The CAF website and e-tool


The CAF website and e-tool
The CAF website
and e-tool
Ann Stoffels & Lena
CAF self-assessment eTool
Definition: an online management tool, allowing
- members of the self-assessment groups (SAGs) to
introduce evidences of strengths and areas of
improvement (AoI), individual scores & suggestions
for improvement (SfI)
- the SAG administrator to gather the results of the
SAG (scores and evidences), in order to prepare
the consensus meeting
- the SAG administrator to introduce consensus SA
- the organisation administrator to submit the final
scores to EIPA (voluntary); only then will EIPA
have insight in the scores (confidentiality)
Its place in the self-assessment process
Phase 1 – The start of the CAF journey
Step 1 Decide how to organise and plan the selfassessment (SA)
Step 2 Communicate the self-assessment project
Phase 2 – Self-Assessment Process
Step 3 Compose one or more self-assessment groups
Step 4 Organise training
Step 5 Undertake the self-assessment
A. Undertake individual assessment
B. Undertake consensus in group
Step 6 Draw up a report describing the results of selfassessment
Phase 3 – Improvement plan/ prioritisation
Steps 7 - 10
Language versions available
A. What is in it … for the
individual assessor?
Template allowing the individual to
- evidences of strengths
- areas of improvement
- individual scores
- suggestions for improvement (SfI)
and to visualise the results
!!! Discipline regarding individual preparation
increases because individual contributions
are visible and the timing of the contributions
is essential
Level 3 : Assessor - menu
Assessor - input
Assessor - view scoring
Assessor - accounts mgt
B. What is in it … for the SAG
The tool allows him to organise the work of the SAG :
- to keep track of the input given by the members of
the SAG
- to gather the results of the SAG (scores and
evidences) into one document
- to prepare the consensus meeting & prioritise the
time during the consensus process in order to focus
on the areas where lack of consensus is most
- to use this input for the final report
!!! Overall time spent on administration and facilitation
Level 2 :
SAG administrator – info on scores individuals
Group admin level: scoring info assessors
Level 2: info on strengths and
areas of improvement
Level 2: Group administrator
The following entries are offered
IV. CAF self-assessment eTool
SAG management: Edit the data of your SAG
Accounts management:
- Create assessors of your SAG
- View list of persons registered as Assessor (edit/delete)
CAF SA Results resulting from the consensus meeting
View Results :
• the SA results of the individual assessors (i.e. check who
has made his/her contribution)
• an overview of the strengths and areas of improvement
reported by the different assessors
• scores for (sub)criteria for the different assessors of the
SAG with indication of min/max score, the median and the
3 functions, 3 different levels, 3
different access codes
- Organisation administrator:
responsible for the CAF application in the
organisation & the main contact person for EIPA/
CAF network
- SAG administrator: person managing a SAG
(possibility of different SAGs )
- Individual assessor: member of a SAG
* If one and the same person has the 3 functions, he
will have to create 3 different logins/passwords
Example of a virtual CAF application
- Organisation administrator:
Æ registers at the EIPA CAF database
Æ creates 1 or more SAGs (SAG management)
Æ registers final CAF self-assessment results
- SAG administrator(s):
Æ manage a SAG and its members (SAG
Æ collect information from individual assessors
Æ register strengths/weaknesses/suggestions/
scores resulting from the consensus meeting of the
- Assessor:
Æ registers his/her individual strengths/
weaknesses/ suggestions for improvement/ scores
Level 1: Organisation administrator
Register the organisation:
Manage the information
• Organisation details: Update here the identification
data of your organisation as a whole (edit function)
• CAF self-assessment eTool
SAG management
Accounts management
• Upload good practices
Level 1:
Organisation administrator
1. Request registration as a user (by Organisation
2. Organisation administrator creates SAGs
3. SAG administrator creates assessor accounts
4. Individual assessors carry out self-assessment
5. SAG administrator gathers the results, prepares the
consensus meeting
6. Consensus meeting: SAG administrator registers
consensus data
7. Final results/ reporting (strengths, areas of
improvement, suggestions for improvement, scores)
8. Ready to proceed with the action plan ...
CAF website, contact and
access codes
Website EIPA CAF resource centre
Testing the eTool, URL:
Level 1: Organisation administrator Apogee
Login: OrgAdmin
Password: OrgAdmin
Level 2 SAG administrator SAG 1
Login: admin
Password: admin
Level 3 – Assessors from SAG 1
Login ass1: demo – Password ass1: demo
Login ass2: assessor2 – Password ass2: assessor2
Ann Stoffels and Lena Heidler
• CAF website:
• CAF database:
• CAF e-tool:
• CAF e-community:
• CAF user search:
• CAF Good Practices: