Incorporated 1727 - Town of Southborough EDC
Incorporated 1727 - Town of Southborough EDC
Southborough Incorporated 1727 A Business, Nonprofit & Community Guide Massachuset t s Town House B Bartolini Builders Inc. “Built by our family for your family” Residential • Commercial • Land • Building and Development For more than 65 years Bartolini Builders Inc. has built a reputation of excellence. Our quality craftsmanship and hands-on technique fosters a unique collaboration with each customer. Helping ensure that each home meets the specific standards of every home buyer. As the longest running home builder in Southborough our strong reputation, passion, and traditions have made Bartolini Builders Inc. synonymous with the word quality. 5 0 8 . 4 81 . 5 51 2 • e m a i l : b a r to l i n i b u i l d e r s @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. b a r to l i n i b u i l d e r s . c o m S O U T H B O R O UGH TOWN HO USE 17 Common Street • Southborough, Massachusetts, 01772 (508) 485-0710 / LOCATION Southborough, a community of 9,100 residents, is located in eastern Worcester County, 25 miles west of Boston and 15 miles east of Worcester. Primarily residential, Southborough has substantial open space and is committed to attracting and retaining business to the community. Route 9 and Route 30, the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90), I-495, and state Route 85 all traverse the town of Southborough. TRANSPORTATION Situated in the Greater Boston Area, Southborough has excellent rail, air, bus and highway services. Southborough’s passenger rail station on the MTBA’s Framingham/Worcester Line offers service from Worcester to Boston and the Metropolitan Boston area. Conrail services a freight rail line through Southborough. The Worcester Municipal Airport, T.F. Green Airport in Rhode Island, the Manchester/Boston Regional Airport in New Hampshire, Marlborough Airport, Hanscom Airport in Bedford and Logan International Airport in Boston are all within easy access. • ROBBINS Celebrating over twenty-five years assisting companies to maximize productivity and performance. We provide organizational and leadership development programs and consulting services. CHRISTOPHER ROBBINS Robbins Training & Consulting Southborough, MA 01772 508-735-6100 • Greetings and Welcome to the Town of Southborough S outhborough has always been a place where newcomers are greeted warmly and new business is welcome. This Guide is designed to provide you with insight as to why residents, companies and nonprofits prefer to live, work and establish their businesses here. Our prime location is the cross-roads of New England with the convergence of three major highways that include the Massachusetts Turnpike I-90, I-495 and Route 9. We are surrounded by prosperous centers of commerce in Boston, Worcester, Providence, Hartford, and Manchester, NH. Our location enables businesses and nonprofits to have easy highway and rail access to their customers and services. Southborough is near Boston, worldrenowned for its great history, education, fine arts, healthcare and business. Organizations thrive here because they are able to hire highly qualified employees, educated at many of the world’s finest universities and colleges located nearby. We are close to Boston, an epicenter for research and development, intellectual capital, innovation, breakthrough technologies and venture funding, all of which comprise the critical ingredients for a flourishing business community. Interest in Southborough remains strong due to a consistently low single tax rate, public water and the town’s reputation for providing predictable and efficient regulatory processes that are committed to respecting developers. Many successful companies have recognized the advantages of moving to Southborough. They include: EMC, Ika Systems, Unisource Worldwide Inc., Kaz Inc., UPS, Radius Inc., American Tower Corporation, Optos, Inc., Eagle Leasing Co., Farrell Volvo, Long Cadillac, New England Center for Children, Southborough Medical Group, UMass Memorial Health and Harvard Medical School’s Research Center along with hundreds of small to mid-size emerging businesses that provide jobs and represent the foundation of our economic diversity. Our highly ranked public and private schools, our classic New England countryside and extensive recreational resources provide qualities of life that draw people here. Chosen 31st in the nation by CNN Money’s 100 best places to live in 2009, Southborough is a wonderful place to buy a home, raise a family, establish a business and prosper. We hope you too, will join us in Southborough. Southborough Board of Selectmen: William J. Boland, John F. Rooney, III & Daniel L. Kolenda Members of the Economic Development Team of Southborough Include: Jack Bartolini, Arlon Brown, Barbara Clifford (Advisor), Steve Davis (Advisor), William Depietri, David Eagle, David Ferris, Chris Robbins, and Shirley Sheridan Contact the Economic Development Team at (508) 735-6100 This publication is Published & Distributed by: GDP GLOBAL DESIGN & PUBLISHING LLC 860-963-0414 email: All sales, design and text is provided by Global Design & Publishing, LLC in collaboration with The Town of Southborough. All text and images have been carefully compiled for this publication. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the content. Copyright ©2011, Global Design & Publishing, LLC. Any reproduction without our written permission is prohibited. DEPARTMENT CONTACTS Town Administrator......................508-485-0710 Board of Assessors.........................508-485-0720 Building/Zoning.................508-485-0717 x3022 Planning Board.............................508-485-0710 Board of Health............................508-481-3013 Conservation Commission 508-485-0710 x3024 Public Works................................508-485-1210 Fire Department...........................508-485-3235 Town Clerk........................508-485-0710 x3005 Board of Selectmen......................508-485-0710 Facilities Department....................508-485-8175 Police Department........................508-485-2147 Recreation Commission................508-229-4452 School Department.......................508-486-5115 Photography: Jim Tourtellotte (unless noted in publication) Cover photo of Fay School students - Photo by Erin Sullivan Southborough Massachusetts 3 Gyrus ACMI an Olympus Co. BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A wide variety of dynamic and innovative companies have chosen Southborough as a place to do business. These include several hundred small companies in addition to approximately thirty mid to large employers and organizations. The range is diverse, spanning several Dun & Bradstreet industry classifications including management consulting, real estate, construction, investment banking, engineering and legal services. High-tech, education, nonprofits, life sciences, and healthcare industries are well represented. Some prominent corporations include Wegmans New England Divisional Office–one of the country’s largest privately held grocery chains chose Southborough from which to lead its entry into the New England markets. NSTAR Electric & Gas Corporation manages its regional Operations Center in Southborough and Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating Center operates its sales, service and training facility here for their Northeast region. Lowe’s, the 2nd largest home improvement retailer worldwide, selected Southborough for its New England Region 18 office location. 4 Southborough Massachusetts M any companies have chosen Southborough for their headquarters including Radius Management Services, owner of eleven skilled nursing facilities. They employ approximately 2,600 individuals and are a leading healthcare organization in Massacusetts. Kaz, Inc. is a world headquarters and leader in high quality healthcare and home environment products. It operates in over 65 countries on six continents with a brand portfolio that includes Vicks, Honeywell and Braun. IKA Systems is the premier provider of business process optimization and intelligence management technology supporting health insurers’ commercial, Medicare and Medicaid lines of business. Gyrus ACMI (U.S. Headquarters), an Olympus Co., makes medical instruments that allow surgeons to see better and do less tissue damage to their patients during minimally invasive laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries. Combined, all the businesses in our community employ several thousand individuals worldwide and have chosen Southborough for its prime location and highly educated workforce. Harvard Medical School’s Research Center in Southborough has contributed to significant advances in the amelioration and eradication of diseases including AIDS, Parkinson’s Disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and drug addiction. Also, the Harvard Library in Southborough houses the second largest book depository storage facility in the United States. The Massachusetts Dental Society, Massachusetts Restaurant Association, CMEA Employers Association and the Printing Industries of New England Association are advocates for its members located throughout the region and also call Southborough home. We are important leaders in healthcare, with the Southborough Medical Group and UMass Memorial serving over 60,000 patients in the Metrowest region. The Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) Care Network with its Southborough location is a pioneer in the field of home healthcare, hospice and community care. Southborough is a center for several hundred thriving entrepreneurial companies. We are grateful to these small, often familyrun businesses who provide highly valuable services, employ Southborough residents and contribute greatly to our quality of life and the economic strength of our town. ADDITIONS to Southborough’s business community are continual... Harvey Industries, a top leader in home building products, selected Southborough for one of its distribution centers. Sevcon, Inc., a global competitor in motor control technology, announced it will provide its green technology for a novel new vehicle–an electric three-seater mini bus to be manufactured in Europe. NONPROFITS Southborough also has a unique cluster of nonprofit organizations, some of which are an integral part of the town’s proud history. St. Mark’s School and Fay School were founded in the 1800s. They are leading independent institutions and attract students from around the world. Combined with our highly ranked public schools, Becker College, Clark University metrowest campus locations plus Framingham State University and University of Phoenix (Central MA Campus) are close by – these educational centers of excellence help to train our work force and leaders of the future. They also bring a unique vibrancy to our community. The New England Center for Children is a global leader in the treatment of autism. 259 Turnpike Road, Suite 110 • Southborough, MA 01772 office 508-485-3999 • fax 508-485-7111 • Southborough Massachusetts 5 With more than 46 events a year, Corridor Nine is known for hosting the most well attended events and offering the best connection for networking in the region. Other member benefits include marketing and advertising opportunities, professional and business development, advocacy and more. Unisource BUSINESS RESOURCES Metrowest Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit networking and business advocacy organization focusing on community and economic development, committed to the support of our members’ success and to the development of a positive economic climate in the MetroWest region and beyond. Farrell Volvo - Promoting Business & Growth in Southborough The Southborough Economic Development Team works closely with the business community, residents, town leaders and committees in support of your development related needs. Join us and don’t miss an opportunity to be part of Southborough’s vibrant economic development and future business growth. EMC Southborough The Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic business organization that represents a thriving, vibrant region of Central Massachusetts. Corridor Nine’s core towns of Westborough, Northborough, Southborough, Shrewsbury, and Grafton are known for their great geographic accessibility and superb schools, which have contributed to the development of an exceptional quality of life. We are ready to assist companies interested in expanding or relocating to Southborough. We will be glad to help you with any of your needs. This may include zoning issues, building permits or providing introductions to key business and community leaders. Please contact our Town Administrator at the Town House and call 508-485-0710 or a member of our Economic Development Team at 508-735-6100. Planned Developments Three major developments are in various stages of planning and permitting. Madison Place Currently in the initial permitting phase, this is a proposed 140-unit comprehensive permit development that is located on the eastbound side of Route 9 near Crystal Pond Road. EMC Southborough/Westborough Campus Expansion 495 290 9 This project involves expansion of the existing EMC campus located in the southeast corner of the I-495/Route 9 interchange. Located on two parcels totaling 445 acres in Southborough and Westborough, the project consists of the construction of approximately 2.2 million square feet of research & development and office space. Bartolini Business Park located on the east bound side of Route 9 with easy access from I-495. Industrial zone /retail/office, with approximately16 acres. Currently permitted for three separate buildings totaling approximately 80,000 square feet. 6 Southborough Massachusetts Red Barn Coffee Roasters Established in 1995, the Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women start and grow their own businesses. CWE is a national leader among women’s business development agencies and offers education, training, technical assistance, women’s business enterprise certification and access to both debt and equity capital to entrepreneurs at every stage of business development. The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is a regional planning agency serving the people who live and work in the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston. This organization works toward sound municipal management, sustainable land use, protection of natural resources, efficient and affordable transportation, a diverse housing stock, public safety, economic development, an informed public, and equity and opportunity among people of all backgrounds. The Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) is committed to helping companies create and retain jobs, as well as promote private investment in our state. The MOBD facilitates simplified, timely access to a host of governmental and non-governmental resources and incentive programs that will help businesses grow faster and stronger in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Small Business Development Center (MSBDC) Network provides one-to-one free comprehensive and confidential services focusing on business growth and strategies, financing and loan assistance as well as strategic, marketing and operational analysis. In addition, low cost educational training programs are offered across the state targeted to the needs of small business. Residential, Retail and Commercial Construction 259 Turnpike Rd, Ste 100 • Southborough, MA 01772 • phone 508-485-5333 • fax 508-485-9299 Real Estate Development, Property Management, Finance, Leasing It’s evident in the details. Capital Group Properties • 259 Turnpike Rd, Ste 100 • Southborough, MA 01772 Phone: 508-357-8825 • Southborough Massachusetts 7 COMPANY SPOTLIGHTS Southborough companies serving the biotechnology, information management, software, engineering, power systems, green technology, biopharmaceutical and medical device industries. Projects Recently Permitted or Under Review in Southborough • Bartolini Business Park 80,000 square feet, industrial zone/ retail/office • Harvard Medical School’s Research Center 17,600 square feet R&D space • Harvard University 28,962 square feet of warehouse space • Harvey Industries 52,750 square feet of light industrial, warehouse space • Mountain View Park 11,700 square feet office, light industrial, warehouse space • Southborough Junction 10,600 square feet office/retail mix • Southborough Medical (Phase II) 40,000 square feet of office space • Southville Road Business Park 7,980 square feet office, light industrial, warehouse space For help with your investments, contact Capital Advisors for a complimentary review. n American Tower Corporation is a leading owner and operator of communications sites for the wireless and broadcast industries. Southborough serves as one of its locations for providing IT services. n Aptiv Solutions is a full-service international contract research organization with proven expertise in supporting global clinical trials for biopharmaceutical and medical device companies. n Autonomy an HP Company is a global leader in infrastructure software with a customer base comprised of more than 20,000 global companies. They operate its digital division here including archiving, eDiscovery, online backup and recovery businesses. n Bohler Engineering is the premier civil and consulting engineering company on the east coast. With a staff of over 400 experienced professionals, they assist clients in navigating the land development process from site evaluation and due diligence through project completion. n Protonex is a leading provider of advanced fuel cell power solutions for portable, remote and mobile applications. n Commonwealth Annuity a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high net-worth individuals. n EMC is a global leader in enabling businesses and service providers to transform their operations and deliver Information Technology as a service helping IT departments to store, manage, protect and analyze their most valuable asset — information — in a more agile, trusted and cost-efficient way. n Fluid Power Products incorporated in 1965, is an original equipment manufacturer of small to midsized modular hydraulic systems, Flex Power Packs. n Sevcon manufactures high quality motor controllers and system components for electric vehicles. They offer a diverse range of products on electrically powered vehicles from fork lift trucks to electric cars and bikes. n Unisource Worldwide, Inc. is one of the industry’s largest global marketers of printing materials, facility supplies and equipment, packaging materials and equipment. Data source: Dun & Bradstreet and company websites. Southborough Place 136 Turnpike Road, Suite 120 Southborough, MA 01772 Phone: 508.229.3610 Fax: 508.229.2703 W W W. C A P A D V I S O R S . N E T 8 Southborough Massachusetts The Community House Photo: © Lisa Tommaney Living in Southborough Chosen 31st in the nation by CNN Money’s “100 Best Places to Live” in 2009, Southborough has a quiet rural charm enhanced by scenic roads, reservoirs, and open space, as well as two prestigious boarding schools helping to frame a historic village center. We also have several fine places of worship. An operating budget provides residents with a wide range of services, while community members continue to stay highly involved in church, school and government/civic activity. These components add up to an appealing, small-town quality of life near Boston, where all manner of dining, shopping, arts, culture and entertainment can be found. RECREATION S outhborough Recreation offers a wide variety of seasonal programs including sports, arts, dance and educational workshops. Recreation offers one of the most extensive range of after school programming in all schools and half-day camp during the summer. We also have non-profit, volunteer youth sports leagues, public playgrounds, tennis courts and trails for passive recreation. Shirley M. Sheridan Attorney at Law Photo courtesy of Friends of Southborough supports recreational activities for the youth and families of Southborough. Made up of residents and parents, these volunteers believe it is important to support the community and assist in providing for and expanding public recreation for all areas of development and age One Wolfpen Lane • Southborough, MA 01772 phone: 508.485.4623 • fax: 508.481.9486 • cell: 508.335.1992 continued on page 10 - top right. Southborough Massachusetts 9 The Crossings At White’s Corner EASILY ACCESSIBLE NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTES 9 AND 85. groups. Goals include fundraising to support existing community events, developing new community programs and activities, award scholarships and fulfilling the general needs of the Recreation Department. THE GREAT OUTDOORS STAR CLEANERS & TAILORS Passive recreation and conservation open space within Southborough include the Town Forest, Breakneck Hill Conservation Area, Wilfred J. Turenne Wildlife Habitat, and Chestnut Hill Farm. The Bay Circuit Trail, a long-distance trail system being developed by the non-profit Bay Circuit Alliance, runs through the northeastern edge of Southborough along the Sudbury Reservoir. Upon completion, the entire trail is planned to be a S outhborough has the advantage of close proximity to Worcester, Providence and Boston, offering a vast variety of dining and shopping all within easy driving distance. For convenience in town, The Crossings at White’s Corner is a shopping center located at 154 Turnpike Road (Route 9) in Southborough. Since 2003, this attractive plaza has offered upscale and casual dining and snacking, a fitness center, medical spa, and more! There are several eateries to satisfy every palate at The Crossings including: Tomasso Trattoria, Panzano Tuscan Market and Wine Shop, Quiznos Subs, Coldstone Creamery, and Starbucks Coffee. Tomasso Trattoria offers authentic Italian cuisine paired with unique Italian wines. Their seasonal menu features the finest sustainably and humanely raised ingredients from local farmers and fishermen. Panzano Tuscan Market and Wine Shop offers local and Italian provisions, delectable prepared foods and baked goods, healthy and hearty lunch selections, and an incredible selection of Italian wines, all delivered with friendly and personal service. Stonybrook Golf Course 120-mile arc between Route 128 and I-495. Hiking/walking trails are available at all these locations plus Fayville Dam and the Sudbury Reservoir Trail. Additionally, Southborough is home to two golf courses–St. Mark’s Golf Club and Stonybrook Golf Course. There are also many scenic open spaces and recreational opportunities in surrounding areas of Southborough. The mission of the Southborough Open Land Foundation, Inc. (SOLF) is to preserve and protect the open spaces and rural character of Southborough. SOLF owns and manages 183 acres of open space and accepts donations of properties of all sizes. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Star Cleaners & Tailors provides organic, high-quality, reliable dry cleaning services for your daily casual apparel or delicate designer garments. Pick up and delivery services are available. In addition to dry cleaning, Star offers hand-finishing, alteration, tailoring, shoe repair and emergency services. Star has been servicing the people of Massachusetts for over ten years and enjoys an excellent reputation for service and reliability. Other businesses conveniently located at The Crossings include abeautifulyou, skin care professionals, and BodyScapes Fitness Gym. 10 Southborough Massachusetts Southborough Arts Center The mission of Southborough Arts Center is to promote excellence and access to establishments. Brickyard Square located on Rte. 9W has additional retail stores including Domino’s Pizza. ANNUAL EVENTS education and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in Southborough and surrounding communities. The Arts Center building is maintained by the Town of Southborough and houses the Southborough Recreation Department and the Facilities Department, shared classroom and gallery space, a pottery studio and storage for the town. The Arts Center is supported by the Southborough Cultural Arts Council (SCAC) & Friends of the Arts Center. The Southborough Cultural Arts Council awards grants; supports and maintains the Arts Center at Southborough (21 Highland Street); provides programs, events, exhibitions and classes; and promotes and supports local artists. Southborough celebrates Heritage Day every Columbus Day Weekend. The day starts with a parade down Main Street, followed by a gathering on St. Mark’s green where vendors and local organizations set up booths offering crafts, food, knick-knacks, and information. The celebration includes the Rotary Club’s sponsored five-mile run, a three-mile walk, an annual library book sale and pumpkin-carving. Sponsored by local businesses, the town’s Recreation Department and the Friends of Southborough Recreation, Southborough’s Summer Nights is held at the end of August at the Neary Elementary School. This event includes rides and activities for kids, a dunk tank, live entertainment, food vendors and more. The evening’s grand finale is a spectacular fireworks display. We also conduct a 5K Certified Race plus a 2- mile walk known as the Gobble Wobble Race on Thanksgiving morning. The Southborough Historical Society, chartered in 1965, maintains a museum at 25 Common Street where objects and documents of local historical significance are collected, preserved, exhibited and interpreted. Hours of operation are Sundays 1:00pm - 4:00pm, plus special times during Heritage Day Weekend and the holidays. Servicing All Your Real Estate Needs Specialists in New Construction and Active Adult Community Sales Lisa Pezzoni 508-400-6203 Bob Epstein 508-320-6655 David Michaud 508-449-4078 Suzanne Claflin 617-922-1500 Donald Croatti 508-733-9368 Elizabeth Fekete 508-735-0050 Maggie Leavitt 617-797-8004 Susan Falamino 774-249-2200 MAIN STREET & MORE Southborough House of Pizza is family owned and has been operating for forty years. Additionally, Main Street is home to Mauro’s Market and Village Cafe, English Garden Florist, Phaidra Nail Salon, Ted’s of Fayville and Marlborough Savings Bank. Town Center located on Cordaville Road includes: Stony Brook Market, Eaton Apothecary Pharmacy, Middlesex Bank and other retail 259 TURNPIKE ROAD, SUITE 100 • SOUTHBOROUGH, MA 01772 OFFICE: 508-357-2298 Southborough Massachusetts 11 Albert S. Woodward School Education SOUTHBOROUGH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Southborough’s exceptional public schools educate 1,440 students at the preK-8 level and 620 students at Algonquin Regional High School (ARHC). Our schools are ranked highly in the state. Students are enrolled in the following preK-8 schools: Mary E. Finn School (preK- 1), Albert S. Woodward School (grades 2-3), Margaret A. Neary School, (grades 4-5) and P. Brent Trottier Middle School (grades 6-8). With a high level of fundng and rich history of parent involvement, the schools attract outstanding principals, faculty, and staff. With our strong core academic curriculum, we offer engaging activities that promote student achievement and social responsibility. Drama, music, intramurals, after school and extracurricular programs are available to students. Algonquin Regional High School in Northborough serves students in Southborough and Northborough. The school has a rich tradition of excellence. It’s noted for its high academic standards and comprehensive sports and music programs. It’s committed to providing a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment that fosters creative and critical thinking. Deeply embedded into Algonquin’s tradition is the belief that respect, responsibility, and collaboration are essential to individual growth and academic achievement. 