Honoring Daniel Loepp - De La Salle Collegiate
Honoring Daniel Loepp - De La Salle Collegiate
De La Salle Collegiate and the Brothers of the Christian Schools proudly present the Thirty-Fifth Annual Christian Brothers’ Dinner Thursday, April 28, 2016 Honoring Daniel Loepp Class of 1975 Dear Alumni & Friends of De La Salle Collegiate, the Christian Brothers & their Lay Partners, It is my honor to welcome you to our 35th annual Christian Brothers’ Dinner. Your presence tonight speaks clearly to your commitment to our Lasallian mission of providing all young men an education that forms their spirits, their hearts, and their minds all in order to go out into our world and live the gospel message of Jesus. Your support of tonight’s dinner and your continued support throughout the year help to make it possible for us to insure that as many young men as possible can experience the transformative experience of a Lasallian secondary education. This evening, we honor Daniel Loepp from the De La Salle Collegiate Class of 1975. Dan is an exceptional person who is an outstanding representative of De La Salle Collegiate. From his days at the “old school” down by City Airport right up to today, Dan has put his faith into action by always seeking to take care of those less fortunate. Dan’s commitment to our school and our core Lasallian values is exemplary. We gather this evening to celebrate Dan’s life work, to thank him for all he means to so many of us, and to honor him with the school’s highest recognition for an alumnus. I know you join me and all at De La Salle Collegiate in congratulating Dan and thanking him for his service to our school and to our metropolitan region. On behalf of the Christian Brothers, our Board of Trustees, our faculty, staff, administration and the students we are blessed to serve, I thank you for your attendance this evening and for your continued support of our Lasallian Mission. I hope that you have a wonderful evening celebrating our community and toasting an outstanding alumnus of De La Salle, Daniel Loepp. St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us! John M. Knight President De La Salle Collegiate -3- “You must, then, look upon this work entrusted to you by pastors, by fathers and mothers, as one of the most important and most necessary services in the church. For you lay the foundation for the building of the church.” St. John Baptist de La Salle (1651-1719) Why we are here... Thank you for joining us at the 35th Annual Christian Brothers’ Dinner. Your presence and generosity allow us to carry out the Mission of our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, who answered an unexpected call from God to educate students, regardless of their financial means. You are valued partners in furthering the Mission of the Brothers of the Christian Schools to provide a “human and Christian education” to hardworking, talented young men. Today at De La Salle, we are surrounded by excellence: in our athletic programs, music and drama activities, and in the numerous clubs that offer every student the opportunity to acquire his own excellence; in our classrooms, where students continue to earn the highest academic honors; and most importantly, the excellence in the Gospel values taught not only in our Religion classes, but modeled by every member of our Faculty and Staff. They consider it a privilege and responsibility to inspire and challenge all of our students. We are deeply grateful for your partnership. Live Jesus in our hearts forever! -4- The Thirty-Fifth Annual Christian Brothers’ Dinner Program Welcome Chris Czarnik Director of Advancement Michael Brillati, Class of 1993 Christian Brothers’ Dinner Chairman Award Presentation John M. Knight President, De La Salle Collegiate Honoree Daniel Loepp, Class of 1975 Invocation Brother Patrick McNally, FSC St. Joseph High School, Class of 1955 Alumni Events Director Dinner Please Note - the Silent Auction will close at 9:30 this evening. See pages 10 and 11 for more information on bidding. St. John Baptist de la Salle, pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever! -5- SUMMER CAMPS Baseball Camp (boys only) June 20 - 23 for grades 6-9 Bowling Camp (New) July 18 - 21 for grades 5-12 Sports Broadcasting Camp (New) June 20 - 23 for grades 6-9 Advanced Robotics Camp (New) July 18 - 21 for grades 5-9 Chemistry Camp (New) June 20 - 23 for grades 5-9 Art Camp (New) July 25 - 28 for grades 6-9 Wrestling Camp (boys only) June 27 - 30 for grades 1-9 Soccer Camp July 25 - 28 for grades 3-9 Speed, Strength, and Running Camp June 27 - 30 for grades 6-9 Golf Camp (New) July 25 - 28 for grades 6-9 Aspire Camp: How to Get Into the College of Your Dreams June 27 - 30 for grades 8-12 Business Camp: Banking, FInance & Investing - An interactive Guide to Your Financial Future. Sponsored by Christian Financial Credit Union. August 1 - 4 for grades 7-9 Lacrosse Camp (boys only) June 27 - 30 for grades 6-9 Academic Prep Camp: How to Succeed Your Freshman Year August 1 -4 for grades 8-9 Hockey Camp July 11 - 14 for grades 6-9 Mathematics Camp July 11 - 14 for grades 4-9 *All Camps are co-ed unless indicated For full camp details, dates and costs, please visit the De La Salle website at www.delasallehs.com and follow the link to Summer Camps or call 586.541.6210 Football Camp July 11 - 14 for grades 4-9 Basketball Camp July 18 - 21 for grades 5-9 PS M A C S L D # Robotics Camp July 18 - 21 for grades 5-9 Sponsored by: De La Salle Collegiate High School Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Catholic, Lasallian Education Since 1926 14600 Common Rd., Warren, MI 48088 www.delasallehs.com -6- The Dinner Committee gathers at the Kickoff Party with 2016 Honoree Dan Loepp ‘75. Past Honorees 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 2016 Dinner Committee Thom Lipari Mark Wisniewski ‘83 Julius Cicchini and Gino Paliaroli, ‘55 SJ Dr. Raymond Skowronski, ‘75 John C. Monigold, ‘66 Russ Agosta, ‘64 Rich Jungwirth, ‘52 Jerry Zaccardelli ‘75 Brother Robert Carnaghi, FSC ‘48 SJ Gerald J. Carnago ‘49 William Fox ‘50 and Anthony Mattar ‘50 J. Anthony DeSantis ‘60, Richard Dobrzynski ‘60, and Brother Xavier Pankovits, FSC ‘60 James C. Addy ‘63 Peter J. Maceroni ‘58 Leonard Brillati The Christian Brothers Brother Thomas Lackey, FSC ‘65 Paul C. Zimmer ‘66 John F. Potvin ‘54 Joseph R. Quasarano ‘42 Brother Patrick McNally, FSC, ‘55 SJ James J. Gunn ‘56 Albert Schaller, ’55, Justin Schaller ’53, and Roger Schller ‘56 Roger Rinke ’47 and Roland Rinke ‘43 Robert J. LeFevre ‘48 J. P. McCarthy ‘50 Anthony W. Muer, Jr. ‘39 William Cromie ‘35 Brother Lewis Weins FSC, Walter Van Den Bossche ‘29, and Vincent Goeddeke ‘18 SJ Brother Kevin Gilhooly, FSC Anthony Brune, Sr. ‘38 Brother Bernard Guzewicz, FSC John Addy, Jr. ‘34 Brother George Synan, FSC Michael A. Brillati ‘93 - Chairman Stephen Brillati ‘93 Anthony Catullo ‘59 Christopher Czarnik Onorio D’Agostini Matt DeAngelis Steve Graus ‘74 Tony Lamerato ‘02 Greg Martinko ‘99 John C. Monigold, Sr. ‘66 Michael Ringler Amy Seiferlein Sam Serra Sal Simone ‘74 Ray Skowronski ‘74 Michael Wasik ‘91 Past Chairmen 2007 - present 2005 - 2006 2001 - 2004 1995 - 2000 1993 - 1994 1991 - 1992 1989 - 1990 1987 - 1988 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 -7- Michael Brillati ‘93 Jeffrey Jamerino ‘81 Steve Graus ‘74 Leonard Brillati, Duane Rao ‘70, and Rich Smetanka ‘70 Leonard Brillati Jim Addy ‘63 John DiLaura ‘57 Robert LeFevre ‘48 James Gilleran ‘54 James Gunn ‘56 John Potvin ‘54 Raymond Eisbrenner ‘49 Roger Rinke ‘43, Roland Rinke ‘47 2016 Dinner Honoree Mr. Daniel Loepp ‘75 Dan Loepp has been a key supporter of De La Salle and the Lasallian Mission of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He has been CEO of BlueCross/Blue Shield of Michigan since 2006. DLS President John M. Knight said, “Dan Loepp exemplifies everything that is good and true about Lasallian secondary education. Dan is a person who lives his faith each day. On behalf of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the Board of Trustees, and the entire De La Salle Collegiate community, we are delighted to bestow the honor of the Christian Brothers’ Award on Daniel Loepp.” In selecting Dan as the honoree for the 35th annual event, Dinner Chair Michael Brillati, ‘93, said, “Dan is a tremendous individual. We are all proud of his many accomplishments, but more importantly, he truly exemplifies the Lasallian spirit.” At the annual Christian Brothers’ Dinner Kickoff in early March, Dan reflected on his long association with De La Salle and the Christian Brothers before a group of his family and colleagues, classmates, the Christian Brothers’ Dinner Committee, and past Honorees. Parental Commitment Dan recounted how his father took a job promotion in 1964, and the family moved to Cleveland. But less than a year later, his parents decided to return to Detroit so that their sons could attend De La Salle and receive a Christian Brothers’ education. “It was a pivotal point in all our lives,” Dan says. “They thought this was an important thing to do. Like the parents of thousands of other DLS students, my parents made those tough, dedicated decisions when a thousand dollars in tuition was an unbelievable commitment.” The oldest Loepp son, Bob, graduated in 1968, Tom followed in 1970, and a sister Pat graduated from Dominican High School in 1977. Dan’s parents, Bob and Mary, have both passed in the last 14 months. The De La Salle Connection Dan recalled his connections with so many others from De La Salle, long before he walked in the doors at Conner and Glenfield as a freshman. The Loepp Family lived on Whitehill, near Whittier, in Guardian Angels Parish. “My parents and Br. Tom Lackey’s parents bowled together in the Guardian Angels Ushers’ League. My parents were practically joined at the hip with the Baumgarts, and of course, their son Dave (‘76) is now the President of the DLS Alumni Association. Ray Skowronski lived a few blocks away.” Dan remembers his first encounter with Br. Patrick McNally. Dan’s older brothers were in the DLS Glee Club, directed by Br. Patrick. “When I came to the Christmas concert in 1966, I thought meeting Br. Pat was the coolest thing in the world.” Today, Brother Patrick’s office, the hub of the Drama program, is named in memory of Bob and Mary Loepp. He also recalled how his parents made his brother Tom take him to Friday night home basketball games. “I was in sixth or seventh grade. We’d get out of the car, and my brother would point at me and say ‘You do one thing: get on that stage and don’t move!’ There were some great teams then. I saw John Bernard (now a member of the Board of Trustees) who made All-State. And the team made the regionals.” The High School Experience Dan said he was “scared to death” the first two months of freshman year. “I rode the Hayes Express to get to school, and at DLS met all kinds of new friends. Many are great friends to this day. My brothers were good students, and Br. George Synan liked them, and when I got to high school, he liked me, too!” Dan praised the benefit of participating in the school musicals. “I learned to tap dance from Joan Mossner, and tap danced in the plays for three years. There were 110 in my graduating class, and everybody participated, including athletes. -8- Left to Right; John M. Knight, President, Dan Loepp ‘75, Br. Tom Lackey ‘65, Br. Robert Carnaghi SJ ‘48, and Br. Pat McNally SJ ‘55. I didn’t realize it at the time, and it took 30 years to understand. Being in the play had the benefit of going outside of your skin, and being different, and becoming comfortable with being different.” Dan says John Hertel, then a Wayne County Commissioner, visited the DLS Student Council during Dan’s junior year, greatly impacting his life. “He was running for State Senate at the time. I ended up working for all three Hertel brothers. John was involved with State government, and his brother Dennis was a U.S. representative. I was ultimately Chief of Staff for Curtis Hertel when he was Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives (1993-94). That one incident - having John come to DLS - made a difference.” But most influential on Dan “was meeting other students” such as classmates John Moore, now Chair of the DLS Board of Trustees, and Jerry Zaccardelli, a past Board Chair and the 2008 Honoree. Lessons Learned “Most importantly, were the men and women who taught us and really cared about us. I think that dynamic of the Lasallian mission of caring for people, no matter who they are, is at the core of DLS.” Dan expanded on the intangible lessons of his high school education. “DLS instilled in me empathy and confidence, and context in responsibility. To be always thinking of the situation and how we should act. Our responsibility to make things better was instilled in us here in spades. It made a huge impact in my life. “The Builders of Boys, Makers of Men slogan is something you sort of understood at 16 or 17, but understand more as you grow up. Take someone like me who was scared, and now I’m CEO of the third largest health insurer in the United States. There are thousands of stories like mine over the years.” Dan praised the Academic Support program. “DLS is an elite school that has made the decision to help different learners, to give kids the tools so they can stay in the school. For DLS to embrace the idea that everybody can be made whole, if they’re willing to be, is a pretty great thing.” Looking to the Future “I had a great opportunity because of my parents, and was assisted by great men and women here at DLS. It’s up to our generation to take care of the next generation. The only way we do that is to make sure DLS is in a position to provide for the students who come through the door. “The dinner reminds us that we all need to give back.” -9- The Qtego Silent Auction Through the generosity of family, friends, and supporters of De La Salle Collegiate High School, we are proud to offer you the Annual Silent Auction. Many of the items are social events to be shared with family, friends, and business associates. A list of Auction Items can be found on your table. We are using technology and saving the planet at the same time by teaming with Qtego for “electronic bidding” on the auction. This means that you can bid on an item from your phone and receive updates throughout the evening without leaving your seat! If you need any help, please ask one of the Qtego representatives or one of the DLS staff members for assistance. As always, enjoy the evening and thank you for your continued support. See the following page for instructions on registering and bidding with your phone. All auction items will close at 9:30 p.m. Use this to go directly to the qtego site: - 10 - Silent Auction Bidding Tips & Guidelines Mobile phone bidding from Qtego Auction Technology is back at this year’s Christian Brothers’ Dinner! There is no more paper bidding. To bid using your mobile phone, register your mobile phone number at the registration table, or with one of the Qtego Representatives in orange. Follow the instructions below to get started. Happy bidding and good luck! Step 1: Register your phone Visit the secure site at qtego.net/qlink/dls to register. You will enter your cell phone number, contact information and credit card information. You will then receive a text message confirming your registration. Step 2: Start bidding To bid on an item, text the Item Number (3 digit number next to the photo) followed by your bid amount. Example: To bid $75 on item number 123, reply to any Qtego text with 123(space)75. You will receive a text message confirming your bid. Step 3: Keep bidding If you are outbid on an item, you will receive a text notification. Simply reply with your new bid. Don’t text or don’t have a phone? Stop by the auction table or look for any Qtego staff in orange shirts - they will be happy to help you. Please register by 9:00. The Auction closes at 9:30. Helpful Tips To Set Up Automated Bidding Enter the item number, your maximum bid amount, and the letter M to indicate the maximum you are willing to bid on that item. The system will bid for you up to your maximum, and then alert you if you are still outbid. To Check the Bidding Status on ALL Your Items Reply to any Qtego text with the word STATUS. You’ll receive a text listing all the items on which you are the current high bidder. Auction Closing The auction will end promptly at 9:30 p.m. on April 28, 2016. Winning bidders will receive a text message stating that they are the winning bidder on that item. Please check out at the Auction table to receive your items. To Make a Donation You can click on the “Donate” button to make a gift to support the Lasallian Mission of De La Salle. - 11 - IN LOVING MEMORY OF ROBERT AND MARY LOEPP Thank you for your sacrifice for our Catholic education. THE LOEPP FAMILY ROBERT JR. ’68, THOMAS ’70, DANIEL ’75 AND PATRICIA ’78 (DOMINICAN HIGH SCHOOL) - 12 BCB136773_Loepp_Memorial_Ad_F1.indd 1 4/8/16 2:17 PM Class 1975 Class ofof1975 Congratulates Dan Loepp For your work in the community and many years of service and dedication of helping others! Dan you are a true cheer leader for DLS! Your classmates: Dr. Fred Bartolomei, President Executive Currency Michael Decker, President DEM Group- Professional Employer Organization Services Michael P. Girskis, DDS MS Jim Glowniak, Technology Development Manager at Chevron Corporation on behalf of his good friend and classmate Rich Balgenorth who returned to the Lord on October 24th 2007. Dr. John Moore, PhD. CPA Associate Dean, DeVos Graduate School of Business, Northwood University Mike Michalak, Executive Vice President & Chief Risk Officer, Comerica