SAC Newsletter - St. Aloysius College
SAC Newsletter - St. Aloysius College
SAC Newsletter ST aLOYSIUS college Issue 1: Monday 1 February 2016 NOMINATE & PAY ONLINE! New process for Secondary & Primary Sport PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends and Students of SAC, It is with much pleasure that I welcome you to the 2016 school year. Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL In a special way I welcome the many new families who have joined our school community. I hope that all of our new students will soon experience the true meaning of Mercy hospitality, and begin to feel at home at St Aloysius College. I am sure that they will discover the many rich experiences which SAC has to offer them both within and outside of the regular curriculum. Continued on page 2. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2016 Information...............................................................................................................2 Canteen Roster...................................................................................................................2 Welcome 2016 - Excellent Year 12 Results................................................................3 Student Absence and Lateness....................................................................................3 2015 School Photographs..............................................................................................3 Curriculum News..............................................................................................................4 Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)...............................................................................4 2016 School Term Dates..................................................................................................4 2016 Term 1 Diary..............................................................................................................5 2016 Home Class Teachers.............................................................................................6 As from this year, the nomination process for sport will be different. Families will now be required to nominate and pay for sports ONLINE (this includes all students in Primary and Secondary school). Last year, students received either a Primary or Secondary Sport Overview booklet in their class trays which outlined the process on how to nominate and the sports available for Term 1, 2016. This same document was also emailed to all students. New students also received this information in their enrolment packs. Nominations opened on Monday 30 November 2015 and will close Monday 8 February. Nominations will not be accepted after the closing date. Please click on the following link to nominate for a Primary or Secondary Sport team and to make payment: our-school/online-payments SAC School Uniform..........................................................................................................7 Staff Roles 2016.................................................................................................................9 Sacramental Program 2016........................................................................................11 Microsoft AC power cord recall for Surface Pro...................................................11 Open Day 2016................................................................................................................11 ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 1 Principal’s Welcome continued... Pope Francis has announced 2016 as the Jubilee Year of Mercy, so our charism will be highlighted throughout the Church this year. In the homily at our Opening Mass for staff last week, we were asked to reflect on this: “If you let your heart be captured by mercy; if you sit still long enough and allow God’s infinite mercy to transform your heart; if you open the doors of your heart to mercy, you will be transformed, and the world will be a different place.” Welcome to New and Returning Staff We are pleased to welcome Gabrielle Cronin, Lucy Dilger, Pamela Edwards, Jessica Furfari, Skye Harper, Lauren McGrechan, Stacey Parker and Ivan Yen to the staff of SAC. We also welcome back returning staff Courtney Kerr, Phoebe Koch and Kellie Osborn. During the break, extensive work has been carried out around the College. An upgrade of the Catherine McAuley Library has created a much more open and spacious feel, and the installation of self-checking machines will allow students easy access to the library’s resources. Renovations have also taken place in the Art area. A nature play area has been created on the convent lawns for the enjoyment of our youngest students, and new LED screens have been installed in many of the classrooms. All families are welcome to take a closer look at these facilities at our Open Day on Monday 7 March 2016. The first SAC Newsletter is an opportune time to remind parents of the importance of good communication between the College and parents. We communicate with you regularly via the newsletter which is available every fortnight, usually on a Friday (apart from this first edition), from our website: The newsletter is an excellent snapshot of the life of the College and a useful reminder of significant events in our calendar and I encourage you to take the time to view it on the website regularly. May you and your family enjoy a very happy and successful year at St Aloysius College. Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL CANTEEN ROSTER WEEK 1 Sue Moyle, Di Young Leah Hoenedrunde (Recess) Oliver Couch, Kristy Liddicoat Andy Mennillo Pam/Rex Robinson, Rosemarie Pischettola Margaret Ribarich, Renee Philp WEEK 2 Mon 8 February Tues 9 February Wed 10 February Thurs 11 February Fri 12 February LESSON TIMES Secondary Students All students must be in their Home Class ready to start at 8:45am each morning. Students are dismissed at 2:35pm on Mondays and at 3:25pm each Tuesday to Friday. Primary Students All students must be in their Home Class ready to start at 8:45am each morning. Students are dismissed at 2:30pm on Mondays and at 3:15pm each Tuesday to Friday. OFFICE HOURS Holiday Works Mon 1 February Tues 2 February Wed 3 February Thur 4 February Fri 5 February 2016 INFORMATION Di Young, Fran Buller Kathy D’Arcy Gabriella Cariesso Pam/Rex Robinson, Libby Zada Evelyn Richards, Kate Treloar The SAC Office is attended from 8:15am to 4:30pm during school days. 2016 SAC NEWSLETTER DATES In addition to this first edition, the SAC Newsletter will be available on our website ( at fortnightly intervals, usually on Fridays, commencing Friday 12 February. STUDENT SUPERVISION As a school we have what the law defines as a 'duty of care' towards the students enrolled. While the courts recognise that accidents cannot be totally prevented, schools are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the type of supervision which a normal parent would provide, considering the age of the student and the activity in which she is engaged. I would like to remind parents and students about several points which arise from the school’s 'duty of care' 1. Students will be supervised within the school grounds from 8:20am on each school day. 2. Students are supervised at recess and lunch times. 3. No student is allowed to leave the school ground during the day without written permission from her Class Teacher. 4. For safety purposes, students are not permitted to use the playground equipment unless supervised by a teacher. This rule applies at all times, including before and after school. 5. When dismissed in the afternoon, students are expected to leave the school grounds immediately and proceed directly home. Students staying for activities organised by the school, such as sport or drama practice, will be supervised. 6. When a student is absent from school, parents are requested to telephone the school by 9:00am on that day to advise the school of the likely length of absence. Parents will be contacted if the school has not been advised. On their return to school after an absence, students are required to bring an explanatory note signed by one parent to the Home Class Teacher. Students who need to stay in the city after school for whatever purpose must bring a note from their parents indicating where and for how long they intend to be in the city. These measures ensure that both parents and staff are able to exercise their legal responsibilities for the students in a way that ensures a responsible degree of safety. Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 2 WELCOME 2016 We welcome the new students and staff joining us this year and hope that your time at St Aloysius College is enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding. Excellent Year 12 Results I will give more details in the next SAC Newsletter on the achievements of the ‘Class of 2015’, but I would like to let you know that they have continued the tradition of academic excellence at St Aloysius College. Congratulations to the Dux of 2015 Maryam Khan who achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 99.65; this is a fantastic, well-deserved result. Almost 100% of SAC students successfully achieved their SACE and we offer special congratulations to all of last year’s Year 12 students. Our students received a total of eleven (11) Merit Certificates. St Aloysius College will hold a special assembly to recognise the outstanding results of these students and to hear from them about the factors that contributed to their success. Merit Certificate winners will receive their certificate in a ceremony at Government House. Over forty two percent (42.6%) of our Year 12 students achieved an ATAR placing them in the top 20% of all Australian students. Seventy eight percent (78%) of all grades achieved by our students were A or B grades. Details of tertiary applications will be provided in the next SAC Newsletter. ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening for Reception to Year 8 Parents You will receive a letter about the ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening on Monday 8 February from 7:00pm to 8:15pm. This is an opportunity for Reception to Year 8 parents to meet their daughter’s Home Class teacher in their classroom and to hear about the year’s program and special features. Student and Family Information Sheets To ensure that we have the latest student and family information details, particularly emergency contact information and who to contact in the case of an accident, it is very important that we keep this information up to date. In the first few weeks of Term 1 you will be issued with a copy of the information we currently hold in our computer system. It is important that you check this information very carefully, make amendments as needed and then return it promptly to us. Security and Visitors Badges St Aloysius College, in line with many other schools and businesses, requires all people coming onto the school property during the school day to first report to the SAC Office in the main foyer to sign in and to wear a visitor’s badge whilst on the school property. This procedure operates from 8:45am to 3:00pm. During the school day it is usually only possible to enter the property through the Wakefield Street doors. If you are in the school grounds without a badge you will (hopefully) be approached and asked to immediately report to the SAC Office. Please do not try to rush past the SAC Office desk without getting a visitor’s badge, even if the staff are a little busy, as the safety of students is very important to us and unidentified strangers pose a serious threat to everyone. Whilst we are sorry if this practice inconveniences parents and visitors coming to the school, we hope you will understand our reasons for implementing this procedure the safety of our students. I hope that this is a successful year for all of our students and their families and I look forward to meeting parents at the various events in this first term. Mr John Konopka DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (ADMIN) Student Absence & Lateness When a student is absent from school or running late, parents are asked to telephone the dedicated student absentee line on 8217 3213 or SMS 0407 724 721 by 9:00am on that day to advise the school of the likely length of absence. Parents will be contacted if the school has not been advised. Upon their return to school after an absence, students are asked to bring a note to the Home Class Teacher signed by a parent/ caregiver explaining the student’s absence. Your assistance is appreciated. SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS Primary and Secondary classes, in addition to other groups of students, will be photographed either on Friday 12 February or Friday 18 February. If you wish to purchase photos, money for this should be brought to school on the day the photos are taken. More information, together with the order envelopes, will be sent home early this week. DAY 1: Friday 12 February 2016 (am) Year 8 & 9 Class Photos & ID Photos & Family Photos DAY 2: Thursday 18 February 2016 Student ID Photos & Class Photos (except Year 8 & 9) ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 3 CURRICULUM NEWS Welcome to the 2016 school year, particularly to the families who are new to St Aloysius College. Beginning a new year is exciting, full of possibilities, new challenges and the development of skills and understandings. The students who embrace the opportunities that are offered, who see challenges as a step in positive learning and who willingly and resolutely approach their studies are the ones who will achieve satisfaction and growth. • Year 6 and 7 students are generally expected to spend about one hour on homework each day from Monday to Thursday inclusive. Homework tasks may involve a range of activities, including reading. A home reading program is encouraged for all students in the Primary years. • Homework at Year 8 and 9 would total about one hour, averaging three or four subjects per night in most cases. • Homework at Year 10 would, in most cases, total about one and a half hours, averaging three or four subjects per night. • Homework in Years 11 and 12 is governed by the requirements of individual subjects. Students would be expected to program a total of about two to three hours of homework per day. The student diary is an important tool for communication between school and home, as well as a place to record homework and due dates for assignments. Teachers will check the diary on a regular basis and we ask you to check and sign the diary at least once a week. The diary is a study planner to help students develop their organisational skills so decorations and If an assignment cannot be completed by personal information, such as friends’ the due date then the extension request birthdays, are not appropriate. form at the back of the diary should be used. This applies to students from Homework is an essential part of the Year 6 to 12. Students should request study program at St Aloysius College. an extension at least 24 hours prior to It helps to develop learning patterns, the due date and a parent signature reinforces class learning, develops is required. Teachers understand that study skills and provides time for difficulties can arise but the use of the revision, reading and completion of diary proforma helps to develop each ongoing assignments. Students are student’s individual commitment and required to complete homework set by responsibility. Students in Year 11 and their teachers. Teachers are also very 12 are required to follow the SACE Board conscious of the many demands on summative task extension policy if they students. Homework should not deny are unable to meet a particular deadline students the opportunity to spend time for a summative task. with their family, friends or engage in other interests. However, students need If you have any questions about the to develop the ability to incorporate curriculum at any time, please don’t homework into their lives in a balanced hesitate to contact me at the College. way. Homework is entered in the diary, thus providing a record for both students and parents. A note from parents is DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (CURRICULUM) needed in the diary if students have been unable to complete homework. The times that follow give an indication of homework times: Ms Marian Elliott Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Arrangements If you would like your daughter to attend Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) we ask that you make a booking by telephoning the SAC Office on 8217 3200 by 1:30pm on the day your daughter requires use of the facility. Similarly, if you wish to cancel a permanent booking you must contact the school, otherwise usual fees will apply. Advance bookings/cancellations can be made at any time. NOTE: For child safety reasons, bookings and cancellations CANNOT be made by email. Please note that parents intending to use the OSHC service are required to complete an OSHC enrolment form, available from the SAC Office. Ms Christine Simpson DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (PASTORAL CARE) 2016 SCHOOL TERM DATES Term 1 Monday 1 February 2016 Friday 15 April 2016 Term 2 Tuesday 3 May 2016 Friday 8 July 2016 Term 3 Monday 25 July 2016 Friday 30 September 2016 Term 4 Monday 17 October 2016 Thursday 8 December 2016 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening Primary & Year 8 Parents / Monday 8 February 2016 at 7:00pm ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 4 TERM 1 DIARY 2016 WEEK 1 2 3 MONDAY TUESDAY 8 9 5 February 10am Whole School Mass 6 February 7 February Newsletter available on SAC website 8 February 9 February Monday 8 February 10:30am SACE Board Lunar New Year (Year Merit Ceremony of the Monkey) 10 February ASH WEDNESDAY 11 February 12 February Newsletter available on SAC website Year 8 & 9 Class Photos & ID Photos & Family Photos (Day 1) 13 February 14 February 17 February Year 8 Camp begins (3 classes) 18 February Student ID Photos & Class Photos (except Year 8 & 9) (Day 2) 19 February Year 8 Camp ends (3 classes) 20 February 21 February 24 February Year 8 Camp begins (2 classes) 25 February 26 February Year 8 Camp ends (2 classes) 27 February 28 February 5 March 6 March 7pm ‘Meet the Teacher’ Meetings for Primary & Year 8 parents 15 February 16 February 8:55-9:40am Year 5-12 Assembly (Dux of 2015) 23 February 9am Year 8 immunisation 1 (Gardasil (HPV) 1st dose; Varicella (chickenpox) 7 March 1pm R-12 classes dismissed ** EARLY FINISH** 6-8pm SAC OPEN DAY Newsletter available on SAC website 4 March 1 March 2 March Year 12 Retreats end 3 March 8 March 9 March 8:30am-2pm Year 3-12 Swimming Carnival 10 March 11 March Newsletter available on SAC website 12 March 13 March 17 March 18 March Year 6 Camp ends 20 March 24 March Newsletter available on SAC website 9am Holy Week liturgy (R-12) 31 March 25 March Good Friday (public holiday) 19 March 9am-1pm Enrolment Interviews for 2017 & 2018 26 March 1 April 2 April 3 April Reception to Year 2: Normal lessons at SAC until 2:30PM DISMISSAL 16 March Year 6 Camp begins 14 March ADELAIDE CUP (public holiday) 15 March 21 March Year 4 Camp begins Year 5 Camp begins 22 March Year 4 Camp ends Year 5 Camp ends 23 March 28 March Easter Monday (public holiday) 29 March 10am School Tour 30 March 12 noon R-12 Easter Mass 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April Newsletter available on SAC website 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April Year 10, 11 & 12 Reports issued to students 15 April END OF TERM 1 1:00pm R-12 Classes dismissed **EARLY FINISH** 16 April 17 April 10 11 SUNDAY 4 February 29 February Year 12 Retreats begin 7 SATURDAY 3 February Year 12 Orientation Day 4 6 FRIDAY THURSDAY 1 February 2 February Students commence Term 