According to the National was crowned Miss New Mexico Center for Transgender Equality Pride Youth in Albuquerque, NM. website, transgender youth of The Albuquerque Pride color rank highest in organization awarded her the title discrimination. with a beautiful satin sash and a Bully prevention is personal majestic crown. to Sky because she was bullied Sky and the current Ms. New throughout her adolescence so 0H[LFR3ULGHZHUHWKHÀUVW she understands the psychological contestants to be crowned as wounds that can be carried into proud Navajo Gallupians in adulthood. Albuquerque Pride’s pageant She doesn’t want any young history. transgender people to endure what Over the summer, Sky traveled she has. to various GLBT (gay, lesbian, “I was bullied for being bisexual and transgender) pride different.” events in New Mexico as a “There was one day when a guy threw a milk carton at me from across the cafeteria. ´+HKDGÀOOHGLWZLWKIRRG “It hit my back. “I had done nothing to him,” said Sky. That moment of aggressive bullying became a pivotal moment in her life. After that day she established herself as a force to be reckoned with. She began to excel in academics and she began to fully transition into the femme fatale that she is today. Her self-acceptance as an unconventional young woman was the key to unlocking her potential. She enrolled into the middle college program at UNM Gallup after her junior year at Miyamura High School. During her senior year she began earning college credits. She graduated in spring 2012. She plans to graduate with an associate’s degree by fall 2014. “At UNM Gallup I experience zero bullying. “My reign is ending in three months and I feel really good about the work I’ve done. “For example, there is this young girl named Izzy. “She was scared to go to her high school prom in drag queen attire. “She asked me for advice. “I told her to be herself and do it for you. “Recently she sent me a message on Facebook. “She went to her high school prom in drag. “She said I gave her the courage to be herself,” said Sky. When asked if she has advice for young transgender men and women Sky said, “Do not apologize for who you are. “Your journey to become who you really want to be is important. “Enjoy it.” Sky credits her Mom for becoming the person she is today. “She is a single mother who has gone through hardship. “She is my hero,” said Sky. Sky was asked to describe herself in three words. ,WZDVGLIÀFXOWIRUKHUWRFRPH up with more than one word. Therefore, I believe she is a woman in search of her words. Only through life experience will she excavate her true identity. In the meantime, legendary is her word. Same Sex Marriage Continued from pg. 3, The Equality New Mexico website reported on Sep. 5, that New Mexico’s 33 counties including McKinley County, submitted a petition to the State Supreme Court to decide whether same sex marriage is legal in the state. A document obtained from the McKinley County Clerk’s RIÀFHFRQÀUPVWKDW´7KHÀOLQJ by the county clerks gets us another step closer to a statewide solution,” says Equality New Mexico Executive Director Amber Royster. Harriet K. Becenti, McKinley County Clerk, said she is SDWLHQWO\DZDLWLQJDQRIÀFLDO ruling from the State Supreme Court before issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples in McKinley County. She said no same sex couples have made an attempt to gain marriage licenses in McKinley County before or after the marriage equality momentum in New Mexico. Harriet and her staff will fully support the State Supreme Court’s ruling on the issue. A ruling is expected to be announced by Jan. 2014. For now, Harriet fully supports marriage equality for all New Mexicans. Jerry Archuleta and his partner have been committed to one another for 19 years. Archuleta is 60 years old and his partner is 47 years old. Archuleta said, “Yes we would like to get a marriage license, but if we do one of us will lose our supplemental security income. “One of us has to get a job. “Besides, I don’t think we need a marriage license to GHÀQHRXUUHODWLRQVKLS “We have a good life with each other in Gallup. “If we didn’t have to lose our SSI, yes we would get a marriage license.” $VWKHÀJKWIRUPDUULDJH equality is reaching its tipping point in New Mexico, there is still a lot more work to be done. The greatest strengths will come from starting a dialogue with your family and friends. <RXUYRLFHLVVREHQHÀFLDOIRU New Mexicans who are denied the freedom to marry their partner regardless of gender. Finally, thank you to all those brave men and women who QHYHUJDYHXSWKHÀJKWIRUORYH Editorial Page Campus Voice October 2013 6 Dfm`\Xe[Dlj`ZI\m`\nj Amour Review By Ty Hudson Campus Voice Staff Writer GALLUP– One day you may ask yourself the question, “What would