Newsletter 25 August 2016
Newsletter 25 August 2016
25 August 2016 Newsletter 14 PRINCIPALS MESSAGE CONTENTS Dear Parents and Caregivers Kia Ora UNION MEETING The New Zealand Education Institute has requested its members attend a Paid Union Meeting on September 9 at 1.30pm. NZEI are entitled to have paid union meetings twice in a year. Browns Bay School will remain open during the afternoon. We are organising an alternative programme for the Friday afternoon with school closing at the usual time of 3pm. “RED” A Production the size of “RED” is quite a massive undertaking and as a school community we are very fortunate in having the facilities and people such as Karen Warren to lead the process. Karen has been working tirelessly this term in the development of the Production. Karen has been fortunate in being supported by our creative Year 4 to 6 teachers who have shown great skills with the dances, props, costumes, acting and drama. Principals Message Union Meeting RED ERO Report Upcoming Events School Events Super Stars Full School Assembly Cluster Hockey Rippa/Rugby Field Day Student Achievement Notices School Beanie Daffodil Day 2017 Dates School Property Production Gastroenteritis FOTS Community Notices These events tend to take over the class curriculum, yet it is amazing how much learning can be gained from such an occasion. The actors are learning the power of voice and movement to dramatically express speech. The dancers are learning to pace their movements with the rest of their group and to the music. The Production is an opportunity for our students to be part of a large event where they can work as a team, be on stage, and be under lights in front of a large audience - it is an experience our children will remember for a long time. In educational terms it is “a powerful form of expression that … through movement, sound, and image, transform people’s creative ideas into expressive works that communicate layered meanings.” (NZ Curriculum). We are also aiming for our students to have a fun time … and to all involved “break a leg”. ERO REPORT The School report is now online (see link) Peter Mulcahy UPCOMING EVENTS A full schedule of events for Term 3 is available on our website calendar with the most current events included in each newsletter. Friday 26 August – Daffodil Day (Mufti) Wednesday 31 August – Maori Whanau Hui 7.30pm Friday 2 September – Full School Assembly Y2 Monday 5 September – Dental Van until Sept 9 Friday 9 September – Paid Union Meeting 1.30pm (School open) Tuesday 30 August – X Country (31 Aug Save-day) Wednesday 31 August – Room 14 Conferences Wednesday 07 September – Tickets go on sale for School Production - RED Thursday 08 September – Room 14 Conferences Wednesday 14 September – FOTS Meeting – 7.30pm ROOM 14 CONFERENCES Parent-teacher conferences for Room 14 parents and students with Mrs Hartley will be held over two weeks at the following times: 2.15 pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 31 August 2.15 pm – 6.30pm Thursday 8 September Parents must book their interviews online through The website is live today. Please enter this address into your browser, and enter the event code: nkhgu SCHOOL EVENTS SUPER STARS At the last full school assembly, the following pupils received certificates for their achievements: YEAR 0/1 TEAM – Lexi Jones 7, Lexi White 8, Amelia Rowlands 9, Tia Billinghurst 11, Jasmine Fair 12, Riley Stuart 13 YEAR 2 TEAM – Elaine Chen 3, Sophie Higgins 4, Ruby Wandler 5, Eli McLean 6 YEAR 3 TEAM – Rhiannon Dennis 1, Charlie Ellis 2, Jackson Brown 14, Caitlyn Brading 15 YEAR 4 TEAM – Ella Williscroft 16, Grace Hirst 24, Daniella Kieser 25, Maia Lee 26 YEAR 5 TEAM – Madison Costello 17, Talia Mills 22, Emily Rhodes 23 YEAR 6 TEAM – Daniella Glen 18, Rosalie Gerlach 19, Brooke Taylor 20, Nahye Rhim 21 VALUES CUP - Anna Gorbey R21 ARTS AWARD – Lauren Agar R21 ACHIEVEMENT CUP – Niki Begic R22 SPORTS CUP – Riley Sheldon R19, Kaiden Kenny R19 SERVICE TO SCHOOL – Jack Murray R21 FULL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY – YEAR 0 AND YEAR 1 Year 0's and Year 1's hosted a fairy tale full school assembly. CLUSTER HOCKEY Browns Bay sent both year 5 and 6 boys and girls teams to the Cluster Day at Harbour Hockey. The Neon Ninja girls’ team competed extremely well coming away 2nd overall in the girl’s competition. They have worked hard over the course of