FMA Informative Issue No #230


FMA Informative Issue No #230
Informative Issue No. 230
Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan
Ian Mustapha
Jamel Mustapha
Mangangayam - Filipino Hunter
Close Quarters Combat in General
Basic Tactical Ranges
Each time the FMA Informative visits the Philippines it is honored to be able to speak with Grandmaster Jerry
M. Evangelisan, who is a very busy practitioner. Grandmaster Evangelisan personality is easy going and friendly but do not let this be mistaken for a practitioner that is not serious about his art.
Grandmaster Evangelisan is a pure professional as a practitioner and his art of Mangangayam is very
real. A very energetic individual that motivates his students with his skills, knowledge and positive attitude,
Grandmaster Evangelisan has the respect of all, students, other practitioners and Grandmasters of other arts.
If visiting the Philippines this is a Grandmaster that if you are a serious practitioner it is highly recommended that you visit and train with. You will not be disappointed and will gain knowledge that is valuable and
will add concepts and skills that a practitioner will set at a high value.
Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan and Mangangayam
Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan
Kali - Arnis - Eskrima
63 (975) 284-9328
Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan formed his own art with his personal concepts which he has grown up
with throughout his life. This art he has named Mangangayam.
At an early age living in Cotabato, Mindanao, Jerry Evangelisan had to basically live in a battle zone
with the with the tribes of the region, having conflicts, dodging the occasional gun shoot out, gang physical
violence etc. At the age of 10 years old his family moved to Davao, where there was an atmosphere of at least
somewhat more on the norm. At the age of 12 Jerry Evangelisan started to learn different kinds of martial arts
including Karate, Judo, and Jujitsu.
Jerry Evangelisan went to Manila in 1999 and while there meet Grandmaster Jerson “Nene” Tortal Sr. of
Dekiti Tirsia Siradas and commenced his training daily in a specialized instructorship course. Learning a combination of multiple strategy/tactics toward the long, medium, and close range for combative techniques, with the
use of rattan stick, short long bladed arms and unarms weaponry, which consisted of offense, counter offense,
re-counter the counter, and counter the re-counter.
Jerry Evangelisan found while learning and training with Grandmaster Tortal that he had to instill within
himself self-confidence which as he trained he found the techniques led to speed, timing and power.
Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan as an instructor is patient, but firm in his teaching he is a wonder to observe when executing techniques of his art, whether empty handed, with knifes, bolos, long sword etc.
Each issue features practitioners of martial arts and other internal arts, other features include historical, theoretical and technical articles; reflections, Filipino martial arts, healing arts, the culture of the Philippines and other
related subjects.
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The art of Mangangayam “Filipino Hunter,” does not have to be thought of as a warrior hunter, but as a survivor a spiritual guide for survival, to hunt for knowledge to become a wise person and have a simple way of life.
The Art of simplicity and a successful and satisfied life.
Mangangayam - Filipino Hunter
Mangangayam meaning (Filipino Hunter), with the basic concept is to
have a simple way of life, being humble, disciplined and prepared to be able
to defend themselves if a situation arises. In commencing training in Mangangayam the student first learns the weapons aspects of the style and then the
empty hand aspects. In Mangangayam the art trains its practitioners in bladed
weapons, the fundamentals in learning the twelve basic strikes of single and
double baston, and the twelve basic strikes of the knife, and then empty hands
in defense and offense, to counter and re-counter.
The basic theory is simplicity of defense and offense, the ability to survive
in the times of conflict. In Mangangayam of course there are two parts, one
is for on the street survival, and the other is for Sports Arnis, both have their
own set of rules and applications.
Grandmaster Evangelisan with his knowledge he gained while growing
up is somewhat different than what he learned in Dekiti Tirsia Siradas so has
combined this knowledge and purified it making it simpler and precise. This
is in hopes to bringing about a different vision into the Filipino martial arts.
Once learning the basic fundamentals and concepts of the art even with
the students prior experience, Mangangayam will fit to those students abilities
easily. One must be reminded that being proficient in a few simple techniques
is always recommended for daily situations which may arise to defend one’s
self and is better than being half proficient in many. Though it must be remembered also that the more knowledge one has the better; for it is possible
that the knowledge can be used.
Close Quarters Combat in General
Filipino martial arts (Filipino: Sining sa pagtatanggol) refer to ancient and newer fighting methods devised in the
Philippines. It incorporates elements from both Western and Eastern Martial Arts, the most popular forms of which
are known as Arnis, Eskrima and Kali. The intrinsic need for self-preservation was the genesis of these systems.
Throughout the ages, invaders and evolving local conflict imposed new dynamics for combat in the islands now making up the Philippines. The Filipino people developed battle skills as a direct result of an appreciation of their ever-changing circumstances. They learned often out of necessity how to prioritize, allocate and use common resources
in combative situations.
Close quarters combat (CQC) is a tactical concept that involves physical confrontation between several combatants. In the typical close quarters’ combat scenario, the attackers try a very fast, violent maneuver to
control the defender, who usually have no easy way to withdraw. The operators need great proficiency with their
weapons, and the ability to make split-second decisions in order to minimize accidental casualties.
Among many types of fighting encompassed by the general term close combat include the modern terms
hand-to-hand combat and close quarters combat (CQC). Traditionally regarded as forms of close combat include
fighting with hand-held or hand-thrown weapons such as swords, knives, axes, or tools.
Asian cultures, military and martial artists developed and tested methods of close quarters combat training. Close quarters combat techniques have specifically focused on efficient, powerful and deadly hand-to-hand
fighting strategies.
Traditionally, close-quarters combat is a military or law-enforcement term used to describe armed or
unarmed hand-to-hand combat. However, the importance of martial arts in close quarters combat training has
always been of tantamount importance.
Today’s martial artists, law-enforcement officers, military and elite fighting forces incorporate simple
armed and unarmed drills, situational awareness and scenario training. Current close quarters combat training
also synthesize wrestling and boxing with neo-modern martial arts.
Basic Tactical Ranges
The three combat ranges in the Filipino martial arts are corto (close-range), medio (medium-range) and largo
Hakbang: general term for footwork
Corto Mano: close range, short movements, minimal extension of arms, legs and weapons, cutting distance
Serrada: “split step”, short range footwork, quick, split action, front and back, low stance. Serrada footwork is
the base of a triangular framework methodology
Largo Mano: long range, extended movements, full extension of arms, legs and weapons, creating distance
Fraile: short range footwork, hopping action, balanced position, short hop, pushing off from the lead foot
Ritriada: short range footwork, shuffling action, pushing backward by pushing off the lead foot, giving six to
eight inches of range per action.
Banda y Banda: side to side action
Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan emphasizes that to be able to move in to close range, one must create an opportunity and then capitalize on it. Of course the weapon that the opponent has makes a difference on the tactic used to move in
for close combat.
In moving in from the largo (long) or medio (medium) range it must be quick, smooth, and flowing, using angles or circular movements. Deflecting the opponents’ weapon or disabling the weapon arm while moving in to the corto
(close) range. It takes timing, balance and body coordination.
The following are samples in moving into corto range, once in at close range it is up to the practitioner to execute the desired execution to overwhelm the opponent.
1. On guard position
2. Bloking the strike and controling the weapon hand
3. Preparation for dis arming
4. Preparation for neck breaking
5. Neck breaking bringing the attaker to the ground
1. On guard position
2. When the attaker strikes it is countered by left hand parry with evasion
3. Contolling the weapon hand
4. Striking the attakers weapon hand
5. Striking the groin
6. Follow up strike to the adams apple
Close up
1. On guard position
2. Evasion and catching the attackers weapon hand
3. Swinging the weapon hand of the attacker in preparation for dis arming
4. Disarming of the weapon
5. Follow up stike to the head of the attacker
Close up
1. On guard position
2. The attacker stikes a trust to the center it is counter by deflicting the weapon with the left hand
3. Preparation for a disarm
4. Disarming
5. Follow up strike
Close up
1. On guard position 2. Evasion and controling the attackers weapon hand 3. Knee strike to the chest 4. Follow up knee strike 5. Disarming of the weapon and bringing the attacker to the ground
Close up
School Submission
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not have a school, list the school or style so individuals who wish to experience, learn and gain knowledge
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