Newsletter Inside this issue


Newsletter Inside this issue
A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd
Issue 13: Friday 14 August 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends and Students of SAC,
You may have heard reports in the media recently that Catholic Education SA has reviewed the Same
First Day Policy and decided to allow the option for Catholic schools to offer two entry points for
children beginning Reception. Children born on or before April 30 will start school in Term 1 and
complete a full year of Reception. Children born after May 1 but before October 31 will begin in
Term 3 and complete six terms of Reception. The focus will remain on what is best for the individual,
with families and schools working closely together to provide the best early learning experiences for
children at the right time.
Student leadership was celebrated at last week’s Primary Assembly. Hosted by the Year 5 students, the
presentation of badges to the Semester 2 Student Representatives and Tech Reps was a highlight for all
in attendance. The breadth of leadership opportunities available to our students means that students
with a wide range of interests and abilities can lead in different ways. I would also like to acknowledge
the staff who support the Student Representative Council and the Tech Reps in listening to their peers
and continuously seeking to improve our school community.
We were thrilled to hear that four of our Year 11 students have been selected to attend the National
Youth Science Forum in Canberra in January, 2016. Each of these students has been supported by their
local Rotary club, after a rigorous application and interview process. Their selection is a reflection of
the passion for Science that is shared by so many of our Senior students, a passion that is nurtured
through the dedication of our Science teachers. We hope the girls will be inspired by what they learn
through this immersion experience.
This weekend we will be hosting the Australasian Mercy Secondary Schools’ Association Conference
here in Adelaide. This is a significant event in our calendar, bringing together 140 delegates from over 40
schools across Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. The whole staff of St Aloysius College
and Mercedes College will also participate in Friday’s program, along with the visiting delegates. Led
by some outstanding keynote speakers, we will reflect on our mission as Mercy schools in today’s world
and ensure that we continue to bring Catherine McAuley’s vision alive in new and exciting ways in our
schools. We thank our choir and student leaders who will help to make the Conference a very special
experience for all involved.
It has been a pleasure to
welcome back Felicity Martin
and Charmaine Paddy, two
students from the Pipalyatjara
School in the APY Lands. We
value our relationship with this
remote school and appreciate
the welcome they extend to our
students when they visit. We
look forward to continuing to
offer students, both here and in
Pipalyatjara, the chance to learn
from one another and build
We hope students enjoy their
long weekend and we all look
forward to the warmer weather
on the horizon.
Four of our Year 11 students have been selected to attend the
National Youth Science Forum in Canberra in January, 2016.
Well done girls!
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Page 1
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Monday 17 August to
Friday 21 August
Friday 21 August at 10am
Inside this issue
SAC Can Drive....................................2
Term 3 Diary.......................................2
Canteen Roster..................................2
Legally Blonde Congratulations.... 3
MDI Survey..........................................5
Book Week at SAC............................5
Career Education..............................6
Justice & Mercy..................................7
The Maritime Museum...................8
Primary Sport.....................................9
Secondary Sport.............................10
2015 Athletics Carnival.................11
Who Do You Think You Are?.........12
TERM 3 DIARY (for students and parents)
August 17
August 18
August 19
First draft Subject
Selections for
next year due
(Years 78, 910,
1011, 1112)
August 20
August 21
Illustrator Marc
McBride (Library)
10am R-7 Book
Week Parade
L4&5: Year 8
Mobile Science
Chemistry Show
1pm R-12 SAC
Can Drive
Reception to Year 6
reports issued to
August 22
August 23
August 28
August 29
August 30
Year 9 Camp ends
(3 classes)
4pm Sacrament of
(St Patrick’s
Church, Grote St)
August 24
August 25
August 26
Year 9 Camp
begins (3 classes)
Year 7 LOTE
trimester 3 begins
August 27
1pm Year 12 Society
& Culture Social
Action Lunchtime
L6&7 Year 5 & 6
SAPOL Cyber Safety
talk (Undercroft)
L6&7 All Year 10
students SA Police
available on SAC
August 17
August 18
Fran Buller
Di Young
Joanne Madi
August 19
August 20
August 21
Anne Shattock
Pam/ Rex Robinson
Lucy O’Grady
Margaret Buckham
August 24
August 25
August 26
August 27
August 28
Fran Buller
Di Young
Sue Moyle
Andy Mennillo
Pam/ Rex Robinson
Kylie Brooks
Page 2
To the students from Legally Blonde:
The final show ends, the lights dim and the curtain falls.