the season and have continued to exhibit dedication and commitment to their team and improving their skills. The BBS Panthers boys’ team showed incredible determination and despite the team consisting mostly of players new to hockey, their skills have come a long way. They all showed spectacular sportsmanship on the field and have continued to show Browns Bay values on and off the field. After playing 3 matches each, Browns Bay took the bronze medal coming out 3rd overall at the cluster day. Congratulations to all players for a fantastic season. You have made Browns Bay School and your coaches extremely proud. A special congratulations to the following players who have made the North Harbour Hockey Representative Development Squad: Cleo Loader, Nicole Waretini, Hayley Boyce, Amy Lees Baker, Jaimie Miller, Anna Greenhalgh and Alex McDonald. RIPPA/ RUGBY – FINAL FIELD DAY STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Daniel Brunton obtained a silver medal for the individual kumite category at the Auckland Open Karate Championships. Well done, Daniel! SCHOOL NOTICES SCHOOL BEANIE The new school beanie has arrived! The beanie is available for sale from the school office at $15.00 each. We only have a small initial supply so it will be first in, first served. DAFFODIL DAY – TOMORROW! The school will be supporting the Cancer Society’s annual Daffodil Day appeal on Friday 26th August. This appeal provides us with a wonderful opportunity to remember and support those affected by cancer. All children are invited to wear mufti to school, with a yellow theme, and bring a gold coin donation which will be passed onto the Cancer Society. 2017 SCHOOL DATES: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Tuesday 31 January to Friday 15 December Tuesday 31 January to Thursday 13 April (holidays include Easter and ANZAC Day) Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September Monday 16 October to Friday 15 December Public Holidays are: Waitangi Day Queen’s Birthday Labour Day Monday 6 February Monday 5 June Monday 23 October In 2017 we have set aside one day to use as a Teacher Only Day for teacher professional development. On this day the school is closed. This day is to be advised and we will give plenty of warning. SCHOOL PROPERTY The Property Team have reported that they are finding incidences of vandalism around the school. This year we have had to repair windows, a skylight, outdoor lighting structures and several planters. We have also noticed people are entering the school pool enclosure; as a result of this we have put higher fencing in place to ensure all people on our site are safe. This is not a new area of concern for the school yet we have noticed the cost of repairing damaged items is increasing (Junior slide $2000 and Skylights $1000). The BOT is looking at alternative ideas to ensure the school property is secure. If you are using the school grounds and see anything of concern or somebody behaving suspiciously please call our security team (phone number on stickers on buildings) or the North Shore Police. PRODUCTION ‘Red’ – update. Week 5 and we are now working together on the stage for the first time after 4 weeks of workshopping and skills building. Things are coming together very nicely and a priority for us right now is to fine tune and communicate the organisation required for costumes, props, makeup and hair. With so many children involved and extremely busy teachers, this takes an awful lot of coordinating! We are hoping to get this information out tomorrow – if not, then very early next week. We are trying to send it all out in one hit to make it easier for home planning. Tickets will go on sale in a week or so – notices will be sent out to families of cast and crew detailing nights of performances, (including which nights the Year 3’s are performing), performance times etc. Our hall will be jam packed for the three evening performances with record numbers of performers this year. Have you noticed our fantastic billboards?? Please email any questions you may have to me SUSPECTED GASTREOENTERITIS OUTBREAK AT TAIAOTEA KINDERGARTEN We have continued to not notice anything outside our normal sickness incidences yet as a precaution we would appreciate any child suffering from vomiting and / or diarrhoea does not attend school until free of any symptoms for at least 48 hours. FOTS – Friends of