Llewellyn`s Spring/Summer 2014 Catalog


Llewellyn`s Spring/Summer 2014 Catalog
S P R I N G / S U M M E R
New Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2015 Annuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
New Lo Scarabeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2 0 1 4
Re-Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Recent Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
(September - December 2013)
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Top Sellers by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Over 200,000 Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover
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Cover credits: Mystical Cats Tarot kit cover design, Ellen Dahl. Artwork by Mickie Mueller
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May 14 New Releases
Mystical Cats Tarot
Lunaea Weatherstone and Mickie Mueller
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3388-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3388-3
US $28.99 CAN $33.50
Boxed kit (size 53⁄16 x 8) includes 78-card deck and a 312-page book
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
World rights available, excluding book club, large print, literary bound, and
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Anyone who has ever owned—or been owned by—a cat knows
its wild and mystical nature. Open the door to a magical world
of feline enchantment that offers eternal and ancient wisdom
with the Mystical Cats Tarot. Discover amazing artwork of various
domestic breeds that face many trials and triumphs as they
reveal answers to life’s most important questions. Organized by
elemental suits and cat-based court cards, this deck presents the
cat goddess’s descendants in all their furry glory.
Lunaea Weatherstone (Portland, OR) is a writer, priestess, teacher, artist,
and tarot counselor, as well as a founding mother and former editor of
SageWoman magazine.
Mickie Mueller (Missouri) is a Pagan spiritual artist, a Reiki Master, and
a teacher in the Usui Shiki Royoho Tradition. Her artwork has appeared
internationally on magazine covers, and she received the “Best Fantasy
Artist” award at the 2006 ShowMeCon. She is also the illustrator of The Well
Worn Path divination deck.
Selling Features
Realistic cats in natural poses set against a fantasy landscape full of
temples, castles, and enchanted forests
Unique yet accessible Rider-Waite–based deck
Author website: www.Lunaea.com
Author website: www.MickieMuellerArt.com
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 1
New Releases May 14
The Sacred Circle Tarot Deck
Anna Franklin and Paul Mason
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4013-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4013-3
US $22.99 CAN $26.50
Boxed Deck • 3 x 5 • 64 pp.
78-card full-color deck
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
World rights available • Selling Territory: World
Anna Franklin (England) has been a witch for thirty years, and a Pagan in
her heart for all her life. She has conducted many rituals, handfastings, and
sabbat rites. She is the High Priestess of the Hearth of Arianrhod, a coven
of the Coranieid Clan, a group of traditional Witches with their roots in the
New Forest, and branches in several parts of the UK. The Hearth publishes
the long-running Silver Wheel Magazine, and runs teaching circles and
postal courses. Anna Franklin is the author of eighteen books on the Craft,
including Midsummer, Lammas (with Paul Mason), and The Fairy Ring.
May 2014
Now available as a deck only, The Sacred Circle Tarot combines
photographs, computer imaging, and traditional drawing techniques to create stunning images reminiscent of the birthplace
of magic. This exceptionally popular deck draws from the
sacred sites and Pagan heritage of Britain and Ireland, serving
as a tool not only for divination but also for meditation,
personal growth, and spiritual development.
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
Paul Mason (England) was a Pagan artist, photographer, and illustrator
best known for his stunning photomontage images and book jacket designs.
He has worked previously with Franklin as the co-author of Lammas.
Selling Features
Popular tarot kit now available as a deck only
Includes imagery for fans of all things Celtic
Designed to work as a tool not only for divination but also to facilitate
meditation, personal growth, and spiritual development
May 14 New Releases
365 Tarot Spreads
Revealing the Magic in Each Day
Sasha Graham
Navigate important life choices with a tarot spread
for every day of the year! 365 Tarot Spreads features
a spread-a-day format that will help reveal answers
to your questions about love, money, career, and
life path. In addition to a new spread, each day
includes a fascinating historical fact, an important
holiday or celebration, and a mini tarot lesson.
At the heart of every tarot reading is a quest—a
search for truth that, for many readers, is an
essential daily practice. Use this tarot guide to gain
insight day after day with an explanation of each
spread and suggested questions to help you obtain
the best results from each reading. Also featured
are holidays, rituals, lore, and magic from a vast
array of multicultural traditions—including Pagan,
Wiccan, Christian, Jewish, and African cultures.
© Karl Grant
Sasha Graham (New York, NY) is an annual staff member
of TarotSchool.com’s Readers Studio tarot conference. She
teaches tarot classes, produces tarot events at New York
City’s premier cultural institutions such as the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, and has appeared on film, television, and
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4038-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4038-6
US $22.99 CAN $26.50
Trade paperback original
71⁄2 x 91⁄8 • 432 pp.
Appendix, bibliog.
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
World rights available, excluding TV, film, dramatic
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.SashaGraham.com
Selling Features
Tarot spreads for every day of the year
Features many spreads for major holidays and multi-cultural traditions
Includes daily historical and magical events
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 3
New Releases May 14
Drawing Down the Sun
Rekindle the Magick of the Solar Goddesses
Stephanie Woodfield
For ancient tribes such as the Celts, the Inuit of
North America, and many others, the sun was more
often seen as a goddess than it was as a god. A
guide to reclaiming the all-but-lost archetype of
the solar feminine, Drawing Down the Sun includes:
• Important symbols and totems of the sun
• Stories, myths, and traditions of the solar
feminine from around the world
• Spells, rituals, correspondences, and guided
meditations for each sun goddess
• Instructions for incorporating the sun’s divine
rhythms and sacred days into a magickal
Bring abundance into your life with the Baltic goddess Saule. Call upon Egyptian goddess Sekhmet
for strength and courage. Draw upon the sun’s
healing powers with the Celtic Brighid. Featuring
fourteen different goddesses, Drawing Down the
Sun is a must-have for those who desire a deeper
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4037-3
connection with the divine feminine.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4037-9
Stephanie Woodfield (Brookfield, CT) has been a practicing Witch for
over sixteen years and a Priestess for twelve years. Her lifelong love of Irish
mythology led to a close study of Celtic Witchcraft. A natural clairvoyant and
empath, she has worked as a tarot reader and is ordained as a minister with
the Universal Life Church.
US $19.99 CAN $22.95
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 384 pp.
Bibliog., index, appendices
Also by Stephanie Woodfield:
OCC036050 Body, Mind & Spirit / Spirituality / Divine Mother,
The Goddess, Quan Yin
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.Stephanie-Woodfield.com
Selling Features
Features fourteen different goddesses with invocations, spells, incense
recipes, and correspondences for each
Suitable for eclectic Pagans of all paths, introducing twenty-six goddesses
from a multitude of pantheons
Provides tips on solar magic, meditations, and working with solar stones
and herbs
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
May 14 New Releases
Fairy Tale Magic
Unearth & Reclaim the Potent Enchantment of Old World Folk Tales
Kenny Klein and Lauren DeVoe
Find the secret elements of magic in the fairy tales
of Britain, France, Russia, and the Baltics. One story
at a time, Fairy Tale Magic reveals the relationship
between fairy-tale archetypes and the practice of
magic, including simple magical rituals designed to
help you project your will in the world.
Exploring magical concepts such as day-of-theweek magic, sympathetic magic, herbalism, sacred
gender polarity, and the eight paths of power,
authors Kenny Klein and Lauren DeVoe uncover
the profound wisdom hidden between the lines
of these seemingly simple tales. Providing full
texts and close readings of familiar stories such as
Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk as well as
lesser-known tales, this unique guide will give you a
new appreciation for the power of stories.
Kenny Klein (New Orleans, LA) has been active in the Pagan community
over twenty years. He is the author of two previous Llewellyn titles and The
Flowering Rod (Immanion). He is a regular contributor to The Green Egg.
Lauren DeVoe is a librarian, a Wiccan, and a Pyrate. Lauren blogs for
Witches & Pagans and The Pagan Household, and keeps her personal blog
at Blue Star Owl.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3946-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3946-5
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
Also by Kenny Klein:
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 288 pp.
Bibliog., appendix, index
OCC028000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Selling Features
Covers topics from tarot to runes to herbalism to charms and spells
Goes beyond the Grimm tales of Germany with Russian, British, French,
and Baltic lore
Explore how fairy tales relate to day-of-the-week magic, the world tree, the
journey to the underworld, polarity, and much more
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.kennyklein.net
Author website: www.laurendevoe.com
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 5
New Releases May 14
The Energy of Love
Applying the Five Elements to Turn Attraction into True Connection
Leta Herman and Jaye McElroy
Turn attraction into an intimate, long-lasting
relationship with the Five Elements of energy—fire,
earth, wood, water, and metal. The Energy of Love
shows how to apply Chinese Medicine and the
Five Elements for positive relationships, love, and
happiness. Discover how to identify the elemental
energy type within you and your partner, and then
achieve what you both want in love. Using these
tools, you can create the conditions for love at first
sight and build a true connection with your partner.
Leta Herman and Jaye McElroy provide the keys
to improved relationships and energetic harmony.
Use the helpful questionnaire to determine which
of the elemental types you are. Find out what each
type looks for in life and relationships. Learn how to
adapt your partner’s flaws, seeing them as the gifts
they truly are. With this modern guide, you’ll better
understand yourself, your lover, and the energy of
the world around you.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4019-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4019-5
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
Trade paperback original
Leta Herman (Northampton, MA) is a writer, teacher, and practitioner of
Chinese Medicine and the Five Elements. Herman graduated from Smith
College and is a nationally certified acupressure practitioner.
Jaye McElroy (Northampton, MA) is a writer, photographer, and entrepreneur in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. McElroy combines her career in
advertising and business with her unique practice as a Five Elements life
coach to help people manifest their potential in life.
53⁄16 x 8 • 288 pp.
