Solicitation No
Solicitation No
SATCOM DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract Number GS-35F-0221R Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. 1901 Highway A1A. Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Tel: (321) 777-3000 Fax: (321) 777-3702 AUTHORIZED IT SCHEDULE 70 PRICELIST AND TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES, IT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, AND COMMERCIAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (COMSATCOM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES Catalog Refresh Date – 10/18/2013 Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. Contract Valid From December 21, 2004 through December 20, 2014 General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service Pricelist current through Modification #PS-007, dated October 4, 2013 Products and ordering information in this Authorized FSS Information Technology Schedule Pricelist are also available on the GSA Advantage! System ( 1 Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. provides organizations around the globe with easy reliable satellite communications services via Inmarsat and Iridium. The Fortune 500 has selected us as a partner for our customized solutions, technical expertise and unparalleled customer support. Satcom Direct provides reliable phone services to any spot on the globe. And through our patented Global One phone number, all someone has to do is simply dial one number to reach you anywhere in the world. Our current SIN’s are as follows: Special Item No. 132-08 Special Item No. 132-51 Special Item No. 132-53 Special Item No. 132-55 Purchase of Equipment Information Technology Professional Services Wireless Services Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Subscription Services Note: All non-professional labor categories must be incidental to and used solely to support hardware, software and/or professional services, and cannot be purchased separately. Special Item NUNMBER 132-08 PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FSC CLASS 5895 - MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT NOTE: Installation must be incidental to, in conjunction with and in direct support of the products sold under SIN 132-8 of this contract and cannot be purchased separately. If the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act apply. In applying the DavisBacon Act, ordering actives are required to incorporate wage rate determinations into orders, as applicable. SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-51 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, conversion and implementation support, network services project management, data/records management, and other services relevant to 29CFR541.400. SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-53 WIRELESS SERVICES (FPDS CODE D304) excluding local and long distance voice, data, video, and dedicated transmission services which are NOT mobile. Paging Services and Cellular/PCS Voice Services SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-55 COMMERCIAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (COMSATCOM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES – FPDS CODE D304 Includes pre-existing, pre-engineered Mobile Satellite Service solutions, typically including shared satellite resources and contractor-specified equipment, in any commercially available COMSATCOM frequency band, including, but limited to, L-, S-, C-, X-, Ku-, extended Ku, Ka-, and UHF. 2 Table of Contents Information for Ordering Activities Applicable to All Special Item Numbers 4 Terms, Conditions & Pricing Applicable to Purchase of General Purpose Commercial Information Technology New Equipment (Special Item Number 132-08) 22 Terms, Conditions & Pricing Applicable to Information Technology Professional Services (SIN 132-51) 30 Terms, Conditions & Pricing Applicable to Wireless Services (SIN 132-53) 37 Terms & Conditions Applicable to COMSATCOM Subscription Services (SIN 132-55) 40 USA Commitment to Promote Small Business Participation Procurements Programs 66 Best Value Blanket Purchase Agreement Federal Supply Schedule 65 3 INFORMATION FOR ORDERING ACTIVITIES APPLICABLE TO ALL SPECIAL ITEM NUMBERS SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENCIES: Small Business Participation SBA strongly supports the participation of small business concerns in the Federal Acquisition Service. To enhance Small Business Participation SBA policy allows agencies to include in their procurement base and goals, the dollar value of orders expected to be placed against the Federal Supply Schedules, and to report accomplishments against these goals. For orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, FAR 8.404 requires agencies to consider the catalogs/pricelists of at least three schedule contractors or consider reasonably available information by using the GSA Advantage! on-line shopping service ( The catalogs/pricelists, GSA Advantage! and the Federal Acquisition Service Home Page ( contains information on a broad array of products and services offered by small business concerns. This information should be used as a tool to assist ordering activities in meeting or exceeding established small business goals. It should also be used as a tool to assist in including small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses among those considered when selecting pricelists for a best value determination. For orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, customers are to give preference to small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will satisfy their requirement. 1. GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE OF CONTRACT: Domestic delivery is delivery within the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, and U.S. Territories. Domestic delivery also includes a port or consolidation point, within the aforementioned areas, for orders received from overseas activities. Overseas delivery is delivery to points outside of the 48 contiguous states, Washington, DC, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories. Offerors are requested to check one of the following boxes: [X ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic and overseas delivery. [ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be overseas delivery only. [ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic delivery only. For Special Item Number 132-53 Wireless Services and 132-55 COMSATCOM Subscription Services, if awarded, list the limited geographic coverage area: World Coverage __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 2. CONTRACTOR’S ORDERING ADDRESS AND PAYMENT INFORMATION: Ordering Address: Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. 1901 Highway A1A Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Tel: (321) 777-3000 Fax: (321) 777-3702 Payment Address: Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 372667 Satellite Beach, FL 32937 - 0667 ACH/EFT Payments: Wells Fargo Bank Routing # ACH: 063107513 Routing # Wire Transfers: 121000248 Account Number: 2000015833778 Swift Code: WFBIUS6S (Please reference invoice number) Contractors are required to accept credit cards for payments equal to or less than the micro-purchase threshold for oral or written delivery orders. Credit cards will/will not be acceptable for payment above the micro-purchase threshold. In addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments will be shown on the invoice. The following telephone number(s) can be used by ordering activities to obtain technical and/or ordering assistance: Tel: (321) 777-3000 Fax: (321) 777-3702 3. LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE The Contractor shall not be liable for any injury to ordering activity personnel or damage to ordering activity property arising from the use of equipment maintained by the Contractor, unless such injury or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. 4. STATISICAL DATA FOR GOVERNMENT ORDERING OFFICE COMPLETION OF STANDARD FORM 279: Block 9: G. Order/Modification Under Federal Schedule Block 16: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: 141315924 Block 30: Type of Contractor – Satellite Service Provider C. Large Business Block 31: Woman-Owned Small Business - No Block 36: Contractor's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 20-0072919 4a. CAGE Code: 3VWA4 4b. Contractor has registered with the Central Contractor Registration Database. 5. FOB Destination 6. DELIVERY SCHEDULE a. Time of Delivery. The Contractor shall deliver to destination within the number of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO) in the case of F.O.B. Destination prices; or to place of shipment in transit in the case of F.O.B. Origin prices, as set forth below. Offerors shall insert in the “Time of Delivery (days ARO)” column in the schedule of Items a definite number of calendar days within which delivery will be made. In no case shall the offered delivery time exceed the Contractor's normal commercial practice. The Government requires the Contractor's normal commercial delivery time, as long as it is less than the “stated” delivery time(s) shown below. If the offeror does not insert a delivery time in the schedule of items, the offeror will be deemed to offer delivery in accordance with the Government's stated delivery time, as stated below: 5 ITEMS OR GROUP OF ITEMS (Special Item No. or Nomenclature) 132-8 132-53 132-55 GOVERNMENT STATED DELIVERY TIME (Days ARO) 30 30 15 CONTRACTOR’S NORMAL COMMERICAL DELIVERY TIME 10 2 2 b. Expedited Delivery Times. For those items that can be delivered quicker than the delivery times in paragraph (a), above, the offeror is requested to insert below, a time (hours/days ARO) that delivery can be made when expedited delivery is requested. ITEM OR GROUP OF ITEMS (Special Item No. or Nomenclature) 132-8 132-53 132-55 Expedited Delivery Time (Hours/Days ARO) 7 < 24 Hours (No Additional Cost) < 24 Hours (No Additional Cost) c. Overnight and 2-Day Delivery Times. Ordering activities may require overnight or 2-day delivery. The offeror is requested to annotate its price list or by separate attachment identify the items that can be delivered overnight or within 2 days. Contractors offering such delivery services will be required to state in the cover sheet to its MSS price list details concerning this service. Note: Regulation 552.211-78 In addition to (a) above, for SIN 132-54 and SIN 132-55, the following are accelerated and time-critical delivery time frames: SIN 132-54 and SIN 132-55 - Governments Stated Delivery Time: 7 days or less = accelerated service delivery SIN 132-54 and SIN 132-55 - Governments Stated Delivery Time: 4 hours or less = time-critical delivery Note: If the government has an URGENT requirement requiring accelerated delivery, they should contact Satcom Direct Communications directly. SDC may, in some cases, be able to accelerate activation and delivery of the required services which may require an additional fee. ITEM OR GROUP OF ITEMS (Special Item No. or Nomenclature) 132-55 132-55 Accelerated and time-critical delivery time frames Governments Stated Delivery Time: 7 days or less = accelerated service delivery Governments Stated Delivery Time: 4 hours or less = time-critical delivery SDC Accelerated and time-critical delivery time frames 1 Day or less 3 Hours or less 6 7. DISCOUNTS: Prices shown are NET Prices; Basic Discounts have been deducted. a. Prompt Payment: 1% - Net 20 days from receipt of invoice or date of acceptance, whichever is later. b. Quantity: None c. Dollar Volume: Over $100,000 - $500,000 = Additional 0.25% Over $500,001 - $1,000,000 = Additional 0.50% Over $1,000,000 - $2,500,000 = Additional 0.75% Over $2,500,000 - $5,000,000 = Additional 1.0% Over $5,000,001= Additional 2.5% d. Government Educational Institutions are typically offered the same discounts as all other Government customers. e. Other: None 8. TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT OF 1979, as amended: All items are U.S. made end products, designated country end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended. 9. STATEMENT CONCERNING AVAILABILITY OF EXPORT PACKING: Not applicable under this contract. 10. SMALL REQUIREMENTS: The minimum dollar value of orders to be issued is $10.00. 11. MAXIMUM ORDER (All dollar amounts are exclusive of any discount for prompt payment.) The Maximum Order value for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $500,000.00: Special Item Number 132-8 – Purchase of Equipment Special Item Number 132-51 – Information Technology Professional Services Special Item Number 132-53 – Wireless Services Special Item Number 132-55 – COMSATCOM Subscription Services 12. ORDERING PROCEEDURES FOR FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE CONTRACTS: Ordering activities shall use the ordering procedures of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 when placing an order or establishing a BPA for supplies or services. These procedures apply to all schedules. a. FAR 8.405-1 Ordering procedures for supplies, and services not requiring a statement of work. b. FAR 8.405-2 Ordering procedures for services requiring a statement of work. 13. FEDERAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS: ordering activities acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FEDSTDS), which are cited by ordering activities, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor. 13.1 FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS PUBLICATIONS (FIPS PUBS): Information Technology products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be 7 acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FIPS Publication." Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Information concerning their availability and applicability should be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should be referred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650. 13.2 FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS (FED-STDS): Telecommunication products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FED-STD." Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Ordering information and information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA, Federal Acquisition Service, Specification Section, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza, Suite 8100, SW, Washington, DC 20407, telephone number (202)619-8925. Please include a self-addressed mailing label when requesting information by mail. Information concerning their applicability can be obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301)975-2833. 14. CONTRACTOR TASKS / SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (C-FSS-370) (NOV 2001) a. Security Clearances: The Contractor may be required to obtain/possess varying levels of security clearances in the performance of orders issued under this contract. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such security clearances should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule. b. Travel: The Contractor may be required to travel in performance of orders issued under this contract. Allowable travel and per diem charges are governed by Pub .L. 99-234 and FAR Part 31, and are reimbursable by the ordering agency or can be priced as a fixed price item on orders placed under the Multiple Award Schedule. The Industrial Funding Fee does NOT apply to travel and per diem charges. NOTE: Refer to FAR Part 31.205-46 Travel Costs, for allowable costs that pertain to official company business travel in regards to this contract. c. Certifications, Licenses and Accreditations: As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess any variety of certifications, licenses and accreditations for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/ possessing such certifications, licenses and accreditations should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program. d. Insurance: As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess insurance coverage for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such insurance should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program. e. Personnel: The Contractor may be required to provide key personnel, resumes or skill category descriptions in the performance of orders issued under this contract. Ordering activities may require agency approval of additions or replacements to key personnel. f. Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Where there may be an organizational conflict of interest as determined by the ordering agency, the Contractor’s participation in such order may be restricted in accordance with FAR Part 9.5. g. Documentation/Standards: The Contractor may be requested to provide products or services in accordance with rules, regulations, OMB orders, standards and documentation as specified by the agency’s order. 8 h. Data/Deliverable Requirements: Any required data/deliverables at the ordering level will be as specified or negotiated in the agency’s order. i. Government-Furnished Property: As specified by the agency’s order, the Government may provide property, equipment, materials or resources as necessary. j. Availability of Funds: Many Government agencies’ operating funds are appropriated for a specific fiscal year. Funds may not be presently available for any orders placed under the contract or any option year. The Government’s obligation on orders placed under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for ordering purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are available to the ordering Contracting Officer. k. Overtime: For Professional services, the labor rates in the schedule should not vary by virtue of the Contractor having worked overtime. For services applicable to the Service Contract Act (as identified in the Schedule), the labor rates in the schedule will vary as governed by labor laws (usually assessed a time and a half of the labor rate.) 15. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION FOR ORDERING ACTIVITIES: Any ordering activity, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this contract, may exercise the same rights of termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer under provisions of FAR 52.212-4, paragraphs (l) Termination for the ordering activity’s convenience, and (m) Termination for Cause (See C.1.) 16. GSA ADVANTAGE! GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors' schedule prices with ordering information. GSA Advantage! will allow the user to perform various searches across all contracts including, but not limited to: (1) (2) (3) Manufacturer; Manufacturer's Part Number; and Product categories. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Internet World Wide Web utilizing a browser (ex.: Netscape). The Internet address is 17. PURCHASE OF OPEN MARKET ITEMS NOTE: Open Market Items are also known as incidental items, noncontract items, non-Schedule items, and items not on a Federal Supply Schedule contract. ODCs (Other Direct Costs) are not part of this contract and should be treated as open market purchases. Ordering Activities procuring open market items must follow FAR 8.402(f). For administrative convenience, an ordering activity contracting officer may add items not on the Federal Supply Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) -- referred to as open market items -- to a Federal Supply Schedule blanket purchase agreement (BPA) or an individual task or delivery order, only if(1) (2) All applicable acquisition regulations pertaining to the purchase of the items not on the Federal Supply Schedule have been followed (e.g., publicizing (Part 5), competition requirements (Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (Part 12), contracting methods (Parts 13, 14, and 15), and small business programs (Part 19)); The ordering activity contracting officer has determined the price for the items not on the Federal Supply Schedule is fair and reasonable; 9 18. (3) (4) The items are clearly labeled on the order as items not on the Federal Supply Schedule; and All clauses applicable to items not on the Federal Supply Schedule are included in the order. CONTRACTOR COMMITMENTS, WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS a. For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties and representations include, in addition to those agreed to for the entire schedule contract: (1) Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders; (2) Technical representations and/or warranties of products concerning performance, total system performance and/or configuration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics and capabilities of a product/equipment/ service/software package submitted in response to requirements which result in orders under this schedule contract. (3) Any representations and/or warranties concerning the products made in any literature, description, drawings and/or specifications furnished by the Contractor. b. The above is not intended to encompass items not currently covered by the GSA Schedule contract. 19. OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the pricelist outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, except as indicated below: None Upon request of the Contractor, the ordering activity may provide the Contractor with logistics support, as available, in accordance with all applicable ordering activity regulations. Such ordering activity support will be provided on a reimbursable basis, and will only be provided to the Contractor's technical personnel whose services are exclusively required for the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this contract. 20. BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS (BPAs) The use of BPAs under any schedule contract to fill repetitive needs for supplies or services is allowable. BPAs may be established with one or more schedule contractors. The number of BPAs to be established is within the discretion of the ordering activity establishing the BPA and should be based on a strategy that is expected to maximize the effectiveness of the BPA(s). Ordering activities shall follow FAR 8.405-3 when creating and implementing BPA(s). 21. CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS Contractors participating in contractor team arrangements must abide by all terms and conditions of their respective contracts. This includes compliance with Clauses 552.238-74, Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, i.e., each contractor (team member) must report sales and remit the IFF for all products and services provided under its individual contract. 