The Celebration of the Sacraments


The Celebration of the Sacraments
OLM Weekly
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Oct 30, 2016
We come together as a community of faith to celebrate with praise and joy!
The Celebration of the Sacraments
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:30-4:15 PM and Eve of Holydays 4:005:00 PM in the Church
Anytime by appointment-please call and speak with a
On Becoming A Catholic
R.C.I.A. welcomes those interested in becoming a
Catholic and/or anyone seeking to further their
education in the Catholic Faith. Please leave your
name and telephone number at the Rectory Office.
Parish Membership
All new families and individuals are welcome to our
parish. We request that you register in the rectory
when you move into our community so that we can be
of service to you. Our parish family invites all of its
members to participate fully in our spiritual and social
life. The priests and ministers are here to serve your
needs, to share your joy, and to help lighten your
Sacrament of Baptism
Communal Celebrations of Baptism are on the second
Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Beginning as of
Sept 25th,2016 All arrangements for Baptism must be
made at the rectory.
Sacrament of Marriage
The Sacrament is celebrated on: Fridays: to be arranged.
Saturdays: l0:30 AM, l2:30 and 2:30PM
Sundays: to be arranged. Arrangements must be made by
personal appointment with one of the priests. Couples
should make an appointment with the priest at least six
months to a year in advance of the marriage date. Nuptial
Masses as well as ceremonies are available on Friday and
Saturday. Ceremonies only are available on Sunday.
Marriage Preparation Program at OLM
All engaged couples who plan to get married in the
Catholic Church are required to complete Pre Cana
Program. Our Program is offered twice a year. The Fall
program meets once a week for 4 weeks: and the Spring
program runs for an entire weekend. FOCCUS, a
communication study, is administered twice a year and is
required for all couples.
FOCCUS dates for fall 2016 & spring 2017 are as
follows: Sunday, Sept 25,2016 at 6:45PM - Sunday, Feb
12, 2017 at 6:45PM. Fall Pre Cana Weekly format starts
Friday October 28, 2016 at 7:30PM. Spring Pre Cana
Weekend format runs Friday Mar 10 through Sunday,
March 12, 2017
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament for the seriously ill and elderly can be
arranged by contacting one of the priests or at any
time in an emergency. The Sacrament is also celebrated communally during the year.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Parish priests and Extraordinary Ministers of the
Eucharist regularly visit those who are ill or homebound. Please call the rectory to arrange for home
Pastoral Council Members
Raymond Badra
Nick Perrotta
Timothy Snee
Donna Varney
To contact:
Parish Finance Committee
John Beaudette (Chairperson)
Daniel Pisani (Trustee)
Joseph Vacca (Trustee)
Carmine Serravalli (Business Mgr.)
Lorraine & Fred Anderson
Richard Faccio, Jr.
Timothy Snee
Serena Perrotta
Maintenance Staff
Mr. Larry Burns
Mr. Kevin McAvoy
Mr. David Mullan
Rectory Cook
Michelina Gambale
Convent Cook
Susan Bennett
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Masses for the Week
Monday, Oct 31 ,
Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14
7:00 AM Amelio Fornino
8:00 AM Irena Zavada
9:00 AM William McCormick
5:30 AM Michael T. DePalmo
Tuesday, Nov 1 , ALL SAINTS DAY
Rv 7:2-4,9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a
7:00 AM Josephine Butera
9:00 AM Edward O’Brien
12:00 PM Fam. Of Brianna D. DePascale
7:30 PM Guidice Family
Wednesday, Nov 2, ALL SOULS DAY
Wis 3:9/Rom 5:5-11
7:00 AM All Souls Intentions
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
7:30 AM Deceased of OLM Parish (2015-2016)
Thursday, Nov 3,
Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10
7:00 AM All Souls Intentions
9:00 AM Ruth Haberkorn
Oct 30, 2016
Loving Memory– You Rest In Peace—
the unborn and the victims of natural
disasters throughout our country and the
Remember Our Sick Veronica Cocoman, Julio
Velarde, Louise Forjan, Fr. Peter McCrann, SMM,
Tommy Brown, Jim McCrann, Mary Lou Haggerty,
Sam Canciola Jr., Carol Burns, (Olivia LoRusso,
Young Child), John Lombardi, Jaime Wrede, Carol
Marie Burns, Lou Steinberg, Nancy Raber
Long Term Illness: Please pray for our war
casualties, all our sick, their caretakers, especially Sr.