Illus., chart, recommended reading
OCC019000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.LetaHerman.com
Author website: www.JayeMcElroy.com
Selling Features
Shows how to identify your elemental energy type and the types of the
people you care about
Teaches you how to improve relationships and determine what you want
from each one
Learn how to appreciate and adapt to your partner’s “flaws”
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
May 14 New Releases
Plant and Fungus Totems
Connect with Spirits of Field, Forest, and Garden
Foreword by Christopher Penczak
Open up to an entirely new realm of spiritual
practice by tapping into the profound power
of plants and fungi. Accessible to people of all
spiritual paths, Plant and Fungus Totems shows how
totems can provide guidance for our lives and help
us connect more deeply with the world of spirit.
Exploring three different models of totemism, Lupa
invites the reader to discover the nature of these
often overlooked archetypal totems and develop
relationships with these sources of magical wisdom.
Providing exercises and suggestions for journaling
and experimentation, Plant and Fungus Totems
explores techniques for overcoming our tendency
to see plants and fungi only as supplies to be used,
instead of as living beings who are our allies and
friends. Also included are hands-on exercises for
wildcrafting and cooking, as well as tips for working
with herbs, flowers, domesticated crop plants,
urban wild plants, and more.
Lupa (Portland, OR) is a neoshaman, artist, and sustainability geek. She
has been working with animal magic in various forms since the 1990s and
has developed a self-created and spirit-directed neoshamanic path. She
possesses a Master’s degree in counseling psychology with an emphasis
on ecopsychology.
Also by Lupa:
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4039-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4039-3
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 336 pp.
Bibliog., index, glossary, appendices
OCC036030 Body, Mind & Spirit / Spirituality / Shamanism
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Selling Features
Opens a new spiritual channel—authentic, organic relationships with
plant totems
Accessible and useful for people of all religious or spiritual paths, not just
witches or shamans
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Regional author appearances
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.TheGreenWolf.com
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 7
New Releases June 14
Practical Prosperity Magick
Crafting Success & Abundance
Ellen Dugan
Financial prosperity is within reach for everyone.
Let Ellen Dugan show you how to work magick to
achieve abundance and transform bad luck to good
luck. Filled with humor and no-nonsense advice,
Practical Prosperity Magick features:
• spells, charms, and rituals for creating wealth
• tips for working with the law of attraction
• how-to instructions for herbs and crystals
• good-luck charms and talismans
• techniques for solitary and group rituals
Break down the blocks that have kept you from
achieving your goals. Using the four elements
as the foundations for prosperity, this down-toearth guide explores the seven Hermetic laws and
planetary techniques to help you stay upbeat and
draw money quickly. Ellen Dugan’s user-friendly
style makes prosperity magick safe, practical, and
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3696-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3696-9
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 264 pp.
© Mickie Mueller
easy—and above all, it works.
Ellen Dugan (St. Louis, Missouri), the “Garden Witch,” is
an award-winning author. A psychic-clairvoyant, she has
been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. A master gardener and high priestess, Ellen teaches classes across the
country on witchery, psychic protection, and magick. She
has contributed articles for over twelve years to Llewellyn’s
Magical Almanac, Witches’ Datebook, Sabbats Almanac,
and Witches’ Calendar.
Also by Ellen Dugan:
Illus., bibliog., glossary, index, appendices
OCC028000 Body, Mind & Spirit/ Magick Studies
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
June 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Regional author appearances
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.EllenDugan.com
Selling Features
Straightforward guide filled with easy-to-perform spells
Provides instructions for working with charms, talismans, herbs, and more
Author’s user-friendly style makes prosperity magick safe, practical, and easy
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
June 14 New Releases
Intuition and Your Sun Sign
Practical Methods to Unlock Your Potential
Bernie Ashman
Tap into the wisdom of your sun sign and put
your intuition to work for you. Let the sun, moon,
and planets guide you in creating a more trusting
relationship with your inner soul. In Intuition &
Your Sun Sign, popular astrologer Bernie Ashman
provides an in-depth guide to each sign’s strengths,
challenges, and potentials, in addition to new
techniques for working with meridians and cosmic
mirror planets.
Your hidden spiritual gifts come alive when you make
the most of your intuitive potential. Discover how to
use astrology to:
• attract love and abundance
• improve relationships
• decrease anxiety, tension, and emotional
• facilitate improved mental and physical health
• increase self-confidence and creativity
Bernie Ashman (Durham, North Carolina) has been a professional astrologer for almost thirty years with an astrology practice that includes writing,
lecturing, and counseling clients from all over the world. He is a recognized
authority in the astrology field and his writings have earned accolades from
his readers and peers alike. Ashman is known for making complex topics
accessible to novice astrologers. His insightful interpretations have been
used for three different astrology software programs.
Also by Bernie Ashman:
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3894-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3894-9
US $18.99 CAN $21.95
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 408 pp.
OCC002000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Astrology / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
June 2014
Selling Features
Beginner-friendly astrology book
Easy-to-use advice for improving relationships, careers, communication,
and creativity
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Regional author appearances
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.BernieAshman.com
Helps make the most of readers’ intuitive potential
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 9
New Releases June 14
The Way of the Psychic Heart
Developing Your Spiritual Gifts in the Everyday World
Chad Mercree
Everyone is psychic—it’s a natural state we are born
into and can reconnect with by living from the heart.
This easy-to-use guide shows how to integrate
your spiritual side into everyday life through simple
instructions, quizzes, journal prompts, exercises, and
personal stories from the author. With these tools,
you will overcome the internal doubts that prevent
you from achieving your potential, and build on the
character strengths you already possess.
The Way of the Psychic Heart explains how to
reawaken your spiritual gifts through the three pillars:
awareness, auric vision, and intuition. Discover how
to practice psychic protection, work with dreams,
use automatic writing, and communicate with spirit
guides. With this book’s guidance for developing
natural abilities and manifesting spiritual intention,
you’ll bring the psychic heart into everything you do.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4040-9
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
Trade paperback original
© Mercree Media
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4040-3
Chad Mercree (Naples, FL) has had psychic experiences
for as long as he can remember. He holds a B.S. in Natural
Resources Management from Grand Valley State University
in Michigan.
5 x 7 • 336 pp.
Recommended reading
OCC007000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Parapsychology / ESP
(Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy)
World rights available, excluding TV, film, dramatic
Selling Territory: World
June 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Selling Features
Teaches how to get back in touch with natural abilities that are forgotten
or suppressed
Easy-to-follow instruction on developing spiritual gifts
Provides exercises, quizzes, and author’s stories to open the psychic heart
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
June 14 New Releases
Taming the Drunken Monkey
The Path to Mindfulness, Meditation, and Increased Concentration
William L. Mikulas, PhD
The mind often behaves like a drunken monkey—
unfocused, uneasy, and uncontrollable. Taming
the Drunken Monkey shows how to tame your
consciousness and manage the stress, anxiety,
and frustration that we experience all too
frequently. With thorough mental training provided
by renowned teacher William L. Mikulas, you’ll
effectively enhance the health of your body, mind,
and spirit.
Drawing from Western and Eastern psychology,
health systems, and wisdom traditions, this easyto-follow guide to mindfulness provides a readerfriendly system that progresses steadily through
five levels of study, from novice to master. Develop
and improve the three basic behaviors of the
mind: concentration, awareness, and mental
flexibility. Discover the power of breathwork with
yogic pranayama, Chinese medicine, and Western
respiratory science. Apply useful exercises and
practices to your life based on health, meditation,
body awareness, spiritual awakening, and more.
William L. Mikulas, PhD (Pensacola, FL) is the author of numerous books and articles on interfacing Western psychology and Eastern
wisdom and health traditions. He has been a college professor for forty
years, during which he earned many awards for teaching, research, and
service, and became Professor Emeritus in 2009. Mikulas has also done
lectures, interviews, and workshops around the world on Buddhist and
Western psychology.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3469-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3469-9
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 288 pp.
Appendices, glossary, resource list
SEL031000 Self-Help / Personal Growth / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
June 2014
Advance reader’s copy
Selling Features
Reduce stress, anxiety, and frustration
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Increase awareness, calmness, and mental flexibility
Learn Eastern and Western keys to gain freedom and happiness through
mental development
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 11
New Releases June 14
The Yoga of Food
Wellness from the Inside Out
Melissa Grabau, PhD
For the millions of people who struggle with
food and body issues, yoga and its practice of
mindfulness can offer a surprisingly effective
path to well-being. For Melissa Grabau, PhD, a
psychotherapist who has battled her own eating
disorders since she was a child, yoga contains the
key ingredients to transforming our connection to
food and to our bodies.
The Yoga of Food uses yogic philosophy, contemplation prompts, and meditations to help the
reader shift from an external fixation on appearance
to a deeper appreciation of the body’s health
and vitality. Bringing together her years of clinical
practice with lively anecdotes, Grabau provides
a nutritional and spiritual roadmap to a healthy
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4015-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4015-7
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
© Todd Petrick
relationship with food and our bodies.
Melissa Grabau, PhD, (Roseville, CA) received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Duquesne University
in 1998. She became licensed as a psychologist in
California in 2001 and has been in private practice since
2003. More recently, she has broadened her existential/
humanistic background in psychology to incorporate
her long-standing interest in yoga and Eastern psychology. She is a certified yoga teacher and currently integrates mind-body techniques in her work with clients.
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 288 pp.
Recommended resources, glossary, bibliog.
HEA025000 Health & Fitness / Yoga
North American English rights available, excluding audio, TV,
film, dramatic
Selling Territory: North America
June 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Selling Features
Available on NetGalley
Provides a nutritional and spiritual roadmap to a healthy relationship with
food and our bodies.
Author website: www.RosevillePsychotherapyandYoga.com
Addresses body image, eating disorders, and other addictions with yogic
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 New Releases
Clairvoyance for Beginners
Easy Techniques to Enhance Your Psychic Visions
Alexandra Chauran
Use your natural clairvoyant ability to improve your
love life and financial potential, and to achieve
your spiritual destiny. Even if you’ve never had a
clairvoyant vision, Alexandra Chauran reveals each
step necessary to grow from clairvoyant beginner to
visionary expert. Clairvoyance for Beginners shows
how to get started with the first steps of experiencing
visions. Having mastered the basics, you will discover
advanced techniques and instructions for using your
newfound talents to help others.
