December 2013 - Stark County School District
December 2013 - Stark County School District
Rebel Reporter Celebrating Our 13th Year of Service Stark County School District #100 • November 27, 2013 • Volume 13, No. 4 MATH NIGHT AT SCES More photos inside! Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade Family Math night took place on November 19, 2013. Close to fifty students signed up and brought their families for an action packed night of math fun. Students started in their grade level classrooms, then rotated to stations. Each station provided the opportunity for families to learn new math games and practice skills. Students played against their parents and other students. What a fun experience to see families competing, laughing and learning together. Thank you to all who attended and we hope you enjoyed the night as much as we did. Inside: Messages from the Administration • Calendar • Menus • & More! Page 2 • November 27, 2013 • Stark County Rebel Reporter From Superintendent Jerry Klooster Police Liaison Officers at our Schools Last year, the Stark County Board of Education began to implement several safety initiatives in response to some well-documented acts of random violence that occurred at other schools across the nation in recent years. One of the Board’s initiatives was to increase law enforcement visibility in and around the schools. With the help of the Stark County Sheriff’s Department, that initiative is coming to fruition. Beginning November 19, two part-time Police Liaison Officers (Officers Dustin Schaill and Michael Leighton) began working a few hours each week at our schools in Toulon and Wyoming. Officers Schaill and Leighton will not have regular schedules at the schools, but they will be assigned work spaces within each building – and they will be assigned varying hours in different school buildings each week. The two officers that will share the new police liaison duties have completed School Resource Officer training in Springfield recently and they are excited about this new challenge. We hope to utilize the two officers not only to enhance safety for our students and staff, but to provide educational and information services where appropriate. We envision the officers speaking to Driver Education classes, Government classes, or Health classes when requested. We hope officers can serve as a resource to students who have questions about the law or students who may have concerns about legal issues. We know that the job description for the Liaison Officers is going to evolve during the first few weeks and months of this new position, but we want parents to know that our Police Liaison Officers do not serve in the capacity of school disciplinarians. Their main tasks will be to enhance overall security, and to serve as a resource to teachers, students and administrators. The Stark County teachers have been working diligently and quietly behind the scenes. While the professional demands on educators have been increased, The Newsletter is made possible by a group of individuals who give their time to the processes of making, editing, and publishing the REBEL REPORTER. Staff: Desktop Publishing Class with more emphasis on state testing and publicized scores, the teacher’s hard work in the classroom tends to go relatively unnoticed. Several positive and creative systems have been developed to help improve the instruction and evaluation that we hope will have an effective impact on our students. Mr. Bill Lamb Our professional staff has been working hard to gather more student data than ever before to assist in improving instruction in the classroom. While the students may see some of the new tests as “just another grade”, the staff is using these nationally developed exams to measure academic success on an individual level as well as school, state, and national levels. The teachers are evaluating data several times a year to make sure that we are aware of individual student achievement and improvement. The data also helps with lesson design that will address areas that may need improvement. These tests include Maze and Aimsweb, which help us identify those who have met benchmarks. The Explore, Plan, or A.C.T. tests are used to help families see an achievement snapshot as it relates to College & Career readiness. Invitation to Public Forum A Note from Mr. Loane: Parents of students in my Illinois History/Government Class- How to contact the school district Superintendent’s office During the first semester, my Government students are required to attend a governmental meeting and write a report on what happened at the meeting. This requirement calls for them to find out when and where the meetings are held and attend at least an hour of a meeting. I have given the formal assignment to my students. They will have sufficient time to find and attend a meeting. I usually give them several weeks to get this accomplished. They may attend a school board meeting, a city council meeting, a fire protection district meeting, a library board meeting, an EMT district meeting, or a County Board meeting. Look for the written assignment I gave to your student. If you have any questions call or visit Mr. Loane. High School Office Principal: Bill Lamp Athletic Director: Scott Paxson Guidance: Angela McGrath Secretary: Mary Horsley 418 S. Franklin Toulon, IL 61483 (309) 286-4451 or 286-4531 Fax (309) 286-3321 e-mail: Junior High School Principal: Bill Lamp Secretary: Debbie Meinders 402 S. Franklin St. Toulon, IL 61483 (309) 286-3451 e-mail: Stark County Elementary Principal: Tessa Samuelsen Secretary: Cindy Spears 300 Van Buren Wyoming, IL 61491 (309) 695-5181 email: Stark County CUSD #100 invites you to attend a public forum conducted by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), Division of Special Education Services. Our district has been selected for a focused monitoring review regarding educational placement decisions for students with disabilities. The ISBE team leader will explain the focused monitoring process about placement decisions and provide you an opportunity to share your comments. When: Time: Where: Please recycle when you’re done reading! Visit the District web site: The agenda is planned well in advance of the meeting; therefore, requests to address the board must be submitted in writing to the superintendent at least five working days prior to a regularly scheduled board meeting. The Board meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Stark County Elementary School Building in Wyoming. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. SCHS Cafeteria 418 S. Franklin Toulon, IL 61483 Board of Education W. David Turner Addressing the Board spending many hours, sometimes using our early release afternoons, to review and document their texts, instructional resources, curriculum maps and course descriptions. We hope that by taking a hard look at what we are doing, and how we are doing it, we will be able to identify our strengths and weaknesses. We have good reasons to be proud of our Rebels, both students and teachers. We are striving to have high levels of determination and success for our students in the classroom. We believe it starts new, each day, when the students walk into the classroom and hear what the teacher has created just for them to meet the day’s chalAlso, the staff has been lenge. es: Superintendent: Jerry Klooster Secretary: Barbara Loane Bookkeeper: Mary Streitmatter 300 Van Buren Wyoming, IL 61491 (309) 695-6123 e-mail: Supt. Jerry Klooster Stark County Teachers Working on Curriculum Development Newsletter Staff Advisor: Patty Wilkinson As in the past, in those rare situations where school administrators request the assistance of the police at the school, our new Liaison Officers may be utilized, but their roles and our policies regarding their roles in investigations, searches, etc., have not changed. We want to welcome Officers Schaill and Leighton to our staff and we look forward to their positive contributions to our schools. President • Term expires 2015 Brian Rewerts Vice President • Term expires 2017 Elizabeth Rumbold Secretary • Term expires 2017 Ron “Skip” Turnbull Robert Groter Term expires 2015 Term expires 2017 Keith I. Knobloch Term expires 2015 Ann Orwig Term expires 2017 Stark County Rebel Reporter • November 27, 2013 • Page 3 Golden Spoon Award Winners! Mrs. Tessa Samuelsen Mrs. Samuelsen Stark County Elementary Principal “Teamwork” success." I want to thank you for coming together and joining with us in developing dreams, keeping with us through one of the most transforming times in education and working with us to meet the needs of children. Thank you, students, teachers, parents and community members for being a part of the team. Students, thank you for coming to school ready to learn, ready to create and ready to engage. Teachers, thank you for exhausting time, resources and energy in instruction, committing to creating opportunities for success and connecting with and loving each child in your classroom. Parents thank you for working with and caring for your children at home, being apart of school events and supporting changes in education. Community members, thank you for being willing to jump in when extra hands are needed, providing resources for teachers and students and finally for making education a priority. Stark County is a team that is changing the world one child at a time, because working together creates success. The month of November brings two thoughts together for me. One being thankfulness and the other being teamwork. Education is changing all around us, but one thing that stays constant is that teamwork creates possibility. One teacher reminded me this week that it takes a village to raise a child and here in Stark County we take that responsibility very serious. There are many suggestions on what education should look like, but the Stark County Team knows that success is more than just meeting standards and following mandates; it is instilling in young minds a fire to learn and a passion to succeed. Preparing a child for the future is hard work, but together that task is possible. It was once said that teamwork is the act of dividing the task, to multiply the success. Our goal is to prepare students for the future by providing opportunities for success, and there is no better place to do that than right here in Stark County. What a joy it is to see people coming together everyday to make meaningful connections for young minds. Henry Tessa Samuelsen Ford said, "Coming toStark County Elgether is the beginning, ementary School Princikeeping together is prog- pal ress, working together is ‘14 Yearbooks High school students may now reserve their copy of the 2014 Stark County High School yearbook, The Rebellion. A deposit of $30 is needed to reserve a book. The total cost is $60. If you have any questions, please contact the high school office at (309) 286-4451. The 2013 yearbooks are in! Here they go again with those great manners. Mrs. Gilles' class has won the "Golden Spoon" twice this semester. Awesome job First Grade! Mrs. West's first graders have done it again. Awesome job first graders and thank you for being respectful, responsible and working with others in the cafeteria. SCES second graders and their families enjoyed an evening of math games and centers at Second Grade Family