08 May 2016 - St. Joseph The Worker
08 May 2016 - St. Joseph The Worker
www.stjosephshutton.org Mission Statement To have Christ at the centre of our lives, enabling us to grow in faith as a community where all feel welcome, loved and valued. Fr. Leslie Knight The Presbytery 17 Highview Crescent, Hutton Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ T: 01277 221917 M: 07730 409784 Miss Bernadette Rossiter St. Joseph the Worker Primary School Highview Crescent, Hutton Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ T: 01277 227282 St Joseph’s Pre-School (Brentwood) Highview Crescent, Hutton Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ T: 01277 212591 (Session time only) W: stjosephspreschoolbrentwood.co.uk Lord give me the gift of a generous heart to follow your will as I journey the path of life. You set before me the vocation of priesthood, religious life, single life and marriage. Grant me the grace and generosity I need to answer your call. Amen. Welcome to our parish news of St. Joseph the Worker 8 May 2016 Upcoming Masses MAY 2016 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Saturday 7 6.00 p.m. Jack and Mary Anderson RIP M and J Anderson Sunday 8 8.30 a.m. Mary and Fred Wild RIP M Wild 10.30 a.m. People of the Parish Monday 9 9.15 a.m. Frank McQuaid Fitzpatrick family Tuesday 10 9.15 a.m. Hylda George Wednesday 11 8.30 a.m. Kath Durell RIP ST. JOHN HOUGHTON Thursday 12 9.15 a.m. John Wright RIP Wright family ST. ERCONWALD Friday 13 9.15 a.m. Peggie Drury Thanksgiving ST. MATTHIAS Saturday 14 9.15 a.m. Special Intention PENTECOST SUNDAY FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Saturday 14 6.00 p.m. John Wright RIP Wright family Sunday 15 8.30 a.m. People of the Parish 10.30 a.m. Gurlii Barlow RIP P and M Barlow SATURDAY MORNING MASS FOLLOWED BY EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 9.45 A.M. TO 10.15 A.M Coffee/Tea On Thursdays Please note that after the 9.15 a.m. Mass on Thursdays, there is coffee/tea in the parish room (off the Sacristy) Come together with Jesus in the Eucharist and each other afterwards. Ascension of the Lord Mary Magdalene played a pivotal role as a witness both of the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of his ascension into heaven. She was the first to hear the Lord’s words about his mysterious ascension into heaven: “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God”. The glory of the risen Lord was different from the glory of the ascended Lord. The glory of the risen Lord was veiled compared to the complete divine glory of the ascended Lord. Jesus is our Great High Priest; he is seated at the right hand of the Father and always lives to make intercession for us. He who ascended in glory will return in glory, which is why we pray: “Come, Lord Jesus, come.” The feast of the Ascension is a celebration of the fullness of Jesus’ divinity, seated forever at the right hand of the Father, but also our future destiny as children of the Father, partakers in the divine nature. As St John Damascene said: “By the Father’s right hand, we understand the glory and honour of divinity, where he who exists as Son of God before all ages, indeed as God, of one being with the Father, is seated bodily after he became incarnate and his flesh was glorified”. We don’t tend to think too much about our future destiny beyond the grave. We tend to think it can be presumptive to claim that we will go to heaven but also the pressures of everyday living prevent us from thinking too much about the life to come. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why we have the feast of the Ascension: the Church, our mother, gently reminds us that we are on a pilgrimage back to the Father’s house, where, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we will enjoy his risen and glorified life. None of us are “mere mortals”’: we are destined to be raised up and share in God’s eternal life, infused with the light and life of God’s holy presence for eternity. From Bible Alive Eucharistic Ministers at This Week’s Masses (7/8 May) 18.00 8.30 10.30 Stella Walker Carol Turnball Marian Anderson Mary Allum Margaret Bailey John Spinks Willa Jackson Marina Moffat Dominc D’Albequeque Readers at This Week’s Masses 7/8 May) 18.00 Willa Jackson 8.30 Marina Moffat 10.30 Dominc D’Albequeque Eucharistic Ministers at Next Week’s Masses (14/15 May) 18.00 8.30 10.30 Gaye O’Regan Bill O’Regan Paul Bolton Lyn Birnie Joan Parker Ken Eady Kathy Hillhouse Mary Brooks Chris Brooks Readers at Next Week’s Masses (14/15 May) 18.00 Paul Bolton 8.30 Margaret Bailey 10.30 Jennifer Parker Anniversaries We pray for the anniversary of all our relatives and friends, especially those whose anniversary occurs at this time. We pray for: Bill Smith, Vera Lyden, Anita Czuprynski, Agnes Houser, Rosanna Law, Eileen Curly, David Atling, Eileen Connell and John Wright. Priests of our Diocese Fr. Augustine Davidson (1946), Canon Brian Grady (1998), Mgr John