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The County Can You Help???? Happy Holidays inda Sanders, a Social Worker at DSS, is off work due to a serious medical condition, and will be off work for some time. Linda has exhausted her leave balances. A catastrophic leave account has been set up in Linda’s name. Linda has been an active job steward for a number of years, and has donated countless hours of her time to help maintain fair wages, hours and working conditions for County employees. Linda could use our help to ensure that while she is off on medical leave, she continues to receive her salary and benefits. L from Your SLOCEA Staff SERVICE AWARDS This holiday season SLOCEA’s office will be closed December 24th, 25th, and January 1st. SLOCEA wishes you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous New Year! County employees can donate vacation hours to Linda’s catastrophic leave bank by calling: Cecelia Risk Management 781-5007 In order to donate vacation hours, employees must have at least 80 hours of vacation time on the books. All donations to Linda’s account will be greatly appreciated. Please keep Linda in your thoughts and send positive wishes for a complete and speedy recovery. VOLUME 24 NO. 12 DECEMBER 2009 From The General Manager Thank you. kimm daniels 25 Year Recipients Protecting Jobs, Salaries & Benefits s we near the end of 2009, your SLOCEA staff is working harder than ever to avoid layoffs. I am committed to doing everything we can to ensure that employees remain employed. It may mean that some have to transfer to other departments to survive this economic situation, but we are doing and will continue to do all that we can to avoid having our members released from employment. This has been a difficult year, to say the least. With internal and external changes in the County and at SLOCEA, the faltering economy, a state budget that would be comical were it not such a dismal disgrace, and no sense of security in the financial market, 2009 will undoubtedly go down as one of the most challenging years any of us have lived through. I am asking, as I have been for the past several months, that we all take a deep breath, hold on tight, and get through the upcoming months together. There are some small glimmers of hope beginning to shine through. I do not know if we have hit the bottom of bad times yet, but we sure as heck are close. We have survived without getting too beat up and bruised through the process. The credit for this phenomenal feat goes to you, the“average”employee, who has continued to go to work, do your job to the best of your ability, and maintain a smile. Because you have been willing to make sacrifices, we have been able to maintain jobs. Because you have made sacrifices, we have been able to maintain service levels. I have never been more proud of the people SLOCEA represents than I am at this time. You continue to amaze me with your generosity of spirit and commitment to your fellow County employees. You are so far above and beyond “average”. In closing for 2009, I want to wish each of you a holiday season filled with peace, health and happiness. Here’s to a 2010 that brings back prosperity and security to all of us. Happy Holidays! A Pictured left to right: Jan Wilson, Lori Hunstad, James Handeland. From The President On November 3, 2009, Tom Massey was recognized by the Board of Supervisors for 37 years of County service. From The Vice President deborah smith-cooke Looking for Volunteers our new Board successfully conducted its first two meetings! It was wonderful to see so many members in attendance, and to hear their concerns and opinions. One thing this Board would like to accomplish is to facilitate better communications between members, the Board and SLOCEA staff; and seeing the increased attendance at the meetings gives me great hope that we can reach this goal! Your Board also needs to establish members on our Standing Committees. Allowing members to serve on committees will also enhance Y continued on page 3 Calendar of Events • • • • • SLOCEA Board of Directors Steward Meeting Civil Service Commission Pension Trust Board of Supervisors michele whipple Hello SLOCEA! ctober was a great month and certainly a time of learning for me. I didn’t know I could pack so much in up there in that brain of mine!! I have heard from many of you, the members with words of support and encouragement, questions and general conversation we may not have had before. I am deeply touched by your O continued on page 4 Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30pm - SLO City-County Library Community Room Second Wednesday of each month - SLO City-County Library Conference Room Fourth Wednesday at 9am - Personnel Department Conference Room Fourth Monday at 9:30am - Board Chambers, County Government Center First 4 Tuesdays at 9:00am - Board Chambers, County Government Center Page 2 - The County Blade - December 2009 Home & Auto Insurance Coordinator TIM MCGEE Tips to Save On Homeowner’s Insurance • Shop around. Consult with an independent insurance agency to quote your home with several companies. See example comparison below: Dwelling Value $350,000 Other Structure $ 35,000 Personal Property $245,000 Loss of Use Actual Liability $300,000 Medical Pay $ 1,000 Deductible $ 1,000 higher), you’ll have lower annual premium payments • Insure your home, not your land. Since homeowners policies don’t provide protection for your land, it would be a waste of money to include its value as part of your dwelling coverage, which should only reflect the price it would cost to repair or replace your home’s structure. • Improve home security and safety. If your home has certain types of fire alarms, burglar alarms, locks, or smoke detectors; you’ve reduced your risk and may qualify for a credit. • Insure your car and home with the same company. You could save money if you have more than one type of policy with the same insurance company (for example, an auto policy and a homeowners policy). The more good business you give the company, the more valuable you are as a customer. • Compare the limits in your policy to the value of your possessions at least once a year. If you make any major purchases or additions, you want to ensure they will be covered, but you do not want to spend more than is necessary. • Consider how much insuring a new home will be. The age of your home may qualify you for savings because plumbing, heating and electrical systems of newer homes have lower risks than outdated systems. Construction of the home (brick versus wooden frame) can affect your cost as well, depending on your home’s loca- Quotes for Annual Homeowner Policy Travelers Allied State Farm With Auto Policy $309 $298 $550 Without Auto Policy $366 $396 $686 • Raise your deductible. Companies generally have deductibles (what you pay before your insurance policy kicks in) starting at $250. By choosing a higher deductible ($500, $750, $1,000 or Farmers $1,349 $1,479 tion. Also, if you live near your local fire department, your homeowners rates might be lower than if you are many miles away. continued on page 4 Call for Our Daily Selections of Soups Hungry for real food? Come to Gus’s for a quick, healthy bite to eat. Holiday Gift Certificates Available Award Winning Sandwiches Patio Dining Delivery Mon-Fri 11-2 Salad Bar Lunch Catering for Business Meetings Want it right now? Call ahead! phone: 543-8684 1638 Osos Street San Luis Obispo The County Blade SLOCEA San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association 1035 Walnut, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone (805) 543-2021 Fax: (805) 543-4039 E-mail: INFO@SLOCEA.ORG OFFICERS Michele Whipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President Deborah Smith-Cooke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice President Sue Edwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary/Treasurer STAFF Kimm Daniels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General Manager Loralie Zeiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Field Representative Nancy Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Office Manager Sara Hockaday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Administrative Assistant/Editor The opinions expressed in the County Blade do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association unless so specified. For advertising information, please call 543-2021. Joe Heaslet, Publisher THE COUNTY BLADE (USPS 763-330) is published monthly for $1.20 per year by Joe Heaslet, Publisher, 1035 Walnut, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. PERIODICAL rate postage paid at San Luis Obispo, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE COUNTY BLADE, 1035 Walnut, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. From The Field Representative LORALIE ZEIDERS Thanks to Staff and Members would like to start out by thanking all of SLOCEA’s staff and members for the warm welcome. Everyone has been so genuinely nice and helpful. In my first month with SLOCEA I have had the opportunity to shadow Kimm Daniels and get an overall view of what the daily tasks of representing our members include. Let me just say, we have been very busy keeping in direct contact with our membership and addressing all of the current issues, I from performance evaluations to investigations and terminations. I have been so impressed with the level of dedication and commitment to the membership that has been displayed by our staff. I am also getting a very clear picture of just how important it is to establish and maintain positive relationships with our members and department managers. We have been working hard to reduce or eliminate any layoffs. I have also been helping to tally the survey results and am pleased to hear that we received a much larger response than in past years. I have been submerged in a whole new world that revolves around the present economic challenges our county is facing, and trying to find creative methods to minimize those challenges. I am confident in saying that SLOCEA staff is doing everything in their power to do what is best for its members. I realize that my article this month and last month have been brief. I will be expanding my articles as I expand my knowledge in my position. I certainly have gained a whole new respect for the services County employees provide to the citizens. Last but not least, I am looking forward to the upcoming year with SLOCEA and meeting more of our members. Wishing you and your families a warm and happy holiday season! Why Return Your Surveys? t the Board of Director’s meeting on November 18, 2009, I was asked by our president to write a short article about the history behind why SLOCEA chooses to mail out surveys in order for our members to rank the importance of issues for upcoming negotiations. Also asked was the question, “Why doesn’t SLOCEA share the results of those survey’s with its members?” These are good questions and ones worth responding to with reference to the history that brought SLOCEA to today’s practices. In years past, SLOCEA would hold a yearly meeting for its members, usually at a large venue like the Vet’s Hall. The timing of that meeting was always right before the upcoming negotiations for the coming year. The purpose of the meeting was to give members a chance to show up in person and rank the importance of the issues to come to the table for the upcoming negotiations and to vote in a negotiating team. These meetings were often attended by about 10% of the total membership at best. They usually started at 5:30 p.m. and often went beyond 9:00 p.m. in the evening. Members were given individual opportunity to make public pleas for support of their salary inequity requests, or other areas they felt needed to be addressed at the negotiation table. When all members who cared to be heard had a chance to speak, the process of counting the votes on each issue raised was completed. The number of items raised was then skinnied down to those 10 or so items which received the most votes. With a smaller list of 10, another hand vote was taken to prioritize the top three concerns. When the members’ issues had been prioritized, the meeting moved on to electing individuals, A who, along with the SLOCEA Officers, then became the Negotiating Team. It was the Negotiating Team’s responsibility to carry the prioritized issue of that evening’s meeting on to the negotiating table. Keep in mind this process was lengthy and only included the votes of those members who were actually present and who were able to stay through to the end of the evening and vote. Additionally, I can’t remember a time when anyone who wasn’t present even had a chance to be elected to the Negotiating Team. There were years when this made for a very unbalanced representation of the units at the table. One year, in fact, all of the elected members were from one department. Hardly fair, and unfortunately, our negotiations reflected it that year. As a result of experience, the Board of Directors voted to make by-law changes that would allow for the construction of a Negotiations Committee. The bylaws assured a balance of the various units would be represented on that committee. This is the structure we use today to bring a better balance to our negotiations for all SLOCEA members. Why doesn't SLOCEA share the results of the surveys with its members? The survey results are the members priorities for negotiations. We do not go into negotiations announcing our priorities, as it would “play-out our hand” before we even entered into negotiations. It's all a part of the strategy of negotiations. In closing, I ‘d like to thank our president for allowing me this opportunity to share my knowledge of this piece of SLOCEA history. Gina Pinto, Public Health uuuuu December 2009 - The County Blade - Page 3 From The Benefits Coordinator EDDIE HOLMES Year End Planning t’s hard to believe that we are at the end of another year. I We have survived a stock market meltdown, a real estate value downturn and the accompanying graying of hair that comes with this added stress. I thought I would make this article a little reminder of some financial moves you can make before the end of the year. By the time you read this article you may only have one pay period left. You can still defer up to the limits into the 457 plan, and your spouse should also be able to defer a larger amount in their retirement plan as well. Assuming you qualify, you can still make deposits into your Traditional IRA or Roth IRA until you file your tax return or April 15th; which ever is sooner. Remember, the limit for people under age 50 is $5,000.00 and for people over age 50 is now $6,000.00. If you make over six figures, you may not be eligible to have either of these plans. Talk to your tax preparer regarding your specific situation. Sell some losers in your stock portfolio to offset any stock gains. Remember, if you are in the 10-15% federal income tax bracket for 2009 and 2010, you won’t have to pay any capital gains tax. But if you sell too much, and go out of these tax brackets, then you will not qualify for this tax break, and you WILL have to pay capital gains. Buy a house. The first time home buyers credit of $8,000.00 has been extended to April 2010, and a $6,500.00 tax credit has been approved for moveup buyers. If you are single the credit is available if you make less than $125,000.00 and if you are a joint filer, the income limit is $225,000.00. The purchase price of the house can’t exceed $800,000.00 and it must be your primary residence. A first time home buyer is a person who hasn’t owned a house in the last years. A “move-up buyer”must have lived in the prior house for 5 consecutive years or longer. Prepay property taxes, or make an extra interest payment on your mortgage for an additional tax deduction in the 2009 tax year. Use all of the money in your ITS program. If there is extra money in there, buy some eye glasses, or go to the dentist, get a physical; do something to use the money. Eddie Holmes is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™ professional, and James Wormley is an Investment Advisor Representative. Melissa Giovanazzi is a Licensed Insurance Agent. Eddie Holmes and James Wormley are registered representatives for, and securities are offered through Woodbury Financial Services Inc, P.O. Box 64284, St. Paul, MN 55164. Vice President Social Service Employees of the Month Adrienne Nicolson continued from page 1 increased communication, so we ask that you consider your talents, areas of interest and willingness to participate! Article VIII, Section 3 of SLOCEA by laws states that Standing Committee appointments are to be made at the beginning of each Presidential term. Any Association member may serve on the Finance Committee, Bylaws Committee, Academic Scholarship, Summer Childcare Reimbursement or Political Action Committee. So here is another opportunity to help improve your Association, where you can influence how things get handled. If you are interested in being a member of any one of these committees, please send me an e-mail by December 20, 2009 providing a short statement of your interest, to what committee you feel your talents are best suited, and a brief listing of those talents. Looking forward to hearing from you, and getting to know you! ERS III September 2009 Adrienne has an exceptional ability to provide good customer service. Numerous “Service Satisfaction Statements” have been received from participants complimenting her style of providing information of services while helping them have a pleasant experience in the public assistance eligibility process. She has respect and empathy of the needs and life stories she hears every day from participants. She has the knowledge and experience of working on all public assistance programs, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, General Assistance, Food Stamps and Foster Care. She uses her time, energy, and efforts wisely to inform participants, guiding them and determining public assistance benefits for them. She has the ability to be flexible to assist the public and co-workers on a moments notice when help is needed. She is able to diffuse extremely difficult situations when assisting persons who are experiencing difficulties in life. Every day she demonstrates being a true professional in spite of the situations or events happening around her. She embraces change proactively, always focusing on the positive. She has an exceptional ability to maintain a good balance of all workload activities. Collaborating with a local church, she actively participates in collecting and distributing gifts to Adult Services families. Adrienne performs above and beyond of what is expected of her. uuuuu VALUE! Amanda Brown ERS II October 2009 We Install HDTV’s For Less! Amanda is friendly and extremely helpful. She takes on everything given to her with a “can do”attitude. Her positive attitude helps to bring up the morale of her co-workers. She is dependable and always up to date on her work. She regularly volunteers to help out wherever needed. She assists her co-workers and fills in for those who are out ill. She is open to new concepts. She works well under pressure. She goes above and beyond for her participants, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure she has done everything possible to ensure accurate benefits are received timely. Keychain Screwdriver Set FREE with this Coupon One Per Family – Limited to Stock on Hand • Free* Cellular Phones *see store for details In Search of a Little Advice? Call SLOCEA 543-2021 FAMILY & INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL CENTER Shop Outside of the Big Box Our prices beat Best Buy home theater pricing AND our service is local! Frank Mazzone, M.D. Urgent Care • Family Practice Industrial Medicine Accepting all Blue Shield HMO products assigned to Coastal Community Physician Network (CCPN) Open 7 Days a Week - Extended Hours Same Day Appointments Lab & X-Ray on Site — Accepting New Patients — 47 Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93504 (805) 542-9596 • Fax (805) 542-9354 Lost Coast Auto Detailing • Headlamp Restoration • Bumper, Ding Repair • Paint Repair • Window Tinting • Carpet Replacement 10% OFF with this AD! Holiday Special!! Inside & Out (with Paint Sealant) Only $250 (for most vehicles) — Holiday — Gift Certificates Available “Your Auto Appearance Specialist” Serving SLO County 771-9970 • 1000 Quintana Road • Morro Bay Page 4 - The County Blade - December 2009 President continued from page 1 support and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Many of you are aware of our current budget situation and that layoff notices are being given. Please remember that because you got a notice, does not necessarily mean you will be laid off. The departments have to send these notices to all candidates within range. That being said, if you got a layoff notice, you don’t have to face this alone. The reason you pay dues is to have someone on your side to fight, and boy do we have our big gloves on. Kimm, and now with the help of Loralie, are working very hard to re-class jobs, change MQ’s (minimum qualifications) in order to save as many jobs as possible. Call Kimm, Loralie, myself or your board representative if you want to know what’s being done for you. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have an up to date resume and county application on file. If you don’t have one, and aren’t sure where to start, call me. I will put you in contact with other stewards, board members, and members like yourselves that would love to help polish up your resume and make you shine. Another topic coming up often (especially near and dear to me!) is stewardship. There have been many of you expressing desire to become stewards. As of this moment we are at capacity. According to the by-laws: Section 7 Steward Committee J. Steward Committee Representatives may be removed by the Board of Directors consistent with Article VII Section 10 for the following reasons: a. Absenteeism: Stewards are expected to attend the monthly meetings. Stewards who cannot make a monthly meeting shall notify SLOCEA in advance. Stewards who are consistently unable to attend the meetings because of their work schedule or work location shall coordinate with the SLOCEA staff liaison to stay current on pertinent information and updates. Stewards who consistently miss monthly meetings without excuse will be asked in writing to attend the meetings. Stewards may be removed or replaced for excessive absenteeism. So if you are a steward, make a point to attend meetings and be aware of what’s going on. Stewards meetings are at the SLO City Library from noon to 1pm the 2nd Wednesday of every month. If you are finding it difficult to get the extra travel time or lunch hour to make the meetings call Kimm at the SLOCEA office. That is why she is here… To help us with getting things done. Let her talk to the bosses and get us what we need, so you can attend and be up to date. I suppose that is meaty enough for one article, but save room for Turkey! Holidays are around the corner. I and my family, as well as the SLOCEA family wish you a safe and peaceful holiday season with your families and friends. “First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.“ —Thomas a Kempis uuuuu Insurance Coordinator continued from page 2 • Look for group discounts. SLOCEA members receive a group discount only through McGee Insurance Agency! Call Tim, Kay or Cindy at 805-543-8833 for quotes today! December 2009 - The County Blade - Page 5 n e e w o l l a H nty u o C o p is b San Luis O 09 20 Boo! Page 6 - The County Blade - December 2009 Season’s Greetings! Super-soft, cuddly stuffed animals that turn into pillows...for kids of all ages! Great for traveling, overnighters, watching movies on the couch and more. You'll have to feel them to believe it...soooo snugly! San Luis Obispo - 670 Higuera Street #B (next to West End Espresso & Tea - Formerly Rudolph's) Morro Bay - 699 Embarcadero #4 (directly below Windows on the Water) Cambria - 746-B Main Street (West Village, next to the Apothecary) 805-787-0683 • Great New Store! Now Open! Discount Card!! • 1st Time Offer With This Card Receive D 60% OFF d Your 1st Purchase and D 50% OFF d Through December 2009 At the Greatest Silver Shop in California If you love silver, you’ll love our store!! We have 15,000 sterling silver rings and 50,000 additional sterling silver items, such as chains, earrings, toe rings, pendants, anklets, hoops and much more Open 7 Days A Week 784-0462 850 Higuera Street • San Luis Obispo December 2009 - The County Blade - Page 7 Specializing in Toyota • Lexus Scion • Prius 805-474-1288 Daniel Arndt • Loren Bradbury 983 S. 4th Street, Suite B Grover Beach, Ca 93433 ECONO LUBE N TUNE & BRAKES 286 Higuera St. SLO • 544-2976 No Appointment Necessary OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 8 AM to 6 PM FULL SERVICE REPAIR FACILITY Complimentary Customer Drop Off & Pickup in SLO w/appointment Get Ready 10% Off for SLO County for the Employees Holidays & Be Safe on the Road! Oil Changes • Tune Ups 30/60/90K Check Engine, ABS, Brake & Air-Bag Lights, Custom Work, Engine Rebuilds, More… (805) 544-2976 Order online. Eat on schedule. Holiday Gift Certificates Available á • Go to • Select your favorite CPK location and place your Take-Out order. • Your order will be ready for pick up at the Take-Out counter. • It’s that easy! Convenient for SLO County Employees for Lunch or Dinner Downtown San Luis Obispo (Next to SLO Theater Complex) 784-0790 Happy Holidays from Keith, Janice, Danielle & “Tiva” Come in and See Our Beautiful Jewelry Selection for Christmas Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5:30 For 28 Years First and Finest on the Central Coast Specializing in Jewelry Consignment Sales and Jewelry Appraisal HAMILTON ESTATE JEWELRY 1128 Garden Street • San Luis Obispo • 541-2065 Closed Sun-Mon Page 8 - The County Blade - December 2009 Reminders & Important Info Do we have your address and home e-mail? We’re building our e-mail lists so we can get information to you faster. Do we have your address? If not, please send it to Sara at Or, if you are unsure whether we have your e-mail address and want to check, contact Sara at 543-2021. Have an idea for a story? Is there a subject you would like to see addressed in a future issue of The County Blade? We’re always open to suggestions. Phone Editor Sara Hockaday at 543-2021, or e-mail her at Or write her at SLOCEA, 1035 Walnut Street, San Luis Obispo CA 93401. 