1 - 8:45am start 7pm Year 12 Parent Information Night 22 February 5 WEDNESDAY ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 27 March Page 5 2016 Home Class Teachers YEAR 12 7KO 7SS 7JT Coordinators: Carolyne Williams, Muriel Noujaim Ben Cain, Clare Collier Muriel Noujaim, Tanya Kassulke Jessica Furfari, Shafiyat Prakash Jacqueline Jury, Siew Hoon Goh Carolyne Williams, Alison Bullock Rebecca Triantafilakis, Sue Bowker Coordinator: Frances Delfin Alan Brown, Elizabeth Boylan Carolyn Eaton, Matthew Trainor Sandra Eustace, Annie Heath Nicoletta Romanelli, Wan Li (Ivan) Yen Frances Delfin, Maria Fragnito Tom Coultas, Sharyn Schubert Coordinator: Kate Inglis Elizabeth Heuzenroeder, Paolo Arman Silvana Bianchet, Lucy Dilger Michelle Barratt, Malcolm Smith Louise Tunney, Louise Murphy Anne-Marie Wilson, Craig Evans Kate Inglis, Phoebe Koch Coordinator: Rebecca Kane Laura Flynn, Sarah Kennedy Vashti Casserly-Lund, Elaine Angwin Pamela Alexopoulos, Julie Barletta Rebecca Kane, Elizabeth Roussos Rosa Frezza, Sarah Eaton Coordinator: Rachel Gould Nicole Russell, Linda Clemente Rachel Gould, Linh Nguyen Kate Marks, Catherine Jones Nicole Wedding, Linda Sarunic Katie Fenoughty, Rosie Hicks Coordinators: Shey Odgers, Dannielle Steed Kellie Osborn Sandra Sofia, Kamala Bode Jo Tapp 6RL 6MP 6SH Renee Lambi Melissa Potter Sharon Hill 5JV 5JA 5LM Jo Villis Jayne Auld, Zoe Duffy Lisa McLaughlin, Zoe Duffy 4GM 4SL 4NP Giulia Brunetti Simon Landi, Kathryn Beilby Nicole Priest, Sera Crilley 3EG 3NC 3TN Eloise Griffiths, Zoe Duffy Nadia Costantini Tenielle Nuske 2LI 2GC 2BM Lauren Idema Gabrielle Cronin Brendan May 1CL 1DS 1JG Carolyn Lewis, Joanne Szegedi Dannielle Steed, Mary Kotsionis, Brooke Woodman Jessica Grohs Reception-TH Reception-KR Reception-SO Tanya Halstead, Joanne Szegedi Kate Ruston, Joanne Szegedi Shey Odgers, Wendy Heuzenroeder, Larissa Caudle 12BC 12MN 12OZ 12JJ 12CW 12RT YEAR 11 11AB 11CE 11SE 11NR 11FD 11TC YEAR 10 10EH 10SB 10MB 10LT 10AW 10KI YEAR 9 9LF 9VC 9PA 9RK 9RF YEAR 8 8NR 8RG 8KM 8NW 8KF PRIMARY Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide POLICE CHECKS ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS Is your police check clearance about to expire? We are extremely grateful to the many wonderful volunteers who provide support in various capacities to St Aloysius College. It is important to note that your police check clearance is only valid for a period of three years, after which time you are required to submit another application. The Police Check Unit has advised us that it can take as long as six weeks for applications to be processed, so if your clearance is about to expire, please come in to the SAC Office to complete another application form – and remember to bring in your original proof of identification (eg birth certificate, passport and driver’s licence). Please contact the SAC Office on 8217 3200 if you have any queries. Year 3-12 SAC Swimming Carnival 2016 The SAC Year 3-12 Swimming Carnival will be held at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre on Wednesday 9 March 2016 from 8:30am to 2:00pm. During the next few weeks the House Captains and Physical Education staff will be working hard to prepare for this exciting school event! House meetings and classroom visits by our PE staff and Sports Leaders will occur in order to answer questions and encourage girls to participate in the cheering and various swimming events. We warmly welcome parents,families and friends to join us on the day. ST aLOYSIUS college Ms Nicole Wedding PHYSICAL EDUCATION COORDINATOR 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 6 SAC SCHOOL UNIFORM SUMMER UNIFORM (Terms 1 & 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. Check dress (regulation style) incorporating the embroidered College logo - available only at the SAC Uniform Shop. Length should be mid-knee. Summer school hat compulsory for all students. Either: a) Long white regulation school socks with mauve and purple trim with brown flat, regulation lace-up shoes (no high heels) or brown T-bar shoes. By law, students are required to wear covered shoes in laboratories. b) Roman sandals with no socks. On cold days in Terms 1 and 4, students may wear their school blazer over the top of the dress, or they may wear their school jumper or vest over the dress. WINTER UNIFORM (Terms 2 & 3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chocolate brown blazer with mauve and purple trim with school monogram. Chocolate brown mauve and purple pinstripe tunic (length as for summer dress). Purple and white striped shirt (regulation style). Chocolate brown tights or long, chocolate brown regulation school socks with purple and mauve trim with flat, brown regulation lace-up shoes (no high heels) or brown T-bar shoes. On cold days in Terms 2 and 3, students may wear the regulation chocolate brown, long-sleeved V-neck school jumper or the chocolate brown vest (incorporating the SAC crest, available only from the SAC Uniform Shop) under the blazer. On very cold days in Terms 2 and 3 a regulation SAC scarf may be worn (available from the SAC Uniform shop). School Bag • • • • • St Aloysius College purple rugby top white socks with purple and gold trim sandshoes hats for Reception to Year 10 students and Year 11 and 12 PE students (compulsory Term 1 and Term 4) SAC PE jacket (optional) Swimming Requirements • • one piece bathers goggles PE Uniform on PE Days Students are permitted to wear their PE uniform to and from school on the days they have Physical Education practical lessons, provided the full and correct PE uniform is worn. Please Note: 1. Make-up and nail polish are not permitted. 