Parshat Shemot - Shulamith School for Girls of Brooklyn


Parshat Shemot - Shulamith School for Girls of Brooklyn
“Inspiring and Educating ‫ בנות ישראל‬to a Bright Future”
Parshat Shemot
‫ערב שבת פרשת שמות‬
Candle Lighting: 4:21
From the Desk of Rabbi Klammer
Keeping--Positive-- Emotions With Us/ Chazak Chazak ViNitchazek
In the first pasuk of this week’s parasha, Shmot, we read that Bnei Yisrael are "HaBaim
Mitzrayma" "coming to Egypt". This curious phrase, which talks about an event that already happened (they came to Egypt) as if it were occurring in the present, has been explained in various ways. The Tosefet Bracha (Rav Baruch HaLevi Epstein, author of the
better known "Torah Temmima") explains "al derech hapshat": Sometimes a past event is
so emotional, so impactful that it is "as if" it were occurring in the present! Such is the
case with any event--negative or positive--that is strongly felt.
Pre1A --Siyum Sefer Bereshit
On Monday pre1a celebrated a special siyum of Sefer Bereshit. Feeling the impact of such an event as completing a book
of the Torah at such an early age can really stay with one for the rest of one's life. We wished the students of pre 1a and
Morot Caroline, Ahuva and Nadia a warm and strong "chazak chazak vinitchazek" and mazal tov! The morot prepared
a beautiful custom-made siddur for each girl, with pictures of the whole class acting out parts of the davening as well as
a unique color photo of each student in each girl's personal siddur. We wish the pre1a-ers mazal, bracha and continued
success in their learning of Torah and their davening.
1st Grade--Chagigat HaSiddur--Next Thursday, Jan 7th
The lasting impact of the Chagigat Hasiddur in grade 1, which will, BE"H, take place this coming Thursday, January 7th,
at 9:30am in the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center Shul will also surely be an impactful and meaningful event. Morot Maya and Hindy, together with music teacher Morah Zohar Zinn, have been working very hard to get ready for this memorable event. We wish our 1st graders and their families a mazal tov!
i-Shulamith is a Big Success--Board Members Attend
This past Tuesday, grades 4-8 had a most special and memorable event-- the launch of our i-Shulamith Technology venture. The program was attended by board members Dick Jacobs, Alex Shtaynberger, Gary Kippel, David Laddin, and
Sherry Mizman. The event and implementation of each grades' technology venture is being supported and funded by
our board and (grade 8) by the Legacy Heritage Foundation. Led by Technology Coordinator and teacher, Chagit Alpert,
students from each grade explained their grade's project:
Grade 4-- is learning a child-friendly programming language.
Grade 5--will be using iPads to create unique iShulamith movies with "imovie" about their experiences at Shulamith.
Grade 6-- is partnering with a girls home in Netanya, Bayit viTikvah, to interact and learn together over Skype. Thank
you to Morah Tzadika for preparing our students and helping them become even more fluent in Ivrit.
Grade 7-- will be using "Google Cardboard" to experience 3D science and other subjects.
Grade 8-- will be participating in the Legacy Heritage Intergenerational Grant Project. The 8th graders will be interviewing and creating presentations ( movies, Powerpoints, etc. ) about the lives of senior citizens (e.g., Holocaust survivors).
The 8th graders, in turn, will be teaching the senior citizens how to use the ipads. Thank you to Ms. Altkefati for leading
this project and for speaking at the i-Shulamith event. Thank you to Mrs. Fleisher and Mrs. Mond for helping coordinate
this exciting project.
Thank you again to Alex Shtaynberger for his encouragement, enthusiasm and support in the i-Shulamith venture which
will benefit students grades 4-8 and will create an environment of more effective technology use for the entire
school. Thank you again to Ms. Chagit Alpert, Technology Coordinator for the tremendous amount of work that this
venture entails. And thank you to our Board of Directors for supporting this project and for taking time out of their busy
schedules to attend the event and to sit down to a gala lunch celebration with the students. Thank you to our cook, Simcha Weichbrod, for preparing a delicious, special lunch that included his famous, home-made pizza.
May all three of these wonderful events--Pre1a Siyum Bereshit, 1st Grade Chagigat HaSiddur,
and i-Shulamith Technology Venture continue to be for our students--and the adults-"Habaim Mizrayma". Of ongoing and continuing impact--litova!
I am writing this week's dvar Torah/ weekly review-- from Eretz Yisrael where my wife and I are celebrating, B'Ezrat Hashem, the engagement of our son, Barak. Here, in spite of various news reports, things are, Baruch Hashem, calm and
positive. Israelis are strong people, as we said at the Siyum of Sefer Bereshit : "Chazak chazak vinitchazek"!!
Rabbi Shmuel Klammer
If you would like to sponsor the Shulamith Weekly Newsletter in honor of or in memory of an individual, the cost is $118. Please
contact Rabbi Klammer at for those interested.
In this week's Parsha, Parshat Shemot, Moshe Rabbeinu serves as a role model for us, setting an example for the appropriate attitude that a person should have when it comes to confronting a challenge. This is proof that anyone is capable of anything that they put their mind to.
In spite of the fact that Moshe Rabbeinu was very humble, shy, and had a speech impediment, he still continued and persevered to become the greatest leader of all time.
Moshe had many names, but the Torah refers to him by the name that Basya, the daughter of
Pharoah, gave him, coming from the shoresh MASHA- pulling.The reason for this is just like she drew him out of the river,
Moshe was able to draw a person out of his troubles. He felt the tzaar, or pain, of another human being, a crucial Midah
that increases HaKadosh Baruch Hu's love of the one who possesses it.
One learns the Mitzvah of Kavod for a sibling as well from Moshe Rabbeinu, since he gave honor to his older brother,
Aharon, which is also viewed significantly in the Torah.
Aharon, Moshe's older brother, also displays an exemplary attitude befitting and necessary for a Jewish person, serving as
a role model for us as well.
Aharon rejoiced at the news of Moshe becoming leader. This teaches us to always be happy for someone else's good fortune. One should avoid being jealous at any costs of other people's success.
The importance of showing Kavod is stressed as a schoolwide Midah this year at Shulamith.
We also say Tehillim and empathize with the plight of our brothers and sisters in Israel, expressing concern and davening for
their safety, practicing the midah of being noseh b'ol chaveiro and feeling their pain as Moshe Rabbeinu did. In addition,
one can, Baruch Hashem find people in the school who are constantly looking to help out others and put a smile on
someone's face. Simcha can be felt in the hallways!
Let us continue to be shining examples of these Midot taught by Moshe and his brother Aharon.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Chava Pomerantz
Israel-Indian Barak 8 Missile System Successful in
Indian Ocean Test - Yaakov Lappin (Jerusalem Post)
The Israeli-Indian-developed Barak 8 missile system carried out two successful interceptions from an Indian Navy
ship that demonstrate its readiness.
The Barak 8 missile system is designed to protect
Malcolm I. Hoenlein
naval ships and offshore gas rigs from hostile airExecutive Vice Chairman
craft, missiles and rockets.
The system's advanced radar is produced by Israel Aerospace Industries, which also makes the system's fire control
station, while the interceptor missile is produced by Rafael.
Please note Friday, January 1st there will be no bus service. Please make
sure your daughter knows how she is getting to a from school.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Klammer on the engagement of
his son Barak to Shira Walfish!
Mazal tov to Dina Schonfeld, our school nurse, on
the birth of her daughter!
Friday is the last day at Shulamith for Mrs. Beth Kaplan. We
thank her for her years of service and wish her well in her future endeavors.
Dr. Shani Bechhofer joins Shulamith
Shulamith School for Girls of Brooklyn is very pleased to announce that we have retained the services
of Dr. Shani Bechhofer. Prof. Bechhofer is highly regarded as a leading expert on education and innovative educational assessment programs. In her role, Dr. Bechhofer will guide the self-study phase required for accreditation renewal, support the Administration and Board as we identify our next set of
strategic priorities, and provide expertise on innovative educational program enhancements and strategic initiatives. By selecting someone of her caliber, we underscore our school’s deep commitment to
providing an outstanding Jewish and general education for our girls.
Dr. Bechhofer will be visiting our school regularly to observe classes and to meet with teachers, parents, and administration. I personally look forward to our work together. We welcome Dr. Shani Bechhofer to the Shulamith family.
Rabbi Shmuel Klammer
Parshat Lech Lecha:
This Parsha really taught me that some things that happen in life might really be a test from
HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
- Noga Altheim
Avraham Avinu taught us a lot about Midot in the Parsha about Hakarat HaBorai and having Emunah in HaKadosh Baruch Hu. We also learn about Midat HaChesed from Avraham Avinu.
- Sarit Barakat
In Parshat Lech Lecha, Avraham Avinu was told to leave his birthplace, and so he listened and left. This is really
important, since it's like the Mitzvah of "Kabeid et Avicha v'et Imecha". When
a parent asks something of his child, the child is not supposed to question it, but rather just listen and obey, just
like Avraham Avinu did. Avraham Avinu taught us a very valuable lesson.
Also, we learn how important it is to be hopeful and never give up. Avraham Avinu was not concerned about
where HaKadosh Baruch Hu was sending him, and, like the other Nisyonot in his life, Avraham Avinu continued to
demonstrate Emunah.
- Alisa Khallouf
When I think about how Avraham Avinu had so much belief in HaKadosh Baruch Hu, I realize that this made all of
us believe, since Avraham Avinu didn't argue and followed the Ribono Shel Olam's instructions. Avraham Avinu
set a good example for us and showed us what Emunah is all about.
