world grandmasters council - World Head of Family Sokeship Council
world grandmasters council - World Head of Family Sokeship Council
WORLD GRANDMASTERS COUNCIL JAN – MAR 2016 Ph: (904) 361-9218/ Fax: (904) 744-4625 (24 hrs/day) P.O. Box 8395, Jacksonville, Florida USA 32239-8395 Http:// / As always, before we begin with our international news, we would like to pay our respects to those who have passed away and to acknowledge the personal hardships and Blessings that have occurred with our members……In Cebu City, the Philippines we are sad to report the passing of our member, Great Grandmaster Cacoy Canete, the founder of Eskrida and Head of Cacoy Doce Pares who died on February 5th at the age of 96. He leaves behind a league of followers worldwide. His GGMCacoy Canete GM Ron Balas GM Dan Verkerke GM Michael DePasquale Jr. Arnold DePasquale Leendert Verkerke Funeral attended by hundreds of mourners can be viewed here at ……From Ohio, our member Grandmaster Ron Balas, Head of Taishindoh passed away from Cancer/ medical complications on February 13th……From Canada our member, GM Dan Verkerke’s Father Leendert passed away unexpectedly on March 25th and our member, Grandmaster Michael DePasquale Jr’s Brother, Arnold DePasquale passed away on March 15th in New Jersey. We offer the families of the deceased our heartfelt condolences and prayers during this difficult time of grieving. GM Sam Kuoha Master Denise Gonzalez Master Mark Murdock Grandson, Jayden From Grandmaster Sam Kuoha in California, he is asking for prayers for his sister, Helen Kuoha-Torco who was incidentally the first Tahition Dancer from the original HAWAII FIVE-0 TV series. She has Cancer and is undergoing Chemo treatments……& from Master Denise Gonzales, her Father suffered a series of Strokes the last part of 2015 & is recovering while her Mother was recently diagnosed with dementia/ Alzheimers. Our heartfelt prayers go out to Master Denise for “strength” during this difficult time………Lastly, in much cheerier news, Master Mark Murdock of North Carolina became the proud Grandfather of a bouncing baby boy named Jayden on March 9th…CONGRATULATIONS, Mark! IN INTERNATIONAL NEWS…… GM Richard Hopkins Eddie the Eagle Movie Poster GM Brian Kula Fung & Sigourney Weaver GM Richard Hopkins of the U.K. received a nice surprise with an actor portraying him in the hit movie biopic EDDIE THE EAGLE. Eddie at the 2 time was training to be a stunt man and studied Lau Gar Kung Fu from Hopkins between the years 1985 and 1987. What GM Hopkins recalls most about Eddie was his determination and that he wore the thickest glasses he’d ever seen. It’s nice to know that despite Eddie’s world celebrity that he still recalled training with Richard for the movie!…..Honorary Member and award winning actress, Sigourney Weaver also has a new movie coming out in 2017 called ALIEN: RESSURECTION. The movie is the sequel to her hit movie ALIEN of a few years back. Currently working with her in the production by 20th CENTURY FOX is her instructor, WHFSC Member & good friend, GM Brian Kula Fung……GM Ron Van Clief reports that the 2012 documentary which he was in called “THE BLACK KUNG FU EXPERIENCE” is now on NETFLIX…… and lastly, while we are on the subject of movie productions, the hit movie, THE PERFECT WEAPON featuring GM Jeff Speakman will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary through Paul Casey Productions, LLC of Las Vegas, Nevada this year…… GM Ron Van Clief GM Jeff Speakman Perfect Weapon Poster YOURS TRULY will be receiving a Resolution on April 15th from Senator Judith Won Pat & the Guam Legislature for the creation of Guam’s international martial art system of San-Jitsu (est. 1971) & America’s 1st international founders/ inheritors, grandmasters, masters organization, the WORLD HEAD OF FAMILY SOKESHIP COUNCIL (est. 1992) My song, “DO YOU REMEMBER GUAM” which I recorded on Guam over 30 years ago is also being used as the background track for a video production of Guam’s scenic beauty produced recently by Julie Castro. The video which has a little over 23,567 views so far can be seen at ……. GM Frank E. Sanchez Prof. Gary Dill Dr. Shelley Fernandez Prof. Keiko Fukuda 3 Professor Gary Dill was featured in a radio interview recently by WHISTLEKICK MARTIAL ARTS RADIO. You can access the interview by going to the link: . Gary says that the interview is over 70 minutes long and contains added stories of his Jeet Kune Do learning experience with James Lee at the end of the interview ……Dr. Shelley Fernandez wrote to ask that all members and friends of the WHFSC please sign the petition below asking the Kodokan in Japan to award our member, the late Professor Keiko Fukuda with the posthumous rank of 10th dan. She was awarded the rank of 10th dan by the U.S. Judo Association & USA Judo when she was alive, but carries the rank of 9th with the Japanese Kodokan which many see as the Archaic position of male dominance in the Kodokan where women are still treated as being inferior to men. She was the last remaining student of the originator of Judo, Professor Jigaro Kano. You can sign the petition at: …….Lastly in internet news, Grandmaster Frank Dux’s interview at the 2016 ARNOLD CLASSIC in California can be heard on:,VtzAvl-cGul/ GM Frank Dux GM Don Warrener GM Bram Frank Grandmaster Don Warrener is taking some giant strides with his WARRENER ENTERTAINMENT Company in California…He is working on uploading over 1000 rare collectable martial arts books & antiques for sale plus 14 new books. Not to mention approximately 700 of the old CRW Unique Publication DVDs & about 250 books they used to publish. Along with this he is in the organization stages of producing a 120 page magazine that will be distributed on newsstands across the country featuring 50 of America’s greatest martial arts including rare collectable photos. For more information, you can visit the WARRENER ENTERTAINMENT Website at or you can write to Don at …..Grandmaster Bram Frank is working on our 4th book for the World Head of Family Sokeship Council (our 1st WHFSC book is available through Grandmaster Don Warrener). If you have never submitted your martial arts resume with pics before or you have an updated resume with photos, please send it to me at the e-mail shown on the above letterhead and this way I will have a copy for my files & will forward a copy to Bram……… Master 4 Don “The Dragon” Wilson has a new DVD out entitled “THE DRAGON WAY” which answers the top ten questions he’s been asked during his worldwide seminar tours regarding his fight philosophy & lifestyle. You can go to to watch the promo and to order. From Ohio, Grandmaster Stephen Hayes wrote to say that he was awarded the MAIA Lifetime Achievement Award at the MAIA/ CENTURY MARTIAL ARTS Expo held last year in Las Vegas, Nevada……& Master Harry Greene received a special presentation from his San Diego based students & instructor trainees in the form of a “Gear Cross” Award containing his 3 Purple Hearts, 3 Bronze Stars, Master Parachute Badge, Ribbon Stack & 10th Special Forces Group Insignia presented during a special training session for Marines on April 1st …… Master Don Wilson GM Stephen Hayes Master Harry Greene (3 rd from right standing) w/ Marines Master Guy Larke from South Korea reports that he was awarded a certificate as the overall winner of the 2015 Korean Traditional Martial Arts Festival for the Weapons Division. Presenting the award was the Grandmaster of Bon Kuk Kum & President of the Federation who held the event. It was also signed & sealed by the Mayor of Seoul……Grandmaster Jurg Ziegler of Switzerland announces that his DVDs on Shaolin Energy Healing are available now in a 3 in 1 pack for only $99.00 plus $30.00 shipping. For more information on his DVDs, you can write to Juerg at ….. Master Guy Larke GM Juerg Ziegler GM Bill Gossett GM Frank E. Sanchez Grandmaster Bill Gossett was just appointed to the USSF SUMO BOARD OF TRUSTEES that met in New Jersey recently. His Ryukyu Coalition’s TITAN GAMES takes place June 18th featuring separate competitions in Karate, Judo, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Sumo and Amateur Wrestling with his Ryukyu Summer Camp 5 taking place the day after on June 19th. Yours truly is a Special Guest of both events. For more information, you can visit the Ryukyu Coalition