Incorporated Bill Mischel, President & CEO, Shamrock Development LLC. Darryl Onderik, President/Owner of the Coachmen Orchestra and Manager at Wujek Calcaterra & Sons Matt Rohr, HR consultant Mark Torzy, President Owner KVF Troy Corporation Jerry Zaccardelli, VP Employee Benefits Brown & Brown of Detroit. Rich Zahodnic PhD, Professor at Macomb Community College - 13 - - 14 - The ItalianTribune La Tribuna del Popolo Detroit’s Oldest Italian Newspaper 107 Years Young – Bi-weekly, publishing 26x per year Founded in 1909 by Vincenzo Giuliano PAM WHITE & MARILYN BORNER, PUBLISHERS P. O. Box 380407 • Clinton Township, MI 48038 •30,000 readers throughout the south eastern Michigan area. •An Austin Catholic Preparatory School 1959 grad, Dominic LaRosa is our advertising account executive. • Dominic taught marketing in Warren Consolidated Schools for 40 years and brings a wealth of experience to our clients. •He served on the Macomb Community College Board from 1982-1994. Yellow Pages Directory inside every issue. 1 year (26 weeks): $150 per year for a 5-line listing paid in advance. Each additional line is $30. DOMINIC LA ROSA Liaison to the Italian American Community Call DOMINIC LA ROSA for your future advertising needs (586) 915-8898 or email italiantribune@yahoo.com Visit us online at www.italian-tribune.com - 15 - Corporate Benefit Solutions LLC “Better Solutions for Better Benefits” Tony Mattar CLU, ChFC “Class of 1950” Investment and Insurance Solutions for Employers and Individuals “The Power of Experience” 5750 New King Street, Suite 310 Troy, MI 48098 Ph: (248) 290-0250 www.corporatebenefitsolutions.biz Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. Sigma Financial Corporation is not affiliated with Corporate Benefit Solutions LLC, which is a separate company. - 16 - www.laserpointusa.com Raffael Brugnoni, CKD Certified Kitchen Designer President (586) 778-4430 raffael@woodmasterkitchens.com www.woodmasterkitchens.com BELFOR supports the Christian Brothers. - 17 - Brown & Brown of Detroit Congratulates Dan Loepp ‘75 For your leadership in the health care field and for many years of service and dedication to our community! Dan, you are a true Pilot! Jerry Zaccardelli, Class of ‘75, VP Employee Benefits - Brown & Brown of Detroit. For all your Insurance needs, Property Casualty, Group Health, and Personal- Home, Auto, Boat insurance. 35735 Mound Road Sterling Heights, Michigan 48311-8029 Phone 586-977-6300 www.bbdetroit.com - 18 - Stephen Brillati Executive Vice President/ COO INTEGRITY TRUST VISION VALUE 37308 Schoenherr Road Sterling Heights, MI 48312 curagroup.com www.ringlercpa.com - 19 - Office: 800.813.7155 x 252 Direct: 586.894.6021 Cell: 586.201.2126 Fax: 888.638.1655 sbrillati@curagroup.com In honor of Dan Loepp a most deserving honoree! Gary and Malke Torgow - 20 - - 21 - Congratulations, Dan Loepp! 2016 Honoree De La Salle 35th Annual Christian Brothers’ Dinner President and CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan AF Group Board of Directors www.afgroupinsurance.com - 22 - is proud to support Landscape Services De La Salle Collegiate Leave a Legacy... Please Remember De La Salle In Your Will The Brother George Synan Society recognizes alumni and friends who have remembered De La Salle in their estate plans. Regardless of whether you would like to be acknowledged as part of the Synan Society, or you prefer to remain anonymous, all it takes is a quick phone call to your lawyer to add a charitable gift to your will. If you have already designated a gift in your will for De La Salle, or have questions, please contact the Advancement Office at 586.778.3356. Leave a legacy of excellence and preserve the De La Salle tradition for generations to come. - 23 - Delivery available anywhere in Michigan Congratulations to the 2016 Dinner Honoree Mr Dan Loepp! - 24 - Thank you for supporting the Mission of the Christian Brothers. The lessons they teach are as important now as ever. The De La Salle Collegiate Board of Trustees Mr. Russ Agosta Br. Christopher Belleman, FSC Mr. John R. Bernard Mr. Stephen Brillati Mr. Eric Carver Mr. Gregory J. DeMars Mr. Timothy Dryer Mr. William Edwards, BFSC Br. Francis Eells, FSC Dr. Richard Herbert Mr. Christopher Iannuzzi Mrs. Marsha Hall-Jenkins Br. Joseph Juliano, FSC Mr. John M. Knight Br. James Martino, FSC Dr. John Moore Mrs. Cyndi Popp Mrs. Diane Peklo Mr. Greg Shea Dr. Deborah Sieradzki Dr Raymond Skowronski Mr. Daniel Wisniewski Jr. - 25 - 49150 Schoenherr Shelby Township, MI 48315-3857 (586) 532-8600 11470 Thirteen Mile Warren, MI 48093-2566 (586) 751-3131 www.wasikfuneralhome.com - 26 - focus expertise strategy collaboration execution Tom Beard Partner Cohen & Company revolves around the passionate pursuit of opportunity for closely held businesses and entrepreneurs. Partner GHD CPAs and Advisors is proud to be a part of Cohen & Company. Learn more at cohencpa.com/ghd CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AUXILIARY YE AR S Mike Lorenz For more information, please email dlscba@delasallehs.com or log onto our website page: http://www.delasallehs.com/ current-pilots/parents/cba or call 586.778.2207 x 460 1926 Upcoming CBA Meetings and Events 2016 May Crowning and Meeting Thursday, May 5, 7pm De La Salle chapel & C O U N T I NG Making A Difference end-oF-the-year Meeting and Celebration Thursday, June 9, 7pm De La Salle cafeteria annual “Sip & Shop” and CraFt Show Friday & Saturday, Nov. 18-19 like us on Facebook at Friends of the De La Salle Collegiate Christian Brothers Auxiliary (CBA) - 27 - - 28 - Support our advertisers! Let them know that you saw their ad in the Christian Brothers’ Dinner Program Book! Telephone (586) 939-5800 CATHERINE M. OSINSKI DINKA, D.D.S. JOHN D. DINKA, D.D.S. INGRID K. ALMQUIST, D.D.S. 35100 Tiffany Drive, Suite 101 Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Fax (586) 939-1522 www.dinkadental.com - 29 - YOU’LL FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PLAN YOUR RETIREMENT RIGHT HERE. Except maybe the tanning lotion. Ask about the investment management and financial planning services we offer. Life well planned. RALPH J. KOSS JOSEPH J. SAVERINO Senior Vice President, Investments Managing Director Associate Vice President, Investments Wealth Management Specialist 19176 Hall Road, Suite 100 // Clinton Township, MI 48038 T 586.221.4950 pilotfinancialgroup@raymondjames.com pilotfg.com ©2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC 16-BR35U-0085 TA 1/16 - 30 - e You v r e S o t s n o i t a c o Two L Villa Penna Ristorante & Banquet Facilities • Family Dining • Casual Atmosphere • Indoor Bocci Ball Court • Free Valet Parking Penna’s of Sterling • Accommodations up to 1,100 • Your Menu Planned in Accordance With Your Wishes • Complete Catering Service • Intimate Atmosphere Established in 1968 Specializing in Italian Cuisine Enjoy our authentic Italian recipes & homemade pastas. Dinner Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Sunday at 12:30 p.m. 38400 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights (Just South of 17 Mile Road) 586-978-3880 43985 Hayes • Sterling Heights, 48313 586-566-9900 - 31 - Bill Fox - Class of 1950 Lakeview Ford Lincoln 295 West Dickman Road • Battle Creek, MI 49037 Located in Battle Creek, MI, Lakeview Ford Lincoln is proud to be one of the premier dealerships in the area. From the moment you walk into our showroom, you’ll know our commitment to Customer Service is second to none. We strive to make your experience with Lakeview Ford Lincoln a good one – for the life of your vehicle. Whether you need to Purchase, Finance, or Service a New or Pre-Owned Ford, you’ve come to the right place. Call 888-418-6469 for your No-Obligation Internet Price Quote from our New Internet Sales Department and 888-589-0738 for our Pre-Owned Internet Sales Department. www.shoplakeviewford.com - 32 - John C. Monigold Director of Alumni Relations De La Salle Collegiate High School 14600 Common Road Warren, MI 48088 Direct: 586.541.6212 Fax: 586.772.6134 Email: jmonigold@delasallehs.com Website: www.delasallehs.com - 33 - - 34 - Tony Lamerato my favorite Pilot. From your favorite Shamrock. - 35 - Raymond Skowronski Jr., D.D.S., F.A.D.I., BFSC, ‘74 Raymond Skowronski III, ‘15 37300 Schoenherr Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (586) 977-8413 www.dr-ray.com General Dentistry · TMJ Disorders Functional Orthodontics · Sleep Disordered Breathing Congratulations to Dan Loepp, ‘75 2016 “Christian Brothers’ Dinner Honoree” for his commitment to the Lasallian tradition of Catholic education and quality health care. We applaud Dan for his involvement and continued dedication to his community. - 36 -
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Please Note - the Silent Auction will close at 9:30 this evening.
See pages 8 and 9 for more information on bidding.