The Beacon, March 2009 - Pacific Bluegrass and Heritage Society
The Beacon, March 2009 - Pacific Bluegrass and Heritage Society
March 2009 The Beacon The Foggy Hogtown Boys at the ANZA March 30 T PBHS March/09 at the ANZA CONTACTS PBHS Mailing Address: 249 East 24th Ave Vancouver, BC,V5V 1Z7 THE ANZA CLUB IS LOCATED AT 3 W. 8TH AVE. AT ONTARIO ST. IN VANCOUVER Cost: $4/members, $6/visitors Monday, March. 2nd: Slow Pitch with Sue Malcolm & Friends BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monday, March.9th Regular Jam (PBHS mtg) Monday, March 16th Regular Jam Monday, March. 23th Regular Jam Monday, March 30th The Foggy Hogtown Boys Concert at the ANZA- 8 PM Tickets: $17 members/$20, non’s PBHS Website: President: Kris Boyd Treasurer: Peter Krivel-Zacks 604-737-1218 Secretary: Anne Gilbert 604-985-3828 Bookings: Kris Boyd Linda Bull Open Stage: Mark Vaughan Membership: Jody Kramer jody_kramer@hotmail. com Workshops: Leah Clark Bluegrass Beacon: Diana E. Sly Cover photo courtesy of the Foggy Hogtown Boys Acoustic Music by Rogue Folk Club St. James Hall (3214 West 10th Avenue, in Kitsilano) Capilano Performing Arts Theatre (2055 Purcell Way, North Van.) See for complete events calendar Of Special interest to Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Fans At St James Hall: Thursday, March 26th: Beppe Gambetta, with PLOUGH $20 Rogue/PBHS members $23 non-members Workshops Sunday March 22 with Chris Jones’ Band! ‘Just got word from Chris Jones that he, Ivan Rosenberg and Ned Lubrecki would like to put on a guitar, dobro and banjo workshop on Sunday the 22nd of March as they will be coming through town. Word has it that last year the workshops put on by these musicians were excellent & well attended . These workshops would be held at homes and would be 1 1/2 hours for $25.00. To Sign up & For Details Contact Fred Schiffner: 604 943-0522 or (this from Leah Clark) Sorrento Scholarship March – wind, rain, new shoots in the garden and an EXCELLENT crop of concerts/workshops to look forward to! (Don’t Forget Beppe Gambetta with Plough on March 26th!) Our perennial favourites, the Foggy Hogtown Boys are coming back to the ANZA on March 30th . You can count on them for the very finest musicianship, for outstanding vocals and amazing songwriting. Do I sound like a fan? You betcha!! The FHB’s are Andrew Collins on mandolin, Chris Coole on guitar, Max Heineman on bass, Chris Quinn on banjo & John Showman on Fiddle. Chirs Coole tells me that this tour is in support of their most recent CD “The Golden West”, released last June, but not yet presented to us westerners. We’re in for a very special treat: so far, all 3 of their previous CD’s have been very popular AND critically acclaimed. When it comes to this band, originality is their byword. Not surprisingly, Chris let slip that the FHB’s may introduce a tantalizing, hot-off the-presses tune or two in their set list. Coming back to the topic of wind – I’m still winded and all wound up from the whirlwind of non-stop concerts and jamming that goes by the name of Wintergrass. (in the “City of Glass”, Tacoma, WA, Feb. 19-22) PBHS Annual BCBW Scholarship The BC Bluegrass Workshops for 2009 have already opened for registration, and promise another great year of instruction, concerts, jamming and fun. Each year, the Pacific Bluegrass & Heritage Society sponsors one society member to go to camp on a scholarship. You are responsible for your own accommodation and meals, but we will sponsor your registration fee. If you want to go to camp, but can’t afford to, consider applying for the scholarship. Simply write a letter and submit it to the Board of the Pacific Bluegrass and Heritage Society stating why you want to go, your involvement with PBHS, a little information about your financial limitations, and why we should consider you as a scholarship candidate. The deadline for application is March 30th, 2009 – send it to Jill Tolliday at We will determine the scholarship recipient at our April