31 January 2016 - St. Joseph The Worker


31 January 2016 - St. Joseph The Worker
Fr. Leslie Knight
The Presbytery
17 Highview Crescent, Hutton
Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ
T: 01277 221917
M: 07730 409784
Miss Bernadette Rossiter
St. Joseph the Worker
Primary School
Highview Crescent, Hutton
Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ
T: 01277 227282
Mission Statement
To have Christ at the centre of our
lives, enabling us to grow in faith
as a community where all feel
welcome, loved and valued.
St Joseph’s Pre-School (Brentwood)
Highview Crescent, Hutton
Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ
T: 01277 212591 (Session time only)
W: stjosephspreschoolbrentwood.co.uk
Lord give me the gift of a generous heart to follow your will as I journey the path of life.
You set before me the vocation of priesthood, religious life, single life and marriage. Grant me
the grace and generosity I need to answer your call. Amen.
Welcome to our parish news of St. Joseph the Worker 31 January 2016
Upcoming Masses
Saturday 30 6.00 p.m.
Achill D’Agata RIP
S Walker
Sunday 31
8.30 a.m.
People of the Parish
10.30 a.m.
Vince Ma RIP
Design Portfolio
Monday 1 9.15 a.m.
Larry Roslinski RIP
M Tolan
Part Two
Understanding the word of God
A parallel with the Incarnation
From the early centuries of the Christian faith, the Fathers of the Church and
theologians have acknowledged that God’s word comes to us in human form. St
John Chrysostom, that great Father of the Eastern Church, refers frequently to the
‘divine condescension’ by which the words of God are adapted to our limited
human understanding. Dei Verbum follows Chrysostom in drawing a parallel
between the Incarnation of the Son of God and the human expression of the words
of God: ‘For the words of God, expressed in human language, have been made like
human discourse, just as once the Word of the eternal Father, when he took to
himself the flesh of human weakness, was made like human beings.’ (Dei Verbum
13). Our God comes willingly to be immersed in our humanity. The Son comes to
live human life to the full, and the words of God share fully in the dynamics of
human language.
Tuesday 2
9.00. a.m.
The Caffery family
M Tolan
The human dimensions of Scripture
It follows that in order to understand the word of God in Scripture we should seek
to know the intention of the human author. In this endeavour we can learn from
those who developed techniques for understanding other ancient literature. These
techniques generally come under the title of ‘the historical-critical method’. The
Wednesday 3 8.30 a.m.
document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, The Interpretation of the Bible in
Deceased and living members the Church, published in 1993, surveys the various techniques used in this method
of Muldowney families
and evaluates them, as well as providing a detailed review of other methods and
Thursday 4 9.15 a.m.
approaches to the Bible. The most crucial question is this: what kind of writing did
Damian and Emma and
the human writer employ in order to communicate God s word? Here we
come to the important question of the ‘literary genres’ employed in the
M Tolan
Scriptures. The appreciation of the literary genre being used is a major tool for
correct understanding of the text. In his ground-breaking encyclical on the Bible,
Friday 5
9.15 a.m.
Divino Afflante Spiritu, published in 1943, Pope Pius XII encouraged interpreters of
Mrs. Meehan
Scripture to explore the literary genres in use among the ancient people of the East
in order to determine what similar kinds of writing were employed by the writers
Saturday 6 9.15 a.m.
of the Scriptures. Dei Verbum confirms that such questions should be asked of the
Fr. George Lyons
whole of Scripture (Dei Verbum 12). We need to be aware both of the kinds of
writing in use among those who wrote the Scriptures, and of the genres employed
by other ancient peoples (Dei Verbum 12). This research has borne fruit over many
years. Significant efforts have been made, for example, to determine the precise
A.M. TO 10.15 A.M.
nature of the writings we call ‘gospels’.
Saturday 6 6.00 p.m.
Ints of Joe and Roy Weller
D Looney
Sunday 7
8.30 a.m.
Janet, Ken, Mark Kotulski RIP
10.30 a.m.
People of the Parish
Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturdays
between 9.45 A.M. and 10.15 A.M.
Coffee/Tea On Thursdays
Please note that after
the 9.15 a.m. Mass on
Thursdays, there is coffee/
tea in the parish room (off
the Sacristy)
Come together with
Jesus in the Eucharist and
each other afterwards.
