October 2014 Chalice - Holy Communion Lutheran Church


October 2014 Chalice - Holy Communion Lutheran Church
The Chalice
A Publication of Holy Communion Lutheran Church
In This Issue:
Children’s Chalice…...pg. 2
Trunk Or Treat……....pg. 2
Hospitality Breakfast...pg. 3
Community Meal…....pg. 3
Quilting Group………pg. 3
Quilts & School Kits...pg. 3
Schools of Hope…….pg. 3
Tues. Night Bible
Study….pg. 4
Book Group…………pg. 4
Wild Wilderness
Women Hike…….pg. 4
Lounge Tree………....pg. 4
Volunteer Calendar….pg. 5
October Calendar…...pg. 6
Memorials………...pgs.7, 8
News From the Pews...pg. 8
Food Pantry………….pg. 8
Thank You Mary Beth &
Harry Huizinga….. pg. 8
2015 ELCS Youth
Gathering………pg. 9
Youth Preludes….…...pg. 9
Weds. Night Live…....pg. 9
Mission Implementation
Team Review...pgs. 10-12
Seasons of Creation
Fall Worship Service..pg.12
October, 2014
One of the exciting things about calling a new Pastor is the energy that this process
brings. I am so grateful to the work of the call committee and I am thrilled with the
prospect of working with Pastor Laura as we imagine and live out who we are to
become as a church family. I am sure that you will join me and the entire staff in
welcoming her to our church family.
As she arrives, we will certainly create several opportunities for you to meet her.
But I also encourage you to be assertive in introducing yourselves to her; going out
to coffee with her and inviting her into your homes. On a more practical level, I am
going to ask you to wear your nametags in church on Sunday’s, so that she can more
easily learn the names of each and every one of you.
A healthy church is a welcoming church… and a welcoming church is a growing
church! And the topic of hospitality is an integral part of the biblical worldview.
In fact, ‘Hospitality’ is a lens through which the whole of the Bible can be read and
understood. When people in antiquity moved from place to place, it was assumed
that the host/hostess would welcome them with food and gifts and lodging.
If you stop and think about it, God’s relationship with the created world and its
peoples is one big example of hospitality. When God blessed Sarah and Abraham
with the gift of a ‘great nation’ – God walked beside them. When Moses led the
people out of captivity and Joshua led them into the Holy Land – God was ahead of
them and behind them.
Jesus’ entire life and mission could easily be viewed through the lens of hospitality.
He walked the earth, gathering people together, and accompanying them in their
journeys… bringing good news to the poor, feeding the hungry and healing the sick,
and preparing us for life in the Kingdom. God’s Holy Spirit may be the ultimate
example of hospitality – as it continues to bless us and accompany us in our daily
lives in all that we do.
In the New Church – hospitality was seen as THE key ingredient in the growth of the
church. The first worship services were gatherings in people’s homes centered
around God’s Word and a Meal. In fact, the early church’s practice of hospitality
was so successful that it was adopted by the Roman Empire in an effort to strengthen
their own kingdom.
So as we welcome a new Pastor into our midst; and new employees onto our staff…
we not only carry God’s story forward, we are given the opportunity to be God’s
people here in our church and out in the world. Please take the time to open your
hearts to Pastor Laura – and our entire team of employees. A healthy church is a
welcoming church… and a welcoming church is a growing church…
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Mark
The Children’s Chalice
Holy Communion Lutheran Church
October, 2014
CHOIR AND SUNDAY SCHOOL are off to a great start thanks to Kate Potter-Barrow and the Sunday School
teachers who are dedicated to sharing the love of God with our children.
Little Lambs – Kaitlyn Porcaro
Preschool – Erica Barbee
Kindergarten – Vicki Chavez
1st & 2nd Grade – Megan Brieske and Michelle Paulson
3rd & 4th Grade – Chad Krenzke and Shannon Porcaro
5th Grade – Patrick BeBow
BIBLE SUNDAY--SEPTEMBER 21st. Two-year-olds, three-year-olds (that had not
previously received a Bible) and 3rd graders received “Hands-On” Bibles that are designed to
enhance our Sunday School curriculum. They can be used through their Sunday School years
and beyond.
Mark Your Calendars and Watch for more Details!!
Friday, October 31st
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Looking for a fun, safe, spooktacular
Halloween experience? Join us in our Trunk
or Treat Fest October 31st from 3:30 p.m. to
5 p.m. In the church parking lot. We are
asking for your donations of decorated cars,
candy, small pumpkins and gourds and
other small prizes and will need adult and
teen helpers. Check the board by the office
and the lilac form for ways to participate.
Help us make this a ghoulishly great
neighborhood event!
Hospitality Center Breakfast
We are continuing to serve a brunch
breakfast the first Saturday of the month with
Mt. Pleasant, Atonement and
Resurrection Lutheran churches. We serve
anywhere from 100-150 people a month.
Please consider making a dish for us or helping to serve.
Thanks to Kris Hansen, Sharon Wilczynski, Lynn Olle and Heidi
Komistra for their generosity on September 6th. Our next
breakfast is October 4th. You can find the sign up sheet on the
bulletin board outside the church office.
Quilting Group
The quilting group will meet at the NW
campus on Tuesday, October 14th and
Tuesday, October 28th at 1:15 p.m. New
members are always welcome to join us. We
are also happy to accept
donations of fabric and gently
used sheets. These donations
can be dropped off in the
church office.
Community Meal
Thank you to the following people for so generously giving each and every month to feed the hungry.
Chuck Schrier
Wally & Jo Nissen
Kris Hansen
Jim & Jean Veltman
Jon & Marge Eckblad
Lynn Olle
Heidi & Mark Komistra
Evelyn Lajiness
Gitte & Laura Stupar
Nola Garey
Karen Nielsen
Ruth Krikau
Bonnie Farley
Bonnie Rickenbaugh
Sharon Wilczynski
Gail Toler
Pat Widmaier
Carol Kragh
Jeri Smith
Kathy Vachalik
Susan Barbee
Leanne Evans
Rachel Pezanoski
The next Community Meal will be held on Thursday, October 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the Hospitality Center at 7th and
Main streets. We are waiting on a possible donation from te Racine County Food Bank to set the menu. Please
check the sign up sheet outside the church office to see how you can help. We need people to prepare and serve
the meal. New participants are always welcome. Please see the sign up sheet outside the office for future meal
Lutheran World Relief
Quilts & School Kits
It is that time of year again - the projects Holy Communion members have been working on will be
sent out to Lutheran World Relief. The quilts, almost 150 of them, will be displayed in church on
Sunday, October 5th, before they are packed for shipping. Thank you to Gale Martin, Diane Palmgren,
Ruth Krikau, Anne Dudycha, Nola Garey, Sue Hermanns, Evelyn Lajiness and Kris Hansen for all
their efforts in making the quilts. Another thank you to Mike Martin for his financial support and to Lynn Helmke
for donating fabric.
New Hope Circle has already put together nearly 30 school kits and the youth will be assembling more on October
1st, along with health kits. Look for final numbers in the November Chalice, and thank you to everyone who
donated items for the kits!
It’s not too late to join the other Holy Communion
members who are serving as Schools of Hope
tutors!! In as little as one hour per week you can
make a difference in a child’s life and future.
Visit the United Way of Racine website:
www.unitedwayracine.org to fill out the application.
Volunteers who complete the tutor application
between September 20 and November 14 will attend training in mid-November and will begin tutoring in early
December. For more information, contact Jessica Safransky Schacht at 262-898-2251.
Tuesday night Bible Study will meet
on October 21st. Having a Mary
Heart In a Martha World is the
basis of the Tuesday Night Bible
Study that meets the third Tuesday of
each month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at
the Northwestern Campus. The twelve
lessons encourage us to find quiet
moments of reflection despite all the
pressures that threaten to silence our
time of meditation. The book sells for $10.00 and can be purchased from Julie Burton. All women are welcome to join this
meaningful discussion. Call Julie at 639-5914 if you have any
"Kindred" by Octavia Butler will be the next book discussed by
the book group on Monday, November 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the
NW campus.
Dana, a modern black woman, is celebrating her 26th birthday
with her new husband when she is snatched abruptly from her
home in CA and transported to the antebellum South. Rufus,
white son of a plantation owner, is drowning, and Dana has
been summoned to save him. She is drawn back repeatedly
through time to the slave quarters, and each time the stay grows
longer and more dangerous until is uncertain if her life will end
or not.
Everyone is welcome to join our discussion!