board meeting. You must be a current and active member of the Pacific Bluegrass and Heritage Society to apply. Ed. note: Jay Buckwold advises anyone who is applying for a scholarship to call Sorrento Centre as soon as registration opens, to register in the class they want, and to advise Sorrento that they are applying for the scholarship. Sorrento will waive the $100 registration fee for scholarship applicants until the recipient is decided. The Steeldrivers. undisputedstars of Wintergrass/09, in a “Meet the Steeeldrivers” Workshop The line up: Richard Bailey, on banjo; Brent Truitt, on mandolin; Mike Fleming, on bass; & Chris Stapleton (the VOICE!) on guitar. After following the the Steeldrivers around from concert to concert and NEVER seeing Chris Stapleton’s face (on stage he usually hides behind a large Stetson, wears sunglasses and never looks ‘round) – finally got a good look at him browsing among the high-end guitars in Hotel Murano’s vendor zone. He good-naturedly posed for this picture. What a talent! What a voice! Of course, I wanted to hug him, but Sam wouldn’t let me… Bluegrass Beacon March/09 Page PBHS FEATURE PROFILE: Photo courrtesy BC Bluegrass Workshops F or some time now I’ve been pondering how a relatively simple musical genre like Bluegrass, can manage to attract and nurture such wide-ranging musical virtuosity. It certainly boggles the mind! Every instrument in the Bluegrass firmament has outstanding “stars” – musicians so skilled on their instruments that they never cease to amaze and inspire -- not only us, the bluegrass-faithful, but the music-listening world at large. As you know, our Vancouver-area has more than its fair share of such “stars”. If I mention the mandolin, you’d have to search far and wide to find a musician more gifted or influential than John Reischman. And in connection to the Bluegrass guitar, especially flat picking, we need look no further than our very own Garry Stevenson – my nomination for this feature profile.Garry is not only a distinguished and distinctive guitar flat picker himself, he has been getting scores of us to embark on that never-ending journey through his dedicated teaching at the BC Bluegrass Workshops at Sorrento (and, once in a while, as part of Rosemary Campbell’s Moveable Music School). From personal experience, I can tell you Garry makes fiddle tunes on the guitar fun and eminently learnable. I recollect vividly how he encouraged us to use his very clear tabs, not solely as a tune’s anchor, but as a springboard for personal interpretation. Yes, Folks, I’m talking “improvisation”! (Jazz Brethren, eat your hearts out!) Garry Stevenson ing ing doesn’t start and end in a classroom. Wherever he finds himself, he’s always willing to lend an encouraging ear or hand to struggling jammers . In fact, Garry’s the kindest kind of Jam Wrangler, gently steering the uninitiated toward the accepted Bluegrass etiquette.. (Wouldn’t it be grand if he could come to the ANZA every Monday?) Alas, we don’t see him often enough because he’s busy in his “other” lives. His work as a civil engineer who specializes in geo-technical projects often takes him to far-flung places. Regardless of where he finds himself, he manages to get the low-down on the local music scene: on his work-travels, he once stumbled upon a Bluegrass Band in Bangkok; he’s even jammed with an Aussie Rock’N’Roll band in Papua New Guinea! He’s also a member of Five On A String, a very popular local Bluegrass Band. The photo below shows him recently performing with band mates, Gordie Sadler, and Dan Morner, and guest fiddler Hugh Ellenwood, at “Bluegrass at the Carnegie” organized by John Ludgate. Not only did Five On A String deliver top-notch crowd-pleasing Bluegrass in their own right, but individually and collectively, they helped back up a couple of the other acts, too. Now ain’t that right neighbourly? What’s more, his teachFive On A String (minus one) at Carnegie, Feb. 11/09 Hugh Ellenwood, guest fiddler; Gordie