Romanesque Road Saxony
Romanesque Road Saxony
Discover the Northern Route CALENDAR OF EVENTS “ROMANESQUE ROAD” (SELECTION)* CASTLE FESTIVALS / KNIGHT TOURNAMENTS Whitsuntide OVERVIEW MAP /// THE MIDDELAGES YOU CAN GRASP ROMANESQUE ROAD SAXONY-ANHALT Whitsun “Pfingstrose” Knight Tournament at Neuenburg Castle Mai VOCAL ROMANESQUE ERA Summer Concerts along the “Romanesque Road” June montalbâne – International Festival of Medieval Music at Neuenburg Castle and at the Freyburg Parish Church of St Mary MORE READING You can find attractive excursions into the “Heartland of German History”, along the “Sky Paths” and into the “Garden Dreams” in the brochure “Heartland of German History” and in the leaflets “Sky Paths” and “Garden Dreams – Historic Parks in Saxony-Anhalt”. Garden Dream Historic Parks s – in Saxony-Anhalt September Merseburg Organ Days / Ladegast Organ Imperial Camp at Tilleda Imperial Palace 1st weekend in October Castle festival at Falkenstein castle LIVING MONASTERIES Easter Liturgical Easter singing in Memleben 1 st weekend in August OVER ALL PL AN 1 The beauty is www.sachsen- anhalt-tourism “Garden Dreams” so obvious! Parks and gardens enchant us. They take us along on a journey to paradise. This tour can be short or long. But in any case, it is always a pleasure. Even if we often look longingly for the thriving and fragrant oases in Italy, France or England – the beauty is so obvious! s Since the summer of other historic parks 2010, 8 have been included as part of the State Initiative for the Preservation of Historic Gardens and attractive tourism gardens and parks marketing: in dral and Cathedral Aschersleben, CatheGardens in Naumburg, Wendgräben Castle with park, Ostrau and Palace Garden, Palace Köthen Palace and Garden, Stolberg Palace and Palatial Palace Briest Manor House Gardens, and Manorial Park Degenershausen and the Landscape Park. Crowning achievem “Garden Dream You do not have to fly half way around the globe to see the world’s largest collection of roses, because over varieties and species 8,300 of roses are featured at the EuropaRosarium in Sangerhause n. www.sangerh 4th weekend in June www.osterbur www.harzinfo December Your travel dest Saxony-Anhalt ination: “Seeing it yourself is worth of news.” So they say in Japan. more than hearing But this also applies At any rate, the visitors who have already been out and about between the Elbe and Saale rivers, between the Harz Mountains and Fläming Heath regions have discovered a heretofore unique in Germany – the tour “Garden Dreams” to the state’s 43 route most beautiful and most significant parks. a hundred pieces to Saxony-Anh alt! This is a journey through time featuring years of garden 400 art and ranging from Wörlitz landscape culture to Wernigerode surely walkers for leiand families: 43 good reasons to gladly return again and again to SaxonyAnhalt! www.gartentr www.sachsenanhalt-tourism Your travel destination, Saxony-Anhalt, structures along impresses its guests the “Romanesque with numerous Road”, idyllic parks Dreams”, active experiences along and gardens in the “Garden the “Blue Ribbon” ological findings as well as sensational on the “Sky Paths”. archae- You will find your Naturally Saxony-Anhalt has other interesting anhalt-tourismu travel destinations We are gladly to offer! It’s worth e-mail suffices. at your disposal visiting the website We are here for for any questions you! as well as individual at www.sachsenInvestment and planning queries. Marketing Corporation A phone call, fax 7 pm, Sundays/legal or Saxony-Anhalt holidays: 12 noon , Tel.: + 49 (0) 391 www.sachsen-a – 7 pm), Fax + 49 / 5 62 - 8 38 20 nhalt-tourismus (0) 391 / 5 62 - 8 (Mo .de 38 11, tourismus@img – Fr 8 am – 8 pm, Sat 9 am – IMPRINt Publisher: -sachsen-anhalt Investment and .de, in Sachsen-Anhalt Marketing offers here. Corporation Saxony-Anhalt, e.V; Concept and Marketing Corporation design: Hoffmann with friendly support und Partner Werbeagentur Saxony-Anhalt, litzer Anlagen, from Archiv Gartenträume Matthias ulrich; GmbH, Magdeburg; Gartenträume – Historische e.V., J. Hohmuth, Status: 08.11.2010, Wirtschaft und Parks Photo credits: Hötze, Arbeit des Landes th Archiv Investment Sachsen-Anhalt Sachsen-Anhalt, 1 edition; The publisher is not Rohr, Luftbild Stolberg – Ing.-Büro and Kultusministerium liable for the accuracy HIRSCH; des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, of details. Initiators: title photo: WörMinisterium für Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie strut-tourismu An avenue of lime trees that is over 2.5 km long and over 120 years old leads along green spaces, the rose garden and parts of the medieval city wall around the historic town centre – the fortified tem in Gardelegen. wall sys- Garden Dreams for gourmets Advent in the Courtyards, Quedlinburg www.saale-un Garden Dreams in the Altmark region .de www.gardeleg urgscheidunge The Treasure Hunt Activities for nurseries Käthe-Kruse Doll Museum Bad Kösen Umberto Eco was so certain that he voted for Uta of Ballenstedt as the most beautiful woman of the Middle Ages. Today you can still succumb legal holidays: 12 noon– 9 am – 7 pm, Sunday 7 pm) tourismus@imgsachsen-anhalt.d e www.sachsen-a nhalt-tourismus .de and Garden Dreams – Historic Parks in Saxony-Anhalt OVER ALL PL AN www.luther-bauhaus-garten Garden initiatives from throughout the federal republic constitute the Gartennetz Deutschland. At the same time, Garden Dreams SaxonyAnhalt is a model for preservation of historic sites, restoration of historic sustainable tourism. parks and www.gartenne The ANHALT region has 800 year anniversary it all, and is celebrating its in 2012. www.anhalt80 iNFo NATioNWiDE DAY oF PARKS AND GARDENS Every year in June www.gartennet z-deutschland.d e Brochure order under: Tel. + 49 391 56899 - 0 1 In the Romanesque House 2 Monastery St Peter of Ferreira, Paços de Ferreira (Portugal) Saxony-Anhalt attracts with outstanding cultural and natural sights. The “Romanesque Road” links village churches, monasteries, cathedrals and castles from the Middle Ages. “Garden Dreams” Parks are perfect for leisurely strolls. The history of Reformation comes alive in the places where Martin Luther lived and worked, and the “Sky Paths” let visitors discover sensational archaeological finds. INFORMATION The tourist region of Saxony-Anhalt. You can find your offers here. Of course, Saxony-Anhalt has many other interesting travel destinations to offer as well! A visit to is well worth it. We are happy to help you with any queries you may have or to provide assistance with your individual plans. Simply call, fax or email. We are here to help you! Tel. + 49 391 568 99 - 80, Fax + 49 391 56899 - 51, Reliably open churches – Open regularly during the summer months to visit, tour and pray on at least five days a week, for two hours in the mornings and two hours in the afternoons. UNESCO World Heritage TRANSROMANICA Garden Dreams The Harz Monastery Hiking Route LEGAL INFORMATION Publisher: Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH; Reprint: Genese Werbeagentur GmbH, Magdeburg; Cover picture: Vereinigte Domstifter, photo by Frank Boxler; Picture credits: archives of Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH; T. Ziegler, Stiftung Dome und Schlösser / archives of Museum Burg Falkenstein, H.-W. Kunze, F. Rümmele, G. George, Fotostudio Damerau / Naumburg, Milan-Bild, archives of Museum Schloss Bernburg, Jürgen Lukaschek, MMKT, Agentur Clasen, Vereinigte Domstifter zu Naumburg, Merseburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz, archives of service providers, Fotostudio Ulrich Schrader, Halberstadt; Last updated: Oktober 2014. The publisher is not liable for the accuracy of the information provided or the service providers. Wer n igero de WERNIGERODE Ballensted t BALLENSTEDT CASTLE AND CASTLE The maze at Altjeßnitz with a Manor Park, today the oldest and largest in Germany, was created in the middle of the 18 th century. There are roughly 200 ways to reach centre. The maze its is embedded in a 4 hectare large landscape park. The 12 th century fieldstone church belonging to the manor park surrounded by is picturesque groves. possibilities and Playing picnic spots invite family excursions. visitors for dt Bad E W ö r l i t z (Garden Kingdom WÖRLIT Z PALACE The architectura l and was created between horticultural facility Merseburg Monastery1776 and 1787 by Wilhelm Chryselius. master builder Johann Park pond, pavilions, saal, carved avenue kurof trees and colonnades characterise the charming eastern facility. The tranquil part of the western part of landscaped. The the park is historic spa facilities the over 200 year-old include Goethe Theatre. Address: Parkstraße 18, D-06246 Goethestadt April to October, Bad Lauchstädt, tuesday – Sunday opening hours: and legal holidays freely accessible and 2 pm; Saturday/Sunda year-round, guided 10:30 am, 2 and 4 pm; November y and legal holidays tours: to March, tuesday + 49 (0)3 46 35 by appointment; / 7 82 28, catering: – Friday 10:30 guided tours in am Restaurant Lauchstedter foreign languages + 49 (0) 3 46 35 on request, tel.: Gaststuben, tel.: / 78 20, www.goethe-th + 49 (0)3 46 35 / 2 03 53, Information: tel.: 12 Address: D-06786 Wörlitz, opening hours: park is of Dessau-Wör litz facility) S AND GARDENS An artistic synthesis featuring garden and architecture design in unprecedent ed harmony are combined in the Wörlitz palaces and gardens, the artistic highlight of the Garden Kingdom Dessau-Wörlitz. of The garden is regarded epitome of the as the Age of ny. Starting in 1764, Enlightenment in GermaLeopold III, Friedrich von Anhalt-Dess Franz au, laid out the English-style landscaped garden. From the very beginning, the Wörlitz gardens were freely accessible everyone so that for the a travel destination small principality became for ries and a role model prominent contemporafor many other parks. legal holiday, 10 freely accessible am – 5 pm; May year-round; castle: to September, April and October, ber, Saturday/Sunda tuesday – Sunday/legal tuesday – Sunday/ y/legal holiday, holiday, 10 am 10 am – 5 pm; – 6 pm; Gothic tours: on request, May to September, House: April and tel.: + 49 (0) 3 49 tuesday – Sunday/legal Octo05 / 3 10 09, catering: Information: holiday, 10 am : restaurant in tel.: + 49 (0) 3 40 – 6 pm, guided the kitchen building, / 64 61 50 and + 49 (0) 3 49 05 / 3 tel.: + 49 (0) 3 49 10 05, www.gartenreic 05 / 2 23 38,, www.woerlitz-in DRÜBECK ABBEY AND ABBEY GARDE NS The gardens of Drübeck around the RomanesqueAbbey are located St. Vitus Abbey Church and the other abbey buildings, other things a among conference centre. They were largely laid out in the 18 th century. Garden with its The Abbey nearly 300 year-old the graceful Rose lime Garden, the flourishingtree, Kitchen Garden or the Meditative Gardens of the Canoness’ offer space for encounters, reflection and garden pleasure. FOR DISCOVERERS SERVED! Valuable examples of medieval art and architecture from long ago can be seen. The highlights for “treasure hunters” include the cathedral treasures of Halberstadt, Quedlinburg, Naumburg and Merseburg. 80 Romanesque cathedrals, churches, castles and palaces in 65 locations in Saxony-Anhalt provide a selection for the sightseeing tour. All around you will discover authentic sites from the beginnings of German and European history. FOR ROMANTICS MONASTIC LANDSCAPES Those who would like to sample the local cuisine of Saxony-Anhalt on a tour of the Romanesque Road will find plenty of opportunities at a variety of places. A proper knight‘s banquet with medieval dishes and drinks provides a hearty feast. 