Newsletter 28 July 2016
Newsletter 28 July 2016
28 July 2016 Newsletter 12 PRINCIPALS MESSAGE Dear Parents and Caregivers Kia Ora CONFERENCES The mid-year report with supporting assessment documentation was sent home on Tuesday 26 July. Yesterday we also sent home a parent feedback form for the Conferences and we would like this form and the data booklet returned to school by Friday to the class teachers. Parent-teacher conferences will be held at the following times this year: 2.15 pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 3 August 2.15 pm – 6.30pm Thursday 4 August Parents must book their interviews online through The website is live today and will close at 10am on Tuesday 2 August. Please enter this address into your browser, and enter the event code: vc5y6 Please note that due to the teacher being unavailable, Room 14 will not be having Conferences next week yet will have them when the teacher returns. CONTENTS Principals Message Conferences Cool Schools Upcoming Events School Events Super Stars Notices Photolife Music Education Physio at BBS EZ Lunch Production Bruce Mason Art Display Kiwi Tennis FOTS Community Notices The purpose of these conferences is to have ‘learning conversations’ between students, parents and teachers. Students have a key role to play in these conferences so it would be appreciated if they could attend if at all possible. A student led conference is a time for you to come and listen to your child share their learning. The conference will last for 15 minutes and will be facilitated by the teacher but, led by the student. The involvement of the students in the Conference is dependent on their age yet conferences will follow the general format of: Introductions Sharing of student work Discussion of achievements over the year Sharing the next steps of learning. Parent Question time If you require longer I would suggest that you make a separate time at a later date so as not to inconvenience parents waiting. COOL SCHOOLS – Peer Mediators Karen Tews our Peer Mediator Co-ordinator, has enlisted the support of 43 Year 6 students (see banner photo) who are training to be Peer Mediators at Browns Bay School. A Peer Mediator is available to help any student solve playground conflicts in a peaceful manner. The Peer Mediators are trained to work through a set process to enable children to resolve conflict. This process not only helps sort out the problem, it also shows students a good process for future problems. The Peer Mediators wear orange vests for easy recognition and have a set roster of days in which they are in the playground. Peace Week is Week 3 this term and we will have a special focus in the classrooms on the skills of peaceful conflict resolution. Children will be learning and practicing the skills of peaceful conflict resolution. They will discuss what conflict is and how it is a normal part of everyday life. It is the way we deal with conflict that is important, so children will be practising the skills of what to say and do when they are in conflict (e.g. arguing over a game). These skills include: using ‘I statements’ to express what has happened and how they feel about it, actively listening to the other person’s ‘I statement’ to try to understand how they feel too and actively trying to come up with their own solutions. More details on how you can support your child with this at home will be in the next newsletter. Hiroshima Day Peace Tree Planting at Browns Bay Beach Reserve (central area) 12:00 Saturday 6th August UPCOMING EVENTS A full schedule of events for Term 3 is available on our website calendar with the most current events included in each newsletter. Monday 1 August - ICAS English BBS Art at Bruce Mason Centre – August 2016 Tuesday 2 August – Bicycle Safety Day (Year 5 and 6) Wednesday 3 August – Student Conferences Thursday 4 August – Student Conferences Friday 5 August – Olympic Day Year 2 and 3 Peace Week and Maths Week (8 – 12 August) Tuesday 9 August – Sports Team Photos Wednesday 10 August – Y6 to Northcross Intermediate Wednesday 10 August – Y6 to Murrays Bay Intermediate Wednesday 10 August – Rippa Rugby Friday 