dis-le avec ta gang allumée contest dis
dis-le avec ta gang allumée contest dis
A PROGRAM OF THE QUEBEC COUNCIL ON TOBACCO AND H E A LT H I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H T H E P U B L I C H E A LT H BRANCHES AND THE MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SERVICES SOCIAUX WINTER 2006 DIS-LE AVEC TA GANG ALLUMÉE CONTEST Again this year, the Dis-le avec ta gang allumée contest will be mobilizing large numbers of Youth Coalition members who are committed to promoting smoke-free living all across Quebec. Contest entry forms providing details about their projects should be submitted no later than Wednesday, February 15, 2006. The entry form can be found in the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide or on the www.lagangallumee.com web site (click on “concours”). AND THE WINNERS ARE... ON TV! A Musique Plus film crew and one of the station’s popular VJs will be knocking at the doors of the winning Youth Coalition groups’ schools and youth centres. For a whole month, from early March to early April 2006, some of the most popular Musique Plus VJs (like Chéli Castonguay, Shaheed Malik, Izabelle Desjardins, Mathieu Marcotte and Réjean Laplanche) will be touring participating regions to film the sixteen best projects. The coverage will be put together for a special show to be broadcast live on Musique Plus in April 2006. c ta gang allumée 5th edition of the Dis-le ave Official illustration of the contest While they receive a lot of backing and supervision from supportive adults, young people have a lot to say in their own words about the fight against tobacco. Much of the success of this effort is due to their imagination and commitment as well as on the impact of their smoking reduction projects in their communities. To jumpstart the kids’ creativity in tackling the smoking issue for this fifth annual contest, here are some sources of documentation and suggested themes: Encourage non-smokers to stay that way. What’s the best way to go about it? Check out the following... ◆ Or take advantage of your regional agent’s expertise ◆ www.lagangallumee.com web site Encourage the smokers around you to kick the habit by suggesting various support measures. Here are some good resources: ◆ Youth Coalition KIT available free of charge from your Youth Coalition regional agent ◆ www.jarrete.qc.ca ◆ Free From Fumes (F3), a magazine available at your school or on the Youth Coalition web site ◆ www.defitabac.qc.ca ◆ www.stop-tabac.ch/fr/welcome.html ◆ Or consult the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide (available free of charge from your regional agent) ◆ http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/tobac-tabac/index_e.html Denounce tobacco use by the entertainment industry, particularly smoking in the movies. For inspiration check out... The winning projects will be chosen based on the following criteria: ◆ Explicit project objective(s). (For instance, winning a majority vote for a smoke-free school or youth centre. For examples of objectives or project ideas, refer to the Program guide.) ◆ Number of people reached by the project Expose the underhanded tactics used by the tobacco industry, as well as the myths and lies that they attempt to perpetuate about tobacco use. For up to date information about these subjects... ◆ Quality and originality of the methods used to achieve the project’s objectives. For instance: video or audio production, use of the local and regional media, guerrilla theatre, etc. ◆ www.defacto.ca/fr/index.cfm ◆ ◆ www.jesuismanipule.com/push1024.htm# ◆ www.lagangallumee.com and click on « Les pires excuses », « Pourquoi on devient accro », « Flash là-dessus ! » Methods used to verify achievement of objectives. For instance: questionnaires to assess understanding and awareness of the project’s messages and activities, interviews to quantify and qualify potential changes in opinions, beliefs and attitudes among participants, viewers, etc. ◆ Youth Coalition KIT ◆ www.stop-tabac.ch/fr/Photos/ for some reality-check photos about smoking ◆ F3 magazine ◆ www.lagangallumee.com web site ◆ Visit www.smokefreemovies.ucsf.edu/ Anyone interested in entering the contest should note that because of Musique Plus’ filming schedule, at least one major part of the project must take place while the TV crew is touring (between early March and early April 2006). (Note: most of these web sites are in French only) Promote smoke-free surroundings by leading the battle against smoking in your own environment... ◆ At your school or youth centre ◆ In restaurants, shopping centres and other public places ◆ Counter the misleading arguments and fears put forward by the tobacco industry If you’re interested in organizing some street theatre... ◆ Contact Linda Couture at: lcouture@cqts.qc.ca or by phone at 514. 