

Learning Community Migration and Minorities:
atform for Teachers and Teacher Educators
Internationale Konferenz 02/2016
Stuttgart, Hospitalhof
With support of
als Teilnehmende
Lehrerinnen & Lehrer
Lehrende in der Lehrerbildung
Mitarbeitende in der Schulverwaltung
als wissenschaftliche Impulsgeber & Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Hans Anand Pant
German School Academy Berlin / Deutsche Schulakademie,
Schulakademie Berlin
Prof. Dr. Mechtild Gomolla
Information & Forms
Helmut Schmidt Universität, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Ulf Daniel Ehlers
Vice President Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg,
Württemberg, Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Hasan Coşkun
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Çankırı (Turkey)
Edwin Bartels
Director Schickhardt Gymnasium, Stuttgart
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Programme (as of February 2015)
Thursday, 18th February 2016 (1:00 p.m
m. – 6:00 p.m.)
from 12.30
Welcome addresses:: speaking inter alia
Michèle Grombeer (European
European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)/ Brussels)
The LeaCoMM-Project
Presentation about objectives and contents of the LeaCoMM-Project
and international Partners
World Cafe
views on migration, minorities and school Views
A gallery
allery of views is growing …
Migration – Minorities – School
Impulse: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Anand Pant (German School Academy/
Academy Berlin)
Workshops about
Migration & Minorities and a lot of expectations ...
Reflections and food for thought …
Keynote Speaker: Prof.. Dr. Hasan Coşkun (Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Çankırı// Turkey)
Migration & Minorities: Tasks of schools? Tasks of teachers?
Plenary discussions in a “Fishbowl” with …
end 18.00
Prof. Dr. Anand Pant (German
German School Academy/
Academy Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Hasan Coşkun (Çankırı
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Çankırı/
Çankırı Turkey)
Vilma Bačkiūtė (Ministery of Education and Science, Vilnius/ requested)
Monika Renninger (Hospitalhof Stuttgart)
Jama Maqsudi (Working
Working Group Third World/ AGDW e.V.,
e.V. Stuttgart)
from 18:00
+++ eat & meet +++ essen & kennenlernen +++
Friday, 19th February 2016 (9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)
Welcome with impressions of Thursday and
Michèle Grombeer (EACEA) presentation on OLS (Online linguistic support)
Learning Communities & Connectivistic Learning
Impulse: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ulf Daniel Ehlers (Vice President Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg)
Workshops as “Offline Learning Community” about
tasks and requirements for teacher education with regard to four topics:
language education and
use of multilingualism
teaching contents
anti-racist model for
schools and teaching
diversity management in
school administration
Language(s) in international Preparation-Classes
Moderation: Julian Mihailovic (Plüderhausen)
Language and Integration:
teaching of subjects in classes with linguistic diversity
Moderation: Heide Walb (Freiburg)
Multilingualism – Multiculturalism – Teacher Education
Moderation: Dr. Arata Takeda (Berlin), Benny Kedem (Jerusalem/IL)
Pictures & Language: Every-Day
Racism as a Topic
Moderation: Elisabeth Rangosch-Schneck
History for All:
All History Lessons in Societies shaped by Migration
Moderation: Sara Swistun (Waiblingen)
Our Responsibility for Refugees
Moderation: Jama Maqsudi (Stuttgart)
School Administration: Challenge Quality
Qualit & Diversity
Moderation: Verena Wendel (Stuttgart)
Impressions from the workshops …
12.30– 13.30 Lunch
Learning Community Migration and Minorities …
… moving pictures about consequences for teacher education
Migration – Minorities – Teacher Education
Impulse: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mechtild Gomolla (Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg)
Gallery of LeaCoMM-Groups
Groups ...
interactive work on- and offline in our market place and in the workshops!
learning community
connectivistic learning
Quality Expectations and the LeaCoMM-Quality
Moderation: Sara Swistun (Waiblingen) and Elisabeth Rangosch-Schneck (Stuttgart)
Digital Learning Opportunities: Teacher-Platforms
Teacher Platforms & OER
Moderation: Burkhart Firgau (Stuttgart)
WIKIs as Learning Opportunities in Teacher Education?
Moderation: Dr. Klaus Dautel (Zentrale
für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet e. V./ ZUM)
Coll@borative Preparation of Lessons - (how) is it possible?
Moderation: Dirk Zechnall (Karlsruhe)
Gamification in Teacher Education?
Moderation: Sofia Argyropoulou (Katerini)
and Dr. Jan M. Boelmann (Ludwigsburg)
Diversity of Languages in Primary Schools
Moderation: Barbara Havlaci-Ludwig
Meeting of Music Teachers in the virtual
international Staff Room
Moderation: Eirinaios Triantafyllou (Herrenberg)
Girls– Football – Religion: No Topic?
Moderation: Derya Erkılıç
ılıç (Stuttgart)
end 18.00
Reflections and food for thought …
Keynote Speaker: Edwin Bartels (Schulleiter Schickhardt-Gymnasium,
Online Learning Communities and Teacher Education:
Impulses of LeaCoMM-Platform
Platform for the thematic fields migration, minorities, school …
Plenary discussions in a “Fishbowl” with …
Prof. Dr. Mechtild Gomolla (Helmut
Schmidt University, Hamburg)
Prof. Dr. Ulf Daniel Ehlers (Vice-President
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Arata Takeda (Freie Universität Berlin)
Dr. Sandra Kostner (University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd)
Prof. Manfred Berberich (Staatl. Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung/ Gymnasien, Karlsruhe)
Edwin Bartels (Director Schickhart-Gymnasium,
Final Chord with music …
Moderation: Dr. Roland Plehn (Hechingen)
… more information about project & conference
& contact
Contact: Elisabeth Rangosch-Schneck
Descriptions of the Workshops
(1) Language(s) in international Preparation-Classes Moderation: Julian Mihailovic (Plüderhausen)
The participants of the workshop „language in international preparatory classes“ will be introduced into the subject „tests
concerning language ability“ with children who are multilingual. Afterwards different instruments will be presented that deal
with determining the command of language. The participants will be shown the way these instruments are used. They are
also expected to reflect their use.
(2) Language and Integration: teaching of subjects in classes with German as a second language
Moderation: Heide Walb (Freiburg)
Promoting the reading- and writing skills of students with German as a second language is a responsibility of any teacher
teaching in German. This workshop demonstrates methods to strengthen the writing skills of those students in specialised
subjects other than German. A sensitive use of language across all subjects is part of a school culture.
(3) Multilingualism – Multiculturalism – Teacher Education
Moderation: Dr. Arata Takeda (Berlin), Benny Kedem (Jerusalem/IL)
Immigration society? Transcultural society? Participants of this workshop will explore different perspectives of teacher
education in the light of the challenges facing our society. Special attention will be given to the role of language(s) and
culture(s), their thematization and critical reflection with regard to the identity formation of school children and their
competence development.
(4) Pictures & Language: Every-Day Racism as a Topic Moderation: Elisabeth Rangosch-Schneck (Stuttgart)
We focus everyday pictures and ask for the messages that might emanate from these images. In the workshop it is about the
mostly un-conscious implicit meanings of images and words, just strengthen racist interpretation patterns in the perception
of others, strangers again by their ordinariness. And we ask what teacher education can contribute to their repeal.
(5) History for All: History Lessons in Societies shaped by Migration Moderation: Sara Swistun (Waiblingen)
History in particular is a subject in which teachers are most likely confronted with nationalist ideas. How can history lessons
be used as a platform for a more critical approach towards racism and understanding multiple perspectives? And how can
teachers get their students involved in such an approach? Try it for yourself in the workshop "History for everybody".
