Saguaro Skies Saguaro Astronomy Club, Phoenix, AZ Volume 39, Issue 12 December 2015 The President’s Corner As 2015 draws to a close and I write my 12th President’s Corner, I want to say it has been a humbling honor to serve as the president of an organization that had it’s start nearly 40 years ago. In 1977, I was in high school and involved in the hobby of astronomy with just an RV-6 Dynascope and a subscription to Sky and Telescope magazine. Meanwhile, some folks in Phoenix were busy starting a club devoted to all things astronomical. What they would achieve over the next 38 years is quite remarkable. Just take a look at the archived information on the SAC webpage in the Downloads section to see the depth of information available. You can also glean some wonderful history by reading the past meeting minutes archived in the newsletters. Looking forward, I’d challenge members of the club to ask themselves what they can do to become more involved in SAC: Write a short article for the newsletter (editor Rick will be forever grateful), make a member presentation at a club meeting on any kind of astronomy related topic, review a piece of equipment, bring a friend, start working on (or finish) a SAC award list, tell us what you’ve been looking at in the sky whether it’s a “Best of the NGC” object or your own ramblings about the heavens, volunteer to help with the club’s annual Messier Marathon, and the list goes on. Oh, and let’s ALL give some thought as to what we want to do in 2017 for an anniversary celebration. Inside this issue: * Click Links to jump In closing, I’d like to thank the executive club officers for their service, the wonderful guest speakers who took the time to share their works with us and you, the members, for continuing to make SAC what it is – a great place to enjoy the stars. A final thank you to Matt for letting us use his home to host our annual potluck year-end party* (fill in your own holiday season here, including Festivus). Don’t forget this year we are planning to hold an AstroWhite Elephant gift exchange (to participate wrap up one of your astronomical knickknacks, thingamabobs, or gee-haws you no longer use). Please bring your favorite nosh to share and celebrate SAC 2015 and toast a hopefully cloud free SAC 2016. * Details in this newsletter. Michael Editor Notes/Events & Spaceflight Trivia 2 (Rick Rotramel) Best of the NGC: 3-4 NGC 869/884, The Double Cluster in Perseus (SAC Imagers & Observers) (Compiled by: Rick Rotramel) Call for Images, Notes 5 & Sketches (Rick Rotramel) SUCH-A-DEAL 6-7 (Four ads) Bits & Pisces mail SAC Meeting Minutes 8 (Paul Dickson/Tom Polakis) 25 & 10 Years Ago in SAC 9 (Rick Rotramel) And They Build Telescopes 10 (Rick Rotramel) SAC Holiday Party 11 Saturday Dec, 19th, 7-11 PM (@ Matt Luttinen's Home) Photo: Michael Poppre Website: Follow SAC on Facebook SAC Imaging: 12 Venus Occultation by the Moon (Kevin Kozel & Tom Polakis) SAC Imaging: 13 Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) Quick Calendar Saturday, December 19: SAC Holiday Party Potluck, at Matt Luttinen's home. Click here for details inside this issue. Tuesday, January 19: SAC ATM/Imaging Meeting, 6:30 PM; @ Paul Lind's Shop Friday, January 22: SAC General Meeting, 7:30 PM; Speaker: TBA, Topic: TBA (Tom Polakis) SAC Officers/Chairs 14 (Meeting Location & Occultation Info) SAC Membership Form 15 Header image © JD Maddy Scorpius setting in the southwest over the hills near Kartchner Caverns in southern Arizona. © Saguaro Astronomy Club, 2015 Page 2 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 Editor Notes Schedule of Events 2015 Hi Folks, This issue completes three years of producing Saguaro Skies, the SAC newsletter, by yours truly. It has been a pleasure and I really enjoy doing it. If you have a story to tell, want to tell about your observation project or wish to publish an editorial opinion, please email it to me and I would be happy to include it in a future issue. Don't be shy. There is always room for stuff to be included. I hope to see you at the SAC Holiday Potluck Party on Saturday, December 19th at Matt Luttinen's home. This is the last meeting of SAC for