Eucharistic Ministers at
This Week’s Masses
Pat Creavin
Marian Anderson
Ian Restall
Margaret Bailey
Ken Eady
Mary Allum
Marina Moffat
Dominic D’Albqueque
Willa Jackson
Readers at This Week’s Masses
18.00 Ian Restall
8.30 Alan Bailey
10.30 Sheila Jones
We pray for the anniversary of all
our relatives and friends, especially
those whose anniversary occurs
at this time.
We pray for:
Florence Scannel, Agnes Young,
Mary Tuffin and Sarah Posjot.
Priests of our Diocese:
Fr. Joseph Burns (1990), Fr. Eric
Bindloss Smith (1981), and Fr. Francis
Richardson (1937).
May these and all the faithful
departed Rest in Peace and Rise in
Glory and Grace
We pray for our sick in our parish:
Nicholas Sharkey, Daniella DiLisio,
Paul Denton, Don Whittle, Simone
Austin, Jacqueline Birnie, Maureen
Flaherty, Pauline White, Mairead
O’Driscoll, Nora McPherson, Mano
Subryan, Kathleen Green, Beryl
de Prazer, Mary Sheehan, Janice
Masters, and Jim Jarvis.
Our Lady of Lourdes intercede for
If there are any changes please let
Fr. Leslie know.
We welcome you to St. Joseph the Worker. Today is the fourth
Sunday in Ordinary Time.
In Luke’s Gospel, the people are surprised, but not at first
offended, by the words of Jesus in the synagogue. It is the
reading from Isaiah that seemed to offend them. Jesus
challenges and provokes the people of Nazareth. By referring
to examples in which Israel rejected the prophets, he also
challenges them to respond to his message, the message of a prophet, in a way
which is different from their ancestors. This call for a new response leads to
his rejection. In the historical context of Luke’s gospel, Luke has witnessed the
acceptance of the Good News among many gentiles. He tries to explain why the
Good News of Jesus has not been as well received by the Jewish people. Just as
the people at Nazareth did not welcome the Good News that Jesus announced,
so too many people of Israel did not accept the preaching of the gospel.
After Jesus’s words of challenge, Luke reports that there was a movement to kill
Jesus. The animosity of the people of Nazareth prefigures and prepares us for
the cross. Luke wants all of us to understand that it is through his death on the
cross that Jesus offers God’s salvation to us all.
Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week.
Prayer: a moment with Him, even a single minute, is a
great chance to be with Him because He never fails us in
happiness. In joyful or sad times He is with us. He loves
and guides us. May we love and adore Him in return
through His spirit
Pastoral Visit Of Our Bishop
Merciful Like the Father
In this coming year our focus
should be on the Corporal Works
of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of
Mercy, as below.
Corporal Works of Mercy
ŒŒto feed the hungry
ŒŒgive drink to the thirsty
ŒŒclothe the naked
ŒŒwelcome the stranger
ŒŒheal the sick
ŒŒvisit the imprisoned
ŒŒbury the dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy
ŒŒto counsel the doubtful
ŒŒinstruct the ignorant
ŒŒadmonish sinners
ŒŒcomfort the afflicted
ŒŒforgive offences
ŒŒbear patiently for those who do us ill
ŒŒpray for the living and the dead
The above will we our challenge for
the Year of Mercy.
The pastoral visit of our Bishop Alan to
our parish will take place on Wednesday
16 March 2016. This will be the first time
that Bishop Alan has visited us. This will
be a wonderful occasion for our parish
and I am looking for a full church so
that we can welcome him and let each
one of us have the opportunity to
speak to him. Please therefore put this
date in your diaries. There will be a
reception in the Hall afterwards. It
would be good if we could offer
transport to some of our elderly
parishioners who might want to join us.
I will arrange for a list to be at the back
of the church for the names of those
wishing to offer transport and also for
the names of those who would like to
attend, but have difficulty in getting here.
During this occasion of our Bishop’s visit,
he will confirm some of our young
parishioners. Do please encourage one
another to come.
New Readers And Eucharistic
Ministers Needed
In this Year of Mercy what can you do to
serve others? One way is to assist in
proclaiming the Word of God by becoming
a Reader - we especially need more Readers
at the 6.00 p.m. Saturday Mass. Or perhaps
you feel called to help administer the
Eucharist at Mass and to the sick of the
parish. If you think you would like to
volunteer for these ministries please see
Fr. Leslie or contact Willa Jackson
Full training/opportunities to practise will
be given.
Red Box Holders
The Novena to St. Joseph will take place from
10 - 18 March 2016 at St. Joseph’s Church in
Maidenhead and at Herbert House, Freshfield,
Liverpool. Each year the Mill Hill Missionaries
prepare for the feast of St. Joseph, their
patron, with a special Novena of Masses and
prayers to ask for God’s blessing on their
Society and the missionary outreach of the
Church, as well as for the intentions of all
those who support their work. You are invited
to send in your petitions and/or to request a
Novena booklet to enable you to join in from
home by praying the daily Novena prayer.
Please write to Fr. Liam Cummins, St. Joseph’s
Missionary Society, 58 Bookham Road,
Maidenhead SL6 7HT or email novena@
Novena petitions will be left on the table in
the Narthex.
Mass On Tuesday
Please note the Mass on Tuesday 2 February
will commence at 9.00 a.m.
Finance News
Poetry Competition –
Free To Enter
St. Joseph the Worker Church will get £250
if a member of the congregation wins the
Religious Poem Competition.
We are delighted to invite FREE entries
for The Religious Poem Competition. The
winner’s chosen church will receive £250
and ten free books containing the
winning poem.
Anyone can submit up to three poems for
the competition. There’s no age limit and
no entry fee.
“The poem can be a prayer, words for a
hymn, a description of an uplifting
moment, a religious experience, about a
person or your church,” explained
United Press Publications Executive,
Julie Embury. “It can be rhyming or free
verse, historic, romantic, factual, or
personal - anything you like, as long as
there’s a religious theme. You can’t use
Religious Poem as your title.
Send up to three poems, of no more
than 25 lines (including blank lines) and
160 words each by 31st March 2016 to
- Religious Poem, United Press, Admail
3735 London EC1B 1JB. Tel 01282 459 533 or
e-mail info@unitedpress.co.uk. For more
information visit www.unitedpress.co.uk
Judging will take place early April 2016 and
the winner will be announced in April.
James Bond Themed Charity Ball
Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society is
hosting a James Bond-themed Charity Ball
at The Rayleigh Club, Hullbridge on Friday
12th February 2016. Tickets are priced at
£50 per person and guests will enjoy a
Martini Reception, a delicious 3 course
dinner in the Crystal Dining Room, and
various 007 themed surprises throughout
the evening. There will be a charity raffle
and silent auction as well as our own fun
‘Casino Royale’, and dancing.
To reserve tickets, or to donate a raffle or
an auction prize, please contact
Julie 01268 784544/7912277413/
Installation Of The New Canons Of
Our Diocese.
This will take place on Thursday 11 February
at 7.00 p.m. It would be good to see as many
people from our parish present as possible. If
you plan to be present, could you please sign
up on the appropriate form to enable us to
be sure of numbers for catering purposes.
Lenten Lunch
Will be held Friday 19 February at 1.00 p.m. in
the parish hall. Suggested donation of £5.00
which includes tea and coffee.
Please do come and help raise funds for
CAfOD. Raffle prizes would be very much
Church Flowers
Are you interested in flower arranging? If
so, please consider helping out from time
to time especially at Christmas and Easter.
Contact Jan Jarvis 200278. Thank you
Year Of Mercy Talks
Meeting the God of Mercy through the
Facilitator Fr. Martin Boland. Dean of Brentwood Cathedral
Time 10.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Date Saturday 13 February 2016
Venue Conference Hall Cathedral House.
Year of Mercy “Wrestling with Forgiveness”
Facilitator Bishop Emeritus, Thomas McMahon Former Bishop of Brentwood
Time 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
Date Saturday 5 March 2016
Venue Conference Hall Cathedral House.
Season Of Lent
The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday
10 February.
For the week ending 23/24 January 2016
you gave £304.47 of which £55.49 was
GIFT AIDED (excluding Standing Orders).
Thank you and God Bless.
Please do not forget, if you are a UK
taxpayer, to Gift Aid what you give to
the church. This benefits the parish
enormously. At present we have a lot
of maintenance work to attend to in
the Parish Hall and Church and all of
this will cost a considerable amount
of money. Every little helps!
