Hitohiro Sensei Seminar Poster V1 0
Hitohiro Sensei Seminar Poster V1 0
An International seminar with HITOHIRO SAITO SHIHAN (Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai Kai-cho) 14, 15, 16 NOVEMBER 2008 BATH UNIVERSITY, BATH, ENGLAND • Hitohiro Saito Shihan was born in Iwama on February 12, 1957, and raised in the dojo of Morihei Ueshiba. Hitohiro Saito began his Aikido education at the age of seven under the direct tutelage of O-Sensei. He continued learning from his father, Morihiro Saito Shihan, after O-Sensei passed away in 1969. • With over 40 years of Aikido experience forged under the auspices of O’Sensei, Morihiro Saito Shihan and rigorous daily practice in Iwama, Hitohiro Saito Shihan has established a reputation throughout the world for his exceptional technique and mastery of Aikido. Sensei is particularly renowned for the clarity of his instruction, developed and refined during his teaching of literally thousands of students serving their apprenticeships at the Iwama dojo and during seminars around the world. • Devoted to preserving both the spiritual and technical tradition of O-Sensei's Aikido, don’t miss this rare opportunity to partake in the study of meditation, Ken, Jo and Taijutsu with Hitohiro Saito Shihan. • • • 3 day seminar £125.00 Keiko (per session 1 hour 15 mins) £ 25.00 Special Keiko £30.00 • • For more details please visit www.matthill.co.uk/seminars Or call or email Matt Hill on +44 776 5241784 email: hillmattc@googlemail.com