charya Srinivasacharya) Engineer, a sishya of Ahobila Mutt aDd a
charya Srinivasacharya) Engineer, a sishya of Ahobila Mutt aDd a
I14 I Engineer, a sishyaof He was respotrsible for the creclionof "Desila charyaSrinivasacharya) Ahobila Mutt aDd a regularmemberof ihe Bhavanam" in BoDbay. Goshtifrom 1963upto this day, Kalakshepa Rs.5000for thisbook,in commemo- ISAVASYOPANISHAD BHASH! A doDated raLioDof hi, Sasblidbd,poorLi.Ou- Swdni {r6edto call him " ASTIKA SIKHAMANI " as be De\€rusedto misse\eoone ddy of Kdlalsbepa. RAKSHA GRANTEAS : with th€ commentaryof Our Swami called " ACHARYA BHASHYA TATPARYA " was publishedwith a donation of Rs. 2500 fcom Sri B. T. Kuppuswamiand Sri B- T. Sampath in memory of their fathe., Balur, Toopil, Seshadriacharya Swami), (Nikshepa Raksha, Satcharitra Raksha, NYAYA SIDHANJANA with tbe comPancharatra Raksha, Geetartha Sangraha of UpaBjshadBhashyakara,Sri RangaRakshaandNitya Granlba ofSfi Bhaslyakara) dentary mmanl]jaSwamiaod the oomEentaryof Maha Sri DesikaSeventhCenteDaryTrust donai€d mahopadyayaKanchi Kiishna Tatarya called, balf the cost and received500 copi$. This "Ratna Petika" and foot notes from Our book did {ot include RahasyaRaksha as the Swamiwas publishednext. 6Amewa3 publish€d earlier by the Trust 10 B H A N C A A N D S R I M{ D their book call€dChotusloti and Stolra Rafna P A R C M A T A TRAYA SARA : RAHASYA Bhashya. The prioting is going ol1 for th€sebooks. TATVA MUKTA KALAPA : Polavanur, Sri U. Ve. Chakrapari Iyengat The book waspublish€dwith a donatio! of Swami and hb brother, Sri U. Ve. Partha" Rs. 16,000from the North Indial Patronof saraihyIyengar Swamirespectivelyhad agreed Sri Desika Samptadaya, Sri to b€ar the €nti.e cost and h8d already paid fron1calcuLLa. the firs! irstalment, These would contain a GoriDdaBdpujl(ol Pushkaram) commeElaryof our swami. ADHIKARANA SARAVALI was Publish' ed with the anci€nt oommentarycf Achalya OTHER GRANTHAS: Kumara Varadachatya oalled " Adhikaram Sri Alavandar'sSIDHITRAYA waspublishChirtamaDi" and Our Swami's "SARARTHA ed at the requestof Sri V, T. R. Swami. He RATNA PRABHA." A doDatiof, of Rs. paid the full oostof the book and he obtaitr€d 13,000 to cover lhe cost was r€ceivedfrom a parlial grant from the Govt. of India. This Boobay, Dharmika Sikhanani, Sri U. V€. a commeotary of Our S$/amiiD alsocolrlarns RamanujachatSwami. SaDskrit. TATVA TBBKA is a commentarYon Sri PERIAZHWAR TIRUMOSHI was Publi' Bhashya. Full giartha is not av6ilable. Tbe portioas avajlablew€te scrutinisedby Srimad shed agsiD witb the lull fnaDcial aid from in Koliyalam Sq'ami at an earliet date Oul Sri V. T. Raogaswamylyeogat Swaori SATABHTSIIEKAM comm€moration of his SwamisuppliedFoot notesfor this grantha (lei5). Th€ eEtire cost of tbe book, Rs. 5000was BHAGAVAD GITA with a Tamil compaid by Sri U. Ve, Uruppattur, Nallan Chakra. (populatly calledGITARTI{AM and a word by Iyengar mentary varti, Aviyur Sa.angapani in TamilbyOurSwamiwaspub_ Bombay). word meaning On the ktrowtras V. S. Ratgan of The entire costof Rs.5001waspaid by oocsssionof bis SashtiabdaPoorti celebrations. lished. 145J Vavasi Kottai Madabhusbi,Dhatmika Ratna, R. SriEivasa!. (Partn€r,Bharat Skin Corpotation). This book coDtains the essenceof Bhashya and Tatparya Chaqdrika ald easily evenby a petsonwithout Sans' understandable krit knowledge. DR.EAM COME TRUE I Dur;ngOur Swarni'strip ro North lDdis io establishtbe superiority of our Bhashyaksfa Sidhanta(at Sholapu.),he madea Sankalpato publish all rhe books in Our Sidhaotain DEVANAGARI SCRIPT,to enablethe North Indian Scholars to etudy them, the laok of UPANISHADS (TWO VOLUMES) v/ere which was felt ard expr$sedto Our Swamiby publishedagainwith the fiDancialaid of THE them. As usual the SankalpaflaE doEowith 'SATVIKATYAGA SUNDARAM CIIARITIES. ". At the time of iDauguratiog Ubhaya VedantaGranthamala", RevcIn additior to the above' fnaDoial help for ved Acharya, Srimad RaDgaramaruja Maht the publications was reoeived ftom oany Desika!, blessedOur SwaEi that tho o.gaDisa. Astikas. To Bention a few:tios evouldgrow from strength to str€ngth otrd he wa6 very confideat that all the iBportant Sri V. T. R. SwaEi, was payiDg Rs. 50 per Sri suktis would be printed. month for a loDgtime to engagea proofr€ader Today, on the happyoccassio!ofcelebratiDg to give a little rolief to Our Swami who wag the SATABHISHBKAMT wo fltrd that tdost of doing all.the correctionwork. the gfanthasof Sri DesikaaDdoiher bookslike of Lloyd's Road, Srutaprakasika,Upanishads,4000Prabandamr Sri K. C. Varadachariar ber€ditoryt{ustee of Lakhmipuram Temple, etc. had beencodplet€d, We all oould easily was payiDgRs. 300everyJ€{tr fol r€placement gu€ssthat sucha mammothtask, was achieved only to provethe eftcacyof the Satvika Tyaga of typesfor two years. Sankalpa atrd the greatnessof the Achalya (eogineer) and Sii K. Para6para and lhe blessingsof Lord Thiru. Sri N. R. Srinivasao who was stayiDgitr the Eiid Soundara Rajatr was payiDg Rs. 25 eachto vengadadudaiyan of Our Swamiall the 24 hou$ ofthe day. m€etthe overheadcharge!,everyoonth, sri R. Dotaitajan of " The Hindu." (now Do more) ldade a lumP sum doMtion of Rs. 1000for the publicalioDs. WHAT NEXT: There are maoy more booksof Sri Desik& a8d the Abhinava Desika,to be publishedaod maoy llore to be repriatedas the copiesatr Apari from financial help, many others sold out, Fron the {bove narration. one oould helpedthe publicationin so rEanyother ways easilyfind out that ih€ publicationssere oade and to mentioDa few :possibleonly from out ofmunificient don4tio[s froE s few w€ll-to-do Astikas and lhey were Paiyambadi Srivat{algachar Slvamir Pai- coEpletelyvoluntary. Now the di6culty is to yambadi VerkatavaradachariarSqramj, Pul! safeguardthe printed copies as there is no atrd Sri Chakra spaceia " Sidhasra@a kuDnam Sd Stalasayanachar " of Our Swadi and vsrti of RelianceMotors, wer€helpitrginproof the probl€mof gettingmore financefor fulther correctionand ttansliteraiionin Nagari script publicationsas the €ntire donationsar€ locked from Grartba script etc. The two sons of up io uNold books. Astikas should come Our Swami, Sri Srinivasa Raghavan,and Sri forward to purch4seone s€t of Sri Desika Rajagopalhad beetrdoing the proof oorroction granthas,whioh is offe.edat Rs. 200 for wbich after lhe ofroe hours. they would get all lhe 'D$ika Sri Suklis' t 46 I alrrady priotod ald to b€ ptintedlD future. EveryAstikain Sd DesikaSahpradaya should becomea mesber by payiog Rs. 200 and pos$ssonesetof Sri Desika'sworksandkeep theloiII his houseas tbeykr€p a bis house. OoeThousand"Eayagrivaldols" aremadeby AbhinavaDesika,(in the form of books) and waitiog to be e$hrin€din your houseandtheyarecentpercentfit