- Christ the King


- Christ the King
821 S. Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, FL 33609
Fr. Leonard J. M. Plazewski
Twitter: @FrLen
Fr. Bill Santhouse
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Jacob Monteleone
Senior Priest
Deacon Paul Haber
Parish Office
Phone: 813-876-5841
Fax: 813-873-2426
Religious Ed: 813-870-2509
Youth: 813-873-2804
Terry Boehm, ext. 2233
Director of Pastoral
Ministries and Outreach
John Weir, ext. 2222
Director of Finances, Facilities and
Human Resources
Nicholas Tanis
Stefanie Lowrey
Assistant Principal
Danielle Welsh
Advancement and Admissions
Phone: 813-876-8770
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil
5:30 p.m.
Mon. - Fri.
12:10 p.m.
Wed. School Mass 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Saturday 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick
Second Saturday of the month at
8:30 a.m. Mass Or upon request
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Wed. 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m.
Chapel Hours
Daily 7:30 a.m.—9:00 p.m.
JANUARY 3, 2016
Page 2
I can remember when I was younger, the anticipation of Christmas was palpable. Although I said my
prayers and went to Church, I still couldn’t wait to open presents on Christmas day. As I got older and
the list of things that I really wanted were out of Santa’s league so to speak, I looked forward more to the
family traditions than to the presents themselves. We always decorated the tree as a family while listening
to Christmas music, which was very enjoyable for me, mostly because my father would tease my mother
about rearranging the ornaments while the rest of us had our backs turned. Another tradition we had as a
family was to drive around the neighborhoods comparing all of the Christmas lights to our own house.
Although my father hated to admit it, there were always some showstoppers that made our jaws drop. We
would drink hot chocolate while listening exclusively to the Elvis Christmas Carol album. As I got into
high school and college, I used to take a date with me instead and ride around doing the same thing I used
to do with my family.
Now that I am a priest, the way I will celebrate Christmas will be very different than years past. We no
longer decorate the tree as a family, and I think my days of Elvis Christmas Carols are just about done.
My mother has also been gone for several years now, but the good memories of her during Christmastime
remain. This time of year can be a struggle for many people who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Christmas is a time for family and joy, and this atmosphere can lead to more intense feelings of loss and
grief if we allow it.
As I was reflecting upon all of the different ways that I have celebrated Christmas, it can feel sometimes
like year after year has been a sequence of deaths – the death of childhood innocence and the childish anticipation of Santa, the loss of celebrating Christmas together as a family, the absence of a pretty girl sipping hot chocolate next to me in the car, and the grief of missing my mother during this time of year. Yet,
in all of these “losses,” there is the opportunity to celebrate Christmas anew, to refocus my energy and anticipation on the birth of Jesus Christ in my heart, which should always be the paramount focus of this
For all of you reading this article, there are no doubt similar memories you have of the past that have made
Christmas the most wonderful time of the year. While it is necessary to grieve our lost loves, this grief can
also have a way of consuming us to the point of not being able to receive the new gifts that God has to
offer us. If I become too attached to pleasant past memories, then I can lose sight of my encounter with
the Lord in the here and now, which is where we always experience God. If I am longing for the intimacy
of past relationships, then it is more difficult for me to recognize the love and joy that God is giving me
through His people at Christ the King.
Christmas is a time to give to others, but more importantly, it is a time to receive from the Lord. If you
find yourself grieving the loss of a loved one or reminiscing too much over past joys with your family and
friends, then I encourage you to enter more deeply into the sacred silence of your relationship with God.
Loneliness and grief can paralyze our soul if we allow it to, but this same sense of aloneness can also be
the gateway to a deeper intimacy with the Father, just as Jesus Christ sought to commune with His Father
in the silence of His own heart, away from the crowds. Amid the hustle and bustle of the season, let us
remember to receive to the greatest gift that God is begging us to receive – the gifts of His love, mercy
and salvation – in short, the gift of Himself.
- Fr. Bill
Page 3
Due to Christmas deadlines, we don’t have
offertory numbers to publish at this time. They
will be published in the January 10 bulletin.
Thank you.
Pope Francis and Online Giving
Exercising Stewardship of God’s
Gifts in the New Year
January is traditionally the time
for New Year’s resolutions. It’s
an ideal time to take stock,
reassess and recommit to a life
lived for and in Jesus Christ.