- Huvi Roth
When HaKadosh Baruch Hu tested Avraham Avinu, He knew what was going to happen, that Avraham would
pass the test. It's similar to when H. asked Adam HaRishon where he was.
It really left an impression on me to learn how Avraham Avinu had so much faith in H., and he left his family and
his birthplace.
- Orly Eskenazy
H. picked Avraham Avinu because He wanted to test him. Avraham Avinu believed in H., so he went. If H. picked
me, I would go because I trust Him.
-Dalia Barakat
I learned to take advantage of the opportunity for growth, rather than think to yourself, "Why me?",
or "This is not what I need right now; I didn't sign up for this!" View the challenge as the chance to make yourself
into a greater person.
-Tali Shapiro
Parshat Chayei Sarah:
What I learned in Parshat Chayei Sarah was to always give respect to parents and elders.
Even Eisav was fulfilling this Mitzvah!
-Estee Khallouf
Kibud Av V'Em is really important. Besides respecting your parents, I learned that it's important to respect
your principals, your teachers, your fellow classmates, and even the people who work in a school and make
everything happen. They also deserve respect!
-Elky Kohn
Your parents deserve respect for taking care of you and teaching you to be the best person that you can
be. Therefore, everyone should be more careful about what they say to their parents, including the facial
expressions and gestures they make. It is best to treat them right, because at the end of the day, they are
the only ones to whom you can go for help and support.
- Sarit Barakat
I feel that respecting your parents is a very nice Middah and everyone should respect their parents all of
the time.
-Aliza Schleifer
I learned from Rivka Imeinu that anyone can comfort somebody. Even if you are a very young person, you
still have the ability to comfort someone older than you.
-Aviva Kohanbash
Rivkah Imeinu, like Sarah Imeinu, was special. She was very modest, which we see from the fact that she
covered her face when she saw Yitzchak. The three signs that demonstrated her greatness were that her
candles remained lit after Shabbat for an entire week! Her Challot stayed fresh, since there was a special
Bracha in the dough, and a cloud hovered over her tent.
- Tziporah Bendaat
Once again we had a very full week. We are continuing with winter and this week we made snowmen. Every day we read a new book focused on winter. Next week we will work on our winter wardrobe.
This week we started to discuss shapes. We began to make our shape book. Our shape this week
was square. We learned a square is a four sided shape where all sides are the same size. Next week we
will discuss rectangles.
Our bracha this week was Hamotzi Lechem Min Haaretz. For our project we tissue paper painted
a toaster and toast. On Friday morning, for breakfast we ate bread with cream cheese. It was enjoyed by
We started a new sefer in the Torah this week. In Parshat Shemos we learned a new Pharoh took
over. This one was very mean. He made the Jews his slaves. They worked day and night. If they did not
work fast enough, they were beaten. Pharoh decided there were too many Jews. He ordered all newborn baby boys be thrown into the Nile.
One day a baby boy was born to Yocheved and Amram. He was the leader of the Jews in Mitzrayim. The baby’s mother hid him for three months in the house. She then made a waterproof basket,
placed the baby in it and put the basket in the Nile River by the reeds.
Miriam, the boy’s sister, watched over him. She saw Batya the princess take the baby. Batya decided to keep the baby and named him Moshe. Miriam asks Batya if she needed a nurse to help her.
When Batya says yes, Miriam brings Yocheved.
Moshe grows up in the palace and sees how the Jews suffer. He tries to help. He suggests to
Pharoh to give the Jews a day off so they would work harder. Of course the day off was Shabbat.
One day Moshe goes out and an Egyptian is beating a Jew. Moshe got so angry he killed him.
Now Moshe had to run away. Hashem decides to make Moshe the leader of the Jews. Hashem speaks to
him through a burning bush. He told Moshe to take off his shoes because this was a holy place. Moshe’s
brother Aharon would be his helper. Moshe and Aharon go to Pharoh and ask him to let the Jews go.
Pharoh only laughs, and makes it harder for the Jews.
.‫שבת שלום‬
Morah Esta and Morah Malkie
Challenge #1
Add +, -, x, ÷ and/or ( ) to make the equations work
a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 51
b) 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 = 51
Challenge #2
Rose cuts a piece of rope into half. He then cuts one of the pieces into half. He again cuts one of the
smallest piece into half. After the 3rd cut, the smallest piece of rope is 3 inches long. What was the
length of the rope before Rose made any cuts?
Read the little poem and answer its question if you can.
The number of girls who do wear a watch
is double the number who don't.
But the number of boys who do not wear a watch
is double the number who do.
If I tell you the number of girls in my class
is double the number of boys,
Can you tell me the number I teach? Here's a clue:
More than 20; below 32!
Good Luck!
Please send your solutions to: