
s an diego mu seu m o f ma n • m em b e r n ews l e t t e r
Spring 2013
Vol. 30 No.1
see great historical photos online and in a new exhibit
In late January, San Diego Museum of Man installed a new exhibit entitled Past Meets Present, curated by history buff and photography
expert Dr. Dave Roberts. The exhibit gives visitors a glimpse of how the park looked during the 1915 Panama-California Exposition and
highlights how the park, and the California Building, have changed over the past 100 years.
Past Meets Present is inspired in part by Capturing History: Cataloging the San Diego Museum of Man’s Photographic Collection, a grant from
the Council on Library and Information Resources and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grant enables us to digitize and catalog the
majority of the museum’s photograph collection, including images from the 1915 Exposition.
Digitized copies of these photographs, along with thousands of others from our collection, will also soon be available on the Balboa Park
Commons, an online resource that will offer unprecedented access to photos, videos, and other rich content from many Balboa Park
museums. After it launches later this year, Commons users will be able to view historic pictures of San Diego from any computer on the
Internet, including significant image collections from ethnographers and archaeologists, and various museums’ object collections.
mummies, zombies, vampires, and ologists at summer camps
Join us this summer as we unearth the histories and mysteries of the world in our summer
camps for kindergartners through eighth graders.
They can create works of art or flavorful foods inspired by world cultures, investigate the
origins of mythical monsters, or go behind the scenes with our curators and scientists.
We have new adventures planned for this year, too. I’m an Ologist! is a new partnership with
the Natural History Museum. Campers can spend half a day with us exploring archaeology,
Egyptology, and primatology (including a trip to the zoo!) and half a day at theNAT for
herpetology, entomology, and paleontology, making a full day of ology investigation.
Middle-schoolers won’t want to miss our new Mummies, Zombies, and Vampires: Monster
Mythology Camp, where we’ll journey through time and around the world to uncover what
different cultures believed about these creatures and find out if Hollywood got it right.
More information and registration:
Visit us Online at
Find us on Facebook
Send us a Tweet @museumofman
thank you for your support!
SDMoM is thrilled to announce grant awards from the following organizations:
Balboa Park Celebration, Inc.
Hervey Family Fund
City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture
Organizational Support Program
Las Patronas
County of San Diego Neighborhood
Reinvestment Program
The Moxie Foundation at the
Jewish Community Foundation
Google Grants
Price Family Charitable Fund
The Heller Foundation of San Diego
Dear Friends,
On a recent free Tuesday, a mother and
her two daughters visited the museum.
Like many of our families, they made a
bee-line for access/ABILITY, our highly
interactive children’s exhibit that explores
the different ways people with disabilities
navigate the world.
Mr. Jim Alford
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ms. Edie Munk
Mrs. Machel Allen &
Mr. Maxime Zondlowski
Ms. Debra Hart
Mr. Ron & Mrs. Lucille Neeley
Mr. Ken Hedges &
Mrs. Diane Hamann-Hedges
Ms. Kim Nguyen
Allison and Robert Price
Family Foundation
Mr. Erik & Mrs. Lordita Nowacki
Mr. Shane & Mrs. Amy Howard
Mr. Abe Ordover &
Ms. Eleanor Musick
Mr. Valentine S. Hoy
Ms. Judith Parzen
Hon. & Mrs. Richard Huffman
Mr. Andy Ramirez
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Charlotte Bird
Mr. Gary Jacobson &
Ms. Martha Blake-Jacobson
Dr. Ida Rigby & Mr. John Sturla
Mrs. Karen Bowden
Mrs. Nora Jaffe & the Jaffe Family
Ms. Heather Bowden
Mr. Payne Johnson
Mrs. MaryAnn &
Mr. George Brooks-Gonyer
Mr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Hugo & Mrs. Susan Barrera
Mrs. Karen & Dr. Wolfgang Berger
After playing in the exhibit with her girls for
a half-hour or so, the mother approached
a staff member. She was beaming. “My
older daughter struggles with dyslexia,”
she said. “And my younger daughter has
never understood why reading is so hard
for her sister. Now, she finally does.
Thank you so much for this exhibit!”
Ms. Kimberly Heller
Dr. Joseph Ball
Dr. J. Robert & Mrs. Betty Beyster
We hope to see you at the museum soon!
The Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation
SDMoM also offers a special thank you to the following generous individuals and corporations
who recently donated:
In a section of the exhibit called “Puzzling
Letters,” visitors try to read and write
while looking in mirrors that flip the letters
around. “Dyslexia can make it hard to
recognize words and letters,” the exhibit
explains, “while dysgraphia can make it
hard to write them.”
Some nonprofits provide direct services
such as shelter or health care to people
in need. We offer something different, but
just as important. Every time an exhibit
or program inspires a human connection
and nourishes a relationship, our community
gets better, one person at a time. Just ask
that mother and her daughters.
The Legler Benbough Foundation
Mrs. Andrew Matto
Ms. Hope Carlson
Ms. Marnie Cheney
Mr. Scott Jones &
Ms. Elizabeth Motander Jones
Mr. Harold Coleman
Mr. Gordon & Mrs. Annika Kovtun
Mr. Jim & Mrs. Mary Dawe
Ms. Julianne J. Larsen &
Dr. James Forbes
Dr. Margaret DeWolfe Knight
Mr. Chris Loughridge
Ms. Virginia Dickerson
Ms. Janis Diers from Mata Ortiz to You
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Arlene Esgate
Dr. Nicholas Fintzelberg
Dr. Rex Garniewicz
Dr. George & Mrs. Sheila Luiken
Dr. Enrico Marcelli &
Dr. Pascale Joassart-Marcelli
Mr. & Mrs. William Mayer
Hon. Kevin & Mrs. Cynthia Midlam
Ryan Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Marcelino Saucedo
Mr. Howard Schwitkis
Dr. Geoffrey Smith &
Mrs. Heidi Haerr-Smith
Softerware, Inc.
Ms. Judith Strupp Green
& Dr. Willard Wells
Dr. Richard Ugoretz
Isabel Walker in memory
of Miriam Davis
Ms. Ellen Waddell
Mr. Steven Wall & Ms. Franne Ficara
Ms. Judith Wenker
Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman LLP
Special thanks to everyone who purchased auction items or pledged a gift at our recent From the Vault VIP Preview and Benefit.
Did you know?
Donations to San Diego Museum of Man are tax-deductible. Your support makes it possible for us to
preserve the extraordinary collections entrusted to our care, to foster dialogue and lifelong learning
through our innovative exhibits, and to offer admission to countless schoolchildren and other visitors.
Please also consider naming SDMoM as a beneficiary in your will.
Your gift can ensure that generations to come will enjoy our wonderful museum.
To donate, call Hope Carlson at 619-239-2001, extension 16, or email her at
You may also mail your check, made out to San Diego Museum of Man, to 1350 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101.
Every gift matters. Thank you for your support!
board of trustees
CHAIR William E. Mayer, III
VICE CHAIRS Hugo H. Barrera, Kevin W. Midlam
TREASURER Machel Allen
Micah D. Parzen, Ph.D., J.D.
Chief Executive Officer
SECRETARY Erik A. Nowacki
BOARD MEMBERS Joseph W. Ball, Larry Banegas, Marnie Cheney, Harold Coleman, Christopher
Loughridge, Enrico A. Marcelli, Edie Munk, Ron Neeley, Abraham P. Ordover, Richard M. Peters,
V.S. Ramachandran, Geoffrey Smith, Steven S. Wall, Dean R. Wilson
sweet sounds under the dome
If you’ve been to a Tower After Hours or another event at the museum, you’ve probably
wondered about the museum’s sound system. Whether it’s a panelist, a curator, or our
CEO speaking under the Grand Rotunda, it’s been obvious the system needs an update.
