bambino carrozzine per
bambino carrozzine per
Bumprider Pedana universale cod. 705 TANTE ! Leggere attentamente queste istruzioni prima dell’uso e varle per riferimento futuro. Qualora queste istruzioni venissero di, ne potrebbero derivare lesioni al bambino. TANT ! Read these instructions carefully before use and keep them re reference. Your child’s safety may be affected if you do not follow instructions nstructions. I D F E P RU NL NA UNIVERSALE: oni d’uso ERSAL BOARD: ctions for use ERSAL TRITTBRETT: uchsanweisung EFORME UNIVERSELLE: d’emploi MA UNIVERSAL: cciones de uso AFORMA UNIVERSAL: ções de utilização ЕРСАЛЬНАЯ ПОДНОЖКА: укция по применению 00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 1 GB 07/03/2011 16.13.35 DA EMBALAGEM ● СОДЕРЖИМОЕ УПАКОВКИ B. Connettori con pulsante rilascio C. Bracci telescopici D. Viti per regolare l’inclinazione E. Pedana Bumprider F. Ruote (2 pezzi) G. Cinghia per aggancio al passeggino A B PACKAGING CONTENT AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CONTENUTO DELLA CONFEZIONE ● PACKAGING CONTENTS ● VERPACKUNGSINDE L’EMBALLAGE ● CONTENIDO DEL EMBALAJE ● CONTEÚDO C DA EMBALAGEM ● СОДЕРЖИМОЕ УПАКОВКИ Fixtures with release button B. Connettori con pulsante rilascio ● CONTENU Safety straps A. Fascette per fissaggio GB I HALT A Telescopic arms C. Bracci telescopici Screws regulate the inclination D. Viti per to regolare l’inclinazione Bumprider board E. Pedana Bumprider 2 wheels F. Ruote (2 pezzi) Strap to per attach the board to the stroller G. Cinghia aggancio al passeggino D GB I B Befestigungsschellen A. Safety straps Fascette per fissaggio Verbindungsstücke mit Freigabetaste B. Fixtures with release button Connettori con pulsante rilascio Teleskoparme C. Telescopic arms Bracci telescopici Schrauben für die l’inclinazione Einstellung der Neigung D. Screws regulate the inclination Viti per to regolare Trittfläche Bumprider E. Bumprider board Pedana Bumprider Räder Stück) F. 2Ruote wheels (2 pezzi) Riemen Befestigen G. Strap to zum attach the board to Kinderwagen the stroller Cinghia per aggancio al am passeggino E C A B F F D GB D Colliers de fixation A. Befestigungsschellen Safety straps Connecteurs bouton de décrochage B. Verbindungsstücke mit Freigabetaste Fixtures withavec release button Bras télescopiques C. Teleskoparme Telescopic arms Vis de réglage deEinstellung l’inclinaison D. Schrauben für die der Neigung Screws to regulate the inclination PlateformeBumprider Bumprider E. Trittfläche Bumprider board Roues (2 Stück) pièces) F. Räder (2 2 wheels Sangletod’accrochage à laam poussette G. Riemen zum Befestigen Kinderwagen Strap attach the board to the stroller C D E G D 2 F A. Colliers de fixation Befestigungsschellen B. Connecteurs avec bouton de décrochage Verbindungsstücke mit Freigabetaste 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 2 C. Bras télescopiques Teleskoparme D. Vis de réglage deEinstellung l’inclinaison Schrauben für die der Neigung E. Plateforme Bumprider Trittfläche Bumprider F. Roues (2 Stück) pièces) Räder (2 G. Sangle à laampoussette Riemend’accrochage zum Befestigen Kinderwagen E F D 2 A. Abrazaderas para fijación P B. Colliers Conectores con pulsador de A. de fixation F liberación avec bouton de décrochage B. Connecteurs 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 2 C.Bras Brazos telescópicos C. télescopiques D.Vis Tornillos para regular la D. de réglage de l’inclinaison inclinación Bumprider E. Plateforme Tarima(2Bumprider F.E. Roues pièces) F. Sangle Ruedasd’accrochage (2 piezas) à la poussette G. G. Correa para enganchar al carrito 2 E 2 G A. Abraçadeiras para fixação B. Conectores com botão de abertura C. Braços telescópicos D. Parafusos para regular a inclinação E. Plataforma Bumprider F. Rodas (2 peças) G. Correia para prender ao carrinho de bebé F RUS 07/03/2011 16.13.35 A. Зажимы для фиксации B. Соединители с кнопкой освобождения G 07/03/2011 16.13.35 C. Телескопические кронштейны D. Винты для регулировки наклона E. Подножка Bumprider F. Колеса (2 шт.) G. Ремень для крепления к коляске GB A. Safety straps B. C C. B D. V E. P F. R G. C RIMOZIONE DELLE RUOTE ● REMOVING THE WHEELS ● ABNEHMEN DER nóиiиcцaаjfiсaкRETIRER иraфp яsлaдrDELLE eы daмzиaжrbаLES AЗ .RUOTE● A SNL ãçaxfi arap sTHE ariedLAS açWHEELS arbARUEDAS .A P ● MONTAGE nóicajfi arap saRÄDER redazarbA .● A GB U ER E A. S EDER ●MONTAGGIO POUR ROUES ●oREMOVER ● ATTACHING H. REMOVER ConnectorDER strap A. Bevestigings ed rйoоdкaпsоluнpкstraps сnoиcлsеincl. eтиrAS oнtconnectors иcдenеRODAS oоC С .B ed oãtob moКОЛЕС c serotcH enoC .B eStrap d rodalock sluplatch noc serotcenoC .B I. ● ДЕМОНТАЖ o i c s a l i r eB.t F MONTAGE DES ROUES ● MONTAJE DE LAS RUEDAS ● MONTAGEM DAS RODAS ● B. Bevestigings haken met ontgrendeяинедnжóоicбaоrвeсbоil lings knoppen ынйетшнорsкoеcиipкóсcеsчeиlпeоt кsсoеzлaеrBТ .C C. Verstelbare armen икaвl оraрlиuлgуeom гrеaрde raяpлhoogte дsoыllтinнrte иoВ T .D D. Draaiknoppen nóаicнaоnлiкlcаnнi bepalen redirrpemdvoor iurpBmuw аuкBжkind aоm ндirоaП T .E E. Staan gedeelte F. Wieltjes )saz).eтiш p 2( sаaсdеeлuоRК .F G. Riempje кlaяrиaнhеcлnпaеgрnкe яaлraдpьaнeеrмroеC Р .G екoсtяirлraоcк F arutreba МОНТАЖ socipócsКОЛЕС elet soçarB .C a raluger arap sosufaraP I.D oãçanilcni redirpmuB amroJ fatalP .E )saçep 2( sadoR .F -nirrac oa rednerp arap aierroCK .G ébeb ed oh B. Fixtureswithrel asebuton C.Tel scopicarms D.Screwstoregulatetheinclination E. Bumpriderboard F. 2whe ls nóicarebil J. Arm attachment hook socipóbutton cselet sozarB .C K. Hook release C. T D. S E. B F. 2 G. S al raluger arap sollinroT .D nóicanilcni redirpmuB amiraT .E )sazeip 2( sadeuR .F la rahcnagne arap aerroC .G otirrac enoizani oniggessaDp lA.B.a BV C. T D. S E. T F. R G. R RIMOZIONE DELLE RUOTE ● REMOVING THE WHEELS ● ABNEHMEN DER RÄEDER ● POUR RETIRER LES ROUES ● REMOVER LAS RUEDAS ● REMOVERnoFttuA. C B. C F AS RODAS ● ДЕМОНТАЖ КОЛЕС C. B OK D. V noitanilcniE. P F. R G. S ●ETOUR ●R EE LL DE ÄD RO RIE GDGE AG TN AO TN MOM ● SLEEHW EHT GNIHCATTA ●ETOUR ELLED OIGGATNOM OM ● S●EU SO AR DOSR ED SA ED GA MTENGOAM TNOM ● SADEUR SAL ED EJATNOM ● SEUOR SED EGATNOM 2 СЕЛОК ЖАТНОМ ATTACHING THE WHEELS REMOVING THE WHEELS rellorts eht ot dra 3 705-01-11-0-3 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 3 07/03/2011 16.13.36 etsatebagierF ti Pull to remove F KO F gnugieN red gnulle F negawr9ednFiK ma n 3 4 ATTACHING THE CONNECTORS OK 3 STOP! 3 1 PRESS STOP! A 2 1 2 OK 2 1 STOP! 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 4 42 1 OK OK OK 5 4 A 2 5 5 1 OK PRESS 3 OK I 4 ATTENZIONE! il fissaggio delle fascette è consentito o direttamente sul telaio o sulla barra posteriore del passeggino. NON FISSARE BUMPRIDER BREVI SUL FRENO O SU QUALSIASI PARTE MOBILE DEL PASSEGGINO. ● FIXAÇÃO BRAÇADEIRAS ЗАЖИМОВ ATTENTION! The strapsDAS can be fascette attachedèeither directly to●theУСТАНОВКА chassissulortelaio to theo rear bar of the stroller.del passeggino. NON FISSAATTENZIONE! il fissaggio delle consentito o direttamente sulla barra posteriore SCHELLEN ● FIXATION DES COLLIERS ● FIJACIÓN LAS ABRAZADERAS DO BUMPRIDER NOT ATTACH BUMPRIDER TO THE BRAKES OR TOPARTE ANYDE MOVING PART OF THE STROLLER. RE BREVI SUL FRENO O SU QUALSIASI MOBILE DEL PASSEGGINO. FISSAGGIO DELLE FASCETTE ● ATTACHING THE STRAPS ● BEFESTIGUNG DER ACHTUNG! Die Befestigung der Schellen kann entweder direkt am Gestell oder auf der hinteren Strebe des Kinderwagens erfolgen. GB I ATTENZIONE! il fissaggio delle consentito o direttamente sullabar barra posteriore ATTENTION! The straps can be fascette attachedèeither directly to the chassissulortelaio to theo rear of the stroller.del passeggino. NON FISSA07/03/2011 16.13.37 BUMPRIDER BREVI WEDER AUF BREMSE NOCH AN ANDEREN BEWEGLICHEN TEILEN DES KINRE BUMPRIDER BREVI SUL FRENO O SU QUALSIASI MOBILEPART DEL PASSEGGINO. DO NOT ATTACH BUMPRIDER TODER THE BRAKES OR TOPARTE ANY MOVING OF THE STROLLER. DERWAGENS BEFESTIGEN. ACHTUNG! Die Befestigung Schellen either kann entweder am Gestell oderrear aufbar derofhinteren Strebe des Kinderwagens erfolgen. ATTENTION! The straps can der be attached directly to direkt the chassis or to the the stroller. D GB ATTENTION! La fixation des colliers peutDER être effectuée directement sur châssis ou sur la barre de la poussette. NE BUMPRIDER BREVI WEDER AUF BREMSE NOCH ANleANDEREN BEWEGLICHEN TEILEN DES KINDO NOT ATTACH BUMPRIDER TO THE BRAKES OR TO ANY MOVING PART OF postérieure THE STROLLER. F PAS FIXER LEBEFESTIGEN. BUMPRIDER BREVI SUR LE FREIN OU SUR UNE TOUTE AUTRE PARTIE MOBILE DE LA DERWAGENS ACHTUNG! Die Befestigung der Schellen kann entweder direkt am Gestell oder auf der hinteren Strebe des Kinderwagens erfolgen. D POUSSETTE. ATTENTION! La fixationWEDER des colliers peutDER être effectuée directement châssis ou sur la barre postérieureTEILEN de la poussette. NE BUMPRIDER BREVI AUF BREMSE NOCH sur ANleANDEREN BEWEGLICHEN DES KINF ATENCIÓN! la fijación de las abrazaderas permitida directamente en elUNE armazón o en laAUTRE barra posterior del carrito. PAS FIXER LE BUMPRIDER BREVIestá SUR LE FREIN OU SUR TOUTE