12 August – Full School Assembly Friday 12 August – School Disco in the Hall SCHOOL EVENTS SUPER STARS At the last full school assembly, the following pupils received certificates for their achievements: YEAR 0/1 TEAM – Joel Edmonds 7, Kota Matsuno 8, Oliver Waterman 9, Noah Aporo 11, Clara Wahlstrom 12 , Mariana Barbero Mehes 13 YEAR 2 TEAM – Luca Chatterton 3, Rylan Van Der Loo 4, Chloe Lemon 5, Emily Armes 6 YEAR 3 TEAM – Thomas Rhim 1, Isabelle Logan 2, William Yu 14, Conor Kennedy 15 YEAR 4 TEAM – Dylan Mills 16, Lauren Mills 24, Vincent Prajogo 25, Yuki Squires 26, YEAR 5 TEAM – Rui-Yi Ong 17, Ryan Fleming 22, Charlotte Jones 23 YEAR 6 TEAM – Callum Oliver 18, Adam Fourie 19, Jay Mistry 20, Max Strang 21 VALUES CUP - Sienna Shah R20 ARTS AWARD - Sophie Pardington R21 ACHIEVEMENT CUP – William Wei R21 SPORTS CUP – Globetrotters Basketball Team SERVICE TO SCHOOL – Luke Hart R21 CONGRATULATIONS Ariel Chen competed in the North Island Synchronised Swimming Championships which were held in Auckland. Ariel’s team won a silver medal in the Dolphin Team event. Ariel’s coach is very proud of Ariel's results and looks forward to seeing her at Nationals later in the year, which will be held in Tauranga. Well done, Ariel! SCHOOL NOTICES PHOTOLIFE CLASS AND INDIVIDUAL PHOTOS The Online Shoot Key slips have been sent home with your children today and the photos are ready to view online. You must order your photos by 8.00am 15 August 2016 to qualify for FREE DELIVERY to school. Order envelopes will be available at the office if you do not wish to use this system or do not have access to the internet. Rm 13 students will be having their class and individual photos taken on Tuesday 9 August. MUSIC EDUCATION Not learning to play a musical instrument is one of life's biggest regrets. Enrol your child now for individual 30 minute guitar or piano lessons at school during school hours. For further information or to enrol, contact the Music Education Centre on 0800893939 or through our website PHYSIOTHERAPY AVAILABLE AT SCHOOL A reminder that we have an experienced physio, Viv Sheldon, available for consultations at school on Mondays and Thursdays. Viv specialises in sports injuries and paediatrics. Contact her direct on 021 2674770 for an appointment, or pop into the office and ask for the physio forms. EZ LUNCH Introducing... COMBO BOX FRIDAY. Designed to make ordering even faster on a Friday, the menu still has ALL the warm meals and large sushi boxes available, but has introduced BOX COMBOS for the cold meals, snacks and drinks. One click, lunch ordered. And even better, it's cheaper than if you bought the items separately. Here's a taste... C1 Snack Combo: C2 Snack Combo: C3 Snack Combo: C4 Snack Combo: C5 Lunch Combo: C6 Lunch Combo: S1 Sushi Combo: S2 Sushi Combo: S3 Sushi Combo: Cookie, Popcorn and a Tropical Just Juice Chocolate muffin, Popcorn and an Apple Blueberry muffin, Popcorn and freshly washed Grapes Chocolate brownie, Carrot sticks and Sassy Strawberry yoghurt tube (no sugar added real fruit) Chicken & salad filled roll with a chocolate chip cookie and grapes Egg mayo sandwich with a chocolate chip cookie, apple and small tropical juice Sushi - Chicken (6 pieces) and cookie Sushi-Chicken (3pec), cookie, popcorn and Yoghurt Sushi-Chicken & Avocado (3 pce), cookie, popcorn, yoghurt Other menu changes: Thursday's Special: Asian vegetable noodles (both large and small sizes) New Sushi: Sushi Tuna & Fancy Lettuce (available in 3 piece or 6 piece packs) Popcorn: now 0.60 cents for a 1-cup portion. The new term's menu is on the website and can be viewed now. PRODUCTION Red – BBS production for 2016. We are well underway with our first rehearsal done and dusted. Amazingly we already have some word perfect dramatic stars! All BBS Year 3–6 students are involved this term in our topic of ‘Challenge’ with an Arts focus – exciting times. A reminder that our performance dates are 20, 21, 22 September which is the last week of term. We will also use Sunday 18 September for our technical rehearsal. Watch for newsletters coming home next week about t shirts, parent help etc. – Red production