5 Romance is not just “on the fair banks of Saale”. The 1000-year-old ruins scattered along the Romanesque Road provide atmospheric venues for weddings. Guests can escape the everyday stress and get back to the medieval pace of life on monastery experiences and retreats at various monasteries such as Huysburg and Helfta as well as in the House of Silence of Drübeck Abbey. Sangerhau sen EuROPA-ROSAR IuM SANGERHAuSEN The realm of the “Queen of Flowers” Europa-Rosarium, – the the world’s largest collection – lies between the southernrose and Kyffhäuser Harz regions. It was laid botanists and rose lovers in 1903, out by and today it encompasse s more than 8,300 varieties and species of roses on a total area of 1.5 ha. Rosy floral splendour ranging modernity is exhibited from antiquity to tion for the enjoyment in the beauty competiof guests from the world. Lavish parks, picturesque all over pavilions and show ponds, gardens make the visit a very special experience at any time of year. The building, which was built from 1064, is among the best preserved of the Romanesque period. The church and cloister give an authentic impression of the original construction of the collegiate chapter, which was founded in 1017 / 1018. Today, it houses the art museum of the state capital, the most important location for contemporary art exhibitions in Saxony-Anhalt. Address: Am Rosengarten 2a, D-06526 Sangerhausen, May to September, opening hours: 8 am – 7 pm; June second weekend to August, 8 am in April to 31 October, Shop: see opening – 8 pm, with admission 8 am – 6 pm; hours; beyond fee, guided tours: the time, Monday Schwarzen Rose” on request, Garden – Friday 9 am – and Eiscafé Pavillon, 5 pm; Saturday Dreams 11 am – 4 pm, Information: catering: Restaurant tel.: + 49 (0) 34 64 / 1 94 33, www.europa-ro “Zur Zeitz 43 MORITZBuRG CASTLE AND CASTLE PARK The Early Baroque castle with the Gothic cathedral and the remnants of the defensive fortifications constitutes a remarkable overall ensemble. The adjacent Zeitz State Horticultura castle park, site of the l Show in 2004, lights visitors with a diversified area. deother things to Among discover here, you will find an orangery with a Baroque parterre, pleasure gardens, an English landscape park, se garden and spacious adventure a Japaneworlds for children. Address: Schlossstraße, D-06712 Zeitz, opening hours: fee; Museum/Morit park: 1 April to zburg Castle: tuesday 31 October, daily – Sunday, 10 am Monday – Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm, – 5 pm, with admission with admission 10 am – 5 pm; Sunday 1 – 6 pm, fee; St. Peter and tel.: +49(0)34 guided tours: Paul’s Cathedral: 41 / 6 88 99 27, on request, catering: Information: Schloss-Restaur tel.: +49(0)34 41 / 6 88 00, www.schlosspar ant Moritzburg, GROSS AMMENSLEBEN CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL Opening times: Mon, Wed – Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Tue closed; Sat – Sun 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Romanesque House, “Romanesque Road” Information Centre, Domplatz 1b 39104 Magdeburg, Tel. + 49 391 83802-22, Klosterkirche St. Maria und Crucis Kloster, 29413 Diesdorf Tel. + 49 3902 327 (Ev. Pfarramt, Am Schäfertor 7) Fax + 49 3902 950199 Opening times: 1. April – 30. September, Wed – Sun, 10 a.m to 16 p.m. and by arrangement Tours: By advance reservation with Ms Osmers Tel. + 49 3902 939640 or the Protestant parish office Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Katholische Kathedrale St. Sebastian Max-Josef-Metzger-Str. 4 39104 Magdeburg Tel. + 49 391 5961300 Fax + 49 391 5961323 Opening times: Mon – Fri 9.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. and by arrangement Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Tours: Advance reservation needed Klosterkirche St. Petrus und Paulus Kirchplatz, 39326 Niedere Börde OT Groß Ammensleben Contact: Fam. Löderbusch Kirchplatz 11, 39326 Niedere Börde OT Groß Ammensleben Tel. + 49 39202 50440 Opening times: April – Oct: every last Sunday of the month from midday or by appointment. Tours: Advance reservation needed Benediktinerkloster Freiheit 39343 Hillersleben Tel. + 49 39202 61436 Opening times: Viewing from outside possible at all times Tours: Only by advance reservation Ruine Nordhusen Steinbruchstraße 39393 Haldensleben OT Hundisburg Contact: Stadt Haldensleben Stadtmarketing und Kommunikation | Frau Astrid Seifert Markt 20-22 | 39340 Haldensleben | Tel.: + 49 39044 791-84 Fax: + 49 39044 791-67 Opening times: Accessible at all times Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Friedhofskapelle St. Stephanus Friedensstraße 39343 Hohe Börde OT Bebertal Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Am Alten Markt 11 39343 Hohe Börde OT Bebertal Tel.: + 49 39062 402 wolfram.steinacker@ Opening times: Advance reservation needed Ruine der Stiftskirche St. Marien 39356 OebisfeldeWeferlingen OT Walbeck Contact: Jutta Pätz, Heimatstube Im Sande 161 b 39356 OebisfeldeWeferlingen OT Walbeck Tel. + 49 39061 2603 Opening times: Only by arrangement by phone, ruins open at all times Tours: By advance reservation Entrance prices: 1,50 e Late-Romanesque stone church from the early 13th century, which also served as a protective and fortified church in the medieval. The original interior of the church includes one of the oldest triumph crosses in the region, which was removed in around 1900 and is exhibited today at the Altmark Museum in Stendal. Dorfkirche Alte Dorfstraße 39638 Gardelegen OT Wiebke Contact: Ev. Pfarramt EstedtOT EstedtDorfstraße 23, 39638 Gardelegen Tel.: + 49 3907 - 5690 Fax: + 49 3907 - 77 98 00 Opening times: By arrangement, but also spontaneously; see church notice board. On the European Heritage Day, the doors are open between 1 and 5 p.m. Dorfkirche Am Dorfplatz 39624 Kalbe Milde OT Engersen Tel. + 49 39085 6389 (Pfarrer i. R. Dieter Wollner) Opening times: by arrangement (Tel. + 49 39085 6389 or Tourist-Information Kalbe: Tel. + 49 39080 97122, touristinfo@ Entrance prices: None, donations welcome You will find your holiday here! (with online booking service) The grand, late-Romanesque brick building near the former Slavic hill fort was built at the end of the 12th century. The closed Baroque furnishings of the nave (around 1700) with its pews is worth seeing. Galleries, the pulpit and the magnificent Renaissance epitaph for Bailiff Melchior von Arnstedt (†1606) were created by the Magdeburg sculptor Sebastian Ertle. Discover the Southern Route Dorfkirche Kleine Straße, 39524 WustFischbeck OT Melkow Contact: Geschichtskreis Marionettenbühne im ev. Kirchspiel Wulkow-Wust Dorfstr. 9 39319 Jerichow OT Wulkow Tel. + 49 39341 406 Opening times: Summer: Mon – Sun / b / hols 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Winter: By advance reservation on Tel. + 49 39341 406 Stiftung Kloster Jerichow Am Kloster 1, 39319 Jerichow Tel. + 49 39343 929925 Fax + 49 39343 929926 Opening times: April – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Sun 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tours: By advance reservation Stadtkirche Jerichow Karl-Liebknecht Str. 10 39319 Jerichow Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Jerichow Lindenstr. 14 Tel. + 49 39343 256 Fax + 4939343 92889 Opening times and tours: Advance reservation needed Experience Saxony-Anhalt without any stress: Pfarrkirche St. Petri Kirchstraße 1 39279 Leitzkau Tel. + 49 39241 290 Fax + 49 39241 90624 ev.pfarramt.leitzkau@ Opening times and tours: Advance reservation by telephone needed (Tel. + 49 39241 4109) Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Stiftskirche/Schloss Leitzkau Am Schloss 4 39279 Leitzkau Tel. + 49 39241 4168 Opening times: March – Nov Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat / Sun / b/hols 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Dec – Feb Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Tours: March – NovSat / Sun / b /hols at 2 p.m. or by arrangement St.-Thomas-Kirche Dr.-Martin-Luther-Straße, 39217 Schönebeck OT Pretzien Contact: Pfarrer i. R. R. Meussling Tel. + 49 39200 51957 Opening times: May – Sept Tue – Sun 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Entrance price: None, donations welcome Tours: By arrangement Magdeburg Hotel Burg Wanzleben Am Amt 1 39164 Wanzleben Tel. + 49 39209 60140 Fax + 49 39209 601414 Opening times: Accessible at all times Entrance price: none SEEHAUSEN / BÖRDE CHURCH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL Well preserved village church, built in the brickwork style of the early 12th century typical to this region. The remains of a pre-Romanesque building are of special interest. While many churches have only preserved their Romanesque tower, the Pauls-kirche has been preserved intact, as a textbook example of regional Romanesque church architecture. The round-arch windows in the apse and the northern side of the nave are worth seeing. 28 Ruine Kirche Unser Lieben Frauen Ecke Dammstraße / Möckernitzer Damm 39279 Möckern OT Loburg Contact: Stadt Möckern Am Markt 10, 39291 Möckern Tel. + 49 39291 95160 Fax + 49 39291 95170 Opening times: Building always accessible Tours: By arrangement WANZLEBEN WANZLEBEN CASTLE One of Europe’s largest lowland castles with its well preserved mighty defence tower with Romanesque cloverleaf windows towards the East. The lower part was a residential tower until the 12th century. It was first mentioned in documents as a Slavic castle in 889 in the Gandersheim Abbey. Interesting: Romanesque gate tower and gate lodge ensemble with cloverleaf windows. The castle houses the Hotel Burg Wanzleben with its exclusive restaurant and historic function rooms. 27 JERICHOW PARISH CHURCH PRETZIEN CHURCH OF ST THOMAS Unique murals make this church, which was built in the middle of the 12th century, a gem on the “Romanesque Road”. The paintings in the apse are particularly well preserved and have been conserved but not supplemented in their colours. In this way, their original Romanesque appearance can still be seen by visitors. The Pretzien Music Summer is a traditional event offering a wealth of concerts. 26 JERICHOW PREMONSTRATENSIAN CONVENT OF ST MARY AND ST NICHOLAS Founded in 1144 as a missionary stronghold for the Christianisation of the Elbe Slavs, the preserved Romanesque monastery is one of the oldest brick buildings east of the River Elbe. Shortly after, about 20 Romanesque village churches were built around the monastery. The monastery museum provides information about the history and significance of this monastery, which closed in the 16th century. 19 Dorfkirche Breite Straße 39524 Wust-Fischbeck Contact: Geschichtskreis Marionettenbühne im ev. Kirchspiel Wulkow-Wust Dorfstr. 9 39319 Jerichow OT Wulkow Tel. + 49 39341 406 Opening times: April – Oct Mon – Sun 10 a.m – 5 p.m, Nov – March by arrangement (Tel. + 49 39323 61008, -179530 or + 49 39341 406) MELKOW VILLAGE CHURCH The village church, built in around 1200 and well preserved in its late-Romanesque character, is one of several modelled on the Abbey church of Jerichow. It is a special testimony to the simplicity and, nevertheless, remarkable architecture of the Romanesque era. The church presumably belonged to one of the eleven Slavic villages within the castle district of Kabelitz, which came under the rule of the Jerichow dioceses in 1146. 19 WIEPKE VILLAGE CHURCH ENGERSEN DORFKIRCHE 18 Kirche St. Marien und Willebrord Fontanestraße 12 39524 Schönhausen Tel. + 49 39323 38206 (Ev. Kirchengemeinde) Opening times: Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun 11.30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March Mon – Fri 9 a.m – 3 p.m Tours: By arrangement Oberkirche Unser Lieben Frauen Kirchhof Unser Lieben Frauen 1 39288 Burg Tel. + 49 3921 944430 Fax + 49 3921 944431 Opening times: May – Sept Mon – Fri 3 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. or by arrangement Entrance price: None, donations welcome LEITZKAU COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF SANCTA MARIA IN MONTE The construction of the Abbey began in the 1140s. Archbishop Wichmann consecrated the collegiate church in 1155 in the presence of “Albert the Bear”. It was the seat of Brandenburg bishop Wigger until 1161. In 1564, after secularisation, the Abbey was acquired by Colonel Hilmar von Münchhausen who converted the building into the style of the Weser Renaissance. Today, the castle is venue to a multitude of cultural events. 25 Unterkirche St. Nicolai Ecke Oberstr. / Nicolaistr. 39288 Burg Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Kirchhof Unser Lieben Frauen 1 Tel. + 49 3921 944430 Fax + 49 3921 944431 Opening times: May – Oct Mon – Fri 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., also Thu 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Nov – April By arrangement Entrance price: None, donations welcome LEITZKAU PARISH CHURCH OF ST PETER This church, which was consecrated in 1114, is one of the oldest stone churches east of the River Elbe. It replaced the half-timbered structure of the previous church. By 1140, the church had been built as a three-aisled basilica, which served as the seat of the bishop until 1161. 24 Ev. Kirche Genthin Altenplathow Altenplathower Straße 74 39307 Genthin Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Genthin Große Schulstr. 