Website at or e-mail Bill at GM Gary Alexander GM Alfredo Bassani Master Alfredo Torella GM Michael DePasquale Jr. On April 17th, America’s longest running martial arts tournament, the IAMA CHAMPIONSHIPS takes place in Somerset, New Jersey with its 51st year of competition. For more information contact Grandmaster Gary Alexander at …….On April 22nd – 23rd & 24th, Grandmaster Alfredo Bassani’s WASCA celebrates its 41st year of existence in Pescara, Italy with a banquet, seminars & USIMAA-WASCA Hall of Fame. For more information contact Shihan Alfredo Torella at ……On May 14th & 15th, Grandmaster Michael DePasquale Jr’s IFOJJ MARTIAL ARTS UNIVERSITY WEEKEND OF WARRIORS & IFOJJ GOLD SHIELD DEFENSIVE TACTICS CERTIFICATION takes place in Ft. Lee, New Jersey. For more information on these 2 events which will also honor his deceased Brother, Arnold you can contact Michael at: …..& on August 13th , WHFSC Member, Grandmaster Malia Bernal has her celebrity roast of Cynthia Rothrock in California. For more information you can contact Malia at: GM Malia Bernal Celebrity Roast Poster Lastly in international news, don’t forget the big 25th Anniversary celebration of the World Head of Family Sokeship Council taking place September – Labor Day 6 Weekend in 2017! We have 3 potential locations we are looking at, they include Orlando, Florida; Iowa & Springfield, Missouri….Let me know which area you would want our event to be in & please plan to bring your troupes en masse to support it! There will be a special celebration party at the banquet with surprise guests, entertainment & more!!! So, if you enjoyed last years’ event with all the pomp & circumstance (see the link at 73741842.100000846405768&type=3 for last years’ event featuring Movie Star, Sigourney Weaver). You will “no doubt” LOVE next years’ 25th Anniversary celebration!!! – Make your plans NOW to attend & mark it on your calendar! If you don’t have e-mail & want this info mailed to you, please let me know…… IN OUR NEW BOOKS DEPARTMENT……. WARD OF THE STATE is a new non-martial art biographical novel of the life of Grandmaster Larry Giordano of Kyokushin Karate who was a foster child of the State of Massachusetts and his rise to become the Man he is today. Written by Jeff Ives, all proceeds from the book go to support The Foster Kids of Merrimack Valley, a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to serving the needs of foster children in Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts, including all of Greater Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, Andover & North Andover. For more information on Larry’s book & The Foster Kids of Merrimack Valley you can visit The Foster Kids of Merrimack 7 Valley Website at: …..Professor Ben Bergwerf also has 2 new books out. The first one is dedicated to the beginner in Jujitsu entitled CONFIDENCE THROUGH SELF-DEFENSE! The other is for the more serious student entitled JUJUTSU MANUAL: A COMPLETE COURSE. Both according to Ben are available through You can also write to Ben at for more information. IN OUR NEW MEMBERS DEPARTMENT……. We’d like to welcome the following individuals to our Grandmasters Division……. GM Glen Fraticelli & GM Kimo Emperado Smith SGM Gary Garrett GM Larry Giordano Grandmaster Glen Fraticelli & Grandmaster Kimo Emperado Smith are the 2 handpicked representatives by SGM Dechi Emperado to represent K.S.D.I. (Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute) upon her passing or when she is no longer able to continue leading K.S.D.I. GM Kimo Emperado Smith would take over the role of Chief Administrator with GM Glen Fraticelli acting as Deputy to the Chief Administrator, both are from California……Also from California, we have Grandmaster Gary Garrett, Head of Garrett’s Kenpo Karate and lastly from Massachusetts, GM Larry Giordano, Head of the North American Kyokushinkai Karate Organization…… In our Masters Division, we’d like to welcome Master Kurtis Parisi of Passare’s Kenpo Karate from Rhode Island……& Shihan Dana Abbott, well known sword master & 7th dan in Goshindo from Arizona to our Honorary Members Division…Once again, WELCOME to the “family”! Master Kurtis Parisi