With simple instructions for entering a trance,
working with omens, and reading a crystal ball,
you will learn to see and interpret visions of all
kinds. Includes a symbol dictionary to help you give
advice on career, money, relationships, and health, in
addition to tips on the ethics of clairvoyant readings.
© Sarah O’Brien
Alexandra Chauran (Issaquah, Washington) is a second-generation fortune teller, a third degree elder High
Priestess of British Traditional Wicca, and the Queen of a
coven. As a professional psychic intuitive for over a decade,
she serves thousands of clients in the Seattle area and
globally through her website. She is certified in Tarot and
has been interviewed on National Public Radio and other
major media outlets.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3915-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3915-1
US $13.99 CAN $15.95
Also by Alexandra Chauran:
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 240 pp.
Glossary, bibliog.
OCC007000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Parapsychology / ESP
(Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy)
World rights available, excluding audio, TV, film, and dramatic
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Advance reader’s copy
Selling Features
Shows how to see what the future has in store for love life, financial potential,
and more
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.EarthShod.com
Advance at your own pace and comfort level
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 13
New Releases July 14
The Magickal Union of East and West
The Spiritual Path to New Aeon Tantra
Gregory Peters
Discover the power of merging Eastern and
unnecessary cultural trappings of Eastern Tantric
magick, renowned magician Gregory Peters
has combined the insights of the East with the
Western Thelemic tradition. Sharing the methods
for integrating mind and body with the universal
energy of the cosmos, The Magickal Union of
East & West provides exercises, meditations,
mantras, and rites, culminating with the ultimate
magickal ritual, the “Diamond Sapphire Gem of
Radiant Light.”
In a style immediately accessible to all students,
Peters shows how to work with magickal tools and
how to create the protective magickal armor known
as the “Thelemic Refuge.” Transcending the old
Crowley-centric view of magick, this book uses a
more universal Thelema that will lead to a New
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4044-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4044-7
US $19.99 CAN $22.95
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 240 pp.
Aeon of possibility for all spiritual seekers.
Gregory Peters (Stanford, CA) has contributed scholarly articles on
Freemasonry and Thelema in local and international publications. He has
been a student and teacher of esoteric systems of self-discovery for twenty
years, and has held offices in Western esoteric orders. A close student of
Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral) and a senior member of Crowley’s magical
. .
fraternity the A. . A. ., Peters founded the Ordo Sunyata Vajra in 1999.
He lives and works in the San Francisco Bay area.
Illustrations, reading lists, glossary, index, bibliography
OCC028000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Selling Features
Author website: http://xciii.org
Practical exercises form a complete system of self-initiation and
Readers will experience spiritual growth and improved creativity
Accessible to anyone interested in manifesting change in their life
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 New Releases
Rediscover the Magick of the
Gods and Goddesses
Revealing the Mysteries of Theurgy
Jean-Louis de Biasi
The philosophical roots of much of Wicca and
Paganism, as well as Western ceremonial magick,
come from ancient Egypt. In this thoroughly
researched book, the Grand Master of the Aurum
Solis shares the history and evolution of the theurgic
tradition, including the origins of Hermeticism in
Egypt and Mesopotamia; the two major pillars of
the theurgic tradition; and how-to instructions for
discovering the presence of the divine in the world.
Providing a seven-step system of exercises and
rituals to help the reader achieve higher levels of
consciousness, Jean-Louis de Biasi also includes
tips and techniques for working with sacred texts,
information about the five temples of the human
being, The Great Work, the three cosmic rituals,
and the planetary days. A truly valuable resource
for all magicians.
© Patricia Bourin
Jean-Louis de Biasi (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is a
writer, speaker, and Hermetic philosopher. He has been
initiated into the highest degrees of several Western
traditions, is the Grand Master of the Ordo Aurum Solis,
and Reverend of the religious expression of the Hermetic
tradition, the Ecclesia Ogdoadica. He is a thirty-second
degree Freemason and a leading member of the Ordre
Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.
Also by Jean-Louis de Biasi:
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3997-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3997-7
US $24.99 CAN $28.95
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 432 pp.
Illus., photos, bibliog., self-tests, glossary, index
OCC028000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
North American rights available
Selling Features
A hands-on guide to the Western tradition of high magick known as
Includes a full chapter of rituals in addition to an index, glossary, and
Shows how enjoying your life is a crucial part of ascending to the divine
and achieving higher consciousness
Selling territory: North America
July 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.deBiasi.org
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 15
New Releases July 14
We Walk Beside You Always
Comforting Messages from Your Loved Ones in the Afterlife
Bridget Benson
Your loved ones in spirit are only a thought away.
They can hear you if you talk to them, provide
practical help from the other side if you ask them
to, and are by your side for family celebrations and
With warmth and honesty, Irish medium Bridget
Benson shares inspirational, uplifting true stories of
the ways in which our family and friends in spirit are
still very much involved in our lives. These stories
are taken from Bridget’s own experiences as well as
her lifetime spent helping others connect with spirit.
Included are accounts of the afterlife experiences of
babies and children, beloved companion animals,
those who have taken their own life, and her own
© James Melia
awe-inspiring near-death experience.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3749-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3749-2
Bridget Benson (United Kingdom) was born in County
Mayo on the west coast of Ireland. A clairvoyant medium,
Bridget conducts public and private readings, appears
at charity events, and uses her gift to help with police
investigations. She has been a guest on numerous British
television and radio programs.
Also by Bridget Benson:
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 264 pp.
OCC018000 Body, Mind &Spirit / Parapsychology / General
World rights available, excluding audio, TV, film, and dramatic
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Advance Reader’s Copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.BridgetBenson.com
Selling Features
Includes first-hand stories of spirit communication
Affirmations of peaceful afterlife confirm that spirits of loved ones are still
with us
Inspirational and heartwarming
Provides healing for those who have lost loved ones and are grieving
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
August 14 New Releases
Homemade Magick
The Musings & Mischief of a Do-It-Yourself Magus
Lon Milo DuQuette
You’ve read about magickal rituals and rites, but
what is the life of a magician really like? Renowned
writer and lecturer Lon Milo DuQuette shares the
lessons he’s learned about magick, family, and the
nature of the universe in forty years as a magician.
entertaining anecdotes and homespun wisdom,
Homemade Magick shows readers the easy way
to choose a magickal motto, perform a selfinitiation ritual, make magickal tools, raise children
in a magickal home, and live life as a true mage.
Peppered with plenty of personal photos, see
how the DuQuettes transformed their home and
backyard into a magickal temple, theatre, and
classroom for years. Written in Lon Milo DuQuette’s
humorous style that makes learning and discovery
fun, Homemade Magick will cause joyous laughter
between its profound insights and deep truths.
© Paul Maska
Lon Milo DuQuette (Costa Mesa, CA) is a preeminent
scholar, magician, and speaker. The author of fourteen critically acclaimed books on magick and the occult, DuQuette
is one of the most respected and entertaining writers and
lecturers in the field of Western magick.
Also by Lon Milo DuQuette:
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3298-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3298-5
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 336 pp.
Illus., photos, index
OCC028000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
World rights available, excluding audio, TV, film, and dramatic
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Selling Features
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Sneak peek at the family life of one of the most famous and entertaining
magicians alive today
Regional author appearances
See how others have successfully juggled and joined their magickal
practices with their daily lives
Author website: www.LonMiloDuQuette.com
Available on NetGalley
A good read for fans of real magick
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 17
New Releases August 14
The Book of Celtic Magic
Transformative Teachings from the Cauldron of Awen
Kristoffer Hughes
Delve into the depths of a magical current that
spans over three thousand years. The Book of Celtic
Magic provides its readers with the unsurpassed
power of practical magic and the transformative
forces of ancient Celtica.
Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order, Kristoffer
Hughes invites you to explore the pantheon, myths,
and magic of his native Wales. Discover the magical
allies, the gods and goddesses, and the spirits
of place that form the foundation of this vibrant
tradition. Practice rituals that draw you closer
to the divine energy of the plants and animals
that surround you. Work with spells, conjurations,
invocations, and magical tools that have been
developed and refined from authentic Celtic
sources. Complete with contemplative exercises
and a glossary of terms, this step-by-step guide is a
definitive source of real Celtic magic.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3705-8
US $19.99 CAN $22.95
Trade paperback original
© I. Gibbs
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3705-4
Kristoffer Hughes (Wales) is Chief of the Anglesey Druid
Order, a Mount Haemus Scholar, and a member of the
Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. He is a teacher, writer,
workshop leader, and guest speaker at Pagan conferences,
camps, and festivals throughout the United Kingdom and
Europe. Hughes has also been featured in Welsh, English,
and French television and radio.
Also by Kristoffer Hughes:
6 x 9 • 384 pp.
Illus., glossary, Welsh pronunciation guide, bibliog., index
OCC028000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Regional author appearances
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.KristofferHughes.co.uk
Selling Features
Written by a practicing Welsh magician and derived from authentic
Celtic sources
Presents a genuine Celtic system of ritual easily incorporated into
Pagan practice
Provides clear, practical, hands-on instruction for spells, rituals, and
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
August 14 New Releases
Missing & Presumed Dead
A Psychic’s Search for Justice
Gale St. John and Diana Montane
This fascinating look into the life and case studies
of one of America’s most well-known psychic crime
profilers offers readers a rare insider’s perspective
on a dramatic world most people have only seen
on television.
Developing a successful career in search and rescue
where she uses certified cadaver dogs, psychic
sleuth Gale St. John has helped find missing
persons from Ohio to Kathmandu, with victims
ranging from innocent young children to Mafia
bosses. Gale reveals how she is able to tune in to
a missing person, describing what she sees, hears,
and feels and whether the individual is alive or not.
One woman’s spirit relayed information that saved
her roommate’s life. Another spirit, whose physical
remains Gale helped locate, now helps her with
other cases. Some of these stories made national
headlines, a few cases are still unsolved. Each
extraordinary account sheds light on the mysterious
world of the psychic detective.
“No film to date has been able to capture the
murder victim’s voice like this book.”
—Marta Sosa, producer and host
of Missing in America radio show
Gale St. John (Indiana) has used her psychic skills to assist in missing
persons cases in the U.S. and around the world. Gale has appeared on several national cable network shows, including Psychic Detectives on Court TV,
Psychic Investigators on TLC, Psychic Kids, Larry King Live, Nancy Grace, and
Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell.
Diana Montane (Daytona Beach, FL) is an investigative journalist and
author who specializes in crime reporting. Her books include I Would Find
a Girl Walking (Berkley, 2011) co-authored with police reporter Kathy Kelly
and The Daughters of Juarez (Atria Books, 2008) with Univision anchor
Teresa Rodríguez.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3495-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3495-8
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 240 pp.
OCC007000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Parapsychology / ESP
World rights available, excluding audio, TV, film, dramatic
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Advance reader’s copy
Selling Features
Professional psychic with impeccable reputation helps find missing persons with law enforcement agencies
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.PsychicGaleStJohn.com
Author has appeared on HLN’s popular program Nancy Grace to discuss
her most noteworthy cases
Author works extensively with search and rescue dogs
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 19
New Releases August 14
The Evolving Soul
Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration
Dr. Linda Backman
Foreword by Hank Wesselman, PhD
Balancing past-life karma is the key to soul evolution.
In The Evolving Soul, Dr. Linda Backman shows how
healing our relationships, caring for ourselves, and
working through fear and loss can help us mend the
wounds of our past lives.
Using wisdom she’s amassed from hundreds of
hypnotic regression clients, Dr. Backman shares
how we create the pre-birth blueprints that infuse
our lives with purpose. Uncover the ways our
spirit guides and the ascended masters influence
our opportunities for growth. Discover the seven
soul archetypes and your soul ray. Providing
fascinating examples from dozens of regression
clients, The Evolving Soul also includes questions
and prompts to help readers gain profound insights.
“ . . . it is crucial that Dr. Linda Backman’s The Evolving Soul
be widely read.”—Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3932-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3932-8
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
Trade paperback original
6 x 9 • 288 pp.
© Catherine Hewins
“[A]n uplifting book that will change [you].”
—Carol Bowman, author of Return from Heaven
Dr. Linda Backman (Colorado) is a licensed psychologist
with more than thirty years of experience. In 1997, Dr.
Backman and her husband established the Ravenheart
Center (www.RavenHeartCenter.com), a Mystery School
in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to
discovering their soul path.
Also by Dr. Linda Backman:
Illus., glossary, index, resource list
OCC022000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Reincarnation
World rights available, excluding TV, film, dramatic
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Selling Features
Regional author appearances
Discover why hardships, challenges, and suffering are necessary and how
to move through them
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.BringingYourSoultoLight.com
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
Understand how our past lives affect our current life in order to mend prior
missteps and advance as a soul
August 14 New Releases
Haunted Stuff
Demonic Dolls, Screaming Skulls & Other Creepy Collectibles
Stacey Graham
The infamous Bettiscombe Skull screams whenever
someone removes it from its home. Robert, the
haunted doll of Key West, erupts in eerie giggles
while running across the attic. The ghost of Marilyn
Monroe is trapped within her favorite full-length
mirror at the Roosevelt Hotel.
Haunted Stuff provides chilling stories of possessed
possessions, often found in everyday places.
Objects with restless spirits attached to them can
quietly invade a home through auctions, antique
dealers, estate sales, and inheritance. This spooky
collection examines a wide variety of haunted
items—from the haunted Queen Mary ocean liner to
the cursed chair of Thomas Busby—and describes
how they affect the owner’s life. Experience these
true accounts that will make you look closer at the
antiques on your shelf . . . and wonder if that creepy
doll just blinked.
© Lamishia Allen
Stacey Graham (Washington, D.C.) has been a researcher
and writer of the paranormal for over twenty years. In addition to blogging at WeeGhosties.blogspot.com, Graham
is also the author of the Girls’ Ghost Hunting Guide
(Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2012) and the Zombie Tarot
(Quirk Books, 2012).
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3908-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3908-3
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 264 pp.
Photos, bibliog., appendix
OCC023000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Supernatural
World rights available, excluding audio, TV, film, dramatic
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Advance reader’s copy
Selling Features
Unique and often overlooked facet of the paranormal world
Gripping stories about people who have bought haunted objects and
what happened to them
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: www.AskAGhostHunter.blogspot.com
Includes the details of a variety of well-known haunted objects
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 21
New Releases August 14
The Ghost in the Coal Cellar
True Case Files from a Lone Investigator
Andrea Mesich
A rocking chair delivered to a young family arrives with
an unseen occupant. An abandoned schoolhouse,
the site of a major fire, teems with spirits. Deep in
a national forest, phantom lights chase the terrified
occupants of a car.
Join paranormal investigator Andrea Mesich on
real investigations into several haunted locations,
including Mission Point Resort, the Paulding Lights,
and the First Ward School House. This unique guide
presents the details of each investigation from start
to finish, including photographs of the haunted
sites. The author includes stunning eyewitness
accounts and her own personal insights into the
paranormal occurrences.
The Ghost in the Coal Cellar is unique in the
sense that in a field full of paranormal teams,
Mesich branches out and explores the paranormal
on her own. A brave investigator who enters haunted
locations by herself, searching for connections
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4052-7
and answers.
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
Trade paperback original
53⁄16 x 8 • 264 pp.
© Gerard Lauzon/North Light
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4052-2
Andrea Mesich (Michigan) was a skeptic about the
paranormal until she had a dramatic encounter with a
ghost in 2004. Since then, she has studied the paranormal,
practicing new techniques, testing different theories, and
researching history, trying to discover why paranormal
events happen and what we can learn from them.
OCC023000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Supernatural
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Advance Reader’s Copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Author website: http://ParanormalRonin.blogspot.com
Selling Features
Includes true, eyewitness ghost stories
Features well-written accounts of paranormal investigations
Answers some of the paranormal world’s most frequently asked questions
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
August 14 New Releases
Vanquishing Ghosts & Demons
A Medium’s Harrowing Tales of Removing Evil Spirits
Sandrea Mosses
A demon disguises itself as a guardian angel. A
powerful, rage-filled entity throws an adult across a
room. An incubus heralds his attacks with the smell
of burnt cookies. Vanquishing Ghosts & Demons
explores more than thirty terrifying case studies of a
spiritualist medium and her colleagues. The bizarre
and horrifying true accounts in this book will have
readers on the edge of their seats, aghast at what is
“out there.”
Investigating reports of astral creatures who have
entered our world through portals or invitation,
Sandrea Mosses has encountered treacherous
spirits, other-dimensional beings, and full-blown
demonic infestations. Removing other-dimensional
predators from people, places, and the land itself,
Mosses proves that with the proper training and
tools, dark entities can be beaten.
Sandrea Mosses (Staffordshire, UK) trained as a medium with the
Spiritual National Union and has worked as a professional medium for
more than fifteen years. She specializes in the art of banishments and
clearings. From the beginning, her spirit guides have assisted her in safely
removing ghouls, demons, and other dark entities from our world.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3645-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3645-7
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
53⁄16 x 8 • 264 pp.
OCC023000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Supernatural
World rights available, excluding audio, TV, film, dramatic
Selling Territory: World
August 2014
Advance reader’s copy
National print review campaign
Available on NetGalley
Selling Features
First hand accounts of ghost clearings
Stories told from a psychic’s point of view
Includes more than thirty terrifying case studies
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 23
or over 100 years,
Llewellyn has been the go-to source
for almanacs, calendars, and datebooks.
Each contains indispensable information and features
captivating images from some of today’s most gifted artists.
Empower your future with the best-known and
most-trusted annual information available.
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Astrological Calendar
82nd Edition of the World’s Best Known, Most Trusted Astrology Calendar
Published since 1932, Llewellyn’s Astrological
Calendar is the best-known, most-trusted astrological
calendar sold today. Everyone, even beginners,
can use this beautiful and practical calendar to
plan the year wisely. Includes monthly horoscopes,
best days for planting and fishing, rewarding and
challenging days, travel forecasts, and an astrology
primer. Advanced astrologers will find major daily
aspects and a wealth of other essential astrological
information. This edition features Christine Mitzuk’s
gorgeous and inspiring artwork.
Selling Features
Annual sales over 74,000. Published every year since 1932
The best-known and oldest astrological calendar sold today
Includes monthly horoscopes for each sign by professional astrologer
Lesley Francis and travel forecasts by Bruce Scofield
Features an amazing amount of astrological data, including major daily
aspects; planetary sign changes; ephemerides for each month; and tables
for retrograde periods, lunar activity, and 2015 eclipses
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2682-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2682-3
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2149-2 / 978-0-7387-2149-1)
US $14.99 CAN $17.50
12 x 12 • 40 pp.
12 full-color paintings; shrink wrapped
OCC002000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Astrology / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 25
Annuals July 14
Llewellyn’s 2015 Witches’ Calendar
Original scratchboard artwork by Kathleen Edwards
Captivating, original artwork and a rich array of
content have made Llewellyn’s Witches’ Calendar
the top-selling calendar of its kind. Enjoy new,
enchanting scratchboard illustrations by awardwinning artist Kathleen Edwards. Each month also
offers an inspiring article, plus a spell or ritual.
Grow a relationship with a guardian in May, harvest
happiness in September, and discover mistletoe
magic in December. Astrological data and magical
correspondences are also included.