Enjoy some fall colors and a hike along
the Milwaukee River on Sunday, October
12! We'll meet at the Northwest Campus
parking lot to carpool to Milwaukee
at 12:30pm. The hike will start at the Urban Ecology Center-Riverside Park
branch, follow the river up to Estabrook
Park and back. There are some ups and
downs but it will be a pretty moderate 6
mile hike. All women ages 18+ are welcome to join! RSVP to Laura Hermanns
at laurahermanns@gmail.com or Lynn
Helmke at lmh921@yahoo.com.
LOUNGE MURAL: Tree of Members
In our renovated lounge, a large tree mural has been painted on the east wall connecting to the
sanctuary. We hope to fill this tree with leaves of our Holy Communion family - current and past
members. Help us fill the tree by making a $10 donation per leaf. The leaves will be placed on the
tree blowing towards the sanctuary where we all worship together.
For where two of three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOUNGE MURAL: Tree of Members
I would like ____ leaves at $10 each for a total of $______.
Member(s)/family name to be placed on the leaf (please print):
Name: ____________________________________________
Phone/Email: _______________________________________
Please make checks payable to HCLC and note "Lounge Tree Mural" in the memo line. Return this
form to the church office or place it in the offering plate.
9:30 Staff Meeting
5:30 Weds. Night
6:15 Bell Choir
7:30 Sr. Choir
1:00 Food Pantry
8:00 Hospitality
4:00 Gentle Worship
“Winter is an etching,
spring a watercolor,
summer an oil painting
and autumn a mosaic of them all.”
Stanley Horowitz
8:30 Worship/
Sunday School
10:45 Worship
4:00 Hay Ride at
Apple Holler
10:00 Bible Study
1:00 Food Pantry
9:30 Harmony Club
9:30 Staff Meeting
5:30 Weds. Night
6:15 Bell Choir
7:30 Sr. Choir
1:00 Food Pantry
Boxcar loading for
Lutheran World
12 Seasons of
Creation - Fall
8:30 Worship/
Sunday School
10:45 Worship
12:30 Wilderness
Women Urban Hike
10:00 Bible Study
1:00 Food Pantry
6:00 Team Mtgs.
Chalice Deadline
1:15 Quilters (NW)
9:30 Staff Meeting
5:30 Weds. Night
6:15 Bell Choir
7:30 Sr. Choir
1:00 Food Pantry
8:30 Worship/
Sunday School
10:45 Worship
10:00 Bible Study
1:00 Food Pantry
6:30 Tues. Night
Bible Study (NW)
Chalice Assembly
9:30 Staff Meeting
5:30 Weds. Night
5:00 Community
6:15 Bell Choir
7:30 Sr. Choir
1:00 Food Pantry
4:00 Patzke/Seager
26 Reformation
8:30 Confirmation/
Worship Service
Sunday School
10:45 Worship
10:00 Bible Study
1:00 Food Pantry
6:30 Council
1:15 Quilters (NW)
9:30 Staff Meeting
5:30 Weds. Night
6:15 Bell Choir
7:30 Sr. Choir
31 Halloween
1:00 Food Pantry
3:30 Trunk or Treat
1:00 Rothering/
Buhler Wedding
2:00 Patzke/Seager
October 2014
Volunteers Serving in October
October 5
October 12
Not Needed
McKenzie Vachalik,
Isabella Griep,
Sophie Young
Alex DelToro
Austin DelToro
Gary Wee
Not Needed
Jeff & Lisa
Lisa Petersen
Lisa Lequia
Mya Lequia
Gary Wee
Anne Dudycha
Kalen Theusch
Joleen Carlson
Joan Fergus
Heidi Komistra
Morgan BeBow
Alyssa BeBow
Jenna McReynolds
Melanie Molinaro
Joleen & Jim
Maya Stillman
Alyssa BeBow
Kylee & Gregg
Luke Nelson
Aleks Haeuser
Savannah Hammye
Sydney Buhler
Matthew Spiegelhoff
Caleb Scoon
Stan & Joni
Anne Dudycha
Monica Griep
Shirley Foster
Barb Maier