3 Tel. + 49 3933 3605 Fax + 49 3933 805232 ev.pfarramt-genthin@ Opening times and Tours: By arrangement (Tel. + 49 3933 3605) Entrance price: None, donations welcome LOBURG RUINS OF THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY Impressive ruins of a former three-aisled basilica from the 12th century. The aisles no longer exist. The rectangular choir and parts of the broad stone tower with its western set-off portal, as well as parts of the triumphal arch and the wide round arch opening to the nave, still exist. The six existing clerestory windows, which were previously bricked up, have been opened up again. Pfarrkirche St. Laurentius/ St. Nikolaus Kirchberg 1, 39524 Sandau Contact: Ev. Pfarramt und Förderverein Kirchberg 9 Tel. + 49 39383 236 Mobile + 49 162 3460690 Fax + 49 39383 91937 Opening times: April – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and by arrange- ment (Radwegekirche: network of churches linked by cycle routes) WUST VILLAGE CHURCH The half-timbered tower and baroque roof show the serious renovations of this church, which was founded in around 1200. The Flemish-style coffered ceiling is worth seeing. Hans Hermann von Katte was laid to rest at this church. The young Prussian officer was executed because he had helped his friend, the young Crown Prince and subsequent King Friedrich II, to desert. 23 24 Dom St. Marien Domplatz 39539 Havelberg Tel.: + 49 15227 661989 Fax: + 49 39387 79105 Opening times: April and Oct Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun 12 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – March Wed - Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sun 12 a.m. – 6 p.m. Entrance prices: Free admission, donations welcome Tours: Cathedral tour 3,50 e per person BURG UPPER CHURCH OF OUR LADY Today’s church building is already the third on this site. Barely anything has been preserved from the first early-Romanesque church, except the apse on the east wall of the northern aisle. The retable from 1607, the pulpit of 1606 and a font – all created by Magdeburg sculptor Michael Spies – are particularly beautiful. Kirche St. Nikolaus/ Förderverein Beuster Schulhof 5 39615 Hansestadt Seehausen OT Beuster Tel. + 49 39397 97458 Fax + 49 39397 97459 Opening times: May – Oct daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – March by arrangement Tours: During opening hours and by advance reservation SCHÖNHAUSEN VILLAGE CHURCH OF ST MARY AND ST WILLIBRORD The three-aisled basilica, which was consecrated in 1212, was the church in which Count Otto von Bismarck was baptised in 1815. The wooden crucifix of 1235 is worth seeing. The church is considered to be the most significant successor building to the abbey church of Jerichow. The building is particularly impressive by its size which is extraordinary for a village church. The Bismarck Museum is located in the building next to the church. 17 WALBECK RUINS OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST MARY AND TOMB SLAB OF LOTHAR II AT THE VILLAGE CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL SANDAU PARISH CHURCH OF ST LAWRENCE AND ST NICHOLAS The Romanesque church, a three-aisled basilica founded in around 1200, was modelled on the church of Jerichow. Even today, a walk through the church with its 7 round-arched arcades, the rectangular and round pillars with carefully carved trapeze capitals, the high triumphal arch and the simple wooden ceiling offer the visitor a living insight into the modest beauty of Romanesque architecture. 16 Benediktinerinnenkloster St. Marien Am See 3, 39619 Arendsee Tel. + 49 39384 2479 Fax + 49 39384 98933 Opening times: May – Oct Tue – Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – April Tue – Sun 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Minster also open May – Oct Mon 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. Entrance prices: Museum and minster area: Adults 2,00 e, Children aged 6 and above 0,50 e BURG LOWER CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS The 12th century granite ashlar building is almost completely preserved and is an impressive example of the severe monumentality of Romanesque architecture. The church houses a font from the 12th century, the original altar stone with consecration crosses, a tomb with scratched drawings from 1321, an epitaph created by Hans Hierzig from Ueberlingen (around 1600) and a pulpit created by Michael Spies (1610) from Magdeburg. 22 HAVELBERG CATHEDRAL OF ST MARY Today’s cathedral building was built between 1279 and 1330. The combination of Romanesque and Gothic style created in this way is still easily recognisable today. The numerous stained glass windows are of particular value. The rood screen, built in around 1400, is impressive with its Passion reliefs and sculptures. 15 BEBERTAL CEMETERY CHAPEL BEUSTER BRICK CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS The collegiate church was founded by the diocese of Verden. It is one of the oldest brick churches north of the Alps. Its construction plan corresponds to a typical basilica with two half-height nave aisles and choir aisle. Daylight is provided to the middle nave by regular windows in the clerestory. Originally, there was a square defence tower on the west side. Particularly worthy of note is the fact that the bricks have been chiselled like cut stones. 14 Pfarrkirche St. Lorenz Holzmarktstraße 11, 29410 Salzwedel Contact: Kath. Pfarramt St. Lorenz An der Marienkirche 5 Tel. + 49 3901 423357 Fax + 49 3901 3059609 Opening times: Mon – Sat 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. Tours: Advance reservation needed in the Protestant parish Dorfkirche Lindenstraße 14 39319 Stadt Jerichow OT Redekin Opening times: By arrangement, (Tel. + 49 39343 256) Entrance price: None, donations welcome Tours: by advance reservation, German, English GENTHIN / ALTENPLATHOW TOMBSTONE OF HERMANN VON PLOTHO In the former registry of the Neogothic church, the ‘Plotho-Stube’, you will find a rare, well preserved example of a medieval figurative memorial slab. This one depicts the lord of the former Plote castle, who died in around 1170. 22 ARENDSEE BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF ST MARY The convent ruins are located picturesquely by the shores of Lake Arendsee. The cross-shaped basilica, one of the earliest vaulted brick churches in the region, is a perfectly preserved example of Romanesque architecture. The portal is a prime example of medieval building symbolism. The wooden crucifix from 1240 and the Gothic carved altar are worth seeing. 13 HUNDISBURG NORDHUSEN RUINS Late Romanesque fieldstone church from the 12th / 13th century, which has been fully restored inside and out. There is a wooden coffered ceiling from 1602 and a well-preserved confessional in the chancel. A triumphal arch separates the chancel from the nave, under which there is a cup-shaped font. Still visible, the passage from the tower to the nave was through a double ambulatory. 8 Katholische Universitätskirche St. Petri Neustädter Straße 4 39104 Magdeburg Tel. + 49 391 5435895 or -5434095 Opening times: Mon – Fri 9.30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and by arrangement Church service: Vespers 5.30 p.m., Service 6 p.m. Thu Vespers 6.30 p.m., Service 7 p.m. Sun Service 11 a.m. Entrance prices: None, donations welcome HILLERSLEBEN BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF ST LAWRENCE The village of Nordhusen no longer exists. The ruins of the parish church, which was built around 1200 together with the western tower of a village church that no longer exists are all that can be seen. The grand 17 metres high cross tower is reminiscent of a settlement of significance 800 years ago, which had already been abandoned in the medieval. Further historical evidence is provided by a partially preserved ravine and the remains of the water mill which burned down in 1843. This brick church with the characteristic circular windows was originally three-aisled and built ca. 1250 during the transition from Romanesque to Gothic period. The contrast between the red brick, black glazed shaped bricks and white veneers is typical for this region. Not used since the Reformation, used as a salt storeroom (1692 to mid-19th century), major structural losses (tower, nave aisles). A Catholic parish church since 1860. Partial reconstruction and restoration between 1961 – 1964. 12 MAGDEBURG CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF ST SEBASTIAN ROMANESQUE HOUSE The “Romanesque Road” tourist trail weaves through the state of Saxony-Anhalt like a figure-ofeight. The state capital of Magdeburg is situated at the intersection of the Northern and Southern routes. The visitor centre in the “Romanesque House” is the place to go for inquisitive tourists. As a result, another touristic attraction has been created in immediate proximity to the Magdeburg Cathedral. The exhibition in the House tells stories from the medieval divided into the categories of “Emperors and Kings”, “Churches and Monasteries”, “Knighthood, Nobility and Castles” and “Farmers, Citizens and Tradesmen”. You can discover the economic and political stimuli from the Romanesque Era, which have followed through into today’s Saxony-Anhalt, and what testimony from this era is still preserved along the “Romanesque Road”. Visitors can get active too – with writing exercises in the multimedial scriptorium or at the audio station playing medieval instruments. The Romanesque sites in the state are shown on a monitor. Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Regierungsstraße 4 – 6, 39104 Magdeburg Tel. + 49 391 565020 or -5650211 Opening times: Tue – Thu 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. except 24th / 25th / 31st Dec. Entrance prices: 4,00 e, conc. 2,00 e Tours: Advance reservation needed MAGDEBURG CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF ST PETER OF MAGDEBURG St Mary’s Collegiate Church and family tomb of the Counts of Walbeck. You can still see the brickwork from the Ottonian era in the ruins of the collegiate church today. The ruins of Walbeck are freely accessible. It is possible to view the stucco sarcophagus of Lothar II, the founder of this church, by prior arrangement at the Village Church of St Michael. 7 21 SALZWEDEL PFARRKIRCHE ST. LORENZ REDEKIN VILLAGE CHURCH A small bronze crucifix dating back to the middle of the 12th century with an image of the front of Christ on a cross is of nationwide importance. Elaborate brick friezes and the horseshoe gallery are also worth seeing. The church has a flatroofed nave, a tapered cross-vaulted rectangular choir, a high apse and a broad three-storey western cross tower. Address: Klostergarten 6, D-38871 Drübeck, – 7 pm; evening opening hours: prayers at 6 pm gardens: freely (except Sunday), accessible year-round; holiday 11 am guided tours: and 2 pm and St. Vitus Church: : April to October, on request, November 6:30 am Gärtnerhaus, tel.: Monday – Saturday to March on request, + 49 (0) 3 94 52 2 pm; Sunday/legal tel.: + 49 (0) 3 / 9 43 04, Klosterküche + 49 (0) 3 94 52 94 52 / 9 43 30, / 9 43 30, www.kloster-dru (registration), catering: Café tel.: + 49 (0) 3 94 im 52 / 94 30 00, Information: tel.: 22 One of the few small churches of the 10th century, the remains of a missionary church. The two circular windows in the south wall and the historical stones in the south and north wall of the hall are presumably from the early Romanesque building. In the chapel’s current east wall, a foundation pedestal clearly marks the original corners of the east wall. Not always open to visitors! 6 Dorfkirche Breite Straße 38489 Rohrberg Opening times: By arrangement Tours: by arrangement DIESDORF AUGUSTINIAN CONVENT CHURCH OF ST MARY AND THE HOLY CROSS The oldest vaulted pure Romanesque church in the Altmark region and one of the best preserved. It has a Holy Sepulchre. The richly adorned and gabled embrasure portal jutting out from the front wall of the southern transept and the original mural painting in the window reveals of the eastern parts, consisting of white-red chequered and triangular ornaments are particularly worth seeing. 11 MAGDEBURG ART MUSEUM MONASTERY OF OUR LADY ck PARK Address: Schlossplatz, D-06493 Ballenstedt, April, tuesday-Sunday opening hours: , 10 am – 4 pm; park is freely accessible May to October, guided tours: year-round; castle: on request, tel.: tuesday-Friday November to 10 am – 4 pm; + 49 (0)3 94 83 Schlosshotel “Großer Saturday/Sunda / 8 25 56, catering: Gasthof”, tel.: y, 10 am – 5 pm, Restaurant “Klosterstuben” + 49 (0)3 94 83 + 49 (0) 3 94 83 / 5 10, Cafeteria / 2 63 or 97 90 98, , tel.: + 49 (0)3 Marstall, tel.: + 94 83 / 9 76 60, www.ballensted 49 (0)3 94 83 / 1 89 39, Information: tel.: ELBE Dom zu Magdeburg Am Dom 1 39104 Magdeburg Tel. + 49 391 5432414 Opening times: May – Sept Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Oct – April Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun / rel. b / hols 11.30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tours: Daily at 2 p.m., Sun also at 11.30 a.m., Charge: 3.50 e per person Herrenkrugpa rk: Herrenkrugstraß e, D-39114 Magdeburg, tours: on request, tel.: + 49 (0) 3 91 opening hours: / 8 38 04 park tel.: + 49 (0) 3 91 / 1 94 33, www.magdebur 01, catering: Herrenkrug Parkhotel, is freely accessible year-round, guided hours: year-round, tel.: + 49 (0) 3 91; Elbauenpark: / 8 50 80, Information: with admission tessenowstraße fee; Millennium year-round, open 5a, D-39114 Magdeburg, tower; April to tuesday – Sunday, October, open opening catering: seasonal, tuesday-Sunday Information: ; Butterfly House: tel.: + 49 (0) 3 91 / 59 34 50, Drübe GARDENS The 29 ha large park Ballenstedt Castle frames the Late Baroque complex as a high-ranking example of the garden centuries. A prominent art of the 18 th and 19 th park element is former water shaft the in the Italian-style gardens planned villa by Peter Joseph Lenné, which are embedded in the landscape park. The refurbished castle mill by Gottfried Schadow and the cast-iron Lion are also worth Attractive vistas seeing. of the ding Harz countryside park and the surrounare made possible the well-preserv by ed castle tower. 29 HERRENKRuGPA RK AND ELBAuE NPARK ON THE The Herrenkrugp ark park and has been is Magdeburg’s oldest a popular excursion destination for the Magdeburg population for nearly 200 years. opened for the th The Elbauenpark was 25 Federal Horticultura Show (BUGA) in l 1999. The attractive ment park delights amusevisitors with its garden architecture diverse and numerous and cultural offers leisure as well as sports playgrounds, the fields and Millennium Tower Butterfly House. and the The Wernigerode Castle former Royal Zoological Gardens encompass the Garden with the nut grove natural chestmonument area, the pleasure garden and the terraced gardens near the castle. The flourishing terraces architectural gardens were laid out in 1870 as the Harz mountain and offer a unique view of region. Numerous its former Baroque relicts of design such as the Lion’s Gate or the Orangery can still be found in the pleasure garden, a landscape park. The Wernigerode Gardens reflect Castle the diversity of horticultural development from the formal Baroque garden via the landscape garden to the historic raised garden. 18 Lauchstäd t HISTORIC SPA FACILIT IES AND GOETH E THEATR CASTLE AND CASTLE en Magdeburg Address: Schlossbereich, D-38855 Wernigerode, gardens): May opening hours: to October, 10 parks are freely am – 6 pm; November days, 10 am – 6 accessible year-round; to April, tuesday pm, guided tours:gardens: castle (terraced – Friday 10 am 55 30 30, catering: – 4 pm; Saturday/Sunda on request, tel.: Schlosscafé, tel.: + 49 (0) 39 43 / 5 y and legal holi53 78 35, castle: + 49 (0) 39 43 / www.wernigero 55 30 44, Information: on request, tel.:, www.schloss-we + 49 (0) 39 43 / tel.: + 49 (0) 39 43 / 5 53 78 35, 55 30 30, NITZ MANOR PARK Address: Hauptstraße, D-06800 Altjeßnitz, opening hours: and legal holidays March to 31 October, 10 am 8 pm; last admission: 6 pm; Monday-Friday, admission fee, open in winter 9 am – 8 pm; Sat/Sun guided tours: by arrangement, on request, tel.: tel.: + 49 (0) 34 Information: + 49 (0) 34 94 / 94 / 7 26 97, with tel.: + 49 (0) 34 7 81 58, catering: 94 / 7 81 55, tel.: Café am Gutspark, + 49 (0) 34 93 / tel.: + 49 (0) 34 7 26 97, www.irrgarten94 / 66 96 50, PARK a r iu m Sa ng erh aus Today, there are only a few remains of the late-Romanesque convent abbey, which bears witness to the significance once held by the Hillersleben Convent. Of its medieval interior, the cherubs standing next to the dormitory and two capitals have been preserved. The font from 1580 and the baroque epitaph are worth a special mention. The building, which dates back to the 11th / 12th century, can only be viewed from the outside. 4 Medieval banquets, jugglers and minstrels will make you rejoice, fill your heart and stomach with love and provide you with entertainment. The Northern and Southern routes are shaped as a figure-of-eight, with Magdeburg, the favourite place of Otto the Great, at the centre. Here, you can find the tomb of Otto the Great and his first wife Editha at the Magdeburg Cathedral, which is the first Gothic building in Germany. L GARDENS During the medieval, Magdeburg was a political centre of Europe and was considered to be the “Third Rome”, next to Constantinople. Otto the Great, the son of the first German King Henry I and founder of the Holy Roman Empire, chose Magdeburg as his favourite residence and gave it to his first wife Editha as a wedding gift. In 1209, the construction of the first Gothic-design cathedral in Germany began. The Abbey church of the Benedictine monks, which was founded in 1110 and consecrated in 1135, is one of the few Catholic monasteries in the Duchy of Magdeburg to survive the turmoil of the reformation until 1804. Parts of the tiled floor, the entrance portal and the decoration on the crossbars of the columns have been preserved from the original Romanesque interior. Sculptures of different eras are also worth seeing. EXPERIENCE LUTHER About 1000 years ago, Duke Henry of Saxony became the King of Eastern Franconia. Under the previous German kingship of the Ottonian dynasty, the region around the Harz and Magdeburg had become the centre of Western history. Henry’s son, Otto the Great, founded the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Today, you can relive this exciting history at 80 original sites along the “Romanesque Road” tourist trail. You will encounter unforgettable traces of this era, castles and royal palaces, impressive cathedrals, monasteries full of life and the four stunning highlights of the “Romanesque Road” – the Cathedral Treasures. Along the more than 1000 kilometres of this route, you will discover buildings of remarkable beauty as well as living history with knight tournaments, medieval markets and village fairs. Altjeßnitz MAZE AT ALTJESS (Altmark) opulence radiance in the first spring sun, its exuberant satisfaction on luscious summer days and the touch summer. But in the artifiof silent melancholy in the cially conjured landscape park middle of autumnal fog. which seems natural, visitors also seek, in amazement, Many of these searching the glances will strike splendid specimens a boof trees nanza in the Garden and hedgerows which are Dreams facilities that are already hundreds a veritaof years old. ble pleasure for However, because visitors. of all the And as is so often trees, blossoms and leaves in our life, many a park you have to take needs our your time second glance and look closely so that to discern enamoured becomes being the park’s face – its gentle deep affection! The cathedral of the diocese of Magdeburg dates back to the foundation of a Canonist foundation by the Archbishop Gero around 1016. Inparticular, the Romanesque double-tower façade and the crossing of the three-nave hallchurch, which was overbuilt in Gothic style in the 13th century, accentuate the basic Romanesque substance impressively. Beside its function as episcopal church with the seat of the bishop since 1994, St Sebastian has been home of the collegiate church since 1878. ENJOYMENT FOR EVERYONE Saxony-Anhalt and the “Romanesque Road” Osterburg AND PALATIAL With botan ical The first glance at a historic facility which is so important among us visitors that decides on love and sympathy, also seeks a mighty copper beech tree on a rich green meadow, or the first colourful blaze of narcissuses and tulips in the spring, and the delicate pink, wine-red and pearly-white radiant, fragrant rose blossoms of Gothic hall church with wide Romanesque tower dating back to the middle of the 12th century. The church was constructed of quarry stone ashlars. The western tower has been preserved from the original Romanesque structure. Around 1400, the nave was re-built into a three-aisled hall with five bays with a one-aisled choir. The ground floor of the tower has two round arches with twin arch brick inserts. The large multi-part lancet windows in the choir are striking. 3 Tel. + 49 391 56899 - 0 PALACE AND PALATIA Address: Schnappelberg 6, D-38889 Blankenburg sible, special gardens: (Harz), opening April to September, hours: palatial Sunday 10:30 9 am – 9 pm, October park / zoological am from the “Brunswick garden are freely to March, 10 am Lion”, catering: 9 54 77 09 and acces– 5 pm, guided 36 99 87, Schlosshotel small teahouse tours: : May to (seasonal) and October, Blankenburg, 92 60, Information: Gasthof Obere tel.: + 49 (0) Mühle, tel.: + 49 tel.: + 49 (0) 39 44 / 28 98, www.blankenbu 39 44 / 36 19-0, Berghotel (0) 39 44 / Vogelherd, tel.: + 49 (0) 39 44 / Goethesta City o 10 Saxony-Anhalt What would parks and gardens be flowers and botanical without rarities? Nothing! trees, not be any at There would all. Europa-Ros Address: Parkstraße, D-39606 Hanseatic City of Osterburg round, guided / Krumke locality, tours: on request, opening hours: catering: Eiscafé + 49 (0) 39 37 / park is freely accessible “Zum Kavaliershaus”, 89 50 12, www.osterburg. yeartel.: + 49 (0) 39 de 37 / 20 40 34, Information: tel.: rg (Harz) BLANKENBuRG The approximate ly 107 ha large ensemble of the Blankenburg palatial gardens is located in the immediate vicinity of the historic Old Town. The famous Baroque terrace bubbling water with its shaft is situated above the small palace. The mountain garden tea house, upper with the mill and the large connected. The palace are modern designed pheasant garden, the scenic palatial park and gical garden top the zoolooff the ensemble. 32 39 Saxony-Anhalt is the cradle of the Reformation. Luther was born in Eisleben, in Mansfeld he spent his childhood and Wittenberg was the workplace of the reformer. In 1517 he marked the beginning of the Reformation by nailing the 95 thesis to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg. In 2017 the 500 th anniversary of the Reformation is celebrated worldwide. With the Luther Decade, Saxony-Anhalt already tunes into the festivities. litz 8 13 Welcome to the most beautiful historic parks in Saxony-Anhalt. “Garden Dream in Saxony-Anhal s” networked – t and Germany LUTHER | BAUHAUS | GARDEN KINGDOM World culture : “Garden Dreams” as far as the eye SAXONY-A can see! in Gartenne tz Deutschla nd. NHALT Luther‘s room, an authentic place of Luther‘s table talks, Luther House Wittenberg FOR TREASURE HUNTERS Blankenbu The state capital Magdeburg surprises visitors with boulevard featuring a green historic parks along the Elbe River. The view extends from Herrenkrug with the Elbauenpark amusement park towards the towers of THE GREEN CITADEL® OF MAGDEBURG , the esque Kloster Unser RomanFrauen monastery Lieben and the gothic cathedral. 