the year, and it is about the only social event on the calendar to just enjoy the past year of SAC with fellow members of this great club. Best Of the NGC features this month, NGC 869/884, The Double Cluster in Perseus. SUCH-A-DEAL has sold one item, four remain. Bits & Pisces has the run down on the November 20th SAC meeting. Also, see SAC History from the past, and finally what happened at the SAC ATM/Astroimging meeting with the And They Build Telescopes column. SAC Imaging covers two items this month, first the occultation of Venus by the Moon, and a morning comet. Rick Rotramel, Editor SAC Holiday Party Potluck Saturday, December 19th @ Matt Luttinen's home * Details in this issue. SAC Announcements Elected 2016 SAC Officers President: Michael Poppre Vice President: Tom Polakis Secretary: Kevin Kozel Treasurer: Jack Jones Properties Director: Steve Dodder Congratulations! Spaceflight Trivia Can you name the mission involved in this picture below? (See answer on page 5) SAC Family Dues lowered to $36.00 The family dues was lowered to $36.00 at the SAC Board meeting on September 25,2015. Michael Poppre SAC President Now is the time to send in 2016 Membership Dues Use the membership form at the end of this newsletter and mail to the address listed. Or, bring in it in to the next SAC meeting. Thank you NASA Page 3 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 Best Of The NGC: NGC 869 & 884, The Double Cluster in Perseus By SAC Imagers, Observers & Sketchers, Compiled by Rick Rotramel Image by Howard Anderson; Takahashi TOA-130 at f7.68, SBIG ST4000XCM, Single-Shot Color, Color corrected in eXcalibrator, 4 - 10 min. shots; Dec. 2, 2015, AZcendant observatory, Rancho Hidalgo, NM David Douglass Perseus Map Continued on next page... Page 4 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 Best Of The NGC: NGC 869 & 884, The Double Cluster in Perseus By SAC Imagers, Observers & Sketchers, Compiled by Rick Rotramel SAC Observer: Steve Coe SAC Observer: Kevin Kozel Naked eye; An elongated bright spot in the Milky Way. This means it is very well detached from the glow of the unresolved stars of the Milky Way. Using 8X42 binoculars resolves 22 stars in both clusters and the orange star between the two clusters is just seen. A terrific view of an old favorite. NGC 884 is the more prominent of the two clusters. 8” f5.64 Dobsonian Reflector; A very rich star field with mostly blue-white stars and a few scattered red stars, a few of them being somewhat bright compared to the mostly dim background stars. There is a small curving circlet of stars near the center of NGC 869 and they surround a brighter blue-white star. I began my sketch at 7:20pm and finished at 7:50pm. RA 88 binoculars; Antennas site, S=6 T=8, 20X, eastern cluster (884) shows 41 stars resolved, it is large, bright, compressed and very well detached. The western cluster (869) shows 37 stars resolved, large, bright, much compressed and very well detached from the Milky Way background. Several dark lanes surround the clusters and there is a light orange star in between the two clusters. A "Wow" view. 6" f6 Maksutov-Newtonian; Flatiron, S+T=5, 22mm. Both clusters are very bright, very, very large, rich and compressed. NGC 869 has 66 stars resolved and 884 has 51 stars involved in the cluster. The 8.8mm eyepiece provides a beautiful dark background and allows the orange members to stand out beautifully. 10" f5 Flatiron; S+T=6, 35mm Panoptic--nice view, both clusters fit into the field easily, the orange stars are easy, both in the clusters and the one between them. There are several beautiful chains of stars that are well displayed with this scope and eyepiece. NGC 869 displayed 41 stars and 884 resolved 48 members. Moving up to the 14mm allows me to count 66 stars in 884, many are faint and very faint on a mediocre night. There is a distinct "horseshoe" arc of 8 stars near the middle of NGC 884. 