PARTIE MOBILE DE LA DERWAGENS BEFESTIGEN. E NO FIJE BUMPRIDER BREVI EN EL FRENO O EN CUALQUIER PARTE MÓVIL DEL CARRITO. POUSSETTE. ATTENTION! La fixation des colliers peut être effectuée directement sur le châssis ou sur la barre postérieure de la poussette. NE F ATENÇÃO! das podeestá serpermitida efectuada directamente aoelchassis ou ào barra posterior do carrinho de bebé. NÃO FIATENCIÓN! lafixação fijación deabraçadeiras las abrazaderas directamente en armazón en laAUTRE barra posterior del carrito. PAS FIXER ALE BUMPRIDER BREVI SUR LE FREIN OU SUR UNE TOUTE PARTIE MOBILE DE LA E 4P XAR O BUMPRIDER TRAVÕES OUEN A CUALQUIER QUALQUER PARTE MÓVIL MÓVELDEL DO CARRINHO NO FIJE BUMPRIDERBREVI BREVIAOS EN EL FRENO O CARRITO. DE BEBÉ. POUSSETTE. D I GB 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 4 3 STOP! 2 STOP! 3 2 1 1 4 5 4 5 OK OK I ATTENZIONE! il fissaggio delle fascette è consentito o direttamente sul telaio o sulla barra posteriore del passeggino. NON FISSARE BUMPRIDER BREVI SUL FRENO O SU QUALSIASI PARTE MOBILE DEL PASSEGGINO. ATTENTION! The straps can be attached either directly to the chassis or to the rear bar of the stroller. ATTENZIONE! il fissaggio delle fascette consentito o direttamente telaioMOVING o sulla barra posteriore del passeggino. NON FISSADO NOT ATTACH BUMPRIDER TOèTHE BRAKES OR TOsul ANY PART OF THE STROLLER. RE BUMPRIDER BREVI SUL FRENO O SU QUALSIASI PARTE MOBILE DEL PASSEGGINO. ACHTUNG! Die Befestigung der Schellen kann entweder direkt am Gestell oder auf der hinteren Strebe des Kinderwagens erfolgen. D ATTENTION! The strapsWEDER can be attached either BREMSE directly to theNOCH chassis AN or toANDEREN the rear bar ofBEWEGLICHEN the stroller. BUMPRIDER BREVI AUF DER TEILEN DES KINGB DO NOT ATTACH BUMPRIDER TO THE BRAKES OR TO ANY MOVING PART OF THE STROLLER. DERWAGENS BEFESTIGEN. GB I D F ACHTUNG! Die Schellen entweder directement direkt am Gestell auf ou dersur hinteren Strebe des Kinderwagens erfolgen. ATTENTION! LaBefestigung fixation desder colliers peut kann être effectuée sur le oder châssis la barre postérieure de la poussette. NE BUMPRIDER BREVI WEDER BREVI AUF DER BREMSE NOCH AN ANDEREN BEWEGLICHEN TEILEN DES PAS FIXER LE BUMPRIDER SUR LE FREIN OU SUR UNE TOUTE AUTRE PARTIE MOBILE DEKINLA DERWAGENS BEFESTIGEN. POUSSETTE. ATTENTION! fixation des colliers peutop être effectuée directement sur châssis ou surlalabarra barreposterior postérieure de la poussette. NE ATENCIÓN! laLa fijación de las abrazaderas está permitida en le el armazón o en del carrito. LET OP!! De straps kunnen direct het frame directamente bevestigd worden. PAS FIXER LE BUMPRIDER BREVI SUR LE FREIN OU SUR UNE TOUTE AUTRE PARTIE MOBILE DE LA NO FIJE BUMPRIDER BREVI EN EL FRENO O EN CUALQUIER PARTE MÓVIL DEL CARRITO. Doe dit niet op de rem of ander bewegende onderdelen. POUSSETTE. ATENÇÃO! A fixação das abraçadeiras pode ser efectuada directamente ao chassis ou à barra posterior do carrinho de bebé. NÃO FIP ATENCIÓN! la fijación deBREVI las abrazaderas está permitida en el armazón o en la barra posterior del carrito. DE BEBÉ. XAR O BUMPRIDER AOS TRAVÕES OUdirectamente A QUALQUER PARTE MÓVEL DO CARRINHO E NO FIJE BUMPRIDER BREVI EN EL FRENO O EN CUALQUIER PARTE MÓVIL DEL CARRITO. BHИMAHИE! Допускается установка зажимов непосредственно на раму или на заднюю ось прогулочной коляски. RUS ATENÇÃO! A fixação dasПОДНОЖКУ abraçadeiras pode ser efectuada directamente ao chassis ouИЛИ à barraКposterior do carrinho de bebé. NÃO 5FIНЕ ПРИКРЕПЛЯТЬ BUMPRIDER BREVI К ТОРМОЗУ КАКИМ-ЛИБО ПОДВИЖНЫМ P XAR O BUMPRIDER ЧАСТЯМ КОЛЯСКИ. BREVI AOS TRAVÕES OU A QUALQUER PARTE MÓVEL DO CARRINHO DE BEBÉ. F E NL 1 ADJUSTING THE BOARD FITTING AND OK 1 2 OK 2 2 2 1 1 3 S ES2 3 PR 2 1 S ES PR 6 3 OK 3 OK 6 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 6 1 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 6 6 I 1 07/03/2011 16.13.40 2 07/03/2011 16.13.40 ATTENZIONE! Regolare la pedana in modo che sia parallela al pavimento. Prima dell’utilizzo assicuratevi che i sistemi di bloccaggio e le viti siano ben serrati ed avvitati. 1 3 1 3 2 G 2 G 5 1 1 5 1 6 2 26 2 4 4 ATTENZIONE! Regolare la pedana in modo che sia parallela al pavimento. Prima dell’utilizzo assicuratevi che i sistemi di bloccaggio e le viti siano ben serrati ed avvitati. ATTENZIONE! Regolare la pedana in modo che sia parallela al pavimento. 8I ATTENTION! Adjust the board so that it is parallel with the floor. GB Prima dell’utilizzo assicuratevi che i sistemi di bloccaggio e le viti siano ben serrati ed avvitati. Before using the board, make sure the locking devices and the screws are well tightened. ATTENTION! Adjust the board so that it is parallel with the floor. ATTENZIONE! Regolare la so pedana in modo che sia parallela alBoden pavimento. GB 8I ACHTUNG! Die Trittfläche einstellen, dass sie parallel zum ist.are Vorwell demtightened. Gebrauch07/03/2011 sicherstellen, using the board, sure locking devices and screws 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7make lingue.indd 8 the 16.13.42 D Before Prima dell’utilizzo assicuratevi che i sistemi di bloccaggio ethe le viti siano serrati edsind. avvitati. dass die Befestigungssysteme und die Schrauben gut angeschraubt undben festgezogen ACHTUNG! Die Trittfläche so einstellen, dass sie parallel zum Boden ist. Vor dem Gebrauch sicherstellen, Adjust the board so that it is parallel with the floor. D ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Régler la plateforme dedie manière à ce qu’elle soit parallèleund au sol. Avant l’utilisation, s’assurer GB dass die Befestigungssysteme und Schrauben gut angeschraubt sind. F Before using the board, make sure the locking devices and the screws arefestgezogen well tightened. 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 8 07/03/2011 16.13.42 que les systèmes de blocage et les vis soient correctement serrés et vissés. ATTENTION! Régler la plateforme de manière àsie ceparallel qu’elle soit parallèle auVor sol.dem Avant l’utilisation, s’assurer ACHTUNG! Die Trittfläche so einstellen, dassquede zum Boden ist. Gebrauch sicherstellen, F ATENCIÓN! Regular tarima deles modo que paralelo al suelo. del uso asegúrese de que los D que les systèmes de la blocage et vis soient correctement serrés etAntes vissés. E dass die Befestigungssysteme und die Schrauben gut angeschraubt und festgezogen sind. sistemas de bloqueo y los tornillos estén bien apretados y atornillados. ATENCIÓN! Regular laplateforme tarima de modo que quede paralelo alparallèle suelo. Antes del uso asegúrese de que los ATTENTION! Régler a la de modo manière à ce qu’elle au sol. Avant l’utilisation, s’assurer E ATENÇÃO! de a ficar paralelasoit pavimento. Antes da utilização certificar-se F sistemas deRegular bloqueo yplataforma los tornillos estén bien apretados yao atornillados. P que os les sistemas systèmes debloqueio blocage lesparafusos vis soient correctement serrés eetaparafusados. vissés. que de eetos estão bem apertados ATENÇÃO! Regular alaplataforma de modo aquede ficar paralela Antes da utilização certificar-se ATENCIÓN! Regular tarima de modo que paraleloao al pavimento. suelo. Antes del uso asegúrese de que los P BHИMAHИE! Отрегулировать подножку таким образом, чтобы она была параллельна поверхности E que os sistemas de bloqueio e os parafusos estão bem apertados e aparafusados. RUS sistemas de bloqueo y los tornillos estén bien apretados y atornillados. пола. Перед использованием убедитесь, что системы блокировки и винты хорошо заперты и завинчены. BHИMAHИE! Отрегулировать подножку чтобы она была параллельна ATENÇÃO! Regular a plataforma de modoтаким a ficarобразом, paralela ao pavimento. Antes da utilizaçãoповерхности certificar-se RUS P пола. использованием что системы блокировки и винты хорошо заперты и que osПеред sistemas de bloqueio e osубедитесь, parafusos estão bem apertados e aparafusados. завинчены. BHИMAHИE! Отрегулировать подножку таким staat образом, чтобы была параллельна поверхности LET OP!! Stel de meerijdplank altijd zo in dat hij waterpas ten opzichte vanона de straat. RUS NL пола. Перед использованием убедитесь, что системы блокировки и винты хорошо заперты и Voordat u de meerijdplank in gebruik neemt altijd controleren of alles goed functioneert en of alles goed vast zit. завинчены. I 7 ITALIANO bambino nel passeggino o se le maniglie che spingono il pasITALIANO seggino sono tenute strettamente dalle mani di un adulto. I Gentile Cliente, la ringraziamo per aver scelto un prodotto BreI vi. Gentile Cliente, la ringraziamo per aver scelto un prodotto BreLa pedana Bumprider vi consente di trasportare confortevolvi. mente e senza fatica il vostro bambino insieme al passeggino. La pedanaèBumprider consente di trasportare confortevolBumprider un praticoviprodotto e può essere connesso alla menteposteriore e senza fatica il vostro bambino insieme al passeggino. parte di molti passeggini o carrozzine. Bumprider è che un pratico prodotto e cipuò essere alla Assicuratevi nella confezione siano tutti connesso i componenti parte pedana posteriore di molti