1 THE CRADLE OF THE REFORMATION source of all landscape art in Germany, and naturally also a role model and example for numerous parks in presentday Saxony-Anh alt. After the era of Baroque gardens, a wave of park redevelopment started, primarily beginning of the th in the 19 century. In the process, “walk-in landscape paintings” with special visual relationship s between buildings, sculptures horticultural elementsand were created. The park acquired philosophical dimension. a A gilded wrought-iro to Krumke Palatial n gate welcomes guests Park. The picturesque cape park around landsthe neo-Gothic palace accommodates numerous relicts from its Baroque design. Including the Cavalier former Stone Cabinet, House, Orangery, numerous and the famous, sculptures roughly hedgerow. Enchanting 400 year-old box spring flowers, dendrons and a rhodobeautiful autumn colouring make the park especially attractive. D-39343 Hundisburg, opening hours: 11 am – 4 pm; park is freely accessible Saturday and Sunday year-round; palace 11 am – 6 pm; sion, guided tours: palace exhibition: shop: tuesday on request, tel.: end of March to to Friday + 49 (0) 39 04 / end of October, www.schloss-hu 46 24 31, catering: 2 – 5 pm, with restaurant & palace admiscafé, tel.: + 49 (0) 39 04 / 4 42 65, 1 / 59 34 252, Fax: +49 (0) 391 / 59 info@gartentrae 34 317 ume-sachsen-an www.gartentrae ume-sachsen-an You will find attractive offers for travel Anhalt here. Tel.: to Saxony+ 49 (0) 391 / 5 62 - 8 38 20 (Mo – Fr: 8 am – 8 pm, Sa: Hanseatic KRuMKE PALACEf Hundisburg Palace with and adjacent landscape its Baroque garden park that ends Althaldensleben at Monastery 2 km away constitutes an overall ensemble with supra-regional importance. The effort involved and the splendour of the Baroque garden, the park’s scenic beauty as size and well as over 150 indigenous and exotic wood types attract visitors season. The palace in any accommodates cultural offers numerous and provides high-quality cal events. musi- Address: Schloss, 15 The oldest ancestral seat of the von Bismarck family inThe Garden Dreams cludes a self-contain Saxony-Anhalt’s gentle south of residents and visitors Halle with a Renaissance ed estate is characterised by Germany’s palace, lie along the banks of the moat, chapel and smallest and finest Saale River landscape wine-growbeneath the ruins park from the th ing region. But 19 century. not only grapes of Giebichenstein Castle. The The Gutspark Briest for Riesling and labyrinthine Burgundy manoAmtsgarten and rial park is in the wines mature along the “poet’s process of the Saale paradise” in Reichardt’s redevelopment. and Unstrut rivers. Architects Garden are so romantic www.altmark and gardeners in particular that you almost think you The Schlosspark have left behind are in another Krumke traces city. You only hear tial park is enchanted. palaThe discovery promises here. from afar Giant enjoythe noise of the trees and saurian ment. Burgscheidun city which hedgerows gen Palace struck a chord line the paths cannot conceal with George and repeatedly its majesty. Friedrich Handel. reveal the view Built high above of foals playthe Unstrut www.stadtma Valley, the view rketing-halle.d drops down e above the playful iNFo terraces with a touch of “Italianita” to Gartenträume the pleasure garden –Historische Parks that is a in Sachsen-Anhalt Tessenowstraße 5a, 39114 Magdeburg veritable delight! e.V. Tel.: +49 (0) 391 www.schloss-b undisburg HuNDISBuRG PALACE AND BAROQuE GARDEN , ALTHALDENSLEBEN LANDSCAPE PARK Garden Dreams in the city * More events and information at: SAXONY-ANHALT Garden Kin gdom of De ssau-Wör 1 www.altmark www.vereinigtedomstifter.d e Incidentally, if you are still in the mood for more between all the wine tasting sessions and regional delicacies, with the best consciencethen we recommend the bicycle and hiking trails along the Saale and Unstrut rivers. Or a lively paddle tour for freshwater captains! www.wernigerode-tourismu Whoever would like to interrupt their tour of the Harz region by foot or in the saddle of a bicycle in to saunter through order green masterpieces of garden art will find more stylish things here: 7 The Tangerhütte Municipal Park is always worth an excursion from Tangermünde. And the proprietors open even more beautiful gardens in the Altmark region on several weekends in the year. A festival for all those with a passion for flourishing greenery! to her magic in the Naumburg Cathedral. The historic cathedral garden, whose reopening is planned for the summer of 2011, is also magical. Wernigerode is the mostvisited city in Saxony-Anh alt. The castle whose gardens invite visitors to take a leisurely stroll towers high above the town’s brick-red roofs. And the best view of the Mountain is offered Brocken from the terraced gardens. Naumburg Hussite Cherry Festival Since 2007 the Romanesque Road in SaxonyAnhalt is part of the European Cultural Route TRANSROMANICA. TRANSROMANICA combines the common cultural heritage of the Romanesque period across eight European countries. The historical evidence of this era can be found in Germany, Austria, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Serbia and Rumania. In these countries, the new art and architecture, emerging all over Europe in the end of the 10 th century, evolved with great complexity. Follow this impressive route and be guided along the interpretation of symbols, treasuries and images. To learn more about the buildings and to receive travel recommendations, tips for loop roads and upcoming events, please visit: Hu nd isbu rg Palace A lt h a ldens and Baroque Garden, leben Land scape Pa rk ing against the backdrop of an expansive radiant sky. Now this is a kingdom for a saddle! of the world H s” tips for excurs ions and trips Garden Dreams in the Harz region Children’s Chamber Seminars and courses held at the Helfta Cistercian Convent world of stone between tree and blossom is also always included in the artistic raphy of the Baroque calligera. So it is not surprising that gods and nymphs also want to make a good impression. Even today, the Garden Dreams parks with their Baroque design attest to the creativity and quality which we still enjoy almost 300 years later. The Bundesga rtenschau 2015 Havelregi on – From cathedral to cathedral , the blue ribbon of the Havel River ent Saxony-Anhalt is rich in culture. that this Central Since the discovery German region pressive palaces did not first draw of the “Nebra Sky Disk”, it is clear and attention in medieval Road”, “Sky Paths” cathedrals, castles and monasterie times with imand “Garden Dreams” s. The brand pillars time featuring take you along “Romanesque 5,000 years of their routes on German and European a journey through history. ROMANESQUE FOR CHILDREN All year round the most popu lar facilities in With landscapes As so often, the truth is very plain: the original of whoever wants all English-sty to see le landscape parks European continent on the has to travel to Wörlitz. Prince Leopold III, Friedrich The subsequentl Franz von Anhalt-Dess y emerging au, Garden Kingdom made his dream of Dessaucome true Wörlitz is a unique here. Still inspired cultural by the landscape which impressions of his tour of is a Heritage Site today. World England, as early as the 2 nd half of the 18 th For 250 years, century, he Wörlitz has invited visitors planned a project to sharpen that their senses and arranged the Wörlitz newly to enjoy landthe enlightened scape between view the Elbe and the essential beauty at Mulde rivers, making in is it better facilities, which usable for the residents. are always freely accessible. Here is the .de Imperial Spring in Quedlinburg Your travel destinati on: Saxony-Anhalt. “Romantic Night” at the Protestant Centre of the Drübeck Abbey christoph.carstens@ ple to enjoy the pleasures of summer. Guests adorned in brocade and silk promenade on cream-colou red paths. Water shafts feed soaring fountains, while their cooling drops bathe the surrounding box tree sculptures. The hands of clever and patient gardeners make globes, cones and curiosities grow from them. A strange sculptural in Saxony-Anhalt: our The 7 facilities of the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz The 2015 Federal are a Horticultural Show or finale of a Garden highlight for the start from Havelberg (BUGA) Dreams journey to Brandenburg Saxony-Anhalt. through : the Havel region is a contiguous Ennobled in 2000 by UNESCO with the title “World region with a collectivelandscape and cultural cultural landscape Heritage Site”, this unique cultural history proximately 1,000 attracts admirers years. The settlementof apand far who never from near region tire of looking of the was promoted at the Wörlitz combination is why the cathedrals by both bishoprics. That of beauty and usefulness. as Johann Wolfgang of the cities of and Brandenburg Havelberg von Goethe simply Or constitute the to Charlotte von wrote setting and theme for this Stein: “Yesterday upcoming evening, as www.buga-2015-havelregion BUGA event. Welcome to the most beautiful historic parks in Saxony-Anhalt. Easter The history of these gardens illuminates us, fascinates us and allows us to experience these sites and to be deeply impressed. Baroque parks stimulate our imagination without our help. We a journey through are on time into the 17 th and 18 th century in which the well-planned– , almost geometrical ly laid out gardens invited the royal cou- The new Garden Dreams facilities In the meantime, 43 parks and gardens historic are included among the State of SaxonyAnhalt’s “Garden Dreams” initiative. Specialists have lovingly selected them with great care from over 1,000 heritage-pro tected parks and located between gardens the Elbe River, Harz mountains range and the Saale River. The majority of them have been redeveloped and restored in recent years according to historic documents. About 2 million visitors a year do not miss out on the opportunity and treat their feast for the eyes senses to a and salvation for www.gartentr their soul. aeume-sachse – Historic Parks Baroque splend They are something parks which contain very special. Even today one recognises traces of Baroque “ahs” and “wows” splendour and from visitors. elicit www.gartenr 43 times ambrosia TOWN FESTIVALS With traces of we sidled along the lakes, canals and forests, I was truly moved at how the gods the sovereigns allowed to create them.” He experienced such a dream around this garden dream on 14 May 1778. MAGDEBURG MAGDEBURG CATHEDRAL, CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST MAURICE AND ST KATHERINE 20 ROHRBERG VILLAGE CHURCH Late-Romanesque stone church from the 12th / 13th century, with a transept dating back to the 19th century. Inside the church, the cup-shaped Romanesque font on the top of a cushion capital, the pulpit from 1691, the retable (from around 1700) and the organ from 1886 are particularly worth seeing. Magdeburg Garden Dream s Historic Parks – and Garden www.sachsen-anhal 9 Kirche St. Peter und Paul August-Bebel-Straße 39164 Wanzleben OT Seehausen Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Am Markt 17 Tel. + 49 39407 425 Opening times: By arrangement (Tel. + 49 39407 425 or -353 Entrance price: None, donations welcome HADMERSLEBEN BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL The convent, which was founded in 961, is among the few buildings, in which the original estate, farmyard and churchyard have remained virtually unchanged. The Romanesque chapter hall designed to accommodate 78 Benedictine nuns is considered one of the largest of its kind. The baroque abbess chamber houses valuable documents and six large-format paintings in the former dormitory convey 1000 years of convent history. Benediktinerinnenkloster/ Kulturhistorisches Museum Planstraße 37 39387 Oschersleben OT Hadmersleben Tel. + 49 39408 6666 Fax + 49 39408 213 Opening times: Monastery Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.; Sat / Sun by arrangement. (Tel. + 49 39408 6666) Entrance price: None, donations welcome 29 The view of the church, which was built in the 10th century, is characterised by a flèche, which was built in the 12th century. Inside the church, you will find the remains of Romanesque murals and sculptures of outstanding artistic value, such as the portrayal of Christ as the “World Judge” with the 12 apostles. Furthermore, you will find an angel relief from the 12th century and a tree of life tympanum from the 13th century. 30 Romanesque church of 1121, the most significant building of the Saxon Romanesque era. The interior dates back to the 18th century. Romanesque hall in the priory square. The Benedictine monastery was built in 1084 on the site of a former Carolingian fortress. Today, it is used as an ecclesiastic and cultural centre. Well preserved Abbey with a conference centre and guest house in the middle of the Huy forest. 33 36 BLANKENBURG CISTERCIAN MONASTERY OF MICHAELSTEIN As during its founding period (1146), Michaelstein is still situated away from the city life of Blankenburg in the idyllic area around the Harz. In the enclosure buildings, significant elements from the Romanesque and Gothic eras have been preserved, such as the cloister, refectory and chapter hall. The monastery gardens have been renovated following historical models. An exhibition of historical musical instruments can be found in the Baroque west wing of the enclosure. 38 QUEDLINBURG BASILICA OF ST WIPERTI In the place of the first small hall church at the court of Henry I, a three-aisled basilica was built in 950, in which the crypt, which is still preserved today, was added subsequently (around 1000). It has remained unchanged, even after the rebuilding of the church in the 12th century. 