40' x 40' Kevin Kozel, 8” f6.5, 40x SAC Observer: Michael Poppre Skywatcher 150 Newtonian; 30x, both clusters nicely fit in the 1.8 deg field. NGC 869 is more compact with many faint stars visible in the middle with two bright stars of equal magnitude near the edge. NGC 884 appeared much more “open” with several bright stars on the edge forming a pattern not unlike the four “base” stars of Cepheus. Under my urban conditions, I could count about 40 to 50 stars in each cluster. SAC Observer: Rick Rotramel 16" f4.4 Newtonian; Large, Bright, very Rich, with several brighter stars in each cluster, colorful. A pair of clusters in the same wide field. Spectacular! Double Cluster w/Comet Hartley 2 (103P/Hartley) 10/8/10 Image: Steve Coe 40' x 40' Rick Rotramel, 16” f4.4, 70x Page 5 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 Call for Images, Notes & Sketches By Rick Rotramel For January, the Best of the NGC will feature NGC 2024, The Flame or Tank Track emission nebula in Orion. For submitting images, send your jpg file as an attachment in an email to the editor. Same for sketches. Observation notes are sent in the email text area or as an attached file. Email to: For February, NGC 2359, Thor’s Helmet Nebula in Canis Major. Also known as The Duck Nebula. For March, NGC 2440, planetary nebula in Puppis. Spaceflight Trivia Answer Galileo Mission type Operator NASA (USA), Mission duration Spacecraft properties Manufacturer Jupiter orbiter Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany) 14 years in space, 8 years in Jovian orbit Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm, General Electric & Hughes Aircraft Company Launch mass 2,380 kilograms (5,250 lb), Probe: 339 kilograms (747 lb) Power Orbiter: 570 watts Start of mission Launch date October 18, 1989 Rocket: Space Shuttle Atlantis, STS-34 / IUS Launch site Kennedy Space Center LC-39B Entered service December 8, 1995 End of mission Disposal Deorbited (Purposely sent into Jupiter) Decay date September 21, 2003, 18:57:00 UTC Flyby of Venus (gravity assist) Closest approach February 10, 1990 Flyby of Earth (gravity assist) Closest approach December 8, 1990 Flyby of (951) Gaspra (incidental) Closest approach October 29, 1991 Flyby of Earth (gravity assist) Closest approach December 8, 1992 Flyby of (243) Ida (incidental) Closest approach August 28, 1993 Jupiter atmospheric probe Atmospheric entry December 7, 1995 Operated for 57 minutes, Impact site: 6.5°N, 4.4°W Jupiter orbiter Orbital insertion December 7, 1995 Page 6 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 SUCH-A-DEAL ITEMS FOR SALE ITEMS FOR SALE Meade 10” LX200 GPS w/UHTC Telescope ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● LX200 GPS with UHTC (Enhanced Optical Coatings) Meade 26mm Super Plossl eyepiece, Finder Scope and tripod mount. 8 Meade Eyepieces in aluminum brief case: 6.4mm 9.7mm 12.4mm 15mm 21mm 32mm 40mm 2x Barlow Lens Moon Filter Lumicon Deep Sky Filter Wired and Wireless Handsets Cosmic One SCT Cooler (12-volt plug. Cools inside of SCT Tube to ambient temperature). Soft Cover for Telescope Note: The electric micro-focuser is not functioning presently. Needs troubleshooting. Original Shipping Box MEADE ETX-90EC 90mm Maksutov Telescope ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Includes the following: #07426 8 x 21mm Erect Image Viewfinder #07427/#825 8 x 25mm Right Angle Viewfinder Deluxe Tripod Eyepieces: Meade Ultra Wide Angle 6.7mm multi-coated Meade Super Plossl 26mm LP multi-coated Meade 2X telenegative multi-coated Meade remote controller #880 Table Tripod for Polar Alignment of the ETX-90EC Astro Telescope Manual Compass Carrying Case Allen wrenches Selling on behalf of a friend, Asking $350.00 For all. Contact Rick Tejera: 623-203-4121 Email: FOR SALE $1,700 Contact Tim Tucker: 480-215-4453 Email: FYI: I live in Maricopa Celestron 102mm Nexstar, OTA Only ● ● OTA, 102mm f6.5; 660mm focal length There is a cosmetic crack in the dew shield but the optics are fine. I do not have a star diagonal for this. ● Asking SAC price is: $50. ● Contact Michael at: mail 1350 S Greenfield Rd #2105 Mesa, AZ 85206 Phone: (480) 779-9262 SUCH-A-DEAL Ads placed here are free to SAC members. SAC is not responsible for the quality of the advertised items. If you wish to place an ad here to sell your telescope or astronomy related items, contact Rick Rotramel at: Page 7 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 