the School FOTS Discretionary Fund One week to go until applications close - Friday, 02 September 2016. FOTS has an allocation of funds to assist small projects at BBS. We are inviting applications from within the school community for this fund. If you are a staff member, a coach or a helper and require financial support to assist your work or initiative, please get in touch for an application form by contacting either Jacky Carr by email: or Sarah Smith and Jan O'Connor-Brown: Applications need to be submitted at the school office reception by Friday 02 Sept. Fun on the dance floor The junior and senior discos were held on Friday, August 12. It was a big night of fun for the students and we raised over $4000 for our school! Thanks so much to all the staff, parents/caregivers who helped coordinate money and tickets, set up the disco and worked on the stalls during the events. We couldn't have done it without you! A special thanks to the BBS staff for their loads of help on the night and to the FOTS Disco committee: Katy Dakin, Carmen Chatterton, Helen Lees-Baker, Sarah Swift and Jacky Carr. FOTS would like to acknowledge the huge effort put into our school discos over many years by FOTS committee member Lisa Leveridge who has worked tirelessly on these events. The 2016 disco was Lisa's last as her child will be moving on from BBS in 2017. Enormous thanks Lisa for all the hard work in creating some truly memorable events. For more pics from the disco, please see our public Facebook page: Kids artwork calendars, diaries, notebooks Look out for more information coming home very soon about how you can order cool stationery items that feature artwork your child has created at school. These items make great gifts! Quiz & Auction Night 2016 The big quiz night will be held on Saturday, November 12. Please diarise this date now and start working on getting together a quiz team of 10. We have a range of sponsorship opportunities (from $200 to $1000) for businesses to support this event for our school through cash sponsorships and item donations for auctions. We would love to hear from you if your business would like to get involved. Please email Next FOTS meeting - Wednesday, September 14, 7.30pm, staff room We're working on plans for next year right now! Come and get amongst it at our meeting and help make BBS an even cooler school next year. FOTS contact To contact the FOTS team, please email: Community Notices Thinking Caps Maths tutoring is working at Browns Bay School every Thursday morning. If you want extra help for your child's maths, we have spaces available. Years 3-6. Sessions based on the school curriculum with friendly and experienced teachers. Phone: Julie 027 2453870 or Office 09 424 3536 RANGITOTO KINDERGARTEN ANNUAL FAIR Saturday 3rd September 10am-1pm - 2a Hythe Tce, Mairangi Bay Lucky Dip * Pony Rides * Face Painting * Bouncy Castles * Police Car & Fire Engine * Haunted House * Photo Booth * Beauty Parlour * Books & Toys * 2nd Hand Clothing * Coconut Shy * Preserves * International Food * Coffee & Drinks * Sausage Sizzle * Sweets & Cakes * Candy Floss We have a fantastic range of products and vouchers up for tender, from weekends away at popular hotels to entries to family events, photography packages, restaurant vouchers, signed memorabilia and lots more exciting things up for grabs! BIG BUDDY Big Buddy is an organisation matching adult male mentors with fatherless boys. We work with the simple philosophy that boys need good male role models to become good men. Unfortunately some boys do not have a father or other male role model around. Big Buddy finds these boys a well screened volunteer male mentor, fostering a long-term relationship similar to that of an uncle. It’s as simple as a good man turning up regularly in a boy’s life, going out into the world and doing activities together, being available to listen to him, modelling what it means to be a good man. The boy’s sense of self develops, he will do better at school and be less inclined to crime and abuse. The statistics on positive mentoring are clear and compelling. Mentors may be available in your area now. If you are interested in this for your boy, simply contact us: Martin Hosking at Big Buddy: Phone: 027 207 8662 or Email: More information and stories are available on our media sites: and Facebook
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