Math Night on Nov. 14. The event focused on math games students can play at home to reinforce skills learned at school. Students practiced basic math facts and place value skills while playing Math Twister, Swat!, Grand Prize Ping Pong, Think Big, Headbandz, and Beach Ball Toss. Measurement and Estimation centers, as well as take-home dice games, provided additional fun and learning opportunities. Page 4 • November 27, 2013 • Stark County Rebel Reporter September and October students of the month Stark County Jr. High and Stark Smart Raise Money for Stark County Food Bank The junior high October student of the month winners were, from left to right, 8th grade: Drew Ford - son of Mr. & Mrs. John Ford, 7th grade: Payton Browning - son of Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Browning, 6th grade: Schuyler Melton son of Ms. Linda Melton & Mr. Jay Melton, and Tracy Peterson of the State Bank of Toulon. Each student received a $25 gift card. Frightful Fun for a good cause was sponsored by Stark Smart. Students and staff donated money to the Stark County Food Bank for the opportunity to wear crazy hats on Halloween Day. Stark County Food Bank representative Bonnie Schmidt was presented $345.00 by several Stark Smart participants. The picture for the September student of the month winners were, from left to right, Joni Kinsella of the State Bank of Speer, 6th grade - Elena Hafner daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hafner, 7th grade - Braden Ely son of Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ely, 8th grade - Troy Hippen son of Mr. & Mrs. Jarrod Hippen, and Lynne Knobloch of the State Bank of Speer. Each student received a $25 gift card. Stark County Jr. High Sixth and Seventh Graders Gain Appreciation for the Work of Fire Fighters On September 11, 2001 when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, emergency service people did not hesitate to take action. Students in Mrs. Ford’s Social Studies class researched information in which they learned the firemen had to walk up 110 flights of stairs in full gear plus carry a “pack” of supplemental gear just to reach the fire. Wow! But what does that really mean? To find out, students put on basic turnout gear and carried one fifty foot section of inch and a half hose to get an idea. A fireman’s gear can weigh in excess of 85 pounds with their air pack and the supplemental gear they carry can be 60 to 70 pounds. Students found it difficult to move around the classroom, let alone climb stairs, quickly understanding a small part of what firemen experience. We would like to thank the Toulon Fire Department for allowing us to borrow the gear for the day. The Stark County Fine Arts Network invites you to join us on Sunday, Jan. 19 at 3:00 PM For the Peoria Symphony Orchestra presentation of “Matinee at the Movies” at the Peoria Civic Center Theater Featuring your favorite music from epic movies, such as: Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Les Miserables, Casa Blanca, Gone with the Wind, James Bond, Star Wars and more! Tickets for adults are $28.80. Student* tickets are $5.00. Seating will be in the second balcony. A portion of the student ticket price is paid for by the Stark County Fine Arts Network. Children under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make checks payable to “Stark County Fine Arts Network” and send to school with your child or mail your order by Dec 18, 2013 to: Janet Wilkinson 6940 County Hwy 24, Wyoming, IL 61491 Name _____________________________________ Phone _______________ Address ________________________________________________________ Number of adult tickets ($28.80 ea) ______ Number of student tickets ($5.00 ea)______ Tickets must be paid in full by Dec. 18th. Total amount enclosed ____________ Stark County Rebel Reporter • November 27, 2013 • Page 5 Elementary school honors Veterans with assembly, projects On Friday, November 8, 2013 Stark County Elementary students invited Veterans from our community and surrounding areas to take part in our annual Veteran’s Assembly. Students worked hard all week creating art work to display for their very special visitors. Miss Emily Stahl, Stark County Elementary’s newest staff member, helped students fill the hall with patriotic projects. Stark County Elementary teachers also spent the week speaking with students about the history of our country and the importance of our Veterans. Many classrooms worked to complete thank you cards and other projects to show their appreciation. Then on Friday morning, as our Veteran’s began to arrive, they were ushered into the gymnasium. Soon after visitors were seated, Stark County Elementary students showed their appreciation for those who are currently serving and those who have served in the past. Mrs. Laura Bennett lead Kindergarten through fifth grade students in song and many special readings honoring our Veterans and many more around the county. Each guest was asked to raise their hand as their name, branch of service and family connections were read. This was an emotional and memorable event for all. Thank you again to those who have fought and are currently fighting for our freedom. The LTC HS Chorus festival was hosted by AlWood on Nov. 14. The choir was made up of 250 students from all of the LTC conference schools, and was directed by Mrs. Carolyn Kellert of Galesburg. The students rehearsed with Mrs. Kellert throughout the afternoon, and presented an evening concert. The ILMEA Junior Treble Choir performs at Augustana, under the direction of Dr. Bridget Sweet from the University of Illinois. The choir included seven SCJH 7th and 8th graders. Fourteen Stark County Junior High and High School musicians performed with the bands and choirs at the ILMEA District 2 Music Festival held November 9th at Augustana College. They auditioned for their spots in the music groups, and represented our school well at the day-long festival, which culminated in evening concerts. Fifteen Stark County 6th grade chorus students attended the Illinois Music Education Festival which was held November 2nd in Mendota. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Carol Amm, included one hundred and thirty 5th and 6th grade students from the ILMEA District 2 area. SCJH students pictured: back row L to R: Rachael Adair, Elena Haffner, Lyla Longabaugh, Hope Hogsett, Katrina Demetreon. Middle row L to R: Robert Robinson, Christopher Roark, Donovan Ford, Brooke Montgomery, Jessica Joos. Front row L to R: Jared Rouse, Trevor Street, Tristean Hulsey, Ashlee Rynearson, Josie Price. Matthew Roark & Jack Wilson rehearse with the Junior Mixed District 2 Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Michael Zemek at Augustana College on November 9th. The Junior Mixed choir also included SCHS students Naomi Downing and KJ Jezierski. Stark County Junior Payton Letkon rehearses with the Senior Chorus The Senior Chorus under the direction of Dr. John Hurty from Augustana included Stark County Juniors Victoria Harmon and Payton Letko Page 6 • November 27, 2013 • Stark County Rebel Reporter December Sunday Monday 1 2 Stark County Unit District #100 Calendar of Events Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 HS S/V Girls BB vs. United HS S/V Boys BB Home vs. HS S/V Girls BB Home vs. @ Monmouth 6:00pm Roanoke-Benson 6:00pm West Prairie 6:00pm HS S/JV Boys BB vs. BV @ JH Boys BB vs. Churchill @ Manlius 6:00pm Galesburg 4:30pm 9 8 15 16 22 10 11 HS F/JV Girls A-B BB @ Canton 6:00pm JH Boys BB Home vs. Lombard 5:30pm Elementary Christmas Program 3rd-5th grades 7:00pm HS F/JV Boys A-B BB Home vs. BV 6:00pm JH Boys BB vs. Alwood @ Woodhull 5:30pm Elementary Christmas Program K-2nd grades 7pm HS S/V Girls BB vs. West Central @ Biggsville 6pm FFA Parliamentary CDE @ Orion 5:00pm 17 18 Thursday Friday 6 5 Saturday 7 HS F/JV Girls A-B BB @ Manlius 11:00am HS S Boys BB @ Galva Tournament TBA (DEC. 7,9,11,12,14) HS S/V Boys BB @ Henry 6:00pm Stark Smart Dinner and a Movie in Kewanee 3:15pm-7:00pm HS S/V Girls BB Home vs. Illini Bluffs 6:00pm 12 13 14 HS F/JV Girls A-B BB Home vs. Geneseo 10:00am Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre 6:00pm FFA State Agronomy & Dairy Foods CDE @ U of I 10:00am 19 20 BOE Meeting 7:00pm JH (6:30pm) & HS (7:30pm) JH Boys BB @ Cambridge HS F/JV Girls & Boys BB Winter Concert @ HS 5:30pm Home (Wyoming) vs. Gym Monmouth-Roseville 6pm HS V Boys BB @ Colmone Classic @ Spring Valley TBA (Dec.16-21) HS S/V Girls BB @ Roanoke 6pm JH Boys BB H vs. Annawan 5:30pm JH Boys BB Home vs. Orion 6:00pm HS Finals End of 2nd Qtr. HS F Boys BB @ Henry HS S Girls BB Stark County 10:00am Tournament TBA HS S Girls BB Stark HS Finals County Tournament TBA JH Boys BB @ Kewanee 10:00am 23 26 27 No School – Christmas Break (Dec. 23- Jan. 6) 25 24 21 28 HS V Boys BB @ Warkins HS V Boys BB @ Warkins Memorial Tournament @ Memorial Tournament @ Erie TBA Erie TBA HS V Girls BB @ Monticello Holiday Tournament TBA (Dec.26-28) HS V Boys BB @ Warkins Memorial Tournament @ Erie TBA CHRISTMAS BREAK • NO SCHOOL • (Dec. 23 - Jan. 6) 30 29 HS V Boys BB @ Warkins Memorial Tournament @ Erie TBA 31 CHRISTMAS BREAK • NO SCHOOL • (Dec. 23 - Jan. 6) January Sunday Monday Stark County Unit District #100 Calendar of Events Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday Friday 3 2 HS S/V Girls BB @ Lewistown 6:00pm Saturday 4 HS F/JV Boys BB A-JV @ Orion 11:000am CHRISTMAS BREAK • NO SCHOOL • (Dec. 23 - Jan. 6) 5 6 HS S/V Girls BB @ Princeville 6:00pm JH Boys BB Home vs. ROWVA 5:30pm 7 19 26 11 Report Cards HS S/V Boys BB Home vs. Unites 6:00pm HS F Girls BB Stark County Tournament 9:00am HS S/V Boys BB Home vs. Knoxville 6:00pm JH Boys BB vs. Midland @ Sparland 10:00am 15 16 17 18 HS F/JV Girls BB @ Notre Dame 6:00pm HS F/JV Boys A-B BB @ Home vs. Hall 6:00pm JH Boys BB @ Visitation 5:00pm HS S/V Boys BB Home vs. West Central 6:00pm HS F/JV Girls & Boys BB vs. Mercer County @ Toulon 10am HS S/V Boys BB vs. Midland @ Varna 6:00pm HS V Girls BB LTC Tourney @ Biggsville TBA (Jan.18,20,22,23,25) JH Girls BB Stark County Tourney 9 am JH Boys BB LTC Tourney Qtr. Finals @ Annawan TBA 25 13 14 HS S/V Girls BB Home vs. Annawan 6:00pm JH Boys BB Home vs. United 5:30pm HS F/JV Girls A-B BB Home HS S/V Girls BB @ Galva vs. Kewanee 6:00pm 6:00pm HS S/V Boys BB @ Sciota JH Boys BB Home vs. 6:00pm United 5:30pm JH Girls BB @ Visitation JH Boys BB @ Galva 5:30pm 5:30pm 20 21 No School BOE Meeting 7:00pm HS F/JV Boys A-B BB Home vs. Farmington 6:00pm JH Boys LTC Tournament Semis 7th Grade @ Annawan TBA 27 HS F/JV Boys A-JV BB @ Wethersfield 6:00pm HS F/S/V Girls BB vs. Ridgewood @ Wodhull 4:15pm 9 SCHOOL RESUMES CHRISTMAS BREAK • NO SCHOOL 12 10 HS S/V Girls BB Home vs. HS F Girls A BB @ Oneida Mercer County 6:00pm 6:00pm JH Boys BB @ Wethersfield JH Boys BB @ Henry 5:30pm 6:00pm 8 22 23 24 HS S/V Boys BB Home vs. Princeville 6:00pm HS F/JV Girls A-B BB @ Geneseo 6:00am JH Boys LTC Tournament Semis 8th Grade @ Annawan TBA HS F/JV Boys A-B BB @ Knoxville 6:00pm JH Girls BB vs. Mercer County @ Joy 6:00pm JH Boys LTC Tournament Finals @ Annawan TBA HS S/V Boys BB vs. Mercer HS F Girls BB @ Kewanee Tournament 9:00am County @ Aledo 6:00pm HS F/JV Boys A BB @ Princeville 11:00am 28 29 30 31 HS F/JV Girls A-B BB Home Sophomore Ring Meeting 10:00am vs. IVC 6:00pm HS S/V Girls BB Home vs. HS S/V Boys BB @ AnWethersfield 6:00pm nawan 6:00pm HS S/V Boys BB Home vs. JH 7th Grade Girls BB @ Galva 6:00pm Kewanee 4:30pm JH Girls BB Costa TournaJH 8th Grade Girls BB @ Home vs. Kewanee 6:00pm ment @ Galesburg TBA (Jan. 31-Feb. 1) enus Stark County Rebel Reporter • November 27, 2013 • Page 7 NOTE: All meals are served with 1% or fat free mil and dressings SC ELEMENTARY Monday, December 2 syrup, apricots, juice Breakfast: Yogurt, graham snacks, Lunch: Cowboy cavatina, tossed whole grain cereal, mixed fruit, salad w/romaine, green beans, juice pineapple Lunch: Pork BBQ, whole grain bun, Wednesday, December 11 sweet potatoes, baked beans, Breakfast: Whole grain English mixed fruit muffin, egg patty, cheese slice, Tuesday, December 3 mixed fruit, juice Breakfast: Breakfast bagel, graham Lunch: Whole grain corn dog, snacks, peaches, juice garden spinach salad, seasoned peas, mixed fruit Lunch: Multi-cheese pizza smart bread, marinara sauce, garden Thursday, December 12 spinach salad, fresh carrots, Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, peaches donut, cinnamon applesauce, juice Wednesday, December 4 Lunch: Ham, cheesy potatoes, Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, whole grain roll & jelly, fresh whole grain cinnamon roll, carrots, cinnamon applesauce, pineapple, juice pumpkin bar Lunch: Turkey & cheese, whole Friday, December 13 grain bun, romaine & tomato mix, Breakfast: WG biscuit, sausage & oven fries, pineapple gravy, pears, juice Thursday, December 5 Lunch: Chicken quesadilla, salsa Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham & whole grain corn, tortilla chips, snacks, pears, juice refried beans, pears Lunch: Country style beef patty, Monday, December 16 mashed potatoes/gravy, steamed Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, broccoli/cheese, whole grain roll/ whole grain honey bun, blueberries, jelly, banana juice Friday, December 6 Lunch: Chicken Tetrazzi, tossed Breakfast: Breakfast bites, syrup, salad w/romaine, steamed cinnamon applesauce, juice carrots, whole grain bread sticks, strawberries Lunch: Beef taco, soft shell tortilla, WG chips & salsa, romaine Tuesday, December 17 & tomato mix, Mexican corn, Breakfast: Pancake on a stick, cinnamon applesauce graham snacks, mixed fruit, juice Monday, December 9 Lunch: Pork rib, whole grain bun, Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, tri tater, green beans, mixed fruit whole grain muffin, peaches, juice Wednesday, December 18 Lunch: Taco soup, whole grain Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, corn tortilla chips, fresh broccoli, cinnamon, tastries, pears, juice snickerdoole, peaches Lunch: Lasagna, garden spinach Tuesday, December 10 salad, whole grain French garlic Breakfast: WG French toast sticks, bread stick, apple wedges Thursday, December 19 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham snacks, juice Lunch: Turkey burger, whole grain bun, sweet potato puffs, baked beans, tropical fruit Friday, December 21 Breakfast: WG Mini waffles, bacon, syrup, peaches, juice Lunch: Chicken teriyaki bites, savory rice, fresh broccoli, whole grain cinnamon roll, peaches NO SCHOOL DEC. 23 – JAN. 6 Tuesday, January 7 Breakfast: WG cereal, bagel, cream cheese, tropical fruit, juice Lunch: Chicken wrap, romaine & tomato mix, steamed carrots, tropical fruit Wednesday, January 8 Breakfast: WG pancakes, bacon, syrup, pineapple, juice Lunch: Spaghetti w/meat sauce, garden spinach salad, apple wedges Thursday, January 9 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham snacks, pears, juice Lunch: Taco salad, whole grain corn tortilla chips & salsa, refried beans, cinnamon puffs, pears Friday, January 10 Breakfast: Breakfast bites, syrup, orange, juice Lunch: Chicken noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, orange smiles Monday, January 13 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, whole grain muffin, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Bosco cheese stick, marinara sauce, seasoned peas, fresh baby carrots, mixed fruit Tuesday, January 14 Breakfast: WG French toast, syrup, pineapple, juice Lunch: Hamburger, WG bun, romaine & tomato, sweet potato puffs, pineapple, rice krispy bar Wednesday, January 15 Breakfast: Whole grain English muffin, egg patty, cheese slice, apple sauce, juice Lunch: Chili, WG corn chips, celery & cucumbers, cinnamon roll, applesauce Thursday, January 16 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, donut, peaches, juice Lunch: Sliced ham, potato smiles, baby carrots, green beans, biscuit & jelly, peaches Friday, January 17 Breakfast: WG biscuit, sausage & gravy, peaches, juice Lunch: WG chicken nuggets, corn, fresh broccoli, strawberries & bananas Monday, January 20 NO SCHOOL – MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAY Tuesday, January 21 Breakfast: WG pancake on a stick, syrup, graham crackers, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Hot ham & cheese, WG bun, potato wedges, fresh broccoli, fresh grapes Wednesday, January 22 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, cinnamon tastries, pears, juice Lunch: WG pizza, tossed salad w/ romaine, garlic bread stick, w/ marinara sauce, banana Thursday, January 23 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham crackers, banana, juice Lunch: Italian pasta bake, green pepper strips, fresh baby carrots, applesauce, brownie Friday, January 24 Breakfast: WG cereal, apple frudel, peaches, juice Lunch: Taco burger, WG bun, romaine & tomato, refried beans, peaches Monday, January 27 Breakfast: Sunrise flatbread, graham crackers, pears, juice Lunch: Country style beef patty, mashed potatoes & gravy, steamed broccoli, pears Tuesday, January 28 Breakfast: Cheddar cheese omelet, WG toast, jelly, peaches, juice Lunch: Pork BBQ, WG bun, sweet potato puffs, baked beans, peaches Wednesday, January 29 Breakfast: Breakfast quesadilla, pineapple, juice Lunch: Multi cheese pizza smart bread, marinara sauce, garden spinach salad, fresh carrots, pineapple Thursday, January 30 Breakfast: WG cereal, WG honey bun, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Turkey & cheese sub, WG bun, romaine lettuce & tomato, oven fries, mixed fruit Friday, January 31 Breakfast: WG biscuit, sausage & gravy, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Chili crispitoes, romaine & tomato, Mexican corn, apple wedges SC High & JUNIOR HIGH Monday, December 2 Breakfast: Yogurt, graham snacks, whole grain cereal, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Pork BBQ, whole grain bun, sweet potatoes, baked beans, mixed fruit, orange (9-12) Tuesday, December 3 Breakfast: Breakfast bagel, graham snacks, peaches, juice Lunch: Multi-cheese pizza smart bread, marinara sauce, garden spinach salad, fresh carrots, peaches, blueberries (9-12) Wednesday, December 4 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, whole grain cinnamon roll, pineapple, juice Lunch: Turkey & cheese, whole grain bun, romaine & tomato mix, oven fries, pineapple, graham snack (9-12), apple (9-12) Thursday, December 5 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham snacks, pears, juice Lunch: Country style beef patty, mashed potatoes/gravy, steamed broccoli/cheese, whole grain cinnamon roll, banana, pears (9-12) Friday, December 6 Breakfast: Breakfast bites, syrup, cinnamon applesauce, juice Lunch: Beef taco, soft shell tortilla, WG chips & salsa, romaine & tomato mix, Mexican corn, cinnamon applesauce, Whole grain corn tortilla and salsa (9-12), pears (9-12) Monday, December 9 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, whole grain muffin, peaches, juice Lunch: Taco soup, whole grain corn tortilla chips, fresh broccoli, snickerdoole, peaches, apple (9-12) Tuesday, December 10 Breakfast: WG French toast sticks, syrup, pineapple, juice Lunch: Cowboy cavatina, tossed salad w/ romaine, green beans, whole grain roll w/ jelly (9-12), orange (9-12) Wednesday, December 11 Breakfast: Whole grain English muffin, egg patty, cheese slice, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Whole grain corn dog, garden spinach salad, seasoned peas, mixed fruit, kiwi (9-12) Thursday, December 12 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, donut, cinnamon applesauce, juice Lunch: Ham, cheesy potatoes, whole grain roll & jelly, fresh carrots, cinnamon applesauce, pumpkin bar, orange (9-12) Friday, December 13 Breakfast: WG biscuit, sausage & gravy, pears, juice Lunch: Chicken quesadilla, salsa & whole grain corn, tortilla chips, refried beans, pears, apple (9-12) Monday, December 16 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, whole grain honey bun, apricots, juice Lunch: Chicken Tetrazzi, tossed salad w/ romaine, steamed carrots, whole grain bread sticks, strawberries, apricots (9-12) Tuesday, December 17 Breakfast: Pancake on a stick, syrup, graham snacks, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Pork rib, whole grain bun, tri tater, green beans, mixed fruit, kiwi (9-12) Wednesday, December 18 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, cinnamon, tastries, pears, juice Lunch: Lasagna, garden spinach salad, whole grain French garlic bread stick, apple wedges, pears (9-12) Thursday, December 19 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham snacks, blueberries, juice Lunch: Turkey burger, whole grain bun, sweet potato puffs, baked beans, blueberries, whole grain chips (9-12), mandarin oranges (9-12) Friday, December 21 Breakfast: WG Mini waffles, bacon, syrup, peaches, juice Lunch: Chicken teriyaki bites, savory rice, fresh broccoli, whole grain cinnamon roll, peaches, apple (9-12) NO SCHOOL DEC. 23 – JAN. 6 Tuesday, January 7 Breakfast: WG cereal, bagel, cream cheese, tropical fruit, juice Lunch: Chicken wrap, romaine & tomato mix, Spanish rice, steamed carrots, tropical fruit, blueberries (9-12) Wednesday, January 8 Breakfast: WG pancakes, bacon, syrup, pineapple, juice Lunch: Spaghetti w/meat sauce, garden spinach salad, seasoned peas (9-12), French garlic stick, apple, pineapple (9-12) Thursday, January 9 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham snacks, pears, juice Lunch: Taco salad, whole grain corn tortilla chips & salsa, refried beans, cinnamon puffs, pears, orange (9-12) Friday, January 10 Breakfast: Breakfast bites, syrup, orange, juice Lunch: Chicken noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, WG roll & jelly (9-12), orange wedges, peaches (9-12) Monday, January 13 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, whole grain muffin, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Bosco cheese stick, marinara sauce, seasoned peas, fresh baby carrots, apple wedges, mixed fruit (9-12) Tuesday, January 14 Breakfast: WG French toast, syrup, pineapple, juice Lunch: Hamburger, WG bun, romaine & tomato, sweet potato puffs, pineapple, rice krispy bar, pear (9-12) Wednesday, January 15 Breakfast: Whole grain English muffin, egg patty, cheese slice, apple sauce, juice Lunch: Chili, WG corn chips, celery & cucumbers, cinnamon roll, orange smiles, applesauce (9-12) Thursday, January 16 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, donut, peaches, juice Lunch: Sliced ham, potato smiles, baby carrots, green beans, biscuit & jelly, kiwi, peaches (9-12) Friday, January 17 Breakfast: WG biscuit, sausage & gravy, pears, juice Lunch: WG chicken