Howell (1976), Fr. John Boyle (1983) and Fr. Stanley Joynes (1987). May these and all the faithful departed Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory and Grace REMEMBER To have a Mass offered for your loved ones. One day we too will be a Holy Soul depending on others to pray for us. Book of Macabees – “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for our dead that they may be loosed from their sins”. DON’T FORGET TO PRAY FOR YOUR PRIESTS WHO HAVE GONE HOME TO ETERNAL LIFE. ALSO YOUR RELATIONS, FRIENDS AND PARISHIONERS. Sickness We pray for our sick in our parish: Nicholas Sharkey, Daniella DiLisio, Paul Denton, Don Whittle, Simone Austin, Jacqueline Birnie, Maureen Flaherty, Pauline White, Mairead O’Driscoll, Nora McPherson, Mano Subryan, Kathleen Green, Beryl de Prazer, Mary Sheehan, Janice Masters, Jim Jarvis, James Connolly and Diana Pearce. Our Lady of Lourdes intercede for them. If there are any changes please let Fr. Leslie know. PLEASE NOTE THAT IN FUTURE THE NAMES OF ALL THE SICK WILL BE CONTAINED ON A CARD THAT WILL BE PLACED ON THE ALTAR AT EVERY MASS Welcome to the parish of St. Joseph the Worker. Today is the feast of the Ascension of the Lord into heaven. Today we celebrate when Jesus was taken into heaven on the 40th day after Easter. God speaks to us in many ways in particular through the Scriptures. It is important for us to read, pray and reflect each day on God’s word. So in this feast Jesus affirms the glory Jesus received from God after his death and resurrection. From his place with God in heaven, Jesus helped his disciples and he continues to help us as we try to live as his followers. For our reflection we read in the Acts of the Apostles “some who had come down from Judea were instructing the brothers “unless you are circumcised according to Moses, you cannot be saved”. Because there was no little dissension and debate by Paul and Barnabas with them, it was decided that Paul, Barnabas and some others should go up to Jerusalem to the Apostles and presbyters about this question. The Jews who accepted Christ wanted to live according to the law of Moses. But a new era was dawning, one focused not on external rituals but on internal transformation. What Paul calls “a circumcision of the heart”. We read in the Gospel that the Father “takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit”. Understanding grows and changes over time. Some traditions outlast their meaning and become empty and oppressive. What is not bearing fruit should be pruned or allowed to wither. To do this we need to pray and reflect. Family prayer is a great way to nurture your family’s faith. Do this each day. Praise be to God who made us a family. Praise be to God for the love we share. Praise be to God for sending us Jesus. Come Holy Spirit fill our lives with your gifts. Please pray for me and have a great Sunday and a wonderful week A Day With Mary Please see the poster for the Day with Mary which will be held at the National Shrine of Our Lady. Further details can be found at www.adaywithmary.org or email dwm@adaywithmary.org Diocesan Pilgrimage To Walsingham On Saturday 28 May 2016. This year we have a special programme for the Year of Mercy, which includes visiting the 12th century Abbey grounds. A coach will run from the Cathedral, leaving at 7.15 a.m. and returning by 8.00 p.m. You can book coach places by visiting the Cathedral Narthex. If you are interested and would like further information beforehand please email srtheresa@walsinghamcommunity.org or phone 01277 373959. Vacancy Growing corporate communications consultancy based in Canary Wharf is looking for an experienced minute taker to record discussions at board and senior management meetings (two meetings per month) and at personal development reviews company-wide twice a year (Jan and July), typing up minutes thereafter for review and filing. Would suit a retired person/retired teacher. Good rates plus travelling expenses. Contact Alison Carey (alison.carey@design-portfolio.co.uk) Welcome to All Parishioners and All Visitors And especially to anyone who has recently moved into our area. If you are a new parishioner, please introduce yourself to me and complete a form to enable us to put your details on the Parish Register. If you are leaving us, please let us know so that we may offer you best wishes for the future and a sincere thank you for your time among us. First Communion 25th Anniversary of Dedication of Brentwood Cathedral The Parish First Holy Communion will take this year on Saturday 28 May at 11.00 a.m. Please keep the children and parents in your prayers. Tuesday 31 May at 7.00 p.m. Choral Mass will be celebrated to commemorate the 25th anniversary of our Cathedral’s dedication. You are all very welcome to attend. Special Collection to be taken in all Parishes Thank you for your generous response to the Bishop’s appeal last week to help the people of the Ukraine. The second collection raised £368.77. Thank