Here are a few suggestions for
the important areas of our faith
Stewardship of Prayer: Nothing is more important than
cultivating a closer, deeper relationship with God. Make a
new commitment to a time each day to listen to God’s
Stewardship of Family: How often in our busy lives does
time with family get neglected? Resolve to find a special
time with each family member each week. Make sure that
family meals are celebrated frequently. Plan a special family
outing once or twice a month, and go to Mass together.
Resolve that when your spouse or child speak, you will look
at them and truly listen.
Stewardship of Health: Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Without good health, we lack the energy to serve
the Lord well. Resolve to make that doctor or dentist appointment. Make one healthy change in your eating habits.
Add a few minutes of extra exercise to each day’s routine.
Stewardship of Possessions: Want less. Live more simply.
Do you own your possessions, or do they own you? Challenge yourself to sacrifice something you like but that you
know another person needs more than you.
Stewardship of the Parish Family: Offer your service to
the liturgy or a ministry of your parish in the New Year.
Enrich your parish and your parish experience by becoming
Stewardship of Mind: Resolve to read something regularly
that enhances your faith life. Resolve to learn more about
your faith and especially Catholic social teaching.
Stewardship of Neighbor: Be aware of those around you,
whether it be your co-workers, fellow parishioners, neighbors, restaurant workers or store employees. Everyone
needs a smile and Christian kindness.
Pope Francis has given us a
lot to consider with his
encyclical on environmental stewardship. One of the
greatest ways we can protect our planet is by using less paper and conserving natural
resources, especially since pulp and paper production is the
third largest producer of air, water and land pollution.
Please consider taking advantage of Christ the King’s Online
Giving. Not only will you help reduce envelope waste and
paper checks, you also have the ability to schedule and manage your giving all online. You can conveniently use your
credit, debit or checking account.
We want to thank the over 942 families that are now using
our Online Giving service. Their support for the basic operations of the parish is never missed, even while on vacation.
Please consider joining Pope Francis in our mission to protect
our natural resources and visit www.ctk-tampa.org and click
the new “Giving” link to set up your online payments today.
“Contemplate how
you are being asked
to give your heart to
God admist your everyday activities. Be
prepared to meet
your grace in every
circumstance of life.”
St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton – Feast Day January 4th
Wendi Peña, Director of Stewardship and Development
wpena@ctk-tampa.org or 813.876.5841, ext. 2234
Outreach News
Page 4
JANUARY 3, 2016
Healing Mass with Fr. Richard
McAlear, O.M.I.
Friday, January 15, 7:00 pm
St. Catherine of Siena, 1955 S. Belcher Rd.
Clearwater 33764
Fr. McAlear has had a healing ministry since 1976, traveling to
every part of the U.S. and many other countries. For more
information Joyce 727-439-6423 or mustick777@gmail.com
Catholic Days at the Capitol
Join Catholics from around the state for
our annual advocacy days, Catholic Days at
the Capitol. Participants get involved in the
legislative process by attending a briefing
on human life and dignity issues and meeting with elected officials. Attend a special
luncheon and the annual Red Mass with
the Florida Bishops and Catholic Legislators. Dates are February 16-18, 2016. Registration deadline is
January 16, 2016. Contact the Office of Life Ministry:
sab@dosp.org; 727-344-1611.
9 Days for Life
9 Days for Life is a focused
period of prayer, penance
and pilgrimage set aside to
mark the anniversary of Roe
v. Wade (the Supreme
Court case which legalized
abortion during all 9
months of pregnancy).
During this time, all are invited to participate by
taking part in local events and by joining together
with thousands of Catholics across the country in
prayer for a new intention each of the 9 days.
When: Sign up now & participate January 16-24. (If you’re
getting started after January 16, it’s okay!)
Visit 9daysforlife.com to download a free app for
your Android or iPhone or to sign up for daily
emails or text messages. Printable versions of each
day’s content are also available on the website.
Save the Date!
The 56th Ann Zack Interfaith Gathering
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.
Congregation Rodeph Sholom Congregation
2713 Bayshore Boulevard
A Listening Ministry
Are you a good listener? Imagine
the difference if Christ the King
had a well-trained group of listeners to provide a caring ministry to
people who are hurting. Would
you be willing to give time to be
part of a caring ministry?
If you would like to hear more
about this ministry, call Terry
Boehm, 876-5841 or tboehm@ctk-tampa.org.