948-5317, ext. 31 for a free Oxygen Commando start-up package Or consult www.lagangallumee.com/commando/commando.asp ◆ Check out the information and resources available at: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/tobac-tabac/second/index_e.html Five thousand copies of the Youth Coalition Against Smoking newsletter are distributed free of charge to Quebec schools and youth centres. The newsletter is also available on the Web at: www.lagangallumee.com Edition and articles | Mario Bujold Olga Debiencourt Graphic design and layout | Smash!!! If undeliverable, please return to: Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health 4126 Saint-Denis Street, suite 302, Montreal, Quebec H2W 2M5 Telephone: 514. 948-5317 Fax: 514. 948-4582 OXYGEN COMMANDOS A ROARING SUCCESS! \ In just fourteen months, between September 2004 and November 2005, the number of Oxygen Commandos has more than doubled across Quebec! The participation level, commitment and impact of this program are achievements that the 500 plus young participants can be really proud of. To date, more than 250 Oxygen Commando interventions have taken place in schools and public places in fourteen regions, and nearly 30,000 people have heard their message loud and clear: Smoking that stinks – Smoking that kills! A TRAINING DVD FOR OXYGEN COMMANDOS Is it hard to set up an Oxygen Commando squad? Definitely not! Especially now that a DVD is available, filmed last September with Oxygen G U IDE, OW TO tion H a : m Commando e r n è fo do oxyg e in the omman ing tool for us C , D students V train The D ensable its. p n is u d o in d n an at Lake-ofma en Com of Oxyg Two-Mountains High School. The DVD, called Commando oxygène: HOW TO GUIDE, reveals all the tricks of the trade. The DVD is a fantastic teaching tool developed for youth workers and teams of kids who want to set up a commando unit at their school or youth centre. It includes examples of Boisbriand 300 sea cadets: A dynamic Oxygen Commando performance interventions and practical tips from a drama coach, and comments by the young commandos themselves, candidly discussing their experiences and the problems they encountered, the contacts they made, the information they were able to spread and their level of satisfaction. “An amazing group experience!” declares a member of the Oxygen Commando group at Lake-of-Two-Mountains High School, summarizing the group’s feelings. j The basic message being put forward by young Oxygen Commandos is that secondhand smoke is not only dangerous, it’s deadly! How can the word be spread to peers, parents and other adults? How can smokers be told, “Smoke if you want to but don’t hurt the people around you“? The Oxygen Commando use surprise tactics to spread information through skits and spectacular guerilla theatre to attract attention and provide information in a way that hopefully disturbs their audience and makes them question their deeply held convictions... Photo: Linda Couture OXYGEN COMMANDO MESSAGE MAJOR PUBLIC IMPACT In just fourteen months, 4 million readers, listeners, TV viewers and web surfers have already heard of the Oxygen Commandos and their message. Four million: that’s a lot of people! For information or help setting up an Oxygen Commando unit Contact Linda Couture at the Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health, 514. 948-5317, ext. 31, lcouture@cqts.qc.ca Or visit www.cqts.qc.ca/commando-en G I V E T H E A I R S O M E B R E AT H I N G R O O M QUEBEC TOBACCO-FREE WEEK 2006 The theme of the 30th edition of Quebec Tobacco-free Week 2006 is “Making the World Smoke-Free.” The event will take place this year from January 15 to 21, 2006, and will look at the issue of secondhand smoke in a positive way, i.e. emphasize the benefits of enjoying a smoke-free environment and protecting the people around us, because making the world smoke-free means taking pleasure in the best life has to offer. This positive message will be put forward by some celebrities who will talk about their personal experiences with secondhand smoke. The campaign will also feature television and print advertising (posters, doorknob hangers). For the sixth year in a row, Quebec actress Mireille Deyglun will be the official spokesperson for this major health promotion campaign. Quebec Tobacco-free Week 2006 mobilizes nearly 200 partners (CEGEPS, universities, government ministries and agencies, companies, municipal libraries, the media, etc.) who will be organizing activities all across the province. This annual education campaign is coordinated by the Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health, in association with the Ministry of Health and Social Services, plus a dozen other agencies in the health arena (professional corporations, public health departments, nonprofit organizations, etc.). For more information about secondhand smoke, about Quebec Tobacco-free Week 2006, or to order campaign material, please visit www.cqts.qc.ca POPPING NEW MULTIMEDIA PACKAGE The Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health