22. INSTALLATION, DEINSTALLATION, REINSTALLATION The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall receive less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under a supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act applies. 10 The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, de-installation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8 or 132-9. 23. SECTION 508 COMPLIANCE. If applicable, Section 508 compliance information on the supplies and services in this contract are available in Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) at the following: N/A The EIT standard can be found at: 24. PRIME CONTRACTOR ORDERING FROM FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULES. Prime Contractors (on cost reimbursement contracts) placing orders under Federal Supply Schedules, on behalf of an ordering activity, shall follow the terms of the applicable schedule and authorization and include with each order – a. A copy of the authorization from the ordering activity with whom the contractor has the prime contract (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Federal Supply Schedule contractor); and b. The following statement: This order is placed under written authorization from _______ dated _______. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of your Federal Supply Schedule contract, the latter will govern. 25. INSURANCE—WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION (JAN 1997)(FAR 52.228-5) a. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. b. Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective— c. (1) For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or (2) Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer. The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request. 26. SOFTWARE INTEROPERABILITY. Offerors are encouraged to identify within their software items any component interfaces that support open standard interoperability. An item’s interface may be identified as interoperable on the basis of participation in a Government agency-sponsored program or in an independent organization program. Interfaces may be identified by reference to an interface registered in the component registry located at 11 27. ADVANCE PAYMENTS A payment under this contract to provide a service or deliver an article for the United States Government may not be more than the value of the service already provided or the article already delivered. Advance or pre-payment is not authorized or allowed under this contract. (31 U.S.C. 3324 DESCRIPTION OF WIRELESS (132-53) AND COMSATCOM (132-55) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES 1. SDC offers aeronautical, maritime and land-mobile Inmarsat and Iridium mobile satellite services which are described below. Pricing models are very comparable to those found in the commercial cellular telephone industry in that the services are pre-engineered, the terrestrial and space networks are all in place and available and the user simply procures the appropriate equipment and airtime that meets the mission requirement. Inmarsat Generation 3 Coverage Map Services available: - Maritime Fleet 33/55/77- Land-Mobile GAN (M4) - Aeronautical H/H+/I/Swift 64 Inmarsat Classic (I-3 Generation) Aeronautical Services Description 1.1 Inmarsat service offered include both Generation 3 (see Figure 1 Coverage Map) Classic Aero-H, Aero-H+, Aero-I, Swift 64, GAN, mini-M, Fleet 33, 55, 77 and Generation 4 (see Figure 2 Coverage Map) Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN), SwiftBroadband, and FleetBroadband services. Pricing units differ based on the type of service and applications being used to communicate and is structured to be calculated either by time or by volume of bytes passed over a service. Each type is depicted in the modification proposal pricing spreadsheets. 1.1.1 Inmarsat’s Classic range of aeronautical services supports high-quality voice, low-speed data and safety communications. They are used by most of the world’s airlines and corporate jet operators, as well as governments for VIP aircraft, coastal guard and defense agencies. There are five services, which vary in capability, coverage, equipment size and cost: 12 Aero H: Multi-channel voice, 10.5kbps fax and data, delivered via a high-gain antenna within the satellites' global beams. ICAO approved for safety services. The service is priced by the minute. Aero H+: Multi-channel voice, 10.5kbps fax and data, delivered via a high-gain antenna within the spot beams of the Inmarsat-3 satellites and the full footprint of the Inmarsat-4 satellites. ICAO approved for safety services. The service is priced by the minute. Aero-I: Multi-channel voice, 4.8kbps circuit-mode data and fax, delivered via an intermediate-gain antenna. Available in the spot beams of the Inmarsat-3 satellites. ICAO approved for safety services. Also supports low-speed packet data supported in the Inmarsat-3 spot beams. The service is priced by the minute. Mini M Aero: Single-channel voice, fax or 2400bps data, for general aviation and smaller corporate aircraft. The service is priced by the minute. Swift 64 Aero. In its basic 64kbps-per-channel form, Swift 64 provides bandwidth for applications such as highquality voice, email, internet and intranet access, NIPR and SIPRNet access, large file transfer and video-teleconferencing. Data rates can be increased to 256kbps through channel bonding and even further through data compression. The services offers ISDN and packet data and is readily integrated with existing ground-based networks. Swift 64 avionics are compatible with Inmarsat-approved high gain antennas which are installed on most, if not all, military and government aircraft. Swift 64 is compatible with modern serial and HAIPE encryption and is priced by the minute with the one exception of Mobile Packet Data Service (MPDS), which is factored by the kilobit. Inmarsat Classic (I-3 Generation) Maritime Services 1.1.2 Maritime Fleet 33, 55 and 77. These services are used for the maritime market to provide voice, fax and data communications for both ocean-going and coastal vessels. Fleet maritime services support all key vessel applications such as telephony, email, internet access, weather and chart updates, vessel tracking, crew calling, fax and text. Fleet services are charged by the minute or by the volume for MPDS. Inmarsat Classic (I-3 Generation) Land-Mobile Services 1.2 Land-Mobile Global Area Network (GAN). Inmarsat M4 / GAN is a digital communications service for land-based customers that provides two-way direct-dial phone connection, including high-quality voice, fax, telex, e-mail and data communications within the Inmarsat’s spot beam coverage area (covering 98% of the world’s landmass. Services supported include voice (standard or high quality audio), fax, mobile packet data service (MPDS), as well as dedicated ISDN channels supporting data rates up to 64 kbps. Multiple ISDN channels can be bonded together to allow for higher transmission speeds. MPDS service allows users to stay connected for extended periods while only paying for data sent and received. I-4 Generation Broadband Global Area Network Services Inmarsat Generation 4 Satellite Coverage Map 13 Services available: - Maritime FleetBroadband - Land-Mobile Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) - Aeronautical H+ and SwiftBroadband Inmarsat’s Generation 4 satellites support aeronautical SwiftBroadband, maritime FleetBroadband and land-mobile BGAN. Inmarsat Generation 4 Coverage Map w/ Spot Beams 1.2.1 SwiftBroadband is an IP-based packet-switched service that provides an “always on” data connection at up to 432kbps per channel. In Standard IP mode, the service is shared with other concurrent users of the system, providing a “best effort” service. SwiftBroadband can also provide a pre-determined quality of service through streaming classes of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and up to 256 kbps through SwiftBroadband X-Stream. Higher bandwidth can be achieved by combining channels, currently approved for up to two channels (four channels as of 1 October 2011) per installation. SwiftBroadband provides a high-quality voice channel with the full functionality of land-based fixed phone services and a generic short messaging service (SMS) capability. For backward compatibility, it also provides a circuit-switched ISDN service. It is possible to configure a combination of multiple packet-switched services with one circuit-switched service active at the same time. Features include: − Standard IP data, up to two channels per aircraft (with future growth to four) supporting up to 432kbps per channel over a high gain antenna. With an intermediate gain antenna, speeds at up to 332kbps per channel can be achieved. − General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications system (UMTS) compatible − Compliant with ARINC 781 standards for aeronautical terminals − Provides support for high-assurance IP encryption (HAIPE) applications 14 1.2.1 SwiftBroadband Class 6, 7 and 15 classes of service can be delineated by the satellite transceiver subsystem avionics and the antenna subsystem. Aeronautical antennas are described as High Gain Antenna (HGA), Intermediate Gain Antenna (IGA) and Low Gain Antenna (LGA). A Class 6 aeronautical service will provide ALL services available under SwiftBroadband as shown in the depiction below. Class 7 terminals offer slightly less gain and therefore a corresponding decrease in throughput. Class 15 terminals are the smallest of the 3 groups and are designed for the smaller classes of business and military aircraft where only basic voice and internet access are required. SwiftBroadband Class 6 terminals are associated with the highest available capabilities of the I-4 satellite network and are usually found on the larger aircraft platforms (Gulfstream-sized and larger). Swift Broadband Class 6 Coverage Map 15 SwiftBroadband Class 7 service takes advantage of smaller avionics and antennas as compared to Class 6. Class 7 is indicated by the use of an intermediate gain antenna subsystem. − − − − − − Simultaneous voice and broadband data Contended IP data at up to 332kbps IP data streaming on demand at 8, 16, 32, 64 to 128kbps GPRS, UMTS and ISDN compatible Currently one and two-channel avionics Standalone or simultaneous operation with other Inmarsat services SwiftBroadband Class 7 Coverage Map 16 SwiftBroadband Class 15. With the recent introduction of the Inmarsat Class 15 service, hardware manufacturers have developed smaller, lighter systems and antenna, reducing the purchase and installation costs. This now provides a high-speed data option for smaller aircraft, allowing passengers to access email, surf the internet and use their smart phones while in flight. Inmarsat SB200 simultaneously provides data speeds up to 200 Kbps and a single AMBE 2 channel for voice calls offering users aboard smaller aircraft a complete communications experience. Characteristics include: − − − − Up to 200 kbps data transfer Simultaneous voice and data (however, no ISDN and no streaming IP services) Utilizes a small, low-gain blade antenna Coverage performance down to 20 degree elevation (see slightly decreased northern and southern latitude coverage on the coverage map below) SwiftBroadband Class 15 Coverage Map 17 1.2.2 FleetBroadband is a maritime communications service that provides cost-effective simultaneous broadband data and voice through a compact antenna on the Inmarsat-4 generation satellites. Features include: − FB150: Designed for small to medium-sized vessels, it offers standard IP up to 150kbps. − FB250: For larger vessels, it offers standard IP up to 284kbps and streaming IP up to 128kbps. − FB500: It offers standard IP up to 432kbps and streaming IP up to 256kbps. 1.2.3 Designed for land-mobile applications, Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) is accessible via a range of small, lightweight satellite terminals, which provide performance options to suit different military and government operational needs. They can be used both indoors and out, being robust enough to withstand harsh, challenging environments and temperature extremes. Service features include: − Standard IP. For email, internet and intranet access via a secure VPN connection at speeds up to 492kbps (for a Class 1 user terminal). Service pricing is available per megabyte. − Streaming IP. Guaranteed data on demand at rates in excess of 384kbps. Chose the rate on a case-by-case basis based on the application chosen. Services also support ISDN at 64kbps. Service pricing is available by the minute. − Phone. Voicemail and standard 3G mobile supplementary services are available. Service pricing is available by the minute. − General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications system (UMTS) compatible. Text. Send and receive test messages via SMS at up to 160 characters per session. Service pricing is available by the message. 1.2.4 IsatPhone Pro. The IsatPhone Pro is the first satellite phone specially designed by Inmarsat for use on their Inmarsat 4 satellite platforms. Service plans for the IsatPhone Pro are quite basic in their approach with two offerings available: Standard Plans and High Allowance Plans. The Standard Plan is designed more for emergency phone use and is normally purchased by agencies that need a satellite phone activated at all times for disaster contingency plans. All prices for the services in this plan are by minute, unless listed otherwise. As the IsatPhone Pro is able to place voice calls to practically every type of phone in the world today, different per minute pricing rates were needed in order to compensate for the costs to connect over differing satellite and terrestrial networks. As shown in our pricing structure below, pricing for calls to all of the Inmarsat options available are listed as well as options for connecting to three other major satellite carriers – Iridium, Globalstar, and Thuraya. Calls to other satellite or terrestrial carriers are charged at a set rate fee (per minute). Note that these voice call rates are for both the Standard and the High Allowance Plan and are charged on a per minute basis. IsatPhone Pro Technical Specifications: Battery: Lithium-Ion, 3.7 volts Coverage: Global Size: 170 x 54 x 39mm Weight: 279 grams Talk Time: Up to 8 Hours Standby Time: Up to 100 Hours Data Service: Circuit-Switched – 2.4kbps GPS: View Position & Text/email location Data Interfaces: Micro USB, audio socket, external antenna port, Bluetooth Language Versions: 8 18 3. Iridium. Commercial Iridium services offered include monthly subscribed and pre-paid airtime packages supporting land-mobile, aeronautical and maritime voice, data and short burst data requirements for worldwide coverage. The Iridium satellite constellation is a large group of satellites used to provide voice and data coverage to satellite phones, pagers and integrated transceivers over Earth's entire surface. Iridium LLC owns and operates the constellation and sells equipment and access to its services via a network of service partners. Iridium operates 66 active satellites in orbit to complete its constellation and additional spare satellites are kept in-orbit to serve in case of failure. Satellites are in low Earth orbit at a height of approximately 485 mi (781 km) and inclination of 86.4°. The global coverage of the Iridium Satellite System can be viewed below. 4. Satcom Direct Communications sells equipment such as Iridium phones and Inmarsat BGAN terminals that can be used with the airtime in SIN 132-55. Equipment for purchase is included in our SIN 132-8. 5. Satcom Direct’s Value-added Applications Descriptions: ® Global One Number . Satcom Direct is the only provider of true 10-digit dialing to multiple locations and systems onboard your aircraft. There are similar competitive options but no one ® comes close to the patented capability. The GON was originally developed in 1997 to simplify the process of reaching an aircraft and to eliminate the many variables associated with connecting to an Inmarsat ® terminal. The GON technology has expanded significantly over the past 13 years and has evolved to provide even more flexibility and functionality. By adding an optional Private Identification Number (PIN) function, SDC can ensure only authorized ground-to-air calls are accepted and transmitted to the aircraft. To better accommodate our European and ® Middle East customer base, we installed a GON server in the Netherlands. By using a “031” prefix, there’s no longer a need to call back to the United States in order to make a connection to a Europeanbased aircraft. ® Today, Satcom Direct’s Global One Number is known throughout the aviation industry and U.S. government aircraft fleets and we have expanded its use to include connectivity to multiple services such as LiveTV (formerly service provided by Verizon/MagnaStar), Iridium and even high-speed voice calls via Inmarsat’s Swift 64 and SwiftBroadband ® services – all through a single 10-digit number. GON features include: • Quick, dependable connections in 20 seconds or less (average 15 sec) • Voice and fax through the same telephone • International Global One Number™ is an option for ground-to-air calling. The iGON™ provides a phone number with a +31 country code (Burum, Netherlands) to reach the aircraft, eliminating the costs associated with placing an international call to a US based Global One Number®. The iGON™ functions ® the same as our US-based Global One Number . 19 • • • ® ATS Position Reporting is available with our Global One Number service. Pilots have the option of ® ® using their GON instead of HF radio by dialing GON from the flight deck phone and pressing # after hearing the customized greeting. Listen and choose the ATS radio facility including New York, Shanwick, Gander, Bodo, Iceland, Santa Maria, San Francisco, and Auckland, etc. ® Global Redundancy. Satcom Direct enables global redundancy for both the flight deck and cabin Unified Billing – receive one invoice monthly for all Inmarsat and Iridium traffic. ® ® Plane Simple . Satcom Direct’s Plane Simple allows an operator, maintenance manager or ® communications planner to manage their Satcom Direct account 24 hours a day, 7 days a ® week. Plane Simple allows for troubleshooting classic Aero-H/H+/I, Swift 64 and SwiftBroadband voice and data calls at your fingertips ® through real-time data. Plane Simple is provided at no additional cost to Satcom ® Direct customers. Additional features available through Plane Simple include: • • • • • • • • • ® ® Access Global One Number (GON ) set-up reports with aircraft configuration details Logon and Logoff activity for Inmarsat H, H+, and I Email notification at logon/logoff for Inmarsat H, H+, and I Swift 64 Network Congestion Monitor Detailed connection records for Inmarsat H, H+, I, Mini-M, Swift 64, SwiftBroadband, FlightDeck Freedom™ and Yonder Channel lineups for DirecTV Sign up to receive Plane Simple Plus, a monthly report showing your aircraft usage for Satcom Direct services Technical and Service Information Letters RSS feeds which enable you to receive issue, outage or degradation notifications via email. Satcom Simple is a corollary land-mobile services site to Plane Simple® which provides logon and call records on subscribed land-mobile terminals (subject to availability as Satcom Direct receives data from a variety of sources and some data may be delayed). Logon and call records are provided as an informational tool for our customers and should not be used to compute service charges. Iridium and Inmarsat BGAN and IsatPhone Pro manufacturer and quick reference/information guides are also accessible by ® customer account holders. SDC also publishes technical and service information letters on the Satcom Simple site. Satcom On-Site (SOS). Our premier service – Satcom OnSite – provides technical services and support at the customer’s location for aircraft satcom issues that cannot be resolved over the phone. With a technical support team that specializes in satcom systems, cabin and flight deck avionics and network engineering, our onsite support includes new aircraft communication systems consulting, on site aircraft delivery checkout, customer training on location as well as configuration management, proactive fault analysis and personal support. Includes: • • • • • • Real-time monitoring of aircraft satcom systems. Satcom hardware troubleshooting for all avionics types. 24/7 technical support by phone. Up-to-date satcom system and router configurations. Full activation and system set-up. Onsite technical support and customized training by Microsoft and Cisco certified Satcom Direct personnel. 20 FlightDeck Freedom™ (FDF). Satcom Directs FlightDeck Freedom™ service provides Iridium SDB, Inmarsat Classic Aero H+ (I3 and I4), SwiftBroadband and Very High Frequency (VHF) Data Link (VDL) ACARS Datalink access for Flight Deck Safety Services which supplement satcom systems for AOC/ATC operations and FAA/ICAO mandated CNS/ATM compliance CONUS and OCONUS operations. VHF/VDL system services interoperate with satcom cockpit datalink communications and aircrew flight management systems to provide more efficiencies, situational awareness, and capabilities for the aircrew. FDF significantly enhances the operational safety for the mission, passengers and crew and provides a powerful framework for applications and services compatible with today’s global air traffic control infrastructure within which the Department of Defense and other Federal government aircraft must operate. • • • Redundant datalink service that provides critical data to pilots such as pre-departure clearances, DIGITAL ATIS, Oceanic clearances, airport weather, graphical weather, and flight plan routing. Pilots can monitor cabin communications to assure satellite systems are working for passengers and VIPs. Secure automated takeoff and landing reports can be sent and viewed by dispatchers and maintenance personnel. Secure Government Network (SGN). SwiftBroadband users can choose between the commercial public internet or a secure network engineered, designed and implemented exclusively for the United States government user. The SGN allows a government customer a unique capability to utilize the United States Government Network Access (USGNA) in lieu of the commercial public Inmarsat network architecture. TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO PURCHASE OF GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NEW EQUIPMENT (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-8) 1. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP All equipment furnished hereunder must satisfactorily perform the function for which it is intended. 2. ORDER Written orders, EDI orders (GSA Advantage! and FACNET), credit card orders, and orders placed under blanket purchase agreements (BPA) agreements shall be the basis for purchase in accordance with the provisions of this contract. If time of delivery extends beyond the expiration date of the contract, the Contractor will be obligated to meet the delivery and installation date specified in the original order. For credit card orders and BPAs, telephone orders are permissible. 3. TRANSPORTATION OF EQUIPMENT FOB DESTINATION. Prices cover equipment delivery to destination, for any location within the geographic scope of this contract. 4. a. INSTALLATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES INSTALLATION. When the equipment provided under this contract is not normally self-installable, the Contractor's technical personnel shall be available to the ordering activity, at the ordering activity's location, to install the equipment and to train ordering activity personnel in the use and maintenance of the equipment. The charges, if any, for such services are listed below, or in the price schedule: SATCOM supports the installation and re-installation of the products per their Standard Commercial Warranty. 21 b. INSTALLATION, DEINSTALLATION, REINSTALLATION. The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall receive less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under a supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirement of the Davis-Bacon Act applies. The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, de-installation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8. c. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. The Contractor shall furnish the ordering activity with one (1) copy of all operating and maintenance manuals which are normally provided with the equipment being purchased. 5. INSPECTION/ACCEPTANCE The Contractor shall only tender for acceptance those items that conform to the requirements of this contract. The ordering activity reserves the right to inspect or test any equipment that has been tendered for acceptance. The ordering activity may require repair or replacement of nonconforming equipment at no increase in contract price. The ordering activity must exercise its post acceptance rights (1) within a reasonable time after the defect was discovered or should have been discovered; and (2) before any substantial change occurs in the condition of the item, unless the change is due to the defect in the item. 6. a. WARRANTY Unless specified otherwise in this contract, the Contractor’s standard commercial warranty as stated in the contract’s commercial pricelist will apply to this contract. Satcom’s Standard Commercial Warranty applies. b. The Contractor warrants and implies that the items delivered hereunder are merchantable and fit for use for the particular purpose described in this contract. c. Limitation of Liability. Except as otherwise provided by an express or implied warranty, the Contractor will not be liable to the ordering activity for consequential damages resulting from any defect or deficiencies in accepted items. If inspection and repair of defective equipment under this warranty will be performed at the Contractor's plant, the address is as follows: d. Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. 1901 Highway A1A, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Tel: (321) 777-3000 Fax: (321) 777-3702 7. PURCHASE PRICE FOR ORDERED EQUIPMENT The purchase price that the ordering activity will be charged will be the ordering activity purchase price in effect at the time of order placement, or the ordering activity purchase price in effect on the installation date (or delivery date when installation is not applicable), whichever is less. 8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City or otherwise) covering work of this character, and shall include all costs, if any, of such compliance in the prices quoted in this offer. 22 9. TRADE-IN OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT When an ordering activity determines that Information Technology equipment will be replaced, the ordering activity shall follow the contracting policies and procedures in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the policies and procedures regarding disposition of information technology excess personal property in the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) (41 CFR 101-43.6), and the policies and procedures on exchange/sale contained in the FPMR (41 CFR part 101-46). 10. PRICING Pricing for all Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. products listed under SIN 132-08 are as follows: Iridium Satellite Phones and Accessories CLIN SIN Part Number 800000 132-08 APKT0401 800001 132-09 DPKT1101 800002 132-10 EPKT1101 800003 132-08 SDC9555FRK 800004 132-08 SDC9555DPK 800005 132-08 SDC9505DPK 800006 132-08 SDC9575FRK 800007 132-08 SDC9575DPK 800008 132-11 PHS300IC 800009 132-12 BATPHS300IC Product Description Iridium 9505A Satellite Phone - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM, Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide. Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM, Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide. Iridium 9575 Extreme Satellite Phone - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM, Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide. Satcom Direct Iridium 9555 First Responder Kit - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide, Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone w/warranty, in a rugged vinyl bag. Satcom Direct Iridium 9555 Disaster Preparedness Kit - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide, Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone w/warranty, and a Pelican case. Satcom Direct Iridium 9505a Disaster Preparedness Kit - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide, Iridium 9505a Satellite Phone w/warranty, and a Pelican case. Satcom Direct Iridium 9575 Extreme First Responder Kit with S.O.S and GPS - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide, Iridium 9575 Satellite Phone w/warranty, in a rugged vinyl bag. Satcom Direct Iridium 9575 Extreme Disaster Preparedness Kit with S.O.S and GPS - Includes the following: AC Travel Charger, International Plug Kit, one Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, DC Auto Adapter, Antenna Adapter, 5ft. Portable Magnetic Antenna, Leather Holster, Hands Free Earpiece, Mini-USB Cable, CD-ROM Data Kit, Users Manual, and Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide, Iridium 9575 Satellite Phone w/warranty, and a Pelican case. Unit of GSA Price Measure each $1,435.00 each $1,235.00 each $1,450.00 each $1,325.00 each $1,375.00 each $1,675.00 each $1,465.00 each $1,555.00 Iridium AxcessPoint WiFi - Compatable with both Iridium 9555 and 9575 Extreme each $170.00 Rechargable Battery for Iridium AxcessPoint WiFi each $30.00 23 Iridium Satellite Phones and Accessories CLIN SIN Part Number 800010 132-08 ACTC0901 Iridium AC Travel Charger for 9505a, 9555, and 9575 Extreme - Requires International Plug Kit each $72.00 800011 132-08 IPK0601 Iridium International Plug Kit for 9505a, 9555, and 9575 Extreme - Requires AC Travel Charger each $33.00 800012 132-08 AUT0901 Iridium Auto Charger for 9505a, 9555, and 9575 Extreme each $43.77 800013 132-08 ADKT0602 9505A Data Kit each $185.01 800014 132-08 BAT0602 800015 132-08 AT1621-7B-TNC 800016 132-08 800017 132-08 800018 132-08 AT621-73W 800019 132-08 AAA0601 800020 132-08 800021 Product Description Unit of GSA Price Measure Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery - 30 hours of Standby Time, 4 hours Talk time each $71.75 Portable Magnetic Antenna 5ft each $110.75 9505/9505A Replacement Antenna each $175.00 each $447.10 Fixed Mast Antenna each $207.10 Iridium Auxiliary Antenna Adapter for 9500, 9505, and 9505a - Replaces Iridium Part SYN0089A each $46.00 AT1621-12B Portable Magnetic Antenna 15ft each $194.46 ANT0501 S31R16RR-P-XTB-1 Iridium Aero Antenna w/ FAA Certification 132-08 ASE-MC03-D 9505A Docking Station (Can support DPL Handset) each $1,925.75 800022 132-08 ASE-MC03-DOD 9505A Docking Station for use with General Dynamics Secure Sleeve each $2,195.00 800023 132-08 ASE-DK075 9555 Docking Station-075 (uses RJ-11 Analog or RJ-45 DPL Handset) each $1,591.75 800024 132-08 ASE-DK050 9555 Docking Station-050 (requires RJ-45 DPL Handset) each $957.50 800025 132-08 DPLS-0401 DPL Handset for 9505A / 9555 Docking Stations each $229.25 800026 132-08 LC-IR9505 Pelican Case for 9505A each $65.50 800027 132-08 LC-IR9555 Pelican Case for 9555 and 9575 Extreme each $65.50 800028 132-08 SolStar T-12i SolStar Solar Charger for 9505A and 9555 and 9575 Extreme each $402.52 800029 132-08 SAT-CHG1-9505 Single Bay Battery Charger 9505/9505A each $147.05 800030 132-08 SAT-CHG4-9505 Four Bay Battery Charger 9505/9505A each $550.08 800031 Single Bay Battery Charger 9555 each $147.05 Cable Kit for Iridium Aero Antenna w/FAA Certification each $308.26 BNC to CNC Coax Aero Cable - 5ft each $72.49 Customized 10 Meter Cable Kit each $264.94 132-08 SAT-CHG1-9555 800032 132-08 SD15M 800033 132-08 5FT-BNC-TNC 800034 132-08 SKN6121B 800035 132-08 SMN-30062 15Meter Coax Cable each $261.91 800036 132-08 SMN-30063 20 Meter Coax Cable each $318.34 800037 132-08 CBL-30M-IRID 30 Meter Coax Cable each $388.87 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro and Accessories CLIN SIN Part Number 810000 132-08 136079 810001 132-08 SDC136079FRK 810002 132-08 SDC136079DPK 810003 132-08 SolStar T-12i 810004 132-08 PEL 1200ISATPRO Product Description IsatPhone Pro - Includes the following: AC Charger, International Plug Kit, DC Charger, Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, Hands Free Headset, Micro USB Cable, Wrist Strap, User Manual, CD, Warranty, Satcom Directs' Customized Quick Reference Guide Satcom Direct Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro First Responder Kit - Includes the following: AC Charger, International Plug Kit, DC Charger, Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, Hands Free Headset, Micro USB Cable, Wrist Strap, User Manual, CD, Warranty, Satcom Directs' Customized Quick Reference Guide in a rugged vinyl bag. Satcom Direct Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Disaster Preparedness Kit - Includes the following: AC Charger, International Plug Kit, DC Charger, Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery, Hands Free Headset, Micro USB Cable, Wrist Strap, User Manual, CD, Warranty, Satcom Directs' Customized Quick Reference Guide in a Pelican case. Unit of GSA Price Measure each $550.38 each $565.00 each $620.00 SolStar Solar Charger for IsatPhone Pro each $402.52 Pelican Case for IsatPhone Pro each $65.50 24 Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) Satellite Terminals and Accessories CLIN SIN Product Description Part Number Unit of GSA Price Measure Thrane & Thrane Explorer 300 And Accessories Thrane & Thrane, Explorer 300, Portable BGAN Unit - Includes the following: Max Data Rate: Uplink 240kbit/s, downlink 384kbit/s, Streaming IP: 32, 64 KBPS, Built-In Bluetooth Interface Ver. 1.2, Built-In Bluetooth Handset Charger Interface, One 2-wire Phone Interface (RJ11), Built-In Web Server For Set-Up and Configuration, Li-Ion Battery, AC/DC Charger, Soft Carrying Case, 1.5M Ethernet Cable, Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide. each $2,679.95 Pole Mount Kit each $186.25 820000 132-08 403705A 820001 132-08 403650A-922 820002 132-08 403686L Battery Pack each $204.58 820003 132-08 403625A Bluetooth Handset Plus Charger each $555.84 820004 132-08 403682L AC/DC Power Supply each $143.79 820005 132-08 403650A-009 Car Charger Cable each $70.45 820006 132-08 403625A-003 Desktop Charger Cradle for Bluetooth Handset each $104.22 820007 132-08 LC-1450 Pelican Case - Explorer 300/500 each $174.26 Thrane & Thrane, Explorer 500, Portable BGAN Unit - Includes the following: Max Data Rate: Uplink 464kbit/s, downlink 448kbit/s, Streaming IP: 32, 64, 128 kbps, One IP Interface Supporting Multiple Users (RJ45), Built In Router (NAT/DHCP), Built-In Bluetooth Interface Ver. 1.2, Built-In Bluetooth Handset Charger Interface, One 2-wire Phone Interface (RJ11), Built-In Web Server For Set-Up and Configuration, Li-Ion Battery, AC/DC Charger, Soft Carrying Case, 1.5M Ethernet Cable, Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide. each $3,490.99 Thrane & Thrane Explorer 500 And Accessories 820008 132-08 403710A 820009 132-08 403650A-922 Pole Mount Kit each $186.25 820010 132-08 403686L Battery Pack each $204.58 820011 132-08 403625A Bluetooth Handset Plus Charger each $555.84 820012 132-08 403682L AC/DC Power Supply each $143.79 820013 132-08 403650A-009 Car Charger Cable each $70.45 820014 132-08 403625A-003 Desktop Charger Cradle for Bluetooth Handset each $104.22 820015 132-08 LC-1450 Pelican Case - Explorer 300/500 each $174.26 25 Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) Satellite Terminals and Accessories CLIN SIN Product Description Part Number Unit of GSA Price Measure Thrane & Thrane Explorer 700 And Accessories Thrane & Thrane, Explorer 700, Portable BGAN Unit - Includes the following: Max Data Rate: Uplink 492kbit/s, downlink 448kbit/s, Streaming IP: 32, 64, 128, 256 kbps - ISDN Capable, One IP Interface Supporting Multiple Users (RJ45), Built In Wi-Fi, Built In Router (NAT/DHCP), Built-In Bluetooth Interface Ver. 1.2, Built-In Bluetooth Handset Charger Interface, One 2-wire Phone Interface (RJ11), Built-In Web Server For Set-Up and Configuration, Li-Ion Battery, AC/DC Charger, Soft Carrying Case, 1.5M Ethernet Cable, Satcom Direct's Customized Quick Reference Guide. each $4,896.45 820016 132-08 403720A 820017 132-08 403650A-920 Pole Mount Kit each $339.68 820018 132-08 403686P Battery Pack each $287.57 820019 132-08 403625A Bluetooth Handset Plus Charger each $555.84 820020 132-08 403682P AC/DC Power Supply each $134.17 820021 132-08 403650A-009 Car Charger Cable each $70.45 820022 132-08 403625A Desktop Charger Cradle for Bluetooth Handset each $104.22 820023 132-08 403625B Explorer 2-Wire Handset each $163.09 820024 132-08 LC-1550 Pelican Case - Explorer 700 each $209.52 Cobham Explorer 710, Portable BGAN Unit - Includes the following: Max Data Rate: Uplink 650kbit/s, downlink 650kbit/s (Symmetrical) or Uplink 650kbit/s, downlink 64kbit/s (Asymmetrical), Streaming IP: 32, 64, 128, 256 kbps, BGAN X-Stream - 1 ISDN interface, 2 LAN Interfaces Supporting Multiple Users (RJ45), 1 USB Interface (2.0), Built In Wi-Fi, Built-In Bluetooth Interface, One 2-wire Phone Interface (RJ11), Built-In Web Server For Set-Up and Configuration, Li-Ion Battery, AC/DC Charger, 2M ISDN/LAN Cable, Quick Reference Guide. each $5,450.00 Cobham Explorer 710 And Accessories 820025 132-08 403720A 820026 132-08 403650A-920 Pole Mount Kit each $339.68 820027 132-08 403686G Battery Pack each $260.00 820028 132-08 403625A Bluetooth Handset Plus Charger each $555.84 820029 132-08 403682P AC/DC Power Supply each $134.17 820030 132-08 403650A-009 Car Charger Cable each $70.45 820031 132-08 403625A Desktop Charger Cradle for Bluetooth Handset each $104.22 820032 132-08 403625B Explorer 2-Wire Handset each $163.09 Thrane & Thrane, Explorer 727, Vehicular BGAN Terminal - Includes the following: Max Data Rate: Uplink 432 kbits/s, Downlink 432 kbits/s, Explorer 727 Terminal, Explorer 727 Antenna, Antenna Cable - Coax w/TNC plug (8.8ft and 26ft), Standard Ethernet Cable (16.4ft), 24 VDC Input Cable (19.7Ft), Thrane IP Handset w/Cradle and Terminal, Antenna Mounting Kit, Cable Support each $18,424.72 BGAN Explorer 727 820033 132-08 403722A-2000 26 Thrane & Thrane Aviator Systems and Accessories CLIN SIN Product Description Part Number Unit of GSA Price Measure Thrane & Thrane Aviator System Base (200, 300, 350) 830000 132-08 405040A 830001 132-08 405040A-001 830002 132-08 405016A SwiftBroadband Unit (SBU) each Configuration Module for SBU (CM) each $30,836.72 $959.64 High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier/Diplexer (HLD) each $11,729.96 Aviator 200 Key (LGA) each $2,807.49 LGA Antenna each $2,822.50 Thrane & Thrane Aviator 200 (Aero-SB Lite LGA) 830003 132-08 405040A-008 830004 132-08 403002-001 Thrane & Thrane Aviator 300 (Aero-SB Lite IGA) And 350 (Aero-SB Lite HGA/IGA) 132-08 405040A-007 Aviator 300 Key (IGA) each $18,692.38 830006 132-08 405040A-006 Aviator 350 Key (HGA/IGA) each $18,886.34 830007 132-08 405006A-PMA IGA Antenna each $21,325.89 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) each $103,281.80 Configuration Module for SDU (CM) each $1,130.36 830005 Thrane & Thrane Aviator 700 System Base (Aero-SB+ / Aero-HSD+) 830008 132-08 405035A 830009 132-08 405035A-001 830010 132-08 405014A High Power Amplifier (HPA) each $54,474.94 830011 132-08 405040A SwiftBroadband Unit (SBU) each $30,836.72 830012 132-08 405040A-001 Configuration Module for SBU (CM) each $959.64 830013 132-08 405038A-002 Tx Coupler each $1,125.32 830014 132-08 405038A-003 Rx Power Splitter each $1,125.32 830015 132-08 405040A-005 Aviator 700 Key (SBU to SDU Interface Activation) each $51,761.65 830016 132-08 405013A DNLA Type F each $15,158.69 Thrane & Thrane 200, 300, 350 and 700 Accessories and Upgrades 830017 132-08 405040A-002 Built-In Router Option each $1,381.93 830018 132-08 405040A-003 Built-In Wireless Option (Exel. WLAN antennas) each $1,381.93 830019 132-08 405040A-004 WLAN Antenna (Includes One Antenna. Note: Two Required) each $1,392.00 830020 132-08 405621B-THW White 2-Wire Handset each $2,216.31 830021 132-08 405622B-THW White 2-Wire Cradle each $703.47 830022 132-08 405621B-THR Black 2-Wire Handset each $2,216.31 830023 132-08 405622B-THR Black 2-Wire Cradle each $703.47 830024 132-08 405620A-THW White 4-Wire Handset w/ Display (Aviator 700 Only) each $2,216.31 830025 132-08 405622A-THW White 4-Wire Cradle (Aviator 700 Only) each $703.47 830026 132-08 405620A-THR Black 4-Wire Handset w/Display (Aviator 700 Only) each $2,216.31 830027 132-08 405622A-THR Black 4-Wire Cradle (Aviator 700 Only) each $703.47 830028 132-08 405019A Iridium Band Reject Filter (IBRF) (Except Aviator 700) each $7,359.14 830029 132-08 405038A High Speed Unit (HSU) (Aero-HSD+ Upgrade only) each $52,704.09 27 TrueNorth Avionics CLIN SIN Product Description Part Number Unit of GSA Price Measure TrueNorth Simphonē™ Duo Avionics 840000 132-08 TN1000-200 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Duo Avionics LRU each $34,789.00 840001 132-08 TN1000-201 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Duo Avionics LRU w/FXO each $34,789.00 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Chorus Avionics 840002 132-08 TN1000-300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Chorus Avionics LRU each $54,340.00 840003 132-08 TN1000-301 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Chorus Avionics LRU w/FXO each $54,340.00 840004 132-08 TN1000-302 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Chorus Avionics LRU w/FXS & FXO each $54,340.00 840005 132-08 TN1000-304 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Chorus Avionics LRU w/HSD Voice & ISDN Fax each $57,503.50 132-08 TN1000-305 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Chorus Avionics LRU w/HSD Voice, ISDN Fax and Duel Iridium Channels* each $61,940.00 840006 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Personality Module 840007 132-08 TN1001-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Personality Module each $1,187.50 840008 132-08 TN1001-200 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Removable Personality Module w/Iridium SIM Cards each $2,382.00 $1,662.50 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Avionics Accessories 840009 132-08 TN1002-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Cabin Network Distribution Unit (CNDU) each 840010 132-08 TN1006-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Fax Adapter Unit (FAU) w/RS-232 Interface each $4,389.00 840011 132-08 TN1007-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Datalink Unit (DLU) each $14,383.00 840012 132-08 TN1011-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Iridium Band Pass Filter each $1,871.50 840013 132-08 TN1011-200 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Iridium Band Pass Filter** each $5,058.00 840014 132-08 TN1008-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Antenna each $186.00 840015 132-08 TN1018-100 TrueNorth USB Charger each $1,235.00 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handsets 840016 132-08 TN1003-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset - Beige each $3,135.00 840017 132-08 TN1003-200 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset - Black each $3,135.00 840018 132-08 TN1003-300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset - White each $3,135.00 840019 132-08 TN1003-101 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Cradle - Beige each $3,648.00 840020 132-08 TN1003-201 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Cradle - Black each $3,648.00 840021 132-08 TN1003-301 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Cradle - White each $3,648.00 840022 132-08 TN1003-102 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Cradle and Flexible Conduit Reel - Beige each $3,786.00 840023 132-08 TN1003-202 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Cradle and Flexible Conduit Reel - Black each $3,786.00 840024 132-08 TN1003-302 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Cradle and Flexible Conduit Reel - White each $3,786.00 840025 132-08 TN1003-110 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Credit Card Reader - Beige each $3,776.00 840026 132-08 TN1003-210 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Credit Card Reader - Black each $3,776.00 840027 132-08 TN1003-310 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Credit Card Reader - White each $3,776.00 840028 132-08 TN1003-111 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Credit Card Reader and Cradle - Beige each $4,303.50 840029 132-08 TN1003-211 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Credit Card Reader and Cradle - Black each $4,303.50 840030 132-08 TN1003-311 TrueNorth Simphonē™ Ethernet Handset w/Credit Card Reader and Cradle - White each $4,303.50 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handsets 