team. BRUCE MASON ART DISPLAY Bruce Mason Art Display – this annual event has come around again and art from our school will be featured along with pieces from the other Mid Bays Schools in the foyer of the Bruce Mason Centre for the month of August. This year the theme is ‘hot and cold’ – downstairs will feature artworks in hot hues and upstairs will highlight works in cooler tones. The foyer is open to the public often – a call to the box office will clarify opening times which vary according to theatre use. We have some fabulous artists here at BBS and it is great for us to have a chance to show them off – Karen Warren. KIWI TENNIS Anyone for Tennis? Your child can learn some fantastic new skills in time for summer with Kiwi Tennis at Browns Bay School! Auckland’s tennis experts Kiwi Tennis will be running their popular tennis club at Browns Bay School again this term. Held every Friday lunchtime in our school hall, the club is open to all children and all abilities. Children will learn how to play tennis through fun, structured tennis lessons where experienced coaches will teach students all the shots used in tennis… forehands, backhands, volleys and even smashes! The children will also learn how to serve, rally and score in tennis. The creative Kiwi Tennis coaches make learning tennis fun whilst also improving the children’s movement and coordination skills, confidence and team working ability. All equipment is provided by Kiwi Tennis. Sessions are a bargain price at just $60 for an 8-week term. For more information or to sign-up, simply visit the Kiwi Tennis website or call the Kiwi Tennis Office at Browns Bay Racquets Club on 09 476 7261. FOTS – Friends of the School Thanks to your support we are well on our way to achieving our 2016 fundraising goal of $30,000. The funds raised help make school camps, outdoor education day and Year 6 graduation possible (these are special and unique programmes to BBS that could not be guaranteed without FOTS' fundraisers). Funds will also contribute to the upgrade of the junior playground. This is a large-scale project and will take us a few years to achieve. We're making great progress so far! FOTS Discretionary Fund In addition to the fundraising initiatives outlined above, FOTS has an allocation of funds for other projects. We will soon be inviting applications from within the school community for this fund. If you are a staff member, a coach or helper and have a need for financial support to assist your work, look out for more information coming soon about how to apply. Think-A-Thon 2016 The sponsorship of the children taking part in this year's Think-AThon achieved an outstanding result! A tremendous thanks to everyone for their generous support. It was great to see 56 students receive gifts in our 3 prize draws. Congratulations to the top 5 winners who received prizes for bringing in the greatest amount of sponsorship money. The top 3 are: In 1st place - Zak Storey who has won an Instax Camera; 2nd Jack Davis and 3rd Harry McLeod who have won Adult/Child passes to Rainbows End. There will be 4 classes soon enjoying a pizza lunch thanks to their combined sponsorship effort - Rm 18, Rm 17, Rm 12 and Rm 2. Well done! Thank you to all the staff at BBS for their work on this event, plus a special note of thanks to the FOTS event team: Jacky Carr, Christine Wilson, Tracey Dowling, Angela Hutchinson, Sarah Swift, Jan O'Connor-Brown, Helen Lees-Baker and to the many FOTS helpers who came in each day to count sponsorship money. Fashion & Fizz It was a wet and wild night but despite that it was great to see over 90 ladies come along to the school hall for Fashion & Fizz on July 07. With champagne in hand, there were over 20 market stalls to browse, lots of socialising and the entertainment of 3 ladies showcasing their makeover on the catwalk. It was a fantastic night providing a great opportunity for our BBS mums to connect. Many thanks to the awesome stall holders who made the night possible and to Natalie May our makeover stylist. Well done to our make-over winners - Andrea Greenhalgh, Katey Bolter and Helene Brown - you looked amazing on the