Joanne Deegan, Doris Repoli, Frances Linoli Sr.
Patricia O’Connell, Vincent Perrone, Olivia
Mannion, Lisa Pirrung, Lori Randazzo, Connie
Naumann, Louis & Jean Venditto, Ellen Connors
and all homebound and in nursing homes
WEEK OF Oct 31st TO Nov 6th, 2016
Nov 4,
Phil 3:17-4: 1/Lk 16:1-8
7:00 AM All Souls Intertions
8:00 AM Carmelo Moncada
9:00 AM Jeanann Riley (1st Ann)
Saturday, Nov 5,
Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15
8:00 AM All Souls Intentions
Julia & Philip Giglio
Brianna D DePascale
Robert Hohanan
Angelo Vaccarello
Maria & Vickie
4:30 PM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy
Sunday, Nov 6,
2Mc 7:1-2,9-14/2Thes 2:16—3:5/Lk 20:27-38
7:30 AM All Souls Intentions
9:00 AM Marie Lucas
10:30 AM Mary Christine Donohue
12:00 PM Julio Velarde
4:00 PM
Urdu—Abid & Family
5:30 PM
Laura Leonard
Michael Luyster—OLM and Tara Gibney—OLM
Matthew Ryan Leissing—OLM and Ashley
Golab—St. Monica—Methuen, MA.
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
I have been very remiss and I must apologize to our beloved Sisters of Mercy. This year we have
two of the sisters from our Convent who are celebrating significant anniversaries and I failed to
date in sharing this joyous news with you. Congratulations to Sister Mary Albert Page who celebrated her 70th Anniversary as a Sister of Mercy earlier this Fall and to Sister Maureen Mc Dade,
who is the Principal at St. Patrick’s School in Huntington will be celebrating her 50th Jubilee next month. On your
behalf I want to offer to both of them congratulations for their years of ministry and service to God’s people. Their
witness as of women of faith dedicated to the mission of Christ and the to the ideals of their foundress, Mother
Catherine McCauley, continue to be an inspiration to each of us! Thank you Sister Mary Albert and Sr. Maureen.
May God continue to bless you both with many more happy and healthy years as Sisters of Mercy!
Not to rush the Christmas Season to come, but as I was reflecting on this week’s scriptures the line from a Christmas Carol kept ringing in my head, ….“Do you see what I see?” This week’s readings are all about God’s ability
to see us from a very different perspective than either we or others see us. While we often are quick to cast judgment, God looks with mercy and compassion, knowing that salvation is always possible if we open our hearts to
him. This is most evident in the Gospel reading we have today. I love the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector
from Jericho, who was short of stature and who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus as he passed by. As you may
remember Tax Collectors were the mafia of their day. They shook down their brothers and sisters with the permission and backing of the Romans, collecting taxes and keeping anything extra they could get for themselves. This
naturally did not endear them to their own people. They were seen as pariahs, taking advantage of their own and
seeking to get rich at the expense of their brothers and sisters. It comes as no shock, there for, when Jesus spots
Zacchaeus and invites himself to his home, that there would be grumbling from the crowd. After all, didn’t Jesus
know who Zacchaeus was? And if he did, did he realize the kind of sinner he was? The nameless crowd is
shocked, because they thought they knew Zacchaeus, this short man, this traitor, but Jesus sees something more.
He sees to the soul and he realizes that there is more at work here than meets the eye. And indeed Salvation comes
to Zaccheaus’ house that day.
Sometimes we can be just like the nameless and faceless members of that crowd. We judge the outside and make
assumptions, or we judge based on past performance and assume that someone who has hurt us or someone we
love can never change. We assume, once a sinner, always a sinner. But God challenges us, like the line from the
Christmas carol in my head, “Do you see what I see?” The truth is we can’t, but we can be confident that God
truly sees to the soul and knows better than you and I the workings of every human heart. That’s why we should be
grateful, for the same God who sees the possibilities of someone we would rather write off, sees also as clearly our
souls and deals with us in the same mercy and compassion, in spite of our sins. If he does that for you and I, how
can we not try to see one another in the same light, especially those whom we are convinced aren’t worthy.