you and God Bless. Remember Do remember to pray for those who have gone home to God. The greatest prayer is to have a Mass said for your loved ones. One day we too will need the prayers of our families. Churches Together - 1 Thank you to all who took part in the Act of Witness on Good Friday. This is another opportunity to witness: PENTECOST CELEBRATION at the CHAPEL RUINS on SATURDAY 14th MAY at 12 noon. As the last public act of witness was on Good Friday, we need to let everyone know that the story didn’t end there, that the Lord is Alive! Let’s proclaim the Good News as the Apostles did at Pentecost, that The Lord is truly risen and pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the people of Brentwood. Following on after the combined service at 12 noon, each C.T.B. Church will have a slot in the afternoon at the Chapel Ruins, to continue praise and worship in their own style and tradition; showing our unity and diversity. Jesus says “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the gospel to all creation.” Mk.16:15NJB Catrina is organising this on behalf of Churches Together in Brentwood and is asking your support to make a strong Christian Presence and witness. Churches Together - 2 Annual Forum and United Service to celebrate Christian Aid Week on Sunday 15 May 2016 at Hutton & Shenfield Union Church Roundwood Avenue, Hutton Mount. Programme 5.15 p.m. Tea 5.45 p.m. Forum Meeting 6.30 p.m. Service in the Church All are invited - come and join us! Bible Alive Bible Alive and Word Alive are available at the back of the Church to help you reflect on the Scriptures. One contains the readings of each day and Bible Alive gives a reflection on those readings. Friendship Club We meet every 1st and 3rd Friday in the month in the parish hall between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. Please do call in for a chat all ages welcome. For further information, please ring Jan 200278. Finance News EU Referendum Reflecting on the forthcoming vote, we recognise the historic nature of the Referendum and its implications for future generations. In our view, three things are essential: ◊ that we pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit ◊ that we inform ourselves of the arguments on both sides of the debate ◊ that we exercise our vote with a view to the common good of all Our decision in the Referendum should be taken in the context of how best we can promote justice and peace. Pope Francis said to the European Parliament in 2014 “that the ideals which shaped this European project from the beginning were peace, subsidiarity and solidarity”. Our focus needs to be on the human person. We all have a responsibility to keep the dignity of the human person at the forefront of the debate. Before voting, ask yourself the following question: How in the light of the Gospel can my vote serve the common good? As you vote, you may wish to say this prayer. “Lord grant us wisdom that we may walk with integrity, guarding the path of justice, and knowing the protection of your loving care for all”. Join The Brentwood Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Summer 2016 In this Year of Mercy and Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption a Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Alan Williams from 14-19 August 2016 Flights and Full Board Price from £639 (Coach option from £419 also possible) Plenty of assistance for pilgrims with medical needs. Come as a parish group, come on your own, come as a group of friends, come as a couple ... everyone is welcome! For full details and a booking form call Cathy on 01206 501146, or email cathy@brentwoodlourdes.org. www.brentwoodlourdes.org For the week ending 30 April/1 May you gave £331.14p of which £39.00 was Gift Aided. Special Collection for the people of Ukraine raised £368.77 Thank you and God Bless. Pope Francis Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God’s mercy, out of love for us, died on the cross, and out of love he rose again from the dead. There is the grave problem of labour, because of the high rate of young adults unemployed, but also for the issue of the dignity of work. I address a cordial greeting to the faithful of the Eastern Churches who are celebrating Holy Pascha today Work is proper to the human person and expresses the dignity of being created in the image of God. Merciful Like the Father In this coming year our focus should be on the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy, as below. Corporal Works of Mercy to feed the hungry give drink to the thirsty clothe the naked welcome the stranger heal the sick visit the imprisoned bury the dead Spiritual Works of Mercy to counsel the doubtful instruct the ignorant admonish sinners comfort the afflicted forgive offences bear patiently for those who do us ill pray for the living and the dead The above will be our challenge for the Year of Mercy. Prayer Suggestion Look at a Crucifix and ask for awareness