October 19
October 26
8:30 - Jim Carlson, David Liesner,
Chris Porcaro, Roger Degerman
10:45 Bill Beckett, Lynn Sinclair,
Tim Krikau
Steve Rouse, Jean Rouse,
Vicki Steger, Dale Steger,
Abi Sokoloski
Jacob Brieske
William Heide
Samantha DelToro
Alex DelToro
Austin DelToro
Sophie Young
Taylor Knaus
Rachel Christensen
Carson Krenzke
Altar Guild
8:30 - Gail Dvorak, Diane Horn,
Barb Maier
10:45 - Carol Kragh, Nola Garey,
Darlene Krueger
Evelyn & Tom
Marie Knudson
Council Person in Charge
Oct. 5 - Mary Huizinga
Oct. 12- Patricia Kelly
Oct. 19 - Shannon Porcaro
Oct. 26 - Al Pirk
Holy Communion has recently received the following memorial donations:
In Honor/Memory of
Designated to
Jacque Nielsen
Todd & Sybil Knop
Jacque Nielsen
Mace & Kristin Klingman
Jacque Nielsen
Jim & Joleen Carlson
Jacque Nielsen
Linda Fox
Jacque Nielsen
Minerva Holz & Karen Brooks
Jacque Nielsen
Rondi & David Jenkins
Jacque Nielsen
Patricia Kelly
Jacque Nielsen
Lisa Lequia
Jacque Nielsen
Rudy & Jean Becker
Jacque Nielsen
Arnold & Kay Clement
Jacque Nielsen
Helen & Dan Zelinger
Jacque Nielsen
Jay & Debra Crapser
Jacque Nielsen
Ruth Holz
Jacque Nielsen
Kathleen Cuccio
Jacque Nielsen
Val & Bob Conner
Jacque Nielsen
Earl & Judy Born
Jacque Nielsen
Kara Baylor
Jacque Nielsen
Dave & Pat Barlament
Jacque Nielsen
Holly & Lee Maurer
Jacque Nielsen
Susan & James Vrana
Jacque Nielsen
Bev Friedrich
Jacque Nielsen
Andrew & Stacy Spiering
Jacque Nielsen
Lynn Olle
Social Ministry
Jacque Nielsen
Susan Barbee
Sunday School
Jacque Nielsen
John & Lynn Sinclair
Youth Programs
Jacque Nielsen
Randy & Cyndi Spiegelhoff
Jacque Nielsen
Bernice Savard
Jacque Nielsen
Tom & Evelyn Lajiness
Jacque Nielsen
Penny Haakenson
Jacque Nielsen
Monica Griep
Food Pantry
Jacque Nielsen
William & Suzanne Coe
Jacque Nielsen
Lynn Helmke
Jacque Nielsen
Ron & Janet Starkey
Jacque Nielsen
Dennis & Kathy Dieckhoff
Jacque Nielsen
Krista Berger
Jacque Nielsen
Jim & Nancy Hill
Jacque Nielsen
Shirley Foster
Jacque Nielsen
Kristi Mueller
Jacque Nielsen
Marie Knudson
Jacque Nielsen
James & Joy Webb
Jacque Nielsen
Bill & Selma Bednar
Jacque Nielsen
Dolores Fergus
Jacque Nielsen
Dave & Darlene Krueger
Jacque Nielsen
Mark & Heidi Komistra
(continued on page 9)
(continued from page 8)
In Honor/Memory of
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Jacque Nielsen
Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Jacque Nielsen
Anne Dudycha
Marion Beyer
Gerald & Cindy Nitz
Kathy & Mike Vachalik
Denise & Diane Stillman
Denise & Gary Lequia
Randy Bennett & Joan Fergus
Bonnie Grayson
Jeanne Valasek
Wayne & Sandra Kavalauskas
Tom & Nancy Borgardt
Vicki & Paul Frederickson
Greg & Kathy Berg
Darryl & Jeana Sturino
Wrought Iron Washer Mfg.
Gretchen Takkunen
Bucky & Nancy Hanson
Bucky & Nancy Hanson
Designated to
Food Pantry
Sunday School
Sunday School
Sunday School
News from the Pews
Please keep the following people and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Marilyn Mrkvicka
Sabrina Spinato
Walter Petrikat
Recently Hospitalized
Diane Petras
Cheryl Fall
Louise Daley
Mea Tennis
Lorraine Petricek
Agnes Christensen
William Harrison Mich, son of Michael & Margaux Mich, was baptized on September 14, 2014. William’s
sponsors were Kari Kastenholz and Daniel Mich.