SUCH-A-DEAL For Sale - Celestron 6.3 Reducer/Corrector * Model 94175 – BNIB (Brand New In Box) * List = $144.95 * Average Retail = $130 * Price = $75 * Product page: imaging-accessories/reducers/reducer-corrector * Bob Christ email: ****************************** For Sale – Celestron CG-5 Equatorial Mount: Make Offer Non-GPS, but motorized. Needs a good home, I need to reduce my "stuff" as I am nearing retirement. Any fair offer accepted. I am near Central and Bethany Home road. Scott McDonald, Phone: 602-466-8521 Email: ****************************** SUCH-A-DEAL Ads placed here are free to SAC members. SAC is not responsible for the quality of the advertised items. Welcome to Starizona! In addition to a complete selection of astronomical products, we offer free online resources such as our award-winning Guide to CCD Imaging and more. We also manufacture unique products such as the HyperStar imaging system. Our staff consists of experienced observers and astrophotographers who love to share their knowledge. Please feel free to contact us for advice or answers to any of your questions. Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 10AM-5PM Fri, Sat 10AM-10PM Closed Sun. Free Viewing Fri and Sat nights! 5757 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 103 · Tucson, Arizona 85704 · If you wish to place an ad here to sell your telescope or astronomy related items, contact Rick Rotramel at: The HyperStar-equipped ISERV telescope is now installed on the ISS! The HyperStar-equipped Celestron 9.25" telescope (and its backup) that is now installed on the ISS. The scope also features a Starizona MicroTouch Autofocuser. With the Starizona gang: Steve, Scott, Dean, and Donna. (Steve has since had to move to NY because he was dressing too much like Scott.) Call Us: (520) 292-5010 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Page 8 Click here to return to page 1 Bits & Pisces Minutes of the November 20, 2015 SAC General Meeting By SAC Secretary Paul Dickson & Secretary Elect, Kevin Kozel The meeting was opened at 19:32 by Michael Poppre. Kevin Kozel is handling the 50/50 raffle. He asked for new members or visitors to announce themselves and there were none. Two new members did come in after his call for new members. The SAC Holiday party is December 19 at Matt Luttinen's home. Party starts between 18:30 and 19:30. His address is: 7034 West St. John Road, Glendale AZ. 623-261-2631. A White Elephant (astro) gift exchange will take place for those who would like to participate. The President also mentioned that Phoenix Magazine gave SAC a plug in the latest issue. Red Book Magazine mentioned that the North Rim Star Party will be a place to go for summer vacation next year in early June. Jennifer Polakis has astronomy calendars ($10) and RASC Observing Handbook ($25). 2016 (SAC Officer) Nominations (were presented): President: Michael Poppre Vice President: Tom Polakis Secretary: Kevin Kozel Treasurer: Jack Jones Properties Director: Steve Dodder Show and Tell: Paul Lind reported on the ATM/Astro-Imaging meeting on Tuesday, Nov 17. Paul said that six people were at the ATM meeting. Paul showed images from the meeting and Rick Rotramel completed his telescope tripod (mount). Lynn Blackburn’s pile of parts (given to Rick) were assembled into an equatorial mount and an Orion 4.7” refractor was mounted on it and saw first light that very night. Paul also showed his light box for (taking) CCD flat fields. This box fits on (the front) his telescope when he takes his dark frames for photo processing. Tom Polakis showed images of supernova in NGC 3583 which was discovered on November 8th, 2015, with light curves over several nights. The supernova is a type 1a. Tom also showed us his (sequence of) photos of an asteroid (2015 VY105) just 21,000 some-odd miles from earth. Very Nice Tom! Steve Coe proposed the Double Cluster in Perseus for the Dec newsletter object. January - Tank Tracks nebula, February - Duck or Thor's Helmet. Steve was at the Antennas site during the Taurid meteor shower. He had a drawing of M52 in Cassiopeia. He's planning to attempt drawing (astro objects) in white on black paper. He showed us photos of his ‘new’ Celestron C9.25. SC scope. He likes the scope really well along with his Celestron CGEM Mount. The nominated members were accepted by the club membership as our 2016 Officers. ... each of the nominees were elected to their respective positions by voice vote. Break started at 20:18. Jack Jones gave treasurer's report. 