840031 132-08 TN1010-1300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset - Beige each $2,280.00 840032 132-08 TN1010-2300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset - Black each $2,280.00 840033 132-08 TN1010-3300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset - White each $2,280.00 840034 132-08 TN1010-4300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset - Graphite each $2,280.00 840035 132-08 TN1015-100 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset Charging Cradle - Beige each $2,232.50 840036 132-08 TN1015-200 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset Charging Cradle - Black each $2,232.50 840037 132-08 TN1015-300 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset Charging Cradle - White each $2,232.50 840038 132-08 TN1015-500 TrueNorth Simphonē™ WiFi Handset Charging Cradle - Graphite each $2,232.50 TrueNorth Stylus™ Handsets 840039 132-08 TN2003-100 TrueNorth Stylus™ Handset each $4,845.00 840040 132-08 TN2003-101 TrueNorth Stylus™ Handset w/Cradle each $4,845.00 840041 132-08 TN2003-102 TrueNorth Stylus™ Handset W/Flexible Conduit each $5,035.00 *Requires PN TN1001-200 Removable Personality Module **For use with Rockwell Collins SAT-906 Inmarsat Systems 28 ICG, Inc. CLIN SIN Product Description Part Number Unit of GSA Price Measure ICG NxtLink Transceivers 850000 132-08 710616-2 NxtLink ICS-120A Single Channel Iridium Transceiver each $34,875.00 850001 132-08 716017-2 NxtLink ICS-220A Dual Channel Iridium Transceiver each $46,100.00 ICG NxtLink Installation Kits 850002 132-08 710620 NxtLink ICS-120A/220A Tray Kit each $1,940.00 850003 132-08 327000 External Duel CIM Reader each $970.00 850004 132-08 327383 External SIM Pre-Fab Cable - 1 Meter each $275.50 850005 132-08 329100 External Duel CIM Reader w/Tether each $970.00 850006 132-08 327618 External CIM Install Kit each $92.45 850007 132-08 500644-3 Dual-Element Iridium Antenna each $1,945.00 850008 132-08 500644-6 Dual-Element Iridium Antenna (Aero-Antenna) each $1,945.00 ICG NxtLink Coaxial Cable 850009 132-08 938811A-B Jetphone (Black) - 2 Wire each $4,870.00 850010 132-08 938810A-B Jetphone (Black) - 4 Wire each $4,870.00 850011 132-08 9L8810A-B Jetphone (Black) - 4 Wire w/Long Cord each $5,138.54 Iridium Band Pass Filter each $1,945.00 ICG NxtLink Accessories 850012 132-08 500918 Thales Avionics, Ltd. Product Description Unit of GSA Price Measure CLIN SIN Part Number 860000 132-08 82155D35-035 Thales TopFlight Satellite Data Unit (SDU)* each $200,000.00 860001 132-08 82158A33-000 Thales TopFlight SDU Configuration Module (SCM)* each $2,500.00 *Thales Satellite Data Unit (SDU) and SDU Configuration Module (SCM) must be purchased together TriaGnoSys Modem Emulators Product Description Unit of GSA Price Measure CLIN SIN Part Number 870000 132-08 1000685 SwiftBroadband Modem Emulator each $43,643.00 870001 132-08 1000686 132-08 1000687 each each $14,210.00 870002 Network Emulator Option Swift-64 Modem Emulator Option $9,066.00 Satcom Direct, Inc. Product Description Unit of GSA Price Measure CLIN SIN Part Number 880000 132-08 100-50-01 Ion - With Cisco IP Base Code each $21,915.00 880001 132-08 100-50-02 Ion - With Cisco IP Advanced Code each $23,855.00 880002 132-08 100-10-00 Unity Basic Console Kit each $292.00 880003 132-08 100-20-00 Unity Complete Console Kit each $730.00 iDirect Government Technologies CLIN SIN Part Number 890000 132-08 BX500148 Product Description iDirect e8000 Series Airbourne Router Unit of GSA Price Measure each $68,000.00 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFFESIONAL SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-51) 1. a. SCOPE The prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services apply exclusively to IT Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule. b. The Contractor shall provide services at the Contractor’s facility and/or at the ordering activity location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. 2. a. PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES Performance incentives may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the ordering activity on individual fixed price orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements under this contract in accordance with this clause. b. The ordering activity must establish a maximum performance incentive price for these services and/or total solutions on individual orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements. c. Incentives should be designed to relate results achieved by the contractor to specified targets. To the maximum extent practicable, ordering activities shall consider establishing incentives where performance is critical to the ordering activity’s mission and incentives are likely to motivate the contractor. Incentives shall be based on objectively measurable tasks. 3. ORDERING PROCEDURES FOR SERVICES (REQUIRING A STATEMENT OF WORK) (G-FCI-920) (MAR 2003) FAR 8.402 contemplates that GSA may occasionally find it necessary to establish special ordering procedures for individual Federal Supply Schedules or for some Special Item Numbers (SINs) within a Schedule. GSA has established special ordering procedures for services that require a Statement of Work. These special ordering procedures take precedence over the procedures in FAR 8.404 (b)(2) through (b)(3). When ordering services over $100,000, Department of Defense (DOD) ordering offices and non-DOD agencies placing orders on behalf of the DOD must follow the policies and procedures in the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 208.404-70 – Additional ordering procedures for services. When DFARS 208.404-70 is applicable and there is a conflict between the ordering procedures contained in this clause and the additional ordering procedures for services in DFARS 208.404-70, the DFARS procedures take precedence. GSA has determined that the prices for services contained in the contractor’s price list applicable to this schedule are fair and reasonable. However, the ordering activity using this contract is responsible for considering the level of effort and mix of labor proposed to perform a specific task being ordered and for making a determination that the total firm-fixed price or ceiling price is fair and reasonable. a. When ordering services, ordering activities shall— (1) Prepare a Request (Request for Quote or other communication tool): (i) A statement of work (a performance-based statement of work is preferred) that outlines, at a minimum, the work to be performed, location of work, period of performance, deliverable schedule, applicable standards, acceptance criteria, and any special requirements (i.e., security clearances, travel, special knowledge, etc.) should be prepared. (ii) The request should include the statement of work and request the contractors to submit either a firm-fixed price or a ceiling price to provide the services outlined in the statement of work. A firm-fixed price order shall be requested, unless the ordering activity makes a determination that it is not possible at the time of placing the order to estimate accurately the extent or duration of the work or to anticipate cost with any reasonable degree 30 of confidence. When such a determination is made, a labor hour or time-and-materials proposal may be requested. The firm-fixed price shall be based on the rates in the schedule contract and shall consider the mix of labor categories and level of effort required to perform the services described in the statement of work. The firm-fixed price of the order should also include any travel costs or other incidental costs related to performance of the services ordered, unless the order provides for reimbursement of travel costs at the rates provided in the Federal Travel or Joint Travel Regulations. A ceiling price must be established for labor hour and time-and-materials orders. (iii) The request may ask the contractors, if necessary or appropriate, to submit a project plan for performing the task, and information on the contractor’s experience and/or past performance performing similar tasks. (iv) The request shall notify the contractors what basis will be used for selecting the contractor to receive the order. The notice shall include the basis for determining whether the contractors are technically qualified and provide an explanation regarding the intended use of any experience and/or past performance information in determining technical qualification of responses. If consideration will be limited to schedule contractors who are small business concerns as permitted by paragraph (2) below, the request shall notify the contractors that will be the case. (2) Transmit the Request to Contractors Based upon an initial evaluation of catalogs and price lists, the ordering activity should identify the contractors that appear to offer the best value (considering the scope of services offered, pricing and other factors such as contractors’ locations, as appropriate) and transmit the request as follows: NOTE: When buying IT professional services under SIN 132—51 ONLY, the ordering office, at its discretion, may limit consideration to those schedule contractors that are small business concerns. This limitation is not applicable when buying supplies and/or services under other SINs as well as SIN 132-51. The limitation may only be used when at least three (3) Small businesses that appear to offer services that will meet the agency’s needs are available, if the order is estimated to exceed the micro-purchase threshold. (i) The request should be provided to at least three (3) contractors if the proposed order is estimated to exceed the micro-purchase threshold, but not exceed the maximum order threshold. (ii) For proposed orders exceeding the maximum order threshold, the request should be provided to additional contractors that offer services that will meet the ordering activity’s needs. (iii) In addition, the request shall be provided to any contractor who specifically requests a copy of the request for the proposed order. (iv) Ordering activities should strive to minimize the contractors’ costs associated with responding to requests for quotes for specific orders. Requests should be tailored to the minimum level necessary for adequate evaluation and selection for order placement. Oral presentations should be considered, when possible. (4) Evaluate Responses and Select the Contractor to Receive the Order: After responses have been evaluated against the factors identified in the request, the order should be placed with the schedule contractor that represents the best value. (See FAR 8.404) b. The establishment of Federal Supply Schedule Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) for recurring services is permitted when the procedures outlined herein are followed. All BPAs for services must define the services that 31 may be ordered under the BPA, along with delivery or performance time frames, billing procedures, etc. The potential volume of orders under BPAs, regardless of the size of individual orders, may offer the ordering activity the opportunity to secure volume discounts. When establishing BPAs, ordering activities shall— (1) Inform contractors in the request (based on the ordering activity’s requirement) if a single BPA or multiple BPAs will be established, and indicate the basis that will be used for selecting the contractors to be awarded the BPAs. (ii) SINGLE BPA: Generally, a single BPA should be established when the ordering activity can define the tasks to be ordered under the BPA and establish a firm-fixed price or ceiling price for individual tasks or services to be ordered. When this occurs, authorized users may place the order directly under the established BPA when the need for service arises. The schedule contractor that represents the best value should be awarded the BPA. (See FAR 8.404) (iii) MULTIPLE BPAs: When the ordering activity determines multiple BPAs are needed to meet its requirements, the ordering activity should determine which contractors can meet any technical qualifications before establishing the BPAs. When establishing the BPAs, the procedures in (a)(2) above must be followed. The procedures at (a)(2) do not apply to orders issued under multiple BPAs. Authorized users must transmit the request for quote for an order to all BPA holders and then place the order with the Schedule contractor that represents the best value. (2) Review BPAs Periodically: Such reviews shall be conducted at least annually. The purpose of the review is to determine whether the BPA still represents the best value. (See FAR 8.404) c. The ordering activity should give preference to small business concerns when two or more contractors can provide the services at the same firm-fixed price or ceiling price. d. When the ordering activity’s requirement involves both products as well as executive, administrative and/or professional, services, the ordering activity should total the prices for the products and the firm-fixed price for the services and select the contractor that represents the best value. (See FAR 8.404) e. The ordering activity, at a minimum, should document orders by identifying the contractor from which the services were purchased, the services purchased, and the amount paid. If other than a firm-fixed price order is placed, such documentation should include the basis for the determination to use a labor-hour or timeand-materials order. For ordering activity requirements in excess of the micro-purchase threshold, the order file should document the evaluation of Schedule contractors’ quotes that formed the basis for the selection of the contractor that received the order and the rationale for any trade-offs made in making the selection. 4. a. ORDER Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, blanket purchase agreements, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Agreements shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period; all services and delivery shall be made and the contract terms and conditions shall continue in effect until the completion of the order. Orders for tasks which extend beyond the fiscal year for which funds are available shall include FAR 52.232-19 (Deviation – May 2003) Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year. The purchase order shall specify the availability of funds and the period for which funds are available. b. All task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event of conflict between a task order and the contract, the contract will take precedence. 32 5. a. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES The Contractor shall commence performance of services on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. b. The Contractor agrees to render services only during normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. c. The ordering activity should include the criteria for satisfactory completion for each task in the Statement of Work or Delivery Order. Services shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner. d. Any Contractor travel required in the performance of IT Services must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Established Federal Government per diem rates will apply to all Contractor travel. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts. 6. a. STOP-WORK ORDER (FAR 52.242-15) (AUG 1989) The Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the Contractor, require the Contractor to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this contract for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order issued under this clause. Upon receipt of the order, the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work is delivered to the Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either(1) Cancel the stop-work order; or (2) Terminate the work covered by the order as provided in the Default, or the Termination for convenience of the Government, clause of this contract. b. If a stop-work order issued under this clause is canceled or the period of the order or any extension there of expires, the Contractor shall resume work. The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price, or both, and the contract shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if(1) The stop-work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this contract; and (2) The Contractor asserts its right to the adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of work stoppage; provided that, if the Contracting Officer decides the facts justify the action, the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon the claim submitted at any time before final payment under this contract. c. If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for the convenience of the Government, the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs resulting from the stopwork order in arriving at the termination settlement. d. If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for default, the Contracting Officer shall allow, by equitable adjustment or otherwise, reasonable costs resulting from the stop- work order. 7. INSPECTION OF SERVICES The Inspection of Services–Fixed Price (AUG 1996) (Deviation – May 2003) clause at FAR 52.246-4 applies to firm-fixed price orders placed under this contract. The Inspection–Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour (JAN 1986) (Deviation – May 2003) clause at FAR 52.246-6 applies to time-and-materials and labor-hour orders placed under this contract. 33 8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City, or otherwise) covering work of this character. If the end product of a task order is software, then FAR 52.227-14 (Deviation– May 2003) Rights in Data – General, may apply. 9. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ORDERING ACTIVITY Subject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit Contractor access to all facilities necessary to perform the requisite IT Services. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR All IT Services performed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract shall be as an independent contractor, and not as an agent or employee of the ordering activity. 11. a. ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Definitions: 1. “Contractor” means the person, firm, unincorporated association, joint venture, partnership, or corporation that is a party to this contract. 2. “Contractor and its affiliates” and “Contractor or its affiliates” refers to the Contractor, its chief executives, directors, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors at any tier, and consultants and any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which the Contractor subsequently merges or affiliates, or any other successor or assignee of the Contractor. 3. An “Organizational conflict of interest” exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a proposed ordering activity contract, without some restriction on ordering activities by the Contractor and its affiliates, may either (i) Result in an unfair competitive advantage to the Contractor or its affiliates or (ii) Impair the Contractor’s or its affiliates’ objectivity in performing contract work. b. To avoid an organizational or financial conflict of interest and to avoid prejudicing the best interests of the ordering activity, ordering activities may place restrictions on the Contractors, its affiliates, chief executives, directors, subsidiaries and subcontractors at any tier when placing orders against schedule contracts. Such restrictions shall be consistent with FAR 9.505 and shall be designed to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate organizational conflicts of interest that might otherwise exist in situations related to individual orders placed against the schedule contract. Examples of situations, which may require restrictions, are provided at FAR 9.508. 12. INVOICES The Contractor, upon completion of the work ordered, shall submit invoices for IT services. Progress payments may be authorized by the ordering activity on individual orders if appropriate. Progress payments shall be based upon completion of defined milestones or interim products. Invoices shall be submitted monthly for recurring services performed during the preceding month. 13. PAYMENTS For firm-fixed price orders the ordering activity shall pay the Contractor, upon submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated in this contract for service rendered and accepted. Progress payments shall be made only when authorized by the order. For time-and-materials orders, the Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.232-7 (FEB 2007), (Alternate I Feb 2007) applies to time-and-materials orders placed under this contract. For labor-hour orders, the Payment under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.232-7 (FEB 2007), (Alternate I Feb 2007) applies to labor-hour orders placed under this contract. 34 14. RESUMES Resumes shall be provided to the GSA Contracting Officer or the user ordering activity upon request. 15. INCIDENTAL SUPPORT COSTS Incidental support costs are available outside the scope of this contract. The costs will be negotiated separately with the ordering activity in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the FAR. 16. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTS The ordering activity may require that the Contractor receive, from the ordering activity's Contracting Officer, written consent before placing any subcontract for furnishing any of the work called for in a task order. 17. DESCRIPTION OF IT/IAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND PRICING Below are the descriptions off current IT/IAM Professional Services provided by Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. and the related pricing. Aeronautical Satcom Consultant Duties: Serves as a subject matter expert for the organization, creation, execution and testing of all areas included within aeronautical satcom communications systems and related networks. This individual will also be able to look towards future needs of a current or proposed aeronautical satcom system and provide analysis of alternatives and trade studies between commercial satcom aeronautical solutions, while recommending specific avionics equipment to fit individual user’s needs. Additionally, the Aeronautical Satcom Consultant can provide problem solving, technical information, generate reports, and provide specialized and focused feedback and guidance to all levels of clientele throughout the assigned project. This Individual may also serve as a flight deck/flight operations expert for the organization serving as a technical expert on flight deck systems such as ACARS, FMS, EFBs, CNS/ATM equipage, and overall flight operations support systems and may also help coordinate for any certification or approvals as dictated by aviation regulators. Experience: 20 years of experience in the Information Technology industry with a focus on aeronautical satcom networks. Has experience ranging from local hardware support to systems administration of large corporate networks. Background may also include other flight deck avionics and aircraft operational support systems. Network Architect Duties: The Satellite Systems Network Architect designs and manages the infrastructure of terrestrial network connectivity for the service provider and can design WAN/LAN solutions for implementation on customer aircraft and customer corporate networks when needed. Additionally, they would be responsible for the connectivity between the terrestrial and satellite networks as well as end to end solutions for customers with requirements not met by their existing infrastructure. This individual can also act as a technical liaison with the satellite providers to facilitate the exchange of information for the purposes of billing, technical support, and value added services as well as other connectivity solutions and may also act as a technical expert for coordination and connectivity with ground host and communication providers/solutions. Experience: 20 years of experience in the information technology industry with a focus ranging from local hardware support to systems administrator of large corporate networks. 35 Aircraft Satcom Support Specialist Duties: The Aircraft Satcom Support Specialist is able to troubleshoot all types of military and government airborne communications platforms by analyzing logs and reports from current onboard systems. Additionally, they will support and configure ISR platforms to include network setup, video encoder configuration, and final testing of any configured setup. This individual will also provide onsite technical support for networking setup, Iridium and Inmarsat Classic/Swift 64/swift broadband products. This specialist may also serve as a flight deck/flight operations technical expert providing a full range of analysis, trouble-shooting, testing, and configuration support for flight deck systems such as ACARS, FMS, EFBs, CNS/ATM equipage, and overall flight operations support systems. Experience: 12 years of experience specializing in integration of SATCOM, wired and wireless networking components, ISR related components, and flight deck avionics systems such as ACARS, FMS, EFBs, and CNS/ATM equipage and overall flight operations support systems in an airborne environment. Project Manager Duties: Serves as the contractors satellite communications project manager and shall be the contractors authorized interface with the government technical personnel, the COR, and customer representatives. Responsible for formulating and enforcing work standards, assigning contractor schedules, reviewing work discrepancies, supervising contractor personnel and communicating policies, purposes and goals of the organization to subordinates. Project Manager is responsible for managing small to mid-size projects that may involve multiple task orders and significant numbers of resources (personnel and contract dollars). Shall be responsible for the overall contract performance but may serve in other capacities. Experience: 25 years of experience in Government Aeronautical Satellite Communications and airborne networking. IT Professional Services Unit of Measure GSA Price Aeronautical SATCOM Consultant per hour $185.00 Network Architect per hour $140.00 132-51 SATCOM support Specialist per hour $105.00 132-51 Project Manager per hour $125.00 CLIN SIN 510001 132-51 510002 132-51 510003 510004 Product Description 36 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO WIRELESS SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-53) 1. ACCEPTANCE TESTING The Contractor shall provide acceptance test plans and procedures for ordering activity approval. The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing of the systems for ordering activity approval in accordance with the approved test procedures. 2. EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall make available cellular voice and data devices. The Cellular devices offered shall be compatible with the cellular access standards employed within the geographical scope of contract. 3. WARRANTY The Contractor shall provide a warranty covering each Contractor-provided device. The minimum duration of the warranty shall be the duration of the manufacturer’s commercial warranty for the item listed below: The warranty shall commence upon the later of the following: b. Activation of the user’s service c. Installation/delivery of the equipment The Contractor, by repair or replacement of the defective item, shall complete all warranty services within five working days of notification of the defect. Warranty service shall be deemed complete when the user has possession of the repaired or replaced item. If the Contractor renders warranty service by replacement, the user shall return the defective item(s) to the Contractor as soon as possible but not later than ten (10) working days after notification. 4. MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS PRICING The offeror shall provide management and operations pricing on a uniform basis. All management and operations requirements for which pricing elements are not specified shall be provided as part of the basis service. 5. TRAINING The Contractor shall provide normal commercial installation, operation, maintenance, and engineering interface training on the system. If there is a separate charge, indicate below: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. MONTHLY REPORTS In accordance with commercial practices, the Contractor may furnish the ordering activity/User with a monthly summary ordering activity report. 7. a. WIRELESS SERVICE PLAN Describe the wireless service plan and eligibility requirements. Include, but not limited to, service area, monthly service charge, minutes included, etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Describe charges, if any, for additional minutes, domestic wireless long distance, roaming, nights and weekends, etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 37 c. Describe Corporate volume discounts and eligibility requirements. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. PRICING Pricing for all Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. products listed under SIN 132-53 are as follows: Satcom Direct Communications Services CLIN SIN Product Description Unit of Measure GSA Price $49.90 530000 132-53 Iridium Satellite Services Activation Fee Per SIM 530001 132-53 Iridium Satellite Services Global One Number Monthly $4.00 530003 132-53 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Activation Fee One Time $49.90 530004 132-53 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Global One Number 530005 132-53 Inmarsat BGAN Service Activation month $6.55 One Time $49.90 Iridium Satellite Service CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price Monthly Service Plans 531000 132-53 Monthly Fee - Includes 10 minutes of Iridium voice and data per month* each $44.95 531001 132-53 Iridium to Fixed min $1.40 531002 132-53 Iridium to Iridium min $0.94 531003 132-53 Iridium to other Satellite Systems min $9.50 531004 132-53 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number min $1.40 531005 132-53 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number 531006 132-53 SMS Text Message Service min $1.40 Per MSG $0.45 Prepaid Service Plans* 531007 132-53 75 minutes (1 month expiry) per plan $135.00 531008 132-53 150 minutes (2 month expiry) per plan $255.00 531009 132-53 200 minutes (6 month expiry) per plan $460.00 531010 132-53 500 minutes (1 year expiry) per plan $675.00 531011 132-53 1000 minutes (2 year expiry) per plan $1,285.00 531012 132-53 3000 minutes (2 year expiry) per plan $2,825.00 531013 132-53 5000 minutes (2 year expiry) per plan $3,980.00 531014 132-53 Add 1 month per item $60.00 531015 132-53 Add 50 minutes per item $65.00 *Calls and data to other MSS networks not included 38 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Service CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price Standard Plan, Includes 10 minutes - Voice and Data 532000 132-53 Standard Plan month $24.50 532001 132-53 Calls to Fixed min $0.76 532002 132-53 Calls to Cell Phones min $0.96 532003 132-53 Check Voicemail min $0.76 532004 132-53 Send/Receive SMS (*per 160 characters) each $0.40 532005 132-53 Fixed/Cellphone calls to Isat, using Global One Number™ min $1.16 High Allowance Plan, Includes 60 minutes - Voice and Data 532006 132-53 High Allowance Plan month $44.08 532007 132-53 Calls to Fixed min $0.76 532008 132-53 Calls to Cell Phones min $0.82 532009 132-53 Check Voicemail min $0.71 532010 132-53 Send/Receive SMS (*per 160 characters) each $0.40 532011 132-53 Fixed/Cellphone calls to Isat, using Global One Number™ min $1.16 Standard and High Allowance Plan Voice Calls To: 532012 132-53 Inmarsat B Voice/fax/2.4 kbps Data min $2.37 532013 132-53 Inmarsat M Voice/fax/2.4 kbps Data min $2.07 532014 132-53 Inmarsat Mini-M Voice/fax/2.4 kbps Data min $1.96 532015 132-53 Inmarsat Aero Voice (Classic, H/H+/HI) min $3.68 532016 132-53 Inmarsat BGAN/FBB/SBB Voice min $0.76 532017 132-53 GSPS and ISAT min $1.16 532018 132-53 Inmarsat GAN/Fleet/Swift Voice min $1.86 532019 132-53 Iridium Voice min $4.23 532020 132-53 Globalstar Voice min $4.23 532021 132-53 Thuraya Voice min $3.07 532022 132-53 Other MSS Carriers min $5.19 IsatPhone Prepaid Unit Plans* 532023 132-53 25 Units- 30 Day Expiration each $24.30 532024 132-53 50 Units - 90 Day Expiration each $48.99 532025 132-53 100 Units - 180 Day Expiration each $95.00 532026 132-53 250 Units - 180 Day Expiration each $245.00 532027 132-53 500 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $490.00 532028 132-53 1,000 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $980.00 532029 132-53 2,500 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $2,440.00 132-53 5,000 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $4,850.00 532030 *1 Unit is approximately $1.00 worth of airtime and not actual minutes. All Prepaid Services are non-refundable and any unused minutes expire at the end of the allotted time period. 39 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO COMMERCIAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (COMSATCOM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-55) 1. COMSATCOM CAPACITY AND COVERAGE. The Ordering Activity shall specify the capacity and coverage required as part of the initial requirement. 2. a. b. c. d. INFORMATION ASSURANCE The Ordering Activity is responsible for ensuring to the maximum extent practicable that each requirement issued is in compliance with either the Committee on National Security Systems Policy (CNSSP) 12, “National Information Assurance Policy for Space Systems used to Support National Security Missions,” or the Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 8581.1, “Information Assurance (IA) Policy for Space Systems Used by the Department of Defense.” The Ordering Activity shall assign an impact level (per Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 200 (FIPS 200), “Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems”) or MAC level (per DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8500.2, “Information Assurance Implementation) prior to issuing the initial statement of work. Evaluations shall consider the extent to which each proposed service accommodates the necessary security controls based upon the assigned impact level or MAC, command encryption/authentication, and other requirements in CNSSP 12 or DODD 8581.1. The Contractor awarded SIN 132-54 and/or 132-55 is capable of meeting at least the minimum security requirements assigned against a low-impact information system (per FIPS 200) or Mission Assurance Category (MAC) III system (per DoDI 8500.2). The Ordering Activity reserves the right to independently evaluate, audit, and verify the IA compliance for any proposed or awarded COMSATCOM services. All IA certification, accreditation, and evaluation activities are the responsibility of the ordering activity. SDC meets Information Assurance requirements as defined by the Information Assurance Checklist for COMSATCOM Subscription Services under SIN 132-55 and in accordance with DODI 8500.2 (MAC III) and NIST 800-53. SDC is dedicated to ensuring our customer’s most sensitive information is protected and managed appropriately. 3. DELIVERY SCHEDULE. The Ordering Activity shall specify the delivery schedule as part of the initial requirement. The Delivery Schedule options are found in Information for Ordering Activities Applicable to All Special Item Numbers, paragraph 6. SDC’s dedicated staff of activations, customer support, and engineering personnel are able to respond quickly and decisively to ensure the highest levels of service are provided and maintained. SDC is structured to provide support under time-critical and/or accelerated timeframes as requested or directed by the government. 4. PORTABILITY. When an Ordering Activity requires portability, this requirement shall be included as part of the initial requirement. 1 When portability is exercised, evidence of equivalent net present value (NPV) shall be provided by the contractor. Ordering Activities may propose additional terms and conditions within the requirement (example: specific predefined, guaranteed terms and conditions for portability and related services). However, if the supplemental terms and conditions contradict the contract, the contract takes precedence. Portability provides the Ordering Activity the ability to relocate or “port,” COMSATCOM Services resources as user requirements change. Descriptions of portability may include moving from one transponder/satellite to another, one managed service area to another, transponded capacity redeployment between beams or transponders on a single satellite, redeployment from one frequency band to another, physical relocation of a satellite to a new orbital position, re-routing of teleport services from one teleport to another predefined teleport, re-routing of traffic from one terrestrial infrastructure to another predefined infrastructure, and 1 For example, one-year of service for a transponder valued at $1M/year is traded for six-months of service on a transponder valued at $2M/year. 40 movement of Network Operations Center (NOC) services from one NOC to another NOC. Inmarsat and Iridium services are inherently “portable” in that services are available around the world seamlessly. A user can expect the same service regardless of their location with no change in network or equipment necessary. 5. FLEXIBILITY/OPTIMIZATION. When an Ordering Activity requires re-grooming resources for spectral, operational, or price efficiencies, this requirement shall be included as part of the initial requirement. When flexibility/optimization is exercised, evidence of 2 equivalent net present value (NPV) shall be provided by the contractor. Ordering Activities may propose additional terms and conditions within the requirement (example: specific pre-defined, guaranteed terms and conditions for regrooming). However, if the supplemental terms and conditions contradict the contract, the contract takes precedence. Flexibility/optimization/re-grooming allows the Contractor to redistribute resources currently used to provide COMSATCOM Services (example: space segment, network, teleport, terminal resources) or customers sharing the COMSATCOM Services resources (example: customer one with typical peak usage at 9:00 a.m. and customer two with typical peak usage at 3:30 p.m.), enabling the Ordering Activity to gain spectral, operational, and/or price efficiencies. 6. NET READY (INTEROPERABILITY). When an Ordering Activity requires interoperability, this requirement shall be included as part of the initial requirement. Interfaces may be identified as interoperable on the basis of participation in a sponsored program acceptable to the Ordering Activity. Any such access or interoperability with teleports/gateways and provisioning of enterprise service access will be defined in the individual requirement. Inmarsat’s General 4 broadband services are “net ready.” Comparable to a customer purchasing a new Smart phone and having services activated at their preferred terrestrial provider, Inmarsat’s BGAN, SwiftBroadband, and FleetBroadband services are net ready “out-of-the-box.” SDC is ready to assist with requirements development and provide integration recommendations and guidance as required. 7. NETWORK MONITORING (NET OPS). The Ordering Activity shall specify the Network Monitoring (Net Ops) collection and delivery requirements (example: format, frequency) as part of the initial statement of work. The Contractor awarded SIN 132-54 and/or 132-55 is capable of collecting and delivering the near real-time monitoring, fault/incident/outage reporting, and information access required to ensure effective and efficient operations, performance, and availability consistent with commercial best practices. Ordering Activities may propose additional terms and conditions within the requirement (example: specific pre-defined terms and conditions for Net Ops collection and delivery.) However, if the supplemental terms and conditions contradict the contract, the contract takes precedence. SDC’s Network Operations Center (NOC) is available 24/7 to support monitoring, troubleshooting and network analyses. Through the use of Inmarsat and Iridium provided network applications as well as in-house engineered tools and applications, SDC technicians are able to capture and analyze in real-time or near real-time information from Inmarsat and Iridium networks. Our web-browser tool, Plane Simple®, allows customers to research and view usage information at their discretion: − Configuration management − Traffic analyses and forecasting − Statistical monitoring − Account management SDC uses a variety of methods to disseminate degradation, outages, upgrades, updates and general information such as email, RSS feeds and website postings. 8. EMI/RFI IDENTIFICATION, CHARACTERIZATION, AND GEO-LOCATION. When an Ordering Activity requires Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) / Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) identification, characterization, and geo-location, it shall be included as part of the initial requirement. The Ordering Activity shall establish and use with the Contractor a mutually agreed upon media and voice communications capability capable of protecting “Sensitive, but Unclassified” data. 2 For example, one-year of service on a less efficient arrangement of contractor resources is traded for nine-months of services on a more efficient arrangement of contractor resources that provides an operational efficiency to the Ordering Activity’s customers. 41 9. SECURITY. The Ordering Activity is responsible for assigning the personnel and facility clearance levels for each requirement. If required, the Ordering Activity is responsible for issuing the appropriate security forms (e.g., a DD-254) for any special clearance requirements and indoctrinations, such as Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). Ordering Activities shall ensure the Contractor “masks” or “protects” Ordering Activity customers against unauthorized release of identifying information to any entity that could compromise the customer’s operations security. Identifying information includes but is not limited to personal user and/or unit information including tail numbers, unit names, unit numbers, individual names, individual contact numbers, street addresses, etc. 10. THIRD PARTY BILLING FOR COMSATCOM SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES. The Ordering Activity shall make every effort to educate the terminal owners or operators on usage of the approved network infrastructure to avoid third party charges. 11. a. b. c. d. e. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Ordering Activity is responsible for determining the number of approaches each Contractor may offer in response to a statement of work. If guidance is required, Ordering Activities may contact the GSA Satellite Communications Services Program Management Office, For each Subscription Service requirement, the Ordering Activity shall negotiate with the Contractor any required Committed Information Rates (CIR). CIR is the average dedicated bandwidth data transfer rate (example: megabits per second) for an individual COMSATCOM Subscription Services network that the Contractor commits to delivering over a period of time. The Contractor may exceed the CIR if the network has capacity at any time. Satcom Direct Communications requires a customer service agreement filled in with the user’s information and submitted for contact, billing and general information about the service, equipment used and pertinent details about the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards, Inmarsat Subscriber Number or Aircraft Earth Station Identification. Pricing for activation may be dependent on the type of services activated. Satcom Direct Communications understands the Government reserves the right to use Government Furnished Access Point Names (APN) for remote user access into Government user networks and enclaves instead of using those provided by offerors. If additional dedicated services (such as T-1 or other type of leased lines) are requested, there is typically a one-time non-recurring charge (NRC) for initial engineering and “last-mile” tie-in to the customer’s location and rack. Afterwards, there will be a monthly recurring charge (MRC) for leasing the T-1. We highly encourage using established gateways and enclaves wherever possible. 12. CONTRACT CLAUSES. Ordering activities will be able to view the complete list of IT Schedule 70 contract clauses, including the specific contract terms and conditions for any specific contract holder, at: 13. Pricing Pricing for all Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. products listed under SIN 132-55 are as follows: 42 Satcom Direct Communications Services CLIN SIN 550000 132-55 550001 132-55 Unit of Measure GSA Price Aeronautical Classic Service Activation Fee Per AESID $0.00 Aeronautical Classic Service Global One Number Monthly $0.00 Product Description 550002 132-55 SwiftBroadband Service Activation Fee One Time $50.00 550003 132-55 SwiftBroadband Service Global One Number Monthly $40.00 550004 132-55 Maritime (Via mini-M) Service Activation Fee One Time $25.00 550005 132-55 Maritime (Via mini-M) Service Global One Number Monthly $5.95 550006 132-55 Maritime Fleet 77, 55, 33 Service Global One Number Monthly $5.95 550007 132-55 Land Mobile (Via mini-M) Service Activation Fee One Time $25.00 550008 132-55 Land Mobile (Via mini-M) Service Global One Number Monthly $5.95 $50.00 550009 132-55 Land Mobile (Via GAN/M4) Service Activation Fee One Time 550010 132-55 Land Mobile (Via GAN/M4) Service Global One Number Monthly $5.95 550011 132-55 Iridium Satellite Services Activation Fee Per SIM $49.90 550012 132-55 Iridium Satellite Services Global One Number Monthly $4.00 550013 132-55 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Activation Fee One Time $49.90 550014 132-55 132-55 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Global One Number month $6.55 550015 Inmarsat BGAN Service Activation One Time $49.90 550016 132-55 Replacement of SwiftBroadband Network SIM Card One Time $50.00 550017 132-55 SwiftBroadband Discreet SIM Card One Time $50.00 550018 132-55 SwiftBroadband SIM Card Delivery - Accelerated Service 7 Calendar Days or Less (OCONUS) One Time $50.00 550019 132-55 SwiftBroadband SIM Card Delivery - Critical Delivery 24 hours or Less One Time $75.00 550020 132-55 SwiftBroadband Subscription Fee One Time $0.00 Iridium Satellite Service CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price $44.95 Monthly Service Plans 551000 132-53 Monthly Fee - Includes 10 minutes of Iridium voice and data per month* each 551001 132-53 Iridium to Fixed min $1.40 551002 132-53 Iridium to Iridium min $0.94 551003 132-53 Iridium to other Satellite Systems min $9.50 551004 132-53 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number min $1.40 551005 132-53 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number min $1.40 551006 132-53 SMS Text Message Service Per MSG $0.45 Prepaid Service Plans* 551007 132-53 75 minutes (1 month expiry) per plan $135.00 551008 132-53 150 minutes (2 month expiry) per plan $255.00 551009 132-53 200 minutes (6 month expiry) per plan $460.00 551010 132-53 500 minutes (1 year expiry) per plan $675.00 551011 132-53 1000 minutes (2 year expiry) per plan $1,285.00 551012 132-53 3000 minutes (2 year expiry) per plan $2,825.00 551013 132-53 5000 minutes (2 year expiry) per plan $3,980.00 551014 132-53 Add 1 month per item $60.00 551015 132-53 Add 50 minutes per item $65.00 *Calls and data to other MSS networks not included 43 Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Service CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price Standard Plan, includes 10 minutes - Voice and Data 552000 132-55 Standard Plan month $24.50 552001 132-55 Calls to Fixed min $0.76 552002 132-55 Calls to Cell Phones min $0.96 552003 132-55 Check Voicemail min $0.76 552004 132-55 Send/Receive SMS (*per 160 characters) each $0.40 552005 132-55 Fixed/Cellphone calls to Isat, using Global One Number™ min $1.16 High Allowance Plan, Includes 60 minutes - Voice and Data 552006 132-55 High Allowance Plan month $44.08 552007 132-55 Calls to Fixed min $0.76 552008 132-55 Calls to Cell Phones min $0.82 552009 132-55 Check Voicemail min $0.71 552010 132-55 Send/Receive SMS (*per 160 characters) each $0.40 552011 132-55 Fixed/Cellphone calls to Isat, using Global One Number™ min $1.16 Standard and High Allowance Plan Voice Calls To: 552012 132-55 Inmarsat B Voice/fax/2.4 kbps Data min $2.37 552013 132-55 Inmarsat M Voice/fax/2.4 kbps Data min $2.07 552014 132-55 Inmarsat Mini-M Voice/fax/2.4 kbps Data min $1.96 552015 132-55 Inmarsat Aero Voice (Classic, H/H+/HI) min $3.68 552016 132-55 Inmarsat BGAN/FBB/SBB Voice min $0.76 552017 132-55 GSPS and ISAT min $1.16 552018 132-55 Inmarsat GAN/Fleet/Swift Voice min $1.86 552019 132-55 Iridium Voice min $4.23 552020 132-55 Globalstar Voice min $4.23 552021 132-55 Thuraya Voice min $3.07 552022 132-55 Other MSS Carriers min $5.19 IsatPhone Prepaid Unit Plans* 552023 132-55 25 Units- 30 Day Expiration each $24.30 552024 132-55 50 Units - 90 Day Expiration each $48.99 552025 132-55 100 Units - 180 Day Expiration each $95.00 552026 132-55 250 Units - 180 Day Expiration each $245.00 552027 132-55 500 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $490.00 552028 132-55 1,000 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $980.00 552029 132-55 2,500 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $2,440.00 132-55 5,000 Units - 1 Year Expiration each $4,850.00 552030 *1 Unit is approximately $1.00 worth of airtime and not actual minutes. All Prepaid Services are non-refundable and any unused minutes expire at the end of the allotted time period. 44 Inmarsat Existing and Evolved (E&E) Services CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price $5.67 INMARSAT Aero Services 553000 132-55 Inmarsat Aero H Air-to-Ground per minute 553001 132-55 Inmarsat Aero H Ground-to-Air per minute $6.16 553002 132-55 per minute $11.35 553003 132-55 Inmarsat Aero H Air-to-Air Inmarsat Aero H+ Air-to-Ground per minute $4.90 553004 132-55 Inmarsat Aero H+ Ground-to-Air per minute $6.04 553005 132-55 per minute $9.78 553006 132-55 Inmarsat Aero H+ Air-to-Air Inmarsat Aero I Air-to-Ground per minute $4.81 553007 132-55 Inmarsat Aero I Ground-to-Air per minute $6.04 553008 132-55 $9.61 553009 132-55 Inmarsat Aero I Air-to-Air Inmarsat Aero mini-M -- Calls to U.S. Air-To-Ground per minute per minute $2.47 553010 132-55 Inmarsat Aero mini-M -- Calls to U.S. Ground -To-Air per minute $2.47 553011 132-55 Inmarsat Aero mini-M -- Calls to U.S. Air-To-Air per minute $4.93 553012 132-55 Inmarsat Aero mini-M -- Calls to Rest of World Air-To-Ground per minute $2.67 553013 132-55 Inmarsat Aero mini-M --Calls to Rest of World Ground-To-Air per minute $2.67 553014 132-55 Inmarsat Aero mini-M --Calls to Rest of World Air-To-Air per minute $5.34 553015 132-55 Inmarsat Swift 64 HSD (Stratos) Air-to-Ground per minute $8.60 553016 132-55 Inmarsat Swift 64 HSD (Stratos) Ground-to-Air per minute $8.60 553017 132-55 Inmarsat Swift 64 (Stratos) Air-to-Air per minute $17.22 553018 132-55 Inmarsat Swift 64 HSD (non-Stratos) Air-to-Ground per minute $9.08 553019 132-55 Inmarsat Swift 64 HSD (non-Stratos) Ground-to-Air per minute $9.94 553020 132-55 Inmarsat Swift 64 HSD (non-Stratos) Air-to-Air per minute $18.17 553021 132-55 Swift 64 Low Speed Voice (Stratos) Air-to-Ground per minute $2.55 553022 132-55 Swift 64 Low Speed Voice (Stratos) Ground-to-Air per minute $2.81 553023 132-55 Swift 64 Low Speed Voice (Stratos) Air-to-Air per minute $5.11 553024 132-55 Swift 64 Low Speed Voice (non-Stratos) Air-to-Ground per minute $2.55 553025 132-55 Swift 64 Low Speed Voice (non-Stratos) Ground-to-Air per minute $2.81 553026 132-55 Swift 64 Low Speed Voice (non-Stratos) Air-to-Air per minute $5.11 553027 132-55 Swift 64 Mobile Packet Data Service (MPDS) per kilobit $5.19 45 Inmarsat Existing and Evolved (E&E) Services CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price Maritime (Via mini-M) 553028 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) per minute $1.70 553029 132-55 Mini-M to Mini-M (Mobile to Mobile) per minute $3.40 553030 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number per minute $1.70 553031 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number per minute $2.40 Land-Mobile (Via mini-M Service) 553032 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) per minute $1.52 553033 132-55 Mini-M to Mini-M (Mobile to Mobile) per minute $3.04 553034 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number per minute $1.45 553035 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number per minute $1.58 Land-Mobile (Via GAN/M4 Service) 553036 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) Voice per minute $1.69 553037 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) Data per minute $5.91 553038 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) MPDS per minute $3.92 553039 132-55 Mini-M to Mini-M (Mobile to Mobile) Voice per minute $3.48 553040 132-55 Mini-M to Mini-M (Mobile to Mobile) Data per minute $11.43 553041 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number Voice per minute $2.09 553042 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number Data per minute $5.91 553043 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number Voice per minute $2.43 553044 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number Data per minute $6.91 Maritime (Fleet F77, F55, F33 Service) 553045 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) Peak Voice per minute $1.75 553046 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) Off Peak Voice per minute $1.43 553047 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) HSD per minute $6.15 553048 132-55 Anywhere in the World (mobile to fixed) MPDS per minute $3.45 553049 132-55 Mobile to Mobile Peak per minute $3.50 553050 132-55 Mobile to Mobile Off Peak per minute $2.87 553051 132-55 Mobile to Mobile HSD per minute $12.29 553052 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number Peak Voice per minute $2.09 553053 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number Off Peak Voice per minute $2.09 553054 132-55 Fixed to Mobile With Global One Number HSD per minute $6.15 553055 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number Peak Voice per minute $2.33 553056 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number Off Peak Voice per minute $2.33 553057 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Without Global One Number HSD per minute $7.08 46 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 6 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price I. SwiftBroadband Standard Background IP - Pay As You Go 554000 132-55 Standard IP (Background IP) 554001 132-55 Static IP Address (NAT'd Public or Private) per MB $8.45 per SIM/ per month $25.19 II. Additional SwiftBroadband Standard Services A. SwiftBroadband IP Services 554002 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 8 kbps per minute $1.05 554003 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 16 kbps per minute $1.91 554004 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 32 kbps per minute $4.37 554005 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 64 kbps per minute $7.03 554006 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 128 kbps per minute $11.46 554007 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 212+ kbps up to 256 kbps (X-Stream) per minute $30.53 554008 132-55 Short Messaging Service (SMS) per message $0.42 B. SwiftBroadband ISDN Service 554009 132-55 ISDN Services (3.1K, 64K UDI/RDI) per minute $8.50 554010 132-55 ISDN HSD To BGAN/FleetBroadband/SwiftBroadband per minute $8.50 554011 132-55 ISDN HSD To Inmarsat B/Mini-M/GAN/Fleet/Swift/Other MSS per minute $8.95 C. SwiftBroadband Voice Service 554012 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to BGAN per minute $11.10 554013 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to SwiftBroadband per minute $11.10 554014 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Fixed per minute $1.20 554015 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Cellular per minute $1.42 554016 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to FBB/BGAN per minute $1.13 554017 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $3.39 554018 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $2.90 554019 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Mini-M v/f/d GAN (M4) /Fleet/Swift Voice per minute $2.60 554020 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Aero Voice per minute $4.53 554021 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.10 554022 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Iridium Voice per minute $8.70 554023 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Globalstar per minute $6.50 554024 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Thuraya per minute $5.20 554025 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Other MSS Carriers per minute $5.75 554026 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Voicemail per minute $0.82 47 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 6 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price III. SwiftBroadband Single Aircraft MB Package Plans Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Each plan has a three month minimum contract except the pay as you go plan) 554027 132-55 Pay As You Go: $50 Monthly Charge, 0 MB Included, Price Per MB $9.05 Per Month $43.72 554028 132-55 Bronze Plan: $795 Monthly Charge, 100 MB Included, ($7.95 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.95 Per Month $695.21 554029 132-55 Silver Plan: $1,400 Monthly Charge, 200 MB Included ($7.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Month $1,224.18 554030 132-55 Gold Plan: $3,000 Monthly Charge, 500 MB Included ($6.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Month $2,622.67 554031 132-55 Platinum Plan: $8,625 Monthly Charge, 1500 MB Included ($5.75 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.45 Per Month $7,542.57 Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554032 132-55 Silver Plan: $16,800 Annual Charge, 2400 MB Included ($7.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Year $14,659.95 554033 132-55 Gold Plan: $36,000 Annual Charge, 6000 MB Included ($6.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Year $31,486.15 554034 132-55 Platinum Plan: $103,500 Annual Charge, 18000 MB Included ($5.75 PER MB), Each Additional MB $6.75 Per Year $90,528.97 IV. SwiftBroadband Fleet MB Package Plans Air Fleet 10 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554035 132-55 Bronze F10M Plan: $13,500 Monthly Charge, 2000 MB Included, ($6.75 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.95 Per Month $11,808.56 554036 132-55 Silver F10M Plan: $26,000 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included ($6.50 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Month $22,720.40 554037 132-55 Gold F10M Plan: $43,750 Monthly Charge, 7000 MB Included ($6.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Month $38,236.78 554038 132-55 Platinum F10M Plan: $84,000 Monthly Charge, 14000 MB Included ($6.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.75 Per Month $73,450.88 $23,624.18 Air Fleet 20 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554039 132-55 Bronze F20M Plan: $27,000 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included, ($6.75 per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Month 554040 132-55 Silver F20M Plan: $50,000 Monthly Charge, 8000 MB Included ($6.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Month $43,748.11 554041 132-55 Gold F20M Plan: $90,000 Monthly Charge, 15000 MB Included ($6.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.75 Per Month $78,740.55 554042 132-55 Platinum F20M Plan: $230,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included ($5.75 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.50 Per Month $201,108.31 Air Fleet 10 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554043 132-55 Bronze F10PP Plan: $135,000 Monthly Charge, 20000 MB Included, ($6.75 per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Year $118,085.64 554044 132-55 Silver F10PP Plan: $195,000 Monthly Charge, 30000 MB Included ($6.50 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Year $170,579.35 554045 132-55 Gold F10PP Plan: $468,750 Monthly Charge, 75000 MB Included ($6.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.75 Per Year $410,075.57 554046 132-55 Platinum F10PP Plan: $960,000 Monthly Charge, 160000 MB Included ($6.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.50 Per Year $839,798.49 Air Fleet 20 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554047 132-55 Bronze F20PP Plan: $270,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included, ($6.75 per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Year $236,221.66 554048 132-55 Silver F20PP Plan: $455,000 Monthly Charge, 70000 MB Included ($6.50 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Year $398,085.64 554049 132-55 Gold F20PP Plan: $1,125,000 Monthly Charge, 180000 MB Included ($6.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.75 Per Year $984,282.12 554050 132-55 Platinum F20PP Plan: $2,300,000 Monthly Charge, 400000 MB Included ($5.75 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.50 Per Year $2,012,392.95 48 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Secure Government Netowrk Service SwiftBroadband Class 6 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price I. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Standard Background IP - Pay As You Go 554051 132-55 Standard IP (Background IP) 554052 132-55 Static IP Address (NAT'd Public or Private) per MB $9.45 per SIM/ per month $25.19 II. Additional Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Standard Services A. SwiftBroadband IP Services 554053 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 8 kbps per minute $1.16 554054 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 16 kbps per minute $2.11 554055 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 32 kbps per minute $4.82 554056 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 64 kbps per minute $7.74 554057 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 128 kbps per minute $12.59 554058 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 212+ kbps up to 256 kbps (X-Stream) per minute $33.55 554059 132-55 Short Messaging Service (SMS) per message $0.48 B. SwiftBroadband ISDN Service 554060 132-55 ISDN Services (3.1K, 64K UDI) per minute $9.25 554061 132-55 ISDN HSD To BGAN/FleetBroadband/SwiftBroadband per minute $10.40 132-55 ISDN HSD To Inmarsat B/Mini-M/GAN/Fleet/Swift/Other MSS per minute $10.95 554062 C. SwiftBroadband Voice Service 554063 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to BGAN per minute $13.00 554064 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to SwiftBroadband per minute $13.00 554065 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Fixed per minute $1.35 554066 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Cellular per minute $1.65 554067 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to FBB/BGAN per minute $1.43 554068 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $4.00 554069 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $3.39 554070 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Mini-M v/f/d GAN (M4) /Fleet/Swift Voice per minute $3.05 554071 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Aero Voice per minute $5.45 554072 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.30 554073 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Iridium Voice per minute $10.95 554074 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Globalstar per minute $8.20 554075 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Thuraya per minute $6.80 554076 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Other MSS Carriers per minute $6.60 554077 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Voicemail per minute $0.95 49 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Secure Government Netowrk Service SwiftBroadband Class 6 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price III. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Single Aircraft MB Package Plans Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Each plan has a three month minimum contract except the pay as you go plan) 554077 132-55 Pay As You Go: $50 Monthly Charge, 0 MB Included, Price Per MB $9.95 Per Month $48.11 554078 132-55 Bronze Plan: $875 Monthly Charge, 100 MB Included, ($8.75 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.85 Per Month $765.49 554079 132-55 Silver Plan: $1,540 Monthly Charge, 200 MB Included ($7.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.75 Per Month $1,347.41 554080 132-55 Gold Plan: $3,300 Monthly Charge, 500 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Month $2,887.41 554081 132-55 Platinum Plan: $9,495 Monthly Charge, 1500 MB Included ($6.33 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.10 Per Month $8,307.30 Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554082 132-55 Silver Plan: $18,480 Annual Charge, 2400 MB Included ($7.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.75 Per Year $16,168.26 554083 132-55 Gold Plan: $39,600 Annual Charge, 6000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Year $34,649.87 554084 132-55 Platinum Plan: $113,940 Annual Charge, 18000 MB Included ($6.33 PER MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Year $99,692.70 IV. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Fleet MB Package Plans Air Fleet 10 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554085 132-55 Bronze F10M Plan: $14,860 Monthly Charge, 2000 MB Included, ($7.43 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.85 Per Month $13,001.51 554086 132-55 Silver F10M Plan: $28,600 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included ($7.15 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.75 Per Month $25,022.67 554087 132-55 Gold F10M Plan: $48,160 Monthly Charge, 7000 MB Included ($6.88 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Month $42,136.02 554088 132-55 Platinum F10M Plan: $92,400 Monthly Charge, 14000 MB Included ($6.00 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Month $80,841.31 Air Fleet 20 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554089 132-55 Bronze F20M Plan: $29,720 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included, ($7.43 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.75 Per Month $26,004.03 554090 132-55 Silver F20M Plan: $55,040 Monthly Charge, 8000 MB Included ($6.88 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Month $48,156.17 554091 132-55 Gold F20M Plan: $99,000 Monthly Charge, 15000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Month $86,624.69 554092 132-55 Platinum F20M Plan: $253,200 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included ($6.33 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.15 Per Month $221,536.52 Air Fleet 10 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554093 132-55 Bronze F10PP Plan: $148,600 Monthly Charge, 20000 MB Included, ($7.43 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.75 Per Year $130,015.11 554094 132-55 Silver F10PP Plan: $214,500 Monthly Charge, 30000 MB Included ($7.15 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Year $187,682.62 554095 132-55 Gold F10PP Plan: $516,000 Monthly Charge, 75000 MB Included ($6.88 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Year $451,486.15 554096 132-55 Platinum F10PP Plan: $1,056,000 Monthly Charge, 160000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.15 Per Year $923,979.85 $260,025.19 Air Fleet 20 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 554097 132-55 Bronze F20PP Plan: $297,200 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included, ($7.43 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.75 Per Year 554098 132-55 Silver F20PP Plan: $500,500 Monthly Charge, 70000 MB Included ($7.15 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Year $437,934.51 554099 132-55 Gold F20PP Plan: $1,238,400 Monthly Charge, 180000 MB Included ($6.88 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Year $1,083,526.45 554100 132-55 Platinum F20PP Plan: $2,532,000 Monthly Charge, 400000 MB Included ($6.33 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.15 Per Year $2,215,365.24 50 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 7 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price I. SwiftBroadband Standard Background IP - Pay As You Go 555000 132-55 Standard IP (Background IP) 555001 132-55 Static IP Address (NAT'd Public or Private) per MB $8.85 per SIM/ per month $25.19 II. Additional SwiftBroadband Standard Services A. SwiftBroadband IP Services 555002 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 8 kbps per minute $1.07 555003 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 16 kbps per minute $1.95 555004 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 32 kbps per minute $4.46 555005 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 64 kbps per minute $7.15 555006 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 128 kbps per minute $11.68 132-55 Short Messaging Service (SMS) per message $0.43 555007 B. SwiftBroadband ISDN Service 555008 132-55 ISDN Services (3.1K, 64K UDI/RDI) per minute $8.68 555009 132-55 ISDN HSD To BGAN/FleetBroadband/SwiftBroadband per minute $8.50 555010 132-55 ISDN HSD To Inmarsat B/Mini-M/GAN/Fleet/Swift/Other MSS per minute $8.95 C. SwiftBroadband Voice Service 555011 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to BGAN per minute $11.10 555012 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to SwiftBroadband per minute $11.10 555013 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Fixed per minute $1.20 555014 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Cellular per minute $1.42 555015 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to FBB/BGAN per minute $1.13 555016 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $3.39 555017 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $2.90 555018 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Mini-M v/f/d GAN (M4) /Fleet/Swift Voice per minute $2.60 555019 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Aero Voice per minute $4.53 555020 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.10 555021 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Iridium Voice per minute $8.70 555022 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Globalstar per minute $6.50 555023 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Thuraya per minute $5.20 555024 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Other MSS Carriers per minute $5.75 555025 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Voicemail per minute $0.82 51 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 7 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price III. SwiftBroadband Single Aircraft MB Package Plans Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Each plan has a three month minimum contract except the pay as you go plan) 555026 132-55 Pay As You Go: $50 Monthly Charge, 0 MB Included, Price Per MB $9.55 Per Month $43.75 555027 132-55 Bronze Plan: $855 Monthly Charge, 100 MB Included, ($8.55 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.45 Per Month $748.11 555028 132-55 Silver Plan: $1,520 Monthly Charge, 200 MB Included ($7.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.45 Per Month $1,329.97 555029 132-55 Gold Plan: $3,300 Monthly Charge, 500 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Month $2,887.41 555030 132-55 Platinum Plan: $9,525 Monthly Charge, 1500 MB Included ($6.35 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.95 Per Month $8,333.50 $15,959.70 Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555031 132-55 Silver Plan: $18,240 Annual Charge, 2400 MB Included ($7.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.45 Per Year 555032 132-55 Gold Plan: $39,600 Annual Charge, 6000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Year $34,649.87 555033 132-55 Platinum Plan: $114,300 Annual Charge, 18000 MB Included ($6.35 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.25 Per Year $100,010.08 IV. SwiftBroadband Fleet MB Package Plans Air Fleet 10 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555034 132-55 Bronze F10M Plan: $14,700 Monthly Charge, 2000 MB Included, ($7.35 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.45 Per Month $12,861.46 555035 132-55 Silver F10M Plan: $28,400 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included ($7.10 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.45 Per Month $24,849.37 555036 132-55 Gold F10M Plan: $47,950 Monthly Charge, 7000 MB Included ($6.85 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Month $41,954.66 555037 132-55 Platinum F10M Plan: $92,400 Monthly Charge, 14000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.25 Per Month $80,841.31 Air Fleet 20 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555038 132-55 Bronze F20M Plan: $29,400 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included, ($7.35 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.45 Per Month $25,722.92 555039 132-55 Silver F20M Plan: $54,800 Monthly Charge, 8000 MB Included ($6.85 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Month $47,944.58 555040 132-55 Gold F20M Plan: $99,000 Monthly Charge, 15000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.25 Per Month $86,624.69 555041 132-55 Platinum F20M Plan: $254,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included ($6.35 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.00 Per Month $222,241.81 Air Fleet 10 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555042 132-55 Bronze F10PP Plan: $147,000 Monthly Charge, 20000 MB Included, (7.35 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.45 555043 132-55 Silver F10PP Plan: $213,000 Monthly Charge, 30000 MB Included ($7.10 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Year Per Year $128,614.61 $186,372.80 555044 132-55 Gold F10PP Plan: $513,750 Monthly Charge, 75000 MB Included ($6.85 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.75 Per Year $449,521.41 555045 132-55 Platinum F10PP Plan: $1,056,000 Monthly Charge, 160000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.00 Per Year $923,979.85 Air Fleet 20 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555046 132-55 Bronze F20PP Plan: $294,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included, ($7.35 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.45 Per Year $257,229.22 555047 132-55 Silver F20PP Plan: $497,000 Monthly Charge, 70000 MB Included (7.10 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.45 Per Year $434,861.46 555048 132-55 Gold F20PP Plan: $1,188,000 Monthly Charge, 180000 MB Included ($6.60 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.25 Per Year $1,039,445.84 555049 132-55 Platinum F20PP Plan: $2,560,000 Monthly Charge, 400000 MB Included ($6.40 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.10 Per Year $2,239,798.49 52 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 7 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price I. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Standard Background IP - Pay As You Go 555050 132-55 Standard IP (Background IP) 555051 132-55 Static IP Address (NAT'd Public or Private) per MB $10.10 per SIM/ per month $25.19 II. Additional Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Standard Services A. SwiftBroadband IP Services 555052 555053 555054 555055 132-55 132-55 132-55 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 8 kbps Streaming Class IP @ 16 kbps Streaming Class IP @ 32 kbps Streaming Class IP @ 64 kbps per minute per minute per minute per minute $1.17 $2.15 $4.92 $7.88 555056 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 128 kbps per minute $12.85 B. SwiftBroadband ISDN Service 555057 132-55 ISDN Services (3.1K, 64K, UDI) per minute $9.54 555058 132-55 ISDN HSD To BGAN/FleetBroadband/SwiftBroadband per minute $10.40 555059 132-55 ISDN HSD To Inmarsat B/Mini-M/GAN/Fleet/Swift/Other MSS per minute $10.95 555060 132-55 Short Messaging Service (SMS) per message $0.48 C. SwiftBroadband Voice Service 555061 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to BGAN per minute $13.00 555062 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to SwiftBroadband per minute $13.00 555063 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Fixed per minute $1.35 555064 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Cellular per minute $1.65 555065 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to FBB/BGAN per minute $1.43 555066 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $4.00 555067 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $3.39 555068 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Mini-M v/f/d GAN (M4) /Fleet/Swift Voice per minute $3.05 555069 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Aero Voice per minute $5.45 555070 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.30 555071 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Iridium Voice per minute $10.95 555072 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Globalstar per minute $8.20 555073 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Thuraya per minute $6.80 555074 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Other MSS Carriers per minute $6.60 555075 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Voicemail per minute $0.95 53 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 7 CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price III. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Single Aircraft MB Package Plans Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Each plan has a three month minimum contract except the pay as you go plan) 555076 132-55 Pay As You Go: $50 Monthly Charge, 0 MB Included, Price Per MB $10.50 Per Month $68.21 555077 132-55 Bronze Plan: $941 Monthly Charge, 100 MB Included, ($9.41 per MB), Each Additional MB $10.40 Per Month $823.32 555078 132-55 Silver Plan: $1,672 Monthly Charge, 200 MB Included ($8.36 Per MB), Each Additional MB $9.30 Per Month $1,462.97 555079 132-55 Gold Plan: $3,630 Monthly Charge, 500 MB Included ($7.26 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.20 Per Month $3,176.07 555080 132-55 Platinum Plan: $10,485 Monthly Charge, 1500 MB Included ($6.99 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.65 Per Month $9,173.80 $17,554.66 Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555081 132-55 Silver Plan: $20,064 Annual Charge, 2400 MB Included ($8.36 Per MB), Each Additional MB $9.30 Per Year 555082 132-55 Gold Plan: $43,560 Annual Charge, 6000 MB Included ($7.26 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.20 Per Year $38,110.83 555083 132-55 Platinum Plan: $125,820 Annual Charge, 18000 MB Included ($6.99 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.98 Per Year $110,090.68 IV. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Fleet MB Package Plans Air Fleet 10 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555084 132-55 Bronze F10M Plan: $16,180 Monthly Charge, 2000 MB Included, ($8.09 per MB), Each Additional MB $10.45 Per Month $14,156.17 555085 132-55 Silver F10M Plan: $31,240 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included ($7.81 Per MB), Each Additional MB $9.30 Per Month $27,333.00 555086 132-55 Gold F10M Plan: $52,780 Monthly Charge, 7000 MB Included ($7.54 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.20 Per Month $46,181.36 555087 132-55 Platinum F10M Plan: $101,640 Monthly Charge, 14000 MB Included ($7.26 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.98 Per Month $88,931.99 Air Fleet 20 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555088 132-55 Bronze F20M Plan: $32,360 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included, ($8.09 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.30 Per Month $28,312.34 555089 132-55 Silver F20M Plan: $60,320 Monthly Charge, 8000 MB Included ($7.54 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.20 Per Month $52,774.81 555090 132-55 Gold F20M Plan: $108,900 Monthly Charge, 15000 MB Included ($7.26 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.98 Per Month $95,279.60 555091 132-55 Platinum F20M Plan: $279,600 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included ($6.99 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.70 Per Month $244,634.76 Air Fleet 10 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555092 132-55 Bronze F10PP Plan: $161,800 Monthly Charge, 20000 MB Included, (8.09 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.30 Per Year $141,561.71 555093 132-55 Silver F10PP Plan: $234,300 Monthly Charge, 30000 MB Included ($7.81 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.20 Per Year $204,992.44 555094 132-55 Gold F10PP Plan: $565,500 Monthly Charge, 75000 MB Included ($7.54 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.95 Per Year $494,811.08 555095 132-55 Platinum F10PP Plan: $1,161,600 Monthly Charge, 160000 MB Included ($7.26 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.70 Per Year $1,016,397.98 $283,148.61 Air Fleet 20 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 555096 132-55 Bronze F20PP Plan: $323,600 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included, ($8.09 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.30 Per Year 555097 132-55 Silver F20PP Plan: $546,700 Monthly Charge, 70000 MB Included (7.81 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.20 Per Year $478,337.53 555098 132-55 Gold F20PP Plan: $1,306,800 Monthly Charge, 180000 MB Included ($7.26 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.98 Per Year $1,143,324.94 555099 132-55 Platinum F20PP Plan: $2,816,000 Monthly Charge, 400000 MB Included ($7.04 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.80 Per Year $2,463,979.85 54 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 15 (SB200) CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price I. SwiftBroadband Standard Background IP - Pay As You Go 556000 132-55 Standard IP (Background IP) - Class 15 556001 132-55 Static IP Address (NAT'd Public or Private) per MB $9.85 per SIM/ per month $25.19 II. Additional SwiftBroadband Standard Services A. SwiftBroadband IP Services 556002 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 8 kbps per minute $1.08 556003 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 16 kbps per minute $1.98 556004 132-55 Short Messaging Service (SMS) per message $0.44 B. SwiftBroadband Voice Service 556005 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to BGAN per minute $11.10 556006 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to SwiftBroadband per minute $11.10 556007 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Fixed per minute $1.20 556008 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Cellular per minute $1.42 556009 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to FBB/BGAN per minute $1.13 556010 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $3.39 556011 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $2.90 556012 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Mini-M v/f/d GAN (M4) /Fleet/Swift Voice per minute $2.60 556013 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Aero Voice per minute $4.53 556014 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.10 556015 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Iridium Voice per minute $8.70 556016 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Globalstar per minute $6.50 556017 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Thuraya per minute $5.20 556018 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Other MSS Carriers per minute $5.75 556019 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Voicemail per minute $0.82 55 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 15 (SB200) CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price III. SwiftBroadband Single Aircraft MB Package Plans Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Each plan has a three month minimum contract except the pay as you go plan) 556020 132-55 Pay As You Go: $50 Monthly Charge, 0 MB Included, Price Per MB $9.70 Per Month $43.75 556021 132-55 Bronze Plan: $870 Monthly Charge, 100 MB Included, ($8.70 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.60 Per Month $761.21 556022 132-55 Silver Plan: $1,550 Monthly Charge, 200 MB Included ($7.75 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.60 Per Month $1,356.22 556023 132-55 Gold Plan: $3,350 Monthly Charge, 500 MB Included ($6.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.60 Per Month $2,930.98 556024 132-55 Platinum Plan: $9,675 Monthly Charge, 1500 MB Included ($6.45 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.09 Per Month $8,465.49 $16,274.06 Annual Service Plans (Mbytes roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556025 132-55 Silver Plan: $18,600 Annual Charge, 2400 MB Included ($7.75 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.60 Per Year 556026 132-55 Gold Plan: $40,200 Annual Charge, 6000 MB Included ($6.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.60 Per Year $35,173.80 556027 132-55 Platinum Plan: $116,100 Annual Charge, 18000 MB Included ($6.45 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.40 Per Year $101,586.90 IV. SwiftBroadband Fleet MB Package Plans Air Fleet 10 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556028 132-55 Bronze F10M Plan: $15,000 Monthly Charge, 2000 MB Included, ($7.50 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.65 Per Month $13,124.43 556029 132-55 Silver F10M Plan: $29,000 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included ($7.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.60 Per Month $25,374.31 556030 132-55 Gold F10M Plan: $48,650 Monthly Charge, 7000 MB Included ($6.95 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.60 Per Month $42,564.23 556031 132-55 Platinum F10M Plan: $93,800 Monthly Charge, 14000 MB Included ($6.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.40 Per Month $82,070.53 Air Fleet 20 Monthly Service Plans (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556032 132-55 Bronze F20M Plan: $30,000 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included, ($7.50 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.60 Per Month $26,249.87 556033 132-55 Silver F20M Plan: $55,600 Monthly Charge, 8000 MB Included ($6.95 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.60 Per Month $48,649.87 556034 132-55 Gold F20M Plan: $100,500 Monthly Charge, 15000 MB Included ($6.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.40 Per Month $87,934.51 556035 132-55 Platinum F20M Plan: $258,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included ($6.45 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.15 Per Month $225,743.07 Air Fleet 10 Prepaid Annual Service Plans (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556036 132-55 Bronze F10PP Plan: $150,000 Monthly Charge, 20000 MB Included, (7.50 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.60 Per Year $131,249.37 556037 132-55 Silver F10PP Plan: $217,500 Monthly Charge, 30000 MB Included ($7.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.60 Per Year $190,312.34 556038 132-55 Gold F10PP Plan: $521,250 Monthly Charge, 75000 MB Included ($6.95 Per MB), Each Additional MB $6.85 Per Year $456,070.53 556039 132-55 Platinum F10PP Plan: $1,072,000 Monthly Charge, 160000 MB Included ($6.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.15 Per Year $937,984.89 $262,493.70 Air Fleet 20 Prepaid Annual Service Plans (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556040 132-55 Bronze F20PP Plan: $300,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included, ($7.50 per MB), Each Additional MB $8.60 Per Year 556041 132-55 Silver F20PP Plan: $507,500 Monthly Charge, 70000 MB Included ($7.25 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.60 Per Year $444,030.23 556042 132-55 Gold F20PP Plan: $1,206,000 Monthly Charge, 180000 MB Included ($6.70 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.40 Per Year $1,055,163.73 556043 132-55 Platinum F20PP Plan: $2,600,000 Monthly Charge, 400000 MB Included ($6.50 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.15 Per Year $2,274,811.08 56 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 15 (SB200) CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price I. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Standard Background IP - Pay As You Go 556044 132-55 Standard IP (Background IP) - Class 15 556045 132-55 Static IP Address (NAT'd Public or Private) per MB $11.45 per SIM/ per month $25.19 II. Additional Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Standard Services A. SwiftBroadband IP Services 556046 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 8 kbps per minute $1.19 556047 132-55 Streaming Class IP @ 16 kbps per minute $2.19 556048 132-55 Short Messaging Service (SMS) per message $0.49 B. SwiftBroadband Voice Service 556049 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to BGAN per minute $13.00 556050 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to SwiftBroadband per minute $13.00 556051 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Fixed per minute $1.35 556052 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Cellular per minute $1.65 556053 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to FBB/BGAN per minute $1.43 556054 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $4.00 556055 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $3.39 556056 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Mini-M v/f/d GAN (M4) /Fleet/Swift Voice per minute $3.05 556057 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Aero Voice per minute $5.45 556058 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.30 556059 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Iridium Voice per minute $10.95 556060 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Globalstar per minute $8.20 556061 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Thuraya per minute $6.80 556062 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Other MSS Carriers per minute $6.60 556063 132-55 SwiftBroadband 4.0 AMBE2 Voice to Voicemail per minute $0.95 57 Inmarsat I4 Constellation Service SwiftBroadband Class 15 (SB200) CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price III. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Single Aircraft MB Package Plans Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Each plan has a three month minimum contract except the pay as you go plan) 556064 132-55 Pay As You Go: $50 Monthly Charge, 0 MB Included, Price Per MB $11.46 Per Month $43.75 556065 132-55 Bronze Plan: $957 Monthly Charge, 100 MB Included, ($9.57 per MB), Each Additional MB $10.56 Per Month $837.28 556066 132-55 Silver Plan: $1,706 Monthly Charge, 200 MB Included ($8.53 Per MB), Each Additional MB $9.46 Per Month $1,492.70 556067 132-55 Gold Plan: $3,685 Monthly Charge, 500 MB Included ($7.37Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.36 Per Month $3,224.18 556068 132-55 Platinum Plan: $10,650 Monthly Charge, 1500 MB Included ($7.10 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.80 Per Month $9,318.64 $17,912.34 Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556069 132-55 Silver Plan: $20,472 Annual Charge, 2400 MB Included ($8.53 Per MB), Each Additional MB $9.46 Per Year 556070 132-55 Gold Plan: $44,220 Annual Charge, 6000 MB Included ($7.37 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.36 Per Year $38,690.18 556071 132-55 Platinum Plan: $127,800 Annual Charge, 18000 MB Included ($7.10 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.14 Per Year $111,813.60 IV. Secure Government Network SwiftBroadband Fleet MB Package Plans Air Fleet 10 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556072 132-55 Bronze F10M Plan: $16,500 Monthly Charge, 2000 MB Included, ($8.25 per MB), Each Additional MB $10.62 Per Month $14,437.28 556073 132-55 Silver F10M Plan: $31,920 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included ($7.98 Per MB), Each Additional MB $9.46 Per Month $27,927.46 556074 132-55 Gold F10M Plan: $53,550 Monthly Charge, 7000 MB Included ($7.65 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.36 Per Month $46,851.39 556075 132-55 Platinum F10M Plan: $103,180 Monthly Charge, 14000 MB Included ($7.37 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.14 Per Month $90,277.08 Air Fleet 20 Monthly Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556076 132-55 Bronze F20M Plan: $33,000 Monthly Charge, 4000 MB Included, ($8.25 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.46 Per Month $28,874.56 556077 132-55 Silver F20M Plan: $61,200 Monthly Charge, 8000 MB Included ($7.65 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.36 Per Month $53,546.60 556078 132-55 Gold F20M Plan: $110,550 Monthly Charge, 15000 MB Included ($7.37 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.14 Per Month $96,725.44 556079 132-55 Platinum F20M Plan: $284,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included ($7.10 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.87 Per Month $248,488.66 Air Fleet 10 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 10 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556080 132-55 Bronze F10PP Plan: $165,000 Monthly Charge, 20000 MB Included, (8.25 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.46 Per Year $144,367.76 556081 132-55 Silver F10PP Plan: $239,400 Monthly Charge, 30000 MB Included ($7.98 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.36 Per Year $209,471.03 556082 132-55 Gold F10PP Plan: $573,750 Monthly Charge, 75000 MB Included ($7.65 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.54 Per Year $502,015.11 556083 132-55 Platinum F10PP Plan: $1,179,200 Monthly Charge, 160000 MB Included ($7.37 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.87 Per Year $1,031,738.04 $288,740.55 Air Fleet 20 Prepaid Annual Service Plans - Background IP Only (Mbytes are shared over a maximum of 20 SIMs and roll-over during the 12 month minimum contract) 556084 132-55 Bronze F20PP Plan: $330,000 Monthly Charge, 40000 MB Included, ($8.25 per MB), Each Additional MB $9.46 Per Year 556085 132-55 Silver F20PP Plan: $558,600 Monthly Charge, 70000 MB Included ($7.98 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.36 Per Year $488,765.74 556086 132-55 Gold F20PP Plan: $1,326,600 Monthly Charge, 180000 MB Included ($7.37 Per MB), Each Additional MB $8.14 Per Year $1,160,705.29 556087 132-55 Platinum F20PP Plan: $2,860,000 Monthly Charge, 400000 MB Included ($7.15 Per MB), Each Additional MB $7.87 Per Year $2,502,267.00 58 Inmarsat BGAN Bundle Services CLIN SIN Product Description Unit of Measure GSA Price Standard Bundle Plan - 1 Year Term Minimum 557000 132-55 Standard Plan: $52.55 per month, $0.00 Monthly Dollar Allowance per month $52.55 557001 132-55 Standard Plan Background IP per MB $6.95 557002 132-55 Voice To Fixed per minute $0.86 557003 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone per minute $1.10 557004 132-55 BGAN to BGAN per minute $0.70 557005 132-55 BGAN to FBB/SBB per minute $0.86 557006 132-55 Voice Mail per minute $0.72 557007 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) per msg $0.48 557008 132-55 ISDN 56K & 64K per minute $5.71 557009 132-55 SIP 32 kbps per minute $2.81 557010 132-55 SIP 64 kbps per minute $5.35 557011 132-55 SIP 128 kbps per minute $9.05 557012 132-55 SIP 176 kbps per minute $12.75 557013 132-55 SIP 256 kbps per minute $14.75 557014 132-55 BGAN X-Stream (384-400+ Kbps) per minute $21.99 Entry Plan: $118.00 Per Month $118.00 Monthly Dollar Allowance For The In Bundle Products Included Below per month $118.00 Entry Bundle Plan - 3 Month Term Minimum 557015 132-55 557016 132-55 In Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $5.63 557017 132-55 Out of Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $5.90 557018 132-55 Voice To Fixed - In Bundle per minute $0.68 557019 132-55 Voice To Fixed - Out of Bundle per minute $0.74 557020 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - In Bundle per minute $0.89 557021 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - Out of Bundle per minute $0.99 557022 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - In Bundle per minute $0.58 557023 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - Out of Bundle per minute $0.61 557024 132-55 Voice Mail - In Bundle per minute $0.55 557025 132-55 Voice Mail - Out of Bundle per minute $0.61 557026 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - In Bundle per msg $0.34 557027 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - Out of Bundle per msg $0.40 557028 132-55 ISDN 56K & 64K per minute $5.10 557029 132-55 SIP 32 kbps per minute $2.81 557030 132-55 SIP 64 kbps per minute $5.35 557031 132-55 SIP 128 kbps per minute $9.05 557032 132-55 SIP 176 kbps per minute $12.75 557033 132-55 SIP 256 kbps per minute $14.99 557034 132-55 BGAN X-Stream (384-400+ Kbps) per minute $21.99 59 Inmarsat BGAN Bundle Services CLIN Product Description Unit of Measure GSA Price Mid-Usage Plan: $465.00 Per Month $465.00 Monthly Dollar Allowance For The In Bundle Products Included Below per month $465.00 SIN Mid-Usage Bundle Plan - 6 Month Term Minimum 557035 132-55 557036 132-55 In Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $4.85 557037 132-55 Out of Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $4.95 557038 132-55 Voice To Fixed - In Bundle per minute $0.58 557039 132-55 Voice To Fixed - Out of Bundle per minute $0.64 557040 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - In Bundle per minute $0.78 557041 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - Out of Bundle per minute $0.84 557042 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - In Bundle per minute $0.48 557043 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - Out of Bundle per minute $0.52 557044 132-55 Voice Mail - In Bundle per minute $0.47 557045 132-55 Voice Mail - Out of Bundle per minute $0.53 557046 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - In Bundle per msg $0.33 557047 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - Out of Bundle per msg $0.35 557048 132-55 ISDN 56K & 64K per minute $5.10 557049 132-55 SIP 32 kbps per minute $2.81 557050 132-55 SIP 64 kbps per minute $5.35 557051 132-55 SIP 128 kbps per minute $9.05 557052 132-55 SIP 176 kbps per minute $12.75 557053 132-55 SIP 256 kbps per minute $14.99 557054 132-55 BGAN X-Stream (384-400+ Kbps) per minute $21.99 High-Usage Plan: $2,900.50 Per Month $2,900.50 Monthly Dollar Allowance For The In Bundle Products Included Below per month $2,900.50 High-Usage Bundle Plan - 1 Year Term Minimum 557055 132-55 557056 132-55 In Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $4.10 557057 132-55 Out of Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $4.35 557058 132-55 Voice To Fixed In Bundle per minute $0.50 557059 132-55 Voice To Fixed Out of Bundle per minute $0.55 557060 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - In Bundle per minute $0.66 557061 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - Out of Bundle per minute $0.70 557062 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - In Bundle per minute $0.44 557063 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB- Out of Bundle per minute $0.46 557064 132-55 Voice Mail - In Bundle per minute $0.44 557065 132-55 Voice Mail - Out of Bundle per minute $0.46 557066 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - In Bundle per msg $0.28 557067 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - Out of Bundle per msg $0.32 557068 132-55 ISDN 56K & 64K per minute $5.10 557069 132-55 SIP 32 kbps per minute $2.81 557070 132-55 SIP 64 kbps per minute $5.35 557071 132-55 SIP 128 kbps per minute $9.05 557072 132-55 SIP 176 kbps per minute $12.75 557073 132-55 SIP 256 kbps per minute $14.99 557074 132-55 BGAN X-Stream (384-400+ Kbps) per minute $21.99 60 Inmarsat BGAN Bundle Services CLIN Product Description Unit of Measure GSA Price Super-Usage Plan: $6,800.00 Per Month $6,800.00 Monthly Dollar Allowance For The In Bundle Products Included Below per month $6,800.00 $3.10 SIN Super-Usage Bundle Plan - 1 Year Term Minimum 557075 132-55 557076 132-55 In Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB 557077 132-55 Out of Bundle Charge for Background IP per MB $3.20 557078 132-55 Voice To Fixed In Bundle per minute $0.39 557079 132-55 Voice To Fixed Out of Bundle per minute $0.40 557080 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - In Bundle per minute $0.51 557081 132-55 Voice To Cell Phone - Out of Bundle per minute $0.52 557082 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - In Bundle per minute $0.31 557083 132-55 BGAN to BGAN/FBB/SBB - Out of Bundle per minute $0.32 557084 132-55 Voice Mail - In Bundle per minute $0.31 557085 132-55 Voice Mail - Out of Bundle per minute $0.32 557086 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - In Bundle per msg $0.22 557087 132-55 SMS (per 160 characters) - Out of Bundle per msg $0.23 557088 132-55 ISDN 56K & 64K per minute $5.10 557089 132-55 SIP 32 kbps per minute $2.81 557090 132-55 SIP 64 kbps per minute $5.35 557091 132-55 SIP 128 kbps per minute $9.05 557092 132-55 SIP 176 kbps per minute $12.75 557093 132-55 SIP 256 kbps per minute $14.99 557094 132-55 BGAN X-Stream (384-400+ Kbps) per minute $21.99 61 Inmarsat BGAN Services CLIN SIN Product Description Unit of Measure GSA Price BGAN Voice to other MSS 557095 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat B v/f/d per minute $2.85 557096 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat M v/f/d per minute $2.44 557097 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat Mini-M v/f/d per minute $2.11 557098 132-55 BGAN to GAN/Fleet Voice per minute $2.11 557099 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat Aero Voice per minute $4.05 557100 132-55 BGAN to Iridium Voice per minute $9.15 557101 132-55 BGAN to Thuraya Voice per minute $4.20 557102 132-55 BGAN to Globalstar Voice per minute $6.60 557103 132-55 BGAN to Other MSS per minute $5.75 557104 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat GSPS per minute $1.68 557105 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat SPS per minute $1.68 BGAN ISDN to other MSS 557106 132-55 BGAN ISDN to FBB/SBB HSD per minute $6.50 557107 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat B HSD - In Bundle per minute $13.05 557108 132-55 BGAN to Inmarsat B HSD - Out of Bundle per minute $13.40 557109 132-55 BGAN to GAN/Fleet/Swift 64 - In Bundle per minute $13.05 557110 132-55 BGAN to GAN/Fleet/Swift 64 - Out of Bundle per minute $13.40 557111 132-55 BGAN ISDN to Other MSS Carriers (SPS, Iridium, Globalstar, and Thuraya) per minute $12.95 BGAN Charges 557112 132-55 Fixed to Mobile Calling per minute $1.10 557113 132-55 BGAN Annual Global One Number (prepay service for one year) per year $60.00 557114 132-55 BGAN Monthly Global One Number (month to month) per month $5.00 557115 132-55 BGAN Annual Subscription Fee (prepay service for one year) per year $360.00 557116 132-55 BGAN Monthly Subscription Fee (month to month) per month $30.00 557117 132-55 Global Static IP (prepay service for one year) per year $264.00 557118 132-55 Global Static IP (month to month) per month $22.00 62 Satcom Direct FlightDeck Freedom™ CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price FlightDeck Freedom™ Annual Packages 558000 132-55 Freedom Annual Package 1 per year $6,861.00 558001 132-55 Freedom Annual Package 2 per year $5,528.00 558002 132-55 Graphical Weather Updates Annual Plan - Unlimited Use per year $983.00 FlightDeck Freedom™ Monthly Packages 558003 132-55 Freedom Monthly Package 1 per month $586.00 558004 132-55 Freedom Monthly Package 2 per month $495.00 558005 132-55 Graphical Weather Updates Monthly Plan - Unlimited Use per month $98.00 FlightDeck Freedom™ ACARS Safety Services Datalink 558006 132-55 Inmarsat Classic Aero H/H+/I ACARS Data via I-3 (Air to Ground, Ground to Air, and Air to Air) kbit $0.47 558007 132-55 Inmarsat Classic Aero H+ ACARS Data via I-3 and I-4 (Air to Ground, Ground to Air, and Air to Air) kbit $0.47 - - FlightDeck Freedom™ Package Descriptions Freedom Annual Package 1: Freedom Monthly Package 1 (charged only in months when used): • Unlimited* use of all of the following VHF/VDL Datalink Inmarsat Datalink Iridium Datalink Freedom Annual Package 2: Freedom Monthly Package 2 (charged only in months when used): • Unlimited* use of any one of the following VHF Datalink Inmarsat Datalink Iridium Datalink * Unlimited use provides for up to 750 kilobits of data transmitted to/from the aircraft per month. Usage beyond this amount is priced at $0.25 per kilobit. - Graphical Weather Updates: Allows aircraft operators a variety of graphical weather products by showing actual or forecasted weather conditions. Available weather selections are as follows: • Nexrad (Next Generation Radar) (US only): Radar summary with position and intensity of precipitation • Nexrad (Next Generation Radar) w/ Tops/movement (US Only): Displays radar data with indication of altitude of echo tops and directions of movement. • Weather Depiction: Displays CATMET, a color-coded weather depiction chart indicating flight rule conditions (IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) or VFR (Visual Flight Rules) for a variety of airports. • Winds: Displays forecast wind direct, speed, and temperature. Winds may be requested for various flight levels, forecast times, and world regions. • Icing: displays areas where aircraft icing is most likely to occur. Icing may be requested for various flight levels, forecast times, and world regions. • Turbulence: Indicates where Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) is most likely to occur. Turbulence may be requested for various flight levels, forecast times, and world regions. 63 ViaSat Yonder Ku Mobile Broadband CLIN Product Description SIN Unit of Measure GSA Price Yonder Ku Mobile Broadband Servces 559000 132-55 Yonder 512Kbps Basic IP Month to Month* per month $7,712.85 559001 132-55 Yonder 512Kbps Basic IP One Year Subscription* per month $6,267.00 559002 132-55 Yonder 512Kbps Basic IP Two Year Subscription* per month $5,779.35 Unit of Measure GSA Price * - Near Global Service DIRECTV OneView™ Satellite TV Service CLIN Product Description SIN DirecTV OneView™ Yearly Service Plans 551100 132-55 Airborne Office Choice - Primary Receiver per year $1,007.88 551101 132-55 Airborne Office Choice - Additional Receivers per year $455.88 551102 132-55 Network Package - Per Receiver per year $240.00 551103 132-55 DIRECTV Management Fee - Primary Receiver per year $1,475.00 551104 132-55 DIRECTV Management Fee - Additional Receivers per year $495.00 64 USA COMMITMENT TO PROMOTE SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS PREAMBLE Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. provides commercial products and services to ordering activities. We are committed to promoting participation of small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses in our contracts. We pledge to provide opportunities to the small business community through reselling opportunities, mentor-protégé programs, joint ventures, teaming arrangements, and subcontracting. • COMMITMENT To actively seek and partner with small businesses. • To identify, qualify, mentor and develop small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses by purchasing from these businesses whenever practical. • To develop and promote company policy initiatives that demonstrate our support for awarding contracts and subcontracts to small business concerns. • To undertake significant efforts to determine the potential of small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business to supply products and services to our company. • To insure procurement opportunities are designed to permit the maximum possible participation of small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses. • To attend business opportunity workshops, minority business enterprise seminars, trade fairs, procurement conferences, etc., to identify and increase small businesses with whom to partner. • To publicize in our marketing publications our interest in meeting small businesses that may be interested in subcontracting opportunities. We signify our commitment to work in partnership with small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses to promote and increase their participation in ordering activity contracts. To accelerate potential opportunities please contact Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. at 321-777-3000, by email at, or by fax 321-7773702. 65 BEST VALUE BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE (Insert Customer Name) In the spirit of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (ordering activity) and (Contractor) enter into a cooperative agreement to further reduce the administrative costs of acquiring commercial items from the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule Contract(s) ____________________. Federal Supply Schedule contract BPAs eliminate contracting and open market costs such as: search for sources; the development of technical documents, solicitations and the evaluation of offers. Teaming Arrangements are permitted with Federal Supply Schedule Contractors in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 9.6. This BPA will further decrease costs, reduce paperwork, and save time by eliminating the need for repetitive, individual purchases from the schedule contract. The end result is to create a purchasing mechanism for the ordering activity that works better and costs less. Signatures Ordering Activity Date Contractor Date BPA NUMBER_____________ (CUSTOMER NAME) BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT Pursuant to GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract Number(s)____________, Blanket Purchase Agreements, the Contractor agrees to the following terms of a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) EXCLUSIVELY WITH (ordering activity): 1. The following contract items can be ordered under this BPA. All orders placed against this BPA are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract, except as noted below: MODEL NUMBER/PART NUMBER *SPECIAL BPA DISCOUNT/PRICE 2. Delivery: DESTINATION DELIVERY SCHEDULES / DATES 66 3. The ordering activity estimates, but does not guarantee, that the volume of purchases through this agreement will be _________________________. 4. This BPA does not obligate any funds. 5. This BPA expires on _________________ or at the end of the contract period, whichever is earlier. 6. The following office(s) is hereby authorized to place orders under this BPA: OFFICE POINT OF CONTACT 7. Orders will be placed against this BPA via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), FAX, or paper. 8. Unless otherwise agreed to, all deliveries under this BPA must be accompanied by delivery tickets or sales slips that must contain the following information as a minimum: a. Name of Contractor; b. Contract Number; c. BPA Number; d. Model Number or National Stock Number (NSN); e. Purchase Order Number; f. Date of Purchase; g. Quantity, Unit Price, and Extension of Each Item (unit prices and extensions need not be shown when incompatible with the use of automated systems; provided, that the invoice is itemized to show the information); and h. Date of Shipment. 9. The requirements of a proper invoice are specified in the Federal Supply Schedule contract. Invoices will be submitted to the address specified within the purchase order transmission issued against this BPA. 9. The terms and conditions included in this BPA apply to all purchases made pursuant to it. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BPA and the Contractor’s invoice, the provisions of this BPA will take precedence. 67
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