Music and Dementia
Do you have a family member with dementia?
Studies show that music may reduce agitation and
improve behavioral issues and mood for people
affected by dementia. Timeless Tunes is a music
project through the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of
the Alzheimer’s Association in partnership with
Rotary District 6890. Timeless Tunes offers a MP3 player
preloaded with music, earphones and a charger. Directions are
provided so that caregivers can easily start the change music as
needed. Call the parish office to find out more and get a complimentary set for your family member, 876-5841.
Tampa Home Makers
Home Makers will re-open on Tuesday, Jan. 5th. Remember
us if you are replacing your furniture, TVs, and household
items. Our warehouse hours are Tuesdays from 10:00 to 1:00
and we are located at 2900B E. 7th Ave. in the far east side of
Gulf Eagle Supply warehouse (right by the railroad tracks!).
Contact Connie Hayden-McPeak for volunteer information or
to arrange for large item advance pick ups at 813-495-3355 or
Are you interested in serving as a Minister to the Sick and
Homebound? Find out more: Terry Boehm, Director of
Pastoral Ministries and Outreach:
tboehm@ctk-tampa.org or 813-876-5841, ext. 2233
Page 5
Attention All
High-School Students!
Youth News
Attention All
Middle-School Students!
Next Life Teen: Sunday, January 3rd
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Drop off & pick up: Youth Center
Next EDGE: Friday, January 8th
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Drop off: Pavilion Pick Up: Youth Center
Contact Information:
For more information about youth programs or trips,
please see our website or contact Stu McEntegart:
smcentegart@ctk-tampa.org or 813-873-2804 or Melissa
Mulson: mmulson@ctk-tampa.org or 813-876-5841, ext. 2276
Save the Date:
Steubenville Youth Conference: July 8 - 10, 2016
More information to come!
If you're in your 20s or 30s, single or married, looking to meet people, make friends, and practice and grow
in our Catholic faith, come join us!
January 7, 2016 - Join us as we begin our next mini-series on Archangels! We will begin this mini-series with the Archangel Gabriel. Feel free to bring snacks to share. See ya there!
Please visit us at:
January 14, 2016 - We will continue our mini-series on Archangels with the Archangel
January 21, 2016 - Social Event: Check out our Facebook page for details on this event!
January 28, 2016 - Will will conclude our mini-series on Archangels with the Archangel
Future Community Service Events
If you'd like information on community service events that we’re involved in, please email
Jeana Valenty at jeana@mail.usf.edu!
Subscribe to Weekly Newsletter
Email: http://eepurl.com/o_v_z
Suggestions, Questions & Concerns:
JANUARY 3, 2016
Page 6
Family Don Bosco
Dinner & Concert
Friday, January 29, 2016
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the Pavilion
Free hamburgers and hotdogs
6:30 - 7:00 p.m.
In honor of the feast of St. John Bosco we invite you to join us
for a fun evening of dinner, music by a local band, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Pavilion!
This event is completely FREE of charge. Sponsored by CTK
Youth Ministry.
Our Parish Lenten Mission
Attention: All Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion
Training/Refresher for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion: Saturday, January 9, 2016
10:30 am – 12:30 pm in the Church.
EMHC needed for Homebound,
Hospital, Prison Ministries, 12:10
Weekday Mass and ALL weekend
Masses – in particular: Sunday 9 am,
11 am and 12:30 pm. Sunday Ministers serve twice per month, Weekday
Ministers serve as scheduled. All ministers are asked to check
in and offer services as a substitute when not regularly scheduled. For more information, please contact Kathleen Mault:
kmault@ctk-tampa.org or 813-876-5841, ext. 2223
January 20 2016: Arthur “Artie” Boyle
Father of Tampa Bay Lightning Player Brian Boyle
Topic: Healing Through Forgiveness
Mary Martha Center, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
717 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, 33609
Suggested donation: $20/person
Please RSVP and pay online
Questions? Mike Callahan, 813-404-5073
Faith & Ale is a once-a-month gathering of men from across
the diocese. We gather for food, drink and camaraderie, followed by an inspirational speaker and ample time for Q&A.
Having a Special Reception?
John will be sharing his amazing story
at Christ the King Catholic Church
Monday, Feb. 29, Tuesday, March 1 & Wed. March 2
at 7:00 pm each evening
Babysitting Provided
We are now renting the newly
renovated McLoughlin Center
for events—now complete
with new wood flooring! Consider us for any of your special
Please contact John Weir
at jweir@ctk-tampa.org for more information.