For the month of October the
food pantry is asking for the
following items:
October 5 - spaghetti sauce, spaghetti
October 12 - cereal, saltines
October 19 - 15 oz. canned corn, 15 oz. mixed
vegetables (anything but green beans)
October 27 - canned pineapple, canned pasta with
A huge thank you to Mary Beth and Harry Huizinga who
spent three long days scrubbing down our kitchen, from
top to bottom, inside and out! They reorganized all the
cabinets and the pantry and labeled the cabinets and
drawers to make the kitchen easier for everyone to use.
There is still a need for clean, gently used plastic
bags. We are extremely thankful to all who help
keep our pantry stocked and staffed. We could not
do this without your generosity and help!
If you use the kitchen, please help keep it orderly. When
you see Mary Beth and Harry, please thank them for all
the hard work!
Join us for the 2015 ELCA
National Youth Gathering in
Gather with ELCA youth from around the country for
faith, fellowship, and service.
Deadline for Registration/$100 deposit:
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014
When is it? Tuesday, July 14th – Monday, July 20th, 2015
Who can attend? Youth in grades 8-12 for the 2014-2015 school year are able to participate.
How will we get there? We will travel by bus or van and stay in hotels overnight.
How much does it cost? A deposit of $100 is due with registration on Wednesday,
October 8th. Total cost is estimated to be $400/participant.
Wednesday Night Live is in session! Our
Wednesday night schedule for the 20142015 school year is:
5:30pm – Recreation Time
6:00pm – Family Dinner Time
6:30-7:30pm – Confirmation Education
(Middle School)
6:30-7:30pm -- High School Youth
Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord!
Holy Communion will celebrate the talents of its children
and youth on Sundays October 12 and November 9 when
we feature young people in our preludes.. Students with
talents of all kinds and at all levels are welcome to
participate. Please contact Kate Potter-Barrow to let her
know you're interested or if your child would like help
working on something they could share with our
church family on those Sundays,
kpotterbarrow@gmail.com, or see her in
the choir room on Sunday mornings.
If you are interested in volunteering with the
youth and getting involved with Wednesday
Night Live, contact Heather Doidge at
Mission Implementation Team Review
September 2014
In early 2013, the HCLC Personnel Team developed a plan aimed at implementing the vision, mission and goals
of HCLC as identified in the 2010 TAG findings. In May 2013 a recommendation creating and funding a 3 year
Mission Implementation Plan, including the hiring of a Mission Implementation Director and assistant was
accepted by the Church Council and presented to and approved by the congregation. After a two month search,
the positions were filled and work began in July/August 2013. Over the past few weeks, the Personnel Team has
been conducting a review of the progress of the Mission Implementation Team toward the original expectations
agreed upon at the inception of this team. Following is our findings.
As a reminder and in very general terms, the Mission Implementation Team was asked to identify, evaluate,
develop and implement opportunities for HCLC to build a sense of welcoming within our membership, create
relationships in our neighborhood, transform the lives of children in our community and improve the way we
communicate with our members, neighbors and partners.
These expectations are very large in scope. The Implementation Team has met the challenge head on and is
making great progress one third of the way into the project. They have facilitated two National Night Out
neighborhood events as well as a Thanksgiving Holiday Party - extremely important events that have been
overwhelming successes as a result of many hours of creating partnerships, planning and staffing efforts of the
Mission Implementation Team. While highly visible, these events are only a small part of what this team is
working on. There are also ongoing conversations and relationship building efforts with both new and old partners
in ministry that will create additional opportunities related to the expectations of HCLC as a whole.
Following is a summary of some of the activities the Mission Implementation Team is working on as they relate
to the initial expectations.
Build a sense of welcoming within our congregation
Met with Team Ministry chair persons to evaluate the effectiveness and structure of each team as a
way to determine how teams can be working together toward the mission of HCLC (sharing event
planning efforts, working from a common calendar, communicating with each other and the
Conversations have begun regarding the creation of an Assimilation Team/Ministry of Invitation
and Welcoming. The goal of this team ministry is to create a process by which we welcome new
members and keep them engaged in the life of HCLC.
Planning and coordinating our Wednesday Night Live high school and middle school program.