for worsbip acoording to Our Saopradaya.CoEefotward anddo not missthis opportudityto possess a (Sri Hayagriva Idol." Desika's works). " scrutilyandpublicatio[at proportidre wheo beis a little,whetherthe Seminar is cotr. duotedor !ot. As for the other worksofsri Desiks,like StotrasaodTamil Prabandams, maby editions hadaheadybeenpublish€d atrdrepetitionday beulnecessaay.However,Eany Astikas are requestiog Our Swamito p.ovidehisowacom" meqtaryfor themalso. Ultimately he would undertake the6 at p.opertimes. The idea of publishidga book called Out of all the worksof Sri Desiko,all the i LAGIIU RAI{ASYATRAYA SARA'" A UDGRANTHAS, exc€pt NYAYA PARI- oottd€nsed version of SrimadRahasyatraya bad alre.dy published Sara, usirg Sti Desika'sown words and SUDHI beeq by by Our The Swaoi. abovebookis waitiDgfo! a pat. s€nteDces, avoidiDgrepetitiotrs andaaguements, ro4 whowouldbearthecost, Our Sw&rtuls is i! Our SwaBihmind for quit€ soae ti4e, quit€Buretbat 6omeAstikawill d€frnitelyoodeThis cotdensedbook will beugofulto EaDy forwardi! duecourseasit happenedto other Astikaswho could not fiad tido to do thc gtsnlIas, Kalakshepa of thenai! graltha. At thgsaEe ti6e the M0khyadhiksris will oEly otudy the at Sri Desita Vidya origiualversioD I! oneofthe meetings aspartof thoGrauthaChatuoh. BhavaDam,Myl4po19,quite recently, Our tayaKolakshopa.Il tioe and heilth poroits, postponing the thoAstikaevorldwouldgetoDeEore SwdEisaidthat h€is purposely prirtilg of DRAMIDOPANISHAD TAT. Geur" froro Our Swami'speo,as "Granlhs " LAGHV. pARYA RATNAVALI,asthe samenoedsela. AHNIKAM" oaEofrom his Rovorod Aoharya. thopandihaod bonte scrutiny, He rcquested id Sri DesikaS4mpradaya to under. VEDANTA PUSHPANJALI,a granthoof sobolars taketh€ scrutiDyof the available versionof the Poeoswaswrittetrby Our Swamiat th€ ti6o g$!tha, asdifferentcommentators had adop- of stariiog the coorDeotaryon Upanishad3 versions of tb€ Slokas difrereot atrdso&e (osuedPARISHKARA)andiut€ddedto beair ted portion! of the gronthado not r€3e!]ble the offeriogoI prayerto Lord TiruveogadaDudaipoetio and style Saili" nrasterly of Sri yan for the successful usual fioish of bis Grantha " SwaDri also suggeskd Our that Sri NirEara work utrdertbe bannerof Ubbaya D€sika. beinganorgaDisatronVedantaGranthaMala. Thevariow UpasanB DesikaVidyaBbavaoam, Sri Desika Sa[rpradaya in Vidya, MargasintheUpanishads aretrestedasflowers interest€d and orgatrise arrango a Seminar oB the andofferedasPushpaDjali.Thebookwasflot could soloDg,asOur Swamiwasbusywitb abovegranthawith th€avowedpurposeof dis- publish€d publioatiod Sloka by Sloka and decjde on of other Udgranthasand Sri the cor- th€ cu$sing probable v€rdion of the Slokaswhich D6ika's works. This book!,eillnow berelea. r€ctand wouldfit into thecontextard match the Saili sed soon. The cost o[ this book is borne of Sri Desika;andthat Our Swamiwould al- by lhe fadousLadyDoctor Dr, E. V. KalyaDi waysbeavailablefor colsultations.I{owever, andher brothersandwill be dedicated to the as theabovegraothais io the lisr of Sri Desi. memoryof (Late) Dr. E. V, Srivivasan, Eye aDdSrinati Kadnammal,parentsof ka'sworksto bepublhhedby Our Swandac. Surgeoo, cordi4g td hi6 Saokalparhowill takeup the the donors.Dr. p. V. Sririvasanwasa devoul 141 | bi8 Sidbalta,atrd at his workof propagatirg the saEetime regrettedthat he could not have