2011 May - ASHRAE San Diego
2011 May - ASHRAE San Diego
President’s Message Sea World Site Tour Member Get a Member!! Tuesday, May 17th Please arrive by 11:30 Location: Sea World Full Details on Page 6 Have you checked out the NEW and IMPROVED ASHRAE website? Visit www.ashraesd.org TODAY to get everything you need to know on events, news, and more!! INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,11 12 13 May Meeting Info, Presidents Message Board Announcement, Member Get a Member Calendar of Events and Seminars Padres Save the Date ASHRAE Learning Institute May Meeting Details ASHRAE San Diego Science Fair Winners Letter from the Editor Officers/Committee Members, Membership Update ASHRAE Golf Tournament CTTC Update USGBC May GreenMeet ASHRAE San Diego Chapter hosted another great meeting last month at the Butcher Shop where Jerry Iacouzze discussed topics on sound control and duct design. A big thank you to Jerry for sharing his experience with us! The next meeting is a tour of Sea World Facilities on th May 17 . This promises to be another great opportunity to check out some of the inner workings at this popular park. Please keep your eye on our website for more information as it develops. I’m happy to report that our Chapter has completed the election process for the upcoming ASHRAE year. Congratulations to Hugh Egan on becoming our next Treasurer for the Chapter! As Hugh begins his assent through the ranks of the Chapter officers, I want to personally thank him and all the other Officers (Dennis Christie, Dan Noto, Rebecca Haehn, and Heather Schopplein) for their dedication to the San Diego Chapter! The Roster is coming! We are actively working to update and publish our roster with the goal of having it done by the end of this ASHRAE year (June). An email went out on March 15 soliciting advertisers and I encourage you to consider an ad in the Chapter Roster. It is a great resource for all members. I use mine all the time and am looking forward to having it updated myself. To update your entry please email Tamera Alvis and to sign up with an ad please email Dan Noto. A personal note – This week is a milestone in the war on terror with Osama Bin Laden having been killed by US forces almost 10 years after the 9/11 attacks. I am especially proud to be an American today. I hope you are too. Traffic was bad near all of our local military bases as a result. But I didn’t mind too much. God Bless our servicemen and woman! Respectfully submitted, Mark E. Richards P.E., CPD, CPMP ASHRAE 2011-2012 Officers and Board Help Us Recruit New Members – Have Lunch on Us! Eric Glatzl, P.E., LEED AP The ASHRAE San Diego Nominating Committee is pleased to announce that the 2011-2012 election has been closed. The results of the election are as follows: 2011-2012 Chapter Officers: Membership Promotion Chair, 2010-11 ASHRAE is always looking for new and better ways to spread the importance of being a member especially if you work in the HVAC & R industry. For those of you reading this article, I do not need to tell you why it is important (and necessary) for you to be members of ASHRAE. But you can help us recruit new members and spread the word of ASHRAE! Dan Noto -President Elect Rebecca Haehn -Vice President Heather Schopplein -Secretary Hugh Egan –Treasurer Since our member-get-a-member was such a success at our November meeting, the Board of Governors has decided to make it a standing membership drive program. In other words, any member bringing a non-member to a regular monthly meeting OR tour and this non-member joins ASHRAE Society and the SD Chapter at the meeting, he or she and you will have the meal on us…FREE. It’s our way of saying thank you for helping the San Diego Chapter grow. 2011-2012 Board of Governors: Jerry Hartford, PE Mark Silke Cindy Hyatt Jennifer Felsburg Bruce Brown In order to get your free meal(s), come find me, Eric Glatzl – Membership Chair, at the sign in desk (I’ll be “damn glad to meet you”) and I’ll take care of you! The Officers will be installed at the Awards Dinner on June 14, 2011. See the upcoming announcements for location and time. Sincerely, San Diego Chapter Nominating Committee. Remember, in