Suddenly, you all screamed, hugged and cried and realised
it was all worth it - the long rehearsals, the weekends, the
mistakes we made and the bedlam of that final week. So much
time, so much energy, so much of yourself has been poured
into Legally Blonde - The Musical. You’ve spent weeks creating
something, transforming a script into characters that live, speak,
feel, dance and sing. Hopefully, you found that dedication,
cooperation and teamwork were the very essence of a school
production. This is why we do these things. You learnt to become
enthusiastic, to become interested, to solve problems and gain
satisfaction from your own achievement. And finally, during
performances, you gave this enjoyment to an audience. You girls
did an amazing job!
A big thank you to all the SAC staff who helped out with this
production. It was a great effort from a dedicated and talented
Mr Tom Coultas
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Page 4
Parent/Guardian of Year 6-9 students
‘Understanding Student Wellbeing:
The Middle Years Development Instrument Survey’
Your child is invited to take part in a survey being conducted
in our school this year.
Purpose of the survey
Children’s sense of wellbeing is an important part of their
development. The purpose of the project is to understand
how children during the middle childhood years think
and feel about their lives both inside and outside of
school. Students will complete a survey called the Middle
Years Development Instrument (MDI). The information
collected from the survey will help inform educational and
community efforts to help improve young people’s health
and wellbeing.
What is the survey about?
The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) asks
young people about their:
1) social and emotional development
2) feelings of connectedness to school, family, friends and
3) school experiences
4) physical health and wellbeing and
5) activities after school.
Book Week at SAC
Monday 17 August - Friday 21 August 2015
Books light up our world
Book Week is being celebrated a week early at
St Aloysius College this year. The decision was made
as Year 9 classes are on camp during the official Book
Week and would miss the annual Can Drive event
which is always held during this week. The library
has organised a range of exciting activities and
visitors for students in Reception to Year 7.
Book Week is an initiative of the Children’s Book
Council and celebrates the best of young adult and
children’s literature published in the past year.
The 2015 Book of the Year Award shortlist can
be found on the Children’s Book Council website The books will
be available for loan from the library after Book Week.
Ms Carol Grantham
Students’ answers to the survey will be kept confidential.
Results will not be used to identify individual students.
Where can I get more information?
Further information can be found at
For questions or concerns, or to view the MDI questions,
please contact Anna Lewkowicz, Project Manager, via email
at or or
by phone at 08 8226 0452 or Betty Curzons, phone 08 8226 9144.
A detailed letter has gone home to all families summarising
key information about this survey which St Aloysius College
has taken part in over the last two years.
Mr John Konopka
Page 5
All Responsible Facebook Users:
Become a fan of the official SAC fan page.
To do this, simply search ‘St Aloysius College
Adelaide’, choose the one with the logo as shown
above and click ‘Like’. You will then be able to view all
recent posts, relevant links and photos. You’ll be kept
up to date with student achievements,
upcoming events and more!
I was fortunate enough to hear award winning Australian
author Jacqueline Harvey speak to children in Adelaide during
the July school holidays. Jacqueline is famous for her series of
children’s books ‘Alice Miranda’ and ‘Clementine Rose’. Her
characters are rich and dynamic individuals and she spoke
to her young audience about what inspired the characters in
her books. The most inspirational part of the afternoon was
Jacqueline’s deliberate storytelling account of what lead her to
become an author - she made it obvious to the children that she
was discussing her career and explained how her career as an
author formed over many years. Rarely do people talk to young
children so candidly about the development of their career.
developed skills and engaged in activities that strengthened her
writing but her career as a writer has taken time, perseverance
and a career change. Jacqueline Harvey’s own story of how she
became an author is true of so many careers.
