Upcoming Manager`s Message Golf News


Upcoming Manager`s Message Golf News
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January 27, 2011
Country Western Night Chili Cookoff -- Your Participation is Needed!
If you are planning on attending Saturday night we encourage you to bring in your favorite
recipe for our Chili Cookoff. See if yours will stack up against Marian's Cincinnati Spaghetti
Chili, Sara's Argentine Chili with Chimichurri, or Dustin's Jayhawk Recipe. The winner will
receive a cool prize! Participating is easy -- simply bring your chili in a crockpot and we will
take care of the rest. If you are interested contact Sara at sguzzo@rmrcc.com.
Manager's Message
by Jerry Wilson, General Manager
Lots of fun activities to enjoy over the next few weeks!
The weather sure has been perfect for golf, tennis, or just a nice walk. Over the
next few weeks there will many club events to enjoy, starting Saturday with our
Western Night being held in the Overlook Dining Room from 6 to 11pm. There will
be a wonderful Country Western Band along with a Chili Tasting Contest and some
delicious BBQ and lots of cold refreshments. We still have room for a few more
guests so please call Sara Guzzo today at 480-981-6501 x 112 or email at
sguzzo@rmrcc.com and make your reservation.
Following Saturday’s Country Western Night we have a Bridal Show being held this
Sunday in the Overlook Dining Room from 11am to 2pm. Over 100 Brides and their
guests have already RSVP'd and it is sure to be a fun time. If you or anyone you
Pool News
Just a reminder that
know is getting married Click Here for more info and to RSVP. We hope you come
check out some of the top wedding vendors in the East Valley!
one of our pool
heaters went down
last weekend and
On Sunday, February 6th join us for a Super Bowl Party in the Player's Grille from
3pm till the game is over. Come watch a great game between the Steelers and
we have already
Packers with your friends and enjoy some cold beers and some good eats. You can
replaced it.€ The
also buy a square or two in on one of our football pools in the Player's Grille.
pool may be a bit
On Monday, February 7th we will have a party you can’t miss. Complimentary Hors
chilly over the next
d’ oeuvres and Draft Beer will be in the Overlook Dining Room for The Jewel of the
day or two but
Desert Cocktail Party and Silent Auction Fundraiser from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. This is
should be back to
normal soon.€
Thank you for your
sure to be a great time and there will be some great auction items to bid on. The
funds raised will go to assist the Ladies Jewel of the Desert Golf Tournament. Come
join in and make it a great party!
The Club’s team of Sara Guzzo, Marian McGill, and Dustin Graf have been working
real hard to create fun events for all members to join in. I hope you continue to
support the Club and our events by making sure you attend any or all of the above!
Golf News
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(click image to view full page flyer)
Golf News
by Scott Bunker, Director of Golf
Bridal Show
January 30, 2011
Doc Watts
Our season is now in full swing and it’s great to see all of
our Members back with us after the holidays.
Congratulations to Doc Watts who is our RMRCC Senior
Club Champion. He outlasted the windy conditions on
Sunday to beat Bob Lerum by 1 shot. On Tuesday we had
our annual LGA Guest Day. We had 108 players
participating and it was followed by a wonderful dinner in the
Overlook Dining Room. Thank you to all of our Members
for inviting their guests to Red Mountain Ranch. Now is a
great time to get a better grip on your game and consider
having your clubs regripped. Come in to the shop to see if
your clubs need some extra attention.
Enjoy your Golf!
Tennis News
by Ray K. Director of Tennis
Our Las Sendas exchange will take place on February 5th. To sign up
please contact Ray at 480-981-8172 or rayk@rmrcc.com. This is sure to be a fun
event! Also there will be no drop-in Tennis this Saturday. Thanks!
This Friday, January 28th€Chef is preparing
Couples Bridge
his Special€Meatloaf€Dinner served with
Overlook Lounge Area
Salad, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans
3rd€at€6:30pm.€€Dinner in
for only $10.95.€ Forget about cooking and
The Player's Grille at 5pm
join us€for this special treat!€ Our regular
before the game.
RSVP to John & Sherry
Apter at: 480.981.2219
or johnapter@hotmail.com
menu will also be available.€ Please call the
Player's Grille€for Reservations:€ 480-9816501 x117
Jewel Fundraiser
February 7, 2011
Three Blind Wines
February 12, 2011
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Canadian Open
February 17, 2011
coming soon!
Red Mountain Ranch Country Club
6425 E. Teton Circle ~ MESA, ARIZONA 85215
Copyright (C) 2010 Red Mountain Ranch Country Club, Inc, All rights reserved.
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