2016 dues are due. $32 for individual, $36 for family. The speaker for the November meeting was Robert K. Bucheim from the Orange County Astronomers. His topic was "Some Things You Can Do with the Night." It had a series of projects to replicate historical astronomical discoveries. (Also he pointed out that) there are numerous things that can be done with a DSLR camera from your own back yard, like measuring diurnal parallax. Steve Dodder gave a report on 2016 Grand Canyon Star Party: North Rim. ... (he) indicated that one more self-lodger is needed for the 2016 Star Party. The selections for the campsites will begin on January 1 st, 2016 and will run through January 31st, 2016. The Grand Canyon North Rim Star Party will be held from June 4th through June 11th, 2016. Steve Dodder hosted a public star party at the Maricopa Public Library on Saturday November 14th, 2015 with a number of the local folks attending. The President stated that Eric Steinberg will be representing SAC at public school science events. This will help fulfill the public outreach requirements of the SAC Bylaws. Meeting resumed at 20:35. The 50/50 raffle was won by Jennifer Polakis and the game, Night Sky Monopoly, was won my Paul Lind. He traded the game for money with Jennifer because she wanted the game. Paul donated $20 to the SAC treasury. Meeting ended at 21:33. The November 20th SAC Meeting Speaker The November 20, 2015 speaker was: Bob Buchheim from the Orange County Astronomers Topic: “His presentation is, 'Some things that you can do with the Night' – how students and amateur astronomers can replicate some of the most important astronomical discoveries. ” Bob Buchheim Photo: Tom Polakis Tom Polakis, Vice President Page 9 Saguaro Skies December 2015 Click here to return to page 1 Where we going today Mr. Peabody? © Peabody and Sherman, 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' Pictures The WABAC Machine! 10 Years Ago in SAC December 2015 Saguaro Skies Page 10 Click here to return to page 1 And They Build Telescopes By Rick Rotramel The monthly SAC ATM (Amateur Telescope Making) / Astroimaging meeting of November 17, 2015 was attended by Paul Lind, Al, Chet, Dwight, Lynn and me. Motor Focus Motor Coupling Lynn Blackburn brought in a shaft that would work for the job. All it needed was a thread cut onto the end of it, so that it would install onto the mount. Paul took some measurements and determined the thread, 3/8”-16, and cut the thread onto the shaft on his lathe. Al Stiewing brought in a motor for his motor focus to remove a stubborn brass coupling from the motor. After some thought, the coupling was “delicately” removed from the motor and a new coupling was installed. The completed telescope mount with an Orion 120mm (4.7”) f8.3 Achromatic Refractor New coupling installed on the focuser. (The old coupling at bottom.) After installing the counterweight onto the new counterweight shaft, it was time to mount my Orion refractor. The counterweight was set to balance the scope with a 9mm Nagler installed into the focuser. Then, the scope was carried out to Paul's front yard for “first light.” We looked at the Moon and Capella. It tracked great, too. Blackburn Equatorial Mount With Tripod, Completed The mount given to me by Lynn Blackburn, who built the mount, is finally completed. I had removed the alt-azimuth mount, that he also had built, from the tripod it was mounted on and installed the equatorial mount onto it. The last step was to install a counterweight shaft. The completed mount with telescope in the front yard. Epilogue The counterweight installed onto the mount. That’s all for this month, see you next time. Remember, if you have a “need” for your telescope, bring it over to Paul Lind’s shop at the next SAC ATM/Astroimaging meeting on the