Selling Features
Annual sales over 77,000. Published every year since 1998
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2688-5
Best-selling Wiccan/Pagan calendar on the market and definitive source
for Wiccan/Pagan holidays
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2688-5
Original artwork by Kathleen Edwards
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2156-5 / 978-0-7387-2156-9)
Packed with monthly articles, spells and rituals, magickal correspondences, colors of the day, lunar gardening tips, Moon signs for planning
rituals, and other astrological data
US $13.99 CAN $15.95
12 x 12 • 28 pp.
12 full-color illustrations; shrink wrapped
Contributors include Elizabeth Barrette, Deborah Blake, Dallas Jennifer
Cobb, Melanie Marquis, Diana Rajchel, and Susan Pesznecker
OCC026000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Witchcraft
(see also Religion / Wicca)
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Woodland Faeries Calendar
Original full-color artwork by Linda Ravenscroft
A year of faerie magic and beauty awaits you.
Vividly illustrated by renowned fantasy artist Linda
Ravenscroft, this gorgeous faerie calendar captures
the whimsy and grace of achingly beautiful nature
spirits. Evocative portraits and scenes—alive in
sensuous detail—bring us oh so close to alluring
nymphs, charming pixies, rapturous sprites, and
other secretive, ethereal beings.
Llewellyn’s 2015 Woodland Faeries Calendar also
features holidays—including major religious and
British holidays—as well as moon phase information.
Selling Features
Features original artwork by renowned fantasy artist Linda Ravenscroft,
who also illustrated the popular Mystic Faerie Tarot
Provides suggested reading and art resources for faerie lovers
ISBN-10: 0-7387-3605-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-3605-1
(2014 edition: 0-7387-3604-X / 978-0-7387-3604-4)
US $13.99 CAN $15.95
12 x 12 • 24 pp.
12 full-color illustrations; shrink-wrapped
OCC000000 Mind, Body & Spirit / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 27
Annuals July 14
Llewellyn’s 2015 Astrological Pocket Planner
Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian 2014–2016
Empower your future—plan important events,
set goals, and organize your life—with Llewellyn’s
Astrological Pocket Planner. Both beginners and
advanced astrologers can use this award-winning
datebook, the only one to offer three years of
ephemeris and aspectarian data.
Choose optimal dates for job interviews, weddings,
business meetings, and other important occasions.
Pinpoint ideal times to plant a garden, begin new
projects, conduct self-reflection, go fishing, and
more. Avoid planetary pitfalls by following the
easy-to-read retrograde and Moon void-of-course
Comprehensive and compact, Llewellyn’s 2015
Astrological Pocket Planner also contains time
zone information and space to jot down your daily
Selling Features
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2683-4
An essential astrological day planner used by astrologers of all levels
since 1996
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2683-0
Winner of the National Calendar Award
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2150-6 / 978-0-7387-2150-7)
Features a three-year aspectarian 2014–2016 and a three-year ephemeris
2014–2016 (both adjusted for Daylight Saving Time)
US $8.99 CAN $10.50
Includes a 2015 week-at-a-glance planner, a planetary stations chart, voidof-course Moon table for 2015, a Mercury retrograde table for 2015, and a
handy world time-zone map and conversion chart
4 ⁄4 x 6 ⁄16 • 192 pp.
Tables, charts, perfect bound
OCC002000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Astrology / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Daily Planetary Guide
Complete Astrology At-A-Glance
Timing is everything. Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary
Guide, the most trusted and detailed astrological
planner available, makes it easy to take advantage
of planetary energies.
Choose the best time to do anything on a monthly,
weekly, and daily basis—and even down to the
minute. Before setting up a job interview, signing
a contract, planning a vacation, or scheduling
anything important, consult the weekly forecasts
and Opportunity Periods—times when the positive
flow of energy is at its peak. Plan your year wisely
according to aspects, ephemerides, retrograde
planets, eclipses for 2015, and more astrological
information. Even beginners can use this powerful
planner, which explains the planets, signs, houses,
and how to use this guide.
Selling Features
The world’s leading planetary guide for over thirty years
Provides the most accurate astrological information available
Includes weekly forecasts by Pam Ciampi and Opportunity Periods by
Jim Shawvan
Features monthly ephemeris tables, a graphic table of retrograde periods,
a 2015 stargazer’s guide to planetary sightings, daily aspects with Eastern
and Pacific times (includes Daylight Saving Time), and a time zone conversion chart
Exclusive feature: see at a glance which signs the planets are in and when
they make an aspect
Offers ample space to jot down events and activities
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2684-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2684-7
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2151-4 / 978-0-7387-2151-4)
US $12.99 CAN $14.95
51⁄4 x 8 • 208 pp.
Spiral binding, ephemeredes
OCC002000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Astrology / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 29
Annuals July 14
Llewellyn’s 2015 Herbal Almanac
Herbs for Growing & Gathering, Cooking & Crafts,
Health & Beauty, History, Myth & Lore
Grow a window herb garden. Create personal
blends of tea for your health and spiritual needs.
Follow recipes for easy-to-make herbal tonics.
There are hundreds of ways to benefit from nature’s
versatile plants inside Llewellyn’s Herbal Almanac.
This treasury of innovative herbal ideas spans
gardening, cooking, crafts, health, beauty, and
myth/lore. You’ll discover how to design your own
terrariums, enhance your culinary creations, make
your yard a bee sanctuary, and save your seeds to
host a plant-share party. Learn about permaculture
for herbalists, women in business with herbs, critterfriendly gardening, and herbal pantry staples. You’ll
even tap into the vibrational healing power of
From all about mint to fantastic fennel, this practical
almanac is your gateway to the herbal kingdom.
Selling Features
Now in its 15th year, with annual sales over 18,000
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2689-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2689-2
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2152-2 / 978-0-7387-2152-1)
US $11.99 CAN $13.95
Includes nearly three dozen articles in five categories: gardening, cooking,
crafts, health and beauty, and myth/lore
Includes essays from Elizabeth Barrette, Dallas Jennifer Cobb, Sally
Cragin, Alice DeVille, Ellen Dugan, Susan Pesznecker, Tess Whitehurst, and
other respected writers
51⁄4 x 8 • 312 pp.
Illus., perfect bound
OCC000000 Mind, Body & Spirit / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Magical Almanac
Practical Magic for Everyday Living
Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac has been inspiring
all levels of magical practitioners for over twenty
years. Filled with practical spells, rituals, and fresh
ideas, you’ll find new ways to deepen your craft and
enhance everyday life.
This edition features over three dozen compelling
articles, grouped by element, on kitchen witchery,
zodiac magic, tarot and stones, backyard magic,
smudging around the world, weather witching,
sacred wells of Ireland, everyday dreaming, conflict
resolution, proactive Pagans, and other magical
Also included is a handy calendar section—
shaded for easy “flip to” reference—featuring
world festivals, holidays, and 2015 Sabbats. You’ll
also find astrological info, plus incense and color
correspondences, to empower your magical work.
Selling Features
Annual sales over 36,000; published every year since 1990
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2685-0
A trusted companion for beginners, advanced practitioners, and followers
of any magical path for twenty-five years
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2685-4
An almanac section includes Moon signs and phases, daily incense and
color correspondences, and Pagan and international holidays
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2153-0 / 978-0-7387-2153-8)
Over three dozen articles by Deborah Blake, Raven Digitalis, Ellen
Dugan, Tess Whitehurst, Sybil Fogg, Lupa, Susan Pesznecker, Lunaea
Weatherstone, Mickie Mueller, and other notable magical writers
US $11.99 CAN $13.95
51⁄4 x 8 • 336 pp.
Illus., perfect bound
OCC028000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Magick Studies
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 31
Annuals July 14
Llewellyn’s 2015 Moon Sign Book
Conscious Living by the Cycles of the Moon
Since 1905, Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book has helped
millions take advantage of the moon’s dynamic
energies. Use this essential life-planning tool to
choose the best dates for almost anything: getting
married, buying or selling your home, requesting
a promotion, applying for a loan, traveling, having
surgery, seeing the dentist, picking mushrooms,
and much more. With lunar timing tips on planting
and harvesting and a guide to companion plants,
this popular guide is also a gardener’s best friend.
In addition to new and full moon forecasts for
the year, you’ll find insightful articles on weather
forecasts, growing an ale garden, healthy food
by natal moon sign, local food and the immune
system, the moon and rainfall, and more.
Selling Features
A bestseller for over 100 years! The oldest continuously published annual
of its kind!
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2686-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2686-1
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2154-9 / 978-0-7387-2154-5)
US $11.99 CAN $13.95
51⁄4 x 8 • 312 pp.
Complete “when-to” astrological almanac, with practical advice on scheduling almost anything related to love and relationships, business and
finances, health care, weather, and gardening
Includes detailed weather forecasts by region from Kris Brandt Riske,
comprehensive economic forecasts by Christeen Skinner, and new and
full moon forecasts by Sally Cragin
Features a week-by-week lunar gardening guide, monthly chart of
favorable and unfavorable days for every sign, and timely articles
Photos, tables, perfect bound
OCC002000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Astrology / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Sabbats Almanac
Samhain 2014 to Mabon 2015
Make the most of each season of the Witches’ year
with Llewellyn’s Sabbats Almanac. Packed with
rituals, rites, recipes, and crafts, this essential guide
offers fun and fresh ways to celebrate the eight
sacred Wiccan holidays—and enrich your spiritual
life throughout the year.
Get a unique perspective on honoring the Wheel
of the Year from your favorite Wiccan and Pagan
authors. Plan spiritually uplifting celebrations and
sustainable seasonal activities. Perform Sabbatspecific rituals and world folk rites. Whip up tasty
treats and crafts as reminders of the season’s
gifts and lessons. Also featured are astrological
influences to help you plan rituals according to
cosmic energies.