nuggets, corn, fresh broccoli, WG roll & jelly (9-12), strawberries & bananas, blueberries (9-12) Monday, January 20 NO SCHOOL – MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAY Tuesday, January 21 Breakfast: WG pancake on a stick, syrup, graham crackers, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Hot ham & cheese, WG bun, potato wedges, steamed broccoli, fresh grapes, mixed fruit (9-12), chocolate chip cookie (9-12) Wednesday, January 22 Breakfast: Whole grain cereal, cinnamon tastries, pears, juice Lunch: WG pizza, tossed salad w/romaine, garlic bread stick, w/marinara sauce, banana, pears (9-12) Thursday, January 23 Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, graham crackers, blueberries, juice Lunch: Italian pasta bake, green pepper strips, fresh baby carrots, WG roll & jelly, applesauce, brownie, blueberries (9-12) Friday, January 24 Breakfast: WG cereal, apple frudel, peaches, juice Lunch: Taco burger, WG bun, romaine & tomato, refried beans, WG tortilla chips (912), peaches, apple (9-12) Monday, January 27 Breakfast: Sunrise flatbread, graham crackers, pears, juice Lunch: Country style beef patty, mashed potatoes & gravy, steamed broccoli, WG roll & jelly, pears, orange (9-12) Tuesday, January 28 Breakfast: Cheddar cheese omelet, WG toast, jelly, peaches, juice Lunch: Pork BBQ, WG bun, sweet potato puffs, baked beans, peaches, pear (9-12) Wednesday, January 29 Breakfast: Breakfast quesadilla, pineapple, juice Lunch: Multi cheese pizza smart bread, marinara sauce, garden spinach salad, fresh carrots, strawberries, pineapple (9-12) Thursday, January 30 Breakfast: WG cereal, WG honey bun, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Turkey & cheese sub, WG bun, romaine lettuce & tomato, oven fries, mixed fruit, kiwi (9-12), graham snack (9-12) Friday, January 31 Breakfast: WG biscuit, sausage & gravy, mixed fruit, juice Lunch: Chili crispitoes, romaine & tomato, Mexican corn, WG chips & salsa (9-12), apple, pineapple (9-12) The First Graders in Mrs. Gilles' class completed "How-To" writings titled "How To Cook A Turkey!" Happy Thanksgiving to all!! How To Cook A Turkey by Lauren Best First, go to the store and get a turkey. Next, get a rectangular pan and put the turkey in the pan. Then, cook it at 40 degrees for 20 minutes. Last, we eat the turkey. How To Cook A Turkey by Cole Kinsella First, you trap it with a trap. Next, you pull the feathers out. Then, cook it for 20 degrees for 2 minutes. Last, then eat. How To Cook A Turkey by Jimmy Langdon First, I went to the store and got a turkey. Next, I put it in the oven for 20 degrees for 5 days. Then, I take it out of the oven. Last, I share the food with my family. How To Cook A Turkey by Corbin Williams First, I get my bow and arrow. Next, I find a turkey. Then, I shoot the turkey. Then, I cook it for 30 hours. Last, I set the table for Thanksgiving. Page 8 • November 27, 2013 • Stark County Rebel Reporter Giving thanks at the elementary school library By Mary Beth Kelly It is time to give thanks and at the elementary school library we are thankful for books and reading! So much has been happening and the students have been very busy reading and doing activities. October was a busy month and the K-2nd grade students enjoyed reading Clifford the Fire- house Dog by Norman Bridwell during Fire Safety Week. To discuss bully-prevention the Kindergarten students read The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper and we made our own train. On each train car students wrote down what they COULD do to be a friend instead of being a bully. The 1st3rd grade students read Stark County Elementary 1st Quarter Honor Roll 2013-2014 Principal’s Award: Nicole Bennett Olivia Bessler Sarah Fairfield Marley Hillan Olivia Hopp Kylie Salisbury Trinity Shimmin Highest Honors Caden Daum Mia Happ Joshua Kraklow Caley Martin Riley Menssen Emily Sulaski Jade Webster High Honors: Hailey Gurnsey Chris Morrow Raiden Porter Karsyn Rewerts Honors: Lena Becker Kelsey Berchtold Brett Browning Shai Draminski Brenden Gibler Keegan Harmon Matthew McCauley Kaytlin Pearl Laila Vaughn A Bully Free School by Pamela Hall and made a chart listing things that students and others could do to prevent bullying in our schools. The 4th and 5th grade students read Bully by Patricia Polocca. We discussed the problems addressed in the book and how they were handled. Then we made a chart and answered the question “What Would You Do?” The K-2nd grade students read Bats in the Library by Brian Lies and each student made their own bat to help decorate the hall. For Halloween they read The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll. We talked about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story and students used the pieces of a construction paper candy corn to show the sequence of the story. To help celebrate Veterans Day we read H is for Hero by Devin Scillian and Hero Dad by Melinda Hardin. Kindergarten students made a picture to thank our veterans for their service and 1st and 2nd grade students used each letter in the word veteran to write a word that describes what a veteran does. We were proud to give these to our visiti n g veterans during the elementary school assembly. The K-2nd grade students read Bear has a Story to Tell by Phillip C. Stead and Every Autumn Comes the Bear by Jim Arnosky. We learned about the building blocks of a story with these two stories by discussing and writing about the main characters, setting, and the problem, action and outcome. We also read While the World is Sleeping by Pamela Duncan Edwards and Pumpkins by Mary Lyn Ray. To celebrate Thanksgiving we read Thanksgiving by Miriam Nerlove and The