Shihan Dana Abbott 8 ON THE COVER OF MARTIAL ARTS PUBLICATIONS THIS MONTH…… Prof. Leon Jay graces the cover of Black Belt Magazine IN THE MAGAZINES THIS TIME AROUND…….The Feb/ Mar issue of BLACK BELT Magazine features an Editorial on GM Ron Van Clief & his recent 2nd place win in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu in Hawaii……A mention of the upcoming movie “SHANGHAI DRAGONS” with GM Douglas Wong to be shot in China in “MARTIAL ARTS MOVIE NEWS”……Their “THEN AND NOW” Column featuring GM Bill Wallace……A mention of Professor Leon Jay doing a Black Belt Magazine photo shoot on Nov. 25th for their April/ May issue…… A feature on GM Ernie Cates in their “FIGHTBOOK” Column displaying a photo of GM Cates working out with GM Mark Colangelo…….& A feature article on Yours Truly & the trials & tribulations of my development of San-Jitsu on Guam & the WORLD HEAD OF FAMILY SOKESHIP COUNCIL ( a special “THANK YOU” to writer, Floyd Burke & Editor, Bob Young). In the April/ May issue of BLACK BELT we have a cover story on Prof. Leon Jay & Small Circle Ju-Jitsu…….an interview with GM Jim Arvanitis in an article entitled “CURE OR CURSE”……plus mentions of GM Ron Van Clief, Shidoshi Stephen Hayes & the passing of GGM Cacoy Canete. In the March issue of TAEKWONDO TIMES Magazine they have a feature article on GM Kim Pyung Soo’s Art of Chayon Ryu entitled “CHAYON RYU, A MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY” by Albert Borjas…….an article by Porter Dodge on GM Jim Arvanitis entitled “JIM ARVANITIS’ FORMULA FOR DEVASTATING STRIKES: MECHANICS AND TRAINING FOR COMBAT EFFICIENCY”……an article on GM Ji Han Jae’s system of Sin Moo Hapkido entitled “THE FOUNDATION OF SIN MOO HAPKIDO’S BASIC EIGHT SKILLS (PART ONE) by GM Ian Cyrus……a mention of Master Don “The Dragon” Wilson in the article “THE MARTIAL ARTS KID AND ME” by GM Maurice Elmalem……& Master Guy Larke’s column entitled “THE KNIGHTS WAY” with “WATCHING YOUR P’s AND Q’s PART III (OR GIVE AND TAKE). Lastly, in the May issue of TAEKWONDO TIMES there is the second part of a two part article on Supreme Grandmaster Ji Han Jae’s system of Sin Moo Hapkido by GM Ian Cyrus entitled “THE FOUNDATION OF SIN MOO HAPKIDO’S BASIC EIGHT SKILLS ([PART TWO)…….an article on GM Leo Fong entitled “LEO FONG, MASTER OF WEI KUEN DO”……a column entitled “THE FAMILY THAT TRAINS TOGETHER” featuring a husband & wife team teaching GM Jeff Speakman’s Kenpo 5.0 System…..& Master Guy Larke’s column “THE KNIGHTS WAY” with an article on “HAPPY YEAR OF THE MONKEY”- the Korean Tradition of Celebrating the New Year…… Well, this concludes our newsletter for this bi-monthly period…...Please remember to send in your news for our next issue & in the meantime stay aggressive and fair in all you do! Your Brother in the martial arts, Grandmaster Frank E. Sanchez – Founder/ WHFSC Executive Director International 9 Name________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ E-mail __________________Phone_________________ Fax____________________ ********************************************************************** World Head of Family Sokeship Council Order Form P.O. Box 8395, Jacksonville, Florida USA 32239-8395 ORDER FORM Replacement for membership certificate Official multi-color patch Official rubber seal stamp WHFSC Certification certificates for students WHFSC t-shirt with logo white ( ) black ( ) WHFSC jacket with logo white ( ) black ( ) $50.00 $15.00 ea. Grandmaster___ Master___ $20.00 ea. Grandmaster___ Master___ $30.00 ea. $25.00 ea. $50.00 ea. Master membership re-newal $35.00 @ year Description Amount ordered Size Unit price Total ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ SUB TOTAL_____________ Foreign orders add 10% of total for shipping and handling_____________ GRAND TOTAL_____________ U.S. dollars only Check ( ) Money order ( ) PayPal ( ) You can also e-mail your order and monies to for faster service by first setting up a “free” account with PayPal at NOTE: T-shirts and jackets are ordered on an individual basis and are not mass produced – turn around time may be three or more weeks for delivery. 10
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