Who is the person you have given up hope on or have written off? God is asking us, “Do you see what I see?”
Maybe it’s time to try and see them from God’s perspective. If he sees the possibility in them, who are we, who
need that same mercy, to judge.
Fr. Steve
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Oct 30, 2016
October 24, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
With Election Day just two weeks away, the decisions you and I will make are important ones.
Each and every one of us has a very important role to play. We have to decide who will get our
vote. Permit me the opportunity to share with you some thoughts I ask you to consider.
First and foremost, pray. Spend time in prayer asking God to guide you and your family and our
country during this time. Pray before the Blessed Sacrament, pray to the Blessed Mother, pray
the rosary and entrust your decision to our Lord.
Like many of you, I lament the current climate of division, and the mean spiritedness and
intolerance of some toward those who do not agree with candidates and positions that do not fit
their worldview. If you think you are confused and slightly battered by the noise, public protests
and private misgivings, you have every reason to be so. But as responsible citizens and faithful
men and women of God, we have to exercise our right to vote in a way that is serious, wellinformed and reflective of who we are as Americans and Catholics.
We believe in God. We know He is the creator and thus God is intimately present in all things -the world, human life, communities, choices and elections. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said,
“Those who deny God can lead us only in a direction that ultimately is destructive”.
The human person, made in the image and likeness of God, is the ultimate measure of what is
good or bad, right or wrong. Every person is sacred and has inherent rights which political
leaders must protect and serve. Those who do not are unworthy of our vote. Those who
contradict themselves by saying one thing and doing another are unworthy of our vote.
Many issues are very important in our society today. But none of them can eclipse the centrality
of human life, especially innocent human life in the womb or at the end of life. Above all and
over all, the number one issue more fundamental and crucial than any other is abortion – that is
the direct taking of innocent life, which is financed by government funds -- the diversion of our
tax dollars to abortionists like Planned Parenthood as well as government insistence that we
Catholics like the Little Sisters of the Poor, violate our consciences to advance such programs.
Support of abortion by a candidate for public office, some of whom are Catholics, even if they
use the fallacious and deeply offensive “personally opposed but . . .” line, is reason sufficient
unto itself to disqualify any and every such candidate from receiving our vote. Let me repeat
that: Support of abortion by a candidate for public office, some of whom are Catholics, even if
they use the fallacious and deeply offensive “personally opposed but . . .” line, is reason
sufficient unto itself to disqualify any and every such candidate from receiving our vote.
I have three questions to end this letter! Please reflect upon these as you examine your
conscience and prepare to exercise your right to vote.
Continued on next page→
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
1- Do you think our country is going in the right direction or the wrong direction? I believe it is heading in
the wrong direction. If I am right, then,
2- Of the two candidates running for President, and of all of the candidates running for elective office,
whether federal, state or local, which ones will continue to lead us in the current direction or which are
more likely to restore justice in those areas that cry out for such a restoration?
3- Which ones are willing to lead us in a direction that is more pro life, more pro family and more pro
truth? Which ones will recognize and respect the role of religion in the lives of citizens and the
Church’s right to mediate the truths of the Gospel and the Church’s teaching as part of the public life of
our country, in public ministries like health care, education and charitable works, without being forced
to adopt and facilitate those cultural practices that are not consonant with Church teaching?
For further insight, I have written two columns on voting in The Long Island Catholic Magazine. They are
also available on the diocesan website, In addition, the U.S. Bishops have prepared a teaching
document on the political responsibility of Catholics called “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship”. It
is also available online. I urge you to consider thoughtfully these resources along with this letter as you go
through the process of deciding whom you will support with your vote.
May God bless you and your families and may God continue to bless the United States of America.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Bishop of Rockville Centre
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
On Stewardship Spirituality
Sacrificial Giving
Weekly Offering:
23, 2016: $14,435
Oct. 25, 2015: $16,263
~~ ~
Thank you for your
generous support!