Page 7
Oremus - A Guide to Catholic Prayer
Parish News
8-part study Presented by Fr. Mark Toups
That Man Is You
resumes Tuesday,
January 12, 2016. All are
welcome! Tuesdays, 6:00
- 7:30 a.m. in the
McLoughlin Center.
The Extraordinary Jubilee
Year of Mercy
Moments of Mercy
Here are some brief
reflections on mercy and concrete suggestions of how we
can live out the mercy that
God offers us all. These are
perfect for busy days since they
help us to slow down for just a
few minutes and think about
the gifts God has blessed us with and how we can share
In Misericordiae Vultus, Pope Francis asks that we strive for
our lives to be rooted in the mercy of God. One way we can
grow in this mercy is by being receptive to the message of
mercy and love that is proclaimed in the Scriptures and in the
Christian witness to faith in Jesus (MV, no. 13).
1. Open yourself to listen to and hear the Word of God.
Prepare your mind and your heart by entering into a
quiet space and giving yourself time for reflection. This
can be done individually or with others, such as your
family or a small group in your parish.
Ask God to open your heart to receive His words of
love into your life.
Read or listen to the Word of God. For example, read a
passage from the Bible, participate in small-group lectio
divina, or attend Mass and pay close attention to the
readings during the Liturgy of the Word.
Reflect on/discuss what this passage reveals to you
about God's mercy and love.
Come up with one concrete way to incorporate this
revelation of mercy into your daily actions or prayer life.
Legal consultation
St. Michael’s Legal Center and your
parish offer Legal Consultation
each Monday morning. Call the
Parish Office for an appointment.
Do you find it easy to pray? For most of us,
prayer becomes a source of frustration as we
struggle to calm our minds and to find even a
few minutes to pray. In our busy lives, prayer is
seen as a luxury, when in reality it is at the foundation of a healthy spiritual life. The good news
is that you can overcome your difficulties with
prayer, and it is easier than you might think. Over the course of
eight weeks the Oremus study program teaches you
the essentials of an effective and fruitful prayer life. Fr. Mark
Toups is a priest for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, where
he serves as Director of Seminarians. Fr. Toups works with
the Institute for Priestly Formation, specializing in communications, development, and spiritual direction.
Become aware of God's presence in your life.
Discover how to hear God's voice in Scripture, in your heart,
and in ordinary moments.
 Learn how to overcome frustrations, distractions, and dryness
in prayer.
Where: CTK Mary Martha Center, Room 201
(Exception is Jan. 13 evening group meets in cafeteria)
When: Wednesdays January & February
(8 Sessions ) January 6, 13, 20, 27; February 3, 11, 17*, 24
Morning Group: 10:30-12 noon, Evening Group: 7-8:30 p.m.
*Exception is Thursday, February 11 instead of February 10
Cost/Registration: $15 Includes Personal Prayer Journal
Checks Payable to CTK (write Oremus in memo)
Mail or Drop Off: 821 S. Dale Mabry, 33609
Questions/Contact: Patricia Eddy, pmeddy7@gmail.com
813-390-6611. Need: Name, AM/PM phone, and email with
your payment. If you reuse your journal from last year, no fee,
but must register.
Do you know how to
"Defend Your Faith"?
Let us help! "Defend Your Faith" is our
email series on Catholic apologetics
(explanations of Catholic teachings). It
will help us all to answer those questions
we have all heard... Do Catholics pray to
Mary? What is with Catholics and the
Saints? Why should we go to Confession?
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we will address a
question about Catholic tradition or teaching. We all get asked
questions that we may not know how to answer... or we have
questions of our own.
Do you have a question? We love to hear what questions you
have and we will answer them in an upcoming email (don't
worry- we do not post who asked the question).