Sadler, banjo; Dan Morner, bass; and Garry Stevensonon on guitar. Their Sound? Stellar instrumentation, Lively vocals, great harmonies! Bluegrass Beacon March/09 Page T hose of you who receive the Beacon with your email have Garry to thank for it. In fact, he’s a force of nature when it comes to promoting local acoustic music. He compiles publicity promo’s from a huge variety of sources and sends the information out to about 500 contacts on his email list. Actually he organizes the contact names into an ever-growing number of multiple lists to get past spam filters. Heck! That’s a LOT of work! No one pays him to do this – no one told him to do it. He figured this was just something that needed to be done…! When I asked him how it all began, he told me initially all he wanted was to help a past PBHS Board get the Beacon out to members without mailing it to them. (He and I are of like mind on that score. I dearly wish ALL club members would sign up for Garry’s email, and give up their paper versions. However, until we have better control of our PBHS web content , Garry’s email remains the most responsive and accurate source for up-to-date acoustic music information, including PBHS Club Happenings. To get on board, here’s Garry’s email: What’s on Garry’s horizon? He’s enjoying playing up a storm on the mandolin, which he took up a scant few years ago. Not surprisingly, he’s proficient on it already, although he maintains his true love is still the guitar. When I asked him who his own “guitar gods” were, he named Tony Rice, Dan Crary and Russ Barenberg. Garry told me that the Club personality who influenced him the most in his early days with the PBHS, and set him on the path to good rhythm-playing was Chris Stevens. (check out Chris’ profile and sample his music on the CBC’s New Music Canada website: As for whom Garry’s listening to these days? He says Becky Buller, singer, fiddler and songwriter extraordinaire continues to delight him. Other favourites are 3rd Tyme Out, The Breakmen, and Victoria’s Four Chords of Wood (when he’s hankering for traditional Bluegrass with a homespun flavour.) of Garry’s that I was profiling him, she immediately wanted to know how long he’s been playing the guitar. (I guess we all want to calculate how many years we have to practice before we can begin to sound like him – although we can never hope to be BC flatpicking champions three years in a row, like Garry was: ’90, ’91 & ’92 – the three years there was such an event.) Garry answered this question indirectly when he told me he took up the guitar at 13 after he first heard Doc Watson. Until then he had been playing the accordion. (Don’t’ chuckle, Folks, even Bill Monroe is guilty of a few “Accordion Crimes” himself, having had an accordion player in one of his early bands). Garry’s family always encouraged him to play, regardless of the instrument, and filled the house with a wide range of music: big band era swing, country and gospel. And like so many fine singers, Garry got his first exposure to vocal technique and harmony in church choirs. As you can see, there are “many” Garry Stevensons. He’s got enough talent and versatility to fill up multiple boots. Gosh darned, aren’t we privileged to have him in the Club? Carnegie photo and article by D. E. Sly (Also: uncredited photos in this issue). You could be lucky enough to have Garry Stevenson as an instructor at Sorrento/09. Have you signed up for the BC Bluegrass Workshops yet? Check their website: Week 1: August 23 - August 28, 2009 Sorrento Bluegrass Festival: Saturday, Aug. 29, ‘09 Week 2: August 30 - September 4, 2009 When I mentioned to PBHS member, Sue Calvert, a fellow guitarist and, like me, a former guitar student Bluegrass Beacon March/09 Page Listen Up! IN THE PINES COOP Radio CFRO 102.7 Vancouver –102.9 Cable StarChoice Satellite Ch. 845 2:30 -- 4:00 PM Sundays PACIFIC PICKIN With Arthur & Andrea Berman CITR 101.9 FM Vancouver 6:30 -- 8:00 AM Tuesdays or streamed at: UP TOWN BLUEGRASS