Selling Features
An essential and inspiring guide for celebrating the eight Sabbats
Features crafts, recipes, rituals, family friendly activities, cultural folklore,
ancient practices, and astrological influences, including planetary movements
Includes information on seasonal sustainability
Contributors include Kenny Klein, Linda Raedisch, Lexa Olick, Ellen Dugan,
Corrine Kenner, Melanie Marquis, Natalie Zaman, and other experts
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2693-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2693-9
(2014 edition: 0-7387-3197-8 / 978-0-7387-3197-1)
US $12.99 CAN $14.95
51⁄4 x 8 • 312 pp.
Perfect bound
OCC026000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Witchcraft
(see also Religion / Wicca)
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 33
Annuals July 14
Llewellyn’s 2015 Sun Sign Book
Horoscopes for Everyone!
Be prepared for what’s ahead in the near future
and take advantage of huge opportunities with
Llewellyn’s Sun Sign Book. Filled with practical
planetary wisdom, this easy-to-use guide will
answer your questions about money, success,
career, relationships, and more—for the whole year.
In addition to horoscopes for every sign by popular
astrologer Kim Rogers-Gallagher, you’ll discover
which areas in your life have potential for great
success and which require extra attention. Included
are rewarding/challenging days for each month
and a guide to the best dates to find a job, begin
a romance, take a vacation, move, and plan other
important endeavors.
Selling Features
Annual sales over 24,000
An essential resource of astrological insight for over thirty years
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2687-7
Nationally recognized professional astrologer Kim Rogers-Gallagher
offers detailed horoscopes and forecasts that highlight relationships,
health, and finances
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2687-8
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2155-7 / 978-0-7387-2155-2)
US $11.99 CAN $13.95
51⁄4 x 8 • 312 pp.
Illus., tables, perfect bound
OCC002000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Astrology / General
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Witches’ Companion
An Almanac for Contemporary Living
Live your Craft every day with Llewellyn’s Witches’
Companion. This indispensable guide will keep you
one step ahead of the latest Witchy trends, Craft
practices, Pagan issues, and ideas in green living.
This year’s edition is filled with wry and thoughtprovoking essays—building a child’s book of
shadows, prosperity magick and the goddess
Abundantia, the ethical use of source materials,
building community, planning a Wiccan wedding,
urban Druids, sacred self-care, altars on a budget,
how to build your own stone circle, and much more.
Also featured is a sixteen-month calendar and lunar
information to fuel your spellwork and rituals.
Selling Features
For the contemporary Pagan/Wiccan crowd
The perfect companion to Llewellyn’s 2015 Witches’ Calendar and
Llewellyn’s Witches’ 2015 Datebook
Over two dozen essays on timely topics including Witchy lifestyles, Craft
essentials, issues in the Pagan community, and magical transformation
Contributors include Elizabeth Barrette, Thuri Calafia, Deborah Lipp,
Mickie Mueller, Ember Grant, Tess Whitehurst, and other writers
Includes a sixteen-month calendar with lunar information
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2690-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2690-8
(2013 edition: 0-7387-1525-5 / 978-0-7387-1525-4)
US $10.99 CAN $12.50
51⁄4 x 8 • 288 pp.
Illus., perfect bound
Body, Mind, Spirit / Wicca & Witchcraft / Almanac
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 35
Annuals July 14
Llewellyn’s 2015 Witches’ Datebook
Original scratchboard artwork by Kathleen Edwards
Today’s busy Witches can stay on top of it all—
the magical and the mundane—with Llewellyn’s
Witches’ Datebook, now featuring enchanting
illustrations from award-winning artist Kathleen
Edwards. Add a little magic to each day and keep
pace with the ever-turning Wheel of the Year with
this indispensable, on-the-go tool.
You’ll find fun, fresh ways to celebrate the sacred
seasons and enhance your practice—inspiring
Sabbat musings (Deborah Blake), tasty Sabbat
recipes (Diana Rajchel), Moon rituals (Magenta
Griffith), and flowers (Tess Whitehurst). For
spellwork, there’s astrological information and
daily colors. Also included are in-depth articles
on play-day magic (Melanie Marquis), automatic
writing (Sybil Fogg), relaxation (Elizabeth Barrette),
seduction magic (Suzanne Ress), and more.
Selling Features
Annual sales over 62,000
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2691-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2691-5
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2158-1 / 978-0-7387-2158-3)
A handy, multipurpose reference and calendar for the busy practitioner
and an ideal companion to Llewellyn’s 2015 Witches’ Calendar
Features enchanting scratchboard illustrations by award-winning artist
Kathleen Edwards, sabbat musings, sabbat recipes, Moon rituals, and
in-depth articles
51⁄4 x 8 • 144 pp.
Contains lunar information (Moon signs, phases, and times of change),
dates for planting and harvesting, Pagan and business holidays, colors
of the day
Spiral binding, illus.
Each week presented on a two-page spread
US $10.99 CAN $12.50
OCC026000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Witchcraft
(see also Religion / Wicca)
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
July 14 Annuals
Llewellyn’s 2015 Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac
Holidays & Lore, Spells, Rituals & Meditations
Make every day magical with a spell from Llewellyn’s
Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac. Spellcasters of all
levels can enhance their daily life with these easy
bewitchments, recipes, rituals, and meditations.
Elizabeth Barrette, Thuri Calafia, Blake Octavian
Blair, Raven Digitalis, and other experienced magic
practitioners offer simple spells for every occasion
that require minimal supplies. For convenience,
the 365 spells are cross-referenced by purpose,
including love, health, money, protection, home
and garden, travel, and communication. Beginners
will find advice on the best time, place, and tools
for performing each spell. With space to jot down
notes, this unique spellbook can be used as a Book
of Shadows. There are also daily color and incense
recommendations and astrological data to enhance
each day’s magic.
Selling Features
Annual sales over 27,000; now in its 14th year
A collection of spells — one for every day of the year — based on seasons,
holidays, and more
Features all new, easy-to-perform spells
Contains Pagan and business holidays
Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time
ISBN-10: 0-7387-2692-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-2692-2
(2014 edition: 0-7387-2159-X / 978-0-7387-2159-0
US $11.99 CAN $13.95
51⁄4 x 8 • 264 pp.
Illus., perfect bound
OCC026000 Mind, Body & Spirit / Witchcraft
(see also Religion / Wicca)
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
July 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 37
New Releases Lo Scarabeo
Marseille Cat Tarot
Some decks whisper. Some decks shout. This deck meows. The Marseille deck—one of the original Tarot decks of the
world—is now updated for the twenty-first century with adorable cats! Retaining all the details of the original, the fabulous
feline motifs of this deck give new energy to the cards of the Marseille, adding a unique touch to any tarot collection. Sure
to become favorites of all tarot enthusiasts.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4115-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4115-4
US $22.95 CAN $26.50
Hardbox (23⁄4 x 43⁄4) includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
May 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Lo Scarabeo New Releases
Tarot of the Sacred Feminine
Floreana Nativo with art by Franco Rivoli
Blending elegant images of the divine feminine with the symbols of Sumerian mythology, the Tarot of
the Sacred Feminine provides divinatory power and emotional resonance unlike any other deck. With
breathtaking artwork by Italian artist Franco Rivoli, this deck tells the story of the sacred woman as
maiden and mother, lover and warrior, carrying your spirit to a tranquil place of peace and insight.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4116-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4116
US $22.95 CAN $26.50
Hardbox (23/4 x 43/4) includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
May 2014
Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 39
New Releases Lo Scarabeo
Silver Witchcraft Tarot Kit
Barbara Moore;
with illustrations by Franco Rivoli
Expressing the wisdom and magic of the ages through
Luna’s ethereal light, the Silver Witchcraft Tarot Kit combines
the rich tradition of the Rider Waite tarot with modern
Pagan symbolism, creating a unique and beautiful reading
experience. Weaving the phases of the moon and the Pagan
holidays into each suit, this exquisite deck offers knowledge
of a material, emotional, and spiritual nature, whispering
sagely into the ear of all who will listen.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4120-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4120-8
US $29.95 CAN $34.95
Hardbox (51⁄4 x 43⁄4) includes 78 full-color cards and
a 160-page full-color book
Silver Witchcraft Satin Bag
This lovely satin pouch, the perfect complement to the Silver
Witchcraft Tarot Kit, can be used to store and transport valuables
of all kinds—jewelry, keepsakes, crystals, runes, pendulums, decks,
and more. A beautiful gift for a beautiful witch.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4122-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387- 4122-2
US $11.95 CAN $13.95
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
May 2014
May 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Lo Scarabeo New Releases
Ceccoli Satin Bag
With artwork that is tender, innocent, and a touch surreal, Nicoletta Ceccoli—one of the world’s most
celebrated illustrators—has expressed her visionary talent on this deluxe satin pouch. Capturing one
of the most iconic images from the forthcoming Ceccoli Tarot, this stunning bag can be used to store
and transport valuables of all kinds—jewelry, keepsakes, crystals, runes, pendulums, decks, and more.
A perfect gift for fans of fascinating art.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4123-X • ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4123-9
US $11.95 CAN $13.95
May 2014
Spiritual Sealing Wax
Adds an element of personalization and magic to your writing. The
spiritual, magical, and decorative applications of this all-inclusive
sealing wax kit are endless. Perfect for spells, rituals, greeting cards,
and crafts, the natural wax sticks and the high-quality seals included
in this pack will provide countless hours of meaningful use.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4130-2 • ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4130-7
US $29.95 CAN $34.95
May 2014
Striking Hardcover Journals
As a dream diary, sketchbook, or Book of Shadows, these handsome hardcover journals are the perfect place to record insights and experiences.
Available in two attractive covers—Ghost or Night Sun.