Please email your question to faith@ctk-tampa.org
For the sick:
Brock Adams
Mirtha Agliano
Wayne Alexander
Brian Almengual
Suzanne Warner Almengual
Elia Alvarez
Catherine Bona
Richard Brandewie
Joan Brower
Joann Cardillo
Michael Casagrande
Ramona Castellvi
Eugenia Castillero
Gail Croft
Jennie Cusmano
Rosalie “Lily” DiBona
Jennifer Diecidue
Reynee Dominguez
Mary Dominy
Laura Ellsasser
Antoine Eugene
Mary “Skipper” Fernandez
Anastasia Garcia
Cassidy Gonzales
Gavin Gonzalez
Dorothy Grotke
Jackie Faircloth
Mirium Faircloth
Maru Fava
Frank J. Ferlita
James A. Fisher
Stella Flynn
Louiza Forney
J.J. Hanson
Bethany Griffin Harding
Ruth Harmon
Lucie Hayden
Robert Hayden
Carmen Junquera
Billy Keenan
Adele Kolski
Sharon Krol
Nancy Jamir
Carmen Junquera
Gigi LaBarbera
Jim Lenderman
Amanda Lewis
Bessie LoScalzo
Jimmy Matthews
David McCarthy
Joan McCarthy
Rosa Menhart
Camelie Milian
Anne Marie Minardi
Craig Newberg
Katherine North
Michelle Novo
Rosemarie Oravetz
Andrea Parrino
Lorraine Parrino
Christina Penella
Isabel Perri
Debbie Peterson
Becky Pfeifer
John Pisarski
Jana Pope
Astra Portela
Isabella Ramirez
Christine Rioles
Tanner Roy
Michelle Russell
James “Skip” Robinson
Matthew Rodgers
James P. Russo
Alberto Sanchez
Penny Swiger
Stanley Taylor
John Tofte
Mary Jo Valdez
Gaby Vivero
Claudia Watters
Mary Whitehead
Philip Whiting
Christopher Wolfe
For those who have died:
Josephine Caleroni
John Crotreau
Lucy Salemi
88 8
Hannah Allred
Marc Bremmer
Step 1: Please make sure you are
a registered and active member of
Christ the King. Active participation for at least 3 months is required prior to scheduling a Baptism. Call the parish office if you
are not sure. Step 2: Complete
the Baptism Request form at CTK-Tampa.org.
Step 3: Attend our next Baptismal preparation
class. The next class is January 24, 2016, 10:0011:00 in MMC 1. Registration for the class is not
necessary- just sign in when you arrive. Thank you to
Chris Yarnold for teaching our preparation classes! Step 4:
Download the Godparent forms from CTKTampa.org and have them filled out and sealed by
the Godparent’s home parish. Step 5: Once all
required paperwork has been submitted and
received by the sacramental coordinator, please
contact Casey Kiser to review details and schedule
a date for the Baptism. All steps must be com-
pleted before we can schedule a Baptism.
A beautiful Baptism
Education News
Parishioners are needed!
Our parish religious education programs can always be
strengthened! Join our faculty as a catechist, assistant
catechist, prayer worker, project coordinator, class
parent, RCIA team member or RCIA sponsor. You
can make a difference in the faith of others. If you wish to
serve the Lord and the parish in religious education,
call Bill at 870-2509. Parish religious education
serves @ 600 children in 33 classes. RCIA serves
(currently) 13 candidates. Catechist openings for the
2015-16 season: Sunday session Grade 8. Wednesday session Grade 7. Assistant catechist openings:
Sunday session Grades 1 and 5. Wednesday session
Grades 1, 2 and 7.
Interested in becoming Catholic?
An invitation to you… Or an invitation for parishioners to
extend to someone else…
The RCIA welcomes inquiries from all who may be
seeking Baptism, Confirmation and/or Eucharist.
For more information visit ctk-tampa.org/
Sacraments/RCIA or call Bill at 870-2509.
Children’s Liturgy is a delightful ministry serving
children who have not yet received First Eucharist.
Taking place at the 9:00 A.M. Mass, their experience
includes singing and child-friendly reflections on the
lectionary readings. If you love children and wish to
serve them within the Mass, you are invited to participate. Call Bill at 870-2509. Upcoming Children’s
Liturgies: January 3, 24 and 31. Look for the lectionary (book of scripture readings) on the altar as a
For more RE information visit ctk-tampa.org (Adult
Faith Formation and Religious Education) or contact the Office of Religious Education, 870-2509 or
Left to right: Matt Callahan, Erika Callahan, Logan
Callahan, Andrea Durante (godmother) and
Daniel Durante (godfather).
