youth coalition on musique plus - Conseil québécois sur le tabac et
youth coalition on musique plus - Conseil québécois sur le tabac et
A PROGRAM OF THE QUEBEC COUNCIL ON TOBACCO AND H E A LT H I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H T H E P U B L I C H E A LT H BRANCHES AND THE MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SERVICES SOCIAUX WINTER 2005 YOUTH COALITION ON MUSIQUE PLUS: AND THIS YEAR’S WINNER IS.......... They say that everyone has their 15 minutes of fame. This year’s winner of the fourth annual Dis-le avec ta gang allumée! contest could be your group! Two effervescent Musique Plus VJs, Marisol Aubé (SPAM) and Réjean Laplanche (1-2-3 Punk), will be travelling around Quebec to meet with Youth Coalition groups from February 21 to March 31, 2005. They will prepare a feature on the most outstanding, original and creative Youth Coalition group project in each of the 16 participating regions. The choice of the winning projects will be based on the following criteria: clarity of its objectives, number of people reached, quality and originality, and impact of the message determined by surveys or interviews after the event. Note that at least one major element of the project must take place between February 21 and March 31. The contest will culminate in April, when thousands of young TV viewers can watch the 16 featured projects on a TV special broadcast live from Musique Plus. Just think of the thousands of young people being sensitized to the benefits of smoke-free living! Are you interested? Your project must be submitted by February 15, 2005. Simply fill out the participation form available in the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide or on the Web site (click on “Concours”) and send it to your regional agent (see list on the back of this bulletin). SOME IDEAS TO INSPIRE YOUR GROUP Kids talking to kids using their own words, the music that they like, images that capture their attention, and methods of expression that are meaningful to them. In a nutshell, that is what explains the success of the Youth Coalition in the war against smoking. For the Dis-le avec ta gang allumée! contest, audiovisual projects will be preferred (television or radio commercials, videos, songs, etc.). To get your kids started, you can suggest some sources of documentation and proposed themes. For instance: [ Encourage young non-smokers to stay that way. For some ideas: the Web site, the Youth Coalition kit (available free of charge from your regional agent), F3 Magazine (distributed in schools and available from the Youth Coalition Web site). [ Denounce tobacco use by the entertainment industry, particularly the movies. For more information, check out F3 magazine, and [ Expose the underhanded tactics used by the tobacco industry as well as the myths and lies that they attempt to perpetuate about tobacco use. The following Web sites provide a gold mine of information:,, (« Les pires excuses », « Pourquoi on devient accro », « Flash là-dessus! »), (reality check photos about smoking) [All available in French only]. [ Promote smoke-free environments: schools, youth centres, restaurants, shopping centres, etc. Counter the misleading arguments and fears put forward by the tobacco industry on this subject. Organize street theatre activities on this theme: see the Oxygen Commando handbook ( and this Web site: [ Encourage smokers to quit by suggesting various support measures. For some ideas:,,, the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide (available free of charge from your regional agent). \ OXYGEN COMMANDOS CREATE SPARKS Just a few weeks after the launch of this new Youth Coalition program, Oxygen Commando squads in a number of regions have already carried out missions. The Commandos have The Oxygen Commandos uncovered what the taken the public by storm to make industry is trying to hide in a street theatre them more aware of the harmful event performed at Georges-Vanier High School in Montreal on November 5, 2004. effects of secondhand smoke. The program invites young people to form an Oxygen Commando squad to deliver an unforgettable message denouncing secondhand smoke. The Commandos take over a public place and present a short skit (chosen from one of five prepared short plays). The message has tremendous impact because the performances are unexpected (but not unprepared), although the Commandos are expected to obtain management approval from the institutions concerned before the performance. The Oxygen Commandos have already had quite an impact in several regions. Performances have taken place at a school’s open house, a symposium on the environment, in a park, and in cafeterias. Form your own Commando squad and take advantage of a community event to stage your own street theatre. Most of the costumes and accessories are supplied. To participate, simply fill out the participation form in the Oxygen Commando project