46 Ev. Zentrum Kloster Drübeck Klostergarten 6 38871 Ilsenburg OT Drübeck Tel. + 49 39452 94330 Fax + 49 39452 94345 Opening times: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tours: April – Oct Mon – Sat 2 p.m., Nov – March by arrangement (2,50 e / Pers.) Events: Harz Abbey Summer (Aug – Sept), daily evening prayers (6 p.m.) Entrance prices: 2,50 e Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein Michaelstein 3 38889 Blankenburg Tel. + 49 3944 90300 Fax + 49 3944 903030 Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Sun / b / hols 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Sat 2 p.m. – 17 p.m., Sun / b/hols 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., 24th / 25th / 31st Dec and 1st Jan closed Tours: by arrangement Audio guide: Ger, Eng, Dutch Stiftskirche St. Servatii Domschatzverwaltung Schlossberg 1 g 06484 Quedlinburg Tel. + 49 3946 709900 Fax + 49 3946 524379 Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Sat 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun / b/ hols 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Sat 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun / b/ hols 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Entrance prices: Audio guide: Ger, Eng You will find your holiday here! (with online booking service) Ev. Pfarrkirche St. Ulrici Ulrichstraße 06526 Sangerhausen Contact: Ev. Kirchengemeinde St. Ulrici Riestedter Straße 24 06526 Sangerhausen Mobil + 49 160 91654017 Opening times: May – Oct Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., Nov – April Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Freilichtmuseum Königspfalz Tilleda Westende d. Ernst-Thälmann-Str. 06537 Kelbra OT Tilleda Tel. + 49 34651 2923 /-90268 / -459995 Fax + 49 34651 90288 /-459996 Opening times: April – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., (last entry 5.30 p.m.), Nov and March daily 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., (last entry 3.30 p.m.), Dec to Feb (inclusive) closed ALLSTEDT CASTLE AND PALACE QUERFURT QUERFURT CASTLE The castle of the Noblemen of Querfurt, whose oldest parts date back to the 10 th and 11th century, is seven times larger in its area than that of Wartburg Castle. The Romanesque castle chapel and the Romanesque towers, “Dicker Heinrich” (Fat Henry) and “Marterturm” (Tower of Torture), are worth seeing. Burg- und Schlossmuseum Allstedt Schloss 8, 06542 Allstedt Tel. + 49 34652 519 Fax + 49 34652 67754 Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Sun / b/hols 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Fri 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m., Sat / Sun / b/hols 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., last entry 30 minutes before closing Tours: Advance reservation needed Burg Querfurt 06268 Querfurt Tel. + 49 34771 52190 Fax + 49 34771 521999 Opening times: May – Oct Mon – Sun 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – April Mon – Sun 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Entrance prices: Adults 5,00 e, conc. 3,00 e 64 Kirche Böllberg Böllberger Weg 152 06128 Halle Contact: Ev. Kirchengemeinde R.-Schatz-Straße 30 Tel. + 49 345 4441491 Opening times: May – Oct Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun after church service until 5 p.m. and by arrangement Entrance prices: None, donations welcome The Romanesque hall church preserved in its original design with late-Gothic stencil paintings on the interior ceiling, is a chapel-like construction made with quarry stones with a half-rounded apse to the east, which connects directly to the small rectangular hall. The normally traditional sanctuary between the hall and the apse is missing here. This beautifully preserved towerless village church from the 12th century is now located in the middle of a residential area. 61 65 Burg Saaleck / Heimatverein Saaleck e.V. Am Burgberg 2 06628 Naumburg OT Saaleck Tel. + 49 34463 26553 Opening times: April – Oct Mon – Fri 10 a.m. –5 p.m., Sat / Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tours: By arrangement Entrance prices: Adults 1,00 e, conc. 0,50 e Doppelkapelle St. Crucis Hillerstraße 8 06188 Landsberg Tel. + 49 34602 20690 Fax + 49 34602 48741 Tours: May – Oct Sat 3 p.m., Sun 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Nov –April after telephone reservation The double chapel, a jewel of sacral architecture and once a component of a margravial castle, is impressive with its overwhelming synthesis of architectural harmony and spatial composition and the fascinating ornaments of the capitals. The “Blood Column”, a column made of red marble, which is said to sweat blood and water on Good Fridays, is a special feature. Remarkable carved altar by Stephan Hermsdorf (from around 1525). Landesschule Pforta Schulstraße 12, 06628 Naumburg OT Schulpforte Tel. + 49 34463 35110 Fax + 49 34463 35178 Opening times: Nov – March Mon – Sun 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., April – Oct Mon – Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tours: April – Oct Sat 10.30 a.m. – 2 p.m., 3,00 e, visit to the church without tour free of charge 12 Naumburger Dom Domplatz 16 / 17 06618 Naumburg Tel. + 49 3445 2301133 fuehrung@ Opening times: March – Oct Mon – Sat 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.,Sun / rel. b / hols 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – Feb Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun / rel. b/hols 12 p.m. – 4 p.m., 24th Dec 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 31st Dec 9 a.m. – 2 p.m Audio-Guide: Ger, Eng 8 7 16 6 31 2 26 Sachsen-Anhalt-Ticket – 23 EUR* per person, each additional passenger (up to 4) pays 4 EUR; for up to 5 people or parents / grandparents (max. 2 adults) with all their children / grandchildren under the age of 15; on one day; Monday to Friday from 9 a.m., all day on weekends; valid on local trains in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Special offer for solo travellers: *Price valid in DB ticket machines; only 2 EUR more to buy from DB personnel; tariff last updated in Dec. 2014; subject to changes. 23 1 25 24 28 32 29 33 65 36 39 40 41 The service number of the Bahn: + 49 180 5 99 66 33* Our telephone number will connect you with all Deutsche Bahn services. *14 cents / min from a landline, phone charges may vary from mobiles. Also free for you: timetable information on: + 49 800 1 50 70 90 64 42 38 Travel at a low price with the attractive tariff offers of DB Regio AG – comfortably and without traffic jams Hopper-Ticket Sachsen-Anhalt – 4,50 EUR* single, 4,50 EUR* return per person; on one day;Monday to Friday from 9 a.m., all day on weekends; valid on local trains (2nd class) in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia; 50 km return. 22 63 43 62 44 45 47 61 46 60 ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair users Seniors 49 50 Persons with impaired mobility 59 Deaf people Persons with hearing impairment 51 57 52 GOSECK GOSECK CASTLE Foundation of a Benedictine monastery by the Count Palatines of Goseck in 1041, consecration of the crypt in 1046 and of the church in 1053. After partial demolition and reconstruction into a castle church in 1615 / 20, only the transept and sanctuary are still preserved from the 11 th century, together with the south-west tower from around 1200. Significant architecture of the monastery church with stylistic similarities to the Speyer Cathedral and the Limburg / Pfalz Monastery Church. 30 3 4 27 48 Stadtkirche St. Marien Kirchplatz, 06632 Freyburg Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Freyburg Tel. + 49 34464 27451 Opening times: April – Oct Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., Sat / Sun / b/hols 2 p.m. – 4 p.m Entrance prices: None, donations welcome MOBILE IN SA XONY-ANHALT 21 5 Stiftung Dome und Schlösser in Sachsen-Anhalt Museum Schloss Neuenburg Schloss 1 06632 Freyburg Tel. + 49 34464 35530 Fax + 49 34464 35555 Opening times: Ward April – Oct Mon – Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Sun 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tours: Advance reservation needed Audio guide: Ger, Eng, Fr 17 18 19 20 37 Klosterkirche / Ev. Pfarramt Hermann-Danz-Straße 52 39444 Hecklingen Tel. + 49 3925 284277 Opening times and tours: Mon – Fri 10 a.m – 13 p.m, Sat / Sun / b / hols 2 p.m – 4 p.m and by arrangement Bus and Rail Information: INSA + 49 0391 53631-80 * You can take your bicycle free of charge on all Regional-Express, Regionalbahn and commuter S-Bahn trains in Saxony-Anhalt. 9 35 Benediktinerkloster St. Marien und St. Cyprian Goetheplatz 8 06429 Nienburg Tel. + 49 34721 22348 ev.kirchengemeinde. Opening times: April – Oct Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat / Sun / b/hols 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., Nov – March Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tours: Visits and tours are only possible by prior arrangement with the parish office. Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Saxony-Anhalt is located in the heart of Germany and shares borders with Lower Saxony, Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. From the state capital of Magdeburg, it is 150 km to Berlin, 280 km to Hamburg, 420 km to Frankfurt / Main and 225 km to Frankfurt / Oder. Four Autobahns, the A 2, A 9, A 14 and A 38, well-developed A-roads and one of the densest railway networks in Europe as well as a high-capacity local transportation system ensure short, comfortable journeys to all the sights in Saxony-Anhalt. Both Saxony-Anhalt’s Halle (Saale) and the Saxony city of Leipzig, which is less than 40 km away, benefit from Leipzig / Halle Airport. 14 10 34 Museum Schloss Bernburg Schloßstr. 24 06406 Bernburg Tel. + 49 3471 625007 Fax + 49 3471 3009450, www. Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Sun / b/hols 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Thu / Sat / Sun / b/hols 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Fri 10 a.m. –1 p.m. Entrance prices: 1,00 e (just the tower) 15 Naumburger Dom Domplatz 16 / 17 06618 Naumburg Tel. + 49 3445 2301133 fuehrung@ Opening times: On request Tours: For a min. of 10 people, individual with advance reservation Museum “Schloß Moritzburg” Katholische Pfarrei St. Peter und Paul Schlossstraße 7 06712 Zeitz Tel. + 49 3441 211391 Fax + 49 3441 211654 Opening times: April – Oct Tues 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Wed – Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Fri, Sat 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sun 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. and by arrangement HECKLINGEN BENEDICTINE CONVENT CHURCH OF ST GEORGE AND PANCRAS The basilica, which was built from around 1150, is one of the best preserved churches on the “Romanesque Road”. The Neo-Romanesque painting, such as ornaments, gildings and curtain paintings, was restored in the 1990s and gives the chapel its magnificent character. A circle of 14 late-Romanesque stucco angels (from around 1225 / 30) is of particular value and acknowledged as a “highlight of Saxonian Byzantinism”. 13 11 Kirche St. Stephani Am Weinberg 06406 Bernburg OT Waldau Contact: Ev. Pfarramt Breite Straße 81 06406 Bernburg Tel. + 49 3471 353613 Fax + 49 3471 353681 www. Opening times: April – Sept Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat / Sun 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Oct – March closed (opening and tours by arrangement Tours: By arrangement NIENBURG BENEDICTINE ABBEY OF ST MARY AND ST CYPRIAN This complex, which was founded in 975 as a monastery, shows the transition from the Romanesque to Gothic era, despite fires and alterations. During excavation work, precious architectural elements from the predecessor buildings were discovered, which justified inclusion in the “Romanesque Road”. The individual construction phases inside the monastery church blend seamlessly into one other leading to a consistent and harmonious design of a Gothic hall. LANDSBERG TWIN CHAPEL OF ST CRUCIS Stiftskirche St. Petrus Bergweg 11, 06193 Petersberg bei Halle (Saale) Tel. + 49 34606 20409 petersberg@ Opening times: Accessible at all times Tours: By arrangement, also in Portuguese and Spanish Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Events: Advent concerts (2 p.m.) BERNBURG EULENSPIEGEL TOWER OF BERNBURG CASTLE (ROMANESQUE KEEP) The mighty tower dates from the late 12th century. It rises above a star-shaped, sweeping foundation. With its 3 1⁄2 metre thick walls, the keep was the last safe retreat of the castle. From 44 metres high, there is a beautiful view over the city of Bernburg and its surrounding areas. The 22nd episode of the epic of Eulenspiegel tells of the jester who served as the watchman for the Count of Anhalt. HALLE (SAALE) VILLAGE CHURCH OF BÖLLBERG Burgrestaurant Rudelsburg Am Burgberg 33 06628 Naumburg OT Saaleck Tel. + 49 34463 27325 Fax + 49 34463 60483 BurgrestaurantRudelsburg@ Opening times: May – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov –March 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March Mon closed; by advance reservation at all other times FREYBURG PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY Late-Romanesque three-aisled basilica in a bound system from the period of 1225. The construction of this church was initiated by the Thuringian Landgrave Louis IV and his wife Elisabeth, who was later made a saint. From the original construction, the following have been preserved: Flèche with transept, choir transept and the double-towered west front with porch, on the rear wall of which the Romanesque stepped portal is located. 