For more information regarding Sacraments,
please contact: Casey Kiser, Sacrament Coordinator at CKiser@CTK-Tampa.org or 813-8765841 or visit www.CTK-Tampa.org (Sacraments)
January 3
The Epiphany of the Lord
Page 9
5:30 p.m. Pam Heilig by Mark and
Cathy Aubin
For the people of CTK
12:10 p.m. J. M. Llorens by Dianne
5:30 p.m. SVDP—MCR
Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass
12:10 p.m. John Jehn by Jeff and
Sharon Darrey
10:00 a.m. Thy Will Be Done—MMC 3
7:30 p.m. Knights—MMC 1 - 3
Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass
8:00 a.m. Vocations of Priesthood and
Religious Life
7:30 a.m. Rosary Recitation—Chapel
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Exposition
12:10 p.m. George Strain by the
Braddock family
10:30 a.m. OA—MMC BR
10:30 a.m. Oremus—MMC 1
6:00 p.m. Book Club—MCR
7:00 p.m. Confession—Church
7:00 p.m. Oremus—MMC 1
7:30 p.m. Novena—Chapel
8:45 p.m. Benediction—Chapel
12:10 p.m. Irene Jopke by Larry and
Virginia Jopke
7:00 p.m. Nar-anon Meeting—MMC 3
7:00 p.m. YA Bible—YC
Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass
January 8
12:10 p.m. Louie Smith by Jayne and
Bill Smith
7:00 a.m. Men’s Faith Study—YC
10:30 a.m. Purl & Prayer—MO
1:00 p.m. Book Club—MCR
6:30 p.m. EDGE—Pavilion/YC
Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass
January 9
8:30 a.m. Baby Malcolm by Chuck
7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study—YC
9:00 a.m. AA Meeting—Art Room
Recitation of Rosary following 8:30 a.m. Mass
January 4
USA: Saint Elizabeth
Ann Seton, Religious
January 5
USA: Saint John Neumann,
January 6
Saint Andre Bessette, Religious
January 7
Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest
5:30 p.m. Dr. Hector and Debbie
Rivera by the Cannella family
January 10
The Baptism of the Lord
Helen Shioleno by Sonya
For the safety
of our Military:
Col. Brad Brendenkamp
Ammon Bradford
Capt. Ronnie Bush
Elena Coates
Capt. James Diroff
MSgt. Wallace Doud
Lt. James Foss USN
Spc. Henry A. Gill, III*
SrA Gabriel Guerra*
Lt. Col. Steven Hedden*
Lt. Col. Patrick Herriford
Capt. Daniel Holder
MSG Brandon P. Johnson
LCDR Michael Kampfe
LCpl. Alexander Kelly
PO3 Katherine Kelly
PFC Mahala Kelly
Spc. Richard Kelly
SSgt Michael C. Keske
LCDR Kenneth Kerr
Capt. Julia Molloy Lopez
Cdr. Andrew Ledford
Sgt. William Elias Lee*
Pvt. John Lescano
Lt. Col. Tommy Macias
Ben McCoy*
Capt. Colin McDonald
Maj. Peter McIntire
Sgt. Vincent Minardi, Jr.
Maj. Craig Moore
MAJ Tom Morris
Capt. Morgan T.
Chris Murphy
Staff Sgt Anthony Paladini
RADM Hal Pittman
Lt. Col. Joshe Raetz *
Sn. Christopher Ramm
Maj. Britt Reed
Lt. Bennett Singletary
SrA Peter (Alex) Tagliarini
MAJ Jonathan Vaughn*
SSG Brian Valle
1st Lt. Chris Van Pelt
Lt. Col. Ricardo Vargas*
1st Lt. William E. Ware, Jr.
Lt. Col. Mike Weathers
Sgt. Richard Wester
Steven Wisniewski
that God may bless them and bring
them home safely.
*Currently deployed
If you are a parishioner and
have an immediate family member
serving in the military and would
like to add them to the list, please
contact Mary Nicholson: 813-8373222.
Calendar Key:
MMC: Mary Martha Center
MLC: McLoughlin Center
MO: Ministries Office
MCR: McLoughlin Conference
YC: Youth Center
Save the Date!
The Christ the King Carnival
April 21st—24th, 2016
Catholic Women’s Club
of Hillsborough County
Meeting Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
Mary Martha Center
Program Speaker-Marilyn Bertch
USF theater instructor
“Designing Special Dresses for Special events”
Lunch to Follow. RSVP Lee Schmoll 813-831-6764
3224 Henderson Boulevard
Tampa, Fl 33609
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602 South Howard Avenue
(Across from Evos) southtampaimmediatecare.com
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