Jacqueline Harvey is a gifted storyteller. It is important for
children to know that careers are not linear but are instead
a myriad of skills, talents, work, life experiences and study
mixed with opportunity and some risk-taking. Usually
the path to a career is peppered with challenges, chance
opportunities, persistence, inspiration, things that didn’t work
out, self-sacrifice and sometimes luck. Young people need to
understand that others face challenges in their careers, that
unexpected experiences may be a catalyst for career change and
that the skills learnt in one job or career may be fundamentally
important in a different career. Most of all children need to
know that a career is a part of someone’s life story and that
story, most likely, has unexpected twists and turns.
Ms Louise Murphy
The St Aloysius College library has both the Alice Miranda
and Clementine Rose series of books available for loan.
Jacqueline Harvey at St Aloysius College last year
With storytelling charm, Jacqueline explained to the captivated
children in her audience that her passion for writing began
early on and has been a recurring theme during her life. She
talked of her love of reading at a young age, her favourite
authors and books, her experience of teachers with varying
degrees of passion for their career and how changing schools
inspired her to become a teacher. Jacqueline explained to the
children that at home and in the car she would tell stories to
her family, echoing her daily experiences. She entered writing
competitions and described how she became a teacher and
wrote books for the students in her class. She was always using
her writing skills during her career as an educator. After many
years as a teacher and encouraged by her husband, Jacqueline
sent a manuscript to a publisher. Years later her first novel
‘Alice Miranda at School’ was published. Jacqueline spoke
honestly with the children, recounting the struggles to have
her first book published and after that, wondering if she would
ever have another book published. She talked of working as
a teacher whilst also writing her books, of the time it took to
become a published author and how she only recently became
a full-time writer. Jacqueline also shared some sources of
inspiration for her books, describing her travel experiences,
her favourite novels as a child and people she has met within
are fused with fiction to create her stories.
On my way home from the talk, I wondered how many parents
would take the opportunity to discuss with their child what
Jacqueline had so eloquently shared that afternoon. She
Page 6
The Australian website has a wonderful
section for parents and care givers titled ‘Assist your child’ that
is suitable for parents of younger children as well as teenage
children facing imminent career decisions.
Southern Cross - August Edition
The Southern Cross August edition is out now and includes Stories
of Interest. To access it, please follow the link below:
Also there’s an e-resource on the Sacraments which is easy to read
and has links to additional resources. Watch out for September
edition e-resource page which will feature a break-down of the
Pope’s encyclical on the environment. If you have any news
to share contact Rebecca DiGirolamo, Senior Journalist at
The Southern Cross on
Primary and Senior JAM
It is with great excitement that we launch ‘Primary JAM’
in Term 3. We have opened our group up to students in
Years 3-6, whose energy and willingness to show compassion
is inspiring.
Under the leadership of our Year 7 JAM leaders Sarah Bender 7SS,
Lauren Kellermann-Clarke 7SS, Ruby Stefanucci 7MP,
Sophie McGrath 7MP, Holly Burns 7MP, Alyssa Lagana 7JW
and Zara Brown 7JW, the girls will learn about the meaning of
‘justice’ with a focus on food distribution and hunger around
the world. The students are currently planning a Harmony
Lunch to be held on Monday 21 September 2015, celebrating
multiculturalism at St Aloysius College and learning about
where food comes from. Senior JAM (Years 7-12) is held in
room M1 at lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and this term,
we are focusing on leadership formation so that the students
may enhance their confidence and develop new skills which
will assist them with planning campaigns, which are both
meaningful and creative.
It was beautiful to see students sharing their cupcakes with
others and offering to buy for friends who had forgotten
to bring money - the value of friendship and the spirit of
compassion is priceless and equally as important as raising
money for those in need.
Ms Madeleine Kelly
We are also planning a campaign around homelessness, which
will include a Year 12 Vinnie’s sleepout and an awareness
video created by the Senior JAM group. After participating in
the Hutt St Centre’s ‘Walk A Mile In My Boots’ campaign on
Friday 7 August, the girls’ commitment to this cause has been
Welcoming the new members of the Primary JAM group!
Pipalyatjara Visit
This term, we warmly welcomed Charmaine Paddy and Felicity
Martin, two of our friends from Pipalyatjara Anangu School,
to St Aloysius College for a three week visit.
It has been wonderful reconnecting with the girls and sharing
stories and laughs once again. Felicity and Charmaine attended
‘Legally Blonde - The Musical’ with Marie Kayumba Mwema 11CE, who
visited Pipalyatjara in March 2015 with Molly Flynn 11AB,
Aimee Brett 11SE and Ruby Gazzola 11RT. The girls particularly
enjoyed Ruby’s engaging performance as the character, Paulette.
More than 20 students and several staff members braved the cold on
Friday 7 August to ‘Walk A Mile’ for the Hutt St Centre
Last term, we called on the generosity of the community to
donate to our ‘Hoodies for our Homies’ appeal. We collected
and sent dozens of hoodies to Pipalyatjara, as they are
experiencing an unusually cold winter. We are grateful to all
who donated hoodies, blankets and sleeping bags, which will
keep the children warm throughout the coming cold weeks.
Mercy House of Welcome Fundraiser
At the end of Term 2, many students in Year 7 baked cookies,
cupcakes and all sorts of treats to raise money for the Mercy
House of Welcome in Kilburn. In total, we raised $515.85 for
the organisation, which helps newly-settled refugees to learn
skills and make friends within the Adelaide community. It
took less than 20 minutes for the stall to sell out. Without
the support of family and friends of the students who baked
the goods, as well as those who bought treats on the day, this
would not have been possible.
The Refugee Week cupcake stall raised over $500.00 for the Mercy House
of Welcome. Thanks to the parents who helped Year 7 students bake the cupcakes
and to all who purchased some on the day!
Page 7
Student Reflection
On Friday 31 July, the Year 4 classes went on an excursion to
the Maritime Museum in Port Adelaide to learn more about
First, we climbed onto the bus with our partner. I was with my
friend Rachael on the way there. When we arrived, we had our
recess and had something to drink. Then, one of the teachers
told us to line up so they could head-count us and put our bags
away. After that, we walked through the doors of the Maritime
As we walked through, I saw all the amazing displays and the
massive ketch. We met an instructor named Colleen who took
us to learn about three explorers: Matthew Flinders, James
Cook and Nicholas Baudin. After a talk about the explorers,
we saw an anchor which was made out of iron. We were also
shown navigation equipment where we learnt about longitude
and latitude.
Year 4 students contemplating the anchor at the Maritime Museum
Later, we were split into groups to explore. I was given a satchel
and Rachael was given the booklet. The satchel included
all the items that we needed. For around 30 to 40 minutes
we explored and answered the questions in the booklet and
Rachael and I finished twelve out of thirteen questions. After
we had returned the booklet and the bag with the equipment
in it, we all walked to the lighthouse. I climbed the lighthouse
with my other friend Agum and was impressed with myself
because I am usually afraid of heights.
Thank you very much to all of our parent helpers and the
teachers who organised this excursion.
Lucia, Hannah, Imogen & Alisha exploring the Museum
I enjoyed the excursion to the Maritime Museum because I
tried something new while I climbed the lighthouse steps. I
also learnt a lot with all of my friends.
Lauren James 4KB
Imogen, Clare, Kaitlyn & Elspeth learning while having fun!
At the lighthouse
Zara, Emma & Madaleine on the ketch
Page 8
Term 4 Sport
As the Term 2/3 school sport season continues for netball,
basketball, lacrosse and indoor soccer, it is already time to start
thinking ahead to Term 4 sport for Years 3-7 students!
Please see the table below for an outline of sports offered to
Years 3-7 students for Term 4.
If your daughter is interested in being involved in any of the
sports shown below, she must attend a nomination meeting on
Monday 24 August (Week 6) to collect a nomination form. All
nominations are due Friday 4 September (Week 7, Term 3).
Reception students participating in dance sessions at Come ‘n’ Try
Nomination meeting
Year levels
When & Where
Beach volleyball
Years 4-7 students
Thursday afternoons at the
City Beach courts
Monday 24 August (Week 6) at
recess in the gym
Water polo clinics
Years 5 & 6 students
Tuesday afternoons
at the SAC pool
Monday 24 August (Week 6) at
recess in the gym
Basketball clinics
Years 3-6 students
Wednesday after school
at the SAC gym
Monday 24 August (Week 6) at
lunchtime in the gym
Lacrosse clinics
Years 3-7 students
Tuesday lunchtime
at the SAC gym
Monday 24 August (Week 6) at
lunchtime in the gym
(Students must come along to the
following meeting to receive more information)
The SAPSASA Basketball team competed at the Basketball
Championships on Wednesday 5 August during Week 3 at Marion
Stadium. The team came up against some fierce competition and
played some very hard-fought games against five other schools.
SAC had two strong wins against Cabra Dominican College and
Forbes Primary School. Well done to Reghan McGinlay 7JW,
Ella Betterman 7MP, Phoebe Bonner 7JW, Stella Sennis 7SS,
Alyssa Lagana 7JW, Ruby Kolpak 7SS, Isabella Cristea 7SS
and Halle Brennan 7JW on your hard work and being good
representatives of the college.
The SAPSASA athletics team was selected at the beginning of
Term 2 and will compete at SANTOS Stadium on Tuesday 1
September (Week 7). Students in the team will receive a reminder
note closer to the day.
SAPSASA basketball team:
Ruby, Stella, Phoebe, Ella, Reghan, Halle, Isabella & Alyssa
with Coach Krystel Graberski
Congratulations to Erica who participated in the SA School
Orienteering Individual Championships on Tuesday 4 August.
She competed extremely well and placed first in her age. Well
done Erica!
Ms Kate Marks
Contact Information for Primary Sport Coordinator:
Ms Kate Marks
Tel: 0447 512 480 or 8217 3233
Erica with her 1st placed medal
from the SA School Orienteering Individual Championships
Page 9
Term 2/3 Secondary Sport
Congratulations !
It’s finals time…
The finals for both badminton and netball are fast approaching
with the last games being played on Saturday 22 August.
During Week 5, all netball and badminton teams will be issued
with the details of the final game for their team via email. The Year
9 netball teams will play their last game on Thursday 20 August.
Our Junior SAC Yellow soccer team and old scholar coach
Julene Quan finished second on the premiership ladder after a
fantastic season. The Senior SAC Purple team and coach Mr Alan
Brown also played off for first place in the senior competition.
Both teams faced Glenunga High in Grand Finals earlier in
the week. Unfortunately both teams went down to the stronger
Glenunga High School teams, however we congratulate them on
a great season as runner up premiers.
Congratulations to Meredith Norman 9NR who placed first in
the U15 age group in the SA Schools Orienteering Individual
Championships. Chelsea Homes 9NR also competed and finished
second in the U14 age group. Well done girls!
Meredith Norman 9NR also has been selected to represent South
Australia at the National Schools Orienteering Championships
in September and October. We wish Meredith good luck for this
upcoming event.
Ms Vashti Casserly
The lacrosse season for our U13 SAC Eagles side continues up to
and including Week 6 with their last game played on Saturday 29
Good luck to all players in their final matches of the year. I look
forward to sharing the results of the finals for the 2015 netball,
badminton, football, lacrosse and soccer seasons in later SAC
Newsletter editions.
Term 4 Secondary Sport
It is fantastic to see so many Secondary students nominating to
play Term 4 sport this year. Students who have returned their
nomination forms to play Term 4 basketball, touch football,
water polo, indoor volleyball and tennis will be issued with an
information pack later in Term 3 via email. It is important that
both students and parents read this carefully in order to be fully
aware of all the necessary details regarding Term 4 sport.
In control for the Senior SAC Purple
Soccer Team
SAC medal winners at the Schools
Orienteering Individual Championships
Knockout Sport Information
Open knockout soccer
Congratulations to the Open knockout soccer team on a hard
fought battle against Henley High School in Week 3. It was an
extremely tight match with Henley scoring late in the game
and winning with a 1-0 score. With the majority of the team in
Year 9/10, these girls will definitely be the team to watch next year
in the Open division.