order to get your free meal(s), you must sign up for ASHRAE and give me your check at the meeting. The check shall be made out to “ASHRAE” and shall be in the amount of $215.00. Filling out the application and sending in your check at a later date will not get you a free meal I’m afraid. Please note, no cash or credit cards will be accepted when new members sign up. Checks only. To help you recruit new members, below is a short list of why it is awesome being a member of ASHRAE: 1. Interested in becoming more involved with ASHRAE through Chairing a Committee or becoming an Officer? Please contact one of the existing Chairs or Officers to find out how! Discount on ASHRAE products (books, standards, conferences, etc.) 2. Leadership training and development of professional skills 3. Career services and employment possibilities 4. Continuing education, keeping up with current technology, and access to current HVAC Industry information 5. Networking opportunities and monthly and annual events for technology, employment, and projects 6. A chance to become a chairperson or an officer- to gain an experience that will have value on professional resumes 7. Industry respect through ASHRAE affiliation, and/or volunteer-ship 8. Access to $2.9 million dollars (this year alone) worth of research information in the industry 9. To help make a difference in the engineering world 10. Be a part of a society that makes the world a better place to live in by enhancing the air we breathe, improving workplace environment, and by creating a better quality of life by providing sustainable solutions 11. For FUN and a sense of true accomplishment ASHRAE San Diego 2 MAY DATES TO SEMINARS & CLASSES REMEMBER TH 4/30 & 5/01: 28 ANNUAL OLD TOWN CINDO DE MAYO, OLD TOWN TH 4/30 & 5/01: 26 ANNUAL MISSION FEDERAL ARTW ALK, LITTLE ITALY 5/01 & 5/ 2: KIDFEST SAN DIEGO, LIBERTY STATION 5/05: CINCO DE MAYO 5/07: SAN DIEGO DRAGON BOAT RACES, EAST MISSION BAY 5/07: SAN DIEGO POLICE AUCTION, BALBOA PARK 5/08: MOTHER’S DAY 5/13: FAMILY FUN NIGHT – KITE NIGHT, TEMECULA 5/13: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF VISTA DIAMOND BALL, OCEANSIDE TH 5/13 & 5/14: 12 ANNUAL ALLIED GARDEN SPRINGFEST, ALLIED GARDENS TH 5/14: 19 ANNUAL LETTER CARRIERS ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE, YOUR MAILBOX! 5/14: CORVETTE DREAMIN’ CAR SHOW , MISSION BAY PARK 5/14: PET RESCUE DAY ON THE BAY, EMBARCADERO TH 5/14 & 15: 6 ANNUAL ENCINITAS SPORTS FESTIVAL 5/15: RIVERFEST, QUALCOMM STADIUM 5/15: ESCONDIDO STREET FAIRE, DOWNTOWN ESCONDIDO 5/20: FATHER/DAUGHTER FAIRYTALE ADVENTURE, TEMECULA 5/21: ARMED FORCES DAY ST 5/20 THRU 5/22: 31 ANNUAL RAMONA RODEO, RAMONA 5/21: OB BEACH BALL, OCEAN BEACH 5/21: RIDICULOUS OBSTACLE CHALLENGE, DEL MAR FAIRGROUNDS 5/21: KIFM 98.1 SMOOTH JAZZ GASLAMP FESTIVAL, GASLAMP TH 5/28: 19 ANNUAL SAN DIEGO ALL AMERICAN SOAP BOX DERBY 5/30: MEMORIAL DAY FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ALL SEE WWW .SDGE.COM ALL CLASSES LOCATED AT: SAN DIEGO ENERGY RESOURCE CENTER 8690 BALBOA AVE, STE. 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 AIR HANDLING SYSTEM DATE: THURSDAY, 5/05/11, 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM SPECIFYING ENERGY-EFFICIENT EQUIPMENT (LIFE CYCLE COSTING) DATE: TUESDAY, 5/10/11, 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM FISCAL INCENTIVES FOR BUILDING OWNERS IN THE NEW SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY (SECTION 179D) DATE: W EDNESDAY, 5/18/11, 11:30 PM- 1:00 PM ENERGY UPGRADE CA BASIC BUILDING PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP DATE: W EDNESDAY TO FRIDAY, 5/11/11 TO 5/13/11, 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM ENERGY UPGRADE CA ADVANCED BUILDING PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP DATE: W EDNESDAY TO FRIDAY, 5/18/11 TO 5/20/11, 5/23/11 TO 5/25/11; 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM SAVE THE DATE 6/12: ASHRAE ANNUAL GOLF TOURNEY 9/09: ASHRAE ANNUAL FISHING TRIP REDUCE THEN PRODUCE – ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SOLAR SERIES DATE: THURSDAY, 5/19/11, 5:30 PM- 7:30 PM ASHRAE San Diego 3 OR ASHRAE San Diego 4 ASHRAE San Diego 5 ASHRAE