Term Dates - Mackellar Primary School
Term Dates - Mackellar Primary School
Thursday May 14, 2015 Mackellar Primary School Parent Newsletter DATES TO REMEMBER 2015 June June 5 Prep Healthy Breakfast Mackellar Primary School 29-35 Goldsmith Ave DELAHEY VIC 3037 Ph: 9364 0200 Fax: 9364 0644 Email: mackeller.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au www.mackellarps.vic.edu.au From the Principal NAPLAN This week has been especially busy for our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students who have been completing the NAPLAN tests. It is so great to see their classmates in Grade 4 and Grade 6 encouraging them before and after the testing times. NAPLAN testing is a snapshot of where students are at this time of year. Tests are administered over three days and teachers are not allowed to assist students in any way. Well done to our students and teachers who were involved in NAPLN this week. Parking Unfortunately I have received a few complaints this week from some frustrated residents that surround our school. Complaints have ranged from parents double parking and blocking cars to parents actually parking in people’s driveways. Please be mindful of our neighbours and the safety of our students. There will be extra patrols by both police and the council to control this in future. Meet our School Captains Term Dates: 2015 Term 1 Term 2 Feb 2 -Mar 27 April 13—Jun 26 Term 3 Jul 13– Sep 18 Term 4 Oct 5— Dec 17 Hi my name is Emily Cugliari. I feel so grateful and honored to have the opportunity to be Mackellar’s female school captain. I enjoy being actively involved in our school community. Come and talk to me about any issues or ideas and we can work together on a solution. My goal is to make Mackellar Primary School an even better school where we can learn and have fun. Thank you, Emily Cugliari Hi my name is Daniel Tran. I am from 5/6M and I am proud to be a school captain of Mackellar Primary School in 2015. I was so proud of myself when it was announced that I was school captain. I like to play tennis and electronic games, I love going to school and I am excited about being school captain for 2015. Thank you, Daniel Tran Mackellar Primary School Newsletter Parent Newsletter Grades 5/6 YMCA Camp, Anglesea. Prep Enrolment for the Year 2016 Wednesday July 22 to Friday July 24 Enrolments are now being taken for Preps in 2016. Your child is eligible to commence schooling in 2016 if they turn five years of age on or before April 30, 2016. This year’s camp will cost $240 for the 3-day experience. The cost includes accommodation, activities, camp instructors and bus travel. As prices in petrol, food, wages, have risen, so have the cost of camps and buses. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is payable by Friday May 8, 2015 to secure your child a place on the camp as there are limited places available. (Once places are filled a waiting list will be established.) A payment plan will commence there after so that the financial demands will not be too taxing for families. Final payment is due no later than Monday June 22 Grade 3/4 CITY CAMP Melbourne Discovery Wednesday August 26 to Friday August 28 Our Grade 3/4 students have an opportunity to attend a 3 day camp in the city of Melbourne in Term 3. This year’s camp will cost $290.00 for the 3 day experience Final payment is due no later than Friday August 7 The 3/4 Camp is NOW FULL WALKATHON Dear parents/guardians, I am thrilled to announce that our School Walkathon Fundraiser was a huge success! With your assistance we were able to raise money to put towards sun shades etc. for our school. I would like to thank you for all your efforts. It was wonderful to see the spirit and enthusiasm that was displayed in supporting our fundraiser. Thank you once again. Fundraising Group Mackellar Primary School When enrolling your child you will need to present official evidence of the child’s date of birth. This evidence can be in the form of a birth certificate or passport. An official immunisation statement issued by the Immunisation Register (Phone 1800 653 809) and must be presented before your child can enter school in 2016. Enrolments can be carried out at anytime between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM Monday to Friday. To cater for our planning for 2016 please ensure the school receives your enrolment soon. Participation in the school’s Kinder to Prep Transition program requires your child to be enrolled for 2016 by August 2015. Prep Healthy Breakfast Dear Parents / Guardians, This term, the prep students have been learning about Healthy Eating and Food Choices as part of their Inquiry Investigation into ‘Wellbeing’. As part of this unit, we will be having a healthy Prep breakfast at school on Friday 5th June. The children will eat breakfast in their classrooms, and then change into their school uniforms. The cost of the breakfast will be $5.00. Please return the form below with the money in an envelope no later than Friday 29th May. Parents are more then welcome to join us and assist during our Healthy Eating Breakfast. Regards, Prep Teachers. Page 2 Mackellar Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 14, 2015 Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week Kyla Kim, Madison Chance, Tenisha Lim, Hala Koubar Jessica Leetet, Jack Alderman, Julian Cugliari, Luka Kilpatrick, Shaniya Chetcuti, Jonathan Lam, Braden Vong, Sasha Nguyen, Nida Chandab, and Lisa Tran, Absent: Abby Marshman Page 3 Mackellar Primary School Newsletter Parent Newsletter We are on the web www.mackellarps.vic.edu.au Mackellar ‘s Office Hours 8.30am-4.00pm COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES I have posted the Delahey Community Centre and the Brimbank Family and Children’s Newsletter on the notice board outside Room 1 and on the parents board near the gym for your information. Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Parentline: 13 22 89 Website: www.parentline.vic.gov.au Care Ring: 24 hour counselling service 13 61 69 Relationships Australia: 8311 9222 Gamblers Help: 1800 858 858 Depression – you’re not alone - Website: www.beyondblue.org.au Phone: 1300 22 4636 Mensline: 1300 789 978 Nurse-On-Call: 1300 606 024 Victorian Poisons Information Centre: 131 126 Women’s Domestic Violence: 9322 3555 or 1800 015 188 School Dental Service 1300 360 054 Mackellar Primary School Newsletter
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