passeggini della Bumprider e verificateo carrozzine. il funzionamento di tutte Assicuratevi nella l’installazione. confezione ci Qualora siano tutti i componenti le parti prima che di iniziare si verifichi qualdella tipo pedana Bumprider e verificate il funzionamento di tutte siasi di problema durante l’installazione, siete pregati di le parti prima di iniziare l’installazione. Qualora si verifichi qualcontattare il Vostro rivenditore. siasi tipo di problema durante l’installazione, siete pregati di contattare il èVostro rivenditore. Bumpriderd conforme alla Normativa Europea EN-1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 and 21.4.23. Bumpriderd è conforme alla Normativa Europea EN-1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 and 21.4.23. SICUREZZA AVVERTENZA Non lasciare mai il bambino incuSICUREZZA stodito. AVVERTENZA Non lasciare mai il bambino incuAVVERTENZA Prima dell’utilizzo, assicurarsi stodito. che tutti i dispositivi di bloccaggio siano corretAVVERTENZA Prima dell’utilizzo, assicurarsi tamente installati. che tutti i dispositivi di bloccaggio sianoo corretAVVERTENZA Eventuali pesi aggiunti legati tamente installati. alla maniglia potrebbero mettere a rischio l’equiAVVERTENZA Eventuali pesi aggiunti o legati librio e la stabilità del passeggino. alla maniglia potrebbero mettere non a rischio l’equiAVVERTENZA Questo prodotto è indicato librio e la stabilità del passeggino. per correre o per skating. AVVERTENZA Pedana Questo adatta prodotto AVVERTENZA per non bimbiè aindicato partire per15 correre per peso skating. da mesi eocon inferiore a 20 kg. AVVERTENZA Rimuovere Pedana adatta bimbiprima a partire ATTENZIONE la per pedana di da 15 mesi e con peso inferiore a 20 kg. chiudere il passeggino e prima di utilizzare il siATTENZIONE Rimuovere la pedana prima di stema di frenatura. chiudere il passeggino e prima di utilizzare il sistema dilafrenatura. Non usare pedana fin a quando il bambino non è in grado di camminare da solo e senza aiuto. usare la pedana a quando ilsulla bambino non solo è in grado di IlNon bambino può esserefintrasportato pedana in posicamminare zione eretta.da solo e senza aiuto. Il bambino essere trasportato sulla pedana solo in posiFar scenderepuò dalla pedana il bambino prima di affrontare grazionenella eretta. dini pavimentazione, scale, pendii ripidi, angoli stretti e Far scendere dalla pedana il bambino prima di affrontare gramovimenti in retromarcia. dini nella esistere pavimentazione, scale, per pendii ripidi, angoli stretti Possono dei passeggini i quali la pedana non èe movimenti in retromarcia. adatta perchè i supporti non possono essere correttamente Possono esistere dei passeggini per i quali la pedana non è fissati al telaio. adatta perchèdi iconsultare supporti non possonoprima essere correttamente Vi preghiamo il rivenditore dell’acquisto. fissati al Prima di telaio. ogni utilizzo verificare se la pedana è correttamente Vi preghiamo di consultare il rivenditore prima dell’acquisto. connessa al passeggino. Prima di ogni utilizzo verificare la pedana è correttamente Verificare periodicamente se le vitisesono correttamente strette e connessa al passeggino. se tutte le partii della pedana sono in ordine. Verificare modifica periodicamente se le viti sono strette e Qualsiasi o deterioramento di correttamente pedana o passeggino se tutte le partii della pedana in ordine. compromette la sicurezza del sono bambino. Qualsiasi o deterioramento di pedana o passeggino La pedanamodifica non è adatta per uso su neve o su superfici cedecompromette la sicurezza del bambino. voli. La pulizia pedanadinon è adatta per deve uso su nevefatta o superiodicamente superfici cedeLa pedana e ruote essere voli.acqua tiepida. con La pulizia di pedana e ruote deve esseredel fatta periodicamente Inoltre, seguire precisamente le istruzioni passeggino. con acqua L’uso della tiepida. pedana è consentito solo quando c’è un secondo Inoltre, seguire precisamente le istruzioni del passeggino. 10 L’uso della pedana è consentito solo quando c’è un secondo La pedananel non è un giocattolo. bambino passeggino o se le maniglie che spingono il pasAl fine disono garantire sicurezza e dalle la funzionalità prodotto, seggino tenutelastrettamente mani di undel adulto. evitare ogninon sovraccarico e qualsiasi trasporto di carichi diversi La pedana è un giocattolo. dal bambino. Al fine di garantire la sicurezza e la funzionalità del prodotto, La pedana progettata pere portare bambinodiper volta.diversi evitare ogniè sovraccarico qualsiasiuntrasporto carichi dal bambino. Non lasciare che i bambini giochino con la pedana. pedana deve è progettata portare un bambino per volta.ruvida IlLabambino tenere per entrambi i piedi sulla superficie Non lasciare della pedana.che i bambini giochino con la pedana. Il bambino deve tenere i piedi sullail superficie Non utilizzare il freno delentrambi passeggino quando bambino èruvida sulla della pedana. pedana. Non utilizzare il freno del passeggino quando il bambinodelè passulla Bumprider o altri accessori non prodotti dal costruttore pedana. POTREBBERO limitare la garanzia del passeggino seggino Bumprider o altri accessori non prodotti dal costruttore del passtesso. seggino POTREBBERO limitare la garanzia del passeggino stesso. E MANUTENZIONE PULIZIA Lubrificare regolarmente tutte le parti mobili e le ruote. PULIZIA E MANUTENZIONE Prima dell’utilizzo controllare che nelle ruote non ci sia presenLubrificare le parti le ruote. za di sporcoregolarmente o di terra, lotutte stesso valemobili per lee sospensioni e le Primamobili. dell’utilizzo controllare che nelle ruote non ci sia presenparti za di l’utilizzo, sporco oquando di terra,il lo stesso vale per utilizzato le sospensioni e le Dopo Bumprider è stato in presenparti za di mobili. pioggia, tutte le parti devono essere asciugate. Dopo l’utilizzo,usare quando il Bumprider stato asciutto. utilizzatoDopo in presenPer la pulizia, acqua calda e unèpanno aver za di pioggia, tutte tutte le parti devono essere essere asciugate. eseguito la pulizia, le parti dovranno lubrificate. Per la pulizia, usare acqua calda un pannoseguite, asciutto.siDopo aver Nel caso queste istruzioni non evengano potrebbe eseguito la pulizia,ditutte le parti dovranno essere avere formazione ruggine e problematiche nellalubrificate. funzionalità. Nel caso queste istruzioni non vengano seguite, si potrebbe avere formazione di ruggine e problematiche nella eliminare funzionalità. Attenzione.Per evitare pericolo di soffocamento, la protezione plastica prima di utilizzare questo articolo. Questa Attenzione.Per eliminare la protezione deveevitare esserepericolo distrutta dio soffocamento, smaltita fuori dalla portata protezione dei bambini.plastica prima di utilizzare questo articolo. Questa protezione deve essere distrutta o smaltita fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Usare solo accessori o ricambi raccomandati da Brevi. Potrebbe essere pericoloso utilizzare accessori non approvati da Brevi. Usare solo accessori o ricambi raccomandati da Bumprider. Brevi. Potrebbe Bumprider. essere pericoloso utilizzare accessori non approvati da Brevi. 10 8 705-01-11-0-307-00 istruzioni BUMPRIDER 7 lingue.indd 10 07/03/2011 16.13.43 ENGLISH GB Dear Customer, thank youassembly for choosing Brevi product. The use of the board is only admissible if there is a second child To ensure safe and aoperation of the Bumprider, ATTENTION! The board you have is a product that enables you to BEFORE in the pram or if the pushing handles of the pram are held tightly please read purchased ALL of these instructions thoroughly transportattempting your child comfortably without fatigue in the pram. with both an adult.the Bumprider board before folding assembly orand installation. • hands by Remove Bumprider allowsand you to carry your child and Bumprider is a practical comfortable product andcomfortably can be The board is not the a toy.pushchair. or storing and bar allows attachedeffortlessly, to the axle, rear and your foldingchild platetoof travel most offurther prams, without In order the safety andonly functionality of the device, • to guarantee Children must be transported on the tired. Bumprider is a practical product that canavoid be Bumprider in a standing strollers getting and buggies. any overloading and underposition. no circumstances use it for attached quickly and easily to the back of most types of • With Bumprider you can carry your child comfortably and efforttransporting otherThere items. may be types of pushchair that do not pushchair. allowmust the fitting thetoBumprider. Contact your retailer lessly together with isthe stroller. Bumprider is a practical product The board only beof used carry one child at a time. Bumprider tested to EN1888:2003. if you experience any fitting issues. that can be attached to the rear part of several models of strolDo not let children play with the board. • During prolonged usage periodically check lers or pushchairs. The child must keep both the rough surface of thethey bo- are ASSEMBLY the Bumprider andfeet theonpushchair to ensure Make sure the packaging includes all the components of the ard. OK. Check all the components thenot Bumprider boardthat and you checkhave whether all parts are workinglisted pro- in Do brakes whileisthere is a childfor on use the bo• use the stroller The Bumprider not suitable on soft ‘PARTS’ section Should of theany instructions, andduring that instalall the parts perly before installation. problem arise ard. surfaces e.g. snow, deep mud, soft sand, long grass are working properly before assembly or installation. • Thisaccessories board is not toy. Do not children lation, please contact your retailer. Bumprider and other nota produced by allow the manuWarning! To avoid choking hazard and suffocation risk, re- to play with the board. facturer of your stroller MIGHT limit the warranty of the stroller move all small parts and plastic packaging before using. • The Bumprider is only designed to carry one Bumpriderd is inallaccordance Regulationsis ENitself.child. Do not use for any other purpose. Ensure small partswith andEuropean plastic packaging kept away 1888:2003, 6.1.2,at 6.1.3, 6.1.4,, 17, 18 and from6.1.1, the child all times and6.1.5, disposed of safely. • The child must keep their feet on the rough 21.4.23. CLEANING AND surface part ofMAINTENANCE the board at all times. 