2015 Open knockout soccer team coached by Mr Alan Brown
Open knockout basketball
The Open knockout basketball team were unlucky not to go
through to the finals this year. They played exceptionally well to
defeat Adelaide High School by two points in overtime and only
lost by a mere four points to Sacred Heart College in Game 2.
With a combination of Years 8-11 students still eligible to play
next year they show great promise in progressing further in 2016.
Year 8/9 knockout basketball
The Year 8/9 knockout basketball team is training hard in the lead
up to their Round 1 match against Henley High School. We wish
them good luck for their Week 5 game!
Year 8/9 knockout volleyball
Trials for Year 8/9 knockout volleyball team will take place during
Week 7 of this term. Students must read the Student Bulletin
carefully for information regarding these trials.
Page 10
2015 Open knockout basketball team coached by Ms Kamala Bode
Contact Information for Secondary Sport Coordinator:
Vashti Casserly
Mobile: 0447 937 709
Thursday 10 September (Week 8)
Come dressed as something that starts with the letter of your House!
The Athletics Carnival will take place at Santos Stadium on
Thursday 10 September (Week 8). It will be a great day for
all students from Reception to Year 12!
Years 6-12 students can nominate for their favourite field
events in Week 7. Track events do not need nomination as
students can go to the start of the event at the time listed
on their programs. This year’s theme is:
‘Come dressed as something that starts with
the letter of your House’
ST CLAIRE’S can come as a white:
• Cartoon character
• Cat
• Cat woman
• Charlie Chaplin
• Cheerleader
• Chef
• Cinderella
• Cleopatra
• Clown
• Cricket player
• Cowboy/cowgirl
ST ANNE’S can come as a purple:
• Addams Family member
• Albus Dumbledore
• Aladdin
• Avatar
• Artist
• Austin Powers
• Aurora
• Arm wrestler
ST MARGARET’S can come as a yellow:
• Minions
• Mary Poppins
• Magician
• Merlin
• Mexican
• Marge Simpson
• Mermaid
• Musketeer
ST TERESA’S can come as a green:
• Teenage mutant ninja turtle
• Teletubby
• Tinkerbell
• Toy
• Tutankhamen
• Tweedle Dee and Tweedle dum
• Tweety bird
• Tennis player
With best dressed prizes for staff and students you don’t
want to miss out! The main aim of this day is to have fun
and participate for your House. We look forward to seeing
you there!
Ms Nicole Wedding
Page 11
On Tuesday 15 September tune in to SBS at 7:30pm to hear the story of Greig Pickhaver (HG Nelson),
whose mother attended SAC.
Special appearance by our own archivist Mr Neville Stapleton!
On Wednesday 22 April, a crew from Artemis Films of Perth
arrived at St Aloysius College to record part of a television
series known as: Who Do You Think You Are?
Greig Pickhaver, better known to the Australian public as
HG Nelson was the subject of this segment of the series. His
mother, Ms Beryl Skuce, attended St Aloysius College from
1919 until 1929 and had been a prominent member of the
school community. Apart from being a leading scholar, Beryl
had excelled at tennis and netball and had played leading roles
in the school productions of her era.
SAC Archives was able to provide Greig with photographic
and printed records of his mother’s school career, information
that both surprised and delighted him.
Mr Neville Stapleton
Greig Pickhaver, better known to the Australian public as HG Nelson with
Archivist Mr Neville Stapleton at St Aloysius College
Student Absence and Lateness
Can you believe it has been
30 years?!
When a student is absent from school or running late,
parents are asked to telephone the dedicated student
absentee line on 8217 3213 or SMS 0407 724 721 by
9:00am on that day to advise the school of the likely
length of absence. Parents will be
contacted if the school has not been
Upon their return to school after an
absence, students are asked to bring a
note to the Home Class Teacher signed
by a parent/caregiver explaining the
student’s absence. Your assistance is
St Aloysius College
A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd
53 Wakefield Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000
Tel: 08 8217 3200
Email: Fax: 08 8212 4908
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