Ódiame - José Luis Madueño
Ódiame - José Luis Madueño
Ó diame - First Single of José Luis Madueño next Album Peruvian Musician and Producer Jose Luis Madueño introduce Ódiame, the first single of his next album which is going to be released on 2015 summer. Jose Luis appears at this album as vocalist – although his main instrument is piano – with Peruvian talented singer and songwriter Andrea De Martis. They perform the most Peruvian famous waltzes in a unique way. These waltzes are produced and arranged in other Peruvian and World music genres: with Afro Peruvian and Andean tastes, Panalivio with Drum & Bass approach, delightful Latin Beats, mixing afro Peruvian Lando with Blues and the Creole Waltz with Jazz. These are some of the magic conversions that give a fresh and new sound to traditional songs leading them towards audiences of different generations and musical cultures. The Single The new version of the many times recorded Creole waltz Ódiame (music: Rafael Otero López, lyrics: Federico Barreto) integrates musical roots of the Peruvian Andes with the Afro Peruvian tradition producing a rising musical form that Jose Luis calls: música Afroandina (afro Andean music). This musical style can be found at Madueño’s discography at many levels. The convergence of a great variety of Peruvian cultures is shown at a high stage on this production. With an artistic and technical level that fits with the international standards of the top of the line musical industry. The Video clip Odiame’s video clip broadcast different neighborhoods at Lima with color and taste. At the end we can see a performance with the masks of a traditional afroperuvian dance called “Son de los diablos”. This video was directed by Santino De La Tore and produced by Quinto Pulso, José Luis Madueño’s company. 2 Quinto Pulso © Derechos reservados E-mail: quintopulso@joseluismadueno.com Web Site: http//www.joseluismadueno.com Musical Performance and Production expanding the boundaries Listen this song at: http://www.joseluismadueno.com/musica/ODIAME-JoseLuisMadueno&AndreaDeMartis.mp3 Watch the Video Clip at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glGab1oBOxk 3 Quinto Pulso © Derechos reservados E-mail: quintopulso@joseluismadueno.com Web Site: http//www.joseluismadueno.com Musical Performance and Production expanding the boundaries