1) Follow the assembly pictures. Periodically lubricate moving partsstep and off wheels. • Theallchild must the Bumprider be2) INSTRUCTIONS Read the safety advice. themake pushchair brakes can be used. Do attempt SAFETY Prior fore to use, sure the wheels, suspensions andnot moving 3) Contact you retailer if you require further ad- to apply the brakes while the child is on the board. WARNING Never leave the child unattended. parts are free of dirt and grit. vice. • parts of theTo ensure board maximum safety, WARNING Make sure all the blocking devices Dry all Bumprider after using it inalways the rain. adhere to the pushchair instructions. Bumprider and other acare correctly installed before use. Cleancessories your Bumprider with warm water and a dry cloth. After may affect the pushchair warranty. SAFETY ADVICE WARNING Any extra weight or weights could put cleaning, lubricate all parts. the balance and the stability of the products at Failure to follow AND theseMAINTENANCE instructions may lead to the formation of CLEANING risk. The Bumprider is suitable for children from 15 months rust and to operation problems. old until they are 20kg (44lb). Before using the board, ensure that the wheels, suspension WARNING This product is not suitable for use and To moving parts are free grit and Theprotection parts can be while running or This skating. avoid suffocation risk,ofremove thedirt. plastic WARNING! product is only intended for use Warning. by cleaned withproduct. warm soapy water and soft sponge. WARNING Board suitable from 15 months of before using the children who can stand and walk unaided. Ensure that the Bumprider is dried thoroughly after getting age. Maximum limit: 20 must kgs (44 lbs). protection has to be thrown away in a waste dispoWARNING!weight The Bumprider never be attachedThis to plastic wet (e.g. after being cleaned, or after being used in wet the brakes, to any the non-loadbearing elements, or to any ATTENTION Remove footboard before folsal farweather). from the child. moving partstopping of the pushchair. ding and before the stroller. Ensure that all moving parts are regularly lubricated. WARNING! Never leave your child unattended. Do not or replacement parts other thanparts the and Do use not accessories make alterations or modifications or use WARNING! Before using the board make sure that the accessories other than approved by Bumprider. those approved by Brevi. AlteraDo not use the board until your child can walk independently ones appproved by Brevi. board is level with the ground and securely attached to tions and modifications that have not been approved and and without The use of accessories not approved by Brevi could be danthe help. pushchair. the use of non-approved parts or accessories could be ChildrenWARNING! must only beDo transported on theorfoot-board in a loads stan- to gerous. not overload add uneven the dangerous and will invalidate the warranty. ding position. pushchair (refer to pushchair instructions for max loading), the Bumprider (max before loading 20kg/44lb), Allow your child to alight from the board reaching pave- or the pushchair handles is allowed pushchair ment edges, stairs, steep paths,(no tightload corners, as well asonwhen handles). Doing so can affect the stability and balance manoeuvring backwards. of the assembly and could be dangerous. There may be types of pram for which the board is not suitable WARNING! This product is not suitable for running or becauseskating. the coupling cannot be attached firmly to the frame construction. WARNING! Your child must child step off the Bumprider Consult before your specialist dealer before making yourstairs, purchase. reaching pavement edges, steep paths, tight corners and when Before starting out on each journey,manoeuvring check whetherbackwards. board and The Bumprider is only designed to be used pram areWARNING! correctly connected to one another. if there is check a childthat in the pushchair. From time to time, all screws and mountings of the WARNING! An adult must hold the pushchair handles board are sitting firmly and that all parts of the pram are OK. tightly with both hands at all times. No alterations must be made to the board or pram which result in safety no longer being guaranteed. The board is not suitable for use on snow or soft surfaces. Clean the board and the wheels from time to time with warm soapy water. Apart from this, adhere precisely to the instructions of your pram manufacturer. 11 9 DEUTSCH D VORSICHT ! Vor dem Gebrauch die vorliegende Gebrauchsanweisung sorgfältig lesen und sie für spätere Verwendungen aufbewahren. Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Hinweise kann für Ihr Kind ernsthafte Folgen hinsichtlich der Sicherheit haben. Liebe Kundin, wir beglückwünschen Sie zur Wahl eines Produkts BREVI! Dieses Trittbrett ist eine bequeme Mitfahrgelegenheit für Ihre Kinder. Bumprider Trittbrett ist ein praktisches Produkt, das man an die Rückseite fast aller Kinder- und Sportwagen befestigen kann. Mithilfe der Trittfläche Bumprider können Sie Ihr Kind bequem und mühelos zusammen mit dem Kinderwagen mitnehmen. Bumprider ist praktisch und kann am hinteren Teil vieler Kinderwägen und Buggys befestigt werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Verpackung alle Einzelteile der Trittfläche Bumprider enthält und überprüfen Sie vor dem Zusammenbau, dass diese funktionieren. Sollten Probleme während der Installation auftreten, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Händler. Bumprider entspricht den Europäischen Richtlinien EN1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 and 21.4.23. SICHERHEITSHINWEISE WARNUNG Lassen sie Ihr Kind nie unbeaufsichtigt. WARNUNG Vergewissern Sie sich vor Gebrauch, dass alle Befestigungsmechanismen ordnungsgemäß verrastet und geschlossen sind. WARNUNG Sobald Ihr Kind aus eigener Kraft sitzen Kann, ist es notwendig, es mit dem Sicherheitsgurt zu sichern. WARNUNG Diese Produkte sind nicht zum Rennen oder Skaten geeignet. HINWEIS: die Trittfläche ist für Kinder ab 15 Monaten und bis zu einem Gewicht von 20 kg geeignet. ACHTUNG Fuβboard entfernen, vorher den Kinderwagen zu bremsen und zusammenzuklappen. DasTrittbrett nicht verwenden, solange das Kind nicht allein stehen kann. Das Kind muss beim Mitfahren aufrecht stehen. Bitte lassen Sie Ihr Kind vor einer Treppe oder Stufe, bei steiler Neigung, einer engen Ecke oder beim Rückwärtsfahren, immer absteigen. Nicht für alle Kinder- und Sportwagen geeignet:Die Stabilität 12 10 der Halterungen am Rahmen könnte beeinträchtigt sein. Deshalb lassen Sie sich vom Fachhändler bzw. Kundendienst beraten. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich vor dem Gebrauch, dass das Trittbrett richtig am Kinderwagen befestigt ist. Klemmschrauben regelmäβig kontrollieren und bei Bedarf festziehen; bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass keine Teile defekt sind oder fehlen. Bei Änderungen oder Beschädigungen kann die Sicherheit Ihres Kindes beeinträchtigt sein. Im Schnee oder auf anderen unbefestigten Böden nicht verwenden. Trittbrett und Räder regelmäßig mit Wasser und Seife reinigen. Verwenden Sie das Trittbrett nur, wenn sich ein Kind im Kinderoder Sportwagen befindet; beim Gebrauch bitte immer die Griffe des Kinder- oder Sportwagens festhalten. Die Trittfläche ist kein Spielzeug. Um die Sicherheit des Kindes und die Funktion des Produktes zu gewährleisten, überladen Sie das Trittbrett nicht. Nur zum Mitfahren von Kindern geeignet. Die Trittfläche ist für den Transport von einem Kind bestimmt. Die Kinder dürfen damit nicht spielen. Das Kind muss beide Füße auf die raue Oberfläche der Trittfläche stellen. Solange sich das Kind auf der Trittfläche befindet, nicht die Bremse des Kinderwagens aktivieren. Bumprider oder andere Zubehörteile, die von anderen Herstellern stammen, KÖNNTEN die Garantie des Kinderwagens einschränken. PFLEGE UND REINIGUNG Regelmäßig sämtliche beweglichen Teile und die Räder einschmieren. Vor dem Gebrauch kontrollieren, dass weder Räder noch Radaufhängungen oder bewegliche Teile verschmutzt sind. Eventuell vom Schmutz befreien. Sollte Bumprider bei Regen eingesetzt worden sein, sämtliche Teile nach Gebrauch trocknen. Mit heißem Wasser und einem trockenen Tuch reinigen. Nach der Reinigung müssen sämtliche Teile eingeschmiert werden. Bei Nichtbeachten dieser Anleitungen könnte es zur Bildung von Rost kommen und die Trittfläche könnte nicht mehr problemlos funktionieren. Achtung. Um Erstickungsgefahr zu vermeiden, enfernen und entsorgen Sie alle Plastikverpackungen ausser Reichweite von Kindern. Verwenden Sie nur Ersatzteile oder Zubehörteile, die vom Hersteller anerkannt sind. Es könnte gefährlich sein, Zubehörteile der. anerkannt sind. zu benutzen, die nicht von Bumpri Brevi FRANÇAIS IMPORTANT ! Lire ces instructions avec attention avant utilisation et les conserver pour les besoins futurs. Si vous ne respectiez pas ces instructions, la sécurité de votre enfant pourrait en être affectée. Nous vous remercions de la confiance que vous nous accordez en préférant un produit Brevi. La marche à roulettes permet de transporter confortablement et sans fatigue votre enfant avec le landau. Bumprider est un produit pratique et peut être fixé à la partie postérieure de beaucoup de landaus ou de poussettes. La plateforme Bumprider vous permet de transporter votre enfant confortablement et sans fatigue en même temps que la poussette. Bumprider est un produit pratique et peut être accroché à la partie postérieure de nombreuses poussettes ou landaus. S’assurer que l’emballage contienne tous les composants de la plateforme Bumprider et vérifier le fonctionnement de toutes les parties avant de commencer l’installation. Si vous détectez un problème quelconque lors de l’installation, veuillez contacter votre revendeur. Conforme aux exigences de sécurité Bumpriderd est conforme à la Réglementation Européenne EN1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 et 21.4.23. SECURITE AVERTISSEMENT Il peut être dangereux de laisser votre enfant sans surveillance dans la poussette. AVERTISSEMENT S’assurer que tous les dispositifs de verrouillage et de fixation sont correctement enclenchés avant utilisation. AVERTISSEMENT Le fait d’accrocher au guidon une charge influe sur la stabilité de la poussette. AVERTISSEMENT Ne pas utiliser ce produit en faisant du jogging ou des promenades en rollers. AVERTISSEMENT Plateforme adaptée à des enfants à partir de 15 mois et dont le poids est inférieur à 20 kg. ATTENTION Enlever la marche à roulettes avant d’arretêr et avant de fermer la poussette. Ne pas utiliser la marche à roulettes si l’enfant n’est pas en mesure de marcher tout seul et sans à aide. L’enfant peut être transporté sur la marche à roulettes seulement en position debout. Faire descendre l’enfant de la marche à roulettes avant d’aborder les trottoirs, les escaliers, les pentes raides, les angles F étroits et avant d’effectuer des mouvements de marche arrière. Il peut exister des poussettes pour lesquelles la marche à roulettes n’est pas adaptée parce que les supports ne peuvent pas être correctement fixés au cadre. Nous vous prions de consulter le revendeur avant l’achat. Avant chaque utilisation, vérifier si la marche à roulettes est correctement fixée à la poussette. Vérifier périodiquement que les vis et que toutes les parties de la marche à roulettes sont correctement fixées. N’importe quelle modification ou détérioration de la marche à roulette ou de la poussette compromet la sécurité de l’enfant. La marche à roulettes ne doit pas être utilisée sur la neige ou sur des surfaces glissantes. Le nettoyage de la marche à roulette et des roues doit être fait périodiquement avec de l’eau tiède. Suivre précisément les instructions du fabricant de la poussette. L’utilisation de la marche à roulettes n’est autorisée que lorsqu’il y a un second enfant dans la poussette ou si les poignées de la poussette sont tenues fermement par un adulte. La plateforme n’est pas un jouet. Afin de garantir la sécurité et le caractère de produit, éviter toute surcharge et ne pas l’utiliser pour d’autre transport que l’enfant. La plateforme est conçue pour porter un enfant à la fois. Ne pas laisser les enfants jouer avec la plateforme. L’enfant doit poser ses deux pieds sur la partie antidérapante du plateau. Ne pas utiliser le frein de la poussette lorsque l’enfant est sur la plateforme. Bumprider ou tous autres accessoires non fabriqués par BREVI POURRAIENT limiter la garantie de la poussette. NETTOYAGE ET ENTRETIEN Lubrifier régulièrement toutes les parties mobiles ainsi que les roues. Avant l’utilisation, contrôler qu’il n’y ait pas d’impuretés ou de terre dans les roues, contrôler également les suspensions et les différentes parties mobiles. Après l’utilisation, sécher toutes les parties de la poussette lorsque celle-ci a été utilisée sous la pluie. Pour le nettoyage, utiliser de l’eau chaude et un linge sec. Au terme du nettoyage, lubrifier soigneusement toutes les parties. Si ces instructions ne sont pas respectées, des traces de rouille pourraient se former engendrant des problèmes de fonctionnement. Attention. Pour éviter tout risque d’étouffement, retirer la protection plastique avant d’utiliser ce produit. Cette protection doit être détruite ou tenue hors de portée des enfants. Ne pas utiliser d’accessoires ou d’autres pièces de rechange que celles recommandées par Bumprider. Brevi. L’utilisation d’autres pièces de rechange ou accessoires non approuvés par Bumprider. Brevi peut rendre dangereuse l’utilisation de ce produit. 13 11 ESPAÑOL E IMPORTANTE ! Leer estas instrucciones detenidamente antes de usarlo y conservarlas para referencia futura. La seguridad del niño puede verse afectada si no se siguen estas instrucciones. Estimado Cliente, gracias por escoger un producto Brevi. La tarima les permite transportar confortablemente y sin cansancio vuestro niño junto con la sillita de paseo. Bumprider es un producto práctico y puede acoplarse a la parte posterior de muchas sillitas de paseo o cochecitos. Asegúrese que en el embalaje estén todos los componentes de la tarima Brumprider y compruebe el funcionamiento de todas las partes antes de empezar la instalación. Si comprobase cualquier tipo de problema durante la instalación, contacte con su vendedor. Bumpriderd es conforme a la Normativa Europea EN-1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 y 21.4.23. SEGURIDAD ADVERTENCIA Puede ser peligroso dejar al niño sin vigilancia. ADVERTENCIA Antes de usar asegurarse siempre que los dispositivos de seguridad de la silla estén correctamente bloqueados. ADVERTENCIA Eventuales pesos añadidos o colgados del manillar pueden producir perdidas de equilibrio y de estabilidad del producto. ADVERTENCIA Los productos no son aconsejados para correr o “Skating”. ADVERTENCIA Tarima apropiado para niños a partir de 15 meses y con peso inferior a 20 kg. ATENCIÓN Remover la tarima antes de plegar la silla de paseo o antes de utlilizar el freno. No usar la tarima hasta que el niño pueda caminar por sí sólo y sin ayuda. El niño puede ser transportado en la tarima sólo en posición erecta. Hacer descender de la tarima al niño antes de que pueda llegar a alcanzar peldaños en el suelo, escaleras, pendientes empinadas, esquinas estrechas y movimientos en marcha atrás. Pueden existir algunas sillitas de paseo para las cuales la tarima no es adecuada, ya que los soportes no puedan ser sujetados correctamente al chasis. Rogamos consulten el revendedor antes de efectuar la compra. Antes de cada utilización, comprobar si la tarima está correctamente acoplada a la sillita de paseo. Comprobar periódicamente si los tornillos están correctamente apretados y si todas las piezas de la tarima están ordenadas. Cualquier modificación o deterioro de la tarima o de la sillita de 14 12 paseo comprometen la seguridad del niño. La tarima no es adecuada para ser usada sobre la nieve o sobre superficies que puedan ceder. La limpieza de la tarima y de las ruedas deberá hacerse con agua tibia. Asimismo, se deberán seguir las instrucciones de la sillita de paseo. El uso de la tarima está permitido sólo cuando hay un segundo niño en la sillita de paseo o si las manijas que empujan la sillita de paseo sujetadas fuertemente por las manos de un adulto. La tarima no es un juego. A fin de garantizar la seguridad y la funcionalidad del producto, evitar cualquier carga excesiva y cualquier transporte de cargas deferentes del niño. La tarima está proyectado para llevar solo un niño. No deje que los niños jueguen con la tarima. El niño debe tener ambos pies en la superficie áspera de la tarima. No utilice el freno del carrito cuando el niño esté sobre de la tarimaBumprider u otros accesorios no fabricados