of His mercy in your life. And ask yourself: How? Why? When? Who? With what love? In The Gospel Today LONG TO REIGN OVER US Queen’s 90th birthday The Jubilee Mint of our Queen’s 90th birthday is one of only 400. The photos of the Queen on the stamps which makes up part of this Jubilee Mint presentation case were taken by Arthur Edwards, the Royal photographer, so it is very special to St Joseph. This special Jubilee Mint presentation could be yours as it has been donated anonymously to the parish and we would like to raffle it amongst parishioners with a view to raising much-needed funds for the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society. All you need to do if you would like to own this very special Jubilee Mint celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday is to put a £5 note in an envelope that has your name and telephone number on it. Jesus reminds his friends that they are his witnesses. He blesses his disciples and tells them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus returns to his Father in heaven. The disciples go back to the city full of joy. A Prayer to Say Dear Jesus, you blessed your disciples before you returned to your Father in heaven. I pray that you bless my family and friends too today. Help us to live good lives and to remember that we can all enjoy life with you in heaven one day. Amen. EACH WEEK WE ASK PARENTS TO SAY THIS PRAYER WITH YOUR CHILDREN. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PICK UP A COPY. CATHOLIC AND HAVE LOST TOUCH? If you have been a non Church‑going Catholic for a long time, it can be very helpful to read about contemporary Catholic beliefs and life. It may appear to you that some things have changed. Free materials are available from the Catholic Enquiry Office. Contact: “Coming Home”, CEO, 114 West Heath Road, London NW3 7TX Tel: 020 8458 3316. e‑mail: info@comehomeforchristmas.co.uk Boutique Fitness odlan&d Bakery o W Sandwich Shop 2 New classes at the Hutton Community Centre Starting Monday 23rd June 2014 7.30pm Pilates 6 week course suitable for all levels Will help to develop & strengthen your core 8.30pm Ladies Only Boxing Fitness Class Drop in Is a great way to strengthen, tone & sculpt your arms Please bring your own mats 70 Woodland Avenue, Hutton Are you feeling generally low in mood and unhappy or struggling with a particular concern or worry? Are you suffering in silence, unable to share your anxieties, fears or worries? I may be able to help. All matters of our pscyhological wellbeing, including unconscious processes may be better understood and worked through with therapy. For enquiries or more information phone: 079584 286 852 or email: theodavid@aol.com For more details & to book your place contact Vicky Whymark on 07912368199 or boutiquefitbiz@gmail.com Buffets We cater for all occasions Private Functions Parties - Corporate Lunches Traditional Fresh Bread, Cakes, Tarts, Pies, Hot & Cold Savouries Freshly prepared Sandwiches, Rolls, Salads, Jacket Potatoes Telephone: 01277 849494 www.woodlandbakery.co.uk Providing funerals and memorials for Catholic families throughout Essex and Greater London. Prestigious Rolls Royce Fleet Golden Charter Trust Pre Payment Funeral Plans Private Chapels of Rest Bereavement Group 7 Montague Way Queens Park Billericay Essex CM12 0UB Telephone (01277) 625411/07956 551982 E-Mail: Info@gbarnett.co.uk Web: www.gbarnett.co.uk Our 150th Year F.E. FARRER Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons 5th Generation Family Owned since 1860 ALL YOU NEED FROM A LOCAL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Fern House, 120 High Street, Brentwood CM14 4AS 01277 210 104/210 654 (24 hours) The Old School House, 2 High Street Billericay CM12 9BQ 01277 624 289/627 492 (24 hours) www.bennettsfunerals.co.uk Private Chapels of Rest Home Visits Arranged Pre‑Paid Funeral Plans Memorial Headstones, Additional Inscriptions and Renovations A.B.C. Cars Brentwood’s leading taxi service, Friendly and reliable service, Competitive rates for airports, weddings, school runs etc. etc. 5% discount for parishioners 01277 216060 Rolls Royce & Daimler Fleet Horse Drawn Carriages Green Funerals & Woodland Burials For Immediate Personal Attention Day and Night Please Telephone John or Roy Farrer 33 High Street 246 Hutton Road 01277 622944 01277 216030 Billericay Shenfield www.fefarrer.co.uk Richard Rock Interior / Exterior Painting & Decorating 07827 785330 (m) 01245 467454 (h) richardrock61@gmail.com Please call for further information and free quote The Brentwood Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 234092 We hope you enjoyed reading the newsletter this week; please do remember that if, for some reason, there are not enough hard copies at the back of the Church, it can always be downloaded from the Parish website (www.stjosephshutton.org). A PDF of the newsletter can be found under “communication”.
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