Marginal Infiltrative Keratitis Etiology Symptoms Signs Differential
Marginal Infiltrative Keratitis Etiology Symptoms Signs Differential
Marginal Infiltrative Keratitis Etiology Dr. Victor Malinovsky 2006 Symptoms Acute or subacute onset with frequent past history of prior attacks, most often unilateral attacks, often worse in AM Redness, foreign-body sensation, pain, and photophobia Visual acuity rarely affected Signs Lucid (clear) interval between limbus and infiltrate Sector conjunctival injection Size variable of 0.5 to 2 mm, single or multiple, may coalesce into elongated chain lesion Anterior chamber is usually quiet Marginal ulcer -Same lesion with an overlying epithelial defect. Infiltrate stains superficially and clear within minutes and ulcers stain deeply and tend to produce amorphous spreading Secondary corneal scars and neovascularization Staphylococci exotoxin produces an antigen/antibiotic immune reaction Sterile-infiltrate ulcer as opposed to live bacteria in ulceration Chronic Staphylococcal blepharitis: blepharitis: Mild to severe Contact lens patients especially extended wear more prone More common in adult life Signs Blepharoconjunctivitis: Blepharoconjunctivitis: May be subclinical, subclinical, inferior punctate staining Marginal intra-epithelial infiltrate: infiltrate: An initial gray-white, round or crescent, raised subepithelial, subepithelial, anterior stromal haze seen near limbus; limbus; circumferential with limbus, limbus, epithelium intact with superficial staining Most vulnerable sites at 2,4,10 and 8:00 of peripheral cornea, where lid margin crosses limbus and more toxins present Differential Diagnosis Sterile cultures Marginal herpetic keratitis (epithelial first then stroma) stroma) Phylctenular ulcer, scleritis, vasculitis, CT disease, Mooren’ Mooren’s ulcer are other causes of marginal keratitis 1 Treatment Topical solutions of 0.3% Tobrex or Ciloxan or Ocuflox 2 gtt every 2 to 4 hours, plus bacitracin, bacitracin, erythromycin, polysporin ointment at bedtime Eyelid hygiene & warm compresses & D/C CL wear Cycloplegic if pain & A/C reaction: In office Antibiotic/steroid combination treatment; e.g., Tobradex, Tobradex, Blephamide, Blephamide, Zylet or 1% Pred Forte q4-6h with rapid taper; if ulcer formation, no steroids for 24 to 48 hours • New steroids: Vexol, Vexol, Lotemax, Lotemax, Flarex, Flarex, or Eflone Chronic or Recurrent Episodes Oral doxycycline, doxycycline, 100mg bid PO for 1 mo. then qd for 1mo. Frequently Results in Nebula Scar Formation and Pannus 2 Infiltrate Lucid interval 3 4
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