Tuesday evening before the SAC general meeting and join in on all the fun. Paul will post the date on the SAC-Forum list. Hope to see you there. It’s a fun time for all. Saguaro Skies December 2015 Page 11 Click here to return to page 1 SAC Event: SAC Holiday Party Saturday December 19, 2015 @ The home of Matt Luttinen 7034 W. St. John Rd, Glendale, AZ 85308 (About 1/2 mile NW of 67th Ave & Bell Rd.) Phone: 623-261-1631 7:00 PM Potluck: Bring something to share to eat and/or your beverage(s). (SAC provides plates, utensils, cups, ice and soft drinks) Optional: Bring an astro knickknack or thingy for a gift exchange. This can be a wrapped astro related item such as a piece of equipment, no longer used item, book, star chart, etc. (If you want to participate with the gift exchange.) Double Cluster Image: Mike Wiles December 2015 Saguaro Skies Page 12 Click here to return to page 1 SAC Imaging: Venus Occultation by the Moon, December 7, 2015 Venus Occultation Kevin Kozel 8” telescope at 46x, imaged afocal with a Sony digital camera @ ~ 9:20:55am, MST Venus Occultation Ingress Time-lapse: December 7, 2015 Tom Polakis, To view, click here: December 2015 Saguaro Skies Page 13 Click here to return to page 1 SAC Imaging: Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) C/2013 US10 (Catalina) - Dec. 3, 2015 Tom Polakis C/2013 US10 (Catalina) - Dec. 5, 2015 Tom Polakis December 2015 Saguaro Skies Page 14 Click here to return to page 1 2015 SAC Officers and Contacts Occultation Info Board Members President Michael Poppre (mail Vice-President Tom Polakis (mail Treasurer Jack Jones (mail Secretary Paul Dickson (mail Properties Kevin Kozel (mail Wayne Thomas has asteroid occultation info for the greater Phoenix Area: Non-board Positions Novice Leader Steve Dodder (mail Editor Rick Rotramel (mail Webmaster Peter Argenziano (mail Public Events Jack Jones (mail ATM Group Paul Lind (mail Imaging Al Stiewing (mail Deep Sky AJ Crayon (mail Gene Lucas has Lunar Total and Graze Occultation info: Mail Mail Address SAC, P.O. Box 11491, Glendale AZ 85318-1491 Meeting Location: Grand Canyon University is located at 3300 W. Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ We meet in Fleming Hall, Room 105, 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM Saguaro Astronomy Club Saguaro Astronomy Club (SAC), Phoenix, Arizona, was formed in 1977 to promote fellowship and the exchange of scientific information among its members-amateur astronomers. SAC meets monthly for both general meetings and star parties, and regularly conducts and supports public programs on astronomy. Membership is open to anyone with these interests. Saguaro Skies is posted as a pdf file monthly on the SAC website, for browsing or downloading for SAC members and friends of SAC. A email announcement of the monthly newsletter release is included with membership. Parking: Turn into the campus from Camelback Road at 33rd Ave. and drive straight and stop at the guard station. Tell the guard you are attending the astronomy club meeting. Then, turn left past the guard and park. Direct all membership inquiries to the SAC Treasurer by using the membership form found in this newsletter. For editorial and SUCH-A-DEAL advertising inquiries, contact the Saguaro Skies Editor. Contacting This Issue’s Authors Saguaro Skies Staff If you wish to write to an author in this month’s issue, complaining that they don’t know what they are talking about or that they utterly dazzled you with their wordsmith skills, contact them by sending your message to the editor of Saguaro Skies, Rick Rotramel, at: I will then forward your questions, comments or carping to the author who may (or may not) reply. Editor: Rick Rotramel Photographers: Tom Polakis, Rick Rotramel and Susan Trask 2013-2015 Contributors: Bob Christ, Mike Collins, AJ Crayon, Paul Dickson, Steve Dodder, Richard Harshaw, Kevin Kozel, Tom & Jennifer Polakis, Michael Poppre, Jimmy Ray, Rick Rotramel, SAC Imagers & Observers, Darrell Spencer & Rick Tejera. Page 15 Click here to return to page 1 Date:__/__/____ For the year of: 20_ _ Saguaro Skies December 2015
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