the lasallian song -


the lasallian song -
November 2013 Issue 2
Let me be the change I want to see
To do with strength and wisdom
All that needs to be done
And become the hope that I can be.
Set me free from fears and hesitations
Grant me the courage and humility.
Fill me with the spirit to face the challenge
And start the change I long to see.
To day to start the change I want to see
Even if I'm not the light I can be the spark
In Faith, Service and Communion.
Let us start the change we want to see
The change that begins in me.
Today I start the change I want to see
Even if I'm not the light I can be the spark
In faith, Service and Communion.
Let us start to change we want to see
The change that begins in me.
Who are the Brothers?
The Brothers of the Christian Schools is the official name of the Brothers. In Malta
they have always been referred to as 'il-Freres' - in French, meaning 'Brothers'. In
America they are known as 'Christian Brothers'. The more popular
name of the Brothers in Malta today is De La Salle Brothers.
In Malta, the Brothers are engaged principally in education,
running two of the most popular Colleges - De La Salle College
and Stella Maris College. St Benild School is a feeder school for
Stella Maris.
The Brothers also run the Lasallian Retreat Centre in Mellieha. It
caters especially for school children and youth of all ages.
However the Centre welcomes all who wish to spend quality time
in a spiritually-induce environment.
I n s t i t u te
Congregation of the De La
Salle Brothers was founded
in France by St John
Baptist de La Salle in 1680.
The Founder felt the need to
education to
children of
the artisans
and the poor of his city of Rheims.
The Institute of the Brothers of the
Christian Schools is therefore a
Teaching Congregation, spread in
82 countries worldwide, engaged in
all forms of educational endeavour,
from running orphanages to
conducting Universities.
Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St Peter's Square on Sunday, October
27th, 2013, to mark the World Family Day. Over 100 thousand people
were in St Peter’s Square on Sunday morning under a late October sky in
brilliant sunshine.
The Pope’s Council for the Family, this past week reflected on the theme
of “living the joy of the Faith”.
In his homily, Pope Francis challenged families to pray together:. “It is,” he
said, “a matter of humility: of realizing that we need God.” The Holy Father
went on to call families to lives of Christian witness, asking them to model
their lives on St the example of St. Paul, who kept the faith by sharing it. “
Christian families are missionary families,” said Pope Francis, “in their
everyday life, in their doing everyday things, as they bring to everything
the salt and the leaven of faith!”
On the joy of living as a Christian family, Pope Francis said, “The family
which experiences the joy of faith communicates it naturally.” He went
on to say, “That family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world,
it is the leaven of society.”
Know the Brothers [De La Salle]
This list includes links to De La Salle Brothers' Websites and Links, prayers and
information about the vocation and the Saints of the De La Salle Brothers.
(click on the logo to access the url)
The Lasallian Family Portal
Lasallian Themes
De La Salle College Malta
Lasallian Foundation
Lasallian Heritage - History De La Salle Christian Brothers
Lasallian Studies on the Web |
Saint Mary's College
Lasallian Education Services
(De La Salle) Bethlehem
De La Salle Brothers –Great
Praying Each Day' prayer and
education website of the Brothers
De La Salle Philippines
De La Salle Brothers' Websites [De La Salle] cont...
(click on the logo to access the url)
The magazine of 'LACE' (Lasallian
Association of Christian Educators, (GB)
Christian Brothers Conference
Lasallian Region of North America
Lasallian Volunteers | A Way
to Change the World
'Signs of Faith' (Lasallian
Magazine, San Francisco
Lasallian Youth Ministry - De
La Salle Brothers
Institute of the Brothers of the
Christian Schools - Wikipedia
Brother Saviour
Invites you to browse
John Baptist de La Salle is known to all Lasallians as the Founder of the
Brothers of the Christian Schools.
All of us know much more about this extraordinary man whose life and work
not only revolutionized the education system of his time in France but was
responsible, with the early Brothers, in inspiring so many lives - young and old
– worldwide reaching all five continents today.
In these pages of INFO Lasallian LIVE throughout this scholastic year you will
find examples of drawings and paintings, showing the Holy Founder produced
by students in USA.
The competition is open to all Lasallians – Students, teachers and Parents, at
or connected to:
St Benild School, Sliema,
Stella Maris College, Gzira
& De La Salle College, Birgu.
1. Draw, paint, or otherwise produce a (flat) image of John Baptist de La Salle, using
any media on paper, card or canvass. (if in doubt as to the material and media
that is permitted, please check with Brother Saviour and obtain his approval, in
2. The size of the work is to measure any of the following sizes (with or without a
a. 297 x 420 mm (A3 size)
b. 420 x 594 mm (A2 size)
c. 594 x 841 mm (A1 size)
3. The work is to be executed in ‘Black&White or in ‘Colour’ or a combination of both.
4. Students and adults are invited to participate, according to four categories:
a. Students up to the age of 11 years of age
b. Students between the ages of 12 and 16 years
c. Students above 16 years of age
d. adults
All participants are free to submit any number of works.
6. Each work is to be marked at the back on a label with
a. A Nom-de-plume
b. Name of school or college
c. Category (ref. 4 above)
d. In a sealed plain envelop include the following:
 bearing the nom-de-plume of the participants,
 indication the full name of the participants,
 his/her category
 the school or college that one is connected to.
 And In case of category a, b, and c, a signed declaration by
Parent/Guardian or Teacher to certify that the work was
completed by the participants without external assistance,
except in the mounting of the work.
7. Once submitted the works will become the property of the De La Salle Brothers
(Malta) who reserve the right to publish or otherwise print and distribute.
8. Entries will be printed in ILL.
9. The work or works is/are to be submitted at any time before May 1, 2014. No
work shall be considered after this date.
10. A panel of judges will choose the three works that portray John Baptist de La Salle
in an original, imaginative, inspiring and even novel way. The Three winners will be
announced at a special celebration in May 2014.
11. Winners will have their work submitted for publishing in Lasallian publications
12. All participants will be presented with a cerificate of participation.
13. Winners may be from any of the four categories, taking into consideration
naturally the age of the participant concerned.
14. Winners will be awarded as follows with:
a. a certificate with Brother Superior General’s own signature, for all
three winners,
b. FIRST PRIZE:a book token worth Two Hundred Euros (€200)
c. SECOND PRIZE:a book token worth One Hundred Euros (€100)
d. THIRD PRIZE:a book token worth 50 Hundred Euros (€ 50)