Ghost Journal
Night Sun Journal
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4117-5
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4118-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4117-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4118-5
US $13.95 CAN $15.95
US $13.95 CAN $15.95
81⁄2 x 6 • 160 pages
81⁄2 x 6 • 160 pages
May 2014
May 2014
Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 41
New Releases Lo Scarabeo
Eye-Catching iPhone 5 Covers
Personalize your iPhone 5 with a stylish, spirituality-themed cover. Each cover features a unique color and an illustration designed to transform an ordinary
phone into a fashionable accessory. Available with Celtic, Magic, or Wicca designs. (Cover Size 41/3 x 81/4)
Celtic iPhone Cover
Magic iPhone Cover
Wicca iPhone Cover
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4126-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4126-0
US $16.95 CAN $19.50
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4125-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387- 4125-3
US $16.95 CAN $19.50
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4124-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387- 4124-6
US $16.95 CAN $19.50
May 2014
May 2014
May 2014
Color-Changing Himalayan Salt Lamps
These traditional Himalayan salt lamps are crafted from salt crystals found in the foothills of the Himalayas. As the salt crystals are warmed by the bulb,
they release charged ions, neutralizing contaminants in the air and changing colors in a pleasing, dynamic rhythm. These easy-to-use lamps plug into
any USB port and begin working immediately, creating a nurturing glow and drawing the negative energy that tends to accumulate in the space where
computer work is done. (Size 31/2 x 31/2 x 5)
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4127-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4127-7
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4128-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4128-4
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4129-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4129-1
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
May 2014
May 2014
May 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Lo Scarabeo New Releases
Pendulums with New Deluxe Packaging
Lo Scarabeo’s premium pendulums now feature deluxe packaging that protects and displays the beauty and detail of
each unique pendulum. Each pendulum now includes a convenient guide to pendulum techniques and an elegant
velvet-carrying pouch. Pendulums are amazing tools for divination, dowsing, and answering questions related to love,
work, health, and more. Made of brass, chromed brass, stones, and crystals, some of these high-quality pendulums
feature a chamber for holding tinctures, herbs, or other magical elements.
(Pendulums measure 11/8 to 2 inches with a chain length of 7 to 71/2 inches.)
Classic Clear Quartz Pendulum
US $17.95 CAN $20.95
Each package includes pendulum, chain, velvet pouch,
and instruction guide.
May 2014
Product shown actual size
Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 43
New Releases Lo Scarabeo
Lo Scarabeo Pendulums
Classic Transparent
Chamber Pendulum
Classic Crystal
US $17.95 CAN $20.95
US $17.95 CAN $20.95
May 2014
May 2014
Pagan Pentacle
Gold Pendulum
Elegant New
Chambered Pendulums
Evocative of the transparent veil between the
physical world and the spiritual realm, these
new transparent chambered pendulums
hold magical elements such as tinctures,
stones, and herbs.
US $29.95 CAN $34.95
Rose Quartz Chakra
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
Amethyst Chakra
(Can also be worn as a bracelet.)
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 978-0-7387-2062-3
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
(Can also be worn as a bracelet.)
Clear Crystal Chakra
A wonderful tool for
chakra energy work!
(Can also be worn as a bracelet.)
The Pagan Pentacle Gold
Pendulum comes with seven
beautiful chakra stones,
each sized to fit inside
the pendulum.
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Lo Scarabeo New Releases
Lo Scarabeo Pendulums
Amethyst Pyramid
Seven Rings of Chakras
Silver Spiral Pendulum
Energy Pendulum
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
US $19.95 CAN $22.95
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
(Made of brass)
Gold Drop Pendulum
Silver Drop Pendulum
Soul Pendulum
Sound Pendulum
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
(Made of brass)
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
(Made of brass)
Gold Cone Pendulum
US $19.95 CAN $22.95
Spirit Pendulum
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
(Made of brass)
Amethyst Tear Drop
Brass Pendulum
Gold Plated
Brass Pendulum Gold
Plated (chamber)*
Brass Plated Pendulum
(chamber) 1*
US $17.95 CAN $20.955
US $26.95 CAN $30.95
US $26.95 CAN $30.95
US $26.95 CAN $30.95
US $26.95 CAN $30.95
Bloodstone Pendulum
Bloodstone Drop
Egyptian Silver
Silver Point Pendulum
Silver Witness
Pendulum (chamber)
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
US $14.95 CAN $16.95
US $14.95 CAN $16.95
US $14.95 CAN $16.95
Lo Scarabeo products are available for distribution in the U.S. and Canada only.
Brass Plated Pendulum
(chamber) 2*
Gold Egyptian
US $19.95 CAN $22.95
Rose Quartz Tear Drop
US $17.95 CAN $20.95
Green Adventurine
US $24.95 CAN $28.95
US $22.95 CAN $26.50
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 45
New Releases
Ananda Nidra: Blissful Sleep
Two sensual meditations for awakening ecstasy
Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson
Experience greater joy in everyday life. Reach a place of healing and regeneration
with these soothing guided meditations set to peaceful ambient music. Narrated
by Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson, Ananda Nidra takes the listener to the
relaxing state between sleep and wakefulness described in classic Tantric texts.
Designed to actively promote personal growth and transformation, these CDs
invite the listener to reinforce positive behaviors, deepen relationships, develop
focus, and maximize self-confidence.
ISBN-10: 0-7387-4220-1
© Adrian Buckmaster
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-4220-5
Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson
(New York) are a married couple who have
been teaching Tantra and Kriya Yoga together
since 1999. Their popular workshops have
been featured in the Village Voice, NOW
magazine, and Breathe magazine. They are
senior students of Dr. Jonn Mumford and have studied Bhakti
Yoga with Bhagavan Das and Tantra with Dr. Rudy Ballentine. They
are the authors of Tantra for Erotic Empowerment (2008) and Great
Sex Made Simple (2012).
US $17.95 CAN $20.95
2-CD set: Package size is 51⁄2 x 5 with a total running time of 120 minutes
HEA025000 Health & Fitness/Yoga
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Selling Features
Classic meditations feature state-of-the-art sound quality
Professional presentation reflects years of experience leading workshops and seminars
Convenient format allows the listener to choose when and where to initiate self-improvement
Music by Steve Roach & Black Tape for a Blue Girl
How to Communicate with Spirits
Elizabeth Owens
With fantastic stories from real-life psychics and how-to instructions for communicating with spirit guides and other entities, How to Communicate with Spirits is a
complete and compelling book from one of the world’s most celebrated mediums.
Whether you want to reconnect with a loved one who has moved on to the other
side, seek guidance from a personal protective spirit, or better understand the
spiritual meaning of your life, Elizabeth Owens shows that contacting those who
inhabit the other side is possible for you.
Features New Cover
ISBN-10: 1-5671-8530-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-56718-530-0
US $12.95 CAN $14.95
53⁄16 x 8 • 216 pp.
OCC027000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Spiritualism
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
Silver’s Spells for Love
Time-Tested Love Charms from America’s Best-Known Witch
Silver RavenWolf
Over 50,000 sold!
Now updated with a witch’s dozen bonus spells, Silver’s Spells for Love will show
you over 100 ways to get, keep, or even dispel love. Let renowned witch Silver
RavenWolf show you how to prepare incenses, oils, and powders for love; use a
magick mirror for love divination; attract romance and lasting love; bring a loving
pet into your life with magick; find out what an old lover is up to; and discover how
powders, poppets, potions, and notions can make your love life magickal.
Features New Cover and Thirteen Bonus Spells!
ISBN-10: 1-5671-8552-5
ISBN-13: 978-1-56718-552-2
US $12.95 CAN $14.50
53⁄16 x 8 • 312 pp.
OCC026000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Witchcraft (see also RELIGION / Wicca)
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Tarot Plain and Simple
Anthony Louis with Illustrations by Robin Wood
Over 150,000 sold!
With clear language and a wealth of sample readings, Tarot Plain and Simple will
make your tarot readings stronger and more accurate. Illustrated with the beautiful
art of Robin Wood, this guide is designed to give you a deeper and more intuitive
understanding of the tarot. Whether you are a beginning or advanced reader, you’ll
be reading like a pro in no time.
New cover
ISBN-10: 1-5671-8400-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-56718-400-6
US $16.95 CAN $19.50
6 x 9 • 336 pp.
OCC024000 Body, Mind & Spirit / Divination / Tarot
World rights available
Selling Territory: World
May 2014
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 47
Recent Releases January — April 14
Exploring the Myth &
Discovering the Truth
Tom Burnette & Rob Riggs
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
5 /16 x 8 • 288 pp.
March 2014
Daily Enlightenments
Body Language
Quick & Easy
365 Days of Spiritual
Nathalie W. Herrman
Richard Webster
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
US $17.99 CAN $20.95
6 x 9 • 264 pp.
March 2014
The Essential
Enochian Grimoire
An Introduction to Angel
Magick from Dr. John Dee
to the Golden Dawn
Aaron Leitch
5 x 7 • 384 pp.
January 2014
US $27.99 CAN $32.50
6 x 9 • 384 pp.
February 2014
Join Rob Riggs and Tom Burnette, whose
combined forty years of commitment to
the search and dedicated field study reveal their true encounters with the elusive
Bigfoot. Explore the history, habitats, and
more in this collection of substantial evidence of Bigfoot’s existence and thoughtprovoking discussions for continued research. Go beyond the myth to the reality
of this amazing ape-man with stories, research, and more.
Words can be lies, but body language
always tells the truth. Richard Webster
explores the hidden communication
techniques of the body that most people
don’t even know take place. Use these
methods to influence others and understand their motivations. Gain rapport,
improve relationships, and progress in
life. Written in the easy-to-understand
Webster style, you’ll find yourself using
these methods to make life easier.
Discover spiritual guidance for every day
of the year with this easy-to-understand,
practical handbook. Each entry is a simple reminder to improve the quality of
your life, and each concludes with a brief
“take away” affirmation about how to
best apply the spiritual concept to your
life. In only five minutes of reading, this
practical tool grounds you in a spiritual
truth for each day.
Forgive and Be Free
Forgotten Burial
A Step-By-Step Guide to
Release, Healing, and
Higher Consciousness
Ana Holub
A Cry for Justice from
Beyond the Grave
Jodi Foster
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
The Essential
Fighting Malevolent
Your Guide to Precise &
Practical Fortunetelling
Rana George
A Demonologist’s
Darkest Encounters
Samantha E. Harris
US $21.99 CAN
US $14.99 CAN $17.50
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
5 /16 x 8 • 240 pp.
5 /16 x 8 • 288 pp.
March 2014
February 2014
71/2 x 91/8 • 408 pp.
This practical instruction manual—the
first how-to Enochian magick grimoire—
outlines Enochian cosmology, the angels and the spirits, the temple setup,
and working with tools. It reveals the
secrets and power of Dee’s classical Enochian system, as well as the modern version as practiced by the Golden Dawn,
and provides rituals for each.
53/16 x 8 • 312 pp.
February 2014
March 2014
Leading Lenormand expert Rana George
explores how you can use the 36-card
deck to uncover practical answers and
provide clear predictions on any topic:
relationships, work, finances, family, and
creativity. Along with meanings of individual cards, the author provides dynamic lessons that progress step by step
to reveal useful advice and clear answers
on anything from simple inquiries to
critical dilemmas.
Ghostly Tales
Poltergeists, Haunted Houses,
and Messages from Beyond
Billy Roberts
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
5 /16 x 8 • 240 pp.
April 2014
An eclectic mix of true stories collected
over thirty years by a leading psychic
medium. With poltergeists, murderers,
and spirits, the stories cover a broad
spectrum of the supernatural. From a
man who is seen at his own funeral to a
mother who comes back from the grave,
this book will arouse both fear and mirth
in paranormal enthusiasts everywhere.
The stories collected here are longtime paranormal investigator Samantha Harris’ darkest, creepiest, and most
terrifying cases. In Fighting Malevolent
Spirits she tells tales of beastly encounters with poltergeists, demons, and unhappy spirits of the dead. This book also
includes a question-and-answer section
to help determine the cause of a paranormal disturbance and how-to instructions for keeping a home clear of negative spirits.
Haunted Rock & Roll
Ghostly Tales of
Musical Legends
Matthew L. Swayne
Forgiveness will heal you, free you, and
catapult your life into a completely new
territory of blessings and miracles. This
comprehensive guide offers an easy,
step-by-step approach to forgiveness
with the spiritual foundation that is necessary for ultimate healing. With personal stories, case histories, and handson exercises, Ana Holub will bring you
safely through emotional hardships and
into serenity.
Heal Yourself
with Angels
Forgotten Burial tells Jodi’s true paranormal story unraveling the mystery behind
the unsolved case of a missing young
woman. Jodi and her daughter reveal
clues about what happened to the disappeared girl through ghostly encounters, vivid dreams, and divine intervention. Join Jodi on her reality-bending
adventure as she works with police to
deliver justice in this disturbing, yet ultimately uplifting story.
How to Clear Your Home
of Ghosts & Spirits
Meditations, Prayers,
and Guidance
Patricia Papps
Tips and Techniques from a
Professional Ghost Hunter
Debi Chestnut
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
53/16 x 8 • 288 pp.
March 2014
From rock and roll’s pioneers to its present-day rebels, explore how the greatest
names live on after death. Haunted Rock
& Roll covers rock’s entire supernatural
history through evidence and testimonials from renowned ghost hunters and
researchers. Discover thrilling stories
of Michael Jackson, Jim Morrison, Led
Zeppelin, the Beatles, Amy Winehouse,
and many more stars seen haunting their
favorite bars, clubs, and homes.
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
5 x 7 • 312 pp.
53/16 x 8 • 240 pp.
February 2014
March 2014
With the power of angel meditation, you
can put your life on a new course. Author
Patricia Papps shows how to work with
the angels to create miracles and make
your most cherished wishes come true.
Learn how to connect with angel energy for protection, relationship issues,
removing negative blocks, combating
evil, healing illness, protecting the weak,
increasing creativity, and more.
This must-have guide presents everything you need to know about how to
get rid of ghosts. Paranormal researcher
Debi Chestnut describes the types of
ghosts, the different kinds of hauntings, the reasons ghosts haunt, and tips
and techniques for clearing them. Also
discussed are important topics such
as ways to avoid inviting ghosts and
how to choose a paranormal team for
extreme cases.
Recent Releases January — April 14
Karmic Choices
Life in Transition
How Making the Right
Decisions Can Create
Enduring Joy
Djuna Wojton
An Intuitive Path to
New Beginnings
Servet Hasan
One Woman’s Exploration
of Her Past Lives
Marilou Trask-Curtin
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
US $14.99 CAN $17.50
January 2014
April 2014
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
5 /16 x 8 • 312 pp.
5 /16 x 8 • 264 pp.
53/16 x 8 • 240 pp.
February 2014
Karmic Choices gives you the tools to
get unstuck by designing an exciting,
interesting, and productive life. Djuna
Wojton’s law of karma brings a new perspective to working with the law of attraction to manifest the life you desire.
With exercises, questionnaires, and the
author’s three-step karmic formula, this
book will help you open up to more
satisfaction in your career, relationships,
and self-expression.
Spiritual Pregnancy
Develop, Nurture, and
Embrace the Journey
to Motherhood
Shawn A. Tassone, MD, and
Kathryn M. Landherr, MD
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
6 x 9 • 312 pp.
January 2014
Filled with unique insights into the
spiritual nature of pregnancy, this compassionate guide takes the expectant
mother along a hero’s journey of discovery. Each trimester correlates to a
stage of the epic journey where emotional, spiritual, and physical connections
heighten the reader’s awareness of herself and her unborn child, and where the
mundane and everyday are elevated to
the sublime and transformative.
A Witch’s World
of Magick
Expanding Your Practice
with Techniques & Traditions
from Diverse Cultures
Melanie Marquis
Nobody can escape change, whether it’s
the loss of a job, home, money, or even
a loved one.
Life in Transition is a three-part roadmap
for reinventing yourself by uncovering
the gifts that emerge from every loss.
Through personal stories, practical exercises, meditations, and more, author Servet Hasan teaches you how to embrace
your pain with intuition as your guide.
Death is not the end, but rather a glorious new beginning. After a period of
rest between lives, we return to earth
to experience love and right our past
wrongs. Author Marilou Trask-Curtin
has experienced reincarnation first
hand. In this fascinating book, she describes how she lost touch with her
past-life memories only to regain them
through a series of remarkable past-life
regression sessions.
The Steady Way
to Greatness
Tarot Beyond
the Basics
Liberate Your Intuitive
Potential & Manifest
Your Heartfelt Desires
Melanie Barnum
Gain a Deeper
of the Meanings
Behind the Cards
Anthony Louis
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
January 2014
71/2 x 91/8 • 408 pp.
6 x 9 • 288 pp.
Use psychic development to master the
law of attraction and manifest the life you
truly desire. This guide is a groundbreaking combination of manifestation and
intuition for success in career, finances,
love, relationships, spirituality, and more.
It also includes affirmations and other
exercises designed to increase confidence, release the power of goal setting, and expose the magnificence that
resides within.
The Wizard and
the Witch
US $16.99 CAN $19.50
February 2014
The History & Mystery of the
Legendary Talking Board
Alexandra Chauran
US $13.99 CAN $15.95
53/16 x 8 • 216 pp.
March 2014
Seven Decades of
Counterculture, Magick,
& Paganism
John C. Sulak, Oberon Zell,
and Morning Glory Zell
6 x 9 • 240 pp.
Spirit Boards for
US $19.99 CAN $22.95
Alexandra Chauran follows the development of the spirit board and its amazing
history. This guide is filled with dozens
of fascinating reports from people who
have used the board, ranging from the
spookily creep-tastic to the downright
silly. Learn how to avoid fraud, safely use
the board for fun or spirituality, and deal
with doubting skeptics or religious fears.
The Witch’s Broom
The Craft, Lore, & Magick
of Broomsticks
Deborah Blake
US $15.99 CAN $18.50
5 x 7 • 288 pp.
April 2014
April 2014
Discover decades of insights and information that can help you become an
advanced practitioner. Anthony Louis
provides real world examples of how
to use your intuition to improve your
readings, how to understand tarot reversals and how to include the meanings of numbers, the elements, and
the tarot’s court cards. Also featured is
the common background of astrology
and tarot.
From besoms to broomcorn, Deborah
Blake takes you on a magickal flight into
the history and lore of broomsticks and
the witches who use them. Whether you
want to add a new facet to your magick
practice, make a unique gift for someone
special, or explore the role of brooms
in Witchcraft’s past and present, The
Witch’s Broom is your perfect guide.
Wizard’s Tarot Deck
Corrine Kenner, John J. Blumen
US $22.99 CAN $26.50
Boxed Deck • 3 x 5 • 80 pp.
April 2014
US $24.99 CAN $28.95
6 x 9 • 432 pp.
February 2014
This sparkling, in-depth examination of
theories and techniques from around the
world will help you reach higher levels of
magickal insight and success. Each chapter features examples of tried-and-true
magickal techniques gathered from the
annals of folk magick around the world.
From Wiccan spells to Chaos magick,
magick without tools to potion-making, you will discover love spells, word
charms, and more.
Oberon and Morning Glory Zell are true
pioneers of Paganism. Here, presented
in a unique oral history format, are the
stories of their lives, including the founding of the Church of All Worlds, their
controversial creation of living unicorns,
the establishment of the Grey School
of Wizardry, and many more stories of a
remarkable couple who embraced the
aberrant and the offbeat and created a
movement in the process.
By popular demand, the unforgettable
cards of the Wizard’s Tarot Kit are now
available as a deck only! Based on the
Rider-Waite-Smith deck for ease of use,
you’ll be astounded by the intricate,
breathtaking splendor of John Blumen’s
digital artwork. Whether you use these
cards for readings or spiritual and magical development, they will become constant companions.
Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 49
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Llewellyn Trade Catalog Spring/Summer 2014 51
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