I do for love?” 7KH)UHQFKÀOP$PRXU explores this subject as it follows an elderly Parisian couple H[SHULHQFLQJRQHÀQDOWHVWRI their love for one another. When Georges and Anne Laurent return from a concert, WKH\ÀQGWKHLUDSDUWPHQWKDV been burglarized. This foreshadows the turmoil they will experience as Anne suffers a stroke that paralyzes one side of her body. Jean-Louis Trintignant plays *HRUJHVZKRÀQGVKLPVHOI caring for his wife and dealing with his concerned daughter and various caretakers. Anne, played by the brilliant Emmanuelle Riva, must try to live with some semblance of dignity as she tries to adjust to her new situation. Unfortunately, her situation becomes worse as her health deteriorates. As the memories of what was and the nightmares of what is permeate Georges, he must make a decision that will demonstrate his love for her. Do Georges’ actions show his VHOÀVKQHVV" This is up for the viewer to decide. 7KLVÀOPVHHPVPRUHOLNHD play, yet it uses the medium RIÀOPWRSRHWLFDOO\GHDOZLWK themes of mortality and devotion. The characters were complex and very human, and they left me knowing what it takes to love someone with your whole heart. d i o v A ng i t t e . g t e k ic u r t t i a yo m r t . e e y p a G ng d o i t k r a p UNM-GALLUP STUDENT PARKING Elysium Review By Ty Hudson Campus Voice Staff Writer GALLUP– How do you make a VFLHQFHÀFWLRQÀOPWKDWFRQYH\V urban decay and massive poverty? Film it in an actual city full of urban decay and massive poverty! (O\VLXPZDVDFWXDOO\ÀOPHGLQ Mexico City, one of largest and poorest cities in the world. Matt Damon plays Max, a cog in the military-industrial complex, who tries to save himself after being exposed to a lethal dose of radiation at a robot security factory. Max reminded me of the character Charlie Chaplin portrayed in Modern Times, and what other movies Elysium borrows from doesn’t stop there. Max takes matters into his own hands and decides to become Robocop AND Johnny Mnemonic. Like the classic movie satire, %UD]LOKHWULHVWRÀJKWWKHPDQ who is in fact played by Jodie Foster. Foster, as Delacourt, is living in a space luxury condo in the sky just like 2001: A Space Odyssey. How about that! 7KHÀOPWULHVWRVKRZD dystopian future of the haves and have-nots, but ends up beLQJDQXQRULJLQDOVFLÀÀOP If you like video games, this also has some great slowmotion shoot out scenes and an opera singer cooing when someone important dies. $VIRUWKHÀOPORFDWLRQWKLVLV one of those times I felt bad looking at the condition of Mexico City. That says more about what actual poor people are experiencing right now on this fragile planet. Review of Earl Sweatshirt’s Album “Doris” By Ty Hudson Campus Voice Staff Writer GALLUP– While Jay-Z raps about his multi-million dollar art collection, Earl Sweatshirt raps about the real things in life: hanging out, smoking dope and surviving in a hostile world. A member of the Odd Future crew of Los Angeles, Sweatshirt makes a CD that resonates with those at the bottom of the tax bracket. Doris is an album that doesn’t get you pumped up with its slow raps and chill beats. Instead it’s a West Coast recording that should be played when you drive home after a JXQÀJKWLQDVSDJKHWWLZHVWHUQ Earl raps about enduring life’s GDLO\FRQÁLFWVDQGLVUHPLniscent of Ice Cube’s classic single, “It Was a Good Day.” The song, “Chum,” is a meditation on absent fathers and racial identity. “Knight” is an appeal to his mama about his non-collegiate career choice that plays out over soothing R&B background vocals. Doris contains humorous moments too like the RZAproduced, “Molasses,” and “Sasquatch,” featuring Tyler the Creator. Sweatshirt created an album that doesn’t idealizes materialism like most Top-40 rappers, EXWLWUHÁHFWVSHRSOHZKRDUH managing to survive in a world that dismisses them for being poor and different. Campus Voice October 2013 7 HALLOWEEN EATS AND TREATS SPICY VAMPIRE BAT WINGS Prep:15 min Total:1 hr 30 min Total:12 servings Ingredients: 1 Tbsp. chili powder 1 Tbsp. minced garlic 1 tsp. ground red pepper (cayenne) 6 Tbsp. lime juice, divided 6 Tbsp. chopped canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, divided 12 whole chicken wings (3 lb.) 2/3 cup KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce 1 cup BREAKSTONE’S or KNUDSEN Sour Cream 1 green onion, sliced 2 tsp. lime zest 'LUHFWLRQV MIX chili powder, garlic, ground red pepper and 5 Tbsp. each lime SWEET AND CRUNCHY FALL TRAIL MIX Yield: 5 cups Ingredients: 1 cup White Chocolate Candy Corn M&M’s 1 cup Caramel Candy Corn 1 cup Caramel Apple Candy Corn 1 cup Honey Nut Chex cereal 1 cup unsalted dry roasted peanuts 'LUHFWLRQV 1. Combine all ingredients in large bowl and mix well. 2. Store in covered jars or resealable bags. Enjoy! juice and chipotle peppers until well