~ ~~ ~
Stewardship is Faith in Action
Make the commitment to
“Today, salvation has come to this house because this man too
is a descendant of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to
seek and save what was lost.” - Luke 19:10
On Tuesday we will honor All Saints, those known and
unknown. Under the Roman Emperor Diocletian, so many
Christians were martyred and named Saints that there
were many more Saints than days to honor them. All Saints
Day was instituted because the Church felt every saint
should be venerated and it was logical to designate one
day when we honor, remember, and look up to all the
You have been sealed in the Spirit; you are holy.
Belong More Deeply
On this Tuesday, All Saints Day, let us especially remember our most recent
Saint, Jose Sanchez del Rio, canonized this month by Pope Francis. Jose was a
To Christ and His Church boy of 14 who stood against a country and never renounced his faith. He fought
Our Church,
with the Cristeros, and blessed those who went before him to their death, knowOur Lady of Mercy
ing that to die for Christ would be a blessing, an honor.
How many of us can say that we would be able to sustain our faith if truly
pressed? In order to save one’s own life, it would certainly be easier to denounce
our Lord and Savior. What about to save the life of another? What choices would
we make? Hopefully, none of us will face that challenge.
During this month of Saints, take time to watch the movie “For Greater Glory” in order to understand the social and political situation of Mexico in the early 1900’s. Consider the impact on our own lives in this, the
21st century. We are not so far apart.
In our Creed, we use the term “communion of saints.” St. Paul began using the term “saints” to refer to people
still living at that time. Thus, the “communion of saints” includes all God’s holy people, living and dead. The
Solemnity of All Saints, celebrates all of those who have gone before; this includes not only the ones the
Church has officially designated as “saints” but also the women and men who have lived a holy life even
though they may not have been recognized. In addition, on this day we fondly remember all those who may
have personally inspired us to be better Catholics and better persons. St. Jose should be one of them.
St. Paul once wrote, “God, who has also sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” (2 Corinthians 1: 21-22) This is our first step on the journey to holiness.
Our relationship to one another should strive for
holiness; that is a major part of what being a
saint is. To be a child of God nonetheless means
that first of all we must accept the love of Jesus,
and second, we carry that love out by truly loving one another. That, too, is an important part of
holiness. As we revere those in heaven on this
All Saints Day, we cannot possibly conceive of
what is to come: “What we shall be has not yet
been revealed.”
~Want to know more on Stewardship, email us at
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
Oct 30, 2016
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Oct 30, 2016
Parish Services
Serving with Mercy
Mary Anne Scott
Halloween Candy Collection
If fewer trick-or-treaters come to your door tomorrow and you are left with extra candy or
your children collect more candy they want, please donate your excess wrapped candy to our
food pantry. Just place the bags in our food collection bins at the church entrances.
Thanksgiving Plans
We are preparing our list of people in need who will receive assistance this Thanksgiving. If you know
of anyone who needs help at the holidays, suggest they call Parish Services at 931-1306 or call us with a
confidential referral. A referral can also be made to the parish St. Vincent DePaul Conference by leaving a message at 931-4351 x 326.
The students in our parish school and religious education program as well as all parishioners are asked to help
provide for the families we serve by donating non-perishable holiday foods, turkeys or supermarket certificates. Please have your Thanksgiving donations in as soon as possible to allow us time to
prepare for Thanksgiving distributions which will take place starting November 17.
Student Service Opportunities for Confirmation Service Hours
A few student volunteers are needed to help with holiday projects on the following days:
Sat., Nov. 19 at 9:30am to help carry Thanksgiving boxes and turkeys up to cars
Fri., Nov. 25 at 10am to help set up the three Giving Trees at the church entrances
Sat., Dec. 17 at 9:30am to help carry Christmas food boxes up to cars
The students do not go on any deliveries & do not leave church property.
Call Parish Services at 931-1306 if you want to volunteer.
Registration for Bereavement Support Group at OLM
Our fall bereavement support group will begin Thursday, November 17 at 4pm. This 10 week group is
open to anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one this year and would like help in coping with
their grief. The group is led by trained facilitators and meets in our lower church meeting room from 45:15pm. Individuals interested in registering should call Parish Services at 931-1306. Feel free to share
this information with family members, friends and neighbors who might be in need of a support group.
Food Pantry needs: Pancake mix, shelf stable milk, shampoo and non-perishable
Thanksgiving foods. Thank you.