58 60 FREYBURG NEUENBURG CASTLE The huge castle complex high above the wine-growing town of Freyburg was founded in 1090. The twin-chapel, built in 1180, is a rare architectural gem. Events such as “Montalbâne – The International Days of Medieval Music” support the effect of the architecture. In the “Children’s Chamber”, children of today can familiarise themselves with the historical background through play. 57 Oberburg Giebichenstein Seebener Str. 1 06114 Halle (Saale) Tel. + 49 345 5233857 Contact: Stadtmuseum Halle Tel. + 49 345 2213030 Opening times: May – Sept Tue – Fri 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sat / Sun / b/hols 10 a.m. – 9 p.m., April – Oct Tue – Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat / Sun /b/hols 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Tours: By arrangement A Giebichenstein Castle was mentioned in documents in 961. The Magdeburg archbishops rebuilt it in the 12th century. Since the Thirty Years’ War, the remains of this Romanesque upper castle structure have been part of the Giebichenstein castle together with the lower castle structure. Excavation works in the 1960s were the basis for opening the architectural museum. The area of the upper castle on rocks above the River Saale gives visitors the opportunity to visit the gate tower and the vaulted cellars. ZEITZ CATHEDRAL OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL The Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul is incorporated into the early-Baroque Moritzburg castle complex. It served as the main residence of the Dukes of Sachsen-Zeitz. Behind the Gothic façade of the Cathedral, the remains of the 11 th century Romanesque collegiate church have been preserved. The crypt, the choir and major parts of the transept also date back to this church. 57 TILLEDA IMPERIAL PALACE 63 NAUMBURG CURIA OF ST AEGIDIUS IN NAUMBURG The chapel of the Curia of St Aegidius was built in the first quarter of the 13th century. The Romanesque chapel construction, with its unique exterior architecture, has a coupled chapel room inside, which even has the remains of its original paintings. The tympanum from the former Romanesque portal and parts of the figurative Romanesque capitals have been preserved from the time of construction. 56 SANGERHAUSEN PROTESTANT PARISH CHURCH OF ST ULRICH As a Franconian imperial castle founded in the 8 century, Allstedt was one of the most frequented palaces in Saxony during the reign of the Ottonians. The imposing complex obtainedits appearance during the late-Gothic to Baroque era. Today, the maincastle with many details of medieval castle architecture is amuseum. Müntzer and Goethe were among the guests here. The unique castlekitchen, castle chapel, permanent exhibitions and beautiful innercourtyard are worth a particular look. Basilika St. Wiperti Wipertistraße 06484 Quedlinburg Contact: Kath. Pfarramt Tel. + 49 3946 915082 Opening times: April – Sept Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 2 p.m. – 5 p.m., and by arrangement Tours: Daily by arrangement (Tel. + 49 3946 905624) Schloss Seeburg Schloßstraße 18 06317 Seegebiet Mansfelder Land OT Seeburg Tel. + 49 34774 70868 Mobil + 49 172 3744288 Tours: By arrangement Romanisches Haus Am Kunstgestänge 06628 Naumburg OT Bad Kösen Tel. + 49 34463 27668 Tel. + 49 3445 703503 (Museum Naumburg) Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Sun 10 a.m – 5 p.m Nov – March Tue – Sun 10 a.m – 4 p.m Tours: By arrangement BERNBURG-WALDAU VILLAGE CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN This church is considered to be an archetype of Romanesque village church architecture. Outstandingly preserved quarry stone building from the 12th century with a clear architectural structure. At the beginning of this century, the church was freed from all subsequent additions and reconstructions and its Romanesque simplicity was recreated. Despite its simplicity, the clean architecture is impressive. HALLE (SAALE) GIEBICHENSTEIN UPPER CASTLE NAUMBURG CATHEDRAL OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL Naumburg Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings on the “Romanesque Road”. It marks the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic era. The crypt of the preceding building and a Romanesque crucifix (from the 12th century) are well preserved. The Cathedral is most famous for its statues of the church founders, including Margrave Ekkehard and his beautiful wife Uta (from the 13th century). A visit to the neighbouring cathedral treasure vault is worthwhile. 55 SEEBURG SEEBURG CASTLE AND CASTLE CHAPEL th 50 Kloster St. Marien Helfta Lindenstraße 36 06295 Lutherstadt Eisleben Tel. + 49 3475 711500 Fax + 49 3475 711555 Opening times: Mon – Sat 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun / b/hols 9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m., 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. Entrance prices: None Tours: April – Oct 3.30 p.m., Nov – March 2.30 p.m. and by advance reservation, Foreign languages: English by advance reservation St. Thomae Cantuariensis Neumarkt 06217 Merseburg Tel. + 49 3461 211640 (Ev. Kirchspiel) Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Sun 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – March closed Tours: Via Tourist Information, Burgstraße 5, 06217 Merseburg, Tel. + 49 3461 214170 SCHULPFORTE CISTERCIAN MONASTERY OF SANCTAE MARIAE AD PORTAM The Pforta monastery existed between 1137 and 1540. In 1543, the Pforte state school was set up in these buildings. Over the course of time, a series of subsequently renowned men emerged from the school, including F. G. Klopstock, J. G. Fichte and Friedrich Nietzsche. Most of the historical buildings that are still preserved on the former monastery grounds can be visited. 55 It was possible to reconstruct the main features of the Ottonian palace, which is within sight of the Kyffhäuser mountains and was first mentioned in 972, so that life in a royal court 1000 years ago can be imagined in the open-air museum. Furthermore, a reconstructed rampart gives a good impression of how strong the former defence installations once were. 49 Benediktinerkloster / Kirchengemeinde St. Marien Kirchstr. 3 06308 Klostermansfeld Tel. + 49 34772 25250 o. -32255 o. -839385 kirchenfuehrerin@ Tours: On request LUTHERSTADT EISLEBEN HELFTA CONVENT OF ST MARY The most significant Romanesque sacral building in the Harz-Kyffhäuser region. Built between 1116 and 1123 as a Ludowingian memorial church. St Ulrich is a three-aisled column basilica with five apses modelled on Burgundy churches (such as Cluny). The Thuringian Count Louis II, also known as “the Jumper”, is the founder of this church. 48 High above a narrowing of the Saale Valley, the castle is situated. This location was the reason behind the popular German folk song “An der Saale hellem Strande”. Beautifully situated, it provides a first-hand impression of medieval castle architecture. 54 KLOSTERMANSFELD BENEDICTINE MONASTERY OF MARIAE HIMMELFAHRT Seeburg Castle is one of the biggest and oldest castles (1036) of Central Germany. In 1287, the Count of Mansfeld took over the castle. The church of the collegiate, which was founded by Archbishop Wichmann in 1179, is single-aisled. The transept and apses are preserved in the external walls. The widow tower from the 11th century has been lovingly restored and it is now possible to marry, stay overnight and celebrate here. 47 Konradsburg Konradsburg 2, 06463 Falkenstein / Harz OT Ermsleben Tel. + 49 34743 92564 Fax + 49 34743 92563 Opening times: Summer season: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Winter season: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sun / rel. b / hols: open one hour longer Tours: By arrangement and during opening hours 60 SAALECK SAALECK CASTLE 63 The mostly originally preserved Romanesque building was first mentioned in 1188. The church, which was consecrated by Thomas Becket of Canterbury, was originally a three-aisled, cross-shaped basilica with a western double tower front. The late-Romanesque main portal with its knotted columns is a rare architectural sight. Restored after years of misuse and consecrated again in 1995, it is now a treasure of sacred contemporary art. PETERSBERG AUGUSTINE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST PETER Petersberg hill has a long history, in which a church had already been built in the 11th century, whose impressive design is still on show, even if the generous interior is a work from the 19th century and the row of tombs for the Wettin family has been recreated as a replica. The monastery monks welcome guests to join in prayers and meditation. MERSEBURG NEUMARKT CHURCH OF ST THOMAE CANTUARIENSIS Eckartsburg Burgweg 13 b 06648 Eckartsberga Tel. + 49 34467 20415 Opening times: April – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov and March Sat / Sun 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., weekdays by advance telephone reservation, Dec to Feb (inclusive) on request Tours: By arrangement SAALECK RUDELSBURG CASTLE The Rudelsburg Castle was first mentioned in documents in 1171. Here high above the Saale Valley, Franz Kugler composed his famous song “An der Saale hellem Strande”. In 1871, additional buildings were added to the ruins so that guests can be entertained in various rooms here today. A dinner at the knights’ table with lots of fun is highly recommendable. The neighbouring manor offers comfortable overnight accommodation. There is also a register office in the castle. 53 1229: The convent of St Mary was founded near the Mansfeld castle by Count Burchad von Mansfeld. June 1258: Festive consecration of the convent in Helfta. 1343: Relocation of the convent in front of the town wall of Eisleben. 1525: Devastation of the convent during the German Peasants War. 1542: Last mention in documents, secularisation of the convent. Various owners until 1712, then state domain. 1999: After more than 450 years, Cistercians nuns move back into the convent. Benediktinerkloster Schloßstraße 26 38871 Ilsenburg Contact: Tourismus GmbH Ilsenburg Karl-Marx-Straße 1 Tel. + 49 39452 19433 Opening times: Tue – Fri 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat / Sun / b/ hols 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Tours: By arrangement Entrance prices: None, donations welcome QUEDLINBURG COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST SERVATIUS The Romanesque collegiate church of St Servatius houses the tombs of the first German royal couple from the early medieval, Henry I and his wife Mathilde. The cathedral treasures are world-famous. They include gems of the greatest historical value, including valuable, decorated reliquary caskets and manuscripts from the early medieval. Many of these were gifts from the Ottonian Emperor to the church of his family diocese. 38 St. Stephani / Ev. Pfarramt Stephanikirchhof 2 38835 Osterwieck Tel. + 49 39421 74262 Fax + 49 39421 61459 Opening times: Tue – Fri 10.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.,Sat / Sun / b/ hols 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 13 p.m. – 5 p.m., Mondays closed Tours: By arrangement with the Protestant Parish Office and during opening hours Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Stiftskirche St. Cyriakus Vor der See 402 06464 Stadt Seeland OT Frose Tel. + 49 34741 91221 Opening times: April – Oct 9a.m – 18 p.m and by arrangement Tours: Tue, Thu and Sat 2 p.m – 3 p.m by arrangement ERMSLEBEN KONRADSBURG CASTLE / ABBEY CHURCH OF ST SIXTUS The monastery, which was founded in 1040, was the family monastery and burial place of the Counts of Mansfeld. The church was consecrated in 1170. The Abbey church, with its typical structure(western tower, three-aisled flat-roofed basilica, continuous transept, choir), strong brickwork and good lighting through the small arched windows provides visitors with an impression of the Benedictines’ perception of space. 