13th July - Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School


13th July - Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School
Term 3 2016
Wednesday 13th July 2016
Date Claimers
July 2016
Monday 11th July
Term 3
Thursday 14th July
Years 3—6 Mass
Library 9.00am
Saturday 16th July
Parish Pilgrimage
25th—29th July
Catholic Education Week
Thursday 28th July
Liturgy of the word
August 2017
Tuesday 2nd August
P & F Meeting
Thursday 11th August
Liturgy of the word
Friday 12th August
Sunday 21st August
Parish Multicultural Mass
St Patrick’s Beenleigh
Thursday 25th August
Liturgy of the word
Tuesday 30th August
Book Week Celebration
Dear Parents
Well, it seems that the Ekka weather has come along a little early this year, but as cool as
it is, I would rather be here than in Victoria at the moment! Please ensure that school
clothing, especially jackets are clearly named so found items can be returned quickly to
their owner so they can come to school warm the next morning.
Welcome back to the second half of the year, and we are looking forward to a busy and
productive term. I would encourage you to take note of the key dates listed throughout
this newsletter, so you don’t miss out on some of the great things coming up.
The first of our special events this term will be Mass, which we are holding for our year 36 children tomorrow at 9.00am. A number of children have participated in the
sacramental program recently, and this will be an opportunity for them to be full
participants in the mass, and we are looking forward to sharing this special occasion with
Keep Tuesday August 30 free. We will be celebrating our special Australia Day themed
activities as part of our Book Week celebrations. We will be engaging in some great
activities which will incorporate our ‘Billabong’ (pond) and cooking (and eating!) damper
and billy tea in an open fire, as well as many other activities, and we hope you can join us!
You may notice some temporary fencing near the prep room. This is the location for the
future OSHC centre. There will be work ongoing in that area this week (weather
permitting) before the building arrives. This will free up the existing PCYC space for
classrooms to accommodate our growing school next year. During the construction
phase, we would ask vehicle not to proceed down the gravel road. Thanks.
After school soccer starts this Friday (15th) at 3.00pm to 4.00pm. Attendance at this
activity is a private arrangement between families and Siba soccer. The children are not
under the supervision of school staff, and should you have any concerns or queries, they
should be directed to Simon from Siba soccer.
Have a great week and a greater term!
Year 3 – 6 Mass
This Thursday the 14th of July, Years 3-6 will celebrate mass in the library with Father Joseph at 9am. Children, staff
and parents who have made their Sacrament of Communion will be invited to receive Eucharist during the mass.
Opening Doors in the Year of Mercy
This year we are celebrating the Year of Mercy. Pope Francis has proclaimed an
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy as a special time for all of us to experience
and share God’s tender-hearted love and mercy. God loves us so much and
always forgives us, just like a parent forgives their children. Jesus said that God
is our father and that we should be ‘merciful like your father is merciful’
We are invited to Open Doors during the Year of Mercy. Mercy can help us
change our hearts. We can show God’s kindness and help others to see God’s
face. At Mother Teresa School, we can share God’s mercy every day by doing
small things with great love.
This theme will feature throughout our school this term as we celebrate
Catholic Education Week and journey towards Mother Teresa becoming a Saint
in September. Please keep an eye out in future newsletters for further details.
This term our whole school learning focus begins by promoting responsibility. Legendary Learners are responsible
for their learning. They know what they are learning, seek feedback to improve learning and know what they need to
learn next. We often refer to this in class as our Learning Intentions (WALT: We Are Learning To…) and our Success
Criteria (WILF: What I am Looking For…). Legendary Learners reflect on their learning and can give and receive
feedback. Whilst most of us are aware of the term ‘feedback’, we also speak to the children about the importance of
‘feedforward’. Feedback usually occurs at the end of a task, whereas feedforward occurs during the learning process,
allowing for richer learning experiences. An example of how powerful ‘feedforward’ can be is represented in this link
which illustrates how learning about the features of a butterfly is enhanced by giving and receiving feedback that
moves learning forward.
At Mother Teresa School, our Mission Statement aims to inspire resilient children. We aim to empower children to be
confident and successful and interact ethically with our dynamic world. Encouraging Responsibility for setting and
achieving learning goals, enables children to take on challenges, pose questions and solve problems, accepting
mistakes as an important part of learning.
Parish News
Don’t forget the St Vincent de Paul FUND RAISING DINNER on Friday 15th July 2016 - St Joseph’s School Hall. Please
contact St Patrick’s Parish for more information. Families are also invited to attend the parish pilgrimage to Sacred
Heart Church, Clear Island Waters on Saturday the 16th of July. If you’re interested in attending please provide your
name and number of people attending to the Parish office at: beenleigh@bne.catholic.net.au or Ph 3287 2282. Cost:
By donation Time: 9am to 12:30pm Date: 16th July 2016.
Kathleen Crawford
Finance Matters
Term 3 Fees and Levies have been emailed this week and are payable in full by Monday 25th July 2016. This can be
paid by either of the following methods EFTPOS, Credit Card and Debit Card at the School Office or over the phone,
BPay, Direct Debit, Cheque or Cash (ensuring you have the correct amount, due to NO cash on premises).
Unfortunately due to a technical hitch the Tax receipts relating to the voluntary building fund contribution won’t be
available until this Friday 15th July in which they will be emailed out.
Thank you to all our families who have been contributing to the voluntary building fund. Families are encouraged to
contribute to the building fund in which a separate tax receipt will be issued to you at the end of the financial year in
which you can then claim this expense with your tax return as its tax deductable. This is used to help maintain our
beautiful new buildings.
If you have any questions regarding fees please contact me on the school no. 5549 5000 or by email
Warm regards
If you child’s birthdate is between 1/7/2011 – 30/6/2012 they are eligible to commence Prep in 2017.
We are currently taking enrolments for Prep 2017. If your child is eligible to commence Prep in 2017 please complete an Enrolment Form and return to the Administration Office along with your child’s Birth Certificate, Baptism
Certificate and Immunisation Records. There is a $50 non refundable Administration Fee payable on submitting
these forms.
Enrolment Forms are available on our website www.motherteresa.qld.edu.au or from the Administration office.
After your enrolment application is lodged, you will be invited to attend an enrolment interview with the Principal.
Offers of places will occur after these interviews.
Please note : Siblings of current students are required to complete the above process
Library News
Welcome to Term 3 in the Library. During Term 3 all classes will be celebrating Book Week. The theme for Book Week
this year is:
Australia! Story Country.
During the term the students will be looking at the books from the Early Childhood category which include:
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas: Aaron Blabey
My Dog Bigsy: Alison Lester
Perfect: Danny Parker & Freya Blackwood
Ollie and the Wind: Ronojoy Ghosh
Mr Huff: Anna Walker
The Cow Tripped Over the Moon: Tony Wilson Laura Wood
And the Year 4, 5 & 6 students will be also looking at the books from the fiction category:
Run, Pip Run: JC Jones
Cleo Stories, A Friend, A Pet: Libby Gleeson
Molly and Pim and the Millions of Stars: Martine Murray
Sister Heart: Jackie French
Soon: Morris Gleitzman
Star of Deltora, The Shadows of the Master: Emily Rodda
To Celebrate Book Week this year we will also be having an:
Australia Day Extravaganza
Tuesday 30 August
Week 8
The children will come to school dressed up in early Australian Settler’s clothes and take part in
whole day of planned Australian themed activities. Children are to be dressed in sun safe,
comfortable clothing (be able to move around freely) with covered shoes.
Please also ensure that your child has their satchel and returns their book each week.
Borrowing Days:
Kind Regards
Robyne Cooke
Teacher / Librarian
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 1
When placing your tuckshop order, please double check that you have clicked ‘SUBMIT’ for each child to ensure the order is processed.
To those already volunteering and those who would like begin volunteering please click on the link below and follow the
prompts. It’s a new way of checking and adding your name to the roster.
Please see following information for ordering tuckshop:
Follow simple steps:
Go to: http://www.school24.com.au/
Top left click ‘login/register’
Click second tab across ‘create account’
Register your details NOTE: School registration ID is: 25229963
Click ‘Sign up’
An email will be sent. (No need to click on any links)
Login to school24 site with your details (username (email) and password)
Choose service fee option.
From link on left ‘Add child’. Enter your child/children’s details.
Then you’re away!!!!!
General Interest
Leafy Vegetables go into a slow growth period during Winter. To give vegetables such
as Silverbeet, Lettuce, Cabbage a boost use a fertiliser high in nitrogen. If you have
some left over this is an ideal lawn fertiliser. Sprinkle a small handful around the plant
base and water it in.
If you have any questions or would like enrolment
information regarding PCYC Outside School Hours Care or
Vacation Care please contact:
Admin on 0417246054 or motherteresasac@pcyc.org.au
or come in and see us.
For a quick and easy way to enrol please follow the link
The Uniform Shop is now Open on Wednesdays from
8.00am to 9.00am
If you require any uniforms outside of these hours you can simply download the order
form from the school website and enter required details. Payment can be made by
credit card (complete all your details on the order form) or eftpos. Please forward the
completed form to the office (in person, by email or fax) for processing. Your order
will be processed on a Wednesday and will be sent to your child’s classroom.
Our Tracksuit Pants have been delivered.
To those families who have not paid you can phone the school office to pay by
credit card or you can call in to the office between 9.00 am and 2.30 pm.
Thank you.
Free Dental Treatment
Metro South Oral Health provides free dental treatment to all school students up to Year
As well as to those 0-4yr olds, and Year 11 &12 students who hold a Health Care Card or receive the Child Dental Benefits Scheme.
Call 1300 300 850 to book an appointment at a clinic near you.
A valued member of our Mother Teresa community would like to offer her services as a
Justice of the Peace.
If you require this service please contact the school office and your details will be passed on.
Congratulations to the following on receiving their School Banking Certificate:-
Bronze – Ella, Bridie, Thomas, Isabelle, Skylar, Matilda, Lynk, Chae, Chloe, Joshua,
Ruby, Benjamin
Gold – Olivia, Jenson, Jaxson, Samara
2016 Outback Savers Range
Handball is no longer available
Outback Pat Bag Tag, released Term 2
Backtrack Eraser Pen, and Jump and Skip Rope, released Term 3
Bush Fly Fan and Wriggly Glow Worm, released Term 4
Term 3 Competition
Please note the Commonwealth Bank has limited stock available of some of the 2015 rewards. If you are
eligible to claim for a reward please complete the below slip and return with your school banking on