TCC Director - NACE International
TCC Director - NACE International
2014 2015 NACE INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL COMMITTEES DIRECTORY sponsored by: C N MSES consultants, inc. ORROSION PRODUCTS DIVISIO TEST KITS To meet the ever-evolving pipeline regulations and daily needs of the corrosion professional, MSES Corrosion Products Division has developed an entire line of field test kits for external and internal corrosion evaluations. These kits are all inclusive, with their contents ranging from sample bottles/ sampling apparatus and mailing containers to detailed instructions for each test procedure. The Corrosion Products Division can customize a field test kit to meet your needs. EQUIPMENT MSES Corrosion Products Division equipment is uniquely designed to satisfy the demanding data collection challenges that corrosion professionals face. Our equipment is designed and fabricated to be rugged, dependable and to have a long, useful life. The concepts for the initial design, development and ongoing refinement of our equipment are founded on ideas offered by MSES’ own staff of corrosion professionals, as well as our valued clients. To further serve our clients, we also offer customization of existing designs, and we welcome specialty requests for the development of new equipment. PRODUCTS MSES Corrosion Products Division provides the highest quality and largest variety of products to support your corrosion data collection needs featuring our endless array of test leads, test clips, electrode care kits, copper-sulfate, survey wire, equipment cases, testing supplies, and more. LABORATORY SERVICES MSES Corrosion Products Division is an innovator in the development of field test kits that allow the corrosion professional to perform on-site testing. To complement this on-site testing, MSES CPD operates a full-service laboratory. Among the most frequent services provided are Corrosion Coupon Analysis, Soil Corrosion Rate Testing, Microscopy Analysis, Solids, Liquids and Gas Analysis. YOUR SOURCE FOR CORROSION TESTING & MONITORING SOLUTIONS Fo r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t w w w. m s e s p ro d u c t s . c o m 8 7 7 . 6 2 4 . 9 7 0 0 s a l e s @ m s e s i n c. co m Technical Committees Directory Advertisers We gratefully acknowledge the support of: MSES Corrosion Products Division Corrosion Technology Week 2014 Sponsors and Exhibitors We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following sponsoring and exhibiting companies for Corrosion Technology Week 2014: ABRIOX, Inc. Accurate Corrosion Control, Inc. Amcorr Products & Service VISCOTAQ American Innovations Bass Engineering Carboline CHLOR*RID International, Inc. CP Masters, Inc. CTI Industries, Inc. DeFelsko Corp. Denso North America EIU, Inc. Elecsys Corp. GMA Garnet Group Integrated Global Services, Inc. MESA Metal Samples Mistras Group, Inc. Montipower, Inc. MSES Consultants OLI Systems, Inc. Polyguard Products, Inc. RAM-100 International, LLC Russell Corrosion Consultants Sentry Equipment Corp. Specialty Polymer Coatings, Inc. Stress Engineering Services Tinker & Rasor Zerust Oil and Gas Future Meeting Sites CORROSION 2015 Dallas, Texas, USA March 15-19, 2015 The information contained in this directory reflects information on file at NACE International Headquarters as of July 25, 2014. Questions about the information listed within this directory or corrections to this material should be directed to the NACE Technical Activities Division. This information is exclusively for the use of members for Association business and is not to be used for any other purpose. Printed in the U.S. All rights reserved. Reproduction of contents in whole or part or transfer to electronic or photographic storage without permission of copyright owner is expressly forbidden. Corrosion Technology Week 2015 Austin, Texas, USA September 20-24, 2015 Item 26010 NACE International 15835 Park Ten Place Houston, TX 77084 U.S.A. Phone: 1 800-797-6223 (U.S. & Canada) +1 281-228-6200 (Outside U.S. & Canada) Fax: +1 281-228-6300 E-mail: ©2014 NACE International 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory i Benefits of Technical Committee Membership Information on corrosion problems and technologies is available to individuals participating on the committees. Employers of committee members also benefit by having knowledgeable staff members who are familiar with technological advances on board, which may be important to successful company operations. Recognized corrosion experts share their expertise and experiences at technical committee meetings held each spring at NACE’s Annual Conference and each fall at Corrosion Technology Week. Technical committee members take the opportunity to make contacts who can provide them with quick answers or speedy access to information. When you join a technical committee, you can call fellow members any time you are confronted with corrosion-related problems or questions. There are no additional fees or dues required of technical committee members. Becoming a member of a NACE Technical Committee Any NACE member in good standing can join a Specific Technology Group (STG) or a Technology Exchange Group (TEG). Simply visit the NACE Web site and click on the “Committees” tab. Then click on the link that states “join a technical committee” to join a Specific Technology Group (STG) online or join a Technology Exchange Group (TEG) online. Or, contact NACE’s Technical Activities Division at 281-228-6264 and request that your name be added to the roster. STG membership comes with certain privileges and responsibilities: You will have a chance to comment and to vote on all proposed reports and standards produced by the Task Groups (TGs) administered or sponsored by an STG of which you are a member. Every STG member is obligated to return all ballots and any other committee correspondence requiring a response. Failure to do so can result in removal from the STG. All NACE technical committee meetings are open to the public. Attending a committee meeting is a great way of seeing first-hand what kind of work a committee is involved in and how you can best participate. To become a TG member, you must contact the TG chair for permission. TG members can only be added at the discretion of the chair. Then the chair may contact the Technical Activities Division with your name. Who’s Who at NACE Headquarters NACE Headquarters in Houston provides administrative support to the technical committees, plans conferences and meetings, and publishes standards, books, and reports written by the technical committees. Feel free to call us any time you have a question or concern. STAFF CONTACT CONTACT INFORMATION RESPONSIBILITIES Linda Goldberg Director, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6221 Staff liaison to TRAC, TCC, ACPC, and the Research Committee; responsible for all technical committee publications. Everett Bradshaw Manager, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6203 Provides editorial and administrative support to technical committees in the development of standards, reports, and other technical committee publications. Staff liaison to the Planning and Operations Committees. Edward Barrett Strategic Standards Developer, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6295 Serves as a liaison to strategically significant NACE technical committees and helps to advance NACE’s objectives with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); provides organizational support to the technical committees in the development of standards. Liaison to the Maintenance Panel for NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. Administers ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAGs to ISO. Rick Southard Senior Editor, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6485 Provides editorial and liaison support to the technical committees in the development, publication, and marketing of standards, reports, and other technical committee publications. Staff liaison to the TCC Reference Publications Committee. Trudy Schreiner Standards Editor, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6208 Provides editorial and liaison support to the technical committees in the development, publication, and marketing of standards, reports, and other technical committee publications. Edits the TCC e-Newsletter, sent to TCC members quarterly. Ann Miller Administrative Assistant, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6264 Maintains technical committee rosters and officer assignments. Prepares and distributes meeting minutes, agendas, and other correspondence. Sets up and closes out ballots and committee surveys. Tamara Shackleford Administrative Assistant, Technical Activities Phone: +1 281-228-6218 Manages the Paper Trail system and works extensively with symposium officers, authors, and reviewers and formats technical committee publications. CaLae McDermott Manager, Conference Events and Conferences Phone: +1 281-228-6263 Plans topical conferences and the NACE annual conference. Lesley Martinez Associate, Conferences Phone:+281-228-6213 Plans and schedules meetings for CTW. FirstService Department Phone: +1 281-228-6223 Processes orders and subscriptions. Registers members for classes, conferences, and meetings. Maintains the membership database. ii 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Table of Contents Benefits of NACE Technical Committee Membership...........................................................................................................................................................................................ii Who’s Who at NACE Headquarters....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ii Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iii Technical and Research Activities Committee (TRAC)......................................................................................................................................................................................... iv Research Committee................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. iv Technical Coordination Committee (TCC).................................................................................................................................................................................................................. iv TAGs and Ad Hoc Committees.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v Technical Committee Overview.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ix Technology Management Group (TMG) Responsibilities....................................................................................................................................................................................x Liaison Activities.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................xvi Specific Technology Groups (STGs) Committees, Officers, and Scopes................................................................................................................................... 1 STG 01 Reinforced Concrete................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 STG 02 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Atmospheric....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 STG 03 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Immersion and Buried Service................................................................................................................................ 5 STG 04 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Surface Preparation........................................................................................................................................................ 9 STG 05 Cathodic/Anodic Protection..............................................................................................................................................................................................................11 STG 06 Cleaning, Chemical and Mechanical.............................................................................................................................................................................................13 STG 08 Corrosion Management........................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 STG 10 Nonmetallic Materials of Construction............................................................................................................................................................................................................15 STG 11 Water Treatment.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 STG 30 Oil and Gas Production—Cathodic Protection......................................................................................................................................................................19 STG 31 Oil and Gas Production—Corrosion and Scale Inhibition...............................................................................................................................................21 STG 32 Oil and Gas Production—Metallurgy...........................................................................................................................................................................................23 STG 33 Oil and Gas Production—Nonmetallics and Wear Coatings (Metallic)...................................................................................................................25 STG 34 Petroleum Refining and Gas Processing....................................................................................................................................................................................27 STG 35 Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings.................................................................................................................................................................................................29 STG 36 Process Industry—Materials Performance in Chemicals..................................................................................................................................................33 STG 37 Process Industry—High Temperature.........................................................................................................................................................................................35 STG 38 Process Industry—Pulp, Paper, and Biomass Conversion...............................................................................................................................................35 STG 39 Process Industries—Materials Applications and Experiences.......................................................................................................................................37 STG 40 Military and Aerospace Systems and Facilities.......................................................................................................................................................................37 STG 41 Electric Utility Generation, Transmission, and Distribution.............................................................................................................................................39 STG 43 Transportation, Land...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................41 STG 44 Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures......................................................................................................................................................................................43 STG 45 Pollution Control, Waste Incineration, and Process Waste.............................................................................................................................................43 STG 60 Corrosion Mechanisms..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................45 STG 61 Inhibition—Corrosion and Scaling................................................................................................................................................................................................47 STG 62 Corrosion Monitoring and Measurement—Science and Engineering Applications.....................................................................................49 Technical Committee Rosters.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................57 Technical Committee Publications..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................116 Index of Committees with Administrative STGs..................................................................................................................................................................................................117 In Memoriam..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................119 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory iii Technical and Research Activities Committee (TRAC) TECHNICAL AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (TRAC) Chair: R. Scott Lillard Vice Chair: Cris K. Conner Past Chair: Rusty Strong Chair, TCC: Tom Weber Chair, Research: Nick Birbilis Vice Chair, TCC: Drew Hevle RESEARCH COMMITTEE Chair: Nick Birbilis Vice Chair: Christopher Taylor Past Chair: David G. Kolman RT Symposium Chair: Christopher Taylor RT Symposium Vice Chair: Fraser King RIP Symposium Chair: Kevin Ralston RIP Symposium Vice Chair: Florent Bocher RSG TG Chair: David Kolman Student Poster Session (SPS) Chair: Douglas Hansen Collegiate Student Certificate Program (CSCP) Chair: Gerald S. Frankel Members: Peter Andresen John Beavers Florent Bocher Homero Castaneda Lopez Hongbo Cong James Dante Sheldon Dean Jr David Enos Gerald Frankel En-Hou Han Douglas Hansen Xihua He Fraser King Thomas L. Ladwein Ronald M. Latanision Jason Lee Scott Lillard Brenda Little Srdjan Nesic Francisco Presuel-Moreno Raul Rebak Vice Chair, Research: Christopher Taylor Staff Liaison: Linda Goldberg John R. Scully David Shifler Jozef Soltis Narasi Sridhar Roger Staehle Vilupanur Ravi F. Douglas Wall Staff Liaison: Linda Goldberg TECHNICAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE (TCC) Chair: Tom Weber, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Drew Hevle, 2013-2015 Past Chair: Brian Saldanha, 2013-2015 Technology and Program Coordinators are appointed for a two-year term of office or to complete an unexpired portion thereof. Terms of office commence the day following the close of Annual Conference and terminate the day following the close of Annual Conference two years later. Terms of office commence on oddnumbered years for approximately one-half the Coordinators and on even-numbered years for the remaining Coordinators. The terms of office listed below do not necessarily reflect the actual length of time a Coordinator has held a position. Coordinators may step down prior to the end of a term, leaving the remainder of their unexpired term to be filled by a new Coordinator. Also, Coordinators may be appointed for an additional two-year term. TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT GROUPS Technology Management Group Technology Coordinator Associate Technology Coordinator Program Coordinator Associate Program Coordinator C1 Brian Willis, 2014-2016 *Jeff Didas, 2014-2016 Sylvia Hall, 2013-2015 Francisco Presuel-Moreno 20132015 C2 Steve Biagiotti, 2013-2015 *Roy Fultineer, 2013-2015 Laszlo Forgo, 2014-2016 N1 Douglas Dopjera, 2013-2015 *Richard M. Thompson, 2013-2015 Nihal Obeyesekere, 2014-2016 N2 Neal Murray, 2014-2016 *Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 S Mohsen Achour, 2013-2015 *Jose Vera, 2013-2015 Milan Bartos, 2014-2016 Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 *Alternate voting member for their corresponding Technology Coordinator. TMG C1: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and TMG N1: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Coating Technology Refining, and Gas Processing Industries TMG C2: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial TMG N2: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries Technology TMG S: Corrosion Science and Technology Members Ex Officio: NACE President: Harvey P. Hack NACE Vice President: Jim Feather Chair, TRAC: R. Scott Lillard Chair, ACPC: Gerald Holton Chair, TCC Advisory Committee on Operations: Jim Chmilar Chair, TCC Reference Publications Committee (RPC): Raul Rebak Chair, TCC Planning Committee: C. Lindsay Enloe Chair, ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 35: Lydia Frenzel Chair, ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 35/SC 12: Steve Poncio Chair, ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 35/SC 14: William (Chuck) Fite Chair, ANSI-Acredited U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 156: Lietai Yang NACE Executive Director: Bob Chalker Staff Liaison: Linda Goldberg TCC MANAGING COMMITTEE Chair: Tom Weber Vice Chair: Drew Hevle Past TCC Chair: Brian Saldanha iv 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Chair, TCC Advisory Committee on Operations: Jim Chmilar Chair, TCC Planning Committee: C. Lindsay Enloe Technical and Research Activities Committee (TRAC) TCC ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEES TCC Reference Publications Committee (RPC) Chair: Raul Rebak, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Kat Coronado, 2013-2015 Glossary Review Coordinator: David Silverman Mohsen Achour Keith Chustz Kat Coronado Larry Curry Jim Edmondson Peter Elliott Brad Finley, Liaison to ASTM on Joint Glossary Bob Fu Drew Hevle Barry Martin Mike MeLampy John Murray Ray Posgay Mark Schilling Louis Sumbry Jose Vera Tom Weber Staff Liaison: Rick Southard TCC Advisory Committee on Operations Chair: Jim Chmilar, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Jim Moore, 2013-2015 Immediate Past TCC Chair: Brian Saldanha TCC Vice Chair: Drew Hevle Cris Conner Douglas Dopjera Paul R. Nichols Russell C. Strong Staff Liaison: Everett Bradshaw TCC Planning Committee Chair: C. Lindsay Enloe Vice Chair: Scott Rice TCC Vice Chair: Drew Hevle Past Chair: Jim Chmilar Khlefa Esaklul, N1 Delegate Neal Murray, N2 Delegate Carlos Palacios, C2 Delegate Staff Liaison: Everett Bradshaw ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEES TCC Ad Hoc Committee on Membership Development Chair: Kimberly-Joy Harris Vice Chair: Scott Rice Ad Hoc Committee on ISO Standards Development Chair: Mike MeLampy Vice Chair: Samir Degan Members: Ken Tator, Steve Poncio Staff Liaison: Edward Barrett Ad Hoc Committee on Standards Due for Revision Chair: Scott Rice TCC International Liaison Committee Chair: Brian Saldanha Vice Chair: Mike MeLampy International Areas TCC Liaison to Area TCC Associate Liaison East Asia and Pacific Rim Ben Chang (China) Brian Saldanha (East Asia) West Asia and Africa Latin America Europe Khlefa Esaklul Conchita Mendez Michael MeLampy Mohsen Achour Area Liaison to TCC Minxu Lu (China) Samir Degan (India) Michelle Lau (Malaysia) Gasem Fallatah Marianella Ojeda Sam McFarland ANSI-Accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Committees U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 35, Paints and Varnishes Chair: Lydia Frenzel TCC Vice Chair: Drew Hevle SSPC Representative: Heather Stiner NACE Representative: Pete Engelbert Lydia Frenzel Chuck Fite Ken Tator Terry Greenfield Dave Allerton Wayne Kerns Dave Beamish John Kloepper Earl Bowry Mike MeLampy Benjamin Chang Hap Peters Kat Coronado Steve Poncio Bob Stachnik Robert Stango Oscar Cordo Pete Mitchell Joe Walker TAG Administrator: Ed Barrett U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35 WG 2, Terminology Ken Tator U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 35/SC 12 on Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products Chair: Steve Poncio TCC Vice Chair: Drew Hevle SSPC representative: Heather Stiner NACE representative: Chuck Fite Oscar Cordo Lydia Frenzel Dave Beamish Pete Mitchell Ken Tator Wayne Kerns Joe Walker Hap Peters John Kloepper Mike MeLampy Kat Coronado Dave Allerton Pete Engelbert Benjamin Chang Bob Stachnik Terry Greenfield Earl Bowry Robert Stango U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 12/WG 2 on Surface Cleanliness Lydia M Frenzel Hap Peters Ken Tator Pete Mitchell Heather Stiner U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 12/WG 4 on Blast Cleaning Abrasives Pete Mitchell Ken Tator Hap Peters Steve Poncio Heather Stiner Lydia M Frenzel U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 12/WG 5, The Effects on Surface Coatings of Contamination Levels on the Surface of Steel Before the Application of Coatings Heather Stiner Ken Tator Lydia Frenzel Pete Mitchell Hap Peters 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory v Technical and Research Activities Committee (TRAC) U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 12/WG 6, Measurement of Surface Profile by Replica Tape Lydia Frenzel Hap Peters Pete Englebert Bob Stachnik David Beamish Mike MeLampy Kat Coronado Steve Poncio Ken Tator Heather Stiner U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 4, Atmospheric Corrosion Testing and Classification of Corrosivity of Atmosphere Kuang-Tsan Chiang Sheldon Dean U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 35/SC 14 on Anti-Corrosive Paint Systems for Steel Structures U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156WG 6, General Principles of Testing and Data Interpretation Sunder Ramachandran Chair: Chuck Fite TCC Vice Chair: Drew Hevle SSPC representative: Heather Stiner NACE representative: Kat Coronado Lydia Frenzel Pete Engelbert Ken Tator Terry Greenfield Dave Allerton Wayne Kerns Dave Beamish John Kloepper Earl Bowry Mike MeLampy Benjamin Chang Hap Peters Oscar Cordo U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 5, Intergranular Corrosion Debajyoti Maitra U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 7, Accelerated Corrosion Tests Raymund Singleton Steve Poncio Bob Stachnik Robert Stango Pete Mitchell Joe Walker U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 10, Cathodic Protection of Buried and Immersed Metallic Structures Kevin Garrity Paul Nichols U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 11, Electrochemical Test Methods Lietai Yang U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 14/WG 5, Protective Paint Systems Chuck Fite Heather Stiner Lydia Frenzel Ken Tator U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 12, Corrosion, Scale and Fouling Inhibition AJ Gerbino U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 14/WG 6, Laboratory Performance Test Methods Lydia Frenzel Ken Tator U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 13, High Temperature Corrosion Kuang-Tsan Chiang Paul Gannon U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 14/WG 8, Internal Friction-Reduction Coatings in Pipelines for the Conveyance of Non-Corrosive Gases Ken Tator U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 14/WG 10, Qualification of Personnel Steve Poncio Ken Tator Heather Stiner Pete Engelbert U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 35/SC 14/WG 11, Revision of ISO 12944-1, -2, -3, -4, -7, and -8 Steve Poncio Hap Peters Kat Coronado Lydia Frenzel Earl Bowry Chuck Fite Heather Stiner Bob Stango U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of Metals and Alloys Chair: Lietai Yang Robert Baboian Neal Berke Kuang-Tsan Chiang Daniel Crabtree Sean Fowler Fritz Friedersdorf Paul Gannon Kevin Garrity AJ Gerbino Harvey Hack Edward Hibner Thomas Langill Debajyoti Maitra Michael MeLampy James Moran Neal Murray Paul Nichols Michael Niedzinski Sunder Ramachandran Raymund Singleton Kevin Smith TAG Administrator: Ed Barrett U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 1, Terminology Harvey Hack U.S. Experts on ISO/TC 156/WG 2, Environmentally Assisted Cracking James Moran vi 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory NACE Technical Committees NACE International is a technical society dedicated to promoting technology on corrosion prevention and control for all materials. Many of NACE’s 33,000+ members participate in the activities of more than 300 NACE technical committees. The committees serve as the technical arm of the Association and include professionals from various disciplines concerned with corrosion prevention and control. Committee members develop NACE standards, reports, and other publications, and conduct informative meetings, symposia, and open forums to exchange state-of-the-art technical information. The committees address many corrosion-related topics in the areas of: cathodic/anodic protection chemical and mechanical cleaning corrosion in the shipbuilding industry corrosion control of concrete and rebar corrosion in building systems corrosion inhibitors corrosion in petroleum refining and gas processing corrosion in the oil and gas industry corrosion in the transportation industry corrosion in water treatment corrosion mechanisms corrosion of pipelines, tanks, and well casings economics of corrosion energy technology measurement, testing, and monitoring procedures military and aerospace corrosion nonmetallic materials of construction pollution control and waste disposal process industry corrosion protective coatings and linings Structure and Operation of the NACE Technical Committees More than 3,000 NACE members participate in technical committee activities. The committees are led by the Technical Coordination Committee (TCC), which serves as the administrative and policy-making body to the committees. The technical committees are organized by Specific Technology Groups (STGs). STGs are assigned specific technical areas within three administrative classes: Industry-Specific Technology (N), Cross-Industry Technology (C), and Science (S). Technology Management Groups (TMGs) are formed under the TCC to provide a structure and a conduit for communication between the TCC and the various STGs within their respective areas. They provide assistance, when necessary, to help STGs achieve their objectives. Under the Matrix Structure . . . There are two Industry-Specific Technlogy Management Groups (TMGs): N1: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries N2: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries There are two Cross-Industry TMGs: C1: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology C2: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology There is one Science TMG: S: Corrosion Science and Technology There are a number of Specific Technology Groups (STGs) within each of these groups, and the STGs sponsor Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs). Under the STG, Task Groups are formed to complete specific assignments such as the preparation of technical committee reports, standards, and other technical committee publications. Work Groups can be formed under Task Groups to accomplish portions of the Task Group project. Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) are formed under STGs to organize and direct symposia and technical information exchanges. Each TG or TEG has one Administrative STG, and many TGs or TEGs have several other sponsoring STGs. In this directory, the TGs and TEGs are listed with complete information under their Administrative STGs. The other Task Groups and TEGs sponsored by that STG are listed, but with only their number, title, and Administrative and sponsoring STGs. Interested persons can then refer to the complete listing under that committee’s Administrative STG. Each of these five groups has: One Technology Coordinator who is responsible for facilitating formation of new committees, coordinating, ratifying procedures, and communicating among committees. One Program Coordinator who is responsible for symposia and helping to plan Technical Information Exchanges. Technology Coordinators serve on the Technical Coordination Committee (TCC). Program Coordinators serve on the Annual Conference Program Committee (ACPC). The chair and vice chair of TCC serve on the Technical and Research Activities Committee (TRAC). More information on the structure and operation of the TCC is contained within the NACE Technical Coordination Committee and Technical Committees Operating Manual, which is available from the NACE Technical Activities Division. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory vii Technical Committee Structure NACE Board of Directors TRAC Area Director International Liaisons (TCC) TCC Section Technology Coordinator TMG STAG STG Research Committee STG LEGEND: TG TG = Task Group STG TG TEG = Technology Exchange Group STG = Specific Technology Group TMG = Technology Management Group TCC = Technical Coordination Committee Technical Committee Members TRAC = Technical and Research Activities Committee Industry Track Explanation Because of the large number of technical committees and the multiple sponsorships of some Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs), all technical committees are assigned Industry Tracks to assist attendees at Annual Conference and Corrosion Technology Week to determine which meetings and symposia they wish to attend. Some committees are tagged with one relevant Industry, while others have several. When viewing meetings they are interested in, attendees can choose to sort meetings either by industry, by committee, by day, or by meeting type. Using these tools we hope that attendees will be able to build an itinerary that best meets their interests. That itinerary can then be exported to Outlook. The industry tags are as follows: Buildings and Plant Equipment Cathodic Protection Chemical Inhibitors Coatings Corrosion Monitoring and Control Department of Defense Energy Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Highways and Bridges Maritime Materials Selection and Design Oil and Gas Exploration Oil and Gas Pipelines Oil and Gas Production Petroleum Refining Pipelines, Tanks, and Underground Systems Process Industries Science of Corrosion Testing Transportation Water and Waste Water 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory ix Technology Management Group (TMG) Responsibilities TMG C1: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology Technology Management Groups (TMGs) are formed under the TCC to provide a structure and a conduit for communication between the TCC and the various STGs within their respective areas. They provide assistance when necessary to help the STGs achieve their objectives. Technology Coordinator Brian M. Willis Program Coordinator Sylvia Hall TMG C1 is responsible for the following STGs, TGs, and TEGs: Associate Technology Coordinator Jeff Didas Associate Program Coordinator Francisco Presuel-Moreno STG 01: Reinforced Concrete, Page 1 TG 298 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0399-2004 TG 336 External Pipeline Coatings: Practices, Test Methods, and/or Test Methodologies for High-Operating-Temperature Pipelines, Immersion and Buried Service Only TG 337 External Pipeline Coatings: Field Installation and Inspection Criteria for Maximum Performance TEG 351X Coatings Under Insulation Material Testing Procedure Recommendations: Discussion TG 352 Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Directional Drill Applications TG 353 External Pipeline Coatings: Multi-Layer Polyolefin Coating Systems TEG 354X Pipeline Coatings: Underground Blistering TG 425 State of the Art in CUI Coating Systems TEG 435X Effects of Bioethanols on Fused Silica Containment Vessels in Immersion and Phase Change Exposures TG 470 Cathodic Disbondment Test for Coated Steel Structures Under Cathodic Protection TG 479 NACE Adoption of ISO 21809-3 TG 490 Review and Revision of API 5L2, “Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas Transmission Service” TG 507 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0188-2006 TG 508 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0490-2007 TG 516 Standard Practice for Evaluating Protective Coatings for Use Under Insulation TG 520 Pipeline Coating Peel Strength Test TEG 043X Reinforced Concrete: Cathodic Protection TG 044 Reinforced Concrete: Proposed Revision to NACE SP0290-2007 TG 045 Reinforced Concrete: Anode Test Procedures TG 046 Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Elements TG 047 Reinforced Concrete: Sacrificial Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Elements TG 049 Reinforced Concrete: Test Methods for Cathodic Protection TG 050 Reinforced Concrete: Inhibitors and Admixtures TEG 053X Reinforced Concrete: Design, Evaluation, and Remediation TG 054 Reinforced Concrete: Electrochemical Chloride Removal and Realkalization TG 055 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0308-2008 TG 057 Reinforced Concrete: Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcement TG 290 Reinforced Concrete: Design Considerations for Corrosion Control TG 356 Reinforced Concrete: Stray-Current-Induced Corrosion TG 438 Reinforced Concrete: Galvanic Anode Test Procedures TG 460 Testing and Evaluation of Corrosion on Steel-Framed Buildings TG 472 Review and Revise TM0294-2007 TG 504 Inspection Methods for Corrosion Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Structures STG 02: Coatings and Linings, Protective: Atmospheric, Page 3 TG 146 Coatings, Thermal-Spray TG 148 Threaded Fasteners: Coatings for Protection of Threaded Fasteners Used with Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment TEG 192X Coating Industry Problems Confronting Owners and Contractors TEG 255X Coatings, Thermal-Spray for Corrosion Protection TG 260 Review of NACE Standard TM0304-2004 TEG 311X Threaded Fasteners: Coatings and Methods of Protection for Threaded Fasteners Used with Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment TG 312 Offshore Platforms: Coatings for Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction TG 340 Offshore Coating Condition Assessment for Maintenance Planning TEG 346X Offshore Coatings: Laboratory Testing Criteria TEG 399X Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated and Uninsulated Service TG 415 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0281-2004 TG 422 Coatings for Elevated-Temperature Insulated or Noninsulated Exterior Service TEG 424X Liquid-Applied Thermal Insulative Coating for Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F TEG 428X Hot-Dip Galvanizing for Steel Corrosion Protection TG 477 Test Methods for Determining True Insulation Value of Liquid Insulative Materials Applied on Steel Surfaces from 80 °F to 375 °F STG 03: Coatings and Linings, Protective: Immersion and Buried Service, Page 5 TG 009 TG 030 TG 037 TG 141 TG 246 TG 247 TG 248 TG 249 TG 250 TG 251 TG 263 TG 264 TG 266 TG 281 TG 296 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Linings For Aboveground Storage Tank Floors Coating Conductance Pipelines, Oilfield: Thermoplastic Liners Coatings and Linings over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment Service Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Vessels and Tankages Reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005 Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0402-2002 Coal-Tar Enamel Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0109-2009 Review of NACE Standard TM0104-2004 Offshore Exterior Submerged Coatings: Standard Test Method Coatings and Lining Materials in Immersion Service: Review of NACE Standard TM0174 Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on Pipelines Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems: Review of NACE Standard RP0375 x 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory STG 04: Coatings and Linings, Protective: Surface Preparation, Page 9 TG 006 TG 320 TG 323 TG 350 TG 350A TG 350B TG 350C TG 350D TG 350E TG 417 TG 419 TEG 423X TG 443 TEG 469X TG 518 Blasting: Review of Joint Standards NACE 1-4/SSPC-SP 5, 10, 6, and 7, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE No. 13/SSPC-ACS-1 Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Surface Preparation by Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Proposed NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard, “SSPC-SP 10 (WAB)/NACE WAB-2 Near-White Metal Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning” Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard Review and Revise as Necessary Joint Standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0287-2002 Nonvisible, Nonwater-Soluble Contaminants Affecting Corrosion Protection Field Testing for Soluble Salts: Commonly Used Methods Surface Preparation Issues Soluble Salt Testing Frequency and Locations on Previously Coated Surfaces STG 43: Transportation, Land, Page 41 TG 061 Revision of NACE SP0592 (formerly RP0592), “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service” TG 063 Railcars: Corrosion Protection and Control Program TEG 064X Railcar Surface Preparation TG 067 Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE SP0302-2007 TG 271 Removal Procedures for Nonvisible Contaminants on Railcar Surfaces TEG 291X Land Transportation: Information Exchange on Corrosion and Coating Related Issues TG 332 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0386-2007 TG 333 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0295-2008 TG 339 Railcars: Coating Application on Exterior Surfaces of Steel Railcars TG 366 Railcars: Corrosion Under Tank Car Insulation TG 378 Waterborne Coatings on Railcars TG 379 Surface Preparation by Encapsulated Blast Media for Repair of Existing Coatings on Railcars TG 394 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail Industry TG 406 Review of NACE SP0398-2006 TG 437 Maintenance Overcoating of Railcar Exteriors TG 444 Guidelines for Data Collection and Analysis of Railroad Tank Car Interior Coating/Lining Condition TG 451 Corrosion-Resistant Non-Skid Surfaces for Railcar Exteriors TG 456 Coating Thickness Measurement, Methods, and Recording—Specific to the Railcar Industry Technology Management Group (TMG) Responsibilities TMG C2: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology Technology Management Groups (TMGs) are formed under the TCC to provide a structure and a conduit for communication between the TCC and the various STGs within their respective areas. They provide assistance when necessary to help the STGs achieve their objectives. Technology Coordinator Steve Biagiotti Program Coordinator Laszlo Forgo TMG C2 is responsible for the following STGs, TGs, and TEGs: STG 05 Cathodic/Anodic Protection TEG 016X Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Research Development TG 018 Steel, Structural: Corrosion Control of Pilings in Nonmarine Applications TEG 022X Corrosion Control Coordinating Committee TG 023 High-Voltage Direct Current (DC) Transmission: Effects on Buried or Submerged Metallic Structures TEG 024X DC and Transit Stray Current Problems TG 025 Alternating Current (AC) Power Systems, Adjacent: Corrosion Control and Related Safety Procedures TG 167 Revision of NACE SP0388-2014 TEG 179X Cathodic Protection TEG 197X Cathodic Protection: Pipe-Type Cable TEG 262X Interference Problems TG 284 Review of NACE SP0196-2011 TG 297 Direct Current (DC) Operated Rail Transit and Mine Railroad Stray Current Mitigation—Review 10B189 TG 388 Cathodic Protection Rectifier Safety TG 430 AC Corrosion on Cathodically Protected Pipelines: Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and Monitoring STG 06 Cleaning, Chemical and Mechanical TEG 188X Cleaning: Chemical and Mechanical Cleaning TG 344 Chemical Cleaning Test Methods—Low-Temperature Solutions TG 468 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Above 100 °C (212 °F) STG 10 Nonmetallic Materials of Construction TEG 191X Plastics: Managing Corrosion with Polymer-Based and Composite Materials TEG 239X Nonmetallic Materials of Construction: Basic Education STG 11 Water and Water Treatment Systems TG 147 Water Heaters: Internal Corrosion in Potable Water Systems TEG 149X Biocide Application/Misapplication TG 152 Cooling Water Systems: Monitoring and Control TG 153 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE Standard RP0300-2003 TG 157 Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE Publication 46107 TG 158 Buildings, Piping: Inspection, Cleaning, and Remediation Technology TEG 159X Building Fire Protection Systems: Corrosion and Deposit Control TG 160 Steam Generating Systems: Shut-Down/Lay-Up/Start-Up TEG 163X Boiler Waterside Failure Analysis TG 218 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE Standard TM0199-2006 TG 234 Cooling Water Equipment, Initial Conditioning TG 235 Water Treatment, Physical Processes: Guidelines for Testing TG 244 Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 TG 375 Recovery and Repassivation After Low pH Excursions in Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems TG 381 Fire Protection Systems TEG 389X Cost of Water and Steam System Corrosion in the Chemical Processing and Petroleum Refining Industries TEG 503X Practical Applications of Water Treatment in Industrial and Commercial Systems STG 35 Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings TEG 010X Gas Distribution Industry Corrosion Problems TG 013 Review of NACE Standard RP0193-2001 TG 014 Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control TG 038 Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems: Internal Corrosion Control Associate Technology Coordinator Roy Fultineer Associate Program Coordinator TBD TG 039 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Publication 35100 TG 041 Pipeline Direct Assessment Methodology TEG 080X Well Casings, Corrosion Control: Information Exchange TEG 080X TIE Technical Information Exchange for TEG 080X—Cathodic Protection of Well Casings TEG 208X Pipeline Crossings: Steel-Cased, Thrust-Bored, and HDD TG 210 Cathodic Protection Coupon Technology TG 212 Pipeline Inspection: In-Line Nondestructive—Review of NACE SP0102-2010 TG 223 Pipelines, Steel: Standard for In Situ Internal Cleaning and Coating TG 237 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on External Surfaces of Buried Pipelines: Detection, Testing, and Evaluation— Standard TG 254 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard TM0212 2012 TEG 267X Pipelines: In-Line Inspection TG 273 Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment, External TG 279 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE SP0207-2007 TEG 292X Direct Assessment Methodology Application TG 293 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment TG 305 Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary SP0110-2010 TEG 314X Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum TG 315 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary SP0208-2008 TEG 338X Cathodic Protection Monitoring: Use of Coupons TG 360 Piping Systems: Review of NACE SP0169-2013 (formerly RP0169) TG 362 Electrical Cables for Cathodic Protection Use: State-of-the-Art Report TEG 363X Close-Interval Surveys and CP Surveys TG 369 Techniques for Evaluating the Corrosiveness of Onshore Structures External Environment TG 370 Pipeline Corrosion Management TG 382 Internal Corrosion of Pipelines: Review of NACE Standard TM0172 TEG 397X Issues and Challenges with Hydrotesting Using Water and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines and Equipment TG 410 Guided Wave Technology for Piping Applications TEG 412X Application of the Pipeline Gathering Rule and Its Effect on Corrosion Control Programs TG 426 Multiphase Flow—ICDA TG 440 Hydrotesting and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines, Risers, and Subsea Equipment TG 446 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0186-2007 TG 447 State-of-the-Art Report on Flow and Corrosion Modeling TG 455 Determining Corrosive Properties of Water-Soluble Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipeline Cargoes TEG 462X Corrosion Issues of Biofuels/Conventional Fuels TEG 463X Cathodic Protection Shielding and Root Causes of External Corrosion of Cathodically Protected Pipelines TG 464 Corrosion Direct Assessment of Process Piping Systems TG 480 Review and Revise if Necessary NACE Publication 35201 TG 502 3D Laser and Structured Light TG 517 Corrosion Control of Reinforced Concrete Piles in Nonmarine Applications TG 522 Technical Guidance for Using In-Line Inspection Devices in the Direct Assessment Phase of External Corrosion Direct Assessment 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory xi Technology Management Group (TMG) Responsibilities TMG N1: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries Technology Management Groups (TMGs) are formed under the TCC to provide a structure and a conduit for communication between the TCC and the various STGs within their respective areas. They provide assistance when necessary to help the STGs achieve their objectives. Technology Coordinator Douglas Dopjera Program Coordinator Nihal Obeyesekere TMG N1 is responsible for the following STGs, TGs, and TEGs: Associate Technology Coordinator Richard M. Thompson Associate Program Coordinator TBD STG 30: Oil and Gas Production—Cathodic Protection, Page 19 TEG 166X Cathodic Protection in Seawater—Discussion of Current Topics TG 168 Cathodic Protection Systems, Retrofit, for Offshore Platforms TG 169 Adoption of ISO 15589-2 TG 170 Offshore Steel Platforms—Corrosion Control: Review of NACE SP0176 TG 454 Review or Revise as Necessary SP0387-2006 TG 505 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE SP0492-2006 TG 257 TG 299 TEG 374X TG 396 TG 494 WG 085c STG 31: Oil and Gas Production—Corrosion and Scale Inhibition, Page 19 TEG 059X Oil and Gas Production, CO2 Corrosion: Information Exchange TG 070 Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors: Field Assessment by DC Techniques TG 075 Biocides—Oil and Gas Industry TG 076 Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Report TEG 077X Oil and Gas Production, Internal Erosion and Corrosion: Information Exchange TEG 092X Under-Deposit Corrosion TEG 201X Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Information Exchange TEG 202X Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production: Information Exchange TG 214 Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems—Field Monitoring: Review of NACE Standard TM0194 TG 245 Oil and Gas Production, Internal Erosion and Corrosion: Strategy for Monitoring and/or Detection TEG 253X Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors—Laboratory Evaluations: Information Exchange TEG 282X Oil and Gas Production, Sour Corrosion: Information Exchange TEG 286X Oil and Gas Production: Microbially Influenced Corrosion TG 330 Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors—Report of Laboratory Evaluations TEG 341X Oil and Gas Production, Oil Sands: Information Exchange TG 408 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard TM0173 2005 TEG 413X Black Powder in Gas Pipelines TG 416 Water Quality and Its Effect on Corrosion in Oil Sands Operations TEG 421X Elemental Sulfur Corrosion and Its Mitigation TEG 433X Internal Corrosion Monitoring in Oil and Gas Subsea Structures TG 445 Internal Corrosion Monitoring of Subsea Production and Injection Systems TG 478 Summary of Knowledge and Experience on Internal Corrosion of Pipeline Under Dewing Conditions: Top of the Line (TOL) Corrosion TG 492 Revise as Necessary SP0195-2007 TG 493 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0374-2007 TG 496 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0273-2007 (formerly RP0273) TEG 513X Technology Roadmap—Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production TEG 514X Oil and Gas Exploration Corrosion: Information Exchange STG 32: Oil and Gas Production—Metallurgy, Page 23 TG 082 Cracking, Stepwise: Pipeline Steels—Review of NACE Standard TM0284 TG 085 Sulfide Corrosion Cracking: Metallic Materials Testing Techniques xii 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Computerized Environmental Cracking Database NACE MR0175/ISO 15156: Oversight of Maintenance Panel Oil and Gas Production Materials Information Exchange Collation of Supporting CRA Information that Underpins NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3 Four-Point Bend Test Method Double-Cantilever-Beam (DCB) Test STG 33: Oil and Gas Production—Nonmetallics and Wear Coatings (Metallic), Page 25 TG 086 Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service TG 087 Review of STG 33 Standards and Technical Committee Reports TEG 319X Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service TG 449 Review of NACE Standard TM0384 TG 450 Review of NACE Standard TM0186 TG 482 Reaffirm or Review and Revise as Necessary TM0185-2006 TG 483 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0297-2008 TG 484 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0298-2003 TG 486 Review and Revise as Necessary RP0291-2005 TG 487 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0191-2008 (Formerly RP0191) TG 488 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0183-2006 TEG 500X Elastomers and Composites TEG 501X Accelerated Testing of Nonmetallic Materials TG 506 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP01812006 STG 34: Petroleum Refining and Gas Processing, Page 27 TEG 113X Gas Treating Control Systems Corrosion Minimization TG 173 Reaffirmation of SP0170-2012 TG 176 Sulfidic Corrosion: Prediction Tools TG 177 Refineries, Environmental Cracking: Review of NACE SP0403 (Formerly RP0403) TEG 205X Refining Industry Information Exchange TEG 206X Refining State-of-the-Art Session TEG 207X Refining and Gas Processing Session on New Developments TG 231 Petroleum Refining Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC): Review of NACE Standard MR0103 TG 268 Reveiw and Reaffirm SP0296-2010 TG 274 Reaffirmation of Publication 34105 TG 300 Review and Reaffirm SP0205-2010 TG 301 Reaffirmation of Publication 8X194 TG 326 Weldments, Carbon Steel: Prevention of Environmental Cracking in Refining Environments TG 393 Petroleum Refinery Corrosion Specialist Certification and Oversight of Refining Industry Corrosion Control Course Content TG 489 Potential Effects of Upstream Additives on Refinery Corrosion and Fouling TG 510 Joint API/NACE Advisory Committee—API 751 Safe Operation of HF Alkylation Units—Corrosion and Materials Sections Technology Management Group (TMG) Responsibilities TMG N2: Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries Technology Management Groups (TMGs) are formed under the TCC to provide a structure and a conduit for communication between the TCC and the various STGs within their respective areas. They provide assistance when necessary to help the STGs achieve their objectives. Technology Coordinator Neal S. Murray Program Coordinator Ivan Morales TMG N2 is responsible for the following STGs, TGs, and TEGs: Associate Technology Coordinator Gabriel Ogundele Associate Program Coordinator Conchita Mendez STG 41: Electric Utility Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, Page 39 TEG 090X Radioactive Liquid Waste Interim Storage TEG 182X Geothermal System Corrosion TEG 183X Combustion and Conversion of Fossil and Alternative Fuels TEG 224X Nuclear System Corrosion TEG 368X Electric Utility Transmission and Distribution Corrosion and Grounding: Discussion of Issues TG 386 Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TG 395 Atmospheric (Above-Grade) Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TG 404 Nuclear Buried Piping TG 431 Guide to Evaluation of Steel Pole Strength Loss from Corrosion TG 432 Development of a Joint NACE/IEEE Standard for BelowSTG 37: Process Industry—High Temperature, Page 35 Grade Inspection and Assessment of Corrosion on Steel Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures TEG 123X Materials, Advanced, for High-Temperature Service in the CPI TG 441 Minimum Performance Standard for Above-Grade Corrosion TEG 126X Materials, High-Temperature: Current Issues Control of Original Equipment Transmission, Distribution, and TEG 128X Metal Dusting and Associated Phenomena: Effects on Substation Structures by Coating Systems Materials Performance TG 442 Minimum Performance Standard for Below-Grade Corrosion TEG 270X Reformer Components: Materials Issues Control of Original Equipment Transmission, Distribution, and STG 38: Process Industry—Pulp, Paper, and Biomass Conversion, Substation Structures by Coating Systems Page 35 TEG 465X Nuclear Buried and Underground Piping TEG 232X Pulp and Paper Industry Corrosion Issues TG 467 Materials Selection for Buried Piping in the Nuclear Industry TG 471 Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Technologies to Evaluate STG 39: Process Industries—Materials Applications and Buried Pipe on Nuclear Sites Experiences, Page 37 TEG 473X Power Generation and Delivery Education Roadmap TEG 114X Stainless Steels, Duplex and Ferritic: Application TG 481 Nuclear Power Plant Buried Pipe Coatings Condition TEG 116X Stainless Steels: Austenitic and Nickel Alloys Assessment TEG 120X Metals: Reactive TG 485 Identification of Existing Buried Pipe Coatings in Nuclear Power Plants STG 40: Military and Aerospace Systems and Facilities, Page 37 TG 491 External Cathodic Protection for Nuclear Power Plant Piping TG 511 Corrosion Under Paint (CUP) Test Standards for Equipment Systems Used in the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of CUP on Military TG 499 Corrosion Management Guide for Nuclear Plants Aircraft STG 44: Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures, Page 43 TEG 181X Marine Vessel Corrosion TG 452 Testing of Coating Suitability, Anode Consumption, and Corrosion Evaluation with Use of BWT Systems TG 461 Standard for Hull Roughness Measurements on Ship Hulls in Dry Dock TG 475 Standard for Underwater Evaluation of Degree of Fouling on Ship Hulls TG 476 Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Power Units STG 36: Process Industry—Materials Performance in Chemicals, Page 33 TEG 115X Sulfuric Acid—Material and Experiences TEG 118X Failure Prevention Case Histories TEG 119X Hydrofluoric Acid: Materials for Receiving, Handling, and Storing TEG 121X Supercritical and Other High-Temperature/High-Pressure Liquid Environments: Corrosion of Materials TG 217 Review of NACE SP0294-2006 (Formerly RP0294) TG 325 CUI: Revision of NACE SP0198 (formerly RP0198), “The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials—A Systems Approach” TG 372 Materials for Handling Sulfuric Acid: Revision of NACE Standard RP0391 TEG 398X Hydrochloric Acid and Chlorine: Materials and Experiences TEG 509X Materials Selection and Corrosion Control in the Mineral Processing Industries STG 45: Pollution Control, Waste Incineration, and Process Waste, Page 43 TEG 230X FGD Pollution Control Industries Corrosion Control 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory xiii Technology Management Group (TMG) Responsibilities TMG S: Corrosion Science and Technology Technology Management Groups (TMGs) are formed under the TCC to provide a structure and a conduit for communication between the TCC and the various STGs within their respective areas. They provide assistance when necessary to help the STGs achieve their objectives. Technology Coordinator Mohsen Achour Program Coordinator Milan Bartos TMG S is responsible for the following STGs, TGs, and TEGs: Associate Technology Coordinator Jose Vera Associate Program Coordinator TBD STG 08: Corrosion Management, Page 15 TEG 185X Economics of Corrosion TG 200 Economics of Corrosion: Standard TG 439 Bridge Corrosion Management TEG 453X Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) STG 62: Corrosion Monitoring and Measurement—Science and Engineering Applications, Page 49 TEG 097X Electrochemical Measurements TEG 098X Acoustic Emission Testing and Measurement TEG 100X Sensors: Corrosion and Corrosiveness Sensor Technology TEG 108X Hydrogen Permeation Technology—Online TEG 316X Multielectrode Systems: Corrosion Monitoring and Electrochemical Studies TG 390 Revise NACE Publication 3T199 TEG 391X Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion—Field Experience TEG 434X Advances in Imaging and Surface Analysis Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring TG 436 Testing of Field-Grade Reference Electrodes TG 521 Testing of Nonshielding Property of Pipeline Coatings to Cathodic Protection STG 60: Corrosion Mechanisms, Page 45 TEG 186X Environmentally Assisted Cracking TEG 187X Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion TEG 189X Atmospheric Corrosion TEG 213X Flow Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production TEG 310X Stress-Oriented Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (SOHIC) TEG 331X Biomedical Implant Device Corrosion TEG 407X Mechanisms of Pitting Corrosion TG 458 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC): State of the Art TEG 474X Nanotechnology and Corrosion TG 495 Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys TG 498 Materials Selection and Inspection of Fasteners on Hanging Elements for Use in Indoor Swimming Pool Atmosphere STG 61: Inhibition—Corrosion and Scaling, Page 47 TEG 093X Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) TEG 094X State-of-the-Art Research on Corrosion Inhibitors TEG 095X Inhibitors, High-Temperature TEG 096X Inhibitors: Water Reuse Issues in Systems TEG 145X Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust Preventives for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection: Advances and Novel Applications TEG 184X Inhibitors, Corrosion and Scale/Deposit TG 261 Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust Preventives for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection TG 380 Underdeposit Corrosion—Testing and Mitigation TEG 515X Top-of-Line Corrosion xiv 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Liaison Activities The primary purposes of liaison activities are to prevent duplication of effort between associations, to keep NACE informed of what other organizations are doing, and to keep other technical societies and organizations informed of the technical activities of NACE. Mutual technical programs and preparation of joint reports and standards are encouraged. Liaisons are responsible for reporting annually to each group that they represent on the activities of the other. There are three categories of liaison activity. All liaisons are Category 1 unless noted. Category 1: NACE International representative with voting privileges to another society or organization, or to a committee of another society or organization. This liaison is created by mutual agreement of the executive officers of both societies and approved by the Board of Directors. Category 2: Informal representation without voting privileges, or automatic exchange of information, to another society or organization. The NACE International representative is appointed by a technical committee after having received authorization from the STG chair for establishment of this informal liaison with another society or organization. Internal Liaisons: TCC may establish and maintain liaisons with other standing committees of the Association. Liaisons between two technical committees may be established by mutual agreement between the chairs. These liaisons may have voting privileges if they are members of the committees to which they serve as liaisons. Index of Liaison Acronyms NACE/TCC External Liaisons ACI: American Concrete Institute ACI: STG 01 representative to ACI, Neal Berke AGA: American Gas Association AGA: STG 05 representative to AGA, Lee Reynolds ANSI: American National Standards Institute API: American Petroleum Institute ASME: ASME International (formerly the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) STG 05 representative to AGA Gas Piping Technology Corrosion Task Group, Lee Reynolds ANSI: ASTM: ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials) NACE representative on ANSI Organization Member Forum, Linda Goldberg, Category 1 API: AWWA: American Water Works Association MARTS: Mechanical Association Railcar Technical Services STG 34 representative to API’s Refining Division, Subcommittee on Corrosion and Materials, Cathleen Shargay. Scope: Provide two-way communication to ensure activities are mutually beneficial and avoid duplication. MTI: Materials Technology Institute API: CPA: Corrosion Prevention Association (UK) STG 05 representative to API’s Committee on Cathodic Protection of Tank Bottoms, Mike Hill CTI: Cooling Technology Institute API: EFC: European Federation of Corrosion STG 32 representative to API’s Materials Advisory Group (5CT, 5L), George Waid ICorr: Institute of Corrosion API: STG 32 representative to API’s 6A Suppliers, 17 TR8 HPHT, Joel Russo ICRI: International Concrete Repair Institute ASME: IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers STG 34 representative to Post Construction Code, Antonio Seijas IWC: International Water Conference ASTM: STG 01 representative to ASTM, Neal Berke SPE: Society of Petroleum Engineers STG 34 representative to ASTM, Jerry Shick TAPPI: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry STG 60 representative to ASTM, Jerry Shick AWWA: STG 03 representative to AWWA, Dannie Vickers xvi 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Liaison Activities CPA: STG 01 representative to CPA, John Broomfield CTI: STG 61 representative to CTI, Jasbir Gill EFC: STG 61 representative to EFC Working Party on Inhibitors, Rudy Hausler STG 34 representative to EFC Working Party on Refining Industry Corrosion, Rob Scanlon. Scope: Provide international membership with information on meetings and subject matter being covered in the European refining industry. STG 31 representative to EFC Working Party 1, Sam McFarland STG 31 representative to EFC Working Party 13, Sam McFarland, Category 2 STG 32 representative to EFC Working Party 13, Robert Badrak, Category 2 ICorr: STG 31 representative to ICorr, George Winning STG 60 representative to ICorr, To Be Announced STG 01 representative to ICorr, John Broomfield ICRI: STG 01 representative to ICRI, Dave Whitmore IEEE: STG 05 representative to IEEE, Steve Nikolakakos IWC: STG 61 representative to IWC, Jasbir Gill MARTS: STG 43 representative to MARTS, Jim Molnar MTI: STG 34 representative to MTI, Brian Tkachyk SPE: STG 31 representative to SPE, AJ Gerbino, Category 2 TAPPI: TCC representative to TAPPI Materials and Corrosion Engineering Committee, Bob Charlton. Scope: Provide two-way communication and prevent duplication of effort. Technical Committees 101 ➊ Learn the Basics ➋ Join a Technical Committee ➌ Be involved in the Standard Process Other Liaisons STG 40 representative to Tri-Services Corrosion Group, Norm Clayton 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory xvii The TCC Community Go to the Home Page of the NACE Web site. On the Home Page, click on the “Committees” tab at the top. You will be taken to this page. Scroll down to see a list of all of the Specific Technology Groups (STGs): If you click on any of the STG links, you will be taken to the main page for that STG. For this example, we have chosen STG 01. On the main page of the STG you will see tabs and links to various pages with committee information Note the tabs along the top, such as Committee Information, Agendas and Minutes, Balloting, etc. If you click on any of these tabs, all of the information for this committee is at your fingertips. If you click on the link, “STG 01 is the Administrative STG for the following Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs),” you will be shown all of the committees administered by this STG. From there, you may click on any of those committees to read their information. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory xix Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 01—Reinforced Concrete Officers Scope Chair: Francisco J. Presuel-Moreno, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Paul Noyce, 2013-2015 To disseminate information on effectiveness of various corrosion protection systems for construction and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete infrastructure and methodology for its evaluation. Technology Management Group: C1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology) Technology Coordinator: Brian M. Willis, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Sylvia C. Hall, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jeffrey L. Didas, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Francisco J. Presuel-Moreno, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 01 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 043X Reinforced Concrete: Cathodic Protection Chair: Paul Virmani Vice Chair: James B. Bushman To study and disseminate information concerning cathodic protection of reinforcing steel in concrete. TG 044 Reinforced Concrete: Proposed Revision to NACE SP0290-2007 Chair: Paul Noyce Vice Chair: John P. Broomfield TG 045 Reinforced Concrete: Anode Test Procedures TG 046 TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 043X NONE To review and revise as necessary NACE SP0290-2007, “Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures.” TG 044 05 Chair: John Broomfield Vice Chair: Paul Virmani To identify and develop test methods for anode materials used for cathodic protection systems for steel in concrete. TG 045 05 Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Elements Chair: William H. Hartt Vice Chair: Richard J. Kessler To reaffirm or revise NACE Publication 01102, “State-of-the-Art Report: Criteria for Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Structures.” TG 046 05,41 TG 047 Reinforced Concrete: Sacrificial Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Elements Chair: Douglas Leng Vice Chair: Leandro Etcheverry Write a standard practice on sacrificial cathodic protection of reinforced concrete. TG 047 05 TG 049 Reinforced Concrete: Test Methods for Cathodic Protection Chair: John P. Nicholson Vice Chair: Clem Firlotte To write a technical committee report on evaluation of cathodic protection systems on reinforced concrete structures. TG 049 05, 62 TG 050 Reinforced Concrete: Inhibitors and Admixtures Chair: Neal Berke Vice Chair: Jessica Meyer To write a state-of-the-art report on corrosion inhibitors and admixtures. TG 050 46 TEG 053X Reinforced Concrete: Design, Evaluation, and Remediation Chair: Jack Tinnea Vice Chair: John Broomfield To study and disseminate information concerning proper design of steel-reinforced concrete structures, the evaluation of those structures, and their remediation. TEG 053X NONE TG 054 Reinforced Concrete: Electrochemical Chloride Removal and Realkalization Chair: John P. Broomfield Vice Chair: David W. Whitmore Review or revise as necessary NACE SP0107-2007, “Electrochemical Realkalization and Chloride Extraction for Reinforced Concrete.” TG 054 41 TG 055 Reinforced Concrete: Evaluation of Concrete Structures Chair: Jack Tinnea Vice Chair: John Broomfield To write a standard practice for evaluation of prestressed, cable-stayed, and suspended concrete structures. TG 055 62 TG 057 Reinforced Concrete: Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcement Chair: Alberto Sagues Vice Chair: Kalliopi Aligizaki To prepare a state-of-the-art report on applications and latest developments of various corrosionresistant reinforcing materials, such as stainless steel, galvanized steel, advanced composite materials, and epoxy-coated steel, for use in building and highway infrastructures. TG 057 46 TG 290 Reinforced Concrete: Design Considerations for Corrosion Control Chair: Kalliopi Aligizaki Vice Chair: Jack Tinnea Review of NACE SP0187-2008 (formerly RP0187), “Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel In Concrete.” TG 290 41 TG 356 Reinforced Concrete: Stray-Current-Induced Corrosion Chair: Kalliopi Aligizaki Vice Chair: Richard Kessler Write a standard practice on detection and mitigation of DC and AC stray-current-induced corrosion of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. TG 356 05 TG 438 Reinforced Concrete: Galvanic Anode Test Procedures Chair: John Broomfield Vice Chair: Paul Virmani To identify and develop test methods for galvanic anode systems and materials for cathodic protection of steel in concrete. TG 438 05 TG 460 Testing and Evaluation of Corrosion on Steel-Framed Buildings Chair: Paul Noyce Vice Chair: John P. Broomfield To develop a standard practice for use for steel-framed buildings and provide guidance on the evaluation of corrosion condition in complex masonry structures. TG 460 46 TG 472 Review and Revise TM0294-2007 Vice Chair: Paul Virmani Chair: John P. Broomfield To review and revise TM0294-2012, “Test Procedure for Embeddable Impressed Current Anodes for Atmospherically Exposed Structures.” TG 472 05 TG 504 Inspection Methods for Corrosion Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Structures Vice Chair: John P. Broomfield Chair: Jack Tinnea To write a standard practice for corrosion evaluation of prestressed concrete structures. TG 504 NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 01 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 018 (05 [03]) Steel, Structural: Corrosion Control of Pilings in Nonmarine Applications TG 323 (04 [02, 03]) Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning TEG 022X (05) Corrosion Control Coordinating Committee TG 388 (05 [30, 35]) Cathodic Protection Rectifier Safety TEG 192X (02 [03, 04]) Coating Industry Problems Confronting Owners and Contractors TG 439 (08 [02, 05, 40, 46, 60, 62]) Bridge Corrosion Management TEG 255X (02 [03]) Coatings, Thermal-Spray for Corrosion Protection TG 517 (35 [01, 05, 41]) Corrosion Control of Reinforced Concrete Piles in Nonmarine Applications 1 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 02—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Atmospheric Officers Scope Chair: Larry J. Curry, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Arthur MacKinnon, 2014-2016 Determine uses, application, and performance of coatings for atmospheric service. Atmospheric service denotes industrial and commercial equipment, architectural structures, and bridges. Technology Management Group: C1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology Technology Coordinator: Brian M. Willis, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Sylvia C. Hall, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jeffrey L. Didas, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Francisco Presuel-Moreno, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 02 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG 146 Coatings, Thermal-Spray Chair: Robert B. Davis Vice Chair: Paul Carter TG 148 Threaded Fasteners: Coatings for Protection of Threaded Fasteners Used with Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment TEG 192X TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS Review and revise joint standard NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS 23.00, “Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metalizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel.” TG 146 39 Chair: Stephen Cabral Vice Chair: Chris Dohl Revise NACE Publication 02107, “Coatings for Protection of Threaded Fasteners Used with Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment.” TG 148 NONE Coating Industry Problems Confronting Owners and Contractors Chair: Cris K. Conner Vice Chair: Keith Chustz To provide a format for handling problems and issues that affect the owner and contractor utilizing coatings. Problems and issues may include hazardous waste, volatile organic compounds, applicator training, federal and state regulations, and others that may develop. TEG 192X 01, 03, 04 TEG 255X Coatings, Thermal-Spray for Corrosion Protection Chair: Kyle Rabon Vice Chair: Greg Groff Exchange of information regarding thermal-spray coatings (TSCs) used for corrosion protection. TEG 255X 01, 03 TG 260 Review of NACE Standard TM0304-2004 Chair: Benjamin T. Chang Vice Chair: Antony V. Semerad Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0304. TG 260 33 TEG 311X Threaded Fasteners: Coatings and Methods of Protection for Threaded Fasteners Used with Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment Chair: Stephen Cabral Vice Chair: Chris Dohl Share information concerning, and discuss effective methods for, corrosion control of fasteners used with structural, piping, and equipment connections. TEG 311X NONE TG 312 Offshore Platforms: Coatings for Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction Chair: Benjamin T. Chang Vice Chair: Antony V. Semerad Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0404. TG 312 NONE TG 340 Offshore Coating Condition Assessment for Maintenance Planning Chair: Donald T. Greenfield Vice Chair: Ray G. Posgay Develop a standard practice addressing a standard method and grading system to assess the inservice condition of offshore coatings. Provide direction regarding the use of assessment data in managing maintenance painting programs. The documented process will serve as an aid in the planning, budget, and execution of offshore maintenance programs. TG 340 NONE TEG 346X Offshore Coatings: Laboratory Testing Criteria Chair: Steve Liebhart Vice Chair: Nicole Mackey Review and critique laboratory testing methods designed to predict performance in an offshore environment. Assess test variables and gather data needed to improve industry standard techniques. TEG 346X 03, 44 TEG 399X Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated and Uninsulated Service Chair: Michael MeLampy Vice Chair: Keith Rachel Exchange information, create task group for state-of-the-art report, followed by formation of a task group to write a standard practice, and sponsor symposium. TEG 399X 03, 04, 35 TG 415 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0281-2004 Chair: Valerie Sherbondy Vice Chair: Larry J. Curry Review and revise if necessary NACE Standard RP0281-2004, “Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures.” TG 415 04 TG 422 Coatings for Elevated-Temperature Insulated or Noninsulated Exterior Service Chair: Michael MeLampy Vice Chair: Larry J. Curry To write a state-of-the-art report. TG 422 03, 04, 35 TEG 424X Liquid-Applied Thermal Insulative Coating for Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F Chair: Art MacKinnon Vice Chair: Ricardo Cabrera To discuss issues of spray-applied insulative coatings for elevated-temperature exterior surfaces. TEG 424X 03, 04, 35, 43 TEG 428X Hot-Dip Galvanizing for Steel Corrosion Protection Chair: Thomas J. Langill Vice Chair: Bernardo Duran To discuss and furnish technical information on the process of hot-dip galvanizing and its use as a corrosion protection system for steel fabrications as well as the interaction of hot-dip galvanized coatings with other corrosion protection systems. TEG 428X 03, 04 TG 477 Test Methods for Determining True Insulation Value of Liquid Insulative Materials Applied on Steel Surfaces from 80 °F to 375 °F Chair: Raj Saxena Vice Chair: Keith Rachel To write a standard to determine thermal conductivity of liquid applied insulative materials. TG 477 NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 02 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 006 (04 [02, 03, 43]) Blasting: Review of Joint Standards NACE 1-4/SSPC SP 5, 10, 6, and 7, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 TEG 189X (60 [02, 40, 62]) Atmospheric Corrosion TG 014 (35 [02, 03, 05, 39]) Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control TG 246 (03 [02, 04, 34, 43]) Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Vessels and Tankages TG 063 (43 [02, 03]) Railcars: Corrosion Protection and Control Program TG 261 (61 [02]) Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust Preventives for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection TG 067 (43 [02]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE SP0302-2007 TEG 314X (35 [02, 03, 04, 05]) Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum TEG 145X (61 [02]) Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust Preventives for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection: Advances and Novel Applications TG 323 (04 [01, 02, 03]) Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning TEG 181X (44 [02]) Marine Vessel Corrosion TG 332 (43 [02, 03]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0386-2007 Continued on p. 5 3 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 4 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 02—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Atmospheric (continued) Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 02 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 336 (03 [02]) External Pipeline Coatings: Practices, Test Methods, and/or Test Methodologies for High-Operating-Temperature Pipelines, Immersion and Buried Service Only TG 439 (08 [01, 02, 05, 40, 46, 60, 62]) Bridge Corrosion Management TG 337 (03 [02]) External Pipeline Coatings: Field Installation and Inspection Criteria for Maximum Performance TG 441 (41 [02]) Minimum Performance Standard for Above-Grade Corrosion Control of Original Equipment Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TG 353 (03 [02]) External Pipeline Coatings: Multi-Layer Polyolefin Coating Systems TG 444 (43 [02, 03]) Guidelines for Data Collection and Analysis of Railroad Tank Car Interior Coating/Lining Condition TEG 354X (03 [02, 35]) Pipeline Coatings: Underground Blistering TG 451 (43 [02]) Corrosion-Resistant Non-Skid Surfaces for Railcar Exteriors TG 370 (35 [02, 03, 05]) Pipeline Corrosion Management TG 456 (43 [02, 03, 04]) Coating Thickness Measurement, Methods, and Recording—Specific to the Railcar Industry TG 378 (43 [02]) Waterborne Coatings on Railcars TEG 469X (04 [02, 03]) Surface Preparation Issues TG 406 (43 [02, 03, 04]) Review of NACE SP0398-2006 TG 476 (44 [02, 05, 08])Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Power Units TG 417 (04 [02, 03]) Review and Revise as Necessary Joint Standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 TG 479 (03 [02, 04, 35])NACE Adoption of ISO 21809-3 TG 419 (04 [02, 03]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0287-2002 TG 498 (60 [02, 39])Materials Selection and Inspection of Fasteners on Hanging Elements for Use in Indoor Swimming Pool Atmosphere TEG 423X (04 [02, 03]) Nonvisible, Nonwater-Soluble Contaminants Affecting Corrosion Protection TG 507 (03 [02]) Review and Revise as Necessary SP0188-2006 TG 425 (03 [02, 04, 34, 36]) State of the Art in CUI Coating Systems TG 508 (03 [02]) Review and Revise as Necessary SP0490-2007 TG 437 (43 [02, 04]) Maintenance Overcoating of Railcar Exteriors TG 516 (03 [02, 04, 43]) Standard Practice for Evaluating Protective Coatings for Use Under Insulation STG 03—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Immersion and Buried Service Officers Scope Chair: Dannie L. Vickers, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Ray G. Posgay, 2013-2015 Determine effectiveness, performance criteria, and quality needs of immersion coatings and lining materials used in immersion service. Technology Management Group: C1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology) Technology Coordinator: Brian M. Willis, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Sylvia C. Hall, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jeffrey L. Didas, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Francisco Presuel-Moreno, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 03 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG 009 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Linings For Aboveground Storage Tank Floors TG 030 Coating Conductance TG 031 Review of NACE SP0394-2013 TG 034 Pipeline Coatings, External: Gouge Test TG 037 Pipelines, Oilfield: Thermoplastic Liners TG 141 Coatings and Linings over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment Service TG 246 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Vessels and Tankages TG 247 Reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005 TG 248 Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines TG 249 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0402-2002 TG 250 Coal-Tar Enamel Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines Chair: Keith Chustz Vice Chair: Mark S. Schilling Chair: Joseph L. Pikas Vice Chair: Robert A. Gummow Chair: Kuruvila Varughese Vice Chair: Matt Dabiri Chair: Qingshan Feng Vice Chair: Paul E. Partridge Chair: James F. Mason Vice Chair: Daniel B. Lebsack Chair: Vaughn O’Dea Vice Chair: Randy Nixon Chair: Keith Chustz Vice Chair: Mark S. Schilling Chair: Jeffrey Stewart Vice Chair: Chair: Dan Libby Vice Chair: Chair: Kuruvila Varughese Vice Chair: Russell Hess Chair: Chris O. Smith Vice Chair: Dennis M. Savage Chair: Sam Thomas Vice Chair: Dan Libby Chair: Benjamin T. Chang Vice Chair: Antony V. Semerad Chair: Benjamin T. Chang Vice Chair: Antony V. Semerad TG 251 Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0109-2009 TG 263 Review of NACE Standard TM0104-2004 TG 264 Offshore Exterior Submerged Coatings: Standard Test Method TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS To develop a standard practice for installing fiberglass-reinforced plastic linings within aboveground storage tanks. To update and revise NACE Technical Committee Report 1D157, “Methods for Measuring Leakage Conductance of Coating on Buried or Submerged Pipelines,” into a NACE standard test method. Assignment: To review and revise NACE SP0394-2013, “Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating.” TG 009 NONE TG 030 05, 35, 62 TG 031 05, 35 To write a test method and criteria for evaluation of gouge resistance of a particular coating. TG 034 35 To review and revise NACE Standard RP0304-2004 as necessary. TG 037 10, 33, 35 To update NACE SP0892-2007 to incorporate current technologies and practices to successfully protect concrete. Develop application technology for applying thin-film linings to prevent corrosion, hydrogeninduced cracking, or other corrosion deterioration by internal corrosion mechanisms. To reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005, “External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines.” To review and revise as needed NACE Standard RP0303-2003, “Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control.” Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0402-2002, “Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, and Quality Control.” Review and revise/reaffirm as necessary NACE Standard RP0602-2002, “Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control.” To review and revise or reaffirm SP0109-2009, “Field Application of Bonded Tape Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Metal Pipelines.” TG 141 NONE TG 246 02, 04, 34, 43 TG 247 04, 35 TG 248 04, 35 TG 249 04, 35 TG 250 04, 35 TG 251 04, 35 Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0104-2004. TG 263 33 Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0204-2004. TG 264 33 Continued on p. 7 5 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 6 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 03—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Immersion and Buried Service (continued) TG 266 Coatings and Lining Materials in Immersion Service: Review of NACE Standard TM0174 Chair: Amal Al-Borno Vice Chair: Michael J. Winter Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard TM0174-2011, “Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials in Immersion Service.” TG 266 62 TG 281 Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on Pipelines Chair: Shiwei W. Guan Vice Chair: Mitch Gerard Connor To develop a standard practice for a minimal specification for the field application, repair, and testing for a polyurethane coating to be used on the exterior of buried pipelines. TG 281 04, 35 TG 296 Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems: Review of NACE Standard RP0375 Chair: Frank Rampton Vice Chair: Andrew G. Hevle Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0375, “Wax Coating Systems for Underground Piping Systems.” TG 296 04, 35 TG 298 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0399-2004 Chair: Chris O. Smith Vice Chair: Dennis M. Savage To review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0399-2004, “Plant-Applied External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control.” TG 298 04, 35 TG 336 External Pipeline Coatings: Practices, Test Methods, and/or Test Methodologies for HighOperating-Temperature Pipelines, Immersion and Buried Service Only Chair: Bob Buchanan Vice Chair: Kuruvila Varughese Develop a technical committee report that outlines state-of-the-art practices as described in the title. TG 336 02 TG 337 External Pipeline Coatings: Field Installation and Inspection Criteria for Maximum Performance Chair: Bob Buchanan Vice Chair: Kuruvila Varughese Develop a standard practice that identifies common aspects of field installation pertaining to quality installation and long-term performance. TG 337 02 TEG 351X Coatings Under Insulation Material Testing Procedure Recommendations: Discussion Chair: Ray G. Posgay Vice Chair: Howard Mitschke Discussion of the development of a recommended test procedure for qualification of coatings used under insulation service. TEG 351X 04 TG 352 Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Directional Drill Applications Chair: Daniel P. Wagner Vice Chair: Aida Lopez-Garrity To develop a standard practice for minimum specifications for external coatings for use in directional drill service. TG 352 04, 35 TG 353 External Pipeline Coatings: Multi-Layer Polyolefin Coating Systems Chair: Shiwei W. Guan Vice Chair: Bob Buchanan Develop a standard to describe requirements for multi-layer polyolefin coating systems for pipelines. TG 353 02 TEG 354X Pipeline Coatings: Underground Blistering Chair: Matt Dabiri Vice Chair: Alan Kehr Discuss blistering of underground pipeline coatings, causes of blistering, and prevention methods. TEG 354X 02, 35 TG 425 State of the Art in CUI Coating Systems Chair: Peter Bock Vice Chair: Dale Rasche Describe available systems, performance, and industry-accepted test criteria for coatings under insulation. TG 425 02, 04, 34, 36 TEG 435X Effects of Bioethanols on Fused Silica Containment Vessels in Immersion and Phase Change Exposures Chair: Scott Rice Vice Chair: Lou Frank To hold technical information exchanges (TIEs) on the effects of bioethanols, aromatic ethanols, and sulfurous emissions on fused silica containment vessels. TEG 435X NONE TG 470 Cathodic Disbondment Test for Coated Steel Structures Under Cathodic Protection Chair: Benjamin T. Chang Vice Chair: Dennis T. Wong To develop a standard test method to conduct the cathodic disbondment test. TG 470 NONE TG 479 NACE Adoption of ISO 21809-3 Chair: Bob Buchanan Vice Chair: Tom J. Weber Review ISO 21809 with the goal to adopt or adopt with changes (amendments) to the document and create a NACE/ISO, possibly modified, published document. TG 479 02, 04, 35 TG 490 Review and Revision of API 5L2, “Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas Transmission Service” Chair: David Lu Vice Chair: Mark W. Mateer To review and modify (if and where necessary) API 5L2, “Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas Transmission Service,” with input from NACE user community. This standard will have a dual NACE/API number. TG 490 35 TG 507 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0188-2006 Chair: Ming Fang Vice Chair: Paul Carter To review and revise as necessary SP0188-2006, “Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates.” TG 507 02 TG 508 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0490-2007 Chair: Ming Fang Vice Chair: Paul Carter To review and revise as necessary SP0490-2007, “Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mil).” TG 508 02 TG 516 Standard Practice for Evaluating Protective Coatings for Use Under Insulation Chair: Keith Rachel Vice Chair: Ricardo Cabrera To write a standard practice for testing coatings for corrosion under insulation (CUI) prevention. TG 516 02, 04, 43 TG 520 Pipeline Coating Peel Strength Test Chair: Shaoguang Feng Vice Chair: Dennis T. Wong To develop a simple and reliable peel test standard for the three-layer polyethylene, three-layer polypropelene, heat-shrink sleeve, and tape coatings in the field and laboratory. TG 520 NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 03 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 006 (04 [02, 03, 43]) TEG 255X (02 [01, 03]) Coatings, Thermal-Spray for Corrosion Protection TG 014 (35 [02, 03, 05, 39]) Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control TG 297 (05 [03, 35]) Direct Current (DC) Operated Rail Transit and Mine Railroad Stray Current Mitigation—Review 10B189 TG 018 (05 [01, 03]) Steel, Structural: Corrosion Control of Pilings in Nonmarine Applications TEG 314X (35 [02, 03, 04, 05]) Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum TG 023 (05 [03, 35]) High-Voltage Direct Current (DC) Transmission: Effects on Buried or Submerged Metallic Structures TG 323 (04 [01, 02, 03]) Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning TEG 024X (05 [03]) DC Traction Stray Current Problems TG 325 (36 [03, 04])CUI: Revision of NACE SP0198 (formerly RP0198), “The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials—A Systems Approach” TG 025 (05 [03, 35]) Alternating Current (AC) Power Systems, Adjacent: Corrosion Control and Related Safety Procedures TG 332 (43 [02, 03]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0386-2007 TG 061 (43 [03, 36] Revision of NACE SP0592 (formerly RP0592), “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service” Assignment: To update and revise NACE SP0592-2006 (formerly RP0592), “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service.” TG 333 (43 [03]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0295-2008 TG 063 (43 [02, 03]) Railcars: Corrosion Protection and Control Program TEG 346X (02 [03, 44]) Offshore Coatings: Laboratory Testing Criteria TG 087 (33 [03]) Review of STG 33 Standards and Technical Committee Reports TG 370 (35 [02, 03, 05]) Pipeline Corrosion Management TEG 192X (02 [01, 03, 04]) Coating Industry Problems Confronting Owners and Contractors TG 386 (41 [03, 04]) Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TG 223 (35 [03]) TEG 399X (02 [03, 04, 35]) Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated and Uninsulated Service Blasting: Review of Joint Standards NACE 1-4/SSPC SP 5, 10, 6, and 7, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 Pipelines, Steel: Standard for In Situ Internal Cleaning and Coating Continued on p. 9 7 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 8 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 03—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Immersion and Buried Service (continued) Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 03 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 406 (43 [02, 03, 04]) Review of NACE SP0398-2006 TG 456 (43 [02, 03, 04]) Coating Thickness Measurement, Methods, and Recording—Specific to the Railcar Industry TEG 412X (35 [03, 05]) Application of the Pipeline Gathering Rule and Its Effect on Corrosion Control Programs TG 461 (44 [03, 04]) Standard for Hull Roughness Measurements on Ship Hulls in Dry Dock TG 417 (04 [02, 03]) Review and Revise as Necessary Joint Standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 TEG 463X (35 [03, 05]) Cathodic Protection Shielding and Root Causes of External Corrosion of Cathodically Protected Pipelines TG 419 (04 [02, 03]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0287-2002 TG 465X (41 [03, 05, 35]) Nuclear Buried and Underground Piping TG 422 (02 [03, 04, 35]) Coatings for Elevated-Temperature Insulated or Noninsulated Exterior Service TG 467 (41 [03, 05, 35]) Materials Selection for Buried Piping in the Nuclear Industry TEG 423X (04 [02, 03]) Nonvisible, Nonwater-Soluble Contaminants Affecting Corrosion Protection TEG 469X (04 [02, 03]) Surface Preparation Issues TEG 424X (02 [03, 04, 35, 43]) Liquid-Applied Thermal Insulative Coating for Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F TG 471 (41 [03, 05, 35]) Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Technologies to Evaluate Buried Pipe on Nuclear Sites TEG 428X (02 [03, 04]) Hot-Dip Galvanizing for Steel Corrosion Protection TG 481 (41 [03]) Nuclear Power Plant Buried Pipe Coatings Condition Assessment TG 442 (41 [03]) Minimum Performance Standard for Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Original Equipment Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TG 485 (41 [03]) Identification of Existing Buried Pipe Coatings in Nuclear Power Plants TG 444 (43 [02, 03]) Guidelines for Data Collection and Analysis of Railroad Tank Car Interior Coating/Lining Condition TG 506 (33 [03]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0181-2006 TG 452 (44 [03, 05]) Testing of Coating Suitability, Anode Consumption, and Corrosion Evaluation with Use of BWT Systems TG 521 (62 [03, 05, 30, 35]) Testing of Nonshielding Property of Pipeline Coatings to Cathodic Protection STG 04—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Surface Preparation Officers Scope Chair: Kimberly-Joy Harris, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Gerald G. Holton, 2014-2016 Determine effectiveness, performance criteria, and quality needs of various methods of surface preparation for the application of coatings and linings. Technology Management Group: C1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology Technology Coordinator: Brian M. Willis, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Sylvia C. Hall, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jeffrey L. Didas, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Francisco J. Presuel-Moreno, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 04 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG 006 Blasting: Review of Joint Standards NACE 1-4/SSPC SP 5, 10, 6, and 7, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 Chair: Kenneth A. Trimber Vice Chair: Gerald G. Holton TG 320 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE No. 13/SSPC-ACS-1 Chair: Gil Rogers Vice Chair: Jeffrey J. Theo To review, revise, or reaffirm as necessary joint blasting standards NACE No. 1-4/SSPC-SP 5, 10, 6, 7: White Metal Blast Cleaning, Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning, Commercial Blast Cleaning, and BrushOff Blast Cleaning, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14, Industrial Blast Cleaning. To review and revise as necessary NACE No. 13/SSPC-ACS-1, “Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist Qualification and Certification.” TG 323 Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess TG 350 Surface Preparation by Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning TG 350A Proposed NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard, “SSPC-SP 10 (WAB)/NACE WAB-2 Near-White Metal Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning” TG 350B Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard TG 350C Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard TG 350D Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard TG 350E Proposed Joint NACE Standard Practice/SSPC Surface Preparation Standard Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel Vice Chair: Richard A. Burgess TG 417 Review and Revise as Necessary Joint Standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 Chair: William S. Jenkins Vice Chair: Vaughn O’Dea TG 419 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0287-2002 Chair: Steve Poncio Vice Chair: Jon R. Cavallo TEG 423X Nonvisible, Nonwater-Soluble Contaminants Affecting Corrosion Protection TG 443 Field Testing for Soluble Salts: Commonly Used Methods TEG 469X Surface Preparation Issues Chair: Loren L. Hatle Vice Chair: Michael MeLampy Chair: Earl C. Dangleben Vice Chair: Chao Wei Chair: Richard A. Burgess Vice Chair: James R. Johnson TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TG 006 02, 03, 43 TG 320 NONE To review and update joint technical committee report NACE 6G198/SSPC-TR 2, “Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning.” TG 323 01, 02, 03 Develop a standard for wet abrasive blast cleaning of steel surfaces that will complement the existing SSPC/NACE joint standards for dry abrasive blast cleaning. To create parallel standards to correspond with the joint NACE/SSPC Dry Abrasive Blast standards and the joint NACE/SSPC Waterjetting standards. To create parallel standards to correspond with the joint NACE/SSPC Dry Abrasive Blast standards and the joint NACE/SSPC Waterjetting standards. To create parallel standards to correspond with the joint NACE/SSPC Dry Abrasive Blast standards and the joint NACE/SSPC Waterjetting standards. To create parallel standards to correspond with the joint NACE/SSPC Dry Abrasive Blast standards and the joint NACE/SSPC Waterjetting standards. To create parallel standards to correspond with the joint NACE/SSPC Dry Abrasive Blast standards and the joint NACE/SSPC Waterjetting standards. Review and revise as necessary joint standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13, “Surface Preparation of Concrete,” to reflect current industry practice and to reflect proper reference to other industry publications. Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0287-2002, “Field Measurements of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape,” and to include other methods of profile measurement now being widely utilized throughout the industry. Discuss the effects of coating performance when applied over nonvisible, nonwater-soluble contaminants and their effects on cathodic protection performance. TG 350 NONE TG 350A NONE TG 350B NONE TG 350C NONE TG 350D NONE TG 350E NONE TG 417 02, 03 TG 419 02, 03 TEG 423X 02, 03 TG 443 NONE TEG 469X 02, 03 Develop a technical committee report detailing commonly used soluble salts field test methods. To provide a forum to discuss various issues affecting surface preparation. Continued on p. 11 9 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 10 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 04—Coatings and Linings, Protective—Surface Preparation (continued) Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 04 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TEG 064X (43 [04]) Railcar Surface Preparation TEG 192X (02 [01, 03, 04]) Coating Industry Problems Confronting Owners and Contractors TG 246 (03 [02, 04, 34, 43]) Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Vessels and Tankages TG 247 (03 [04, 35]) Reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005 TG 248 (03 [04, 35]) Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines TG 249 (03 [04, 35]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0402-2002 TG 250 (03 [04, 35]) Coal-Tar Enamel Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines TG 251 (03 [04, 35]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0109-2009 TG 271 (43 [04]) Removal Procedures for Nonvisible Contaminants on Railcar Surfaces TG 281 (03 [04, 35]) Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on Pipelines TG 296 (03 [04, 35]) Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems: Review of NACE Standard RP0375 TG 298 (03 [04, 35]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0399-2004 TEG 314X (35 [02, 03, 04, 05]) Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum TG 325 (36 [03, 04]) CUI: Revision of NACE SP0198 (formerly RP0198), “The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials— A Systems Approach” TEG 351X (03 [04]) Coatings Under Insulation Material Testing Procedure Recommendations: Discussion TG 352 (03 [04, 35]) Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Directional Drill Applications additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 366 (43 [04, 36]) Railcars: Corrosion Under Tank Car Insulation TG 386 (41 [03, 04]) Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TG 394 (43 [04]) Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail Industry TG 395 (41 [03, 04]) Atmospheric (Above-Grade) Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems TEG 399X (02 [03, 04, 35]) Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated and Uninsulated Service TG 406 (43 [02, 03, 04]) Review of NACE SP0398-2006 TG 415 (02 [04]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0281-2004 TG 422 (02 [03, 04, 35]) Coatings for Elevated-Temperature Insulated or Noninsulated Exterior Service TEG 424X (02 [03, 04, 35, 43]) Liquid-Applied Thermal Insulative Coating for Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F TG 425 (03 [02, 04, 34, 36]) TEG 428X (02 [03, 04]) TG 437 (43 [02, 04]) TG 456 (43 [02, 03, 04]) TG 461 (44 [03, 04]) State of the Art in CUI Coating Systems Hot-Dip Galvanizing for Steel Corrosion Protection Maintenance Overcoating of Railcar Exteriors Coating Thickness Measurement, Methods, and Recording—Specific to the Railcar Industry Standard for Hull Roughness Measurements on Ship Hulls in Dry Dock TG 479 (03 [02, 04, 35]) TG 516 (03 [02, 04, 43]) NACE Adoption of ISO 21809-3 Standard Practice for Evaluating Protective Coatings for Use Under Insulation STG 05—Cathodic/Anodic Protection Officers Scope Chair: Aida Lopez-Garrity, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Chris J. Aldrich, 2013-2015 Develop reports and standards and disseminate technology relative to cathodic and anodic protection. Technology Management Group: C2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology) Technology Coordinator: Steve F. Biagiotti, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Laszlo Forgo, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Roy Fultineer, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 05 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 016X Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Research Development Chair: Mark Piazza Vice Chair: Keith G. Leewis To investigate areas for research in cathodic protection and underground corrosion control. TG 018 Steel, Structural: Corrosion Control of Pilings in Nonmarine Applications Chair: Ernest W. Klechka Vice Chair: J. Darby Howard To prepare a standard practice on corrosion control of structural steel piling in nonmarine applications. TEG 022X Corrosion Control Coordinating Committee Chair: Charles F. Lawrence Vice Chair: Youssef A. Tabib To develop close coordination of NACE technical committees with the Underground Corrosion Control Coordinating Committees in the United States and elsewhere; to prepare a map or list designated areas in which committees are active and giving a contact person; to encourage the formation of coordinating committees in needed areas. TG 023 High-Voltage Direct Current (DC) Transmission: Effects on Buried or Submerged Metallic Structures Chair: John P. Nicholson Vice Chair: Robert A. Gummow To prepare a state-of-the-art report on the interference effects of HVDC transmission. TEG 024X DC Traction Stray Current Problems Chair: Laszlo Forgo Vice Chair: Edwin Wetzel Exchange information on DC traction systems, planned or operating. TG 025 Alternating Current (AC) Power Systems, Adjacent: Corrosion Control and Related Safety Procedures Chair: Robert F. Allen Vice Chair: Douglas E. Gilroy TG 167 Review of NACE SP0388-2007 TEG 179X TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 016X 30, 31, 32, 35 TG 018 01, 03 TEG 022X 01 TG 023 03, 35 TEG 024X 03 To review and update NACE SP0177-2014 (formerly RP0177), “Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control Systems.” This standard practice deals with corrosion control and related safety procedures recommended. TG 025 03, 35 Chair: David H. Kroon Vice Chair: Charles F. Lawrence To review and update NACE SP0388-2014, “Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks,” as necessary. TG 167 NONE Cathodic Protection Chair: Norman J. Moriber Vice Chair: Deepak Mankar To provide the cathodic protection technology necessary for engineering solutions to underground corrosion problems. TEG 179X NONE TEG 197X Cathodic Protection: Pipe-Type Cable Chair: Youssef A. Tabib Vice Chair: Thomas B. Williams To investigate the various methods of protecting pipe-type cables against corrosion and issue recommendations for the protective systems. TEG 197X NONE TEG 262X Interference Problems Chair: Len J. Krissa Vice Chair: David J. Brown Discussions and informal presentations about interference problems, pipeline, railroads, light rail, pipe, and other structural interference. TEG 262X 35 Continued on p. 13 11 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 12 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 05—Cathodic/Anodic Protection (continued) TG 284 Review of NACE SP0196-2011 Chair: David H. Kroon Vice Chair: Charles F. Lawrence To review and update NACE SP0196-2011 (formerly RP0196), “Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks,” as required. TG 284 11, 35 TG 297 Direct Current (DC) Operated Rail Transit and Mine Railroad Stray Current Mitigation—Review 10B189 Chair: Edwin Wetzel Vice Chair: Ronald L. Bianchetti Update Technical Committee Report 10B189 to include the latest technologies for both utility stray current monitoring, design, mitigation, and evaluation and transit system negative bus-to-earth isolation and techniques for stray current mitigation. TG 297 03, 35 TG 388 Cathodic Protection Rectifier Safety Chair: Philip Irwin Vice Chair: Ernest W. Klechka To develop a standard for rectifier safety. TG 388 01, 30, 35 TG 430 AC Corrosion on Cathodically Protected Pipelines: Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and Monitoring Chair: Lars V. Nielsen Vice Chair: Mark Yunovich To prepare a standard document on how to assess, mitigate, and monitor corrosion caused by alternating current on buried cathodically protected pipelines. TG 430 35 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 05 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 010X (35 [05]) Gas Distribution Industry Corrosion Problems TG 369 (35 [05]) Techniques for Evaluating the Corrosiveness of Onshore Structures External Environment TG 013 (35 [05]) Review of NACE Standard RP0193-2001 TG 370 (35 [02, 03, 05]) Pipeline Corrosion Management TG 014 (35 [02, 03, 05, 39]) Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control TG 410 (35 [05]) Guided Wave Technology for Piping Applications TG 030 (03 [05, 35, 62]) Coating Conductance TEG 412X (35 [03, 05]) Application of the Pipeline Gathering Rule and Its Effect on Corrosion Control Programs TG 031 (03 [05, 35]) Pipeline Coating, Plant-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy: Review of NACE SP0394 TG 436 (62 [05, 30, 35]) Testing of Field-Grade Reference Electrodes TG 044 (01 [05]) Reinforced Concrete: Proposed Revision to NACE SP0290-2007 TG 438 (01 [05]) Reinforced Concrete: Galvanic Anode Test Procedures TG 045 (01 [05]) Reinforced Concrete: Anode Test Procedures TG 439 (08 [01, 02, 05, 40, 46, 60, 62]) Bridge Corrosion Management TG 046 (01 [05, 41]) Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Elements TG 446 (35 [05]) Review and Revise as Necessary SP0186-2007 TG 047 (01 [05]) Reinforced Concrete: Sacrificial Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Elements TG 452 (44 [03, 05]) Testing of Coating Suitability, Anode Consumption, and Corrosion Evaluation with Use of BWT Systems TG 049 (01 [05, 62]) Reinforced Concrete: Test Methods for Cathodic Protection TEG 463X (35 [03, 05]) Cathodic Protection Shielding and Root Causes of External Corrosion of Cathodically Protected Pipelines TG 169 (30 [05, 35]) National Adoption of ISO 15589-2:2012 TEG 465X (41 [03, 05, 35]) Nuclear Buried and Underground Piping TG 170 (30 [05]) Offshore Steel Platforms—Corrosion Control: Review of NACE SP0176 TG 467 (41 [03, 05, 35]) Materials Selection for Buried Piping in the Nuclear Industry TEG 208X (35 [05]) Pipeline Crossings: Steel-Cased, Thrust-Bored, and HDD TG 471 (41 [03, 05, 35]) Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Technologies to Evaluate Buried Pipe on Nuclear Sites TG 210 (35 [05]) Cathodic Protection Coupon Technology TG 472 (01 [05]) Review and Revise TM0294-2007 TG 279 (35 [05]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE SP0207-2007 TG 476 (44 [02, 05, 08]) Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Power Units TEG 292X (35 [05]) Direct Assessment Methodology Application TG 480 (35 [05]) Review and Revise if Necessary NACE Publication 35201 TG 293 (35 [05]) Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment TG 491 (41 [05, 35]) External Cathodic Protection for Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems TEG 314X (35 [02, 03, 04, 05]) Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum TG 502 (35 [05]) 3D Laser and Structured Light TEG 338X (35 [05]) Cathodic Protection Monitoring: Use of Coupons TG 505 (30 [05]) Review and Revise as Necessary NACE SP0492-2006 TG 356 (01 [05]) Reinforced Concrete: Stray-Current-Induced Corrosion TG 517 (35 [01, 05, 41]) Corrosion Control of Reinforced Concrete Piles in Nonmarine Applications TG 360 (35 [05, 30]) Piping Systems: Review of NACE SP0169-2013 (formerly RP0169) TG 521 (62 [03, 05, 30, 35] Testing of Nonshielding Property of Pipeline Coatings to Cathodic Protection TG 362 (35 [05]) Electrical Cables for Cathodic Protection Use: State-of-the-Art Report STG 06—Cleaning, Chemical and Mechanical Officers Scope Chair: Tom McCartney, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Develop reports and standards and disseminate technology relative to the use of chemical and mechanical cleaning of plant equipment. Technology Management Group: C2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology) Technology Coordinator: Steve Biagiotti Jr., 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Laszlo Forgo, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Roy Fultineer, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 06 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 188X Cleaning: Chemical and Mechanical Cleaning Chair: Sarah Evans Vice Chair: Jack Horvath Disseminate technology relative to the use of chemical and mechanical cleaning of plant equipment. TG 344 Chemical Cleaning Test Methods—Low-Temperature Solutions Vice Chair: Sarah Evans TG 468 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Above 100 °C (212 °F) Chair: Jack W. Horvath Vice Chair: Sarah Evans 13 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 188X NONE To review and revise as necessary NACE Standard TM0193-2000, Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 °C (200 °F). TG 344 62 To develop a standard for laboratory corrosion testing of metals in static chemical cleaning solutions at temperatures Above 100 °C (212 °F). TG 468 NONE 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 14 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 08—Corrosion Management Officers Scope Chair: Robin D. Tems, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: To promote the exchange of corrosion information resources and standards to improve corrosion life cycle management and to reduce costs. Technology Management Group: S (Corrosion Science and Technology) Technology Coordinator: Mohsen H. Achour, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Milan Bartos, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jose R. Vera, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 08 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 185X Economics of Corrosion Chair: Paul Virmani Vice Chair: Gerhardus H. Koch To hold a series of workshops/symposia aimed at providing case studies, "war stories," and examples of how different industries have utilized corrosion life cycle management to reduce overall costs and to explore alternate management methods (e.g., material selection, cathodic protection, inhibitors) that can be utilized. TG 200 Economics of Corrosion: Standard Chair: Lynsay Bensman Vice Chair: Bashir M. Bhatti TG 439 Bridge Corrosion Management TEG 453X Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 185X NONE To review and rewrite a new standard based on withdrawn NACE Standard RP0272-72, "Direct Calculation of Economic Appraisals of Corrosion Control Measures." Also, to evaluate and compile alternative "best practice" life cycle corrosion cost management methodologies. TG 200 NONE Chair: Sean Brossia Vice Chair: Paul Virmani Develop a standard for managing corrosion and degradation of bridges. This standard would include reference to existing standards, life-cycle management methods, maintenance and repair decision making, and risk assessment. TG 439 01, 02, 05, 40, 46, 60, 62 Vice Chair: Bijan Kermani Initiate discussions and reviews of practices for corrosion management and other issues associated with CCS. To include capture process, transportation, and storage. TEG 453X 31, 32, 34, 35, 41, 45 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 08 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TEG 433X (62 [08]) Internal Corrosion Monitoring in Oil and Gas Subsea Structures TG 476 (44 [02, 05, 08]) Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Power Units additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 511 (40 [08, 44, 62]) Corrosion Under Paint (CUP) Test Standards for Equipment Used in the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of CUP on Military Aircraft STG 10—Nonmetallic Materials of Construction Officers Scope Chair: Michael G. Stevens, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Christine Osborne, 2014-2016 Technology Management Group: C2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology) Technology Coordinator: Steve Biagiotti, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Roy Fultineer, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Laszlo Forgo, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Develop reports and disseminate technology relative to the use of nonmetallic materials of construction as a means of corrosion control. Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 10 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 191X Plastics: Managing Corrosion with Polymer-Based and Composite Materials Chair: Thomas Johnson Vice Chair: Kira K. Townsend TEG 239X Nonmetallic Materials of Construction: Basic Education Chair: Jeff Eisenman Vice Chair: Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 10 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS Sponsor symposium at annual conference on managing corrosion with polymer-based materials such as FRP, thermoplastic materials, elastomers, and other composite materials of construction. TEG 191X 39 Presentations on basics of polymer-based materials such as FRP, elastomers, thermoplastics, and other composite materials. TEG 239X 39 additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 037 (03 [33, 35]) Pipelines, Oilfield: Thermoplastic Liners TEG 319X (33 [62]) Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service TG 086 (33 [62]) Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service TEG 398X (36 [34]) Hydrochloric Acid and Chlorine: Materials and Experiences 15 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 16 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 11—Water Treatment Officers Scope Chair: Claudia C. Pierce, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Jeffrey F. Kramer, 2013-2015 Development of guidance and dissemination of information related to the production and/or use of steam, water, and waste water in all industrial systems including refining, petrochemical, electric production, manufacturing, commercial buildings, and institutional systems including fire protection systems in those facilities. Technology Management Group: C2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology) Technology Coordinator: Steve Biagiotti Jr., 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Laszlo Forgo, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Roy Fultineer, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 11 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG 147 Water Heaters: Internal Corrosion in Potable Water Systems Chair: K. Anthony Selby Vice Chair: Alfred J. Daum To investigate and disseminate information in the form of a technical committee report on the internal corrosion and failure of water heaters in potable systems. TEG 149X Biocide Application/Misapplication Chair: George Ganzer Vice Chair: Dorothy Reynolds TG 152 Cooling Water Systems: Monitoring and Control TG 153 TG 157 TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TG 147 NONE To identify key factors and promote appropriate techniques for application of biocides to both open and closed cooling water systems. TEG 149X 46 Chair: Claudia C. Pierce Vice Chair: K. Anthony Selby To prepare and publish a manual on the monitoring and control of the water chemistry and physical integrity of cooling water systems. TG 152 46, 62 To Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE Standard RP0300-2003 Chair: Edward S. Beardwood Vice Chair: Eunice Murtagh To review and revise or reaffirm as necessary NACE Standard RP0300-2003, “Pilot Scale Evaluation of Corrosion and Fouling Control Additives for Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems.” TG 153 NONE Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE Publication 46107 Chair: K. Anthony Selby Vice Chair: Jack Soost Review and revise or reaffirm NACE Publication 46107, “Control of Corrosion, Deposition, and Microbiological Growth in Recirculating Water Systems in Buildings.” TG 157 61 TG 158 Buildings, Piping: Inspection, Cleaning, and Remediation Technology Chair: K. Anthony Selby Vice Chair: Gregory Casey To prepare a standard practice for the inspection, cleaning, and remediation of piping in buildings. TG 158 NONE TEG 159X Building Fire Protection Systems: Corrosion and Deposit Control Chair: Paul Su Vice Joshua C. Tihen To collect, develop, and disseminate information on the control and remediation of corrosion, deposition, and microbiological activity in building fire protection systems. TEG 159X NONE TG 160 Steam Generating Systems: Shut-Down/Lay-Up/Start-Up Chair: Douglas Dewitt-Dick Vice Chair: Boris A. Miksic To establish effective methods for shut-down, lay-up, and start-up of components within steamgenerating systems, and to write a standard. This may include, but not be limited to, feedwater lines, feedwater heaters, deaerators, economizers, steam generators, superheaters, reheaters, condensers, and condensate lines TG 160 46 TEG 163X 62 TEG 163X Boiler Waterside Failure Analysis Chair: Mel J. Esmacher Vice Chair: Regis Rumpf To identify, classify, and suggest remedies for common and uncommon failures occurring in boilers. The boiler proper with its steam-generating equipment, superheater, and economizer fall within the scope. It is the intent of the committee to solicit from knowledgeable and interested parties a listing of failure types (if identifiable) with an indication of frequency or ranking relative to unscheduled outage downtime. In addition, problem/solution-type examples of the more frequent/important failures are sought, hopefully to seed symposia, panel discussions, and/or publications. TG 234 Cooling Water Equipment, Initial Conditioning Chair: John J. Farmerie Vice Chair: K. Anthony Selby To write a standard on initial conditioning of cooling water equipment. TG 234 46 TG 235 Water Treatment, Physical Processes: Guidelines for Testing Chair: John J. Farmerie Vice Chair: Edward S. Beardwood To provide a sound scientific basis for the collection of data demonstrating the efficacy of physical water treatment processes. TG 235 46, 62 TG 244 Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 Chair: James O. Robinson Vice Chair: Douglas Dewitt-Dick Review and revise or reaffirm SP0590-2007 (formerly RP0590), “Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Deaerator Cracking.” TG 244 34, 36, 38, 41, 60 TG 375 Recovery and Repassivation After Low pH Excursions in Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems Chair: Edward S. Beardwood Vice Chair: Eunice Murtagh To write a standard to replace RP0392-2001, “Recovery and Repassivation After a Low pH Excursions in Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems.” TG 375 NONE TG 381 Fire Protection Systems Chair: Paul Su Vice Chair: Ockert J. Van Der Schijff To write a report on building fire protection systems covering issues and proposed solutions. TG 381 NONE TEG 389X Cost of Water and Steam System Corrosion in the Chemical Processing and Petroleum Refining Industries Chair: James O. Robinson Vice Chair: Edward S. Beardwood Hold open discussions to develop means to better define the cost of water and steam system-related corrosion in the chemical processing and petroleum refinery industries, and identify methods to disseminate this information. TEG 389X 34 TEG 503X Practical Applications of Water Treatment in Industrial and Commercial Systems Chair: K. Anthony Selby Vice Chair: Jeffrey F. Kramer To accumulate and disseminate information about water treatment applications in industrial and commercial systems. This provides a training role in corrosion, deposition, and microbiological control as well as monitoring in these areas. TEG 503X NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 11 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 050 (01 [11]) Reinforced Concrete: Inhibitors and Admixtures TG 284 (05 [11, 35]) Review of NACE SP0196-2011 (formerly RP0196) TG 057 (01 [11]) Reinforced Concrete: Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcement TEG 341X (31 [11, 33, 34]) Oil and Gas Production, Oil Sands: Information Exchange TEG 092X (31 [11, 38, 60, 61]) Under-Deposit Corrosion TG 390 (62 [11, 31]) Revise NACE Publication 3T199 TEG 093X (61 [11]) Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) TG 458 (60 [11, 31, 35, 41]) Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC): State of the Art TEG 187X (60 [11]) Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 17 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 18 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 30—Oil and Gas Production—Cathodic Protection Officers Scope Chair: Rodrigo J. Himiob, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Application and evaluation of cathodic protection of all types of equipment used for oil and gas production. Technology Management Group: N1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries) Technology Coordinator: Douglas E. Dopjera, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Nihal U. Obeyesekere, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Richard M. Thompson, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 30 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 166X Cathodic Protection in Seawater—Discussion of Current Topics Chair: Svenn Magne Wigen Vice Chair: Vaibhav V. Nikam TG 168 Cathodic Protection Systems, Retrofit, for Offshore Platforms TG 169 TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS To sponsor a forum for discussion and make mini-presentations on cathodic protection in seawater. This will include but not be restricted to cathodic protection design and monitoring in seawater. TEG 166X NONE Chair: David L. Johnson Vice Chair: David Flanery To prepare a state-of-the-art report on cathodic protection retrofit design for offshore structures in deep and shallow waters. TG 168 NONE National Adoption of ISO 15589-2:2012 Chair: William H. Thomason Vice Chair: Vaibhav V. Nikam Assignment: To review and adopt ISO/15589-2,”Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Cathodic Protection of Pipeline Transportation Systems—Part 2: Offshore Pipelines,” and propose revisions for a NACE national adoption of this standard. TG 169 05, 35 TG 170 Offshore Steel Platforms—Corrosion Control: Review of NACE SP0176 Chair: James A. Brandt Vice Chair: William E. Jamrok Assignment: Update NACE SP0176-2007 (formerly RP0176),”Corrosion Control of Submerged Areas of Permanently Installed Steel Offshore Structures Associated with Petroleum Production.” TG 170 05 TG 454 Review or Revise as Necessary SP0387-2006 Chair: Antonio Galvan Vice Chair: Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam To review or revise as necessary SP0387-2006, “Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Galvanic Anodes for Offshore Applications.” TG 454 NONE TG 505 Review or Revise as Necessary SP0492-2006 Chair: Antonio Galvan Vice Chair: Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam To review or revise as necessary NACE SP0492-2006, “Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet Anodes. TG 505 05 TG 519 State-of-the-Art Report on Manufacturing of Aluminum Anodes Chair: Antonio Galvan Vice Chair: William E. Jamrok To develop a state-of-the-art report on the technology used in the manufacturing of aluminum galvanic anodes. TG 519 NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 30 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 016X (05 [31, 32, 35]) Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Research Development TG 388 (05 [01, 35]) TG 360 (35 [05]) Piping Systems: Review of NACE SP0169-2013 (formerly RP0169) TG 521 (62 [03, 05, 30, 35]) Testing of Nonshielding Property of Pipeline Coatings to Cathodic Protection Cathodic Protection Rectifier Safety STG 31—Oil and Gas Production—Corrosion and Scale Inhibition Officers Scope Chair: Sankara Papavinasam, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Sam Seagraves, 2013-2015 Application and evaluation of chemical and physical methods of corrosion control and control of related problems, such as scale, bacteria, paraffin, and hydrates, for oil and gas production environments. Technology Management Group: N1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries) Technology Coordinator: Douglas E. Dopjera, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Nihal U. Obeyesekere, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Richard M. Thompson, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 31 is the Administrative STG. (See next page) Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 059X Oil and Gas Production, CO2 Corrosion: Information Exchange Chair: Jose R. Vera Vice Chair: Krista L. Heidersbach To collect, evaluate, and disseminate information from all sources of CO2 corrosion in the oil and gas industry, including the use of CO2 for enhanced recovery. To update user experience and state-ofthe-art advances; to serve as a focal point in liaison with other technical committees. TG 070 Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors: Field Assessment by DC Techniques Chair: Sankara Papavinasam Vice Chair: Rudolf H. Hausler TG 075 Biocides—Oil and Gas Industry TG 076 TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 059X 60, 61 To prepare a state-of-the-art report on field techniques for corrosion inhibitor evaluation using DC polarization methods. TG 070 62 Chair: Sam Seagraves Vice Chair: Cameron Campbell To prepare a technical committee report on selection, application, and evaluation of biocides in the oil and gas industry. TG 075 61 Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Report Chair: Alberto Valdes Vice Chair: Ray Case Prepare a technical committee report summarizing various predictive methods and provide guidelines for application of those methods for prediction of corrosiveness. TG 076 60, 61 TEG 077X Oil and Gas Production, Internal Erosion and Corrosion: Information Exchange Chair: Shokrollah Hassani Vice Chair: Faisal M. Al-Mutahhar To identify the issues involved in the development of an internal erosion and corrosion monitoring program. TEG 077X 62 TEG 092X Under-Deposit Corrosion Chair: Sandra Hernandez Vice Chair: Trevor Place To serve as an information exchange between technologists and corrosion specialists with regard to corrosion that develops beneath deposits. TEG 092X 38, 46, 60, 61 Continued on p. 21 19 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 20 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 31—Oil and Gas Production—Corrosion and Scale Inhibition (continued) TEG 201X Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Information Exchange Chair: Alberto Valdes Vice Chair: Ray Case To develop a coherent approach to predicting corrosiveness of oilfield environments, to provide a forum for the discussion of these predictive methods, and to exchange information on this subject. TEG 201X 60 TEG 202X Oil and Gas Production, Deepwater Corrosion and Scale Control: Information Exchange Chair: Nihal U. Obeyesekere Vice Chair: Hua Guan (1) Exchange information and technology on scale and corrosion control in deepwater oilfield production. (2) Sponsor symposia and other formal technical information exchange functions. TEG 202X NONE TG 214 Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems—Field Monitoring: Review of NACE Standard TM0194-2014 Chair: Sam Seagraves Vice Chair: Cameron Campbell To review and update NACE Standard TM0194-2014, “Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems,” as necessary. TG 214 60 TG 245 Oil and Gas Production, Internal Erosion and Corrosion: Strategy for Monitoring and/or Detection Chair: Hui Li Vice Chair: Yongli Zhang To identify the issues involved in the development of an internal erosion and corrosion monitoring program. TG 245 NONE TEG 253X Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors—Laboratory Evaluations: Information Exchange Chair: Milan Bartos Vice Chair: Vladimir Jovancicevic Discussion of issues and testing methods related to evaluation of inhibitors in the oil and gas industry. TEG 253X 62 TEG 282X Oil and Gas Production, Sour Corrosion: Information Exchange Chair: Nihal U. Obeyesekere Vice Chair: Sankara Papavinasam To promote technical information exchange on corrosion-related topics that stem from the presence of H2S and other sulfur-containing substances in oil and gas production operations. TEG 282X 60, 61, 62 TEG 286X Oil and Gas Production: Microbially Influenced Corrosion Chair: Torben Lund Skovhus Vice Chair: Jan Larsen To sponsor a biennial symposium on “Control of Problematic Micro-Organisms in Oil and Gas Field Operations.” TEG 286X 60 TG 330 Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors—Report of Laboratory Evaluations Chair: Dharma Abayarathna Vice Chair: Haitao Fang Prepare a technical committee report detailing various laboratory test methods for the evaluation of corrosion inhibitors. TG 330 62 TEG 341X Oil and Gas Production, Oil Sands: Information Exchange Chair: Jerry Bauman Vice Chair: Wes McKinnon To discuss unique corrosion and erosion issues associated with oil sands production (mining operations and steam-assisted gravity drainage [SAGD] operations). TEG 341X 11, 33, 34 TG 408 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard TM0173-2005 Chair: Anthony J. Gerbino Vice Chair: Khlefa A. Esaklul Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard TM0173-2005, “Methods for Determining Quality of Subsurface Injection Water Using Membrane Filters.” TG 408 NONE TEG 413X Black Powder in Gas Pipelines Chair: Abdelmounam Sherik Vice Chair: Kyle Cattanach Exchange information and experiences and share best practices on properties, composition, sources, and formation mechanisms of black powder; mitigation and control methods (inhibition, internal coatings, filtration, etc.); and sampling and analysis techniques, handling, and disposal of black powder in gas pipelines. TEG 413X 35, 60, 61 TG 416 Water Quality and Its Effect on Corrosion in Oil Sands Operations Chair: Sally S. Hanearin Vice Chair: Budd Melvin To prepare a state-of-the-art report on water quality and its effect on corrosion in oil sands operations (thermal and mining). TG 416 NONE TEG 421X Elemental Sulfur Corrosion and Its Mitigation Chair: Hejian Sun Vice Chair: John Lerbscher To develop a fundamental understanding of elemental sulfur corrosion mechanisms; develop S-corrosion mitigation strategy; develop laboratory evaluation protocol; and develop field monitoring methods. TEG 421X 32 TEG 433X Internal Corrosion Monitoring in Oil and Gas Subsea Structures Chair: Mohsen H. Achour Vice Chair: Ian G. Winning Knowledge sharing and exchange in the area of internal corrosion monitoring in oil and gas subsea structures, including but not limited to pipelines, wells, and topsides. TEG 433X 08, 62 TG 445 Internal Corrosion Monitoring of Subsea Production and Injection Systems Chair: Sai Prasanth Venkateswaran Vice Chair: Jose R. Vera To review and revise NACE Publication 1D199 on internal corrosion monitoring of subsea production and injection systems. TG 445 62 TG 478 Summary of Knowledge and Experience on Internal Corrosion of Pipeline Under Dewing Conditions: Top of the Line (TOL) Corrosion Chair: Marc Singer Vice Chair: Sandra Hernandez To write a report to summarize what is known about prediction, prevention, and mitigation of top-ofthe-line corrosion. TG 478 35 TG 492 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0195-2007 Chair: Khlefa A. Esaklul Vice Chair: Moosa Sheriyani Review and revise as necessary SP0195-2007 (formerly RP0195), “Corrosion Control of Sucker Rods by Chemical Treatment.” TG 492 NONE TG 493 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0374-2007 Chair: Anthony J. Gerbino Vice Chair: Sam Seagraves Review and revise as necessary TM0374-2007, “Laboratory Screening Tests to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Calcium Sulfate and Calcium Carbonate from Solution (for Oil and Gas Production Systems).” TG 493 NONE TG 496 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0273-2007 Chair: Anthony J. Gerbino Vice Chair: Sam Seagraves To review and revise as necessary NACE SP0273-2007 (formerly RP0273), “Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield Acids.” TG 496 NONE TEG 513X Technology Roadmap—Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production Chair: Saadedine Tebbal Vice Chair: Jin Huang Exchange information on current gaps and future needs in controlling corrosion in oil and gas production. TEG 513X 32 TEG 514X Oil and Gas Exploration Corrosion: Information Exchange Chair: Helmuth Sarmiento Klapper Vice Chair: Hua Guan To discuss unique corrosion issues on materials typically used in technical equipment used for oil and gas exploration such as drilling tools and wire line tools. TEG 514X 32, 60 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 31 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 016X (05 [30, 31, 32, 35]) Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Research Development TG 440 (35 [31, 60]) Hydrotesting and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines, Risers, and Subsea Equipment TEG 108X (62 [31, 34]) Hydrogen Permeation Technology—Online TG 447 (35 [31, 62]) State-of-the-Art Report on Flow and Corrosion Modeling TEG 184X (61 [31, 46]) Inhibitors, Corrosion and Scale/Deposit TEG 453X (08 [31, 32, 34, 35, 41, 45]) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) TG 380 (61 [31, 60]) Underdeposit Corrosion—Testing and Mitigation TG 458 (60 [11, 31, 35, 41]) Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC): State of the Art TG 390 (62 [11, 31]) Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion—Field Applications TG 464 (35 [31, 34]) Corrosion Direct Assessment of Process Piping Systems TEG 391X (62 [31]) Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion—Field Experience TG 489 (34 [31, 35]) Potential Effects of Upstream Additives on Refinery Corrosion and Fouling TEG 407X (60 [31]) Mechanisms of Pitting Corrosion TG 522 (35 [31, 41]) Technical Guidance for Using In-Line Inspection Devices in the Direct Assessment Phase of External Corrosion Direct Assessment 21 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 22 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 32—Oil and Gas Production—Metallurgy Officers Scope Chair: Ardjan Kopliku, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Stuart Bond, 2014-2016 Technology Management Group: N1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries) Technology Coordinator: Douglas E. Dopjera, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Richard M. Thompson, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Nihal U. Obeyesekere, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Evaluation and methods of selection of types of metals for all types of equipment used for oil and gas production. Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 32 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TG 082 Cracking, Stepwise: Pipeline Steels—Review of NACE Standard TM0284 Chair: Richard T. Hill Vice Chair: Philip Dent Update NACE Standard TM0284, “Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to HydrogenInduced Cracking,” as need arises. TG 082 34, 62 TG 085 Sulfide Corrosion Cracking: Metallic Materials Testing Techniques Chair: George M. Waid Vice Chair: Bruce E. Urband To update NACE Standard TM0177-2005, “Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments,” and to investigate other test methods as required. TG 085 62 TG 257 Computerized Environmental Cracking Database Chair: William Howie Vice Chair: Matthew J. Tabinor Develop software to record and retrieve environmental cracking data from MR0175 ballots and other sources as required. Enter data accurately. TG 257 34, 62 TG 299 NACE MR0175/ISO 15156: Oversight of Maintenance Panel Chair: Ulf H. Kivisakk Vice Chair: Marco Deuterio To review and vote on revisions or addenda proposed for NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, and technical reports or other data published by the Maintenance Panel. TG 299 NONE TEG 374X Oil and Gas Production Materials Information Exchange Chair: Steven S. Shademan Vice Chair: Marc E. Wilms Plan and host information exchange meetings for materials in upstream oil and gas operations. TEG 374X 33 TG 396 Collation of Supporting CRA Information that Underpins NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3 Chair: Richard M. Thompson Vice Chair: Greg B. Chitwood Gather supporting documentation in the form of a report summarizing this historical information (testing and/or field experience) that was used to develop the usage guidelines for corrosion-resistant alloys in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3. TG 396 NONE TG 494 Four-Point Bend Test Method Chair: Alan Turnbull Vice Chair: Stuart Bond To develop four-point bend standard test method. TG 494 62 Double-Cantilever-Beam (DCB) Test Chair: David L. Sponseller Vice Chair: Karol E. Szklarz To make technical improvements in the standardized procedure of NACE Standard TM0177-2005, “Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments,” for measuring the sulfide stress cracking resistance of low-alloy steels and other alloys that are intended for sour service by means of the double-cantilever-beam (DCB) test. WG 085c 62 WG 085c Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 32 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 016X (05 [30, 31, 32, 35]) Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Research Development TG 450 (33 [32]) Review of NACE Standard TM0186 TG 301 (34 [32]) Reaffirmation of Publication 8X194 TEG 453X (08 [31, 32, 35, 41, 45]) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) TEG 310X (62 [32]) Stress-Oriented Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (SOHIC) TEG 513X (31 [32]) Technology Roadmap—Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production TEG 421X (31 [32]) Elemental Sulfur Corrosion and Its Mitigation TEG 514X (31 [32, 60]) Oil and Gas Exploration Corrosion: Information Exchange TG 449 (33 [32]) Review of NACE Standard TM0384 23 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 24 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 33—Oil and Gas Production—Nonmetallics and Wear Coatings (Metallic) Officers Scope Chair: Dwight Elizabeth Whitsitt, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Ricardo L. Pardey, 2013-2015 Evaluation and methods of proper usage of nonmetallic materials for all types of equipment used for oil and gas production. Technology Management Group: N1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries) Technology Coordinator: Douglas E. Dopjera, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Nihal U. Obeyesekere, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Richard M. Thompson, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 33 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TG 086 Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service Chair: Dwight Janoff Vice Chair: Elizabeth Whitsitt To prepare NACE standards (test methods) for evaluating elastomers and other nonmetallic materials in H2S, CO2, and other oilfield environments. TG 086 10, 62 TG 087 Review of STG 33 Standards and Technical Committee Reports Chair: Anil Pitta Vice Chair: Vincenzo Savino To review, revise, or reaffirm as necessary NACE standards and technical committee reports administered by STG 33. TG 087 03 TEG 319X Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service Chair: Ricardo L. Pardey Vice Chair: James E. Goodson To exchange information and present new technology on elastomers and nonmetallics used for oilfield sealing service. TEG 319X 10, 62 TG 449 Review of NACE Standard TM0384 Chair: Michael P. Adams Vice Chair: Elizabeth Whitsitt Review and revise NACE Standard TM0384-2002, “Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of Less Than 250 µm (10 mils) Dry-Film Thickness,” as appropriate. TG 449 NONE TG 450 Review of NACE Standard TM0186 Chair: Michael P. Adams Vice Chair: Elizabeth Whitsitt Review and revise NACE Standard TM0186-2002, “Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils) Dry Film Thickness,” as appropriate. TG 450 NONE TG 482 Reaffirm or Review and Revise as Necessary TM0185-2006 Chair: Adriana Paiva Vice Chair: Robert P. Badrak To reaffirm or review and revise as necessary TM0185-2006, "Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing." TG 482 NONE TG 483 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0297-2008 Chair: Ricardo L. Pardey Vice Chair: Vincenzo Savino To review and revise as necessary TM0297-2008, "Effects of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Decompression on Elastomeric Materials." TG 483 NONE TG 484 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0298-2003 Chair: Vincenzo Savino Vice Chair: Dwight Janoff To review and revise as necessary TM0298-2003, "Evaluating the Compatibility of FRP Pipe and Tubulars with Oilfield Environments." TG 484 NONE TG 486 Review and Revise as Necessary RP0291-2005 Chair: Robert Lauer Vice Chair: Adriana Paiva To review and revise as necessary RP0291-2005, "Care, Handling, and Installation of Internally Plastic-Coated Oilfield Tubular Goods and Accessories." TG 486 NONE TG 487 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0191-2008 Chair: Charles N. Fields Vice Chair: Jing Zeng To review and revise as necessary SP0191-2008, "Application of Internal Plastic Coatings for Oilfield Tubular Goods and Accessories." TG 487 NONE TG 488 Review and Revise as Necessary TM0183-2006 Chair: Robert Lauer Vice Chair: Adriana Paiva To review and revise as necessary TM0183-2006, "Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods in an Aqueous Flowing Environment." TG 488 NONE TEG 500X Elastomers and Composites Chair: Vincenzo Savino Vice Chair: Anil Pitta Discuss items related to composite materials and elastomers used in the oil and gas industry. TEG 500X NONE TEG 501X Accelerated Testing of Nonmetallic Materials Chair: Sai Prasanth Venkateswaran Vice Chair: Anil Pitta Exchange information on accelerated testing. TEG 501X NONE TG 506 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0181-2006 Chair: Elizabeth Whitsitt Vice Chair: Michael P. Adams To review and revise or reaffirm as necessary NACE SP0181-2006, “Liquid-Applied Internal Protective Coatings for Oilfield Production Equipment.” TG 506 03 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 33 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 037 (03 [10, 33, 35]) Pipelines, Oilfield: Thermoplastic Liners TG 264 (03 [33]) Offshore Exterior Submerged Coatings: Standard Test Method TG 260 (02 [33]) Review of NACE Standard TM0304-2004 TEG 341X (31 [11, 33, 34]) Oil and Gas Production, Oil Sands: Information Exchange TG 263 (03 [33]) Review of NACE Standard TM0104-2004 TEG 374X (32 [33]) Oil and Gas Production Materials Information Exchange 25 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 26 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 34—Petroleum Refining and Gas Processing Officers Scope Chair: Michael S. Cayard, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts, 2014-2016 Application and evaluation of methods of corrosion control and control of materials deterioration for petroleum refining and gas processing operations. Technology Management Group: N1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries) Technology Coordinator: Douglas E. Dopjera, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Nihal U. Obeyesekere, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Richard M. Thompson, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 34 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 113X Gas Treating Control Systems Corrosion Minimization Chair: Lawrence R. White Vice Chair: Robin D. Tems TG 173 Reaffirmation of SP0170-2012 TG 176 TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of information on corrosion in gas treating units of oil and gas production and refining via information exchange and symposia. TEG 113X NONE Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Reaffirmation of SP0170-2012, “Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During a Shutdown of Refinery Equipment.” TG 173 39, 60 Sulfidic Corrosion: Prediction Tools Chair: Brian J. Tkachyk Vice Chair: Abbey Wing Develop a technical committee report to serve as a prediction tool to be used for predicting sulfidation in hydroprocessing units. In addition, the technical committee report will serve to warn industry of the potential corrosion problems in this area of operation. TG 176 NONE TG 177 Refineries, Environmental Cracking: Review of NACE SP0403 Chair: Karly Moore Vice Chair: Joe Koerner Compile data/practices that address environmental cracking in refineries that are not covered by other NACE or industry standards, and write a standard on caustic SCC. TG 177 60 TEG 205X Refining Industry Information Exchange Chair: John J. Wodarcyk Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Sponsor group for refining symposium and refining information exchange. TEG 205X NONE TEG 206X Refining State-of-the-Art Session Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Sponsor state-of-the-art sessions on refining industry corrosion. TEG 206X NONE TEG 207X Refining and Gas Processing Session on New Developments Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Provide a forum for discussion of new corrosion mitigation or measurement technology developments and joint industry research projects of possible interest to the refining and gas processing industries. TEG 207X NONE TG 231 Petroleum Refining Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC): Review of NACE Standard MR0103 Chair: Regina F. Verdolin Vice Chair: Jeff C. Brown This task group’s role is to review inquiries, address proposed ballot changes to MR0103, and monitor impact of changes made to MR0175. It is expected that ongoing requests to add or modify the requirements for materials used in petroleum refining and exposed to possible sulfide stress corrosion cracking will be addressed by this standing task group. TG 231 60 TG 268 Reveiw and Reaffirm SP0296-2010 Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Reaffirmation of SP0296-2010 (formerly RP0296), “Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Cracking in Refinery Equipment in Wet H2S Environments. TG 268 NONE TG 274 Reaffirmation of NACE Publication 34105 Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Reaffirmation of NACE Publication 34105, “Effect of Nonextractable Chlorides on Refinery Corrosion and Fouling.” TG 274 NONE TG 300 Review and Reaffirm SP0205-2010 Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts Review and reaffirm SP0205-2010 (formerly RP0205), “Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Petroleum Refining Alkylation Unit Spent Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures. TG 300 36 TG 301 Reaffirmation of NACE Publication 8X194 Chair: Michael S. Cayard Vice Chair: Lionel Roberts To reaffirm NACE Publication 8X194, “Materials and Fabrication Practices for New Pressure Vessels Used in Wet H2S Refinery Service.” TG 301 32 TG 326 Andy C. Gysbers Weldments, Carbon Steel: Prevention of Environmental Cracking in Refining Environments Chair: Vice Chair: Jeremy Staats Revise NACE SP0472, “Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments.” TG 326 NONE TG 393 Petroleum Refinery Corrosion Specialist Certification Chair: Mark W. Mucek Vice Chair: Raymond C. Quinter Explore possibility of establishing certification specific to refinery corrosion specialists. Work with Certification Committee to establish criteria, testing requirements, and process for certification as appropriate. TG 393 NONE Chair: James G. Edmondson Vice Chair: Gerald W. Wilks Develop a technical committee report to increase awareness of the potential impact of upstream crude oil production and transportation additives on refinery corrosion and fouling. The types of damage caused by the contaminants and methods to mitigate the risk of those types of damage using tools such as the crude selection process, process surveillance, equipment monitoring, etc., will be described. Task group work will focus on classes of chemicals used to enhance oilfield production and other upstream process additives. TG 489 31, 35 TG 489 Potential Effects of Upstream Additives on Refinery Corrosion and Fouling Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 34 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 082 (32 [34, 62]) Cracking, Stepwise: Pipeline Steels—Review of NACE Standard TM0284 TEG 270X (37 [34, 39]) Reformer Components: Materials Issues TEG 108X (62 [31, 34]) Hydrogen Permeation Technology—Online TEG 341X (31 [11, 33, 34]) Oil and Gas Production, Oil Sands: Information Exchange TEG 119X (36 [34]) Hydrofluoric Acid: Materials for Receiving, Handling, and Storing TG 372 (36 [34]) Materials for Handling Sulfuric Acid: Revision of NACE Standard RP0391 TG 217 (36 [34]) Review of NACE SP0294-2006 TEG 389X (11 [34]) Cost of Water and Steam System Corrosion in the Chemical Processing and Petroleum Refining Industries TG 244 (11 [34, 36, 38, 41, 60]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 TG 425 (03 [02, 04, 34, 36]) State of the Art in CUI Coating Systems TG 246 (03 [02, 04, 34, 43]) Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Vessels and Tankages TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues TG 257 (32 [34, 62]) Computerized Environmental Cracking Database TG 464 (35 [31, 34]) Corrosion Direct Assessment of Process Piping Systems 27 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 28 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 35—Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings Officers Scope Chair: Daniel P. Wagner, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Donald “Lee” L. Reynolds, 2013-2015 Engineering practices for the prevention and control of corrosion of pipelines and tanks in buried, immersion, and/or atmospheric services. Technology Management Group: C2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Pipelines and Tanks, Industrial Water Treating and Building Systems, and Cathodic Protection Technology) Technology Coordinator: Steve Biagiotti Jr., 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Laszlo Forgo, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Roy Fultineer, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 35 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 010X Gas Distribution Industry Corrosion Problems Chair: Eric Kirkpatrick Vice Chair: Sara Peralta To provide an informal discussion forum for representatives from gas distribution companies to have a free exchange of ideas on subjects and areas for technical symposium topics and committee work assigned for resolution and documentation. TEG 010X 05 TG 013 Review of NACE Standard RP0193-2001 Chair: Lou Koszewski Vice Chair: Thomas D. Emerson To review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0193-2001, “External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms.” TG 013 05 TG 014 Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control Chair: Ronald L. Bianchetti Vice Chair: Bill S. Spickelmire To revise NACE Publication 10A292, “Corrosion Control of Ductile and Gray Cast Iron Pipe.” TG 014 02, 03, 05, 39 TG 038 Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems: Internal Corrosion Control Chair: Lynsay Bensman Vice Chair: Dharma Abayarathna Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0106-2006, “Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems.” TG 038 NONE TG 039 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Publication 35100 Chair: Neb I. Uzelac Vice Chair: To review and revise as necessary NACE Publication 35100, “In-Line Nondestructive Inspection of Pipelines,” as appropriate. TG 039 NONE TG 041 Pipeline Direct Assessment Methodology Chair: Donald L. Reynolds Vice Chair: Kevin T. Parker To review and revise NACE SP0502-2010 (formerly RP0502), “Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology.” TG 041 NONE TEG 080X Well Casings, Corrosion Control: Information Exchange Chair: David H. Kroon Vice Chair: James F. Chmilar Provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of techniques for control of corrosion on oil, gas, and storage well casings. TEG 080X NONE TEG 080X TIE Technical Information Exchange for TEG 080X—Cathodic Protection of Well Casings Chair: Hasan F. Sabri Vice Chair: Darrell R. Catte Exchange information about application of cathodic protection for external surfaces of steel well casings. TEG 080X TIE NONE TEG 208X Pipeline Crossings: Steel-Cased, Thrust-Bored, and HDD Chair: Jeffrey L. Didas Vice Chair: Joe Craycraft Discussions and informal presentations about road, railroad, river, wetland, etc., crossings by directional drilling, thrust boring, casing, and HDD-type pipeline crossings, etc. Techniques, cathodic protection, coatings, etc., are included. TEG 208X 05 TG 210 Cathodic Protection Coupon Technology Chair: Joseph L. Pikas Vice Chair: John I. Olson To develop a standard on the application and interpretation of data from external CP coupons used in the evaluation of cathodically protected metallic structures. TG 210 05 TG 212 Pipeline Inspection: In-Line Nondestructive—Review of NACE SP0102-2010 Chair: Bryan P. Melan Vice Chair: James Simek To review, revise, or reaffirm as necessary NACE SP0102-2012, “In-Line Inspection of Pipelines,” to ensure it is current and complementary to other industry ILI standards. TG 212 NONE TG 223 Pipelines, Steel: Standard for In Situ Internal Cleaning and Coating Chair: Andrew Santalucia Vice Chair: Robert H. Winters To write a standard practice for the in situ internal cleaning and coating of steel pipelines. This includes application procedures, mechanical and chemical cleaning procedures, types of coating, inspection, quality control, quality assurance, and equipment used for these processes. TG 223 03 TG 237 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on External Surfaces of Buried Pipelines: Detection, Testing, and Evaluation—Standard Chair: Timothy P. Zintel Vice Chair: Karen M. Bowman Review and revise as necessary NACE TM0106-2006, “Detection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) on External Surfaces of Buried Pipelines.” TG 237 60 TG 254 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard TM0212-2012 Chair: Richard B. Eckert Vice Chair: Dennis Enning Collect the latest information and technology to prepare for the next revision of NACE Standard TM0212-2012, “Detection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on Internal Surfaces of Pipelines.” TG 254 NONE TEG 267X Pipelines: In-Line Inspection Chair: Neb I. Uzelac Vice Chair: Pamela J. Moreno To provide a discussion forum for pipeline operator representatives, suppliers of pipeline in-line inspection services, and other interested parties to exchange information and ideas; and to sponsor technical symposia for the exchange of ideas and information in areas of pipeline integrity assessment and assurance. TEG 267X NONE TG 273 Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment, External Chair: John A. Beavers Vice Chair: James Marr To review and revise SP0204-2008, “Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology.” TG 273 NONE TG 279 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE SP0207-2007 Chair: Robert A. Moody Vice Chair: Angel R. Kowalski Collect the latest information and technology to develop the next revision of NACE SP0207-2007, “Performing CloseInterval Potential Surveys and DC Surface Potential Gradient Surveys on Buried or Submerged Metallic Pipelines.” TG 279 05 TEG 292X Direct Assessment Methodology Application Chair: Lynsay Bensman Vice Chair: Andrew Pulsifer Discuss direct assessment experiences, issues, and concerns for external corrosion direct assessment (ECDA), internal corrosion direct assessment (ICDA), and stress corrosion cracking direct assessment (SCCDA). Document issues and submit to respective committees. TEG 292X 05 TG 293 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Chair: Lynsay Bensman Vice Chair: Ray Gardner Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0206-2006, “Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines Carrying Normally Dry Natural Gas (DG-ICDA).” TG 293 05 TG 305 Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary SP0110-2010 Chair: Patrick J. Teevens Vice Chair: Carlos A. Palacios To revise or reaffirm SP0110-2010, “Wet Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines.” TG 305 NONE TEG 314X Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum Chair: Robert C. Niebling Vice Chair: Chris J. Aldrich Discussion of current topics related to corrosion control issues concerning the liquid petroleum pipeline industry. TEG 314X 02, 03, 04, 05 Continued on p. 31 29 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 30 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 35—Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings (continued) TG 315 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary SP0208-2008 Chair: Trevor Place Vice Chair: Lynsay Bensman Review and reaffirm or revise SP0208-2008, “Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Liquid Petroleum Pipelines,” as appropriate. TEG 338X Cathodic Protection Monitoring: Use of Coupons Chair: Raymond Humphreys Vice Chair: Thomas B. Williams Discuss technology improvements in the area of using coupons for cathodic protection monitoring and collecting suggestions for improving new standards on this subject. TG 357 External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) Integrity Data Exchange (IDX) Chair: Steve Biagiotti Jr. Vice Chair: Ron Brush TG 360 Piping Systems: Review of NACE SP0169-2013 (formerly RP0169) TG 362 TG 315 NONE TEG 338X 05 Review and revise as necessary joint NACE/PODS SP0507-2014, “External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) Integrity Data Exchange (IDX) Format.” TG 357 NONE Chair: James F. Chmilar Vice Chair: Travis Sera Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0169-2013 (formerly RP0169), “Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems,” including Section 6, Criteria. TG 360 05, 30 Electrical Cables for Cathodic Protection Use: State-of-the-Art Report Chair: Dennis R. Carenza Vice Chair: Frank J. Ansuini Prepare a state-of-the-art report on electrical cables for cathodic protection with emphasis on cable insulation and conductor types. TG 362 05 TEG 363X Close-Interval Surveys and CP Surveys Chair: Joseph L. Pikas Vice Chair: Roy Fultineer Discuss experiences, issues, and concerns for close-interval survey and other CP surveys such as side-drain surveys and cell-to-cell hotspot surveys. Document issues and submit to respective committees. TEG 363X NONE TG 369 Techniques for Evaluating the Corrosiveness of Onshore Structures External Environment Chair: Angel R. Kowalski Vice Chair: Travis Sera To develop a state-of-the-art report on the relationship of the external environment’s properties and characteristics on the corrosiveness of onshore structures based on an extensive literature review. TG 369 05 TG 370 Pipeline Corrosion Management Chair: Ernest W. Klechka Vice Chair: Keith G. Leewis To develop a process-oriented document providing guidance on managing corrosion of pipelines. This document would reference existing standards, life-cycle methodologies, maintenance optimization, decision analysis, risk assessment, etc. TG 370 02, 03, 05 TG 382 Internal Corrosion of Pipelines: Review of NACE Standard TM0172 Chair: Whitt L. Trimble Vice Chair: Zehbour Panossian Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard TM0172-2001, “Determining Corrosive Properties of Cargoes in Petroleum Product Pipelines.” TG 382 NONE TEG 397X Issues and Challenges with Hydrotesting Using Water and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines and Equipment Chair: Krista L. Heidersbach Vice Chair: Maarten J. Simon-Thomas To provide a forum for information sharing on hydrotesting and long-term wet storage. TEG 397X 60 TG 410 Guided Wave Technology for Piping Applications Chair: Danny L. Keck Vice Chair: Joseph L. Pikas Develop a standard that establishes qualification expectations for personnel, equipment, and procedures for guided wave testing for the evaluation of buried, aboveground, onshore, and offshore pipelines. This standard should include performance requirements that demonstrate and/or validate the capabilities, limitations, range, and the detection and identification capabilities of guided wave testing for both conventional and permanently installed sensors. TG 410 05 TEG 412X Application of the Pipeline Gathering Rule and Its Effect on Corrosion Control Programs Chair: Vice Chair: Carlos A. Palacios Discuss issues related to the new pipeline gathering rule titled “CFR 49192.8. How are onshore gathering lines and regulated onshore gathering lines determined?” A major focus will be on the effect on corrosion control of facilities that have come or are under regulation by this code. TEG 412X 03, 05 TG 426 Multiphase Flow—ICDA Develop a standard practice to address ICDA for multiphase flow pipelines for on/offshore. TG 426 NONE TG 440 Hydrotesting and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines, Risers, and Subsea Equipment 31, 60 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0186-2007 Development of a standard practice on hydrotesting and long-term wet storage of pipelines, risers, and subsea equipment. Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0186-2007 (formerly RP0186), “Application of Cathodic Protection for External Surfaces of Steel Well Casings.” TG 440 TG 446 Chair: Carlos A. Palacios Vice Chair: Patrick J. Teevens Chair: Karthik Annadorai Vice Chair: Phillip Ligertwood Chair: Ernest W. Klechka Vice Chair: Clay Brelsford TG 446 05 TG 447 State-of-the-Art Report on Flow and Corrosion Modeling Chair: Sankara Papavinasam Vice Chair: Jose R. Vera To develop a state-of-the-art report on flow and corrosion modeling to provide guidelines for selecting them. This report would refer to existing ICDA documents. TG 447 31, 62 TG 455 Determining Corrosive Properties of Water-Soluble Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipeline Cargoes Chair: Whitt L. Trimble Vice Chair: Zehbour Panossian To develop an appropriate test method to be used for water-soluble liquid hydrocarbon pipeline cargoes. TG 455 NONE TEG 462X Corrosion Issues of Biofuels/Conventional Fuels 34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62 Cathodic Protection Shielding and Root Causes of External Corrosion of Cathodically Protected Pipelines TEG 463X 03, 05 TG 464 Corrosion Direct Assessment of Process Piping Systems TG 464 31, 34 TG 480 Review and Revise if Necessary NACE Publication 35201 TG 480 05 TG 502 3D Laser and Structured Light TG 502 05 TG 517 Corrosion Control of Reinforced Concrete Piles in Nonmarine Applications TG 517 01, 05, 41 TG 522 Technical Guidance for Using In-Line Inspection Devices in the Direct Assessment Phase of External Corrosion Direct Assessment Discussions and informal presentations about corrosion and degradation arising during the storage and conveyance of liquid transportation, conventional fuels/biofuels. Exchange of information on field experience, laboratory, and field observations to study the concept of CP shielding and shielding coatings and understand the key causes of pipeline external corrosion. To develop a technical committee report on applying the direct assessment process in the assessment of both internal and external corrosion integrity of process piping systems. Review and revise if necessary NACE Publication 35201, "Technical Report on the Application and Interpretation of Data from External Coupons used in the Evaluation of Cathodically Protected Metallic Structures." To write a state-of-the-art report describing the technology, applications, and limitations of 3D laser and structured light tools for the measurement of external pipe surface corrosion anomalies. Develop a standard practice to address corrosion control of reinforced concrete piles in nonmarine applications such as tanks, buildings, bridges, etc. Create technical guidance for using in-line inspection devices in the direct assessment phase of external corrosion direct assessment. TEG 462X TEG 463X Chair: Donald E. Drake Vice Chair: Mariano Iannuzzi Chair: Angel R. Kowalski Vice Chair: Joseph L. Pikas Chair: Osvaldo Mejia Vice Chair: Roy Fultineer Chair: Kurt M. Lawson Vice Chair: Roy Fultineer Chair: Ernest W. Klechka Vice Chair: Joseph L. Pikas Chair: Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam Vice Chair: Rod Callon Chair: Robert Fassett Vice Chair: David Aguiar TG 522 31, 41 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 35 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 016X (05 [30, 31, 32, 35]) Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Research Development TG 031 (03 [05, 35]) Pipeline Coating, Plant-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy: Review of NACE SP0394 TG 023 (05 [03, 35]) High-Voltage Direct Current (DC) Transmission: Effects on Buried or Submerged Metallic Structures TG 034 (03 [35]) Pipeline Coatings, External: Gouge Test TG 025 (05 [03, 35]) Alternating Current (AC) Power Systems, Adjacent: Corrosion Control and Related Safety Procedures TG 037 (03 [10, 33, 35]) Pipelines, Oilfield: Thermoplastic Liners TG 169 (30 [05, 35]) National Adoption of ISO 15589-2:2012 TG 030 (03 [05, 35, 62])Coating Conductance Continued on p. 33 31 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 32 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 35—Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings (continued) Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 35 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TG 247 (03 [04, 35]) TG 248 (03 [04, 35]) TG 249 (03 [04, 35]) TG 250 (03 [04, 35]) TG 251 (03 [04, 35]) TEG 262X (05 [35]) TG 281 (03 [04, 35]) TG 284 (05 [11, 35]) TG 296 (03 [04, 35]) TG 297 (05 [03, 35]) TG 298 (03 [04, 35]) TG 352 (03 [04, 35]) Reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005 Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0402-2002 Coal-Tar Enamel Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0109-2009 Interference Problems Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on Pipelines Review of NACE SP0196-2011 Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems: Review of NACE Standard RP0375 Direct Current (DC) Operated Rail Transit and Mine Railroad Stray Current Mitigation—Review 10B189 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard RP0399-2004 Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Directional Drill Applications TEG 354X (03 [02, 35]) Pipeline Coatings: Underground Blistering TG 388 (05 [01, 30, 35]) TEG 399X (02 [03, 04, 35]) Cathodic Protection Rectifier Safety Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated and Uninsulated Service TEG 413X (31 [35, 60, 61]) Black Powder in Gas Pipelines additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 422 (02 [03, 04, 35]) Coatings for Elevated-Temperature Insulated or Noninsulated Exterior Service TEG 424X (02 [03, 04, 35, 43]) Liquid-Applied Thermal Insulative Coating for Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F TG 430 (05 [35]) AC Corrosion on Cathodically Protected Pipelines: Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and Monitoring TG 436 (62 [05, 30, 35]) Testing of Field-Grade Reference Electrodes TEG 453X (08 [31, 32, 35, 41, 45])Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) TG 458 (60 [11, 31, 35, 41]) Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC): State of the Art TEG 465X (41 [03, 05, 35]) Nuclear Buried and Underground Piping TG 467 (41 [03, 05, 35]) Materials Selection for Buried Piping in the Nuclear Industry TG 471 (41 [03, 05, 35]) Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Technologies to Evaluate Buried Pipe on Nuclear Sites TG 478 (31 [35]) Summary of Knowledge and Experience on Internal Corrosion of Pipeline Under Dewing Conditions:(TOL) Corrosion TG 479 (03 [02, 04, 35]) NACE Adoption of ISO 21809-3 TG 489 (34 [31, 35]) Potential Effects of Upstream Additives on Refinery Corrosion and Fouling TG 490 (03 [35]) Review and Revision of API 5L2, “Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas Transmission Service” TG 491 (41 [05, 35]) External Cathodic Protection for Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems TG 521 (62 [03, 05, 30, 35]) Testing of Nonshielding Property of Pipeline Coatings to Cathodic Protection STG 36—Process Industry—Materials Performance in Chemicals Officers Scope Chair: Ivan Morales, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Ajit K. Mishra, 2014-2016 To disseminate information on materials performance in various chemical processes by documenting experience with equipment and materials, and drawing up relevant standard practices and test methods for solving industry problems. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 36 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 115X Sulfuric Acid—Material and Experiences TEG 118X Failure Prevention Case Histories TEG 119X Hydrofluoric Acid: Materials for Receiving, Handling, and Storing Chair: Stephen J. Clarke Vice Chair: Scott Whitlow Chair: Ronald J. Twigg Vice Chair: John P. Davidson Chair: John J. Kvochak Vice Chair: Thomas S. Copeland TEG 121X Supercritical and Other High-Temperature/High-Pressure Liquid Environments: Corrosion of Materials Chair: Yoon-Seok Choi Vice Chair: Arne Dugstad TG 217 Review of NACE SP0294-2006 To identify processes and process environments in which high-temperature, high-pressure liquid solutions are present and cause corrosion. To encourage communication of typical corrosion problems and solutions through symposia and informal information exchange sessions. To review NACE SP0294 (formerly RP0294), “Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and Oleum at Ambient Temperatures.” TG 325 CUI: Revision of NACE SP0198 (formerly RP0198), “The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials—A Systems Approach” TG 372 Materials for Handling Sulfuric Acid: Revision of NACE Standard RP0391 TEG 398X Hydrochloric Acid and Chlorine: Materials and Experiences TEG 509X Materials Selection and Corrosion Control in the Mineral Processing Industries Chair: Scott Whitlow Vice Chair: Jeff C. Brown Chair: I.M. Funderburg Vice Chair: Brian J. Fitzgerald Chair: Robert J. Sinko Vice Chair: Lester M. Dobosz Chair: Amy Anderson-Maifeld Vice Chair: Lindell R. Hurst Chair: Stephen J. Clarke Vice Chair: Roger Francis Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 36 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS Exchange of experiences on the use of materials for sulfuric acids. TEG 115X NONE To discuss and disseminate information about unusual failures of equipment and materials across industries. TEG 118X 39 Exchange of experience on receiving, handling, and storage of hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid. TEG 119X 34 TEG 121X NONE TG 217 34 To revise NACE SP0198 (formerly RP0198). TG 325 03, 04 To review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0391, “Materials for the Handling and Storage of Commercial Concentrated (90 to 100%) Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures.” TG 372 34 Exchange of experiences on the use of materials for hydrochloric acid, chlorine, hypochlorite, chlorite, and chlorate. TEG 398X 10 To conduct information exchanges on materials selection, corrosion, and corrosion control in the mineral processing and extractive metallurgical industries. TEG 509X NONE additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 061 (43 [03, 36]) Revision of NACE SP0592, “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service” TG 366 (43 [04, 36]) Railcars: Corrosion Under Tank Car Insulation TEG 095X (61 [36]) Inhibitors, High-Temperature TG 425 (03 [02, 04, 34, 36]) State of the Art in CUI Coating Systems Continued on p. 35 33 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 34 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 36—Process Industry—Materials Performance in Chemicals (continued) Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 36 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 244 (11 [34, 36, 38, 41, 60]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues TG 300 (34 [36]) Review and Reaffirm SP0205-2010 STG 37—Process Industry: High Temperature Officers Scope Chair: Vilupanur A. Ravi, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Hendrik J. Debruyn, 2013-2015 To disseminate information on performance of both metallic and nonmetallic materials in specific environments where sustained temperatures of 538 °C (1,000 °F) are encountered. Document experience with equipment and materials, disseminate information on life assessment techniques, and draw up relevant standard practices and test methods for solving industry problems. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 37 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 123X Materials, Advanced, for High-Temperature Service in the CPI Chair: Vilupanur A. Ravi Vice Chair: Pinakin B. Mistry TEG 126X Materials, High-Temperature: Current Issues TEG 128X TEG 270X TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS Exchange, collect, and disseminate information on intermetallic aluminides and silicides, oxide dispersionstrengthened (ODS) alloys, ceramic composites, refractories, and thermal-spray coatings. TEG 123X NONE Chair: Alan F. Phillips Vice Chair: Donald Voke To exchange and disseminate information on materials uses in high-temperature environments, including repair techniques for metals after high-temperature exposure, nondestructive inspection methods, and life assessment techniques. A particular focus is on equipment associated with thermal pyrolysis and reformer processes. TEG 126X 39 Metal Dusting and Associated Phenomena: Effects on Materials Performance Chair: Hendrik J. Debruyn Vice Chair: Nacéra Sabrina S. Meck Provide a forum for the exchange of information and experiences regarding metal-dusting phenomena. TEG 128X 60 Reformer Components: Materials Issues Chair: Vice Chair: Exchange and disseminate information on high-temperature materials performance, degradation, and life assessment of reformer components. TEG 270X 34, 39 STG 38—Process Industry—Pulp, Paper, and Biomass Conversion Officers Scope Chair: Michael Lykins, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: To increase awareness of corrosion problems in the pulp, paper, and biomass conversion industries, disseminate information on reliable and economic solutions to material and corrosion problems, obtain additional corrosion data, and encourage the use of preventive corrosion measures. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Groups (TEGs) for which STG 38 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 232X Pulp and Paper Industry Corrosion Issues Chair: Michael Lykins Vice Chair: Catherine Noble Organize technical symposia related to corrosion and materials issues in the pulp and paper industry. Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 38 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TEG 092X (31 [46, 60, 61]) Under-Deposit Corrosion TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 232X NONE additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues TG 244 (11 [34, 36, 38, 41, 60]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 35 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 36 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 39—Process Industries—Materials Applications and Experiences Officers Scope Chair: Helena Alves, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Gary S. Whittaker, 2013-2015 To exchange and compile information on the experience of various metallic materials as related to properties, corrosion resistance, fabrication, weldability, repair techniques, and application in various process environments. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 39 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 114X Stainless Steels, Duplex and Ferritic: Application Chair: Nicole Kinsman Vice Chair: Marcelo Senatore TEG 116X Stainless Steels: Austenitic and Nickel Alloys TEG 120X Metals: Reactive TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS Share experiences on the use of ferritic and duplex stainless steels as related to corrosion resistance, weldability, and availability. TEG 114X NONE Chair: James D. Fritz Vice Chair: Glen M. Gallo Exchange of experiences on the use of austenitic alloys as related to properties, fabrication, and application. TEG 116X NONE Chair: Suresh C. Divi Vice Chair: Exchange of experiences on the use of reactive metals as related to properties, fabrication, and application. TEG 120X NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 39 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 014 (35 [02, 03, 05]) Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control TEG 191X (10) Plastics: Managing Corrosion with Polymer-Based and Composite Materials TEG 118X (36) Failure Prevention Case Histories TEG 239X (10) Nonmetallic Materials of Construction: Basic Education TEG 126X (37) Materials, High-Temperature: Current Issues TEG 270X (37 [34]) Reformer Components: Materials Issues TG 146 (02) Coatings, Thermal-Spray TG 498 (60 [02, 39]) Materials Selection and Inspection of Fasteners on Hanging Elements for Use in Indoor Swimming Pool Atmosphere TG 173 (34 [39, 60]) Reaffirmation of SP0170-2012 STG 40—Military and Aerospace Systems and Facilities Officers Scope Chair: Robert B. Mason, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: To disseminate information and serve as a resource on identification, causes, and control of corrosion and materials degradation for military, aerospace, and electronic systems, equipment, and facilities. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 40 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TG 511 Corrosion Under Paint (CUP) Test Standards for Equipment Used in the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of CUP on Military Aircraft Chair: Robert B. Mason Vice Chair: Joseph T. Menke This standard delineates the requirements for CUP test standards used for NDE equipment used to evaluate CUP on military aircraft. TG 511 08, 44, 62 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 40 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TEG 189X (60 [02, 62]) 37 Atmospheric Corrosion 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 439 (08 [01, 02, 05, 46, 60, 62]) Bridge Corrosion Management 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 38 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 41—Electric Utility Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Officers Scope Chair: Gabriel Ogundele, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Neal S. Murray, 2013-2015 To facilitate identification and resolution of corrosion-related problems of materials in various energy generating and delivery systems: nuclear, fossil fuel, radioactive liquid storage and transfer systems, and in the utilization of geothermal resources. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for STG 41 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 090X Radioactive Liquid Waste Interim Storage Chair: Vice Chair: TEG 182X Geothermal System Corrosion TEG 183X TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS To examine corrosion of radioactive liquid waste storage and transfer systems. This assignment includes material selection, corrosion monitoring, control, and research activities associated with the interim storage of radioactive liquid wastes and their impact on safety and the environment. Specific areas of interest include life prediction, corrosion surveillance, corrosion control, degradation mechanisms, and tank structural integrity. TEG 090X NONE Chair: Keith A. Lichti Vice Chair: Darrell L. Gallup Sponsor information exchanges and symposia on corrosion in geothermal systems. TEG 182X NONE Combustion and Conversion of Fossil and Alternative Fuels Chair: Bruce A. Pint Vice Chair: Brett M. Tossey Discussion of corrosion and materials technology in combustion and conversion (gasification) of solid fossil fuels, biomass, and waste fuels for power generation and production of clean fuels. TEG 183X NONE TEG 224X Nuclear System Corrosion Chair: Gabriel O. Ilevbare Vice Chair: Todd Mintz Exchange information on corrosion issues, including corrosion control, in nuclear plants. TEG 224X NONE TEG 368X Electric Utility Transmission and Distribution Corrosion and Grounding: Discussion of Issues Chair: Curtis Hickcox Vice Chair: Arun K. Pandey Joint NACE/IEEE committee to provide an open forum for electric utilities, consultants, and industry suppliers to discuss grounding and corrosion issues in electrical power and transmission and distribution systems. TEG 368X NONE TG 386 Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems Chair: Curtis Hickcox Vice Chair: This joint NACE/IEEE committee will write a standard practice for use by electric utilities to assess and repair belowgrade coatings on in-service transmission, distribution, and substation structures. TG 386 03, 04 TG 395 Atmospheric (Above-Grade) Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems Chair: Alan Holloman Vice Chair: Curtis Hickcox This joint NACE/IEEE committee will write a standard practice for use by electric utilities to assess and repair abovegrade coatings on in-service transmissions, distribution, and substation structures. TG 395 03, 04 TG 431 Guide to Evaluation of Steel Pole Strength Loss from Corrosion Chair: Arun K. Pandey Vice Chair: Alan Holloman Establish a guide for determining strength loss of steel poles and write a standard. TG 431 NONE TG 432 Development of Standard for Below-Grade Inspection and Assessment of Utility Electrical Structures Chair: Cris K. Conner Vice Chair: Thomas J. Langill Development of standard for inspection and assessment of utility electrical structures. TG 432 NONE TG 441 Minimum Performance Standard for Above-Grade Corrosion Control of Original Equipment Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems Chair: Carleton D. Kempkes Vice Chair: Michael C. Durbin Development of a minimum performance standard for above-grade corrosion control utilizing protective coatings for utility transmission, distribution, and substation structures. TG 441 02 TG 442 Minimum Performance Standard for Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Original Equipment Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems Chair: Carleton D. Kempkes Vice Chair: Kevin Boichuk Development of a minimum performance standard for below-grade corrosion control utilizing protective coatings for utility transmission, distribution, and substation structures. TG 442 03 TEG 465X Nuclear Buried and Underground Piping Chair: Gabriel Ogundele Vice Chair: Hank Kleinfelder Liaison between the sponsoring committees and the specific task groups that will develop standards, training, inspection, and assessment of buried/underground piping in nuclear power plants while focusing on discussions for the application of cathodic protection and coating systems. TEG 465X 03, 05, 35 TG 467 Materials Selection for Buried Piping in the Nuclear Industry Chair: Arthur A. Stein Vice Chair: Ronald M. Latanision To write a standard material requirements (MR) for materials selection for nuclear buried piping. TG 467 03, 05, 35 TG 471 Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Technologies to Evaluate Buried Pipe on Nuclear Sites Chair: Steve F. Biagiotti Vice Chair: Ted S. Ivy To write a standard on nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technologies to evaluate buried pipe at nuclear generation sites. TG 471 03, 05, 35 TG 473X Power Generation and Delivery Education Roadmap Chair: Hank Kleinfelder Vice Chair: Mark F. Bollinger To identify and qualify industry needs for training and certification of engineering, maintenance, and construction personnel in system design, mitigation of degradation mechanisms and remediation of preexisting component degradation. TG 473X NONE TG 481 Nuclear Power Plant Buried Pipe Coatings Condition Assessment Chair: Jon R. Cavallo Vice Chair: Rachel Valade Develop a standard practice for characterization of buried pipe coating condition during direct (bellhole) examination. TG 481 03 TG 485 Identification of Existing Buried Pipe Coatings in Nuclear Power Plants Chair: Jon R. Cavallo Vice Chair: Rachel Valade Develop a standard practice for determining the type of an existing buried pipe coating system. TG 485 03 TG 491 External Cathodic Protection for Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems Chair: Sasan M. Hosein Vice Chair: Laszlo Forgo To write a standard practice that defines design, construction, maintenance, and operation of cathodic protection systems in nuclear power plants. TG 491 05, 35 TG 499 Corrosion Management Guide for Nuclear Plants Chair: Gabriel Ogundele Vice Chair: Hank Kleinfelder Develop a guide on corrosion management for exterior surfaces of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components. TG 499 NONE Continued on p. 41 39 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 40 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 41—Electric Utility Generation, Transmission, and Distribution (continued) Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 41 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 046 (01 [05, 41]) Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Elements TG 290 (01 [41]) TG 054 (01 [41]) Reinforced Concrete: Electrochemical Chloride Removal and Realkalization TEG 453X (08 [31, 32, 35, 41, 45]) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) TEG 097X (62 [41]) Electrochemical Measurements TG 458 (60 [11, 31, 35, 41]) Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC): State of the Art TEG 100X (62 [41]) Sensors: Corrosion and Corrosiveness Sensor Technology TG 517 (35 [01, 05, 41]) Corrosion Control of Reinforced Concrete Piles in Nonmarine Applications TG 522 (35 [31, 41]) Technical Guidance for Using In-Line Inspection Devices in the Direct Assessment Phase of External Corrosion Direct Assessment TG 244 (11 [34, 36, 38, 41, 60]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 Reinforced Concrete: Design Considerations for Corrosion Control STG 43—Transportation, Land Officers Scope Chair: James R. Molnar, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Bill Hannemann, 2013-2015 To promote the development of techniques to extend the life of land transportation equipment. Technology Management Group: C1 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Concrete, Land Transportation, and Coating Technology) Technology Coordinator: Brian M. Willis, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Sylvia C. Hall, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jeffrey L. Didas, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Francisco Presuel-Moreno, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 43 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TG 061 Revision of NACE SP0592, “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service” Chair: Ken Campbell Vice Chair: Daniel Emerson To update and revise NACE SP0592-2006, “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service.” TG 061 03, 36 TG 063 Railcars: Corrosion Protection and Control Program Chair: James R. Molnar Vice Chair: Mariassunta Betti Develop guidelines for railcar lining requalification. TG 063 02, 03 TEG 064X Railcar Surface Preparation Chair: Vice Chair: Louis R. Tucker To keep abreast of industry changes and techniques and report findings annually. TEG 064X 04 TG 067 Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE SP0302-2007 Chair: Luke Gorinsky Vice Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer To review and revise or reaffirm NACE SP0302-2007 (formerly RP0302), “Selection and Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur Service.” TG 067 02 TG 271 Removal Procedures for Nonvisible Contaminants on Railcar Surfaces Chair: James R. Johnson Vice Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer To prepare a technical committee report describing surface decontamination procedures for railcars prior to coating application. TG 271 04 TEG 291X Land Transportation: Information Exchange on Corrosion and Coating-Related Issues Chair: Mariassunta Betti Vice Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer Technical information exchange in conjunction with an STG meeting. TEG 291X NONE TG 332 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0386-2007 Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer Vice Chair: Patrick Seger To review and revise or reaffirm as necessary NACE SP0386-2007 (formerly RP0386), “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food, and Chemical Service.” TG 332 02, 03 TG 333 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary NACE SP0295-2008 Chair: James R. Molnar Vice Chair: Scott Leonhard To review and revise or reaffirm NACE SP0295-2008 (formerly RP0295), “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars.” TG 333 03 TG 339 Railcars: Coating Application on Exterior Surfaces of Steel Railcars Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer Vice Chair: Daniel Emerson Review and revise as appropriate NACE Standard RP0692-2003, “Application of a Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail Cars.” TG 339 NONE TG 366 Railcars: Corrosion Under Tank Car Insulation Chair: James R. Molnar Vice Chair: Review and revise as appropriate NACE Publication 14C296 to ensure information is still relevant. TG 366 04, 36 TG 378 Waterborne Coatings on Railcars Chair: Randy Carter Vice Chair: Norman Black To prepare a state-of-the-art report on waterborne coatings on railcars. TG 378 02 TG 379 Surface Preparation by Encapsulated Blast Media for Repair of Existing Coatings on Railcars Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer Vice Chair: Doug Johnson To prepare a state-of-the-art report on surface preparation by encapsulated blast media for repair of existing coatings on railcars. TG 379 NONE TG 394 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail Industry Chair: Timothy C. Schaffer Vice Chair: James R. Molnar To review and revise NACE Standard RP0495-2003. TG 394 04 TG 406 Review of NACE SP0398-2006 Chair: James R. Molnar Vice Chair: Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0398-2006 (formerly RP0398), “Recommendation for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining Inspectors.” TG 406 02, 03, 04 TG 437 Maintenance Overcoating of Railcar Exteriors Chair: Mariassunta Betti Vice Chair: Luke Gorinsky To prepare a state-of-the-art report for the application of maintenance overcoating of railcar exteriors. TG 437 02, 04 TG 444 Guidelines for Data Collection and Analysis of Railroad Tank Car Interior Coating/Lining Condition Chair: James R. Molnar Vice Chair: Mariassunta Betti To produce a standard that provides guidelines for inspecting, rating, and documenting the condition of interior coatings and linings in railroad tank cars to comply with Hm 201. TG 444 02, 03 TG 451 Corrosion-Resistant Non-Skid Surfaces for Railcar Exteriors Chair: Luke Gorinsky Vice Chair: Randy Carter Produce a standard that defines and addresses the essential properties and specifications for corrosion-resistant non-skid surfaces on railcar exteriors. TG 451 02 TG 456 Timothy C. Schaffer Coating Thickness Measurement, Methods, and Recording—Specific to the Railcar Industry Chair: Vice Chair: Ken Campbell Prepare a state-of-the-art report outlining currently used procedures for dry film thickness measurement and recording for coatings on railcars. TG 456 02, 03, 04 Continued on p. 43 41 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 42 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 43 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 006 (04 [02, 03, 43]) Blasting: Review of Joint Standards NACE 1-4/SSPC SP 5, 10, 6, and 7, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues TG 246 (03 [02, 04, 34, 43]) Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Vessels and Tankages TG 516 (03 [02, 04, 43]) Standard Practice for Evaluating Protective Coatings for Use Under Insulation TEG 424X (02 [03, 04, 35, 43]) Liquid-Applied Thermal Insulative Coating for Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F STG 44—Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures Officers Scope Chair: Lydia M. Frenzel, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: To study the corrosion mechanisms, causes, effects, and corrosion control remedies for ships, structures, and equipment exposed to marine environments, and to disseminate information in the form of industry standards and formal and informal technical information exchanges on the research, development, and performance of materials, coatings, and improved or innovative methods to mitigate problems related to marine corrosion. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 44 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 181X Marine Vessel Corrosion Chair: Michael U. Bentkjaer Vice Chair: Roberto Malfanti To study the causes, effects, and remedies of corrosion in various marine vessels. TG 452 Testing of Coating Suitability, Anode Consumption, and Corrosion Evaluation with Use of BWT Systems Chair: John Carter Vice Chair: Peter McNulty TG 461 Standard for Hull Roughness Measurements on Ship Hulls in Dry Dock TG 475 TG 476 TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 181X 02 To write a standard on evaluation of risk for damage to coatings, increased anode consumption, and corrosion in conjunction with the use of ballast water treatment (BWT) systems. TG 452 03, 05 Chair: John Petersen Vice Chair: Raouf Kattan To develop a standard on how to perform both in-docking hull roughness readings (before blasting and cleaning in dry dock) and before out-docking hull roughness readings. TG 461 03, 04 Standard for Underwater Evaluation of Degree of Fouling on Ship Hulls Chair: Kevin Peters Vice Chair: Robert Hilliard To develop a pictorial standard to be used to evaluate the (1) extent, (2) location, and (3) type of fouling to ship hulls and propellers TG 475 61, 62 Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Power Units Chair: Andreas Momber Vice Chair: Brian Gibbs To write a standard practice that defines a life cycle of corrosion protection for offshore wind power structures. TG 476 02, 05, 08 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 44 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TEG 346X (02 [03]) Offshore Coatings: Laboratory Testing Criteria TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 511 (40 [08, 44, 62]) Corrosion Under Paint (CUP) Test Standards for Equipment Used in the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of CUP on Military Aircraft STG 45—Pollution Control, Waste Incineration, and Process Waste Officers Scope Chair: Gary M. Carinci, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Zachary J. Schulz, 2013-2015 To investigate problems, acquire service experience, exchange information, and prepare reports on the use of materials in pollution control equipment, fireside combustion systems, waste incineration facilities, coal conversion and extraction of bitumen from oil sands, and plant effluent process areas. Technology Management Group: N2 (Corrosion Prevention and Control for Chemical Process and Energy, Pollution Control, Air and Sea Transportation, and Military Industries) Technology Coordinator: Neal S. Murray, 2014-2016 Program Coordinator: Ivan Morales, 2013-2015 Associate Technology Coordinator: Gabriel Ogundele, 2014-2016 Associate Program Coordinator: Conchita Mendez, 2013-2015 Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 45 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 230X FGD Pollution Control Industries Corrosion Control Chair: Gary M. Carinci Vice Chair: Zachary J. Schulz Arrange symposia and informal technical exchanges. Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 45 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and TEG 453X (08 [31, 32, 34, 35, 41, 45]) 43 TG/TEG/ WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS TEG 230X NONE additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 44 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 60—Corrosion Mechanisms Officers Scope Chair: Lorrie A. Krebs, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Elizabeth A. Trillo, 2014-2016 Collect, assess, and disseminate information related to understanding corrosion and cracking mechanisms. Technology Management Group: S (Corrosion Science and Technology) Technology Coordinator: Mohsen H. Achour, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Milan Bartos, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jose R. Vera, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 60 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 186X Environmentally Assisted Cracking Chair: Fei Tang Vice Chair: TEG 187X Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion TEG 189X TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS The assessment and dissemination of existing information and the promotion of new studies to minimize, circumvent, or solve environmental cracking problems. TEG 186X NONE Chair: Jennifer L. Harris Vice Chair: Jason S. Lee Exchange of information as to mechanisms, case histories, and information related to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). TEG 187X 11, 46 Atmospheric Corrosion Chair: Vinod S. Agarwala Vice Chair: Francisco J. Presuel-Moreno To collect, correlate, and disseminate information concerning the development of more effective means of dealing with the problems caused by atmospheric corrosion of metals and to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in atmospheric corrosion. TEG 189X 02, 40, 62 TEG 213X Flow Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production Chair: Hernan Rincon Vice Chair: Yongli Zhang Provide a forum for technology and knowledge exchange and dissemination for flow effects on corrosion. TEG 213X NONE TEG 310X Stress-Oriented Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (SOHIC) Chair: Jeremy C. Ryder Vice Chair: Philip Dent To exchange information relating to the characterization of resistance of steel to SOHIC. TEG 310X 32 TEG 331X Biomedical Implant Device Corrosion Chair: Bradley D. Krantz Vice Chair: Elizabeth A. Trillo Provide a forum for information exchange concerning the science and technology of corrosion of biomedical implant devices. TEG 331X NONE TEG 407X Mechanisms of Pitting Corrosion Chair: Jeremy Moloney Vice Chair: Helmuth Sarmiento Klapper Exchange information regarding pitting corrosion: characterization, monitoring, and mechanisms. TEG 407X 31 TG 458 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC): State of the Art Chair: Cameron Campbell Vice Chair: Vic Keasler Produce a report summarizing the state-of-the-art in the field of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) for various industries. TG 458 11, 31, 35, 41 TEG 474X Nanotechnology in Corrosion Chair: Ananya Bhattacharya Vice Chair: Rigoberto Advincula Conduct technical information exchanges and symposia on nanotechnology in corrosion. TEG 474X NONE Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys Chair: Amir Eliezer Vice Chair: Bradley D. Krantz Develop a standard to describe testing and evaluation of magnesium as a suitable biodegradable alloy in biomedical applications. TG 495 NONE Chair: Jan Heselmans Vice Chair: Troels Mathiesen To write a standard on materials selection and inspection in indoor swimming pool atmosphere. TG 498 02, 39 TG 495 TG 498 Materials Selection and Inspection of Fasteners on Hanging Elements for Use in Indoor Swimming Pool Atmosphere Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 60 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 059X (31 [60, 61]) Oil and Gas Production, CO2 Corrosion: Information Exchange TG 244 (11 [34, 36, 38, 41, 60]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0590-2007 TG 076 (31 [60, 61]) Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Report TEG 282X (31 [60, 61, 62]) Oil and Gas Production, Sour Corrosion: Information Exchange TEG 092X (31 [38, 46, 60, 61]) Under-Deposit Corrosion TEG 286X (31 [60]) Oil and Gas Production: Microbially Influenced Corrosion TEG 128X (37 [60]) Metal Dusting and Associated Phenomena: Effects on Materials Performance TG 380 (61 [31, 60]) Underdeposit Corrosion—Testing and Mitigation TG 173 (34 [39, 60]) Reaffirmation of SP0170-2012 TEG 397X (35 [60]) Issues and Challenges with Hydrotesting Using Water and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines and Equipment TG 177 (34 [60]) Refineries, Environmental Cracking: Review of NACE SP0403 TEG 413X (31 [35, 60, 61]) Black Powder in Gas Pipelines TEG 201X (31 [60]) Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Information Exchange TG 439 (08 [01, 02, 05, 40, 46, 60, 62]) Bridge Corrosion Management TG 231 (34 [60]) Petroleum Refining Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC): Review of NACE Standard MR0103 TG 440 (35 [31, 60]) Hydrotesting and Long-Term Wet Storage of Pipelines, Risers, and Subsea Equipment TG 237 (35 [60]) Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on External Surfaces of Buried Pipelines: Detection, Testing, and Evaluation—Standard TEG 514X (31 [32, 60]) Oil and Gas Exploration Corrosion: Information Exchange 45 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 46 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 61—Inhibition—Corrosion and Scaling Officers Scope Chair: Alyn Jenkins, 2013-2015 Vice Chair: Cliff Cracauer, 2013-2015 Study and disseminate information regarding the use of corrosion and scale inhibitors. Technology Management Group: S (Corrosion Science and Technology) Technology Coordinator: Mohsen H. Achour, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Milan Bartos, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jose R. Vera, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 61 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 093X Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) Chair: Robin McConnell Vice Chair: Seckin Ozol TEG 094X State-of-the-Art Research on Corrosion Inhibitors TEG 095X TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS To study and disseminate information about new chemicals, products, and applications of vapor corrosion inhibitors (VCIs). TEG 093X 46 Chair: A. James Henderson Vice Chair: Ronald L. Cook To review state-of-the-art corrosion inhibitor research with respect to mechanisms, modeling, and development. TEG 094X NONE Inhibitors, High-Temperature Chair: Patrick Rodgers Vice Chair: Jin Huang To study and develop the requirements of corrosion inhibitors in applications where ultra-high temperatures are the normal working environment. TEG 095X 36 TEG 096X Inhibitors: Water Reuse Issues in Systems Chair: Dan Duke Vice Chair: Michael E. Rogers Study the mechanisms of scale/deposit and corrosion inhibitors to control, prevent, or mitigate problems associated with the use of aqueous effluents as makeup water or hydrostatic testing water in systems with zero or minimal discharge; study methods to evaluate such inhibitors and disseminate information concerning them. TEG 096X NONE TEG 145X Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust Preventives for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection: Advances and Novel Applications Chair: Jennifer E. Clark Vice Chair: Amela Keserovic To conduct a symposium based on NACE SP0487 (formerly RP0487). TEG 145X 02 TEG 184X Inhibitors, Corrosion and Scale/Deposit Chair: Haitao Fang Vice Chair: Sai Prasanth Venkateswaran Study the application of corrosion inhibitors and/or scale/deposit inhibitors and their mechanisms of inhibition and disseminate information about such inhibitors and their use. TEG 184X 31, 46 TG 261 Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust Preventives for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection Chair: Ben Faber Vice Chair: Steve Woessner To write a standard on rust preventives and vapor corrosion inhibitors for interim (temporary) corrosion protection. TG 261 02 TG 380 Underdeposit Corrosion—Testing and Mitigation Chair: Mohsen H. Achour Vice Chair: Graeme E. Dicken To review and report on available testing and mitigation methods for underdeposit corrosion in the form of a state-of-the-art report. TG 380 31, 60 TEG 515X Top-of-Line Corrosion Chair: Marc Singer Vice Chair: Yao Xiong Exchange information and technology on top-of-line corrosion in oil and gas production. Sponsor symposia and other formal technical information exchange functions. TEG 515X NONE Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 61 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TEG 059X (31 [60, 61]) Oil and Gas Production, CO2 Corrosion: Information Exchange TEG 202X (31 [61, 62]) Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production: Information Exchange TG 075 (31 [61]) Biocides—Oil and Gas Industry TEG 282X (31 [60, 61, 62]) Oil and Gas Production, Sour Corrosion: Information Exchange TG 076 (31 [60, 61]) Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Prediction: Report TEG 413X (31 [35, 60, 61]) Black Powder in Gas Pipelines TEG 092X (31 [38, 46, 60, 61]) Under-Deposit Corrosion TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues TG 157 (11 [61]) Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE Publication 46107 TG 475 (44 [61, 62]) Standard for Underwater Evaluation of Degree of Fouling on Ship Hulls 47 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 48 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Committees, Officers, and Scopes STG 62—Corrosion Monitoring and Measurement— Science and Engineering Applications Officers Scope Chair: Bruce N. Brown, 2014-2016 Vice Chair: Sridhar Srinivasan, 2014-2016 Develop and disseminate testing and measurement procedures for corrosive environments or materials in contact with those environments. Technology Management Group: S (Corrosion Science and Technology) Technology Coordinator: Mohsen H. Achour, 2013-2015 Program Coordinator: Milan Bartos, 2014-2016 Associate Technology Coordinator: Jose R. Vera, 2013-2015 Associate Program Coordinator: Following is a list of Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 62 is the Administrative STG. Additional sponsoring STGs, if any, are listed in the far right column. TG/TEG/WG TITLE OFFICERS ASSIGNMENT TEG 097X Electrochemical Measurements Chair: Yoon-Seok Choi Vice Chair: Jeremy Moloney TEG 098X Acoustic Emission Testing and Measurement TEG 100X TG/TEG/WG ADDITIONAL SPONSORING STGS To exchange and disseminate information on problems and limitations in the generation and interpretation of electrochemical data. TEG 097X 41 Chair: Sam Ternowchek Vice Chair: Miguel A. Gonzalez Nunez To exchange and disseminate information on acoustic emission technology for corrosion measurement and detection. TEG 098X NONE Sensors: Corrosion and Corrosiveness Sensor Technology Chair: Sridhar Srinivasan Vice Chair: Kuang-Tsan K. Chiang To collect and disseminate information on new developments in the area of sensors for the measurement of corrosion and corrosiveness. TEG 100X 41 TEG 108X Hydrogen Permeation Technology—Online Chair: Frank Dean Vice Chair: Matthew L. Taylor To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of information on the correlation of measurements of hydrogen permeation with its causes, such as corrosion, and effects, such as hydrogen cracking, via symposia and information exchange. TEG 108X 31, 34 TEG 316X Multielectrode Systems: Corrosion Monitoring and Electrochemical Studies Chair: Lietai Yang Vice Chair: Huzeifa Ismail Exchange information on multielectrode systems for corrosion monitoring and electrochemical studies. TEG 316X NONE TG 390 Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion—Field Applications Chair: Allan J. Perkins Vice Chair: Richard B. Eckert To revise NACE Publication 3T199, “Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion and Related Parameters in Field Applications.” TG 390 11, 31 TEG 391X Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion—Field Experience Chair: Bruce A. Cookingham Vice Chair: Allan J. Perkins To enable liaison and discussions between members of task group writing revision to NACE Publication 3T199 and field users. TEG 391X 31 TEG 434X Advances in Imaging and Surface Analysis Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring Chair: Sai Prasanth Venkateswaran Vice Chair: Yao Xiong Knowledge sharing and technical exchange on imaging and surface analysis techniques applied to corrosion monitoring, with emphasis on localized corrosion mechanisms. TEG 434X NONE TG 521 Testing of Nonshielding Property of Pipeline Coatings to Cathodic Protection Chair: Frank Cheng Vice Chair: Amal Al-Borno To develop a standard test method for assessing the “nonshielding” characteristics of a variety of pipeline coatings used with cathodic protection. TG 521 03, 05, 30, 35 Following is a list of the Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs) for which STG 62 is a sponsoring STG. The Administrative STG is listed in parentheses and additional sponsoring STGs, if any, follow in brackets. For further details, including officers and assignments, please refer to the appropriate Administrative STG listing. TG 030 (03 [05, 35, 62])Coating Conductance TG 257 (32 [34, 62]) Computerized Environmental Cracking Database TG 049 (01 [05, 62]) Reinforced Concrete: Test Methods for Cathodic Protection TG 266 (03 [62]) Coatings and Lining Materials in Immersion Service: Review of NACE Standard TM0174 TG 055 (01 [62]) Reinforced Concrete: Evaluation of Concrete Structures TEG 282X (31 [60, 61, 62]) Oil and Gas Production, Sour Corrosion: Information Exchange TG 070 (31 [62]) Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors: Field Assessment by DC Techniques TEG 310X (60 [32, 62]) Stress-Oriented Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (SOHIC) TEG 077X (31 [62]) Oil and Gas Production, Internal Erosion and Corrosion: Information Exchange TEG 319X (33 [10, 62]) Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service TG 082 (32 [34, 62]) Cracking, Stepwise: Pipeline Steels—Review of NACE Standard TM0284 TG 330 (31 [62]) Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors—Report of Laboratory Evaluations TG 085 (32 [62]) Sulfide Corrosion Cracking: Metallic Materials Testing Techniques TG 344 (06 [62]) Chemical Cleaning Test Methods—Low-Temperature Solutions WG 085c (32 [62]) Double-Cantilever-Beam (DCB) Test TEG 433X (31 [08, 62]) Internal Corrosion Monitoring in Oil and Gas Subsea Structures TG 086 (33 [10, 62]) Elastomers and Other Nonmetallics for Oilfield Sealing Service TG 439 (08 [01, 02, 05, 40, 46, 60, 62]) Bridge Corrosion Management TG 152 (11 [46, 62]) Cooling Water Systems: Monitoring and Control TG 445 (31 [62]) Internal Corrosion Monitoring of Subsea Production and Injection Systems TEG 163X (11 [62]) Boiler Waterside Failure Analysis TG 447 (35 [31, 62]) State-of-the-Art Report on Flow and Corrosion Modeling TEG 189X (60 [02, 40, 62]) Atmospheric Corrosion TEG 462X (35 [34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 61, 62]) Biofuels Corrosion Issues TEG 202X (31 [61, 62]) Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production: Information Exchange TG 475 (44 [61, 62]) Standard for Underwater Evaluation of Degree of Fouling on Ship Hulls TG 235 (11 [46, 62]) Water Treatment, Physical Processes: Guidelines for Testing TG 494 (32 [62]) Four-Point Bend Test Method TEG 253X (31 [62]) Oil and Gas Production, Corrosion Inhibitors—Laboratory Evaluations: Information Exchange TG 511 (40 [08, 44, 62]) Corrosion Under Paint (CUP) Test Standards for Equipment Used in the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of CUP on Military Aircraft 49 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 50 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Standards Status TMG STG C1 01 (T-11) C1 01 (T-11) C1 01 (T-11) C1 REVIEW YEAR NEXT TASK GROUP IF ANY PRIORITY REVIEW DUE DESIGNATION Committees, Officers, and Scopes TITLE TMG STG REVIEW YEAR NEXT TASK GROUP IF ANY PRIORITY REVIEW DUE DESIGNATION TITLE -1 2013 SP0187-2008 (formerly RP0187) Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete C1 03 (T-6A) 141 -2 2012 SP0892-2007 (formerly RP0892) -2 2012 SP0290-2007 (formerly RP0290) Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures C1 03 009 -7 2007 NACE No. 10/ SSPC-PA 6 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks 324 0 2014 SP0390-2009 (formerly RP0390) Maintenance and Rehabilitation Considerations for Corrosion Control of Existing Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures C1 03 030 -7 2007 TM0102-2002 Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground Pipelines 01 (T-11) 045 3 2017 TM0294-2012 Testing of Embeddable Anodes for Use in Cathodic Protection of Atmospherically Exposed Steel-Reinforced Concrete C1 03 249 -7 2007 RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, and Quality Control C1 01 (T-11) 052 4 2018 SP0395-2013 (formerly RP0395) Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating of Steel Reinforcing Bars C1 03 250 -7 2007 RP0602-2002 Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control C1 01 045 3 2017 TM0105-2012 Test Procedures for Organic-Based Conductive Coating Anodes for Use on Concrete Structures C1 03 246 -6 2008 NACE No. 11/ SSPC-PA 8 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied In New Carbon Steel Process Vessels (RP01032003) C1 01 054 -2 2012 SP0107-2007 Electrochemical Realkalization and Chloride Extraction for Reinforced Concrete C1 03 037 -5 2009 RP0304-2004 Design, Installation, and Operation of Thermoplastic Liners for Oilfield Pipelines C1 01 055 -1 2013 SP0308-2008 Inspection Methods for Corrosion Evaluation of Conventionally Reinforced Concrete Structures C1 03 264 -5 2009 TM0204-2004 Exterior Protective Coatings for Seawater Immersion Service C1 03 263 -5 2009 TM0104-2004 Offshore Platform Ballast Water Tank Coating System Evaluation C1 01 048 5 2019 SP0408-2014 Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Buried or Submerged Concrete Structures C1 03 247 -4 2010 RP0105-2005 Liquid-Epoxy Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines C1 01 400 3 2017 SP0112-2012 Corrosion Management of Atmospherically Exposed Reinforced Concrete Structures C1 03 251 0 2014 SP0109-2009 Field Application of Bonded Tape Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Metal Pipelines C1 02 (T-6H) 415 -5 2009 RP0281-2004 Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures C1 04 (T-6G) 295 -2 2012 SP0178-2007 (formerly RP0178) C1 02 (T-6H) 457 3 2017 SP0297-2012 (formerly RP0297) Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Apparatus Including Flow Coating of Transformer Radiators C1 04 (T-6G) 419 -7 2007 RP0287-2002 C1 02 146 -6 2008 NACE NO. 12/ AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS 23.00 Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel C1 04 (T-6G) 006 -2 2012 NACE No.1/ SSPCSP 5 White Metal Blast Cleaning (SP0494-2007) C1 02 260 -5 2009 TM0304-2004 Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone Maintenance Coating System Evaluation C1 04 (T-6G) 006 -2 2012 NACE No.2/ SSPCSP 10 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning (SP0594-2007) C1 02 312 -5 2009 TM0404-2004 Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction Coating System Evaluation C1 04 (T-6G) 006 -2 2012 NACE No.3/ SSPCSP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning (SP0694-2007) C1 02 313 -1 2013 SP0108-2008 Corrosion Control of Offshore Structures by Protective Coatings C1 04 (T-6G) 006 -2 2012 NACE No.4/ SSPCSP 7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning (SP0794-2007) 2 2016 SP0274-2011 (formerly RP0274) C1 04 (T-6G) 275 3 2017 NACE WJ-1/SSPCSP WJ-1 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Clean to Bare Substrate (Wj-1) (SP0212-2012) -3 2011 RP0375-2006 Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for Underground or Submerged Pipe C1 04 (T-6G) 276 3 2017 NACE WJ-2/SSPCSP WJ-2 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Very Thorough Cleaning (Wj-2) (SP0312-2012) 2012 SP0185-2007 (formerly RP0185) Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating C1 04 (T-6G) 277 3 2017 NACE WJ-3/SSPCSP WJ-3 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Thorough Cleaning (Wj-3) (SP0412-2012) 2018 SP0394-2013 (formerly RP0394) Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 μm (10 to 30 mils) C1 04 (T-6G) 278 3 2017 NACE WJ-4/SSPCSP WJ-4 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Light Cleaning (Wj-4) (SP0512-2012) 2012 SP0490-2007 (formerly RP0490) C1 04 (T-6G) 417 -6 2008 NACE No.6/ SSPCSP 13 Surface Preparation of Concrete (RP0397-2003) C1 04 (T-6G) 006 -2 2012 NACE No. 8/ SSPCSP 14 Industrial Blast Cleaning (SP0299-2007) C1 04 320 -2 2012 NACE No. 13/ SSPC-ACS-1 Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist Qualification and Certification (SP0307-2007) Definition of Set Soluble Salt levels by Conductivity Measurements C1 03 (T-10D) C1 03 (T-10D) C1 C1 C1 03 (T-10D) 03 (T-10D) 296 265 031 03 (T-10D) C1 03 C1 03 C1 03 (T-10D) C1 03 (T-6A) C1 03 (T-6A) C1 03 (T-6A) 51 290 -2 4 -2 248 298 266 High−Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings Prior to Installation Wax Coating Systems for Underground Piping Systems Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control Linings Over Concrete for Immersion Service Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape -6 2008 RP0303-2003 -2 2012 SP0298-2007 (formerly RP0298) -5 2009 RP0399-2004 Plant-Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control C1 04 418 4 2018 SP0213-2013 -2 2012 SP0188-2006 (formerly RP0188) Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates C2 05 (T-10B) 025 5 2019 SP0177-2014 (formerly RP0177) Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control Systems -7 2007 TM0174-2002 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials In Immersion Service C2 05 (T-7L) 284 2 2016 SP0196-2011 (formerly RP0196) Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks 2 2016 SP0288-2011 (formerly RP0288) C2 05 167 4 2018 SP0388-2013 (formerly RP0388) Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks C2 05 017 3 2017 TM0108-2012 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Sheet Rubber Linings for Abrasion and Corrosion Service Inspection of Linings on Steel And Concrete Testing of Catalyzed Titanium Anodes for Use in Soils or Natural Waters 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 52 Committees, Officers, and Scopes Standards Status REVIEW YEAR NEXT TASK GROUP IF ANY PRIORITY REVIEW DUE TMG STG DESIGNATION C2 06 344 -9 2005 TM0193-2000 C2 11 (T-3T) 241 4 2018 C2 11 (T-7A) 153 -3 C2 11 (T-7H) 244 -2 Committees, Officers, and Scopes TITLE STG Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93°C (200°F) N1 33 (T-1G) -3 2011 SP0181-2006 (formerly RP0181) SP0189-2013 (formerly RP0189) On-Line Monitoring of Cooling Waters N1 33 (T-1G) -7 2007 TM0384-2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of Less Than 250 μm (10 mils) Dry Film Thickness 2011 RP0300/ISO 167841 (2006) (National adoption) Pilot Scale Evaluation of Corrosion and Scale Control Additives for Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems N1 33 (T-1G) -4 2011 TM0183-2006 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods in Aqueous Flowing Environment SP0590-2007 (formerly RP0590) N1 33 (T-1G) -3 2011 TM0185-2006 2012 Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Deaerator Cracking Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing N1 33 (T-1G) -7 2007 TM0186-2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of 250 to 760 μm (10 to 30 mils) Dry Film Thickness N1 33 (T-1G) 2 2016 TM0187-2011 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Gas Environments N1 33 (T-1G) -1 2013 SP0191-2008 (formerly RP0191) N1 33 (T-1G) -4 2010 RP0291-2005 Care, Handling, and Installation of Internally Plastic-Coated Oilfield Tubular Goods and Accessories N1 33 (T-1G) 912 3 2017 SP0491-2012 Worksheet for the Selection of Oilfield Nonmetallic Seal Systems N1 33 (T-1G) 913 3 2017 TM0192-2012 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Carbon Dioxide Decompression Environments N1 33 (T-1G) 087 5 2019 TM0296-2014 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Liquid Environments N1 33 (T-1G) -1 2013 TM0297-2008 Effects of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Decompression on Elastomeric Materials N1 33 (T-1G) -6 2008 TM0298-2003 Evaluating the Compatibility of FRP Pipe and Tubulars with Oilfield Environments N1 34 (T-8) 173 3 2017 SP0170-2012 (formerly RP0170) Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipment N1 34 (T-8) 326 1 2015 SP0472-2010 (formerly RP0472) Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments C2 11 (T-7H) 218 4 2018 TM0199-2013 Standard Test Method for Measuring Deposit Mass Loading (“Deposit-WeightDensity”) Values for Boiler Tubes by the Glass-Bead-Blasting Technique C2 11 TG 158 5 2019 SP0114-2014 Inspection, Cleaning, and Remediation Technology for Water Piping in Buildings 2016 TM0111-2011 Slow Strain Rate Test Method for Evaluation of Ethanol Stress Corrosion Cracking In Carbon Steels 2012 SP0176-2007 (formerly RP0176) Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms Associated with Petroleum Production -3 2011 SP0387-2006 (formerly RP0387) Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Sacrificial Anodes for Offshore Applications -3 2011 SP0492-2006 (formerly RP0492) Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet Anodes C2 N1 35 30 (T-1) N1 30 (T-7L) N1 30 (T-7L) 387 170 454 2 -2 N1 30 (T-7L) 3 2017 TM0190-2012 Impressed Current Test Method for Laboratory Testing of Aluminum Anodes N1 31 (T-1D) -4 2010 TM0173-2005 Methods for Determining Quality of Subsurface Injection Water Using Membrane Filters 411 DESIGNATION TITLE Liquid-Applied Internal Protective Coatings for Oilfield Production Equipment The Application of Internal Plastic Coatings for Oilfield Tubular Goods And Accessories 3 2017 SP0192-2012 (formerly RP0192) Monitoring Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production with Iron Counts 31 (T-1D) -2 2012 SP0273-2007 (formerly RP0273) Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield Acids 31 (T-1D) 4 2018 SP0775-2013 (formerly RP0775) Preparation and Installation of Corrosion Coupons And Interpretation of Test Data in Oilfield Operations N1 34 (T-8) 268 1 2015 SP0296-2010 (formerly RP0296) Guidelines for Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Cracking of Existing Petroleum Refinery Pressure Vessels in Wet H2S Environments TM0374-2007 Laboratory Screening Tests to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Calcium Sulfate and Calcium Carbonate from Solution (for Oil and Gas Production Systems) N1 34 (T-8) 177 -1 2013 SP0403-2008 (formerly RP0403) Avoiding Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Refinery Equipment And Piping N1 34 231 3 2017 MR0103-2012 N1 34 300 1 2015 SP0205-2010 (formerly RP0205) N1 34 302 4 2018 SP0407-2013 Format, Content, and Guidelines for Developing a Materials Selection Diagram N1 34 174 5 2019 SP0214-2014 Refinery Injection and Process Mix Points N1 31 (T-1D) N1 N1 N1 REVIEW YEAR NEXT TASK GROUP IF ANY PRIORITY REVIEW DUE TMG 373 31 (T-1D) -2 2012 Materials Resistant To Sulfide Stress Cracking In Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments 2 2016 MR0174-2011 Recommendations for Selecting Inhibitors for Use as Sucker-Rod Thread Lubricants 5 2019 TM0194-2014 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems -3 2012 SP0195-2007 (formerly RP0195) 383 1 2015 TM0197-2010 Laboratory Screening Test to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Barium Sulfate and/or Strontium Sulfate from Solution (for Oil and Gas Production Systems) C2 35 (T-10) 360 4 2018 SP0169-2013 (formerly RP0169) Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems 31 (T-1D) 384 3 2017 TM0397-2012 Screening Tests for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gypsum Scale Removers C2 35 (T-10A) 021 -2 2012 SP0572-2007 (formerly RP0572) Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Goundbeds N1 31 (T-1D) 345 3 2017 SP0299-2012 (formerly TM0299) Corrosion Control and Monitoring in Seawater Injection Systems C2 35 (T-10A) -2 2012 SP0286-2007 (formerly RP0286) Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines N1 32 (T-1F) 085 -4 2010 TM0177-2005 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments C2 35 (T-10A) 011 2 2016 SP0285-2011 (formerly RP0285) Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection N1 32 (T-1F) 082 2 2016 TM0284-2011 Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to HydrogenInduced Cracking C2 35 (T-10A) 013 -8 2006 RP0193-2001 External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Metallic Storage Tank Bottoms N1 32 (T-1F) Maintenance Panel, TG 299 1 2015 MR0175/ISO 15156 (2009) Petroleum and natural gas industries—Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production—Parts 1, 2, and 3 C2 35 (T-10A) 020 3 2017 TM0497-2012 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems N1 32 (T-1F) 084 3 2017 MR0176-2012 Metallic Materials for Sucker-Rod Pumps For Corrosive Oilfield Environments C2 35 (T-10A) 019 5 2019 SP0100-2014 (formerly RP0100) Cathodic Protection to Control External Corrosion of Concrete Pressure Pipeline and Mortar-Coated Steel Pipelines for Water or Waste Water Service N1 32 (T-1F) 133 2 2016 TM0198-2011 Slow Strain Rate Test Method for Screening Corrosion-Resistant Alloys (CRAs) for Stress Corrosion Cracking in Sour Oilfield Service C2 35 (T-10A) 012 5 2019 SP0200-2014 (formerly RP0200) Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices C2 35 (T-10E) 042 -8 2006 TM0172-2001 N1 31 (T-1D) N1 31 (T-1D) N1 31 (T-1D) N1 31 (T-1D) N1 53 214 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Corrosion Control of Sucker Rods by Chemical Treatment Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Petroleum Refining Alkylation Unit Spent Concentrated Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures Determining Corrosive Properties of Cargoes in Petroleum Product Pipelines 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 54 Committees, Standards Status Officers, and Scopes REVIEW YEAR NEXT TASK GROUP IF ANY PRIORITY REVIEW DUE TMG STG C2 35 (T-1E) -2 2012 SP0575-2007 (formerly RP0575) C2 35 (T-1E) -2 2012 SP0186-2007 (formerly RP0186) C2 35 209 3 2017 TM0101-2012 C2 35 212 1 2015 C2 35 041 1 C2 35 210 C2 35 273 C2 35 237 STG Internal Cathodic Protection Systems in Oil-Treating Vessels N2 44 392 1 2015 SP0508-2010 Methods of Validating Equivalence to ISO 8502-9 on Measurement of the Levels of Soluble Salts Application of Cathodic Protection for External Surfaces of Steel Well Casings N2 44 402 2 2016 SP0111-2011 Coating Technical File in Accordance with the IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank Systems N2 44 452 3 2017 TM0112-2012 Test to Determine the Potential Corrosion Effects of Ballast Water Treatment Systems on Ballast Tanks SP0102-2010 (formerly RP0102) In-Line Inspection of Pipelines N2 45 (T-5F) 129 3 2017 SP0292-2012 Installation of Thin Metallic Wallpaper Lining in Air Pollution Control and Other Process Equipment 2015 SP0502-2010 (formerly RP0502) Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology N2 45 (T-5H) 199 0 2014 SP0199-2009 (formerly RP0199) -5 2009 RP0104-2004 S 61 215 4 2018 TM0208-2013 -1 2013 SP0204-2008 (formerly RP0204) Laboratory Test to Evaluate the Vapor-Inhibiting Ability of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor Materials for Temporary Protection of Ferrous Metal Surfaces S 61 261 -2 2012 SP0487-2007 (formerly RP0487) Considerations in the Selection and Evaluation of Rust Preventives and Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection S 62 (T-5A) 318 3 2017 NACE TM0169/ ASTM G31 Standard Guide for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing of Metals S 62 (T-3L) 365 0 2014 TM0499-2009 Immersion Corrosion Testing of Ceramic Materials S 62 256 2 2016 TM0211-2011 Durability Test for Copper/Copper Sulfate Permanent Reference Electrodes for Direct Burial Applications S 62 436 4 2018 TM0113-2013 Evaluating the Accuracy of Field-Grade Reference Electrodes 2011 TM0106-2006 TITLE The Use of Coupons for Cathodic Protection Monitoring Applications Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology Detection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) on External Surfaces of Buried Pipelines C2 35 038 -3 2011 SP0106-2006 Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems C2 35 293 -3 2011 SP0206-2006 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines Carrying Normally Dry Natural Gas (DG-ICDA) C2 35 279 -2 2012 SP0207-2007 Performing Close-Interval Potential Surveys and DC Surface Potential Gradient Surveys on Buried or Submerged Metallic Pipelines C2 35 357 5 2019 SP0507-2014 Joint NACE/PODS Standard, External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) Integrity Data Exchange (IDX) Format C2 35 315 -1 2013 SP0208-2008 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Liquid Petroleum Pipelines C2 35 294 0 2014 TM0109-2009 Aboveground Survey Techniques for the Evaluation of Underground Pipeline Coating Condition C2 35 305 1 2014 SP0110-2010 Wet Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines C2 35 377 1 2014 SP0210-2010 Pipeline External Corrosion Confirmatory Direct Assessment C2 35 254 3 2017 TM0212-2012 Detection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) on Internal Surface of Pipelines C2 35 401 4 2018 SP0113-2013 Pipeline Integrity Method Selection N2 36 (T-5A) 372 -8 2006 RP0391-2001 Materials for The Handling and Storage of Concentrated (90 To 100%) Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures N2 36 (T-5A) 217 -3 2011 SP0294-2006 (formerly RP0294) Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and Oleum at Ambient Temperatures N2 36 (T-5A) 325 1 2015 SP0198-2010 (formerly RP0198) The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials—A Systems Approach N2 36 (T-5A) -5 2009 RP0497-2004 Field Corrosion Evaluation Using Metallic Test Specimens N2 37 (T-5B) 124 5 2019 TM0498-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Carburization of Alloys for Ethylene Cracking Furnace Tubes C1 43 (T-14C) 332 -2 2012 SP0386-2007 (formerly RP0386) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food, and Chemical Service C1 43 (T-14C) 061 -3 2011 SP0592-2006 (formerly RP0592) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Concentrated (90 to 98%) Sulfuric Acid Service C1 43 (T-14C) 339 -6 2008 RP0692-2003 C1 43 (T-14C) 333 -1 2013 SP0295-2008 (formerly RP0295) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars C1 43 (T-14C) 394 -6 2008 RP0495-2003 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail Industries C1 43 (T-14C) -3 2011 SP0398-2006 (formerly RP0398) Recommendations for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Coating Inspectors in the Railcar Industry C1 43 -2 2012 SP0302-2007 (formerly RP0302) Selection and Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur Service 55 067 REVIEW YEAR NEXT TASK GROUP IF ANY PRIORITY REVIEW DUE TMG -3 DESIGNATION Committees, Officers, and Scopes 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory DESIGNATION TITLE Installation of Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel and Nickel−Alloy Roll-Bonded and Explosion−Bonded Clad Plate in Air Pollution Control Equipment Application of a Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail Cars 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 56 Committee Rosters and Membership Contact Information Following is a list of each NACE technical committee and its existing membership as of July 25, 2013. NACE members may also view the rosters of all technical committees by logging on to the NACE Web site,, and click on the Committees tab at the top of the page. This will take you to the main Committees page where you will see all committees listed. From there you may look up any committee’s roster and/or you may look up an individual committee member. Click on an individual’s name and you will go to all contact information for that individual, if that individual has updated his NACE profile on the NACE Web site. If you have not updated your profile on the NACE Web site, your contact information will not be available to other NACE members. Because of privacy laws and changes made to the NACE Web site, other NACE members will no longer be able to see your contact information on the site unless you give permission. Only your name will show in the Member Directory on the Web site. If you would like for other members to be able to contact you by accessing your information on the Web site, please log in to the NACE Web site at, click on the “Log In” tab at the top of the page, log in, and review/update your personal information. On your Personal Profile page, the tabs “Contact,” “Address,” and “Personal Demographics” all include check boxes next to the question “Show on Profile Page.” You must check the box for each bit of information to give permission for this information to be available to other members. The default for these is not checked. Please go to your Profile and make sure it shows the information you want it to show. Technical Committee Publications Development of NACE Standards NACE standards provide industries with standard practices, material requirements, and test methods that have been approved by NACE technical committee members by way of a thorough consensus review and approval process. Being active in NACE technical committees means that your company can influence, as well as learn from, the corrosion-control practices of an entire industry Standards Online You can also download PDF files of individual standards from the NACE Web site at Visit the NACE store and enter the download area by clicking on the link to Standards. You can read a description and download, save, and print the standard as a benefit of your NACE membership. You may also order a printed copy by completing the electronic order form. Technical Committee Reports NACE technical committees also produce technical committee reports, which are approved by a consensus process similar to that used to review NACE standards. Technical committee reports may be of two types: state-of-the-art reports, which deal with the current science and technology of a method, material, or other aspect of corrosion-control work; and informational reports, which can be statements on a specific problem, or may be a forum to publish the results of a survey or provide a bibliography on a special subject. You can download PDF files of technical committee reports from the NACE Web site at Visit the NACE store and enter the download area by clicking on the link to Reports. You can read a description, download, and print the document as a benefit of your NACE membership. You may also order a printed copy by completing the electronic order form. Call the NACE FirstService Department at 281-228-6223 for more information about any NACE product. 57 2013-2014 Technical Committees Directory Committee Rosters STG 01 Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Adey, Robert A. Akhoondan, Mersedeh Al-Beed, Ali A. Alexander, Tom Ali, Mohammed Aligizaki, Kalliopi Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Ames, Michael Andrews, Weston B. Ansuini, Frank J. Arnvig, Poul-Erik Arshi, Mohammad M. Avemegah, Winfred S. Ayyar, Sameer A. Baboian, Robert Baessler, Ralph Baig, Wasim Idris Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Balma, Javier Barrett, Lake Bayer, Richard F. Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Berndt, Marita Berthagen, Leif K. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bianchetti, Ronald L. Birbilis, Nick Book, Allen D. Britton, Colin F. Brodar, John M. Broomfield, John P. Brown, Robert P. Bucher, Brooks E. Busba, Ezeddin R. Bushman, James B. Byrd, Jerry D. Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Callon, Rod Caseres, Leonardo Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Chustz, Keith Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Conner, Cris K. Costa, Jorge E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Coull, Zoe Covino Jr, Bernard S. Cox, Carlon M. Crevello, Gina L. Cui, Fushuang Daily, Steven F. Danov, Evgeni V. De Groot, Harm W. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Deeruang, Yuttana Delahunt, John F. DeNicola, Peter Dhal, Dusmant K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Divi, Suresh C. Doughty, Dale Dunn, Patrick J. Edwards, David E. Edwards, Richard Eid, Omar A. El Kholy, Amr S. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. Erwanto, Edy Esaklul, Khlefa A. Etcheverry, Leandro Faza, Salem Firlotte, Clem Fogata, Martin Forgo, Laszlo Fosnough, Peter Fransted, Martin Garrity, Kevin C. Gerrard, Anthony P. Ghods, Pouria Ghosh, Goutam Gibbs, Peter Alan John Gilroy, Douglas E. Glass, Gareth Godara, Pankaj Gonzalez, Edgar F. Goodwin, Fred Gordon, Barry M. Granes, Luis F. Green, Warren K. Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Hallopeau, Xavier Hansson, Carolyn M. Harib, Muhamed Hartt, William H. Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Hermanto, Dwie Hevle, Andrew G. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Howell, Kerri M. Idoko, David J. Ip, Alan K. Islam, Moavin Jain, Jitendra Janssen, Dale Javed, Bashir Jenkins, James F. Jensen, Birit Buhr Jewell, Gavin J. John, Gareth Jordan, Dominic J. Karinchak, Nicole M. Kehr, Alan Keil, Brent Kenny, Wong Cho Hang Kessler, Richard J. Khan, Khalid A. Khan, Shamsh T. Kleinhans, Danielle Knowles, Dustin Kosednar, John P. Kurth, Jonah Kvochak, John J. Langill, Thomas J. Lasa, Ivan R. Lau, Kingsley Lavigne, Nate M. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Leng, Douglas Lewis, Richard O. Li, Lianfang Little, Daryl A. Locke, Carl E. Lu, Hong MacDowell, Louis G. Maddela, Surender Madrigal, Roberto Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Mangalmurti, Amol Mankar, Deepak Martin, Barry L. Mason, Anthony Mather, Michael T. Mathew, Ivan McAlpin, Ronald L. McDonald, David McReynolds, Robert Memon, Saud Merwin, Mark Meyer, Jessica Miller, Wes Mintz, Todd Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moreno, Eric Ivan Moreno, Mario A. Moriber, Norman J. Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Ngadi, Arvin Nicholson, John P. Nnadi, Valentine C. Noyce, Paul O’Dea, Vaughn Olson, John I. Omar, Mohd Fakhri Ozer, Cahit T. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Petersen, Michael B. Pettersson, Rachel Piazza, John L. Pikas, Joseph Pinto, Louis J. Poncio, Steve Pope, Heath K. Pourazami, Bijan Powers, Rodney G. Prabhu, Santhosh G. Pratt, Jennifer Pressley, Douglas W. Preston, James Presuel-Moreno, Francisco J. Proverbio, Edoardo Pynn, Calvin R. Rajpathak, Shirish S. Ray, Brent D. Rettman, Will Riccardella, Scott Rice, Scott Rothman, Paul S. Safarzadeh, Maryam Sagues, Alberto A. Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Sanchez, Andrea N. Scheiner, Paul Scully, John R. Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Sharp, Stephen R. Shi, Xianming Shreffler, Glenn W. Simon, Philip D. Singh, Devinder Singha, Dhanajit Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Srivastava, Vikalp Stamps, Peter D. Stevenson, Craig E. Subhani, Khaleel A. Sundararaj, Sathish Szeliga, Michael Tajallipour, Nima Talakokula, Visalakshi Tang, Fujian Tems, Robin D. Tepke, David G. Thangaraj, Raja Tinnea, Jack Tinnea, Ryan J. Torrey, Jessica Tremolada, Simone Trocónis de Rincón, Oladis M. Turcotte, Roger C. Varughese, Kuruvila Vasquez, Custodio Venugopalan, Sivaraman Virmani, Paul Walde, Robert Walker, Robert W. Webb, T. R. Wetzel, Edwin Wheat, Harovel G. Whitmore, David W. Widyanto, Bambang Wiebe, Darren Wilds, Neil Woodland, Kevin P. Wu, Yu-You Wyatt, Brian S. Yee, Michael Yu, Hui Zeleznak, David F. Zemajtis, Jerzy Z. Zhu, Jun STG 02 A. Muftah, Mohamed Achar, Sudhir Aguirre, Fabio Ahmed, Rehan Akhoondan, Mersedeh Akram, Deewan Alfieri, Louis D. Allerton, David Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alseoud, Ahmed M. Aluko, Olumide O. Anderson, Raymond A. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Andrews, Adrian F. Andrews, Weston B. Appukuttan, Ajay M. Argasinski, Karol Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Ault, J. Peter Badrak, Robert P. Baltazar, Almario D. Barker, Ronald E. Barron, Lynda Bayer, Richard F. Beall, Charles J. Beitzel, Michael J. Bennett, George W. Bhattacharya, Basab Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bingman, Ernest R. Blair, Tim D. Blohm, Grant Bock, Peter Bookout, Charles Bosserman, Bayard E. Bowry, Earl V. Bowser, Josh Brackman, Eric K. Brattas, Leif Brink, Nate Brodar, John M. Brown, John C. Brown, Timothy M. Bryant, Dennis M. Byrd, Jerry D. Byrnes, Todd Cabral, Stephen Cabrera, Ernesto A. Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Craig F. Campbell, Doug Campbell, Neil A. Carroll, Richard Carter, John Carter, Paul Chandler, Bryant W. Chandler, Clifford J. Chandler, Norma L. Chang, Benjamin T. Chauviere, Monica M. Chen, Bang Yih Chen, Jie Chen, Yingzi Cheng, Shun-Hsing Choate, Dan L. Choate, Leonard C. Chustz, Keith Cignatta, John V. Clayton, Mark D. Clem, Jr., Harold G. Cohen, T. David Comert, Mehmet Conner, Cris K. Conquest, Douglas Cooksey, Kevin Coomarasamy, Arunasalam Corbett, Tim Coronado, Kat Costa, Jorge E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Crain, Robert Crowe, John J. Cunningham, Tony Curry, Larry J. D’Andrea, Luca Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Davis, Robert B. De Marco, Marco Delahunt, John F. Deng, Liu-na Devinney, Harold Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Diaz, Jose L. Dickerson, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. Diraz, Tolga 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 58 Committee Rosters Doerr III, Eugene E. Dohl, Chris Dopjera, Douglas E. Dos Santos, Victor Drisko, Richard W. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duncan, Hartley Dunn, Patrick J. Duran, Bernardo Eastham, Shawn Eaton, Guy F. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Elliott, Jerome E. Elliott, Peter Esaklul, Khlefa A. Evans, Lyn G. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Ficca, Mark Fitzgerald, Brian J. Flynn, Steven Frank, Lou Frank-Chukwuani, George Fregia, Richard Freitag, Jimmy Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Ganeson, Girisha Gatto, Richard Georgousis, Demetrios Ghosh, Debashis Goodwin, Fred Goswami, Pradip Greenfield, Donald T. Greenwood-Sole, Graham Griffin, Jerome W. Guan, Shiwei William Guardado, Ariela Guasti, Courtney Guier, Robert J. Guzman, Federico Hall, Gary R. Hall, Sylvia C. Halliday, Marie C. Hamlin, Steven J. Hammill, Bill Hanck, James A. Haque, Ebadul Z. Harris, Darrell W. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Harrison, Steven J. Hasak, Robin W. Hasanov, Rovshan Hassan, Mahmoud H. Haynes, Terence S. He, David D. Helsel, Jayson L. Henderson, A. James Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hoffman, Andy Holton, Gerald G. Hopfe, Christopher A. Horne, Robert B. Hughes, Chic L. Hwang, Hyun Sik Idlibi, Yasir Ip, Alan K. Ippoliti, Anthony D. Irving, Kevin Iyer, Santosh Janssen, Dale Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jenkins, William S. Johnson, Doug Johnson, E.J. Jones, Anthony Jones, David N. Jones, Steve P. Kale, Shawn Karinchak, Nicole M. Kelly, Richard Keown, Robert A. Kermad, Abdelhak Khan, Aftab F. Khan, Mohammad S. Khosravi, Javad Klechka, Ernest W. Kloepper, John Kosednar, John P. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Kunjapur, Madana M. Kuruppath, Vighnesh V. Kvochak, John J. Laborde, Tim Langill, Thomas J. Lavery, Anthony Lavigne, Nate M. Lee, Kelly A. LeJeune, Richard E. Leonard, Brad A. Lewis, Ronald E. Li, Bingtao Liu, Guochao Luder, Daniel Lunde, John O. Lunde, Per G. Lynch, Michael B. Lynch, Timothy P. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDowell, Louis G. MacKay, Laurie F. Mackey, Nicole MacKinnon, Arthur MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maddela, Surender Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Malfanti, Roberto Maligas, Manuel N. Mandeno, William L. Manuel, Anthony T. Marsh, James W. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, Anthony Mason, Robert B. Masoumi, Ali Mathiesen, Troels McAfee, Clyde A. McCann, Jerrod E. McCoy, Terry H. McDonald, David McKeen, Laurence W. McKinnon, Chris MeLampy, Michael Melancon, Michael Merwin, Mark Metcalf, Annette Mielke, Richard Mikles, Cory L. Mitschke, Howard 59 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Moore, Douglas P. Morales, Ivan Morrisette, Calvin Morse, B. N. Mueller, Phil Muncaster, John Muncaster, Nathan Murty, Anthony J. Nagappan, Manikandan Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nair, Renjith C. Naylor, Edward R. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nelson, Terrell K. Newell, Richard J. Newell, Trevor Nichol, George S. Niebling, Robert C. Oberg, Peter A. O’Dea, Vaughn Olabisi, Olagoke Oluwadunsin, Ajayi O’Malley, Cindy Osman, Mohamed H. Overduin, Leon Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Pariseau, John L. Pelaez, Ramon E. Perdomo, Jorge J. Perkins, Cathey L. Peters, Hap Pikas, Joseph Pitta, Anil Poncio, Steve Primeaux, Dudley J. Procopio, Leo Puckett, Jimmy J. Quinn, Mike Quinter, Raymond C. Rabon, Kyle Rachel, Keith Radhakrishna, Pradeep Railton, Ryan Ramirez, Saul A. Ramnath, Rajesh Rao, Raghupati Raphoon, Ron R. Rasche, Dale Rasmussen, Soeren N. Ray, Brent D. Rehberg, Thomas Rennie, Stephen F. Rice, Michael Rice, Scott Risch-Gage, Adiki Rogalski, Chris Rowan, James S. Ruffin, Maurice D. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Samadi, Omid N. Sanchez, Sandra I. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Satheesan, Bobby Saxena, Raj Scaturro, Milton R. Schilling, Mark S. Schramm, David A. Schultheis, Michael Schulz, Clinton J. Segers, John Paul M. Semerad, Antony V. Sequeira, Elvis Shaaban, Wael A. Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, David Sherbondy, Valerie Shi, Xianming Silvia, Winston A. Sincioco, Marvin H. Sinclair, Paul W. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Craig Smith, Kendall D. Smith, Kirt Sober, Michael J. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Speed, Charles F. Stamps, Peter D. Stein, Arthur A. Stelmach, Michael Strong, John Sumbry, Louis C. Surkein, Michael B. Surnam, B.Y.R. Sutkowski, Steven Swamy, Gomatham V. Swick, Roger L. Szeliga, Michael Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tator, Ken Taylor, Don Tebbal, Saadedine Temple, Dale G. Tems, Robin D. Thangaraj, Raja Traughber, Tim S. Trifaley, Heramb R. Trindade, Joventino A. Van Haver, Wim Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vickers, Don C. Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. Virmani, Paul Vormelker, Philip R. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, Henry H. Wass, Blaine Watkinson, Charles J. Weber, James Weber, Tom J. Wei, Chao Wetzel, Edwin White, Billy Whitehead, Raleigh W. Widyanto, Bambang Wilds, Neil Williams, Matthew O. Williams, Michael R. Williamson, Alexander I. Willis, Brian M. Winston, Daniel K. Winter, Michael J. Winters, Robert H. Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Xu, Likun Yang, John Yoakam, Josh L. Young, Nathan Zelinka, Samuel L. Zeng, Jing Zeynalov, Mehman Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 03 A. Muftah, Mohamed Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Aguiar, David Aguirre, Fabio Ahluwalia, Hira S. Akhoondan, Mersedeh Alabbas, Faisal M. Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Borno, Amal Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Alfieri, Louis D. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Allebach, Carl L. Allerton, David Alseoud, Ahmed M. Alvis, Vance Q. Ames, Michael Anderson, Raymond A. Andrenacci, Alfredo Andrews, Adrian F. Andrews, Weston B. Ashari, Rian Ashraf, Imran Aulicino, Eric J. Bagaviev, Marina Bailey, Bill M. Baltazar, Almario D. Barder, Donald Barker, Allen T. Barker, Ronald E. Barouky, Fikry F. Barrett, Lake Barron, Lynda Bartrip, Keith A. Bayer, Richard F. Bean, Steven J. Been, Jenny Bergman, Brent Bernard, W. L. Berry, Ron Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bhatti, Bashir M. Bi, WuXi Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bingman, Ernest R. Bollinger, Mark F. Booth, Christian Bosserman, Bayard E. Bow, Kenneth E. Bowditch, Steve Bowers, David F. Bowing, Scott Bowles, Joe C. Bowser, Josh Brackman, Eric K. Brand, Andre Brand, Warren Brink, Nate Brockman, Michael A. Brodar, John M. Brown, John C. Bryant, Dennis M. Bushman, James B. Bussard, Tom Committee Rosters Buswell, Debbie Byerley, Mark J. Byrd, Jerry D. Cabrera, Ricardo Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Carroll, Richard Carter, John Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castellanos, Omar J. Catte, Darrell R. Cavallo, Jon R. Chahar, Satendra S. Chang, Benjamin T. Chen, Bang Yih Chen, Yingzi Cheng, Judy Cheng, Shun-Hsing Choate, Dan L. Choate, Leonard C. Chukwu, Charles O. Chustz, Keith Clayton, Mark D. Clemmer, Jerry W. Conner, Cris K. Connor, Mitch Gerard Cookingham, Bruce A. Cooksey, Kevin Coronado, Kat Costa, Jorge E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Coulson, Keith E. Couron, Bruce Curry, Larry J. Dabiri, Matt Dakwar, Naim Daopiset, Siriporn Davies, Michael Dearien, Cody E. Degan, Samir Delahunt, John F. Derdemezis, Spyros S. DesNoyer, David A. Devinney, Harold Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dhiman, Bhanu D. Diaz, Jose L. Dickerson, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. Dodge, Melvin J. Dominguez, Anthony A. Dopjera, Douglas E. Drake, Donald E. Drisko, Richard W. Duari, Buddhadeb Dunn, Patrick J. Durbin, Michael C. Eastham, Shawn Eaton, Guy F. Egan, Frank J. Eid, Omar A. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Eng, Beth Esaklul, Khlefa A. Evans, Lyn G. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fallatah, Gasem M. Farthing, Scott Feng, Qingshan Fernandez, Carlos E. Fioravanti, Andrea Fite, William J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fitzgerald, John H. Flannery, Robbie W. Fonseca, Carmen R. Freitag, Jimmy Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultineer, Roy Fultz, Benjamin S. Gatto, Richard Ge, Aitian Geib, Robert C. Geiger, Aaron J. Geyer, Wayne B. Ghosh, Goutam Giannelli, Sandro Glass, John Grainawi, Lorri Granes, Luis F. Gray, Linda G. Greenwood-Sole, Graham Griffin, Jerome W. Griffin, Richard B. Guan, Shiwei William Guardado, Ariela Guier, Robert J. Gummow, Robert A. Gundry, Ronald D. Guo, George H. Guzman, Federico Hall, Gary R. Hall, Sylvia C. Halliday, Marie C. Hamlin, Steven J. Hancock, Michael P. Haque, Ebadul Z. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Heffner, Dale K. Heishman, Patricia A. Helgeson, Dennis R. Henderson, Charles Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hess, Russell Hevle, Andrew G. Hier, William R. Hill, Brian M. Hill, James M. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hodgins, Wayne Hoijman, Noe A. Holton, Gerald G. Horne, Robert B. Horton, Mike Hughes, Chic L. Huijun, Li Hurst, Lindell R. Husock, Bernard Idlibi, Yasir Ionita, Laurentiu N. Ippoliti, Anthony D. Jabbar, Abdul Hakkim N. Jack, Brian L. Janoff, Dwight Janssen, Dale Jayakumar, Natarajan Jayawardena, George Marlon Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jenkins, William S. Jensen, Finn O. Johnson, Doug Jones, Anthony Jones, David N. Jones, Steve P. Kaiser, Paul Kale, Shawn Kashmiri, Ray Kehr, Alan Keil, Brent Kelly, Richard Kenmoe, Joseph R. Keown, Robert A. Kermad, Abdelhak Kerns, Wayne L. Khan, Aftab F. Khosravi, Javad Kirby, Kurt Klechka, Ernest W. Kloepper, John Kostrivas, Tasos Krebs, Lorrie A. Krissa, Len J. Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Kunjapur, Madana M. Kuruppath, Vighnesh V. Kvochak, John J. Lai, Larry Landry, Ray A. Langill, Thomas J. Laundrie, Thomas F. Lavery, Anthony LeBleu, James B. Leonard, Brad A. Lewis, Ronald E. Lewoniuk, Ronald W. Li, Rui Libby, Dan Linville, Mark E. Little, G.T. Llewellyn, Erik S. Lopez Garrity, Aida Lopez, David L. Louque, Bryan Lowry, William Lu, David Lunde, John O. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mackie, Rob MacKinnon, Arthur Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Malfanti, Roberto Mamish, Abboud Manuel, Anthony T. Marquez, Linda E. Martin, Johnny L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Martinez, Juan P. Martinez, Pedro S. Mason, Anthony Mason, James F. Mataich, Joseph Matherne, Carl Matlas, Matt Matocha, Garry M. McAfee, Clyde A. McCann, Jerrod E. McCoy, Terry H. McDonald, James MeLampy, Michael Merwin, Mark Metcalf, Annette Mielke, Richard Mikles, Cory L. Miller, Paul L. Milligan, Linda L. Mishael, Samuel J. Mitschke, Howard Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moody, Robert A. Moore, Douglas P. Moore, Robert E. Morse, B. N. Morse, Jennifer Mueller, Phil Muirhead, Drew Muncaster, John Muncaster, Nathan Munoz, Humberto Murphy, Michael P. Murphy, Robert Murray, John N. Nagappan, Manikandan Nagarajan, Ravishankar Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nair, Renjith C. Neal, Dennis Nelson, Leslie G. Nichol, George S. Nichols, Paul R. Nicholson, John P. Nikolakakos, Steve Norsworthy, Richard O’Dea, Vaughn Ogosi, Eugene I. Okata, Sylvanus Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Olszewski, Albert O’Malley, Cindy Opara, Jude K. Otto, John E. Owens, Edwin N. Palanivel, B. Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Partridge, Paul E. Perkins, Cathey L. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, John L. Pikas, Joseph Pitta, Anil Poff, Walter B. Poncio, Steve Posgay, Ray G. Pourazami, Bijan Pratt, Jennifer Primeaux, Dudley J. Pulsifer, Andrew Quinn, Mike Rachel, Keith Radhakrishna, Pradeep Ramey, Scott M. Ramnath, Rajesh Rampton, Frank Raphoon, Ron R. Rasmussen, Soeren N. Ray, Brent D. Redding, Howard P. Redding, Mitchell L. Reid, William Reynolds, Donald “Lee” L. Rice, Scott Richards, Gregory R. Rider, Bill Rogalski, Chris Rogozinski, Jeffrey Rojas Laurens, Luis C. Ruane, Dan Rudolph, S. Wayne Ruschau, Gregory Russell, William B. Sabri, Hasan F. Safarzadeh, Maryam Salamanca Molano, Robinson A. Sanchez, Sandra I. Savino, Vincenzo Schemberger, Dieter Schiflett, Aaron Schilling, Mark S. Schow, Boyd L. Schubert, Roy W. Sears, Lee Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Semerad, Antony V. Sentjens, Johan Sequeira, Elvis Settles, Joel Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, David Shaw, William J. Shifler, David A. Sincioco, Marvin H. Singh, Devinder Sinha, Ashwini K. Sinko, Robert J. Sivakumar, V. Skelton, Robert C. Skerry, Brian S. Slater, Gary L. Slaughter, Charles J. Slupsky, John D. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Craig Smith, Greg Smith, Kendall D. Smith, Kirt Smith, Lloyd M. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Sokol, David R. Song, Fengmei Speed, Charles F. Spickelmire, Bill S. Spier, Rene Sridhar, Narasi Stamps, Peter D. Stead, William R. Stein, Arthur A. Stewart, Jeffrey Strong, John Sumbry, Louis C. Surkein, Michael B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Swick, Roger L. Szeliga, Michael Szklarz, Karol E. Tallman, James D. Tang, Fujian 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 60 Committee Rosters Tator, Ken Taylor, Don Temple, Dale G. Tems, Robin D. Tennison, Cifford W. Thangaraj, Raja Thill, Dallas T. Thomas, Charles L. Thomas, Sam Tracy, Duane Tsaprailis, Haralampos Turner, Barry Twidale, Ged K. Usrey, Stuart L. Vail, Robert S. Valenti, Richard D. Van Zee, David Varughese, Kuruvila Vasquez, Gustavo Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vestre, Helge I. Vickers, Dannie L. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Virmani, Paul Vormelker, Philip R. Wagner, Daniel P. Wang, Henry H. Wang, Kehua C. Watkinson, Charles J. Webb, T. R. Weber, Harold H. Weber, James Weber, Tom J. Wei, Chao Whitaker, Thomas Whitehead, Raleigh W. Whitesell, Michael P. Widyanto, Bambang Wilds, Neil Williams, Michael R. Williams, Thomas B. Williamson, Alexander I. Willis, Brian M. Wilson, John H. Winnik, Stefan Winston, Daniel K. Wint, David Winter, Michael J. Winters, Robert H. Wirfs, Michael L. Wong, Dennis T. Woodson, Jerry P. Wright, Matthew J. Yang, John Young, Nathan Zeleznak, David F. Zeng, Jing Zhang, Jian-Zhong Zhang, Peng STG 04 Abani, Agha U. Abou-Chekeir, Mohammed H. Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Aguiar, David Aguirre, Fabio Akhoondan, Mersedeh Alexander, Gregory W. Alfieri, Louis D. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aligizaki, Kalliopi Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Cory A. Alseoud, Ahmed M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Anderson, Raymond A. Andrews, Weston B. Appukuttan, Ajay M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashari, Rian Avemegah, Winfred S. Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Baltazar, Almario D. Baron, John J. Beamish, David Bergman, Brent Berry, Ron Beveridge, William Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bidstrup, Jesper L. Bollinger, Mark F. Book, Allen D. Bow, Kenneth E. Bowditch, Steve Bowry, Earl V. Bowser, Josh Brandon, Joseph H. Brink, Nate Brodar, John M. Brown, John C. Bryant, Dennis M. Burgess, Richard A. Byrd, Jerry D. Caceres, Moraima Cairns, Thomas J. Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Neil A. Carter, John Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cavallo, Jon R. Chandler, Norma L. Chauviere, Monica M. Chen, Bang Yih Cheng, Shun-Hsing Choate, Dan L. Chustz, Keith Cluytmans, Jurgen Colahan, Jerry J. Collins, Mark E. Comert, Mehmet Conner, Cris K. Cooksey, Kevin Coronado, Kat Costa, Jorge E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Crowe, John J. Cunningham, Tony Curry, Larry J. Cypert, Chris D’Andrea, Luca Dangleben, Earl C. Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dearien, Cody E. Deeruang, Yuttana Delahunt, John F. Devinney, Harold Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dhoot, Sunil M. Diaz, Jose L. Dickerson, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. 61 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Dos Santos, Victor Draper, Russell Drisko, Richard W. Dudick, Thomas M. Dunn, Patrick J. Eastham, Shawn Eid, Omar A. Ellis, Bruce H. Ersoy, Daniel A. Evans, David M. Everett, Patricia Fajt, Matthew Faridi, Noman K. Felker, Joseph D. Fite, William J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fogata, Martin Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Freitag, Jimmy Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Fyfe, Christopher J. Ganeson, Girisha Gatto, Richard Geiger, Aaron J. Gibbons, Thomas D. Goodwin, Fred Greenfield, Timothy K. Greenwood-Sole, Graham Griffin, Jerome W. Groysman, Alec Guan, Shiwei William Guardado, Ariela Guertin, Sean P. Guier, Robert J. Hack, Harvey P. Hall, Gary R. Hall, Sylvia C. Halliday, Marie C. Hamlin, Steven J. Hancock, Michael P. Hargrave, Charlie E. Harib, Muhamed Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hartland, Per Hauser, Glenn He, David D. Heaver, Edward Heffner, Dale K. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hier, William R. Hill, James M. Hoijman, Noe A. Holton, Gerald G. Horne, Robert B. Hughes, Chic L. Husock, Bernard Hussain, Syed MT M. Idlibi, Yasir Ip, Alan K. Ippoliti, Anthony D. Islam, Moavin Jain, Shashank Janssen, Dale Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, William S. Johnson, Doug Johnson, James R. Jones, Anthony Jones, Stanley B. Jones, Steve P. Keil, Brent Kelly, Richard Kempkes, Carleton D. Keown, Robert A. Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Aftab F. King, Richard Klechka, Ernest W. Kosednar, John P. Krissa, Len J. Kumar, Manoj Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kuruppath, Vighnesh V. Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Landry, Ray A. Langill, Thomas J. Lara, Jose Larrington, Daniel J.. Lavigne, Nate M. LeBleu, James B. Leonard, Brad A. Lopez Garrity, Aida Lowry, William Lund, Theodore W. Lunde, John O. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. MacDowell, Louis G. Maddela, Surender Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Malfanti, Manuela Malfanti, Roberto Maligas, Manuel N. Mandeno, William L. Manuel, Anthony T. Marshall, William F. Mason, Anthony Mason, Robert B. Masoumi, Ali Mataich, Joseph Matocha, Garry M. McAfee, Clyde A. McCann, Jerrod E. McCoy, Terry H. McKinnon, Chris McReynolds, Wana J. Mehra, Lalit MeLampy, Michael Merwin, Mark Metcalf, Annette Mihas, Michael A. Mihelic, Joseph Mikles, Cory L. Mitchell, Pete Mitchell, Scott W. Moore, Douglas P. Moreno, Mario A. Morrisette, Calvin Morse, B. N. Mueller, Phil Muirhead, Drew Muncaster, John Muncaster, Nathan Murphy, Robert Nagappan, Manikandan Nagel Soepenberg, E. Nair, Renjith C. Nana, Sharad Nasim, Farukh Naylor, Edward R. New, Terry Newell, Richard J. Niebling, Robert C. Nnadi, Valentine C. O’Dea, Vaughn O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogosi, Eugene I. Olabisi, Olagoke Olexa, Erik Overduin, Leon Ovunda, Chisom Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Pellegrin, Jody P. Perkins, Cathey L. Peters, Hap Phillander, Dennis Pikas, Joseph Pitta, Anil Poncio, Steve Pourazami, Bijan Primeaux, Dudley J. Quinn, Mike Quinter, Raymond C. Rachel, Keith Radhakrishna, Pradeep Rahim, Essam H. Railton, Ryan Ramirez, Saul A. Ramnath, Rajesh Raphoon, Ron R. Ray, Brent D. Redding, Mitchell L. Rehberg, Thomas Reid, Craig Reid, William Richards, Gregory R. Roberge, Pierre R. Rogalski, Chris Rogers, Gil Ruane, Dan Rudolph, S. Wayne Rutkowski, Anthony J. Saeed, Sohail Salesky, Nick Samuel, Fubara P. Scaturro, Milton R. Schilling, Mark S. Schmitz, Mark H. Schow, Boyd L. Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Schultz, Mark Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Semerad, Antony V. Shaapera, Timothy T. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shi, Xianming Shifler, David A. Sievert, Timothy Sinclair, Paul W. Sinha, Ashwini K. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Kendall D. Smith, Kirt Smith, Lloyd M. Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Speed, Charles F. Committee Rosters Spickelmire, Bill S. Stachnik, Robert Stamps, Peter D. Stango, Robert Stevenson, Craig E. Strong, John Surnam, B.Y.R. Swan, Tom Swick, Roger L. Tator, Ken Taylor, Don Temple, Dale G. Thangaraj, Raja Thill, Dallas T. Thomas, Charles L. Thurman II, Kenneth E. Todd, John Q. Toussaint, Ernst Treasure, Greg Trimber, Kenneth A. Urtecho Tamayo, Antonio F. Usrey, Stuart L. Valparambil, Nishith Varghese, Paul Varughese, Kuruvila Veesart, Larry J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vestre, Helge I. Vickers, Don C. Victorio, Luis G. Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vincent, Louis D. Virmani, Paul Watkinson, Charles J. Webb, T. R. Weber, Harold H. Weber, James Weber, Tom J. Wetzel, Edwin Weybright, Douglas S. Whitesell, Michael P. Widyanto, Bambang Wilds, Neil Williams, Michael R. Williamson, Alexander I. Willis, Brian M. Wilson, John H. Wilson, Kennette Wint, David Winter, Michael J. Winters, Robert H. Woodson, Jerry P. Young, Nathan Zelinka, Samuel L. Zhang, Peng Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 05 Aavang, Sarah Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Adling, Paul C. Afshari, Vahid Aguiar, David Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmad, Tauqueer Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Ahmed, Syed A. Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Akhoondan, Mersedeh Albattashi, Mohammed N. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Aldrich, Chris J. Alexander, Gregory W. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Hakeem, Zaki A. Ali, Mohammed Aligizaki, Kalliopi Aliyev, Magsud Aljarrah, Ahmed A. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Cory A. Allen, Matthew Allen, Robert F. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Alvarenga, Fernando A. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Ames, Michael Anderson, Brett J. Andrews, Weston B. Anish, R. J. Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Araya, Leonardo Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Askelson, Ron Atanu, Nathaniel Y. Attarchi, Mehdi Averitt, Jack G. Baboian, Robert Babu, A.K. Baessler, Ralph Baig, Wasim Idris Baker, Michael Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Ballerini, Roberto Balraj, Velu Baltazar, Almario D. Banks, Robert L. Barjasteh, Laleh Barr, Micah Barreto, Eduardo C. Barreto, Mauro C. Bash, Roy Bean, Steven J. Beaudoin, Joe Beavers, John A. Bedon, Fernando Bell, Bradley T. Benedict, Risque L. Bennett, George W. Bennett, John E. Bhattacharya, Basab Bhushan, Rajesh Bi, WuXi Biagiotti, Steve F. Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bingman, Ernest R. Birla, Sunil K. Birx, Arthur E. Bledsoe, Larry D. Blouin, Marc Bohn, Charles M. Bonapace, Francesco Bose, Manjith Bosserman, Bayard E. Boswell, Keith B. Bowdoin, Leon A. Bowing, Scott Bowles, Joe C. Bowman, Karen M. Brackensick, Brian J. Bracy, James S. Brandt, James A. Brewer, Andrew S. Brewer, Joshua G. Briscoe, R. Dustin Brockman, Michael A. Brodar, John M. Brogger, Mark A. Brooks, William W. Broomfield, John P. Brown, David J. Browne, Taylor Brumley, James R. Bucher, Brooks E. Bukhamsin, Abdul Hameed A. Burgess, Brian W. Burns, James F. Bushman, James B. Bussard, Tom Caceres, Moraima Cairns, Thomas J. Calderon, Gilbert M. Campbell, Neil A. Canto Ibanez, Jorge J. Carlile, Allen L. Carpenter, Benjamin Carrola, Daniel Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Castillo, Raul A. Cerkoney, Daniel Chahar, Satendra S. Chan, Chee Kong Chandler, Clifford J. Chandler, Norma L. Chase, John G. Chaudhury, R. Chen, Shaosong Chintada, Ramesh Chmilar, James F. Choate, Dan L. Choate, Leonard C. Christopher, Kelly J. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Chustz, Keith Cignatta, John V. Claassen, Dale E. Clarke, Stephen J. Clarkson, Edwin R. Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Comas, Jose M. Cordova, Matthew J. Correll, Debra J. Costa, Jorge E. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotoron, Vincent N. Coulter, Rex R. Couron, Bruce Covino Jr, Bernard S. Cox, Carlon M. Cox, John A. Coyle, William R. Craycraft, Joe Crutchley, Michael C. Dabkowski, John Daily, Steven F. Dakwar, Naim Dalchuk, Vincent G. Dam, A. M. Danov, Evgeni V. Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Davis, James P. Davis, Kenneth E. Davis, Ray de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dearien, Cody E. Deeruang, Yuttana Deik, David Delahunt, John F. Delisle, Maurice Derdemezis, Spyros S. DesNoyer, David A. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dey, Sanjib K. Dhal, Dusmant K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. DiGulio, Jeff V. Dopjera, Douglas E. Doughty, Dale Dovico, Ricardo Drake, Donald E. Dromgoole, J. C. Du, Yanxia Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duhamell, Justin M. Dunn, Patrick J. Eden, Dawn C. Edwall, Hans-Erik Edwards, David E. Edwards, Earl Eggen, Phil Eggenberger, James Eid, Omar A. El Kholy, Amr S. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. Ellis, Bruce H. Elneihoum, Adel El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Emerson, Thomas D. Enloe, C. L. Enloe, Tyler E. Erwanto, Edy Esaklul, Khlefa A. Evans, Charlie Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Feijun, Liu Feng, Hong Chen Ferguson, W. H. (Butch) Ferrill, Stephen D. Field, John G. Fieltsch, Wolfgang Fitzgerald, John H. Flanery, David Flessas, James D. Fontaine, Jeffrey Foong, John M. Ford, Preston O. Fore, Toby S. Forgo, Laszlo Foster, Gary W. Francis, Christine Frank-Chukwuani, George Freeman, Jonathan P. Freeman, Mark S. Fregia, Richard Fultineer, Roy Fussell, Scott D. Gallant, Robert F. Gallaway, Eric S. Ganeson, Girisha Ganiyu, John A. Garrity, Kevin C. Ge, Aitian Gehring, George A. Geib, Robert C. Gerrard, Anthony P. Geyer, Wayne B. Ghosh, Goutam Gilroy, Douglas E. Gogu, Chandrasekhar Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gormley, John A. Grainawi, Lorri Granholm, Michael Green, Kelley J. Green, Lorraine A. Green, Philip K. Greenberger, Stuart L. Griest, William J. Griffin, Jerome W. Grosjean, Marie-Helene Guinn, George L. Gummow, Robert A. Gundry, Ronald D. Gupta, Girish Habiby, Fakhruddin Hailey, Jeremy A. Hale, Greg L. Hall, Sylvia C. Halliday, Marie C. Hamlin, Steven J. Hampton, David A. Han, Bing Hanck, James A. Hancock, Michael P. Hanearin, Sally S. Hargrave, John Harib, Muhamed Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hartman, Darren F. Hasanov, Rovshan Haslett, Travis R. Hassan, Mobeen Hassani, Shokrollah Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. He, Hongwei He, Xihua Healey, Robert J. Heishman, Patricia A. Helgeson, Dennis R. Helle, Henk P. Hemerlein, Frank G. Henderson, Charles Henderson, Russell W. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Hiebert, Les Higgins, William C. Hill, James M. Hill, Travis S. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hodge, Randy 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 62 Committee Rosters Hogan, Robert P. Holcomb, Gordon R. Holton, Gerald G. Holtsbaum, William B. Holzmann, Mary Horne, Robert B. Horton, Mike Howard, Dennis R. Howard, J. Darby Hu, Xinming Huijun, Li Humphreys, Raymond Hursky, Carl Husock, Bernard Hussain, Mohammed Shabbir Hwang, Hyun Sik Hynes, Carol Idoko, David J. Ion, Aurelian Iozzo, Martin James Irwin, Philip Isbell, Joe H. Iwamoto Cardich, Juan P. James, Mark M. Jamrok, William E. Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jayawardena, George Marlon Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, James F. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jeukens, Mike Johnson, D. Thomas Johnson, John B. Jones, Stephen A. Jung, Hundal Kadirvelu, Manikandan Kadlec, Joseph Kaiser, Paul Kajiyama, Fumio Kannan, Singaravelan Karinchak, Nicole M. Kashmiri, Ray Kehr, Alan Keil, Brent Keldsen, John T. Kenmoe, Joseph R. Kenny, Wong Cho Hang Keown, Robert A. Keppler, John F. Kermad, Abdelhak Kerns, Wayne L. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Aftab F. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Mohammad S. Khan, Naeem A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khatri, Mukesh D. Khosravi, Javad Khuraibut, Yousef A. Killian, Michael J. Kim, Dae Kyeong Kircher, Stephen W. Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Klechka, Ernest W. Klechka, Jason Klementis, Jennifer Knowles, Dustin Kollannoor, Robin A. Koranda, Chad Kostrivas, Tasos Kowalski, Angel R. Krishnaswamy, Raj Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Kulandaivel, Santhoshkumar Kulkarni, Anand V. Kumar, Amit Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Manoj Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kunjapur, Madana M. Kustova, Vera Kvochak, John J. Lacatena, Stephen J. Lakshmanan, Karthikeyan Langelund, Eric Lau, Michelle C. Lauber, Mark D. Laundrie, Thomas F. Lavergne, Bobby P. Lavery, Anthony Lawrence, Charles F. Lawson, Kurt M. Lechman, Carl E. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Leewis, Keith G. Leng, Douglas Leonard, Brad A. Lewis, Brad Lewis, Charles D. Lewis, George M. Lewis, Ronald E. Lewis, Thomas H. Li, Gefei “Jeffery” Li, SeonYeob Liadi, Abiodun A. Liening, Eugene L. Lillard, Robert S. Lindemuth, Dale Linville, Mark E. Little, Daryl A. Little, G.T. Liu, Guo Liu, Quan Liu, Zhijun Llewellyn, Erik S. Locke, Carl E. Lopez Garrity, Aida Lovett, Donald Lowry, William Lu, Hong Lu, Xinpeng Lucas, William Steven Lumsden, Ron Lunde, John O. Lynch, Francis J. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maddela, Surender Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Maguire, David P. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Malone, Scott Mandal, Rajiv Manian, Leon Mankar, Deepak Marr, James Marshall, Quentin Marth, Rudy S. Martin, Barry L. Martin, Johnny L. 63 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mataich, Joseph Matlas, Matt Matocha, Garry M. Mattson, Jeffrey L. Mawhinney, Derek Mayfield, Donald R. Maynard, Matt McCaffrey, Kevin L. McCoy, Dan McFarland, Kelly McGuinness, Nancy McKim, Stephen McQuilling, David Memon, Saud Michel, James H. Micheletti, Wayne C. Mielke, Richard Mihas, Michael A. Mikish, Gary E. Mikles, Cory L. Miller, Paul L. Mintz, Todd Mitchell, David S. Mohamadein, Mohamed A. Mohamed, Khalid I. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Molai, Munosi Mollica Jr, Thomas J. Mollica lll, Thomas Moore, Damon J. Moore, L. James Moriber, Norman J. Moritz, Jason Morris, Russell D. Morrisette, Calvin Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Mozammil, Muhammad Muhajirin, Isya Muirhead, Drew Murray, John N. Murray, Neal S. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagappan, Manikandan Nagar, Ramesh P. Nagarjann, Palaniappan Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narramore, Steven Nasim, Farukh Neal, Dennis Nekoksa, George Nelson, C.M. Newell, Richard J. Ngadi, Arvin Nichols, Paul R. Nicholson, Elizabeth Nicholson, John P. Nickel, Randy J. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nikolakakos, Steve Nnadi, Valentine C. Noland, Cory Norsworthy, Richard O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogosi, Eugene I. Ogundele, Gabriel Ogunsola, Mohammed A. Olabisi, Olagoke Ollila, Tom Olowe, Dayo Olson, John I. Ong, Wei Rex Orona, John A. Ortamond, Kenny J. Osborne, Trevor C. Osman, Mohamed H. Osuji, Chima E. Osula, Agape O. Ovunda, Chisom Ozer, Cahit T. Packard, Keith A. Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Dean Parker, Gord Parker, Keith P. Parker, Kevin T. Parlier, Phillip Pejakovic, Slobodan Pennington, Terry W. Perkins, Allan J. Perry, Frank A. Petersen, Michael B. Petrov, Plamen Phelps, Brent W. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, John L. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pillai, Rajasekharan Pinto, Louis J. Pipesh, Brandon Poncio, Steve Poulassichidis, Tony Pourazami, Bijan Prabhu, Santhosh G. Primeaux, Dudley J. Proverbio, Edoardo Puckett, Jimmy J. Pulsifer, Andrew Rahim, Renish Raji, Yusuf A. Ramasamy, Sivasankaran Rana, Jignesh Rankin, Larry G. Rao, Ashish Ray, Brent D. Raza, Liaquat M. Redd, Frank Redding, Howard P. Rettman, Will Reynolds, Donald “Lee” L. Reynolds, Eric A. Rheaume, Roderick M. Rice, Pat Richards, George E. Ristaino, Antonio J. Rizk, Tony G. Rizzo, Frank E. Roaseau, Dane Roberge, Pierre R. Rodriguez, Rafael E. Rogers, Michael E. Romero, Jose H. Roster, Arthur L. Rothman, Paul S. Rowan, James S. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Ruane, Dan Rudolph, S. Wayne Rusalim, Nelu Russell, William B. Sabri, Hasan F. Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Salazar, Ramon A. Sale, Stephen Salgado, Mario H. Salloum, Gustavo A. Samir, Mohamed Samudrala, Srikar Sanchez, Sandra I. Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Satheesan, Bobby Sathiyamoorthy, Sunilyadav Sbaei, Ali Schilling, Mark S. Schlichter, Donny R. Schow, Boyd L. Schramm, David A. Schrieber, Charles F. Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Schutza, Gilbert W. Schweitzer, Kurt Scott, Kevin P. Scott, Richard G. Sears, Lee Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Seyler, Chad Shahzad, Usman Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Sharp, Stephen R. Shaw, Barbara A. Shaw, David Sheehan, Brendan G. Shelton, John A. Shen, Guangji Sherbondy, Valerie Shobe, Jim M. Shook, Mark B. Shore, John G. Showler, Mark W. Shreffler, Glenn W. Shukla, Pavan K. Sibila, Jerzy Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Sieve, Ken Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Michael Simmons, Joey A. Simon, Philip D. Simpson, David A. Sinclair, Paul W. Singh, Devinder Singh, Mahinder Singh, Virendra Sinha, Ashwini K. Skelton, Robert C. Skipper, Kyle A. Slater, Gary L. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Andrew L. Smart, Jack Smith, Addison Smith, Alan B. Smith, Gregory P. Smith, Stephen N. Sober, Michael J. Committee Rosters Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Sokolski, Wojciech Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Song, Fengmei Soto, Gonzalo Southey, Robert Speed, Charles F. Sperling, Robert Spickelmire, Bill S. Sprague, Linda A. Sridhar, Narasi Srivastava, Vikalp Stamps, Peter D. Stanley, Joshua Stauffer, Blaine C. Stead, William R. Stevenson, Craig E. Stewart, David C. Strother, Cay E. Suarez, Jorge A. Sudheimer, Donald G. Surkein, Michael B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Swick, Roger L. Swincicki, Dominic A. Szeliga, Michael Tabib, Youssef A. Tabilog, Yahshua A. Tajallipour, Nima Tarlton, Michael Tassone, Joseph Tatum, Joseph F. Tatum, Larry L. Taylor, Britney Taylor, Thomas M. Tellez Ramirez, Luis R. Tennison, Cifford W. Thakur, Ajit K. Thill, Dallas T. Thomas, Charles L. Thoroski, Raymond Tiller, Michael W. Toleti, Subba Rao Torrey, Jessica Treasure, Greg Tremolada, Simone Trimble, Whitt L. Tug, Ethem Turcotte, Roger C. Turk, Thomas Uche, Paul I. Usrey, Stuart L. Vail, Robert S. Valenti, Richard D. Van Hook, Michael J. Van Muysen, Tom Vasquez, Custodio Vasquez, Jorge E. Veesart, Larry J. Velandia, Luis Fernando Vestre, Helge I. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Virmani, Paul Vittonato, Jean Vittorio, Fucina Vyas, Sandeep H. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wagner, Daniel P. Waheed, Javid I. Wakelin, Rob Wales, Kevin S. Walker, Robert W. Wallace, Virgil N. Walton, Keith B. Wang, Henry H. Ward, James M. Warne, Michael A. Warner, James F. Webb, T. R. Wei, Chao Weibl, Daniel C. Wetzel, Edwin Whited, Tim Whitehead, Brian K. Whittaker, William Widyanto, Bambang Williams, Michael R. Williams, Terrance H. Williams, Thomas B. Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, Christian Windham, Robert H. Winston, Daniel K. Wint, David Winters, Robert H. Wise, Alex G. Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wroe, Stephen P. Wynn, Jim Xiong, Yao Xu, Likun Yamamoto, Katsumi Yang, John Yee, Michael Yu, Hui Zadery, Dennis Zeleznak, David F. Zhang, Jian-Zhong Zhang, Peng STG 06 Adeleke, Adeyinka Allen, Cory A. Almahamedh, Hussain H. Appukuttan, Ajay M. Armstrong, Glenn M. Baessler, Ralph Bego, Mauricio Beveridge, William Bosen, Sidney F. Bowry, Earl V. Britton, Colin F. Caceres, Moraima Casanova, Henny O. Casey, Gregory Charlton, Robert S. Colahan, Jerry J. Comert, Mehmet Cook, Trey Cotton, Irvin J. Cunningham, Robert J. Dobosz, Lester M. Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eun, Thomas J. Farmerie, John J. Feather, James E. Frenier, Wayne W. Ghosh, Goutam Gogu, Chandrasekhar Gonser, Michael A. Greene, Barry N. Guan, Hua Hahn, Ronald A. Hall, Gary R. Hanearin, Sally S. He, David D. Hevle, Andrew G. Horvath, Jack W. Ignacz, Thomas Jevec, John M. Johnson, Doug Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Kolur V. Kvochak, John J. Liening, Eugene L. Matherne, Carl McCartney, Tom Murtagh, Eunice Osula, Agape O. Robinson, James O. Scaturro, Milton R. Schnepf, Matthew Segers, John Paul M. Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Silverman, David C. Sinha, Ashwini K. Sinko, Robert J. Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Stein, Arthur A. Treasure, Greg Waditwar, Prajkta R. Watkinson, Charles J. Weaver, Carl E. Webb, Matthew Wint, David Winters, Robert H. Yang, Bo Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 08 Abayarathna, Dharma Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Aguirre, Fabio Aiello, Carmelo Akhoondan, Mersedeh Akinola, Adeleke Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Alexander, Gregory W. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Ames, Michael Amla, Tarun K. Andrews, Weston B. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Atanu, Nathaniel Y. Ayyar, Sameer A. Bag, Asim Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Baltazar, Almario D. Bartos, Milan Batmanghelich, Farhad Bauman, Jerry Been, Jenny Behera, Bijay Kumar Behling, Gabriel S. Beitzel, Michael J. Benedict, Risque L. Bennett, George W. Bensman, Lynsay Bi, WuXi Bianchetti, Ronald L. Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Bookout, Charles Bose, Sunil Bow, Kenneth E. Briscoe, R. Dustin Britton, Colin F. Brossia, Sean Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Cairns, Thomas J. Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Craig F. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Chandler, Clifford J. Chiang, Howard Choate, Dan L. Clayton, Mark D. Comas, Jose M. Comert, Mehmet Cordova, Matthew J. Correll, Debra J. Cotoron, Vincent N. Cotton, Irvin J. Couron, Bruce Dabi, Taner Seckin Dalchuk, Vincent G. Daopiset, Siriporn de Romero, Matilde Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Diaz, Noelia K. Divine, James R. Doble, Olaf Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dupre, Eric J. Eckert, Richard B. Eden, Dawn C. Eggenberger, James Ell, Stuart J. Ellor, James A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Farthing, Scott Fitzgerald, Brian J. Flessas, James D. Fletcher, John D. Foong, John M. Fortin, Joel Fortunato, Michael J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Gogu, Chandrasekhar Goswami, Pradip Griffin, Jerome W. Guan, Hua Gutzeit, Joerg Hanearin, Sally S. Harmon, Amanda Hartland, Per Hassani, Shokrollah Hausler, Rudolf H. Hays, George F. He, David D. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Henderson, A. James Herrera, Alex E. Hevle, Andrew G. Hill, James M. Hill, Travis S. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hu, Xinming Hursky, Carl Husock, Bernard Hwang, Hyun Sik Illson, Tim F. Javaherdashti, Reza Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Timothy R. John, Gareth Johnson, Jana Kadirvelu, Manikandan Kane, Russell D. Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kelly, Richard Kenmoe, Joseph R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kim, Jong J. Klechka, Ernest W. Klementis, Jennifer Koch, Gerhardus H. Kostrivas, Tasos Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Lagad, Vishal Lara, Jose Lasa, Ivan R. Le Manchet, Sandra Leary, Rob Lee, Jinhee Lewis, Brad Lewis, Ronald E. Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Liadi, Abiodun A. Lian, Tiangan Little, G.T. Lopez Garrity, Aida Loushin, Leslie L. Lu, Hong Lund, Theodore W. Lunde, John O. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maddela, Surender Madero, Frank Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Maldonado, Julio G. Marshall, Quentin Martin, Johnny L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, Anthony Matlas, Matt Merwin, Mark Micheletti, Wayne C. Mihelic, Joseph Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Molai, Munosi 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 64 Committee Rosters Muhajirin, Isya Muirhead, Drew Murray, Neal S. Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nallamothu, Narayana Swamy Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Naylor, Edward R. Newell, Richard J. Nnadi, Valentine C. Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Odle, Robert R. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogosi, Eugene I. Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Opara, Jude K. Osula, Agape O. Page, David Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Payer, Joe H. Peterson, Matt S. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, John L. Pillsbury, Daniel J. Prabhu, Santhosh G. Puckett, Jimmy J. Rahim, Renish Ramirez, Saul A. Ramnath, Rajesh Raza, Liaquat M. Redmond, Keith W. Rettman, Will Riccardella, Scott Rice, Scott Risch-Gage, Adiki Roberge, Pierre R. Rothman, Paul S. Saeed, Sohail Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Sandana, Daniel Sears, Lee Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shaapera, Timothy T. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Mohan S. Shekher, Shashank Shelton, John A. Shi, Xianming Shipilov, Sergei A. Sidky, Paulette S. Silverman, David C. Singh, Devinder Sivakumar, V. Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Kendall D. Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Sridhar, Narasi Srivastava, Vikalp Sudheimer, Donald G. Suidgeest, Nick Surnam, B.Y.R. Tajallipour, Nima Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Tendean, Abraham Todd, John Q. Tvedt, Thorwald J. Ugbo, Francis. O. Valdes, Alberto Valenti, Richard D. Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongwei Wetzel, Edwin Widyanto, Bambang Wiggins, Marshall W. Williams, Terrance H. Winnik, Stefan Wint, David Wooldridge, Rick D. Yamamoto, Katsumi Yang, Bo Yee, Michael Yeghenee, Kue N. Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 10 Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Syed A. Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Cory A. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Andrews, Weston B. Arehart, James A. Argasinski, Karol Aslam, Sajid Baguley, Roy B. Barkhouse, Lee-Ann Baron, John J. Barrett, Lake Bartrip, Keith A. Bayer, Richard F. Bereczky, Emil L. Blazejewski, Arek Britton, Stephanie Bunaiyan, Hussain A. Burda, Paul A. Byrd, Jerry D. Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Carroll, Richard Chaku, Pran N. Chao, Zhou Charlton, Robert S. Chauviere, Monica M. Choate, Dan L. Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Cowley, Terry W. Curry, Larry J. Davies, Michael Davis, Robert H. Delahunt, John F. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Egan, Frank J. Eid, Omar A. Eisenman, Jeff El Kholy, Amr S. 65 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Ely, John D. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Evans, Lyn G. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Fernandes, Elson G. Fernandez, Carlos E. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Foong, John M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Fultz, Benjamin S. Ganeson, Girisha Gates, Joseph J. Geyer, Wayne B. Ghosh, Goutam Goodson, James E. Grainawi, Lorri Grandinetti, Dominic S. Greene, Barry N. Griffin, Richard B. Gupta, Abhishek Hall, Gary R. Hall, Sylvia C. Han, Bing Heffner, Dale K. Heidinger, Richard Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hoijman, Noe A. Hutton, Leo Hwang, Hyun Sik Hynes, William T. Ip, Alan K. Janoff, Dwight Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Timothy R. Johnson, Thomas Jones, Steve P. Karch, Walter B. Keldsen, John T. Kelly, Richard Khalil, Hesham A. Kumar, Vibhas Lee, Jinhee Lee, Seung-Kyoung Leth-Olsen, Håkon Lewis, Brad Liening, Eugene L. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Maligas, Manuel N. Mangalmurti, Amol Mason, James F. McCoy, Terry H. McDonald, David McKee, Billy J. Micheletti, Wayne C. Mihelic, Joseph Mohammad, Abdul H. Mohammadian, Ali Moon, Soon W. Naylor, Edward R. Nemzer, Anatoly Nnadi, Valentine C. Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Opara, Jude K. Osborne, Christine Prisco, Al Ray, Brent D. Reid, Craig Rettew, Robert E. Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Savino, Vincenzo Schilling, Mark S. Schramm, David A. Schubert, Roy W. Segers, John Paul M. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sieve, Ken Silverman, David C. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Spoo, Kevin Sridhar, Narasi Stevens, Michael G. Surnam, B.Y.R. Swamy, Gomatham V. Taraborelli, Richard Thakkar, Narendra Thill, Dallas T. Townsend, Kira K. Valenti, Richard D. Veesart, Larry J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Virmani, Paul Wang, George Watkinson, Charles J. Weber, Harold H. Wells, Hardin T. Wetzel, Edwin Whitlow, Scott Widyanto, Bambang Winfield, Michael S. Winnik, Stefan Wolfrey, Austin Yee, Michael Zeng, Jing Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 11 Achiaw, Richard O. Adeleke, Adeyinka Aguiar, David Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alley, David Almahamedh, Hussain H. Al-Mahrous, Abdulla I. Amer, Mohamed Ames, Michael Andrade, Cynthia A. Ansuini, Frank J. Armstrong, Glenn M. Arnold, Charles W. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Bagdasarian, Ara J. Baltazar, Almario D. Barjasteh, Laleh Barrett, Lake Bartrip, Keith A. Bassiouny, Mohamed A. Beardwood, Edward S. Benedict, Risque L. Benham, Roger Bhatti, Bashir M. Birketveit, Oeystein Boffardi, Bennett P. Boivin, Joseph W. Boragine, David Borenstein, Susan W. Bowles, Joe C. Bradshaw, Jason Brisard, Thierry Britton, Colin F. Brodar, John M. Brown, John C. Burda, Paul A. Burgess, Brian W. Bushman, James B. Buswell, Debbie Butler, Robert P. Caceres, Moraima Calderon, Gilbert M. Carlile, Allen L. Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carter, John Case, Ray Casey, Gregory Castillo, Raul A. Chalut, Josee Chandler, Clifford J. Charlton, Robert S. Clayton, John F. Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Cook, Trey Cookingham, Bruce A. Cooper, Lisa Correa, Zachary A. Corrin, Edward Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Coulter, Rex R. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cui, Fushuang Cunningham, Robert J. Cypert, Chris Damin, Dean G. Daum, Alfred J. Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael Davis, Robert B. De Marco, Marco De Martino, Richard A. Decker, Shawn Dewitt-Dick, Douglas Dexter, Stephen C. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Divine, James R. Doran, Jamie L. Doughty, Dale Dowluri, Raju Dromgoole, J. C. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duke, Dan Dunn, Sidney Ebiogwu, Chika A. Edmondson, James G. Eid, Omar A. Elkin, James L. Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Elliott, Robert W. Emerich, Dwight E. Enos, David G. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Esmacher, Mel J. Committee Rosters Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Evans, Sarah Fallatah, Gasem M. Farmerie, John J. Farquhar, Gale B. Feather, James E. Fite, William J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fix, Kathleen Flessas, James D. Fletcher, John D. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frantsen, Jan Elkjaer Freedman, Arthur J. Ganeson, Girisha Ganzer, George Geissler, Brett Gelner, Larry Ghods, Pouria Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Gilroy, Douglas E. Gonser, Michael A. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gorog, Margaret Goswami, Pradip Granes, Luis F. Greene, Barry N. Greenwood-Sole, Graham Griffin, Jerome W. Groysman, Alec Guan, Hua Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Haake, Martin Habiby, Fakhruddin Haddon, Stephen P. Hall, Gary R. Hanck, James A. Hanearin, Sally S. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Hartwick, Darrell Hasanov, Rovshan Havran, Cynthia Hays, George F. He, David D. Heidersbach, Krista L. Helle, Henk P. Henderson, Charles Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hill, James M. Hilleary, Jamey Hodgson, Brian A. Hoffmann, Richard A. Hollander, Orin Hopkins, Mark Horne, Robert B. Hornsby, Frank Huchler, Loraine A. Huizinga, Sytze Hvizdos, John A. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Igwe, Philip C. Ion, Aurelian Javaherdashti, Reza Jayakumar, Natarajan Jefferies, Bradley C. Jevec, John M. Jhaveri, Tushar Kaiser, Paul Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kawano, Koji K. Keil, Brent Kessler, Richard J. Khalil, Hesham A. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kramer, Jeffrey F. Krantz, Bradley D. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kroon, David H. Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Labuda, Ewa Ladewig, Christine Langill, Thomas J. Larsen, Kathy R. Lehmann, Joseph A. Leth-Olsen, Håkon Lewis, Brad Lewis, Richard O. Lewis, Ronald E. Li, Bingtao Li, Yanxu Licina, George J. Ling, Clive C. Lund, Theodore W. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. MacNab, Adrian J. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Maguire, David P. Mari, Eduardo Marsh, James W. Martin, Lawrence C. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, Robert B. McAlpin, Ronald L. McIlwaine, Douglas McPeak, Randall D. Mehra, Lalit Meier, Daniel A. Micheletti, Wayne C. Mihelic, Joseph Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moll, Richard D. Morgan, David J. Muirhead, Drew Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Murray, Doug Murtagh, Eunice Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Jayant R. Newell, Richard J. Nicolino, Miguel S. Noble, Catherine Nugent, Mike Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Oladoyin, Olabode Olson, John I. Olszewski, Albert Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Packard, Keith A. Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Pawel, Steven J. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillander, Dennis Pierce, Claudia C. Pifer, Montgomery A. Pikas, Joseph Pillsbury, Daniel J. Posgay, Ray G. Primeaux, Dudley J. Proverbio, Edoardo Puckorius, Paul R. Quinter, Raymond C. Quiroga, Haydee Radwan, Yasser M. Ray, Brent D. Reid, Craig Reynolds, Dorothy Rice, Scott Robinson, James O. Rogers, Michael E. Roll, Donald H. Rose, David W. Rosenbloom, Shari N. Ruess, Kyle D. Rumpf, Regis Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Sand, Keith W. Sbaei, Ali Schmitt, Guenter Schnepf, Matthew Scott, James E. Seastrom, Charles C. Segers, John Paul M. Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Kumar S. Sharma, Pankaj Sharp, Sandy W. Sherman, Douglas A. Shifler, David A. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Michael Simpson, David A. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Preet M. Singh, Virendra Sinha, Ashwini K. Sinko, Robert J. Skovhus, Torben Lund Slover, A. F. Smallwood, Robert E. Soost, Jack Stamps, Peter D. Stein, Arthur A. Steiner, Kimberly Su, Paul Suidgeest, Nick Sussex, Graham A. Szeliga, Michael Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tanwir, Sajid Tatnall, Bob Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Tems, Robin D. Tharian, Joy Tihen, Joshua C. Toleti, Subba Rao Traughber, Tim S. Treasure, Greg Turcotte, Roger C. Tvedt, Thorwald J. Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Vail, Robert S. Valenti, Richard D. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Vatne, Jeff Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vormelker, Philip R. Wang, George Wang, Qiwei Wetzel, Edwin Whalen, Patrick A. Whitlow, Scott Williams, Terrance H. Williams, Terry M. Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, John H. Wilton, Stuart R. Winnik, Stefan Winning, Ian G. Wood, Stephen P. Wrangham, Jodi B. Wu, Yu-You Wyman, Donald P. Yang, Bo Yang, Lietai Yao, Matthew X. Yau, Te-Lin Yin, Songbo Young, Nathan Young, Paul R. Zelinka, Samuel L. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Jiang Zibrida, John F. Zubot, Warren A. STG 30 Aavang, Sarah Abayarathna, Dharma Abdullah, Ahmad N. Abidi, Ibtesam Hasan Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Aguiar, David Ahmad, Tauqueer Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Ahmed, Syed A. Akhoondan, Mersedeh Akinola, Adeleke Alabbas, Faisal M. Alexander, Gregory W. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Ali, Mohammed Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Ames, Michael Andrews, Weston B. Annadorai, Karthik Ansari, Mahmood A. Araya, Leonardo Atanu, Nathaniel Y. Attarchi, Mehdi Averitt, Jack G. Ayyar, Sameer A. Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Barr, Micah Barreto, Mauro C. Beaudoin, Joe Behling, Gabriel S. Bi, WuXi Billings, Robert M. Blouin, Marc Bond, Stuart Brandt, James A. Brattas, Leif Britton, Colin F. Britton, James N. Brockman, Michael A. Brodribb, Richard Bukhamsin, Abdul Hameed A. Burgess, Brian W. Burns, James F. Bussard, Benjamin Buswell, Debbie Campbell, Neil A. Carpenter, Benjamin Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Castillo, Raul A. Chmilar, James F. Choate, Dan L. Chu, Wei Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Clarkson, Edwin R. Clayton, Mark D. Comas, Jose M. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Dakwar, Naim Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Delwiche, Alex L. Dermody, Richard P. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dicus, Joseph S. Didas, Jeffrey L. Dimond, James R. Dopjera, Douglas E. Doughty, Dale Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eden, Dawn C. El Kholy, Amr S. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Evans, Charlie Fairchild, James P. Farthing, Scott Flanery, David Foong, John M. Fortunato, Michael J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Galvan, Antonio Galvan, Jaime Galvan, Tony A. Ganiyu, John A. Gehring, George A. Gerrard, Anthony P. Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghisetti, Alessandro Ghosh, Goutam Gilroy, Douglas E. Gogu, Chandrasekhar Granholm, Michael 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 66 Committee Rosters Green, Lorraine A. Gregory, Thomas E. Griffin, Jerome W. Grimes, William D. Gunaltun, Yves Gunasekaran, Abirami K. Gupta, Girish Hack, Harvey P. Han, Bing Hanearin, Sally S. Hargrave, John Harib, Muhamed Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hartt, William H. Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. He, Hongwei Helgeson, Dennis R. Henderson, Charles Hendricks, Terry A. Hendrix, David E. Hevle, Andrew G. Hill, James M. Hill, Travis S. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hocking, Larry Hogan, Robert P. Holtsbaum, William B. Huijun, Li Husock, Bernard Hussain, Mohammed Shabbir Hussain, Syed MT M. Hynes, Carol Illson, Tim F. Jackson, Mark Jamrok, William E. Javed, Bashir Jensen, Finn O. John, Gareth Johnsen, Roy Johnson, David Laird Jones, Steve P. Jordan, Lee C. Kadirvelu, Manikandan Kadlec, Joseph Kashmiri, Ray Kenmoe, Joseph R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Khalid A. Khan, Naeem A. Khan, Shamsh T. Kim, Dae Kyeong Klechka, Ernest W. Klechka, Jason Knowles, Dustin Krishnaswamy, Raj Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Kulkarni, Anand V. Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Narendra Landry, Justin P. Lavery, Anthony Lechman, Carl E. Lehmann, Joseph A. Lenar, James Lewis, Ronald E. Li, Gefei “Jeffery” Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Liadi, Abiodun A. Lu, Hong Lucas, William Steven Lye, Rolf E. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Jason J. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Maligas, Manuel N. Malone, Scott Manian, Leon Mankar, Deepak Martinez Niembro, Antonio McAfee, Clyde A. McFarland, Sam McReynolds, Wana J. Mikles, Cory L. Mitchell, David S. Moffat, Michael Mohamadein, Mohamed A. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Molai, Munosi Mollica lll, Thomas Moore, L. James Moral, Jason O. Morgan, Kerry L. Morris, Russell D. Murray, John N. Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nichols, Paul R. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nnadi, Clarence O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogbulie, Smart U. Ogosi, Eugene I. Ogun, Kehinde M. Ogunsola, Mohammed A. Olabisi, Olagoke Olson, John I. Ong, Wei Rex Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Osvoll, Harald Packard, Keith A. Page, David Palmer, Robert E. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Dean Pennington, Terry W. Piazza, John L. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pizani, Gabriel Pope, Heath K. Poulassichidis, Tony Pourazami, Bijan Puckett, Jimmy J. Rahim, Renish Raji, Yusuf A. Rao, Ashish Rasche, Dale Redding, Mitchell L. Rettman, Will Rice, Pat Rizk, Tony G. Rizzo, Frank E. 67 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Roche, Marcel G. Rokhsari Azar, Saboura Russell, William B. Sabri, Hasan F. Salazar, Ramon A. Salloum, Gustavo A. Sanchez, Sandra I. Santos, Henrique O. Sbaei, Ali Schmitt, Guenter Schramm, David A. Schubert, Roy W. Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Setien Garcia, Juan Ramon Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shinde, Vipul C. Shreffler, Glenn W. Sibila, Jerzy Simpson, David A. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sloan, Paul J. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Stephen N. Song, Fengmei Soto, Gonzalo Srivastava, Vikalp Stein, Arthur A. Stevenson, Craig E. Suarez, Jorge A. Surkein, Michael B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Szeliga, Michael Tabilog, Yahshua A. Tajallipour, Nima Takhtechian, Hooman Tang, Fei Tellez Ramirez, Luis R. Tennison, Cifford W. Thomason, William H. Tinnea, Ryan J. Tracy, Duane Tremolada, Simone Trimble, Whitt L. Tug, Ethem Turpin, Spencer W. Valdes, Alberto Valenti, Richard D. Van Haver, Wim Van Muysen, Tom Vasquez, Jorge E. Veesart, Larry J. Vestre, Helge I. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vittonato, Jean Wagner, Daniel P. Wakefield, Gregory C. Wales, Kevin S. Walker, Robert W. Wang, Kehua C. Webb, T. R. Webster, David Wei, Chao Weldon, Clark P. Wetzel, Edwin Whittaker, William Widyanto, Bambang Wigen, Svenn Magne Williamson, Alexander I. Winfield, Michael S. Wint, David Winters, Robert H. Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wright, Matthew J. Wroe, Stephen P. Wyatt, Brian S. Xu, Likun Yang, John Zeleznak, David F. Zhang, Jian-Zhong Zhang, Peng Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 31 Ab. Hamid, Kamila Abayarathna, Dharma Abdullah, Ahmad N. Abou Zour, Mohamed Abraham, Shibu Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Afshari, Vahid Aguiar, David Aguirre, Fabio Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmad, Tauqueer Ahmed, Arabi S. Ahmed, Syed A. Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Ajayi, Fredric O. Alabbas, Faisal M. Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Albores-Silva, Octavio E. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Jonathan Allison, Peter W. Al-Mutahhar, Faisal M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Aluko, Olumide O. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Amaya, Hisashi Amend, Bill Amer, Mohamed Anderko, Andrzej M. Andrade, Cynthia A. Arowolo, Ifeoluwa A. Arshi, Mohammad M. Arumugam, Sridhar Ashokkumar, Srinivas Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Asrar, Nausha Avemegah, Winfred S. Bacso, Dennis S. Badal, Albert Bag, Asim Bailey, Bill M. Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Baltazar, Almario D. Barbin, David Barjasteh, Laleh Baron, John J. Bartlett, Robert D. Bartos, Milan Bartrip, Keith A. Bassiouny, Mohamed A. Bauman, Jerry Beaudoin, Joe Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Bennett, George W. Berger, Duane Berling, Matthias Bhat, Subrahmanya Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Bi, WuXi Biedermann, Allen J. Billingham, Michael Billings, Robert M. Birketveit, Oeystein Birla, Sunil K. Blouin, Marc Boada, Edgar Boire, Michael Boivin, Joseph W. Bollfrass, Charles Andrew Bond, Stuart Bosen, Sidney F. Bosetti, Shane Bowles, Joe C. Boyd, John L. Bray, David Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brockman, Michael A. Brooks, Johnathon Brossia, Sean Brown, Bruce N. Brown, Mike J. Bruno, Ted Burger, Edward D. Burgess, Brian W. Bussard, Benjamin Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Caldwell, Eric Campbell, Doug Canto, Christian M. Canungue, Kapassui Carney, Michael D. Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Cathrea, Colin Cenegy, Lawrence M. Chandrasekaran, Venkatasamy Chapman, Daniel Chiang, Howard Chin, Al Chiodini, Vittorio Choi, Yoon-Seok Choo, Boon Leong Chu, Wei Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Coronado, Eva M. Cotney, Clayton Randall Couron, Bruce Craig, Bruce D. Crum, James R. Crutchley, Michael C. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Daniel, Bethlehem Daniels, Jacquitta K. Dante, James F. Committee Rosters Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dash, Lawrence C. Davies, Michael Davis, Robert H. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. De Reus, Han Dean, Frank Dearien, Cody E. Debruyn, Hendrik J. Deeruang, Yuttana DesNoyer, David A. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dey, Sanjib K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Divi, Suresh C. Dockens, Kim Donald, William M. Donham, James E. Dopjera, Douglas E. Dougherty, James A. Drake, Donald E. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunn, Patrick J. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Edapparambath, Sajeesh S. Egan, Frank J. Egas, Lucia Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Fang, Haitao Faridi, Noman K. Farquhar, Gale B. Farthing, Scott Faverola, Mario Feijun, Liu Felton, Peter Fletcher, John D. Foley, Daryl Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Foster, Alan Fowler, Christopher M. Franco, Robert J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frenier, Wayne W. Fu, Bob Fultineer, Roy Funderburg, Isaac M. Ganeson, Girisha Ganhao, Luis A. Gaur, Bhupendra Geissler, Brett Gennaro, Maria Elena Georgeson, Paul Gerbino, Anthony J. Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Gill, Jasbir S. Godara, Pankaj Goerz, Kevin Gogu, Chandrasekhar Goncalves Reis, Albino A. Gonser, Michael A. Gonzalez, Alexander Gonzalez, Manuel A. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Goodfellow, Raymond B. Goswami, Pradip Gough, Mark Grainawi, Lorri Gregory, James C. Grey, Dale Griffin, Jerome W. Grimes, William D. Guan, Hua Guan, Shiwei William Gubner, Rolf Gunaltun, Yves Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Guzman, Federico Habiby, Fakhruddin Hack, Harvey P. Haddon, Stephen P. Hadley, Harold W. Hall, Sylvia C. Hanearin, Sally S. Harib, Muhamed Harmon, Amanda Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hart, Michael Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hausler, Rudolf H. Hay, Neil S. He, David D. Hedges, Bill Heidersbach, Krista L. Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Hernandez, Sandra Hevle, Andrew G. Hilbert, Lisbeth R. Hill, Donald G. Hilton, Mark D. Hinkson, Dezra Hinrichsen, Charles J. Hobbs, George W. Hodgson, Brian A. Holm, Michael Holton, Gerald G. Hornsby, Frank Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Xinming Hu, Yang Huang, Jin Huang, Liming Huffman, Joel E. Huijun, Li Hussain, Syed MT M. Hwang, Hyun Sik Iannuzzi, Mariano Ibekwe, Prisca N. Illson, Tim F. Instanes, Geir Ion, Aurelian Islam, Moavin Iyer, Santosh Jack, Thomas R. Jackson (Moore), Jennifer Jackson, Mark Jackson, Tracey S. Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Jenneman, Gary E. Jenson, Dean G. Johansson, J. Mikael John, Gareth Johnsen, Roy Johnson, Angela M. Johnson, Jana Jones, David N. Jones, Lee M. Jones, Stanley B. Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joosten, Michael W. Jordan, Myles M. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Jung, Hundal Kang, Cheolho A. Kashmiri, Ray Kattamuri, Ravi K. Keasler, Vic Keller, Carrie Kelly, Anthony Kermad, Abdelhak Kermani, Bijan Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khiani, Gobind Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kirkwood, Mike Klechka, Ernest W. Klinker, Eric Kollannoor, Robin A. Kopliku, Ardjan Kostrivas, Tasos Kostuck, Derek A. Kovacs, Ken Krishnaiyer, Rangakrishnan S. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Kunjapur, Madana M. Kurniawan, Audrey Kuzma, John H. Kvarekval, Jon Lagad, Vishal Landry, Ray A. Larsen, Jan Lavery, Anthony Lee, Chee Hong Lee, Jinhee Lee, Kelly A. Lerbscher, John Li, Hui Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Lin, Huang Linde, Anja M Liu, Zhengwei Lobo, Reginald Lu, Hong Lunden, Kingsley C. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Reg MacKinnon, Arthur MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Maiti, Subhankar Maitra, Debajyoti Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Malone, Scott Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mari, Eduardo Martin, Richard L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, Anthony Mason, James F. Matocha, Garry M. May, Leslie J McAfee, Clyde A. McCoy, Terry H. McFarland, Sam McGinley, Heather McIlwaine, Douglas McKeen, Laurence W. McKinnon, Wes Md Daud, Raudhatul Hafzan Melvin, Budd Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Mesquita, Thiago J. Mfon, Ukot J. Mikles, Cory L. Miller, Cindy Mishra, Ajit K. Mizuno, Daisuke Mohamed, Kabir A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moloney, Jeremy Monteiro, Othon R. Moon, Soon W. Moore, L. James Mora Solera, Gustavo A. Morales, Jerry Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moss, Christopher J. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Muhajirin, Isya Murray, Gregory B. Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Murty, Anthony J. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagappan, Manikandan Nair, Madhusudanan K. Naraghi, Ali R Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nesic, Srdjan Nicolino, Miguel S. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nilsen, Glen P. Nnadi, Valentine C. Nyborg, Rolf Obasi, Netochukwu C. Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Ogles, Dora Ogun, Kehinde M. OHarriz, Osmay Ojifinni, Rotimi A. Okata, Sylvanus Okosodo, Stanley Omonye Okulaja, Samuel Okullo, Pele Olabisi, Olagoke Oladoyin, Olabode Oliphant, Scott J. Opara, Jude K. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Page, David Pakalapati, Raju Palacios, Carlos A. Palanivel, B. Palaniyandi, Velu Pandarinathan, Vedapriya Papavinasam, Sankara Patel, Naddir M. Paula, Leandro J. Perez, Teresa E. Perry, Laurie S. Phillander, Dennis Philopoulos, Jennifer Piazza, Mark Pickthall, Thomas Pickthall, Thomas W. Place, Trevor Porat, Iris Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Presley, Richard Pursell, Michael Qiongwei, Li Radwan, Yasser M. Rahim, Essam H. Ramachandran, Sunder Rana, Jignesh Rao, Ashish Rao, Sethu B. Raymond, Jon Rettman, Will Richter, Sonja Rincon, Hernan Rodgers, Patrick Rodriguez, Christopher Rogers, Michael E. Roopchan, Shiva Rupert, Jon C. Rybicki, Edmund F. Sabri, Hasan F. Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Samir, Mohamed Sanchez, Cesar Sand, Keith W. Sandana, Daniel Sanderson, April Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sbaei, Ali Schmitt, Guenter Schramm, David A. Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Shaapera, Timothy T. Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Shaw, David Shekher, Shashank Sherik, Abdelmounam Sheriyani, Moosa Shinde, Vipul C. Shirah, Dewayne Shobe, Jim M. Sidky, Paulette S. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Gene Simmons, Joey A. Simon-Thomas, Maarten J. Simsek Gokcesu, Ani Sincioco, Marvin H. Singer, Marc Singh, Binder 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 68 Committee Rosters Singh, Devinder Singh, Peter J. Singh, Virendra Sizov, Vladimir E. Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Ali Smith, Stephen N. Song, Fengmei Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Spowage, Andrew Srinivasan, Prabhu Srinivasan, Sridhar Standlee, Sarah Stewart, Sean Stray, James D. Strickland, Niell Strong, Rusty Suarez, Heider A. Suidgeest, Nick Sullivan, Joe L. Sun, Hejian Sun, Wei Sun, Yuhua Sundararaj, Sathish Surkein, Michael B. Suryani, Suryani Syam, Fatimah Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tarleton, Trent Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Teeter, Steve L. Tessier, Vincent Thakur, Ajit K. Tharian, Joy Thomas, Bruce A. Thomas, Jason Tidwell, Timothy J. Tihen, Joshua C. Tillis, William J. Toleti, Subba Rao Tomoe, Yasuyoshi Toussaint, Patrick Tran, My Phuong T. Trifaley, Heramb R. Trimble, Whitt L. Tripathi, Ajay K. Tsaprailis, Haralampos Turhan, Aydin Turner, Steven W. Ueda, Masakatsu Vadivelu, Tamizhazhagan Valdes, Alberto Valparambil, Nishith Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Van Haver, Wim Vatne, Jeff Veesart, Larry J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vestre, Helge I. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vuk, Thomas J. Vyas, Sandeep H. Waid, George M. Wang, George Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Wang, Jing Wang, Qiwei Wang, Sheng-Hui Wang, Shihuai Webb, Lindsay L. Weber, James Whitcraft, Paul K. Whiteside, Michael S. Widyanto, Bambang Williams, Jamie Williams, Terry M. Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, Peter T. Winfield, Michael S. Winning, Ian G. Winters, Robert H. Wold, Kjell R. Wolf, Alan Wolters, Roy Wong, Dennis T. Wrangham, Jodi B. Wu, Jun Jim Xiong, Yao Xu, Jing Xu, Kang Xu, Likun Yang, Lietai Yang, Peter Young, Paul R. Zaman, Vibha Zhang, Haidong Zhang, Lei Zhang, Liangzhe Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Yongli Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Jiang Zintel, Timothy P. STG 32 Abdullah, Ahmad N. Abidi, Ibtesam Hasan Adams, Samuel Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Ahmed, Syed A. Aiello, Carmelo Akinpelu, Adebayo Albores-Silva, Octavio E. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alseoud, Ahmed M. Amaya, Hisashi Amend, Bill Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Appukuttan, Ajay M. Arafin, Muhammad A. Armstrong, Glenn M. Asher, Stefanie L. Ashokkumar, Srinivas Ayyar, Sameer A. Babakr, Ali Badrak, Robert P. Bag, Asim Baguley, Roy B. Bailey, Bill M. Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Baker, Brian A. Baker, Kirk C. Balraj, Velu 69 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Baltazar, Almario D. Bandeira, Merlin Bartrip, Keith A. Bauman, Jerry Bavarian, Behzad Bazzoni, Alberto Been, Jenny Behera, Bijay Kumar Behling, Gabriel S. Bell, Graham E. Bereczky, Emil L. Bergstrom, David Bhat, Subrahmanya Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Bhatti, Bashir M. Billingham, Michael Billings, Robert M. Blessman, Edward R. Boellinghaus, Thomas Bollfrass, Charles Andrew Bond, Stuart Bookout, Charles Boran, John Borenstein, Susan W. Bosch, Christoph Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brongers, Michiel P. Bruno, Ted Buehrer, Josh M. Burgess, Brian W. Burk, James D. Bush, Donald R. Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Caldwell, Eric Califf, Christopher D. Cappuccini, Filippo Caravel-Tondat, Carol Carnes, Dean Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Cassagne, Thierry Castillo, Raul A. Chakravarti, Bhaven Chambers, Brian D. Chandler, Norma L. Chapman, Daniel Cheldi, Tiziana Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Chitwood, Greg B. Coffey, Arnold L. Collins, Peter Colombo, Vittorio Comas, Jose M. Combrade, Pierre Conder, Robert Coronado, Eva M. Cotney, Clayton Randall Couron, Bruce Coyle, William R. Craig, Bruce D. Crolet, Jean-Louis Crum, James R. Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, Eric Davies, Michael Davis, Robert H. De Marco, Marco De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dean, Frank Dent, Philip Deuterio, Marco Dopjera, Douglas E. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dufour, James D. Dunn, Geoff Dziekonski, Mitchell Z. Efird, Killian D. Egan, Frank J. Eid, Omar A. Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Elwell, John W. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fagade, Caleb O. Farraro, John F. Farthing, Scott Felton, Peter Ferguson, Joel Fitzgerald, Brian J. Folkard, Stuart Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Fowler, Christopher M. Francis, Roger Franco, Robert J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ganhao, Luis A. Garfias, Luis F. Gaur, Bhupendra Ghalsasi, Sameer V. Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Gogu, Chandrasekhar Goldberg, Linda C. Gossett, James L. Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Granes, Luis F. Grauman, Jim S. Grimes, William D. Groth, John J. Grow, Amanda Grubb, John F. Guan, Hua Haase, Thomas Haeberle, Tim Hahn, Ronald A. Hamdani, Wildan Hamilton, Ian Han, Bing Hanearin, Sally S. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hashizume, Shuji Hassani, Shokrollah Hausler, Rudolf H. Havn, Torfinn He, David D. Heidbrier, Don A Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Hernandez, Sandra Hevle, Andrew G. Hibner, Edward L. Hill, Richard T. Hillis, David J. Hilton, Mark D. Hinds, Gareth Hodgson, Brian A. Horne, Robert B. Hosoya, Keizo Howie, William Huang, David Huang, Jin Huang, Weiji Huizinga, Sytze Hussain, Fiazal Hussain, Mohammed Shabbir Iannuzzi, Mariano Illson, Tim F. Ion, Aurelian Jackson, Mark Jacob, W. R. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jena, Birendra Jenkins, Alyn Johnson, Jana Jones, Stanley B. Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joosten, Michael W. Jordan, Josiah Kane, Russell D. Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kawano, Koji K. Kermad, Abdelhak Kermani, Bijan Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khosravi, Javad Kim, Jong J. Kirchner, Jeff Kissner, Gustavo G. Kivisakk, Ulf H. Klechka, Ernest W. Knaub, Timothy Kopliku, Ardjan Koschel, Diana Kostrivas, Tasos Krachler, Michael Krantz, Bradley D. Krishnan, Karthik Kudashov, Dmitry Kudla, Flavia B. Kulesza, Bryan Kumar, Amit Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Vibhas Le Manchet, Sandra Lee, Chee Hong Lee, Jinhee Lee, Kelly A. Li, Bingtao Li, Fang Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Liening, Eugene L. Little, Richard W. Lobaton, Militza I. Long, Robert W. Lopez-Turconi, Gustavo Lu, Hong Lye, Rolf E. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Reg Mack, Robert D. Macleod, Iain MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maddela, Surender Maffert, Joerg Committee Rosters Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Mahajanam, Sudhakar P. Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Jerry Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Malone, Scott Mankar, Deepak Mannan, Sarwan K. Manning, Jeff Marchebois, Herve Martin, John W. Martin, Richard L. Masouri, Daryoush Materkowski, James Maxwell, Paul McCoy, Terry H. McFarland, Sam McLaury, Samuel T. Mendez, Conchita Mendez, Mauricio A. Mesquita, Thiago J. Mihelic, Joseph Miyata, Yukio Mizuno, Daisuke Moghissi, Oliver C. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moore, Pete Moral, Jason O. Morales, Ivan Moriber, Norman J. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Muro, Ruben Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Nasr, Adel B. Nice, Perry I. Nicolino, Miguel S. Nielsen, William Odle, Robert R. O’Donnell, David L. Ogosi, Eugene I. Ogun, Kehinde M. Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Oladoyin, Olabode Olsen, Stein Opara, Jude K. Orie, Kenneth Orizu, Justin Page, David Pakalapati, Raju Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Parga, Ruben Parvizi, Sadegh M. Patrick, David Paula, Leandro J. Pena Ballesteros, Dario Y. Pendley, Michael R. Perez, Teresa E. Peters, Michael Pettersson, Rachel Phillips, Alan F. Poulassichidis, Tony Puckett, Brett C. Pun, Roger K. C. Qiongwei, Li Rahoi, Dennis W. Rak, Gene F. Rakhara, Kulbir S. Ramgopal, Thodla Ramirez, Jose E. Rao, Sethu B. Rasche, Dale Ray, Brent D. Rennie, Stephen F. Rettman, Will Retzke, Daryl Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Rincon, Hernan Rohrdanz, Nicholas Rokhsari Azar, Saboura Rommerskirchen, Iris Rooker, Joshua E. Rosenbloom, Shari N. Rowe, Adam C. Rubin, Adam Ruiz-Aparicio, Arturo Rupert, Jon C. Russo, Joel Rutkowski, Anthony J. Ryder, Jeremy C. Saarinen, Kari Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sawamura, Mitsuru Sbaei, Ali Schmitt, Guenter Schramm, David A. Schubert, Roy W. Schulz, Zachary J. Scoppio, Lucrezia Scribner, Lyman A. Shademan, Steven S. Shah, Paul Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, David Shick, Jerry Shinde, Vipul C. Sidky, Paulette S. Siegmund, Gerit Sievert, Jim B. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Seth A. Simmons, Joey A. Simpson, David A. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Ramesh Singh, Virendra Sisk, John P. Sivertsen, Anne O. Skaria, Febin Skogsberg, James W. Skogsberg, Lillian Slimmon, Tom C. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Ali Smith, Lee S. Smith, Stephen N. Smith, Viviane C. Sohn, Chad Sonnleitner, Robert Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Spence, Mark A. Spence, Thomas C. Sponseller, David L. Sponseller, Thomas E. Sridhar, Narasi Stankievech, Roxanne Suarez, Jorge A. Suidgeest, Nick Sun, Yuhua Swinney, Stephen G. Szklarz, Karol E. Tabinor, Matthew J. Takabe, Hideki Takhtechian, Hooman Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Teeter, Steve L. Tems, Robin D. Tessier, Vincent Tharian, Joy Thill, Dallas T. Thompson, Richard M. Tillis, William J. Toussaint, Patrick Trillo, Elizabeth A. Turbeville, Elliott Turnbull, Alan Tuttle, Robert N. Twigg, Ronald J. Ueda, Masakatsu Urband, Bruce E. Valdes, Alberto Valdez Vallejo, Raymundo J. Van Haver, Wim Vargas, Jesus Vasquez, Gustavo Vatne, Jeff Veesart, Larry J. Venkatesh, Anand Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Verdolin, Regina F. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wade, Ed H. Waid, George M. Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Wang, Sheng-Hui Waud, Richard Wei, Chao Wei, James Whitlow, Scott Widyanto, Bambang Wiegers, Karsten Wilfahrt, Brian Wilken, Gerdt Williams, Jamie Williamson, Alexander I. Wilms, Marc E. Winfield, Michael S. Winters, Robert H. Wolters, Roy Xu, Jing Xu, Kang Yamamoto, Katsumi Yang, Booyoung Yang, Peter Yao, Matthew X. Youll, Peter Yunovich, Mark Zand, Robert H. Zeemann, Annelise Zermout, Zinedine Zhang, Liangzhe Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Jiang STG 33 Adams, Michael P. Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Anand, Tanmay Andrews, Weston B. Badrak, Robert P. Bailey, Bill M. Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Behling, Gabriel S. Bollfrass, Charles Andrew Booth, Christian Bowditch, Steve Bunaiyan, Hussain A. Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Cappuccini, Filippo Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chiang, Howard Choate, Dan L. Christopher, Ryan Dopjera, Douglas E. Eid, Omar A. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Fernandez, Carlos E. Fields, Charles N. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Goeseels, Christopher J. Goodson, James E. Haeberle, Tim Hammill, Bill Han, Bing Hassani, Shokrollah Hevle, Andrew G. Hodgson, Brian A. Huesmann, Peter L. Illson, Tim F. Janoff, Dwight Johnson, Doug Jones, Stanley B. Jones, Steve P. Kehr, Alan Khiani, Gobind Kostrivas, Tasos Krantz, Bradley D. Kumar, Vibhas Kunjapur, Madana M. Kvochak, John J. Lauer, Robert Lee, Jinhee Leonetti, Stephen J. Li, Fang Lin, Huang Long, Robert W. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mahajanam, Sudhakar P. Maldonado, Jerry Mangalmurti, Amol Manuel, Anthony T. McCoy, Terry H. McFarland, Sam Miller, Ann Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Ogun, Kehinde M. Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Oladoyin, Olabode O’Malley, Cindy Opara, Jude K. Paiva, Adriana Pardey, Ricardo L. Patel, Naddir M. Pitta, Anil Poulassichidis, Tony Quinn, Mike Ren, Jason Rettew, Robert E. Ruschau, Gregory Saeed, Sohail Savino, Vincenzo Schubert, Roy W. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sieve, Ken Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Speed, Charles F. Spence, Thomas C. Standlee, Sarah Surnam, B.Y.R. Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Townsend, Kira K. Turbeville, Elliott Turhan, Aydin Van Haver, Wim Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Watkinson, Charles J. Whitsitt, Elizabeth Williamson, Alexander I. Willis, Brian M. Winfield, Michael S. Wisniewski, Halina L. Xu, Jing Yee, Michael Yunovich, Mark Zeng, Jing STG 34 Aboul Gheit, Mohammed K. Acosta, Fidel Addington, Fred Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Ahmed, Arabi S. Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Ahmed, Syed A. Aiello, Carmelo Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Allen, Jonathan Allen, Morgan D. Alley, David Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alseoud, Ahmed M. Ames, Michael Anand, Tanmay Arensman, Susan K. Armistead, Kathleen M. Armstrong, Glenn M. Asperger, Robert G. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Bagdasarian, Ara J. Baguley, Roy B. Baker, Kirk C. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 70 Committee Rosters Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Been, Jenny Bego, Mauricio Behera, Bijay Kumar Bell, Graham E. Bennett, Christopher Bennett, George W. Benson, Richard A. Bereczky, Emil L. Bhatti, Bashir M. Billings, Robert M. Birla, Sunil K. Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Blauvelt, Pieter N. Boffardi, Bennett P. Book, Allen D. Bookout, Charles Borenstein, Susan W. Bosen, Sidney F. Bowditch, Steve Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brown, Jeff Brown, John C. Bruno, Ted Buchheim, Gerrit M. Burns, James F. Bush, Donald R. Byrnes, Todd Cabral, Stephen Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Cantwell, J. Edward Carlson, Duane Carroll, Richard Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Cayard, Michael S. Chakravarti, Bhaven Chaku, Pran N. Chapman, Daniel Chen, Yingzi Chen, Zhen Cheruvu, Sastry L. Chiang, Howard Choo, Boon Leong Chronister, Donald J. Clarida, Dannie Colwell, Richard L. Comas, Jose M. Cooke, David L. Copeland, Thomas S. Coronado, Eva M. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Courtney, Robert Coyle, William R. Craig, H. Lee Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Danis, Jerold I. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Datta, Sobhan Davidson, Eric Davies, Michael De Groot, Harm W. De Marco, Marco Dean, Frank Debruyn, Hendrik J. Decker, Shawn Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dopjera, Douglas E. Dowluri, Raju Drake, Donald E. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dufour, James D. Duggan, George G. Dunn, Geoff Dunn, Patrick J. Edmondson, James G. Eid, Omar A. Elliott, Peter El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ely, John D. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Esmacher, Mel J. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Fahey, William F. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Feather, James E. Feijun, Liu Fitzgerald, Brian J. Flori, Antonio D. Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, Calvin Y. Foong, John M. Fowler, Christopher M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frey, Carlos A. Fultz, Benjamin S. Funderburg, Isaac M. Gabetta, Giovanna Gallo, Glen M. Ganhao, Luis A. Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Giesbrecht, Walt Godara, Pankaj Goetze, Lars Gonzalez, Alexander Goodman, Lindsey R. Gossett, James L. Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Granes, Luis F. Grauman, Jim S. Greene, Barry N. Griest, William J. Groysman, Alec Guan, Hua Gutzeit, Joerg Guy, Kristin Gysbers, Andy C. Haddon, Mike Hadley, Harold W. Hahn, Ronald A. Hammill, Bill Hampton, David A. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Harston, John D. Hau, Jorge L. He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Hevle, Andrew G. Hibner, Edward L. Hilton, Mark D. Hixson, Donald R. Hodgson, Brian A. Holton, Gerald G. Horne, Robert B. Horvath, Richard J. 71 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Hosoya, Keizo Höwing, Jonas Hu, Xinming Hu, Yang Huang, Ling Hunt, Larry W. Hurst, Lindell R. Hussain, Mohammed Shabbir Hwang, Fu Hwang, Hyun Sik Hwang, Ki Nam Ignacz, Thomas Iyer, Santosh Jacob, W. R. Jacobs, Tibisay Jefferies, Bradley C. Jennings, Herbert S. Johnson, David Laird Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jordan, Dominic J. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kane, Russell D. Kastner, Ronald E. Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kawano, Koji K. Kelly, William Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Kimura, Toru Kirk, R S. Kivisakk, Ulf H. Klinker, Eric Knaub, Timothy Koerner, Joe Konet, Ray Krantz, Bradley D. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kulesza, Bryan Kumar, Amit Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Vibhas Kumar, Vimal Kunjapur, Madana M. Kus, Slawomir Labine, Paul Lack, Joel Lagad, Vishal Lant, RPD Lapointe, François Lara, Jose Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Lee, Jinhee Lewis, Keith R. Li, Bingtao Li, SeonYeob Li, Yanxu Lobaton, Militza I. Lordo, Sam A. Loushin, Leslie L. Lu, Hong Luke, Spencer Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. MacDonald, Michael MacKinnon, Arthur MacNab, Adrian J. Madapura, Murthy S.P. Maffert, Joerg Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Maguire, David P. Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Mancini, Joyce Mankar, Deepak Marden, Keneth M. Martens, Dennis H. Martin, Lawrence C. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, James F. Masten, Deric Mayorga-Baker, Anelsy McAlpin, Ronald L. McConnell, Marc D. McFarland, Sam McKenzie, Pat McKinnon, Wes McLaury, Samuel T. McReynolds, Wana J. Mehler, Marvin R. Mendez, Conchita Merrick, Robert D. Messer, Barry Mihelic, Joseph Milleti, Tarek Milton, Douglas J. Mistry, Pinakin B. Mitchell, James S. Mobley, Kelley Mohammad, Abdul H. Moore, David E. Moore, Karly Morales, Ivan Moriber, Norman J. Morris, P.J. Morselander, E H. Mucek, Mark W. Mukhopadhyay, Anit Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Munro, Chuck Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Nasr, Adel B. Neill, William J. Nelson, Jeremy Niccolls, Edwin H. Nugent, Mike Odle, Robert R. Ogun, Kehinde M. OHarriz, Osmay Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Olson, John I. Orie, Kenneth Osman, Mohamed H. Page, David Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Pankiw, Roman I. Parvizi, Sadegh M. Paul, Larry D. Penso, Jorge A. Penuela, Leomar Perdomo, Jorge J. Petersen, Philip R Phillips, Terrell Philopoulos, Jennifer Pillsbury, Daniel J. Pinero, Nicholas Poulassichidis, Tony Pursell, Michael Quinn, Mike Quinter, Raymond C. Quiroga, Haydee Ragle, Homer V. Rak, Gene F. Ramachandran, Sunder Ramasamy, Radhakrishnan Ramirez, Jose E. Ray, Brent D. Redding, Howard P. Reeves, Tim Rengifo, Rafael Rettman, Will Rex, Spencer Rice, Pat Rice, Scott Richards, Gregory R. Richert, John P. Richez, Martin F. Rivera, Monique I. Rivero, Andres Roberts, Fred A. Roberts, Lionel Roberts, Richard D. Roche, Marcel G. Rogers, Michael E. Rohrdanz, Nicholas Roumeau, Xavier Roush, Ronnie E. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Saeed, Sohail Samadi, Omid N. Samsel, Roger Sarpong, Kwadwo O. Scanlan, Rob J. Schmitt, Guenter Schramm, Michael T. Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Schulz, Clinton J. Scoppio, Lucrezia Seagraves, Sam Seffens, William E. Serter, Taner Setterlund, Richard B. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shargay, Cathleen A. Shaw, Barbara A. Shaw, David Sheikhi, Nasser Sherik, Abdelmounam Shick, Jerry Sidky, Paulette S. Sievert, Jim B. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Michael Singh, Anil K. Singh, Virendra Sivertsen, Anne O. Skogstad, Berit B. Slimmon, Tom C. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smeets, Nicholas A. Smith, Robert R. Sober, Michael J. Spence, Mark A. Spence, Thomas C. Srinivasan, Sridhar Srivastava, Vikalp Stankiewicz, Jessica Stein, Arthur A. Stray, James D. Strong, Rusty Committee Rosters Suidgeest, Nick Suzuki, Teppei Swinney, Stephen G. Tan, Kar Wei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Thill, Dallas T. Thornthwaite, Philip A. Tiemens, Ben Tillis, William J. Tkachyk, Brian J. Toba, Kazuhiro Toussaint, Patrick Treasure, Greg Tsuda, Takahiro Twigg, Ronald J. Ueda, Masakatsu Vasquez, Custodio Vatne, Jeff Veesart, Larry J. Vera, Jose R. Verdolin, Regina F. Vetters, Eric Vidusek, Daniel Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vipat, Sunil V. Waid, George M. Waite, Scott Walker, Terry S. Wang, Hongwei Wang, Kehua C. Watkins, William R. Watkinson, Charles J. Waytashek, Jeff Weeks, Daniel J. Wen, Andy Werner, David Westra, Jan White, Lawrence R. Whitlow, Scott Widyanto, Bambang Wilks, Gerald W. Williams, Dana G. Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, Peter T. Wilson, Timothy Wint, David Winters, Michael A. Witmer, Wes Wodarcyk, John J. Wojes, Ryan Wood, Stephen P. Worthing, Andrew Wozniak, Christopher Wrobel, Sarah K. Xu, Jing Yamamoto, Katsumi Yamanishi, Isamu Yanes, Maria Jose Yee, Michael Yoakam, Josh L. Zaman, Vibha Zand, Robert H. Zeemann, Annelise Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Jiang Zhu, Zhenghua STG 35 Aavang, Sarah Ab. Hamid, Kamila Abayarathna, Dharma Abdullah, Ahmad N. Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Achiaw, Richard O. Acuna, Herman Adams, David B. Adams, Samuel Adedeme, Edward Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Adling, Paul C. Afshari, Vahid Aguiar, David Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmad, Tauqueer Ahmed, Syed A. Akram, Muhammad F. Alabbas, Faisal M. Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Aldrich, Chris J. Alexander, Gregory W. Alexander, Tom Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Robert F. Alleyne, David Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Aluko, Olumide O. Amend, Bill Amer, Mohamed Ames, Michael Anand, Tanmay Anderson, David E. Anderson, Michelle Annadorai, Karthik Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Araya, Leonardo Arellano-Briot, Laura M. Armato, Kevin Arowolo, Ifeoluwa A. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashcraft, Nicholas D. Ashokkumar, Srinivas Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Aswell, Charles R. Atanu, Nathaniel Y. Attarchi, Mehdi Avemegah, Winfred S. Ayyar, Sameer A. Bacso, Dennis S. Badal, Albert Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Baguley, Roy B. Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Banks, Robert L. Barjasteh, Laleh Barouky, Fikry F. Barreto, Mauro C. Barron, Lynda Bartrip, Keith A. Bash, Roy Bates, Neil Baucom, Sheri Bauman, Jerry Bean, Steven J. Beasley, Lindsey Beaudoin, Joe Beavers, John A. Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Bell, Bradley T. Bell, Graham E. Bennett, George W. Bensman, Lynsay Benz, Ana M. Berger, David Bhatia, Arti Bhatti, Bashir M. Bi, WuXi Biagiotti, Steve F. Bianchetti, Ronald L. Billings, Robert M. Bingman, Ernest R. Blackwelder, Curtiss Blanco, Eloy Block, John E. Bodington, Andy Bohn, Charles M. Boivin, Joseph W. Bollfrass, Charles Andrew Bolton, Roy D. Bond, Stuart Bonilla, Fernando A. Bookout, Charles Borenstein, Susan W. Boswell, Keith B. Boulware, William F. Bowdoin, Leon A. Bowles, Joe C. Bowman, Elaine Bowman, Karen M. Bowser, Josh Bracy, James S. Brandt, James A. Brelsford, Clay Brevard, Larry D. Brewer, Joshua G. Bringas, John E. Brink, Nate Briscoe, R. Dustin Brockman, Michael A. Brogger, Mark A. Brooks, William W. Brossia, Sean Brown, Mike J. Browne, Taylor Brush, Ron Bubenik, Thomas A. Burgess, Brian W. Burleson, Ricky Burns, James F. Burns, Maureen E. Busby, Larry D. Bushman, James B. Bussard, Benjamin Bussard, Tom Buswell, Debbie Byerley, Mark J. Byrd, Jerry D. Cabrera, Ernesto A. Cairns, Thomas J. Calderon, Gilbert M. Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Doug Campbell, Neil A. Cardin, Jeanne L. Carenza, Dennis R. Carinci, Gary M. Carlile, Allen L. Carlson, William P. Carrola, Daniel Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Casey, Gregory Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Cathrea, Colin Catte, Darrell R. Cerkoney, Daniel Chahar, Satendra S. Chandler, Clifford J. Chandler, Norma L. Chen, Shaosong Chiang, Howard Chmilar, James F. Choate, Dan L. Choate, Leonard C. Choi, Yoon-Seok Choo, Boon Leong Christensen, John S. Christopher, Kelly J. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Chustz, Keith Cignatta, John V. Clark, Edward B. Clark, Mark Clarke, Stephen J. Clayton, Mark D. Cluytmans, Jurgen Cone, Ernest A. Cookingham, Bruce A. Cope, David P. Corbell, Roger Cordova, Matthew J. Coronado, Eva M. Coronado, Kat Correll, Debra J. Corsiglia, Frederic A. Cotoron, Vincent N. Coulter, Rex R. Couron, Bruce Cox, John A. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cypert, Chris Dakwar, Naim Dalchuk, Vincent G. Dambe, Anil R. Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dash, Lawrence C. Davidson, Eric Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael Davis, James S. Davis, Kenneth E. Davis, Ray de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Marco, Marco De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dearien, Cody E. Decker, Shawn Delahunt, John F. Delwiche, Alex L. Desjardins, Guy DesNoyer, David A. Devinney, Harold Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhal, Dusmant K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dickerson, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. DiGulio, Jeff V. Dimond, James R. Dobson, Robert L. Donald, William M. Donlan, Robert E. Dopjera, Douglas E. Doughty, Dale Douglas, Ronald Dovico, Ricardo Drake, Donald E. D’Souza, Eugene J. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunlap, Jack E. Dunn, Patrick J. Dunn, Roger F. Duppong, Gerald P. Dupuis, Bruce Durbin, Michael C. Earnest, Donnie Eastham, Shawn Eaton, Guy F. Eckert, Richard B. Eckert, Timothy Eden, Dawn C. Edwall, Hans-Erik Edwards, David E. Egan, Frank J. Egbert, Thomas E. Eggen, Phil Eggenberger, James Eid, Omar A. El Kholy, Amr S. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. Elliot, Debbie Elliott, Peter Ellis, Bruce H. Elneihoum, Adel El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Elsenheimer, Robert E. Emerson, Thomas D. Ene, Chinedu N. Engen, Donald L. Enloe, C. L. Enloe, Tyler E. Enning, Dennis Ersoy, Daniel A. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Facer, Kelly Fagade, Caleb O. Fairchild, James P. Fallatah, Gasem M. Fang, Bingyan Fanoush, Omar M. Faraj, Abdul Aziz Faridi, Noman K. Farquhar, Gale B. Farthing, Scott Fassett, Robert Faverola, Mario Feijun, Liu Feng, Hong Chen Feng, Qingshan Ferguson, Robbie Ferguson, W. H. (Butch) Fernandes, Elson G. Fernandez, Ernesto R. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 72 Committee Rosters Fessler, Raymond R. Field, John G. Filipek, Mark C. Fite, William J. Fitzgerald, John H. Flessas, James D. Fogata, Martin Fogel, Joseph F. Foong, John M. Ford, Preston O. Fore, Toby S. Forgo, Laszlo Fowler, Christopher M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Fransted, Martin Freeman, Daniela Y. Freeman, Jonathan P. Freeman, Mark S. Freitag, Jimmy Fuller, John C. Fultineer, Roy Fussell, Scott D. Galbraith, Joseph M. Gallant, Robert F. Gallaway, Eric S. Gardner, Ray Garrity, Kevin C. Geib, Robert C. Geyer, Wayne B. Ghosh, Goutam Gibb, Thomas C. Gillespie, Greg Gilroy, Douglas E. Glenn, Donald L. Gogu, Chandrasekhar Golay, Sanjay K. Gonser, Michael A. Gormley, John A. Gough, Mark Grainawi, Lorri Green, Kelley J. Green, Lorraine A. Green, Philip K. Greenberger, Stuart L. Griffin, Jerome W. Grimes, William D. Groody, Jordan T. Guan, Shiwei William Guardado, Ariela Gubner, Rolf Gucwa, Leslie G. Guinn, George L. Gummow, Robert A. Gundry, Ronald D. Gupta, Girish Gupta, Tijender K. Guy, Paul Habiby, Fakhruddin Hailey, Jeremy A. Haines, Harvey Hall, Charles L. Hall, Sylvia C. Hamblin, Steve Hamp, Ana E. Hanck, James A. Hancock, Michael P. Hardin, Milton Hargrave, John Harmon, Amanda Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hartley, Stephen C. Hartman, Darren F. Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hauser, Glenn Haynes, Herman L. He, David D. Heidersbach, Krista L. Heishman, Patricia A. Helle, Henk P. Hemerlein, Frank G. Henderson, Charles Hendrix, David E. Henson, Larry A. Herpin, Daniel S. Herrera, Alex E. Herrick, Corey Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Higgins, William C. Hill, James M. Hill, Travis S. Hilleary, Jamey Hilton, Mark D. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hinkson, Dezra Hoang, Rosalind Hodge, Randy Hodgson, Brian A. Hogan, Robert P. Holcomb, Gordon R. Holland, Ed Holtam, Colum M. Holton, Gerald G. Holtsbaum, William B. Holzmann, Mary Hong, Seung Min Horn, Lewis G. Horne, Robert B. Hornsby, Frank Horstink, Henk Horton, Mike House, Richard A. Howard, Dennis R. Howard, J. Darby Howell, Kerri M. Hu, Xinming Hu, Yang Huang, David Hudspeth, Chuck Huffman, Joel E. Hughes, Chic L. Huijun, Li Humphreys, Raymond Hunt, Larry W. Hursky, Carl Husock, Bernard Hussain, Mohammed Shabbir Hussain, Syed MT M. Hwang, Hyun Sik Hwang, Ki Nam Hynes, Carol Iannuzzi, Mariano Idoko, David J. Ignacz, Thomas Igwe, Philip C. Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Illson, Tim F. Ion, Aurelian Isaacs, Richard Ivy, Ted S. Jack, Thomas R. Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam James, Mark M. Jamrok, William E. 73 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Janda, Dennis C. Janssen, Dale Jarragh, Amer Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jayawardena, George Marlon Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Finn O. Jeukens, Mike Johansson, J. Mikael John, Gareth Johnson, Jana Johnson, John B. Johnson, Joshua T. Johnson, William S. Jones, Lee M. Jones, Stephen A. Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jordan, Dominic J. Joseph, Daniel J. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kadlec, Joseph Kaiser, Paul Kale, Shawn Kania, Richard Kashmiri, Ray Kattamuri, Ravi K. Keck, Danny L. Kehr, Alan Keil, Brent Keldsen, John T. Kelley, Aaron Kelly, Richard Kenmoe, Joseph R. Keown, Robert A. Keppler, John F. Kermad, Abdelhak Kerns, Wayne L. Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Naeem A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khosravi, Javad Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kilbane, John J. Kim, Dong Hyun Kimmons, Alan D. Kincheloe, Mark Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Kirkpatrick, Eric Klechka, Ernest W. Klementis, Jennifer Knowles, Dustin Kostrivas, Tasos Kostuck, Derek A. Koszewski, Lou Kowalski, Angel R. Krause, David E. Krebs, Barry E. Krishnaswamy, Raj Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Krupka, Michael C. Kulesza, Bryan Kulkarni, Anand V. Kumar, Amit Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Vibhas Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kunjapur, Madana M. Kustova, Vera Kvochak, John J. Lacatena, Stephen J. Lagad, Vishal Lakshmanan, Karthikeyan Lamontagne, Marc Landry, Ray A. Landry-Bain, Jonathan Larrington, Daniel J.. Lauber, Mark D. Lavergne, Bobby P. Lavigne, Nate M. Law, Timothy Lawrence, Charles F. Lawson, Kurt M. Layne, Paul A. Leary, Rob Lechman, Carl E. Lee, Jinhee Lee, Kelly A. Leewis, Keith G. Legg, Christopher L. LeJeune, Richard E. Lenka, Basanta K. Lewis, Brad Lewis, Charles D. Lewis, Keith R. Lewis, Thomas H. Li, Yanxu Liening, Eugene L. Ligertwood, Phillip Light, Glenn M. Linville, Mark E. Little, Daryl A. Little, G.T. Liu, Guo Lopez Garrity, Aida Lovett, Donald Lowry, William Lu, Baotong Lu, Hong Lu, Xinpeng Lucas, William Steven Lunde, John O. Lunder, Robert Curtis Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Lynch, Francis J. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Michael Mackenzie, John Madrigal, Roberto Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Magazine, Victor E. Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Maguire, David P. Mahajanam, Sudhakar P. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Majkrzak, Joseph P. Malone, Scott Mandal, Rajiv Mangalmurti, Amol Manian, Leon Mankar, Deepak Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Manuel, Anthony T. Marden, Keneth M. Marr, James Marshall, Quentin Marshall, William F. Martin Sanz, Alvaro Martin, John W. Martin, Johnny L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, Anthony Mason, James F. Mataich, Joseph Matlas, Matt Matocha, Garry M. Matthias, Austina Mawhinney, Derek Mayfield, Donald R. Maynard, Matt McDonald, Keith D. McDonnell, Shamus R. McFarland, Sam McGrath, Michael J McGuinness, Nancy McIntyre, Dale R. McQuilling, David Mehalick, Thomas E. Mejia, Osvaldo Melan, Bryan P. Merritt, James A. Merwin, Mark Metcalf, Annette Michel, James H. Mielke, Richard Migura, Davey P. Mihas, Michael A. Mikles, Cory L. Miller, Kate Miller, Paul L. Milligan, Linda L. Mishael, Samuel J. Mitchell, David S. Mitchell, Don E. Moghissi, Oliver C. Mohamed Nour, Mohamed Elfatih H. Mohamed, Khalid I. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Molai, Munosi Mollica lll, Thomas Moody, Robert A. Moore, Damon J. Moore, L. James Mora Solera, Gustavo A. Mora, Juan R. Moral, Jason O. Moreno, Pamela J. Morgan, Helen Morgan, Kerry L. Moriber, Norman J. Moritz, Jason Morris, Russell D. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Mosher, Michael P. Moss, Christopher J. Muhajirin, Isya Muirhead, Drew Mumme, Benny K. Muncaster, John Muncaster, Nathan Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Michael P. Murphy, Robert Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nair, Renjith C. Naraghi, Ali R Committee Rosters Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narramore, Steven Nasim, Farukh Neal, Dennis Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nekoksa, George Nelson, Leslie G. Newell, Richard J. Nichols, Paul R. Nicholson, Elizabeth Nicholson, John P. Nicholson, Lincoln E. Nickel, Randy J. Nickle, Randy Niebling, Robert C. Nielsen, Lars V. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nikolakakos, Steve Nnadi, Valentine C. Norred, Karl B. Norris, John C. Norsworthy, Richard Obeyesekere, Nihal U. O’Dea, Vaughn O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogun, Kehinde M. Ogundele, Gabriel OHarriz, Osmay Okata, Sylvanus Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Olenich, Stephen R. Ollila, Tom Olson, John I. Omar, Mohd Fakhri Ondak, Edward J. Ormellese, Marco Orona, John A. Ortamond, Kenny J. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Otto, John E. Otto, Kevin E. Packard, Keith A. Page, David Pakalapati, Raju Palacios, Carlos A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Panossian, Zehbour Papavinasam, Sankara Parker, Dean Parker, Gord Parker, Keith P. Parker, Kevin T. Parker Wallace L. Parlier, Phillip Parsley, Gary Patel, Naddir M. Payne, Rickey T. Peguero, Davie Pennington, Terry W. Peralta, Sara Perry, Frank A. Perry, John D. Perry, Laurie S. Peterson, Matt S. Petrov, Plamen Phelps, Brent W. Phillander, Dennis Phillips, Martin Piazza, John L. Piazza, Mark Pickthall, Thomas Pickthall, Thomas W. Pikas, Joseph Pinto, Louis J. Pippin, Christopher H. Pizani, Gabriel Place, Trevor Pomes, Michael L. Ponder, Jim Poulassichidis, Tony Pourazami, Bijan Prater, Benny J. Pratt, Jennifer Prewitt, T. J. Primeaux, Dudley J. Prose, Troy Puckett, Jimmy J. Pulsifer, Andrew Quinn, Mike Quiroga, Haydee Rachel, Keith Rahim, Essam H. Rahim, Renish Raji, Yusuf A. Rak, Gene F. Ramachandran, Shaji Ramirez, Miguel A. Ramirez, Rick S. Rampton, Frank Rana, Jignesh Ranade, Shyama D. Rankin, Larry G. Rao, Manohar Raphoon, Ron R. Ray, Brent D. Raymond, David Rearick, Lawrence E. Redd, Frank Redding, Howard P. Redding, Mitchell L. Redmond, Keith W. Rehman, Tanveer Rengifo, Rafael Reschke, Chelsey L. Rettman, Will Revie, R Winston Reynolds, Donald “Lee” L. Rheaume, Roderick M. Riccardella, Scott Rice, Pat Rice, Scott Richards, George E. Risch-Gage, Adiki Ristaino, Antonio J. Rizk, Tony G. Rizzo, Frank E. Roberge, Pierre R. Roberts, Fred A. Roberts, Richard D. Rodriguez, Rafael E. Rogalski, Chris Rokhsari Azar, Saboura Roster, Arthur L. Rothman, Paul S. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Ruane, Dan Rubenstahl, George L. Rudolph, S. Wayne Ruiz Rico, Juan C. Rusalim, Nelu Ruschau, Gregory Russell, William B. Sabri, Hasan F. Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Sakai, Todd Salameh, Ala’a Salloum, Gustavo A. Samadi, Omid N. Samsel, Roger Sanchez, Sandra I. Sand, Keith W. Sandana, Daniel Sanderson, April Sandy, Paul Santalucia, Andrew Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Saxton, Joseph E. Sbaei, Ali Schiflett, Aaron Schilling, Mark S. Schlichter, Donny R. Schow, Boyd L. Schramm, David A. Schrieber, Charles F. Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Schutza, Gilbert W. Scoppio, Lucrezia Scott, Kevin P. Scott, Richard G. Seagraves, Sam Segall, Sorin M. Segers, John Paul M. Seils, Robin E. Seitz, Shawn M. Sekar, Manikandan Sera, Travis Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman Shamgar, Amit Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Sharma, Mohan S. Shekher, Shashank Shelton, John A. Shobe, Jim M. Shook, Mark B. Shore, John G. Showler, Mark W. Shreffler, Glenn W. Sibila, Jerzy Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Sidky, Paulette S. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Gene Silverman, Michael Simek, James Simmons, Joey A. Simon, Philip D. Simpson, David A. Simsek Gokcesu, Ani Sincioco, Marvin H. Sinclair, Paul W. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Mahinder Singh, Virendra Sinha, Ashwini K. Sivertsen, Anne O. Skelton, Robert C. Skipper, Kyle A. Skovhus, Torben Lund Slater, Gary L. Slaughter, Charles J. Smalley, Hart Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Alan B. Smith, Greg Smith, Martin C. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Solis, Francisco Somani, Anis Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Song, Fengmei Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Soto, Gonzalo Speed, Charles F. Spence, Mark A. Sperling, Robert Spickelmire, Bill S. Spillers, Dane Sprague, Linda A. Sridhar, Narasi Srinivasan, Prabhu Srivastava, Vikalp Stamps, Peter D. Stauffer, Blaine C. Stead, William R. Stein, Arthur A. Stephens, Malcolm T. Stewart, Casey Stray, James D. Strong, John Strong, Rusty Suarez, Jorge A. Sudheimer, Donald G. Suidgeest, Nick Sumbry, Louis C. Sun, Wei Surkein, Michael B. Sutherland, Jeffrey E. Swamy, Gomatham V. Sweney, Steven M. Swick, Roger L. Swincicki, Dominic A. Szeliga, Michael Tabib, Youssef A. Tachick, Henry Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Taylor, Britney Taylor, Don Tebbal, Saadedine Teeter, Steve L. Teevens, Patrick J. Tehada, Thomas J. Tellez Ramirez, Luis R. Temple, Dale G. Tems, Robin D. Tennison, Cifford W. Ternowchek, Sam Terrien, Benjamin A. Thakur, Ajit K. Thill, Dallas T. Thompson, Neil G. Tihen, Joshua C. Tillis, William J. Tinkle, Kenneth S. Tomoe, Yasuyoshi Torres, Lisa A. Tracy, Duane Tremolada, Simone Trimble, Whitt L. Tripathi, Ajay K. Tsaprailis, Haralampos Turcotte, Roger C. Turk, Thomas Turner, Steven W. Usman, Ahmad F. Usrey, Stuart L. Uzelac, Neb I. Vail, Robert S. Valdes, Alberto Valenti, Richard D. van der Lee, Bill Van Hook, Michael J. Vandervort, Randy B. Varughese, Kuruvila Vasquez, Jorge E. Venghaus, Larry Venugopalan, Sivaraman Vera, Jose R. Vervake, Gary Vessel, Samuel L. Vestre, Helge I. Vieth, Patrick H. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vittonato, Jean Vyas, Sandeep H. Vyvoda, Sarah J. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wagner, Daniel P. Wakelin, Rob Wales, Kevin S. Walker, Robert W. Wallace, Virgil N. Walton, Jim Walton, Keith B. Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Warne, Michael A. Warner, James F. Watkinson, Charles J. Webb, Brian D. Webb, T. R. Weber, Tom J. Wei, Chao Weibl, Daniel C. Weller, Jeffrey West, Michael M. West, Pamela K. Westra, Jan White, Jesse D. Whited, Tim Whitehead, Brian K. Whitworth, Jeff Whyte, Steven J. Widner, Russell L. Widyanto, Bambang Wiebe, Darren Wilkins, Stephen Williams, Kimberly K. Williams, Michael R. Williams, Terrance H. Williams, Terry M. Williams, Thomas B. Williamson, Alexander I. Williamson, Richard B. Willis, Floyd Willoughby, David A. Wilson, John H. Windham, Robert H. Winget, Bryon Winston, Daniel K. Wint, David Winters, Robert H. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 74 Committee Rosters Wodarcyk, John J. Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Worley, William L. Wrangham, Jodi B. Wright, John L. Wright, Matthew J. Wroe, Stephen P. Wunch, Kenneth Wynn, Jim Yang, Lietai Yang, Ping Yee, Michael Young, Nathan Yunovich, Mark Zadery, Dennis Zaman, Vibha Zeleznak, David F. Zhang, Lei Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhou, Zhongquan Zhu, Xiangyang Zintel, Timothy P. Zurbuchen, Steve STG 36 Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Syed A. Aiello, Carmelo Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Cory A. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Anderko, Andrzej M. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Andrews, Weston B. Ansari, Mahmood A. Arensman, Susan K. Armstrong, Glenn M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asperger, Robert G. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Babakr, Ali Bag, Asim Bagdasarian, Ara J. Bennett, George W. Benson, Richard A. Bhattacharya, Basab Bhatti, Bashir M. Birla, Sunil K. Blauvelt, Pieter N. Blessman, Edward R. Book, Allen D. Borenstein, Susan W. Bosserman, Bayard E. Bovard, Tim Bowers, David F. Britton, Colin F. Britton, Stephanie Brongers, Michiel P. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Caceres, Moraima Calderon, Gilbert M. Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Craig F. Carlson, Duane Carroll, Richard Castillo, Raul A. Chakravarti, Bhaven Chaku, Pran N. Chapman, Daniel Charlton, Robert S. Chasse, Kevin Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Choi, Yoon-Seok Clarke, Stephen J. Coates, Gary E. Cole, David M. Comas, Jose M. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotoron, Vincent N. Cotton, Irvin J. Courtney, Robert Covino Jr, Bernard S. Crowe, David C. Cui, Fushuang Cunningham, Robert J. Damin, Dean G. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael De Marco, Marco De Michelis, Leonardo A. Dean, Sheldon DeLashmit, Larry W. Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Divi, Suresh C. Divine, James R. Dobosz, Lester M. Dolezal, Jacob William Doran, Jamie L. Drescher, Otto J. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dugstad, Arne Dunn, Geoff Eastham, Shawn Edmondson, James G. Elliott, Peter Elliott, Robert W. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ely, John D. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Fang, Bingyan Feather, James E. Fernandes, Elson G. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fletcher, John D. Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Fortin, Joel Fortin, Michael J. Fradette, Nick Francis, Roger Frank-Chukwuani, George Fultz, Benjamin S. Funderburg, Isaac M. Gallo, Glen M. Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Gidwani, Avin Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Grauman, Jim S. Greene, Barry N. Griffin, Jerome W. Grimmett, David Groysman, Alec 75 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Grubb, John F. Grund, Burns A. Guan, Hua Gutzeit, Joerg Hahn, Ronald A. Hall, Gary R. Halliday, Marie C. Hamdani, Wildan Hampton, David A. Hardy, Allison Harris, Kimberly-Joy He, David D. Heffner, Dale K. Helle, Henk P. Henderson, Willie T. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hernandez, Jon Hevle, Andrew G. Hibner, Edward L. Hillis, David J. Hilton, Mark D. Hixson, Donald R. Hodge, Frank G. Horne, Robert B. Hornsby, Frank Hosoya, Keizo Houben, John J. Huang, Jin Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ikeda, Brian M. Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Ion, Aurelian Jenkins, Timothy R. Jennings, Herbert S. Johnson, E.J. Jones, Richard T. Jones, Stephen Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joshi, Chirag Kanaby, Thom Kane, Russell D. Kastner, Ronald E. Kermad, Abdelhak Kesavan, Srinivasan Khalil, Hesham A. Khattar, Chad J. Khosravi, Javad Kim, Jong J. Kirkham, Kenneth K. Kish, Joseph R. Krantz, Bradley D. Kumar, Amit Kumar, Vibhas Kunjapur, Madana M. Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Lachenwitzer, Andreas Latanision, Ronald M. Lee, Chee Hong Leth-Olsen, Håkon Lewis, Keith R. Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Liening, Eugene L. Link, Herbert Dennis Little, Richard W. Liu, Xiaodong Loushin, Leslie L. Lu, David Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Macki, James M. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. MacNab, Adrian J. Madapura, Murthy S.P. Maffert, Joerg Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Maitra, Debajyoti Maldonado, Julio G. Mangalmurti, Amol Mankar, Deepak Manning, Paul E. Marden, Keneth M. Mari, Eduardo Mason, Robert B. Mauro, Andrea Mayorga-Baker, Anelsy McCurry, Benjamin McFarland, Sam Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mihelic, Joseph Mishra, Ajit K. Mitchell, Scott W. Mitton, Bryce Mohammad, Abdul H. Mohammadian, Ali Mohr, James P. Moll, Richard D. Moore, David E. Morales, Ivan Morris, P.J. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Narayanaswamy, Ram Kumar Nasim, Farukh Naylor, Edward R. Nemzer, Anatoly Nnadi, Valentine C. Nugent, Mike Olabisi, Olagoke Olszewski, Albert Oluwadunsin, Ajayi Orie, Kenneth Orrell, David B. Osman, Mohamed H. Palaniyandi, Velu Palmer, Robert E. Pankiw, Roman I. Parga, Ruben Parvizi, Sadegh M. Patel, Udayan V. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillips, Alan F. Piazza, Mark Pillsbury, Daniel J. Pourazami, Bijan Prisco, Al Pursell, Michael Puyear, Robert B. Quinter, Raymond C. Radwan, Yasser M. Rahoi, Dennis W. Rak, Gene F. Ray, Brent D. Rebak, Raul B. Reid, Craig Reitz, Wayne Rice, Scott Richert, John P. Roberts, Richard D. Rommerskirchen, Iris Rosenbloom, Shari N. Ross, Bud Rutkowski, Anthony J. Saarinen, Kari Safarzadeh, Maryam Saldanha, Brian J. Salot, William J. Samsel, Roger Sanchez, Cesar Scribner, Lyman A. Seastrom, Charles C. Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shargay, Cathleen A. Sharma, Pankaj Sharp, Sandy W. Shaw, David Sherman, Douglas A. Shinde, Vipul C. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sievert, Jim B. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, David C. Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Preet M. Sinko, Robert J. Slimmon, Tom C. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Robert R. Snodgrass, John S. Sober, Michael J. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Spence, Thomas C. Sridhar, Narasi Srivastava, Vikalp Standlee, Sarah Stein, Arthur A. Steiner, Kimberly Sudheimer, Donald G. Suidgeest, Nick Surnam, B.Y.R. Sutkowski, Steven Tajallipour, Nima Tebbal, Saadedine Tessier, Vincent Thakkar, Narendra Thomas, Todd A. Tillis, William J. Toleti, Subba Rao Townsend, Kira K. Tracy, Duane Treasure, Greg Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Valenti, Richard D. Vormelker, Philip R. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, George Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Weber, James Weeks, Daniel J. Whitaker, Thomas Whitcraft, Paul K. Whitlow, Scott Wilds, Neil Wilson, Peter T. Winnik, Stefan Committee Rosters Winters, Robert H. Wise, Alex G. Wodarcyk, John J. Xu, Kang Yamamoto, Katsumi Yang, Bo Yau, Te-Lin Yee, Michael Yoakam, Josh L. Zagrany, Bill Zand, Robert H. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Zhenghua STG 37 Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Arabi S. Aiello, Carmelo Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Andrews, Weston B. Armstrong, Glenn M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asperger, Robert G. Avery, Richard E. Bagdasarian, Ara J. Baker, Brian A. Baker, Kirk C. Baltazar, Almario D. Baxter, Wallace J. Bennett, Christopher Bennett, George W. Benson, Richard A. Bereczky, Emil L. Berndt, Christopher C. Bhosale, Vishwajeet V. Birla, Sunil K. Britton, Stephanie Brongers, Michiel P. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Byrnes, Todd Caceres, Moraima Califf, Christopher D. Carroll, Richard Cefalu, Shawn Chaku, Pran N. Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Cole, David M. Colwell, Richard L. Cooke, David L. Courtney, Robert Craig, H. Lee Damin, Dean G. Davidson, Eric Davies, Michael De Marco, Marco Dean, Sheldon Debruyn, Hendrik J. Decker, Shawn Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Diaz, Saul R. Divi, Suresh C. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dufault, Robert S. Dunn, Geoff Elliott, Peter Eun, Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Foong, John M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Funderburg, Isaac M. Galetz, Mathias C. Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Greene, Barry N. Groysman, Alec Habiby, Fakhruddin Hahn, Ronald A. Hall, Iain S. Hammill, Bill Hampton, David A. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Harting, Scott F. He, David D. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Henry, Neil S. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hodge, Frank G. Hosoya, Keizo Houben, John J. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Janoff, Dwight Jaske, Carl E. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jennings, Herbert S. Jones, Richard T. Kane, Russell D. Kastner, Ronald E. Kawano, Koji K. Keiser, James R. Kelly, Richard Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kim, Jong J. Kirkham, Kenneth K. Knaub, Timothy Kumar, Amit Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Kus, Slawomir Labine, Paul Latanision, Ronald M. Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Lee, Jinhee Leth-Olsen, Håkon Lewis, Keith R. Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Liadi, Abiodun A. Link, Herbert Dennis Links, Jan Little, Richard W. Lobley, Graham R. Loushin, Leslie L. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. MacKinnon, Arthur MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maffert, Joerg Maguire, David P. Mankar, Deepak Marden, Keneth M. Masten, Deric McAlpin, Ronald L. Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mehler, Marvin R. Mihelic, Joseph Mistry, Pinakin B. Mitchell, James S. Morris, P.J. Mucek, Mark W. Mukhopadhyay, Anit Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Myers, Jim Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nath, Sandipta Naylor, Edward R. Nugent, Mike Olabisi, Olagoke Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Pankiw, Roman I. Paul, Larry D. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillips, Alan F. Phillips, Dennis Pillsbury, Daniel J. Pinero, Nicholas Pint, Bruce A. Pun, Roger K. C. Quiroga, Haydee Rahman, Syed Rahoi, Dennis W. Rakhe, Ashok H. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Reid, Craig Rengifo, Rafael Roberts, Richard D. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Salot, William J. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schutze, Michael Scribner, Lyman A. Seastrom, Charles C. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shargay, Cathleen A. Shifler, David A. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sievert, Jim B. Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Slimmon, Tom C. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Gaylord D.. Smith, Robert R. Stein, Arthur A. Suidgeest, Nick Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Tillack, Donald J. Trillo, Elizabeth A. Unocic, Kinga A. Vardan, Krishna Vasquez, Custodio Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Voke, Donald Watkins, William R. Widyanto, Bambang Winnik, Stefan Xu, Kang Yamamoto, Katsumi Yau, Te-Lin Yee, Michael Zand, Robert H. Zapirtan Lainer, Daniela Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 38 Ahluwalia, Hira S. Allen, Cory A. Araya, Leonardo Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Audouard, Jean-Pierre Avery, Richard E. Bennett, George W. Beveridge, William Blessman, Edward R. Borenstein, Susan W. Bowditch, Steve Bowers, David F. Califf, Christopher D. Cefalu, Shawn Charlton, Robert S. Clarke, Stephen J. Coates, Gary E. Coronado, Kat Cotton, Irvin J. Crowe, David C. Crum, James R. Davies, Michael Davison, Ralph M. Divi, Suresh C. Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Fite, William J. Garner, Andrew Gates, Joseph J. Goodman, Lindsey R. Gorog, Margaret Goswami, Pradip Grauman, Jim S. Grocki, John Grubb, John F. Hahn, Ronald A. Hammill, Bill Hartland, Per Hartwick, Darrell Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hewitt, Kimberlee Hibner, Edward L. Hier, William R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Janssen, Dale Keiser, James R. Kish, Joseph R. Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Li, Bingtao Little, Richard W. Loushin, Leslie L. Lykins, Michael Maligas, Manuel N. Mawhinney, Derek Mehra, Lalit Mihelic, Joseph Mishra, Ajit K. Murphy, Robert Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Naylor, Edward R. Nixon, Randy Noble, Catherine Olabisi, Olagoke Orie, Kenneth Pawel, Steven J. Perdomo, Jorge J. Pettersson, Rachel Piazza, John L. Primeaux, Dudley J. Pulliainen, Martti Rahoi, Dennis W. Rajpathak, Shirish S. Reid, Craig Rice, Scott Richards, Gregory R. Robinson, James O. Saarinen, Kari Saldanha, Brian J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Sharp, Sandy W. Sherman, Douglas A. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sievert, Timothy Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Preet M. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Sridhar, Narasi Tang, Fei Townsend, Kira K. Treasure, Greg Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Watkinson, Charles J. Whitcraft, Paul K. Whitesell, Michael P. Yau, Te-Lin Zelinka, Samuel L. STG 39 Aboul Gheit, Mohammed K. Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmed, Arabi S. Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Ahmed, Syed A. Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Allen, Cory A. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alseoud, Ahmed M. Alves, Helena Amend, Bill Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Andrews, Weston B. Arensman, Susan K. Armstrong, Glenn M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Audouard, Jean-Pierre Avery, Richard E. Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Barjasteh, Laleh Bartlett, Bart Bathula, Raghuram Bazzoni, Alberto Beckman, Joanne P. Benson, Richard A. Bereczky, Emil L. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 76 Committee Rosters Bergstrom, David Berndt, Christopher C. Beveridge, William Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Bhosale, Vishwajeet V. Billings, Robert M. Birla, Sunil K. Blackwelder, Curtiss Blanchard, William K. Blauvelt, Pieter N. Blessman, Edward R. Book, Allen D. Borenstein, Susan W. Bosserman, Bayard E. Bow, Kenneth E. Bowers, David F. Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brodar, John M. Brongers, Michiel P. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Buswell, Debbie Cabrera, Ernesto A. Caceres, Moraima Carinci, Gary M. Carroll, Richard Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Chakravarti, Bhaven Chaku, Pran N. Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Choo, Boon Leong Clarke, Stephen J. Clayton, John F. Coates, Gary E. Cole, David M. Colwell, Richard L. Comert, Mehmet Cooke, David L. Croswell, Thomas Crum, James R. Damin, Dean G. Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, Eric Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael Davison, Ralph M. De Marco, Marco Dean, Sheldon Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Divi, Suresh C. Dobosz, Lester M. Drescher, Otto J. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eid, Omar A. Elliott, Peter Elliott, Robert W. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ely, John D. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Feather, James E. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Fortin, Joel Fradette, Nick Francis, Roger Frank-Chukwuani, George Fritz, James D. Fultz, Benjamin S. Gallo, Glen M. Ganeson, Girisha Ganhao, Luis A. Garfias, Luis F. Garner, Andrew Gates, Joseph J. Gatto, Richard Ghosh, Goutam Godara, Pankaj Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Grauman, Jim S. Greene, Barry N. Grocki, John Groysman, Alec Grubb, John F. Gutzeit, Joerg Habiby, Fakhruddin Hahn, Ronald A. Hansen, Douglas C. Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hibner, Edward L. Hilton, Mark D. Hixson, Donald R. Horne, Robert B. Hosoya, Keizo Houben, John J. Höwing, Jonas Hu, Yang Huang, David Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Fu Hwang, Hyun Sik Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Iyer, Santosh Jackson, Mark Jain, Shashank Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Janikowski, Daniel Jayakumar, Natarajan Jennings, Herbert S. Johnson, Jana Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joshi, Chirag Kane, Russell D. Kastner, Ronald E. Kawano, Koji K. Kermad, Abdelhak Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khiani, Gobind Kinsman, Nicole Kirkham, Kenneth K. Kivisakk, Ulf H. Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kulesza, Bryan Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Ladwein, Thomas L. Langill, Thomas J. 77 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Le Manchet, Sandra Leitch, James A. Lewis, Keith R. Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Liening, Eugene L. Little, Richard W. Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Macki, James M. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maffert, Joerg Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Mankar, Deepak Marden, Keneth M. Masouri, Daryoush Mathiesen, Troels Maxwell, Paul McFarland, Sam Mendez, Conchita Mesquita, Thiago J. Messer, Barry Mihelic, Joseph Mintz, Todd Mishra, Ajit K. Mitchell, James S. Mohammadian, Ali Morales, Ivan Morris, P.J. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Mucek, Mark W. Mukherjee, Somesh K. Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasr, Adel B. Naylor, Edward R. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nemzer, Anatoly Nnadi, Valentine C. Nugent, Mike O’Donnell, David Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Omar, Mohd Fakhri Orie, Kenneth Osman, Mohamed H. Pahl, Robert C. Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Pankiw, Roman I. Parga, Ruben Parvizi, Sadegh M. Patel, Naddir M. Patel, Udayan V. Penso, Jorge A. Perdomo, Jorge J. Pettersson, Rachel Phillips, Alan F. Pillsbury, Daniel J. Poulassichidis, Tony Prisco, Al Pun, Roger K. C. Puyear, Robert B. Qiongwei, Li Quinter, Raymond C. Raghunathan, Sayee Rahoi, Dennis W. Ramasamy, Radhakrishnan Ramgopal, Thodla Ramirez, Jose E. Rana, Jignesh Ray, Brent D. Rebak, Raul B. Reid, Craig Reitz, Wayne Rettew, Robert E. Rettman, Will Reyad, Ahmed E. Richert, John P. Richez, Martin F. Roberge, Pierre R. Rooker, Joshua E. Rosenbloom, Shari N. Ross, Bud Rupert, Jon C. Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Salot, William J. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schilling, Mark S. Schilling, Sebastian Scribner, Lyman A. Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Senatore, Marcelo Serter, Taner Shaapera, Timothy T. Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shargay, Cathleen A. Sharp, Sandy W. Sheikhi, Nasser Shekher, Shashank Sherman, Douglas A. Shinde, Vipul C. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sidky, Paulette S. Sievert, Jim B. Silverman, David C. Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Slimmon, Tom C. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Spence, Thomas C. Sridhar, Narasi Stamps, Peter D. Sudheimer, Donald G. Suidgeest, Nick Sutherlin, Richard C. Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fei Tebbal, Saadedine Tessier, Vincent Thakkar, Narendra Thomas, Todd A. Tillack, Donald J. Tillis, William J. Townsend, Kira K. Turbeville, Elliott Turhan, Aydin Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Uhlenkamp, Brian J. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Vatne, Jeff Venkatesh, Anand Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vestre, Helge I. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vormelker, Philip R. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, George Wang, Hongwei Watkinson, Charles J. Waytashek, Jeff Wei, Feng-I Wen, Andy Whitlow, Scott Whittaker, Gary S. Widyanto, Bambang Winnik, Stefan Witmer, Wes Wolters, Roy Yamamoto, Katsumi Yau, Te-Lin Zagrany, Bill Zhang, Yingrui Zhou, Geoffrey C. STG 40 Agarwala, Vinod S. Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ames, Michael Anderson, Raymond A. Baboian, Robert Barkhouse, Lee-Ann Berndt, Christopher C. Borenstein, Susan W. Brossia, Sean Bumiller, Elissa Caseres, Leonardo Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Clayton, John F. Danov, Evgeni V. Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Ellis, Bruce H. Enos, David G. Fallatah, Gasem M. Friedersdorf, Fritz J. Guasti, Courtney Hack, Harvey P. Henderson, A. James Hevle, Andrew G. Hindin, Barry S. Hock, Vincent F. Hodges, Andrew Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Jenkins, James F. Kane, Russell D. Kendig, Martin W. Khan, Shamsh T. Kim, Jong J. Kish, Joseph R. Liadi, Abiodun A. Little, Richard W. MacDowell, Louis G. Magnifico, Frank Manty, Brian A. Marsh, James W. Mason, Robert B. McInerney, Michael Miksic, Boris A. Olabisi, Olagoke Ozol, Seckin Poff, Walter B. Prabhu, Santhosh G. Roberge, Pierre R. Scaturro, Milton R. Schmidt, Daniel P. Committee Rosters Scully, John R. Smart, Andrew L. Taylor, Edward Thierry, Dominique Thomas, Mark Todt, Greg Valenti, Richard D. Vasanth, Kunigahalli L. Waid, George M. Watkinson, Charles J. Willis, Brian M. Xu, Likun Young, Nathan STG 41 Ahluwalia, Hira S. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Ali, Mohammed Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alley, David Ames, Michael Andrews, Weston B. Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Baessler, Ralph Baker, Brian A. Ballinger, Ronald G. Bennett, George W. Berndt, Christopher C. Berndt, Marita Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bi, WuXi Biagiotti, Steve F. Blackwelder, Curtiss Blanchard, William K. Blessman, Edward R. Blough, Jeffrey L. Boardman, Michael A. Boichuk, Kevin Bollinger, Mark F. Borenstein, Susan W. Bowditch, Steve Brackensick, Brian J. Brasher, Jon H. Britton, Colin F. Brongers, Michiel P. Brossia, Sean Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cavallo, Jon R. Chakravarti, Bhaven Cheronis, Jason Chrzanowski, Ronald A. Cilluffo, Graig J. Colmery, Robert S. Conner, Cris K. Costa, Jorge E. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Courtney, Robert Covino Jr, Bernard S. Crum, James R. Cunningham, Robert J. Daily, Steven F. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Joe Davis, Robert B. De Marco, Marco De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Debruyn, Hendrik J. Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Divi, Suresh C. Divine, James R. Doughty, Dale Dromgoole, J. C. Durbin, Michael C. Eckert, Timothy Edwards, David E. Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Elneihoum, Adel Fallatah, Gasem M. Fite, William J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Flori, Antonio D. Flynn, Steven Forgo, Laszlo Frank-Chukwuani, George Galetz, Mathias C. Garrity, Kevin C. Gates, Joseph J. Gordon, Barry M. Gordon, Gerald M. Goswami, Pradip Goszczynski, Guylaine Grandinetti, Dominic S. Grauman, Jim S. Greenberger, Stuart L. Griffin, Jerome W. Grimmett, David Hahn, Ronald A. Hakansson, Eva Hall, Gary R. Hammill, Bill Hanck, James A. Hanearin, Sally S. Harting, Scott F. Hartland, Per He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hickcox, Curtis Holcomb, Gordon R. Holloman, Alan Hosein, Sasan M. Ikeda, Brian M. Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Isaacson, Christopher Ivy, Ted S. Jack, Thomas R. Janssen, Dale Jayakumar, Natarajan Johnson, Doug Johnson, Jana Jung, Hundal Keiser, James R. Kelley, Aaron Kelly, Richard Kempkes, Carleton D. Kenefick, Steve Khosravi, Javad Kilian, Renate Kim, Dae Kyeong Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Klein, William Kleinfelder, Hank Konys, Juergen Kung, Steven C. Labine, Paul Ladewig, Christine Langill, Thomas J. Latanision, Ronald M. Lavery, Anthony Lawson, Kurt M. Lehmann, Joseph A. Leonard, Brad A. Lian, Tiangan Lichti, Keith A. Licina, George J. Little, Richard W. Luszpak, Roman Makar, Gregory L. Mandeno, William L. Mankar, Deepak Marquez, Linda E. McAlpin, Ronald L. McCormick, Daryl W. McRae, Glenn McReynolds, Robert Mehra, Lalit Mihelic, Joseph Mintz, Todd Moccari, Ahmad Moll, Richard D. Montgomery, Melanie Morgan, David J. Mudali, Kamachi U. Munson, Douglas Murray, Neal S. Nekoksa, George Niles, Kevin D. Nugent, Mike Ogundele, Gabriel Olabisi, Olagoke Olson, John I. Olszewski, Albert Orie, Kenneth Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Pandey, Arun K. Paul, Larry D. Pazdzierski, Clinton Pelaez, Ramon E. Pena Ballesteros, Dario Y. Piazza, John L. Piazza, Mark Pint, Bruce A. Pinto, Louis J. Plante, Paul J. Poncio, Steve Raghunathan, Sayee Rahoi, Dennis W. Redd, Frank Reid, Craig Rice, Scott Richard, Ronald L. Richards, Gregory R. Richter, Sonja Riley, Debra Ristaino, Antonio J. Ritter, Stefan Rizk, Tony G. Roberge, Pierre R. Roberts, Richard D. Rowan, James S. Sadler, Vickie L. Saldanha, Brian J. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schramm, David A. Schreiner, Trudy Schultheis, Michael Scott, David B. Scully, John R. Shan, Xi Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sievert, Timothy Singh, Anil K. Sinha, Ashwini K. Sinko, Robert J. Slater, Gary L. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Kendall D. Spence, Thomas C. Sponseller, David L. Sridhar, Narasi Staehle, Roger W. Stein, Arthur A. Stewart, Jeffrey Szeliga, Michael Tabib, Youssef A. Tarlton, Michael Tebbal, Saadedine Tossey, Brett M. Totsuka, Nobuo Treasure, Greg Tvedt, Thorwald J. Valade, Rachel Valenti, Richard D. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. VanSligtenhorst, Darcy Velandia, Luis Fernando Vormelker, Philip R. Walters, William S. Wang, Hongwei Wang, Sheng-Hui Watkinson, Charles J. Wetzel, Edwin White, Ken Whitlow, Scott Whitsitt, David V. Widyanto, Bambang Williams, Thomas B. Willoughby, David A. Wilson, Christian Yau, Te-Lin Young, Nathan Zamanzadeh, Mehrooz STG 43 Ahluwalia, Hira S. Allen, Cory A. Andrews, Weston B. Ashraf, Imran Bacso, Dennis S. Baessler, Ralph Barbato, Michael Beamish, David Betti, Mariassunta Beveridge, William Black, Norman Brown, Timothy M. Bryant, Dennis M. Buckels, Joey Campbell, Craig F. Campbell, Ken Carroll, Richard Carter, Randy Chauviere, Monica M. Chukwu, Charles O. Chustz, Keith Clayton, David B. Conner, Cris K. Coronado, Kat Dasari, Sri Swaroop Deeruang, Yuttana Dos Santos, Victor Dunn, Patrick J. Emerson, Daniel Estenssoro, Ramiro Finch, Dallas C. Frenzel, Lydia M. Gorinsky, Luke Greene, Barry N. Grund, Burns A. Guan, Hua Guzman, Federico Hevle, Andrew G. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, William S. Johnson, Doug Johnson, E.J. Johnson, James R. Jordan, Donald L. Kashmiri, Ray Kulesza, Bryan Kumar, Vimal Leonard, Brad A. Leonhard, Scott Lomax, Paul Mason, Robert B. McDougal, Randy Meyer, Dwayne Mihelic, Joseph Molnar, James R. Morgan, Adrian R. Nagel Soepenberg, E. Nasim, Farukh Naylor, Edward R. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Olabisi, Olagoke Packard, Keith A. Procopio, Leo Randstrom, Sara Rice, Scott Roberge, Pierre R. Safarzadeh, Maryam Schaffer, Timothy C. Seger, Patrick Segers, John Paul M. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shi, Xianming Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Stango, Robert Szeliga, Michael Thierry, Dominique Thurman II, Kenneth E. Wang, George Weber, Harold H. Widyanto, Bambang Yang, Bo Zeng, Jing STG 44 Adey, Robert A. Ahluwalia, Hira S. Akinola, Adeleke Aligizaki, Kalliopi Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Araya, Leonardo Ashida, Hidehisa Ashraf, Imran Baboian, Robert Bakthavatchalu, Balasubramani Beamish, David Bentkjaer, Michael U. Berndt, Christopher C. Bidstrup, Jesper L. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 78 Committee Rosters Bond, Stuart Booth, Christian Borenstein, Susan W. Bowry, Earl V. Brossia, Sean Brown, Timothy M. Bumiller, Elissa Burgess, Brian W. Burnay, Simon Buswell, Debbie Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Neil A. Carroll, Francis Carter, John Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chandrasekaran, Venkatasamy Charlton, Robert S. Combden, Glenn Coronado, Kat Cotoron, Vincent N. Curry, Larry J. D’Andrea, Luca Danov, Evgeni V. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, Mark Davies, Michael de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dean, Sheldon Decker, Shawn Delahunt, John F. Dexter, Stephen C. Divi, Suresh C. Dodge, Melvin J. Dopjera, Douglas E. Doughty, Dale Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eastham, Shawn Eden, Dawn C. Eid, Omar A. Eliasson, Johnny R. Ell, Stuart J. Estakhri, Nick Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fallatah, Gasem M. Felton, Peter Fioravanti, Andrea Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Forte, Paul J. Francis, Roger Frenzel, Lydia M. Friedersdorf, Fritz J. Fultz, Benjamin S. Gehring, George A. Ghosh, Goutam Gibbs, Brian Gogu, Chandrasekhar Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gordon, Barry M. Grauman, Jim S. Griffin, Jerome W. Griffin, Richard B. Grubb, John F. Guan, Hua Gui, Feng Hack, Harvey P. Haeberle, Tim Hahn, Ronald A. Hall, Sylvia C. He, David D. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hibner, Edward L. Hill, James M. Hill, Travis S. Hilliard, Robert Husock, Bernard Idlibi, Yasir Isbell, Joe H. Jamrok, William E. Janssen, Dale Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, James F. Jensen, Finn O. Jess, Howard Jones, Steve P. Jordan, Dominic J. Kain, Robert M. Kashmiri, Ray Kattan, Raouf Kawano, Koji K. Kawano, Mitsuhiro Kenmoe, Joseph R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Shamsh T. Kivisakk, Ulf H. Klechka, Ernest W. Kollannoor, Robin A. Kulesza, Bryan Kumar, Vibhas Kuruppath, Vighnesh V. Lee, Jason S. Lehmann, Joseph A. Lewis, Ronald E. Li, Gefei “Jeffery” Li, Xiuqing Liadi, Abiodun A. Liu, Xiaodong Lomax, Paul Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Jason J. MacDonald, Michael A. Magdy, Ahmed Malfanti, Roberto Manuel, Anthony T. Marshall, Arthur K. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Masouri, Daryoush Mathiesen, Troels McFarland, Sam McNulty, Peter D. Michel, James H. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Momber, Andreas Moody, Robert A. Morrisette, Calvin Muhajirin, Isya Muncaster, John Murray, John N. Nagappan, Manikandan Newbauer, Theresa M. Obata, Hideo Olabisi, Olagoke Olsen, Stein Oluwadunsin, Ajayi Opara, Jude K. Overduin, Leon Panchal, Pankaj D. Parlier, Phillip Peters, Kevin 79 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Petersen, John Phull, Bopinder S. Pope, Heath K. Popoiu, Maricel I. Posgay, Ray G. Pourazami, Bijan Puig, Michael Rahim, Renish Raji, Yusuf A. Ramirez, Saul A. Rice, Pat Rice, Scott Roberge, Pierre R. Rogers, Phillip Rokhsari Azar, Saboura Rothman, Paul S. Scaturro, Milton R. Schultz, Mark Sedriks, A John Segers, John Paul M. Semerad, Antony V. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shifler, David A. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sievert, Timothy Smallwood, Robert E. Soltz, Gerald C. Spencer, Stacey M. Stango, Robert Stein, Arthur A. Stevenson, Craig E. Surkein, Michael B. Szeliga, Michael Takeuchi, Toyoji Temple, Dale G. Tinnea, Jack Tolotto, Antonio M. Treleaven, Charles P. Trindade, Joventino A. Van Der Wilk, Edward Vasanth, Kunigahalli L. Vasquez, Jorge E. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Walker, Robert W. Watkinson, Charles J. Wei, Chao Wigen, Svenn Magne Winnik, Stefan Winter, Michael J. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wyatt, Brian S. Xu, Likun Zeemann, Annelise STG 45 Avery, Richard E. Baltazar, Almario D. Barrett, Lake Bowditch, Steve Brodar, John M. Butler, Robert P. Califf, Christopher D. Carinci, Gary M. Coates, Gary E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Cotton, Irvin J. Crum, James R. Dille, Eldon R. Elliott, Peter Fritz, James D. Gagnepain, Jean-Christophe C. Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Grauman, Jim S. Grocki, John Grubb, John F. Guan, Hua Hahn, Ronald A. Hall, Gary R. Hanearin, Sally S. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Kinsman, Nicole Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Mawhinney, Derek Milobowski, Michael Moll, Richard D. Olabisi, Olagoke Orie, Kenneth Panchal, Pankaj D. Paul, Larry D. Reid, Craig Richard, Ronald L. Ross, Bud Saldanha, Brian J. Scaturro, Milton R. Schulz, Zachary J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shick, Jerry Shifler, David A. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Stein, Arthur A. Thakur, Ajit K. Tsai, Andrew F. Valenti, Richard D. Wachowiak, Devin Whitlow, Scott STG 60 Abayarathna, Dharma Abbasi, Tahir R. Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Adams, Samuel Adedeme, Edward Adeleke, Adeyinka Advincula, Rigoberto Afshari, Vahid Agarwala, Vinod S. Aguiar, David Aguilar, Ledwin A. Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Ahmed, Rehan Ahmed, Syed A. Aiello, Carmelo Akhoondan, Mersedeh Alabbas, Faisal M. Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Aligizaki, Kalliopi Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Cory A. Allen, Jonathan Allen, Matthew Almahamedh, Hussain H. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alseoud, Ahmed M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Amer, Mohamed Amla, Tarun K. Anand, Tanmay Anderko, Andrzej M. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Andrews, Weston B. Ansari, Mahmood A. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asher, Stefanie L. Ashida, Yugo Ashokkumar, Srinivas Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Attal, Tawfiq Attarchi, Amir Babakr, Ali Baboian, Robert Bag, Asim Baguley, Roy B. Baker, Kirk C. Ballinger, Ronald G. Banat, Mohamed Shaker M. Barjasteh, Laleh Bartos, Milan Bartrip, Keith A. Bathula, Raghuram Batmanghelich, Farhad Baucom, Sheri Bavarian, Behzad Beasley, Lindsey Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Benedict, Risque L. Bensman, Lynsay Benson, Richard A. Berke, Neal S. Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Billingham, Michael Billings, Robert M. Bingman, Ernest R. Birketveit, Oeystein Birla, Sunil K. Biswas, Avidipto Blatz, Norm Blessman, Edward R. Boffardi, Bennett P. Boivin, Joseph W. Bond, Stuart Borenstein, Susan W. Bose, Sunil Bow, Kenneth E. Bowers, David F. Bowles, Joe C. Bowman, Karen M. Bowry, Earl V. Bradshaw, Jason Brockman, Michael A. Brossia, Sean Brown, John C. Bucheeri, Mahmood Buchheim, Gerrit M. Bumiller, Elissa Burger, Edward D. Burgess, Brian W. Bushman, James B. Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Caldwell, Eric Califf, Christopher D. Canaveras, Marcelo A. Committee Rosters Cantwell, J. Edward Carnes, Dean Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Cassagne, Thierry Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Castillo, Raul A. Cattanach, Kyle Cayard, Michael S. Cerkoney, Daniel Chandran, Thines Kumar Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Shaosong Chen, Yingzi Chmilar, James F. Choo, Boon Leong Chukwu, Charles O. Cignatta, John V. Clarida, Dannie Clarke, Stephen J. Clayton, John F. Cluytmans, Jurgen Coles, Michael Collins, Peter Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Cookingham, Bruce A. Coronado, Eva M. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotoron, Vincent N. Cotton, Irvin J. Coull, Zoe Couron, Bruce Cox, John A. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Curry, Larry J. Dakwar, Naim D’Andrea, Luca Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, Eric Davies, Michael Davis, Kenneth E. Davis, Robert B. de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. de Romero, Matilde Debruyn, Hendrik J. Deeruang, Yuttana DesNoyer, David A. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dexter, Stephen C. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dhoot, Sunil M. Divi, Suresh C. Divine, James R. Doble, Olaf Donald, William M. Doran, Jamie L. Doughty, Dale Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duruike, Ugochukwu N. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eckert, Richard B. Edwall, Hans-Erik Edwards, Earl Efird, Killian D. Ehrensberger, Mark Eid, Omar A. Eliaz, Noam Eliezer, Amir Elliott, Peter El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ely, John D. Eng, Beth Engen, Donald L. Enos, David G. Eun, Thomas J. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fallatah, Gasem M. Fang, Bingyan Farquhar, Gale B. Farthing, Scott Faverola, Mario Ferguson, Joel Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fletcher, John D. Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Fowler, Christopher M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Fransted, Martin Frenier, Wayne W. Fultineer, Roy Garrity, Kevin C. Gatto, Richard Geib, Robert C. Ghosh, Goutam Gogu, Chandrasekhar Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gordon, Barry M. Gordon, Gerald M. Goswami, Pradip Gough, Mark Granata, Richard D. Grandinetti, Dominic S. Griffin, Jerome W. Griffin, Richard B. Groysman, Alec Gu, Tingyue Guan, Hua Gui, Feng Gutzeit, Joerg Habiby, Fakhruddin Haddon, Stephen P. Hall, Iain S. Hampson, Mark Han, Bing Hanearin, Sally S. Hansen, Douglas C. Harmon, Amanda Harris, Jennifer L. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hartland, Per Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hau, Jorge L. He, David D. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Henderson, Charles Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Herrick, Corey Heselmans, Jan Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Hilton, Mark D. Hixson, Donald R. Holm, Michael Holtsbaum, William B. Holzmann, Mary Hornemann, Jennifer Ann Hornsby, Frank Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Xinming Huffman, Joel E. Hursky, Carl Husock, Bernard Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Igwe, Philip C. Ikeda, Brian M. Ion, Aurelian Jack, Thomas R. Javaherdashti, Reza Jayakumar, Natarajan Jayawardena, George Marlon Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Jenneman, Gary E. Jennings, Herbert S. Jensen, Birit Buhr Johnson, Angela M. Johnson, D. Thomas Johnson, Jana Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jordan, Dominic J. Jordan, Donald L. Joshi, Chirag Jovancicevic, Vladimir Jung, Hundal Kane, Russell D. Kang, Cheolho A. Karch, Walter B. Kashmiri, Ray Kastner, Ronald E. Keiser, James R. Kermad, Abdelhak Kethi Reddy, Laxma Reddy Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kim, Dae Kyeong Kim, Jong J. Kirkland, Nicholas T. Klechka, Ernest W. Klementis, Jennifer Kosacki, Igor Kostrivas, Tasos Kostuck, Derek A. Krantz, Bradley D. Kranzmann, Axel E. Krebs, Lorrie A. Krishnaswamy, Raj Krissa, Len J. Kumar, Amit Kumar, Vibhas Kunjapur, Madana M. Kustova, Vera Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Labuda, Ewa Ladwein, Thomas L. Landry, Ray A. Lara, Jose Law, Timothy Le Manchet, Sandra Lee, Jason S. Lee, Jinhee Lee, Kelly A. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Lehmann, Joseph A. Lewis, Richard O. Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Lian, Tiangan Liao, Wei-Duan Licina, George J. Lin, Huang Little, Brenda J. Little, Richard W. Loushin, Leslie L. Lu, Hong Lucas, William Steven Lunde, John O. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. MacNab, Adrian J. Maddela, Surender Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Maguire, David P. Mahajanam, Sudhakar P. Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Julio G. Mankar, Deepak Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Marden, Keneth M. Mari, Eduardo Marshall, Quentin Marshall, William F. Martin, Johnny L. Martin, Richard L. McCoy, Terry H. McFarland, Sam McLaury, Samuel T. McRae, Glenn Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mehler, Marvin R. Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Mesquita, Thiago J. Mihelic, Joseph Mintz, Todd Mishra, Ajit K. Mitchell, James S. Moccari, Ahmad Moghissi, Oliver C. Mohamed, Kabir A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Molai, Munosi Moll, Richard D. Moloney, Jeremy Monteiro, Othon R. Moral, Jason O. Morales, Ivan Morgan, David J. Moriber, Norman J. Morris, P.J. Morrisette, Calvin Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Murdock, David C. Murray, John N. Murray, Neal S. Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Nagel Soepenberg, E. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Nasr, Adel B. Naylor, Edward R. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Neill, William J. Nelson, Roy L. Nemzer, Anatoly Nicic, Igor Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nilsen, Glen P. Nugent, Mike Nyborg, Rolf O’Donnell, David O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogles, Dora Ogundele, Gabriel Okeremi, Akinyemi Okulaja, Samuel Olabisi, Olagoke Olszewski, Albert Ong, Wei Rex Opara, Jude K. Orie, Kenneth Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Overduin, Leon Page, David Palacios, Carlos A. Palanivel, B. Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Parvizi, Sadegh M. Perdomo, Jorge J. Perry, Laurie S. Peterson, Miller H. Phelps, Brent W. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pillsbury, Daniel J. Pippin, Christopher H. Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Presuel-Moreno, Francisco J. Prisco, Al Puckett, Jimmy J. Pun, Roger K. C. Quiroga, Haydee Ramachandran, Sunder Ramirez, Jose E. Rao, Ashish Rao, Sethu B. Ratts, Charles J. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Rebak, Raul B. Reid, Craig Reitz, Wayne Rennie, Stephen F. Rettman, Will Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Rice, Pat Rice, Scott Richert, John P. Richez, Martin F. Richter, Sonja Rincon, Hernan Rizk, Tony G. Rizzo, Frank E. Roberge, Pierre R. Roberts, Fred A. Rodgers, Patrick Rokhsari Azar, Saboura 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 80 Committee Rosters Rommerskirchen, Iris Rosenbloom, Shari N. Rothman, Paul S. Rowe, Adam C. Ruiz Rico, Juan C. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Rybicki, Edmund F. Salasi, Mobin Saldanha, Brian J. Samadi, Omid N. Samsel, Roger Samudrala, Srikar Sanchez, Cesar Sanchez, Sandra I. Sandana, Daniel Sandy, Paul Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sbaei, Ali Schmitt, Guenter Schramm, David A. Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Scully, John R. Seagraves, Sam Sears, Lee Segers, John Paul M. Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, Barbara A. Shaw, William J. Shekher, Shashank Sherik, Abdelmounam Shi, Xianming Shick, Jerry Shifler, David A. Shinde, Vipul C. Shipilov, Sergei A. Shobe, Jim M. Shoesmith, David W. Shore, John G. Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, David C. Simon-Thomas, Maarten J. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Preet M. Sinko, Robert J. Sivakumar, V. Skipper, Kyle A. Skogsberg, Lillian Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smith, Ali Smith, Kendall D. Snodgrass, John S. Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Song, Fengmei Soost, Jack Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Spencer, Stacey M. Sridhar, Narasi Staehle, Roger W. Stamps, Peter D. Standlee, Sarah Stead, William R. Stein, Arthur A. Stevenson, Craig E. Stewart, Sean Sudheimer, Donald G. Suidgeest, Nick Sun, Hejian Sun, Wei Surnam, B.Y.R. Swamy, Gomatham V. Swick, Roger L. Tajallipour, Nima Takhtechian, Hooman Tang, Fei Tatnall, Bob Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tendean, Abraham Tharian, Joy Thill, Dallas T. Thomas, Lesley A. Tihen, Joshua C. Tillis, William J. Toleti, Subba Rao Torrey, Jessica Toussaint, Patrick Treasure, Greg Trillo, Elizabeth A. Turbeville, Elliott Twigg, David M. Ueda, Masakatsu Ugbo, Francis. O. Valdes, Alberto Valenti, Richard D. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Van Hook, Michael J. Vasanth, Kunigahalli L. Vatne, Jeff Veesart, Larry J. Venkatesh, Anand Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vestre, Helge I. Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Virmani, Paul Vyas, Sandeep H. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Waid, George M. Waite, Scott Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Wang, Sheng-Hui Wasick, Bruce Weeks, Daniel J. Wei, Feng-I Wei, James Whalen, Patrick A. Widyanto, Bambang Wilds, Neil Williams, Terry M. Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, Dane F. Wilson, John H. Winnik, Stefan Winston, Daniel K. Wint, David Winters, Robert H. Wolters, Roy Wooldridge, Rick D. Wunch, Kenneth Wyatt, Brian S. Wyman, Donald P. Xiong, Yao Yang, Bo Yang, Peter 81 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Yao, Matthew X. Yau, Te-Lin Zagrany, Bill Zand, Robert H. Zelinka, Samuel L. Zhang, Lei Zhang, Liangzhe Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Yongli Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Xiangyang Zhu, Zhenjin STG 61 Abayarathna, Dharma Abdullah, Ahmad N. Abou-Chekeir, Mohammed H. Achour, Mohsen H. Adams, Samuel Adedeme, Edward Adeleke, Adeyinka Aguiar, David Aguilar, Ledwin A. Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmed, Syed A. Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allison, Peter W. Al-Mahrous, Abdulla I. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Amla, Tarun K. Anderko, Andrzej M. Ansuini, Frank J. Asperger, Robert G. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Ayyar, Sameer A. Baltazar, Almario D. Banat, Mohamed Shaker M. Barjasteh, Laleh Barry, Gregory J. Bartos, Milan Bartrip, Keith A. Bassiouny, Mohamed A. Behling, Gabriel S. Berke, Neal S. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bingman, Ernest R. Birketveit, Oeystein Boffardi, Bennett P. Bonis, Michel R. Bose, Sunil Bosen, Sidney F. Brisard, Thierry Burgess, Brian W. Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Caldwell, Eric Califf, Christopher D. Campbell, Cameron Carroll, Richard Carson, Misti B. Case, Ray Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Chandra, Ashwini Chao, Zhou Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Choate, Leonard C. Chukwu, Charles O. Clarida, Dannie Clark, Jennifer E. Comas, Jose M. Cook, Ronald L. Cook, Trey Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Couron, Bruce Cracauer, Cliff Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Davies, Michael DesNoyer, David A. Dhoot, Sunil M. Doran, Jamie L. Dromgoole, J. C. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duke, Dan Ebiogwu, Chika A. Edmondson, James G. Egan, Frank J. Egas, Lucia Eid, Omar A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Emerich, Dwight E. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Evans, Sarah Fang, Haitao Faridi, Noman K. Farley, Reggis Farmerie, John J. Farthing, Scott Fix, Kathleen Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frenier, Wayne W. Garfias, Luis F. Gelner, Larry Ghods, Pouria Ghosh, Goutam Gill, Jasbir S. Godara, Pankaj Gogu, Chandrasekhar Gonzalez, Nestor G. Goodson, James E. Gough, Mark Grainawi, Lorri Griffin, Jerome W. Groysman, Alec Guan, Hua Gui, Feng Guinn, George L. Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Guzman, Federico Hammill, Bill Hanearin, Sally S. Harib, Muhamed Harris, Kimberly-Joy Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Hartwick, Darrell Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hausler, Rudolf H. Hays, George F. He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Henderson, A. James Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Hernandez Espinosa, Jose A. Hernandez, Sandra Hevle, Andrew G. Hill, Donald G. Hillis, David J. Hinrichsen, Charles J. Hixson, Donald R. Hornsby, Frank Horsup, David I. Howard, Dennis R. Huang, Jin Hvizdos, John A. Hwang, Hyun Sik Iboh, Endwell U. Ignacz, Thomas Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Illson, Tim F. Jackson (Moore), Jennifer Jackson, Tracey S. Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Birit Buhr Jhaveri, Tushar Jordan, Dominic J. Jordan, Lee C. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kane, Russell D. Kang, Cheolho A. Kashmiri, Ray Keiser, James R. Kendig, Martin W. Keserovic, Amela Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Klechka, Ernest W. Klinker, Eric Kostrivas, Tasos Krissa, Len J. Kumar, Amit Kumar, Vibhas Labine, Paul Lewis, Richard O. Li, Yanxu Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Lyublinski, Efim Y. MacKinnon, Arthur Magnifico, Frank Maguire, David P. Malone, Scott Marden, Keneth M. Martin, Richard L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio McConnell, Robin McCoy, Terry H. McFarland, Sam Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Micheletti, Wayne C. Mihelic, Joseph Minch, Britt A. Moccari, Ahmad Moghissi, Oliver C. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moll, Richard D. Montgomery, Eliza Morales, Jerry Moreno, Mario A. Morgan, David J. Committee Rosters Muhajirin, Isya Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Murray, Doug Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Jayant R. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nicolino, Miguel S. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nyborg, Rolf Obeyesekere, Nihal U. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Okullo, Pele Olabisi, Olagoke Opara, Jude K. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Ozol, Seckin Page, David Papavinasam, Sankara Perry, Laurie S. Phillander, Dennis Phillips, Charles Pifer, Montgomery A. Place, Trevor Powell, Daniel E. Prisco, Al Puckett, Jimmy J. Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Ramasamy, Sivasankaran Ramnath, Rajesh Rettman, Will Rincon, Hernan Ristaino, Antonio J. Roberge, Pierre R. Robinson, James O. Rodgers, Patrick Rogers, Michael E. Rudolph, S. Wayne Saarinen, Kari Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sbaei, Ali Schilling, Mark S. Schmitt, Guenter Schnepf, Matthew Schramm, David A. Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Seffens, William E. Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Selby, K. Anthony Semerad, Antony V. Seton, J. A. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Kumar S. Shi, Xianming Shinde, Vipul C. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, David C. Simison, Silvia N. Singer, Marc Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinha, Ashwini K. Skipper, Kyle A. Skogsberg, Lillian Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Spowage, Andrew Standlee, Sarah Stevenson, Craig E. Stewart, Sean Strickland, Niell Suarez, Heider A. Sudheimer, Donald G. Suidgeest, Nick Sussex, Graham A. Swick, Roger L. Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Thakur, Ajit K. Thill, Dallas T. Tihen, Joshua C. Tillis, William J. Treasure, Greg Tvedt, Thorwald J. Twigg, David M. Valdes, Alberto Vasanth, Kunigahalli L. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Virmani, Paul Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Wang, Qiwei Whited, Tim Widyanto, Bambang Williamson, Alexander I. Wilton, Stuart R. Winnik, Stefan Winters, Robert H. Withagen, Marcel Wolfrey, Austin Wyman, Donald P. Xiong, Yao Yang, Bo Yang, Lietai Yee, Michael Young, Paul R. Zand, Robert H. Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zibrida, John F. STG 62 Abayarathna, Dharma Abdullah, Ahmad N. Abidi, Ibtesam Hasan Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Abu-Zahra, Sami Achour, Mohsen H. Addington, Fred Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Afshari, Vahid Agarwala, Vinod S. Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmad, Tauqueer Ahmed, Arabi S. Ahmed, Syed A. Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Akhoondan, Mersedeh Alexander, Gregory W. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aligizaki, Kalliopi Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Cory A. Alley, David Allison, Peter W. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Alvarenga, Fernando A. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Amla, Tarun K. Andrews, Weston B. Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Asperger, Robert G. Baboian, Robert Badrak, Robert P. Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Baguley, Roy B. Bailey, Bill M. Ballerini, Roberto Baltazar, Almario D. Bartrip, Keith A. Bassiouny, Mohamed A. Bauman, Jerry Beaudoin, Joe Been, Jenny Benedict, Risque L. Bennett, George W. Bensman, Lynsay Berke, Neal S. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Bi, WuXi Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bingman, Ernest R. Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Boffardi, Bennett P. Bond, Stuart Book, Allen D. Borenstein, Susan W. Bortels, Leslie E. Bose, Manjith Bose, Sunil Bow, Kenneth E. Bowdoin, Leon A. Bowers, David F. Bowman, Karen M. Bowry, Earl V. Britton, Colin F. Brockman, Michael A. Brongers, Michiel P. Brossia, Sean Brown, Bruce N. Brown, Jane N. Bumiller, Elissa Burda, Paul A. Burgess, Brian W. Burns, James F. Bushman, James B. Caceres, Moraima Calderon, Gilbert M. Califf, Christopher D. Cantwell, J. Edward Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Cayard, Michael S. Chandler, Norma L. Chapman, Daniel Chen, Shaosong Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Choate, Dan L. Choi, Yoon-Seok Choo, Boon Leong Christopher, Kelly J. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Clarida, Dannie Clarke, Stephen J. Comas, Jose M. Cook, Trey Cookingham, Bruce A. Coronado, Eva M. Correll, Debra J. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotoron, Vincent N. Cottis, Robert A. Cotton, Irvin J. Couron, Bruce Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Daily, Steven F. Daopiset, Siriporn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael De Marco, Marco de Romero, Matilde Dean, Frank Dean, Sheldon Debruyn, Hendrik J. DesNoyer, David A. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dey, Sanjib K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dias, Olavo C. Dimond, James R. Divi, Suresh C. Doering, Kenneth Donlan, Robert E. Doran, Jamie L. Doughty, Dale Dovico, Ricardo Dowluri, Raju Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duke, Dan Eaton, Guy F. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Edgemon, Glenn L. Edmondson, James G. Edwall, Hans-Erik Efird, Killian D. Eggenberger, James Eid, Omar A. El Kholy, Amr S. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Elliott, Robert W. Ellor, James A. Elneihoum, Adel Esaklul, Khlefa A. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fagade, Caleb O. Feicht, Andrew D. Felton, Peter Finley, Brad Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fletcher, John D. Fogata, Martin Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, John M. Fowler, Christopher M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Friedersdorf, Fritz J. Fritz, James D. Fultineer, Roy Funderburg, Isaac M. Ganeson, Girisha Gatto, Richard Geib, Robert C. Gennaro, Maria Elena Ghosh, Goutam Gogu, Chandrasekhar Gonzalez Nunez, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gough, Mark Grainawi, Lorri Green, Kelley J. Griest, William J. Griffin, Jerome W. Griffin, Richard B. Grimes, William D. Groysman, Alec Guan, Hua Gui, Feng Gutzeit, Joerg Hadley, Harold W. Hamblin, Steve Hanck, James A. Hanearin, Sally S. Hansen, David A. Hardy, James E. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hausler, Rudolf H. Hays, George F. He, David D. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hernandez, Sandra Hevle, Andrew G. Hibner, Edward L. Higgins, William C. Hill, Travis S. Hixson, Donald R. Horne, Robert B. Hornsby, Frank Horton, Mike Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Yang Huang, Jin Huet, Francois Humphreys, Raymond Hursky, Carl Husock, Bernard Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Ikeda, Brian M. Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Inoue, Hiroyuki Ion, Aurelian Ip, Alan K. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 82 Committee Rosters Janssen, Dale Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Birit Buhr Jevec, John M. John, Gareth Johnson, D. Thomas Jones, Richard T. Jones, Stephen A. Jordan, Donald L. Jordan, Lee C. Joshi, Chirag Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kadlec, Joseph Kaiser, Paul Kane, Russell D. Karch, Walter B. Kattamuri, Ravi K. Keiser, James R. Kelly, Anthony Kenmoe, Joseph R. Keown, Robert A. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Shamsh T. Khosravi, Javad Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kim, Dae Kyeong Kim, Jong J. Kim, Kyoo Young Klechka, Ernest W. Klotz, Daniel Kosacki, Igor Kostrivas, Tasos Krantz, Bradley D. Krebs, Lorrie A. Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Kumar, Amit Kumar, Vibhas Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kustova, Vera Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Lagad, Vishal Lagarde, Drew M. Lau, Michelle C. Lauber, Mark D. Lawson, Kurt M. Leary, Rob Lee, Jinhee Lee, Kelly A. Lehmann, Joseph A. Lenard, Derek Lewis, Brad Lewis, Richard O. Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Licina, George J. Liebhart, Steve Liening, Eugene L. Little, Richard W. Liu, Guochao Liu, Xiaodong Locke, Carl E. Lordo, Sam A. Lunde, John O. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Lynch, Francis J. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maddela, Surender Maguire, David P. Mahajanam, Sudhakar P. Maitra, Debajyoti Majkrzak, Joseph P. Makar, Gregory L. Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Manian, Leon Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Marchebois, Herve Marden, Keneth M. Marshall, Quentin Martin, Johnny L. Martin, Richard L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mason, Robert B. Mataich, Joseph Matlack, Gary L. Matocha, Garry M. McAfee, Clyde A. McAllister, Von McCoy, Terry H. McFarland, Sam Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Micheletti, Wayne C. Mickalonis, John I. Mihelic, Joseph Mintz, Todd Mishael, Samuel J. Mishra, Ajit K. Mitchell, James S. Mitchell, Scott W. Moccari, Ahmad Moghissi, Oliver C. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Mok, Wai Y. Molai, Munosi Moll, Richard D. Moloney, Jeremy Monteiro, Othon R. Moody, Robert A. Moral, Jason O. Morgan, David J. Moriber, Norman J. Morris, P.J. Morse, B. N. Muhajirin, Isya Mukherjee, Somesh K. Murray, John N. Murthy, Tata Lakshminarasimha Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Nasr, Adel B. Neal, Dennis Neill, William J. Nekoksa, George Nemzer, Anatoly Newell, Richard J. Ngadi, Arvin Nicolino, Miguel S. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nnadi, Valentine C. O’Dowd, J. Kevin 83 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Okosodo, Stanley Omonye Olabisi, Olagoke Olson, John I. Opara, Jude K. Osborne, Trevor C. Osula, Agape O. Packard, Keith A. Page, David Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Parker, Dean Parlier, Phillip Parvizi, Sadegh M. Paula, Leandro J. Perkins, Allan J. Perry, John D. Perry, Laurie S. Peterson, Miller H. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Place, Trevor Ponte, Haroldo A. Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Pratt, Jennifer Primeaux, Dudley J. Prisco, Al Proverbio, Edoardo Puckett, Jimmy J. Qiongwei, Li Quiroga, Haydee Rahim, Renish Rajpathak, Shirish S. Ramachandran, Sunder Ramirez, Jose E. Ranade, Shyama D. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Reaville, Kevin G. Rebak, Raul B. Rengifo, Rafael Rettman, Will Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Rice, Scott Richert, John P. Rincon, Hernan Ritter, Stefan Rizzo, Frank E. Roberge, Pierre R. Roberts, Fred A. Robertson, Donald Rokhsari Azar, Saboura Rosenbloom, Shari N. Roster, Arthur L. Rothman, Paul S. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Ruane, Dan Rudolph, S. Wayne Russell, William B. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Saarinen, Kari Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Salasi, Mobin Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Samuel, Fubara P. Sanchez, Sandra I. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sawant, Sanjeev Sbaei, Ali Scanlan, Rob J. Scaturro, Milton R. Schmitt, Guenter Schnepf, Matthew Schramm, David A. Schramuk, Jeff Schultheis, Michael Schutza, Gilbert W. Scully, John R. Seagraves, Sam Sears, Lee Seffens, William E. Segall, Sorin M. Segers, John Paul M. Sekar, Manikandan Selby, K. Anthony Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shargay, Cathleen A. Sharp, Stephen R. Shaw, William J. Shi, Xianming Shifler, David A. Shreffler, Glenn W. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, David C. Simsek Gokcesu, Ani Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinha, Ashwini K. Sinko, Robert J. Skipper, Kyle A. Skogsberg, Lillian Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Snodgrass, John S. Soney-Ituen, Iphie Frances Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Sridhar, Narasi Srinivasan, Sridhar Srivastava, Vikalp Standlee, Sarah Stewart, Sean Strickland, Niell Subhani, Khaleel A. Sudheimer, Donald G. Sun, Wei Surnam, B.Y.R. Sussex, Graham A. Suzuki, Teppei Swamy, Gomatham V. Szecsy, Kristopher Szeliga, Michael Szklarz, Karol E. Tajallipour, Nima Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tang, Fei Tang, Fujian Taylor, Matthew L. Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tellez Ramirez, Luis R. Tems, Robin D. Tendean, Abraham Ternowchek, Sam Thill, Dallas T. Thomas, Lesley A. Treasure, Greg Tsaprailis, Haralampos Tvedt, Thorwald J. Ueda, Masakatsu Usman, Ahmad F. Vadivelu, Tamizhazhagan Valdes, Alberto Valenti, Richard D. Van Hook, Michael J. Varghese, Paul Vasanth, Kunigahalli L. Veesart, Larry J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vestre, Helge I. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Virmani, Paul Wade, Jake D. Waid, George M. Waite, Scott Wakelin, Rob Walters, William S. Wang, Henry H. Wang, Hongbin Wang, Hongwei Wetzel, Edwin White, Lawrence R. Whittaker, William Widyanto, Bambang Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, John H. Wilson, Peter T. Winfield, Michael S. Winnik, Stefan Winning, Ian G. Wint, David Woo, Dan H. Wu, Yu-You Wyatt, Brian S. Wyman, Donald P. Xu, Likun Yang, Bo Yang, Booyoung Yang, Lietai Yau, Te-Lin Young, Nathan Yunovich, Mark Zamora, Rafael Zand, Robert H. Zelinka, Samuel L. Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhou, Xianling Zintel, Timothy P. Zurbuchen, Steve TEG 010X Achiaw, Richard O. Adling, Paul C. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Amer, Mohamed Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Avemegah, Winfred S. Ayyar, Sameer A. Babu, A.K. Banks, Robert L. Barjasteh, Laleh Barreto, Mauro C. Committee Rosters Bean, Steven J. Beasley, Lindsey Behling, Gabriel S. Bennett, George W. Bi, WuXi Bingman, Ernest R. Bond, Stuart Bonilla, Fernando A. Bookout, Charles Bracy, James S. Brossia, Sean Brown, Mike J. Browne, Taylor Caceres, Moraima Campbell, Doug Carinci, Gary M. Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Choo, Boon Leong Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Cookingham, Bruce A. Cordova, Matthew J. Couron, Bruce Cox, Carlon M. Cox, John A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Kenneth E. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Didas, Jeffrey L. Donlan, Robert E. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunn, Patrick J. Eggenberger, James Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ene, Chinedu N. Enloe, C. L. Fagade, Caleb O. Fanoush, Omar M. Faridi, Noman K. Farthing, Scott Ferguson, Robbie Frank-Chukwuani, George Gallaway, Eric S. Ghosh, Goutam Golay, Sanjay K. Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Habiby, Fakhruddin Haines, Harvey Hancock, Michael P. Harib, Muhamed Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Herrick, Corey Higgins, William C. Hilton, Mark D. Holtam, Colum M. Holzmann, Mary Hu, Xinming Huijun, Li Hwang, Hyun Sik Idoko, David J. Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Kannan, Singaravelan Kelly, Richard Keown, Robert A. Kermad, Abdelhak Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kirkpatrick, Eric Knowles, Dustin Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Manoj Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Lamontagne, Marc Lavergne, Bobby P. Lawson, Kurt M. Lehmann, Joseph A. Logan, Stan Lumsden, Ron Lunde, John O. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Michael MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mangalmurti, Amol Martin, Johnny L. Matlas, Matt Matthias, Austina Michel, James H. Miller, Kate Mohammad, Abdul H. Mora Solera, Gustavo A. Moriber, Norman J. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagappan, Manikandan Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nechachbi, Mohamed A. OHarriz, Osmay Omar, Mohd Fakhri Orona, John A. Osula, Agape O. Palacios, Carlos A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Parker, Gord Parker, Kevin T. Peralta, Sara Perry, John D. Phillander, Dennis Pinto, Louis J. Pippin, Christopher H. Pleyel, David J. Pulsifer, Andrew Rahim, Essam H. Rana, Jignesh Ranade, Shyama D. Raza, Liaquat M. Riccardella, Scott Russell, William B. Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Samadi, Omid N. Sanchez, Sandra I. Schlichter, Donny R. Schramm, David A. Schultheis, Michael Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shekher, Shashank Shobe, Jim M. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Skelton, Robert C. Smallwood, Robert E. Suidgeest, Nick Swincicki, Dominic A. Tassone, Joseph Tatum, Larry L. Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Tihen, Joshua C. Tripathi, Ajay K. Tsaprailis, Haralampos Valenti, Richard D. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vyas, Sandeep H. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, Hongbin Warner, James F. Webb, T. R. Wiebe, Darren Wilkins, Stephen Williams, Terry M. Williams, Thomas B. Williamson, Alexander I. Willoughby, David A. Wodarcyk, John J. Yang, Lietai Yang, Ping Zaman, Vibha Zeleznak, David F. Zurbuchen, Steve TEG 016X Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Ahmad, Tauqueer Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Hakeem, Zaki A. Ali, Mohammed Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Aljarrah, Ahmed A. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Ames, Michael Anderson, Brett J. Anish, R. J. Ansuini, Frank J. Araya, Leonardo Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Avemegah, Winfred S. Babu, A.K. Baig, Wasim Idris Balraj, Velu Bhattacharya, Basab Bi, WuXi Birla, Sunil K. Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chan, Chee Kong Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Cox, Carlon M. Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Deeruang, Yuttana Dewitt, Jerry A. Dey, Sanjib K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dovico, Ricardo Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunn, Patrick J. Eden, Dawn C. Eggenberger, James Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Erwanto, Edy Fang, Bingyan Fanoush, Omar M. Flessas, James D. Frank-Chukwuani, George Fregia, Richard Ganeson, Girisha Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Grosjean, Marie-Helene Gupta, Girish Hancock, Michael P. Harib, Muhamed Hasanov, Rovshan Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. He, Hongwei He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Himiob, Rodrigo J. Huijun, Li Hwang, Hyun Sik Idoko, David J. Javed, Bashir Jenkins, Timothy R. Kajiyama, Fumio Kannan, Singaravelan Kenmoe, Joseph R. Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Aftab F. Khan, Anwer A. Khosravi, Javad Knowles, Dustin Kollannoor, Robin A. Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kulandaivel, Santhoshkumar Kulkarni, Anand V. Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kustova, Vera Lavergne, Bobby P. Lawson, Kurt M. Leewis, Keith G. Li, SeonYeob Liu, Zhijun Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mandal, Rajiv Marth, Rudy S. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Maynard, Matt McCoy, Dan Mihas, Michael A. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Mora Solera, Gustavo A. Moral, Jason O. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagarjann, Palaniappan Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nair, Renjith C. Ngadi, Arvin Nikam, Vaibhav V. Olowe, Dayo Omar, Mohd Fakhri Ong, Wei Rex Osman, Mohamed H. Ozer, Cahit T. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, Mark Pillai, Rajasekharan Pipesh, Brandon Pourazami, Bijan Puckett, Jimmy J. Rahim, Renish Raji, Yusuf A. Ramasamy, Sivasankaran Rao, Ashish Reynolds, Eric A. Safarzadeh, Maryam Sakai, Todd Salameh, Ala’a Samir, Mohamed Samudrala, Srikar Sandy, Paul Sathiyamoorthy, Sunilyadav Schlichter, Donny R. Schultheis, Michael Scott, Kevin P. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Seyler, Chad Shahzad, Usman Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shaw, Barbara A. Shaw, David Shen, Guangji Sherbondy, Valerie Shukla, Pavan K. Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Singh, Devinder Singh, Mahinder Skipper, Kyle A. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Sokolski, Wojciech Song, Fengmei Srivastava, Vikalp Stamps, Peter D. Suarez, Jorge A. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tajallipour, Nima Taylor, Thomas M. Torrey, Jessica Tremolada, Simone Tripathi, Ajay K. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 84 Committee Rosters Tug, Ethem Turcotte, Roger C. Uche, Paul I. Valenti, Richard D. Vyas, Sandeep H. Walker, Robert W. Williams, Shon Wilson, Christian Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wroe, Stephen P. Yang, John TEG 022X Adeleke, Adeyinka Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Allebach, Carl L. Alshehri, Saeed M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Ames, Michael Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Barjasteh, Laleh Bennett, George W. Bhattacharya, Basab Bi, WuXi Bowman, Karen M. Bracy, James S. Chahar, Satendra S. Chukwu, Charles O. Cordova, Matthew J. Couron, Bruce Cox, John A. de las Casas, Rogelio F. Deeruang, Yuttana Derdemezis, Spyros S. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dewitt, Jerry A. Didas, Jeffrey L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunn, Patrick J. Eggenberger, James Ell, Stuart J. Flessas, James D. Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. Habiby, Fakhruddin Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hasanov, Rovshan Haslett, Travis R. He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hill, James M. Hogan, Robert P. Hu, Xinming Huijun, Li Hwang, Hyun Sik Idoko, David J. Javed, Bashir Jefferies, Bradley C. Jung, Hundal Kannan, Singaravelan Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kollannoor, Robin A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kowalski, Angel R. Krishnaswamy, Raj Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Kumar, Kolur V. Kustova, Vera Lawrence, Charles F. Li, Yanxu Lindemuth, Dale Lumsden, Ron Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mafat, HusenShabbir A. McGuinness, Nancy Mollica Jr, Thomas J. Morrisette, Calvin Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagappan, Manikandan Ngadi, Arvin Nikolakakos, Steve Osula, Agape O. Ovunda, Chisom Packard, Keith A. Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Rana, Jignesh Rankin, Larry G. Rice, Pat Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Sale, Stephen Satheesan, Bobby Schultheis, Michael Schweitzer, Kurt Sekar, Manikandan Seyler, Chad Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Alan B. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Sperling, Robert Stanley, Joshua Tabib, Youssef A. Tassone, Joseph Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Toleti, Subba Rao Valenti, Richard D. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wakelin, Rob Winston, Daniel K. Yee, Michael Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 024X Ali, Mohammed Allen, Matthew Ames, Michael Bi, WuXi Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bose, Manjith Bracy, James S. Carlile, Allen L. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Couron, Bruce Dam, A. M. de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Deeruang, Yuttana 85 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Derdemezis, Spyros S. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Dunn, Patrick J. Eggen, Phil Eggenberger, James Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. Elneihoum, Adel El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Fieltsch, Wolfgang Fitzgerald, John H. Fogel, Joseph F. Forgo, Laszlo Griest, William J. Gundry, Ronald D. Hancock, Michael P. He, David D. Hemerlein, Frank G. Huijun, Li Humphreys, Raymond Hwang, Hyun Sik Javed, Bashir Jefferies, Bradley C. Kadirvelu, Manikandan Kenny, Wong Cho Hang Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Kustova, Vera Lauber, Mark D. Lavery, Anthony Lawson, Kurt M. Leonard, Brad A. Liu, Guo Liu, Zhijun Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Mandal, Rajiv Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mayer, Peter McCaffrey, Kevin L. Memon, Saud Moore, L. James Moriber, Norman J. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nicholson, John P. Nikolakakos, Steve Orona, John A. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Kevin T. Perry, Frank A. Pikas, Joseph Pourazami, Bijan Rahim, Renish Rozhkov, Alexander A. Russell, William B. Safarzadeh, Maryam Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Simon, Philip D. Smith, Addison Szeliga, Michael Tabib, Youssef A. Taylor, Britney Vail, Robert S. Valenti, Richard D. Vyas, Sandeep H. Wakelin, Rob Wetzel, Edwin Williams, Thomas B. Woodland, Kevin P. Yamauchi, Robert Zeleznak, David F. TEG 043X Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Adey, Robert A. Ali, Mohammed Aligizaki, Kalliopi Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Ansuini, Frank J. Arshi, Mohammad M. Avemegah, Winfred S. Baessler, Ralph Baig, Wasim Idris Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Berndt, Marita Bosserman, Bayard E. Broomfield, John P. Brown, Robert P. Bucher, Brooks E. Bushman, James B. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Costa, Jorge E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Covino Jr, Bernard S. Cox, Carlon M. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Daily, Steven F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Deeruang, Yuttana Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Doughty, Dale Dunn, Patrick J. El Kholy, Amr S. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. Erwanto, Edy Etcheverry, Leandro Fransted, Martin Garrity, Kevin C. Ghods, Pouria Ghosh, Goutam Gibbs, Peter Alan John Glass, Gareth Goodwin, Fred Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Harib, Muhamed Hartt, William H. Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Herbert, Robert W. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Idoko, David J. Ip, Alan K. Jain, Jitendra Javed, Bashir Jenkins, James F. Jensen, Birit Buhr Johnson, D. Thomas Kehr, Alan Kessler, Richard J. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Khalid A. Khan, Mohammad S. Kosednar, John P. Lasa, Ivan R. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Lehmann, Joseph A. Leng, Douglas Little, Daryl A. Locke, Carl E. Lu, Hong Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol McReynolds, Robert Miksic, Boris A. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nekoksa, George Ngadi, Arvin Nicholson, John P. Norsworthy, Richard Noyce, Paul Olson, John I. Omar, Mohd Fakhri Ozer, Cahit T. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Piazza, John L. Pikas, Joseph Pinto, Louis J. Poncio, Steve Pope, Heath K. Pourazami, Bijan Pressley, Douglas W. Preston, James Proverbio, Edoardo Rajpathak, Shirish S. Ramsey, Joseph Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Schrieber, Charles F. Scully, John R. Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Sharp, Stephen R. Shaw, David Shi, Xianming Shreffler, Glenn W. Simon, Philip D. Singh, Devinder Snodgrass, John S. Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Srivastava, Vikalp Stamps, Peter D. Stein, Arthur A. Stevenson, Craig E. Szeliga, Michael Tang, Fujian Thurman II, Kenneth E. Tinnea, Jack Tinnea, Ryan J. Tremolada, Simone Turcotte, Roger C. Valenti, Richard D. Venugopalan, Sivaraman Committee Rosters Virmani, Paul Warne, Michael A. Whitmore, David W. Woodland, Kevin P. Wu, Yu-You Wyatt, Brian S. Yunovich, Mark Zeleznak, David F. Zhu, Jun TEG 053X Ali, Mohammed Aligizaki, Kalliopi Arshi, Mohammad M. Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Berndt, Marita Birbilis, Nick Broomfield, John P. Brown, Robert P. Bucher, Brooks E. Bushman, James B. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Costa, Jorge E. Cotoron, Vincent N. Crevello, Gina L. Daily, Steven F. Danov, Evgeni V. Deeruang, Yuttana Doughty, Dale Dunn, Patrick J. El Kholy, Amr S. Fransted, Martin Garrity, Kevin C. Ghods, Pouria Glass, Gareth Gonzalez, Edgar F. Goodwin, Fred Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. He, David D. Idoko, David J. Ip, Alan K. Jain, Jitendra Javed, Bashir Jensen, Birit Buhr Kenny, Wong Cho Hang Kessler, Richard J. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Mohammad S. Kosednar, John P. Kurth, Jonah Lasa, Ivan R. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Lehmann, Joseph A. Little, Daryl A. Lu, Hong Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mangalmurti, Amol McDonald, David Memon, Saud Mintz, Todd Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Moreno, Mario A. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nicholson, John P. Noyce, Paul Olson, John I. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Pope, Heath K. Pratt, Jennifer Pressley, Douglas W. Presuel-Moreno, Francisco J. Rajpathak, Shirish S. Safarzadeh, Maryam Sagues, Alberto A. Salameh, Ala’a Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Sharp, Stephen R. Shreffler, Glenn W. Stamps, Peter D. Suidgeest, Nick Sundararaj, Sathish Szeliga, Michael Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fujian Tepke, David G. Tinnea, Jack Tinnea, Ryan J. Turcotte, Roger C. Valenti, Richard D. Venugopalan, Sivaraman Virmani, Paul Vyas, Sandeep H. Whitmore, David W. Woodland, Kevin P. Wu, Yu-You Wyatt, Brian S. Zemajtis, Jerzy Z. Zhu, Jun TEG 059X Ab. Hamid, Kamila Abayarathna, Dharma Abou-Chekeir, Mohammed H. Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmed, Arabi S. Albores-Silva, Octavio E. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Almahamedh, Hussain H. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Amer, Mohamed Arshi, Mohammad M. Asperger, Robert G. Avemegah, Winfred S. Badal, Albert Bag, Asim Bagdasarian, Ara J. Bailey, Bill M. Baker, Kirk C. Barjasteh, Laleh Baron, John J. Bartos, Milan Behling, Gabriel S. Bhat, Subrahmanya Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Billings, Robert M. Birketveit, Oeystein Birla, Sunil K. Boivin, Joseph W. Bond, Stuart Bosen, Sidney F. Boyd, John L. Brown, Mike J. Bruno, Ted Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Campbell, Doug Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Choi, Yoon-Seok Choo, Boon Leong Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Craig, Bruce D. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Robert H. De Reus, Han Deeruang, Yuttana Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dey, Sanjib K. Donald, William M. Drake, Donald E. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunn, Patrick J. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Egan, Frank J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Faridi, Noman K. Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Foster, Alan Frank-Chukwuani, George Fu, Bob Ganeson, Girisha Gennaro, Maria Elena Georgeson, Paul Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Goncalves Reis, Albino A. Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Grimes, William D. Gunaltun, Yves Guzman, Federico Habiby, Fakhruddin Hadley, Harold W. Hall, Sylvia C. Hanearin, Sally S. Harib, Muhamed Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah He, David D. Heidersbach, Krista L. Helle, Henk P. Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Xinming Huijun, Li Iyer, Santosh Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Alyn Johnson, Jana Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kane, Russell D. Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kermad, Abdelhak Kermani, Bijan Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Kollannoor, Robin A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kuzma, John H. Kvarekval, Jon Lee, Chee Hong Lee, Kelly A. Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Lu, Hong Lunden, Kingsley C. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacKinnon, Arthur MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Maiti, Subhankar Maitra, Debajyoti Maligas, Manuel N. Mankar, Deepak Martinez Niembro, Antonio McKeen, Laurence W. McLaury, Samuel T. Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Mesquita, Thiago J. Mohammad, Abdul H. Mora Solera, Gustavo A. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagappan, Manikandan Naraghi, Ali R Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nyborg, Rolf Obeyesekere, Nihal U. OHarriz, Osmay Okulaja, Samuel Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Palacios, Carlos A. Patel, Naddir M. Perez, Teresa E. Poulassichidis, Tony Pursell, Michael Qiongwei, Li Rahim, Essam H. Rao, Sethu B. Rettman, Will Richter, Sonja Rodgers, Patrick Rowe, Adam C. Rupert, Jon C. Rybicki, Edmund F. Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Samir, Mohamed Samir, Mohamed Sandana, Daniel Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, David Shinde, Vipul C. Shobe, Jim M. Simison, Silvia N. Singh, Binder Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Smith, Stephen N. Song, Fengmei Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Srinivasan, Sridhar Standlee, Sarah Strong, Rusty Suidgeest, Nick Sullivan, Joe L. Sun, Wei Sun, Yuhua Tajallipour, Nima Tanwir, Sajid Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tessier, Vincent Toussaint, Patrick Tsaprailis, Haralampos Turhan, Aydin Ugbo, Francis. O. Valdes, Alberto Valparambil, Nishith Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Waid, George M. Wang, Hongbin Williams, Jamie Winfield, Michael S. Winning, Ian G. Wolters, Roy Yang, Peter Yao, Matthew X. Zaman, Vibha Zhang, Haidong Zhang, Lei Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Ziru Zhu, Jiang TEG 064X Allen, Cory A. Ashraf, Imran Baessler, Ralph Beamish, David Beveridge, William Bryant, Dennis M. Buckels, Joey Campbell, Craig F. Campbell, Ken Chukwu, Charles O. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Deeruang, Yuttana Dunn, Patrick J. Everett, Patricia Fajt, Matthew Grund, Burns A. Guzman, Federico Hussain, Syed MT M. Molnar, James R. Naylor, Edward R. Safarzadeh, Maryam Schaffer, Timothy C. Smallwood, Robert E. Thurman II, Kenneth E. Tucker, Louis R TEG 077X Ab. Hamid, Kamila Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 86 Committee Rosters Ahmad, Shafiq Alabbas, Faisal M. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-Mutahhar, Faisal M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Arowolo, Ifeoluwa A. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Avemegah, Winfred S. Barjasteh, Laleh Bennett, George W. Birketveit, Oeystein Boivin, Joseph W. Buswell, Debbie Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chandrasekaran, Venkatasamy Chen, Yingzi Choo, Boon Leong Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Cookingham, Bruce A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Robert H. Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dewitt, Jerry A. Donald, William M. Donham, James E. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Edapparambath, Sajeesh S. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Farthing, Scott Fletcher, John D. Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ganeson, Girisha Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez, Alexander Goswami, Pradip Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Haddon, Stephen P. Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hilton, Mark D. Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Xinming Huijun, Li Ion, Aurelian Islam, Moavin Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Alyn Johnson, Jana Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joosten, Michael W. Jordan, Lee C. Kelly, Anthony Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaiyer, Rangakrishnan S. Kumar, Vibhas Lee, Chee Hong Lee, Kelly A. Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Linde, Anja M Lobo, Reginald Lu, Hong Lunden, Kingsley C. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Maiti, Subhankar Maitra, Debajyoti Malone, Scott Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mohamed, Kabir A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Monteiro, Othon R. Moss, Christopher J. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nnadi, Valentine C. Nyborg, Rolf Okulaja, Samuel Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Palacios, Carlos A. Palanivel, B. Phillander, Dennis Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Qiongwei, Li Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Rana, Jignesh Rao, Ashish Rao, Sethu B. Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Sakai, Todd Salameh, Ala’a Salasi, Mobin Sanchez, Cesar Sanderson, April Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sawant, Sanjeev Schultheis, Michael Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shaapera, Timothy T. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, David Shekher, Shashank Shinde, Vipul C. Silverman, Gene Singh, Binder Singh, Virendra Sivertsen, Anne O. Skogsberg, Lillian Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Stephen N. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Standlee, Sarah Sullivan, Joe L. Sun, Yuhua 87 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Sundararaj, Sathish Syam, Fatimah Tajallipour, Nima Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Tessier, Vincent Toussaint, Patrick Tripathi, Ajay K. Vadivelu, Tamizhazhagan Valdes, Alberto Valparambil, Nishith Vatne, Jeff Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vuk, Thomas J. Wang, Hongbin Williams, Jamie Williamson, Alexander I. Winters, Robert H. Wolf, Alan Wolters, Roy Yang, Peter Zaman, Vibha Zhang, Yingrui Zintel, Timothy P. TEG 080X Adey, Robert A. Akram, Muhammad F. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allebach, Carl L. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Anand, Tanmay Ansari, Mahmood A. Badal, Albert Baessler, Ralph Behling, Gabriel S. Brelsford, Clay Brockman, Michael A. Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Catte, Darrell R. Chmilar, James F. Choi, Yoon-Seok Chukwu, Charles O. Davis, Kenneth E. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Didas, Jeffrey L. Donald, William M. Dopjera, Douglas E. Dovico, Ricardo Elliot, Debbie Estenssoro, Ramiro Fallatah, Gasem M. Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Grimes, William D. Gupta, Girish Gupta, Tijender K. Hancock, Michael P. Hassani, Shokrollah Helle, Henk P. Henderson, Charles Herrera, Alex E. Hilleary, Jamey Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hwang, Ki Nam Ion, Aurelian Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Jones, Steve P. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khan, Naeem A. Kostrivas, Tasos Krebs, Barry E. Kroon, David H. Kumar, Vibhas Lauber, Mark D. Lechman, Carl E. Lu, Hong Lunder, Robert Curtis Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Malone, Scott Mandal, Rajiv Martin, John W. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mohamed Nour, Mohamed Elfatih H. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moore, L. James Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Orona, John A. Osula, Agape O. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Kevin T. Pikas, Joseph Pourazami, Bijan Rahim, Renish Sabri, Hasan F. Sanchez, Sandra I. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schultheis, Michael Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shobe, Jim M. Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Smallwood, Robert E. Tajallipour, Nima Tebbal, Saadedine Trimble, Whitt L. van der Lee, Bill Vyas, Sandeep H. Wales, Kevin S. Williams, Michael R. Woodland, Kevin P. Wroe, Stephen P. TEG 080X TIE Adey, Robert A. Ansari, Mahmood A. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Catte, Darrell R. D’Souza, Eugene J. Eden, Dawn C. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Faraj, Abdul Aziz Ghosh, Goutam Hong, Seung Min Jarragh, Amer Javed, Bashir Kim, Dong Hyun Kostrivas, Tasos Lenka, Basanta K. Mandal, Rajiv Mohamed, Khalid I. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Nair, Ajiv M. Panchal, Pankaj D. Rahim, Renish Ramachandran, Shaji Sabri, Hasan F. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Tajallipour, Nima Tremolada, Simone TEG 090X Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Asperger, Robert G. Bell, Graham E. Brackensick, Brian J. Divine, James R. Edgemon, Glenn L. He, Xihua Johnson, Jana Mudali, Kamachi U. Raghunathan, Sayee Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sridhar, Narasi Stein, Arthur A. Valenti, Richard D. TEG 092X Abraham, Shibu Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Jonathan Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Bhattacharya, Ananya Birketveit, Oeystein Boffardi, Bennett P. Canto, Christian M. Carney, Michael D. Carroll, Richard Chen, Yingzi Choo, Boon Leong Comas, Jose M. Cookingham, Bruce A. Couron, Bruce Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dean, Sheldon Dewitt, Jerry A. Donham, James E. Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eckert, Richard B. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Freedman, Arthur J. Ghosh, Goutam Godara, Pankaj Gonser, Michael A. Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Committee Rosters Guzman, Federico Habiby, Fakhruddin Hart, Michael Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Henderson, A. James Herbert, Paige A. Hernandez, Sandra Hilbert, Lisbeth R. Hornsby, Frank Huang, Jin Huang, Liming Hwang, Hyun Sik Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Kermad, Abdelhak Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Labine, Paul Lavery, Anthony Li, Yanxu Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacKinnon, Arthur Malone, Scott Mankar, Deepak Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mfon, Ukot J. Morales, Ivan Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nyborg, Rolf Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Palanivel, B. Pandarinathan, Vedapriya Place, Trevor Radwan, Yasser M. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Salameh, Ala’a Sanderson, April Schnepf, Matthew Schultheis, Michael Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Smallwood, Robert E. Standlee, Sarah Sun, Wei Tajallipour, Nima Tebbal, Saadedine Toleti, Subba Rao Turhan, Aydin Vadivelu, Tamizhazhagan Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vyas, Sandeep H. Wang, Hongbin Wyman, Donald P. Yang, Bo Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 093X Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Asperger, Robert G. Bingman, Ernest R. Buswell, Debbie Comas, Jose M. Cracauer, Cliff Dhoot, Sunil M. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Estenssoro, Ramiro Garfias, Luis F. Gelner, Larry Griffin, Jerome W. Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Guzman, Federico Harib, Muhamed Hasanov, Rovshan Henderson, A. James Hwang, Hyun Sik Jenkins, Timothy R. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Lyublinski, Efim Y. Magnifico, Frank McConnell, Robin Miksic, Boris A. Minch, Britt A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Nair, Ajiv M. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Ozol, Seckin Phillips, Charles Puckett, Jimmy J. Radwan, Yasser M. Ruess, Kyle D. Saarinen, Kari Salameh, Ala’a Schnepf, Matthew Seagraves, Sam Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Suarez, Heider A. Tems, Robin D. Vasanth, Kunigahalli L. Wyman, Donald P. Yee, Michael TEG 094X Abou-Chekeir, Mohammed H. Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Birketveit, Oeystein Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Chandra, Ashwini Chen, Yingzi Comas, Jose M. Cook, Ronald L. Davies, Michael Duke, Dan Ebiogwu, Chika A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Farthing, Scott Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghods, Pouria Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez, Nestor G. Griffin, Jerome W. Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Hasanov, Rovshan Helle, Henk P. Henderson, A. James Hornsby, Frank Howard, Dennis R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Jenkins, Alyn Jensen, Birit Buhr Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kendig, Martin W. Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Labine, Paul Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Malone, Scott Menendez, Carlos M. Osula, Agape O. Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Phillander, Dennis Prisco, Al Radwan, Yasser M. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tang, Fei Taylor, Britney Tihen, Joshua C. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin Wolfrey, Austin Wyman, Donald P. Yang, Bo Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 095X Achour, Mohsen H. Adeleke, Adeyinka Agarwala, Vinod S. Aguilar, Ledwin A. Ahmad, Shafiq Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Asperger, Robert G. Barjasteh, Laleh Been, Jenny Bhattacharya, Ananya Birketveit, Oeystein Birla, Sunil K. Caceres, Moraima Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duke, Dan Estenssoro, Ramiro Faridi, Noman K. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Gill, Jasbir S. Godara, Pankaj Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Guzman, Federico Hasanov, Rovshan Helle, Henk P. Henderson, A. James Huang, Jin Hwang, Hyun Sik Jenkins, Alyn Jordan, Dominic J. Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacKinnon, Arthur Menendez, Carlos M. Mohammad, Abdul H. Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Rodgers, Patrick Salameh, Ala’a Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shinde, Vipul C. Smallwood, Robert E. Stewart, Sean Wang, Hongbin Winning, Ian G. Yang, Bo Zhang, Yingrui Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 097X Abayarathna, Dharma Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Aligizaki, Kalliopi Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alley, David Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Ansuini, Frank J. Asperger, Robert G. Baboian, Robert Badrak, Robert P. Baessler, Ralph Bhattacharya, Ananya Bond, Stuart Brossia, Sean Brown, Bruce N. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Chen, Yingzi Choi, Yoon-Seok Cotoron, Vincent N. Cottis, Robert A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Edgemon, Glenn L. Fletcher, John D. Frank-Chukwuani, George Gennaro, Maria Elena Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez, Nestor G. Griffin, Jerome W. Hardy, James E. He, Xihua Hornsby, Frank Ikeda, Brian M. Jensen, Birit Buhr John, Gareth Joshi, Chirag Jovancicevic, Vladimir Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Kim, Jong J. Kosacki, Igor Lawson, Kurt M. Lenard, Derek Liening, Eugene L. Liu, Guochao Maddela, Surender Maitra, Debajyoti Maligas, Manuel N. Mason, Robert B. Menendez, Carlos M. Mintz, Todd Mishra, Ajit K. Mohammad, Abdul H. Mok, Wai Y. Moloney, Jeremy Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nemzer, Anatoly Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Perkins, Allan J. Phillander, Dennis Qiongwei, Li Ravi, Vilupanur A. Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Rosenbloom, Shari N. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Saldanha, Brian J. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Silverman, David C. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Standlee, Sarah Stewart, Sean Szecsy, Kristopher Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tang, Fei Tang, Fujian Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tsaprailis, Haralampos Valenti, Richard D. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Venugopalan, Sivaraman Vera, Jose R. Wang, Hongbin Yang, Bo Yang, Lietai Zelinka, Samuel L. Zhang, Yingrui Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhou, Xianling TEG 098X Asperger, Robert G. Book, Allen D. Caceres, Moraima Chen, Yingzi Couron, Bruce Dewitt, Jerry A. Donlan, Robert E. Dovico, Ricardo Eaton, Guy F. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Fitzgerald, Brian J. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 88 Committee Rosters Fultineer, Roy Funderburg, Isaac M. Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez Nunez, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Green, Kelley J. Kostrivas, Tasos Kvochak, John J. Liening, Eugene L. Marchebois, Herve Mok, Wai Y. Nasim, Farukh Osula, Agape O. Parker, Dean Perkins, Allan J. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Richert, John P. Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shargay, Cathleen A. Silverman, David C. Smallwood, Robert E. Tang, Fei Ternowchek, Sam TEG 100X Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Agarwala, Vinod S. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Asperger, Robert G. Baessler, Ralph Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Bond, Stuart Brown, Bruce N. Chiang, Kuang-Tsan K. Combden, Glenn Cookingham, Bruce A. Dean, Frank Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Doran, Jamie L. English, Jason Fonseca, Carmen R. Ghosh, Goutam Gough, Mark Hassani, Shokrollah He, David D. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Hu, Yang Ion, Aurelian Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Birit Buhr Khalil, Hesham A. Kim, Jong J. Kosacki, Igor Kostrivas, Tasos Kvochak, John J. Leary, Rob Mason, Robert B. Menendez, Carlos M. Mintz, Todd Mohammad, Abdul H. Monteiro, Othon R. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Payer, Joe H. Piazza, Mark Pratt, Jennifer Ravi, Vilupanur A. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sawant, Sanjeev Schnepf, Matthew Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharp, Stephen R. Shi, Xianming Silverman, David C. Smallwood, Robert E. Srinivasan, Sridhar Srivastava, Vikalp Sun, Wei Surnam, B.Y.R. Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tang, Fujian Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Xu, Likun Yang, Bo Yang, Lietai Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 108X Abayarathna, Dharma Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Addington, Fred Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Jonathan Alshehri, Saeed M. Asperger, Robert G. Been, Jenny Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Caceres, Moraima Chen, Yingzi Cotoron, Vincent N. Dean, Frank Decker, Shawn Dewitt, Jerry A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Estenssoro, Ramiro Feicht, Andrew D. Felton, Peter Fowler, Christopher M. Fu, Bob Ghosh, Goutam Hausler, Rudolf H. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Hu, Yang Hwang, Hyun Sik Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Jenkins, Timothy R. Kermad, Abdelhak Kim, Kyoo Young Liening, Eugene L. Lordo, Sam A. Lu, Hong MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Marchebois, Herve Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mishael, Samuel J. Mitchell, James S. Mizuno, Daisuke Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Mukherjee, Somesh K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Place, Trevor Ponte, Haroldo A. Rahim, Renish Ravi, Vilupanur A. 89 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Reeves, Tim Rettman, Will Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Samsel, Roger Scanlan, Rob J. Schmitt, Guenter Schubert, Roy W. Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, William J. Shinde, Vipul C. Siegmund, Gerit Singh, Virendra Skogstad, Berit B. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Song, Fengmei Tang, Fei Taylor, Britney Taylor, Matthew L. Tebbal, Saadedine Tems, Robin D. Thompson, Richard M. Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Williamson, Alexander I. Wood, Stephen P. Yang, Bo Zhang, Lei Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 113X Afshari, Vahid Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Asperger, Robert G. Bhatti, Bashir M. Bosen, Sidney F. Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Castillo, Marta Chapman, Daniel Comas, Jose M. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dowluri, Raju Dubey, Arwind Kumar Edmondson, James G. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frey, Carlos A. Ghosh, Goutam Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hosoya, Keizo Hu, Yang Hwang, Hyun Sik Jones, Steve P. Kane, Russell D. Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kermad, Abdelhak Klinker, Eric Krishnaswamy, Raj Kunjapur, Madana M. Kus, Slawomir Li, Yanxu Lordo, Sam A. Martens, Dennis H. Martinez Niembro, Antonio McLaury, Samuel T. Milton, Douglas J. Mitchell, James S. Mohammad, Abdul H. Morris, P.J. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Neill, William J. Nugent, Mike Parvizi, Sadegh M. Poulassichidis, Tony Pun, Roger K. C. Ragle, Homer V. Reeves, Tim Rice, Pat Richert, John P. Richez, Martin F. Schulz, Clinton J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sherik, Abdelmounam Sievert, Jim B. Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Stray, James D. Suidgeest, Nick Tebbal, Saadedine Tems, Robin D. Toba, Kazuhiro Toussaint, Patrick Tsuda, Takahiro Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vipat, Sunil V. Waite, Scott Walker, Terry S. Westra, Jan White, Lawrence R. Williams, Dana G. Williamson, Alexander I. Wodarcyk, John J. Wozniak, Christopher TEG 114X Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Amend, Bill Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Audouard, Jean-Pierre Avery, Richard E. Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Barjasteh, Laleh Bathula, Raghuram Bazzoni, Alberto Beckman, Joanne P. Bergstrom, David Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Billings, Robert M. Blackwelder, Curtiss Blessman, Edward R. Bond, Stuart Book, Allen D. Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Carinci, Gary M. Carroll, Richard Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Choo, Boon Leong Clarke, Stephen J. Clayton, John F. Coates, Gary E. Cooke, David L. Crum, James R. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael Davison, Ralph M. De Marco, Marco Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Divi, Suresh C. Dobosz, Lester M. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ely, John D. Eun, Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Francis, Roger Frank-Chukwuani, George Fritz, James D. Fultz, Benjamin S. Gallo, Glen M. Ganeson, Girisha Ganhao, Luis A. Garfias, Luis F. Garner, Andrew Ghosh, Goutam Godara, Pankaj Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Grocki, John Grubb, John F. Habiby, Fakhruddin Hahn, Ronald A. Hardy, Allison He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Herbert, Robert W. Houben, John J. Höwing, Jonas Huang, David Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Iyer, Santosh Jain, Shashank Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Janikowski, Daniel Jennings, Herbert S. Johnson, Jana Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joshi, Chirag Kermad, Abdelhak Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khiani, Gobind Kinsman, Nicole Kirkham, Kenneth K. Kivisakk, Ulf H. Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Le Manchet, Sandra Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Committee Rosters Li, Yanxu Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mankar, Deepak Mathiesen, Troels Mendez, Conchita Mesquita, Thiago J. Mishra, Ajit K. Morales, Ivan Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Muro, Ruben Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Naylor, Edward R. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nnadi, Valentine C. Okulaja, Samuel Osman, Mohamed H. Pahl, Robert C. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parga, Ruben Patel, Naddir M. Patel, Udayan V. Penso, Jorge A. Perdomo, Jorge J. Puyear, Robert B. Qiongwei, Li Raghunathan, Sayee Rahoi, Dennis W. Rana, Jignesh Ray, Brent D. Reid, Craig Reitz, Wayne Richert, John P. Richez, Martin F. Ross, Bud Rupert, Jon C. Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Schilling, Sebastian Scribner, Lyman A. Sekar, Manikandan Senatore, Marcelo Shaapera, Timothy T. Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharp, Sandy W. Sheikhi, Nasser Shekher, Shashank Sherman, Douglas A. Shinde, Vipul C. Sidky, Paulette S. Sievert, Jim B. Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Sivertsen, Anne O. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Sridhar, Narasi Stein, Arthur A. Suidgeest, Nick Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fei Tessier, Vincent Turbeville, Elliott Turhan, Aydin Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Uhlenkamp, Brian J. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Vatne, Jeff Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vormelker, Philip R. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, George Wen, Andy Whitcraft, Paul K. Whitlow, Scott Winnik, Stefan Wolters, Roy Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 115X Al-Beed, Ali A. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Andrews, Weston B. Arensman, Susan K. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Babakr, Ali Book, Allen D. Caceres, Moraima Carlson, Duane Carroll, Richard Castillo, Raul A. Chen, Yingzi Clarke, Stephen J. Coates, Gary E. Crowe, David C. Cui, Fushuang Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Dean, Sheldon Deodeshmukh, Vinay Divi, Suresh C. Drescher, Otto J. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eun, Thomas J. Fernandes, Elson G. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Fortin, Joel Francis, Roger Frank-Chukwuani, George Fritz, James D. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Griffin, Jerome W. Grocki, John Grubb, John F. Hardy, Allison Herbert, Robert W. Hilton, Mark D. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Jennings, Herbert S. Jones, Stephen Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Kain, Robert M. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kish, Joseph R. Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Leth-Olsen, Håkon Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Liu, Xiaodong MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. McCurry, Benjamin Mishra, Ajit K. Morales, Ivan Naylor, Edward R. Osman, Mohamed H. Pillsbury, Daniel J. Puyear, Robert B. Radwan, Yasser M. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Silverman, David C. Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Sober, Michael J. Spence, Thomas C. Sridhar, Narasi Srivastava, Vikalp Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, George Whitlow, Scott Winnik, Stefan Wise, Alex G. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Zhenghua TEG 116X Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Arabi S. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Arensman, Susan K. Arshi, Mohammad M. Avery, Richard E. Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Barjasteh, Laleh Bathula, Raghuram Beckman, Joanne P. Benson, Richard A. Bergstrom, David Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhosale, Vishwajeet V. Billings, Robert M. Birla, Sunil K. Blackwelder, Curtiss Blanchard, William K. Blessman, Edward R. Bond, Stuart Borenstein, Susan W. Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Carinci, Gary M. Carroll, Richard Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Coates, Gary E. Colwell, Richard L. Cotney, Clayton Randall Crum, James R. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael Davison, Ralph M. Dean, Sheldon Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dobosz, Lester M. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Fortin, Joel Frank-Chukwuani, George Fritz, James D. Gallo, Glen M. Ganhao, Luis A. Ghosh, Goutam Gorog, Margaret Goswami, Pradip Grocki, John Grubb, John F. Hahn, Ronald A. Hasanov, Rovshan Helle, Henk P. Herbert, Paige A. Houben, John J. Höwing, Jonas Hwang, Fu Hwang, Hyun Sik Iyer, Santosh Jackson, Mark Jain, Shashank Janikowski, Daniel Jayakumar, Natarajan Jennings, Herbert S. Johnson, Jana Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Kermad, Abdelhak Kesavan, Srinivasan Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Le Manchet, Sandra Leitch, James A. Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mankar, Deepak Mathiesen, Troels Mendez, Conchita Mesquita, Thiago J. Mintz, Todd Mishra, Ajit K. Mohammadian, Ali Morales, Ivan Morris, P.J. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Mukherjee, Somesh K. Muro, Ruben Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Naylor, Edward R. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nemzer, Anatoly O’Donnell, David Omar, Mohd Fakhri Osman, Mohamed H. Pahl, Robert C. Palaniyandi, Velu Parga, Ruben Perdomo, Jorge J. Puyear, Robert B. Qiongwei, Li Raghunathan, Sayee Ray, Brent D. Reitz, Wayne Rettew, Robert E. Rettman, Will Reyad, Ahmed E. Richez, Martin F. Rooker, Joshua E. Ross, Bud Rupert, Jon C. Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Scribner, Lyman A. Sekar, Manikandan Senatore, Marcelo Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharp, Sandy W. Sherman, Douglas A. Sidky, Paulette S. Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Stein, Arthur A. Suidgeest, Nick Tessier, Vincent Tillack, Donald J. Turbeville, Elliott Turhan, Aydin Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Uhlenkamp, Brian J. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Vatne, Jeff Venkatesh, Anand Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vormelker, Philip R. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, George Whitcraft, Paul K. Whitlow, Scott Winnik, Stefan Witmer, Wes Wolters, Roy Yau, Te-Lin Zhang, Yingrui Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 118X Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Ansari, Mahmood A. Arensman, Susan K. Arshi, Mohammad M. Bag, Asim Barjasteh, Laleh Bennett, George W. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Book, Allen D. Britton, Stephanie 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 90 Committee Rosters Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Campbell, Craig F. Carroll, Richard Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Clarke, Stephen J. Clayton, John F. Coates, Gary E. Comas, Jose M. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, John P. Davies, Michael De Michelis, Leonardo A. Divi, Suresh C. Divine, James R. Doran, Jamie L. Drescher, Otto J. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Elliott, Peter El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Gallo, Glen M. Ganhao, Luis A. Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. He, David D. Hernandez, Jon Hilton, Mark D. Hornsby, Frank Hwang, Hyun Sik Jackson, Mark Jenkins, Timothy R. Johnson, Jana Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Joshi, Chirag Kermad, Abdelhak Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Khosravi, Javad Kim, Jong J. Kirkham, Kenneth K. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Li, Xiuqing Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Madapura, Murthy S.P. Maitra, Debajyoti Mankar, Deepak Mari, Eduardo Mishra, Ajit K. Mitchell, Scott W. Mohammad, Abdul H. Mohr, James P. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Naylor, Edward R. Olszewski, Albert Oluwadunsin, Ajayi Osman, Mohamed H. Palmer, Robert E. Piazza, Mark Pourazami, Bijan Prisco, Al Pursell, Michael Qiongwei, Li Ray, Brent D. Reitz, Wayne Rettman, Will Reyad, Ahmed E. Richez, Martin F. Rosenbloom, Shari N. Salameh, Ala’a Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Shaw, David Sheikhi, Nasser Sherman, Douglas A. Shinde, Vipul C. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Robert R. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Spence, Thomas C. Standlee, Sarah Steiner, Kimberly Surnam, B.Y.R. Tajallipour, Nima Tessier, Vincent Toleti, Subba Rao Turbeville, Elliott Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Valenti, Richard D. Vatne, Jeff Waditwar, Prajkta R. Whitlow, Scott Winnik, Stefan Wise, Alex G. Xu, Kang Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 119X Ahluwalia, Hira S. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Clarke, Stephen J. Copeland, Thomas S. Cui, Fushuang Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dean, Sheldon DeLashmit, Larry W. Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ely, John D. Eun, Thomas J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Gysbers, Andy C. Hampton, David A. Helle, Henk P. Henderson, Willie T. Hilton, Mark D. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ikeda, Brian M. Jennings, Herbert S. Kanaby, Thom Kvochak, John J. Lachenwitzer, Andreas Li, Xiuqing 91 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Mancini, Joyce Marden, Keneth M. Mason, Robert B. Mayorga-Baker, Anelsy McCurry, Benjamin Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mishra, Ajit K. Ray, Brent D. Rebak, Raul B. Rommerskirchen, Iris Rutkowski, Anthony J. Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Scanlan, Rob J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Watkins, William R. Westra, Jan Whitlow, Scott Williams, Dana G. Winnik, Stefan Wodarcyk, John J. TEG 120X Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Arshi, Mohammad M. Chen, Yingzi Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Divi, Suresh C. Dobosz, Lester M. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Grauman, Jim S. Grubb, John F. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Johnson, Jana Kirkham, Kenneth K. Kvochak, John J. Mishra, Ajit K. Mohammadian, Ali Muro, Ruben Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nemzer, Anatoly Parga, Ruben Puyear, Robert B. Ramgopal, Thodla Saldanha, Brian J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Sutherlin, Richard C. Uhlenkamp, Brian J. Whitlow, Scott Winnik, Stefan Yau, Te-Lin TEG 121X Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Asperger, Robert G. Bennett, George W. Caceres, Moraima Chapman, Daniel Choi, Yoon-Seok Clarke, Stephen J. Coates, Gary E. Covino Jr, Bernard S. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dugstad, Arne El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Grimmett, David Hardy, James E. Helle, Henk P. Hodge, Frank G. Holcomb, Gordon R. Huang, Jin Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Inoue, Hiroyuki Ion, Aurelian Khalil, Hesham A. Konys, Juergen Latanision, Ronald M. Lewis, Keith R. Li, Xiuqing Macdonald, Digby D.. Maitra, Debajyoti Manning, Paul E. Mitton, Bryce Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nnadi, Valentine C. Piippo, Juha Puyear, Robert B. Rebak, Raul B. Safarzadeh, Maryam Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shinde, Vipul C. Silverman, David C. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Stein, Arthur A. Tajallipour, Nima Tebbal, Saadedine Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wang, Hongbin Yau, Te-Lin Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 123X Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Baker, Brian A. Bennett, George W. Bhosale, Vishwajeet V. Britton, Stephanie Cefalu, Shawn Chen, Yingzi Colwell, Richard L. Davies, Michael Debruyn, Hendrik J. Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Divi, Suresh C. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eun, Thomas J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Funderburg, Isaac M. Galetz, Mathias C. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Greene, Barry N. Habiby, Fakhruddin Hall, Iain S. Hammill, Bill Hwang, Hyun Sik Jayakumar, Natarajan Kelly, Richard Kermad, Abdelhak Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Lobley, Graham R. Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mistry, Pinakin B. Morris, P.J. Myers, Jim Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Pankiw, Roman I. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillips, Alan F. Pint, Bruce A. Rahman, Syed Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Samsel, Roger Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schutze, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Tillack, Donald J. Unocic, Kinga A. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Voke, Donald Watkins, William R. Yao, Matthew X. Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 126X Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmed, Arabi S. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asperger, Robert G. Baker, Brian A. Barjasteh, Laleh Bathula, Raghuram Benson, Richard A. Bereczky, Emil L. Bhattacharya, Basab Birla, Sunil K. Britton, Stephanie Caceres, Moraima Cefalu, Shawn Chaku, Pran N. Chen, Yingzi Colwell, Richard L. Cooke, David L. Damin, Dean G. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Dean, Sheldon Debruyn, Hendrik J. Decker, Shawn Committee Rosters Deodeshmukh, Vinay Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Elliott, Peter El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Funderburg, Isaac M. Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Greene, Barry N. Habiby, Fakhruddin Hammill, Bill Hardy, Allison He, Xihua Henry, Neil S. Herbert, Robert W. Hodge, Frank G. Houben, John J. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Jayakumar, Natarajan Jones, Richard T. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Keiser, James R. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Vibhas Kus, Slawomir Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Links, Jan Lobley, Graham R. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacKinnon, Arthur Mankar, Deepak Masten, Deric Mistry, Pinakin B. Mitchell, James S. Morales, Ivan Morris, P.J. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Mukhopadhyay, Anit Myers, Jim Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Naylor, Edward R. Osman, Mohamed H. Pankiw, Roman I. Patel, Naddir M. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillips, Alan F. Phillips, Dennis Pint, Bruce A. Ray, Brent D. Roberts, Richard D. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Safarzadeh, Maryam Samsel, Roger Schutze, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sheikhi, Nasser Sievert, Jim B. Singbeil, Douglas L. Singh, Anil K. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Slimmon, Tom C. Smallwood, Robert E. Taylor, Britney Tillack, Donald J. Vardan, Krishna Voke, Donald Vormelker, Philip R. Watkins, William R. Whitlow, Scott Xu, Kang Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 128X Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Baker, Brian A. Benson, Richard A. Bereczky, Emil L. Britton, Stephanie Caceres, Moraima Cefalu, Shawn Chaku, Pran N. Colwell, Richard L. Davies, Michael Dean, Sheldon Debruyn, Hendrik J. Deodeshmukh, Vinay Eun, Thomas J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Funderburg, Isaac M. Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Habiby, Fakhruddin Hall, Iain S. Helle, Henk P. Herbert, Robert W. Herrick, Corey Hodge, Frank G. Houben, John J. Hwang, Hyun Sik Jennings, Herbert S. Jones, Richard T. Keiser, James R. Kermad, Abdelhak Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Links, Jan Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mistry, Pinakin B. Mitchell, James S. Morales, Ivan Myers, Jim Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nath, Sandipta Pankiw, Roman I. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillips, Alan F. Pint, Bruce A. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Richez, Martin F. Roberts, Richard D. Salameh, Ala’a Schutze, Michael Scribner, Lyman A. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sievert, Jim B. Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Tillack, Donald J. Voke, Donald Watkins, William R. Xu, Kang Yamamoto, Katsumi Zapirtan Lainer, Daniela Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 145X Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Barjasteh, Laleh Bowry, Earl V. Clark, Jennifer E. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Griffin, Jerome W. Henderson, A. James Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, William S. Kennedy, Charles W. Keserovic, Amela Khalil, Hesham A. Krissa, Len J. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Miksic, Boris A. Minch, Britt A. Osula, Agape O. Ozol, Seckin Puckett, Jimmy J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Tems, Robin D. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Yee, Michael Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 149X Adeleke, Adeyinka Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alley, David Beardwood, Edward S. Birketveit, Oeystein Boffardi, Bennett P. Boragine, David Burda, Paul A. Buswell, Debbie Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Chalut, Josee Charlton, Robert S. Comas, Jose M. Cooper, Lisa Corrin, Edward Cotton, Irvin J. Davies, Michael De Martino, Richard A. Dewitt, Jerry A. Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Farmerie, John J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frantsen, Jan Elkjaer Freedman, Arthur J. Ganeson, Girisha Ganzer, George Geissler, Brett Ghosh, Goutam Gonser, Michael A. Griffin, Jerome W. Haddon, Stephen P. Hanearin, Sally S. Hartwick, Darrell Hasanov, Rovshan Havran, Cynthia Hays, George F. Heidersbach, Krista L. Helle, Henk P. Hevle, Andrew G. Hornsby, Frank Hwang, Hyun Sik Javaherdashti, Reza Jhaveri, Tushar Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Ladewig, Christine Ling, Clive C. Little, Brenda J. McIlwaine, Douglas Micheletti, Wayne C. Mihelic, Joseph Mohammad, Abdul H. Moll, Richard D. Murray, Doug Nair, Ajiv M. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Phillander, Dennis Radwan, Yasser M. Reynolds, Dorothy Robinson, James O. Rogers, Michael E. Roll, Donald H. Schnepf, Matthew Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Stamps, Peter D. Takahashi, Kuniyuki Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Toleti, Subba Rao Tvedt, Thorwald J. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Qiwei Whalen, Patrick A. Williams, Terry M. Wrangham, Jodi B. Wyman, Donald P. Zibrida, John F. TEG 159X Achiaw, Richard O. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Arshi, Mohammad M. Bell, Graham E. Bosen, Sidney F. Casey, Gregory Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Farmerie, John J. Flessas, James D. Gelner, Larry Ghosh, Goutam Hanearin, Sally S. Hasanov, Rovshan Hoffmann, Richard A. Hopkins, Mark Khalil, Hesham A. Krantz, Bradley D. Kvochak, John J. Langill, Thomas J. Licina, George J. Ling, Clive C. McGarry, Dennis McPeak, Randall D. Mohammad, Abdul H. Murtagh, Eunice Olszewski, Albert Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Steiner, Kimberly Su, Paul Tanwir, Sajid Tihen, Joshua C. Turcotte, Roger C. Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Valenti, Richard D. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. TEG 163X Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Ahmad, Shafiq Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Ansari, Mahmood A. Bag, Asim Barjasteh, Laleh Beardwood, Edward S. Bennett, George W. Brown, John C. Caceres, Moraima Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Cotton, Irvin J. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davidson, John P. de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Marco, Marco Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dunn, Sidney Esmacher, Mel J. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Farmerie, John J. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Gorog, Margaret Goswami, Pradip Havran, Cynthia He, David D. Herbert, Paige A. Horne, Robert B. Hwang, Hyun Sik Jevec, John M. Jhaveri, Tushar Kermad, Abdelhak Kvochak, John J. Labuda, Ewa Li, Bingtao Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mari, Eduardo Mayer, Peter McAlpin, Ronald L. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moll, Richard D. Murtagh, Eunice Noble, Catherine 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 92 Committee Rosters Olszewski, Albert Osman, Mohamed H. Palaniyandi, Velu Pawel, Steven J. Perdomo, Jorge J. Rahoi, Dennis W. Ray, Brent D. Rettman, Will Robinson, James O. Rogers, Michael E. Rosenbloom, Shari N. Rumpf, Regis Samsel, Roger Schnepf, Matthew Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Sharp, Sandy W. Sherman, Douglas A. Shifler, David A. Singh, Preet M. Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tillis, William J. Twigg, David M. Twigg, Ronald J. Valenti, Richard D. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Wang, George Whitlow, Scott Wood, Stephen P. Yin, Songbo Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zibrida, John F. TEG 166X Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Ali, Mohammed Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Ames, Michael Ansari, Mahmood A. Araya, Leonardo Bond, Stuart Brandt, James A. Brattas, Leif Britton, James N. Brodribb, Richard Bukhamsin, Abdul Hameed A. Carpenter, Benjamin Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Cotoron, Vincent N. Dakwar, Naim Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Delwiche, Alex L. Dermody, Richard P. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dopjera, Douglas E. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eden, Dawn C. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Farthing, Scott Flanery, David Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Gilroy, Douglas E. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Griffin, Jerome W. Griffin, Richard B. Harib, Muhamed Hartt, William H. Hasanov, Rovshan Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. Henderson, Charles Himiob, Rodrigo J. Huijun, Li Jackson, Mark Jamrok, William E. Javed, Bashir Johnsen, Roy Johnson, David Laird Jones, Steve P. Kenmoe, Joseph R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Khalid A. Khan, Naeem A. Klechka, Ernest W. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kulkarni, Anand V. Landry, Justin P. Lavery, Anthony Lenar, James Lewis, Ronald E. Lye, Rolf E. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacDonald, Jason J. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Manian, Leon Mankar, Deepak Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moral, Jason O. Murray, John N. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nichols, Paul R. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Ogunsola, Mohammed A. Olson, John I. Ong, Wei Rex Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Osvoll, Harald Packard, Keith A. Palmer, Robert E. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pope, Heath K. Pourazami, Bijan Rahim, Renish Rasche, Dale Rice, Pat Roche, Marcel G. Santos, Henrique O. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman 93 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shinde, Vipul C. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Stephen N. Srivastava, Vikalp Suarez, Jorge A. Surkein, Michael B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tabilog, Yahshua A. Tajallipour, Nima Thomason, William H. Tinnea, Ryan J. Tracy, Duane Tremolada, Simone Wales, Kevin S. Weldon, Clark P. Whittaker, William Wigen, Svenn Magne Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wyatt, Brian S. Xu, Likun Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 179X Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Acuna, Herman Adey, Robert A. Afshari, Vahid Ahmad, Shafiq Ahmad, Tauqueer Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Al-Hakeem, Zaki A. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Cory A. Allen, Robert F. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Alvarenga, Fernando A. Ames, Michael Anderson, Brett J. Andrews, Weston B. Anish, R. J. Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Araya, Leonardo Ashraf, Imran Ballerini, Roberto Banks, Robert L. Barreto, Mauro C. Bean, Steven J. Bedon, Fernando Bell, Graham E. Benedict, Risque L. Bennett, John E. Bhattacharya, Basab Bhushan, Rajesh Bi, WuXi Biagiotti, Steve F. Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bingman, Ernest R. Bonapace, Francesco Bose, Manjith Boswell, Keith B. Bowdoin, Leon A. Bowles, Joe C. Brandt, James A. Brewer, Andrew S. Brockman, Michael A. Browne, Taylor Bushman, James B. Caceres, Moraima Calderon, Gilbert M. Canto Ibanez, Jorge J. Carroll, Francis Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castillo, Raul A. Chandler, Clifford J. Chandler, Norma L. Chen, Shaosong Chmilar, James F. Choate, Dan L. Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Cignatta, John V. Comas, Jose M. Cordova, Matthew J. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Cox, John A. Crutchley, Michael C. Dakwar, Naim Dalchuk, Vincent G. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, James P. Davis, Kenneth E. Davis, Ray de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dean, Sheldon Delahunt, John F. Derdemezis, Spyros S. DesNoyer, David A. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Dimond, James R. Dopjera, Douglas E. Doughty, Dale Dovico, Ricardo Drake, Donald E. Duhamell, Justin M. Edwall, Hans-Erik Eggenberger, James Eid, Omar A. Elgamal, Mohamed E. Ell, Stuart J. Elneihoum, Adel El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Enloe, C. L. Erwanto, Edy Esaklul, Khlefa A. Farthing, Scott Fitzgerald, John H. Flessas, James D. Fogata, Martin Foong, John M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Freeman, Daniela Y. Gallant, Robert F. Garrity, Kevin C. Geib, Robert C. Geyer, Wayne B. Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gormley, John A. Grainawi, Lorri Green, Kelley J. Green, Lorraine A. Griest, William J. Griffin, Jerome W. Guinn, George L. Gummow, Robert A. Gundry, Ronald D. Gupta, Girish Hall, Sylvia C. Hamlin, Steven J. Hargrave, John Harib, Muhamed Hasanov, Rovshan Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. Helgeson, Dennis R. Henderson, Russell W. Herpin, Daniel S. Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Hiebert, Les Higgins, William C. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hocking, Larry Holtsbaum, William B. Horton, Mike Huijun, Li Humphreys, Raymond Hussain, Mohammed Shabbir Hwang, Hyun Sik Ion, Aurelian Isbell, Joe H. James, Mark M. Jamrok, William E. Javed, Bashir Jayawardena, George Marlon Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Finn O. Kadlec, Joseph Kaiser, Paul Kashmiri, Ray Keldsen, John T. Kenmoe, Joseph R. Keown, Robert A. Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Klechka, Ernest W. Kostrivas, Tasos Koszewski, Lou Krishnaswamy, Raj Krissa, Len J. Kroon, David H. Kulkarni, Anand V. Kustova, Vera Lacatena, Stephen J. Laundrie, Thomas F. Lavergne, Bobby P. Lawrence, Charles F. Lawson, Kurt M. Lewis, Brad Lewis, Thomas H. Li, Yanxu Linville, Mark E. Liu, Zhijun Lu, Hong Lucas, William Steven Lunde, John O. Lynch, Francis J. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Committee Rosters Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Manian, Leon Mankar, Deepak Martinez Niembro, Antonio Matlas, Matt Matocha, Garry M. Maynard, Matt McCoy, Dan McFarland, Kelly Memon, Saud Michel, James H. Mikish, Gary E. Miller, Paul L. Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moody, Robert A. Moore, L. James Moriber, Norman J. Moritz, Jason Morris, Russell D. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Nagar, Ramesh P. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nekoksa, George Newell, Richard J. Nichols, Paul R. Nickel, Randy J. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nikolakakos, Steve Nnadi, Valentine C. Norsworthy, Richard O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ogosi, Eugene I. Ogunsola, Mohammed A. Olson, John I. Ong, Wei Rex Osborne, Trevor C. Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Packard, Keith A. Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Keith P. Parker, Kevin T. Patel, Ashvin Perry, Frank A. Peterson, Miller H. Phillander, Dennis Piazza, John L. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pinto, Louis J. Pipesh, Brandon Poulassichidis, Tony Pourazami, Bijan Puckett, Jimmy J. Rahim, Renish Raza, Liaquat M. Rettman, Will Rice, Pat Ristaino, Antonio J. Romero, Jose H. Roster, Arthur L. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Ruane, Dan Sabri, Hasan F. Sakai, Todd Sanchez, Sandra I. Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Schow, Boyd L. Schramm, David A. Schrieber, Charles F. Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Schutza, Gilbert W. Scott, Kevin P. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shaw, David Sherbondy, Valerie Shobe, Jim M. Shreffler, Glenn W. Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Sieve, Ken Simmons, Joey A. Singh, Devinder Skelton, Robert C. Skipper, Kyle A. Slater, Gary L. Smallwood, Robert E. Sober, Michael J. Sokolski, Wojciech Song, Fengmei Spickelmire, Bill S. Srivastava, Vikalp Stamps, Peter D. Stead, William R. Suarez, Jorge A. Surkein, Michael B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Swick, Roger L. Szeliga, Michael Tabilog, Yahshua A. Tajallipour, Nima Tatum, Joseph F. Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Thill, Dallas T. Thomason, William H. Tremolada, Simone Trimble, Whitt L. Tug, Ethem Turcotte, Roger C. Uche, Paul I. Valenti, Richard D. Van Muysen, Tom Vasquez, Jorge E. Veesart, Larry J. Velandia, Luis Fernando Vestre, Helge I. Virmani, Paul Vyas, Sandeep H. Wakelin, Rob Wales, Kevin S. Walker, Robert W. Wallace, Virgil N. Wang, Henry H. Ward, James M. Webb, T. R. Wetzel, Edwin Whited, Tim Williams, Michael R. Williams, Terrance H. Williams, Thomas B. Williamson, Alexander I. Winston, Daniel K. Winters, Robert H. Woodland, Kevin P. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wroe, Stephen P. Xu, Likun Yamamoto, Katsumi Yamauchi, Robert Zeleznak, David F. Zurbuchen, Steve TEG 181X A. Muftah, Mohamed Adey, Robert A. Ansari, Mahmood A. Araya, Leonardo Ashida, Hidehisa Ashraf, Imran Bentkjaer, Michael U. Bidstrup, Jesper L. Booth, Christian Bowry, Earl V. Brandt, James A. Chandrasekaran, Venkatasamy Charlton, Robert S. Combden, Glenn Cotoron, Vincent N. D’Andrea, Luca Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. Dodge, Melvin J. Eden, Dawn C. Eliasson, Johnny R. Ell, Stuart J. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Friedersdorf, Fritz J. Fultz, Benjamin S. Ghosh, Goutam Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Helle, Henk P. Irving, Kevin Javed, Bashir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jensen, Finn O. Jess, Howard Kattan, Raouf Kawano, Koji K. Khalil, Hesham A. Kollannoor, Robin A. Lehmann, Joseph A. MacDonald, Jason J. Magdy, Ahmed Malfanti, Roberto Mason, Robert B. Morrisette, Calvin Obata, Hideo Oluwadunsin, Ajayi Perkins, Allan J. Popoiu, Maricel I. Posgay, Ray G. Puig, Michael Rachel, Keith Raji, Yusuf A. Rice, Pat Scaturro, Milton R. Schultz, Mark Sedriks, A John Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shifler, David A. Smallwood, Robert E. Surkein, Michael B. Tolotto, Antonio M. Treleaven, Charles P. Trindade, Joventino A. Winter, Michael J. Xu, Likun Yang, Lietai TEG 182X Ali, Mohammed Amend, Bill Asperger, Robert G. Baessler, Ralph Berndt, Christopher C. Berndt, Marita Ell, Stuart J. Gallup, PhD, Darrell L. Herbert, Robert W. Ladewig, Christine Lichti, Keith A. Mandeno, William L. Mihelic, Joseph Richter, Sonja Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Tebbal, Saadedine Valenti, Richard D. Yau, Te-Lin TEG 183X Ahluwalia, Hira S. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Andrews, Weston B. Baker, Brian A. Bennett, George W. Blanchard, William K. Blough, Jeffrey L. Covino Jr, Bernard S. Crum, James R. Debruyn, Hendrik J. Deodeshmukh, Vinay Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Frank-Chukwuani, George Funderburg, Isaac M. Galetz, Mathias C. Goswami, Pradip Grimmett, David Hahn, Ronald A. Hammill, Bill Harting, Scott F. Herbert, Robert W. Jack, Thomas R. Keiser, James R. Kung, Steven C. Meyer, Joseph F. Meyer, Joseph F. Montgomery, Melanie Paul, Larry D. Pint, Bruce A. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shoemaker, Lewis E. Smith, Gaylord D.. Sponseller, David L. Stein, Arthur A. Tillack, Donald J. Tossey, Brett M. Toussaint, Patrick Vormelker, Philip R. Whitcraft, Paul K. Whitlow, Scott TEG 184X Abayarathna, Dharma Adedeme, Edward Adeleke, Adeyinka Agarwala, Vinod S. Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Asperger, Robert G. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Barjasteh, Laleh Bartos, Milan Behling, Gabriel S. Bhattacharya, Ananya Birketveit, Oeystein Birla, Sunil K. Boffardi, Bennett P. Brisard, Thierry Britton, Colin F. Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Castillo, Raul A. Chukwu, Charles O. Comas, Jose M. Cotton, Irvin J. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Davies, Michael Dean, Sheldon Donham, James E. Dromgoole, J. C. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duke, Dan Ebiogwu, Chika A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Evans, Sarah Fang, Haitao Farley, Reggis Farmerie, John J. Farthing, Scott Frank-Chukwuani, George Freedman, Arthur J. Garfias, Luis F. Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez, Nestor G. Goodson, James E. Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Gubner, Rolf Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Hartwick, Darrell Hasanov, Rovshan Hausler, Rudolf H. Henderson, A. James Herbert, Paige A. Hillis, David J. Hinrichsen, Charles J. Hollander, Orin Hornsby, Frank Hu, Xinming Huang, Jin Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Illson, Tim F. Ion, Aurelian Jackson (Moore), Jennifer Jenkins, Alyn 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 94 Committee Rosters Jenkins, Timothy R. Jhaveri, Tushar Joosten, Michael W. Jordan, Lee C. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kashmiri, Ray Keiser, James R. Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Labine, Paul Li, Yanxu Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Micheletti, Wayne C. Mihelic, Joseph Miksic, Boris A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Morales, Jerry Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nyborg, Rolf Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Okullo, Pele Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Pifer, Montgomery A. Place, Trevor Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Ramasamy, Sivasankaran Rettman, Will Schubert, Roy W. Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Selby, K. Anthony Seton, J. A. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shi, Xianming Silverman, David C. Simison, Silvia N. Singh, Devinder Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Suarez, Heider A. Sun, Wei Tajallipour, Nima Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tebbal, Saadedine Thakur, Ajit K. Thill, Dallas T. Toleti, Subba Rao Valdes, Alberto Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin Wang, Qiwei Winning, Ian G. Wyman, Donald P. Yang, Bo Young, Paul R. Zhang, Yingrui Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 185X Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Behling, Gabriel S. Bennett, George W. Campbell, Craig F. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cordova, Matthew J. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eden, Dawn C. Ellor, James A. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Fortin, Joel Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. Hanearin, Sally S. He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Hu, Xinming Hwang, Hyun Sik Javaherdashti, Reza Jenkins, Timothy R. Kim, Jong J. Koch, Gerhardus H. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Lara, Jose Leary, Rob Lewis, Ronald E. Li, SeonYeob Li, Yanxu Lian, Tiangan Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Merwin, Mark Nasim, Farukh Okulaja, Samuel Osula, Agape O. Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Payer, Joe H. Redmond, Keith W. Riccardella, Scott Rice, Scott Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Mohan S. Shekher, Shashank Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Kendall D. Srivastava, Vikalp Surnam, B.Y.R. Tajallipour, Nima Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Tems, Robin D. 95 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Todd, John Q. Ugbo, Francis. O. Valenti, Richard D. Virmani, Paul Yee, Michael Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 186X Afshari, Vahid Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Allen, Jonathan Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Anand, Tanmay Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Arensman, Susan K. Arshi, Mohammad M. Asher, Stefanie L. Ashida, Yugo Ashokkumar, Srinivas Baucom, Sheri Been, Jenny Bhattacharya, Ananya Billingham, Michael Billings, Robert M. Birla, Sunil K. Blatz, Norm Blessman, Edward R. Bond, Stuart Caceres, Moraima Carnes, Dean Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cassagne, Thierry Castaneda Lopez, Homero C. Chandler, Norma L. Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Coles, Michael Cotoron, Vincent N. Coull, Zoe Couron, Bruce Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Robert B. Dean, Sheldon Debruyn, Hendrik J. Devine, Thomas Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Divi, Suresh C. Eliaz, Noam El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Ferguson, Joel Firth, Grant G. Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Gordon, Barry M. Goswami, Pradip Han, Bing Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. He, Xihua Herbert, Paige A. Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Huffman, Joel E. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ikeda, Brian M. Jack, Thomas R. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Timothy R. Jones, Steve P. Joshi, Chirag Kane, Russell D. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Amit Kumar, Vibhas Labuda, Ewa Le Manchet, Sandra Lian, Tiangan Lin, Huang Lu, Hong Mahajanam, Sudhakar P. Mankar, Deepak Mesquita, Thiago J. Mintz, Todd Mishra, Ajit K. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Murdock, David C. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh O’Dowd, J. Kevin Orie, Kenneth Palaniyandi, Velu Perdomo, Jorge J. Piazza, Mark Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Rebak, Raul B. Rettman, Will Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Salot, William J. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Scully, John R. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, William J. Shick, Jerry Shinde, Vipul C. Shipilov, Sergei A. Sievert, Timothy Singh, Preet M. Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Snodgrass, John S. Song, Fengmei Sridhar, Narasi Staehle, Roger W. Stein, Arthur A. Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fei Tebbal, Saadedine Toussaint, Patrick Turbeville, Elliott Twigg, David M. Valdes, Alberto Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Venkatesh, Anand Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Wales, Kevin S. Wang, Hongbin Wang, Sheng-Hui Weeks, Daniel J. Wolters, Roy Zhang, Lei Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 187X Adedeme, Edward Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahluwalia, Hira S. Alabbas, Faisal M. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Matthew Allison, Peter W. Almahamedh, Hussain H. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Amend, Bill Andrade, Cynthia A. Ansari, Mahmood A. Arensman, Susan K. Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Attal, Tawfiq Attarchi, Amir Barjasteh, Laleh Batmanghelich, Farhad Beasley, Lindsey Bensman, Lynsay Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bingman, Ernest R. Birketveit, Oeystein Boffardi, Bennett P. Boivin, Joseph W. Borenstein, Susan W. Bowers, David F. Bowman, Karen M. Bradshaw, Jason Britton, Colin F. Burger, Edward D. Bushman, James B. Buswell, Debbie Carlile, Allen L. Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Shaosong Chen, Yingzi Choo, Boon Leong Chukwu, Charles O. Cignatta, John V. Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Cookingham, Bruce A. Cotoron, Vincent N. Cotton, Irvin J. Couron, Bruce Curry, Larry J. Davies, Michael Davis, Robert B. de Romero, Matilde Dexter, Stephen C. Doble, Olaf Donham, James E. Doran, Jamie L. Dromgoole, J. C. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eckert, Richard B. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Committee Rosters Fairchild, James P. Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Fransted, Martin Freedman, Arthur J. Fu, Bob Fultineer, Roy Garrity, Kevin C. Geissler, Brett Ghosh, Goutam Gonser, Michael A. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Goswami, Pradip Grauman, Jim S. Griffin, Jerome W. Gu, Tingyue Gupta, D. V. Satyanarayana Haddon, Stephen P. Hall, Gary R. Hampson, Mark Harris, Jennifer L. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hartland, Per Hartwick, Darrell Hasanov, Rovshan Hays, George F. He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Hilton, Mark D. Hoffmann, Richard A. Holm, Michael Hornemann, Jennifer Ann Hornsby, Frank Howard, Dennis R. Huffman, Joel E. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Jack, Thomas R. Javaherdashti, Reza Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Jenneman, Gary E. Jensen, Birit Buhr Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kain, Robert M. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Khan, Anwer A. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Klechka, Ernest W. Kostrivas, Tasos Kostuck, Derek A. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Vibhas Kustova, Vera Kvochak, John J. Labine, Paul Law, Timothy Lee, Jason S. Lee, Kelly A. Lewis, Brad Lewis, Richard O. Lewis, Ronald E. Li, SeonYeob Licina, George J. Little, Brenda J. Lucas, William Steven Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Maligas, Manuel N. Mankar, Deepak Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mari, Eduardo Martinez Niembro, Antonio Micheletti, Wayne C. Mohammad, Abdul H. Molai, Munosi Moll, Richard D. Morales, Ivan Moreno, Mario A. Morgan, David J. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Murphy, Robert Murray, Doug Nair, Ajiv M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nikolakakos, Steve Nilsen, Glen P. O’Donnell, David Ogles, Dora Okulaja, Samuel Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Palanivel, B. Palaniyandi, Velu Panchal, Pankaj D. Papavinasam, Sankara Perkins, Allan J. Perry, Laurie S. Phelps, Brent W. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Posgay, Ray G. Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Ratts, Charles J. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Reitz, Wayne Rettman, Will Saldanha, Brian J. Schnepf, Matthew Schulz, J H. Seagraves, Sam Selby, K. Anthony Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Shi, Xianming Shore, John G. Sievert, Timothy Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Sridhar, Narasi Stamps, Peter D. Stein, Arthur A. Swamy, Gomatham V. Takahashi, Kuniyuki Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tatnall, Bob Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Thomas, Lesley A. Tihen, Joshua C. Toleti, Subba Rao Twigg, David M. Ugbo, Francis. O. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vestre, Helge I. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wales, Kevin S. Wang, Qiwei Whalen, Patrick A. Wilds, Neil Williams, Terry M. Winston, Daniel K. Winters, Robert H. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wrangham, Jodi B. Wunch, Kenneth Wyman, Donald P. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Xiangyang Zintel, Timothy P. TEG 188X Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Mahrous, Abdulla I. Andrews, Weston B. Bego, Mauricio Bowry, Earl V. Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Casey, Gregory Charlton, Robert S. Dobosz, Lester M. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eun, Thomas J. Evans, Sarah Farmerie, John J. Frenier, Wayne W. Ghosh, Goutam Hanearin, Sally S. Horvath, Jack W. Ignacz, Thomas Jevec, John M. Jhaveri, Tushar Johnson, Doug Krishnaswamy, Raj Kvochak, John J. McCartney, Tom Murtagh, Eunice Osula, Agape O. Schnepf, Matthew Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Weaver, Carl E. Wood, Stephen P. TEG 189X Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Agarwala, Vinod S. Ahmed, Rehan Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Amer, Mohamed Andrews, Weston B. Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Baboian, Robert Baessler, Ralph Bag, Asim Beasley, Lindsey Berke, Neal S. Bingman, Ernest R. Brandt, James A. Butler, Robert P. Carroll, Richard Chandran, Thines Kumar Charlton, Robert S. Chen, Yingzi Cluytmans, Jurgen Couron, Bruce Covino Jr, Bernard S. Cox, John A. Curry, Larry J. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Kenneth E. Dean, Sheldon Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhoot, Sunil M. Donald, William M. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eid, Omar A. Eun, Thomas J. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fairchild, James P. Flynn, Steven Frank-Chukwuani, George Friedersdorf, Fritz J. Gonzalez, Nestor G. Gordon, Barry M. Granata, Richard D. Griffin, Jerome W. Habiby, Fakhruddin Hartland, Per Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Herbert, Robert W. Hevle, Andrew G. Holcomb, Gordon R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ion, Aurelian Jayakumar, Natarajan Jayawardena, George Marlon Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jones, Steve P. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Vibhas Langill, Thomas J. Lara, Jose Law, Timothy Lin, Huang Lucas, William Steven Lunde, John O. Mandeno, William L. Mankar, Deepak Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mason, Robert B. Mintz, Todd Mohammad, Abdul H. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nagel Soepenberg, E. Nasim, Farukh Osula, Agape O. Palanivel, B. Palaniyandi, Velu Perkins, Allan J. Phillander, Dennis Posgay, Ray G. Presuel-Moreno, Francisco J. Puckett, Jimmy J. Ramnath, Rajesh Rao, Ashish Ravi, Vilupanur A. Rice, Pat Rice, Scott Ruiz Rico, Juan C. Sanchez, Sandra I. Sandy, Paul Schow, Boyd L. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shinde, Vipul C. Shobe, Jim M. Sievert, Timothy Singh, Devinder Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Kendall D. Spencer, Stacey M. Surnam, B.Y.R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wasick, Bruce Wei, Feng-I Wetzel, Edwin Wilds, Neil Williams, Michael R. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wyman, Donald P. Zelinka, Samuel L. Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 191X Ahluwalia, Hira S. Al-Beed, Ali A. Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Cory A. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Andrews, Weston B. Bayer, Richard F. Bowditch, Steve Britton, Stephanie Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Cowley, Terry W. Davis, Robert H. Delahunt, John F. Ely, John D. Eun, Thomas J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Fernandes, Elson G. Fernandez, Carlos E. Fortin, Joel Frank-Chukwuani, George Funderburg, Isaac M. Gates, Joseph J. Ghosh, Goutam Hall, Gary R. Han, Bing Heidinger, Richard Herbert, Robert W. Hurst, Lindell R. Janoff, Dwight Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Timothy R. Johnson, Jana Johnson, Thomas Jones, Steve P. Kelley, Don H. Khalil, Hesham A. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 96 Committee Rosters Mangalmurti, Amol Mohammad, Abdul H. Mohammadian, Ali Moon, Soon W. Okulaja, Samuel Osborne, Christine Osman, Mohamed H. Reid, Craig Rettew, Robert E. Savino, Vincenzo Schilling, Mark S. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sieve, Ken Singh, Virendra Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Spoo, Kevin Stein, Arthur A. Stevens, Michael G. Surnam, B.Y.R. Tajallipour, Nima Taraborelli, Richard Thomas, Todd A. Townsend, Kira K. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, George Wolfrey, Austin Yee, Michael Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 192X A. Muftah, Mohamed Abani, Agha U. Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Ahmed, Rehan Alfieri, Louis D. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Aluko, Olumide O. Andrews, Weston B. Baron, John J. Barouky, Fikry F. Bennett, George W. Bergman, Brent Bianchetti, Ronald L. Bowry, Earl V. Britton, Colin F. Bryant, Dennis M. Caceres, Moraima Campbell, Craig F. Campbell, Doug Carroll, Richard Cavallo, Jon R. Chukwu, Charles O. Chustz, Keith Conner, Cris K. Cotoron, Vincent N. DesNoyer, David A. Dewitt, Jerry A. Diraz, Tolga Donham, James E. Drisko, Richard W. Dudick, Thomas M. Eid, Omar A. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Faridi, Noman K. Flynn, Steven Frank, Lou Frank-Chukwuani, George Georgousis, Demetrios Hartland, Per Hassan, Mahmoud H. Helle, Henk P. Hevle, Andrew G. Hopfe, Christopher A. Ippoliti, Anthony D. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Timothy R. Johnson, E.J. Khalil, Hesham A. Klechka, Ernest W. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Laborde, Tim Landry, Ray A. Leonard, Brad A. Liu, Guochao Luder, Daniel Lund, Theodore W. Lynch, Michael B. Lynch, Timothy P. MacKay, Laurie F. MacKinnon, Arthur MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mandeno, William L. Manuel, Anthony T. Mason, Anthony McAfee, Clyde A. Merwin, Mark Mintz, Todd Moore, Douglas P. Morrisette, Calvin Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Newell, Trevor Nnadi, Valentine C. Norsworthy, Richard Oluwadunsin, Ajayi O’Malley, Cindy Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Pelaez, Ramon E. Perkins, Cathey L. Phillander, Dennis Poncio, Steve Ray, Brent D. Rettman, Will Rice, Scott Rider, Bill Ruffin, Maurice D. Sanchez, Sandra I. Schow, Boyd L. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sievert, Timothy Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Sober, Michael J. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Speed, Charles F. Strong, John Sumbry, Louis C. Tator, Ken Todd, John Q. Traughber, Tim S. Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Waditwar, Prajkta R. Waldorf, John H. Zand, Robert H. Zurbuchen, Steve TEG 197X 97 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Ahmad, Tauqueer Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Chukwu, Charles O. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Derdemezis, Spyros S. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Ell, Stuart J. Elneihoum, Adel Flessas, James D. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Hemerlein, Frank G. Huijun, Li Husock, Bernard Javed, Bashir Kadirvelu, Manikandan Khosravi, Javad Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Kustova, Vera Lakshmanan, Karthikeyan Lawson, Kurt M. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mafat, HusenShabbir A. McCoy, Dan Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nikolakakos, Steve Nnadi, Valentine C. Panchal, Pankaj D. Rahim, Renish Rowan, James S. Russell, William B. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Slater, Gary L. Srivastava, Vikalp Swincicki, Dominic A. Tabib, Youssef A. Tarlton, Michael Thakur, Ajit K. Tremolada, Simone Valenti, Richard D. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wales, Kevin S. Williams, Thomas B. Zeleznak, David F. TEG 201X Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Afshari, Vahid Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allison, Peter W. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Anand, Tanmay Bailey, Bill M. Barjasteh, Laleh Bartos, Milan Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Bennett, George W. Billings, Robert M. Boivin, Joseph W. Bond, Stuart Bosen, Sidney F. Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Chiodini, Vittorio Choo, Boon Leong Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Crutchley, Michael C. Dasari, Sri Swaroop El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Fu, Bob Ganeson, Girisha Ghosh, Goutam Gough, Mark Haddon, Stephen P. Hassani, Shokrollah Hedges, Bill Heidersbach, Krista L. Hernandez, Sandra Hu, Xinming Hussain, Syed MT M. Illson, Tim F. Ion, Aurelian Jayakumar, Natarajan John, Gareth Jones, David N. Jones, Steve P. Jung, Hundal Kang, Cheolho A. Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvarekval, Jon Lee, Chee Hong Li, SeonYeob Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Lobo, Reginald Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Malone, Scott Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mendez, Conchita Mohammad, Abdul H. Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Nyborg, Rolf Obeyesekere, Nihal U. O’Donnell, David Oladoyin, Olabode Osman, Mohamed H. Palacios, Carlos A. Papavinasam, Sankara Perez, Teresa E. Pots, Bernardus F. Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Pursell, Michael Qiongwei, Li Radwan, Yasser M. Rahim, Essam H. Ramachandran, Sunder Sand, Keith W. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schmitt, Guenter Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sherik, Abdelmounam Shinde, Vipul C. Sincioco, Marvin H. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Sivertsen, Anne O. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Smith, Stephen N. Song, Fengmei Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Sridhar, Narasi Srinivasan, Sridhar Standlee, Sarah Sun, Wei Sun, Yuhua Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Toussaint, Patrick Valdes, Alberto Vatne, Jeff Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vyas, Sandeep H. Wang, Hongbin Wang, Shihuai Williams, Jamie Williamson, Alexander I. Winning, Ian G. Yang, Peter Zaman, Vibha TEG 202X Abayarathna, Dharma Aguirre, Fabio Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Allison, Peter W. Asperger, Robert G. Bag, Asim Barbin, David Bhat, Subrahmanya Billings, Robert M. Birketveit, Oeystein Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Choo, Boon Leong Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Robert H. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Ellison, Bart T. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Foster, Alan Frank-Chukwuani, George Fu, Bob Gough, Mark Guan, Hua Gunaltun, Yves Haddon, Stephen P. Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Hinrichsen, Charles J. Hu, Xinming Huang, Jin Committee Rosters Huijun, Li Ion, Aurelian Jackson (Moore), Jennifer Jenkins, Alyn Jones, David N. Kang, Cheolho A. Khalil, Hesham A. Li, Xiuqing Li, Yanxu Lin, Huang Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maligas, Manuel N. Malone, Scott Md Daud, Raudhatul Hafzan Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Mohammad, Abdul H. Monteiro, Othon R. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nnadi, Valentine C. Nyborg, Rolf Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Olabisi, Olagoke Osman, Mohamed H. Palacios, Carlos A. Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Schmitt, Guenter Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shirah, Dewayne Simsek Gokcesu, Ani Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Suarez, Heider A. Tang, Fei Toussaint, Patrick Valdes, Alberto Van Haver, Wim Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin Wang, Qiwei Williamson, Alexander I. Winning, Ian G. Wu, Jun Jim Xu, Likun TEG 205X Aboul Gheit, Mohammed K. Ahmed, Arabi S. Aiello, Carmelo Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Alley, David Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Arensman, Susan K. Armstrong, Glenn M. Asperger, Robert G. Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Bagdasarian, Ara J. Baguley, Roy B. Baker, Kirk C. Bego, Mauricio Bell, Graham E. Bennett, Christopher Bennett, George W. Benson, Richard A. Bereczky, Emil L. Birla, Sunil K. Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Blauvelt, Pieter N. Boffardi, Bennett P. Book, Allen D. Borenstein, Susan W. Bosen, Sidney F. Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brown, Jeff Brown, John C. Bruno, Ted Buchheim, Gerrit M. Burns, James F. Bush, Donald R. Cabral, Stephen Caceres, Moraima Cantwell, J. Edward Carlson, Duane Carroll, Richard Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Cayard, Michael S. Chakravarti, Bhaven Chaku, Pran N. Chapman, Daniel Chen, Yingzi Chen, Zhen Cheruvu, Sastry L. Chiang, Howard Chronister, Donald J. Clarida, Dannie Colwell, Richard L. Cooke, David L. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Courtney, Robert Coyle, William R. Craig, H. Lee Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Danis, Jerold I. Davidson, Eric Davies, Michael De Marco, Marco Dean, Frank Debruyn, Hendrik J. Decker, Shawn Dowluri, Raju Drake, Donald E. Dufour, James D. Duggan, George G. Dunn, Geoff Edmondson, James G. Eid, Omar A. Elliott, Peter Ely, John D. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Eun, Thomas J. Fahey, William F. Feather, James E. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fonseca, Carmen R. Foong, Calvin Y. Foong, John M. Fowler, Christopher M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frey, Carlos A. Fultz, Benjamin S. Funderburg, Isaac M. Gabetta, Giovanna Gallo, Glen M. Ganhao, Luis A. Ghosh, Goutam Giesbrecht, Walt Godara, Pankaj Goswami, Pradip Grauman, Jim S. Greene, Barry N. Griest, William J. Groysman, Alec Gutzeit, Joerg Gysbers, Andy C. Haddon, Mike Hadley, Harold W. Hahn, Ronald A. Hammill, Bill Hampton, David A. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Harston, John D. Hau, Jorge L. Helle, Henk P. Hendrix, David E. Hibner, Edward L. Hilton, Mark D. Hixson, Donald R. Hodgson, Brian A. Horne, Robert B. Horvath, Richard J. Hosoya, Keizo Höwing, Jonas Hu, Yang Huang, Ling Hunt, Larry W. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Fu Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Iyer, Santosh Jack, Brian L. Jacob, W. R. Jennings, Herbert S. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jordan, Dominic J. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kane, Russell D. Kastner, Ronald E. Kawano, Koji K. Kelly, William Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kirk, R S. Klinker, Eric Knaub, Timothy Koerner, Joe Konet, Ray Krantz, Bradley D. Labine, Paul Lack, Joel Lagad, Vishal Lara, Jose Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Lewis, Keith R. Li, Bingtao Li, Yanxu Lordo, Sam A. Loushin, Leslie L. Luke, Spencer Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. MacKinnon, Arthur MacNab, Adrian J. Madapura, Murthy S.P. Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Maguire, David P. Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Julio G. Malhotra, Vijay K. Maligas, Manuel N. Mancini, Joyce Mankar, Deepak Marden, Keneth M. Martens, Dennis H. Martin, Lawrence C. Mason, James F. Masten, Deric Mayorga-Baker, Anelsy McAlpin, Ronald L. McConnell, Marc D. McKinnon, Wes McLaury, Samuel T. McReynolds, Wana J. Mehler, Marvin R. Merrick, Robert D. Mihelic, Joseph Milleti, Tarek Milton, Douglas J. Mistry, Pinakin B. Mitchell, James S. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moore, David E. Moore, Karly Morales, Ivan Moriber, Norman J. Morris, P.J. Morselander, E H. Mucek, Mark W. Mukhopadhyay, Anit Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. Nasr, Adel B. Naylor, Edward R. Neill, William J. Nelson, Jeremy Niccolls, Edwin H. Nugent, Mike Olson, John I. Onishi, Keizo Orie, Kenneth Osman, Mohamed H. Paul, Larry D. Perdomo, Jorge J. Perkins, Allan J. Petersen, Philip R Phillips, Terrell Pillsbury, Daniel J. Poulassichidis, Tony Pun, Roger K. C. Pursell, Michael Quinter, Raymond C. Ragle, Homer V. Rak, Gene F. Ramachandran, Sunder Ramirez, Jose E. Ray, Brent D. Reeves, Tim Richards, Gregory R. Richert, John P. Richez, Martin F. Roberts, Lionel Roche, Marcel G. Rogers, Michael E. Roumeau, Xavier Rutkowski, Anthony J. Samsel, Roger Sarpong, Kwadwo O. Schmitt, Guenter Schramm, Michael T. Schubert, Roy W. Schulz, Clinton J. Scoppio, Lucrezia Seagraves, Sam Seffens, William E. Senatore, Marcelo Serter, Taner Setterlund, Richard B. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shargay, Cathleen A. Shaw, Barbara A. Sheikhi, Nasser Shick, Jerry Shoemaker, Lewis E. Sievert, Jim B. Sievert, Timothy Silverman, Michael Singh, Anil K. Singh, Virendra Siqueiros, Laureano Skogstad, Berit B. Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smeets, Nicholas A. Smith, Robert R. Sober, Michael J. Spence, Thomas C. Srinivasan, Sridhar Stankiewicz, Jessica Stein, Arthur A. Stray, James D. Strong, Rusty Suidgeest, Nick Suzuki, Teppei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Thill, Dallas T. Thompson, Richard M. Tiemens, Ben Tillack, Donald J. Tillis, William J. Toba, Kazuhiro Toussaint, Patrick Treasure, Greg Twigg, Ronald J. Ueda, Masakatsu Vasquez, Custodio Vatne, Jeff Veesart, Larry J. Vera, Jose R. Verdolin, Regina F. Vetters, Eric Vipat, Sunil V. Waid, George M. Waite, Scott Wang, Hongwei Watkins, William R. Watkinson, Charles J. Waytashek, Jeff Wen, Andy Westra, Jan White, Lawrence R. Whitlow, Scott Williams, Dana G. Williamson, Alexander I. Wilson, Timothy Winters, Michael A. Wodarcyk, John J. Wozniak, Christopher 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 98 Committee Rosters Wrobel, Sarah K. Yamamoto, Katsumi Yanes, Maria Jose Yao, Matthew X. Yoakam, Josh L. Zaman, Vibha Zand, Robert H. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Zhenghua TEG 206X Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Alley, David Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Anand, Tanmay Arensman, Susan K. Asperger, Robert G. Been, Jenny Bego, Mauricio Bell, Graham E. Bennett, George W. Birla, Sunil K. Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Borenstein, Susan W. Bosen, Sidney F. Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brown, Jeff Buchheim, Gerrit M. Burns, James F. Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Cayard, Michael S. Chapman, Daniel Chiang, Howard Cooke, David L. Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Craig, H. Lee Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Danis, Jerold I. Davies, Michael Decker, Shawn Duggan, George G. Elliott, Peter El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Feather, James E. Foong, John M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frey, Carlos A. Fultz, Benjamin S. Gallo, Glen M. Ghosh, Goutam Giesbrecht, Walt Goswami, Pradip Grauman, Jim S. Griest, William J. Gysbers, Andy C. Hadley, Harold W. Hahn, Ronald A. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Helle, Henk P. Hibner, Edward L. Hodgson, Brian A. Hosoya, Keizo Höwing, Jonas Hu, Xinming Hu, Yang Huang, Ling Hunt, Larry W. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ignacz, Thomas Jacob, W. R. Jennings, Herbert S. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kastner, Ronald E. Kawano, Koji K. Koerner, Joe Kunjapur, Madana M. Labine, Paul Lack, Joel Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Li, Yanxu Lordo, Sam A. Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Madapura, Murthy S.P. Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Marden, Keneth M. Martin, Lawrence C. Mason, James F. Masten, Deric McReynolds, Wana J. Mehler, Marvin R. Mihelic, Joseph Milleti, Tarek Milton, Douglas J. Mitchell, James S. Moore, Karly Morales, Ivan Moriber, Norman J. Mucek, Mark W. Mukhopadhyay, Anit Olson, John I. Palaniyandi, Velu Pankiw, Roman I. Paul, Larry D. Phillips, Terrell Pillsbury, Daniel J. Pursell, Michael Ramachandran, Sunder Ray, Brent D. Richards, Gregory R. Richez, Martin F. Roberts, Lionel Rogers, Michael E. Samadi, Omid N. Schmitt, Guenter Schultheis, Michael Scoppio, Lucrezia Seffens, William E. Senatore, Marcelo Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sheikhi, Nasser Sievert, Timothy Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Smeets, Nicholas A. Stankiewicz, Jessica Stein, Arthur A. Tan, Kar Wei Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Tillis, William J. Toba, Kazuhiro Toussaint, Patrick 99 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Treasure, Greg Ueda, Masakatsu Vatne, Jeff Vera, Jose R. Verdolin, Regina F. Vetters, Eric Vipat, Sunil V. Voke, Donald Waid, George M. Watkinson, Charles J. Waytashek, Jeff Wen, Andy Winters, Michael A. Wodarcyk, John J. Zaman, Vibha Zand, Robert H. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Zhenghua TEG 207X Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Alley, David Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Arensman, Susan K. Asperger, Robert G. Bell, Graham E. Birla, Sunil K. Borenstein, Susan W. Bringas, John E. Britton, Colin F. Brown, Jeff Burns, James F. Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Castillo, Marta Castillo, Raul A. Cayard, Michael S. Chiang, Howard Choo, Boon Leong Cotney, Clayton Randall Cotton, Irvin J. Craig, H. Lee Cruz, Czar Ivan T. Cunningham, Robert J. Danis, Jerold I. Davies, Michael De Marco, Marco Decker, Shawn Dowluri, Raju Duggan, George G. Edmondson, James G. Elliott, Peter Feather, James E. Foong, Calvin Y. Foong, John M. Frank-Chukwuani, George Frey, Carlos A. Fultz, Benjamin S. Gallo, Glen M. Ghosh, Goutam Giesbrecht, Walt Goswami, Pradip Grauman, Jim S. Griest, William J. Gysbers, Andy C. Hadley, Harold W. Hahn, Ronald A. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Helle, Henk P. Hibner, Edward L. Hodgson, Brian A. Höwing, Jonas Hu, Yang Huang, Ling Hunt, Larry W. Hwang, Hyun Sik Hwang, Ki Nam Ignacz, Thomas Jacob, W. R. Jennings, Herbert S. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kastner, Ronald E. Khalil, Hesham A. Labine, Paul Lara, Jose Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. Madapura, Murthy S.P. Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Mankar, Deepak Marden, Keneth M. Martin, Lawrence C. Mason, James F. McReynolds, Wana J. Mehler, Marvin R. Mihelic, Joseph Milleti, Tarek Milton, Douglas J. Moore, Karly Morales, Ivan Moriber, Norman J. Mucek, Mark W. OHarriz, Osmay Okulaja, Samuel Olson, John I. Orie, Kenneth Paul, Larry D. Phillips, Terrell Pillsbury, Daniel J. Pursell, Michael Ramachandran, Sunder Ray, Brent D. Reeves, Tim Richards, Gregory R. Richez, Martin F. Roberts, Lionel Rogers, Michael E. Samadi, Omid N. Samsel, Roger Schmitt, Guenter Schultheis, Michael Scoppio, Lucrezia Seffens, William E. Senatore, Marcelo Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sheikhi, Nasser Sievert, Timothy Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Srivastava, Vikalp Stein, Arthur A. Suidgeest, Nick Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Tillis, William J. Toba, Kazuhiro Toussaint, Patrick Treasure, Greg Ueda, Masakatsu Vatne, Jeff Vera, Jose R. Waid, George M. Watkinson, Charles J. Winters, Michael A. Yee, Michael Zand, Robert H. Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zhu, Zhenghua TEG 208X Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Adey, Robert A. Ansari, Mahmood A. Barouky, Fikry F. Berger, David Bi, WuXi Bingman, Ernest R. Bowdoin, Leon A. Brogger, Mark A. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cluytmans, Jurgen Craycraft, Joe Dakwar, Naim Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Donald, William M. Ell, Stuart J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. Hasanov, Rovshan Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. Hemerlein, Frank G. Hevle, Andrew G. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Humphreys, Raymond Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Keown, Robert A. Khalil, Hesham A. Klechka, Ernest W. Krissa, Len J. Landry-Bain, Jonathan Lee, Kelly A. Leonard, Brad A. Lunde, John O. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Martinez Niembro, Antonio Moriber, Norman J. Morris, Russell D. Nasim, Farukh Osman, Mohamed H. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Kevin T. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Rampton, Frank Raza, Liaquat M. Rearick, Lawrence E. Reschke, Chelsey L. Sabri, Hasan F. Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Schiflett, Aaron Schmidt, John T. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shore, John G. Sinclair, Paul W. Singh, Devinder Committee Rosters Skipper, Kyle A. Slater, Gary L. Smart, Jack Strong, John Tajallipour, Nima Tassone, Joseph Thakur, Ajit K. Varughese, Kuruvila Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vyas, Sandeep H. Wakelin, Rob Wales, Kevin S. Webb, T. R. Weber, Tom J. Whited, Tim Williams, Kimberly K. Williams, Thomas B. Willoughby, David A. Wooldridge, Rick D. Zhou, Zhongquan Zurbuchen, Steve TEG 213X Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Ashraf, Imran Behling, Gabriel S. Billings, Robert M. Birketveit, Oeystein Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chen, Yingzi Choo, Boon Leong Comas, Jose M. Combden, Glenn Dasari, Sri Swaroop Ebiogwu, Chika A. Efird, Killian D. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Faverola, Mario Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Gough, Mark Haddon, Stephen P. Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah He, David D. He, Xihua Helle, Henk P. Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Xinming Hwang, Hyun Sik Ion, Aurelian Jenkins, Alyn Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kang, Cheolho A. Keiser, James R. Khalil, Hesham A. Kim, Jong J. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvarekval, Jon Law, Timothy Lee, Kelly A. Li, Xiuqing Little, Brenda J. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Menendez, Carlos M. Moghissi, Oliver C. Mohamed, Kabir A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Nasim, Farukh Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nyborg, Rolf Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Palacios, Carlos A. Palanivel, B. Poulassichidis, Tony Ramachandran, Sunder Ravi, Vilupanur A. Richter, Sonja Rincon, Hernan Rybicki, Edmund F. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Standlee, Sarah Sun, Wei Tajallipour, Nima Tebbal, Saadedine Tharian, Joy Toussaint, Patrick Valdes, Alberto Vatne, Jeff Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Yongli TEG 224X Ashraf, Imran Bell, Graham E. Bhandari, Beirbal S. Blackwelder, Curtiss Brossia, Sean Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Davis, Robert B. Divi, Suresh C. Divine, James R. Durbin, Michael C. Eckert, Timothy Edgemon, Glenn L. Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Fallatah, Gasem M. Flynn, Steven Gordon, Barry M. Gordon, Gerald M. Goswami, Pradip He, Xihua Ikeda, Brian M. Ilevbare, Gabriel O. Ivy, Ted S. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jung, Hundal Kelley, Aaron Kelly, Richard Konys, Juergen Lian, Tiangan Licina, George J. Marquez, Linda E. Mayer, Peter McRae, Glenn McReynolds, Robert Mihelic, Joseph Mintz, Todd Morgan, David J. Mudali, Kamachi U. Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Piazza, Mark Rahoi, Dennis W. Rebak, Raul B. Ritter, Stefan Roberts, Richard D. Shan, Xi Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sridhar, Narasi Stein, Arthur A. Totsuka, Nobuo Valade, Rachel Valenti, Richard D. Vormelker, Philip R. Walters, William S. Wilson, Christian TEG 230X Avery, Richard E. Bosserman, Bayard E. Bowditch, Steve Brodar, John M. Carinci, Gary M. Carroll, Richard Coates, Gary E. Crum, James R. Davison, Ralph M. Dille, Eldon R. Fritz, James D. Gagnepain, Jean-Christophe C. Gallant, Robert F. Goswami, Pradip Grocki, John Grubb, John F. Hahn, Ronald A. Hall, Gary R. Hanearin, Sally S. Herbert, Paige A. Herbert, Robert W. Kinsman, Nicole Koch, Gerhardus H. MacNab, Adrian J. Milobowski, Michael Orie, Kenneth Paul, Larry D. Reid, Craig Richard, Ronald L. Salot, William J. Schulz, Zachary J. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shick, Jerry Shoemaker, Lewis E. Smallwood, Robert E. Tillack, Donald J. Tsai, Andrew F. TEG 232X Araya, Leonardo Bennett, George W. Bowditch, Steve Charlton, Robert S. Ell, Stuart J. Goswami, Pradip Hammill, Bill Hewitt, Kimberlee Kvochak, John J. Li, Bingtao Lykins, Michael Mishra, Ajit K. Murphy, Robert Noble, Catherine Rice, Scott Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Pankaj Smallwood, Robert E. TEG 239X Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Arensman, Susan K. Aslam, Sajid Barjasteh, Laleh Blazejewski, Arek Britton, Stephanie Bunaiyan, Hussain A. Caceres, Moraima Chen, Yingzi Coelho, Jorge Fernando P. Eisenman, Jeff El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Fernandez, Carlos E. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ganeson, Girisha Ghosh, Goutam Gupta, Abhishek Hutton, Leo Jayakumar, Natarajan Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Khalil, Hesham A. Khiani, Gobind Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. McDonald, David Mohammadian, Ali Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Okulaja, Samuel Osborne, Christine Patel, Naddir M. Prisco, Al Savino, Vincenzo Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sieve, Ken Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Spoo, Kevin Stevens, Michael G. Swamy, Gomatham V. Taraborelli, Richard Thomas, Todd A. Townsend, Kira K. Yee, Michael Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 253X Abayarathna, Dharma Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Ansari, Mahmood A. Asperger, Robert G. Barjasteh, Laleh Bartos, Milan Behling, Gabriel S. Bhattacharya, Ananya Birketveit, Oeystein Boivin, Joseph W. Carroll, Richard Comas, Jose M. De Reus, Han Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duke, Dan Ellison, Bart T. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. Haddon, Stephen P. Hanearin, Sally S. Hassani, Shokrollah Hausler, Rudolf H. Hornsby, Frank Huang, Jin Illson, Tim F. Ion, Aurelian Jackson (Moore), Jennifer Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Alyn Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kang, Cheolho A. Khalil, Hesham A. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvarekval, Jon Li, Xiuqing Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Malone, Scott Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moloney, Jeremy Murty, Anthony J. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nesic, Srdjan Nyborg, Rolf Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Papavinasam, Sankara Perez, Teresa E. Powell, Daniel E. Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schmitt, Guenter Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Standlee, Sarah Suarez, Heider A. Tebbal, Saadedine Tems, Robin D. Tihen, Joshua C. Tomoe, Yasuyoshi Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 100 Committee Rosters Winning, Ian G. Zhang, Liangzhe TEG 255X Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahmed, Rehan Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Aluko, Olumide O. Ashraf, Imran Baessler, Ralph Barouky, Fikry F. Bennett, George W. Blohm, Grant Bowry, Earl V. Brattas, Leif Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Chang, Benjamin T. Chen, Yingzi Chui, Wai Chiu Chustz, Keith Cookingham, Bruce A. Coronado, Kat Costa, Jorge E. Couron, Bruce Cunningham, Tony Curry, Larry J. Deng, Liu-na Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Faridi, Noman K. Farthing, Scott Ficca, Mark Fonseca, Carmen R. Frank-Chukwuani, George Ghosh, Debashis Ghosh, Goutam Goulette, William D. Groff, Greg Halliday, Marie C. Hammill, Bill Hwang, Hyun Sik Iyer, Santosh Jayakumar, Natarajan Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jones, Steve P. Kelly, Richard Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Li, Bingtao Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew MacKay, Laurie F. MacKinnon, Arthur Maddela, Surender Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Mandeno, William L. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Martinez, Pedro S. Mason, Anthony Mason, Robert B. Mathiesen, Troels MeLampy, Michael Mintz, Todd Mitschke, Howard Morrisette, Calvin Nagappan, Manikandan Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nnadi, Valentine C. Osman, Mohamed H. Pariseau, John L. Perdomo, Jorge J. Poncio, Steve Posgay, Ray G. Rabon, Kyle Ramey, Scott M. Ray, Brent D. Rettman, Will Rice, Michael Rice, Scott Samadi, Omid N. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shaw, David Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Surkein, Michael B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tang, Fei Tinnea, Ryan J. Trindade, Joventino A. Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wass, Blaine Weber, James White, Billy Wilds, Neil Winnik, Stefan Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 262X Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Adeleke, Adeyinka Adey, Robert A. Allebach, Carl L. Allen, Robert F. Ansari, Mahmood A. Barreto, Eduardo C. Bi, WuXi Bingman, Ernest R. Boswell, Keith B. Bowdoin, Leon A. Brockman, Michael A. Brown, David J. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chen, Shaosong Chui, Wai Chiu Claassen, Dale E. Cone, Ernest A. Cordova, Matthew J. Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Delisle, Maurice Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Donald, William M. Drake, Donald E. Ell, Stuart J. Elneihoum, Adel El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Ferguson, W. H. (Butch) Fore, Toby S. Forgo, Laszlo Frank-Chukwuani, George Gilroy, Douglas E. Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. 101 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Gupta, Girish Halliday, Marie C. Hancock, Michael P. Heishman, Patricia A. Hevle, Andrew G. Hodge, Randy Holton, Gerald G. Humphreys, Raymond Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Birit Buhr Kadirvelu, Manikandan Keown, Robert A. Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Klechka, Ernest W. Knowles, Dustin Krissa, Len J. Kulkarni, Anand V. Kustova, Vera Langelund, Eric Lawrence, Charles F. Layne, Paul A. Liu, Guo Lowry, William Lunde, John O. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Matlas, Matt Maynard, Matt McFarland, Kelly Michel, James H. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moriber, Norman J. Moritz, Jason Morris, Russell D. Murray, Neal S. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nicholson, John P. Niebling, Robert C. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ortamond, Kenny J. Osman, Mohamed H. Packard, Keith A. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Gord Phillander, Dennis Pikas, Joseph Puckett, Jimmy J. Rahim, Renish Rozhkov, Alexander A. Russell, William B. Sakai, Todd Schultheis, Michael Scott, Kevin P. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shelton, John A. Shore, John G. Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Slater, Gary L. Smith, Alan B. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tabib, Youssef A. Tatum, Larry L. Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Vail, Robert S. Valenti, Richard D. Vasquez, Jorge E. Wales, Kevin S. Walton, Jim Warner, James F. Webb, T. R. Weibl, Daniel C. Whittaker, William Williams, Michael R. Williams, Thomas B. Willoughby, David A. Winston, Daniel K. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wroe, Stephen P. TEG 267X Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adedeme, Edward Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Alexander, Tom Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Aluko, Olumide O. Amer, Mohamed Ansari, Mahmood A. Arowolo, Ifeoluwa A. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashokkumar, Srinivas Asperger, Robert G. Aswell, Charles R. Barjasteh, Laleh Barouky, Fikry F. Barreto, Mauro C. Baucom, Sheri Bensman, Lynsay Bhatia, Arti Bi, WuXi Billings, Robert M. Bingman, Ernest R. Blackwelder, Curtiss Bodington, Andy Boivin, Joseph W. Borenstein, Susan W. Bowdoin, Leon A. Brown, William H. Burgess, Brian W. Buswell, Debbie Carlile, Allen L. Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Castillo, Marta Chahar, Satendra S. Choate, Dan L. Chukwu, Charles O. Corsiglia, Frederic A. Couron, Bruce Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dash, Lawrence C. de las Casas, Rogelio F. Desjardins, Guy Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Dubey, Arwind Kumar Dupuis, Bruce Eaton, Guy F. Egan, Frank J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Emerson, Thomas D. Fagade, Caleb O. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Faverola, Mario Feng, Qingshan Flessas, James D. Fore, Toby S. Frank-Chukwuani, George Galbraith, Joseph M. Ghosh, Goutam Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Guy, Paul Haines, Harvey Hancock, Michael P. Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Hinkson, Dezra Holland, Ed Holton, Gerald G. Hu, Xinming Hu, Yang Huang, David Humphreys, Raymond Hunt, Larry W. Hwang, Hyun Sik Igwe, Philip C. Janda, Dennis C. Jayawardena, George Marlon Jenkins, Timothy R. Johnson, Joshua T. Jones, Steve P. Jordan, Dominic J. Kelley, Aaron Khalil, Hesham A. Klechka, Ernest W. Kostrivas, Tasos Krissa, Len J. Lamontagne, Marc Lee, Kelly A. Leewis, Keith G. Leonard, Brad A. Liening, Eugene L. Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Martinez Niembro, Antonio Matthias, Austina McIntyre, Dale R. Melan, Bryan P. Mihas, Michael A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moreno, Pamela J. Moritz, Jason Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moss, Christopher J. Muhajirin, Isya Nasim, Farukh Nickle, Randy Nnadi, Valentine C. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Okulaja, Samuel Osman, Mohamed H. Osula, Agape O. Panchal, Pankaj D. Phillander, Dennis Phillips, Martin Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Poulassichidis, Tony Rahim, Renish Rao, Manohar Redmond, Keith W. Rehman, Tanveer Reschke, Chelsey L. Roberts, Fred A. Committee Rosters Roberts, Richard D. Samadi, Omid N. Samsel, Roger Sanchez, Sandra I. Schultheis, Michael Scott, Kevin P. Serter, Taner Shamgar, Amit Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shelton, John A. Simek, James Sincioco, Marvin H. Sinclair, Paul W. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Solis, Francisco Somani, Anis Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Stamps, Peter D. Stewart, Casey Strong, Rusty Sun, Wei Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Uzelac, Neb I. Vieth, Patrick H. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vyvoda, Sarah J. Wang, Hongbin Webb, T. R. Williams, Michael R. Williamson, Richard B. Wint, David Zaman, Vibha Zurbuchen, Steve TEG 270X Ahmed, Arabi S. Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Al-Ghamdi, Sami M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Baker, Brian A. Bennett, Christopher Bereczky, Emil L. Britton, Stephanie Caceres, Moraima Cefalu, Shawn Chaku, Pran N. Chiang, Howard Davies, Michael De Marco, Marco Dean, Sheldon Debruyn, Hendrik J. Decker, Shawn Deodeshmukh, Vinay Eun, Thomas J. Funderburg, Isaac M. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Grandinetti, Dominic S. Hampton, David A. Herbert, Robert W. Houben, John J. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Fu Hwang, Hyun Sik Jaske, Carl E. Jones, Richard T. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Kastner, Ronald E. Kawano, Koji K. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kirk, R S. Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Lee, Jinhee Li, Bingtao Li, Xiuqing Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mistry, Pinakin B. Nugent, Mike Pankiw, Roman I. Penso, Jorge A. Perdomo, Jorge J. Phillips, Alan F. Pursell, Michael Rakhe, Ashok H. Richez, Martin F. Roberts, Richard D. Samsel, Roger Scribner, Lyman A. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Tillack, Donald J. Toussaint, Patrick Voke, Donald Watkins, William R. Xu, Kang Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 282X Abayarathna, Dharma Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allison, Peter W. Almahamedh, Hussain H. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Al-Waranbi, Maslat S. Anand, Tanmay Asperger, Robert G. Badal, Albert Bag, Asim Baker, Kirk C. Barjasteh, Laleh Bartos, Milan Bauman, Jerry Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Bennett, George W. Bhat, Subrahmanya Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Billingham, Michael Billings, Robert M. Birketveit, Oeystein Boivin, Joseph W. Bond, Stuart Bosen, Sidney F. Bringas, John E. Brown, Bruce N. Bucheeri, Mahmood Caceres, Moraima Carnes, Dean Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chiang, Howard Choo, Boon Leong Coronado, Eva M. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davies, Michael Dean, Frank Dougherty, James A. Egan, Frank J. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Faverola, Mario Felton, Peter Fonseca, Carmen R. Funderburg, Isaac M. Ganhao, Luis A. Gennaro, Maria Elena Ghanbaripour, Ali Ghosh, Goutam Goerz, Kevin Gonzalez, Manuel A. Goodfellow, Raymond B. Goswami, Pradip Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Gunaltun, Yves Hassani, Shokrollah Hay, Neil S. Heidersbach, Krista L. Helle, Henk P. Hornsby, Frank Hu, Xinming Iannuzzi, Mariano Ion, Aurelian Jack, Thomas R. Jackson, Mark Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Johnsen, Roy Johnson, Jana Jones, Stanley B. Jones, Steve P. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Jung, Hundal Kermad, Abdelhak Kermani, Bijan Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Kopliku, Ardjan Kovacs, Ken Kumar, Vibhas Kvarekval, Jon Landry, Ray A. Le Manchet, Sandra Lee, Chee Hong Lee, Jinhee Lerbscher, John Lin, Huang Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Lyublinski, Efim Y. Maldonado, Julio G. Malone, Scott McFarland, Sam McKeen, Laurence W. Melvin, Budd Mendez, Conchita Menendez, Carlos M. Mohammad, Abdul H. Morales, Ivan Moshaweh, Abdulaziz Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Murray, Gregory B. Naraghi, Ali R Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Nyborg, Rolf Obasi, Netochukwu C. Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Oliphant, Scott J. Palacios, Carlos A. Papavinasam, Sankara Paula, Leandro J. Place, Trevor Poulassichidis, Tony Powell, Daniel E. Pursell, Michael Radwan, Yasser M. Ramachandran, Sunder Rupert, Jon C. Safarzadeh, Maryam Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shinde, Vipul C. Sidky, Paulette S. Singh, Virendra Sizov, Vladimir E. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Ali Smith, Stephen N. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Standlee, Sarah Stewart, Sean Suarez, Heider A. Suidgeest, Nick Sun, Hejian Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tharian, Joy Thomas, Jason Tihen, Joshua C. Toussaint, Patrick Turbeville, Elliott Valdes, Alberto Vatne, Jeff Wang, Hongbin Williams, Jamie Williamson, Alexander I. Winning, Ian G. Wolters, Roy Yang, Lietai Yao, Matthew X. Zhang, Lei Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 286X Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allison, Peter W. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Andrade, Cynthia A. Asperger, Robert G. Badal, Albert Bag, Asim Batmanghelich, Farhad Behling, Gabriel S. Birketveit, Oeystein Burger, Edward D. Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Cookingham, Bruce A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Eun, Thomas J. Farthing, Scott Fonseca, Carmen R. Ganeson, Girisha Geissler, Brett Ghosh, Goutam Gonser, Michael A. Goswami, Pradip Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Haddon, Stephen P. Hanearin, Sally S. Harris, Jennifer L. Helle, Henk P. Hernandez, Sandra Hornemann, Jennifer Ann Jack, Thomas R. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Jenneman, Gary E. Jones, Steve P. Keasler, Vic Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Landry, Ray A. Larsen, Jan Lee, Jason S. Li, SeonYeob Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Malone, Scott Mari, Eduardo McIlwaine, Douglas Mohammad, Abdul H. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Nikam, Vaibhav V. Nilsen, Glen P. Obasi, Netochukwu C. Ogles, Dora OHarriz, Osmay Pakalapati, Raju Porat, Iris Poulassichidis, Tony Radwan, Yasser M. Schultheis, Michael Seagraves, Sam Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sidky, Paulette S. Skovhus, Torben Lund Smallwood, Robert E. Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Suarez, Heider A. Sun, Wei Taylor, Britney Tebbal, Saadedine Tihen, Joshua C. Trifaley, Heramb R. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin Wang, Qiwei Whalen, Patrick A. Williams, Terry M. Winning, Ian G. Wrangham, Jodi B. Wunch, Kenneth Zhou, Geoffrey C. Zintel, Timothy P. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 102 Committee Rosters TEG 288X Brandon, Joseph H. Chustz, Keith Draper, Russell Fite, William J. Gibbons, Thomas D. Hack, Harvey P. Halliday, Marie C. Jayakumar, Natarajan Johnson, James R. Rice, Scott Urtecho Tamayo, Antonio F. Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. TEG 291X Bacso, Dennis S. Beamish, David Betti, Mariassunta Black, Norman Campbell, Craig F. Campbell, Ken Carter, Randy Clayton, David B. Gorinsky, Luke Molnar, James R. Naylor, Edward R. Procopio, Leo Randstrom, Sara Schaffer, Timothy C. TEG 292X Abayarathna, Dharma Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adams, David B. Adedeme, Edward Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Allen, Matthew Amend, Bill Ames, Michael Ansari, Mahmood A. Araya, Leonardo Ashraf, Imran Bacso, Dennis S. Baessler, Ralph Barreto, Eduardo C. Barreto, Mauro C. Been, Jenny Bensman, Lynsay Berger, David Bi, WuXi Biagiotti, Steve F. Bingman, Ernest R. Bond, Stuart Borenstein, Susan W. Boswell, Keith B. Bowman, Karen M. Brogger, Mark A. Caceres, Moraima Campbell, Ken Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Case, Ray Castillo, Marta Cathey, Brent D. Clark, Mark Cookingham, Bruce A. Cordova, Matthew J. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Crutchley, Michael C. Dakwar, Naim Dalchuk, Vincent G. Dam, A. M. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, Kenneth E. de las Casas, Rogelio F. Decker, Stephanie Dewitt, Jerry A. Didas, Jeffrey L. Dunn, Roger F. Dupuis, Bruce Earnest, Donnie Egbert, Thomas E. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Engh, David Mac Estenssoro, Ramiro Fang, Bingyan Faridi, Noman K. Farthing, Scott Fassett, Robert Firth, Grant G. Fogel, Joseph F. Fore, Toby S. Garrity, Kevin C. Ghosh, Goutam Gibb, Thomas C. Gillespie, Greg Glenn, Donald L. Gogu, Chandrasekhar Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Guinn, George L. Gupta, Girish Haines, Harvey Hancock, Michael P. Harris, Kimberly-Joy He, David D. Heishman, Patricia A. Hemerlein, Frank G. Hevle, Andrew G. Hilton, Mark D. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Holton, Gerald G. Holzmann, Mary Humphreys, Raymond Hussain, Syed MT M. Jayawardena, George Marlon Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Timothy R. John, Gareth Johnson, Joshua T. Jones, Steve P. Joseph, Daniel J. Jung, Hundal Keown, Robert A. Klechka, Ernest W. Klementis, Jennifer Knowles, Dustin Kostrivas, Tasos Kowalski, Angel R. Kroon, David H. Kumar, Vibhas Lagad, Vishal Lauber, Mark D. Law, Timothy Lawson, Kurt M. Layne, Paul A. Lee, Kelly A. Leewis, Keith G. Legg, Christopher L. Leonard, Brad A. Linville, Mark E. Lopez Garrity, Aida Lowry, William 103 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Lunde, John O. Marr, James Marshall, William F. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Matlas, Matt Matocha, Garry M. Mayfield, Donald R. McDonald, Keith D. McGrath, Michael J McQuilling, David Mikish, Gary E. Miller, Kate Moriber, Norman J. Moritz, Jason Morris, Russell D. Moss, Christopher J. Nachiappan, Vijayakumar Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Nichols, Paul R. Nicholson, John P. Nickel, Randy J. Olabisi, Olagoke Osula, Agape O. Packard, Keith A. Palacios, Carlos A. Papavinasam, Sankara Parker, Gord Parker, Keith P. Parker, Kevin T. Payne, Rickey T. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Place, Trevor Pleyel, David J. Pulsifer, Andrew Rahim, Renish Raza, Liaquat M. Rearick, Lawrence E. Riccardella, Scott Ruiz Rico, Juan C. Sabri, Hasan F. Samsel, Roger Sanchez, Sandra I. Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Saxton, Joseph E. Schow, Boyd L. Schultheis, Michael Scott, Richard G. Segall, Sorin M. Serter, Taner Shahzad, Usman Shamgar, Amit Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Mohan S. Shook, Mark B. Shore, John G. Showler, Mark W. Shreffler, Glenn W. Silverman, Gene Simek, James Sinclair, Paul W. Singh, Devinder Singh, Mahinder Slater, Gary L. Smalley, Hart Smallwood, Robert E. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Song, Fengmei Sparks, Jeff Spillers, Dane Stamps, Peter D. Strong, John Suarez, Jorge A. Tanwir, Sajid Taylor, Britney Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Thakur, Ajit K. Vail, Robert S. Valdes, Alberto Valenti, Richard D. Vasquez, Jorge E. Vervake, Gary Wallace, Virgil N. Walton, Jim Wang, Hongbin Webb, T. R. Weibl, Daniel C. Williams, Kimberly K. Williams, Michael R. Williams, Thomas B. Willoughby, David A. Winston, Daniel K. Wroe, Stephen P. Zaman, Vibha Zhang, Lei Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 310X Afshari, Vahid Ahmed, Arabi S. Ahmed, Houssam El Din S. Aliyev, Magsud Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Asperger, Robert G. Bag, Asim Bathula, Raghuram Bennett, George W. Bhattacharya, Basab Billings, Robert M. Birla, Sunil K. Bringas, John E. Brossia, Sean Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Chiang, Howard Cooke, David L. Couron, Bruce Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dent, Philip El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Fang, Bingyan Felton, Peter Fonseca, Carmen R. Fowler, Christopher M. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Hall, Iain S. Hansen, David A. Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Helle, Henk P. Herrick, Corey Hwang, Hyun Sik Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Kermad, Abdelhak Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Lee, Jinhee Li, Bingtao Lu, Hong Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mankar, Deepak Marshall, Quentin Mesquita, Thiago J. Mishra, Ajit K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Orie, Kenneth Osman, Mohamed H. Paula, Leandro J. Poulassichidis, Tony Ravi, Vilupanur A. Ray, Brent D. Richez, Martin F. Ryder, Jeremy C. Safarzadeh, Maryam Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Serter, Taner Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Standlee, Sarah Suidgeest, Nick Tang, Fei Tanwir, Sajid Tharian, Joy Toussaint, Patrick Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Wang, Hongbin Weeks, Daniel J. Wiegers, Karsten Yang, Peter Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 311X Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Cabral, Stephen Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Coronado, Kat Costa, Jorge E. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dewitt, Jerry A. Dohl, Chris Ghosh, Goutam Hevle, Andrew G. Jayakumar, Natarajan Jones, Steve P. Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Langill, Thomas J. Lynch, Timothy P. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. McKeen, Laurence W. Melancon, Michael Nagappan, Manikandan Posgay, Ray G. Rasche, Dale Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Smith, Craig Speed, Charles F. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tanwir, Sajid Willis, Brian M. Xu, Likun Yoakam, Josh L. Committee Rosters Zelinka, Samuel L. TEG 314X Abayarathna, Dharma Afshari, Vahid Aldrich, Chris J. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Amend, Bill Ames, Michael Ansari, Mahmood A. Asperger, Robert G. Bag, Asim Barreto, Eduardo C. Barreto, Mauro C. Bi, WuXi Biagiotti, Steve F. Boivin, Joseph W. Bond, Stuart Boswell, Keith B. Brogger, Mark A. Brown, William H. Carroll, Richard Chen, Shaosong Choo, Boon Leong Connor, Mitch Gerard Dasari, Sri Swaroop de las Casas, Rogelio F. Dewitt, Jerry A. Didas, Jeffrey L. Ell, Stuart J. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Fang, Bingyan Farthing, Scott Fernandes, Elson G. Fite, William J. Flessas, James D. Galbraith, Joseph M. Ghosh, Goutam Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Guan, Shiwei William Guinn, George L. Gundry, Ronald D. Hassani, Shokrollah Helle, Henk P. Hevle, Andrew G. Hilton, Mark D. Himiob, Rodrigo J. House, Richard A. Hu, Yang Jack, Thomas R. Johnson, Joshua T. Jones, David N. Jones, Steve P. Khalil, Hesham A. Koszewski, Lou Kunjapur, Madana M. Lee, Kelly A. Little, G.T. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Martinez Niembro, Antonio Matlas, Matt Mohammad, Abdul H. Nasim, Farukh Niebling, Robert C. Okulaja, Samuel Palacios, Carlos A. Parvizi, Sadegh M. Poulassichidis, Tony Ramirez, Miguel A. Roberts, Fred A. Roster, Arthur L. Samsel, Roger Sanchez, Sandra I. Scott, Kevin P. Serter, Taner Shamgar, Amit Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sieve, Ken Sincioco, Marvin H. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Thakur, Ajit K. Tihen, Joshua C. Vail, Robert S. Valdes, Alberto Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Whited, Tim Whyte, Steven J. Williams, Kimberly K. Winston, Daniel K. Zadery, Dennis Zaman, Vibha TEG 316X Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alley, David Asperger, Robert G. Bi, WuXi Cottis, Robert A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Duke, Dan Ghosh, Goutam He, Xihua Ismail, Huzeifa Khalil, Hesham A. Kim, Jong J. Liu, Xiaodong Menendez, Carlos M. Mintz, Todd Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Ravi, Vilupanur A. Saldanha, Brian J. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Silverman, David C. Smallwood, Robert E. Tebbal, Saadedine Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Wall, F D. Yang, Bo Yang, Lietai Zhang, Ziru Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 319X Al-Dossary, Abdullah K. Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Anand, Tanmay Aslam, Sajid Billings, Robert M. Britton, Stephanie Carroll, Richard Ebiogwu, Chika A. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Fernandez, Carlos E. Goodson, James E. Janoff, Dwight Jayakumar, Natarajan Jones, Steve P. Khalil, Hesham A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kvochak, John J. Li, Fang Lin, Huang Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Pardey, Ricardo L. Ren, Jason Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Savino, Vincenzo Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sieve, Ken Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Speed, Charles F. Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai TEG 331X Bavarian, Behzad Brossia, Sean Clayton, John F. Divine, James R. Ehrensberger, Mark Elliott, Peter Hansen, Douglas C. He, Xihua Kirkland, Nicholas T. Krantz, Bradley D. Krebs, Lorrie A. Mishra, Ajit K. Olszewski, Albert Ravi, Vilupanur A. Shaw, Barbara A. Silverman, David C. Standlee, Sarah Tebbal, Saadedine Toleti, Subba Rao Trillo, Elizabeth A. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Wilson, Dane F. Yao, Matthew X. TEG 338X Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Adeleke, Adeyinka Ahmad, Tauqueer Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Ali, Mohammed Ansari, Mahmood A. Ansuini, Frank J. Baig, Wasim Idris Ballerini, Roberto Bi, WuXi Bingman, Ernest R. Boswell, Keith B. Bowdoin, Leon A. Browne, Taylor Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chen, Shaosong Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Cone, Ernest A. Couron, Bruce Dakwar, Naim Dasari, Sri Swaroop Davis, James P. de las Casas, Rogelio F. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Delwiche, Alex L. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Donald, William M. Ell, Stuart J. Field, John G. Flessas, James D. Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. Groody, Jordan T. Gupta, Girish Hancock, Michael P. Hanearin, Sally S. Hasanov, Rovshan Hawkyard, John J. He, David D. Hemerlein, Frank G. Hevle, Andrew G. Hiebert, John Higgins, William C. Hilleary, Jamey Himiob, Rodrigo J. Howard, Dennis R. Huijun, Li Humphreys, Raymond Ion, Aurelian Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Jensen, Birit Buhr Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Kostrivas, Tasos Krissa, Len J. Lawson, Kurt M. Lechman, Carl E. Lee, Kelly A. Lewis, Ronald E. Liu, Guo Lucas, William Steven Lunde, John O. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mandal, Rajiv Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mawhinney, Derek McFarland, Kelly Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Mohammad, Abdul H. Morris, Russell D. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nikam, Vaibhav V. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Olson, John I. Ortamond, Kenny J. Osman, Mohamed H. Panchal, Pankaj D. Parker, Keith P. Perry, Frank A. Pippin, Christopher H. Rahim, Renish Sabri, Hasan F. Sandy, Paul Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Scott, Kevin P. Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shore, John G. Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Slater, Gary L. Smallwood, Robert E. Sokolski, Wojciech Srivastava, Vikalp Suarez, Jorge A. Swamy, Gomatham V. Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Vyas, Sandeep H. Williams, Thomas B. Winston, Daniel K. Wooldridge, Rick D. Wroe, Stephen P. TEG 341X Adeleke, Adeyinka Aguirre, Fabio Allen, Morgan D. Ashokkumar, Srinivas Bacso, Dennis S. Baron, John J. Bauman, Jerry Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Bennett, George W. Berger, Duane Blouin, Marc Bringas, John E. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Caceres, Moraima Canto, Christian M. Chakravarti, Bhaven Chiang, Howard Chin, Al Choo, Boon Leong Crutchley, Michael C. De Groot, Harm W. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dean, Frank Dearien, Cody E. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dougherty, James A. Ell, Stuart J. Eun, Thomas J. Fang, Bingyan Foley, Daryl Ganhao, Luis A. Ghanbaripour, Ali Gonzalez, Alexander Grey, Dale Guan, Shiwei William Gysbers, Andy C. Hanearin, Sally S. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Hassani, Shokrollah Hedges, Bill Hornsby, Frank Hu, Yang Jenkins, Alyn Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Khalil, Hesham A. Khiani, Gobind Kostrivas, Tasos McKinnon, Wes Mesquita, Thiago J. Messer, Barry Moon, Soon W. Mukhopadhyay, Anit Narayanan, Badri K. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 104 Committee Rosters Nasim, Farukh Obeyesekere, Nihal U. OHarriz, Osmay Okulaja, Samuel Patel, Naddir M. Perez, Teresa E. Philopoulos, Jennifer Pickthall, Thomas W. Place, Trevor Ramachandran, Sunder Rogers, Michael E. Rybicki, Edmund F. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Peter J. Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Standlee, Sarah Stray, James D. Suidgeest, Nick Tarleton, Trent Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Thomas, Jason Tkachyk, Brian J. Toussaint, Patrick Tsaprailis, Haralampos Vatne, Jeff Verdolin, Regina F. Wang, Hongbin Wang, Sheng-Hui Weber, James Whitcraft, Paul K. Williams, Dana G. Williamson, Alexander I. Wong, Dennis T. Yao, Matthew X. Yin, Songbo Zaman, Vibha Zhu, Jiang Zubot, Warren A. TEG 346X Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Bag, Asim Barron, Lynda Bergman, Brent Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bhattacharya, Basab Booth, Christian Bowditch, Steve Carroll, Richard Carter, John Chen, Bang Yih Chen, Jie Cookingham, Bruce A. Couron, Bruce Dasari, Sri Swaroop De Marco, Marco Dodge, Melvin J. Ebiogwu, Chika A. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fallatah, Gasem M. Fernandez, Carlos E. Ganeson, Girisha Hasanov, Rovshan Haynes, Terence S. Idlibi, Yasir Jayakumar, Natarajan Jones, Steve P. Khalil, Hesham A. Kloepper, John Kollannoor, Robin A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kuruppath, Vighnesh V. Liebhart, Steve Mackey, Nicole Malfanti, Roberto Manuel, Anthony T. Moore, Douglas P. Nagappan, Manikandan Oberg, Peter A. Palanivel, B. Pope, Heath K. Rehberg, Thomas Rice, Scott Salamanca Molano, Robinson A. Samadi, Omid N. Sequeira, Elvis Shahzad, Usman Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tebbal, Saadedine Trifaley, Heramb R. Wilds, Neil Winter, Michael J. TEG 351X Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Adeleke, Adeyinka Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Alvis, Vance Q. Ashraf, Imran Barouky, Fikry F. Barron, Lynda Bernard, W. L. Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bi, WuXi Booth, Christian Carroll, Richard Castellanos, Omar J. Chen, Yingzi Cookingham, Bruce A. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhiman, Bhanu D. Dodge, Melvin J. Eastham, Shawn Eng, Beth Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fyfe, Christopher J. Giannelli, Sandro Halliday, Marie C. Hasanov, Rovshan Holton, Gerald G. Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Krissa, Len J. Kumar, Kolur V. Kumar, Vibhas Lewis, Ronald E. MacKinnon, Arthur Mason, Anthony Matherne, Carl MeLampy, Michael Mitschke, Howard Nagappan, Manikandan Nasim, Farukh Nnadi, Valentine C. 105 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Okulaja, Samuel O’Malley, Cindy Palanivel, B. Posgay, Ray G. Ramnath, Rajesh Rampton, Frank Rehberg, Thomas Rice, Scott Sentjens, Johan Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sincioco, Marvin H. Smallwood, Robert E. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Strong, John Swamy, Gomatham V. Tems, Robin D. Vickers, Don C. Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Weber, James Whitaker, Thomas Wilds, Neil TEG 354X A. Muftah, Mohamed Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Aliyev, Magsud Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Barker, Allen T. Barouky, Fikry F. Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bhatti, Bashir M. Bi, WuXi Bookout, Charles Booth, Christian Brand, Andre Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chahar, Satendra S. Dabiri, Matt Dakwar, Naim Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dewitt, Jerry A. Didas, Jeffrey L. Ell, Stuart J. Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Fernandez, Carlos E. Flannery, Robbie W. Griffin, Jerome W. Hancock, Michael P. He, David D. Idlibi, Yasir Ionita, Laurentiu N. Jayawardena, George Marlon Jenkins, Timothy R. Kehr, Alan Khalil, Hesham A. Khosravi, Javad Knowles, Dustin Kostrivas, Tasos Krissa, Len J. Kumar, Kolur V. Lee, Kelly A. Leonard, Brad A. Lunde, John O. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Morris, Russell D. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Nasim, Farukh Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Pourazami, Bijan Pratt, Jennifer Raphoon, Ron R. Rider, Bill Salamanca Molano, Robinson A. Schow, Boyd L. Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sincioco, Marvin H. Singh, Devinder Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Strong, John Swamy, Gomatham V. Tang, Fujian Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Winston, Daniel K. TEG 363X Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Adey, Robert A. Ahmad, Tauqueer Ames, Michael Araya, Leonardo Bi, WuXi Bingman, Ernest R. Boswell, Keith B. Browne, Taylor Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chen, Shaosong Chui, Wai Chiu Cordova, Matthew J. Dakwar, Naim De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhal, Dusmant K. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Didas, Jeffrey L. Donald, William M. Ell, Stuart J. Elneihoum, Adel Flessas, James D. Fultineer, Roy Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Hancock, Michael P. Hasanov, Rovshan He, David D. Heishman, Patricia A. Herpin, Daniel S. Hevle, Andrew G. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Humphreys, Raymond Jayawardena, George Marlon Jenkins, Timothy R. Jones, Steve P. Kenmoe, Joseph R. Krissa, Len J. Kustova, Vera Lakshmanan, Karthikeyan Lau, Michelle C. Liu, Guo Lowry, William Lu, Hong Lunde, John O. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Martinez Niembro, Antonio Matlas, Matt Maynard, Matt McGuinness, Nancy Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Moritz, Jason Morris, Russell D. Nair, Madhusudanan K. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Ortamond, Kenny J. Panchal, Pankaj D. Pikas, Joseph Pourazami, Bijan Puckett, Jimmy J. Rahim, Renish Rice, Pat Rozhkov, Alexander A. Sabri, Hasan F. Sanchez, Sandra I. Scott, Kevin P. Scott, Richard G. Sekar, Manikandan Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Shobe, Jim M. Shore, John G. Singh, Devinder Singh, Mahinder Skipper, Kyle A. Slater, Gary L. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Srivastava, Vikalp Suarez, Jorge A. Swamy, Gomatham V. Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Vail, Robert S. Valenti, Richard D. Williams, Michael R. Wooldridge, Rick D. TEG 368X Ames, Michael Bi, WuXi Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cheronis, Jason Colmery, Robert S. Conner, Cris K. Daily, Steven F. Davis, Joe De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dewitt, Jerry A. Durbin, Michael C. Ell, Stuart J. Elliott, Peter Elneihoum, Adel Garrity, Kevin C. Goswami, Pradip Greenberger, Stuart L. Griffin, Jerome W. Hickcox, Curtis Holloman, Alan Kempkes, Carleton D. Khalil, Hesham A. Committee Rosters Khosravi, Javad Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Kleinfelder, Hank Langill, Thomas J. Lavery, Anthony Lawson, Kurt M. Mandeno, William L. McCormick, Daryl W. Mintz, Todd Murray, Neal S. Pandey, Arun K. Pinto, Louis J. Poncio, Steve Riley, Debra Rizk, Tony G. Rowan, James S. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Slater, Gary L. Smith, Kendall D. Tabib, Youssef A. Valenti, Richard D. Williams, Thomas B. Willoughby, David A. TEG 374X Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Albores-Silva, Octavio E. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Anand, Tanmay Appukuttan, Ajay M. Badrak, Robert P. Bajvani Gavanluei, Arshad Baker, Kirk C. Bandeira, Merlin Bazzoni, Alberto Been, Jenny Behling, Gabriel S. Bhat, Subrahmanya Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Billingham, Michael Bond, Stuart Bookout, Charles Bringas, John E. Carnes, Dean Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chiang, Howard Colombo, Vittorio Coronado, Eva M. Crum, James R. Davidson, Eric Davis, Robert H. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Dent, Philip El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Eun, Thomas J. Fagade, Caleb O. Farraro, John F. Ferguson, Joel Fonseca, Carmen R. Fowler, Christopher M. Ghalsasi, Sameer V. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Hanearin, Sally S. Hassani, Shokrollah Helle, Henk P. Huizinga, Sytze Ion, Aurelian Jones, Steve P. Kermad, Abdelhak Kermani, Bijan Khalil, Hesham A. Kopliku, Ardjan Kudla, Flavia B. Kumar, Vibhas Lee, Chee Hong Lee, Jinhee Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Mankar, Deepak Marchebois, Herve Martin, John W. Masouri, Daryoush Maxwell, Paul McLaury, Samuel T. Mendez, Conchita Mesquita, Thiago J. Mohammad, Abdul H. Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Narayanan, Badri K. Nasim, Farukh Palaniyandi, Velu Poulassichidis, Tony Qiongwei, Li Rupert, Jon C. Safarzadeh, Maryam Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Scoppio, Lucrezia Shademan, Steven S. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shick, Jerry Shinde, Vipul C. Singh, Virendra Sivertsen, Anne O. Smith, Ali Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Speed, Charles F. Suidgeest, Nick Szklarz, Karol E. Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Thompson, Richard M. Toussaint, Patrick Turbeville, Elliott Vatne, Jeff Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Wei, James Williams, Jamie Wilms, Marc E. Wolters, Roy Zhang, Liangzhe TEG 389X Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Beardwood, Edward S. Brisard, Thierry Carroll, Richard Dunn, Sidney Edmondson, James G. Esmacher, Mel J. Farmerie, John J. Freedman, Arthur J. Hanearin, Sally S. Houben, John J. Huchler, Loraine A. Hwang, Hyun Sik Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kostrivas, Tasos Kvochak, John J. Morris, P.J. Nasim, Farukh Panchal, Pankaj D. Pifer, Montgomery A. Robinson, James O. Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Tems, Robin D. Wood, Stephen P. TEG 391X Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Ahluwalia, Hira S. Alshehri, Saeed M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Alvarenga, Fernando A. Ansari, Mahmood A. Arowolo, Ifeoluwa A. Asperger, Robert G. Bartos, Milan Bauman, Jerry Bhattacharya, Basab Bi, WuXi Blanco-Pinzon, Carlos E. Bowman, Karen M. Carroll, Richard Case, Ray Chapman, Daniel Chen, Shaosong Chen, Yingzi Chiang, Howard Chui, Wai Chiu Cookingham, Bruce A. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Dasari, Sri Swaroop De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Debruyn, Hendrik J. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Doran, Jamie L. Dowluri, Raju Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Ell, Stuart J. Elneihoum, Adel Exposito Fernandez, Alejandro Finley, Brad Fletcher, John D. Ghosh, Goutam Gonzalez, Nestor G. Griffin, Jerome W. Gubner, Rolf Hanearin, Sally S. He, David D. Heidersbach, Krista L. Helle, Henk P. Higgins, William C. Hornsby, Frank Howard, Dennis R. Hu, Xinming Hu, Yang Huffman, Joel E. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ion, Aurelian Jenkins, Alyn Jenkins, Timothy R. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Li, SeonYeob Liening, Eugene L. Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mason, Anthony Mason, Robert B. Menendez, Carlos M. Mintz, Todd Mishra, Ajit K. Nair, Madhusudanan K. Narasaiah, Vijaya K. Nasim, Farukh Palanivel, B. Papavinasam, Sankara Perkins, Allan J. Puckett, Jimmy J. Radwan, Yasser M. Roberts, Fred A. Rozhkov, Alexander A. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Singh, Virendra Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Speed, Charles F. Surnam, B.Y.R. Tang, Fujian Thakur, Ajit K. Thomas, Lesley A. Varghese, Paul Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vijayaraghavan, Veluppillai Xu, Likun Zhou, Geoffrey C. TEG 397X Abayarathna, Dharma Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Bowman, Karen M. Carroll, Richard Cathrea, Colin Cookingham, Bruce A. De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Ghosh, Goutam Gonser, Michael A. Gough, Mark Griffin, Jerome W. Heidersbach, Krista L. Hornsby, Frank Hu, Xinming Hwang, Hyun Sik Kattamuri, Ravi K. Kermad, Abdelhak Kilbane, John J. Kostrivas, Tasos Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mohammad, Abdul H. Okulaja, Samuel Rana, Jignesh Ratts, Charles J. Samsel, Roger Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sidky, Paulette S. Simon-Thomas, Maarten J. Simsek Gokcesu, Ani Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Tems, Robin D. Winters, Robert H. Wrangham, Jodi B. TEG 398X Alshehri, Saeed M. Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Bhattacharya, Basab Clarke, Stephen J. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Deodeshmukh, Vinay Divi, Suresh C. El-Sabbagh, Fady Mohamed M. Eun, Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Fortin, Michael J. Ghosh, Goutam Goswami, Pradip Griffin, Jerome W. He, David D. Hilton, Mark D. Hurst, Lindell R. Hwang, Hyun Sik Ion, Aurelian Jennings, Herbert S. Jones, Richard T. Kawano, Koji K. Kermad, Abdelhak Kvochak, John J. Li, Bingtao Mauro, Andrea McCurry, Benjamin Mishra, Ajit K. Mohammadian, Ali Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Osman, Mohamed H. Saldanha, Brian J. Samsel, Roger Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shinde, Vipul C. Smallwood, Robert E. Speed, Charles F. Spence, Thomas C. Sutkowski, Steven Whitlow, Scott TEG 399X Andrews, Adrian F. Barron, Lynda Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bowditch, Steve Carroll, Richard Chang, Benjamin T. Chauviere, Monica M. Chustz, Keith Cookingham, Bruce A. Couron, Bruce Curry, Larry J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Faridi, Noman K. Haque, Ebadul Z. Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Kolur V. MacKinnon, Arthur Manuel, Anthony T. MeLampy, Michael Mitschke, Howard Moore, Robert E. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 106 Committee Rosters O’Malley, Cindy Overduin, Leon Posgay, Ray G. Rachel, Keith Ray, Brent D. Rehberg, Thomas Salamanca Molano, Robinson A. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Satheesan, Bobby Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sincioco, Marvin H. Singh, Devinder Smallwood, Robert E. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tems, Robin D. Vickers, Don C. Wilds, Neil Zeynalov, Mehman TEG 407X Abbasi, Tahir R. Abdelhameed, Sherif M. Aguilar, Ledwin A. Almahamedh, Hussain H. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Alshehri, Saeed M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Anand, Tanmay Ansari, Mahmood A. Asperger, Robert G. Babakr, Ali Bennett, George W. Bhandari, Beirbal S. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Bi, WuXi Bowry, Earl V. Bucheeri, Mahmood Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Choo, Boon Leong Cluytmans, Jurgen Collins, Peter Cookingham, Bruce A. Cotoron, Vincent N. Couron, Bruce Dakwar, Naim D’Andrea, Luca Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Doran, Jamie L. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Duruike, Ugochukwu N. Eng, Beth Fang, Bingyan Ferguson, Joel Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. He, David D. Heidersbach, Krista L. Hwang, Hyun Sik Igwe, Philip C. Ion, Aurelian Jensen, Birit Buhr Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Jung, Hundal Kermad, Abdelhak Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mishra, Ajit K. Moloney, Jeremy Morrisette, Calvin Moyano-Mora, Clara M. Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nelson, Roy L. Nicic, Igor Okeremi, Akinyemi Osman, Mohamed H. Piazza, Mark Radwan, Yasser M. Richter, Sonja Roberts, Fred A. Samsel, Roger Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sekar, Manikandan Serter, Taner Shams, Maged F. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shinde, Vipul C. Siddiqui, Muhammad A. Simon-Thomas, Maarten J. Sincioco, Marvin H. Singh, Devinder Sivakumar, V. Skipper, Kyle A. Smallwood, Robert E. Standlee, Sarah Stewart, Sean Sun, Hejian Sun, Wei Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Toleti, Subba Rao Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vidal Gomez, Jesus F. Waditwar, Prajkta R. Zhu, Zhenjin TEG 412X Abayarathna, Dharma Asperger, Robert G. Bi, WuXi Carroll, Richard Dasari, Sri Swaroop Fang, Bingyan Fultineer, Roy Ghosh, Goutam Green, Lorraine A. Griffin, Jerome W. Johansson, J. Mikael Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Lucas, William Steven Matthias, Austina Olabisi, Olagoke Otto, John E. Palacios, Carlos A. Phelps, Brent W. Piazza, Mark Roberts, Fred A. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Zaman, Vibha TEG 413X Abayarathna, Dharma Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. 107 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Ames, Michael Asperger, Robert G. Barouky, Fikry F. Bi, WuXi Bowman, Karen M. Brockman, Michael A. Caceres, Moraima Carroll, Richard Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cattanach, Kyle Cookingham, Bruce A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Eckert, Richard B. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Fang, Bingyan Gregory, James C. Helle, Henk P. Hobbs, George W. Humphreys, Raymond Johansson, J. Mikael Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kattamuri, Ravi K. Khuraibut, Yousef A. Kirkwood, Mike Krishnaswamy, Raj Mageshwaran, Yadhavaraj Martinez Niembro, Antonio McAfee, Clyde A. Mohammad, Abdul H. Nyborg, Rolf Olabisi, Olagoke Phillips, Martin Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pulsifer, Andrew Ramachandran, Sunder Ratts, Charles J. Schmitt, Guenter Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sherik, Abdelmounam Simon-Thomas, Maarten J. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Sun, Wei Tillis, William J. Tinkle, Kenneth S. Turner, Steven W. Wint, David Winters, Robert H. Zhu, Xiangyang TEG 421X Abayarathna, Dharma Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bi, WuXi Billingham, Michael Brown, Bruce N. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Debruyn, Hendrik J. Ghosh, Goutam Griffin, Jerome W. Hassani, Shokrollah Helle, Henk P. Hu, Yang Hwang, Hyun Sik Jalali Farahani, PMP, Maryam Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Krishnaswamy, Raj Kumar, Vibhas Lerbscher, John May, Leslie J Mohammad, Abdul H. Olabisi, Olagoke Osman, Mohamed H. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Stewart, Sean Sun, Hejian Tebbal, Saadedine Toussaint, Patrick Vatne, Jeff Wang, George Zhang, Lei TEG 423X Dasari, Sri Swaroop Hatle, Loren L. Hwang, Hyun Sik Kostrivas, Tasos Manuel, Anthony T. MeLampy, Michael Olabisi, Olagoke Pourazami, Bijan Pratt, Jennifer Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Swamy, Gomatham V. Vickers, Don C. Weybright, Douglas S. Wilds, Neil Winston, Daniel K. TEG 424X Achar, Sudhir Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Arshi, Mohammad M. Cabrera, Ricardo Chang, Benjamin T. Chauviere, Monica M. Couron, Bruce Crain, Robert Curry, Larry J. Eng, Beth Harrison, Steven J. Hasak, Robin W. Hoffman, Andy Jones, David N. Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Kvochak, John J. MacKinnon, Arthur Manuel, Anthony T. Martinez, Pedro S. Mitschke, Howard Nelson, Terrell K. Olabisi, Olagoke O’Malley, Cindy Posgay, Ray G. Procopio, Leo Rachel, Keith Rasche, Dale Ray, Brent D. Rehberg, Thomas Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Stelmach, Michael Swamy, Gomatham V. Taylor, Britney Wilds, Neil Zeng, Jing TEG 428X Appukuttan, Ajay M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Ashraf, Imran Ault, J. Peter Bag, Asim Cotoron, Vincent N. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Duran, Bernardo Ghosh, Goutam He, David D. Helsel, Jayson L. Irving, Kevin Johnson, Doug Kempkes, Carleton D. Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kvochak, John J. Langill, Thomas J. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Mandeno, William L. Mason, Robert B. Nagappan, Manikandan Nagel Soepenberg, E. Olabisi, Olagoke O’Malley, Cindy Rowan, James S. Sabri, Hasan F. Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Silvia, Winston A. Sincioco, Marvin H. Smith, Kendall D. Speed, Charles F. Stamps, Peter D. Swamy, Gomatham V. Van Haver, Wim Waditwar, Prajkta R. Wei, Chao Wilds, Neil Woodland, Kevin P. Zelinka, Samuel L. TEG 433X Achour, Mohsen H. Adeleke, Adeyinka Afshari, Vahid Ahmad, Shafiq Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Al-subaie, Mohammed F. Aluko, Olumide O. Ansari, Mahmood A. Ashraf, Imran Asperger, Robert G. Choo, Boon Leong Chukwu, Charles O. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Dewangan, Bhupendra K. Dey, Sanjib K. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Ebiogwu, Chika A. Eun, Thomas J. Fagade, Caleb O. Faridi, Noman K. Ghosh, Goutam Hasanov, Rovshan Hassani, Shokrollah Helle, Henk P. Hernandez, Sandra Committee Rosters Hu, Xinming Iyer, Santosh Kelly, Anthony Kermad, Abdelhak Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Lagarde, Drew M. Mantilla Jara, Jorge Enrique Mendez, Conchita Mitchell, Scott W. Mohammad, Abdul H. Monteiro, Othon R. Moral, Jason O. Ngadi, Arvin Opara, Jude K. Piazza, Mark Poulassichidis, Tony Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Sekar, Manikandan Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Sharma, Mohan S. Simsek Gokcesu, Ani Singh, Virendra Soto Perdomo, Jose M. Srivastava, Vikalp Swamy, Gomatham V. Tebbal, Saadedine Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Winning, Ian G. Xu, Likun Zamora, Rafael TEG 434X Asperger, Robert G. Bennett, George W. Bhattacharya, Ananya Bhattacharya, Basab Bowry, Earl V. Choo, Boon Leong Cotoron, Vincent N. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Eaton, Guy F. Ganeson, Girisha Ghosh, Goutam Gough, Mark He, David D. Hevle, Andrew G. Huang, Jin Javed, Bashir Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kostrivas, Tasos Kvochak, John J. Menendez, Carlos M. Mishra, Ajit K. Qiongwei, Li Saeed, Sohail Safarzadeh, Maryam Salameh, Ala’a Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shi, Xianming Skipper, Kyle A. Surnam, B.Y.R. Tajallipour, Nima Tang, Fujian Tebbal, Saadedine Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Wade, Jake D. Xiong, Yao TEG 435X Burgess, Richard A. Cavallo, Jon R. Chauviere, Monica M. Conner, Cris K. Cooksey, Kevin Coronado, Kat Degan, Samir Eliasson, Johnny R. Frank, Lou Goodson, James E. Greenfield, Donald T. Kleinfelder, Hank Krebs, Lorrie A. Kvochak, John J. Murray, Neal S. O’Malley, Cindy Rice, Scott Safarzadeh, Maryam Saldanha, Brian J. Tator, Ken Willis, Brian M. TEG 453X Buswell, Debbie Dubey, Arwind Kumar Faridi, Noman K. Gough, Mark Hu, Xinming Huizinga, Sytze Jenkins, Alyn Kermad, Abdelhak Kermani, Bijan Kostrivas, Tasos Le Manchet, Sandra Sandana, Daniel Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Virendra Tajallipour, Nima Tomoe, Yasuyoshi Toussaint, Patrick TEG 462X Davidson, John P. Drake, Donald E. Fang, Bingyan Galbraith, Joseph M. He, David D. Iannuzzi, Mariano Kvochak, John J. Pomes, Michael L. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shi, Xianming Taylor, Britney TEG 463X Ab. Hamid, Kamila Abdelbagi, Ahmed E. Ahmad, Shafiq Al-Hakeem, Zaki A. Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Aluko, Olumide O. Arshi, Mohammad M. Baucom, Sheri Bi, WuXi Bingman, Ernest R. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Chen, Shaosong Chui, Wai Chiu Chukwu, Charles O. Cordova, Matthew J. Dakwar, Naim Dasari, Sri Swaroop De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Delwiche, Alex L. Donald, William M. Dovico, Ricardo Eastham, Shawn Elgamal, Mohamed E. Fang, Bingyan Galbraith, Joseph M. Ganeson, Girisha Ghosh, Goutam Hamp, Ana E. Harib, Muhamed He, David D. Hemerlein, Frank G. Hiebert, John Himiob, Rodrigo J. Javed, Bashir Jayawardena, George Marlon Jenkins, Timothy R. Khan, Anwer A. Kostrivas, Tasos Kowalski, Angel R. Krissa, Len J. Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Li, SeonYeob Liu, Guo Liu, Zhijun Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Martinez Niembro, Antonio Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Morgan, Helen Nechachbi, Mohamed A. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Osman, Mohamed H. Piazza, Mark Pikas, Joseph Pipesh, Brandon Puckett, Jimmy J. Ranade, Shyama D. Risch-Gage, Adiki Sabri, Hasan F. Saeed, Sohail Salameh, Ala’a Samudrala, Srikar Sarmiento Cisneros, Elquier E. Schiflett, Aaron Schultheis, Michael Shahzad, Usman Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shanmugam, Prakash Sherbondy, Valerie Shobe, Jim M. Shore, John G. Skipper, Kyle A. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Song, Fengmei Srivastava, Vikalp Strong, John Suarez, Jorge A. Swamy, Gomatham V. Tajallipour, Nima Taylor, Britney Thakur, Ajit K. Uche, Paul I. Williams, Kimberly K. Wooldridge, Rick D. TEG 465X Adey, Robert A. Biagiotti, Steve F. Blackwelder, Curtiss Cavallo, Jon R. Chrzanowski, Ronald A. Dasari, Sri Swaroop De Micheli Stradivari, Jacques L. Eckert, Timothy Edwards, David E. Elneihoum, Adel He, David D. Ivy, Ted S. Kleinfelder, Hank McReynolds, Robert Mintz, Todd Ogundele, Gabriel Roberts, Richard D. Schultheis, Michael Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Toleti, Subba Rao Valade, Rachel Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Wilson, Christian TEG 469X Abani, Agha U. Alvarez Rodriguez, Juan M. Arshi, Mohammad M. Avemegah, Winfred S. Beamish, David Bennett, George W. Burgess, Richard A. Carzoglio, Eduardo J. Cluytmans, Jurgen Comert, Mehmet Cotoron, Vincent N. Dasari, Sri Swaroop Deeruang, Yuttana Dhoot, Sunil M. Fajt, Matthew Faridi, Noman K. Ganeson, Girisha Harib, Muhamed Harris, Kimberly-Joy Heaver, Edward Holton, Gerald G. Jain, Shashank Johnson, Doug Johnson, James R. Khader Ali, Muzipur R. Kostrivas, Tasos Kumban Murthy, Saravana Prabu Lara, Jose MacKinnon, Arthur Mafat, HusenShabbir A. Mahavongtrakul, Mongkol Manuel, Anthony T. Mihas, Michael A. Mitchell, Pete Mitchell, Scott W. Morrisette, Calvin Nagappan, Manikandan O’Dea, Vaughn Ovunda, Chisom Pellegrin, Jody P. Peters, Hap Rahim, Essam H. Rehberg, Thomas Saeed, Sohail Schultheis, Michael Shaapera, Timothy T. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Stamps, Peter D. Stango, Robert Strong, John Surnam, B.Y.R. Swan, Tom Todd, John Q. Toussaint, Ernst Valparambil, Nishith Varghese, Paul Wei, Chao Willis, Brian M. Wilson, Kennette TEG 473X Alley, David Boichuk, Kevin Bollinger, Mark F. Brasher, Jon H. Cheronis, Jason Cilluffo, Graig J. Conner, Cris K. Daily, Steven F. Davis, Joe Edwards, David E. Ivy, Ted S. Kleinfelder, Hank Munson, Douglas Murray, Neal S. Ogundele, Gabriel Schultheis, Michael Scott, David B. Smith, Kendall D. Stewart, Jeffrey Valade, Rachel TEG 474X Advincula, Rigoberto Alshehri, Saeed M. Bhattacharya, Ananya Biswas, Avidipto Chasse, Kevin Cotoron, Vincent N. Deeruang, Yuttana Dubey, Arwind Kumar Fallatah, Gasem M. Ghosh, Goutam He, David D. Jovancicevic, Vladimir Kosacki, Igor Krebs, Lorrie A. Kustova, Vera Menendez, Carlos M. Monteiro, Othon R. Ramachandran, Sunder Reyes Ayers, Tatiana Samadi, Omid N. Samudrala, Srikar Sanchez, Cesar Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Shekher, Shashank Shi, Xianming Shinde, Vipul C. Singh, Preet M. Surnam, B.Y.R. Tajallipour, Nima 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 108 Tebbal, Saadedine Torrey, Jessica Winston, Daniel K. TEG 497X Ghosh, Goutam Paiva, Adriana Pardey, Ricardo L. Savino, Vincenzo Wisniewski, Halina L. TEG 500X Ajayi, Emmanuel O. Faridi, Noman K. Ghosh, Goutam Khiani, Gobind Kostrivas, Tasos Kumar, Vibhas Mangalmurti, Amol O’Malley, Cindy Paiva, Adriana Pardey, Ricardo L. Patel, Naddir M. Pitta, Anil Savino, Vincenzo Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Tebbal, Saadedine Turhan, Aydin Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth TEG 501X Booth, Christian Faridi, Noman K. Ghosh, Goutam Kostrivas, Tasos Pitta, Anil Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Standlee, Sarah Surnam, B.Y.R. Tebbal, Saadedine Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth TEG 503X Amer, Mohamed Correa, Zachary A. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Eun, Thomas J. Farmerie, John J. Ghosh, Goutam Granes, Luis F. Kramer, Jeffrey F. Selby, K. Anthony Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. TEG 509X Alshehri, Saeed M. Birla, Sunil K. Clarke, Stephen J. Cotoron, Vincent N. Francis, Roger Kumar, Vibhas Mangalmurti, Amol Sanchez, Cesar Waditwar, Prajkta R. TEG 513X Bi, WuXi Huang, Jin Osula, Agape O. Standlee, Sarah Tebbal, Saadedine TEG 514X Esaklul, Khlefa A. Estenssoro, Ramiro Guan, Hua Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Osula, Agape O. Sarmiento Klapper, Helmuth Standlee, Sarah Vera, Jose R. TEG 515X Jenkins, Alyn Osula, Agape O. Singer, Marc Standlee, Sarah Tanwir, Sajid Xiong, Yao TG 006 Fultz, Benjamin S. Greenfield, Timothy K. Holton, Gerald G. O’Dea, Vaughn Olexa, Erik Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 009 Chustz, Keith Delahunt, John F. LeBleu, James B. Schilling, Mark S. Sumbry, Louis C. TG 013 Ansuini, Frank J. Didas, Jeffrey L. Emerson, Thomas D. Garrity, Kevin C. Klechka, Ernest W. Koszewski, Lou Manian, Leon Michel, James H. Moore, L. James Niebling, Robert C. Redding, Howard P. Ruane, Dan Surkein, Michael B. Swick, Roger L. Trimble, Whitt L. Whited, Tim TG 014 Bell, Graham E. Bianchetti, Ronald L. Fernandez, Ernesto R. Fogata, Martin Greenberger, Stuart L. Horton, Mike Howell, Kerri M. Johnson, D. Thomas Kroon, David H. Nelson, Leslie G. Newell, Richard J. Raymond, David Spickelmire, Bill S. Szeliga, Michael Turcotte, Roger C. Wakelin, Rob TG 018 Beavers, John A. Berger, Yesha Bushman, James B. Delahunt, John F. Didas, Jeffrey L. Garrity, Kevin C. Gilroy, Douglas E. 109 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory Henderson, Charles Howard, J. Darby Johnson, D. Thomas Khan, Naeem A. Klechka, Ernest W. McKim, Stephen Moriber, Norman J. Pikas, Joseph Smart, Andrew L. Vail, Robert S. Watkinson, Charles J. Webb, T. R. Wetzel, Edwin TG 034 Al-Borno, Amal Boerschel, Volker Didas, Jeffrey L. Feng, Qingshan Hess, Russell Li, Rui Partridge, Paul E. Pratt, Jennifer Rogozinski, Jeffrey Schemberger, Dieter Weber, Tom J. Wong, Dennis T. TG 023 Fitzgerald, John H. Gummow, Robert A. Nicholson, John P. Nikolakakos, Steve Parker, Kevin T. Schramm, David A. TG 037 Baron, John J. Fallatah, Gasem M. Klechka, Ernest W. MacDonald, Reg Mackie, Rob Mason, James F. Mishael, Samuel J. Shelton, John A. Szklarz, Karol E. TG 025 Aguiar, David Allen, Robert F. Dabkowski, John Didas, Jeffrey L. Gilroy, Douglas E. Hevle, Andrew G. Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Klechka, Ernest W. McQuilling, David Michel, James H. Moriber, Norman J. Southey, Robert Wakelin, Rob Webb, T. R. TG 030 Dabiri, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. Gummow, Robert A. Klechka, Ernest W. Manian, Leon Mikish, Gary E. Partridge, Paul E. Pikas, Joseph Weber, Tom J. Williamson, Alexander I. Wirfs, Michael L. Zurbuchen, Steve TG 031 Dabiri, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. Jensen, Finn O. Keown, Robert A. Klechka, Ernest W. Lopez Garrity, Aida McAfee, Clyde A. Mitschke, Howard Neal, Dennis Norsworthy, Richard Papavinasam, Sankara Partridge, Paul E. Schilling, Mark S. Smart, Jack Sumbry, Louis C. Surkein, Michael B. Swick, Roger L. Twidale, Ged K. Varughese, Kuruvila Weber, Tom J. Williamson, Alexander I. Wirfs, Michael L. TG 038 Abayarathna, Dharma Bensman, Lynsay Bowman, Karen M. Choate, Dan L. Cookingham, Bruce A. Fultineer, Roy Howard, Dennis R. Kostuck, Derek A. Matocha, Garry M. Nichols, Paul R. Pakalapati, Raju Palacios, Carlos A. Papavinasam, Sankara Perry, Laurie S. Pikas, Joseph Pogemiller, Gerald E. Pulsifer, Andrew Trimble, Whitt L. Valdes, Alberto Zintel, Timothy P. TG 039 Desjardins, Guy Goedkoop, Marc Hemerlein, Frank G. Holzmann, Mary Janda, Dennis C. Johnson, Joshua T. Lamontagne, Marc Melan, Bryan P. Moreno, Pamela J. Pikas, Joseph Shelton, John A. Simek, James Sinclair, Paul W. Uzelac, Neb I. Wagner, Daniel P. TG 041 Fassett, Robert Geib, Robert C. He, David D. Holzmann, Mary Kroon, David H. Leewis, Keith G. Lopez Garrity, Aida Lowry, William Matocha, Garry M. McQuilling, David Miller, Kate Mora, Juan R. Parker, Kevin T. Payne, Rickey T. Reynolds, Donald “Lee” L. Valdes, Alberto Wallace, Virgil N. Walton, Jim TG 044 Broomfield, John P. Bushman, James B. Garrity, Kevin C. Gummow, Robert A. Nicholson, John P. Noyce, Paul Simon, Philip D. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 045 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Broomfield, John P. Bushman, James B. Costa, Jorge E. Garrity, Kevin C. Giorgini, Roberto Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. John, Gareth Kessler, Richard J. Lehmann, Joseph A. Leng, Douglas Nicholson, John P. Olson, John I. Schrieber, Charles F. Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Tinnea, Jack Tremolada, Simone Virmani, Paul Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 046 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Balma, Javier Benedict, Risque L. Bennett, John E. Broomfield, John P. Brown, Robert P. Bushman, James B. Covino Jr, Bernard S. Gilroy, Douglas E. Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. John, Gareth Johnson, D. Thomas Kessler, Richard J. Lasa, Ivan R. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Leng, Douglas Nicholson, John P. Piazza, John L. Pressley, Douglas W. Rajpathak, Shirish S. Scully, John R. Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Stamps, Peter D. Tinnea, Jack Torrey, Jessica Trocónis de Rincón, Oladis M. Committee Rosters Turcotte, Roger C. Virmani, Paul Wheat, Harovel G. TG 047 Bennett, John E. Broomfield, John P. Costa, Jorge E. Covino Jr, Bernard S. Daily, Steven F. Etcheverry, Leandro Goodwin, Fred Hartt, William H. Kessler, Richard J. Lasa, Ivan R. Leng, Douglas Noyce, Paul Rajpathak, Shirish S. Sagues, Alberto A. Sharp, Stephen R. Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Tinnea, Jack Vail, Robert S. Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 049 Bennett, John E. Broomfield, John P. Firlotte, Clem Kessler, Richard J. Leng, Douglas Nicholson, John P. Pressley, Douglas W. Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Tinnea, Jack Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 050 Berke, Neal S. Broomfield, John P. DeNicola, Peter Kessler, Richard J. Kosednar, John P. Krebs, Lorrie A. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Li, Lianfang Meyer, Jessica Miksic, Boris A. Ormellese, Marco Sagues, Alberto A. Tinnea, Jack Trocónis de Rincón, Oladis M. Venugopalan, Sivaraman Virmani, Paul Wheat, Harovel G. Zemajtis, Jerzy Z. TG 054 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Broomfield, John P. Green, Warren K. Hartt, William H. Kessler, Richard J. Lee, Seung-Kyoung Noyce, Paul Scheiner, Paul Sharp, Stephen R. Tinnea, Jack Venugopalan, Sivaraman Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 055 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Birbilis, Nick Broomfield, John P. Bushman, James B. Caseres, Leonardo Costa, Jorge E. Crevello, Gina L. Daily, Steven F. Etcheverry, Leandro Firlotte, Clem Goodwin, Fred Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. Kessler, Richard J. Kosednar, John P. Lasa, Ivan R. Nicholson, John P. Noyce, Paul Presuel-Moreno, Francisco J. Rajpathak, Shirish S. Tinnea, Jack Trocónis de Rincón, Oladis M. Virmani, Paul Wheat, Harovel G. Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. Zemajtis, Jerzy Z. TG 057 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Arnvig, Poul-Erik Berke, Neal S. Broomfield, John P. Faza, Salem Fosnough, Peter Hansson, Carolyn M. Hartt, William H. Jain, Jitendra Kessler, Richard J. Kinsman, Nicole Kirby, Kurt Kleinhans, Danielle Lau, Kingsley Lee, Seung-Kyoung Leng, Douglas Little, Daryl A. McDonald, David Miller, Wes Olson, John I. Pettersson, Rachel Powers, Rodney G. Pratt, Jennifer Randstrom, Sara Sagues, Alberto A. Tinnea, Jack Varughese, Kuruvila TG 061 Black, Norman Campbell, Ken Emerson, Daniel Molnar, James R. TG 063 Allen, Cory A. Betti, Mariassunta Clayton, David B. Everett, Patricia Gorinsky, Luke Leonhard, Scott Molnar, James R. Naylor, Edward R. Schaffer, Timothy C. Thurman II, Kenneth E. TG 067 Gorinsky, Luke Leonhard, Scott Molnar, James R. Naylor, Edward R. Schaffer, Timothy C. Thurman II, Kenneth E. TG 070 Abayarathna, Dharma Achour, Mohsen H. Arumugam, Sridhar Bartos, Milan Bauman, Jerry Berling, Matthias Boivin, Joseph W. Bray, David Brooks, Johnathon Brown, Jane N. Canungue, Kapassui Cathrea, Colin Dante, James F. De Reus, Han Dugstad, Arne Esaklul, Khlefa A. Fang, Haitao Finley, Brad Fonseca, Carmen R. Fu, Bob Gerbino, Anthony J. Gunaltun, Yves Hack, Harvey P. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hausler, Rudolf H. Jackson, Tracey S. Jenkins, Alyn Jenson, Dean G. McIntyre, Allan P. Menendez, Carlos M. Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Olabisi, Olagoke Papavinasam, Sankara Perkins, Allan J. Piazza, Mark Pickthall, Thomas Prajapati, Bhadresh A. Ramachandran, Sunder Roopchan, Shiva Schmitt, Guenter Seagraves, Sam Sherar, Brent W. Simon-Thomas, Maarten J. Song, Fengmei Sun, Hejian Suryani, Suryani Tanwir, Sajid Tebbal, Saadedine Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Thomas, Bruce A. Tsaprailis, Haralampos Valdes, Alberto Vera, Jose R. Wang, Jing Whiteside, Michael S. TG 075 Abayarathna, Dharma Allison, Peter W. Boivin, Joseph W. Brossia, Sean Burger, Edward D. Campbell, Cameron Dockens, Kim Donham, James E. Farquhar, Gale B. Farthing, Scott Fultineer, Roy Gonser, Michael A. Jack, Thomas R. Jenneman, Gary E. Johnson, Angela M. Jones, Lee M. Keller, Carrie Kostuck, Derek A. Moghissi, Oliver C. Murray, Doug Palacios, Carlos A. Perry, Laurie S. Presley, Richard Rodriguez, Christopher Seagraves, Sam Tidwell, Timothy J. Zintel, Timothy P. TG 076 Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Al-Omari, Ahmad S. Bartos, Milan Bauman, Jerry Been, Jenny Bensman, Lynsay Boivin, Joseph W. Bond, Stuart Brown, Bruce N. Caceres, Moraima Case, Ray Chiang, Howard Felton, Peter Hernandez, Sandra Hinkson, Dezra Islam, Moavin John, Gareth Lagad, Vishal Nyborg, Rolf Papavinasam, Sankara Poulassichidis, Tony Sandana, Daniel Seagraves, Sam Song, Fengmei Teevens, Patrick J. Tems, Robin D. Valdes, Alberto Vera, Jose R. Wang, Hongbin Winning, Ian G. TG 082 Arafin, Muhammad A. Bond, Stuart Bosch, Christoph Bruno, Ted Castillo, Raul A. Cayard, Michael S. Chambers, Brian D. Coronado, Eva M. Craig, Bruce D. Crolet, Jean-Louis Dean, Frank Dent, Philip Felton, Peter Fowler, Christopher M. Funderburg, Isaac M. Hill, Richard T. Huizinga, Sytze Krachler, Michael Krantz, Bradley D. Majkrzak, Joseph P. Orie, Kenneth Rubin, Adam Ryder, Jeremy C. Schubert, Roy W. Slimmon, Tom C. Smith, Viviane C. Sponseller, David L. Toussaint, Patrick Twigg, Ronald J. Valdez Vallejo, Raymundo J. Waid, George M. Wilken, Gerdt Yunovich, Mark TG 085 Albores-Silva, Octavio E. Amaya, Hisashi Arafin, Muhammad A. Armstrong, Glenn M. Badrak, Robert P. Bailey, Bill M. Bavarian, Behzad Bond, Stuart Bosch, Christoph Cassagne, Thierry Chambers, Brian D. Chiang, Howard Coronado, Eva M. Dent, Philip Ellis, Peter F. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Farraro, John F. Felton, Peter Fowler, Christopher M. Francis, Roger Franco, Robert J. Grimes, William D. Grow, Amanda Haeberle, Tim Hashizume, Shuji Hendrix, David E. Hibner, Edward L. Huang, Weiji Huizinga, Sytze Iannuzzi, Mariano Jordan, Josiah Kane, Russell D. Kermani, Bijan Kopliku, Ardjan Koschel, Diana Krantz, Bradley D. Lopez-Turconi, Gustavo Majkrzak, Joseph P. Maldonado, Julio G. Maligas, Manuel N. Mannan, Sarwan K. Marchebois, Herve Martin, John W. Materkowski, James McCoy, Terry H. Mishael, Samuel J. Miyata, Yukio Moore, Pete Narayanan, Badri K. Nice, Perry I. Olsen, Stein Perez, Teresa E. Puckett, Brett C. Rubin, Adam Ryder, Jeremy C. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 110 Committee Rosters Saha, Samar Schmitt, Guenter Scoppio, Lucrezia Shaw, William J. Skogsberg, Lillian Sponseller, David L. Sponseller, Thomas E. Sridhar, Narasi Szklarz, Karol E. Takabe, Hideki Toussaint, Patrick Turbeville, Elliott Turnbull, Alan Ueda, Masakatsu Urband, Bruce E. Valdes, Alberto Wade, Ed H. Waid, George M. Wilfahrt, Brian Wolters, Roy Yang, Booyoung Youll, Peter TG 086 Badrak, Robert P. Baron, John J. Boyd, John L. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Fowler, Christopher M. Goodson, James E. Janoff, Dwight Maligas, Manuel N. Schubert, Roy W. Sumbry, Louis C. Teevens, Patrick J. Thill, Dallas T. Whitsitt, Elizabeth Willis, Brian M. TG 087 Boyd, John L. Morse, B. N. Pitta, Anil Savino, Vincenzo TG 124 Avery, Richard E. Baker, Brian A. Baxter, Wallace J. Benson, Richard A. Cefalu, Shawn Chaku, Pran N. Colwell, Richard L. Craig, H. Lee Damin, Dean G. Funderburg, Isaac M. Grandinetti, Dominic S. Hammill, Bill Herbert, Robert W. Keiser, James R. Links, Jan Morris, P.J. Pankiw, Roman I. Phillips, Alan F. Poulassichidis, Tony Roberts, Richard D. Sievert, Jim B. Tillack, Donald J. Voke, Donald Watkins, William R. TG 141 Clemmer, Jerry W. Jenkins, William S. Louque, Bryan Nixon, Randy O’Dea, Vaughn Van Zee, David Zeng, Jing TG 153 Beardwood, Edward S. Murtagh, Eunice Wood, Stephen P. Surkein, Michael B. Thomason, William H. Weldon, Clark P. Wigen, Svenn Magne Singh, Anil K. Verdolin, Regina F. Williams, Dana G. Wodarcyk, John J. TG 146 Badrak, Robert P. Brodar, John M. Byrd, Jerry D. Carter, Paul Chandler, Bryant W. Chustz, Keith Cohen, T. David Coronado, Kat Davis, Robert B. Delahunt, John F. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Houben, John J. Maligas, Manuel N. Mayer, Peter McAfee, Clyde A. Poncio, Steve Posgay, Ray G. Ramey, Scott M. Sumbry, Louis C. Tator, Ken Winnik, Stefan TG 157 Casey, Gregory Farmerie, John J. Freedman, Arthur J. Hoffmann, Richard A. Ling, Clive C. Meier, Daniel A. Murtagh, Eunice Pierce, Claudia C. Selby, K. Anthony Soost, Jack TG 169 Ames, Michael Brandt, James A. Brattas, Leif Britton, James N. Dam, A. M. Dopjera, Douglas E. Fairchild, James P. Foong, John M. Gilroy, Douglas E. Hartt, William H. Henderson, Charles Hendricks, Terry A. Hevle, Andrew G. Hussain, Syed MT M. Johnson, David Laird Kulkarni, Anand V. Lenar, James Lye, Rolf E. Manian, Leon Mankar, Deepak Nichols, Paul R. Nikam, Vaibhav V. Palmer, Robert E. Pikas, Joseph Roche, Marcel G. Sloan, Paul J. Smart, Jack Smith, Stephen N. Surkein, Michael B. Thomason, William H. Tracy, Duane Turpin, Spencer W. Weldon, Clark P. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 176 Buchheim, Gerrit M. Datta, Sobhan Edmondson, James G. McConnell, Marc D. Mitchell, James S. Moore, David E. Nelson, Jeremy Quinter, Raymond C. Stankiewicz, Jessica Tkachyk, Brian J. TG 147 Boffardi, Bennett P. Burda, Paul A. Cotton, Irvin J. Daum, Alfred J. Freedman, Arthur J. Selby, K. Anthony TG 148 Cabral, Stephen Cabrera, Ricardo Chang, Benjamin T. Chauviere, Monica M. Conquest, Douglas Coronado, Kat Delahunt, John F. Dohl, Chris Fitzgerald, Brian J. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Kvochak, John J. Langill, Thomas J. LeJeune, Richard E. MacMoy, Richard (Ian) I. Maligas, Manuel N. Melancon, Michael Rao, Raghupati Schilling, Mark S. Smith, Craig Tang, Fei Willis, Brian M. Yoakam, Josh L. TG 152 Boffardi, Bennett P. Caceres, Moraima Castillo, Raul A. Cotton, Irvin J. Freedman, Arthur J. Hays, George F. Hollander, Orin Micheletti, Wayne C. Murray, Doug Pierce, Claudia C. Puckorius, Paul R. Rogers, Michael E. Selby, K. Anthony Tvedt, Thorwald J. Yang, Bo 111 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory TG 160 Brown, John C. Cotton, Irvin J. Dewitt-Dick, Douglas Mihelic, Joseph Miksic, Boris A. Moll, Richard D. Murtagh, Eunice Perdomo, Jorge J. Puckorius, Paul R. Rahoi, Dennis W. Robinson, James O. Selby, K. Anthony Tvedt, Thorwald J. Twigg, Ronald J. Wood, Stephen P. Zubot, Warren A. TG 167 Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Ansuini, Frank J. Banks, Robert L. Bianchetti, Ronald L. Didas, Jeffrey L. Forgo, Laszlo Gilroy, Douglas E. Grainawi, Lorri Greenberger, Stuart L. Gummow, Robert A. Hargrave, John Hassan, Mobeen Healey, Robert J. Howard, Dennis R. Huck, Ted Kroon, David H. Lawrence, Charles F. Mateer, Mark W. Newell, Richard J. Olson, John I. Rothermel, John M. Stevenson, Craig E. TG 168 Adey, Robert A. Brandt, James A. Britton, James N. Dopjera, Douglas E. Flanery, David Galvan, Jaime Galvan, Tony A. Hartt, William H. Himiob, Rodrigo J. Johnson, David Laird Kroon, David H. Lenar, James Manian, Leon Santos, Henrique O. Smith, Murray Smith, Stephen N. TG 170 Brandt, James A. Britton, James N. Gilroy, Douglas E. Hartt, William H. Jamrok, William E. Lye, Rolf E. Thomason, William H. TG 173 Brown, John C. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Bush, Donald R. Cayard, Michael S. Clarida, Dannie Coyle, William R. Debruyn, Hendrik J. Feather, James E. Giesbrecht, Walt Hampton, David A. Hau, Jorge L. Kawano, Koji K. Lewis, Keith R. Marden, Keneth M. Martens, Dennis H. McLaury, Samuel T. Moore, Karly Nasr, Adel B. Neill, William J. Nugent, Mike Petersen, Philip R Richert, John P. Roberts, Lionel TG 177 Armistead, Kathleen M. Baker, Kirk C. Brown, John C. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Bush, Donald R. Cayard, Michael S. Chronister, Donald J. Clarida, Dannie Coyle, William R. Esmacher, Mel J. Giesbrecht, Walt Gysbers, Andy C. Hau, Jorge L. Huang, Ling Jack, Brian L. Keiser, James R. Koerner, Joe Lewis, Keith R. Marden, Keneth M. Martens, Dennis H. Mitchell, James S. Moore, Karly Neill, William J. Nelson, Jeremy Nugent, Mike Phillips, Terrell Quinter, Raymond C. Richert, John P. Rivera, Monique I. Shargay, Cathleen A. Singh, Anil K. Sober, Michael J. Strong, Rusty Tebbal, Saadedine Toussaint, Patrick Williams, Dana G. Wodarcyk, John J. TG 200 Andrews, Weston B. Bensman, Lynsay Bhatti, Bashir M. Britton, Colin F. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Hartland, Per Hausler, Rudolf H. Jenkins, James F. Koch, Gerhardus H. Nikolakakos, Steve Payer, Joe H. Perkins, Allan J. Ristaino, Antonio J. Roberge, Pierre R. Wyman, Donald P. TG 210 Ansuini, Frank J. Barreto, Mauro C. Committee Rosters Bean, Steven J. Didas, Jeffrey L. Elsenheimer, Robert E. Gummow, Robert A. Henderson, Charles Hevle, Andrew G. Holtsbaum, William B. Howard, Dennis R. Khan, Naeem A. Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Klechka, Ernest W. Kroon, David H. Lawson, Kurt M. Manian, Leon Moghissi, Oliver C. Moriber, Norman J. Nichols, Paul R. Olson, John I. Ondak, Edward J. Parker, Kevin T. Perry, Frank A. Pikas, Joseph Showler, Mark W. Trimble, Whitt L. TG 212 Burgess, Brian W. Desjardins, Guy Didas, Jeffrey L. Kania, Richard Klechka, Ernest W. Lamontagne, Marc McQuilling, David Melan, Bryan P. Moreno, Pamela J. Simek, James Sinclair, Paul W. Vieth, Patrick H. TG 214 Abayarathna, Dharma Campbell, Cameron Cenegy, Lawrence M. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Franco, Robert J. Gonser, Michael A. Howard, Dennis R. Johnson, Angela M. Jones, Lee M. Keasler, Vic Kilbane, John J. McGinley, Heather Pickthall, Thomas W. Presley, Richard Seagraves, Sam Skovhus, Torben Lund Zintel, Timothy P. TG 217 Arensman, Susan K. Brown, John C. Coates, Gary E. Dean, Sheldon Delahunt, John F. Dolezal, Jacob William Estenssoro, Ramiro Fitzgerald, Brian J. Grubb, John F. Hilton, Mark D. Hurst, Lindell R. Johnson, E.J. Liu, Xiaodong Orrell, David B. Rutkowski, Anthony J. Schreiner, Trudy Scribner, Lyman A. Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Wang, George Whitlow, Scott Wodarcyk, John J. TG 223 Fuller, John C. Rachel, Keith Santalucia, Andrew Watkinson, Charles J. Winters, Robert H. TG 231 Bringas, John E. Brown, John C. Gallo, Glen M. Ganhao, Luis A. Hau, Jorge L. Hibner, Edward L. Martens, Dennis H. Mitchell, James S. Mucek, Mark W. Orie, Kenneth Rohrdanz, Nicholas Toussaint, Patrick Vatne, Jeff Verdolin, Regina F. Wilks, Gerald W. TG 234 Farmerie, John J. Freedman, Arthur J. Greenwood-Sole, Graham Puckorius, Paul R. Rose, David W. Selby, K. Anthony TG 235 Asphahani, Aziz Ibrahim Beardwood, Edward S. Boffardi, Bennett P. Dromgoole, J. C. Elliott, Robert W. Farmerie, John J. Freedman, Arthur J. Hvizdos, John A. Labine, Paul Lymberis, Costas (Gus) T. McAlpin, Ronald L. Micheletti, Wayne C. Selby, K. Anthony Treasure, Greg Tvedt, Thorwald J. Williamson, Alexander I. TG 237 Adams, David B. Bowman, Karen M. Bushman, James B. Cardin, Jeanne L. Cookingham, Bruce A. Didas, Jeffrey L. Fultineer, Roy Garrity, Kevin C. Holton, Gerald G. Javaherdashti, Reza Kostuck, Derek A. Legg, Christopher L. Lewis, Brad Little, Brenda J. Pickthall, Thomas W. Seitz, Shawn M. Skovhus, Torben Lund Smart, Jack Stein, Arthur A. Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. Venugopalan, Sivaraman Wilson, John H. Wyatt, Brian S. Zhu, Xiangyang Zintel, Timothy P. TG 244 Arnold, Charles W. Clayton, John F. Dewitt-Dick, Douglas Esmacher, Mel J. Feather, James E. Freedman, Arthur J. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Mitchell, James S. Perdomo, Jorge J. Posgay, Ray G. Robinson, James O. Selby, K. Anthony Sharp, Sandy W. Sherman, Douglas A. Twigg, Ronald J. Wood, Stephen P. TG 245 Abayarathna, Dharma Allison, Peter W. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Hassani, Shokrollah John, Gareth Joosten, Michael W. Li, Hui Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Palacios, Carlos A. Pursell, Michael Ramachandran, Sunder Sun, Yuhua Valdes, Alberto Williamson, Alexander I. Zhang, Yongli TG 246 Chustz, Keith Delahunt, John F. Johnson, E.J. Schilling, Mark S. Sumbry, Louis C. TG 247 Aulicino, Eric J. Baron, John J. Chang, Benjamin T. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hevle, Andrew G. Hodgins, Wayne Lopez Garrity, Aida Stewart, Jeffrey Varughese, Kuruvila Wirfs, Michael L. TG 248 Andrenacci, Alfredo Libby, Dan Mamish, Abboud Wirfs, Michael L. TG 249 Didas, Jeffrey L. Hess, Russell Kehr, Alan Lopez Garrity, Aida Norsworthy, Richard Varughese, Kuruvila Wirfs, Michael L. TG 250 Choate, Dan L. Papavinasam, Sankara Savage, Dennis M. Wirfs, Michael L. TG 251 Aulicino, Eric J. Glass, John Harris, Kimberly-Joy Libby, Dan Norsworthy, Richard Papavinasam, Sankara Redding, Howard P. Schiflett, Aaron Thomas, Sam Zurbuchen, Steve TG 254 Bensman, Lynsay Choate, Dan L. Cookingham, Bruce A. Drake, Donald E. Eckert, Richard B. Enning, Dennis Fultineer, Roy Harris, Kimberly-Joy Kostuck, Derek A. Moghissi, Oliver C. Perry, Laurie S. Pickthall, Thomas W. Powell, Daniel E. Seagraves, Sam Williamson, Alexander I. Winters, Robert H. Zintel, Timothy P. TG 257 Baker, Brian A. Baker, Kirk C. Cassagne, Thierry Crolet, Jean-Louis Egan, Frank J. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Hibner, Edward L. Hillis, David J. Howie, William Kopliku, Ardjan Marchebois, Herve Russo, Joel Shah, Paul Skaria, Febin Skogsberg, Lillian Swinney, Stephen G. Tabinor, Matthew J. Tebbal, Saadedine Ueda, Masakatsu Wei, Chao Wolters, Roy TG 260 Andrews, Adrian F. Chang, Benjamin T. Choate, Dan L. Coronado, Kat Dopjera, Douglas E. Kloepper, John Moore, Douglas P. Posgay, Ray G. Rasmussen, Soeren N. Semerad, Antony V. Speed, Charles F. Wei, Chao Winter, Michael J. TG 261 Faber, Ben Henderson, A. James McConnell, Robin Montgomery, Eliza Vormelker, Philip R. Woessner, Steve TG 263 Andrews, Adrian F. Barouky, Fikry F. Chang, Benjamin T. Choate, Dan L. Coronado, Kat Dopjera, Douglas E. Hill, Brian M. Kloepper, John Moore, Douglas P. Moore, Robert E. Posgay, Ray G. Rasmussen, Soeren N. Semerad, Antony V. Skerry, Brian S. Speed, Charles F. Wei, Chao Winter, Michael J. TG 264 Andrews, Adrian F. Barouky, Fikry F. Chang, Benjamin T. Choate, Dan L. Coronado, Kat Dopjera, Douglas E. Hill, Brian M. Kloepper, John Moore, Douglas P. Moore, Robert E. Posgay, Ray G. Rasmussen, Soeren N. Semerad, Antony V. Skerry, Brian S. Speed, Charles F. Wei, Chao Winter, Michael J. TG 266 Al-Borno, Amal Allerton, David Cabrera, Ricardo Coronado, Kat Liebhart, Steve Morse, B. N. Morse, Jennifer Slupsky, John D. Vasquez, Gustavo Winter, Michael J. TG 268 Brown, John C. Buchheim, Gerrit M. Cayard, Michael S. Feather, James E. Giesbrecht, Walt Moore, Karly Mucek, Mark W. Roberts, Lionel Toussaint, Patrick TG 271 Beveridge, William Clayton, David B. Johnson, James R. Leonhard, Scott Molnar, James R. Schaffer, Timothy C. Thurman II, Kenneth E. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 112 Committee Rosters TG 273 Aguiar, David Beavers, John A. Fessler, Raymond R. Lamontagne, Marc Mackenzie, John Marr, James Little, Daryl A. Sagues, Alberto A. Tinnea, Jack Trocónis de Rincón, Oladis M. Virmani, Paul Whitmore, David W. TG 274 Cayard, Michael S. Duggan, George G. Nugent, Mike Roberts, Lionel Shargay, Cathleen A. TG 293 Abayarathna, Dharma Bensman, Lynsay Bowman, Karen M. Eckert, Richard B. Gardner, Ray Howard, Dennis R. Matocha, Garry M. Moghissi, Oliver C. Palacios, Carlos A. Perry, Laurie S. Pulsifer, Andrew Teevens, Patrick J. Zintel, Timothy P. TG 279 Ames, Michael Bianchetti, Ronald L. Burns, James F. Douglas, Ronald Hall, Charles L. Hamblin, Steve Hevle, Andrew G. Hilleary, Jamey Horstink, Henk Kowalski, Angel R. Kroon, David H. McDonnell, Shamus R. McQuilling, David Moody, Robert A. Nelson, C.M. Nicholson, John P. Segall, Sorin M. Tachick, Henry Vail, Robert S. Valdes, Alberto TG 281 Connor, Mitch Gerard Guan, Shiwei William Moreno, Mario A. Smith, Greg Tallman, James D. TG 284 Bianchetti, Ronald L. Chmilar, James F. Forgo, Laszlo Gilroy, Douglas E. Grainawi, Lorri Greenberger, Stuart L. Hargrave, John Hassan, Mobeen Healey, Robert J. Howard, Dennis R. Huck, Ted Klechka, Ernest W. Kroon, David H. Lawrence, Charles F. Mateer, Mark W. Michel, James H. Newell, Richard J. Olson, John I. Parker, Kevin T. Rothermel, John M. Stevenson, Craig E. Tabib, Youssef A. TG 290 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Broomfield, John P. Faza, Salem Hartt, William H. Kessler, Richard J. Lasa, Ivan R. TG 296 Bingman, Ernest R. Hevle, Andrew G. Rampton, Frank Weber, Tom J. TG 297 Bianchetti, Ronald L. Kirkpatrick, Earl L. McCaffrey, Kevin L. Orona, John A. Simon, Philip D. Wetzel, Edwin TG 298 Savage, Dennis M. TG 299 Akinpelu, Adebayo Anand, Tanmay Barreto, Rodrigo C. Bosch, Christoph Cappuccini, Filippo Cassagne, Thierry Chambers, Brian D. Chitwood, Greg B. Coronado, Eva M. Deuterio, Marco Fowler, Christopher M. Grimes, William D. Gutierrez, Ivan Kivisakk, Ulf H. Kopliku, Ardjan Koschel, Diana Kudla, Flavia B. Le Manchet, Sandra Meck, Nacéra Sabrina S. Mendez, Conchita Mesquita, Thiago J. Nice, Perry I. Rowe, Adam C. Ryder, Jeremy C. Silverman, Seth A. Takabe, Hideki Wilken, Gerdt Yunovich, Mark TG 300 Brown, John C. Cayard, Michael S. Harrison, Steve L. (Harry) Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Roberts, Lionel 113 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory TG 301 Cayard, Michael S. Clarida, Dannie Feather, James E. Hendrix, David E. Laughlin, Carol-Ann B. Orie, Kenneth Phillips, Terrell Roberts, Lionel Toussaint, Patrick TG 302 Mitchell, James S. Roberts, Lionel Rutkowski, Anthony J. Shargay, Cathleen A. Sievert, Jim B. Williamson, Alexander I. TG 312 Andrews, Adrian F. Chang, Benjamin T. Choate, Dan L. Coronado, Kat Dopjera, Douglas E. Kloepper, John Moore, Douglas P. Posgay, Ray G. Rasmussen, Soeren N. Semerad, Antony V. Speed, Charles F. Wei, Chao Winter, Michael J. TG 315 Bensman, Lynsay Biagiotti, Steve F. Cookingham, Bruce A. Didas, Jeffrey L. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Matocha, Garry M. Moghissi, Oliver C. Papavinasam, Sankara Perry, Laurie S. Place, Trevor Song, Fengmei Stray, James D. Teevens, Patrick J. Valdes, Alberto TG 320 Poncio, Steve Raphoon, Ron R. Rogers, Gil Ruesing, Anton P. Theo, Jeffrey J. TG 323 Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Hussain, Syed MT M. Johnson, James R. Mandeno, William L. Poncio, Steve Posgay, Ray G. Winter, Michael J. Woodson, Jerry P. TG 325 Andrews, Adrian F. Bock, Peter Chang, Benjamin T. Delahunt, John F. Fitzgerald, Brian J. Funderburg, Isaac M. Gallo, Glen M. Halliday, Marie C. Hillis, David J. Houben, John J. Jennings, Herbert S. Jones, Richard T. Khattar, Chad J. Liening, Eugene L. Mitschke, Howard Narayanaswamy, Ram Kumar Renner, Michael H. Semerad, Antony V. Smallwood, Robert E. Weber, James Whitaker, Thomas Wilds, Neil Winnik, Stefan Yamamoto, Katsumi TG 326 Bush, Donald R. Gysbers, Andy C. Lapointe, François Martens, Dennis H. Mucek, Mark W. Rohrdanz, Nicholas Staats, Jeremy Toussaint, Patrick Verdolin, Regina F. TG 328 Anderson-Maifeld, Amy Badrak, Robert P. Bailey, Bill M. Baker, Brian A. Baker, Kirk C. Bollfrass, Charles Andrew Bond, Stuart Caldwell, Eric Carroll, Richard Cassagne, Thierry Craig, Bruce D. Dent, Philip Dziekonski, Mitchell Z. Farraro, John F. Felton, Peter Fowler, Christopher M. Francis, Roger Garfias, Luis F. Grimes, William D. Grubb, John F. Haeberle, Tim Hashizume, Shuji Havn, Torfinn Heidbrier, Don A Hillis, David J. Huizinga, Sytze Jena, Birendra Kopliku, Ardjan Lobaton, Militza I. Maligas, Manuel N. Martin, John W. McFarland, Sam Miyata, Yukio Oladoyin, Olabode Olsen, Stein Pakalapati, Raju Rasche, Dale Rubin, Adam Rupert, Jon C. Russo, Joel Ryder, Jeremy C. Scoppio, Lucrezia Shah, Paul Singh, Ramesh Sohn, Chad Tabinor, Matthew J. Turbeville, Elliott Waid, George M. Waud, Richard Whitlow, Scott Zeemann, Annelise TG 330 Abayarathna, Dharma Bartos, Milan Boivin, Joseph W. Brown, Bruce N. Fang, Haitao Lyublinski, Efim Y. Mendez, Conchita Olabisi, Olagoke Oladoyin, Olabode Palacios, Carlos A. Papavinasam, Sankara Seagraves, Sam Strong, Rusty Teevens, Patrick J. Webb, Lindsay L. Winning, Ian G. TG 332 Leonhard, Scott Schaffer, Timothy C. Seger, Patrick TG 333 Leonhard, Scott Molnar, James R. TG 336 Aguirre, Fabio Gray, Linda G. Kehr, Alan Lai, Larry Lewoniuk, Ronald W. Lopez, David L. Mamish, Abboud Mishael, Samuel J. Mitschke, Howard Munoz, Humberto Papavinasam, Sankara Partridge, Paul E. Rampton, Frank Schemberger, Dieter Sumbry, Louis C. Varughese, Kuruvila Weber, Tom J. TG 337 Aguirre, Fabio Allebach, Carl L. Gray, Linda G. Mamish, Abboud Papavinasam, Sankara Pulsifer, Andrew Rampton, Frank Schemberger, Dieter Sumbry, Louis C. Varughese, Kuruvila Weber, Tom J. TG 339 Emerson, Daniel Gorinsky, Luke Schaffer, Timothy C. TG 340 Greenfield, Donald T. Moore, Douglas P. Posgay, Ray G. Committee Rosters TG 344 Casey, Gregory Evans, Sarah Jevec, John M. TG 350 Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Janssen, Dale Perkins, Cathey L. Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 350A Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Janssen, Dale Perkins, Cathey L. Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 350B Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Janssen, Dale Perkins, Cathey L. Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 350C Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Janssen, Dale Perkins, Cathey L. Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 350D Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Janssen, Dale Perkins, Cathey L. Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 350E Burgess, Richard A. Coronado, Kat Frenzel, Lydia M. Fultz, Benjamin S. Janssen, Dale Perkins, Cathey L. Trimber, Kenneth A. TG 352 Dabiri, Matt Didas, Jeffrey L. Hess, Russell Holton, Gerald G. Kehr, Alan Kirby, Kurt Lopez Garrity, Aida Matocha, Garry M. Norsworthy, Richard Stewart, Jeffrey Wagner, Daniel P. TG 353 Guan, Shiwei William Varughese, Kuruvila TG 356 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Broomfield, John P. Costa, Jorge E. Forgo, Laszlo Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. Kessler, Richard J. Leng, Douglas Lindemuth, Dale Tinnea, Jack Virmani, Paul TG 360 Chmilar, James F. Gummow, Robert A. Harris, Kimberly-Joy Kroon, David H. Lauber, Mark D. Mataich, Joseph Mayfield, Donald R. McQuilling, David Mielke, Richard Moriber, Norman J. Newell, Richard J. Nichols, Paul R. Parker, Keith P. Sera, Travis Vail, Robert S. TG 362 Ansuini, Frank J. Carenza, Dennis R. Dimond, James R. Rothman, Paul S. TG 366 Clayton, David B. Molnar, James R. Thurman II, Kenneth E. TG 369 Amend, Bill Didas, Jeffrey L. Kowalski, Angel R. Marr, James Parker, Gord Payne, Rickey T. Sera, Travis Tabib, Youssef A. Walton, Jim TG 370 Bensman, Lynsay Biagiotti, Steve F. Eckert, Richard B. Hevle, Andrew G. Klechka, Ernest W. Leewis, Keith G. Moghissi, Oliver C. Palacios, Carlos A. Pikas, Joseph Place, Trevor Riccardella, Scott TG 372 Dean, Sheldon Dobosz, Lester M. Grubb, John F. Hurst, Lindell R. Johnson, E.J. Orrell, David B. Sinko, Robert J. Smallwood, Robert E. Spence, Thomas C. Whitlow, Scott TG 375 Beardwood, Edward S. Murtagh, Eunice TG 378 Beveridge, William Black, Norman Carter, Randy Jenkins, William S. Leonhard, Scott Molnar, James R. Schaffer, Timothy C. TG 379 Beveridge, William Gorinsky, Luke Jenkins, William S. Johnson, Doug Leonhard, Scott Molnar, James R. Schaffer, Timothy C. Silvia, Winston A. TG 380 Achour, Mohsen H. Bartos, Milan Beardwood, Edward S. Bonis, Michel R. Bowman, Karen M. Bretherton, Neil Bui, Alex Cassagne, Thierry Clayton, John F. Cruz, Czar Ivan T. De Reus, Han Dicken, Graeme E. Estenssoro, Ramiro Gough, Mark Guinn, George L. Hedges, Bill Heidersbach, Krista L. Hernandez, Sandra Hillis, David J. Hinds, Gareth Hinkson, Dezra Horsup, David I. Jackson (Moore), Jennifer Jackson, Tracey S. Jenkins, Alyn Karch, Walter B. Kurniawan, Audrey Lindemuth, Paul Nyborg, Rolf Semerad, Antony V. Tebbal, Saadedine Vera, Jose R. Wang, Hongbin Winning, Ian G. Withagen, Marcel TG 381 Burda, Paul A. Freedman, Arthur J. Ling, Clive C. Murtagh, Eunice Selby, K. Anthony Su, Paul Van Der Schijff, Ockert J. TG 382 Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Panossian, Zehbour Trimble, Wade Trimble, Whitt L. TG 386 Conner, Cris K. Hickcox, Curtis Pazdzierski, Clinton Poncio, Steve Zamanzadeh, Mehrooz TG 388 Adling, Paul C. Bean, Steven J. Catte, Darrell R. Fultineer, Roy Gilroy, Douglas E. Hargrave, John Hartley, Stephen C. Hevle, Andrew G. Hill, James M. Irwin, Philip Jefferies, Bradley C. Klechka, Ernest W. McGuinness, Nancy Nelson, C.M. Orona, John A. Parker, Kevin T. Phelps, Brent W. Salgado, Mario H. Webb, T. R. Wint, David TG 390 Bartos, Milan Bauman, Jerry Bensman, Lynsay Bowman, Karen M. Burda, Paul A. Chen, Yingzi Christopher, Kelly J. Dias, Olavo C. Doering, Kenneth Eckert, Richard B. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Friedersdorf, Fritz J. Hamblin, Steve Howard, Dennis R. Huffman, Joel E. Kim, Jong J. Licina, George J. McAllister, Von McFarland, Sam Pakalapati, Raju Papavinasam, Sankara Perkins, Allan J. Pikas, Joseph Place, Trevor Rengifo, Rafael Saldanha, Brian J. Seagraves, Sam Sun, Hejian Teevens, Patrick J. Woo, Dan H. Zurbuchen, Steve TG 393 Addington, Fred Al-Faqeer, Faisal M. Brown, John C. Clarida, Dannie Feather, James E. Grandfield, Darin Mancini, Joyce Marden, Keneth M. Mucek, Mark W. Quinter, Raymond C. Reeves, Tim Rutkowski, Anthony J. Williamson, Alexander I. TG 394 Molnar, James R. Schaffer, Timothy C. TG 395 Conner, Cris K. Hickcox, Curtis Kempkes, Carleton D. Kleinfelder, Hank Langill, Thomas J. Pazdzierski, Clinton Poncio, Steve White, Ken Zamanzadeh, Mehrooz TG 396 Bond, Stuart Cassagne, Thierry Chitwood, Greg B. Huizinga, Sytze Kopliku, Ardjan Szklarz, Karol E. Thompson, Richard M. TG 404 Al-Jaberi, Manea S. Alley, David Biagiotti, Steve F. Blackwelder, Curtiss Cavallo, Jon R. Daily, Steven F. Durbin, Michael C. Eckert, Timothy Edwards, David E. Fogel, Joseph F. Forgo, Laszlo Garrity, Kevin C. Gibbons, Thomas D. Goszczynski, Guylaine He, Xihua Holton, Gerald G. Ivy, Ted S. Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Klechka, Ernest W. Klein, William Kleinfelder, Hank Latanision, Ronald M. Martinez Niembro, Antonio Melchionna, James A. Murray, Neal S. Niebling, Robert C. Norsworthy, Richard Ogundele, Gabriel Pikas, Joseph Ponder, Jim Roberge, Pierre R. Smart, Andrew L. Stein, Arthur A. Tabib, Youssef A. Tarlton, Michael Valade, Rachel VanSligtenhorst, Darcy Walters, William S. TG 406 Molnar, James R. TG 408 Alnabulsi, Khalid M. Bag, Asim Brockman, Michael A. Cenegy, Lawrence M. Dougherty, James A. Dubey, Arwind Kumar Esaklul, Khlefa A. Farquhar, Gale B. Gerbino, Anthony J. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 114 Committee Rosters Ghosh, Goutam Hanearin, Sally S. Hevle, Andrew G. Jonnalagadda, Krishna V. Mesquita, Thiago J. Olabisi, Olagoke Palanivel, B. Safarzadeh, Maryam Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Singh, Devinder Singh, Virendra Smallwood, Robert E. Smart, Jack Speed, Charles F. Young, Paul R. TG 410 Alleyne, David Bowman, Karen M. Holzmann, Mary Keck, Danny L. Leewis, Keith G. Light, Glenn M. Mataich, Joseph Matocha, Garry M. Pikas, Joseph Ternowchek, Sam TG 415 Curry, Larry J. Sherbondy, Valerie TG 416 Boada, Edgar Boire, Michael Bosetti, Shane Daniel, Bethlehem Hanearin, Sally S. McKinnon, Wes Melvin, Budd Okulaja, Samuel TG 417 Goodwin, Fred Jenkins, William S. Nixon, Randy O’Dea, Vaughn TG 419 Cavallo, Jon R. Chustz, Keith Jenkins, William S. Poncio, Steve Stachnik, Robert TG 422 Bock, Peter Chauviere, Monica M. Chustz, Keith Curry, Larry J. MeLampy, Michael Posgay, Ray G. Rachel, Keith TG 425 Bock, Peter Kelly, Richard Posgay, Ray G. Rasche, Dale TG 426 Bauman, Jerry Bell, Bradley T. Bensman, Lynsay Biagiotti, Steve F. Bieri, Timothy H. Camacho, Alvaro Howard, Dennis R. Jauseau, Nicolas Lowry, William Mateer, Mark W. Matocha, Garry M. Palacios, Carlos A. Papavinasam, Sankara Perry, Laurie S. Pickthall, Thomas W. Sand, Keith W. Seagraves, Sam Song, Fengmei Tajallipour, Nima Teevens, Patrick J. Vera, Jose R. TG 430 Allen, Robert F. Forgo, Laszlo Gilroy, Douglas E. Lindemuth, Dale Nielsen, Lars V. Segall, Sorin M. Southey, Robert Wakelin, Rob Yunovich, Mark TG 431 Holloman, Alan Pandey, Arun K. TG 432 Brasher, Jon H. Conner, Cris K. Forgo, Laszlo Hickcox, Curtis Isaacson, Christopher Langill, Thomas J. Niles, Kevin D. Pandey, Arun K. Pazdzierski, Clinton Poncio, Steve Schreiner, Trudy White, Ken TG 436 Abu-Zahra, Sami Ansuini, Frank J. Banks, Robert L. Barreto, Eduardo C. Dam, A. M. Dimond, James R. Jefferies, Bradley C. John, Gareth Khan, Naeem A. Mataich, Joseph Matlack, Gary L. Mawhinney, Derek Nicholson, John P. O’Dowd, J. Kevin Olson, John I. Rothman, Paul S. Segall, Sorin M. Silverman, David C. Tabib, Youssef A. Wetzel, Edwin TG 437 Betti, Mariassunta Black, Norman Campbell, Ken Carter, Randy Gorinsky, Luke Molnar, James R. Schaffer, Timothy C. 115 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory TG 438 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Broomfield, John P. Bushman, James B. Costa, Jorge E. Garrity, Kevin C. Giorgini, Roberto Goodwin, Fred Gummow, Robert A. Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. John, Gareth Kessler, Richard J. Lasa, Ivan R. Lehmann, Joseph A. Leng, Douglas Mather, Michael T. Nicholson, John P. Olson, John I. Schrieber, Charles F. Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Tinnea, Jack Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 439 Broomfield, John P. Brossia, Sean Didas, Jeffrey L. Granata, Richard D. Greenfield, Donald T. Tinnea, Jack Virmani, Paul TG 440 Al-Barout, Mohammed F. Annadorai, Karthik Been, Jenny Bowman, Karen M. Casey, Gregory Drake, Donald E. Heaver, Edward Heidersbach, Krista L. Jenkins, Alyn Kilbane, John J. Ligertwood, Phillip Place, Trevor Powell, Daniel E. Wagner, Daniel P. Whitworth, Jeff Winters, Robert H. TG 441 Durbin, Michael C. Kempkes, Carleton D. Kleinfelder, Hank Pazdzierski, Clinton TG 442 Boichuk, Kevin Kempkes, Carleton D. Kleinfelder, Hank Pazdzierski, Clinton TG 443 Dangleben, Earl C. Peters, Hap Wei, Chao TG 444 Betti, Mariassunta Clayton, David B. Molnar, James R. TG 445 Achour, Mohsen H. Chapman, Daniel Dash, Lawrence C. Esaklul, Khlefa A. Instanes, Geir Ojifinni, Rotimi A. Perkins, Allan J. Venkateswaran, Sai Prasanth Vera, Jose R. Wold, Kjell R. TG 458 Campbell, Cameron Eckert, Richard B. Jack, Thomas R. Keasler, Vic Licina, George J. Little, Brenda J. Skovhus, Torben Lund TG 446 Brand, Jon-Michael L. Brelsford, Clay Catte, Darrell R. Huck, Ted Klechka, Ernest W. Kroon, David H. TG 461 Ashida, Hidehisa Bentkjaer, Michael U. Burnay, Simon Edwardson, William Eliasson, Johnny R. Frankhuizen, Nico Kattan, Raouf Kawano, Mitsuhiro Koka, Abhishek Petersen, John Swain, Geoffrey W. Twombly, Arthur (Lee) L. TG 447 Papavinasam, Sankara Vera, Jose R. TG 449 Adams, Michael P. Charpentier, Lloyd Janoff, Dwight Whitsitt, Elizabeth TG 450 Adams, Michael P. Charpentier, Lloyd Janoff, Dwight Whitsitt, Elizabeth TG 451 Carter, Randy Gorinsky, Luke TG 452 Ashida, Hidehisa Carter, John Drake, Lisa Haslbeck, Elizabeth G McNulty, Peter D. Mitschke, Howard Takeuchi, Toyoji Tator, Ken Thomas, Elvin D. TG 454 Brandt, James A. Dicus, Joseph S. Galvan, Antonio Moffat, Michael Setien Garcia, Juan Ramon Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Suarez, Jorge A. TG 455 Obeyesekere, Nihal U. Panossian, Zehbour Papavinasam, Sankara Trimble, Whitt L. TG 456 Barbato, Michael Beamish, David Black, Norman Campbell, Ken Gorinsky, Luke Johnson, E.J. Lomax, Paul Schaffer, Timothy C. TG 460 Broomfield, John P. Noyce, Paul TG 464 Fultineer, Roy Mejia, Osvaldo TG 466 Angus, Alec B. Dupre, Eric J. Iken, Jason Madero, Frank Maier, Jeff Pelaez, Ramon E. Sepowski, James P. TG 467 Latanision, Ronald M. Stein, Arthur A. TG 468 Evans, Sarah Horvath, Jack W. TG 470 Abul Faisal, Kadookkatt A. Al-Borno, Amal Al-Ghafri, Mohamed J. Barouky, Fikry F. Bushman, James B. Carroll, Richard Catte, Darrell R. Chang, Benjamin T. Chukwu, Charles O. Dewitt, Jerry A. Dhanabal, Krishnakumar Elgamal, Mohamed E. Fernandez, Carlos E. Griffin, Jerome W. Halliday, Marie C. Hasanov, Rovshan Huijun, Li Jefferies, Bradley C. Jenkins, Timothy R. Kehr, Alan Kenmoe, Joseph R. Kirby, Kurt Klechka, Ernest W. Kloepper, John Lyon-Taylor, Eur Ing. Andrew Mamish, Abboud Mitschke, Howard Mohammad Qureshi, Salman R. Committee Rosters Mohammad, Abdul H. Nasim, Farukh Palanivel, B. Panchal, Pankaj D. Partridge, Paul E. Pratt, Jennifer Rider, Bill Ruschau, Gregory Sekar, Manikandan Semerad, Antony V. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Smallwood, Robert E. Soedarsono, Budi Susilowati A. Song, Fengmei Valenti, Richard D. Varughese, Kuruvila Wilds, Neil Wong, Dennis T. Rice, Scott Swain, Geoffrey W. Takeuchi, Toyoji Twombly, Arthur (Lee) L. Zargiel, Kelli TG 471 Alley, David Biagiotti, Steve F. Blackwelder, Curtiss Cavallo, Jon R. Cilluffo, Graig J. Eckert, Timothy Ivy, Ted S. Kenefick, Steve Klein, William Ogundele, Gabriel Pelaez, Ramon E. Roberts, Richard D. TG 479 Weber, Tom J. TG 472 Aligizaki, Kalliopi Bennett, John E. Berke, Neal S. Broomfield, John P. Callon, Rod Costa, Jorge E. Giorgini, Roberto Hall, Sylvia C. Hartt, William H. Healey, Robert J. John, Gareth Kessler, Richard J. Lasa, Ivan R. Leng, Douglas Martin, Barry L. Miltenberger, Matt Noyce, Paul Sohanghpurwala, Ali Akbar Tinnea, Jack Tremolada, Simone Turk, Thomas Whitmore, David W. Wyatt, Brian S. TG 475 Aschemeier, Uwe Ashida, Hidehisa Eliasson, Johnny R. Hilliard, Robert Kane, Daniel Kattan, Raouf Kawano, Mitsuhiro Lund, Geir Malfanti, Roberto Momber, Andreas Muleshkova, Lucien V. Peters, Kevin Ralston, Emily TG 476 Forte, Paul J. Gibbs, Brian Momber, Andreas Olsen, Stein Wei, Chao TG 477 MacKinnon, Arthur Rachel, Keith Saxena, Raj Winston, Daniel K. TG 478 Hernandez, Sandra Singer, Marc TG 480 Fultineer, Roy Lawson, Kurt M. TG 481 Alley, David Blackwelder, Curtiss Cavallo, Jon R. Cheng, Judy Ivy, Ted S. Ogundele, Gabriel Scott, David B. Stewart, Jeffrey Valade, Rachel TG 482 Badrak, Robert P. Paiva, Adriana TG 483 Ghosh, Goutam Pardey, Ricardo L. Pitta, Anil Savino, Vincenzo TG 484 Janoff, Dwight Pardey, Ricardo L. Pitta, Anil Savino, Vincenzo TG 485 Alley, David Blackwelder, Curtiss Cavallo, Jon R. Cheng, Judy Ivy, Ted S. Ogundele, Gabriel Scott, David B. Stewart, Jeffrey Valade, Rachel TG 486 Christopher, Ryan Lauer, Robert Paiva, Adriana TG 487 Christopher, Ryan Fields, Charles N. Zeng, Jing TG 488 Christopher, Ryan Lauer, Robert Paiva, Adriana TG 489 Edmondson, James G. Flatley, Martin Lordo, Sam A. Milton, Douglas J. Quinter, Raymond C. Sarpong, Kwadwo O. Strong, Rusty Vetters, Eric Waytashek, Jeff Wilks, Gerald W. TG 490 Connor, Mitch Gerard Coulson, Keith E. Mateer, Mark W. TG 491 Alley, David Biagiotti, Steve F. Chmilar, James F. Chrzanowski, Ronald A. Cilluffo, Graig J. Daily, Steven F. Forgo, Laszlo Hosein, Sasan M. Kirkpatrick, Earl L. Lindemuth, Dale Munson, Douglas Ogundele, Gabriel Simon, Philip D. Whitsitt, David V. TG 496 Gerbino, Anthony J. Hill, Donald G. Liu, Zhengwei Seagraves, Sam TG 498 Baessler, Ralph Fritz, James D. Heselmans, Jan Kane, Russell D. Ladwein, Thomas L. Mathiesen, Troels TG 499 Kleinfelder, Hank Ogundele, Gabriel TG 502 Klechka, Ernest W. Pikas, Joseph Prewitt, T. J. TG 504 Broomfield, John P. Tinnea, Jack TG 517 Al-Mahrous, Husain M. Broomfield, John P. Callon, Rod Norris, John C. Noyce, Paul Pynn, Calvin R. Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. Surkein, Michael B. TG 518 Johnson, Doug Mitchell, Pete Schmitz, Mark H. Weybright, Douglas S. TG 519 Galvan, Antonio Jamrok, William E. TG 505 Brandt, James A. Galvan, Antonio Moffat, Michael Setien Garcia, Juan Ramon Shanmugam, Jeevanandam X. TG 492 Esaklul, Khlefa A. Sheriyani, Moosa TG 506 Adams, Michael P. Janoff, Dwight Paiva, Adriana Pardey, Ricardo L. Whitsitt, Elizabeth Wilds, Neil TG 493 Gerbino, Anthony J. Seagraves, Sam TG 507 Carter, Paul Fang, Ming TG 494 Albores-Silva, Octavio E. Asher, Stefanie L. Bond, Stuart Bosch, Christoph Caravel-Tondat, Carol Coronado, Eva M. Dent, Philip Haase, Thomas Hashizume, Shuji Huang, Weiji Huizinga, Sytze Kissner, Gustavo G. Mendez, Mauricio A. Orizu, Justin Ryder, Jeremy C. Smith, Lee S. Turnbull, Alan Wiegers, Karsten Zermout, Zinedine TG 508 Carter, Paul Fang, Ming TG 495 Eliezer, Amir Hansen, Douglas C. Krantz, Bradley D. Krebs, Lorrie A. Rosenbloom, Shari N. Wilson, Dane F. TG 516 Cabrera, Ricardo Rachel, Keith TG 510 Bolinger, Steven Cayard, Michael S. Chronister, Donald J. Curtis, Craig D. Gossett, James L. Janclaes, Richard M. Marden, Keneth M. Mucek, Mark W. Ray, Brent D. Rex, Spencer Rutkowski, Anthony J. Scanlan, Rob J. Sheikhi, Nasser Staats, Jeremy Tkachyk, Brian J. Williams, Dana G. Wodarcyk, John J. TG 511 Mason, Robert B. Menke, Joseph T. TG 512 Gerbino, Anthony J. Wylde, Jonathan J. 2014-2015 Technical Committees Directory 116 Index of Committees with Administrative STGs TG/TEG # ADMIN STG TG/TEG # ADMIN STG TG/TEG # ADMIN STG TG/TEG # ADMIN STG 006 04 085 32 173 34 249 03 009 03 086 33 176 34 250 03 010X 35 087 33 177 34 251 03 013 35 090X 41 179X 05 253X 31 014 35 092X 31 181X 44 254 35 016X 05 093X 61 182X 41 255X 02 018 05 094X 61 183X 41 257 32 022X 05 095X 61 184X 61 260 02 023 05 097X 62 185X 08 261 61 024X 05 098X 62 186X 60 262X 05 025 05 100X 62 187X 60 263 03 030 03 108X 62 188X 06 264 03 031 03 113X 34 189X 60 266 03 034 03 114X 39 191X 10 267X 35 037 03 115X 36 192X 02 268 34 038 35 116X 39 197X 05 270X 37 039 35 118X 36 200 08 271 43 041 35 119X 36 201X 31 273 35 043X 01 120X 39 202X 31 274 34 044 01 121X 36 205X 34 279 35 045 01 123X 37 206X 34 281 03 046 01 126X 37 207X 34 282X 31 047 01 128X 37 208X 35 284 05 049 01 141 03 210 35 286X 31 050 01 145X 61 212 35 290 01 053X 01 146 02 213X 60 291X 43 054 01 147 11 217 36 292X 35 055 01 148 02 223 35 293 35 057 01 149X 11 224X 41 296 03 059X 31 152 11 230X 45 297 05 061 43 153 11 231 34 298 03 063 43 157 11 232X 38 299 32 064X 43 158 11 234 11 300 34 067 43 159X 11 235 11 301 34 070 31 160 11 237 35 310X 60 075 31 163X 11 239X 10 311X 02 076 31 166X 30 244 11 312 02 077X 31 167 05 245 31 314X 35 080X 35 168 30 246 03 315 35 080X TIE 35 169 30 247 03 316X 62 082 32 170 30 248 03 319X 33 117 2013-2014 Technical Committees Directory Index of Committees with Administrative STGs TG/TEG # ADMIN STG TG/TEG # ADMIN STG TG/TEG # ADMIN STG TG/TEG # ADMIN STG 320 04 382 35 441 41 486 33 323 04 386 41 442 41 487 33 325 36 388 05 443 04 488 33 326 34 389X 11 444 43 489 34 330 31 390 62 445 31 490 03 331X 60 391X 62 446 35 491 41 332 43 393 34 447 35 492 31 333 43 394 43 449 33 493 31 336 03 395 41 450 33 494 32 337 03 396 32 451 43 495 60 338X 35 397X 35 452 44 496 31 339 43 398X 36 453X 08 498 60 340 02 399X 02 454 30 499 41 341X 31 406 43 455 35 500X 33 344 06 407X 60 456 43 501X 33 346X 02 408 31 458 60 502 35 350 04 410 35 460 01 503X 11 350A 04 412X 35 461 44 504 01 350B 04 413X 31 462X 35 505 30 350C 04 415 02 463X 35 506 33 350D 04 416 31 464 35 507 03 350E 04 417 04 465X 41 508 03 351X 03 419 04 467 41 509X 36 352 03 421X 31 468 06 510 34 353 03 422 02 469X 04 511 40 354X 03 423X 04 470 03 512 31 356 01 424X 02 471 41 513X 31 360 35 425 03 472 01 514X 31 362 35 426 35 473X 41 515X 61 363X 35 428X 02 474X 60 516 03 366 43 430 05 475 44 517 35 368X 41 431 41 476 44 518 04 369 35 432 41 477 02 519 30 370 35 433X 31 478 31 520 03 372 36 434X 62 479 03 521 62 374X 32 435X 03 480 35 522 35 375 11 436 62 481 41 378 43 437 43 482 33 379 43 438 01 483 33 380 61 439 08 484 33 381 11 440 35 485 41 2013-2014 Technical Committees Directory 118 In Memoriam Bill M. Dearing Bill M. Dearing was born on September 10, 1931 and passed away on October 14, 2012. He was a resident of Shreveport, Louisiana at the time of his passing. Billy served his country proudly in the U.S. Army, serving in the Korean War. He was an active life member of NACE International and a member of STG 04. He is survived by his wife, Rose. John Hoffman On October 29, 2013, John Hoffman, age 47, passed away after courageously battling cancer since 2012. John earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Engineering from Wilkes University in 1988 and a Masters of Chemical Engineering degree from Drexel University in 1995. John joined Air Products in 1995 in Corporate Research Services after working approximately 3 years for Westinghouse and 4 years with Mobil Oil. John’s research resulted in 13 publications and 2 books on the microstructural effects of aging on cast reformer tube and outlet header alloys. He was a chair on a number of NACE International and Materials Technology Institute (MTI) project groups. John had been chair of TEG 270X (Reformer Components: Materials Issues) for at least 5 years and was a former chair of STG 37. In MTI he was one of the driving forces behind the “Atlas of Microstructures,” and was working on the 2nd edition at the time of his passing. He will be greatly missed. 119 2013-2014 Technical Committees Directory John T. Schmidt Long-time Cypress, Texas, resident, John T. Schmidt, 65, passed away suddenly Wednesday, June 4, 2014. John was well known in the oil and gas industry as a pipeline integrity specialist. He was a member of NACE International for many years and active in NACE technical committees. Some of the committees are TG 039 and TEG 267X (held position of vice chair in both), as well as STG 02, STG 03, STG 04, STG 05, STG 30, STG 35, STG 60, and STG 62. He was an avid SCUBA diver and pilot and a proud fellow of The Explorers Club. John is survived by his wife of 43 years, Suzette, his sons John, Jr. of Grapevine, Matthew and his wife Jodi, of Katy, and the absolute joys of his life, his twin grandsons, Aiden and Cooper, also of Katy. 2015 September 20-24, 2015 • Austin, Texas, USA CTW 2015 JW Marriott Austin C N MSES consultants, inc. ORROSION PRODUCTS DIVISIO YOUR SOURCE FOR CORROSION TESTING & MONITORING SOLUTIONS TEST KITS Fluids, Solids, Sludges, Scale, MIC, ECDA & ICDA COUPONS Weight Loss, Pitting Rate Analysis, Epi-fluorescence Microscopy LABORATORY SERVICES Liquids, Soil/Solids, X-ray Defraction, Soil MPY, Gas Analysis, GCMS PRODUCTS Survey Wire, Reference Electrode, Bulk Copper Sulfate EQUIPMENT Interrupter, Test Canes, Data Canes, Test Reel, Backpacks, Hip Pack, Survey Probes, Survey Meter Tray, Soil Resistivity Meter & Probes ACCESSORIES Test Leads & Clips, Allegro® Case & Pouch For more information visit w w or contact Jason N. Rine, Director 877.624.9700 e-mail j