45 DRÜBECK BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF ST VITUS Situated on an old trade route, the convent was built in the 10 th and 11th century. The inner courtyard shaded by a huge lime tree and the gardens of the canonesses and abbess provide the complex with its character, between the fieldstone convent walls. The gardens are among the 40 historical parks and gardens of the “Garden Dreams” route. 37 Liebfrauenkirche Ev.-Reformierte Kirchengemeinde zu Liebfrauen in Halberstadt Domplatz 46 - 47 38820 Halberstadt Tel. + 49 3941 24210 o. -570402 Fax + 49 3941 570403 Opening times: May – Oct Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun 12 p.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – April Tue – Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. The building, which was built in the early 12th century, is considered one of the oldest secular buildings in Central Germany. From 1137, it served as a farmyard for the Pforta Cistercian Monastery and was part of the Pforta Fürstenschule from 1543. The museum was set up in 1955. The most important exhibit is a parament cabinet of the monastery dating back to 1220. Furthermore, the museum houses a significant collection of Käthe Kruse dolls, which was declared a monument in 2007. 53 FROSE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST CYRIACUS In the 11 th century, the Konradsburg castle was the ancestral seat of the noble family of Konradsburg. It was given up in around 1120 and taken over by the Benedictines. The skilful capitals in the crypt are among the most beautiful examples of Romanesque architecture. Castle festivals, cookery classes in the “Black Kitchen” and concerts make it possible to recreate the world of the medieval. 44 ILSENBURG BENEDICTINE MONASTERY OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL The Romanesque walls of the monastery of St Peter and St Paul in Ilsenburg, built between 1078 and 1087, recount the history. You can discover fascinating facts from the heartland of German kings and emperors during a guided tour. The remains of a gypsum floor (12th century) and other rarities provide unique insights into the medieval. Enjoy glorious views from the Harz Klosterwanderweg hiking trail (approx. 32 km) from the Drübeck Abbey, via the Ilsenburg and Wöltingerode Monasteries, to the Grauhof Convent in Goslar. 43 Stiftung Dome und Schlösser in Sachsen-Anhalt Museum Burg Falkenstein 06543 Falkenstein / Harz OT Pansfelde Tel. + 49 34743 535590 Fax + 49 34743 5355920 falkenstein@, Opening times: April – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – March Tue – Sun 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m, Mondays and 24th Dec closed Merseburger Dom Domplatz 7 06217 Merseburg Tel. + 49 3461 210045 fuehrung@ Opening times: March – Oct Mon – Sat 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun / rel. b/ hols 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Nov – Feb Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun / rel. b / hols 12 p.m. – 4 p.m., 24th Dec 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and and 31st Dec 9 a.m. – 2 p.m Audio-Guide: Ger, Eng The bronze tomb plate of Rudolf of Swabia, the antiking of Henry IV who died in 1080, is located in the east choir of the cathedral. The Merseburg Incantations (10th century) are kept in the chapterhouse of the Merseburg Cathedral. The Merseburg cathedral is known beyond the borders of Saxony-Anhalt because of the restored cathedral organ of Friedrich Ladegast from year 1855. With its 5687 pipes, it is considered to be one of the largest and most romantic organs of Central Germany. 59 BAD KÖSEN ROMANESQUE HOUSE 62 MERSEBURG CATHEDRAL OF ST JOHN AND ST LAWRENCE Kloster und Kaiserpfalz Memleben Thomas-Müntzer-Straße 48 06642 Memleben Tel. + 49 34672 60274 Fax + 49 34672 93409 Opening times: 15th March – 31 Oct daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., 1st Nov – 14th March daily 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., only external facilities Tours: Advance reservation needed Audio guide: Ger, Eng, Fr ECKARTSBERGA ECKARTSBURG CASTLE A Romanesque architectural phase and two subsequent Gothic phases can be seen at the ruins of the Eckartsburg Castle above the town of Eckartsberga. The founding of the castle by Eckart I in around 998 secured the Eckartian rule of the west and made it possible to control major trading routes. Today, the castle offers a varied programme for young and old. 53 FALKENSTEIN / OT PANSFELDE FALKENSTEIN CASTLE / HARZ This flat-roofed pillar basilica has no crypt and was built around 1170. The church’s interior, especially the additions in the tower, the choir stalls for the nuns and the passages to the collegiate buildings date back to this period. On the other hand, the towers were not roofed until the first half of the 13th century. It is generally assumed that the crypt was removed in the time of the Reformation. Domschatzverwaltung Domplatz 16a 38820 Halberstadt Tel. + 49 3941 24237 Fax + 49 3941 621293 Opening times: April – Oct Tue – Fri 10 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun / b/ hols 11 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Mon only cathedral 10.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Nov – March Tue–Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun / b/hols 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Audio guide: Ger, Eng OSTERWIECK PARISH CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN From the Romanesque era, an impressive tower front from 1150 and ore font, choir of 1516 with winged altar from 1484 and Renaissance council pews, early Protestant nave from 1557 with a bridal portal, which was restored in 2007, Protestant emblem iconography in stonemason reliefs on pillars, arcades and keystones, galleries with biblical pictures dating back to 1589, pulpit and epitaph from the Renaissance, memorial organ on a Baroque gallery. 35 Benediktinerkloster Huysburg 38838 Huy-Dingelstedt Tel. + 49 39425 9610 Fax + 49 39425 96198 Opening times: Daily 8 a.m. – 7.30 p.m. Tours: By arrangement Schloss Ballenstedt Schlossplatz 3 06493 Ballenstedt Tel. + 49 39483 82556 Fax + 49 39483 82556 Opening times: May – Oct Tue – Fri 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat / Sun 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov – April Tue – Sun 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Entrance prices:spreise: Adults 2,00 e, conc. 1,00 e Tours: Advance reservation needed 59 MEMLEBEN MONASTERY AND IMPERIAL PALACE Both King Henry I (†936) and Emperor Otto I (†973) died in Memleben. Remains of a monument church from the 10 th century and monastery ruins from the first half of the 13th century can be found at this significant site, with the originally preserved late-Romanesque crypt. Furthermore, the medieval monastery garden, various exhibitions and the monastery shop are open to visitors. 52 Built in the 12th century, Falkenstein Castle is one of the most impressive and best preserved castles of the Harz region. Its fortification and the interior of the castle museum, such as the great hall, the Herrenstube men’s room, the royal room, castle chapel and late Gothic kitchen provide guests with an impressive impression of medieval life, even today. According to legend, the “Sachsenspiegel”, the most significant German-language legal document of the medieval, was created here by Eike von Repgow. 42 HALBERSTADT CHURCH OF OUR LADY A cross-shaped column basilica with a three-part sanctuary ending in apses. It is the only Romanesque basilica with four towers in Central Germany. Its famous choir screens are among the most significant pieces of the late-Romanesque era. It was built at the beginning of the 11th century. The colourful stucco reliefs from the 13th century and the triumphal cross from 1230 are worth seeing. 34 Hotel & Spa Wasserschloss Westerburg Silvia und Hartmut Lerche GbR Westerburg 34 38836 Huy OT Dedeleben / Westerburg Tel. + 49 39422 9550 Fax + 49 39422 95566 Opening times: Open all year round, daily between 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. Tours: Advance reservation needed Stiftskirche St. Cyriakus Burgstraße 3 06485 Stadt Quedlinburg OT Gernrode Tel. + 49 39485 275 Opening times: April – Oct Mon – Sat 9 a.m – 5 p.m, Sun 12 p.m – 5 p.m; Nov Mon – Sat 11 a.m – 4 p.m, Sun. 3 – 4 p.m; Dec – March: daily 3 – 4 p.m Tours: Daily 3 p.m. or on request Audio guide: Ger, Eng, Fr BALLENSTEDT BENEDICTINE MONASTERY OF ST PANCRAS AND ST ABUNDUS Ballenstedt is considered to be the oldest ancestral home of the Ascanians and the birthplace of Anhalt. In 1043, a collegiate chapter was founded on the castle hill, which was converted into a Benedictine monastery in 1123. The castle is particularly impressive because of the Romanesque west wing of the former Abbey church. The Nicholas chapel houses the tomb of “Albert the Bear”, the most significant Ascanian of the 12th century. 41 HALBERSTADT CATHEDRAL AND CATHEDRAL TREASURE OF HALBERSTADT The Halberstadt Cathedral was built in the purest Gothic style between 1236 and 1486 based on the model of French cathedrals. The late-Romanesque ensemble of triumph crosses (from around 1220) is considered to be the most important part of the interior, a masterpiece of medieval carvers. The cathedral treasure, with more than 650 pieces of the most significant, preserved church treasure in the world, is unique. Romanesque tapestries are among the highlights of the exhibition. 33 Stiftskirche St. Pankratius Klosterhof 8 39393 Hamersleben Tel. / Fax + 49 39401 483 (Pfarramt) Tel. + 49 3949 2602 (Pfarramt Oschersleben) Opening times: Summer: Mon – Sun 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Winter: Mon – Sat 9 a.m. – dawn Entrance prices: None, donations welcome Tours: Advance reservation needed HUYSBURG BENEDICTINE PRIORY OF ST MARY 51 GERNRODE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST CYRIACUS The oldest preserved reproduction of the Holy Sepulchre can be found in the Collegiate Church of St Cyriacus which Margrave Gero consecrated in 961. At Easter, the Sepulchre is at the focus of the Medieval Easter plays. The Rhenish alternation of pillar and column supports characterises the Romanesque nave, in which many concerts and services take place. The remains of the medieval cloister can be found in the collegiate courtyard. 40 DEDELEBEN / WESTERBURG HOTEL & SPA WASSERSCHLOSS WESTERBURG ****+ The 1,000 year old Westerburg castle is the oldest and best preserved moated castle in Germany. Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements blend together into an exciting structure. The castle chapel of 1681 is worth seeing. Stylish, individual rooms, representative ballrooms, several restaurants, a beauty centre, generous spa area, south terrace on the castle moat, romantic palace gardens, cultural events and more await the visitors. 32 Klosterkirche St. Vitus Poststraße 39397 Gröningen OT Kloster Gröningen Tel. / Fax + 49 39403 4647 (Fa. Kessler) Mobile + 49 160 4443983 Opening times: All year round Mon / Wed / Thu 9 a.m. – 11.30 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., Fri / Sat 2 p.m. – 5 p.m., Tue and Sun by arrangement Photography is not permitted in the church. HAMERSLEBEN COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST PANCRATIUS The unusually rich ornamentation of this church from around 1110 deserves special attention, such as the depictions of animals and plants on the capitals within the church. The collegiate church was built by the Augustinian canons. The Hamersleben complex also includes the enclosure building, the courtyard and approx. 5 hectares of park trees, bushes and plants typical to the area. 31 39 KLOSTER GRÖNINGEN ABBEY CHURCH OF ST VITUS 53 54 Persons with visual impairment 58 Blind people 55 Family 56 Europäisches Musik- und Kulturzentrum Schloss Goseck 06667 Schloss Goseck Tel. + 49 3443 284488 Fax + 49 3443 284483 Opening times: April – Oct daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Nov – March daily 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., closed on Mondays all year round Entrance prices: 1,50 e, Tour 2,50 e With the kind support of:
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