2. Sleepers or studs may be worn, however, students are only permitted to wear one earring in each lower ear lobe. Earrings are not to be worn higher up on the ear. No other types of earrings are permitted. The only other approved jewellery items are watches, one signet ring, medical bracelets, either a silver or gold religious medal or simple cross on a plain silver or gold chain. Nose rings or other visible body piercing are not permitted. 3. Shoes are to be polished. 4. Blazers are compulsory items and must be worn to and from school in Terms 2 and 3. 5. Hair is to be well-groomed. A ribbon, clips, hair slides, head band or a scrunchy must be used to tie back hair if it is below collar length – permitted colours are brown, beige, white, black, purple or gold. Extremes in hair styles or colouring, as determined by the school, are not permitted. 6. Headscarves or other approved items worn for religious reasons shall be in the same colour tones permitted for scarves. 7. An old shirt or overall is useful for Art lessons. Lockers & Locks Students in the Secondary school and most Primary students are provided with a locker and must use it to store their personal possessions. Food or drink must not be stored overnight in the locker. Students must keep their locker locked when not accessing it. Only combination locks purchased from SAC are to be used on lockers. SAC UNIFORM SHOP 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide Tel: 8217 3200 or 8217 3267 Opening times: School Terms: Tuesdays: 8.15-11.30am Wednesdays: 1.00-4.00pm Thursdays: 8.15-11.30am School Holidays: As Advertised in School Newsletter at the end of each term Families are encouraged to contact the SAC Office (Tel: 8217 3200) to make an appointment for uniform fittings. House Colours St Anne - Purple St Clare - White St Margaret - Yellow St Teresa - Green All students must have the regulation St Aloysius College brown school bag or backpack. PE Uniform Available only at the SAC Uniform Shop (except sandshoes). Students are required to wear the following uniform: • embroidered gold polo top with black sleeves • black sport shorts with gold and purple piping or purple shorts or purple skirt • black tracksuit pants with gold and purple piping ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 7 Staff Roles 2016 PrincipalPaddy McEvoy Deputy Principal (Administration) John Konopka Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care) Christine Simpson Deputy Principal (Curriculum) Marian Elliott Business ManagerSteve Andrews Roles LOTE Coordinator including Student Exchanges Visual Arts Coordinator, Study Tours (SAC Integration) Coordinator Religious Education (8-12) & Liturgies Coordinator Outdoor Education Coordinator (incl. D of E) Primary English, Humanities Coordinator including Literacy Science Coordinator Secondary Sport Coordinator Music R-12 Coordinator, Instrumental Music Program & Music Curriculum Extension Coordinator EAL Coordinator Drama Coordinator Information Technology R-12 Coordinator, Network Manager, WHS Coordinator, Reliefs Coordinator Year 11 Coordinator, Mathematics Coordinator including Secondary Numeracy Year 8 Coordinator Coordinator: Information Services Year 10 Coordinator R-12 Humanities and Social Science Coordinator, Cross-disciplinary Coordinator Year 9 Coordinator International Student (academic) Coordinator (sem 1) Primary Sport Coordinator including Knockout & SAPSASA Career Education & Work Experience Coordinator, VET Coordinator Year 12 Coordinator (shared), Admin Coordinator R-7 Coordinator (shared) Religious Education (R-7) Coordinator R-7 Coordinator (shared) Primary Maths, Science Coordinator including Numeracy English Coordinator, including Literacy Primary ICT Coordinator PE Coordinator Year 12 Coordinator (shared) Given Pat Michelle Elizabeth Alan Giulia Alison Vashti Linda Clare Tom Brian Frances Rachel Carol Kate Jacqui Rebecca Mary Kate Louise Muriel Shey Sandra Dannielle Jo Matthew Jo Nicole Carolyne Surname Allmand Barratt Boylan Brown Brunetti Bullock Casserly-Lund Clemente Collier Coultas Davey Delfin Gould Grantham Inglis Jury Kane Kotsionis Marks Murphy Noujaim Odgers Sofia Steed Tapp Trainor Villis Wedding Williams Other roles Harassment Contact Officers Jacqueline Jury, Alan Brown Privacy Officer John Konopka School Counsellor & Psychologist Lisa Johnson School Counsellor & Social Worker Cassandra Di Girolamo, Mary Stovell (T1) ATSI Student Liaison, Refugee student Liaison Sr Janet Lowe Executive Assistant to the Principal & Registrar Doreen Maiello Assistant RegistrarStacey Parker Office Coordinator, Executive Assistant & Publications Officer Corrina Min Publications/Assistant to the Deputy Principals Alexandra Gonzalez Salas Office Assistant/Receptionist Rosie Camerlengo, Jan Fowler Administration Assistant, Publications, relief receptionist Carly Cox Finance Staff Lucy Raybould, Lynette Palmer, Linda Gavranic First Aid Room Suzanne Wright Library Staff Carol Grantham, Liz Cockshell, Pamela Edwards, Frances Sandeman, Amy Manser Adaptive/Special Education Support Larissa Caudle, Wendy Heuzenroeder, Libby Butterworth, Margaret Smitherman, Kathryn Lindblom Science Laboratory Assistant Betty Horsell, Lisa Johnston Information Technology (non-teacher) Department Jason Civetta, Jonathan Mann, Travis Young Art Assistant, Music Assistant Alisha Min PE Assistant (AFL trainee scheme) Lauren McGrechan Student Welfare Support Officer Madeleine Kelly Out of School Hours Care Miffy Young (Director), Linda Lee (Assistant Director), Kellie Gleeson (Assistant Director) Canteen - SAC Anne-Marie Thiele, Brunetta Barbieri Uniform Shop Skye Harper, Giselle Wright Maintenance/Grounds Gunars Kargans, Matthew Crotti Cleaning & ground staff Donald Altmann ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 8 mic Microsoft AC power cord recall for Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2 and certain Surface Pro 3 devices “As a result of damage caused by AC power cords being wound too tightly, twisted or pinched over an extended period of time, a very small proportion of Surface Pro customers have reported issues with their AC power cord.” St Aloysius College has arranged with Microsoft to receive a bulk delivery of replacement power cords. When these arrive students will be asked to exchange their cord. This recall applies to: AC power cords for Microsoft Surface Pro, Microsoft Surface Pro 2, and Microsoft Surface Pro 3 devices sold before 15 July 2015 This recall DOES NOT apply to: AC power cords for Microsoft Surface RT, Microsoft Surface 2, Microsoft Surface 3, Microsoft Surface Pro 3 devices sold after 15 July 2015, Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and Microsoft Surface Book Power supplies with DC power cord for all devices AC power cords and power supplies for the docking stations for Microsoft Surface Pro, Microsoft Surface Pro 2, Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and Microsoft Surface 3 Definitions AC power cord The removable cord that connects the power supply to an electrical outlet. Power supply The power “brick” with a permanently attached DC cord that plugs into the charging port on Surface plus the removable AC power cord. AC power cord Power supply ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 9 Sacramental Program 2016 The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) enable people to become members of and participate within the Catholic Church community. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament of healing. During 2016, students will have the opportunity to prepare and celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. The school will be supporting students and their families in learning about Sacraments through the Religious Education program, according to the Rite of the Catholic Church. Parents will be asked to attend some meetings during the year as part of this preparation. The next SAC Newsletter will provide details of future parent meetings and Sacramental celebrations. Ms Sandra Sofia ELC to Year 12 on the one city campus. Come on a tour through our modern facilities which include our award-winning Redden Centre building, the Year 12 and expressive arts centres, science laboratories, library and our extensive student laptop program supported by the campus-wide wireless network. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (R-7)COORDINATOR See our state-of-the-art sporting facilities which include a fully equipped gymnasium, two full-sized indoor basketball courts and heated swimming pool. For further information about our Open Day or School Tour program please contact us. 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 8217 3200 / Email: Website: All Responsible Facebook Users: Become a fan of the official SAC fan page. To do this, simply search ‘St Aloysius College’, choose the one with the logo as shown above and click ‘Like’. You will then be able to view all recent posts, relevant links and photos. You’ll be kept up to date with student achievements, upcoming events and more! St Aloysius College A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd 53 Wakefield Street Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Tel: 08 8217 3200 ST aLOYSIUS college 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200 Page 10