(6) Our Responsibility for Refugees Moderation: Jama Maqsudi und Dr. Evelyn-Mejrem Weidenhausen (both Stuttgart)
Millions of people are fleeing from war, violence and poverty. Receiving and integrating young refugees in schools is a
challenge for school administration and teachers alike but at the same time can present an opportunity for the future. How
do teachers address the topics of ‘fleeing a country, asylum, foreigners, recognition and exclusion’ in the classroom? How can
you seek the necessary dialogue with parents on these topics during parents' evenings? How should this be included in the
training curriculum for teachers?
(7) School Administration: Challenge Quality & Diversity Moderation: Verena Wendel (Stuttgart)
This workshop focuses on managing change in the school environment, framework conditions of changed teaching- and
working methods and their effect on the individual student; cooperation in the field of education; opportunities of promoting
school development and ensuring school quality.
(8) Quality Expectations and the LeaCoMM-Quality Standards
Moderation: Sara Swistun (Waiblingen), Elisabeth Rangosch-Schneck (Stuttgart)
Teacher qualification is linked to the expectations placed on professional quality of media and material for teacher
education. This also implies the topics migration and minorities. The LeaCoMM-Platform must meet these expectations. This
workshop tries to define useful standards and evaluates how far the platform complies with them.
(9) Digital Learning Opportunities: Teacher-Platforms & OER Moderation: Burkhart Firgau (Stuttgart)
This workshop aims at gathering experiences and evaluating them with special regards to teaching platforms, social media,
tools as well as their added value in comparison to or in combination with traditional methods, usability, data protection and
open educational resources. In a critical debate on various aspects and individual experiences, participants will gain new and
ideally motivating insights.
(10) WIKIs as Learning Opportunities in Teacher Education?
Moderation: Dr. Klaus Dautel (Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet e. V./ ZUM)
The internet provides a number of platforms and tools which enable various forms of cooperation and collaboration, such as
wikis – e.g. ZUM-Wiki ( and ZUM-Wiki for learning languages for refugees (
Some of them will be introduced and practiced at this workshop.
(11) Coll@borative Preparation of Lessons - (how) is it possible?
Moderation: Dirk Zechnall (Karlsruhe), Professor Heinz Hoffmeister (Stuttgart)
Meet a virtual group and create a "Day of Cultures" together. This workshop is all about learning from each other and about
the exciting question ‘what I want to tell about myself’. Let yourself be surprised in a discussion on commonalities and
differencess through the creation of a media product together with strangers in a learning community.
(12) Diversity of Languages in Primary Schools Moderation: Barbara Havlaci-Ludwig
Ludwig (Stuttgart)
Participants willing to actively work together and share their knowledge
knowledge of the topic using practical examples, are most
welcome in this workshop. As questions and first answers begin to crystallize, they will be verified using the internet and the
LeaCoMM - Platform and, if time allows, anchored in practice by way of example.
(13) Gamification in Teacher Education? Moderation: Sofia Argyropoulou (Katerini/GR), Dr. Jan M. Boelmann (Ludwigsburg)
Games, playful learning and computer games have become a trend in teaching. How can these fun elements be applied
meaningfully and according
ccording to which criteria? Also: how relevant is gamification in teacher training? What does gamification
mean in this context with regard to migration and minorities?
minorit es? We look for examples and try to develop new ideas.
(14) Meeting of Music Teachers in the virtual international Staff Room Moderation: Eirinaios Triantafyllou (Herrenberg)
A round of discussion and exchange on the organization of music lessons offoff and online. What goals do you pursue? How
can music lessons be turned into a vehicle of integration?
integration? Further potential contributions to a critical discourse might be:
Music as means of influence? Ethnic music in the class room.
(15)Girls – Football – Religion: No topic? Moderation: Derya Erkılıç (Stuttgart)
Girls & Football? Muslim Girls & Football & Sport? Is that an issue? Sports & Religion? A subject at school? What are possible
reasons for the under-representation
representation of Muslim girls in football? In the workshop, we gather opinions and experiences,
discuss the consequences of the reluctance of Muslim girls to football or sports for the school sports classes.
International Conference and LeaCoMM-Platform:
Plattform is a product of the european LeaCoMM-Project
Learning Community Migration and Minorities: Platform for Teachers
and Teacher Educators (LeaCoMM).
The LeaCOMM platform is more than just a database to provide
learning material. It aims to support the work of teachers and teacher
trainers and administration staff in an online-community
on the topics
of migration and minorities.
The international conference will have the same objective: provide an
opportunity to exchange experiences and perspectives, jointly reflect
on questions and gather new knowledge.
Both input and output will be valuable:
Background material on specific working groups will be made available
through the platform. In addition, you will be able to get in touch with
moderators, upload content yourself or start contributing to the content
of discussions in a truly interactive spirit.
Your contributions are welcome!
The conference will provide a unique occasion to gather scientific
input, pose questions and share experiences.
We will gather the information in an effort to continue the discussion
also after the closing.
Therefore, please bring your laptops! (participants will receive Wifi codes on entry)
Please make sure you have a conference-specific
conference specific twitter account to
make communication during the conference possible
... you can already get info through über @LeaCoMM_eu
Short Biographies
of lecturers, experts in plenary discussions, keynote speakers and moderators (alphabetical)
Sofia Argyropoulou, MA e-learning (HOU), BA French Language and Literature (AU, Thessaloniki), Certifications of French,
English, German, Spanish. Experience on management and development of EU projects. Collaboration with University of
Athens, implementation of ICT and innovative methods in FL learning, teacher training representing the Greek Ministry of
Education. French teacher (public primary/secondary schools).
Vilma BAČKIŪTĖ works for the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science as the Head of the Teacher Activity Division. In
2002-2012 worked for the British Council in Lithuania. In 2013 coordinated the programme on leadership in education within
the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council. She has extensive experience in project management and EL teacher training,
including CLIL.
Edwin Bartels is headmaster of the Schickhardt grammar school in Stuttgart. The school has been awared the title "elite
school of the sport", is partner in the project "Tablet & School" of the country's media center BW, part of the nationwide
network, "School without Racism - School with Courage". Edwin Bartels studied Biology and Geography.
Prof. Manfred Berberich, Head of media didactics and media education, National Seminar for Didactics and Teacher
Education (schools) Karlsruhe. He holds a diploma as Handelslehrer, Master of Business Administration (FH) of study:
Economic computer science, media studies, labor law. Speaker for teacher training in information and communication
technology / digital media at Karlsruhe regional council.
Dr. Jan M. Boelmann is an assistant professor of literature and media didactics at the University of Education Ludwigsburg.
He also worked at the Ruhr University in Bochum and completed his teacher training at the ZfsL Münster and the
comprehensive school Berger Feld, Gelsenkirchen. His research focuses on didactics of computer games, empirical
educational research and children's and youth literature.
Prof. Dr. Hasan Coşkun teaches at Çankırı Karatekin University (Turkey), Faculty of Philosophy, at the Institute of Educational
Sciences. He studied education, German and geography in Lüneburg, and he has a doctorate from the University of Hamburg
in the Department of Education.
Dr. Klaus Dautel, Teacher of German, English and Philosophy at a grammar school near Stuttgart, he taught German as a
foreign language at the Deutsche Schule Helsinki. Co-founder of the »Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet e.V.«
(, teacher at the teacher training college in Stuttgart (Seminar für Lehrerausbildung und Didaktik) for more
information see and
Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Vicepresident for Quality and Academic Affairs at the Baden Wurttemberg-State University in
Stuttgart, Germany. Professor for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning. Ph.D. in the field of Technology Enhanced
Learning, habilitation in Adult Education with focus new media. He held positions as Associate Professor in the University
Duisburg-Essen and University Augsburg (Germany), and the University of Maryland University College (USA).