catwalk modelling clothes by Gus & Fannie Design of Mairangi Bay. A big thanks goes to the FOTS event team: Holly Thomas, Katy Dakin, Angela Hutchinson, Amy Van Der Loo, Lisa Leveridge and Jan O'Connor-Brown. Thanks also goes to Christine Wilson and Rebecca Gourlay plus the rest of the FOTS committee who worked so hard on the night. The event raised just over $3000 for our junior playground upgrade. There are lots of pics from Fashion & Fizz you can view on our school's public Facebook page: Thank you to our major sponsors of Fashion & Fizz: COMING UP ... School Disco - Friday, August 12, School Hall Yrs 0/1, 2, 3 - 5pm to 6:30pm Yrs 4, 5 & 6 - 7pm to 8:30pm Tickets $5, pre-order hotdogs $3 This year's disco is called "Dress to Impress" - children can simply choose their favourite dress-up or outfit to wear on their big, social night out. Please look out for ticket forms coming home very soon in homepacks and be sure to complete it along with the parent help section and hotdog pre-order form (no hotdog sales on the night sorry). Glow items, chippies, lollies, glow face and hand painting will be available so if your child would like any of these, please send them along to the disco with small amounts of cash. Parents are welcome to stay at the disco (though unfortunately we cannot extend this offer to pre-schoolers). Alternatively, school students can be safely dropped off at the school hall for the duration of their disco. Calendar Art Sales Back due to popular demand! Students will produce artwork at school that can be turned into calendars, diaries, cards and notebooks. These personalised items make great gifts for Christmas. Look out for more information about ordering these later in the term. Quiz night 2016 This year's parent/caregiver Quiz Night will be held on Sat, Nov 12. Please diarise this date now and start working on getting your team of ten together. BBS's Quiz Night is world famous in Browns Bay - it's a night you won't want to miss! Next FOTS meeting - Wednesday, August 24, 7.30pm, Staffroom At our August and September meetings we will be working on plans for 2017's activities. Everyone is welcome to come along to the meeting and join in the discussion and share ideas. FOTS contact FOTS has a new email address. To contact the FOTS President Jan O'Connor-Brown or any of the FOTS team, please email: Community Notices Thinking Caps Maths tutoring is working at Browns Bay School every Thursday morning. If you want extra help for your child's maths, we have spaces available. Years 3-6. Sessions based on the school curriculum with friendly and experienced teachers. Phone: Julie 027 2453870 or Office 09 424 3536 KELLY SPORTS The Olympic games is fast approaching and rolling in to term three! Book your child in to enjoy a variety of sports featured at the Rio Olympic Games including SOCCER, HOCKEY, BASKETBALL, RIPPA RUGBY SEVENS and the new Olympic Sport: DODGEBALL. At Kelly Sports, we give children the opportunity to learn a range of fundamental skills used in all sports. We aim to develop & enhance co-ordination skills, spatial awareness and team work. Children have so much fun that they do not realize how much they are learning! Kelly Sports encourages children to join sports clubs by helping them gain confidence as well as a skill set. Any questions, please let me know RANGITOTO KINDERGARTEN ANNUAL FAIR Saturday 3rd September 10am-1pm 2a Hythe Tce, Mairangi Bay Lucky Dip * Pony Rides * Face Painting * Bouncy Castles * Police Car & Fire Engine * Haunted House * Photo Booth * Beauty Parlour * Books & Toys * 2nd Hand Clothing * Coconut Shy * Preserves * International Food * Coffee & Drinks * Sausage Sizzle * Sweets & Cakes * Candy Floss We have a fantastic range of products and vouchers up for tender, from weekends away at popular hotels to entries to family events, photography packages, restaurant vouchers, signed memorabilia and lots more exciting things up for grabs! Hiroshima Day Peace Tree Planting at Browns Bay Beach Reserve (central area) 12:00 Saturday 6th August Perfect timing at the beginning of Peace Week 2016
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