2009/2010 SLOCEA Board of Director Meetings The next three meetings are: Wednesday, December 16th, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 20th, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 17th, 5:30 p.m. SLOCEA members are encouraged to attend Board meetings and they are held at the San Luis Obispo City/County Library in the Community Room. Bonus Program: $10 Cash for Every New Member You Sign After you have recruited 5 new members, you earn a $20 bonus for new members #6 through #10. From new member #11 on, you earn $30 bonus per member. New members must have SLOCEA dues deducted for three payroll periods before you receive your recruitment payment check. For membership forms, call the SLOCEA office at 543-2021. B&B on the“Water” Stay Overnight on the Classic 1936 “Villita” Nowhere Else on the Coast Will You Find Such a Unique Experience. Formerly owned by a well known Hollywood film star and cinematographer of the 20s and 30s and also members of the Hollywood Yacht Club. Imagine beautiful woods and a comfortable spacious rear deck, overlooking the marina. The boat slip is just a few steps from all the restaurants, shops, live entertainment and more… Experience the Relaxing Beauty of “Villita” Anniversaries • Birthdays • Romantic Getaways Or Just for the Fun of It!! Price Includes Gift Certificate at the French Cafe!! — Call Now to Reserve Your One-of-a-Kind Experience — Located in the Heart of the Beautiful Ventura Harbor Village (805) 235-2208 (Joe) or (805) 598-2628 (George) FAMILY & INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL CENTER Frank Mazzone, M.D. Urgent Care • Family Practice Industrial Medicine Accepting all Blue Shield HMO products assigned to Coastal Community Physician Network (CCPN) Open 7 Days a Week - Extended Hours Same Day Appointments Lab & X-Ray on Site — Accepting New Patients — 47 Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93504 (805) 542-9596 • Fax (805) 542-9354 continued on page 9 December 2009 - The County Blade - Page 9 If You Have Something To Say — Write Us! continued from page 8 We’ll Print Your Concerns Send your letter to: The County Blade, 1035 Walnut, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Officers President: Michele Whipple, General Services Vice President: Deborah Smith-Cooke, Health Agency Secretary: Sue Edwards, Tax Collector B.U. #1 Public Services Unit Joe Alves, Assessor Dora Drexler, Air Pollution Control District Bob Mich, Social Services B.U. #2 Trades, Crafts Unit Mike Bishop, Public Works Dave Loden, General Services B.U. #5 Supervisory Unit Sharon Beccacio, Health Agency Los Osos CSD Vacant Past President Vern Halterman, ITD Court Supervisory Patricia Glenn, Courts B.U. #13 Clerical Unit Sarah Whipple, General Services At Large Unit Kristen Barnhart, Library Ron Coleman, Public Works Sonia E. Garcia, Health Agency Dan Linhares, Public Works Dan Qualey, Public Works Page 10 - The County Blade - December 2009 Happy Anniversary he following county employees were hired in the month of December. We list those employees who have reached their 5th, 10th, 15th and higher years of county employment. Congratulations to these employees! T DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Department Name Years of Service Public Works Ronald Coleman 31 Public Works Max Keller 28 Public Works James Marty 28 Agricultural Commissioner Cathy Darling 27 Social Services Marlene Jacobsen 26 Public Works Frank Rak 25 Agricultural Commissioner Judy Groat 24 Public Works Dan Linhares 24 Public Works Joe Moreno 24 Agricultural Commissioner Tamara Kleemann 23 Planning Department John McKenzie 23 Public Health Dayna Ravalin 23 County Medical Serv. Prog. Gloria Guerero-Gonzales 22 General Services Anthony Bartholow 21 Air Pollution Control District Karen Brooks 20 Sheriff-Coroner Albert Calizo 20 Mental Health Gerald Clare 20 Social Services Alice Rackley 20 Drinker Driver Programs Natalie Read 20 Karoline Slater 20 Social Services Planning Department Arthur Trinidade 20 Anita Perez 19 Social Services Public Works Faith Zenker 19 Public Works Irene Bishop 18 Catrina Christensen 18 Clerk-Recorder Air Pollution Control District Timothy Fuhs 18 Susana Castaneda 16 Public Health Social Services Constance Willard 16 Agricultural Commission Christopher Morris 15 Public Works Michael Tabares 15 Planning Department Kelly Walsh 15 Frank Warren 15 Drug & Alcohol Services Social Services Sylvia Canales 10 Social Services Henrietta Fuller 10 Planning Department Jo Manson 10 Sheriff-Coroner Julie Weakley 10 Child Support Services Ronald Chilcott 5 Mental Health Services Act Theresa Desmond 5 San Luis Obispo County Works Because You Do! Correction: Happy 10 year anniversary to Patricia Smith! Our apologies for missing her July anniversary. Welcome New Members New Member, Department $10 Recruitment Bonus to SLOCEA Member Amanda Shelton, Sheriff-Coroner --------------- Changing Addresses? If you move, SLOCEA needs to know. Just call 543-2021 and we’ll update our records so you’ll continue to get The County Blade, special notices, Hotlines, and other “stuff”we mail to keep you up-to-date on what is going on. dddddddddddddddddddddd d d d d d y’ll d e h F SLO Gift Baskets F T ! dLove It d With Food & Wines from San Luis Obispo d d You Decide & Create Your Own d d d FREE SLO DELIVERY • We Ship Nationwide, Too! d d d Gif t Certifica d tes! d d d d 319 Madonna Road, Suite 2 d 544-4449 San Luis Obispo d d dddddddddddddddddddddd HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS December Birthdays! Denise Braun Thomas DeMarco Pamela DeTilla Darrell Johnson Daniel Peters Richard Rose John Sutherland Gregory Vickery Robert Yetter Steven Kinsey Roxy McIntosh Laura Ottrando Martha Patterson Crystal Cardona Jason Rath Diane Calvillo Vanessa Chezem Noemi Cortez Beatriz Hurtado Janice Knutson Logan Mitchell Lupita Vargas Daniel Erdman Marlene Bartsch Taryn Jamison Pamela Rada Debora Schmitz Jerilyn Fox Phyllis Guaspari Carl Severn Peter Spagnola Joseph Alves Johnny Carmain Dawn Gardner Paul Reitz Paul Donnelly Barry Fehlman Deanna Franklin Evelyn Kirk Catherine Milner Dorothy Myers Julie Raybon Thelma Clifford Lynne Frank Megan Lillich Sheri Thompson Frances Banaga Paul Burns Luise Cannoles Neri Diaz Dora Drexler Deborah Maccarone Jacqueline Moskowitz Doug Rion Kathleen Smith Noelle Grasmick Angela McCormick John McKenzie Dave O’Halloran Creed Bruce Marsha Robbins Bonnie Scott Kirsten Came Laurel Harris 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/01 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/03 12/03 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/05 12/06 12/06 12/06 12/06 12/07 12/07 12/07 12/07 12/08 12/08 12/08 12/08 12/09 12/09 12/09 12/09 12/09 12/09 12/09 12/10 12/10 12/10 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/14 12/14 Karen Floyd Daniel Man Jo Manson James Myers Van Keller James Marty Linda McClure Terri Medzyk Christopher Morris Alice Myers Julia Walters Mary Gabriel Lesley Corbus Judi Davies Monica Goldberg Katherine Griffith Mark Hanson Elvia Mansera Alyssa Roslan Lee Thompson Tommy Massey Victoria Rodriguez Lucia Salto Alice Van Valkenburg Ingrid Warren Pamela Barnabei Patricia Bogdan Michael Garcia Jennifer Rubio Shawnita August Vickie Fox James Hopper Anita Perez Heather Uhler Brian McLean K. Rick Meeks Keya Bergman Eric Guy Cindy Stewart Kelly Wilson Theresa Desmond Ingrid Fagan Debbie White George Akin Dawn Britt Carolyn Huseby Andrea Liddie Gina McKernon-Cindrich Danilyn Quezada Maureen Vestal Holly Frank Kit Sinner Douglas Tait Holly Phipps Jon Williams Kendra Williams Ronald Chilcott Kristine Hopkins Sonia Hurtado Katie Drexhage Charles Sechrist Angela Spannbauer Leslie Weaver 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/22 12/23 12/24 12/24 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/26 12/26 12/26 12/26 12/26 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/29 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/30 If your birthdate is not listed above it is because we do not have it in our database. Please help us keep our records up to date by contacting Sara Hockaday 543-2021. December 2009 - The County Blade - Page 11 ? ? November 2009 • Settled two disciplinary actions • Advised many employees on appropriately reacting to tough • Advocated for employees on situations in the workplace two formal grievances filed at • Met with dozens of SLOCEA the department level members to discuss work issues • Resolved issues between groups and evaluate their of employees and their circumstances supervisors • Helped several employees with • Held one steward meeting and problems associated with updated the employees on recruitments, reclassifications, recent events evaluations, job specifications and promotions/career • Worked with the County safety advancements officer to ensure safety for employees at various work • Settled potential grievances and locations complaints in a manner that favored SLOCEA members • Completed tabulation of employee surveys • Held one SLOCEA Board of Directors meeting • Helped several employees respond to unfavorable memos • Worked with some employees and their supervisors regarding and records of discussion in a performance issues professional and organized manner • Fielded numerous phone calls from members on a variety of • Met with and assisted several subjects employees with their annual • Attended one Civil Service performance evaluations and Commission meeting work standards associated with their classifications • Attended one Pension Trust meeting • Attended three Board of Supervisors meetings and an • Participated in two Supervisory employee recognition award training academy panel presentation discussions – FREE – Notary Public Services REMINDER: SLOCEA offers to all of its members FREE Notary Public services up to a limit of $30 (3 signature lines) per member, per year. These services are strictly confidential. To schedule your Notary services, call Nancy Bishop at 543-2021. Season’s Greetings D Steward Listing d Agricultural Commission Rusty Hall, Ag Biologist Inspector III, B.U. #1 Agricultural Commission Jennifer Welch-Cosko, Ag Biologist Inspector III, B.U. #1 Agricultural Commission Susan Wells, Administrative Assistant III, B.U. #13 Assessor, Shauna Heintz, Appraiser Trainee, B.U.