This multimedia package is a tribute to the is proud to present its new multimedia package Youth Coalition members in Quebec high schools in its innovative popcorn packaging. On s’éclate and youth centres and is designed to encourage sans fumée! includes a CD of the song Penses-y their efforts. Here are some ideas on how to make même pas! by Coriolan and a DVD of the use of this multimedia package: êtreallumé and Dis-le avec ta gang allumée ❖ Organize a public viewing for students TV show broadcasts. or youth centre members Dis-le avec ta gang allumée, broadcast on Musique Plus last April, includes the winners ❖ Ask the student radio station to play of the 2004-2005 Dis-le avec ta gang allumée Penses-y même pas! contest. On the same DVD, the show êtreallumé – also broadcast on Musique Plus – includes the dazzling performances of a dozen Quebec artists, all dedicated nonsmokers or former smokers enthusiastic about delivering an unequivocal message about the benefits of living without tobacco products. Also included are some funny anti-smoking “commercials”, an interview with Coriolan, writer and performer of the theme song Penses-y même pas!, interviews with Musique Plus VJs, and facts about smoking. All in all, Indispensable for anyone planning to enter the Dis-le avec ta gang it packs a powerful punch. allumée contest. NEW TOBACCO ACT: GET READY! Quebec has come a long way in restricting tobacco use over the past 30 years. Way back in 1976, Environment Minister Dr. Victor Goldbloom, disturbed by mounting scientific evidence connecting cancer with cigarette smoking, called for a study on smoking in public places. “We are “We are witness to the first efforts witness to the first efforts of anti-smoking of anti-smoking groups to define groups to define and recognize their rights and have them respected in public places and recognize their rights and have and vehicles,” he said to the Legislative Council, asking the government them respected in public places to examine the advisability of potential and vehicles.” legislation limiting tobacco use in Quebec. After countless briefs and endless lobbying, public awareness and education campaigns, symposiums, a variety of offensives and procedures, the time has finally come. Unanimously adopted on June 16, 2005 by the members of the National Assembly – from all political parties – the new Tobacco Act will govern the use, sale and promotion of tobacco products throughout Quebec. Starting Wednesday, May 31, 2006, smoking will be banned in nearly every public place, including bars and restaurants. The law will also fine people who sell tobacco products to minors, and prohibit advertising that directly or indirectly associates the use of tobacco with a particular lifestyle. Four months later, on September 1, 2006, tobacco in any form will be prohibited from elementary and secondary school grounds. x “We’re not in the vanguard by any means,” said Minister Philippe Couillard about this new and improved Tobacco Act, which clearly has more teeth than its 1998 version. While it’s true that other provinces are way ahead of Quebec on this issue, anti-smoking groups are still very pleased with the Tobacco Act, which is a big step forward overall. ❖ Use the song or its instrumental version in audiovisual documents ❖ Leave a copy of the DVD-CD in the school library where it can be seen by large numbers of students ❖ Lend the DVD-CD to Youth Coalition members so they can watch it at home with their friends ❖ Use the examples of other Youth Coalition projects to attract the interest of kids in the school or youth centre ❖ Organize a special viewing at the school or youth centre to recruit new Youth Coalition members ❖ Use excerpts from the CD/DVD (videos, Musique Plus VJ interviews, etc.) to make kids more aware of smoking issues and to organize debates on the subject ❖ Use the instrumental version of the song Penses-y même pas! for karaoke events WE ’ RE HERE FOR YOU The Youth Coalition bulletin and web site www.lagangallumee.com are important tools to communicate with youth and youth workers. Their mission? To keep you informed and up to date about what’s happening in Quebec, to tell you about various smoking prevention and reduction projects and to provide you with tools that you can use for your activities. YOUTH COALITION BULLETIN The bulletin is specifically created for youth workers and resource people, so we’d like to hear your views about it as an information tool and the subjects it covers. Do you find it visually attractive? Could any cosmetic changes be made to improve it? In short, the Youth Coalition bulletin would like to learn from you and hear your suggestions, observations, comments and recommendations about its form and content. You can reach us at: bulletingangallumee@cqts.qc.ca YOUTH COALITION – WEB SITE The same goes for the official web site: www.lagangallumee.com which you are