12 Southborough Massachusetts At Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, career and technical programs offer a rigorous academic schedule, including Honors and Advanced Placement courses. Technical programs utilize state of the art equipment and industry standards to prepare students to compete globally. Graduates receive a diploma plus a Certificate of Proficiency in their technical areas. They enjoy both college and career placement services, including cooperative placement programs that allow qualified students to begin careers in their senior year. Articulation agreements are in place with two and four year colleges so that students may earn college credit through their academic and technical courses. The Southborough Library was founded in 1852. Its well rounded collection offers a breadth of traditional and new media, and programming supports literacy, intellectual curiosity, artistic interests, and civic awareness. Special programs are held including poetry and author readings, lectures, genealogy sessions, Business Network Speaker series, films, craft workshops and musical performers. PRIVATE SCHOOLS Southborough is proud to be home to two prestigious independent coeducational day and boarding schools. Founded by distinguished Southborough residents, St. Mark’s and the Fay School are highly visible centerpieces of our community and represent an important legacy of education in our town. St. Mark’s School founded in 1865 is a coeducational, boarding and day school, grades nine through twelve with 65 faculty and 335 students. It is nestled upon 250 acres. Academics focus on a rigorous liberal arts program that stems from a classical tradition to prepare its students for the best colleges and universities. 162 Cordaville Rd, Southborough, MA 01772 (508) 460-7036 • St. Mark’s School Fay School Fay School has proudly served the Southborough and greater Metro-West communities for 145 years. Fay School is a coeducational day and boarding school for 450 students in pre-kindergarten through grade nine. The boarding program (grades seven through nine) serves 100 students from across the United States and seventeen foreign countries. The New England Center for Children (NECC) is a school for autism treatment and education located in Southborough and considered one of the best in the country. This private, nonprofit autism education center is dedicated to transforming the lives of children with autism through education, research, and technology. POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION With its proximity to Worcester and Boston, Southborough is conveniently located near many of the nation’s best schools of higher education and is home to the Metro-west campuses of Becker College and Clark University. Framingham State University and University of Pheonix (Central MA Campus) are close by. Our employers benefit greatly from this highly educated workforce within easy recruiting distance. Southborough Massachusetts 13 Health Healthcare And Senior Living UMass Memorial Health Care’s Marlborough Hospital serves residents of Southborough and surrounding towns. Founded over 100 years ago, Marlborough Hospital provides a full range of inpatient and outpatient health care services. UMass Memorial Health Care is the largest health care system in Central and Western Massachusetts, and the clinical partner of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. This health care system includes five fully accredited hospitals plus home health and hospice programs, behavioral health programs and community-based physician practices. 14 Southborough Massachusetts In addition, a new outpatient facility, UMass Memorial at Southborough (28 Newton Street) houses a Women’s Imaging Center, Specialty Care services, an Endoscopy Center and MedWorks Occupational Health. MetroWest Medical Center offers the MetroWest region advanced care with a community touch. The 269-bed regional health care system–the largest between Worcester and Boston–includes Framingham Union Hospital, Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, and The MetroWest Wellness Center, an outpatient diagnostic imaging and rehabilitation center. More than 400 physicians represent a comprehensive range of medical specialties. MWMC has a tradition of excellence in medical education, offering training programs affiliated with leading medical schools and Boston teaching hospitals. Southborough Medical Group Established in 1972, this physician owned and operated medical group has expanded into one of the largest multispecialty group practices in the MetroWest region. SMG offers services in Adult Medicine, Pediatrics, OB/GYN and a variety of specialty and ancillary services. The Southborough Senior Center provides the town’s seniors with a wide variety of activities, services and events. Services include Outreach, Health Clinic, MWRTA transportation, the Board of Health, Veteran’s Agent, Meals on Wheels and more. The Senior Center is open Monday - Friday (8:30am - 2:30pm) and is located at 9 Cordaville Rd.
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