Parish Services
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30AM-12:00PM, 1:00-4:30PM
Pantry Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30-3:30PM
Wednesday & Friday 9:30-11:30AM
Last Saturday of month 9:30-11:30AM—call to confirm date
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
Oct 30, 2016
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Oct 30, 2016
Presider’s Schedule for Weekend of Nov 5th — 6th, 2016
Fr. Nasir G.
Mass Time: 4:30PM
Fr. Steve P.
Fr. Nasir G.
Fr. P. Grace
Fr.P. Grace
Fr. Nasir G.
Fr. Steve P
Catholic Bishop Slams Hillary Clinton’s
“Anti-Catholic” Campaign, It has a “Toxic Prejudice”
A Catholic bishop is slamming the campaign of pro-abortion candidate Hillary Clinton over recent emails from her top campaign staff trashing Catholic voters.
Bishop Thomas Tobin says Hillary Clinton’s radical proportion position is one of the several issues he has problems with the Democratic candidate on but he’s also very concerned about the
recently leaked emails from Wikileaks that show top Clinton staffs calling Catholic voters
“severely backwards.”
Tobin said the emails “reveal the existence of a toxic, anti-Catholic prejudice within the Clinton
“The messages marginalize faithful Catholics, ridicule Catholic beliefs, and promote ideological
division in the Church,” Bishop Tobin wrote. “They call for the end of a middle-ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic
Church. In light of the widespread anti-Christian, anti-Catholic prejudice rampant in our culture
today, should we be at all surprised by this vitriol?”
Tobin is also concerned about the pro-abortion position Clinton’s “Catholic” running make Tim
Kaine takes.
“It was so sad and disheartening to watch 'devout Catholic' Tim Kaine proudly and zealously
support abortion on demand during the VP debate last week,” the bishop wrote. “How far he has
drifted from his solid Catholic roots; how quickly he has abandoned the 'Gospel of Life' that is
an essential part of our Catholic Faith.”
Responding to the Catholic bashing, Archbishop Kurtz talked of the importance of freedom of
religion, which “ensures the right of faith communities to preserve the integrity of their beliefs
and proper self-governance.”
“There have been recent reports that some may have sought to interfere in the internal life of the
Church for short-term political gain. If true, this is troubling both for the well-being of faith
communities and the good of our country,” he wrote.
“In our faith and our Church, Christ has given us a precious gift. As Catholics, we hold onto our
beliefs because they come to us from Jesus, not a consensus forged by contemporary norms. The
Gospel is offered for all people for all times. It invites us to love our neighbor and live in peace
with one another. For this reason, the truth of Christ is never outdated or inaccessible. The Gospel serves the common good, not political agendas.”
To be continued next week
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
We are pleased to announce the following winners:
21 ,2016 - $25.00
22, 2016 - $25.00
23, 2016 - $25.00
24, 2016 - $25.00
25, 2016 - $25.00
26, 2016 - $25.00
27, 2016 - $25.00
Ben Reed
Jennifer Schmidt
Robert Charzewski
Stephen Dolan, Jr
Eddy Castellar
Alison Ippolito
M/M Eric Borum
New York City
Garden City
East Meadow
Congratulations to the winners, your ticket has been returned to the drum, and you have
many more opportunities to win. Checks are being mailed to our winners this week
Diocese of Rockville Centre
Day of Prayer and Healing
for Women
The Day of Prayer and Healing for Women
is a opportunity to experience the loving
mercy of God in a safe and sacred space.
The day is directed by faithful priests
who have a sensitivity and a heart for those
who suffer.
Date on Saturday, December 10, 2016 on Long Island
For more information visit:
To register contact: Project Rachel
1-888-456-4673 |
All reservations and information are confidential.
Our Lady of Mercy School collects Box Tops year
round to help support our education needs. We Thank
you for your support. Collection bins are in the church
for you to conveniently drop off your box tops when
you come to mass. Please continue to bring in your box
tops from the products you use at home or office. We
appreciate your continued support for our school!
Please keep them coming. For more
information visit:
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
Attend as your schedule allows!
No registration fee. Materials optional.
Drop by any time or take advantage of the full program.
A comprehensive and dynamic Adult Ed Program for all adults who
seek a better understanding of the Catholic Faith (including those
considering the decision to become Catholic, and those Catholics
who never received Communion and/or Confirmation).