handbook available from the Linda Couture, at (514) 948-5317, extension 31, or For more information about the Oxygen Commandos, check out our Web site, (QCTH photo) Five thousand copies of the Youth Coalition Against Smoking newsletter are distributed free of charge to Quebec schools and youth centres. The newsletter is also available on the Web at: Edition | Mario Bujold Michelle Gosselin Translation | Articles Michelle Gosselin Nathalie Vallerand Charles Vanasse | Helena Scheffer Graphic design and layout | Smash!!! If undeliverable, please return to: Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health 4126 Saint-Denis Street, suite 302 Montréal, Québec H2W 2M5 Telephone: (514) 948-5317 Fax: (514) 948-4582 ÊTREALLUMÉ: A LIVE WEB SHOW! On Friday, January 28 at 8:00 p.m., gather around your computer and click on to experience an exciting live virtual encounter! Take part in this unique 90-minute gathering of some of the most popular artists in Quebec. Watch live performances by Coriolan, Crampe en masse, Martin Deschamps, Lulu Hughes, Martin Léon, Marie-Pier Perrault, Vincent Vallières and Yelo Molo. Watch the dazzling exploits of Les 7 doigts de la main circus acrobats and shake to the beat of the Zeugma dance troupe. This extraordinary show will combine humour, dance, circus performance, urban painting, video, music and song as a tribute to youth who choose not to smoke, those who are trying to quit and the thousands of members of the Youth Coalition Against Smoking. Celebrate with these artists who have been mobilized to publicly support the benefits of smoke-free living in support of the Youth Coalition. Êtreallumé will be presented live from the TOHU auditorium, Cité des arts du cirque in Montreal, on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. Enjoy the show! Clip out the show poster from this bulletin and use it to announce the event at your school or youth centre. c Q U E B E C TO B A C C O - F R E E W E E K 2 0 0 5 SECONDHAND SMOKE IS NO JOKE! R There are many serious health consequences of exposure to secondhand smoke. Quebec Tobacco-free week, from January 16 to 22, 2005, underscores these risks, which each year in Quebec, kill 136 non-smokers from lung cancer and 223 from heart disease. This year’s slogan, “Clear the air of secondhand smoke!” urges the public to take action and reduce exposure to this contaminant. More than a hundred partners have already mobilized to raise public awareness about the negative impact of secondhand smoke on health. How about joining them? Actor Mireille Deyglun is the campaign’s spokesperson for the fifth consecutive year. A number of well-known personalities and experts have also agreed to speak out on the subject on major television networks. New this year! The public is invited to enjoy a meal in a restaurant offering a smoke-free environment on Thursday, January 20, 2005, as part of the “Eat well smoke-free!” event. A large number of restaurants throughout Quebec will be posting the event logo at the door, indicating that their clients can enjoy a completely smoke-free environment for the whole day. For a list of participating restaurants, click on This event is jointly sponsored by the Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health and the Quebec Restaurant Association. SECONDHAND BUT NOT SECONDARY Secondhand smoke contains: q 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are carcinogenic. q 3 times more tar, 5 times more carbon monoxide, 6 times more nicotine, and 40 times more ammonia than the smoke inhaled by smokers. Did you know that: q No ventilation system can eliminate secondhand smoke… unless it is as powerful as a tornado! q A nonsmoker who stays in a smokefilled room for an hour inhales as much nitrosamine, a known carcinogen, as in 35 cigarettes. THE SUBJECT MAY BE SECONDHAND, BUT IT’S NOT OLD! Secondhand smoke is the third most important cause of avoidable deaths, after direct smoking and alcohol abuse. It affects 55 to 70 per cent of non-smokers. In Quebec, 25 per cent of children between the ages of 0 and 11, and 29 per cent of children from 12 to 17 years old are regularly exposed to smoke at home: the highest percentage in Canada. Quebec Tobacco-free week is a provincial health promotion campaign coordinated by the Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health, with funding from the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the support of numerous partners. c q Dogs exposed to secondhand smoke are 60 times more likely to develop lung cancer than dogs living in smoke-free environments. YOUTH SMOKING PREVENTION ANSWERS TO SOME QUESTIONS BY YOUTH WORKERS By MONIQUE LALONDE, BERNARD HENEMAN and JOHANNE LAGUË Authors of Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) Institut national de la santé publique du Québec What is the most effective and promising way to prevent youth smoking? What should we be doing in the schools, and with whom? Should more restrictive regulations be imposed on smoking in places where young people hang out? What should our priorities be? Quebec’s public health professionals engaged in the war against smoking have been asking questions for the past few years as to which measures are most likely to prevent and reduce youth smoking. The Institut national de santé publique du Québec has prepared a science advice, which should be out very soon, to answer some of these questions. The Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) synthesizes the latest scientific findings on the effectiveness of the major intervention strategies designed to prevent smoking among youth. Data on the preventive measures implementation process, when available, are also provided. The advice targets youth between the ages of 6 and 19, and focuses mainly on studies looking at the period between initiation to smoking and tobacco addiction. The major intervention strategies studied are: 7 Interventions in the schools including interventions in the classroom, school policies and parent and student participation. 7 Legislation, regulations and taxation. 7 Demarketing of tobacco products as a principal counter-marketing measure. 7 Community actions. Proof of the effectiveness of ecological tobacco control programs that include these four major types of intervention are also described. The document’s recommendations are based on solid, scientific and practical findings, plus an analysis of the scientific literature, and the public health experience acquired over the past 30 years in the fight against smoking. RESULTS LEADING TO PRACTICE GUIDELINES The most effective way to reduce youth smoking is to implement a smoking control program that combines legislative, tax, educational, media and community interventions, and that balances interventions which directly affect tobacco use by youth and those which are indirectly related, by reducing tobacco use by adults. Optimum impact is achieved when the interventions are widely implemented, wellcoordinated and adequately funded, and when they are mutually complementary. In each area of the intervention, The Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) takes a critical look at the results of numerous studies and provides a convincing summary of their findings. The recommendations take into account the information gained from these summaries, the Quebec situation in the area of smoking control and an analysis of the principal elements to consider regarding the relative value of different interventions. The Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) concludes, for instance, that active involvement by youth in anti-smoking actions is an innovative and promising strategy and that there is a need to conduct additional research into this area. Implementing pilot projects to develop leadership and activism among youth is recommended. Based on the effectiveness and feasibility criteria for the various measures recommended, The Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) proposes an order of priority for the smoking control measures to be implemented in the years to come. For instance, a tax increase, designed to raise cigarette prices to the same level as neighbouring regions where tobacco products are more expensive, is one preventive measure put forward. The second recommendation calls for the implementation of new school policies: i.e. a policy prohibiting staff and students from smoking in the schoolyard, on school grounds and around elementary and high schools. The five other measures recommended include, in order of priority: major, long-term province-wide media campaigns synchronized with other anti-smoking interventions, amending the law to prohibit smoking in all enclosed public places, development of an ecological school program with a proven effective educational aspect, the implementation of innovative local community programs, involving youth and parent participation, with the support of anti-smoking experts and finally, measures to control tobacco product displays and packaging. The Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) concludes, for instance, that active involvement by youth in anti-smoking actions is an innovative and promising strategy and that there is a need to conduct additional research into this area. DO YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION? For more information about The Prevention of Youth Smoking (Science Advice) and to find out more about the scientific literature analysis, conclusions and recommendations, please check out the Institut national de santé publique Web site at A downloadable version of the Advice will soon be available. ✂ w o h s b e w ve i l a ay, January 28 , 2 0 0 5 8:00 p.m. With the supp ort o f: ✂ Frid Request for information and program supplies – Winter 2005 Do you have questions about the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program? Do you need more supplies? Just fill out this form and call or fax it to your regional representative. REGION PERSON IN CHARGE TELEPHONE FAX Abitibi-Témiscamingue Mireille O’Brien (514) 948-5317, ext. 30 (514) 948-4582 Lower St. Lawrence Nancy Renaud (418) 724-0600 (418) 724-9725 Chaudière-Appalaches Julie Turgeon (418) 657-7678, ext. 110 Cree Board of James Bay Manon Dugas (819) 855-9017 (819) 855-9031 North Shore Isabelle Lamontagne (418) 589-9845 (418) 589-8574 Eastern Townships Alain Rochon (819) 566-7861 (819) 569-8894 Gaspésie–Magdalen Islands Mireille O’Brien (514) 948-5317, ext. 30 (514) 948-4582 Lanaudière Sarah Monette (450) 759-1157, ext. 4433 (450) 759-5149 Telephone number: ______________________________________________ Laurentians Mireille O’Brien (514) 948-5317, ext. 30 (514) 948-4582 Fax number: __________________________________________________ Laval Dominique Tambosso (450) 687-5691, ext. 2815 (450) 682-2953 E-mail: _______________________________________________________ Mauricie and Central Quebec Lise Saint-Cyr (819) 693-3944 Montérégie Claude Poulin (450) 928-6777, ext. 4270 (450) 928-3694 Montréal-Centre To be confirmed (514) 948-5317, ext. 23 (514) 948-4582 Northern Quebec Mireille O’Brien (514) 948-5317, ext. 30 (514) 948-4582 Nunavik Serge Déry (819) 964-2222 Outaouais Josée Charlebois (819) 776-7660, ext. 7673 Québec Julie Turgeon (418) 657-7678, ext. 110 Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean André Marchand (418) 275-4980, ext. 238 Name of school or youth centre: _____________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________________ Postal code: __________________________________________________ Name of contact: _______________________________________________ Number of students or young people attending the institution: ____________ (819) 771-8632 (418) 275-6670 Grade range: __________________________________________________ ❏ ❏ Request for information about the program. Request for additional supplies. Other information: ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ We look forward to working with you! In collaboration with the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and the Public Health Branches of Québec COOL TOOLS FOR KIDS LANYARD STICKERS FIT-TEE SWEATER TUQUE Are you registering for the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program? Take advantage of this opportunity to order some of the colourful, cool promotional tools that are sure to grab kids’ attention with their great graphics. Everyone will want to post them! Use the tools to “light a fire” under and motivate kids in your school or youth centre. They can be used to start discussions on smoking and to rally them around a Youth Coalition Against Smoking project. Most of our tools are free of charge and are available in both French and English, with the exception of the video. You can order them right now by contacting the person in charge of your region. Look for his/her contact information on the registration form. VIDEO POSTER HANDBOOK NEWSLETTER C’est cool fumer ? Monœil ! A PROGRAM OF THE QUEBEC COUNCIL ON TOBACCO AND H E A LT H I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H T H E P U B L I C H E A LT H BRANCHES AND THE MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SERVICES SOCIAUX WINTER 2005 YOUTH COALITION ON MUSIQUE PLUS: AND THIS YEAR’S WINNER IS.......... They say that everyone has their 15 minutes of fame. This year’s winner of the fourth annual Dis-le avec ta gang allumée! contest could be your group! Two effervescent Musique Plus VJs, Marisol Aubé (SPAM) and Réjean Laplanche (1-2-3 Punk), will be travelling around Quebec to meet with Youth Coalition groups from February 21 to March 31, 2005. They will prepare a feature on the most outstanding, original and creative Youth Coalition group project in each of the 16 participating regions. The choice of the winning projects will be based on the following criteria: clarity of its objectives, number of people reached, quality and originality, and impact of the message determined by surveys or interviews after the event. Note that at least one major element of the project must take place between February 21 and March 31. The contest will culminate in April, when thousands of young TV viewers can watch the 16 featured projects on a TV special broadcast live from Musique Plus. Just think of the thousands of young people being sensitized to the benefits of smoke-free living! Are you interested? Your project must be submitted by February 15, 2005. Simply fill out the participation form available in the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide or on the Web site (click on “Concours”) and send it to your regional agent (see list on the back of this bulletin). SOME IDEAS TO INSPIRE YOUR GROUP Kids talking to kids using their own words, the music that they like, images that capture their attention, and methods of expression that are meaningful to them. In a nutshell, that is what explains the success of the Youth Coalition in the war against smoking. For the Dis-le avec ta gang allumée! contest, audiovisual projects will be preferred (television or radio commercials, videos, songs, etc.). To get your kids started, you can suggest some sources of documentation and proposed themes. For instance: [ Encourage young non-smokers to stay that way. For some ideas: the Web site, the Youth Coalition kit (available free of charge from your regional agent), F3 Magazine (distributed in schools and available from the Youth Coalition Web site). [ Denounce tobacco use by the entertainment industry, particularly the movies. For more information, check out F3 magazine, and [ Expose the underhanded tactics used by the tobacco industry as well as the myths and lies that they attempt to perpetuate about tobacco use. The following Web sites provide a gold mine of information:,, (« Les pires excuses », « Pourquoi on devient accro », « Flash là-dessus! »), (reality check photos about smoking) [All available in French only]. [ Promote smoke-free environments: schools, youth centres, restaurants, shopping centres, etc. Counter the misleading arguments and fears put forward by the tobacco industry on this subject. Organize street theatre activities on this theme: see the Oxygen Commando handbook ( and this Web site: [ Encourage smokers to quit by suggesting various support measures. For some ideas:,,, the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide (available free of charge from your regional agent). \ OXYGEN COMMANDOS CREATE SPARKS Just a few weeks after the launch of this new Youth Coalition program, Oxygen Commando squads in a number of regions have already carried out missions. The Commandos have The Oxygen Commandos uncovered what the taken the public by storm to make industry is trying to hide in a street theatre them more aware of the harmful event performed at Georges-Vanier High School in Montreal on November 5, 2004. effects of secondhand smoke. The program invites young people to form an Oxygen Commando squad to deliver an unforgettable message denouncing secondhand smoke. The Commandos take over a public place and present a short skit (chosen from one of five prepared short plays). The message has tremendous impact because the performances are unexpected (but not unprepared), although the Commandos are expected to obtain management approval from the institutions concerned before the performance. The Oxygen Commandos have already had quite an impact in several regions. Performances have taken place at a school’s open house, a symposium on the environment, in a park, and in cafeterias. Form your own Commando squad and take advantage of a community event to stage your own street theatre. Most of the costumes and accessories are supplied. To participate, simply fill out the participation form in the Oxygen Commando project handbook available from the Linda Couture, at (514) 948-5317, extension 31, or For more information about the Oxygen Commandos, check out our Web site, (QCTH photo) Five thousand copies of the Youth Coalition Against Smoking newsletter are distributed free of charge to Quebec schools and youth centres. The newsletter is also available on the Web at: Edition | Mario Bujold Michelle Gosselin Translation | Articles Michelle Gosselin Nathalie Vallerand Charles Vanasse | Helena Scheffer Graphic design and layout | Smash!!! If undeliverable, please return to: Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health 4126 Saint-Denis Street, suite 302 Montréal, Québec H2W 2M5 Telephone: (514) 948-5317 Fax: (514) 948-4582 ÊTREALLUMÉ: A LIVE WEB SHOW! On Friday, January 28 at 8:00 p.m., gather around your computer and click on to experience an exciting live virtual encounter! Take part in this unique 90-minute gathering of some of the most popular artists in Quebec. Watch live performances by Coriolan, Crampe en masse, Martin Deschamps, Lulu Hughes, Martin Léon, Marie-Pier Perrault, Vincent Vallières and Yelo Molo. Watch the dazzling exploits of Les 7 doigts de la main circus acrobats and shake to the beat of the Zeugma dance troupe. This extraordinary show will combine humour, dance, circus performance, urban painting, video, music and song as a tribute to youth who choose not to smoke, those who are trying to quit and the thousands of members of the Youth Coalition Against Smoking. Celebrate with these artists who have been mobilized to publicly support the benefits of smoke-free living in support of the Youth Coalition. Êtreallumé will be presented live from the TOHU auditorium, Cité des arts du cirque in Montreal, on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. Enjoy the show! Clip out the show poster from this bulletin and use it to announce the event at your school or youth centre.
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