Berenstain Bears Thanksgiving Blessings by Mike Berenstain. Students drew their Thanksgiving feast on a plate and labeled it. The 3rd graders read and finished Sadie and Ratz by Sonya Hartnett. Before reading the book they wrote what their prediction of the book would be. It is fun to read them after we have completed the book, share them with the class, and add them to our binder of book predictions. Sadie and Ratz are Hannah’s imaginary friends. The students made up their own imaginary friends, wrote about them and drew a picture. One student from each class was selected to read their description over morning announcements. The next book the 3rd grade has begun reading is When Santa Fell to Earth by Cornelia Funke. We have many fun Christmas activities planned to go along with this book. The 4th grade classes read and have finished Detective Bigfoot by Renee Wallace. They are working on group projects to tell us why or why not they believe Bigfoot is real. They will present their project as a news report that I will film and will have them up to view on my library web site which is or just click on my name in the staff directory on the SCES web site. Or 5th grade students have been reading The Fairy Ring or How Elsie and Frances Fooled the World by Mary Losure. It is a true story about how two young girls helped convince some very important people that fairies were real. After reading the description in the book of the fairies and little green men, students drew their own interpretation of these creatures. We also made a chart of how the girls felt during different situations in the book and how those who were fooled felt. Hopefully Thanksgiving break will allow you some time to enjoy a story with your child and maybe even feast your eyes on a good book! Mallery Pearson Makenzie Snyder Faith Vaughn Ashleigh Williams Sydney Wisnefski Emily Fairfield Faust Faubel Drew Ford Ana Joos Jakob Kieser Sydney Kunzle Makayla Morales Sarah Pike Trevor Shimmin Dallas Theobald Taytum Tyree 2013-2014 Stark County High High School 1st Quarter Stark County Junior Honor Roll – 1st Quarter Principal’s List – 4.00 West. GPA Juniors – Colyn DaiSeniors – Ryne Daum, ley, Jacob Goodman, Jacob Foster, Elizabeth Victoria Harmon, Logan Hippen, Blaze Porter, Hollis, Samantha Kieser, Tiffany Shults, Cole Van- Payton Letko, Jenna RainDaele, Rachel Wilson. eri, Blake Ryan, Taylor VanWassenhove. Juniors – Kara Downing, Paige Gerard, Heather Sophomores – Keith Kieser, Maranda Magnus- Ehnle, Bailey Herridge, sen, Michael Schott. Payton Hufnagel, Grace Park, Lucas Wisnefski. Sophomores – Tasjianna Bachman, Dylan Freshmen – Matthew Ford, Chase Johnston, Bowen, Remy Dabbs, McCauley Johnston, Ja- Jenna Ehnle, Brianna mie Joos, Sage Pearson, Endress, Tyler Hahn, Ethan Scholl, Joel Stahl, Dalton Hancher, Teresa Trace Tuthill, Luke Wil- Heuermann, KJ Jezierski, son. Seth King, Grace Klooster, Bryce Knowles, BriFreshmen – Yosita ana Meinders, Courtney Beamer, Jared Code, Ouart, Jacob Painter, Lily McKinna Molln, James Sauer, Jordan Sparks. Plotner, Laura Rouse, Hannah Rumbold, ElizaHonors – 3.25-3.64 beth West. GPA High Honors – 3.65Seniors - JoAnna 3.99 GPA Adams, Jake Berchtold, Shelby Carter, Taylor Seniors – Kyle Gehrt, Ehnle, Clayton Kieser, Gabe Hovendon, Adria Miranda Kiesewetter, Illa Romani, Joseph Kelly, Austin King, Alysa Kohler, Meghan King, Jade Molln, Brandi McGava, Brendan Madisyn Paxson, Shawn Mummert, Ashley PhilPerry, Jacob Price, Shelby lips, Jacob Prindiville, Raineri, Landon Reeves, Jordan Rumbold, Colton Nate Schupbach, Cole Senders, Anna Steelman, VanWassenhove, Victoria Chad Stocking, Brandon Talbot, Kaitlynn Tyree, Taylor Winston. Juniors –Clair Becket, Molly Carlton, Dylan Carter, Madelyn Cozad, Tyler Dorsey, Jared Dougherty, Brody Elliott, Nicholas Hancher, Bryanna Hewitt, Thorin Hicks, Kendra Hockett, Evan Ingels, Noah Royer, Emily Swearingen, Daniel Young. Sophomores – Samantha Adams, Chadd Boland, Clark Brown, Caleb Clancy, Stephanie Cook, Jessica Heuermann, Kayla Hockett, Soren Jakobsen, Caitlyn Lacy, Sydney Pearson, Nicole Wagenbach. Freshmen – Wendy Adams, Hannah Brewster, Megan Brown, Macaila Cole, Mikeala DeWolfe, Skylar Fletcher-Adams, John Groter, Jeanna Kieser, James King, Logan Knobloch, Bailey Longman, Natasha Mueller, Zade Musselman, Bailey Real, Todd Reay, Kaley Rouse, Brock Stotler, Paige Swearingen, Emily Thomsen, Brienna Traver, David Winter, Michael Zavala. HIGH HONORS – All A’s 6th grade: Caleb Raineri Brooke Montgomery 7th grade: Patrick Crowley Braden Ely Daphne Plotner Jack Wilson 8th grade: Miranda Bessler Alli Dennison Camille Gaspard Grace Hicks Troy Hippen Eric Meaker Brooke Rennick Matthew Roark Cade Tuthill Mckenzie Wages Drew Wells HONORS – All A’s / 1 B 6th grade: Elena Haffner Layne Sauer 7th grade: Kylee Davis Brianna Gehrig 8th grade: Mitchell Herridge Mitchell Martin Katie McCauley Jacob Orrick HONOR ROLL – B Average 6th grade: Leah Bantz Noah Beamer Ryan Bogner Katrina Demetreon Hunter Donovan Gage Foglesonger Donovan Ford Olivia Frail Drake Johnston Lauren Jones Lyla Longabough Schuyler Melton Kane Newton Amanda Perry Josie Price Christopher Roark Robert Robinson Jared Rouse Ashlee Rynearson Trevor Street Joseph Wells 8th grade: Matthew Baumgardner Blue Breese Quinlan Breese Mackenzie Brown Sydney Demetreon Abby Dennison Tori Donovan 7th grade: Heaven Bays Brandon Bennett Payton Browning John Carroll MacKenzi Chizmar Riley Down Chris Dyken Dawson Dyken Faith Elsasser McKenzie Evans Cameron Fandel Allison Gosnell Heather Hamilton Heather Heuermann Emma Kraft Tori Lomelino Jordyn Meinders Priyana Patel Grace Rumbold Treyton Scholl Faith Sparks Alayna Steward Emma Webster