San Diego 6 ASHRAE San Diego 7 Letter from the Editor Jennifer Felsburg Trane Would you like to promote your company thru the newsletter? Get a free month post when you contribute to the newsletter. You can write an article on HVAC related news, share photos from ASHRAE events, or write a recap of a meeting...If you would like to contribute, please email your submission by the 24th of the month. Email any questions/comments to jjdriscoll@trane.com. Or you can advertise as follows: Business Card 6 Issues; $80 Business Card 12 Issues; $140 Half Page (4.9" tall x7.25" wide) Ad 1 Issue; $50 Half Page (4.9" tall x7.25" wide) Ad 3 Issues; $125 Full Page (9.8" tall x7.25" wide) Ad 1 Issue; $100 Full Page (9.8" tall x 7.25" wide) Ad 3 Issues; $250 Submissions: Due by 24th of the month for inclusion in the st newsletter issued on the 1 . Email submissions to: jjdriscoll@trane.com please include "ASHRAE SD Newsletter Ad" in the subject line. ASHRAE San Diego 8 2010-2011 OFFICERS & CHAIRS OFFICERS: President: Mark E. Richards, P.E. Emery Mechanical Engineering, Inc. 6653 Cowles Mountain Blvd. San Diego, CA 92119 (619) 464-5348 mark@emeng.com President-Elect: Dennis Christie Climatec, Engineered HVAC Solutions 13715 Stowe Drive Poway, CA 92064 (858) 391-7000 dennisc@climatec.com Vice-President: Daniel Noto, P.E. United Mechanical Consultants 4660 La Jolla Village Drive; Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92122 (858) 550-1454 d.noto@united-mechanical.com Secretary: Rebecca Haehn Trident Technologies 7425 Mission Valley Rd., Suite 207 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 688-9600 rhaehn@tridenttech.com Treasurer: Heather Schopplein, P.E. Ph: (707) 318-4307 ashraesandiegotreasurer@gmail.com BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Walter Houle., Past-President C. Bruce Brown Hugh Egan Jennifer Felsburg Eric Glatzl, P.E. Jerry Hartford, P.E. Cindy Hyatt Mark Silke Mike Techner COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Attendance/Reception: Heather O’Donnell Auditing: Jim McKinley, P.E. CTTC Committee: Jerry Hartford, P.E. Dennis Christie (Programs) Finance: Heather Schopplein, P.E. Historian: Terry Erickson Honors and Awards: Walter Houle Membership: Eric Glatzl, P.E. Mentoring: Bill Reagan Newsletter: Jennifer Felsburg Nominating Committee: Mike Burgess, P.E. PAOE: Daniel Noto, P.E. Publicity/Welcoming: Cindy Hyatt Devin Abellon, P.E. Research Promotion: Andy Nash Special Events: Mark Silke Student Activities: Mike Techner Website: Devin Abellon, P.E. YEA: Kevin Blankemeier ASHRAE San Diego Foundation Board of Directors: Walter Houle Mike Frazier Jim McKinley, P.E. Chuck Poindexter Bill Reagan Update your Bios and Upgrade your Membership on ASHRAE.org Have you been a member of ASHRAE for ten, fifteen, even twenty years, and your Membership certificate and card stills says, “Associate Member?” Wouldn’t you like that to say “MEMBER” instead? You can, easy…for free…and all it takes is about ten minutes of your time. AND…you can do it anytime, anywhere with internet access. Here’s how: 1. Update your member bio / profile at www.ashrae.org 2. Send an email to membership@ashrae.org and say the following: “I have an updated bio and wish to be considered for member grade advancement. Please review my biographical information at your earliest convenience.” 3. Wait about a month and receive your NEW certificate in the mail declaring your grade as “MEMBER.” 4. Frame new certificate and be the envy of all your co-workers. Seriously, that’s all you need to do. It costs you nothing. You have to print and mail nothing. You have to call nobody. Do it all online and via email when you have a few minutes and you’re good to go. What happens once you become an actual member? Well, you can now become a Chapter officer if you so choose, or even, become active at a Regional or National level of ASHRAE. Exciting stuff. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns about ASHRAE Membership, please do not hesitate to contact me at 858-244-0360 or email me at eglatzl@syska.com. ASHRAE San Diego 9 ASHRAE San Diego 10 ASHRAE San Diego 11 CTTC UPDATE Syska Hennessey Group,Inc Gerald D. Hartford, Jr., P.E., LEED AP On April 21, 2011, Syska Hennessy Group hosted the ASHRAE webcast entitled "Ground Source Heat Pump System: Putting the Earth to Work for You". There were four (4) attendees from Syska and three (3) others external. For those that did not attend, we hope you signed-on individually. If not, the program will be archived on-line until May 5, 2011 for those who were unable to participate in the live webcast. Check it out! On other chapter CTTC matters, although a little slow in developing movement forward, I have now scheduled a series of chapter CTTC meetings for the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month in the offices of Syska Hennessy Group, one or two weeks before the following monthly BOG meeting (the 1st Tuesday of each month). This will be a noon meeting with lunch provided (hosted by Syska Hennessy Group). Lunch will be served promptly at 11:45 AM with the committee meeting starting promptly at 12:00 noon. It is anticipated that each meeting will conclude at 1:00 PM (1 hour long). Prior to each meeting an agenda will be prepared and distributed to the committee members, ensuring that each meeting will be managed most efficiently. Those committee members who are expected to attend include the following: Jerry Hartford - CTTC chairperson Dennis Christie - President Elect (programs) Dan Noto - Vice President (current PAOE - future programs) Allen Hampton - Committee Member Rebecca Haehn - Secretary (future PAOE) Brian Alexy - Committee Member Any other members of the BOG and/or the chapter officers are welcome to join as well (with prior notice to ensure an available lunch). The chapter CTTC committee meeting calendar for the balance of 2011 is attached, along with the BOG meeting calendar. Also, please consider watching the first of of what will be a regular series of ASHRAE "Hot Topics", beginning with a one-hour video presentation on "ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009, Standard for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings". This program is presented by Presidential Member Kent Peterson, the past chair of SSPC 189.1. The "Hot Topics" presentation is available for streaming now at www.ashrae.org/hottopics. We the CTTC intend to view this presentation at our upcoming CTTC meeting scheduled for May 24, 2011. Thank you. Jerry CTTC/BOG Meeting Schedule/Calendar Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday CTTC BOG 5/24/2011 6/28/2011 7/26/2011 8/23/2011 9/27/2011 10/25/2011 11/22/2011 12/27/2011 6/7/2011 7/5/2011 8/2/2011 9/6/2011 10/4/2011 11/1/2011 12/6/2011 1/3/2012 ASHRAE San Diego 12 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Need a Job? Looking for a New Hire? Make sure you check out www.ashraesd.orgfor local job and resume postings! Are you looking to educate ASHRAE members on your products or services? Table Tops can be purchased at our meetings for $200, contact a Board Member for more information! USGBC - May GreenMeet ~ The Future of Green Buildings: The Living Building Challenge Zero Energy. Zero Water. Zero Waste. The Living Building Challenge is transforming green building throughout North America. There are now more than sixty projects in process from coast to coast pursuing certification under this vigorous performance standard and interest continues to rise. In this introductory discussion to the Living Building Challenge, you will learn about key components of the Living Building Challenge and discuss the rationale for restorative design principles through a lens of biomimicry. This session will be of interest to green building leaders who want to improve the development of the built environment: design professionals, contractors, building owners, government officials and employees of public agencies. Presenter: Beth Brummitt, CEM, CEA, LEED AP Brummitt Energy Associates, Inc. Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 5:30 - 6:30 ~ Networking and open buffet of heavy hors d'oeuvres 6:30 ~ Program begins 8:00 - 8:30 ~ Networking Location: Marina Village ~ Seaside Room 1963 Quivira Way San Diego, CA 92109 Register:click here ASHRAE San Diego 13
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