Create relationships in our neighborhood
Developed partnerships with the 6th Street Cop House, Neighborhood Watch, city government
representatives and Fratt Elementary School for the purpose of a greater neighborhood connection
and building on our Schools of Hope involvement.
Successful National Night Out events. 300 attended in 2013 and 600 in 2014. Developed data
base of attendees for 2014.
(continued on pg. 11)
(continued from page 10)
• Community Thanksgiving Holiday Party 2013. Plans for another fall event in 2014.
Transform the lives of children in our community
Conversations with Racine Interfaith Coalition about participating in their community efforts.
Developed Community Agency partnership with United Way:
Schools of Hope (almost 40 HCLC members involved).
Involved with planning committee for first Racine Day of Action event at Fratt
Elementary School.
Feasibility study with Cop House and other churches for an afterschool program for our younger
neighborhood kids.
Improve the way we communicate with our members, neighbors and partners
Coordinated the implementation of improved computer hardware, phone equipment/service
provider and installation of internet/wifi service throughout the 6th street buildings.
Created committee to evaluate website, social media and internal communication platforms.
Developed working relationship with Westwords Consulting Group to improve website and its
connection to Facebook. Researching and evaluating our current site. “Roll Out” a new website
that is more modern/user friendly in this next year.
Regular updating of social media sites – which has increased engagement by congregation
Other miscellaneous activities
Coordinated 2014 council retreat with consultant.
In conjunction with an outside consultant, plans to develop on-site team building, visioning,
strategic planning opportunities with staff, council, team ministry leaders and others aimed
specifically at HCLC Mission Implementation efforts.
Keeping in mind all of these successful and positive activities by the Mission Implementation Team over these
first 12-14 months - there is still much to do. Relationship building continues, leadership training is being
scheduled, additional neighborhood programs are being evaluated, and enhancements to our communication
channels continue to be investigated and implemented.
No project is without issues, and this is no exception. These issues are cultural in nature and their resolution is
not part of the expectations of the Implementation Team. Nonetheless, they are a source of concern as they
have a potential negative impact on the efforts of the Mission Implementation Team.
(continued on
(continued from pg. 11)
♦ There continues to be a culture (first identified in the TAG assessment) of working in “silos”. Teams that
work independent of the overall mission create burnout, loss of energy and unwillingness to recruit new
members. We have to eliminate this silo mentality so we can sustain current ministries, vision together and
carefully plan additional opportunities for ministry at HCLC. This is part of the work we will be doing
with the consultant.
It appears HCLC leadership may have underestimated the congregation’s commitment to participate in
working with the Implementation Team. Volunteers are a challenge in many churches and HCLC is no
exception. Much of the time spent by the Implementation Team is organizing various team participation
and volunteers. Normally, there is a core group of people who repeatedly volunteer, but they have a
limited amount of time to give. Unless we can recruit a larger pool of volunteers, new (and some existing)
ministries will have little chance for sustainable success.
The personnel team, council and leadership ask you to get involved! We need a lot of involvement, cooperation,
and encouragement to achieve our mission.
In spite of these two ongoing difficulties and weighing them against the many successes, the Personnel Team is
very pleased with the progress of the Mission Implementation Team, the goals for next year and we look forward
to continued successes, both visible and behind the scenes.
The Chalice
Published Monthly
Volume 16, Number 10
October, 2014
The Chalice is a publication of
Holy Communion Lutheran Church,
a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Seasons of Creation
The church office is open from 8:00 - 4:00 Monday to Thursday,
8-3:00 on Fridays.
Worship services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday school
students start in the 8:30 service with their parents and are
dismissed to their classes during the service.
God Shines Through His Creation
Sunday, October 12th
miss our Fall introduction of
“Seasons of Creation”. We will have
an inspiring service with special
music, prayers and a honoring of
God’s wonderful beauty and colors.
A nursery is available for children 4 and under during the
8:30 a.m. worship service.
Gentle Worship services are held the first Saturday of the month
at 4:00 p.m. at the NW campus, 5040 Northwestern Avenue.
Contact Information
Pastor Mark Doidge ………..…………….……. pastormark@tds.net
Heather Doidge, Mission Implementation Director
Church Office ……………...…………..……office.hclc@gmail.com
Office Phone..…………….….262-632-8802
Website: holycommunionlutheranchurch.org
There is a time for Everything,
and a Season for every activity
under the Heavens.
Ecclesiastes 3:1