200 CLUB
Also, there are “200 CLUB” forms at
the back of church. Please sign up for
£2.00 per month, maybe win a cash
prize every month, and help your
parish financially.
Many thanks and God Bless
Quizzylympics Final
The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society
will be holding their Quizzylympics final on
Saturday 19 March 2016 in the Hall at
Brentwood Cathedral at 7.30 p.m. Many
parishes have already held a Quizzylympics
heat and therefore already have a team to
represent them at the final. There are,
however, a limited number of places
available for those parishes who were unable
to host a local quiz night. Teams must be
made up of between 6 and 8 people over the
age of 16 and the cost of entering a team is
£50. Tea coffee and cake will be provided on
the night but you are free to bring along your
own drinks and nibbles. If you would like any
further information or to enter a team,
please call Julie Abbott on 01268 784544/
Next Week In The Season Of Lent
We must pray that we may all dedicate in
thanksgiving our lives to the Divine Mercy
and experience the Joy and Peace of His
Mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Lent Discussion Groups 2016
15th to 19th February. The Psalms – prayers
for today’s Church. Please sign up on the
list at the back of the Church.
Monday 15th Feb.
10.30 – 11.45
St. Mary’s church, Shenfield
Tuesday 16th Feb.
10.30 – 11.45
St. Peter’s church, Hutton
Wednesday 17th Feb. 10.30 – 11.45
Hutton and Shenfield Union Church
Thursday 18 Feb.
10.30 – 11.45
11 Holmwood Ave. Shenfield.
Course booklet available at £3.49.
Bishop Stephen Cottrell reflects of the
Psalms. He invites us to join him.
Session 1. Psalm 100.
Know that the Lord is God
Session 2. Psalm 130.
Out of the depths have I cried.
Session 3. Psalm 13.
How long O Lord?
Session 4. Psalm 23.
You spread your table before me.
Session 5. Psalm 127.
Unless the Lord builds the House.
Pope Francis
The Gospel calls us to be close to the
poor and forgotten, and to give them
real hope.
In today’s society, in which forgiveness
is so rare, mercy is ever more
Catholic Newspapers
Please note that the Herald, the
Universe and the Catholic Times are
available at the back of the church.
Don’t forget Bible Alive £2.25 and
Word Alive £1.50. Also money for
books in the box under the picture of
the Prodigal Son.
Year of Mercy
The Corporal and Spiritual Works of
Mercy are printed in the newsletter
for you to learn and to practice in our
daily lives.
Church Cleaning
We are looking for volunteers to clean
the church on Fridays after morning
Mass for approximately 30 minutes.
Tea and coffee is always provided
In The Gospel Today
Jesus tells the people that God loves
everyone just the same. This makes
some people angry because they think
that they are more special than anyone
A Prayer to Say
Dear Jesus, you told us the Good News
that God loves everyone. Help us to
remember that, and to help anyone we
know who is sad or lonely. Amen
If you have been a non Church‑going Catholic for a long time, it can be very helpful to read about
contemporary Catholic beliefs and life. It may appear to you that some things have changed.
Free materials are available from the Catholic Enquiry Office.
Contact: “Coming Home”, CEO, 114 West Heath Road, London NW3 7TX
Tel: 020 8458 3316. e‑mail: info@comehomeforchristmas.co.uk
Boutique Fitness
odlan&d Bakery
W Sandwich Shop
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Hutton Community Centre
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suitable for all levels
Will help to develop &
strengthen your core
8.30pm Ladies Only Boxing Fitness
Class Drop in
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Please bring your own mats
70 Woodland Avenue, Hutton
Are you feeling generally
low in mood and unhappy or
struggling with a particular
concern or worry? Are you
suffering in silence, unable to
share your anxieties, fears or
I may be able to help.
All matters of our pscyhological
wellbeing, including unconscious
processes may be better
understood and worked
through with therapy.
For enquiries or more
phone: 079584 286 852 or
email: theodavid@aol.com
For more details & to book your place contact
Vicky Whymark on 07912368199 or
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Telephone: 01277 849494
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Please call for further information
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We hope you enjoyed reading the newsletter this week; please do remember that if, for some reason, there are not enough hard copies
at the back of the Church, it can always be downloaded from the Parish website (www.stjosephshutton.org). A PDF of the newsletter
can be found under “communication”.