Contact the Coordinators for Topic Schedule and questions!
Peggy Clores 516-317-1740
Chuck Ruppert 864-680-5597
Please call 516/433-1145 X12
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
Thank You!
As we live daily enjoying the freedom of this country, many loved ones are giving themselves with unselfish love in places of perilous action. Lord, hold
in your loving hands our troops and all those who
try to respond to the needs of the less fortunate
throughout the world. Bless them and their families
for the unselfish acts they perform as they attempt to
alleviate many global concerns. We ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. AMEN.
(follow with Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be)
To All Parishioners: GIFT CERTIFICATES may be purchased in the rectory
during the week at regular office hours.
Sales this past week were $1780.00, of
this the Parish earned $89.00, If you do
not use supermarket dollars, please
give it a try! Ask those who use it,
how convenient it is!
Unclaimed Supermarket Gift Ticket
as of: 10-24-2016
Won by:
Diane Hunter*
Helping the Poor Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Our Lady of Mercy Conference of the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul’s sole purpose is to help the poor of
our community. Every dollar received goes toward
help for those in need, there are no administrative
expenses, all members of the conference are volunteers. Currently, poor box and candle contributions
are used to support our efforts. Please consider a gift
to our conference so that we may continue to provide
support to those in need.
Make checks payable to the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul and mail them to the Rectory or deposit them is separate envelopes in the collection
baskets at Mass.
If you, or someone you know, needs assistance please contact us at (516) 931-4351, X 326. All
contact with St. Vincent de Paul is held in strict confidence. Thank you.
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us
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Oct 30, 2016
Music Ministries
OLM Adult Chamber Choir: Meets Tuesday afternoons at 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the Upper Church.
OLM Children’s Choir: Meets Wednesday afternoons at 2:45-3:30 PM in the School Music Room.
OLM Folk Group: Meets Sundays after the 9:00
AM Mass in the Lower Church.
OLM Rock Group: Meets Monday evenings at 8-l0
PM in the Upper Church.
Parish Organizations
Angels of Mercy: Meet on every third Thursday of
the month at 7:00 PM in Our Lady’s Chapel with
refreshments served. Corporate Mass on the 3rd
Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM for more information please
call Angela Manzi-938-8106 or
Hicksville/OLM Senior Club: Meets on Mondays
11:00AM-3 PM at the Bethpage Senior Center. For
information contact Joan at 938-4261.
Holy Name Society: Corporate Mass and Communion on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM
Mass. Membership meetings on the following Monday at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room.
Knights of Columbus: The Our Lady of Mercy
Joseph F. Lamb Council # 5723 Knights of Columbus meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM
in the School Cafeteria. For information contact Jim
Raber, Grand Knight, at 516/695-1022, or Kevin
McAvoy, Deputy Grand Knight at 516/996-3489
Legion of Mary: Meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
in the Lower Church. First Saturday Fatima Devotions: 7:40 AM.
Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of the Month - 8
to 9 PM (Exposition & Group Prayer and /or 9 PM
to 10 PM (Silent Prayer and Benediction) in Our
Lady’s Chapel.
OLM Ushers: If interested in becoming an Usher,
please contact Jim Decker at 516/933-8143 or email
OLM Youth Council for Parish Sport. Contact
Chris Fox at
Prayer Group: Prayer meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Contact the Rectory
for information (931-4351 X 326).
The Men of St. Joseph: Meets every Wednesday at
7:00 PM in Lower Church Meeting Room.
Thrift Boutique: Mon-Sat 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM
located in The Trailer Building
Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous Groups
First Things First:
Open Meeting every Friday: 8:00-9:00 PM in the
Convent Basement.
Closed Meeting every Sunday: 7:00-8:00 PM in the
Convent Basement.
Our Own Group:
Closed Meeting every Monday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the
Convent Basement.
Step Meeting every Thursday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the
Convent Basement.
Adult Children meet on Friday evenings: 7:30-10:00
PM in the School Cafeteria.
Emotions Anonymous:
Meets on Thursdays at 8-10 PM in the Convent
Families Anonymous:
Meets on Wednesdays at 7:30-9:30 PM. Convent