blended. Pour over chicken in large shallow dish; turn to coat both sides of each wing. Refrigerate 30 min. to marinate, turning chicken after 15 min. Meanwhile, mix remaining chipotle peppers with barbecue sauce. HEAT oven to 400ºF. Remove wings from marinade; place in single layer on baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Discard marinade. BAKE 35 to 40 min. or until wings are done, turning after 20 min. Brush with half the barbecue sauce mixture; bake 5 min., turning and brushing with remaining barbecue sauce mixture after 3 min. MIX sour cream, onions, zest and remaining lime juice. Serve with wings. SPIDER CUPCAKES Prep: 15 min Total: 1 hr 10 min Total: 24 servings Ingredients: 1 pkg. (2-layer size) chocolate cake mix 1 pkg. (3.9 oz.) JELL-O Chocolate Instant Pudding 1/3 cup KOOL-AID Orange Flavor Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink Mix 2 Tbsp. hot water 1 can (16 oz.) ready-to-spread white frosting 24 OREO Cookies 12 pieces black string licorice (32 inches each) 48 miniature candy-coated chocolate pieces 'LUHFWLRQV PREPARE cake batter as directed CRESENT MUMMY DOGS Prep time: 30 min 3. With knife or kitchen scissors, Total time: 50 min cut each rectangle lengthwise into 10 servings 10 pieces, making a total of 40 Ingredients: pieces of dough. 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® Slice cheese slices into quarters refrigerated crescent dinner rolls (1/2 slice cheese, cut in half). or 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® 4. Wrap 4 pieces of dough around Crescent Recipe Creations® each hot dog and 1/4 slice of refrigerated seamless dough sheet cheese to look like “bandages,” 2 1/2 slices American cheese, stretching dough slightly to quartered (2.5 oz) completely cover hot dog. 10 large hot dogs About 1/2 inch from one end of Cooking spray each hot dog, separate “bandages” Mustard or ketchup, if desired so hot dog shows through for 'LUHFWLRQV “face.” 1. Heat oven to 375°F. On ungreased large cookie sheet, 2. If using crescent rolls: Unroll place wrapped hot dogs (cheese dough; separate at perforations, side down); spray dough lightly creating 4 rectangles. with cooking spray. Press perforations to seal. 5. Bake 13 to 17 minutes or until If using dough sheet: Unroll dough is light golden brown and dough; cut into 4 rectangles. hot dogs are hot. With mustard, draw features on “face.” HAPPY HALLOWEEN! on package; blend in dry pudding mix. Spoon into 24 paper-lined PXIÀQFXSV Bake as directed on package for cupcakes. Cool completely. DISSOLVE drink mix in hot water. Stir into frosting in bowl until well blended. Use to frost cupcakes, reserving some of the frosting for attaching the decorations. CUT each licorice piece into 16 (2-inch) lengths; set aside. Place 1 cookie on top of each cupcake; insert 4 licorice pieces into frosting on each side of cookie for the spider’s legs. Use reserved frosting to attach chocolate pieces to tops of cookies for the spiders’ eyes. M&M CANDY CORN COOKIES Ingredients: 1 C butter 3/4 C packed brown sugar 1/2 C white sugar 2 eggs 1/2 t vanilla extract FXSVDOOSXUSRVHÁRXU 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped macadamia nuts 1 cup M&M’s candy corn white chocolate candies 'LUHFWLRQV 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. In a large bowl, cream together butter (softened), brown sugar, and white sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time and add vanilla extract. 3. In a separate bowl, combine ÁRXUEDNLQJVRGDDQGVDOW Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the wet. 4. Fold in chopped macadamia nuts 5. Gently fold in the M&M’s 6. Drop dough balls onto ungreased cookie sheet 7. Bake 10-12 Minutes. Cool & serve! Campus Voice October 2013 8 6RXWKQG6W *DOOXS10 &20387(56$/(6 6(59,&( /DSWRSV7DEOHWV 'HVNWRS6\VWHPV *DPLQJ*UDSKLFV%XVLQHVV DQG%DVLF+RPH2IILFH6\VWHPV &RPSOHWH6\VWHP'LDJQRVWLFV 6\VWHP8SJUDGHV5HSDLU /DSWRS5HSDLUV /&'VFUHHQUHSODFHPHQW $&SRZHUVXSSOLHV 0RWKHUERDUGUHSODFHPHQW +DUGGULYHUHSODFHPHQWUHSDLU %HVW3ULFHVRQ 3DUWV$FFHVVRULHV *UDSKLFV&DUGV :LUHOHVV1HWZRUN $GDSWHUV6ZLWFKHV *(7$+($'*(7&211(&7(' 6((7+(352·6$7 *$//83%86,1(666<67(06 *$//83%86,1(666<67(06 6RXWKQG6WUHHW *DOOXS10 2IILFHZZZJEVEL]FRP GALLUP Bachelor & Graduate Programs Registration for Spring 2014 starts November 18th ! NOW is the time to see your advisor 8FDBOIFMQXJUIt"ENJTTJPOT t4FNFTUFSQMBOOJOHt'JOBODJBM"JE t3FHJTUSBUJPO Calvin Hall, Room 228 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon - Fri Stop by: Appointments are recommended; walk-ins always welcome. 863-7618 For more information about our programs: gallupbgp.unm.edu Melissa Academic Advisors Roxanne GBDFCPPLDPN6/.(BMMVQ#(1 .FMJTTB$PMMJOHT:B[[JFttNDPMMJOH!VONFEV 3PYBOOF5SVKJMMPttSUSVKJMM!HBMMVQVONFEV