undoubtedly familiar with. But did you know that the Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health updated the site recently? Not only does it provide information about tobacco use reduction and prevention, it is also a valuable platform for discussion with young people and youth workers. There are plans to make the site even more interactive in the future. What do you think about it? What changes would you recommend? What do you think about its form and content? Is it easy to navigate? Do you think the site has enough links? Do you think it could be even more dynamic? Can you find what you’re looking for easily? Can you and the kids relate to it? We really want to hear what you think, uncensored: what you like and what improvements you’d like to see on the site. Please go to the site, and click on FORUM, Discussions générales, then on Ton opinion sur... le site. Go ahead, don’t be shy! Your opinion really matters. Request for information and program supplies – Winter 2006 Questions about the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program? Need information? Wish to renew your participation or your supplies? Just fill out this form and call or fax it to your regional representative. REGION PERSON IN CHARGE TELEPHONE FAX Abitibi-Témiscamingue Anny Doyon 514. 948-5317, ext. 30 514. 948-4582 Lower St. Lawrence Nancy Renaud 418. 724-0600, ext. 2005 418. 724-9725 _____________________________________________________________ Chaudière-Appalaches Luiza-Maria Manseau 418. 657-7678, ext. 107 418. 657-1367 Address ______________________________________________________ Cree Board of James Bay Manon Dugas 819. 855-9001, ext. 5331 819. 855-9031 City __________________________________________________________ North Shore Marielle Richard 418. 589-9845, ext. 2622 418. 589-8574 Eastern Townships Alain Rochon 819. 566-7861, ext. 127 819. 569-8894 Gaspésie–Magdalen Islands Anny Doyon 514. 948-5317, ext. 30 514. 948-4582 Lanaudière Sarah Monette 450. 759-1157, ext. 4433 450. 759-5149 Telephone number_______________________________________________ Laurentians Anny Doyon 514. 948-5317, ext. 30 514. 948-4582 Fax number____________________________________________________ Laval Dominique Tambosso 450. 687-5691, ext. 2815 450. 682-2953 E-mail ________________________________________________________ Mauricie and Central Quebec Lise Saint-Cyr 819. 693-3944 819. 373-1627 Montérégie Isabelle Michaud 450. 928-6777, ext. 3003 450. 928-3760 Montréal-Centre Josée Daoust 514. 948-5317, ext. 23 514. 948-4582 Northern Quebec Anny Doyon 514. 948-5317, ext. 30 514. 948-4582 Nunavik Serge Déry 819. 964-2222, ext. 226 819. 964-2888 ❏ ❏ Outaouais Isabelle Paradis 819. 776-7660, ext. 7454 819. 777-0271 Other information _______________________________________________ Québec Luiza-Maria Manseau 418. 657-7678, ext. 107 418. 657-1367 Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean André Marchand 418. 275-4980, ext. 238 418. 275-6670 Name of school or youth centre Postal code____________________________________________________ Name of contact________________________________________________ Number of students or young people attending the institution ____________ Grade range ___________________________________________________ Request for information about the program. Request for additional supplies. _____________________________________________________________ Thank you for your contribution to reducing youth smoking! In collaboration with the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and the Public Health Branches of Québec COOL TOOLS AVAILABLE LANYARD FIT-TEE SWEATER TUQUE STICKERS Are you interested in getting involved in the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program? DVD CD MULTIMEDIA PACKAGE Welcome! We have a whole range of promotional tools that will grab kids’ attention, open the way for discussions about smoking and help get them involved in a Youth Coalition Against Smoking project. The kids will be proud to be associated with the brightly coloured and über cool Youth Coalition materials. Most of our promotional tools, available in French and English, are free of charge. Contact your regional agent (see contact information at the top of this page) for your supplies. VIDEO POSTER HANDBOOK NEWSLETTER A PROGRAM OF THE QUEBEC COUNCIL ON TOBACCO AND H E A LT H I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H T H E P U B L I C H E A LT H BRANCHES AND THE MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SERVICES SOCIAUX WINTER 2006 DIS-LE AVEC TA GANG ALLUMÉE CONTEST C’est cool fumer ? Again this year, the Dis-le avec ta gang allumée contest will be mobilizing large numbers of Youth Coalition members who are committed to promoting smoke-free living all across Quebec. Contest entry forms providing details about their projects should be submitted no later than Wednesday, February 15, 2006. The entry form can be found in