Sri Destkaae his directisishya. Sri Desika that he couldnot study also,ir seems rcgretted directlyuddei the fe€tof Sri Bhashyakara. To Th6bookTATVA SARAbY Nadatu Am- remedythis mutual regr€ts,it is evideDt,tbat alay, Sri Bhashyakaratook an AbinavaAvataraand on the Satabhisheka mal will be r€leased Comaittee. Mahotsava sirh lhe itrtefitiotr of combining the socrod" by theSalabhisheka naE€ of Srirangamwith his name,took the Thebook " UPANISHADARTHAKARI- [ame ol " Rargaromaauja " andbornasSri oD madRatgaraBatruja KAS " of Our Sq,amiwill alsobe r€lea8€d MahaDesikan, (SriKolithesa6eday. Theoostof thisbookwasdona. yalamSwami). It is w€llknownto ev€rybody of Oppiliappan and acoeptedev€n by the scholarEi, othor ted by Sri R. Vetrkatachari Sanoidhi,whowill alsobe the publisher,atrd SaEpradayas that, Sri Koliyalanr Swa6i wa! the book lvi1l be d€dicatedto his Rever€d only aDAvatara of Sri Bhashyakara andso. AchsryaD€va,AbhinavaDesikaSriViraragha- calledbim, " AbhiEava Bhashlalara".Sri varyaMahaD€sikaq ia ReverenliallIomage. Desik4alsotook ao AbhinavaAvataraas Stt MahaDesikan{asweall seeDow) Viraraghava Our Swami's atrdfullfilled As {,e hadalreadymetrtioDed, lheir ruutualdesiresof T€achiui Poemson Lord aDalSludyiog,respectively, habitwasto go on composiDg (Vedants Shasrras; and other Deities he as Aoharyaand Sishys. It is worth Tiruvengadadudaiyan noti[g a little leisureis available. that lbe VedatrtaKalakshepa wonhips,whotrevet ofOurSwami all theseSlokasare under wasstartedby hi$Acbaryawhilehe wasid A book,containiDg nu * orint io the lame of SRI IIARI GURU Grihastasrama.Soon aft€r the $tarting,ths -STAVA MALA" andifany Astikacouldcome Acharyarushedto Srirangam to becooeaSa[. forward to bear the cost,it will beteleaoed yasi, add camebackasa Sanyasiaddcotrtioued sooo,asanotherTreasurefrolr Our Swami's his Kalakshepa for his Shhya,Our Swami,a! pen wasa Sanyasi ald S.i Desika Sri Bhashyakara the Finally, Abhimva a Griha8ia. Bhashyawas For thetimebeing,tbe abov€booksand Out Sw6lci as blessed kara "APARAM called"Sara of thecommeDtary thecomplelion Sars add NIGAMANTARYAM". Vistara" on Srimsd Rahasyetraya !' catled AnapayaPrabha" otl ihe oommontary Bhanga,in additionto lhe regular SARVA TANTRA SWATANTRA: Paramala to occupy Somemayask that though everybodyhad Goshtishouldbeenough Kalakshepo Our St/amiasAbbioavaDosika,how Our Ssami'sdailyroutiDo.As i! is, wo should accepted that th€ purPoseof tha thetitle of " SaavaTantraSwetantta,"whioh be morethatrsatisfied AbhimvaAvataraof Sri Derika,is goBpletely Sri Desiks got, $,ouldfit Our Sw.mi. [Srl fulltlled atrd it is absolutely neo$8aty that D.sika got lhe liile aftcr he did th. Niloans off SwomisbouldhaveeDoughielt in betw€cn of a bronzeidol of his ow!fr8uro,lThools*cr to gai! healthdndstrength,3o lhst h€ oould \r,ouldbevory simplo. Sri AbhinavdDesiko klow fiat it wouldbeverydifrcultromsirtair oortinueto ble$ uoall. S6dotityand SatrDidhyldin a 6etal Idol, aB AND SRI DESIKA-- miesingeve! oneday'rpoojawouldoall for . SRIBHASHYAKARA (THBIRMUTUAL REGRETS). and other dtuals !o rdtore Samprokshanom To avoidall these !roubl$, Sri fto Sanctity. aotually Panditssay that Sri Bhashyskara created NOT ONE bqt ONE D€8ika Abhi!6ve prodi4ed the birth of Sri Dotik!, tg ooDtiluo Sishya of (Srimad Koliyalam Swaot) Sri Maha Desikan and had RaDgalamanuja BharaDyasa underhim, He wasatradEirerof Kainkarya Our swaroi'ssampradaya t4rl THOUSAND Idols, which would retaid the Sanctity:aDdSannidhyaoever if you did not do pooja for daysand montbstogether. They are absolutelyflt for worehipby all people at all tiFe3. We cao do Atchaoas and ofier Upacharaslike Doopa, Deepa, Nsiv€dyaand aloAradhanaas we do for Srimad Ramayana Sdkos6. They are tle "SRI SUKTIS OF SRI DESIKA " and other Acharyas. Our Swamiis printing 1,000copiesin all the gran" thas, whiohmeans,be is cr€ating 1000 idols !,/hich contain ceDt per cent Sannidhyamof Lord llayagriva. In addition, the knowledge, aboul the Printing and Our Swamiposs€sses Publi6bing Tlade would match thal of any l€ading PrirtiDg House Malager. Furth€r, somepeopleflay doubt whether OuI SwaEl knaw aoJ English. If one goes through the Esglish Tratslation of VedantaDeepa,Vishnu Namavalieto.whichwaslbft unfinished Sahasra K. Bharhyam and fioished by Ou. Sri by would immediately withdraw the they Swamii Bhashyamshould be alive toK. Sri doubt. the doubt and the uqdersigoed ansflet day to personal experiencethat Our ftom knows equal in selectisgthe coff€ct !o has Sw6mi word in Bnglish at the rea[d approprjate So, the Title of SARVAcoBtext. quired suils the Abhinava SWATANTRA TANTRA thaD the orjgiral rnore ,{vatara much Avatara of Sri Desika CONCLUDING PRAYBR: The variousincidentsin Our Swami's lif€ as nanated above,give the history of a period showingthe gro$'thof Sanskrit lit€rature and Vedanta cranthas for mo.e than 60 yea.s which @n be easity oalted .,ABINAVA DESIKA SAKABDA.,, Wben my Revered Acharya Deva gave me the commatd lo do this narration in English, (factstaken from the Tamil naration printed in the samebook aDd approvedas correciby Our Swa6i) I hesitated firstand thenimmediat€lyaccepted to write this ABHINAVA DESIKA VAIBHAVI^M as I did nol waDtto missthe on€ and only oppoftunity protjdedfor wipiogourloysiDsby DarratiDg the life hisroryofmy ReveredAcharya Deva. After acc€pting, however much I thought abourir.l couldoor 60d aoy qualifrcatioD in me for this oFer excepr that I kreq/ a few $ords io E[glisb. I can only consider tbar the extreme 'KARUNYA' of may Revered AcharyaDeva id giving m€ this charceto lvipe out my siDs,the fore thought olmy illusirious father,ir enhustingme to th€ feet of Srioad AbhinavaBhashyakara,RangaramanujaMah! D€sikan to undergo Pancha Samskarawhich ultinately brought me to the feet of my ReveredAcharyaD€va, Abhitava Desika for Grantha ChatushiayaKalakshepaand Bharan. yasa and (the third) th€ blessingsof Lord TIRUVINNAGARAPPAN whom I worship all the 24 hours,day in and day out. ASTIKAS: By way of gralitudeI can only pray to Lord BachHayagrivaIdol (Sri Desika'sworks) is re{dy at tb€ SidbasraEamof OuI Se/ami,wai- OPPILIAPPAN to give my Rever€dAcharya ting to be installed atrd atshrined in you! D€va, Abhinava D€sika, Viraraghava.aya hoEes, wilhout eny deed for Pratishia for Maha Dcsikan,loDg life, health and rtreogth Salctity, thg very pr$eDceof which will bdng to ooatiauethe GaanthaNirntaoa work aDd to contioueto bl$s all of us. you tha blessingsof Lord Hayagriva. SRIMATE VIRARAGHAVARYA MAI'A DESIKAYA NAMAHA SRIMATE RANGARAMANUJA MAHA DBTSKAYA NAMAHA SRI BHOOMI DBVI SAMBTA SRINIVASA PARABRAEMANE NAMAHA. ABHINAVA DBSIKA DASA R. VENKATACI{ARI (Sohattur-ydhgipurdu-Oppiliappdn San idht) SUBHAM I ]