One Lord - Christ Church Northern Beaches


One Lord - Christ Church Northern Beaches
 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Mackellar Area Scripture Board MASB News Term 2 2014 One Lord 3 SRE teachers 12 supporting local churches 52 classes of scripture each week 1350 students learning about Jesus! Welcome to Victoria Giovanelli Victoria Giovanelli has joined our SRE team for 2014 and
shares, “2014 has already been marked as a year of new
adventures for me. Having worked primarily as a Dance and
Drama High School teacher, I am delighted to able to combine
my passion for educating youth with sharing my faith as a
Religious Education teacher at Mackellar Girls High School. Jen
dally is an amazing woman to work alongside and together we
have expectations for a fruitful and fulfilling year ahead. I love
the foundation of prayer that we work from and the openness
of students towards exploring the scriptures and learning
more about our incredible God. One highlight that has stood
out so far was teaching an engaged class of Year 11 students
about God’s forgiveness in the lead up to Easter.”
Member Churches | | SSt t AAndrew’s ndrew’s PPresbyterian, resbyterian, MManly anly | |S St t MMatthew’s atthew’s AAnglican, nglican, MManly anly | | | | RRuach N
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Heaches arbour || Northern Beaches Church | Christ Church Anglican, Northern | | SSt t PPaul’s A
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hurch| aul’s Anglican, Seaforth | Seaforth Baptist Church | Mackellar Girls High Scripture Classes Jennie Dally Term 2 is only just beginning and already so much is happening at Mackellar! Year 7 students
finished term 1 looking at the Easter message and are now looking at creation. It is exciting to see
them confidently engaged in discussions. The Year 8 students are beginning to look at love and
sacrifice. Year 9 students have been journeying through a unit of work called “Living the way God
sees me.” Students have been looking at how beauty comes from being uniquely created. I am
looking forward to the girls understanding their value.
As I only see year 10 once a fortnight, there have been some helpful changes to the curriculum
implemented in 2014. We have begun looking at the fruit of the Spirit which has been fruitful (sorry I
couldn’t help myself!). The topics capture the girl’s interest as there is a clear emphasis on life
application. Please pray for my lesson plan preparation on self-control and generosity. The year 11
classes are studying world religions including - Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and the Islam faith.
The girls have been studying the similarities and differences between religions. It is my hope that
grace will continue to stand out. It's a great blessing to have Tammy, Matt and Kezia as weekly
volunteers to teach SRE and to have Victoria teaching all day Friday to share the role at Mackellar. Outside the Classroom Last term, the Shimmer leaders united to serve the school over 200
pancakes and bless year 12 students with Shimmer care study packs
(full of lollies, tea and a memory verse card). The girls meet
Wednesday recess to pray, encourage each other and plan Shimmer
which occurs Thursday lunchtimes. I am very excited by the Shimmer
leader’s connection to local churches and it is my prayer that any girls
attending church would become involved with Shimmer.
A HUGE answer to prayer is seeing God raise up Godly leaders – Katie,
Victoria, Tammy and Emma to begin D-teams for the year. Please pray
over their faith and for the gift of teaching. World Vision leadership
conference is Wednesday 21st May. It is an amazing opportunity for
students to participate in practical leadership workshops and hear from
inspiring speakers who are committed to alleviating poverty. I am
Prayer •
looking forward to the relational time with the year 10 students and
seeing them empowered to lead the 40-hour famine.
Please pray for students who made their first commitment to following Christ at the Shimmer Easter
event & pray they can get plugged in to local youth groups!
Praise God for the Senior Shimmer girls who are showing a desire to lead. Praise for new creative ideas
from the Shimmer girls and pray that I may I be able to encourage them to be missional.
Please pray for me, that I would have love, energy, creativity, wisdom and discernment for all classes and
be able to support volunteers.
Kieran Degan
Balgowlah Boys High Scripture Classes This year is proceeding at a cracking pace. By the time you
read this we are already a couple of weeks into term 3!!! God
has been very good to me and the ministry this year. The
harvest is plentiful. Classes are going wonderfully well.
Discipline issues are minimal these days and there are
constant questions and discussions with students of all age. It
is exciting to see them engaging with the word of God and
understanding more about Jesus. This term we are doing a
unit called Radical Jesus with year 7, The Sermon on the
Mount with year 8, comparing world religions with year 9 and
looking at Biblical manhood and character with year 10. Outside the Classroom I continue to run 3 lunch groups, one for year 9, one for year 10 and a combined one for
years 7-8. I am blessed to have Matt Jacobs from Seaforth Anglican working with me for
the 7-8 group. The year 10 group is a highlight. There are only 5 boys that regularly
come, but have been every week since year 7. None of them are from a Christian
background yet they are all on a great journey of discipleship. The biggest challenge is to
get them into churches to help them grow in their faith more. Please pray for this. On a
personal note. My wife is due to give birth to our second daughter any day now. We are
really excited. I will be taking some paternity leave and the boys will be blessed to have
Al Wheatly covering for me while I'm away. Big thanks to her.
Prayer Please continue to uphold the work at Bally in prayer. Especially:
• that kids will get linked into churches;
• for Al as she fills in for my classes while on paternity leave;
• praise God for bringing boys to faith;
Praise God for the way he has worked in this ministry in the last few years, making it much
smoother and more enjoyable and most importantly, bearing fruit.
We Value Your Support God is the one who changes hearts and minds. So please join with us in prayer as we ask our Heavenly Father to transform the lives of these young people through His son. Please give generously and regularly. Ways You Can Give (Contributions of $2 and over to the Mackellar Area Scripture Board are Tax Deductible.) By Bank Transfer By Cheque Set up a regular or one off contribution by Electronic Funds Transfer over the internet. Call or email Bernadette Miflin (details below) to provide your receipt details. Post a cheque made out to “Mackellar Area Scripture Board”, along with your name and address to: The Treasurer MASB PO Box 583 Balgowlah NSW 2093 Name: BSB: Account No: Mackellar Area Scripture Board 032 004 (Westpac) 593 073 Through Your Church Put your donation in via your church collection, clearly marked MASB. Stay in Touch To receive this quarterly report via email send an email to with MASB Newsletter in the subject line. Chairman Treasurer Daniel Ryan Bernadette Miflin m 0412 089 220 e m 0409 394 312 e The Staff and Board of MASB