With George McKnight CIGVFM Penticton 6:30 – 7:30 Saturdays CJFW FM Terrace 9:00 --10:00 PM Wednesdays FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN Hosted by Craig Korth Thursdays 5—6 PM PDT INTERNET In i-tunes , look under the FOLK and COUNTRY categories; Or in www., search one of the many BG channels many stations, especially BANDS FOR HIRE Don & Theresa Dirksen Don: 604 -521- 6595 or Mountain Ridge: Fred Schiffner Five On A String 604-931-3765 five_on_string@hotmail. com http://home.lynx/net/foas/ Plough Linda Bull: bull.linda@ Great Northern Brian Samuels: 604-7324046 or Hungry Hill Jenny Lester: 250-847-5001 John Reischman and the Jaybirds John: 604-251-7655 Lakeside Ramblers George Garbutt: 250-441-3365 Redgrass: Rhythm Roundup c/o Sue Malcolm: 604-215-2760. Still Blue: Colin Goldie: Story House Jake de Viliiers: 604-535-7271 Viper Central: Mark Vaughan 604 723-0164 vipercentral@gmail.comer Are you new to PBHS, or is it time to renew your membership? Address change? Either way,clip the form below and send it in! Bluegrass Beacon March/09 Page G r a s s i f i e d s LESSONS Beginner guitar, voice, coaching, jamming. with Sue Malcolm, an experienced teacher, performer, recording artist and snior instructor at BC Bluegrass Workshops, (Sorrento) Individual or small group lessons 604-215-2760.or Mandolin: all levels John Reischman at 604- 251-7655 or Mandolin and guitar, and clawhammer/old time banjo. Learn the music you love in a friendly, supportive environment. No theory required, success with all ages. Steve Quattrocchi at 604-523-1739 mail For Mandolin, Accordion and Theory Lessons. Call Diane Bode 604-684-9479 or Mandolin, guitar & singing lessons with Ben Rogalsky of The Breakmen. Practical and fun approach for players at any level. We can focus on any combination of instrumental technique, singing and playing, harmony singing or jamming with other instruments. 778.232.8376 Mandolin Lessons (beg/int) Learn tunes and techniques to get the most out of your bluegrass experience! Call Mark 604-723-0164 or Banjo lessons for beginner through advanced players. 5-string bluegrass banjo, individual private lessons, given at my studio in Surrey, BC. See my web site or contact me for further details and for booking lessons. Sheldon Friesen http://banjoredhead. 778-868-6837 Bluegrass Banjo for all levels: Don Dirksen 604 521-6595 or Banjo Lessons with Nick Hornbuckle. All levels taught. Just starting? Advanced & looking for a little polish in your picking? Nick has the knowledge and over 25 years of teaching experience to help. 250-741-0083 FOR SALE Interested in learning guitar or bluegrass banjo? What about song composition, or harmony singing? One on one instruction, or small group (band) lessons.Loads of teaching and performance experience. Unbeatable rates. Bring your band and we’ll work out some tunes! Archie Pateman at 604-839-7910 or Fiddle Lessons: Bluegrass Celtic Old Time Blues, Swing or Jazz Call Doug Thorardson 604-251 2973 INSTRUMENTS BUILT OR REPAIRED Acoustic bass for sale Great student-grade bass, well constructed, big sound. Plays well now, with a setup it would do someone for many years. Includes soft case. $1200 Ben - / 778.232.8376 PBHS T-Shirts, Caps, & Jackets CALL Leah Clark: 604-436-3650 Mandolin Lessons (beg/int) Learn tunes and techniques to get the most out of your bluegrass experience! Call Mark 604-723-0164 or Instrument set-up & repair of your banjo,bass, mandolin, or guitar by the only authjorized Santa Cruz Guitar Company warranty repairman in the area. Call Jake De Villiers at 604-535-7271 Master Craftsman: Extraordinary guitars and mandolins Laughlin Guitars built in Vancouver. 604-254-4990 or WANTED! The PBHS is looking for a Jam Wrangler -- a seasoned musician and jammer to lead jams on the ANZA main floor. If interested, please Contact PBHS Board members, especially president Kris Boyd for more details: Bluegrass Beacon March/09 Page
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