the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide or on the www.lagangallumee.com web site (click on “concours”). AND THE WINNERS ARE... ON TV! A Musique Plus film crew and one of the station’s popular VJs will be knocking at the doors of the winning Youth Coalition groups’ schools and youth centres. For a whole month, from early March to early April 2006, some of the most popular Musique Plus VJs (like Chéli Castonguay, Shaheed Malik, Izabelle Desjardins, Mathieu Marcotte and Réjean Laplanche) will be crisscrossing participating regions to film the sixteen best projects. The coverage will be put together for a special show to be broadcast live on Musique Plus in April 2006. Monœil ! Official illustration of the contest 5th edition of the Dis-le avec ta gang allumée While they receive a lot of backing and supervision from supportive adults, young people have a lot to say in their own words about the fight against tobacco. Much of the success of this effort is due to their imagination and commitment as well as on the impact of their smoking reduction projects in their communities. To jumpstart the kids’ creativity in tackling the smoking issue for this fifth annual contest, here are some sources of documentation and suggested themes: Encourage non-smokers to stay that way. What’s the best way to go about it? Check out the following... ◆ ◆ www.lagangallumee.com web site Youth Coalition KIT available free of charge from your Youth Coalition regional agent ◆ Free From Fumes (F3), a magazine available at your school or on the Youth Coalition web site ◆ http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/tobac-tabac/index_e.html Denounce tobacco use by the entertainment industry, particularly smoking in the movies. For inspiration check out... ◆ F3 magazine ◆ www.lagangallumee.com web site ◆ Visit www.smokefreemovies.ucsf.edu/ ◆ Or take advantage of your regional agent’s expertise Encourage the smokers around you to kick the habit by suggesting various support measures. Here are some good resources: ◆ www.jarrete.qc.ca ◆ defitabac.qc.ca ◆ www.stop-tabac.ch/fr/welcome.html ◆ Or consult the Youth Coalition Against Smoking program guide (available free of charge from your regional agent) The winning projects will be chosen based on the following criteria: ◆ Explicit project objective(s). (For instance, winning a majority vote for a smoke-free school or youth centre. For examples of objectives or project ideas, refer to the program guide.) ◆ Number of people reached by the project Expose the underhanded tactics used by the tobacco industry, as well as the myths and lies that they attempt to perpetuate about tobacco use. For up to date information about these subjects... ◆ Quality and originality of the methods used to achieve the project’s objectives. For instance: video or audio production, use of the local and regional media, guerrilla theatre, etc. ◆ Methods used to verify achievement of objectives. For instance: questionnaires to assess understanding and awareness of the project’s messages and activities, interviews to quantify and qualify potential changes in opinions, beliefs and attitudes among participants, viewers, etc. ◆ www.defacto.ca/fr/index.cfm ◆ www.jesuismanipule.com/push1024.htm# ◆ www.lagangallumee.com and click on « Les pires excuses », « Pourquoi on devient accro », « Flash là-dessus ! » ◆ Youth Coalition KIT ◆ www.stop-tabac.ch/fr/Photos/ for some reality-check photos about smoking Anyone interested in entering the contest should note that because of Musique Plus’ filming schedule, at least one major part of the project must take place while the TV crew is touring (between early March and early April 2006). (Note: most of these web sites are in French only) Promote smoke-free surroundings by leading the battle against smoking in your own environment... ◆ At your school or youth centre ◆ In restaurants, shopping centres and other public places ◆ Counter the misleading arguments and fears put forward by the tobacco industry If you’re interested in organizing some street theatre... ◆ Contact Linda Couture at: lcouture@cqts.qc.ca or by phone at 514. 948-5317, ext. 31 for a free Oxygen Commando start-up package Or consult www.lagangallumee.com/commando/commando.asp ◆ Check out the information and resources available at: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/tobac-tabac/second/index_e.html Five thousand copies of the Youth Coalition Against Smoking newsletter are distributed free of charge to Quebec schools and youth centres. The newsletter is also available on the Web at: www.cqts.qc.ca/jeunesse. Edition and articles | Mario Bujold Olga Debiencourt Graphic design and layout | Smash!!! If undeliverable, please return to: Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health 4126 Saint-Denis Street, suite 302, Montreal, Quebec H2W 2M5 Telephone: 514. 948-5317 Fax: 514. 948-4582
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