Change is coming! Thanks to a generous grant from Las Patronas, we are installing a new
digital sound system. Acoustical expert Sam Saye has designed a sophisticated solution
that works with the unique structure of our beautiful building. It will allow music, lectures,
and presentations to be heard clearly.
Las Patronas is one of San Diego’s most beloved philanthropic institutions. Founded in
1946, it has raised more than $16 million over the years to help more than a thousand
nonprofits in social services, education, health, and cultural arts. Keep an eye out for
Las Patronas’ illustrious Jewel Ball, a spectacular gala held annually to raise funds for
worthy organizations.
We are all very grateful to Las Patronas for making our new sound system possible. Look
for upcoming events on our website so you can hear the new equipment in action!
wagging tails and a sci-fi tale at discussion panels
Celebrate service animals with us Saturday, May 18, as we partner with Canine Companions
for Independence to bring you Tails of Service: From Playful Puppy to Devoted Service Dog.
During this panel discussion, both humans and dogs will explore and demonstrate the
journey from puppy to service animal. The discussion panel is presented as a complement
to our disability awareness exhibit access/ABILITY, which includes a component about
service animals.
Speakers will include experts who nurture, train, and give a caring nature to these animals.
• Breeder-caretakers who care for puppies until they are eight weeks old.
• Puppy raisers who teach puppies basic commands they need to know before training.
• Trainers who teach these talented dogs the skills they need to become valued companions.
Plus, a recipient of a canine companion will explain the special bond he shares
Volunteer and Southwest Regional Board Member with his four-legged friend. Panelists will bring service animals at different levels of training
to demonstrate the abilities of these amazing animals.
Leslie Hennessy
Also, keep an eye out for details about an April discussion panel we are developing with Write Out Loud, a nonprofit that presents literature
and poetry in live performances. The panel will explore the themes of the Ray Bradbury’s science fiction classic Fahrenheit 451 and how they
are important today.
upcoming events at sdmom
Friday, April 5th @ 6 pm: Rites of Passage Members Opening Reception (RSVP Required)
Thursday, April 25th @ 6 pm: Tower After Hours Italy
April: Write Out Loud (Fahrenheit 451)
Monday, May 6th @ 10 am: Second Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Saturday, May 18th @ 1 pm: Tails of Service: From Playful Puppy to Devoted Service Dog
Visit for more details and updates.
Don’t miss our new exhibit Rites of Passage,
opening to the public April 6th!
Non-Profit Org.
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san diego m us e um of man • m em be r newsl e t t e r
1350 El Prado, Balboa Park
San Diego, CA 92101
Open: 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily
Closed: Thanksgiving and Christmas
admission only
admission to
torture & museum
Members receive unlimited free regular admission.
For information about SDMoM membership,
please call (619) 239-2001, ext. 10.
Accredited by the American Association of Museums
and an Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. Footsteps
Through Time programs are sponsored by a grant from
the National Science Foundation. Museum programs are
supported by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts
and Culture and the County of San Diego Community
Enhancement & Neighborhood Reinvestment Programs.
It’s amazing to see 2000-year-old fashion:
how people dressed, styled their hair, and
painted their faces. How do we know? In
this case, from a set of rare figurines newly
donated to the San Diego Museum of Man.
This group of figurines was one of the first
of its kind to appear in the United States.
They were identified in the late 1930s by
the father of Mesoamerican archaeology,
George Clapp Vaillant, then at the American Museum of Natural History. Recognizing the
significance of these artifacts from Chupícuaro, Guanajuato, Mexico, he tried to acquire
them for AMNH, but they remained in a private collection for more than 75 years.
Unfortunately, the site of Chupícuaro, which holds more than 2000 years’ worth of
artifacts, was only briefly investigated before it was largely covered by water after the
building of a nearby dam in the late 1940s.
We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the donor who ensured that these irreplaceable
artifacts were given to a museum where they would be studied by scholars and seen
by the public. We are thrilled to add them to our collection, which is constantly being
refined and enlarged.