Derya Erkılıç is a trainee teacher (Sports / French) at the Schickhardt-Gymnasium, an elite school of sports in Stuttgart. She
works as a trainer for the Württemberg Football Association, actively plays soccer and is particularly interested in the fact
that Muslim girls, are strongly underrepresented in football clubs in contrast to boys.
Burkhart Firgau, project leader of Eduserver BW, networker in areas such as education platforms like OER. Previously,
teacher training secondary school (art, technology and physics), web designer, project manager, sales manager, then a
teacher at a junior high school, counsellor for IT and networking, head of department of art, member of the control group,
teacher trainer.
Dr. Mechtild Gomolla, Professor for Educational Science particularly Intercultural and Comparative Educational Research at
the Helmut Schmidt-University Hamburg; main focus among others: educational inequalities and (institutional)
discrimination in the school system; professionalization of teachers and other educationists and school development for a
socially just and democratic education within contemporary immigration society.
Michèle Grombeer, EU Programme Manager, is responsible, in the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
(EACEA) in Brussels, for Policy Networks in the field of education, cooperation with stakeholders from civil society, policy
experimentations and studies providing support for policy reform. Those actions are implemented within the framework of
the Erasmus+ Programme.
Barbara Havlaci-Ludwig, primary and secondary school teacher in Stuttgart; teacher trainer for the Baden-Württemberg
Ministry of Culture and Education; contact studies on interculturality / German as a second language at the PH Ludwigsburg;
chairman of migrant organizations INTEGRA Stuttgart and INTEGRA Filderstadt e.V.; participation in the project LeaCoMM.
Prof. Heinz Hoffmeister. Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Education (grammar schools) Stuttgart. Head of the subject area
"dealing with heterogeneity".
Benny Kedem works as a teacher for ear training and music history at "Hakfar Hajarok" ("Green Village"), a high school near
Tel-Aviv, and the Be'er Sheva Conservatory as head of wind instruments department, director of several ensembles and
cooperation with the program "Sarab" (Arabic "Oasis"), which strives for social change for the Bedouin by offers of music
Dr. Sandra Kostner, since 2010 Managing Director of the Master's program "Interculturalism and Integration" at the PH
Schwäbisch Gmünd. Her research interests are comparative migration and integration policy with the focus on Germany,
Australia and the UK, as well as processes of intercultural opening and diversity orientation of universities, administrations
and cultural institutions.
Jama Maqsudi, Dipl. Social economist, born in Afghanistan. He studied at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. He serves
as a social worker in the working group Third World e.V. He is member of the International Committee of the city of
Stuttgart, Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Joint Migration National Association of Baden-Württemberg, founder
and chairman of the German Afghan refugee organization e.V.
Julian Michalovic is teacher at a Realschule (junior high school), he studied at the PH Karlsruhe (German, English and sports)
before completing a degree on German as a second language and intercultural education in the school year 2013/2014. Since
then, he has been affiliated with the Office of Education Backnang and can be requested for consultancy work here.
Prof. Dr. Anand Pant,is managing director of The German School Academy and full professor of Research Methods in
Educational Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He studied psychology and sociology and was a Fulbright Senior
Researcher at Stanford University and at University of Michigan. He served as director of the Institute for School Quality
Improvement at Berlin’s Freie Universität and was director of the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (IQB).
Dr. Roland Plehn, head teacher at the Commercial School Hechingen. He studied pharmacy, holds a PhD from the
Department of Pharmacology at the University of Tübingen. Educational training at the Seminar Weingarten, worked as a
teacher and headmaster and from 2010 to 2015 in Stuttgart Regional Council as the Head of Quality Assurance and
Development in the Department of School and Education.
Elisabeth Rangosch-Schneck, Librarian (Dipl. Bibl.). She studied History and Politics, postgratuated studies Adult Education
(FU Hagen). Since 2005 her professional field are teacher education (inter alia University Marburg, University Tübingen) and
further training for teachers. Since 2012 Editor of the book series migration+lehrerbildung (Schneiderverlag Hohengehren).
Monika Renninger, director of the Protestant Education Center Hospitalhof Stuttgart. A pastor - she studied theology in
Heidelberg, Tübingen, Jerusalem and Boston. She previously worked in Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart and at the Evangelical
Academy in Bad Boll. Publications and participation in numerous church projects for adults.
Sara Swistun (M.A./ RL' in) studied at the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd (German, politics and religion) to be a teacher where he
gained a Master of Arts in "integration and interculturalism" (emphasis on German as a second language and intercultural
education). She graduated from the contact degree program in the school year 2013/2014 and since 2015/16 she has been
the Technical Adviser for German at the school authority Backnang.
Dr. Arata Takeda, scholar of European literature and culture, studied in Tokyo, Tübingen and Venice and worked in Tübingen,
Vienna, Chicago and Paderborn. Since 2015 he is an associate researcher at the Free University of Berlin. He is the author of
the book “Wir sind wie Baumstämme im Schnee” (Münster, 2012) which makes a case for transcultural education in
immigrant society.
Eirinaios Triantafyllou studied music theory, composition, conducting and mathematics. He is a professor of composition and
music theory and works as a teacher, conductor and composer. His publications, his teaching and his cultural focus among
others on how to deal with intercultural exchange, interdisciplinary competence development and connectivism.
Heide Walb (Dipl-Päd.), Technical Adviser for German at the school authority in Freiburg, junior high school teacher for
German and history. From 1995 to 2002 she worked in preparatory classes at a junior high school in and in 1999 she
completed her dissertation (entitled "Integration problems of repatriates children"). 2007-2010: teaching at the Goethe
Institute in Buenos Aires. 2012/2013: Contact Studies "Intercultural learning /language development" (PH Ludwigsburg)
Dr. Evelyn-Mejrem Weidenhausen (née Erden-Hamzagic), Head of Education, Seminar of Teaching and Teacher Education /
BS Stuttgart, studied music education, German and geography in Sarajevo, Tübingen and Stuttgart. Dissertation in Economic
Geography, additional qualification in theater pedagogy and systemic consulting. Since September 2014 honorary German
lessons with refugees.
Verena Patricia Wendel is teacher at the Anne-Frank-Gemeinschaftsschule and Junior High School, Stuttgart. Teacher
training at the PH Ludwigsburg and the Eastern Oregon University (USA), Master study school research and school
development at the University of Tübingen.
Dirk Zechnall. He studied mathematics, physical education and computer science (teaching) at the University of Heidelberg.
Teacher at the Albertus Magnus High School in Ettlingen. Since 2008 Head of media education, Seminar for Didactics and
Teacher Education (grammar schools) in Karlsruhe. Lecturer and teacher trainer for computer science. He conducts working
groups in the field of media didactics and computer science.
Getting there and accommodation
There are a number of hotels within a short distance of the conference centre. We have made a selection of
different options and varying price ranges
Hotel am Schlossgarten (5*)
Schillerstrasse 23, 70173 Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 2026-0,
Maritim Hotel Stuttgart (4*)
Seidenstrasse 34, 70174 Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 942-0,
Hotel Wartburg Stuttgart (3*)
Lange Strasse 49, 70174 Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 2045-0,
Novum Hotel Boulevard Stuttgart-City (3*)
Marienstrasse 3b, 70178 Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 88881-0,
Motel One Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof (2*)
Lautenschlagerstrasse 14, 70173 Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 300209-0,
Jugendherberge Stuttgart International
Haußmannstrasse 27, 70188 Stuttgart, Tel.: 0711 664 7470,
For further questions concerning registration,
accomodation and journey, please turn to
Barbara Havlaci-Ludwig, Martin Kilgus