#1 Children’s Support Services Mary Diane McClure, Legal Clerk, B.U.#13 District Attorney, Debbi Pascua, Supervising Legal Clerk, B.U.#5 General Services, Dan Blair, Airport Maintenance Worker, B.U.#2 General Services, John Blankenship, Maintenance Painter II, B.U.#2 General Services Dave Loden, Facility Maintenance Mechanic III, B.U.#2 General Services Victor Robertson, Facility Maintenance Mechanic III, B.U.#2 General Services Michele Whipple, Custodian, B.U.#2 Health Agency - Animal Services Pat Martin, Kennel Worker, B.U.#2 Health Agency - Drug & Alcohol Mardi Geredes, Drug & Alcohol Specialist III, B.U.#1 Health Agency - Environmental Health Deborah Smith-Cooke, Environmental Health Specialist, B.U.#1 Health Agency - Mental Health Connie Ahner, Mental Health Therapist II, B.U. #1 Health Agency - Mental Health Lisa Ricks, Administration Assistant III, B.U.#13 Health Agency - Public Health Cristina Colliver, Administrative Assistant III, B.U. #13 Health Agency - Public Health Neville Smeda, Dept. Personnel Technician, B.U. #13 Library Kristen Barnhart, Librarian II, B.U. #5 Planning, Jennifer Jimenez, Mapping/Graphics Sys Spec I, B.U. #1 Planning, Tracy Wanek, Accounting Technician, B.U.#13 Public Works, Mike Bishop, Public Works Worker IV, B.U.#2 Public Works, Boby Jo Close, Civil Engineering Tech I, B.U. #1 Public Works, Patrick McCracken, Public Works Worker III, B.U.#2 Public Works, Mike Moreno, Public Works Worker III, B.U.#2 Public Works, LeeAnn Siebert, Water Systems Worker, B.U.#2 Social Services Carole Bernard, Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U.#1 Social Services, Jennifer Bierman, Employment/Services Supervisor, B.U.#5 Social Services Pat Blackwell, Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U.#1 Social Services Mary Bonaventure, Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U.#1 Social Services Joannie Danka, Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U.#1 Social Services Robert Dyer, Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U.#1 Social Services, Katie Griffith, Administrative Assistant III, B.U.#13 Social Services Charlene Hite, Supervising Administrative Clerk I, B.U.#5 Social Services Diana Horn, Supervising Administrative Clerk I, B.U.#5 Social Services, Elaine Martinez, Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U. #1 Social Services, David Platt, Social Worker Supervisor II, B.U.#5 Social Services, Linda Sanders, Social Worker IV, B.U.#1 Social Services Sherry Seehof, Employment/Services Supervisor, B.U.#5 Social Services, Kari Slater, Administrative Assistant III, B.U.#13 Social Services, JoEllen Smelcer Administrative Assistant III, B.U.#13 Social Services, Heather Uhler Employment Resource Specialist III, B.U.#1 Happy Holidays from Keith, Janice, Danielle & “Tiva” Come in and See Our Beautiful Jewelry Selection for Christmas Custom Christmas Ornaments Hand Etched for Your Tree 10% OFF for SLO County Employees HAMILTON ESTATE JEWELRY 1128 Garden Street San Luis Obispo • 541-2065 543-6514 email: fax: 543-6677 Hours: Mon - Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 12310 Los Osos Valley Road • San Luis Obispo Page 12 - The County Blade - December 2009 LYNN R. COOPER Broker Associate • Senior Real Estate Specialist 543-7727 office • 235-0493 cell 711 Tank Farm Road, Suite 100, San Luis Obispo, CA Personalized service you can rely on with over 40 years of real estate experience Past President of SLO Association of REALTORS® • 1981 REALTOR® of the Year • 1993 Citizen of the Year Past President of First American Title Company of Nevada and President of Cuesta Title in San Luis Obispo Owns and Operates PACIFIC OAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC. in San Luis Obispo Served as Mayor of San Luis Obispo from 1979 - 1981 Lynn and his wife Marge have lived in San Luis Obispo for 40 years. They raised four children and take great delight in their 11 grandchildren. Fa La Think About F.McLintocks for Your Next Event • Business Meeting • Holiday Party Birthday • Anniversary F.McLintocks gift cards make the perfect gift for the holiday season. Purchase NOW • Refinance NOW Rate Reduction (Se hablo Español) DRE #00702057 La To Order a Gift Card or Book a Banquet Please Call or Visit Our Website at 750 Mattie Road • Shell Beach, CA 805-773-1892 La 503 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446 d d d d d d d d d d d — County Employees — d 20% OFF All GH Products d d d d • Free custom gait analysis. Make sure d you are in the right shoe for your running or walking style. d • Run, Cycle, Swim and Triathlon gear. d • Great selection of running shoes. d 805-541-6019 d 144 Hind Ln #110, San Luis Obispo d Hours M-F 10-5:30 • Sat 10-5 d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d La
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