por el constructor del carrito PODRÍAN limitar la garantía del mismo carrito. LIMPIEZA & MANTENIMIENTO Lubrificar todas las partes móviles y las ruedas regularmente. Antes del uso controlar que en las ruedas no haya suciedad o tierra, lo mismo vale para las suspensiones y las partes móviles. Después de usarlo, cuando el Bumprider ha sido utilizado en presencia de agua, todas las partes deben secarse. Para la limpieza, usar agua caliente y un paño seco. Después de haber efectuado la limpieza, todas las partes deberán ser lubrificadas. Si no se llevaran a cabo estas instrucciones, podría aparecer óxido y problemas en el funcionamiento. Bumprider. Usar sólo accesorios o recambios aconsejados por Brevi. El uso de accesorios no aprobados por Bumpri Brevi der. podría ser peligroso. Atención. Para evitar riesgo de asfixia, quite la protección plástica antes de usar el producto. Esta protección plástica tiene que ser tirada en una recogida de basuras lejos del niño. PORTUGUÊS IMPORTANTE ! Leia atentamente as instruções antes do uso e conserve-as para futuras consultas. Caso estas instruções não sejam respeitadas há perigo de lesões para a criança . Prezado Cliente, agradecemos por ter escolhido um produto Brevi. A plataforma que adquiriu é um produto que permite transportar a sua criança confortavelmente e sem a fatigar no carrinho. O Bumprider é um produto prático e confortável e pode ser incorporado no eixo, na barra traseira e na placa articulável da maioria dos carrinhos, cadeiras de rua e cadeiras tipo bengala. A plataforma Bumprider permite-lhe transportar confortavelmente e sem dificuldades a sua criança juntamente com o carrinho de bebé. O Bumprider é um produto prático e pode ser ligado à parte posterior de muitos carrinhos de bebé ou cadeiras de rua. Certifique-se que na embalagem estão todos os componentes da plataforma Bumprider e verifique o funcionamento de todas as peças antes de iniciar a instalação. Caso se verifique qualquer tipo de problema durante a instalação deve contactar o seu revendedor. O Bumprider está em conformidade com a Norma Europeia EN-1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 e 21.4.23. INDICAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA ADVERTÊNCIA Nunca deixe a criança na cadeira sem vigilância. ADVERTÊNCIA Antes de usar o artigo , certifique-se de que todos os dispositivos de bloqueio estão correctamente instalados. ADVERTÊNCIA Qualquer peso extra ou esforços nos manípulos podem colocar a estabilidade e o equilíbrio do produto em risco. ADVERTÊNCIA Este produto não é adequado para ser usado enquanto pratica corrida ou patinagem. ADVERTÊNCIA Plataforma apropriada para crianças a partir dos 15 meses e com peso inferior a 20 kgs. ATENÇÃO Remova a plataforma antes de fechar e antes de travar o carrinho. Não use a plataforma antes que o seu filho(a) possa caminhar de forma independente e sem ajuda. As crianças só podem ser transportadas na plataforma na posição em pé. Assegure-se que a criança sai da plataforma antes de chegar ao fim do pavimento, a escadas, rampas de acesso, esquinas P estreitas assim como ao efectuar manobras para trás. Há vários tipos de carrinhos para os quais a plataforma não é adequada porque não é possível fazer uma adaptação firme à estrutura. Consulte por favor o agente especializado antes da sua aquisição. Antes de iniciar cada viagem, verifique se a plataforma e o carrinho estão correctamente adaptados um ao outro. Verifique periodicamente se todos os parafusos e suportes da plataforma estão firmemente posicionados e se todas as partes do carrinho estão bem. Não devem ser feitas alterações na plataforma ou na cadeira de rua, caso contrário implicará o fim da garantia de segurança. A plataforma não é apropriada para utilização em neve ou em superfícies macias. Limpe a plataforma e as rodas periodicamente com água morna ensaboada. Siga precisamente as instruções do produtor. A utilização da plataforma é apenas permitida se houver uma segunda criança no carrinho, ou se as pegas para empurrar o carrinho forem firmemente seguras por ambas as mãos de um adulto. A plataforma não é um brinquedo. De modo a garantir a segurança e funcionalidade deste aparelho, evite sobrecargas e não o use, em circunstância alguma, para o transporte de outros itens. Antes de fechar o carrinho retire a plataforma. A plataforma foi projectada para transportar uma criança de cada vez. Não deixar que as crianças brinquem com a plataforma. A criança deve manter ambos os pés na superfície rugosa da plataforma. Não utilizar o freio do carrinho de bebé quando a criança estiver sobre a plataforma. O Bumprider ou outros acessórios não produzidos pelo fabricante do carrinho de bebé PODEM limitar a garantia do mesmo. LIMPEZA E MANUTENÇÃO Lubrificar regularmente todas as peças móveis e as rodas. Antes da utilização controlar se as rodas não estão sujas ou com terra, o mesmo deve ser verificado nas suspensões e nas partes móveis. Após a utilização, se o Bumprider fôr utilizado com chuva, todas as peças devem ser completamente secas. Para a limpeza, usar água quente e um pano seco. Após ter efectuado a limpeza, todas as peças devem ser lubrificadas. Caso estas instruções não sejam seguidas escrupulosamente, pode-se formar ferrugem e originar problemas de funcionalidade. Atenção. Para evitar o risco de asfixia, eliminar a protecção plástica antes de utilizar este artigo. Esta protecção deve ser destruída ou mantida fora do alcance das crianças. Não usar acessórios ou componentes que não os aprovados Bumprider. O uso de acessórios não aprovados pela Bumpri pela Brevi. Brevi der. poderá ser perigoso. 15 13 RUS PУССКИЙ ВНИМАНИЕ ! Перед использованием внимательно прочитайте инструкцию и сохранитееенабудущее.Несоблюдение данных инструкций, может стать причиной серьезных повреждений для ребенка. Уважаемый Клиент! Благодарим Вас за то, что Вы выбрали продукцию фирмы Brevi. Подножка Bumprider позволяет с удобством и без особых усилий перевозить ребенка вместе с коляской. Подножка Bumprider практична и совместима с большинством видов колясок. Подножка Bumprider позволяет легко и комфортно транспортировать вашего ребенка вместе с прогулочной коляской. Bumprider – практичное изделие, которое может быть подсоединено к задней части большинства прогулочных колясок или колясок-люлек. Убедитесь, что в упаковке имеются в наличии все компоненты подножки Bumprider, и проверьте работу всех частей перед началом установки. В случае возникновения во время установки какихлибо проблем, просим Вас обратиться к Вашему продавцу. Подножка Bumprider соответствует нормативу ЕС: EN1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5,, 17, 18 и 21.4.23. БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ВАЖНО Никогда не оставляйте ребенка в коляске со снятым рычагом тормоза. ВАЖНО Перед использованием, удостоверьтесь что все защитные механизмы блокированы. ВАЖНО Будьте внимательны, что любой дополнительный вес может нарушить равновесие коляски. ВАЖНО Когда везете ребенка в коляске, не бегайте и не пользуйтесь роликовыми коньками. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ Подножка предназначена для детей в возрасте от 15 месяцев, вес которых не превышает 20 кг. BHИMAHИE Снять подножку прежде чем сложить и остановить прогулочную коляску. Не используйте подножку пока ребенок не научиться ходить самостоятельно без посторонней помощи. Ребенок может перевозиться на подножке исключительно в вертикальном положении.При преодолении ступенек, лестниц, крутых спусков и поворотов и т.д. ребенок должен сойти с пожножки. Могут существовать типы колясок с которыми подножка не может использоваться из-за невозможности правильного крепления к корпусу. Перед преобретением рекомендуем проконсультироваться у продавца Вашей марки коляски. Перед каждым использованием удостоверьтесь в том, что подножка надежно прикреплена к коляске. Периодически контролируйте целостность деталей подножки и натяжение винтов. Любое изменение или изнашивание коляски или подножки могут отразиться на безопасности ребенка. Подножка не предназначена для использования на снегу и хрупкой податливой поверхности. Подножка и колеса должны периодически мыться теплой водой. Кроме того, четко соблюдайте инструкции прилагаемые к коляске. Использование подножки допускается исключительно при наличии второго ребенка в коляске и при управлении коляски взрослым человеком. Подножка не является игрушкой. В целях безопасности и функциональности подножки, избегайте перенагрузки и не используйте подножку для перевозки посторонних предметов за исключением ребенка. Подножка предназначена для транспортировки одного ребенка. Не позволяйте детям играть с подножкой. Ребенок должен обеими ногами стоять на ребристой поверхности подножки. Не использовать тормоз прогулочной коляски, когда ребенок находится на подножке. Bumprider или другие аксессуары МОГУТ ограничить гарантию прогулочной коляски, если они не являются продукцией ее изготовителя. ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ И УХОД Регулярно смазывать все подвижные части и колеса. Перед использованием проверить, что на колесах, подвесках и подвижных частях нет грязи или земли. Если подножка Bumprider использовалась во время дождя, после использования необходимо вытереть все ее части. Для чистки использовать горячую воду и сухую ткань. После выполнения чистки необходимо смазать все части. Несоблюдение данных инструкций может привести к образованию ржавчины и проблемам при использовании. Bhиmahиe. Во избежание возможности удушения, удалить защитный пластик перед использованием данного артикля. Пластик должен быть уничтожен или переработан за пределами доступности ребенка. Используйте исключительно аксессуары и запчасти рекомендуемые фабрикой. Использование аксессуаров не одобренных фабрикой Bumpri Brevi der.может быть опасно. I - Brevi potrà apportare in qualsiasi momento modifiche ai modelli descritti in questo libretto d’istruzioni d’uso. GB - Brevi can make any change whatsoever to the product described in this instructions leaflet without any prior notice. D - Brevi ist berechtigt, an den in diesem Anleitungsheft beschriebenen Modellen zu jedem Zeitpunkt Änderungen vorzunehmen. F - Brevi pourra apporter à tout moment des modifications aux modèles décrits dans ce mode d’emploi. E - Brevi podrá realizar en cualquier momento modificaciones a los modelos descritos en este libro de instrucciones para su uso. P - Brevi poderá efectuar a qualquer momento alterações nos modelos descritos neste manual de instruções de uso. RUS - Производитель оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в 705-01-11-0-307-00 конструкцию модели, описанной в данной инструкции, в любое время. BREVI srl Via Lombardia 15/17 - 24060 Telgate (Bg) - Italy Tel. +39 035 8359311 - Fax +39 035 4491129 - 14 ENGLISH DUTCH ENGLISH ENGLISH NL GB GB Customer, thank youbedankt forThe choosing athe product. use board isofonly if there is a second osingDear a Brevi product. Dear Customer, thank you forBrevi choosing a Brevi product. use ofuw board isgevallen only admissible ifdethere isofathe second The use child the admissible board is only admissible if therechild is a second c Geachte klant, dat keuze is op The Attentie! The board youThe have purchased is apurchased enables you the orinheld if the pushing handles of thehandles pram are tightly a product that enables board you toBumprider you have is aom product thattoenables you to are in the pram or ifthat the pushing handles ofinuw the pram tightly pram or ifde theBumprider pushing ofuheld the are held tig Bumprider. De isproduct bedoeld het rijden met *pram Verwijder voordat depram kinderwatransport yourintransport child comfortably without fatigue inadult. thetepram. with both an adult. nd without fatigue the your child comfortably and without fatigue in the withand both hands by an withby both hands by an adult. wagen en pram. uw oudere kind nog eenvoudiger maken. Hetpram. gen, hands stroller of buggy in wilt klappen. zorgt comfortabele en praktische Deze * be is not Bumprider isand avoor practical and comfortable product can be and The toy. pas mfortable product Bumprider caneen be is a The practical comfortable product canboard boardand is not a toy.andoplossing. TheaMaak board is notgebruik a toy. van de Bumprider zodra uw meerijdplank kan bevestigd aan deof as, achterpoten kindtozelfstandig kan blijven staan en lopen. attached tomost theattached axle, rear and folding plate most prams, In prams, order guarantee the safety and functionality the device,of the dev olding plate of of prams, to bar theworden axle, rear andoffolding plate of and mostfunctionality of In order tobar guarantee the safety of In theorder device, to guarantee the safety andoffunctionality frameand of buggies. elders de overloading kinderwagen, *any overloading Hetany meerijdplankje is bedoeld op itteforstaanuse it strollers van and het buggies. avoid and under noand circumstances use strollers avoidopany andstroller under ofnobugcircumstances avoid use it for overloading under noom circumstances gy. Met de Bumprider kunt u uw oudere kind comfortabel en dat uw kind zich vast houd aan de duwer. Dus niet anWith Bumprider youBumprider can carrytransporting yourcan child comfortably and effort- and transporting other items. other items. r child comfortably With and effortyou carry your child comfortably effortother items. transporting en moeiteloos overal mee naartoe nemen zonder dat hij/ ders gebruiken. lessly with stroller. Bumprider is aBumprider practical product The board only beuw used to carry one at a one time.childstappen umprider is together a zij practical lessly product together with the stroller. is ato practical product The board must only be carry one child a The time. board must only be used to carry at a time. hoeft tethe lopen. Maak u er zeker van datused alle onderdelen * atmust Laat kind van het child meerijdplankje canzich be attached tobethe rear of several models of the strollet children play with the board. art ofthat several models thatde ofcan strolattached thechildren rear part ofuwith several models ofnot strolDo part nottolet play board. Do lettrap, children playsteile with the board. randen of anin verpakking bevinden voordat begint met Do het wanneer u not een stoep, hellingen, lers or pushchairs. must both feetkeep onOok the rough surface of the bo- of the lers orGooi pushchairs. Theplastic child must keep both feet onweg the The rough surface The ofkeep the child bo-must both feet on the wilt rough surface monteren. al het verpakkingsmateriaal om child dere obstakels tegen komt. als u achteruit lopen. verstikking voorkomen. sure the packaging all the components the ard.of*the es allMake the components Make ofte sure the theincludes packaging includes all the of components ard. ard.Er zijn een paar kinderwagens, stroller en er proproblemen optreden met de montage neem waar Bumprider niet isop past, neem daarom Bumprider and check whether all parts are working proDo not the brakes while there a child on the her all parts Mochten areboard working Bumprider board check whether allbrakes parts are proDoand not use the stroller whileworking there isbuggy’s ause child Do onstroller not thedeze use bothe stroller brakes while there is abochild on the danduring direct contact op met deShould winkelier deze eerst contact perly before installation. Should any problem arise duringu instalard.instalny problem arise perly instalbefore installation. any waar problem ariseBumpriduring ard. ard. op met de dichts bijzijnde winkelier om na te der heeft aangeschaft. Volg ten alle tijden de instructies in vragen of de meerijdplank wel op de uwe past. contactplease your retailer. and other accessories produced not by produced the manu-by the ma . lation, please lation, contact your retailer. Bumprider and other accessories not Bumprider produced by Bumprider the manuand other not accessories deze beschrijving op en bewaar deze goed voor latere re- * Voor gebruik altijd eerst controleren of het meof your MIGHT limit of stroller facturer of your stroller MIGHT limit thefacturer warranty of facturer thestroller stroller ofgoed yourvast stroller MIGHT limitnog thethe warranty of the stro ferentie. erijdplankje nog zit the en warranty of alles naar behoren Bumpriderd in accordance with Europeanwith Regulations itself.functioneert. h European Regulations Bumpriderd EN- is accordance European Regulations ENitself. itself. De isBumprider is in geproduceerd volgens deENEuropese 1888:2003, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.5, 17,, and 17, 1.4, 6.1.5,, 1888:2003, 17, 18 and6.1.3, 6.1.1,6.1.4, 6.1.2,6.1.1, 6.1.3,, 6.1.4, 6.1.5, 18 *and richtlijnen. EN-1888:2003, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5, Controleer ook van tijd tot tijd of alle schroeven 17,18 en 21.4.23. nog goed vast zitten., CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE 21.4.23. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE * Maak gebruik vanwheels. de accessoires die zijn Periodically lubricate all alleen moving parts and Periodically lubricate all moving parts and wheels. Periodically lubricate all moving parts and wheels. Veiligheidsinstructies: gekeurd door leverancier. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior goed to use, make sure themake wheels, moving and mov SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Prior to use, make sure the wheels, suspensions and Priormoving to use,de suresuspensions the wheels, and suspensions Waarschuwing! Laat uw kind nooit alleen achter op dit me- Dus nooit zelf veranderingen aanbrengen. Dit om de veiligWARNING Never leave the are child parts are free parts of dirtare andfree grit.of dirt and grit. e child unattended. WARNING Never leave the unattended. parts freeunattended. of dirtchild and grit. erijdplankje. heid en garanties te waarborgen. Make sure allallthe blocking Dry all therain. board it inafter the rain. theWARNING blocking WARNING devices Make sure all theofdevices blocking devices Dry parts ofgebruik the Bumprider it inofthe Dry allBumprider parts of the Bumprider board in the Waarschuwing! Controleer voor allesboard goedafter ge-using * parts De meerijdplank isafter nietusing geschikt omusing meeit in de rain. before use. Clean your with warm a dry cloth. ore are use.correctly areinstalled correctly installed before use. Clean your with warm water and a dryBumprider Clean cloth.ofAfter your Bumprider with and warm water andAfter a dry cloth. A monteerd is en alles goed vast zit.Bumprider sneeuw, zand andere zachtewater ondergrond te rijden. Any extra orlubricate weights could put could all parts. ht orWARNING weights could WARNING putAlleweight Any weight or weights cleaning, parts. cleaning, lubricate all parts. en de wieltjes regelmatig Waarschuwing! extraextra gewicht kanallhet evenwicht encleaning, de put * lubricate Maak de meerijdplank stabiliteit van het gevaar brengen. metthese warm water enmay eenlead vochtige doek. Maak de balance theproduct stability of the products tothe follow to the formation of formation ility the of the products theand balance at andinthe stability of the at products at Failure to follow these instructions mayFailure leadschoon to formation Failure toinstructions offollow these instructions may lead to the Dit product bedoeld om mee te rol-/ meerijdplank daarna weer goed droog. risk. Waarschuwing! rust and to operation problems. risk. rust and isto niet operation problems. rust and to operation problems. schaatsen om mee hard tenot lopen. * Uw kind moet met beide voeten op de meerijdWARNING This product isproduct suitable use for use s not suitable WARNING forofuse This is notfor suitable Waarschuwing! Deze meerijdplank is te gebruiken vanaf 15 plank blijven staan tijdens het rijden. while running orrunning skating. Warning. To avoid suffocation risk, remove the protection while or skating. Warning. To avoid suffocation risk, remove the plastic Warning. protection To avoid suffocation risk,plastic remove the plastic protec maanden tot een maximum gewicht van 20kg. * Let op!! Houd er rekening mee dat iedere leWARNING Boardofsuitable from months before using the product. e from 15 months WARNING Board suitable from 15ofmonths of before using the15product. before using the product.buggy’s en stroller andere verancier van kinderwagens, age. limit: 20 kgs (44 20 lbs). This plastic hasprotection to be thrown away in a waste dispoit: 20 kgsMaximum (44 lbs). age. weight Maximum weight limit: lbs). This plastic protection haskgs to be(44 thrown away in a protection waste This plastic dispohasBumprider to be thrown away inkunnen a waste dis garanties heeft. Wanneer u de gebruikt ATTENTION Remove the before fol-before sal farfolfrom the child. footboard before ATTENTION folRemove the footboard sal farfootboard from the child. sal far fromop thedechild. bepaalde garanties wagen komen te vervallen. * U mag de wagen met meerijdplank alleen geand before stopping stroller.the stroller. the ding stroller. ding and beforethe stopping bruiken als ernot ookuse iemand in de wagen zit. *other than Zorg ervoor Do not use accessories or replacement Do not use accessories or replacement parts other Dothan the accessories or parts replacement partsthe other than uw kind altijd de duwer houd met beide handen. useindependently the untiltheyour child canyour walk independently ones dat appproved by Brevi. child Do cannot walk Doboard not use board until child can walk independently ones appproved by Brevi. ones appproved by vast Brevi. * De meerijdplank is geen speelgoed. and without help. use ofcould accessories approvednot by approved Brevi couldbybeBrevi dan-could be d and without help. The use of accessories not approvedThe by Brevi Thebe use danof not accessories * De meerijdplank is te gebruiken voor 1 kind temustChildren only transported the foot-board in foot-board a stan- ingerous. d on Children the foot-board in a be stanmust only beontransported on the a stangerous. gelijk. gerous. ding position. ding position. * Om te voorkomen dat de garantie komt te verAllow yourreaching child to pavealight from to thealight boardfrom before reaching paveboard before Allow your child the board before reaching pavevallen dient u geen andere dingen op de meerijdplank te vervoeren als uw kind ment edges, stairs, steep paths, as well as when ight corners, as well ment as edges, when stairs, tight steepcorners, paths, tight corners, as well as when * Maak geen gebruik van de remmen zolang uw manoeuvring manoeuvring backwards. backwards. kind op de meerijdplank staat. mayisbenot types of pram for which the board is not whichThere the board There suitable may be types of pram for which thesuitable board is not suitable because thetobecause coupling cannot be attached to the frame attached firmly the frame the coupling cannot firmly be attached firmly to the frame Reiniging en onderhoud!! construction. construction. Smeer regelmatig alle bewegende onderdelen en de wieltjes Consultyour yourpurchase. specialist dealer before dealer makingbefore your purchase. ore making Consult your specialist making your purchase.(ook de asjes) in. Doe dit met de juiste siliconenspray. Let Beforewhether startingBefore out onstarting each journey, checkjourney, whethercheck boardwhether and board op ey, check board and out on each anddat er geen vuil, grind, takjes of andere bewegende delen tussen de wieltjes zit. Wanneer u de Bumprider met pram are correctly to connected one another. ne another. pram connected are correctly to one another. weer heeft gebruikt moet u de gehele BumpriFrom to From time, of check allcheck screwsthat andallmountings of mountings the screws andtime mountings time thetothat time, screws and ofregenachtig the sitting thatfirmly all parts theallpram partsboard of theare pram board arefirmly OK. areand sitting andofthat partsare of OK. the pram are OK.der met een droge doek droog maken om eventuele roestvorming te voorkomen. Wanneer u de Bumprider wilt No alterations must be mademust to the whichorresult he board or pram which No alterations result beboard madeortopram the board pram which result schoonmaken kunt u dit het beste doen met een vochtige being eed. in safety no longer in safety no guaranteed. longer being guaranteed. doek. Daarna alle onderdelen weer goed drogen. Na het Theorboard is not on snow on snow soft surfaces. Thesuitable board isfornotuse suitable for or usesoft onsurfaces. snow or soft surfaces. schoonmaken is het verstandig om alle bewegende onderthetime board wheels to time fromClean time to Clean withand warm thetheboard andfrom the time wheels from with time warm to time with warm delen weer in te smeren. soapy water. soapy water. from this, adhere precisely to the instructions your pram of your pram o the Apart instructions ofApart your from pram this, adhere precisely to theofinstructions manufacturer.manufacturer. 11 11 15 EN Warning Before Usage: Check your strollers instruction manual if your stroller is tested for usage together with stand-on boards. If there is any indication of danger related to such use, for example reasons like instability, weakness in construction etc, we recommend you to mount Bumprider onto a stroller which is recommended for such usage by your retailer. Control if your Bumprider makes your stroller unstable with your child standing onto it and if so, do not use it together. Make sure that the position at the stroller where you mount Bumprider can take the load of your child (maximum 20kgs) + the weight of your Bumprider. Check with you retailer which strollers are safe to use together with Bumprider. SWE Varning före användning: Kontrollera din vagns instruktionsmanual om din vagn är testad för användande tillsammans med ståbrädor. Om det finns någon indikation på fara relaterad till sådan användning, till exempel instabilitet, svagheter i konstruktion etc, så rekommenderar vi dig att montera Bumprider på en vagn som rekommenderas för sådant användande av din återförsäljare. Kontrollera så att inte Bumprider gör din vagn instabil när ditt barn står på den och om så är fallet, använd dem inte tillsammans. Var säker på att att positionen på din vagn där du monterar Bumprider klarar belastningen av ditt barn (max 20kg) + vikten av Bumprider. Kontrollera med din återförsäljare vilka vagnar som är säkra att använda tillsammans med Bumprider. ES Precaución antes de su uso: Compruebe en el manual de instrucciones de su cochecito o sillita que ha sido testado y aprobado para usar con plataforma. Si hay alguna indicación de peligro relacionado con dicho uso, como por ejemplo inestabilidad, deficiencias en el diseño, etc, le recomendamos instalar Bumprider en un carrito o sillita recomendado para dicho uso por su tienda. Compruebe si la instalación de Bumprider hace que su carro sea inestable cuando su hijo esté subido en la plataforma, y en este caso no los use juntos. Asegúrese de que al instalar Bumprider el carrito o sillita pueda soportar el peso del niño (máximo 20 kg) más el peso del Bumprider. Consulte a la tienda donde adquirió el carrito o sillita si es seguro para usar junto con Bumprider. Bumprider AB Sweden